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A sequencing-free assay for foliose Ulva species identification, hybrid detection and bulk biomass characterisation

  • Technological University of the Shannon

Abstract and Figures

Sea Lettuce (Ulva spp. Ulvophyceae, Ulvaceae) has tremendous ecological and industrial impacts, from the negative effects of green tide events to the industrial production of food, feed, and value-added products. Due to the morphological similarities between Ulva species, their identification requires the use of “barcoding”, which relies on the sequencing of short fragments of DNA and the comparison of the obtained sequence to that of sequences present in public repositories. However, Sanger sequencing can be costly when hundreds of samples need to be analysed. In addition, “barcoding”, which uses Sanger sequencing, cannot be applied directly on bulk biomass, and requires independent assessment of the individuals within, which is often not possible in commercial products. Here, we describe a novel “sequencing-free” method for species identification of foliose Ulva species that by-passes the drawbacks associated with Sanger sequencing. The assay uses restriction digestion enzymes which target species-specific Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) present within the ITS1 sequence. Digestion of the ITS1 PCR product with two enzyme mixtures allows for the discrimination of the main foliose Ulva species, as well as U. compressa, which can have a foliose morphotype. Of the species tested, only U. pseudorotundata and U. arasakii show the same digestion pattern. Since those two Ulva species are allopatric, we expect this issue to be of limited impact for the users. In addition to species identification, we demonstrate that the assay can be used for hybrid detection, which can have interests for Ulva breeding and species delimitation. Importantly, the assay can be used to detect at once the different Ulva species present within a bulk of Ulva biomass, which could allow for traceability and characterisation of the purity of Ulva commercial products. This study provides a new quick and cost-effective method for foliose Ulva species identification that could readily be extended to other species.
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Algal Research 55 (2021) 102280
2211-9264/© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
A sequencing-free assay for foliose Ulva species identication, hybrid
detection and bulk biomass characterisation
Antoine Fort
, Charlene Linderhof
, In´
es Coca-Tagarro
, Masami Inaba
, Marcus McHale
Kevin Cascella
, Philippe Potin
, Michael D. Guiry
, Ronan Sulpice
National University of Ireland Galway, Plant Systems Biology Lab, Ryan Institute, SFI MaREI Centre for Climate, Energy and Marine, School of Natural Sciences,
Galway H91 TK33, Ireland
CNRS, Sorbonne Universit´
e Sciences, UMR 8227, Integrative Biology of Marine Models, Station Biologique de Roscoff, CS 90074, F-29688 Roscoff, France
AlgaeBase, Ryan Institute, National University of Ireland, Galway H91 TK33, Ireland
Cleaved Amplied Polymorphic Sequences
Sea lettuce
Species identication
Sea Lettuce (Ulva spp. Ulvophyceae, Ulvaceae) has tremendous ecological and industrial impacts, from the
negative effects of green tide events to the industrial production of food, feed, and value-added products. Due to
the morphological similarities between Ulva species, their identication requires the use of barcoding, which
relies on the sequencing of short fragments of DNA and the comparison of the obtained sequence to that of
sequences present in public repositories. However, Sanger sequencing can be costly when hundreds of samples
need to be analysed. In addition, barcoding, which uses Sanger sequencing, cannot be applied directly on bulk
biomass, and requires independent assessment of the individuals within, which is often not possible in com-
mercial products. Here, we describe a novel sequencing-freemethod for species identication of foliose Ulva
species that by-passes the drawbacks associated with Sanger sequencing. The assay uses restriction digestion
enzymes which target species-specic Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) present within the ITS1
sequence. Digestion of the ITS1 PCR product with two enzyme mixtures allows for the discrimination of the main
foliose Ulva species, as well as U. compressa, which can have a foliose morphotype. Of the species tested, only U.
pseudorotundata and U. arasakii show the same digestion pattern. Since those two Ulva species are allopatric, we
expect this issue to be of limited impact for the users. In addition to species identication, we demonstrate that
the assay can be used for hybrid detection, which can have interests for Ulva breeding and species delimitation.
Importantly, the assay can be used to detect at once the different Ulva species present within a bulk of Ulva
biomass, which could allow for traceability and characterisation of the purity of Ulva commercial products. This
study provides a new quick and cost-effective method for foliose Ulva species identication that could readily be
extended to other species.
1. Introduction
Morphology-based identication of the common foliose Ulva species
has proven difcult over the years. While many Ulva species have been
shown to display subtle morphological differences [1,2], the plasticity of
those morphological characteristics in response to environmental
changes render species identication based solely on morphological
characters uncertain. For example, some Ulva species can display both
foliose and tubular morphotypes [3,4]. Hence, molecular identication
is the method of choice for Ulva species determination. However, mo-
lecular identication currently relies on the sequencing of PCR products
of barcode genes (typically rbcL, tufA and ITS in Ulva and other algae
[59]). Such sequencing is relatively costly and time-consuming when
used on hundreds of Ulva strains and can also lead to erroneous iden-
tications, as described in [10,11]. In the case of a strain-selection
programme where a single foliose Ulva species may be desirable
[12,13], the cost and labour associated with sequencing can be pro-
hibitive. Indeed, selecting individuals belonging to a given species re-
quires i) PCR amplication, ii) PCR products purication, iii)
sequencing of PCR products and iv) species identication based on the
sequencing results and comparison with database entries, which can
prove challenging when misidentications are present within the
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A. Fort).
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
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Received 18 October 2020; Received in revised form 26 February 2021; Accepted 5 March 2021
Algal Research 55 (2021) 102280
database [14]. When considering a breeding programme with thousands
of samples, a faster/cheaper approach is desirable. Moreover, trace-
ability of seaweed based products is of great importance, and the use of
Sanger sequencing does not allow for species identication within a bulk
biomass containing several species at once. An approach to circumvent
these issues is the detection of specic SNPs associated with a given
species by Cleaved Amplied Polymorphic Sequences (CAPS) assay.
CAPS assays use restriction enzymes digestion of PCR products to detect
the presence (or absence) of specic SNPs in the samples. We have
designed a CAPS assay that discriminates foliose Ulva species present in
the North East Atlantic based on species-specic SNPs in the ITS1
dataset (part of the 45S rDNA genes). Such a system is particularly
powerful for foliose Ulva samples as we previously reported a generally
low sequence divergence within species, and high between-species ge-
netic diversity [10]. Hence, individuals from the same species are likely
to share the same sequence when a small DNA locus is examined, such as
the ITS1. Using a set of 295 foliose strains and their associated ITS1
sequences, we have identied several species-specic SNPs that can be
revealed by restriction enzymes following PCR amplication of the ITS1
locus, allowing for routine species identication without barcoding. We
further describe the potential uses for such an assay, from the detection
of F1 hybrids to the qualitative determination of Ulva species present in
bulk biomass for commercial purposes.
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Foliose Ulva sample collection and DNA extraction
The samples used in this study, all foliose Ulva individuals of >100
in diameter, originating from Ireland, the Netherlands, Portugal and
Brittany (France) are described in [10], in addition to 185 samples from
the same locations. DNA was extracted from ~5 mg of freeze dried
biomass using the magnetic-beads protocol described in [15].
2.2. ITS1 dataset
All ITS1 sequences originate from [14]. Briey, all sequences from
Ulva species in the NCBI database were downloaded, aligned using
MAFFT [16], trimmed using Trimal [17] and species delimitation per-
formed as described by [10] using a Generalized Mixed Yule Coalescent
(GMYC) model. The full alignment is available here as Supplementary
File 1. After assigning a species name to each sequence and retaining
only foliose species entries, the sequences were manually screened to
detect species-specic SNPs, and NEB cutter online tool (http://nc2.neb.
com/NEBcutter2/) used to select enzymes with restriction sites recog-
nising the species-specic SNPs.
2.3. DNA amplication, sanger sequencing and CAPS assay
The extracted DNA was amplied using a single set of primers
spanning the Internal Transcribed Spacer 1 of the 45S rDNA repeats:
CGATGACTCACGGAATTCTGC-3), rbcL primers SHF1 and SHR4 [18],
and the tufA primers from [7]. PCR amplication was performed in 25
L reaction volume containing 1
L of undiluted DNA, 0.5 pmol forward
and reverse primers, 9.25
L of MilliQ water and 12.5
L of MyTaq Red
mix (Bioline). The PCR programme was as follows: 95 C for 3 min, 35
cycles of 95 C for 15 s, 60 C for 15 s and 72 C for 15 s, and a nal
elongation step of 72 C for 5 min. Amplicons were sent to LGC genomics
GmbH for Sanger sequencing. Species were determined based on
sequence similarity with Ulva species from [10,14]. NCBI accession
numbers are available as Table S1. For enzymatic digestion, 5
L of the
raw PCR product was digested with the enzyme mixtures (BamHI +
HpaI +BfaI +PspOMI and CviQI +BtsCI, all Fisher Scientic, and T7
endonuclease, New England Biolabs), 0.1
L of each enzyme, 0.5
Tango Buffer (Fisher Scientic), and 4.4
O. Digestion was carried
out for a minimum of 4 h at 37 C. T7 endonuclease +BamHI +CviQI +
BfaI +BtsCI digestion was carried out using buffer 2 (NEB) instead of
Tango buffer (Fisher Scientic). Gel electrophoresis was performed
using a 2% agarose gel in TAE (Tris-Acetate-EDTA) buffer for 40 min at
100 V. The ladder used was hyperladder 50 bp (Bioline). For bulk
biomass trials, the biomass (~1 kg FW) was freeze dried, and ground
into a ne powder. DNA extraction and PCR assay were performed as
above. For sensitivity trials, DNA from U. armoricana and U. australis was
pooled in different ratios, with decreasing concentrations of U. australis
DNA (from 50% to 1.5%), prior to PCR and restriction digestion using
HpaI, BtsCI and T7 endonuclease.
3. Results and discussion
3.1. Design of a sequencing-free assay for rapid foliose Ulva species
Our own dataset contains sequences for 295 foliose Ulva strains
belonging to the seven foliose species we identied during our sampling
in the North East Atlantic [10], i.e. U. armoricana, U. rigida, U. gigantea,
U. pseudorotundata [Ulva rotundata], U. australis, U. ohnoi and U. fen-
estrata; nomenclatural authorities follow [19]. We have renamed our
previous U. laetevirens sequences into U. armoricana, given that the
recently sequenced U. laetevirens lectotype revealed that the name is in
fact synonymous to U. australis [20]. The clade containing all previous
U. laetevirenssequences is conspecic with the sequenced holotype of
U. armoricana [14,21,22], thus we reassigned all U. laetevirens sequences
into U. armoricana.
Two hundred and seventy-two (272) out of 295 individuals produced
full length ITS1 sequences. Based on these sequences, we identied re-
striction digestion sites containing SNPs present in all of the individuals
for a given species (Fig. 1A). We identied eight SNPs containing re-
striction sites for six enzymes that can be used for the discrimination of
foliose Ulva species. For example, all 100 U. armoricana individuals
possess a unique restriction site for the enzyme BfaI in the amplied
fragment of the ITS1, making it simple to discriminate U. armoricana
amplicons from those of the 6 other species after PCR product digestion
with BfaI.
The BamHI/HpaI/BfaI/PspOMI mixture discriminated U. armor-
icana, U. rigida, U. ohnoi and U. gigantea individuals, with the complete
digestion of the ITS1 PCR product and generation of a specic band
pattern for each species (Fig. 1B). U. pseudorotundata, U. australis and U.
fenestrata samples are not digested using this mixture. For those species,
another enzyme cocktail (CviQI/BtsCI) digested the ITS1 PCR product
and yielded a specic band pattern that distinguished between those
three species (Fig. 1B). Only U. australis showed a restriction site poly-
morphism within the 44 individuals of this species in our dataset, with
the rst CviQI restriction site being present in only 9 out of the 44 in-
dividuals. Nonetheless, this polymorphism creates a specic band
pattern that is different from samples of the 6 other species (Fig. S1).
Hence, this assay represents a sequencing-free, cheap, quick and precise
method to identify common foliose Ulva species, particularly for the
correct identication required for use as food, feed or industrial
3.2. The CAPS assay allows for F1 hybrid detection
In addition to species discrimination, this assay allows for the un-
equivocal detection of interspecic hybrids. Hybridity is rare between
foliose Ulva species [10], and we found a single occurrence of a F1
hybrid between U. armoricana and U. rigida within a set of 110 in-
dividuals. Using the enzymes described above, hybrids can be readily
detected by the presence of intermediate band patterns indicating a
mixture of two Ulva species in the same sample. We used our assay on
the U. armoricana X U. rigida hybrid (strain U99) detected using next-
generation sequencing in [10] and were able to detect it as a hybrid
A. Fort et al.
Algal Research 55 (2021) 102280
Fig. 1. Sequencing-free species determination assay
for foliose Ulva. A) Result of the amplication of the
ITS1 in each species. Restriction sites are indicated
above the lines, with numbers representing the
number of individuals of the species harbouring the
restriction site. Expected band sizes are indicated. B)
Gel results of the Cleaved Amplied Polymorphic
Sequences (CAPS) assay. Top: undigested PCR
amplicon of the ITS1, middle: amplicon digested with
CviQI+BtsCI, bottom: amplicon digested with Bam-
HI+BfaI+HpaI+PspOMI). U. australis sample does
not contain the rst CviQI site.
Fig. 2. Comparison of species attribution based on sequencing data and the CAPS assay. Each column represents a strain, coloured according to the species iden-
tication result based on the CAPS assay (top row) or sanger sequencing data of the ITS1, tufA or rbcL. No sequencing trace indicates strains which failed to produce
satisfactory Sanger sequencing results. F1 hybrids uncovered by the CAPS assay are indicated in black.
A. Fort et al.
Algal Research 55 (2021) 102280
(Fig. S2). Indeed, digestion of the ITS1 product of strain U99 with BfaI
(specic to U. armoricana) showed an incomplete digestion of the PCR
product, indicating the presence of U. armoricana DNA and that of
another species. When digested with BamHI (specic to U. armoricana
and U. rigida), complete digestion was observed. Hence, DNA sample
from strain U99 contains a mixture of U. armoricana and U. rigida nu-
clear DNA, which is explained by the fact that U99 is a F1 hybrid be-
tween those two species. We used the CAPS assay on 185 other foliose
Ulva samples in addition to the hybrid U99, to investigate whether other
hybrids were present. We detected one additional F1 hybrid (Fig. 2),
again between U. armoricana and U. rigida.
Furthermore, we found two individuals with an apparent discrep-
ancy in their species identity when using organellar marker genes or the
ITS1 nuclear marker gene (Fig. 2), the organellar genome belonging to
U. armoricana and the homozygous nuclear ITS1 locus belonging to U.
rigida. These discrepancies are most likely due to previous hybridization
events between the two species, which, following sexual reproduction
and crossing over events, have lost the ITS1 allele from one of the
original parental species. Thus, these two individuals are at least two
generations older than the original hybridization event and named F2+.
Interestingly, this indicates that F1 hybrids between U. armoricana and
U. rigida are likely sexually competent and can generate offspring.
Hence, population boundaries between the two species are unlikely to
be solely determined by reproductive barriers. Those results point to-
wards uniparental inheritance of the organellar genome in Ulva, since all
ve hybrids appear homozygous for the chloroplast barcodes, in
agreement with previous reports [10,23,24].
Since the CAPS assay does not use the organellar genome, sequencing
is still required for the determination of the species of the maternal
parent. However, [25] have recently described an assay similar to the
one presented here using structural differences in the chloroplast
genome of some Ulva species, also described in [10] and targeting the
chloroplast genome. Their assay is similarly PCR-based and allows the
discrimination of U. ohnoi, U. lactuca, U. australis and U. fenestrata. In
combination with the CAPS assay described here, researchers have ac-
cess to a powerful screening method for foliose Ulva species determi-
nation and hybrid (F1 and F2+) detection.
3.3. Species determination in bulk biomass
With the rise of seaweed production worldwide for food and fodder
[26], comes the potential issue of traceability of seaweed products.
Indeed, seaweed pellets and seaweed in bulk biomass are difcult to
characterise for the presence of different species. When a mixture of
species is present within a seaweed product, barcoding cannot readily be
used. In effect, amplifying a fragment such as the ITS or other barcodes
from a DNA sample containing several species will not give an adequate
result using Sanger sequencing, due to the presence of different DNA
sequences within the same amplicon. Solutions to overcome this prob-
lem are to i) clone the PCR products and sequence each PCR product
individually, or ii) use next-generation sequencing to quantify the
presence of reads belonging to different species. While these solutions
are working, they are relatively costly and time-consuming. Using the
assay described here, it is possible to detect the presence of different
foliose Ulva species within seaweed bulk biomass. Using a combination
of the enzymes of the CAPS assay, a ngerprintof the species con-
tained within the samples can be obtained. We tested the assay on seven
samples of seaweed biomass from green-tide areas in Brittany (four
samples taken near Roscoff [ROS], and three close to Saint Brieuc [StB],
Fig. 3). Two bands were visible following amplication of the ITS1 in
four of the seven samples, potentially indicating the presence of more
than one species. We then digested the PCR product with a sequential
combination of enzymes (see Fig. 3): CviQI/BtsCI, specic to U. australis,
U. fenestrata and U. pseudorotundata, BfaI, specic to U. armoricana;
BamHI, specic to U. armoricana, U. rigida and U. ohnoi; PspOMI, specic
to U. ohnoi.
Digestion with CviQI/BtsCI revealed the presence of U. australis in
four of the seven bulk samples (ROS2, containing the double CviQI U.
australis haplotype, and StB1, 2 and 3 samples, containing the single U.
australis CviQI haplotype). Digestion using CviQI/BtsCI/BfaI then
revealed that all seven samples contained U. armoricana, with a leftover
undigested band probably indicating the presence of U. rigida. This was
conrmed by further digesting with BamHI restriction enzyme, which
lead to the complete digestion of the PCR product in all samples.
Digestion with PspOMI did not cleave the PCR product (Fig. S3), indi-
cating that the leftover DNA band undigested by CviQI/BtsCI/BfaI
indeed belongs to U. rigida.
However, faint leftover bands remained in four samples (Fig. 3, ar-
rows). This band could indicate the presence of another species which
does not belong to foliose Ulva, but it could also be from a PCR artefact.
Indeed, when multiple-template PCRs are used, heteroduplex formation
of PCR products can occur [27], leading to a nal PCR amplicon effec-
tively containing the amplicon from one species in the plus strand, and
that of another species in the minus strand. Those amplicons cannot be
cut with classical restriction enzymes such as the ones used here since
they require both strands at the restriction site to be complementary. We
conrmed that this additional band is a PCR artefact by performing a
PCR on a mixture of U. armoricana and U. australis DNA, which indeed
led to the formation of heteroduplexes, and an HpaI +CviQI (which
should cleave ITS1 PCR products of all foliose Ulva) resistant band. This
does not occur when PCR products from both species are mixed and then
digested (Fig. S3). Removal of PCR artefacts such as heteroduplexes can
be readily achieved using a T7 endonuclease, which will cut PCR
amplicons containing mismatches between the two strands. Adding a T7
endonuclease to the nal digestion with CviQI/BtsCI/BfaI/BamHI
effectively removed the extraneous band (Fig. 3), conrming that all
seven bulk samples only contain DNA from U. australis, U. rigida and U.
armoricana. Hence, in order to remove the heteroduplexes formed dur-
ing PCRs on DNA containing several species, we strongly recommend
Fig. 3. Ulva bulk biomass analysis using the CAPS assay. ITS1 PCR amplicons
and digestion with the addition of different enzymes, demonstrating the pres-
ence of multiple species. Stars indicate samples digested by the enzyme.
A. Fort et al.
Algal Research 55 (2021) 102280
the use of the T7 endonuclease at the same time as the restriction
enzyme digestion. It will avoid the detection of restriction-resistant
amplicons due to PCR artefacts and a remaining band will indicate the
presence of another alga or protist.
While this assay is not quantitative because it relies on the ampli-
cation of the ITS1, itself part of the 45S rDNA repeats which can vary in
number between species [28,29], it does provide evidence for the
presence of different Ulva species and other possible contaminants
within bulk biomass. Regarding sensitivity, we used a synthetic bulk
sample containing a mixture of two species (U. armoricana and U. aus-
tralis), with a dynamic range of 50% to 1.5% DNA originating from U.
australis. The assay could detect the presence of U. australis in the syn-
thetic bulk sample when its abundance was in the range of 50 to 6.25%
of the total DNA, by the presence of an undigested band following HpaI
digestion and complete digestion using HpaI/BtsCI (Fig. 4). The band
corresponding to U. australis disappeared when below 6.25% of total
DNA, indicating that the assay has a minimum sensitivity threshold
between 3.12 and 6.25%. A similar detection threshold would require
the sequencing of >30 clones of PCR amplicons. For higher sensitivity,
Next-Generation sequencing would be required, but the cost and time
associated to such methodology can be prohibitive. Overall, our enzy-
matic assay could be used for traceability and detection of the purity of
Ulva products, and this method could be extended to other commercial
macroalgal species.
3.4. Robustness of the CAPS assay based on ITS1 sequences in the
We investigated the robustness of the assay by mining an ITS1
dataset containing all Ulva ITS1 vouchers in the NCBI database (in
addition to those of this study, see [14]) for the presence of restriction
sites for the 6 enzymes. We restricted our comparison to distromatic
foliose Ulva species, which can readily be distinguished from mono-
stromatic tubular Ulva species prior to DNA analysis. We however added
the normally monostromatic and tubular U. compressa [Enteromorpha
compressa], as this species can occasionally display a foliose morphotype
[30]. It should be noted that this analysis only counts a restriction site as
present or absent if the sequence does not possess gaps/undetermined
nucleotide at those positions. Of the ~40 species present in the ITS1
NCBI dataset, 11 belong to distromatic foliose species, of which seven
were present in our study, in addition to U. compressa. The assay appears
very robust for 10 of the 12 species (Fig. 5): all of U. armoricana, U.
australis, U. fenestrata, U. ohiohilulu and U. expansa individuals harbour
the same discriminating restriction sites, and only minor discrepancies
were found in U. rigida (1/47 sequences), U. lactuca (4/25 sequences), U.
ohnoi (1/29 sequences) and U. compressa (1/85 sequences). The pres-
ence of rare allelic variants in individuals of those species could be
genetically true but could also be explained by errors during sequencing,
or the presence of F1 hybrids/contaminating DNA, which we cannot
assess without access to the chromatogram trace or repeating the Sanger
sequencing on those entries. The only case where the assay cannot
discriminate between distromatic foliose species is between U. pseu-
dorotundata and U. arasakii, which both contain the same restriction
sites for CviQI, despite considerable genetic variation between the two
species (Fig. 5). However, U. arasakii [31] is currently known only from
the Sea of Japan, while U. pseudorotundata is only known from Ireland,
Brittany and Portugal, an inability to distinguish between them using
this assay is not an issue since both species are unlikely to be present in
the same areas.
3.5. Limitations of the methodology
Our methodology is aimed at performing species identication of
single samples and bulk biomass of foliose Ulva species. Outside of the
possible presence of rare allelic variants potentially producing erroneous
species identication (Fig. 5), the assay is well suited to single foliose
Ulva sample species identication. It can then be used for species se-
lection prior to strain selection and ecological studies. For bulk biomass,
as demonstrated in Fig. 4, low-abundance foliose species within the bulk
biomass can be missed. In addition, the presence of species other than
foliose Ulva within the bulk biomass, for example in Ulva blooms con-
taining a mixture of tubular and foliose morphotypes [32], could pro-
duce unexpected band patterns. Similarly, the presence of contaminants
can only be detected if all species in the bulk biomass can be amplied
by the CAPS primers described here. For the highest precision, sensi-
tivity and resolution, the use of next-generation-sequencing (NGS) is
required, with the caveat that it requires a signicantly higher cost and
results turnaround, as well as expertise in the analysis of metagenomics
For F2+hybrid detection, it should be noted, that this assay requires
an organellar marker and that it can miss F2+hybrids if nuclear DNA
recombinations during the sexual reproduction of the F1 generation
occur outside of the 45S rDNA repeats. In such a case, the individual can
be homozygous for the ITS1 locus but heterozygous in other loci in the
genome. Hence, the presence of F2+hybrids is likely to be under-
estimated using this method. However, sanger sequencing of barcodes
would not produce better results, and only NGS [33,34] or micro-
satellites [35] analysis can conclusively infer the degree of hybridization
Fig. 4. Sensitivity of the CAPS assay in synthetic bulk samples. DNA of U. armoricana and U. australis was mixed with decreasing concentration of U. australis and
detected using digestion of the ITS1 PCR product with HpaI and BtsCI. The presence of an undigested band is indicated by a star.
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within a population.
Finally, this assay is not aimed at providing higher level resolution
than species level given that it uses extremely conserved species-specic
SNPs. For the detection of ecotypes/haplotypes/geographical origin of
individuals, a combination of several barcodes can be used instead
[36,37], or for the highest resolution, next-generation-sequencing
4. Conclusions
Our CAPS assay can thus be used to accurately, cheaply and quickly
select individuals from a species of scientic or commercial interest
during strain selection, or to assess the distribution of foliose Ulva spe-
cies within areas. Importantly, this assay is accessible to any lab with a
minimum of molecular biology equipment, as it only requires a PCR
machine, and an electrophoresis/gel imaging system. Additionally, this
assay is cost-effective as a single reaction containing all enzymes costs
0.50 [US$0.59], compared with ~
4.00 [US$4.70] per Sanger
sequencing reaction using service providers. This assay could be
extended to tubular Ulva species, and we provide the ITS1 alignment
used for validation purposes (containing all Ulva ITS1 sequences in the
NCBI, excluding those without species information) in Supplementary
File 1. The concept of CAPS assay for species identication could also be
used on any other taxa of interest for fundamental ecological research
and industry traceability purposes.
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
This work was funded by the European Union Horizon 2020 pro-
gramme (project ID 727892, GenialG - GENetic diversity exploitation for
Innovative Macro-ALGal biorenery,, SFI
Frontiers for the Future (Project Pristine Coasts, grant number 19/FFP/
6841) and the European Union Northern Periphery and Arctic Pro-
gramme (project number 366, SW-GROW - Innovations for Seaweed
Producers in the Northern Periphery Area project; http://sw-grow.
CRediT authorship contribution statement
Antoine Fort: conceptualization, methodology, writing,
Fig. 5. Prediction of ITS1 digestion pattern of foliose
Ulva species based on all the ITS1 sequences from the
literature. Top: restriction sites are indicated above
the lines. Numbers represent the number of in-
dividuals of the species harbouring the restriction
site. Rare allelic variants are indicated with a pale
shading. Bottom: predicted gel results obtained from
the digestion of the PCR product with the enzyme
mixtures BamHI+BfaI+HpaI+PspOMI (number 1)
and CviQI+BtsCI (number 2).
A. Fort et al.
Algal Research 55 (2021) 102280
visualisation, formal analysis; Charlene Linderhof: formal analysis;
es Coca-Tagarro: formal analysis; Masami Inaba: formal analysis;
Marcus McHale: methodology; Michael D Guiry: writing-review &
editing; Kevin Cascella: project administration; Philippe Potin: project
administration, funding acquisition; Ronan Sulpice: writing, supervi-
sion, funding acquisition.
Declaration of competing interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing nancial
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to inuence
the work reported in this paper.
The authors would like to thank Isabel Azevedo (CIIMAR), Ricardo
Bermejo (NUI Galway), Adrie van der Werf and Annelies Beniers
(Wageningen University), Paolo Ruggeri (Station Biologique de Rosc-
off), Helena Abreu (Alga +), Alexandre Berthelot (France Haliotis),
Marie-Mathilde Perrineau and Phil Anderson (Scottish Association For
Marine Science) for providing some of the strains used in this study.
Statement of informed consent, human/animal rights
No conicts, informed consent, or human or animal rights are
applicable to this study.
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A. Fort et al.
... The substrate used was composed of variations of Ulva seaweed which was harvested in August 2021 on the Spiddal coast (53 • 24′ 00.6″ N− 9 • 31′ 20.2″ W) in Co. Galway (Ireland). The samples were composed of the species Ulva lacinulata and Ulva rigida, identified through the Cleaved Amplified Polymorphic Sequences (CAPS) assay [29]. Both Ulva lacinulata and Ulva rigida are foliose species showing subtle differences morphologically hence molecular identification was utilised for identification. ...
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Investigation of circular bioeconomy renewable fuel systems is currently a key area of research due to climate change. Biohydrogen production through dark fermentation of biomass wastes offers a pathway to renewable fuel, with numerous pretreatment techniques enabling the enhancement of this biological process. The macro-algal species Ulva offers significant potential as it contains the polysaccharide ulvan within the cell wall, which has uses in the medical industry due to its antiviral, antibacterial and anticancer activities. This study aims to investigate the impact of ulvan extraction and lyophilisation on the biohydrogen potential of Ulva biomass at different process temperatures (25, 37 and 55 °C). Among the investigated conditions, ulvan-extracted Ulva was the most promising biomass in terms of H 2 production, achieving 12.8 ± 0.2, 15.0 ± 1.2, and 15.3 ± 1.5 mL H2/g VS at 25, 37, and 55 °C, respectively. The return of H2 at thermophilic conditions was negligibly higher than 25 • C and 37 • C. Thus, it is more energy-beneficial to operate at lower temperatures as the investment of energy to elevate the temperature does not equate to the return of H 2 obtained. In terms of volatile fatty acids, a peak concentration of 783.7 ± 31.8 mg HAceq/L was observed at the end of the incubation of ulvan-extracted Ulva at 55 °C. On the other hand, the highest concentration of carbohydrates was obtained with lyophilised Ulva at 25 °C 1381.5 ± 141.1 mg/L. This data indicates that the removal of the polysaccharide ulvan did not hinder the biohydrogen potential of Ulva due to the effect of the pretreatment, both physical and chemical, intrinsic to the ulvan extraction process. Furthermore, this study highlights the biorefinery potential of Ulva biomass, aiming at maximising the bioproduct recovery from this macroalgae species, such as carbohydrates and volatile fatty acids.
... Therefore, identifying species solely based on their physical traits is not always reliable. This is because morphological characteristics can change in response to ambient environmental factors [29][30] . ...
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Green algae, Ulva Linnaeus, 1753 (Ulvales, Chlorophyta), is found abundantly in intertidal regions of the coasts. Members of the genus exist in foliose, filamentous, and tubular forms and may be distromatic or monostromatic. This study investigates the phylogenetic distribution of foliose Ulva from various geographical locations in India. The morphological and microscopic features of 20 specimens were studied, and ITS, tufA, 18S, and atpB regions were sequenced using specific primers. BLAST results were used for similarity search and MEGAX for phylogenetic reconstruction using these amplified sequences. A total of 35 sequences were generated and used to trace back the evolution of different species and the effects of geographical locations on the cryptic diversity of Ulva. Also, this study reports the occurrence of Ulva fasciata, Ulva reticulata, Ulva taeniata, Ulva linza, and Ulva ohnoi. A pressed herbarium voucher was prepared for future records of each sample.
... The three samples used in this study were genetically characterised in previous studies that used genetic barcoding (barcodes rbcL, ITS1, and tuf A, all three showing 100% identity with samples belonging to U. lacinulata) [36] and a CAPS assay [37] that confirmed that the samples were pure U. lacinulata. ...
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Light quality is a key factor affecting algal growth and biomass composition, particularly pigments such as carotenoids, known for their antioxidant properties. Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are becoming a cost-effective solution for indoor seaweed production when compared to fluorescent bulbs, allowing full control of the light spectra. However, knowledge of its effects on Ulva biomass production is still scarce. In this study, we investigated the effects of LEDs on the phenotype of an Ulva lacinulata strain, collected on the Northern Portuguese coast. Effects of white (W), green (G), red (R), and blue (B) LEDs were evaluated for growth (fresh weight and area), photosynthetic activity, sporulation, and content of pigments and antioxidant compounds. The results showed that there were no significant differences in terms of fresh weight accumulation and reduced sporulation among the tested LEDs, while W light induced the highest expansion rate. Under G, U. lacinulata attained a quicker photoacclimation, and the highest content of pigments and total antioxidant activity; but with R and W, antioxidant compounds against the specific radicals O2•− and •NO were produced in a higher content when compared to other LEDs. Altogether, this study demonstrated that it is possible to modulate the bioactive properties of U. lacinulata by using W, R, and G light, opening the path to the production of biomass tailored for specific nutraceutical applications.
... Given their growing economical relevance, it is crucial to take measures for their long-term preservation and valorisation. Therefore, unambiguous species identification methods are important, not only to enhance seaweed ecological research, but also to facilitate the effective management of islands' biodiversity, the sustainable use of natural resources, and the implementation of commercial traceability and quality monitoring for natural products (Gu et al., 2020;Fort et al., 2021). ...
... Differences in reproductive patterns among the different Ulva species should also be investigated. On the other hand, as pointed out by Fort et al. [60], regarding the Ulva blooms from the coasts of Ireland and Brittany (France), the six Ulva species delineated by them through a comparison of their cytoplasmic genomes showed high levels of inter-specific genetic diversity and very rare occurrence of hybrids but still highly similar morphologies, which would agree with the existence of cryptic diversity but discrete and clear genetic separation among species in this genus. Nonetheless, in our study, the dominant species in Algarrobo Bay, U. stenophylloides and U. uncialis, showed clear morphological distinctiveness and a contrasting difference in the toughness of their blades when manipulated in the field, with U. uncialis having thicker and structurally stronger blades than U. stenophylloides, which displays a considerably softer tissue and less stretch resistance of its body structure. ...
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Green algae blooms of the genus Ulva are occurring globally and are primarily attributed to anthropogenic factors. At Los Tubos beach in Algarrobo Bay along the central Chilean coast, there have been blooms of these algae that persist almost year-round over the past 20 years, leading to environmental, economic, and social issues that affect the local government and communities. The objective of this study was to characterize the species that form these green tides based on a combination of ecological, morpho-anatomical, and molecular information. For this purpose, seasonal surveys of beached algal fronds were conducted between 2021 and 2022. Subsequently, the sampled algae were analyzed morphologically and phylogenetically using the molecular markers ITS1 and tufA, allowing for the identification of at least five taxa. Of these five taxa, three (U. stenophylloides, U. uncialis, U. australis) have laminar, foliose, and distromatic morphology, while the other two (U. compressa, U. aragoensis) have tubular, filamentous, and monostromatic fronds. Intertidal surveys showed that U. stenophylloides showed the highest relative coverage throughout the seasons and all intertidal levels, followed by U. uncialis. Therefore, we can establish that the green tides on the coast of Algarrobo in Chile are multispecific, with differences in relative abundance during different seasons and across the intertidal zone, opening opportunities for diverse future studies, ranging from ecology to algal biotechnology.
... W). The Cleaved Amplified Polymorphic Sequences (CAPS) assay, following Fort et al. [21], was performed and identified the species Ulva gigantea. The U. gigantea sample was left in a sealed bag at 4 • C for three days before use to stimulate the natural fermentation process. ...
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Dark fermentation from Ulva spp. hydrolysate, a third-generation feedstock, can be exploited as sustainable alternative for biofuel production as it possesses a high carbohydrate content, contributes to decarbonisation and allows the simultaneous production of bioH2 and chemicals. However, it requires microorganisms with enzymatic capability to metabolise the sugars released by the macroalgae. In the present study, the natural fermentation process exploring the microbial community growing attached onto the Ulva spp. was for the first time assessed as an alternative inoculation method for bioH 2 production from Ulva spp. hydrolysate. Inoculum enrichment from Ulva spp was tested at 4, 30 and 55 °C in a batch experiment. Then, the liquid phase was assessed as inoculum of a continuous up-flow anaerobic structured bed reactor (AnSTBR) fed with diluted acid-thermal Ulva spp. hydrolysate at 30 and 55 °C. At initial pH 6.5 the sulfidogenic pathway was predominant, however decreasing the pH to 5.5 stimulated the bioH2 production, with higher production at 55 °C, resulting in a median volumetric hydrogen production rate (VHPR) of 297.5 NmL L−1 d−1. The main soluble metabolites (SM) at 55 °C were butyric acid (HBu) and acetic acid (HAc), reaching medians of 912.9 and 483.4 mg L −1. At 30 °C, the primary pathway was solventogenic, resulting in ethanol (EtOH) and HAc production at a ratio 2.5:1. Therefore, the natural fermentation strategy was found to be a suitable strategy to inoculate the dark fermentation reactor.
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Ulva, a genus of green macroalgae commonly known as sea lettuce, has long been recognized for its nutritional benefits for food and feed. As the demand for sustainable food and feed sources continues to grow, so does the interest in alternative, plant-based protein sources. With its abundance along coastal waters and high protein content, Ulva spp. have emerged as promising candidates. While the use of Ulva in food and feed has its challenges, the utilization of Ulva in other industries, including in biomaterials, biostimulants, and biorefineries, has been growing. This review aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the current status, challenges and opportunities associated with using Ulva in food, feed, and beyond. Drawing on the expertise of leading researchers and industry professionals, it explores the latest knowledge on Ulva’s nutritional value, processing methods, and potential benefits for human nutrition, aquaculture feeds, terrestrial feeds, biomaterials, biostimulants and biorefineries. In addition, it examines the economic feasibility of incorporating Ulva into aquafeed. Through its comprehensive and insightful analysis, including a critical review of the challenges and future research needs, this review will be a valuable resource for anyone interested in sustainable aquaculture and Ulva’s role in food, feed, biomaterials, biostimulants and beyond.
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Sea lettuce (Ulva) is a genus of green macroalgae present along all the coasts of the world's oceans. It represents about 100 species with diverse habitats. Inter- and intra-species natural variation is very large, both in terms of growth characteristics and biomass biochemical composition. As a result, Ulva biomass has a wide range of applications and strain selection can achieve significant increases in yield(s). Establishing solid, long term and cost-effective methodologies for the conservation of Ulva genetic diversity is then required to safeguard and reuse selected strains. Here, we report a cryopreservation-based protocol for the long-term preservation of foliose Ulva strains. Strains from seven different Ulva species were cryopreserved for 15 and/or 120 days in liquid nitrogen, and of the 3 replicates cryopreserved, at least one survived, allowing us to successfully recover all strains. On average, among all specimen cryo-preserved, 82% of them survived and grew post cryo-preservation.
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Sea lettuce (Ulva) is recognised for its potential in food, pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, biorefinery and bioremediation industries and is increasingly being cultivated. The requirements of those industries vary widely in terms of biomass composition. Ulva biomass composition and growth is known to be directly influenced by environmental factors, e.g., temperature, light, salinity, nutrient availability as well as by genetic factors and likely by microbiome composition. In order to select for the highest yielding strains in a given environment, we tested the suitability of common-garden experiments, i.e., the co-cultivation of different strains grown under shared conditions. Fifteen strains from six different foliose Ulva species were grown together under two different salinities, 35 ppt and 15 ppt. After 32 days, only U. australis strains remained at both salinities. If selection at low salinity was mostly based on survival, the selection process at seawater salinity was driven by competition, largely based on growth performance. Growth rates after a month were very similar at both salinities, suggesting the U. australis strains cope equally well in either condition. However, the composition of the biomass produced in both environments varied, with the content of all organic compounds being higher at low salinity, and the ash content being reduced in average by 66%. To summarize, this study provides an established bulk-selection protocol for efficiently screening large numbers of locally-sourced strains and highlights the potential of low salinity treatments for increased organic matter content, particularly in carbohydrates. Supplementary Information The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s10811-024-03222-0.
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Sea Lettuce (Ulva spp.; Ulvophyceae, Ulvales, Ulvaceae) is an important ecological and economical entity, with a worldwide distribution and is a well-known source of near-shore blooms blighting many coastlines. Species of Ulva are frequently misiden-tified in public repositories, including herbaria and gene banks, making species identification based on traditional barcoding hazardous. We investigated the species distribution of 295 individual distromatic foliose strains from the North East Atlantic by traditional barcoding or next generation sequencing. We found seven distinct species, and compared our results with all worldwide Ulva spp sequences present in the NCBI database for the three barcodes rbcL, tuf A and the ITS1. Our results demonstrate a large degree of species misidentification in the NCBI database. We estimate that 21% of the entries pertaining to foliose species are misannotated. In the extreme case of U. lactuca, 65% of the entries are erroneously labelled specimens of another Ulva species, typically U. fenestrata. In addition, 30% of U. rigida entries are misannotated, U. rigida being relatively rare and often misannotated U. laetevirens. Furthermore, U. armoricana and U. scandinavica present as being synonymous to U. laetevirens. An analysis of the global distribution of registered samples from foliose species also indicates possible geographical isolation for some species, and the absence of U. lactuca from Northern Europe. Altogether, exhaustive taxonomic clarification by aggregation of a library of barcode sequences highlights misannotations, and delivers an improved representation of Ulva species diversity and distribution. This approach could be easily adapted to other taxa.
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Natural hybridization can play a significant role in evolutionary processes and influence the adaptive diversification and speci-ation of brown seaweeds. However, this phenomenon is as yet unknown in Saccharina kelps. Saccharina angustata and two varieties of Saccharina japonica (S. japonica var. japonica and S. japonica var. diabolica) partly overlap in distribution along the Pacific coast of Hokkaido, which makes them a good model system to study hybridization and introgression among species of the genus Saccharina. Based on 13 highly variable nuclear microsatellites and a mitochondrial marker, we assessed the genetic diversity levels of S. angustata for the first time and populations from Muroran to Shiranuka (western part of the Pacific coast in Hokkaido) exhibited highest genetic diversity. Genetic diversity of S. japonica was higher in S. japonica var. japonica as compared with S. japonica var. diabolica. There was significant genetic differentiation (F ST > 0.25, p < 0.05) between S. japonica and S. angustata based on both markers. Moreover, there was poor genetic connectivity and limited interspecific hybridization among these closely related Saccharina species. Ecological niche models projected a northward expansion of both S. japonica and S. angustata under future climate scenarios and a range overlap between two species along the coast of Okhotsk Sea in Kamchatka Peninsula. The interspecific hybridization and genetic diversity among these kelps provide insights for kelp selection and cultivation as well as future conservation strategies of wild stocks.
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Foliose Ulva spp. have become increasingly important worldwide for their environmental and financial impacts. A large number of such Ulva species have rapid reproduction and proliferation habits, which explains why they are responsible for Ulva blooms, known as “green tides”, having dramatic negative effects on coastal ecosystems, but also making them attractive for aquaculture applications. Despite the increasing interest in the genus Ulva, particularly on the larger foliose species for aquaculture, their inter‐ and intra‐ specific genetic diversity is still poorly described. We compared the cytoplasmic genome (chloroplast and mitochondrion) of 110 strains of large distromatic foliose Ulva from Ireland, Brittany (France), the Netherlands and Portugal. We found six different species, with high levels of inter‐specific genetic diversity, despite highly similar or overlapping morphologies. Genetic variation was as high as 82 SNPs/kb between Ulva rotundata and U. laetevirens, indicating considerable genetic diversity. On the other hand, intra‐specific genetic diversity was relatively low, with only 36 variant sites (0.03 SNPs/kb) in the mitochondrial genome of the 29 Ulva rigida individuals found in this study, despite different geographical origins. The use of next generation sequencing allowed for the detection of a single inter‐species hybrid between two genetically closely related species, U. laetevirens, and U. rigida, among the 110 strains analyzed in this study. Altogether, this study represents an important advance in our understanding of Ulva biology, and provides genetic information for genomic selection of large foliose strains in aquaculture.
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Significance Our work challenges the existing paradigm that marine Arctic ecosystems are depauperate extensions of southerly (temperate) communities established in the wake of recent glaciation, fundamentally changing how these systems should be viewed and interpreted. We forward hypotheses regarding the history of Arctic marine systems, particularly with regards to endemism being an integral feature of Arctic biomes, and present a firm framework for future evolutionary research in this system typically viewed as “ecologically immature.”
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Pyropia yezoensis is an economically important marine algae crop that, due to its large economic value, has generated considerable interest in the development of breeding programs to improve its production rates. Here, we sequenced the complete mitochondrial and plastid genomes of the P. yezoensis strain RZ-58 using the PacBio RS II sequencing technology. The mitochondrial genome (mtDNA) is 41,692 bp in size with an overall guanine–cytosine (GC) content of 32.72%, and the plastid genome (ptDNA) is 191,977 bp with a GC content of 33.09%. The complete mitochondrial and plastid genomes of 53 individuals from three geographical populations were then resequenced using the next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology to characterize their molecular features. When compared, the plastid genomes displayed similar genomic lengths and conserved gene synteny. However, mitochondrial genomes were quite different in length, which was mainly due to the different patterns of intron distributions. Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were examined to evaluate the genetic diversity of different geographical populations. High diversity was observed across the whole collection with moderate genetic variation between populations. In total, there were 463 and 366 high-quality SNPs detected in the mtDNA and ptDNA, respectively. The Qingdao wild group has the highest diversity with a mean pi of 0.00348 for mtDNA and 0.000388 for ptDNA, while the Yantai group had the lowest diversity. Cluster-based grouping and principal component analysis revealed three subpopulations in the whole collections. However, a genetic break of organellar DNA was observed in populations at sympatric localities, which was inferred as the result of historic biogeographic events. Our findings provide important information to guide marker-assisted selective breeding of Chinese P. yezoensis in the future.
The green seaweeds Ulva australis and U. pertusa were described from southern Australia and Japan, respectively. They are conspecific and U. australis, the currently accepted taxon, is native to temperate marine waters in north-eastern Asia, and known to be introduced overseas into Australasia, the Americas and Europe. Although the genetics of U. australis have been investigated elsewhere, along French coasts the origins and history of the introduction of this species need to be clarified. We used mitochondrial, plastid and nuclear markers to differentiate introduced populations of U. australis along the French Atlantic coasts. The plastid tufA gene used as a barcoding marker revealed a well-defined species with a higher haplotype diversity in native vs. introduced areas. The ITS2 region (nuclear) and rbcL (plastid) were used to compare French specimens with the lectotype of U. australis. Putative geographic origins of the genetically determined U. australis were examined using genetic markers with better resolution, the plastid atpI-H combined with the mitochondrial trnA-N. Origin(s) and introduction history of French specimens were inferred from the comparison between their haplotypes and those previously described in native and non-native temperate areas worldwide. Our results indicate that the presence of U. australis along the French Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts is the result of multiple introductions and independent pathways, and suggest that historical oyster transfers from Japan and British Columbia can only partially explain the observed patterns in genetic markers. Alternative hypotheses for the timing and pathways of introductions are proposed in the light of the historic background of maritime transport networks and trade between north-eastern Asia and Europe.
Genetic analysis of type material of various Ulva species has shown that many names have been misapplied. DNA sequences of two of the specimens on the lectotype sheet of U. australis from South Australia showed that U. australis is conspecific with specimens called U. pertusa from Japan. However, type material of U. pertusa has not been sequenced, nor have other type specimens with type localities in Japan and Australia, including U. conglobata f. conglobata and U. conglobata f. densa from the former, and U. laetevirens and U. spathulata from the latter. To determine if these names have been correctly applied, targeted DNA sequencing of the rbcL gene was performed on (i) the lectotype specimen of U. laetevirens, (ii) the lectotype and two syntype specimens of U. pertusa, (iii) the lectotype and two syntype specimens of U. congoblata f. conglobata and (iv) two specimens on the holotype sheet of U. conglobata f. densa. In addition, high‐throughput sequencing (HTS) analysis was carried out on an isotype specimen of U. spathulata. Phylogenetic analysis of the resulting rbcL gene sequences supports the taxonomic conclusions that U. laetevirens, U. pertusa and U. spathulata are synonyms of U. australis, and U. conglobata f. conglobata and U. conglobata f. densa represent a single separate and distinct species, U. conglobata. These genetic data contribute to the taxonomy of Ulva and further demonstrate that analyzing DNA from type material is the only currently known reliable method to correctly apply names in this genus.
In closed sea areas such as Tokyo Bay, a phenomenon known as a green tide often occurs, in which large amounts of Ulva seaweed grow abnormally and form mats along the coast. This is currently a serious environmental problem. Green tides are generated by the explosive growth of multiple types of Ulva algae. However, many Ulva species show similar characteristics to each other and are indistinguishable by appearance, making it difficult to identify the Ulva algae in green tides. In this study, we determined the entire nucleotide sequence of the chloroplast genome of Ulva pertusa (syn. Ulva australis) and identified two large inversions of gene order, suggesting the occurrence of genome inversions. We also detected structural polymorphisms among Ulva chloroplast genomes. Ulva pertusa was classified in a different clade from that containing U. lactuca and U. ohnoi, suggesting that U. pertusa is evolutionarily divergent from these species. Based on this knowledge, we constructed a genetic diagnosis system for Ulva algae. Using this approach, we established a simple method that can determine the species of Ulva algae by PCR using specific molecular markers, through which representative Ulva species such as U. lactuca, U. ohnoi and U. pertusa were easily distinguished.
Green tides, the phenomenon whereby large volume of marine environment is taken over by the sea lettuce Ulva spp, are a seasonal occurrence thought to be caused mainly by anthropogenic eutrophication. The aggravation of green tide occurrence since the 1970s could however be due to the amplification of fast-growing strains within these areas. In this study, we compared the growth and metabolite content of 28 green tide Ulva strains against 100 non-green tide strains, under conditions close to those encountered in green tides areas. The aim was to determine whether the presence of specific characteristics intrinsic to green tide strains could in itself be a major factor for their reoccurrence. We confirmed that green tide strains have specific characteristics, with faster tissue expansion, higher protein and pigments, and lower starch content compared to non-green tide ones, thus highlighting a genetic component specific to green tide strains. Dry biomass accumulation, however, was not different between the two types of Ulva strains. Hence, we hypothesise that the selective pressure in green tide areas leads to the amplification of Ulva genotypes best adapted for this environment. Such selection of fast-growing strains would indicate that green tides are likely to become more prevalent and of higher magnitude over the coming years.