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Building Resilience through Commercial Relations: The Formalization of Carwash Sites in Medellín


Abstract and Figures

Urban Resilience is seen by many as a tool to mitigate harm in times of extreme social, political, financial, and environmental stress. Despite its widespread usage, however, resilience is used in different ways by policy makers, activists, academics, and practitioners. Some see it as a key to unlocking a more stable and secure urban future in times of extreme global insecurity; for others, it is a neoliberal technology that marginalizes the voices of already marginal peoples. This volume moves beyond praise and critique by focusing on the actors, narratives and temporalities that define urban resilience in a global context. By exploring the past, present, and future of urban resilience, this volume unlocks the potential of this concept to build more sustainable, inclusive, and secure cities in the 21st century.
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Building Resilience through Commercial Relations
The Formalization of Carwash Sites in Medellín
Marcela López
         
           
            
           
            
         
             
               
              
          
          
            
           
         
          
        
            
          
            
 
          
           
            
            
           
            
          
           
          
           
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            
               
           
    
           
            
           
           
            
              
          
            
        
           
           
          
       
           
           
            
          
                
            
          
          
          
              
             
          
           
        
  
             
              
         
         
            
            
           
         
             
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            
        
          
      Empresas Públicas de Medellín 
         
            
         
           
         
            
            
     
           
       
            
          
            
        
           
          
           
           
             
 
          
     
              
           
          
          
             
             
             
            
            
          
         
          
   
           
          
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          
            
          
           
           
          
        
             
         
         
            
         
        
       
            
             
          
              
          
             
         
   
          
         
         
           
         
         
        
             
         
            
         
            
           
           
         
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              
          
          
           
            
          
      
          
          
             
            
              
            
           
              
          
             
           
          
        
          
              
   
          
            
            
            
           
            
         
        
         
              
              
            
            
          
              
             
        
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Informal Carwash Sites, a Waste of Water
            
           
          
           
           
             
               
          
               
          
           
           
          
           
         
       
            
            
           
           
             
          
            
           
             
        alistadores  
             
                
            
             
    
           
             
          
            
          
             
          
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            
   
         
            
             
               
           
            
             
              
            
             
            
             
     
          
           
            
             
            
           
            
          
           
Building Resilience Through Commercial Relations
          
            
        
          
           
          
            
         
         
            
               
           
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           
             
           
           
            
           
           
         
        
           
Figure 1: Carwash site specialized in washing buses (Marcela López 2017 ).
           
          
           
        
             
           
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        
             
           
          
          
            
           
        
      
Physical Infrastructures
            
            
          
           
            
          
           
            
         
           
           
            
          
         
             
            
    
           
        
         
           
             
         
          
         
           
         
          
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        
          
           
           
           
          
          
           
         
              
            
        
          
   
Figure 2: Technical interventions in carwash sites implemented by EPM: Installment of
water meters, construction of drainage systems and provision of hoses.(Marcela López 2017).
Building Resilience through Commercial Relations 157
           
          
           
            
           
         
           
           
          
           
            
            
 
           
          
           
          
            
            
            
            
         
  
             
            
         
            
            
          
             
           
           
           
         
     
The Water Bill
           
           
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Figure 3: Artistic interventions in houses and local business to visibilize the work of carwash
workers. (Deúniti 2018 )
            
              
            
             
            
          
    
           
           
               
        
             
            
           
          
         
           
            
          
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            
              
            
          
           
         
           
           
            
          
            
 
            
             
          Compañeros 
            
              
         
          
           
         
          
            
          
          
  
          
          
            
          
           
           
          
              
           
       
                
                
          
             
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            
      
           
         
              
            
              
           
          
            
            
        
          
           
       
           
             
          
            
         
             
            
            
            
           
       
The Law
         
         
            
         Mesa Interin-
stitucional de Lavadores de Autos         
           
         
          
        
          
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       
           
    
          
           
             
         
           
          
          
          
  
           
          
            
             
           
            
             
   
          
          
  
     
   
   
         
        
        
  
    
  
             
             
            
          
          
             
           
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             
            
             
          
          
    
          
             
         
           
          
        
           
          
            
          
        
           
           
           
         
           
           
             
          
             
    
          
          
           
           
             
          
           
              
              
             
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           
              
         
            
         
             
           
           
         
         
           
        
             
           
            
             
            
  
         
      
         
           
         
      
           
           
          
      
          
    
           
      
          
      
       
        
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          
         
            
           
         
        
          
            
    
        
        
           
 
           
     
          
         
        
        
         
              
 
        
         
          
           
   
          
          
    
       
        
  
            
         
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         
  
           
 
          
     
         
         
         
         
   
           
          
       
          
      
        
        
          
     
         
         
         
   
         
        
            
        
           
    
         
       
        
           
          
   
            
 
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          
        
         
     
        
        
         
         
       
      
        
          
  
         
         
        
         
          
 
         
       
         
       
       
          
           
 
           
        
         
   
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In this article I explore the political and technical controversies of measuring water leakages in Mumbai to demonstrate how the dense historical accretions of technology, material, and social life that form hydraulic infrastructures in Mumbai trouble the audit cultures of neoliberal government. While scholars have recently drawn attention to the generativity of ignorance in the making of the state, in this article I argue that ignorance is not only a technology of politics, produced and managed by municipal water engineers and their subjects. Leakages, and the ignorances of leakages, are also enabled by the vital materiality of the city’s infrastructure. As engineers work hard to improvise resolutions to the leakages they can fix, and ignore the thousands of others they cannot, the processes of leakage always exceed the control of the city’s government. As such, the uncertain appearances of leakage in Mumbai not only provide the grounds for the work of the state. Leakages also constantly disrupt governmental projects in ways that make the water department vulnerable both to the claims of marginalized subjects and to new reform projects in the city.
Access to ‘formal’ electricity networks remains a key challenge in many African urban areas. Significant attention has been paid to how access to an electricity connection should be provided, with much less attention paid to how electricity infrastructures are operated and maintained. Attention to how utilities govern the challenges inherent to ‘informality’ in the production of ‘formal’ networked infrastructure is less common, especially in African cities. Moreover, with a few notable exceptions, studies on infrastructure maintenance and repair treat ‘informality’ as a subtext to broader examinations of the uneven urban landscapes produced through infrastructure and its mediating technologies. Drawing on a socio-technical approach to electricity infrastructures, this article explores how utilities engage with ‘informality’ to produce access to ‘formal’ electricity networks through everyday processes of maintenance and repair. To this end, the article uses the empirical case of Mozambique’s national electricity company, EDM (Electricidade de Moçambique, E.P.) and its transition to an electricity network mediated by prepayment technologies in the capital city Maputo. The article argues that a socio-technical approach to infrastructures provides key insights into how utilities implicate the spatial and socio-economic dimensions of ‘informality’ in the design, delivery, and maintenance and repair of ‘formal’ electricity networks. Utilities do so through pragmatic, situated practices that sustain and continually produce and reproduce infrastructures in cities. This highlights how infrastructures are always precarious achievements and service delivery is always a process in the making. The article is based on deskwork, archival work, and fieldwork conducted by the author in Maputo since 2013.
Many of the academic analyses calling Medellín’s development an “urban miracle” fall short with regard to discussion of the political economic implications of institutional shifts. An emerging transnational capitalist class promoted ‘good governance’ reforms and the embedding of neoliberalism in the urban context. Medellín’s neoliberal development agenda is not only a market-led strategy but also a particular form of hierarchic rule and distribution of power. Increased economic activities in the tertiary sector, the promotion of flexible labor markets, and the incorporation of the city into the global economy at the lower end of the value chain have not served as sustainable growth escalators for Medellín’s economy. The city continues to have high rates of un- and underemployment and is still the country’s most unequal city. These developments can by no means be described as miraculous. Muchos de los análisis académicos que describen el desarrollo de Medellín como un “milagro urbano” se quedan cortos en cuanto a la discusión de las implicaciones político-económicas de los cambios institucionales. Una nueva clase capitalista transnacional promovió las reformas de buena gobernanza y la incorporación del neoliberalismo en el contexto urbano. El plan de desarrollo neoliberal de Medellín no es sólo una estrategia orientada al mercado sino que también es una forma jerárquica de gobierno y distribución del poder. El aumento de las actividades económicas en el sector sectario, la promoción de un mercado laboral flexible y la incorporación de la ciudad en la economía global en el nivel más bajo de la cadena de valor no han servido como palancas para el crecimiento económico sustentable de Medellín. La ciudad sigue teniendo las tasas de desempleo y subempleo más altas de Colombia y todavía es la ciudad más desigual del país. Estos desarrollos no pueden ser descritos en modo alguno como milagrosos.
This article examines the transition to prepaid electricity happening in Maputo, Mozambique, in order to reflect on the contemporary geographies of urban energy infrastructure and urbanization in sub-Saharan Africa and other cities of the South. The article draws on fieldwork and archival research conducted in 2013 and 2014, arguing that prepayment constitutes a productive juncture in the urban experience of electricity infrastructure in Maputo's postcolonial moment, not merely a neutral technology or a disciplining technique of government (as argued by some scholarship). The article examines the multiple rationalities implicated in the use of the electricity infrastructure via prepayment and the organization of urban life it engenders (and of which it is also a product) by focusing on the everyday practices surrounding prepaid electricity of urban dwellers in neighbourhoods where the ‘modern infrastructural ideal' may never be fully realized. As a result, it contributes to an understanding of the experience of urban energy in cities where ‘slum urbanism', uncertainty and provisionality are dominant aspects of the urban condition.
No material resource and public good is more critical to sustaining urban life than water. During postwar reconstruction in Vietnam, planners showcased urban infrastructure as a spectacular socialist achievement. Water-related facilities, in particular, held the potential for emancipation and modernity. Despite East German–engineered systems, however, taps remained dry in socialist housing. Lack of water exposed existing hierarchies that undermined the goal of democratic infrastructure yet enabled new forms of solidarity and gendered social practice to take shape in response to the state's failure to meet basic needs. Infrastructural breakdown and neglect thus catalyzed a collective ethos of maintenance and repair as the state shifted responsibility for upkeep to disenchanted tenants. I track these processes in a housing complex in Vinh City, where water signified both the promises of state care and a condition of its systemic neglect. [materiality, infrastructure, socialist modernity, urbanization, decay, maintenance and repair, water, Vietnam]
Jane Bennett is a professor of political science at Johns Hopkins University and a founding member of the journal theory & event. Her recent publications include The Enchantment of Modern Life (2001)and “The Force of Things: Steps toward an Ecology of Matter”(Political Theory, 2004). She is working on a book that explores the ecological implications of different conceptions of materiality in contemporary political thought.
The term resilience has become the popular formulation for plans that deal with preparedness for disaster. It implies adaptation rather than returning to a pre-crisis state. Its use has been extended from environmental events to social and economic crises. Its fault is that it obfuscates underlying conflict and the distribution of benefits resulting from policy choices. Development of resilience policies is cloaked in complicated models showing complexity and indeterminacy. Marxist analysis provides insights that cut through the failure of these models to assign agency, but it does not offer approaches short of revolution to assist present-day planning. The conclusion of the essay presents strategies that can lead to greater justice in planning to cope with the impacts of devastating events.