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Abstract and Figures

The Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19) pandemic in Indonesia began with the discovery of Covid-19 sufferers on March 2, 2020. Coronavirus is a group of viruses that can cause disease in animals or humans. To respond the conditions of the Covid-19 outbreak, NPPA issued a regulation concerning adjustments to the work system of the government employee in efforts to prevent the spread of Covid-19. This study uses census sampling, where all members of the population used as samples. The total responden of the Government Employee in NPPA is 128 employees, who are works mostly at home during the pandemic. The research data used primary and secondary data. Comparison using PLS-SEM as analyzing the data. The result of the research showed that leadership and work environment have impact on employee performance, whereas organizational support has no impact on employee performance.
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Vina Da’watul Aropah, Ma’mun Sarma, I Made Sumertajaya / Factors Affecting Employee Performance during Work from Home / 201 - 214
The Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19) pandemic in Indonesia began with
the discovery of Covid-19 sufferers on March 2, 2020. Coronavirus is a group
of viruses that can cause disease in animals or humans. To respond the
conditions of the Covid-19 outbreak, NPPA issued a regulation concerning
adjustments to the work system of the government employee in efforts to
prevent the spread of Covid-19. This study uses census sampling, where
all members of the population used as samples. The total responden of
the Government Employee in NPPA is 128 employees, who are works
mostly at home during the pandemic. The research data used primary
and secondary data. Comparison using PLS-SEM as analyzing the data.
The result of the research showed that leadership and work environment
have impact on employee performance, whereas organizational support
has no impact on employee performance.
Pandemi Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19) di Indonesia diawali dengan
ditemukannya penderita Covid-19 pada 2 Maret 2020. Coronavirus
merupakan kelompok virus yang dapat menyebabkan penyakit.
pada hewan atau manusia. Menyikapi kondisi wabah Covid-19, NPPA
mengeluarkan peraturan tentang penyesuaian sistem kerja Pegawai
Negeri dalam upaya pencegahan penyebaran Covid-19. Penelitian
ini menggunakan metode sensus sampling, dimana semua anggota
populasi dijadikan sampel. Total populasi Pegawai Negeri di NPPA adalah
128 pegawai, yang bekerja lebih banyak di rumah selama pandemi. Data
penelitian menggunakan data primer dan data sekunder. Perbandingan
menggunakan PLS-SEM sebagai penganalisis datanya. Hasil penelitian
menunjukkan bahwa kepemimpinan dan lingkungan kerja berpengaruh
terhadap kinerja pegawai, sedangkan dukungan organisasi tidak
berpengaruh terhadap kinerja pegawai.
© 2020 IRJBS, All rights reserved.
Work Environment
Organizational Support
Employee Performance
Work from Home.
Kata Kunci:
Lingkungan kerja,
Dukungan Organisasi,
Kinerja Karyawan,
Bekerja dari Rumah
Corresponding author:
Vina Da’watul Aropah, Ma’mun Sarma, I Made Sumertajaya
Department of Management, Faculty of Management, Institut Pertanian Bogor
Factors Affecting Employee Performance
during Work from Home
Vol. 13
| No. 2
ISSN: 2089-6271 | e-ISSN: 2338-4565 |
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International Research Journal of Business Studies | vol. XIII no. 02 (August - November 2020)
The coronavirus disease (Covid-19) pandemic
begins with the discovery of the identification
of a novel coronavirus sufferer in China and the
confirmation from Chinese authorities on 7 January
2020. Covid-19 outbreak was declared a public
health emergency of international concern on 30
January 2020 (World Health Organization, 2020).
Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia began with the
discovery of Covid-19 sufferers on March 2, 2020.
Covid-19 is a group of viruses that can cause disease
in animals or humans. Several types of coronavirus
are known to cause respiratory infections in humans
ranging from cold coughs to more serious ones
such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)
and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).
Covid-19 can spread from person to person through
droplets from the nose or mouth that come out
when a person with Covid-19 coughs or exhales.
These sparks then fall on objects and surrounding
surfaces. The effective ways to prevent transmission
of viruses are physical distancing, using face masks,
and eye protection (Chu et al., 2020).
In connection with the massive pattern of Covid-19
and to anticipate the spread of Covid-19, Ministry
of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform (2020)
in Indonesia issues a Circular Letter Number 19 of
2020 regarding adjustments to the work system.
This regulation was then changed several times.
The regulations have released one work method
called regarding adjustments to the work system,
namely working from home as a solution to
protect employee health and maintain employee
performance during the Covid-19 outbreak. Based
on the work from home rules issued by the minister,
National Public Procurement Agency (NPPA) has
also issued the regulations related to adjustments
the work system, namely working from home. NPPA
issued Circular Letter Number 2 of 2020 and has
made several changes. This regulation state that
employees work from home during a pandemic.
Work from home or teleworking in Covid-19 crisis
has been used by companies to ensure their
employees’ safety and to provide continuity to
economic activity (Belzunegui-Eraso & Erro-Garcés,
The concept of work from home is actually not
a new concept at work. Work from home or
better known as telecommuting or teleworking
was first introduced by Niles JM in 1973 (Nilles,
1988). Telecommuting refers to the partial or total
substitution of telecommunications, with or without
computer assistance. Telecommuting includes
all the replacement of telecommunication and
information technology for jobs. Telework has
been defined as a flexible work arrangement
in which workers work on location, away from
the head office or production facilities, without
personal contact with co-workers, but the ability
to communicate with colleagues using information
and communication technology (Di Martino &
Wirth, 1990). Telework, also known as work from
home or mobile working, has attracted renewed
attention due to the deployment of ICTs that make
it possible to work wherever possible and practical
(Kurland & Bailey, 1999). Telecommuting refers to
working at home or anywhere else the employee
chooses that is outside the workplace at least 2 days
a week on a computer linked to the employer’s
office (Robbins & Judge A, 2017).
NPPA in dealing with Covid 19 uses a work from
home policy as a way to maximize employee
performance during the pandemic. One that affects
the success of an organization is the performance
of the employees. Therefore, NPPA seek to improve
the performance of its employees in order to
achieve organizational goals during the pandemic.
Performance is the work result in quantity achieved
by an employee in carrying out his duties according
to his responsibilities. Most managers believe
good performance means doing well on task
performance. The criteria of evaluate employee
performance popular in three criteria, that are
individual task outcomes, behaviors, and traits.
Task outcomes should evaluate on outcomes such
as quantity and quality, behavior means evaluate
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Vina Da’watul Aropah, Ma’mun Sarma, I Made Sumertajaya / Factors Affecting Employee Performance during Work from Home / 201 - 214
the actions of employees in advisory or support
positions such as pomptness time in work and
traits means having a good attitude such as being
dependable (Robbins & Judge A, 2017).
Some opinions state that telework can increase
employee productivity and performance. Telework
has a positive effect on new performance through
enabling knowledge sharing, cross-functional
cooperation and inter-organizational involvement,
telework improves the speed and quality of product
development (Coenen & Kok, 2014). Telework
is perceived to increase productivity, secure
retention, strengthen organizational commitment,
and improve performance within the organization
(Martin & MacDonnell, 2012). Teleworking positively
affects employee performance and company
performance (Martínez-Sánchez, Pérez-Pérez,
José Vela-Jiménez, & de-Luis-Carnicer, 2008). The
companies that use teleworking use more free
time, have more employees involved in the design
and planning of work, and are managed more
intensively by the results they want to achieve.
Furthermore, employees have a more positive work
experience while teleworking, they have a higher
levels of job performance and job satisfaction (Vega,
Anderson, & Kaplan, 2015). The critical success
factor in teleworking is management support,
communication, and trust. Management support
includes organizational support, leadership and
managed workspaces (Kowalski & Swanson, 2005).
Organization leaders, managers, and supervisors
should consider employing strategies to address the
challenges of teleworking (Burbach & Day, 2012).
The purpose of study is to determine the factors
that influence the concept of working form home
in NPPA. The research conducted to find out the
relationship of leadership, organizational support
and work environment on employee performance.
Transformational Leadership
Leadership is a process where a person can
become a leader through continuous activities
so that it can influence who they lead in order
to achieve organizational goals. Leadership is
an important aspect as it usually enables the
employees of the organizations to work efficiently
and effectively (Agarwal, 2020). According to Cascio
(2000) in virtual offices such as telework or work
from home, the challenge for leaders is to establish
and enforce ground rules for comprehensive
communication and performance management
processes. Communication is the biggest challenge
for leaders to implement virtual working conditions.
Leaders must learn how to conduct effective audio
meetings and balance email, voicemail, video
conferencing and face-to-face communication.
Then the next challenge for leaders is to perform
performance management for employees, and
leaders must take several steps, namely: defining
performance, facilitating performance, and
encouraging performance (Cascio, 2000).
According to Brunelle (2013) physical distance and
psychological distance have a negative impact on
relational quality in mobile work conditions, but the
level of transformational leadership can moderate
this relationship by reducing the negative impact.
Companies that want to implement mobile work
must be careful in choosing people who will
supervise their work or employees. They need
to choose managers who are able to exercise
transformational leadership, in other words,
people who show empathy, good listening skills,
have a vision, the ability to influence others, and
the capacity to inspire and share with intellectual
Transformational leadership is style of leadership
that transforms followers to rise above their self-
interest by altering their morale, ideals, interests,
and values, motivating them to perform better
than initially expected (Pieterse, Van Knippenberg,
Schippers, & Stam, 2009). Transformational leaders
have the ability to transform organizations through
their vision for the future, and by clarifying their
vision, they can empower the employees to take
responsibility for achieving that vision (Kim, 2014).
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International Research Journal of Business Studies | vol. XIII no. 02 (August - November 2020)
Organizational Support
According Aboelmaged, Mohamed, & Subbaugh
(2012) the critical factors influencing the perceived
productivity of teleworkers are the role of individual
and organizational factors. Job security, job
satisfaction, work flexibility, organizational
commitment and management support are emerged
as key determinants of perceived teleworking
productivity. For successful implementation of
telework policy, the government should provide and
improve necessary IT infrastructures including high
speed internet and provide necessary training for
both managers and employees (Valmohammadi,
2012). Telework organizational support namely
the use of technology, support related to the use
of technology and variables other than technology
(Baker, Avery, & Crawford, 2006). The use of
technology consists of having sufficient IT support,
which refers to assistance with technology- related
problems and questions from the telecommuting
employee and appropriate telecommuting
technology. Support related to the use of technology
consists of training for telecommuting employees,
which involves instruction in technology use,
for managers, coworkers, and household
members, and the provision of financial support
for telecommuter expenses. These expenses
are generally for purchasing telecommuting
technology or for its running costs. Variables other
than technology that are unrelated to technology.
Variables other than technology consists of trusted
by their manager when they are working from
home and not able to be observed directly by the
manager, human resource department support
for the telecommuting, and prior planning for
telecommuting system from organization.
Work Environment
The work environment is included in a very
important component for employees to carry out
work activities. A conducive work environment is
able to motivate employees to work and will have an
impact on employee morale and performance. One
of the most important telework factors impacting
telework outcomes is suitability of the working place
at home (Nakrošienė, Bučiūnienė, & Goštautaitė,
2019). Work environment provides security and
allows employees to work optimally, it can influence
the emotions of the employee. Teleworkers who
are work at home shows that workers want a
quality work environment at home similar to a
conventional office, such as having privacy, quality
lighting, and adequate equipment (Ng & Ng, 2010).
The physical workplace characteristics for mobile
knowledge workers include amount of space,
layout, ambient conditions and internet and Wi-
Fi connectivity (Ng, 2016). One of strategies for
overcoming telework challenges is prepare the
physical/home environment, which included setting
up an environment that is conducive to working,
such as a dedicated workspace, sometimes with
physical boundaries (e.g., a room with a door)
(Greer & Payne, 2014). Teleworkers manage the
balance between their home and working lives
by establishing temporal and physical boundaries
(Mustafa & Gold, 2013).
The theoretical base achieved from the reviewed
literature and understanding of the concepts so far
contributed to propose following hypotheses:
H1: Leadership significantly affects employee
performance in NPPA in connection with the
work from home policy
H2: Organizational support significantly affects
employee performance in NPPA in connection
with the work from home policy
H3: Work Environment significantly affects
employee performance in NPPA in connection
with the work from home policy
The type of data in this study are primary and
secondary data. Primary data is obtained directly
from employees at the NPPA by filling in the
questionnaire. The number of government employee
in NPPA is 273 employees, but government
employees in the research period who carry out
their work are mostly done from home, namely
128 employees or 46.88%. The total responden
of this study is 128 NPPA government employees,
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Vina Da’watul Aropah, Ma’mun Sarma, I Made Sumertajaya / Factors Affecting Employee Performance during Work from Home / 201 - 214
who worked at home almost 55% of the time
during the pandemic. The sampling method is
census. This research is conducted from June 26th
to August 14th 2020. This study uses the Partial Least
Square Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM).
Secondary data are obtained through literature
studies sourced from journals, theses, articles
and books, the internet as well as data provided
by institutions and relevant to this research. The
research model is presented in Figure 1 below:
Analysis of Respondents’ Descriptions
The number of government employee in NPPA is
273 people, but not all government employee work
from home. This research using respondents who
carried out their work mostly from home in research
periode or 55% of their attendance by working from
home. The percentage of the number of employees
as mentioned above is based on work units and
positions as shown in Table 1.
Figure 1. Research Framework
HR Management
Organitional Support Baker E,
Avery GC, Crawford J (2006),
Valmohammadi, C (2012):
1. Technology-related,
2. Somewhat technology-
3. Nontechnological on
employees’ reactions to
home-base telecommuting
Employee Performance Robbins & Judge A (2017):
1. Quality of work
2. Quantity of work
3. Promptness time in work
4. Being dependable
Work Environment
Ng CF (2011), Ng (2016):
1. Space requirement and
2. Ambient conditions(quality
3. Work equipment
Transformational Leadership
Brunelle (2013)
(Robbins & Judge A, 2017):
1. Idealized Influence
2. Inspirational Motivation
3. Intellectual stimulation
4. Individualized
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International Research Journal of Business Studies | vol. XIII no. 02 (August - November 2020)
Based on data, it shows that not all government
employees in the NPPA carry out work from home.
The data show that there are 128 people who work
from home or more than 55% of their attendance by
working from home. Public Procurement Education
and Training Center is a work unit which many
employees work from home (93.33%). Government
employees with the position of Staff/Implementing
Officer carry out the most work from home at
50.99%, while only 40% of Echelon I/Senior High
Officials and 12.5% of Echelon II/Primary High
Management Officers carry out work from home.
The population of respondents in this study is
government employees at NPPA who carried
out their work mostly from home or 55% of their
attendance by working from home, namely 128
respondents. This research is conducted from June
26th to August 14th 2020. Respondents who have
filled in the research instruments completely during
that period are 117 respondens (91.40%). Based
on the research results, the characteristics of the
respondents are obtained in Table 2.
The descriptive respondent profile explains that
women (57.26%) are more likely to work from
home than male respondents (42.74%). Based on
field observations, there are more male government
employees work in offices than females, and
most of these male respondents bring their own
vehicles such as motorbikes and cars. Based on
the age distribution of the respondents, the age
range of 31 - 40 years (55.56%) mostly worked
from home, while very few respondents over 50
Employee Characteristics Num. of
Num. of employee
is 55% WFH
Percentage of
employees 55%
Work Unit Chair of the NPPA 1 0 0.00 %
Executive Secretariat 82 29 35.37%
Deputy Chair for Strategy and Policy
Development 43 29 67.44%
Deputy Chair for Monitoring Evaluation
and Development of Information Systems 50 12 24.00%
Deputy Chair for Human Resource
Development 29 21 72.41%
Deputy Chair for Legal Affairs and
Complaints Handling 44 23 52/27%
Inspectorate 9 0 0.00%
Public Procurement Education and
Training Center 15 14 93.33%
Echelon I/Senior High Officials 5 2 40.00%
Echelon II/Primary High Management
Officers 16 2 12.5%
Echelon III/Administrator Officer 32 13 40,62%
Echelon IV/Supervisory Officer 68 34 50.00%
Staf/Implementing Officer 151 77 50.99%
Sum of Employee 273 128
Source : Primary data, processed (2020)
Table 1. Number and Percentage of Respondents
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Vina Da’watul Aropah, Ma’mun Sarma, I Made Sumertajaya / Factors Affecting Employee Performance during Work from Home / 201 - 214
worked from home (4.27%). Based on the marital
status, respondents with married status have a large
percentage (76.07%) compared to respondents who
are not married (22.22%). This shows that most
respondents who have families prefer working
from home.
Evaluation of Measurement Model
Evaluation of the data in this study using PLS-SEM
with the SmartPLS program. The latent variables in
this study are leadership, organizational support,
work environment and employee performance.
Each of these variables has a manifest variable/
indicator that is reflective of the latent variable.
PLS-SEM uses criteria that include two parts, namely
the evaluation of the measurement model (outer
model) and the structural model (inner model). The
purpose of evaluating the measurement model is
to measure how each indicator relates to its latent
variable. Evaluation of the measurement model is
done by testing the validity and reliability of each
latent variable indicator. By starting an assessment
of the measurement model, the researcher can
believe that the latent variables or constructs that
form the basis for assessing the structural model
relationships are measurable and accurate (Hair,
Sarstedt, Hopkins, & Kuppelwieser, 2014)
Evaluation of the reflective measurement model
should verify both the reliability and validity. The first
step is using composite reliability to evaluate the
construct measures’ internal consistency reliability.
The second step in evaluating reflective indicators
is the assessment of validity. Validity focuses on
convergent validity and discriminant validity.
Convergent validity when each indicator has outer
loadings above 0.70 and when each construct’s
average variance extracted (AVE) is 0.50 or higher.
For outer loading, if there is an indicator used that
has an outer loading value below the standard of
0.7, it means that the indicator is invalid so it needs
to be removed from the research model. (Hair et
al. 2011).
After ensuring that no indicator has an outer loading
below 0.7, the next step is to calculate the construct
reliability or composite reliability. Reliable when the
composite reliability and/or cronbach’s alpha value
of more than 0.7 and the Average Variance Extracted
(AVE) indicates that the construct validity with a
Table 2. Number and Percentage of Respondent Characteristics
Respondent Characteristics Num. of
Employee Percentage
Gender Mens 50 42.74%
Women 67 57.26%
20 – 30 years 39 33.33%
31 – 40 years 65 55.56%
41 – 50 years 8 6.84%
> 50 years 5 4.27%
Marital Status
Single 26 22.22%
Married 89 76.07%
ever been married 2 1.71%
Last education
Diploma 4 3.42%
Bachelor 69 58.97%
Masters 43 36.75%
Doctor 1 0.85%
Length of work
<5 years 61 52.14%
6 - 10 years 45 38.46%
11 - 15 years 5 4.27%
> 15 years 6 5.13%
Source : Primary data, processed (2020)
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International Research Journal of Business Studies | vol. XIII no. 02 (August - November 2020)
standard value is greater than 0.5 (Hair Jr. et al.
2016). Based on the research results, the evaluation
of Cronbach’s Alpha, Composite Reliability, AVE are
presented in Table 3.
The next evaluation is discriminant validity, which is
carried out in two stages, Fornell – Larcker criterion
value and cross loading. Discriminant validity is the
construct measures what it is intended to measure.
Discriminant validity by ensuring the AVE on each
latent variable is greater than the other variables
(Fornell – Larcker criterion) and the indicators
for each variable must be greater than the other
indicators (cross loadings) (Hair et al. 2011). Based
on the research results, Fornell–Larcker criterion
results are presented in Table 4.
The cross loadings value is calculating the correlation
of indicators and their latent variables and other
latent variables. The cross loadings value of each
indicator in each variable is compared with other
variables to determine the correlation between the
indicators and each variable. The correlation value
of the indicator to its latent variable must be greater
than the correlation to other latent variables (Hair
et al. 2014).
Evaluation of Structural Model
Once the reliability and validity of the outer models
is established, the next step is evaluation of the
structural model (inner model). The evaluation
aims to evaluate the hypothesized relationships
within the inner model, between latent variables
and their constructs. Evaluation of the structural
model by using of assessment coefficient of
determination (R2), validated redundancy (Q2),
and path coefficients (Hair et al., 2014). The R2 is a
measure of the model’s predictive accuracy. The
R2 criterion of endogenous latent variables shows
how much diversity of endogenous variables can be
explained by exogenous variables. The endogenous
variable in this study is employee performance
while the exogenous variables are leadership,
organizational support and work environment.
The criteria for limiting the value of R2 in three
classifications, namely the values of 0.75, 0.50 and
Latent Variable Cronbach’s Alpha Composite Reliability AVE
Transformational Leadership 0,946 0.953 0,662
Organizational Support 0,927 0,941 0,629
Work Environment 0,941 0,949 0,631
Employee Performance 0,953 0,959 0,663
Source: Data processed by PLS-SEM
Table 3. Composite Reliability, Average Variance Extracted (AVE)
Table 4. Fornell – Larcker criterion results
Latent Variable Transforational
Transforational Leadership 0,793
Organizational Support 0,583 0,835
Work Environment 0,435 0,659 0,794
Employee Performance 0,440 0,489 0,697 0,814
Source: Data processed by PLS-SEM
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Vina Da’watul Aropah, Ma’mun Sarma, I Made Sumertajaya / Factors Affecting Employee Performance during Work from Home / 201 - 214
0.25 as substantial, moderate and weak. Based
on the research results, R2 results are presented in
Table 5.
Table 5. Coefficient of determination (R2)
Employee Performace 0,5111
Source: Data processed by PLS-SEM
The result indicate employee performance variable
can be explained by variables in this research of
51.1% (0.511 x 100%), while the remaining 48.9%
explained by other variables outside of this study. R2
value of this study falls into the moderate category.
The next step to calculate the model structure
is to use predictive relevance or cross-validated
redundancy (Q2) by using the blindfolding procedure
in SmartPLS. The result show that the value of all
latent constructs has a good predivative relevance,
because the value is more than zero (0). The
blindfolding results are presented in Table 6.
Path coefficient values are standardized on a
range from -1 to +1, with coefficients closer to
+1 representing strong positive relationships
and coefficients closer to -1 indicating strong
negative relationships (Hair et al., 2014). Based
on the research results, the evaluation of the path
coefficient, mean, standard deviation and tstatistics are
presented in Table 7 and Figure 2.
Based on data processed of this research hence
presented summary test result for all hypotheses
in Table 8.
The results of the research showed that
transformational leadership has a positive and
significant effect on employee performance at NPPA
which means that transformational leadership can
increase employee performance in working from
home situation. This is in line with the research of
Kowalski & Swanson (2005) that the critical factor
for the success of developing a work from home
or teleworking program is management support
from all levels in the organization, especially
support from top management in the organization.
Cascio (2000) states that in virtual offices such
as telework or working from home, leaders have
great challenges in implementing virtual working
conditions. They must have the ability to determine
performance, facilitate performance, and drive
employee performance. Furthermore, Brunelle
(2013) adds that in carrying out work from home,
Table 6. Validated Redundancy (Q2)
Table 7. Results of the path coefficient, mean, standard deviation and tstatistics
Construct SSO SSE Q2
Transformasional Leadership 1404.000 619,520 0,559
Organizational Support 819,000 332,462 0,594
Work Environment 1287.000 574,079 0,554
Employee Performance 1404.000 557,065 0,603
Source: Data processed by PLS-SEM
Latent Variable Original
Sample (O)
Mean (M)
Standard Deviation
T Statistics
Transforational Leadership 0,185 0,189 0,072 2,560
Organizational Support -0,046 -0,057 0,113 0,409
Work Environment 0,647 0,665 0,094 6,888
t(0,05) = 1,96
Source: Data processed by PLS-SEM
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International Research Journal of Business Studies | vol. XIII no. 02 (August - November 2020)
transformational leadership can moderate physical
distance and psychological distance for employees.
Transformational leadership is the type of leadership
needed in the implementation of work from home
or telework. Transformational leader can inspire
followers to transcend their own self-interests
and who are capable of having a profound and
extraordinary effect on followers (Robbins & Judge
A, 2017).
Based on the research showed that the organizational
support variable has a negatif relationship on
employee performance at NPPA which means that
organizational support does not affect employee
performance in working from home situations. This
is not in line with several studies including research
by Baker et al. (2006), organizational support in
home-based telecommuting and working from
home or working remotely has 3 (three) categories,
namely the use of technology, support related
to the use of technology consists of training for
telecommuting employees and variables other than
technology consists of human resource department
support and prior planning for telecommuting
system. A successful implementation of telework
policy, the organization must provide and upgrade
the necessary IT infrastructure including high-speed
internet and provide the necessary training for both
Figure 2. Path Coefficient
Hypotheses Result
H1: Transformational Leadership Employee Performance Supported
H2: Organizational Support Employee Performance NS
H3: Work Environment Employee Performance Supported
Source: Data processed by PLS-SEM
Table 8. Hypotheses Results
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managers and employees (Valmohammadi 2012).
This fact is interesting and leaderds in NPPA should
pay attention of it. This shows that organizational
support has been optimal so that it does not affect
employee performance. This is an input for leaders
for understanding the needs of employees through
an organizational support approach as research
from Aboelmaged et al. (2012) stated that the critical
factor that affects the productivity of organizations
who work far away is the role of individuals and
organizations or organizational support
The results of the research showed that work
environment has a positive and significant effect
on employee performance at NPPA which means
that work environment can increase employee
performance in working from home situation.
This is in line with the research of Nakrošienė et
al. (2019) that the most important factor affecting
the outcome of remote work is the suitability of
the workplace at home. One strategy to overcome
the challenges of working from home is prepare
a physical environment at home to be conducive
so teleworkers can work comfortably, such as
having a dedicated workspace (Greer and Payne
2014). According to Ng and Ng (2011) workers
who are working from home want a quality work
environment at home similar to a conventional
office, such as having privacy, quality lighting,
and adequate equipment. Based on the survey
results, it is found that the work environment is
the most significant variable affecting employee
Based on the analysis conducted on the effect of
transformational leadership, organizational support
and work environment on employee performance,
it is known that leadership and work environment
have a positive and significant effect on employee
performance, but on the other hand, organizational
support does not affect or have an inverse effect on
the implementation of work from home policies.
Based on the results of testing of all the hypotheses
present in this study and discussion, as well as
some conclusions which have been drawn then
will be described how the implications of these
findings. The role of transformational leadership
has an important role in implementing the work
from home policy in order to improve employee
performance. Even though it is known that
leadership has an effect on employee performance,
NPPA must continue to provide guidance to
these leaders. Management should increase the
capabilities and managerial competence for
leaders by training, coaching, mentoring or other
assignment, especially to increase communication
competence, competence development of self and
others, and the ability to manage change. This is
very important so that transformational leadership
can have the competence to moderate work from
home activities and reduce negative impacts.
Based on the results of research, organizational
support has a negative relationship with employee
performance. This finding of research is interesting
and leaders in NPPA should pay attention about
what employee’s needs from organizational
support. Management should monitor and evaluate
current organtizational support such as the use
of technology, support related to the use of
technology and other variables besides technology.
Management needs to carry out discussion
activities to find out the needs of employees in
implementing the work from home policy. The
results of monitoring, evaluation and discussion can
be used as input to provide organizational support
to employee.
The work environment has an important role in
improving employee performance in the context of
implementing the work from home policy. Based
on the research results, it is known that the work
environment variable has the most significant
role in implementing working from home. In this
regard, recommendation to management is provide
direction to employees maintain a conducive
working environment at home. Space requirements
and layout such as a room to work at home should
- 212 -
International Research Journal of Business Studies | vol. XIII no. 02 (August - November 2020)
have a special room that is separate from the busy
area, quality lighting, and also work equipment
to be noticed. This is intended to further improve
employee performance while working from home.
Base on the number of employees who work
from home, it is known that the total percentage
of employees who work from home is 46.88%. In
this regard, the recommendation for management
is to have a joint discussion to explore the success
of work unit leaders who have successfully
implemented work from home for their subordinates
to become input for other work units that have not
fully implemented working from home during the
Another managerial implication from the research
findings is management should make the Covid-19
pandemic a momentum to start changing employee
habits. Activities carried out face-to-face can be
transferred to face-to-face online via the internet.
Management can begin to adjust flexible work
systems and refer to employee performance (output
The results showed that the total percentage of
employees in NPPA working from home is 46.88%.
Employees at work units who mostly work at home
are employees at the Public Procurement Education
and Training Center is the (93.33%). The position
of the government employee that mostly carries
out working from home is Staff/Implementing
Officer. This shows that not all work units have fully
implemented the work from home policy. There
are still many employees who are actively working
in the office, so it has the potential to endanger the
health of employees during the Covid 19 pandemic.
The characteristics of respondents in the study who
carried out their jobs more by working from home
is dominated by women (57.26%), with the age
distribution being dominated by the ages of 31-40
years (55.56%), and the marital status is dominated
by employees who are married (76.07%). This
shows that female employees prefer to work from
home compared to male employees, furthermore it
can be seen that married employees prefer to work
from home. Employees ‘awareness of working from
home can reduce the spread of the virus, both for
themselves and employees’ families.
Based on the analysis conducted on the effect of
transformational leadership, organizational support
and work environment on employee performance,
it is known that leadership and work environment
have a positive and significant effect on employee
performance, but on the other hand, organizational
support does not affect or have an inverse effect on
the implementation of work from home policies.
Transformational leadership is the type of leadership
that is most suitable for implementing a work from
home policy. Organizational support has an inverse
influence on employee performance. This could
possibly occur because the variables used in this
study have been optimally accepted by employees.
Leaders should pay attention about what employee’s
needs from organizational support. Leaders and
management should monitor and evaluate current
organtizational support and the results can be used
as input to provide organizational support to
employee. The work environment has a positive
and significant impact on employee performance
in situations of working from home. This shows that
the work environment for employees who work at
home is physically suitable so that employees feel
conducive to work from home.
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... Notably, studies by (Supriyadi et al., 2020;Soares & Lopes, 2020) have examined the impact of authentic leadership on innovative work behaviors and academic performance, respectively. Similarly, there are other research which pay attention to the effect of organizational support on employees' performance (Zehra, 2022;Sabir et al., 2022;Sihag & Dhoopar, 2021;Aropah & Sumertajaya, 2020;Abou-Moghli, 2015;Chinomona, 2012). Some other studies have focused on the relationship between organizational support and job performance (Hamed,2016;Al-Asasifa, 2019). ...
... The study conducted by (Aropah & Sumertajaya, 2020) aimed to identify the factors influencing employees' performance while working from home in the Indonesian Nuclear Power Plant Authority (NPPA), involving 128 employees. This study found out that transformational leadership and the work environment have a positive and significant impact on employees' performance. ...
... Accordingly, based on the results of previous studies regarding the relationship between organizational support and academic staff performance, several conclusions can be summarized as follows: ▪ There is variation among these studies concerning the impact of organizational support and its connection to academic staff performance. Some studies focused on organizational support and its influence on employees' performance such as (Zehra, 2022;Aropah & Sumertajaya, 2020;Abou-Moghli, 2015;Chinomona, 2012;Yuniarti, 2022). Others aimed to scrutinize the relationship between organizational support, job performance, and work engagement (Al-Asasifah, 2019). ...
... Many studies have captured different aspects of working from home conditions during this turbulent stage. Aropah et al. (2020) Narayanamurthy & Tortorella (2021) studied the impact of the COVID-19 outbreaks on employee performance in relation to industry 4.0 base technologies among people who performed as coordinators, supervisors, directors, and managers in Australia and confirmed the strong relationship between industry 4.0 technologies and the enhancement of employee performance to various extents. In Thailand, Chayomchai et al. (2020) investigated the incentives of integrating technology during the COVID-19 quarantine, explained the rationale from the Thai perspective, and addressed the factors affecting this behavioral intention. ...
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The COVID-19 pandemic has brought massive changes to all aspects of human society and the economy. Recent outbreaks in Thailand lasted for a longer duration and have been more severe than the previous commencing epidemic, as evidenced by the increased counts of cases, hospitalizations, and, unfortunately, fatalities. Thereby, social distancing - the most powerful strategy to prevent the coronavirus spread - was more strictly imposed, as officials implemented vaccination and other mitigation strategies. Consequently, remote working has become obligatory for every firm, alternating working in person in most situations. This paper aims to reflect unique perceptions of employee experience and initially identify some contributing factors regarding the remote working situation in Thailand during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, thereby illuminating implications for both employees and employers in the possible long-term future of remote working. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 12 participants who served different roles in various industries, yet all experienced remote working during the peak of the COVID-19 outbreak in Thailand. The subsequent analysis yielded four primary themes. First , the application of technology and its quality had a strong impact on employee experience, as this was the inevitable instrument to maintain all activities. Second, the discrepancy in role autonomy discriminated more distinctly the working pressure between managers and subordinates. Third, work-life balance was more difficult to achieve for people who have a family, with more blurs and complications. And finally, organizational changes were critical to employee experience, yet still limited and incomprehensible.
... These costs are typically associated with the acquisition of telecommuting equipment or with operating charges. The study's findings demonstrated the beneficial and noteworthy impact of transformational leadership on employee productivity (Aropah et al., 2020). Support from management at all organisational levels, particularly from top management, is essential to the development of a successful WFH or teleworking program (Kowalski & Swanson, 2005). ...
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The COVID-19 drastically changed the social system and working patterns throughout the world, especially in the IT sector. COVID-19 was the first situation when the whole workforce switched to the telecommuting for an extended length of time. During the COVID-19 situation, it's been observed that working women are facing more challenges while performing WFH in both mental and physical ways by handling multiple tasks at a time. Managing a better work-life balance was an actual stress in between all the household chores and social responsibilities and their professional career was in high risk. This paper provided an insight to identify the significant factors of working from home that influence the career progression of workforce in the IT sector and to know the impact of these factors on their professional paths. This quantitative study will be built upon primary data collected by the IT employees. In the data collection process we have applied purposive sampling of around 320 employees of IT sector. Further Factor analysis combined with regression and correlation analysis will be used to evaluate the collected data. As result of study found that IT employees are most significantly impacted by the organisational factor, individual factor and work productivity factor during WFH.
... Employee Performance (EP) is a work result that is in accordance with established standards related to performance appraisal. (Aropah et al., 2020) stated that one thing that affects the organization's success is EP which is the result of work in quantity achieved by an employeee in carrying out duties according to their responsibilities. Most managers believe good performance means doing a good job. ...
The research aims to determine the effect of Compensation and Organizational Commitment on Employee Performance, of 42 research populations, and then a sample of 42 was also determined. This type of non-probability sampling method and using saturation sampling techniques. Questionnaires and documents was used as research instruments for data collection. This type of research was descriptive quantitative while the data obtained were analyzed through multiple linear regression. Hypothesis testing with multiple regression analysis techniques. The results of the study show that the variables of Compensation and Organizational Commitment partially have a significant effect on Employee Performance (Y). The magnitude of the influence of 77.00% of the two variables of compensation and organizational commitment (OC) on Employee Performance (Y) obtained from the R2 test strengthens the results of this study.
... Employee Performance (EP) is a work result that is in accordance with established standards related to performance appraisal. (Aropah et al., 2020) stated that one thing that affects the organization's success is EP which is the result of work in quantity achieved by an employeee in carrying out duties according to their responsibilities. Most managers believe good performance means doing a good job. ...
The research aims to determine the effect of Compensation and Organizational Commitment on Employee Performance, of 42 research populations, and then a sample of 42 was also determined. This type of non-probability sampling method and using saturation sampling techniques. Questionnaires and documents was used as research instruments for data collection. This type of research was descriptive quantitative while the data obtained were analyzed through multiple linear regression. Hypothesis testing with multiple regression analysis techniques. The results of the study show that the variables of Compensation and Organizational Commitment partially have a significant effect on Employee Performance (Y). The magnitude of the influence of 77.00% of the two variables of compensation and organizational commitment (OC) on Employee Performance (Y) obtained from the R2 test strengthens the results of this study.
... Research indicates that a physical work environment supports an individual's work style, which has a positive effect on their telework performance. In 2020, a study discovered that the physical working environment has a significant positive effect on the performance of remote workers [71]. Consequently, it is hypothesised that a positive physical work environment has a positive effect on employee performance in a home-based work environment. ...
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This study investigated the influence of the physical work environment, work life balance, work flexibility, and effective communication on the job performance of IT professionals in Sri Lanka’s IT industry who work from home (WFH). A standard questionnaire was used to collect data from 293 IT specialists in 50 different IT organizations in Sri Lanka, and a stepwise probit model was employed for data analysis. According to the findings, both the physical work environment and work life balance had a significantly positive effect on job performance. A one-unit increase in the physical work environment and work life balance increased the likelihood of high job performance by 0.21% and 0.19%, respectively. In contrast, work flexibility had a negative effect on job performance, with an increase of one unit resulting in a 0.18% decrease in the likelihood of high job performance. The positive impact of effective communication on job performance was less significant. The study emphasises the significance of providing a conducive work environment and promoting work life balance to enhance the job performance of IT professionals in Sri Lanka’s IT industry who WFH.
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This research aims to determine the effect of stress symptom and motivation on perceived productivity work from home and work from office as a new company culture. This research approaches associative and quantitative with a sample of 114 respondents. The results shows on work from office if the stress symptom variable is high, perceived productivity is low. Furthermore, stress symptoms on work from the office are less than stress symptoms on work from home. Besides it, if the motivation variable increases, perceived productivity will also increase, while motivation on work from the office is higher than motivation on work from home. The results of the study show that the hypothesis can be accepted.
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The introduction of technology and the developing nature of the modern workforce have resulted in a significant change in traditional work arrangements. The increasing popularity of remote and teleworking is challenging the traditional office-based approach. This study investigates the impact of digital technology on employee performance in a remote work environment at Dodoma University. The study employed a case-study research design with both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The target population was the management, teaching, and teaching staff of Dodoma University. A sample size comprised 335 respondents. The data collection tools included questionnaires and individual, in-depth interviews. SPSS was employed as the data analysis tool. The results showed that over 68% of respondents used Zoom daily to work remotely. On the other hand, the study found that the most common cyber threats that affect remote work environments are malware, denial of service (DoS), social engineering, and insider threats. Furthermore, the study concluded that these cyber threats could be blocked by implementing security measures like strong passwords, changing passwords often, using antivirus software, blocking spam users, and setting login alerts when using online platforms to share content. Moreover, the findings revealed that adopting digital technologies positively impacts employees' performance in a remote work environment. The study recommended that Dodoma University implement technology management strategies that address digital distractions. This could involve providing guidelines on managing notifications and promoting focused work periods to mitigate the negative impact of distractions on performance. The university should prioritise developing and implementing remote training programs tailored to address specific skill gaps relevant to remote work scenarios.
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Civil society organisations (CSO) play an important role in social value creation. With funds provided by donors, they implement a great variety of projects. The main purpose of the study was to identify the most important factors that directly or indirectly affected organisational performance over the past few years, reducing the spending capabilities of Georgian civil society organisations. A survey involving interviews was conducted with 24 CSOs that were implementing a total of 52 projects with the support of 15 different donors. To assess exchange rate risks that reduce spending capabilities, historic simulation and scenario analysis method was adopted. The results show that exchange rate volatility, inflation, and the COVID-19 pandemic were the most important factors that affected project performance. The effect of inflation was undoubtedly negative, exchange rate fluctuation was mostly negative, while the restrictions associated with the COVID-19 pandemic had some positive implications. Performance and risk factors that influence civil society organisations are poorly studied (in contrast with for-profit companies), and this fact makes the current study especially interesting and significant for CSO management, donor organisations and policymakers.
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Leadership is an important aspect as it usually enables the employees of the organizations to work efficiently and effectively. The current study assesses the relationship between leadership style(s) and the performance of employees working in the banking sector of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). This quantitative study is conducted with a sample of 200 employees from 5 different banking institutions of the UAE using simple random sampling techniques. SPSS version 21 was used to analyze the data. The results highlighted that democratic and transformational leadership have a significant positive relationship with the performance of employees with a p-value of 0.00, P
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This article aims to analyze the implementation of teleworking as a security practice to face the crisis resulting from the Covid-19 disease. The present paper provides both theoretical and practical results. From a theoretical standpoint, the Baruch and Nicholson approach is extended with environmental, safety, and legal factors that explain telework. From a practical perspective, a database of companies that have introduced telework as a measure to face coronavirus in a crisis context has been obtained. In short, the Covid-19 crisis demonstrates how teleworking has been used by companies to ensure their employees' safety and to provide continuity to economic activity. Consequently, safety factors are relevant in the study of teleworking and should be considered in further research.
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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationships between theoretically grounded telework factors and various individual and organizational outcomes of telework (overall satisfaction with telework, perceived advantages of telework, career opportunities and self-reported productivity). Design/methodology/approach Based on a literature review, ten telework factors that may affect individual and organizational telework outcomes were identified and empirically tested using the survey data of 128 teleworkers exercising different telework intensity and representing various sectors of the economy. Findings The bundle of theoretically selected variables explained a significant part of the variance of telework outcomes. Reduced communication with co-workers, supervisor’s trust and support, suitability of the working place at home were found to be the most important telework factors impacting different telework outcomes. Higher self-reported productivity was related to reduced time in communicating with co-workers, a suitable working place at home and the possibility to take care of family members when teleworking. Practical implications This study provides insights about the management of telework in organizations by highlighting the factors that promote the satisfaction, productivity and perceived career opportunities of teleworkers. Originality/value This paper challenges the results of previous research on the factors related with telework and its outcomes. Based on the job demands-resources theory, the authors identified the factors that serve as resources in generating positive telework outcomes, and the factors increasing job demands and reducing satisfaction with telework. (
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Literature was reviewed to investigate the forces that are driving telework arrangements, the perceived benefits and drawbacks from teleworking, and the extent to which teleworking arrangements are utilized in the United States in both the private and public sectors. Results of a qualitative case analysis are presented, comparing the experiences of managers in both a large profit-seeking travel management corporation headquartered in a large Midwestern city in the United States and a large state governmental agency headquartered within 50 miles of that city. Organizational similarities and differences are identified in the skills and competencies which are considered key in managing teleworkers, unique challenges to supervising teleworkers, and approaches used by managers to develop self-reliance and the capacity for teamwork in teleworkers. Finally, conclusions regarding key telework manager skills and strategies which may be effective for organizations offering telework arrangements to employees are presented along with suggestions for future research.
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Given the prevalence and continued growth of teleworking, future teleworkers and their managers need to be informed about the challenges that may hinder effective teleworking and potential strategies for overcoming those challenges. Quantitative and qualitative survey data were collected from 86 high performing teleworkers and their respective supervisors. Semantic themes representing categories of challenges and strategies emerged from the qualitative data. Some of the identified strategies included the use of advanced technology, communicating with family, task planning, and striving for extra productivity. The strategies were correlated with turnover intentions, work-to-family facilitation, and family-to-work facilitation. Implications for the management of teleworkers and suggestions for future research are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2014 APA, all rights reserved)
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Purpose: We present partial least squares (PLS) as an evolving approach to structural equation modeling (SEM), highlight its advantages and limitations and provide an overview of recent research on the method across various fields. Design/methodology/approach: In this review article we merge literatures from the marketing, management, and management information systems fields to present the state-of-the art of PLS-SEM research. Furthermore, we meta-analyze recent review studies to shed light on popular reasons for PLS-SEM usage. Findings: PLS-SEM has experienced increasing dissemination in a variety of fields in recent years with non-normal data, small sample sizes and the use of formative indicators being the most prominent reasons for its application. Recent methodological research has extended PLS-SEM’s methodological toolbox to accommodate more complex model structures or handle data inadequacies such as heterogeneity. Research limitations/implications: While research on the PLS-SEM method has gained momentum during the last decade, there are ample research opportunities on subjects such as mediation or multigroup analysis, which warrant further attention. Originality/value: This article provides an introduction to PLS-SEM for researchers that have not yet been exposed to the method. The article is the first to meta-analyze reasons for PLS-SEM usage across the marketing, management, and management information systems fields. Our cross-disciplinary review of recent research on the PLS-SEM method also makes this article useful for researchers interested in advanced concepts.
Purpose This purpose of this paper is to review the relationships between the physical and social characteristics of public and semi-public spaces and work behaviors of mobile knowledge workers employed by organizations. Design/methodology/approach This is a literature review of research from several disciplines on teleworking from multiple settings, particularly in public and semi-public spaces. Findings This review suggests that both the physical and social characteristics of public and semi-public spaces can constrain the cognitive work and communication of knowledge workers. The physical characteristics include amount of space, layout, ambient conditions and internet and Wi-Fi connectivity. To be effective, mobile workers perform different tasks at different workplaces that support those specific work tasks. Planning and coordinating work tasks for different workplaces is time-consuming and requires anticipation of constraints and effort to overcome obstacles encountered in these places. Research limitations/implications Little empirical research focusing on these new workplaces is available. There is much need for future research that uses larger, representative samples and a diversity of methods. As this paper is based on a review of a small number of studies currently available in peer-reviewed journals written in English, the findings should be considered tentative. Practical implications Understanding how the design of the physical workplace, work processes, organizational support and its interface with the virtual space support successful mobile work is crucial for organizations. Corporate real estate and facility managers of public and semi-public spaces should support mobile workers’ needs for internet and Wi-Fi connectivity and provide separate spaces for cognitive work and private business conversations. Originality/value This paper extends the research about teleworking from home to working in public and semi-public spaces.
It is accepted that teleworkers generally manage the balance between their home and working lives by establishing temporal and physical boundaries between the two along a continuum of role integration–segmentation. What is less understood is the nature of the relationship between temporal and physical boundaries, and how teleworkers control constituent elements of physical boundaries to secure their preferred location along the continuum. Based on 20 interviews with self-employed teleworkers, this article examines the ways in which successful control of time depends largely on the successful control of space. It investigates in particular how teleworkers attempt to control space by breaking it down into constituent elements involving equipment, activities and ambiance.
This paper investigates the effects of telework and flexible work schedules on the performance of teams in new product development projects. Organizations increasingly introduce workplace flexibility practices that provide flexibility with regard to where or when the employee works. The findings of NPD teams in five cases, situated in two telecommunication firms, show that telework has a positive effect on NPD performance through enabling knowledge sharing, cross-functional cooperation and inter-organizational involvement. This improves the speed and quality of product development, provided that face-to-face contact is not completely replaced by virtual contact. A basic level of face-to face contact is necessary to offset the negative effects of telework on the quality of the shared knowledge, which are larger when the knowledge is sticky. Flexible work schedules and unexpectedly hot-desking were found to increase telework usage. This implies for managers that workplace flexibility needs enablers and cannot do without a sufficient level of face-to-face contact.
The present study examines whether transformational leadership is associated with clan culture, affective commitment, and organizational citizenship behavior and whether affective commitment is positively related to organizational citizenship behavior. The study also examines whether affective commitment mediates the effects of clan culture on organizational citizenship behavior and whether clan culture mediates the effects of transformational leadership on affective commitment. The results of this study indicate a positive relationship between transformational leadership and clan culture as well as between transformational leadership and affective commitment; no significant relationship between clan culture and organizational citizenship behavior as well as between transformational leadership and organizational citizenship behavior; and a significant positive relationship between affective commitment and organizational citizenship behavior as well as between clan culture and affective commitment . Thus, the results clearly show that affective commitment fully mediates the relationship between clan culture and organizational citizenship behavior and that clan culture partially mediates the relationship between transformational leadership and affective commitment. Theoretical and practical implications of these findings as well as interesting avenues for future research are discussed.