Contextualization: prostitution is a complex phenomenon, a patriarchal, capitalist and colonizing institution of sexuality which mainly involves women. The gender brand, together with social class, ethnic-racial and cultural issues, place of origin, among others, produces inequalities that the prostitution system exploit, stigmatizing and making women invisible. Their absences become present in this work in order to provide knowledge about their experiences and show how the different domain systems act.Objective and methodology: This feminist research is based on the qualitative methodology, the socio-critical paradigm and the biographical-narrative method. The objective is to analyze the experiences and social networks of women survivors of the prostitution system. Nine women participated with their life stories and their network maps were created. Conclusions: 1) participants are impacted by inequalities that are exploited by the prostitution system 2)all of them report indicators which are compatible with sexual trafficking3) they perceive that thesecontexts affect their health and their relationships 4) most of them have suffered gender violence from their partners, some of them have suffered sexual violence and more than half of them were abused in their childhood and/or adolescence 5) they have created coping strategies and built projects for their future, that is why the word survivor can be regarded as their more remarkable identity.