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B-splines for Purely Vision-based Localization and Mapping on Non-holonomic Ground Vehicles


Abstract and Figures

Purely vision-based localization and mapping is a cost-effective and thus attractive solution to localization and mapping on smart ground vehicles. However, the accuracy and especially robustness of vision-only solutions remain rivalled by more expensive, lidar-based multi-sensor alternatives. We show that a significant increase in robustness can be achieved if taking non-holonomic kinematic constraints on the vehicle motion into account. Rather than using approximate planar motion models or simple, pair-wise regularization terms, we demonstrate the use of B-splines for an exact imposition of smooth, non-holonomic trajectories inside the 6 DoF bundle adjustment. We introduce both hard and soft formulations and compare their computational efficiency and accuracy against traditional solutions. Through results on both simulated and real data, we demonstrate a significant improvement in robustness and accuracy in degrading visual conditions.
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B-splines for Purely Vision-based Localization and Mapping
on Non-holonomic Ground Vehicles
Kun Huang1, Yifu Wang2and Laurent Kneip1
Abstract Purely vision-based localization and mapping is a
cost-effective and thus attractive solution to localization and
mapping on smart ground vehicles. However, the accuracy and
especially robustness of vision-only solutions remain rivalled by
more expensive, lidar-based multi-sensor alternatives. We show
that a significant increase in robustness can be achieved if taking
non-holonomic kinematic constraints on the vehicle motion into
account. Rather than using approximate planar motion models
or simple, pair-wise regularization terms, we demonstrate the
use of B-splines for an exact imposition of smooth, non-
holonomic trajectories inside the 6 DoF bundle adjustment.
We introduce both hard and soft formulations and compare
their computational efficiency and accuracy against traditional
solutions. Through results on both simulated and real data,
we demonstrate a significant improvement in robustness and
accuracy in degrading visual conditions.
Visual Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM)
is a long-standing problem within the computer vision and
robotics communities. Nonetheless, pure vision-based so-
lutions lack the level of robustness found in laser-based
solutions, and are thus often complemented by additional
sensors such as—on ground vehicles—encoders measuring
the rotational velocity of the wheels. The installation of
wheel encoders on existing platforms is however difficult,
and accessing the signals of existing encoders may be
prevented by the manufacturer. As a result, the development
of robust, purely vision-based (or inertial-supported) SLAM
solutions remains a relevant topic in the development of self-
driving vehicles. The present paper presents such a solution.
The trajectory in visual SLAM frameworks is commonly
represented by a discrete set of camera poses each associated
with one of the captured images. It is well known that this
representation is too general and does in fact not respect the
kinematic motion constraints of ground vehicles. The core
idea of the present paper consists of increasing the robustness
of a purely vision-based SLAM framework by employing a
more restrictive but exact geometric representation for the
kind of smooth trajectory that we have on drift-less, non-
holonomic ground vehicles.
We make the following contributions:
We use the B-spline based, smooth, continuous-time
trajectory representation introduced by Furgale et al. [1]
to represent the motion of ground vehicles.
Rather than just being employed as a smooth trajectory
model, we illustrate how the representation can be
1ShanghaiTech University; L. Kneip is also with the Shanghai Engi-
neering Research Center of Intelligent Vision and Imaging. 2Australian
National University; The authors would like to thank the funding sponsored
by Natural Science Foundation of Shanghai (grant number: 19ZR1434000).
altered in order to incorporate the kinematic constraints
on non-holonomic, drift-less ground vehicles.
We introduce different hard and soft variants of the
additional constraints, and compare the resulting frame-
works against conventional solutions.
We demonstrate a significant advantage in robustness
and accuracy on both simulated and real data.
The paper is organized as follows. Additional related work
is discussed in Section II. Section III provides a brief review
of B-splines and kinematic motion constraints on drift-less
non-holonomic platforms. Section IV introduces different
realizations of the objective, and Section V finally concludes
with our results on both simulated and real data.
The present work considers the improvement of a pure
monocular SLAM solution by including vehicle kinematics
related constraints into the optimization framework. This
technique is already commonly applied to vision-based
multi-sensor solutions that make additional use of odometers
measuring the rotational velocity of each wheel. There have
been EKF filter [2], particle filter [3], and optimization-based
[4], [5] solutions, all relying on a drift-less planar motion
model derived from a dual-drive or Ackermann steering
platform. They perform relatively high-frequent integration
of wheel odometry to come up with adequate priors on
the relative displacement between subsequent views. Censi
et al. [6] furthermore consider simultaneous extrinsic cali-
bration between cameras and odometers. A closely related
vehicle motion model that has also been used in filter-
ing and optimization-based frameworks appears for skid-
steering platforms [7], [8], [9]. Although slippage occurs,
non-holonomic models relying on the Instantaneous Centre
of Rotation (ICR) still explain the motion of skid-steering
platforms relatively well [10], which is why our work may
also be applied to such platforms. A very closely related
work to ours is given by Zhang et al. [11], who still rely
on a drift-less non-holonomic motion model, but extend the
estimation to non-planar environments by introducing the
motion-manifold and manifold-based integration of wheel
odometry signals.
For pure vision-based solutions, the non-holonomic con-
straints need to be enforced purely by the model, which is
more difficult. Scaramuzza [12], [13] successfully introduced
the Ackermann motion model into relative camera displace-
ment estimation, thus leading to highly robust solutions based
on 1-point RANSAC or 1D histogram voting. Huang et al.
[14] recently extended the method to an n-frame solver, while
Lee et al. [15] successfully applied it to a multi-camera
array. Long et al. [16] and Li et al. [17] have included
similar constraints into windowed optimization frameworks,
which essentially penalize trajectory deviations from an
approximate piece-wise circular arc model.
From a purely geometric point of view, a drift-less, non-
holonomic ground vehicle moves along smooth trajectories
in space, and—more importantly—heads toward the vehicle
motion direction. This motivates our use of the continuous-
time trajectory model as proposed by Furgale et al. [1]. While
parametrizing a smooth vehicle trajectory, the representation
and in particular its first-order differential is easily used to
additionally enforce the vehicle heading to remain tangential
to the trajectory.
Continuous-time parametrizations have shown great value
in motion estimation when dealing with smooth trajectories
or temporally dense sampling sensors. There are various
alternatives for the basis functions, such as FFTs, discrete
cosine transforms, polynomial kernels, or B´
ezier splines. In
this paper, we will use the efficient and smooth B-spline
parametrization [18] as already illustrated by Furgale et al.
[1]. We start by reviewing B-splines and conclude the section
by looking at preliminaries on the non-holonomic motion.
A. B-splines
We represent the smooth motion with a p-th degree B-
spline curve
c(u) =
Ni,p(u)pi, a ub, (1)
where uis the continuous-time parameter, {pi}are the n+1
control points that control the smooth trajectory shape, and
{Ni,p(u)}are the n+ 1 pth-degree B-spline basis functions.
Note that the form of a B-spline and the basis functions are
generally fixed, the shape of the curve is influenced by the
control points only. Trajectory splines are initialized from a
set of discrete vehicle poses for each image and the image
time-stamps. We use the spline curve approximation algo-
rithm presented in Piegl and Tiller [18] for the initialization.
The reader is invited to see more detailed foundations of
B-splines and an example application in [18] and [1].
B. Non-holonomic motion
Ground vehicles commonly have a non-steering two-
wheel axis, which causes the motion to be non-holonomic.
This kinematic constraint is reflected in the Ackermann
steering model. Infinitesimal motion is a rotation about an
Instantaneous Centre of Rotation (ICR) which lies on the
extended non-steering two-wheel axis. In other words, the
instantaneous heading of the vehicle is parallel to its velocity.
The constraint has already been exploited in purely vision-
based algorithms, however only based on the approximation
of a piece-wise constant steering angle:
Front-end: Scaramuzza et al. [12] approximate the
motion to be on a plane and the platform to have a
locally constant steering angle. The trajectory between
Fig. 1. Kinematic constraints of the Ackermann steering model.
subsequent views is hence approximated by an arc of
a circle, and the heading remains tangential to this arc.
A minimal parameterization of the motion is given by
the inscribed arc-angle θas well as the radius of this
circle r, and both the relative rotation and translation are
expressed as functions of these parameters. The matter
is illustrated in Figure 1.
Back-end: As proposed by Peng et al. [19], relative
rotations Rand translations tunder the approximation
of a piece-wise constant steering angle or circular arc
model need to satisfy the constraint
(I+R)010T×t= 0,(2)
which can be added as a regularization term in a
common bundle adjustment framework. We call this the
R-t constraint.
The above models are only an approximation of the origi-
nal infinitesimal constraints on the velocity and the position
of the ICR. In the continuation, we will introduce the use
of continuous-time parametrizations to continuously enforce
identity between the body’s velocity direction vb
kvbkand the
vehicle’s forward axis yb, which is the original infinitesimal
constraint. We call this the R-v constraint.
We enforce the R-v constraint by using a spline to rep-
resent the non-holonomic vehicle trajectory in continuous
time. The first-order differential of the spline gives us the
instantaneous velocity of the vehicle, which we can then use
to either directly express the vehicle heading (i.e. as a hard
constraint), or otherwise form a regularization term on the
vehicle orientation (i.e. as a soft constraint). Imposing the
kinematic constraints as a hard or soft constraint may impact
on both accuracy and computational performance, which
is why we introduce and compare multiple formulations
starting from conventional bundle adjustment.
A. Conventional Bundle Adjustment (CBA)
Conventional Bundle Adjustment (CBA) consists of min-
imizing reprojection errors over directly parametrized poses
and landmarks. The non-linear objective is given by
ρ kfp Tsb R(qbj)tbj
0 1 1
xi!mij k2!,
| {z }
conventional bundle adjustment (CBA)
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
Fig. 2. Graphical models of the different methods: (a) CBA; (b) CBARt; (c) CBASpRv; (d) SSBARv; (e) FSBA.
where R(q)is the rotation matrix constructed from quater-
nion q;tbjand qbjare the optimised pose parameters;
{xi}the landmarks (in homogeneous representation); mij
the measurement of landmark iin frame j;ρ(·)is a
loss function (e.g. Huber loss) to mitigate the influence of
outliers; and fp(·)is a general camera measurement function
that depends on intrinsic parameters and transforms points
from the camera frame (in homogeneous form) to the image
plane. Note that Tsb represents the extrinsic parameters that
transform points from the vehicle to the camera frame.
The graphical model of this problem is shown in Figure
2(a). Blue nodes are re-projection error residual blocks.
B. CBA with R-t constraints (CBARt)
The traditional way consists of adding the R-t constraint
(2) as a pairwise, soft regularization constraint to bundle
adjustment (cf. [16] and [17]). We obtain
ρ kfp Tsb R(qbj)tbj
0 1 1
xi!mij k2!
| {z }
conventional bundle adjustment (CBA)
| {z }
R-t constraint
where wris a scalar weight for the R-t constraints,
and the latter depend on the relative rotation Rbj1bj=
R(qbj1)TR(qbj)and the relative translation tbj1bj=
R(qbj1)T(tbjtbj1)between subsequent views. The ob-
jective still optimises a discrete set of poses, and regularizes
it against a piece-wise circular arc model.
The graphical model of this problem is shown in Figure
2(b). Yellow nodes indicate the R-t constraints.
C. CBA with spline regression (CBASpRv)
We proceed to our first utilization of a continuous time
model, where we still use CBA to optimise individual poses,
but interleavingly regress a 3D spline to the optimised
positions tbwhich we then use in a soft, regularising R-
v constraint that replaces the R-t constraint. Denoting the
alternatingly updated spline by c1(t), the objective now
ρ kfp Tsb R(qbj)tbj
0 1 1
xi!mij k2!
| {z }
conventional bundle adjustment (CBA)
| {z }
smoothness constraint
| {z }
R-v constraint
where Pis the set of control points of c1(t);tjis the
timestamp for jth frame; ws, wcare scalar weights; η(a) =
kak; and c0(t)denotes the first-order derivative of c(t). Note
that the latter is readily given as a spline that sums over
products between control points and the fixed, first-order
derivatives of the basis functions.
The graphical model of this problem is shown in Figure
2(c). The green nodes are the combined smoothness and R-v
constraints. CP are the control points.
D. Soft spline bundle adjustment (SSBARv)
In our next formulation, the spline is used directly to rep-
resent the pose. Only the kinematic R-v constraint remains
as side-constraint. We use the 7D spline c2(t) = ct
which represents the position in its first three entries and the
quaternion orientation in its remaining four, see [20] for the
detail about unit quternion B-spline. We obtain
ρ kfp Tsb R(cq
2(tj)) ct
0 1 1
xi!mij k2!
| {z }
7D spline bundle adjustment(SSBA)
2(tj)) 0
| {z }
R-v constraint
where Pis the set of control points of c2(t). The graphical
model of this problem is shown in Figure 2(d). The red nodes
are the R-v constraints.
E. Hard spline bundle adjustment (FSBA)
Our final objective consists of directly using the derivative
of the continuous position to express part of the vehicle
orientation (i.e. the heading). As a result, we employ the
four-dimensional spline c3(t) = ct
α(t), where the first three
entries denote the vehicle position as before, its derivative
will be used to obtain the heading, and α(t)is a 1D spline
that models the remaining roll angle about the heading
direction. Let’s denote the vehicle orientation at time tas
U(c3(t)). It is defined as
U(c3(t)) = Q(ct
cos α(t) 0 sin α(t)
0 1 0
sin α(t) 0 cos α(t)
where Q(ct
3(t)) is the base orientation and defined as
3(t)) =
3(t)) ×0
3(t)) ×0
The base orientation is defined such that the heading—
the second column of Q(ct
3(t))—is aligned with the first-
order differential of the vehicle trajectory, and the side-ways
direction—the first column of Q(ct
3(t))—is orthogonal to
the vertical direction [0 0 1]T. The objective becomes
ρ kfp Tsb U(c3(tj)) ct
0 1 1
xi!mij k2!
| {z }
4D spline bundle adjustment(FSBA)
where Pnow denotes the set of control points of c3(t). The
graphical model of this problem is shown in Figure 2(e).
We mainly use the KITTI benchmark datasets [21], which
are fully calibrated and contain images captured by a
forward-looking camera mounted on a passenger vehicle
driving through different environments. The datasets con-
tain signals from high-end GPS/IMU sensors, which allow
us to compare our results against ground truth. We use
several different sequences that provide a mix of motion
characteristics reaching from significant turns and height
variations to simple forward motion. What’s more, we add
a few well-chosen, synthetic sequences to provide further
analysis. We test all aforementioned methods plus CBASp
and SSBA, which are similar to CBASpRv and SSBARv,
respectively, but do not contain the kinematic R-v constraint.
All our experiments are conducted on a laptop with 8GB
RAM and an Intel Core i7 2.4 GHz CPU, and the C++
implementations use OpenCV [22], Eigen [23], and the Ceres
[24] optimization toolbox with automatic differentiation.
The main purpose of our experiments is to demonstrate the
ability of our method to handle degrading visual conditions.
Besides the commonly analysed influence of noise on the
image measurements mij , we additionally analyse the influ-
ence of the connectivity of the graph by varying number of
landmarks and number of observations. For each analysis
and noise or connectivity setting, we calculate the mean
and standard deviation of the sliding pair-wise Relative Pose
Error (RPE) with respect to ground truth, which individually
analyses rotation and translation errors. The rotation error is
calculated using (2.15) in [25]. For the translation error, our
evaluation differs from the one in [26] in that we ignore the
scale of the relative translations which are unobservable in
a monocular setting.
A. Results on synthetic data
We start by defining realistic trajectories, which we take
straight from the ground truth trajectories from KITTI se-
quences [21]. We also adopt the intrinsic and extrinsic param-
eters fp(·)and Tsb from the KITTI platform, respectively.
However, rather than using the original image information,
we generate synthetic correspondences by defining uniformly
distributed random image points in each view. The number
of points denotes the local connectivity. We define random
depths for these points by sampling from a uniform distri-
bution between 6 and 30 meters. The corresponding world
points (landmarks) are finally projected into all nearby views
to generate all possible correspondences in the graph. Note
that the number of observations per landmark is however
capped by the global connectivity setting. We also perform
a boundary check to make sure that reprojected points are
visible in the virtual views. Finally, we add zero-mean
normally distributed noise to the observations.
Results are indicated in the first row of Figure 3. The
detailed settings and resulting observations are as follows:
Noise level: The noise level is controlled by setting
the standard deviation of the normally distributed noise
in unit pixels. As shown in Figures 3(a) and 3(b),
adding kinematic constraints leads to a large reduc-
tion of errors; the proposed methods using continuous-
time parametrizations perform better than CBA in most
cases, especially in terms of the translational error.
Although CBASpRv and CBARt are generally less
stable, they perform best in low noise scenarios. FSBA
and SSBARv in turn present high robustness against
increasing noise levels.
Global connectivity: As shown in Figures 3(c) and
3(d), the proposed kinematically consistent methods
perform significantly better than their alternatives as
the graph’s global connectivity degrades. CBASpRv and
CBARt again perform best for high connectivity, though
also CBA is competitive at that setting.
Local connectivity: As shown in Figures 3(e) and 3(f),
the proposed kinematic methods perform significantly
better as the number of observations per frame de-
creases, with SSBARv and FSBA outperforming other
B. Results on artificial trajectories
The experiments of the previous section have indicated a
reasonably good performance for CBARt. However, perfor-
mance degrades as a function of another variable, which is
the density of the frames (i.e. the R-t constraint is valid only
locally). Given that the ICR is in fact a smoothly varying
point, a lower frame density implies that the piece-wise
circular arc based regularization of CBARt is less valid. To
illustrate this matter, we conduct additional experiments in
which the trajectory is formed by sinusoidal curves in the
plane. In average, less than 10 keyframes are placed over
the span of a single period, which simulates high dynamics.
All other experimental settings are similar to the previous
section, and results are shown in the second row of Fig. 3.
0 2 4 6 8
noise level
rpe rotational error(deg)
0 2 4 6 8
noise level
rpe translational error(m)
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
global connectivity
rpe rotational error(deg)
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
global connectivity
rpe translational error(m)
20 30 40 50 60
local connectivity
rpe rotational error(deg)
20 30 40 50 60
local connectivity
rpe translational error(m)
0 2 4 6 8
noise level
rpe rotational error(deg)
0 2 4 6 8
noise level
rpe translational error(m)
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
global connectivity
rpe rotational error(deg)
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
global connectivity
rpe translational error(m)
20 30 40 50 60
local connectivity
rpe rotational error(deg)
20 30 40 50 60
local connectivity
rpe translational error(m)
Fig. 3. Mean and standard deviation of RPE for different methods on synthetic data. The default noise level used in the experiments is 4, the default global
connectivity is 3, and the default local connectivity is 40. The first row uses KITTI-VO-05 ground truth trajectories, while the second row summarizes
results obtained on more sparsely sampled artificial trajectories. Columns one and two analyse rotational and translational errors for varying noise levels,
columns 3 and 4 for varying maximum number of observations for each landmark, and columns 5 and 6 for varying number of landmarks per frame.
As expected, the performance of CBARt decreases and
now performs similarly well to CBA and CBASp. Perhaps
more surprisingly, SSBA and SSBARv are unable to handle
this scenario well, and perform worst. An explanation is
given by the fact that both SSBA and SSBARv use a 4D
spline to model the orientation, and this representation seems
unable to handle the fast orientation changes occurring in the
present experiments. CBASpRv and FSBA in turn clearly
outperform other methods.
C. Experiments on Real Data
On real images, we extract ORB [27] features and use the
flann matcher from OpenCV. We furthermore use the 1-point
RANSAC method by Scaramuzza et al. [13] to initialize the
motion and identify inlier correspondences for triangulation,
which lets us easily control the conditions for different exper-
iments. The results for all methods are shown in Figure 4. We
present individual results for six different KITTI sequences,
which contain a mix of motion characteristics. KITTI-VO-
01 and KITTI-VO-04 are an empty highway and a short
straight road segment resulting in poor or simple graphical
models, respectively. In order to measure the influence of
degrading visual conditions, we again evaluate all results as
a function of artificially added noise. The blue dotted line
indicates the error of the initialization, which is generally
improved upon after optimization. As can be observed, CBA
generally performs worst, followed by CBASp, SSBA, and
CBARt. The lowest errors are attained by SSBARv and
FSBA, especially in terms of the translational error. Note that
CBARt performs bad on KITTI-VO-00, which we trace back
to a single difficult, badly modelled subpart of the trajectory
between frames 250 and 300.
From a qualitative point of view, the advantage of our
proposed methods is visualised in Figures 5(a), 5(b) and 5(c),
which show the occasional failure of CBA to produce smooth
Dataset method mean(t) stddev(t) mean(R) stddev(R)
ORB-SLAM 0.1293 0.1676 0.3149 0.4548
CBA 0.0170 0.0413 0.3580 0.5445
CBASpRv 0.0082 0.0046 0.3929 0.4717
SSBARv 0.0078 0.0033 0.3606 0.3684
FSBA 0.0080 0.0035 0.3711 0.4131
ORB-SLAM 0.0073 0.0034 0.0451 0.0312
CBA 0.0079 0.0039 0.0775 0.0392
CBASpRv 0.0050 0.0032 0.0784 0.0392
SSBARv 0.0050 0.0032 0.0806 0.0419
FSBA 0.0051 0.0032 0.0829 0.0435
ORB-SLAM 0.0076 0.0074 0.0432 0.0277
CBA 0.0145 0.0411 0.1039 0.2494
CBASpRv 0.0057 0.0065 0.0951 0.0821
SSBARv 0.0057 0.0066 0.1013 0.0779
FSBA 0.0058 0.0068 0.1074 0.0791
D. Comparison against ORB-SLAM
To conclude, we let our kinematically constrained opti-
mization compete against an established alternative from the
open-source community: ORB-SLAM [28]. RPE results are
again indicated in Table I.
The results confirm that simple CBA is not able to compete
with ORB-SLAM, while methods that impose kinematic
constraints return comparable results and occasionally even
outperform ORB-SLAM. We would like to emphasise that—
although ORB-SLAM also uses CBA in the back-end—it
is a heavily engineered framework that performs additional
tasks to reinforce the health and quality of the underlying
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
noise level
rpe rotational error(deg)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
noise level
rpe rotational error(deg)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
noise level
rpe rotational error(deg)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
noise level
rpe rotational error(deg)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
noise level
rpe rotational error(deg)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
noise level
rpe rotational error(deg)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
noise level
rpe translational error(m)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
noise level
rpe translational error(m)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
noise level
rpe translational error(m)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
noise level
rpe translational error(m)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
noise level
rpe translational error(m)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
noise level
rpe translational error(m)
Fig. 4. Mean and standard deviation of RPE for different methods on real images from the KITTI benchmark. The first row shows rotational errors,
while the second row shows translation errors. Each column presents results on a different dataset. before BA (blue dotted line) denotes the initial error
before optimization.
(a) (b) (c)
Fig. 5. Example trajectory segments for ground truth (Red),CBA (Blue),CBARt (Magenta),CBASpRv (Cyan), SSBARv (Black), and FSBA (Green).
Left: U-turn on KITTI VO-06. Center: Uneven surface on KITTI VO-00. Right: Sharp turn on KITTI VO-10.
graphical model, while our methods simply use the map
built from 1pt method [13]. We therefore again conclude
that the addition of kinematic constraints generally models
the motion well, and increases the ability to handle degrading
visual measurements. TABLE II
20 9.294 8.963 22.225 23.824 18.301
30 13.887 15.661 30.790 35.662 27.270
40 18.162 19.775 57.784 46.733 31.150
50 22.194 22.555 62.120 56.652 43.387
E. Computational efficiency
To conclude, we compare the computational efficiency
of the different methods. As indicated in Table II, the
optimization in simulation is over 1000 frames using the
KITTI-VO-05 trajectory. l.c. denotes the local connectivity,
and thus the number of generated landmarks per frame. The
noise level is set to 4, and the global connectivity to 3. There
is no too significant difference between the various methods,
with automatically differentiated B-spline-based implemen-
tations taking about double the time of conventional bundle
adjustment. The fastest spline-based alternative is FSBA.
The number of control points used in the paper is about
a third of the actual poses. We tested the effect of a varying
number of control points. The most important insight is
that—against the intuition—the computation time is not too
much influenced by the number of control points, as the
number of connections in the optimization graph is in fact
left unchanged. The number of control points mainly affects
the fitness of the spline.
We introduce continuous-time trajectory parametrizations
for an exact modelling of non-holonomic ground vehicle tra-
jectories in bundle adjustment. Its addition strongly improves
accuracy and robustness of monocular visual odometry, es-
pecially as the connectivity of the graph or the quality of
the measurements degrades. For graphs with low connectiv-
ity, the hard-constrained four-dimensional spline formulation
(FSBA) leads to the most stable and accurate results. For
graphs with better connectivity, the best results are obtained
by adding alternating spline regression and the R-v constraint
to the optimization (CBASpRv). A possible explanation may
be given by the fact that this representation still permits local
pitch angle variations resulting from slight uneveness of the
ground surface, and it may be less sensitive to errors in the
extrinsic calibration parameters Tsb. As for their sensitivity,
we have FSBA >SSBARv =CBASpRv. FSBA is most
sensitive due to the hard nature of the constraint.
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... However, in [15], the six DoF pose integration based on the road manifold is reliant on measurements from the wheel odometer. In [42], B-splines are utilized to represent a continuous and smooth trajectory of the vehicle. This representation can also be treated as a method to parameterize the road model. ...
... The utilization of this trajectory effectively enhances the accuracy and robustness of monocular VO. When employing high-dimensional models like polynomials [14,15,20] and B-splines [42,43] to represent the road, initializing parameters becomes challenging. ...
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Intelligent vehicles are constrained by road, resulting in a disparity between the assumed six degrees of freedom (DoF) motion within the Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) system and the approximate planar motion of vehicles in local areas, inevitably causing additional pose estimation errors. To address this problem, a stereo Visual SLAM system with road constraints based on graph optimization is proposed, called RC-SLAM. Addressing the challenge of representing roads parametrically, a novel method is proposed to approximate local roads as discrete planes and extract parameters of local road planes (LRPs) using homography. Unlike conventional methods, constraints between the vehicle and LRPs are established, effectively mitigating errors arising from assumed six Degrees of Freedom (DoF) motions in the system. Furthermore, to avoid the impact of depth uncertainty in road features, epipolar constraints are employed to estimate rotation by minimizing the distance between road feature points and epipolar lines, robust rotation estimation is achieved despite depth uncertainties. Notably, a distinctive nonlinear optimization model based on graph optimization is presented, jointly optimizing the poses of vehicle trajectories, LPRs, and map points. The experiments on two datasets demonstrate that the proposed system achieved more accurate estimations of vehicle trajectories by introducing constraints between the vehicle and LRPs. The experiments on a real-world dataset further validate the effectiveness of the proposed system.
... Expanding on this work, Huang enhanced the robustness of odometry systems by incorporating non-holonomic constraints specific to vehicles. Another promising avenue involves the use of ground contours [29]. Zhang et al successfully estimated ground normal through odometry, thereby augmenting the robustness of various VIO systems [30]. ...
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State estimation is crucial for enabling autonomous mobility in mobile robots. However, traditional localization methods often falter in degraded environments, including issues like visual occlusion, lidar performance degradation, and Global Navigation Satellite System(GNSS) signal interference. This paper presents a novel estimation approach for wheeled robots, exclusively utilizing proprioceptive sensors such as encoders and inertial measurement units (IMU). Initially, the motion manifolds extracted from the historical trajectories are used to assist the encoder in realizing the orientation estimation. Furthermore, a hybrid neural network is designed to categorize the robot's operational state, and the corresponding pseudo-constraints are added to improve the estimation accuracy. We utilize an error state Kalman filter for the encoder and IMU data fusion. Lastly, comprehensive testing is conducted using both datasets and real-world robotic platforms. The findings underscore that the integration of manifold and motion constraints within our proposed state estimator substantially elevates accuracy compared to conventional approaches. Compare with the methods commonly used in engineering, the accuracy of this method is improved by more than 20%. Crucially, this methodology enables dependable estimation even in degraded environments.
... In this paper, we obtain the smooth trajectory on the basis of B-spline which is widely used in curve representation. Moreover, B-spline can be utilized to represent the continuous-time motion of ground vehicles and contributes to the localization task [37]. Assuming that there are n c control points, B-spline curve of q-degree (q<n c ) can be formulated as: ...
The localization of autonomous vehicles mainly depends on GPS-based methods in large-scale outdoor scenarios. Unfortunately, GPS is vulnerable and not reliable in some regions, such as urban canyons. Odometry is taken as a complementary method for positioning in GPS-limited areas, but it suffers from accumulated errors, which limits its application. Topological map is a concise and low-cost representation of real world environment, which can be deemed as one of the information sources for localization. To realize accurate localization in the GPS-limited and large-scale scenes for autonomous vehicles, a generalized localization framework based on the topological map and odometry is proposed in this paper. The odometry trajectory can be automatically aligned with the correct paths of the map through matching without the initial global position. Under this framework, odometry is deemed as the kinematic model while topological map is regarded as a global sensor that is utilized to correct the drift errors of odometry. As an example, the integration of visual odometry and topological map is used to validate the effectiveness of the proposed method on KITTI benchmark. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method can effectively constrain the drift errors of odometry, and it achieves state-of-the-art localization performance compared with existing map-aided methods.
... CTSLAM formulations target these shortcomings and allow asynchronous measurements to be registered at their exact acquisition time, making them appealing in the context of multi-modal sensor calibration [14]- [16], rolling shutter camera [16]- [18] and event-based vision [19], [20] applications. Continuous-time parametrizations not only enable more straightforward sensor fusion schemes, but also allow for a reduction in overall state size in scenarios with low dynamicity, occurring aboard trains or cars [21], [22] for instance. While CTSLAM systems are typically more computationally demanding than their discretized counterparts, recent works [23], [24] show promising results towards a more efficient use of continuous-time parametrizations. ...
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The emerging paradigm of Continuous-Time Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (CTSLAM) has become a competitive alternative to conventional discrete-time approaches in recent times and holds the additional promise of fusing multi-modal sensor setups in a truly generic manner, rendering its importance to robotic navigation and manipulation seminal. In this spirit, this work expands upon continuous-time concepts, evaluates their suitability in common stereo and stereo-inertial online configurations and provides an extensible, generic, robust and modular open-source implementation to the community. The presented experimental analysis records the performance of our approach in these setups against the state-of-the-art in discrete-time Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM) on established datasets, achieving competitive results, and provides a direct comparison between online discrete- and continuous-time approaches for the first time. Targeting the absence of open-sourced, continuous-time pipelines and their associated, oftentimes prohibitive, initial developmental overhead, our implementation is made public.
Conference Paper
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The planar motion of ground vehicles is often non-holonomic, which enables a solution of the two-view relative pose problem from a single point feature correspondence. Man-made environments such as underground parking lots are however dominated by line features. Inspired by the planar tri-focal tensor and its ability to handle lines, we establish an n-linear constraint on the locally circular motion of non-holonomic vehicles able to handle an arbitrarily large and dense window of views. We prove that this stays a uni-variate problem under the assumption of locally constant vehicle speed, and it can transparently handle both point and vertical line correspondences. In particular, we prove that an application of Viete's formulas for extrapolating trigonometric functions of angle multiples and the Weierstrass substitution casts the problem as one that merely seeks the roots of a uni-variate polynomial. We present the complete theory of this novel solver, and test it on both simulated and real data. Our results prove that it successfully handles a variety of relevant scenarios, eventually outperforming the 1-point two-view solver.
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In this paper, we present a novel tightly-coupled probabilistic monocular visual-odometric Simultaneous Localization and Mapping algorithm using wheels and a MEMS gyroscope, which can provide accurate, robust and long-term localization for the ground robot moving on a plane. Firstly, we present an odometer preintegration theory that integrates the wheel encoder measurements and gyroscope measurements to a local frame. The preintegration theory properly addresses the manifold structure of the rotation group SO(3) and carefully deals with uncertainty propagation and bias correction. Then the novel odometer error term is formulated using the odometer preintegration model and it is tightly integrated into the visual optimization framework. Furthermore, we introduce a complete tracking framework to provide different strategies for motion tracking when (1) both measurements are available, (2) visual measurements are not available, and (3) wheel encoder experiences slippage, which leads the system to be accurate and robust. Finally, the proposed algorithm is evaluated by performing extensive experiments, the experimental results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed system.
In this article, we focus on pose estimation dedicated to nonholonomic ground robots with low-cost sensors, by probabilistically fusing measurements from wheel odometers and an exteroceptive sensor. For ground robots, wheel odometers are widely used in pose estimation tasks, especially in applications in planar scenes. However, since wheel odometer only provides two-dimensional (2D) motion measurements, it is extremely challenging to use that for accurate full 6-D pose (3-D position and 3-D orientation) estimation. Traditional methods for 6-D pose estimation with wheel odometers either approximate motion profiles at the cost of accuracy reduction, or rely on other sensors, e.g., inertial measurement unit, to provide complementary measurements. By contrast, we propose a novel motion-manifold-based method for pose estimation of ground robots, which enables to utilize wheel odometers for high-precision 6-D pose estimation. Specifically, the proposed method, first, formulates the motion manifold of ground robots by a parametric representation, second, performs manifold-based 6-D integration with wheel odometer measurements only, and third, reparameterizes manifold representation periodically for error reduction. To demonstrate the effectiveness and applicability of the proposed algorithmic module, we integrate that into a sliding-window pose estimator by using measurements from wheel odometers and a monocular camera. Extensive simulated and real-world experiments are conducted for evaluation, and the proposed algorithm is shown to outperform competing the state-of-the-art algorithms by a significant margin in pose estimation accuracy, especially when deployed in complex, large-scale real-world environments.
We propose a stereo vision-based approach for tracking the camera ego-motion and 3D semantic objects in dynamic autonomous driving scenarios. Instead of directly regressing the 3D bounding box using end-to-end approaches, we propose to use the easy-to-labeled 2D detection and discrete viewpoint classification together with a light-weight semantic inference method to obtain rough 3D object measurements. Based on the object-aware-aided camera pose tracking which is robust in dynamic environments, in combination with our novel dynamic object bundle adjustment (BA) approach to fuse temporal sparse feature correspondences and the semantic 3D measurement model, we obtain 3D object pose, velocity and anchored dynamic point cloud estimation with instance accuracy and temporal consistency. The performance of our proposed method is demonstrated in diverse scenarios. Both the ego-motion estimation and object localization are compared with the state-of-of-the-art solutions.
This paper presents a novel indoor localization method for skid-steering mobile robot by fusing the readings from encoder, gyroscope, and magnetometer which can be read as an enhanced dead-reckoning localization method. Compared with the traditional dead-reckoning localization method implemented by encoder only, the accuracy and reliability can be improved significantly in spite of the price of slightly higher cost in digital devices. The proposed strategy consists mainly of an orientation algorithm and a localization algorithm. First, realizing that gyroscope is barely affected by magnetic field and magnetometer-based orientation has no cumulative error, a novel orientation algorithm, based on the self-tuning Kalman filter coupled with a gross error recognizer, is developed. This orientation algorithm can be applied to determine the robot heading angle in the situation with abundant ferromagnetic materials. Second, based on the orientation algorithm we have proposed, a novel localization algorithm is designed by decomposing the robot motion into uniform linear motion and uniform circular motion. The effectiveness of the proposed indoor localization method is verified via the real-world experiment using a tracked mobile robot developed in our laboratory.