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IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Contemporary aesthetics of exposed bricks for buildings’ façade and
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The 5th Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference (AASEC 2020)
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1098 (2021) 062048
IOP Publishing
Contemporary aesthetics of exposed bricks for buildings’
façade and interior
L A Nugraha and W Murwonugroho*
Design Master Program, Art and Design Faculty, Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta,
Abstract. Exposed bricks have been trending in architectural design for façade and interior. They
are known to have good reputation as construction material for their high functionality and high
artistic values. There is an increasing demand for buildings to appear aesthetically contemporary,
rather than traditional. Some buildings have tried to utilize bricks but failed, making its aesthetic
underwhelming. The purpose of this study is to find a creative strategy for arranging bricks.
Design Thinking is the basis for this paper’s research methodology. According to Design
Thinking, to maximize on certain ideas several stages are needed: 1) emphatise; 2) define; 3)
ideate; 4) prototype; and 5) test. In results and discussion section, it is found that aesthetics in
architecture are desirable values which please the eyes and the mind in the forms of shapes and
expressions. Principles for bricks arrangement composition still refer to Nirmana, with its need
for visual unconventionality. The study concludes that the alteration of bricks function no longer
serves as dividers, supports, or beam barrier but have transformed to include connecting rooms
and channeling limited beam to create aesthetic ray of light. The novelty borne from the
creativity of designers will indicate how bricks will stand out or fade with time as the chosen
material for Indonesian-themed construction.
1. Introduction
Bricks are made from the material of clay, quarts, feldspar, and some additives as needed. These
materials are then mixed together and shaped through a technique called kiln-drying [1]. Bricks have
become an identity for historical buildings such as Candi Muaratakus, the Pura in Bali, and Kudus
Tower. Construction technique used was still very simple, making it vulnerable to collapse or damage.
This may happen due to the nature of bricks that can easily be contaminated with bacteria [2]. However,
one characteristic is prevalent in these types of building; monumentality. These traditional buildings
have such strong aesthetic impressions because of the utilization of bricks. Eventually, bricks utilization
includes building foundations and room partitions. What it implies is not only bricks have artistic value,
they are also highly functional. Walls are an important structural element of building functioning as both
withstander of weight and shield from the weather outside. It also provides great privacy for the
occupants of the building.
The 5th Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference (AASEC 2020)
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1098 (2021) 062048
IOP Publishing
Source :
Figure 1. The aesthetic composition of bricks is
less attractive.
Figure 2. Traditional bricks arrangement
Source :
Figure 3. Rustic bricks arrangement.
Nowadays, many buildings utilizing exposed bricks emerge. One example is Omah Boto, the house built
by Indonesian architect Andy Rahman. However, there have been some misconceptions carried through
and neither the architect nor the owner of the building fully aware of aesthetical elements. Impressions
that arise between tradition, retro, modern, and contemporary are so unclearly mixed together. This
study aims to analyze several buildings and categorize them into style definitions. We strive to find the
creative strategy to present bricks as contemporary as currently desired.
Aesthetics in architecture are desirable values which please the eyes and the mind in the forms of
shapes and expressions. Structural beauty has a certain basis called the aesthetical principles. Aesthetics
is linked with “the feeling” when looking at a building. According to architectural theory, a sense of
aesthetics can also arise when we are stimulated with visual effects such as surface, volume, mass, line,
composition, proportion, and balance. Contemporary art is not only functioning in a temporal sense,
but has become one of the criteria for defining arts that are made in a production structure and which
have never been done before [3]. How does one process the creation of exposed bricks which will trigger
a sense of contemporary?
Composition of two- or three-dimensional forms; intentionally arranged in various sizes of height,
mass, and visibility is learned through Nirmana principles. The principles became the basis from which
aesthetical beauty is presented. In Nirmana, there is a rhythm of arrangement that is deliberately made
organized. That organized visual rhythm evokes a steady emotional rhythm in our cognitive material
reception. The brain is given the opportunity to digest and remember [4]. Therefore, the success of a
design is shown through continuity of form.
Moreover, the process of creating an artwork is generated, because of 1) objective entity; 2)
internalization; and 3) externalization. Objective entities indicate that something outside the human
being becomes an object [5]. Every step needs to have a reference, so that the design is continuous. This
means that references influence the process of creation [4].
Spatial design evolves along with the development of human civilization. Instead of traditionally
closed space, now rooms bring the nuance of open space into it. The interior of rooms becomes a part
The 5th Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference (AASEC 2020)
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1098 (2021) 062048
IOP Publishing
of their surrounding environment’s structure, making space never separated from its social dimension.
This becomes the identity for the development of space’s modernity indicator [5]. Furthermore, this
allows a sufficient amount of natural lights to enter the room which proved to be positive influence for
our mood [6].
2. Methodology
In implementing design ideas, good cooperation must be created between the designer and the user.
Design Thinking method is one of the many methods useful for getting maximum design results. At the
core, Design Thinking is a creative and interactive process of how designers see ideas related to existing
problems and how they view preused ideas to further innovate [7]. The process itself involves the
designer, craftsman, and the user. Like problem solving, design is a natural and ubiquitous human
activity. Needs and dissatisfaction with the current state combined with a determination that some action
must be taken to solve the problem is the start of a design process. Design Thinking method, according
to Hasso-Plattner Design Institute includes the following five stages [8,9].
2.1. Emphatise
The first stage is for the designer to empathize with the problem which is going to be solved. The
designer gathers data by collaborating with experts and by taking the end user’s viewpoint to consider
their needs and desires, so the appropriate design is created.
2.2. Define
This process occurs when the designer defines the main problem, elaborate on the problems, and then
make problem statement from end user’s viewpoint. This stage will ease them into understanding design
problems and deciding solution for each problem.
2.3. Ideate
This is the process where design team generate ideas to solve existing problems. Later on, those ideas
will be expanded to create a concept formation and basic shape of a future work.
2.4. Prototype
Prototype is the result of ideas being made into a model or finished product in the actual scale (1:1) to
be tried by the end user for the purpose of testing the product’s user experience value. This stage is
crucial so that the end user know what to expect when using the product. Nowadays, prototype creation
is made easier by digital technology; making it less costly.
2.5. Test
This stage happens when the prototype is tested by the end user. The purpose of this practice is to capture
the product’s faults so that it can be perfected by the designer in the final result. In doing so, the end
user’s happiness with the product will be maximized.
3. Results and discussion
Along with the development of construction technology and materials, the function of walls is no longer
supporting the strength of the building’s structure. The strength of the building tends to depend more on
the columns of the structure, which nowadays utilize a lot of concrete and steel. While the importance
of walls as support is reduced, its function as shields against the wind and for keeping privacy still
remains. But with the current developments, the walls are not only utilized as barriers, but also as
connector of spaces so that the partition is disguised. It is undeniable that with the rise of social media,
the development of exposed bricks design is greatly influenced by the presence of digital social media
such as Instagram, Pinterest, and others. Therefore, if the idea of bricks is considered unique until it
becomes a trending topic, the value of openness towards the brick increases. The level of memorability
of street sculptures is influenced more by media platforms that exist in cyberspace than by experience
The 5th Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference (AASEC 2020)
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1098 (2021) 062048
IOP Publishing
in the physical field [4]. In this study, the creations of architect Andy Rahman will be discussed through
Design Thinking theory.
3.1. Emphatise
In his book Natabata, Andy Rahman revealed his client’s request to build a house with unique
Indonesian identity [10]. There are many elements that can be used to capture Indonesian characteristics
such as batik patterns, joglo house style, or other cultural elements. From material perspective, there are
also things to be creative about to give a bold Indonesian impression. Persuasively, Andy Rahman
proposed to use exposed bricks concept, which have been prevalent in other projects. By communicating
directly with the user, it became easier to give advice, decide, and understand the user’s wish. Bricks
are a common main construction material in Indonesia, especially for residential purpose. The user’s
desire to have a very distinct Indonesian house was then supported by Andy Rahman’s bricks concept.
In this project, bricks were not only applied on the walls, but also on the floors, and the ceiling. In doing
so, they can maximize the aesthetic potential of the bricks.
From the story, empathizing with user’s desire can be done through good communication to build
trust that the design concept is in the safe hands of the designer. The designer’s wish of finding authentic
material which is unique to Indonesia is the basis for empathy and the reason behind the project’s final
concept. There are three things that are the root of cultural identity crisis in Indonesia. First, the very
idea of identity itself was never absolute and permanent. Second, cultural policy in every regime in
Indonesia was never really clear. Third, the invasion of global capitalism that gives a lot of ambiguity
in the development and formation of national cultural identity [11].
Source :
Figure 4. “Empathy” application sample, where functional aspect is the main idea. For example,
building fences unseen from the outside but very practical from the inside.
The 5th Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference (AASEC 2020)
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1098 (2021) 062048
IOP Publishing
Source :
Figure 5. “Define” application sample, where the root of the problem is defined as establishing special
room for praying. Parang batik motifs on a musala brick wall.
3.2. Define
The elaboration of the problems in this project is that a unique Indonesian house design maximize bricks
utilization to fulfil the user’s wishes. Andy Rahman offered more perspectives while trying to translate
the concept of "Indonesia" as referred by the client. This then raised the issue of how to arrange the
bricks because unusual arrangement will require different working style and longer testing time. It also
needs more material, not just the bricks but also other supporting materials such as drills to punch bricks,
steel to hang bricks on the ceiling, and the type as well as the quality of the bricks. Every aspect needs
to be taken into account to achieve maximum results and minimize error and loss. Another problem is
that the final product based on the concept should not only appeal aesthetically, but also have meaningful
presence. The pattern it was made from contained intentional message to be conveyed which through
its artistic merit may change perceptions about the room to be more comfortable and beautiful [12].
3.3. Ideate
The application of ideas in arranging bricks is critical for the success of any design project. With unique
composition, brick walls which previously separated rooms have now instead connected them by giving
space between each brick without lessening the strength of the joints. These brick walls provide union
of inner and outer space, ensuring interaction. This calculated distance also give breathing room for the
building so that air circulation remains in good function.
Bricks placement with protruding and intruding effects applied in this project also gives different
impression. Maximized bricks design will give its object a certain identity which will be the main feature
recognizable from that particular design art. To put it simply, identity is any feature that differentiate
someone or something from the other ones of their kind [13]. Something unique, in this case bricks
arrangement pattern, will be seen as novelty in design that will not be find anywhere else.
3.4. Prototype
Prototype can be drawn as 3D design to minimize experimental cost. 3D design should be adjusted to
the actual outdoor condition with the exact measurement of bricks to be used. Prototype creation using
3D digital imaging is useful for giving the closest look to the final result, and if there is any alteration it
The 5th Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference (AASEC 2020)
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1098 (2021) 062048
IOP Publishing
could be done easily through the digital application. To ensure the work be done perfectly, coordination
between architect and construction workers needs to be in good communication state. Protruding and
intruding effects of the bricks also need special care because there is a need for different sizes and
measurements of the bricks.
Source: www.IDEA. Online
Figure 6. “Ideate” application sample, novelty ideas. For example, exploration of traditional ornament.
Source: private collection
Figure 7. Prototype of modified bricks sample.
3.5. Test
The testing stage includes both the approved design and actual construction of the bricks. Therefore,
this stage requires the final design to be examined, questioned, and rated for its merit and originality.
Eventually these questions will make their way into public sphere through digital or printed media.
Nowadays, the spreading of an art through social media is very impactful and significant to mould the
people’s impression of the design.
Originality in design will be much appreciated or scrutinized once it goes viral on social media. A
sense of awe or disrespect is visibly present in the comment sections of Instagram, Pinterest, or websites
such as When a design is liked and went viral, it is widely accepted that there is
The 5th Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference (AASEC 2020)
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1098 (2021) 062048
IOP Publishing
something unique and novel about it. The novelty does not come only from the aesthetics, but also from
the philosophy, concept, and its embrace of bricks utilization. Something that went viral will have
influence on people including designers and art workers who will be inspired to make other new unique
things and to experiment on bricks.
4. Conclusion
The presence of bricks will not be replaced soon as the main construction material in Indonesia. Its
functionality, whether as partition or as decorative element with aesthetical value, will make it continue
to be explored and utilized by Indonesian architects and designers. The novelty borne from the creativity
of designers will indicate how bricks will stand out or fade with time as the chosen material for
Indonesian-themed construction. Architect Andy Rahman’s design is a breakthrough for bricks
utilization, making it goes up a level. The bricks were not only applied on the walls, but also on the
floors and ceilings. He also used bricks to connect spaces rather than separate them, making room for
enough lights to make them an aesthetically pleasing experience.
We hope this study will inspire designers and architects to dig deeper for the potential of bricks by
experimenting its arrangement patterns, its applications, and modifying its thickness or by combining it
with other materials to help it achieve its greatest potential.
The writer express gratitude to Design Master Program, Faculty of Art and Design for the opportunity
to propose this manuscript. We hope the lessons learned from this research study to be a valued output
in examining contemporary architecture.
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