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Scientic Reports | (2021) 11:7067 |
Ordinal classication
of the aectation level
of 3D‑images in Parkinson diseases
Antonio M. Durán‑Rosal1*, Julio Camacho‑Cañamón2, Pedro Antonio Gutiérrez2,
Maria Victoria Guiote Moreno3, Ester Rodríguez‑Cáceres4, Juan Antonio Vallejo Casas3 &
César Hervás‑Martínez2
Parkinson’s disease is characterised by a decrease in the density of presynaptic dopamine transporters
in the striatum. Frequently, the corresponding diagnosis is performed using a qualitative analysis of
the 3D‑images obtained after the administration of
I‑ioupane, considering a binary classication
problem (absence or existence of Parkinson’s disease). In this work, we propose a new methodology
for classifying this kind of images in three classes depending on the level of severity of the disease
in the image. To tackle this problem, we use an ordinal classier given the natural order of the class
labels. A novel strategy to perform feature selection is developed because of the large number of
voxels in the image, and a method for generating synthetic images is proposed to improve the
quality of the classier. The methodology is tested on 434 studies conducted between September
2015 and January 2019, divided into three groups: 271 without alteration of the presynaptic
nigrostriatal pathway, 73 with a slight alteration and 90 with severe alteration. Results conrm that
the methodology improves the state‑of‑the‑art algorithms, and that it is able to nd informative
voxels outside the standard regions of interest used for this problem. The dierences are assessed by
statistical tests which show that the proposed image ordinal classication could be considered as a
decision support system in medicine.
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive, neurodegenerative disease that causes characteristic motor symptoms
of tremor, bradykinesia, and postural instability1. PD is caused by deterioration of the dopaminergic neurons
in the extrapyramidal tract of the midbrain, that modulates voluntary movements and controls maintenance of
posture and coordination of gait. Degeneration of neurons that release dopamine causes an imbalance of excita-
tory (acetylcholine) and inhibitory (dopamine) neurotransmitters in the region2.
Presynaptic dopamine transporter density can be detected by neuroimaging techniques, which are now stand-
ard practice in the diagnosis of neurodegenerative disorders such as PD. Dopamine deciency in the striatum
can be evaluated using nuclear medicine techniques. e
I-ioupane (DaTSCAN, General Electrics Healthcare
Limited, Little Chalfont. Bucks HP79NA U.K.) is a radiopharmaceutical, widely used for this purpose, which
binds to the presynaptic dopamine transporters in the caudate and putamen and allows the density of these to
be evaluated with high sensitivity3,4. is method enables an early diagnosis of neurodegenerative parkinson-
ism. DaTSCAN can be suitable for assessing the presynaptic decit in early stages of disease. Moreover, it can
dierentiate patients with neurodegenerative parkisonism from those with other forms of parkinsonism5.
Visual assessment allows evaluating the normality of dopamine transporter (DAT) binding and the magnitude
of compromised DAT binding, specially focusing on asymmetry and aected structures6. In clinical practice,
DATSCAN images are commonly interpreted with careful visual assessment of the striatal tracer binding. is
approach has high diagnostic accuracy and excellent interobserver agreement7. But this visual classication may
be subjective and strongly depends on the experience and the fatigue of the person in charge of the labelling. Also,
binding quantication is based on a manual delineation of striatal regions of interest (ROIs), but this technique
is still subjective and dependent on one operator8.
Currently, visual diagnoses, with one or several specialised observers, are combined with automatic com-
puter systems that analyse the data and are able to distinguish between two classes, pathological or normal. In
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Scientic Reports | (2021) 11:7067 |
the case of PD diagnosis, the problem was initially tackled with a classical approach, i.e. by quantifying the loss
of neuronal dopamine in the striatum9. Posterior attempts to automatise PD diagnosis used semi-quantitative
assessment of images with
I-Ioupane10,11. Moreover, computer systems based on machine learning12 has
recently shown promising results based in the striatal size and shape and on dierent image properties. In general,
most advanced computational techniques of examining images could help identify the disease and build eec-
tive decision-support systems for the diagnosis of Parkinson. e European Association of Nuclear Medicine
(EANM) recommends quantitative analysis, associated with this type of support models6.
e majority of works that seek to address the problem of classication of pathological and normal patients,
based on their functional images, apply automatic learning techniques based on ROIs13. Using the semi-quan-
titative methods recommended by the EANM guidelines, independent ROIs of caudate, putamen and occipital
background of the axial cuts that integrate the grooves are performed, and the relationship between the dierent
regions is analysed. However, training binary classication models (pathological and normal) by treating these
ROIs as the units of information ignores voxels outside the ROIs and can limit performance. Note that a random
variable associated with a voxel (minimum volumetric unit of the image) can sometimes be signicantly impor-
tant for the classication task, so it is important to treat them individually. In this way, specic voxels, within the
region, may have greater dopamine transporter loss than others and therefore may be more informative. Direct
relations between the voxels and the classication task can be found and, by ignoring these ROIs, we avoid letting
ourselves be guided by prior medical inuence.
Extra-striatal regions may contain a signicant amount of
I-ioupane dopamine targets, and the use of these
regions may improve the statistical reliability of the model. is could be the case, for example, if extra-striatal
regions are combined with the caudate to provide a reference for comparison with the putamen. Including all
voxels in these regions as discriminant characteristics and letting a feature selection algorithm decide which
voxels are more informative (i.e. informative voxels) seems to have a higher potential than assuming a priori
which voxels are important according to some expert knowledge. erefore, our study develops an algorithm
based on voxels rather than based on classical ROIs. In studies with 18F-uorodeoxyglucose PET, increases of
metabolic activity were identied in pallidothalamic and pontine areas14. Recent experimental studies, using a
NMR-based metabolomic approach, show metabolic imbalance among dierent brain regions, especially in the
midbrain and right cortex15.
In this work, SPECT 3D-images obtained aer the administration of
I-ioupane are labelled in three
classes depending on the level of aectation of the image, that is, without alteration of the presynaptic nigros-
triatal pathway (class 0), with a slight alteration (class 1) or with severe alteration (class 2)16. In this sense, and
given the natural order between classes (
), we propose to use ordinal classication models. e main
objective is not only a correct classication of the patterns but also a nerror reduction for the misclassied ones.
In other words, if the classier cannot correctly classify a pattern of the class 0, the misclassication in class 1 is
preferred than an error in class 2. is paradigm has been applied in a lot of prediction problems of medicine17,
such as cesarean section rates18, breast cancer19, liver transplantation20, or Alzheimer progression21, among oth-
ers. erefore, the application of ordinal classication to PD diagnosis seems to be appealing.
Grading in PD could be dened as the act of classifying patients according to a global staging or severity
ranking. New formulations of levodopa and novel delivery systems are currently being evaluated and gradually
introduced in clinical practice in an attempt to prevent or treat levodopa-related motor complications. With this
gradation, we could study when is the best moment to introduce levodopa or other treatments in the future22.
Furthermore, this gradation is relevant for several reasons as, for example, allowing analysis of the relationships
between group’s characteristics (grades or levels) and many other factors (duration of disease, eects of therapy,
etc.); intergroup comparison, selection of patients for clinical research...23. Pasquini etal.24 also suggest that cau-
date quantication of DAT availability shortly aer diagnosis may have an important role in identifying patients
at risk of clinical progression to cognitive impairment, depression and gait problems in the near future. We can
use the scales for outcome in Parkinson’s Disease–Motor (SCOPA-Motor)25 or the Non-Motor Symptoms Scale
(NMSS). e NMSS has 30 items in nine domains26. For the purpose of obtaining an objective quantication
technique, more complicated methods need to be proposed, and observer-independent automated quantica-
tion methods are preferable27.
Given the large number of features presented in these 3D-images, and considering all the image voxels
(instead of putamen and caudate) as we stated ahead, it is necessary to use techniques to reduce them. It is one of
the problems tackled in this work. It is true that, in machine learning, there are several techniques for the reduc-
tion of the number of features, for instance, compressive sensing-enhanced feature selection28 or using evolution-
ary computation29. e methods of machine learning for the selection of characteristics can, in general, be divided
into two classes: wrapper30, lter31, and embedded methods32. In this paper, we will use a lter method where
each feature is ranked individually based on specic statistical measures without taking into account the type
of learning algorithm used in the classier. We will use the ReliefF algorithm as a feature selector for a nominal
classier33,34, to then develop for ordinal classication. ReliefF makes a ranking of the features according to their
discriminatory quality, where the user needs to specify the percentage of the best characteristics to be selected.
Another problem that we need to tackle is the low number of patterns of the dataset for the least frequent
class (slight alteration). e most natural and most common method to reduce overtting on image data is to
articially enlarge the dataset using label-preserving transformations35,36. A common practice for augmenting
datasets is padding 4 pixels on each side and then doing random cropping and random ipping on the y during
training37. In the same way, in ImageNet dataset38, it is common to subtract the mean and divide by the standard
deviation for each input channel and follow the data augmentation as described by Krizhevsky etal.39 In the
context of imbalanced classication, the noisy replication method40 has been proven to be an eective approach
in improving accuracy for the minority classes, specially for binary classication problems. It randomly chooses
minority patterns and replicate them adding a small amount of noise. In this work, we develop a new method
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Scientic Reports | (2021) 11:7067 |
to generate new synthetic images and voxels based on the adjustment of the statistical distribution of the voxels,
where, given that the same coordinate system is used for all 3D images, we can unequivocally characterise the
position of a given voxel.
ere are some recent approaches that consider machine learning and advanced computational techniques
for the detection of PD. It is common to the use of collected voice measures. For instance, Kaur etal.41 proposed
an ensemble of 25 state-of-the-art regression models to analyse the prediction of the motor Unied Parkinson’s
Disease Rating Score (UPDRS). e number of patients (42) is considerably limited. Canturk42 considers a
combination of the dynamic spiral test (DST) and static spiral test (SST) for early detection of PD. For this, the
fuzzy recurrence plot is used to transform time series into grayscale images, which are then analysed using two
deep networks (AlexNet and GoogleNet). e dataset used is based on 62 PD patients and 15 healthy ones. e
conclusions are that the Y signal provides better results for DST, while a combination of Y and P signals performs
better in SST. In the work proposed by Naseer etal.43, deep transfer learning is applied to the identication of
PD, using as input handwriting images, which are one of the earliest indicators of the aection. e source tasks
are ImageNet and MNIST datasets, and the use of freeze and ne-tuning of transfer learning is investigated in
combination with data augmentation. Based on a dataset of 37 PD patients and 38 healthy subjects, the best
results are nally obtained with ne-tuning-based approach considering the ImageNet and PaHaW dataset.
However, all these works approach the problem as a binary classication problem (considering whether the
disease is present or not) and none of them uses 3D-images of
I-ioupane as input data.
e main objective of this work is to obtain a tool which acts as decision support system in PD diagnosis for
assessing the level of aectation of the patients using 3D images. e use of grading system (instead of a binary
classier) would increase the information obtained by the experts to better decide the treatment. Moreover, as the
complexity of the problem increases (three classes instead of two), another objective is to include specic methods
to deal with the imbalance ordinal nature of the dataset. Summarising, the main contributions of this paper are:
• e use of an ordinal classier due to the natural order of the labels in the dataset. e patterns will be clas-
sied into three classes: no alteration of the pathway (class 0), slight alteration (class 1) or severe (class 2)
alteration. For that, we use the ordinal logistic regression model available in the soware mord developed by
• e development of a new method to reduce the number of characteristics of an ordinal classication dataset.
e method, referred to as ordinal ReliefF, is a modication of the standard state-of-the-art ReliefF34, taking
the ordinal nature of the problem into account.
• e development of a new technique for generating synthetic patterns based on the statistical distribution
of the macrovoxels. is method tries to nd the best statistical distribution for each voxel (selected from a
set of well-known distributions). en, new voxels are generated using this distribution. e synthetic image
will be used as part of the training set to improve the quality of the classier.
• e application of the methodology into a real-world dataset obtained by the UGC Medicina Nuclear of the
Hospital Universitario “Reina Sofía” (Córdoba, Spain), including 434 studies with dierent levels of altera-
tion of the presynaptic nigrostriatal pathway: 271 without alteration, 73 with a slight alteration, and 90 with
severe alteration.
e rest of paper is organised as follows: “Methodology” section presents the details of the proposed method.
“Dataset and experimental design” section describes the data considered and the characteristics of the experi-
ments, while “Results and discussion” section includes the results and the associated discussion. Finally, “Con-
clusion” section concludes the paper.
As we stated before, the goal is to create an automatic method that classies the 3D-images into three ordered
classes corresponding to: no alteration of the presynaptic nigrostriatal pathway (both striatum were visually
conserved), with a slight alteration (just one putamen was altered), and with a severe alteration (alteration in
both). As can be seen, it results in an ordinal classication problem, given that, for example, the error when clas-
sifying a severe alternation patient as no alteration is not the same as categorising it in the slight alteration class.
An ordinal classication problem consists in the prediction of the label y of a given input vector
, where
, i.e. the input vector
is in a S-dimensional input space and y is in
a label space of L dierent possibilities. Given a training set of N patterns, dened as
i),i=1, ...,N}
the objective is to nd a classication rule or function
to predict the categories of new patterns. It
is important to mention that a natural order is found in the labels of an ordinal classication problem, that is,
C1≺C2≺ ··· ≺ CL
, where
is an order relation. It makes that two dierent elements of
could always be
compared using the relation
, which is not possible in nominal classication. However, labels in ordinal clas-
sication do not carry metric information (we can not establish the distance between the categories), and the
category serves more as a qualitative indication.
According to the taxonomy proposed by Gutierrez etal.45, there are three groups of ordinal classication
methods. e rst one is called naïve approaches, which derive the model by using other standard proce-
dures (such as regression or nominal classication). e second one is related to ordinal binary decomposition
approaches, where the main idea is to decompose the ordinal problem into several binary ones. And the third
one is the set of methods known as threshold models, which are based on approximating a real value predictor
and then dividing the real line into intervals.
is work is focused on the third group. Methods within this group estimate a function
for the prediction
of the values of the output variable, and a set of thresholds
to represent intervals
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Scientic Reports | (2021) 11:7067 |
in the range of
which must satisfy the constraints
b1≤b2≤ ··· ≤ bL−1
. In this context, cumulative link
models extend the binary logistic regression to ordinal classication by predicting probabilities of groups of
continuous categories taking the ordinal scale into account, that is, cumulative probabilities
. In this
work, we use an interesting alternative called immediate-threshold approach46. It is based on including
thresholds partitioning the real line to L segments and on penalising the predictors outside the correct segment
or too close to its edges, considering, for each labelled example, only the two thresholds limiting this segment.
For the comparison of methods in ordinal classication we should take into account the following considera-
tions. Ordinal classication problems must be evaluated with specic metrics. At rst sight, various measures
of ordinal association and product–moment correlation and regression appear to be based on very dierent
In this work, we have used metrics based on a product-moment system. In this system of metrics, the ones
most commonly considered in machine learning for ordinal classication are (1) the mean absolute error (here
denoted as MAE)47,48, also called classication loss49,50. e MAE is dened as the mean deviation of the predicted
class from the true class (expressed both as integers). (2) e mean zero-one error (MZOE, more oen referred
to as error rate)48, where
, where CCR is the correct classication rate or accuracy.
Unlike MAE, MZOE has the disadvantage that all errors are treated equally, so it does not suciently penalise
algorithms that make errors of more than one class in the ordinal scale (e.g. severe alterations classied as no
alteration). is kind of errors are penalised by MAE. However, these measures are not adequate when used to
evaluate the performance of classiers on imbalanced ordinal datasets47.
Given that, in our work, some of the classes have a much lower number of patterns than the others (there
is a lower number of patients with alterations), we propose to use the maximum MAE metric (here denoted as
MMAE)51, which measures the performance in the worst ranked class.
In contrast to most previous works that try to obtain a high global accuracy in the test set, we try to achieve
a high level of classication rate with a good level of classication for each individual class. In this way, the
pair of metrics including CCR and MMAE evaluates two characteristics associated with a classier: the overall
performance and the average deviation of the worst classied class. As theoretically demonstrated in previous
studies51,52, these two objectives, above certain levels, are conicting during an optimisation process, i.e. increas-
ing one of the metrics can be achieved by worsening the other (e.g. we can trivially increase CCR by classifying
almost all patterns in the no-alteration class, which will drastically worsen MMAE, given the imbalance character
of the dataset). Next, we formally dene both metrics.
On the one hand, CCR is the percentage of patterns correctly classied and is dened by:
is the target predicted for
, and
is the indicator function.
On the other hand, the MAE is a measure of error that takes into account the ordinality of the target variable:
is the absolute distance between the actual and predicted labels. MAE ranges from 0 to
(which is the maximum deviation in number of categories). However, in imbalanced problems, the most frequent
classes can dominate the MAE error, masking poor performance for less common classes. at is the reason why
MMAE is dened as follows:
is the MAE error taking into account only patterns from class l:
e following subsections present the proposed methodology which is divided into three phases. e rst
one corresponds with the preprocessing of the 3D-images, which includes a spatial normalisation and the trans-
formation from 3D-images into 1D-arrays. e second one consists in the reduction of the number of charac-
teristics. And nally, the last one is the application of a technique of data augmentation using the probabilistic
distribution of the macrovoxels.
Preprocessing of the SPECT 3D‑images. e SPECT images can be obtained in dierent conditions,
for example, due to the inclination or rotation of the patient during the taking of the image, two 3D images may
look dierent, but they are really the same, with dierent orientation. To solve this problem, we use the open
source soware Platform for the Evaluation of Medical Imaging (PETRA)53. PETRA is a toolbox developed to
analyse neuroimaging data using multivariate techniques, specically designed to work with PET, SPECT, etc.
images with the goal of Alzheimer and Parkinson diseases diagnosis/detection. is soware has been used to
perform a spatial normalisation, i.e. to align all brains in the same spatial disposition, using the same reference
number to give the same coordinates to all voxels regardless of the brain.
MMAE =max {MAE1,MAE2,...,MAEl,...,MAEL},
|yxi−ˆyxi|,l=1, ...,L
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Scientic Reports | (2021) 11:7067 |
Once the spatial normalisation is done, the 3D-images are converted into a one-dimensional array to work
with them for the next operations. Figure1 shows the procedure for a toy 3D-image of size
Feature selection: ReliefF and proposed ordinal ReliefF. Given the large amount of voxels present in
SPECT images (see “Dataset and experimental design” section for more details on the size of the images used in
this paper), and considering that we use all image voxels instead of the ROIs, we need to reduce the number of
features using automatic machine learning techniques.
For that, as we stated in the introduction, we initially use a lter feature selector in such a way that this selec-
tion does not take into account the learning algorithm used by the classier. is lter, which is called ReliefF34,
is based on ranking the features using the quality of them according to how well their values distinguish between
instances that are near to each other. For that, the quality, Q, of each attribute, A, is initialised to
, an d
then, the following procedure is repeated m times (usually, m is set to the number of instances N):
1. Randomly select an instance, a 1D-array of the 3D-image in our case,
2. Find the k nearest neighbours of the same class, called nearest hits:
, where
∀j∈{1, ...,k}
= x∗
is the class which includes
3. For each class
Cl = C
, nd the k nearest neighbours, called nearest misses:
x∗∗ ={x∗∗
kl }
, where
∀j∈{1, ...,k}
jl ∈
4. For each attribute A, we update its quality Q[A] taking into account that dierent values of the attribute A
for instances in the same class will decrease the quality estimation Q[A], while dierent values for instances
in dierent classes, which is desirable, will increase the quality Q[A]. e following expression updates the
Q[A] values:
is the prior probability of class
which is estimated from the frequency of class
in the train-
ing set, and di
is dened as:
is the value of the attribute A for the instance
. is function is also used to calculate
the distance between two instances (to determine the k nearest neighbours), where the total distance is the
sum of distances over all attributes (Manhattan distance).
In this work, we propose a novel variation of the ReliefF, called ordinal ReliefF (OReliefF), which takes the
natural order of the labels of the dataset into account. e modication consists in the inclusion of an ordinal
penalty (
) in the second term of the equation:
is dened as:
is the class label of the pattern
is the label of the class
, and
is the class label of
As can be seen, with
, OReliefF penalises less the dierences of those patterns which are in a class near to
the class of pattern
), giving more importance to dierent values for instances in farthest classes.
jl )
jl )
Figure1. Example of a 3D-image of size
reshaped to a 1D-array.
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Scientic Reports | (2021) 11:7067 |
Data augmentation. Given the diculty of obtaining SPECT 3D-images for dierent reasons such as
patient privacy, the high cost of taking images or the necessity to carry out inter-centre studies due to the dif-
ferent hardware and soware used in dierent nuclear medicine units, we develop new methods to generate
synthetic images for the training set in order to improve the quality of the classier. For this, we propose a meth-
odology based on the generation of new 3D-images using the probabilistic distribution of the macrovoxels. e
algorithm1 summarises this procedure.
As can be seen, for each informative voxel determined by the OReliefF algorithm, we select its macro-
voxel which is dened as the cube of voxels of width w where the selected voxel is in the middle. For example,
Fig.2 shows an image of dimensionality
, where the macrovoxel of width 3 based on voxel (2,3,2)
row =2, col =3, layer =2
) is the one which is coloured in blue.
Aer that, the same macrovoxel is extracted for each 3D-image i and, for each class, all the macrovoxels of
the dierent 3D-images are grouped. In this way, for each voxel, we have L groups of macrovoxels corresponding
to each class label, so each group is formed by all the voxels inside all these selected macrovoxels.
ese groups (
) are use to calculate the probabilistic distribution of the voxel. To do so, we consider a set of
possible probabilistic distributions. ese distributions has been selected due to the fact that they are the best-
tted ones in almost all voxel groups considering the distributions presented in the scipy library (see https://
docs. scipy. org/ doc/ scipy/ refer ence/ stats. html). ese are:
• Alpha distribution, whose probability density function (pdf) is:
is the normal cumulative distribution function (CDF),
are the location and scale parameters,
respectively, which are considered in all distributions, and
is the shape parameter.
• Generalised extreme value distribution, whose pdf is:
is the shape parameter.
• t-Student distribution, whose pdf is:
is the number of freedom degrees, and
is the gamma function dened as:
where if a is a positive integer, then
• Beta distribution,whose pdf is dened as:
f(z,α,µ,σ) =
((z−µ)/σ )
2(α −
µ)/σ ) )2)
f(z,ξ,µ,σ) =
σ)) exp(−
σ), for ξ=
1, for ξ
�= 0,
f(z|ν,µ,σ) =Ŵ(ν+1
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Scientic Reports | (2021) 11:7067 |
where a and b are the shape parameters.
en, the best-tted distribution for each voxel is determined by the minimisation of the sum of squares
errors calculated as the dierences between the theoretical distribution and the empirical one (histogram of the
values of the groups of voxels,
Finally, to create new instances, each pattern will be randomly generating using the estimated theoretical
distribution for each of the voxels of the image.
Dataset and experimental design
Dataset. As we stated previously, our work is focused on SPECT 3D-images obtained aer the administra-
tion of the
I-ioupane radiopharmaceutical, which is commonly used for binding to the presynaptic dopa-
mine transporters in the caudate nucleus and the putamen. e substantial decrease of dopamine in the nigros-
triatal dopaminergic pathway is one of the neuropathological characteristics of PD.
In this work, we have generated a dataset in collaboration with the UGC Medicina Nuclear of the Hospital
Universitario ”Reina Sofía” (Córdoba, Spain). e access to the images used in this study has been done aer
previous anonymization by personnel authorised by the hospital. is access (previous authentication) has been
registered and audited. e anonymization procedure has been carried out by means of DICOM Anonimyzer,
obtaining image les that do not contain any data that could identify the patient. Each series of images was
assigned a number that was related in a protected table to the origin. e entire procedure was approved and
authorized by the Center’s Healthcare Administration and the UGC Medicina Nuclear. We also arm that all
methods were carried out in accordance with relevant guidelines and regulations. Finally, all subjects provided
their informed consent for this study.
e data set consists of 434 studies divided according to the level of alteration of the presynaptic nigrostriatal
pathway in which PD is likely to be found: 271 without alteration (class 0), 73 with a slight alteration (class 1),
and 90 with severe alteration e(class 2).
Each 3D-image has dimensionality
79 ×95 ×69
, which results in 517,845 voxels. e representation of these
images can be done using dierent cuts in the cerebrum, which are axial, sagittal and coronal. Figure3 shows a
graphical explanation of this kind of cuts and their corresponding SPECT view. Following these representations,
and considering only the axial view, Fig.4 shows an example of a patient from each class.
Experimental design. In “Methodology” section, we presented a methodology based on the following
steps: pre-processing of 3D images, reduction of the number of features with ReliefF or OReliefF methodologies,
and generation of new patterns with statistical distributions of macrovoxels. For the rst step, it is not necessary
to congure any parameter since the PETRA soware automatically reorients the image in the
79 ×95 ×69
dimensional space. Our main goal is to determine whether the two methods developed for feature reduction and
data augmentation make sense in this type of problem using a real-world data set.
In this sense, for the second step, initially we randomly divide the database into a 70–30% stratied hold-out,
that is, 70% of the images are selected for training, and the rest for test (generalisation results). e resulting
training set is formed by 189 patterns of class 0, 51 patterns of class 1, and 63 of class 3. To determine if OReliefF
is better than ReliefF or the original set, we perform a 5-fold cross validation over the training set (70% of the
patterns as we mentioned before). We set the k parameter (k-nearest neighbours) of ReliefF and OReliefF to
5, the number of iterations m equal to the number of features N, and we explore dierent alternatives for the
percentage of selected characteristics in the range
, considering it as
a hyper-parameter to be validated. Note that the experimental validation is done using the logistic regression
proposed by Rennie and Srebro46.
Once the best feature selector is determined, we use the reduced dataset to continue for the third step, where
we test the proposed method for data augmentation, based on the use of dierent statistical distributions. Firstly,
Ŵ(a+b)((z−µ)/σ )
(1−((z−µ)/σ ))
Figure2. Macrovoxel of width 3 of the voxel (2,3,2) in a 3D-image of size
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Scientic Reports | (2021) 11:7067 |
we estimated the best statistical distribution for each voxel (considering all voxels of its macrovoxel). en, we
consider dierent congurations to generate new brains for the training set:
• CONF0: Without applying data augmentation.
• CONF1: Duplicate the patterns of each class.
• CONF2: Duplicate the patterns of the minority classes 1 and 2 (subjects with slight or severe alteration).
• CONF3: Duplicate the patterns of the minority class 1 (subjects with slight alteration).
• CONF4: Duplicate the patterns of the second minority class 2 (subjects with severe alteration).
• CONF5: Triplicate the patterns of the minority class 1 (subjects with slight alteration).
ese ve congurations are compared against the simple method of noisy replication40 (referrered to as RAND
in this paper), where we randomly choose patterns from the class to be oversampled and replicate them including
a small amount of noise. For this RAND conguration, we have considered a normal distribution with mean zero
and a standard deviation of 0.01 (N(0,0.01)). Moreover, the conguration used is triplicating class 1, subjects
with slight alteration, because, as above discussed, this is the one leading to the best results.
Finally, we executed the procedure of data augmentation 30 times given the stochasticity in the procedure of
the generation, and we compared the results obtained in the test set (30% of the initial hold-out) to determine
Figure3. How are the cuts performed? (a) axial, (b) sagittal, and (c) coronal.
Figure4. Example of a patient of each class: (a) without alteration (class 0), (b) with a slight alteration (class 1),
and (c) with a severe alteration (class 2).
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which conguration is the best in our problem. To check the results obtained, we plot informative voxels found
in the brain by our algorithm, showing that they are not limited to the classical ROIs.
Results and discussion
Results analysis. To analyse the validity of the proposed OReliefF algorithm, Table1 shows the results in
CCR and MMAE with the dierent congurations proposed in the previous section, that is, using 5-fold cross-
validation over the training set to determine the best parameter setting. ese validation results help establish
the most appropriate percentage of voxels to be considered during classication, together with the best alterna-
tive for ReliefF (nominal or ordinal), based on which, we will evaluate the test results.
As can be seen, the best feature selector in terms of CCR is the ReliefF when we maintain 10% of the features
for the classier, but its MMAE is not good. us, the second best algorithm in terms of CCR is the proposed
OReliefF when 15% of the characteristics are used for the classier, and, in addition, it is the best conguration
in terms of MMAE. We can arm that OReliefF results in a better feature selection, because the CCR only drops
from 0.7756 to 0.7723 which is practically the same value, while the MMAE improves from 0.5490 to 0.5098. If
we do not apply any feature selection the results are 0.5397 in MMAE and 0.7657 in CCR , which are worse than
the obtained by the proposed methodology.
Given the above results, we consider the reduction of the dataset with a 15% of the characteristics (informative
voxels) returned by the proposed OReliefF algorithm. In this sense, for each 3D-image, a total of 517,845 voxels
are reduced to 77,676 informative voxels. e selected voxels have been graphically represented in red in Fig.5,
together with the ROIs corresponding to caudate and putamen in blue, which are the common areas considered
for PD diagnosis. A video has also been uploaded in the website of the research group (http:// www. uco. es/ ayrna/
parki nson/ infor mativ eVoxe ls. mp4), where the image is rotated to ease visualisation. As can be checked, there are
distinct informative voxels outside the classical ROIs. ey correspond to small cortical areas, predominantly
temporal and in the medial region of the parietal lobe. ese extrastriatal areas follow a recent tendency of other
studies (e.g. magnetic resonance imaging) which show alterations in brain areas outside the striatum. is opens
up a much deeper area of investigation for future work, as these zones are dicult to identify anatomically.
e next step is the generation of new patterns according to the data augmentation procedure described in
“Data augmentation” section with the congurations shown in “Experimental design” section. We compare the
results against the noisy replication strategy (RAND strategy also described in “Experimental design” section).
It is important to mention that the generation is done using only the selected informative voxels so that the
Table 1. OReliefF versus ReliefF comparison in terms of CCR and MMAE obtained by the ordinal classier
without the application of data augmentation (5-fold cross validation results). e best results are shown in
bold. e second best results are shown in italics
ReliefF MMAE (
)CCR (
1% 0.6470 0.7426
2% 0.7255 0.7129
5% 0.6471 0.7393
10% 0.5490 0.7756
15% 0.5686 0.7591
20% 0.5238 0.7624
25% 0.5556 0.7525
50% 0.5238 0.7525
75% 0.5238 0.7690
OReliefF MMAE (
)CCR (
1% 0.5882 0.7723
2% 0.7059 0.7261
5% 0.6471 0.7558
10% 0.5882 0.7624
15% 0.5098 0.7723
20% 0.5238 0.7525
25% 0.5556 0.7558
50% 0.5556 0.7558
75% 0.5397 0.7624
No ReliefF MMAE (
)CCR (
100% 0.5397 0.7657
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Scientic Reports | (2021) 11:7067 |
macrovoxels can have empty voxels, but it is not a problem because they provide enough information to estimate
the theoretical probability distribution.
e results in Table2 show the performance of the classier when we use the proposed data augmentation and
compare it against the noisy replication method. For the reasons presented in the “Methodology” section, CCR
and MMAE are conicting objectives. In this way, for an imbalanced ordinal classication problem, optimising
the MMAE metric, without signicantly reducing the value of CCR , should be considered as a priority. e con-
guration number 0, which corresponds to the reduced data set without the application of data augmentation,
has the best CCR but its MMAE is the worst, showing that the algorithm tend to classify all the patterns into
the majority class (subjects without alteration) to the detriment of the minority classes (subjects with slight or
severe alteration). In almost all cases, when data augmentation is applied, the classier improves the results in
MMAE showing the ability of the proposed method to give more importance to subjects with alteration without
losing CCR quality.
Looking at the dierent congurations, it seems that the generation of patterns for the classes corresponding
to subjects with alteration involves a high decrease of the MMAE from 0.6364 to 0.6212 when we double the pat-
terns and up to 0.5561 when we triple them. In addition, the CCR only decreases from 0.7710 to 0.7685, which
is negligible considering the large improvement in the MMAE metric. us, CONF5 is the best conguration
given that a much lower MMAE value,
0.5561 ±0.0192
, is obtained when compared to the other congurations,
without losing too much accuracy (CCR value is
0.7685 ±0.0036
, the second best average value). It makes sense
because class 1 (the oversampled class in this conguration, individuals with slight alteration) is the most dif-
cult one to be correctly classied. Other congurations also improve the quality of the error metric, but we
consider that it is caused by the pattern generation in class 1. Finally, when compared against the noisy replica-
tion method (RAND conguration, where we also triplicate the slight alteration class), the results in CCR are
very similar, but CONF5 is able to signicantly improve the levels of MMAE. In this way, the use of the tted
statistical distribution of the macrovoxel structures help generate new patterns that better respect the ordinal
disposition of the minority class.
In order to check whether the dierences found in Table2 could be attributed to randomness, we apply a set
of statistical tests. First of all, we need to assess the character of the results obtained regarding their distribution:
if they follow a normal distribution, we will apply parametric tests, while non-parametric tests will be considered
Figure5. Example of informative voxels outside (red points) the ROIs areas (blue points) in a patient showing
(a) axial, (b) sagittal and (c) coronal views.
Table 2. Mean and standard deviation results in terms of CCR and MMAE for the 30 executions of the data
augmentation algorithm (test set). e best results are shown in bold. e second best results are shown in
Conguration MMAE (
)CCR (
CONF0 0.6364 0.7710
0.6303 ±0.0155
0.7588 ±0.0054
0.6349 ±0.0082
0.7575 ±0.0051
0.6212 ±0.0214
0.7646 ±0.0053
0.6364 ±0.0000
0.7557 ±0.0000
CONF5 0.5561 ± 0.0192 0.7685 ± 0.0036
RAND 0.5958 ± 0.0208 0.7613 ± 0.0048
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Scientic Reports | (2021) 11:7067 |
in other case. We discard the result for CONF0, given that, as only one test value is available, it does not make
sense to apply statistical tests, the MMAE being clearly worse than those obtained by data augmentation.
First, we analyse the MMAE results. One Kolmogorov–Smirnov (K–S) test54 is used for each set of 30 results,
rejecting all the hypotheses of normality (p values
), i.e. non-parametric tests need to be applied. Conse-
quently, we select the Kruskal–Wallis (K–W) test55, which is a non-parametric alternative for the one-way analysis
of variance, when we want to compare more than two independent samples. e results of this test are included
in Table3. is table includes the average ranks obtained for each method, where the lower the rank, the better
the method (as MMAE has to be minimised). It also includes the associated
and the corresponding p value,
showing that there are signicant dierences in test MMAE, where the two best congurations (according to the
ranks) are CONF5 and RAND. ese two congurations obtain the best results because both are using the option
of triplicating patterns from class 1 (slight alteration), which seems to be the most problematic in this problem
(easily confused with neighbouring classes). In order to establish the signicance of the dierences between
CONF5 and RAND for test MMAE results, we nally apply the Mann–Whitney (M–W) test56, a post-hoc non-
parametric test for independent samples, which results in a p value
, i.e. there are signicant dierences
favouring CONF5 with respect to RAND.
If we repeat the same statistical treatment with the test CCR results, the K–S test again rejects the hypotheses
of normality for all the results (p values
). e results of the M–W test for the test CCR values are also
included in Table3, showing that there are signicant dierences and that the two best congurations are, in
this case, CONF5 and CONF3. e M–W establishes again signicant dierences favouring CONF5, with a p
value of 0.004.
Summarising, CONF5 applied to the data augmentation process proposed in this paper stands out as a new
way to generate synthetic brain patterns that help the classication of the most confusing class (slight alteration).
It can be a decision support system for medical purposes where, not only the global correct classication of
patients is important, but also a good accuracy in the confusing class corresponding to slight level of alteration
of the presynaptic pathway. In this way, this work suggests a new option to approach at PD, with good values for
diagnosis accuracy and classication in the dierent disease stages.
In this paper, we propose a new methodology for classifying dierent stages of PD using an ordinal classier
from 3D-images obtained aer the administration of 123I-ioupane in three classes depending on the level of
aectation of the image. e classes corresponds to patients without alteration of the presynaptic nigrostriatal
pathway, with a slight alteration, or with a severe alteration. is methodology is based on an ordinal logistic
regression model where we have previously executed an ordinal lter algorithm to select the most discriminant
voxels and a novel data augmentation technique based on probability distributions associated with samples
formed by macrovoxels to classify better the classes corresponding to subjects with alteration. In this dicult
problem, where it is sometimes necessary the concurrence of several experts to determine the value of the label
associated with the 3D-image, we have managed to decrease the metric related to the good classication of the
intermediate class, the most dicult to diagnose, by 12.62%, still obtaining a very acceptable overall classica-
tion, an average of 76.85% and a standard deviation of 0.36%. It is important to note that both the ordinal feature
selection method and the data augmentation method could be applied to other datasets and could be coupled
with other classiers. Finally, we would like to point out that the new database on which we have carried out the
validation is very interesting for this type of study, and we will make it available to the scientic community in
order to carry out experiments with it and make comparisons with our methodology.
Regarding the limitations of the present study, the size of the dataset could still be increased, by including
more subjects, what would better assess the generalisation capability of the proposals. Another problem associ-
ated with the method proposed lies in the fact that the computational cost of feature selection process is high,
given that all the areas of the brain are considered for classication (although this enables the classier to nd
new informative voxels, not previously considered in the literature). Given that a denitive diagnosis is not always
available, the models depend on a clinical evaluation (from the labels in the dataset), which unavoidably includes
certain degree of subjectivity and can inuence the training process (i.e. classication accuracy may be aected
Table 3. Kruskal–Wallis statistical test results for CCR and MMAE (test set). e best results are shown in
bold. e second best results are shown in italics
Average ranks
)CCR (
CONF1 115.17 71.60
CONF2 122.92 59.93
CONF3 99.67
CONF4 125.50 47.00
129.33 95.38
p value
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Scientic Reports | (2021) 11:7067 |
by variations in clinical condence). Another limitation may be derived from the main clinical objective: the
automatic separation between control subjects and parkinsonian patients with dierent degrees of aectation.
However, the most challenging objective in PD diagnosis is obtaining a method able to dierentiate between
the dierent parkinsonian syndromes.
Received: 15 September 2020; Accepted: 16 March 2021
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is research has been partially supported by the “Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad” of Spain
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Author contributions
A.M.D.R and J.C.C. processed the experimental data; P.A., J.A.V.C. and C.H.M. were involved in planning and
supervised the work, A.M.D.R. performed the analysis, wrote the manuscript and designed the gures; V.G.M.
and E.R.C. extracted the 3D-images obtained aer the administration of
I-ioupane. All authors reviewed
the manuscript.
Competing interests
e authors declare no competing interests.
Additional information
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to A.M.D.-R.
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