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Abstract and Figures

ABSTRACT The rational method is used to evaluate the surface runoffs on peak stages occurred at small areas like field lands, parking spots, public parks etc. This method does not provide any accurate infiltration rate. In this method we observe especially water movements and their inputs through hydrological cycle. By using of this method there is no timing collaboration between the peak flow. KEYWORDS: Rational Method
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Burra Shyamsunder, Kannala Vishnuvardhanreddy, Dr Sandeepmenon
Research Scholar, Department of Agronomy, School of Agriculture, Lovely Professional University, Jalandhar, Punjab,
India - 144411
The rational method is used to evaluate the surface runoffs on peak stages occurred at small areas like field lands, parking
spots, public parks etc. This method does not provide any accurate infiltration rate. In this method we observe especially
water movements and their inputs through hydrological cycle. By using of this method there is no timing collaboration
between the peak flow.
Rational Method
Article History
Received: 17 Mar 2021 | Revised: 19 Mar 2021 | Accepted: 24 Mar 2021
Rational method was first used in 1889 developed by Emil Kuichling. The Rational equation is easiest method to obtain
peak runoff from watershed. The most common and quickest method of runoff estimation. The rational method is the
oldest method still probably the most widely used method for design of storm drains. This method is for small areas,
especially the size of the drainage basin fixed to a few acres
Rational Equation: Q = CIA
Where, Q = peak discharge, CFS
C = Runoff Coefficient (Rational Method)
I = Rainfall Intensity, mm/hour
A = Drainage Area
International Journal of Applied and
Natural Sciences (IJANS)
ISSN (P): 2319–4014; ISSN (E): 2319–4022
Vol. 10, Issue 3, Apr–May 2021; 1–4
Burra Shyamsunder, Kannala Vishnuvardhanreddy, Dr Sandeepmenon
Impact Factor (JCC): 6.3238 NAAS Rating 3.73
Table 1: Calculation of C Value
Land Use Area Value of C Area* C
Final Value of C
Agriculture 2750.11 0.0605 166.382
Built-up 46.25 0.0625 2.89063
Forest 2.336 0.15 0.3504
Grassland 5.14 0.0175 0.08995 0.06
Wastelands 526.95 0.05 26.3475
Water bodies 103.81 0.095 9.86195
Wet lands 1.11 0.9 0.999
Other 39.19 0.2 7.838
Total 3474.89 214.759
Table 2: Calculation of Runoff from Rational Formula
Month Average Rainfall of all
Stations (mm) Average Intensity of
Rainfall(mm) Area (km2) Q = CIA(mm)
June 134.054 0.335 69.874
July 212.897 0.515 107.390
August 136.965 0.331 3474.92 69.0885
September 96.261 0.240 50.175
October 16.193 0.039 8.1697
Figure 1
It suppose that rainfall intensity is constant over the whole watershed throughout the period of the storm, which is
very rare.
The foremost losses due to decline storage and foremost infiltration are not allowed.
Runoff coefficient changes with regards to season as well as rainfall attributes, which is not allowed in rational
The considerable flaw to the Rational method is that it generally allows only one point on the runoff hydrograph.
Runoff Estimation by using Rational Method: A Review
Figure 2
This is a simple method to estimate the runoff in small areas by using `c’ value or runoff coefficient. It is much easier to
represent variation in hydrological responses within that area. It is also used to calculate accurate evaluations than other
1. University Cooperation of Atmospheric Research.
2. David B. Thompson. The Rational Method, Texas Tech University
... This method's foundation lies in the Rational Method Table (Chow et al 1988), as utilized by Sabri (2015). Furthermore, the Rational Method is one of the oldest formulas frequently utilized by governmental bodies for runoff analysis (Burra et al 2021), particularly on Bangka Island. ...
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Kulong is a basin on the ground’s surface formed from mining activities and subsequently inundated by water. The primary water input source to kulong originates from rainfall, which generates runoff. One of the recurring issues in kulong is the absence of runoff records. The NRECA model is a modeling approach that transforms rainfall data into runoff estimations for kulong. Another derived variable from the NRECA model’s runoff calculations is the runoff coefficient (C) value. However, the C value generated by the NRECA model’s calculations has yet to be verified for its conformity with field conditions. Due to the lack of runoff records, field-based C value computations for kulong can be adopted from the Rational Formula-based C calculations. This study employs a quantitative descriptive method to analyze the suitability of the C values within the kulong catchment area, utilizing both the NRECA model and the Rational Method. The research is conducted across three kulong sites on Bangka Island: Kulong PDAM Merawang in Bangka Regency, Kulong Spritus in Pangkalpinang City, and Kulong Air Kerasak in Central Bangka Regency. Based on the computed C values, it can be concluded that the suitability analysis of the C values within the kulong catchment area, utilizing both the NRECA model and the Rational Method, for Kulong PDAM Merawang, Kulong Spritus, and Kulong Air Kerasak, falls well within the tolerance limit (α) of < 1%.
... Dalam studi ini, perhitungan debit banjir menggunakan Hidrograf Satuan Sintetik Nakayasu dan Hidrograf Metode Rasional pada titik tertentu. Penggunaan metode Hidrograf Satuan Sintetik Nakayasu diterapkan untuk mengestimasi kejadian banjir di bagian hulu DAS Gembong, sedangkan Hidrograf Metode Rasional dilakukan pada bagian hilir lokasi studi yang sebagian besar didominasi oleh jaringan drainase perkotaan [12]. Gambar 2 menampilkan cakupan wilayah penerapan metode HSS Nakayasu dan metode rasional untuk analisa debit banjir rancangan di lokasi studi. ...
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Banjir merupakan keadaan dimana suatu daerah tergenang air dalam jumlah yang besar, Sungai Gembong merupakan sungai yang membelah Kota Pasuruan dan pada tahun 2008 terjadi banjir ekstrim dengan kala ulang 25 tahun yang membuat fasilitas umum dan pemadaman listrik sementara. Mengingat pentingnya Sungai Gembong untuk kehidupan di Kota Pasuruan, studi ini dimaksudkan untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai debit banjir yang terjadi, luas genangan banjir dan kondisi penampang dengan debit banjir kala ulang 25 dan 50 tahun. Data yang dibutuhkan untuk melengkapi studi ini antara lain adalah data hujan, data debit maksimum, data DEM, dan data penampang Sungai Gembong. Studi ini dimulai dengan analisis kualitas data hujan lalu merubah data hujan menjadi debit banjir rancangan dengan kala ulang 25 dan 50 tahun, lalu dilakukan pemodelan di aplikasi HEC-RAS untuk mendapatkan sebaran genangan banjir DAS Gembong. Pemodelan hidraulik menggunakan HEC-RAS 6.2 dengan Analisa 2D dengan simulasi unsteady flow kala ulang 25 dan 50 untuk mengetahui luas genangan di DAS Gembong. Dari analisa hidrologi didapatkan debit banjir dengan metode Hidrograf Satuan Sintetik Nakayasu sebesar Q25th = 125.32 m3/det dan Q50th = 142.442 m3/det dan total luas genangan yang terjadi pada Q25th dan Q50th adalah sebesar 158.44 ha, dan 170.11 ha
... The evaluation of the drainage system this paper uses the rational method in the peak runoff calculation. The equation is [22] as follows ...
... The rational method is the oldest, but probably the most widely used, method for designing storm drains. It is for small areas, especially the size of the drainage basin fixed to a few acres [37]. ...
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The paper presents the results of a case study that was prepared as a basis for decision-making processes in the context of the impacts of global climate change. The article is focused on a very important part of the urban environment, namely urban forests. When taking planning measures in periurban forests, two realities must always be addressed, i.e., adaptation measures to mitigate the effects of climate change on the forest complex in question and its use to mitigate the effects of climate change in its surroundings must both be considered. It is a well-known fact that forest communities (of any kind) are on the one hand affected by the impacts of climate change, but on the other hand are able to mitigate its effects on their surroundings. The case study was of land near the town of Mladá Boleslav. The aim was to analyse the hydrological regime of the Štěpánka Forest Park, nicknamed “the lungs of Mladá Boleslav”. Modelling of the runoff coefficient was made for the whole park area, as well as for the part on the left bank of the Klenice River (forested part). The runoff conditions of the site and their subparameters are addressed in the study by comparing the current state with the modelled state after deforestation of the site, e.g., due to drought. As far as the spatial layout of the forest is concerned, it is absolutely essential to maintain an integrated stand on the site with a lower stem cover (fewer individuals per plot) and a lower regeneration period. These aspects of a growing matrix forest stand will ensure its sustainability, in particular the sustainable water management of the trees in the context of lower water reserves in the rhizosphere and the greater ability of younger individuals to adapt to changes in site conditions (replacement of stress-resistant types by resilient types).
... One of the oldest method used for calculating runoff in a watershed is rational method (Burra & Vishnuvardhanreddy, 2021;Field & Long, 2018). This method considers the land use, soil characteristics and slope of an area and is suitable only for small watersheds. ...
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The areal, linear, and relief dimensions of a drainage system make up its hydrological structure. Hence, the dynamics of hydrology in a watershed is relied highly on its morphometric characteristics. They control and regulate the majority of the water movements in the system. This water movement also includes runoff which is an indispensable element of the hydrological cycle. However, while measuring runoff of a region, the morphometry characters are often ignored. The present study is focusing on identifying the role of morphometric parameters in controlling the runoff efficiency of a watershed. For that, a case study has been conducted in a tropical watershed “Valakkayi Tode” of the Valapattanam River of Kerala, South India, where the hydrology is highly active. The runoff efficiency and the morphometric influence in the watershed were examined in three steps. Primarily, the study estimated the runoff potential of sub-watersheds based on its morphometric characters. Later, soil conservation service (SCS) method based on curve number (CN) was applied to estimate direct runoff. Finally, the relationship between two outcomes were compared. The result showed that the morphometric character and runoff potentiality are highly related. However, the correlation between the outcomes of SCS method and morphometric influence of the region showed a lower value. This indicates that the outcome of SCS method is not addressing the role of morphometry of the region. Therefore, it is recommended that in any type of flow analysis, separate consideration be given to morphometric characteristics before reaching a conclusion.
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The outline of almost all urban contours are characterized by accelerated urbanization, depleted assets, population growth, ageing infrastructure, and degraded environments, which are made worse by rising climate uncertainty. The projections show that by 2040, approximately half of the world population will reside in areas with significant water stress. The immense pressure on land due to expansion of urbanized area has led to a significant increase in impervious/paved surfaces, reducing the rate of infiltration. In urban areas, however, this cycle is discontinuous in context to impermeable pavements, surface water do not get time to percolate instead they drain off to sewer. This misleading of storm water leads to flooding, and other water issues. The goal is to find techniques that can feasibly integrate the hydrological cycle with im-pactful water-sensitive spatial design considerations. This paper presents a detailed analysis of Women's Polytechnic and Sarojini Naidu Hall at Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), Aligarh, India based on storm water management and water sensitive parameters that can be implemented in the whole campus by using both qualitative as well as quantitative research methods in relation with the Sustainable Development Goals 2030.
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