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Uncertainty quantification of spatially uncorrelated loads with a reduced-order stochastic isogeometric method

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Abstract and Figures

This work models spatially uncorrelated (independent) load uncertainty and develops a reduced-order Monte Carlo stochastic isogeometric method to quantify the effect of the load uncertainty on the structural response of thin shells and solid structures. The approach is tested on two demonstrative applications of uncertainty, namely, spatially uncorrelated loading, with (1) Scordelis–Lo Roof shell structure, and (2) a 3D wind turbine blade. This work has three novelties. Firstly, the research models spatially uncorrelated (independent) load uncertainties (including both their magnitude and/or direction) using stochastic analysis. Secondly, the paper advances a reduced-order Monte Carlo stochastic isogeometric method to quantify the spatially uncorrelated load uncertainty. It inherits the merits of isogeometric analysis, which enables the precise representation of geometry and alleviates shell shear locking, thereby reducing the model’s uncertainties. Moreover, the method retains the generality and accuracy of classical Monte Carlo simulation (MCS), with significant efficiency gains. The demonstrative results suggest that there is a cost, which is 3% of the time used by the standard MCS. Furthermore, a significant observation is made from the conducted numerical tests. It is noticed that the standard deviation of the output (i.e., displacement) is strongly influenced when the load uncertainty is spatially uncorrelated. Namely, the standard derivation (SD) of the output is roughly 10 times smaller than the SD for correlated load uncertainties. Nonetheless, the expected values remain consistent between the two cases.
Scordelis–Lo Roof: a definition; b subjected to spatially uncorrelated loads (Fn\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$ F_{n} $$\end{document}) with only magnitude uncertainty (αn\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$ \alpha_{n} $$\end{document}); c subjected to spatially uncorrelated loads with only direction uncertainty (θn,γn\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$ \theta_{n} ,\,\gamma_{n} $$\end{document}); and d subjected to spatially uncorrelated loads with both magnitude and direction uncertainty (αn\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$ \alpha_{n} $$\end{document},θn,γn\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$ \theta_{n} ,\,\gamma_{n} $$\end{document})
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Computational Mechanics (2021) 67:1255–1271
Uncertainty quantification of spatially uncorrelated loads
with a reduced-order stochastic isogeometric method
Chensen Ding1,2 ·Kumar K. Tamma3·Haojie Lian1·Yanjun Ding4·Timothy J. Dodwell2,5 ·
Stéphane P. A. Bordas1,6,7
Received: 12 February 2020 / Accepted: 3 November 2020 / Published online: 24 March 2021
© Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2021
This work models spatially uncorrelated (independent) load uncertainty and develops a reduced-order Monte Carlo stochastic
isogeometric method to quantify the effect of the load uncertainty on the structural response of thin shells and solid structures.
The approach is tested on two demonstrative applications of uncertainty, namely, spatially uncorrelated loading, with (1)
Scordelis–Lo Roof shell structure, and (2) a 3D wind turbine blade. This work has three novelties. Firstly, the research models
spatially uncorrelated (independent) load uncertainties (including both their magnitude and/or direction) using stochastic
analysis. Secondly, the paper advances a reduced-order Monte Carlo stochastic isogeometric method to quantify the spatially
uncorrelated load uncertainty. It inherits the merits of isogeometric analysis, which enables the precise representation of
geometry and alleviates shell shear locking, thereby reducing the model’s uncertainties. Moreover, the method retains the
generality and accuracy of classical Monte Carlo simulation (MCS), with significant efficiency gains. The demonstrative
results suggest that there is a cost, which is 3% of the time used by the standard MCS. Furthermore, a significant observation
is made from the conducted numerical tests. It is noticed that the standard deviation of the output (i.e., displacement) is
strongly influenced when the load uncertainty is spatially uncorrelated. Namely, the standard derivation (SD) of the output is
roughly 10 times smaller than the SD for correlated load uncertainties. Nonetheless, the expected values remain consistent
between the two cases.
Keywords Uncertainty quantification ·Spatially uncorrelated load uncertainties ·Stochastic isogeometric analysis ·
Reduced-order models ·Monte Carlo simulation
BStéphane P. A. Bordas
1Institute of Computational Engineering, University of
Luxembourg, 4364 Esch-Sur-Alzette, Luxembourg
2Institute of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence,
University of Exeter, Exeter EX4 4PY, UK
3Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of
Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA
4Department of Forensic Science, School of Basic Medical
Sciences, Central South University, Changsha 410013,
People’s Republic of China
5The Alan Turing Institute, London NW1 2DB, UK
6Department of Medical Research, China Medical University
Hospital, China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan
7Institute of Mechanics and Advanced Materials, School of
Engineering, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK
1 Introduction
Uncertainty and stochasticity are ubiquitous in natural and
engineering systems and strongly impact their behaviour
(e.g., reliability [1]); therefore, computational stochastic
analyses are becoming increasingly important [2,3]. Gener-
ally, the procedures for stochastic analysis include two ingre-
dients [4]. The first one comprises of numerical techniques,
which are coupled with the stochastic theory. Examples
include the finite element method (FEM) [57], smoothed
finite element method (SFEM) [8,9], boundary element
method (BEM) [10], and finite difference method (FDM)
[11], which have been used for stochastic simulation. Recent
studies have also used isogeometric analysis for stochas-
tic analysis Noh [12], Li [1315], and Ding [1619]. The
second ingredient is a stochastic algorithm that models uncer-
tainty. Widely used algorithms include (a) stochastic spectral
approaches [20,21,41], (b) perturbation-based techniques
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... To examine how these uncertainties might affect acoustic system responses, a number of uncertainty analysis techniques have been proposed, such as Monte Carlo simulation (MCs) [11][12][13], stochastic spectral methods [14,15], and perturbation based methods [16][17][18][19][20]. Among them, the MCs has been the most versatile and simplest one, but its accuracy is heavily dependent on sampling size, which can increase computational costs [21][22][23]. Therefore, the MCs has limited practical applicability and is mainly used for validating other uncertainty analysis methods [24,25]. ...
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This study proposes a generalized nth-order perturbation method based on (isogeometric) boundary element methods for uncertainty analysis in 3D acoustic scattering problems. In this paper, for the first time, we derive nth-order Taylor expansions of 3D acoustic boundary integral equations, taking incident wave frequency as a random input variable. In addition, subdivision surface basis functions used in geometric modeling are employed to discretize the generalized nth-order derivative boundary integral equations, in order to avoid cumbersome meshing procedure and retain geometric accuracy. Moreover, the fast multipole method is introduced to accelerate the stochastic perturbation analysis with boundary element methods. Numerical examples are given to demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed uncertainty quantification algorithm.
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This paper presents a novel framework aimed at quantifying uncertainties associated with the 3D reconstruction of smoke from 2D images. This approach reconstructs color and density fields from 2D images using Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) and improves image quality using frequency regularization. The NeRF model is obtained via joint training of multiple artificial neural networks, whereby the expectation and standard deviation of density fields and RGB values can be evaluated for each pixel. In addition, customized physics-informed neural network (PINN) with residual blocks and two-layer activation functions are utilized to input the density fields of the NeRF into Navier-Stokes equations and convection-diffusion equations to reconstruct the velocity field. The velocity uncertainties are also evaluated through ensemble learning. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is demonstrated through numerical examples. The present method is an important step towards downstream tasks such as reliability analysis and robust optimization in engineering design.
This paper presents an n-th high order perturbation-based stochastic isogeometric Kirchhoff–Love shell method, formulation and implementation for modeling and quantifying geometric (thickness) uncertainty in thin shell structures. Firstly, the Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS) is used to describe the geometry and interpolate the variables in a deterministic aspect. Then, the shell structures with geometric (thickness) uncertainty are investigated by developing an nth order perturbation-based stochastic isogeometric method. Here, we develop the shell stochastic formulations in detail (particularly, expand the random input (thickness) and IGA Kirchhoff-Love shell element based state functions analytically around their expectations via n-th order Taylor series using a small perturbation parameterε), whilst freshly providing the Matlab core codes helpful for implementation. This work includes three key novelties: 1) by increasing/utilizing the high order of NURBS basis functions, we can exactly represent shell geometries and alleviate shear locking, as well as providing more accurate deterministic solution hence enhancing stochastic response accuracy. 2) Via increasing the nth order perturbation, we overcome the inherent drawbacks of first and second-order perturbation approaches, and hence can handle uncertainty problems with some large coefficients of variation. 3) The numerical examples, including two benchmarks and one engineering application (B-pillar in automobile), simulated by the proposed formulations and direct Monte Carlo simulations (MCS) verify that thickness randomness does strongly affect the response of shell structures, such as the displacement caused by uncertainty can increase up to 35%; Moreover, the proposed formulation is effective and significantly efficient. For example, compared to MCS, only 0.014% computational time is needed to obtain the stochastic response.
Purpose This paper aims to provide designers/engineers, in engineering structural design and analysis, approaches to freely and accurately modify structures (geometric and/or material), and then quickly provide real-time capability to obtain the numerical solutions of the modified structures (designs). Design/methodology/approach The authors propose an isogeometric independent coefficients (IGA-IC) method for a fast reanalysis of structures with geometric and material modifications. Firstly, the authors seamlessly integrate computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided engineering (CAE) by capitalizing upon isogeometric analysis (IGA). Hence, the authors can easily modify the structural geometry only by changing the control point positions without tedious transformations between CAE and CAD models; and modify material characters simply based on knots vectors. Besides, more accurate solutions can be obtained because of the high order degree of the spline functions that are used as interpolation functions. Secondly, the authors advance the proposed independent coefficients method within IGA for fast numerical simulation of the modified designs, thereby significantly reducing the enormous time spent in repeatedly numerical evaluations. Findings This proposed scheme is efficient and accurate for modifying the structural geometry by simply changing the control point positions, and material characters by knots vectors. The enormous time spent in repeated full numerical simulations for reanalysis is significantly reduced. Hence, enabling quickly modifying structural geometry and material, and analyzing the modified model for practicality in design stages. Originality/value The authors herein advance and propose the IGA-IC scheme. Where, it provides designers to fasten and simple designs and modify structures (both geometric and material). It then can quickly in real-time obtain numerical solutions of the modified structures. It is a powerful tool in practical engineering design and analysis process for local modification. While this method is an approximation method designed for local modifications, it generally cannot provide an exact numerical solution and its effectiveness for large modification deserves further study.
In this study, a novel dynamic isogeometric reanalysis (DIGR) method based on the Newmark-β method is suggested to improve the computational efficiency. The dynamic response of the modified structure can be efficiently predicted by using the DIGR method without solving the complete set of modified equilibrium equations of the modified structure. Compared with popular dynamic reanalysis methods, DIGR has higher accuracy and can solve more complex structures rather than simple truss or beam structures. Furthermore, the larger the scale of the problem is, the higher the efficiency of the proposed method will be. Benefiting from the introduction of the IGA, the geometric model and modifications can be accurately represented and transformed due to the smoothness of Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS) basis functions. Thus, the IGR can easily integrate with closed-loop optimization, can significantly improve the efficiency and can shorten the design cycle of the product. Numerical examples are shown to validate the correctness and superiority of the DIGR. The accuracy and efficiency are verified by comparing the results obtained via complete analysis.
A spectral stochastic isogeometric analysis (SSIGA) scheme is proposed for the stochastic linear stability analysis of plate with uncertain material properties. Within the proposed SSIGA scheme, the first-order shear deformation theory of plate is adopted for modelling the kinematic relationship. Both homogeneous and functionally graded material (FGM) models can be incorporated. The considered spatially dependent uncertainties (i.e., Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio) are modelled as random fields with Gaussian and lognormal distributions, and the spatially independent uncertainty (i.e., gradient index of FGM) is modelled as random variable. The generalized isogeometric basis function is adopted for both the random field geometry representation and random field discretization through the Karhunen–Loève (K–L) expansion. An extended support vector regression (X-SVR) with a new generalized Gegenbauer polynomial kernel is developed to model the nonlinear relationship between the structural uncertainties and the buckling load. By further implementing various nonparametric statistical inference methods, the mean, standard deviation, probability density function (PDF), and cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the buckling load can be effectively established to determine the strength limit of the plate. The accuracy, efficiency, and applicability of the proposed approach are illustrated through two numerical examples.
In this paper, the cell based smoothed finite element method is extended to solve stochastic partial differential equations with uncertain input parameters. The spatial field of Young's moduli and the corresponding stochastic results are represented by Karhunen-Lo\'eve expansion and polynomial chaos expansion, respectively. The Young's Modulus of structure is considered to be random for stochastic static as well as free vibration problems. Mathematical expressions and the solution procedure are articulated in detail to evaluate the statistical characteristics of responses in terms of static displacements and free vibration frequencies. The feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed SGCS-FEM method in terms of accuracy and lower requirement on the mesh size in the solution domain over that of conventional FEM for stochastic problems are demonstrated by carefully chosen numerical examples. From the numerical study, it is inferred that the proposed framework is computationally less demanding without compromising accuracy.
A novel spectral stochastic isogeometric analysis (SSIGA) is proposed for the free vibration analysis of engineering structures involving uncertainties. The proposed SSIGA framework treats the stochastic free vibration problem as a stochastic generalized eigenvalue problem. The stochastic Young's modulus and material density of the structure are modelled as random fields with Gaussian and non-Gaussian distributions. The basis functions, the non-uniform rational B-spline (NURBS) and T-spline, within Computer Aided Design (CAD) system are adopted within the SSIGA, which can eliminate geometric errors between design model and uncertainty analysis model. The arbitrary polynomial chaos (aPC) expansion is implemented to investigate the stochastic responses (i.e. eigenvalues and eigenvectors) of the structure. A Galerkin-based method is freshly proposed to solve the stochastic generalized eigenvalue problems. The statistical moments, probability density function (PDF) and cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the eigenvalues can be effectively obtained. Two numerical examples with irregular geometries are investigated to illustrate the applicability, accuracy and efficiency of the proposed SSIGA for free vibration analysis of engineering structures.
Structural stochastic analysis is vital to engineering. However, current material related uncertainty methods are mostly limited to low dimension, and they mostly remain unable to account for spatially uncorrelated material uncertainties. They are not representative of realistic and practical engineering situations. In particular, it is more serious for composite structures comprised of dissimilar materials. Therefore, we propose a novel model order reduction via proper orthogonal decomposition accelerated Monte Carlo stochastic isogeometric method (IGA-POD-MCS) for stochastic analysis of exactly represented (composite) structures. This approach particularly enables high-dimensional material uncertainties wherein the characteristics of each element are independent. And the novelties include: (1) the structural geometry is exactly modeled thanks to isogeometric analysis (IGA), as well as providing more accurate deterministic and stochastic solutions, (2) we innovatively consider high-dimensional and independent material uncertainties by separating the stochastic mesh from the IGA mesh, and modelling different stochastic elements to have different (independent) uncertainty behaviors, (3) the classical Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) is employed to universally solve the high-dimensional uncertainty problem. However, to circumvent its computational expense, we employ model order reduction via proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) into the IGA coupled MCS stochastic analysis. In particular, we observe that this work decouples all IGA elements and hence permits independent uncertainty models easily, thereby the engineering problem is modeled to be more realistic and authentic. Several illustrative numerical examples verify the proposed IGA-POD-MCS approach is effective and efficient; and the larger the scale of the problem is, the more advantageous the method will become.
The contribution herein proposes a novel generalized nth order perturbation isogeometric method (GNP-IGA) for efficient steady heat transfer stochastic analysis with material uncertainty. While various space discretizations may be employed for spatial modeling, first, the isogeometric analysis (IGA) technique is employed and is the selected choice to exactly represent the structural geometry, as well as to provide more accurate results. Secondly, the randomness of thermal conductivity coefficient is considered in the steady heat transfer analysis, and its stochastic field is modeled by a generalized nth order perturbation method. Namely, we derive and expand the IGA based random-input parameters (thermal conductivity coefficient) and all state functions included in the governing equations around their expectations via a generalized nth order Taylor series using a small perturbation parameter ε. More importantly, we can satisfy accuracy requirements of the probabilistic moments of the stochastic solution by expanding Taylor series to nth order. As comparison, the brute force Monte Carlo simulations are conducted in various numerical examples and primarily serve as a benchmark; both, a simple square plate and a real engineering application are demonstrated. The results verify the proposed GNP-IGA is effective and significantly efficient for steady heat transfer stochastic analysis with material uncertainty. In addition, the larger the problem’s scale (DOFs) and/or the number of samples are, the more efficiency the GNP-IGA method will inherit.