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Cosmic-ray muography applications in underground tunnelling



The novel geophysical remote imaging method of muography is based on cosmic-ray induced muon particles that are detected after passing through the media of interest. If the studied objects are solid, their sizes can vary from meters to up to kilometres. In underground tunnelling, muography has at least four applications: (1) muography can be used to detect a potential risk (such as a water reservoir, a weak zone with loose rocks, boulders, etc.) before or during tunnelling, (2) muography can be employed to monitor overburden rock behaviour during tunnelling operation to avoid risks like the roof cave-ins, (3) muography can be applied to monitor the overburdening rock masses in tunnels after they are excavated to predict and avoid the collapse of rock mass, and (4) muography can be used to estimate the size and volume of a rock mass collapse in a tunnel since the volume of the collapsed rocks must have markedly smaller density than original overburden rock mass.
EGU General Assembly 2021
© Author(s) 2021. This work is distributed under
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Cosmic-ray muography applications in underground tunnelling
Pasi Kuusiniemi1,2, Marko Holma1,2,3, and Zongxian Zhang4
1Muon Solutions Oy, Pyhäsalmi, Finland (
2Arctic Planetary Science Institute, Äänekoski, Finland
3Kerttu Saalasti Institute, University of Oulu, Nivala, Finland (
4Oulu Mining School, University of Oulu, 90014 Oulu, Finland
The novel geophysical remote imaging method of muography is based on cosmic-ray induced
muon particles that are detected after passing through the media of interest. If the studied objects
are solid, their sizes can vary from meters to up to kilometres. In terms of penetration capability,
muography can be placed between methods based on X-rays and those using seismic waves. The
most famous objects imaged with muography are pyramids (e.g., Khufu's Pyramid at Giza in Egypt)
and volcanoes (e.g., Mt Etna in Italy). One clear advantage of muography compared with seismic
methods is that muons, unlike seismic waves, do not reflect from geological interfaces. In addition,
the scattering phenomenon is a minor issue and needs consideration only at low-energy muons.
Raw data must be corrected according to topography. On the basis of extensive numeric
simulations of Hivert et al. (2017), the lowest density variations observable for muography with a
significant level of 3σ (a typical significance level in physics) are around 2% at 150 m, 4% at 300 m,
and 10% at 700 m of depth, respectively. If these numbers are extrapolated to depths below 100
m, the mean density differences in the range of 1% are likely within the observation capability of
muography. It is also worth to note that the 1% difference in a mean rock density results in an
approximately 3% difference in the muon flux. This indicates that muon flux measurements are
very sensitive to the density variations of rocks.
In underground tunnelling, muography has at least four applications: (1) muography can be used
to detect a potential risk (such as a water reservoir, a weak zone with loose rocks, boulders, etc.)
before or during tunnelling, (2) muography can be employed to monitor overburden rock
behaviour during tunnelling operation to avoid risks like the roof cave-ins, (3) muography can be
applied to monitor the overburdening rock masses in tunnels after they are excavated to predict
and avoid the collapse of rock mass, and (4) muography can be used to estimate the size and
volume of a rock mass collapse in a tunnel since the volume of the collapsed rocks must have
markedly smaller density than original overburden rock mass. In an excavating tunnel project
using a tunnel boring machine (TBM), a muon detector can be installed in the TBM during
tunnelling. If there occurs a tunnel cave-in, muography can be employed in undamaged tunnels
nearby (sideways or below) the collapse. If possible, the collapse can also be approached safely via
an undamaged part of the collapsed tunnel. If none of these are available, borehole muography
can be applied as a substitute solution. Whereas an undamaged underground tunnel is either
filled by air or water, a collapsed tunnel segment is characterized by air and rock, or water and
rock. In either case, the average density of the tunnel segment is increased. We are currently
planning simulations and real-world tests to validate these assumptions.
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... It has been shown to be usable for mapping deep and shallow ore bodies, characterising general bedrock features, and revealing voids within the bedrock (Oláh et al. 2012;Bryman et al. 2014;Nishiyama et al. 2017Nishiyama et al. , 2019Schouten & Ledru 2018;Baccani et al. 2019;Beni et al. 2024). It can be used to locate deposits, characterise rock masses, detect zones of weakness, and monitor temporal changes (Zhang et al. 2020;Holma et al. 2021aHolma et al. , 2022bHolma et al. , 2022cHolma et al. , 2023cKuusiniemi et al. 2021;Juutinen et al. 2022;. Many of these applications are being piloted (e.g., AGEMERA 2024; Mine. ...
... In addition, muon imaging has been proposed to be used in monitoring carbon sequestration and nuclear waste disposal, studying sediments and soil compaction, and identifying seismically active zones. Te method complements traditional geophysical techniques, providing unique insight about the density of any target of interest (Zhang et al. 2020;Holma et al. 2021aHolma et al. , 2022bHolma et al. , 2022cHolma et al. , 2023cKuusiniemi et al. 2021;Juutinen et al. 2022). Te diverse applications demonstrate its growing value in geoscientifc research. ...
Full-text available
Journal: Geologi. Note: This article is in Finnish, but it contains an English summary. The work’s title is ’On the verge of a new kind of geophysics: Part 4 – Geoscientific and archaeological applications of muon imaging.' Tämä artikkeli on myonigrafaa eli myonikuvausta käsittelevän kirjoitussarjamme neljäs osa. Sarjan tarkoitus on tehdä tätä uutta geofysikaalista menetelmää tutuksi suomen kielellä. Tällä kertaa esittelemme lyhyesti myonikuvauksen geotieteellisiä ja arkeologisia sovelluksia.
Full-text available
Note: This article is in Finnish, but it contains an English summary. The work’s title is ’On the verge of a new kind of geophysics: Part 2 — Muon detection and the basic principles of muography.’ Tämä artikkeli on toinen osa myonikuvausta esittelevien kirjoitustemme sarjassa, jonka tarkoitus on tehdä menetelmä tutuksi geotieteelliselle yhteisölle suomen kielellä. Tässä toisessa osassa perehdymme myoni-ilmaisimiin sekä mittausten toteuttamiseen vaikuttaviin asioihin.
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