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Abstract and Figures

Designing complex, socio-technical, cyber-physical systems has become increasingly challenging in recent years. Interdependencies between engineering domains can lead to emergent behavior that is difficult to predict and manage. The recent shift toward model-based design has demonstrated significant advantages for minimizing these challenges. Further, the early identification of safety and security design weaknesses in safety-critical systems leads to reduced redesign costs in later design phases. As a result, this article contributes the Multidisciplinary Early Design Risk Assessment Framework for early combined safety and security assessment based on interdisciplinary dependency models of a system. The focus is on factors contributing to the estimation of the probabilities of successful attacks on system components. The Zero Trust paradigm is applied in which all humans, hardware, and processes interacting with the system are considered to pose a security risk. A calculation of security-related probability estimates is presented which is dependent on the current global security environment. Subsequently, security and safety probability estimates are combined to present an overall safety-security risk calculation using hybrid safety-security trees. The risk values help designers assess the loss of specific key components and safety functions. The methodology is demonstrated with a case study of a spent fuel pool cooling system in a nuclear reactor. The results of the case study show that the risk of losing one key system component doubles when combining security and safety compared to only assessing safety events. This paper is based on a paper presented at CIE 2020.
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A Zero Trust Hybrid Security and Safety Risk
Analysis Method
Nikolaos Papakonstantinou
VTT Technical Research Center, Finland
Douglas L. Van Bossuyt
Department of Systems Engineering
Naval Postgraduate School
Monterey, CA 93943 USA
Joonas Linnosmaa
VTT Technical Research Centre, Finland
Britta Hale
Department of Computer Science
Naval Postgraduate School
Monterey, CA 93943 USA
Bryan O’Halloran
Department of Systems Engineering
Naval Postgraduate School
Monterey, CA 93943 USA
Designing complex, socio-technical, cyber-physical systems has become increasingly challenging in recent
years. Interdependencies between engineering domains can lead to emergent behavior that is difficult to predict
and manage. The recent shift toward model-based design has demonstrated significant advantages for minimizing
these challenges [1]. Further, the early identification of safety and security design weaknesses in safety-critical
systems leads to reduced redesign costs in later design phases [2, 3]. As a result, this article contributes the the
Multidisciplinary Early Design Risk Assessment Framework (MEDRAF) methodology for early combined safety
and security assessment based on interdisciplinary dependency models of a system. The focus is on factors con-
Address all correspondence to this author.
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Accepted Manuscript Not Copyedited
Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering. Received September 30, 2020;
Accepted manuscript posted March 15, 2021. doi:10.1115/1.4050685
Copyright © 2021 by ASME
Downloaded from by Naval Postgraduate School user on 01 May 2021
tributing to the estimation of the probabilities of successful attacks on system components. The Zero Trust paradigm
is applied in which all humans, hardware, and processes interacting with the system are considered to pose a se-
curity risk. A calculation of security-related probability estimates is presented which is dependent on the current
global security environment. Subsequently, security and safety probability estimates are combined to present an
overall safety-security risk calculation using hybrid safety-security trees. The risk values help designers assess
the loss of specific key components and safety functions. The methodology is demonstrated with a case study of a
spent fuel pool cooling system in a nuclear reactor. The results of the case study show that the risk of losing one
key system component doubles when combining security and safety compared to only assessing safety events. This
paper is based on a paper presented at the CIE 2020 conference [4].
1 Introduction
With the emergence of new security risks across the globe, many modern, safety-focused systems have become vul-
nerable to security threats. Increased system interoperability demands further exacerbate the issue. While vulnerability to
security threats has increased, the demand for highly capable systems has also increased. Systems are expected to operate
more effectively while they also are being designed on smaller budgets and shorter schedules. This scenario can result in the
design of a system that contains safety hazards, security vulnerabilities, or reliability issues.
The field of model-based design has emerged as an approach to deal with the aforementioned scenario. Examples
of model-based approaches include model-based systems engineering (MBSE), digital engineering, and digital twin. One
benefit of a model-based approach for designing a highly complex system is that it can reduce the time spent performing
analyses when compared to a paper-driven approach, offering more engagement between the analyst and the analysis. As a
result, the approach in this article leverages a model-based design approach as a foundation for modeling safety and security.
The scientific contribution of this paper is the the Multidisciplinary Early Design Risk Assessment Framework (MEDRAF)
methodology which is an extension of the methodology presented in [5] for generating hybrid safety and security trees
from interdisciplinary early system dependency models. This paper specifically focuses on performing estimations for the
security-related threat probabilities towards a Zero Trust model-driven methodology for hybrid safety and security assess-
ment. Namely, in addition to the core issues of reliability, safety, and security, we also incorporate a Zero Trust approach
that assumes the reality of risks posed by individual components, processes, and humans.
A set of security factors is proposed as a basis for the estimation of threat levels extending previous work [6]. As a result
of the quantitative approach, data and values for possible hazardous security and safety basic events is needed. Reliability
and safety data has been extensively gathered during the past decades; however, security data is less understood or access
restricted, amplifying the need to draw knowledge from the system, or in the case of this work, the hybrid model. These
security probability calculations, combined with a consequence, enable the estimation of the overall risk of losing a key
function or component.
The remainder of this paper is organized the following way. First, related research and the necessary background
knowledge is presented in Section 2. In Sections 3 and 4 the methodology is developed and then applied in a case study for
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Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering. Received September 30, 2020;
Accepted manuscript posted March 15, 2021. doi:10.1115/1.4050685
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a spent fuel pool subsystem in a nuclear reactor. Section 5 presents a discussion and Section 6 concludes and offers future
direction of the research.
2 Background
A portion of the systems engineering process focuses on defining the system’s required functionality early in the life-
cycle, proposing and maturing the system, and then verifying and validating (V&V) the final system design against the
requirements of the stakeholders. Within the technical systems engineering processes, off-nominal behavior is considered
independently through several domain areas including security, safety, and reliability [7]. To successfully minimize unwanted
behavior and events from the system, assessments must be applied to the system from the initial design phase.
2.1 Safety Assessment, Risk Analysis
Best practices in systems engineering promote the inclusion of system safety early in a system’s design process. De-
pending on the design phase, the desired results, and the data available, either qualitative or quantitative safety analysis
can be carried out to study the risks in the target system. Basic safety and risk analysis methods (e.g. Preliminary Haz-
ard Analysis (PHA), Fault Tree Analysis (FTA), Failure Modes, Effects, and Criticality Analysis (FMECA), Probabilistic
Risk Assessment (PRA), Function Failure Identification and Propagation Methodology (FFIP), etc.) have been extensively
studied [8, 9, 10, 11, 12]). We use fault trees in this paper; fault trees are “a systematic engineering technique that provides
a diagrammatic representation of the relationships between specific events or component failures and an undesirable top
event” [13]. Fault trees as a tool for early phase dependence modelling is presented in [14], where fault trees are used for
a safety-focused analysis. The concept of fault trees is further expanded with ideas from attack trees and human attacker
scenarios into hybrid trees to cover security related topics in [5]. In [15] the hybrid approach is expanded to cover similarities
for Defence-in-Depth in safety and security.
2.2 Model-Based Systems Engineering Process
Model-based systems engineering (MBSE) consolidates many models, data sets, and other design process information
into one or several inter-operable databases to connect relevant information, analysis, and design efforts together during
the system design process [16]. During the construction, commissioning, and operation of systems designed using the
MBSE philosophy, it is increasingly common to feed information from these phases of the systems engineering process
(which encompasses the system design process) into the same database(s) and re-run analyses conducted during the design
phase to V&V the assumptions and requirements of the system [17]. Estefan surveys MBSE methodologies to capture the
various uses of MBSE models to achieve the intent of the system engineering design process [18]. Cameron et al. [19]
and Weilkiens et al. [20] apply MBSE specifically to system architecture models; however, their work is outside the scope
of the interdisciplinary modeling of security, safety, reliability, and similar disciplines. As noted in [21], more research is
required to understand how to use MBSE for decision making. Madni and Sievers [22] acknowledge the same shortcoming
and further suggest that communication between MBSE models and systems engineering processes is currently lacking. The
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Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering. Received September 30, 2020;
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work presented in this manuscript is intended to offer systems engineers appropriate and insightful information during a
system’s design process with the intent to improve the design process outcome.
2.3 Security Analysis, Zero Trust
Security analyses have long focused on the security of critical components and assumed away all other threats by
declaring other aspects of the system out-of-band (OOB). Unfortunately, this leads to a narrow and unrealistic view of system
security; as such OOB components are considered perfectly secure in such analyses. To address this issue, security analyses
on both the system level, and fine-grained protocol and primitive level have been expanding to encompass an integrated view,
with nothing counted as OOB. At the protocol analysis level, integrated models aka. “ceremonies” were introduced to capture
multi-disciplinary actions such as human behavior with respect to devices and multiple device components [23,24,25,26,27].
On the cyber systems level, research has expanded to cover a wider variety of attacks and more disruptive attacks within
global networks [28].
Parallel to the above analyses is security risk analysis. As in other sub-domains of security, risk analysis has expanded
to include traditionally out-of-scope considerations such as insider threats in industrial technological systems [29] and com-
bining security and safety in risk assessment [30]. Under scenarios where security is influenced by all factors in a system –
human and machine alike – it is important to consider threat assessment from all directions, namely “the way forward cannot
be found solely in mathematics or technology” [31].
Zero Trust (ZT) is an information security framework that states that organizations should not trust any entity inside
or outside of their perimeter at any time. Every device, user, app, and network that has access to business data needs to
be secured, managed, and monitored – the principle of “never trust, always verify” [32]. Instead of protecting network
segments, ZT focuses on protecting resources, i.e. instead of assuming that every user inside a network is trustworthy and
cleared for access, no user is trusted, whether inside or outside of the network. This is specifically in response to enterprise
trends that include remote users and cloud-based assets that are not located within an enterprise-owned network boundary.
The American Council for Technology-Industry Advisory Council (ACT-IAC) has published a report about new and
more effective IT security architectures for governmental agencies [33]. In their work they found that ZT solutions are
widely available and currently in use in the private sector, and that there are many companies developing new capabilities
and solutions to support ZT. In the U.S., NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) is preparing to publish a
NIST Special Publication (SP) 800-207 about Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA) [34]. In research and industry ZT has been
used, for example, for Big Data security [35], IoT [36], and Cloud computing [37].
To do quantitative/probabilistic analysis for security, value data (or estimates) for security threats related basic events
are needed. According to Buldas et al. [38], getting this information is not as easy as largely believed. Buldas et al. state that
assigning a reliable attribute value, which is sufficiently precise and refined, to each basic attack step has proven difficult and
hard to obtain. Often in industry, companies manage to obtain their own statistical historical data for abstract attacks, but
might struggle with more refined statistics. Buldas et al. concluded there is a clear tension between the limited availability
of data and the need to get values for risk quantification methods. Such tension was observed when reviewing papers from
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Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering. Received September 30, 2020;
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the domain; research papers introducing novel security analysis methods, for example [39, 40], often assume that the data
values are readily available and do not discuss the topic further.
One popular public source for estimating security related data values is the Common Vulnerability Scoring System
(CVSS) [41], which is a public initiative designed to address the issue of scoring software vulnerabilities by presenting a
framework for assessing and quantifying them. For example, [42] use a combination of Markov chains and CVSS to compute
the probability distribution of cloud security threats. The same can be observed in [43], which explores attack graphs using
Bayesian Networks and the CVSS index. Another often referenced study by [44] identified the biggest security threats in
industry and the probabilities relating to them (see Table 1) by interviewing chief information security officers and from
literature review. [45] uses data from the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for an estimation
of cyber-security breach probability using Bayes formula. We take a different approach: while these variants consider
probabilities of specific attacks, and are therefore tied to system-specific design (e.g. software specific security attacks or
experience of individuals working on specific systems), we tie probabilities to human behavior as well. This necessitates a
model design paradigm change that uses the human actor as the cyber attacker, instead of considering attackers as devices.
Number of Attacks per Month >100 51 100 10 50 <10 None No Answer
1. Act of Human Error or Failure 5.2% 2.1% 14.6% 41.7% 24.0% 12.5%
2. Compromises to Intellectual Property 1.0% 2.1% 3.1% 25.0% 61.5% 7.3%
3. Deliberate Acts of Espionage or Treason 4.2% 3.1% 3.1% 20.8% 68.8%
4. Deliberate Acts of Information Extortion 1.0% 8.3% 90.6%
5. Deliberate Acts of Sabotage or Vandalism 1.0% 3.1% 31.3% 64.6%
6. Deliberate Acts of Theft 7.3% 38.5% 54.2%
7. Deliberate Software Attacks 11.5% 9.4% 14.6% 47.9% 16.7%
8. Forces of Nature 1.0% 2.1% 34.4% 62.5%
9. Quality of Service Deviations from Service Providers 1.0% 8.3% 43.8% 46.9%
10. Technical Hardware Failures or Errors 3.1% 11.5% 51.0% 34.4%
11. Technical Software Failures or Errors 5.2% 18.8% 45.8% 30.2%
12. Technological Obsolescence 1.0% 15.6% 21.9% 60.4% 1.0%
Average Responses 4.0% 3.4% 8.6% 34.2% 51.2% 6.9%
2.4 Combined safety and security assessment
While work has been done on the security of industrial technology systems [29] and smart grids [46], these works
focused strictly on the security aspects of critical infrastructure. The usual approaches to analysis that these works apply
include attack trees [47, 48, 49] and game theoretic approaches [50, 51]. We build on the attack tree line of research but
extend the cyber security risk focus to safety.
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Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering. Received September 30, 2020;
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One piece of work that similarly takes on the complicated, combined problem of security and safety risk analysis does
so by combining bowtie analysis and attack trees for respective safety and security analysis [30]. The two components are
separately analyzed, and the likelihood is presented as an output pair (safety, security). The bowtie analysis is based on a fault
tree (left part of the “bow”) leading to an event (center of the “bow”) and then follows an event tree (right part of the “bow”).
Traditional PRA, at least in the nuclear domain, follows a different structure where a set of initiating events is considered as
the design basis of the plant (i.e.: the system should be prepared for the initiating events). For each of these events there is an
event tree that estimates the consequences depending on the activation of safety functions or other mitigation measures. Then
fault trees are developed for each of the safety functions for the calculation of the probability of the consequences. In this
paper we focus on fault trees for the safety analysis, taking security also into account, which allows for smooth integration of
attack trees in the hybrid model. As part of the ZT framework, and building on the larger view of integrated analysis within
security, we do not separate out the component pieces but allow for the potential of a security attack to influence the safety
of a system and vice versa, yielding a single output. This is consistent with real-world scenarios, where a cyber attack could
cause system failure, etc., resulting in a safety risk, while failure of physical system safety could open the door to a cyber
3 Methodology
The key concept presented in this section is the development of a methodology to support combined safety and security
assessment. The methodology is applied during the early phase of design and is based on the interdisciplinary model of
a complex, socio-technical, and cyber-physical system. Previous work [5] focused on the automatic creation of hybrid
(safety/security) fault/attack tree topology from a dependency model. In this previous research no consideration was given
to the actual calculation of overall risk; it was out of scope. This prior work is extended in this article with the estimation
of security-related probabilities, the quantification of an overall combined safety and security risk, and the formalization of
a model-based approach. This extension completes the combined safety and security risk assessment and it is closer to the
state of the art safety-focused methods like PRA.
The motivation of the proposed methodology is to provide a practical workflow for early complex system design that is
based on 3 key principles:
1. Holistic interdisciplinary modeling can aid safety and security assessments to identify difficult issues emerging from
interdisciplinary relationships between system elements. These dependencies are often discovered late in the design
process when system development happens in engineering discipline-based silos.
2. Combined safety and security assessments, instead of treating safety and security separately, can highlight safety
implications of security incidents as well as promote the concept of overall resilience. There is significant methodology
overlap between safety and security engineering during design (e.g. defense in depth, ZT, every component may fail) and
during assessment (fault/attack trees, event trees, overall risk calculations). An added benefit is the early identification
of trade-offs between safety and security (e.g. access to critical safety equipment).
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Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering. Received September 30, 2020;
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3. These early combined assessments need to be automated based on past knowledge, prototype software tools for DiD,
and PRA modeling (fault trees, event trees). Automation enables the potential to provide near real-time support to
designers for safe and secure designs, so that design decisions that increase the overall risk are noticed as soon as
possible. This is not easy when assessments are done at major system development milestones down the line; when
issues are identified at milestones, the consequence can be a costly redesign – or even worse – an attempt to justify the
weakness and ask for an exception.
To clarify the methodology’s application, we first introduce and discuss a generalized framework (the Multidisciplinary
Early Design Risk Assessment Framework (MEDRAF)) to relate the methodology (system-agnostic) with the dependency
model (system-specific). The methodology (“METHOD & PROCESS” and “TOOLS” in Figure 1) developed in this work
is inherently system-agnostic. We adhere to the following definitions, which are based on [52]; a methodology itself is a
composition of a process, a method, and a tool; a process is a set of tasks designated to accomplish a specific goal; a method
is a set of techniques applied within a process to accomplish a specific goal; and a tool is the instrument utilized by the
method to accomplish a specific goal [52]. In contrast to the methodology, the dependency model (“MODELS” in Figure
1) is a representation of the system. Within the dependency model is a set of common systems engineering design models.
These models generally fall into the following categories: functional models (e.g. functional block diagram and functional
hierarchy) to relate levels of the functional hierarchy to one another and functions within a hierarchy level to one another,
including functional redundancy; discipline-specific models to capture the specific relationships between physical items and
their associated principles (e.g. master interconnect diagram, electrical diagrams, mechanical diagrams, etc.); knowledge
bases to use as source data (e.g. list of failures, list of hazards, historical occurrence, etc.); and interoperability models
that capture the mapping between the models (indicated with dashed lines in Figure 1). Figure 1 presents an overview of
the method and process, the models, and the tools in the context of MEDRAF. The remainder of this section describes the
method; the approach used is to present the process by discussing the method’s sttiff. The techniques, tools, models, etc. are
then discussed within each step.
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Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering. Received September 30, 2020;
Accepted manuscript posted March 15, 2021. doi:10.1115/1.4050685
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Sttiff 1-3 are described in detail in [5]. The first step calls for the development of an interdisciplinary model of the
system that maps dependencies between system components and across disciplines. Within the dependency model are
several design models to capture different aspects of the system including functionality, processes (e.g. pipelines, process
components), electrical distribution, instrumentation and automation software, environment (e.g. floors, rooms), human
factors, etc. A variety of software packages such as Papyrus [53] support constructing these models using the Universal
Modeling Language (UML) and similar modeling languages. Security-related elements are also included, such as external
attackers, to extend the model and allow it to be used in Step 2 as a basis for the generation of Hybrid (fault/attack) Tree
Statements (HTS) . Each HTS is an individual path between the top event and a cause of the top event. An algorithm
outlined in [5] is used to generate the HTS. The set of HTS are merged to generate the complete Hybrid Tree in Step 3 of
the methodology. This process is assisted by software that parses the interdisciplinary model in an open standard modelling
language such as UML. Software such as [54] and [55] can be used to model the Hybrid Trees.
Step 4 of the methodology (the first primary contributions of this paper) is the estimation of the threat risk level of
security-related basic events. The source of the attack is always considered to be a human, either as part of the system
(following the ZT principle) or external to the system. Figure 2 presents a set of key factors involved in the probability of a
successful attack.
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Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering. Received September 30, 2020;
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Firstly, it is important to estimate the probability of a human wanting to attack the system (Pa). This can be broken
down to different scenarios:
* A human external to the system wanting to attack directly (Pa1) or by being successful in reaching and influencing a
human part of the system to attack using social engineering methods (Pa1*Pa3*Pa4).
* A human part of the system wanting to attack on her own will (Pa2).
* This results to Pa =Pa1+Pa2+(Pa1*Pa3*Pa4).
Then follows an estimation of the attacker choosing to attack a specific system component (Pt). Previous work [6]
presented three key factors for the “attractiveness” of attacking a specific component based on the perception of the attacker:
* Ease of Attack (EOA).
* Degree of Stealth (DOS), probability of the attack being undetected.
* Perceived Impact/Consequence (PIC) for how severe the attack would be to the system.
The final factors are the estimation of the attacker being able to reach (using physical or cyber means) the system
component under attack (Ps1) (e.g. depending on the relevant location to the attacker) and for the component being vulnerable
to that specific attack (Ps2). Note the difference of the attacker’s perception on how easy an attack is (EOA parameter, part
of Pt probability) and the estimation of how easy the attack is (Ps1). The total probability (Ps) to reach and compromise the
component is:
Ps =Ps1*Ps2
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Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering. Received September 30, 2020;
Accepted manuscript posted March 15, 2021. doi:10.1115/1.4050685
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The combination of these probabilities gives the overall probability of a successful attack on a system component (Pfinal):
Pfinal =Pa*Pt*Ps
The estimation of specific numerical values for the different probabilities strongly depends on the domain (e.g. defense
systems, safety critical infrastructure, etc.) and the current security environment (e.g.: attackers, vulnerabilities). It is
important to note that security assessments are not static because the causes (attackers) and the possible vulnerabilities
change/evolve over time as new types of attacks are developed.
The sensitivity of the outcome of Step 4 to changes in the above probabilities is highly system-specific. It is rec-
ommended to conduct a sensitivity study of a system to understand which probability variables may require additional
uncertainty reduction.
In Step 5 (the second primary contribution of this paper) the reliability probabilities and the attack probabilities are
combined in a common fault/attack tree for the estimation of the overall risk of losing a specific component/function.
The dependencies between the components of a simple process example are presented in Figure 3. The basic system
components are named A to E, where components C and D are redundant. Attackers AttA and AttD (see Figure 3) are
also included in the model. A combined safety and security fault/attack tree model can be developed in a safety assessment
tool like SAPHIRE (see Figure 4) focusing on top event, e.g. the failure of component A. Some basic events of this tree are
reliability related and existing knowledge from databases or expert knowledge can be applied to add failure probabilities. The
process described above (also see Figure 2) can help to estimate the probability of components A and D being successfully
attacked by AttA and AttD respectively. Even using arbitrary estimations for probabilities Pa, Pt, and Ps for attacks to system
components, a risk assessment that includes just reliability aspects does give a lower overall risk of a top event compared
to a hybrid (safety/security) assessment. In this simple example, using a fixed probability for reliability and security basic
events (103), the fault tree (only faults) gave an overall risk of 6 ·103while the model including faults and attacks gives
an overall risk of 7·103. The main additional contribution was from the basic event of AttA causing harm to Component A
with a probability of 103).
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4 Case Study
The case study demonstrating the proposed MEDRAF methodology for hybrid safety/security assessment is a spent fuel
pool cooling system (also used in previous relevant work [5, 15]). The temperature of a water pool containing spent nuclear
fuel is regulated using two redundant cooling loops and an additional emergency water supply. An overview of the system is
given in Figure 5.
The interdisciplinary dependency model of the system includes several diagrams as follows. Figure 6 describes the
topology of the process where part of the process model is shown with arrows indicating flow through the system. Figure 7
shows the human factors model where part of the model of how humans interact with the system is provided indicating the
internal and external threats to the system posed by the humans. Figure 8 shows the allocation of components to rooms in
the power plant. Figure 9 is a model of how the automation software interacts with the system. Human attackers external to
the system are also added to the model. These diagrams are commonly generated using software packages such as Cameo
[56], Papyrus [53], and similar tools as part of a digital engineering and MBSE-driven system design process [19, 17, 57].
Following the Zero Trust paradigm, security attacks can originate from humans outside or within the system (e.g. through
their own will or via coercion).
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SONS) [5].
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The risk assessment can start by selecting a set of initiating events that are considered as the design basis for the safety
of the plant (i.e. the plant’s design should be able to handle the initiating events in a way that minimizes undesirable
consequences). For every initiating event (e.g. a loss of coolant accident in the spent fuel pool cooling system), an event tree
is developed that captures the different consequences depending on the (or lack of) activation of the safety functions of the
plant (see Figure 10). A fault tree is compiled, based on the system design, that captures the overall probability of losing a
specific safety function. In a traditional safety assessment, this fault tree has reliability-related basic events with the failure
probabilities as leaves. The MEDRAF methodology proposed in this article calls for the development of a hybrid (safety and
security) tree with the inclusion of safety and security basic events (attacks to specific system components).
The loss of the control software of the emergency water supply system is selected as an example from the case study.
Figure 11 presents a hybrid tree that was developed in the SAPHIRE PRA tool. As in the simple example in the methodology
section, overall risk calculations are made for two versions of the tree, one with just reliability basic events (fault tree) and
one with reliability and attack basic events (hybrid tree). A fixed probability of 103is used for both the safety and security
events. In real cases, these probabilities need to vary according to the domain and the specific human attacker under study.
The overall risk assessment when only safety is considered gives an overall risk of 5 ·103, with main contributions from
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internal bugs in the software, the software being accidentally damaged by the developer/distributor/maintenance person, or
the software being broken by errors in the control automation hardware. The overall calculation when attacks are added
to the assessment gives an overall risk of 1.1·102(more than two times higher than the safety-only calculation). The
main additional risks come from attacks by the humans that are part of, or external to, the system with either physical or
cyber/remote access to the control software.
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In the case of the control software failure (Figure 9), the dependency model shows that there are many people across
the system lifecycle (e.g. design, deployment, operation, maintenance phases) that can have access to the control software.
These persons can be divided into those who have direct access due through their role to the system and, for some reason,
are motivated to attack the plant (e.g. radicalization, revenge, etc.), and those who are outside the system and try to break
in. In cases of collusion between outside attackers and inside attackers, we consider internal attackers to cover both those
who are strictly internal and a combination of external and internal. This comes from the fact that a solo internal attacker
can also launch attacks from outside, while an external attacker can be assumed to have no internal capabilities. Collusion
can be achieved through willful collusion, deception (e.g. fooling the insider into providing information or connecting an
unauthorized device to a secured network), benefits (monetary bribes or other incentives), and fear/extortion (e.g. threatening
their lives or the lives of their loved ones).
5 Discussion
The MEDRAF methodology presented in this article proposes to integrate safety and security risk analysis from a ZT
perspective during the early conceptual design phase of a systems engineering project where a cyber-physical (a system
with both hardware and software components) is being developed. Implementing the MEDRAF methodology in a MBSE-
driven system design process allows for real-time safety/security risk assessment as design decisions are being made. For
instance, a designer choosing to connect both a primary and secondary controller to the same power source could be detected
and flagged as a risk that needs to be addressed at the time of the decision versus much later during a design review or
even after a system has been fielded. The MEDRAF methodology also provides the possibility of continuously assessing
safety/security throughout the system life cycle as new threats emerge and zero-day exploits are uncovered, and as new
personnel are brought in to operate and maintain the system among other potential uses.
We assert that a ZT paradigm is appropriate to use in developing modern systems because of the potential for bad
actors, state actors, industrial espionage, and other personnel compromises throughout the systems engineering process.
Such attacks can come from both internal and external sources, and may occur within the design itself both in hardware and
software development or externally via cyber connections. The MEDRAF methodology presented here may help in adopting
the ZT paradigm more quickly in risk analysis processes.
While we advocate the MEDRAF ZT hybrid safety/security risk assessment methodology presented above, the method-
ology is intended to be used as part of a suite of risk assessment analysis methods. For instance, where appropriate, FMECA
should still be performed and other efforts such as identifying and mitigating spurious signals into a system should be under-
taken [58]. The methodology is meant to augment – not replace – existing analysis methods.
The sensitivity of the results of the MEDRAF methodology to changes in probability of specific attacks is highly de-
pendent on the system design. One potential area of further study is investigating how understanding sensitivity to change in
probability could be used to redesign a system to be less impacted by changes in probability. Conducting a sensitivity study
may also help to identify which probabilities need further refinement to reduce uncertainty.
The MEDRAF method presented above closes a gap between existing methods to conduct security risk assessments
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and safety risk assessments, and does so assuming ZT. Existing methods conduct security risk assessments and safety risk
assessments separately. In practice, this often means that different people in different organizations within a company
conduct the two analyses at different times during a system design process. While some information may cross between
the two analyses, we have observed in practice that this is not commonly achieved. Further, identifying risks that cross the
security and the safety risk analyses is not common using existing methods. For instance, the fault tree shown in Figure
4 would be developed as two separate fault trees that would not be integrated during separate analyses. Missing potential
security and safety risks due to not combining the analyses into the MEDRAF method presented in this paper may open a
system to significant system failure events in operation. Identifying such risks much later in the design process after separate
analyses are manually compared without the benefit of the proposed method may cause significant cost and schedule overruns
as a result of needing either to redesign a portion of the system or develop a remediation subsystem to deal with the potential
risk. As discussed in the case study, a simple example of combining the safety and security analyses together in the MEDRAF
methodology more than doubled the risk calculation result. Thus, we assert that the proposed method is likely to improve
identification of potential security and safety risks, and especially hybrid security and safety risks over existing methods.
6 Conclusions and Future Research
This article presented the MEDRAF methodology for a combined safety and security assessment based on early inter-
disciplinary models of the system. The foundational argument in favor of a combined safety and security assessment is that
security events can have safety consequences and the end goal is a system that is more resilient to both safety and security
root causes. The concurrent development and assessment of safety and security can also potentially reveal trade-offs and
initiate a discussion among the disciplines in a design process. The MEDRAF methodology is specifically used to for esti-
mating the probability of successful attacks to system components. This is a first step toward improving security and safety
assessment; the topic of accurately calculating security risks is still very active and broad. The ZT principle used in the
MEDRAF methodology means that no human can be trusted in the same way no component is considered perfectly reliable.
The MEDRAF methodology is demonstrated on a spent fuel pool cooling system case study and shows that the overall risk
calculation is heavily impacted when security-related basic events are also considered.
Quantifying security risks is complicated and requires current and accurate intelligence (i.e. information) about the
current security world and local threat climate, and domain knowledge. The fact that security risks are changing over time
needs to be taken into consideration, and a security assessment will need to be updated regularly to include new possibilities
for attack.
This research is partially supported by the VTT Technical Research Centre and the Naval Postgraduate School. Any
opinions or findings of this work are the responsibility of the authors, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the sponsors
or collaborators. The case study presented in this publication, while inspired by real systems, is intentionally fictional and
idealized in nature.
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... Several emerging trends are: AI and Machine Learning Integration: Strong level AI and ML computations have been gradually incorporated into the Zero Trust systems, improving threat identification, authentication, and access control choices. Password less Authentication: Biometrics, behavioral check and contraption founded authentication are getting popular as more secure and easy compared to password security [10]. Edge Computing Security: Since Fintech firms are driving edge computing for faster processing, it is becoming essential to apply Zero Trust principles to edge devices and networks. ...
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This technical report aims to analyze the implementation of End-to-End Well-Architected Zero Trust Architecture in Fintech cloud settings. It discusses the enhancement of cybersecurity measures and focuses on the Zero Trust model within the context of Fintech. It then goes to the Artificial Intelligence in Fraud Detection Systems and its components and function within the Zero Trust architecture. It deconstructs the structure’s ideas, advantages and drawbacks, in addition to, looking at the emerging patterns and future developments. The overview shall also present a guarded perspective on how Zero Trust principles can further enhance security in Fintech cloud setting and provide suggestions for possible implementation and development of collection to opportunity. Keywords: Zero Trust Architecture, Fintech, Cloud Environments, Cybersecurity, AI- Powered, Fraud Detection, Machine Learning, Identity and Access Management (IAM).
... Password less Authentication: Biometrics, behavioral check and contraption founded authentication are getting popular as more secure and easy compared to password security [10]. Edge Computing Security: Since Fintech firms are driving edge computing for faster processing, it is becoming essential to apply Zero Trust principles to edge devices and networks. ...
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This technical report aims to analyze the implementation of End-to-End Well-Architected Zero Trust Architecture in Fintech cloud settings. It discusses the enhancement of cybersecurity measures and focuses on the Zero Trust model within the context of Fintech. It then goes to the Artificial Intelligence in Fraud Detection Systems and its components and function within the Zero Trust architecture. It deconstructs the structure's ideas, advantages and drawbacks, in addition to looking at the emerging patterns and future developments. The overview shall also present a guarded perspective on how Zero Trust principles can further enhance security in Fintech cloud setting and provide suggestions for possible implementation and development of collection to opportunity.
... This is analyzed using flow state logic (FSL) [31]. The FFIP research community has developed many augmentations to FFIP including and this list continues to expand [32][33][34][35][36][37]. ...
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The pending development of a cryptographically relevant quantum computer (CRQC) puts cryptographic security relying on public key cryptography at risk. Such cryptography can be found throughout systems today, including cyber-physical systems , which raises a question on when to transition security to quantum resistant alternatives, i.e., post-quantum cryptography. Criticality of transition timeline and planning can be non-trivial for system managers and the cybersecurity risk of transition delay is often opaque. This paper investigates functional system modeling techniques for planning and risk mitigation against quantum threats to confidentiality in cyber-physical systems. The research in this paper applies systems engineering and design engineering tools such as Functional Modeling in the form of Functional Failure Identification and Propagation (FFIP) and Flow State Logic (FSL) to analyze flow paths and provide quantum vulnerability metrics for cyber-physical systems. Using this insight, this work further provides guidance on how such metrics can be used to plan system transition for quantum resistance. Timeline upgrade prioritization of functions and their component solutions to prepare for the threat of a CRQC is possible with the method proposed in this paper. A simplified case study of a polar research facility is presented to demonstrate the method. This paper introduces the concept of Quantum Vulnerability Information Timeline (QVIT) in the context of system modeling and demonstrates within the case study how QVIT values can be calculated for various system components to estimate preparation timelines against quantum threats.
... He offered this framework as a solution to the limitations of traditional security approaches in effectively dealing with advancing cyber threats. The Zero Trust Model is based on assumptions that challenge traditional security paradigms [42], [43]. ZTA is built on the following basic assumptions: ...
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As sixth-generation (6G) cellular networks emerge, promising unparalleled connectivity and capabilities, yet it amplifies concerns regarding security vulnerabilities. These networks include a broader array of devices and sensors compared to earlier generations, increasing the potential for attackers to exploit weaknesses. Existing security frameworks contribute to safeguarding enterprises against external threats that originate beyond the network perimeter. These frameworks operate under the assumption that all entities inside the defined perimeters are reliable, and their primary objective is to authorize access to resources based on assigned roles and permissions. However, this strategy could be more effective today since attacks might originate from any source, including within the network perimeter. To address this issue, a zero-trust architecture (ZTA) could be a potential solution that assumes neither users nor devices can be inherently trusted, and it consistently evaluates potential risks to decide whether to allowaccess to resources. This article will explore the zero-trust approach and its significance in contemporary network security. We describe the role of authentication and access control in ZTA and present an in-depth discussion of state-of-the-art authentication and access control techniques in different scenarios. This article examines the applicability of the zero-trust concept in 6G networks and analyzes the associated challenges and opportunities. This article also examines case studies demonstrating the practical application of the zero trust paradigm in 6G or comparable networks. It explores the research scope and tries to identify relevant research gaps in this area.
As a civilized society, we need to become operationally aware that Homo sapiens is part of nature and that Humanity depends on the integrity and the proper functioning of our planet's natural bio-physico-chemical processes. The first module (chapters) of the three composing the book provides a basic introduction into the matter and a synthesis of what needs to be known about sustainable development, cities and eco-cities—before delving into the core method.
In contrast to the literal definition of zero trust, the term “zero” in this context refers to zero implicit or inherent trust rather than an absolute lack of trust. Sociological research has demonstrated that as two parties’ mutual trust grows, the objective implicit trust which is based on social norms becomes less and less important than the subjective implicit trust which is built up through repeated interactions.
The popularity of zero trust cybersecurity architecture is rising and is currently surpassing that of traditional perimeter defense. Single perimeter cybersecurity approaches are less successful in the face of an ever-changing corporate network landscape and a growing remote and hybrid workforce (Arabi and Mahmoud. in Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT) 12:5381–5389, 2021). Zero trust is preferred even by the US government and Department of Defense due to its efficacy in decreasing contemporary cyberattacks.
In today’s digital landscape, organizations face an ever-growing array of security threats and regulatory challenges. With the proliferation of data breaches, cyberattacks, and stringent regulatory requirements, it has become imperative for businesses to adopt a proactive approach to security and compliance.
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In recent years there has been increased demand for readiness and availability metrics across many industries and especially in national defense to enable data-driven decision making at all levels of planning, maintenance, and operations, and in leveraging integrated models that inform stakeholders of current operational system health and performance metrics. The digital twin (DT) has been identified as a promising approach for deploying these models to fielded systems although several challenges exist in wide adoption and implementation. Two challenges examined in this article are that the nature of DT development is a system-specific endeavor, and the development is usually an additional effort that begins after initial system fielding. A fundamental challenge with DT development, which sets it apart from traditional models, is the DT itself is treated as a separate system, and therefore the physical asset/DT construct becomes a system-of-systems problem. This article explores how objectives in DT development align with those of model-based systems engineering (MBSE), and how the MBSE process can answer questions necessary to define the DT. The key benefits to the approach are leveraging work already being performed during system synthesis and DT development is pushed earlier in a system's lifecycle. This article contributes to the definition and development processes for DTs by proposing a DT development model and path, a method for scoping and defining requirements for a DT, and an approach to integrate DT and system development. An example case study of a Naval unmanned system is presented to illustrate the contributions. K E Y W O R D S autonomy, digital twin, health monitoring, model-based systems engineering, prognostics, systems engineering, unmanned surface vessel
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Designing and improving the resilience of complex sociotechnical/cyber-physical systems is not a simple task. Interdependencies between engineering domains can lead to emerging behavior which is difficult to predict and handle. Early identification of safety and security weaknesses of a safety-critical system leads to reduced redesign costs in later design phases. The scientific contribution of this paper is a method for early combined safety and security assessment based on interdisciplinary dependency models of the system. The focus is on the factors contributing to the estimation of the probabilities of successful attacks to system components. The Zero Trust paradigm is applied, in which all humans part of, or external to, the system pose a security risk. The estimation of security-related probabilities enables a combined safety and security overall risk calculation for the probability of losing specific key components or safety functions. The calculation of the security-related probabilities is a dynamic and difficult process that heavily depends on the domain and current global security environment. The methodology of this paper is demonstrated with a fictional case study of a spent fuel pool cooling system. The results of the case study showed that the overall risk of losing one key system component doubled when combining security and safety compared to only assessing safety events.
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Increasingly tight coupling and heavy connectedness in systems of systems (SoS) presents new problems for systems designers and engineers. While the failure of one system within a loosely coupled SoS may produce little collateral damage beyond a loss in SoS capability, a highly interconnected SoS can experience significant damage when one member system fails in an unanticipated way. It is therefore important to develop systems that are “good neighbors” with the other systems in a SoS by failing in ways that do not further degrade a SoS's ability to complete its mission. This paper presents a method to (1) analyze a system of interest (SoI) for potentially harmful spurious system emissions (failure flows that exit the SoI's system boundary and may cause failure initiating events in other systems within the SoS), and (2) choose mitigation strategies that provide the best return on investment for the SoS. The method is intended for use during the system architecture phase of the system design process when functional architectures are being developed, and analysis of alternatives and trade-off studies are being conducted.
Conference Paper
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Safety and security of complex critical infrastructures is very important for economic, environmental and social reasons. The interdisciplinary and inter-system dependencies within these infrastructures introduce difficulties in the safety and security design. Late discovery of safety and security design weaknesses can lead to increased costs, additional system complexity, ineffective mitigation measures and delays to the deployment of the systems. Traditionally, safety and security assessments are handled using different methods and tools, although some concepts are very similar, by specialized experts in different disciplines and are performed at different system design life-cycle phases. The methodology proposed in this paper supports a concurrent safety and security Defense in Depth (DiD) assessment at an early design phase and it is designed to handle safety and security at a high level and not focus on specific practical technologies. It is assumed that regardless of the perceived level of security defenses in place, a determined (motivated, capable and/or well-funded) attacker can find a way to penetrate a layer of defense. While traditional security research focuses on removing vulnerabilities and increasing the difficulty to exploit weaknesses, our higher-level approach focuses on how the attacker’s reach can be limited and to increase the system’s capability for detection, identification, mitigation and tracking. The proposed method can assess basic safety and security DiD design principles like Redundancy, Physical separation, Functional isolation, Facility functions, Diversity, Defense lines/Facility and Computer Security zones, Safety classes/Security Levels, Safety divisions and physical gates/conduits (as defined by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)) and international standards) concurrently and provide early feedback to the system engineer. A prototype tool is developed that can parse the exported project file of the interdisciplinary model. Based on a set of safety and security attributes, the tool is able to assess aspects of the safety and security DiD capabilities of the design. Its results can be used to identify errors, improve the design and cut costs before a formal human expert inspection. The tool is demonstrated on a case study of an early conceptual design of a complex system of a nuclear power plant.
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System of interest (SoI) failures can sometimes be traced to an unexpected behavior occurring within another system that is a member of the system of systems (SoS) with the SoI. This article presents a method for use when designing an SoI that helps to analyze an SoS for unexpected behaviors from existing SoS members during the SoI's conceptual functional modeling phase of system architecture. The concept of irrationality initiators—unanticipated or unexpected failure flows emitted from one system that adversely impact an SoI, which appear to be impossible or irrational to engineers developing the new system—is introduced and implemented in a quantitative risk analysis method. The method is implemented in the failure flow identification and propagation framework to yield a probability distribution of failure paths through an SoI in the SoS. An example of a network of autonomous vehicles operating in a partially denied environment is presented to demonstrate the method. The method presented in this paper allows practitioners to more easily identify potential failure paths and prioritize fixing vulnerabilities in an SoI during functional modeling when significant changes can still be made with minimal impact to cost and schedule.
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Editor's Note Cyber risk management has been integrated into companies' day-today operations. However, the evolving threats and fragmented data on cyber risk present a challenge for companies to understand and quantify a cybersecurity breach. In this issue, we are pleased to share with readers a research paper from Professor Shemyakin and his team from University of St. Thomas on Estimating Probability of a Cybersecurity Breach. This article discusses how to estimate probability of a breach for a specific database application. In a simple example, the probability of a breach for a database with 100,000 records can be estimated by the probability of a database breach and a BF factor. The BF factor is derived from a predictive model as discussed below. This estimate would provide decision-makers information about the probability of a breach for a specific application, so to identify the most vulnerable applications, and make it possible to assign "risk ratings" on applications.
Attack trees are considered a useful tool for security modelling because they support qualitative as well as quantitative analysis. The quantitative approach is based on values associated to each node in the tree, expressing, for instance, the minimal cost or probability of an attack. Current quantitative methods for attack trees allow the analyst to, based on an initial assignment of values to the leaf nodes, derive the values of the higher nodes in the tree. In practice, however, it shows to be very difficult to obtain reliable values for all leaf nodes. The main reasons are that data is only available for some of the nodes, that data is available for intermediate nodes rather than for the leaf nodes, or even that the available data is inconsistent. We address these problems by developing a generalisation of the standard bottom-up calculation method in three ways. First, we allow initial attributions of non-leaf nodes. Second, we admit additional relations between attack steps beyond those provided by the underlying attack tree semantics. Third, we support the calculation of an approximative solution in case of inconsistencies. We illustrate our method, which is based on constraint programming, by a comprehensive case study.