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Relationship between agronomic factors and level of damage by red squirrels to cocoa pods in the Cordillera de Mérida, Venezuela

  • Universidad Sur del Lago Jesus María Semprum, UNESUR


Cocoa is a tropical crop of great economic and ecological importance, with great potential in Venezuela, where fungal diseases and squirrels, among other factors, affect its productivity. The objective of the work was to analyze the relationship between the level of damage and some agronomic and environmental variables in 39 production of the state of Merida. The types of cocoa present were classified as criollo, forastero and hybrid. The damage percentages were transformed to arcsine and grouped into subjective categories according to the variables; the relationship was statistically analyzed using non-parametric tests: Kruskal-Wallis, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, and Moses, assuming = 0.05. The level of damage was not statistically different (p> 0.05) between the crops located at different altitudes. The same occurred with the variables cocoa lot size, planting density, number of cultivars, level of agrochemicals, type of vegetation surrounding the crop, and distance to the forest. But the level of damage was statistically different (p 0.05) between the production units that differed in the number of associated crops. The level of damage was also statistically different according to the number of shade trees.ha-1 and among those that differed with respect to the presence/absence of alternative fruits. It is concluded that the structural complexity of the crops functions as an integrating element in determining the level of damage caused by squirrels and defines the suitability of their habitat.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2021, 38: 279-300. Abril-Junio.
DOI: ISSN 2477-9407
Esta publicación cientíca en formato digital es continuación de la Revista Impresa: Depósito legal pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Recibido el 13-05-2020 . Aceptado el 26-08-2020.
*Autor de correspondencia. Correo electrónico:
Relación entre factores agronómicos y nivel del
daño por ardillas rojas a mazorcas de cacao en la
Cordillera de Mérida, Venezuela
Relationship between agronomic factors and level of
damage by red squirrels to cocoa pods in the Cordillera
de Mérida, Venezuela
Relação entre fatores agronômicos e magnitude de danos
por esquilos vermelhos às cascas de cacau na Cordillera
de Mérida, Venezuela
Misael Molina1* y Jesús Briceño2
Universidad Nacional Experimental Sur del Lago, Venezuela. 1Grupo de Investigaciones
en Acuicultura y Zoología Aplicada. Correo electrónico:, .
2Programa Ingeniería de La Producción Agropecuaria, Núcleo La Victoria, Venezuela.
Correo electrónico:
El cacao es un cultivo tropical de gran importancia económica y ecológica, con gran
potencial en Venezuela, donde su productividad resulta afectada principalmente
por enfermedades fungosas y ardillas. El objetivo del trabajo
fue analizar la relación entre el nivel de daño y algunas variables agronómicas y
ambientales en 39 unidades de producción del estado Mérida. Los tipos de cacao
presentes se clasicaron como criollo, forastero e híbrido. Los porcentajes de daño
fueron transformados a arcoseno y se agruparon en categorías subjetivas según
las variables; la relación fue analizada estadísticamente utilizando pruebas no
paramétricas: Kruskal-Wallis, Kolmogorov-Smirnov y Moses, asumiendo α= 0,05.
El nivel de daño no resultó estadísticamente diferente (p> 0,05) entre los cultivos
ubicados a diferentes altitudes. Lo mismo ocurrió con las variables tamaño del
lote, densidad de siembra, número de cultivares, nivel de agroquímicos, tipo de
vegetación aledaña y distancia al bosque. El nivel de daño resultó estadísticamente
diferente (p< 0,05) entre las unidades de producción que diferían en el número de
cultivos asociados. El nivel de daño también resultó estadísticamente diferente
en función de la cantidad de árboles de sombra.ha-1 y entre aquellos que diferían
Esta publicación cientíca en formato digital es continuación de la Revista Impresa: Depósito legal pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2021, 38: 279-300. Abril-Junio.
Molina y Briceño ISSN 2477-9407
con respecto a la presencia/ausencia de frutos alternativos. Se concluye que la
complejidad estructural de los cultivos funciona como un elemento integrador en
la determinación del nivel de daño causado por las ardillas y dene la idoneidad
de su hábitat.
Palabras clave: estructura, hábitat, Notosciurus, sombra, Theobroma cacao.
Cocoa is a tropical crop of great economic and ecological importance, with great
potential in Venezuela, where fungal diseases and squirrels,
affect its productivity. The objective of the work was to analyze the relationship
between the level of damage and some agronomic and environmental variables in
39 production of the state of Merida. The types of cocoa present were classied
as criollo, forastero and hybrid. The damage percentages were transformed to
arcsine and grouped into subjective categories according to the variables; the
relationship was statistically analyzed using non-parametric tests: Kruskal-
Wallis, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, and Moses, assuming α= 0.05. The level of damage
was not statistically different (p> 0.05) between the crops located at different
altitudes. The same occurred with the variables cocoa lot size, planting density,
number of cultivars, level of agrochemicals, type of vegetation surrounding the
crop, and distance to the forest. But the level of damage was statistically different
(p< 0.05) between the production units that differed in the number of associated
crops. The level of damage was also statistically different according to the number
of shade trees.ha-1 and among those that differed with respect to the presence/
absence of alternative fruits. It is concluded that the structural complexity of
the crops functions as an integrating element in determining the level of damage
caused by squirrels and denes the suitability of their habitat.
Key words: structure, habitat, Notosciurus, shade, Theobroma cacao.
O cacau é uma cultura tropical de grande importância econômica e ecológica, com
grande potencial na Venezuela, onde sua produtividade é afetada principalmente
por doenças fúngicas e esquilos. O objetivo do trabalho
foi analisar a relação entre o nível de dano e algumas variáveis agronômicas e
ambientais em 39 unidades produtivas do estado de Mérida. Os tipos de cacau
presentes foram classicados em crioulos, estrangeiros e híbridos. As porcentagens
de dano foram transformadas em arco seno e agrupadas em categorias subjetivas
de acordo com as variáveis; a relação foi analisada estatisticamente por meio
de testes não paramétricos: Kruskal-Wallis, Kolmogorov-Smirnov e Moses,
assumindo α = 0,05. O nível de dano não foi estatisticamente diferente (p> 0,05)
entre as culturas localizadas em altitudes diferentes. O mesmo aconteceu com
as variáveis tamanho do lote, densidade de plantio, número de cultivares, nível
Esta publicación cientíca en formato digital es continuación de la Revista Impresa: Depósito legal pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2021, 38: 279-300. Abril-Junio.
Molina y Briceño ISSN 2477-9407
de agroquímicos, tipo de vegetação circundante e distância até a oresta. O nível
de dano foi estatisticamente diferente (p< 0,05) entre as unidades de produção
que diferiram no número de safras associadas. O nível de dano também foi
estatisticamente diferente em função do número de árvores de sombra.ha-1 e entre
aquelas que diferiram quanto à presença/ausência de frutos alternativos. Conclui-
se que a complexidade estrutural das culturas funciona como elemento integrador
na determinação do nível de danos causados pelos esquilos e dene a adequação
do seu habitat.
Palavras chave: estrutura, habitat, Notosciurus, sombra, Theobroma cacao.
El cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) es
un árbol de origen amazónico (Bartley,
2005) de la familia Malvaceae que
se cultiva en áreas tropicales de casi
todo el mundo, especialmente en
África y América (López et al., 2014).
Cuenta entre los cultivos de mayor
importancia para la alimentación
humana y es una opción productiva
real para el campo (Boaitey, 2016).
También es valioso para reforestar,
enriquecer el suelo, y como refugio
para la vida silvestre (Guaricocha et
al., 2001; Verea y Solórzano, 2005).
El cacao tiene gran importancia
económica. La producción mundial
en grano para el periodo 2016-2017
superó las 4.000.000 t y se cotizó en
2746,23 US $.t.-1 (ICCO, 2018), siendo
Costa de Marl el principal productor
con más de 2.000.000 t; pero en la lista
de los primeros diez países productores
también guran naciones de centro
y Suramérica: Ecuador se ubica en
la posición 3 con 280.000 t, Brasil en
la casilla 7 con 204.000 t, Perú está
de octavo con 139.000 t y República
Dominicana se ubica en el puesto 10
con 70.000 t (ICCO, 2020).
The cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) is
a tree of Amazonian origin (Bartley,
2005) of the Malvaceae family which
is cultivated in tropical areas of
almost all the world, especially in
Africa and America (López et al.,
2014). It is one of the most important
crops for human consumption and is
a true productive option for the eld
(Boaitey, 2016). It is also benecial
for reforesting, enriching the soil, and
as a refuge for wildlife (Guaricocha
et al., 2001; Verea and Solórzano,
The cocoa is of great economic
importance. World production for
the 2016-2017 period exceeded
4.000.000 t and was priced at 2746,
23 US $.t
(ICCO, 2018), being the
Ivory Coast the rst producer with
more than 2.000.000 t; but the list
of the top ten producing countries
also includes nations from Central
and South America: Ecuador is in
position 3 with 280.000 t, Brazil is in
box 7 with 204.000 t, Peru is eighth
with 139.000 t and the Dominican
Republic is located in 10th place with
70.000 t (ICCO, 2020).
Esta publicación cientíca en formato digital es continuación de la Revista Impresa: Depósito legal pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2021, 38: 279-300. Abril-Junio.
Molina y Briceño ISSN 2477-9407
Venezuela producía unas 20.000 t
de para el período 2017-2018 (ICCO,
2018) y según la lista publicada en
el World Population Review (2020),
nuestro país produce hoy en día más de
23.000 t, ubicándose en la posición 14.
El precio actual del cacao es de 2061,61
US $ (ICCO, 2020), una disminución
aproximada de 25 % con respecto al
período 2016-2017; sin embargo, y
asumiendo que la producción en el
país se mantiene con respecto a los
niveles de 2017-2018, nuestra nación
debería generar actualmente más de
40 millones de US $.año-1 (para julio
de 2020 - aprox. 43 $.barril Brent-1)
que equivalen aproximadamente a un
millón de barriles de petróleo.
Por lo mencionado anteriormente
y como consecuencia del aparente
direccionamiento del país hacia la
reducción de la dependencia de la
renta petrolera en los últimos años,
es necesario retomar seriamente la
producción de cacao como fuente de
Las mayores pérdidas económicas
que sufren los productores de
cacao en Venezuela son causadas
por enfermedades fungosas,
principalmente la moniliasis por
Moniliophthora roreri, la pudrición
negra del fruto por Phytophthora
palmivora, y el cáncer de tronco
y ramas por Botryodiplodia
theobromae (Parra y Camejo, 2015).
Adicionalmente, la ardilla roja común
(Notosciurus granatensis Humboldt)
es señalada como una plaga (Linares,
Sciuridae es la segunda familia
de ardillas más diversa y las especies
allí incluidas cumplen un importante
Venezuela produced about 20.000 t
of cocoa beans for the period 2017-2018
(ICCO, 2018) and according to the list
published in the World Population
Review (2020), our country today
produces more than 23.000 t, ranking
14th. The current price of cocoa is
2061,61 US $ (ICCO, 2020), which
implies an approximate decrease of
25% with regard to the value reached
in the period 2016-1017; however, and
assuming that the current production
in the country as compared to the
levels of 2017-2018 is maintained, at
the current price, our nation should
generate more than 40 million US
$. year-1 (for July 2020 -approx.43 $.
Brent barrel-1) which is equivalent to
approximately one million barrels of
Due to the aforementioned and
because of the apparent orientation
of the country towards reducing
dependence on oil income in recent
years, it is necessary to return
seriously to cocoa production as a
source of foreign exchange.
The greatest economic losses
suffered by cocoa producers in
Venezuela are due to fungal
diseases, mainly the moniliasis by
Moniliophthora roreri, the black
rot of the fruit by Phytophthora
palmivora, and the trunk and branch
cancer caused by Botryodiplodia
theobromae (Parra and Camejo, 2015).
Additionally, the common red squirrel
(Notosciurus granatensis Humboldt
1811) is reported as a pest (Linares,
Sciuridae is the second most
diverse family of squirrels and
the species included there play an
Esta publicación cientíca en formato digital es continuación de la Revista Impresa: Depósito legal pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2021, 38: 279-300. Abril-Junio.
Molina y Briceño ISSN 2477-9407
rol ecológico, como dispersoras y
depredadoras de semillas y esporas
(Mendes et al., 2019). El daño por
ardillas de la familia Sciuridae
es común en todas las latitudes
donde hay cacao y puede tener un
impacto económico importante
(Wood y Singleton, 2014). En Ghana
y Sierra Leona se reportan daños
por Notosciurus gambianus y
Fanisciurus sp. (Lee, 1982); en Guinea
Ecuatorial por Paraxerus poensis,
Potoxerus stangeri, Myosciurus
pumilio, Heliosciurus rufobrachium y
Funisciurus leucogenis (Smith y Nott,
1988); en India por Funambulus
tristriatus y F. palmarum (Bhat
et al., 1981); en América del Norte
y Centroamérica por Sciurus
variegatoides (Monge e Hilje, 2006);
en Trinidad y Tobago, (Emmandie y
Warren, 1993; Mollineau et al., 2008),
al igual que en Venezuela, Linares
(1998), Mollineau et al., (2008) y
Molina y Briceño (2018) atribuyen
el ataque a la ardilla roja común (N.
Aunque Linares (1998) señala
que las ardillas se alimentan de las
mazorcas de cacao en Venezuela,
el daño causado por estos roedores
en el país, exceptuando un estudio
publicado recientemente por
Molina y Briceño (2018), no está
sucientemente documentado. Sin
embargo, para otros países de la
América tropical se reportan daños
muy signicativos; por ejemplo, López
et al., (2014) señalan pérdidas entre
26 y 34 % en Nicaragua y Mollineau
et al., (2008) reportaron pérdidas
superiores al 30 % en Trinidad y
important ecological role: on the one
hand as seed and spore dispersers
and on the other as seed predators
(Mendes et al., 2019). Damage from
squirrels of the Sciuridae family is
common in all latitudes where cocoa
is found and could have a signicant
economic impact (Wood and
Singleton, 2014). In Ghana and Sierra
Leona damage by Sciurus gambianus
and Fanisciurus sp. (Lee, 1982)
is reported; in Equatorial Guinea
by Paraxerus poensis, Potoxerus
stangeri, Myosciurus pumilio,
Heliosciurus rufobrachium and
Funisciurus leucogenis (Smith and
Nott, 1988); in India by Funambulus
tristriatus and F. palmarum (Bhat
et al., 1981); in North and Central
America by Sciurus variegatoides
(Monge and Hilje, 2006); in Trinidad
and Tobago Emamdie and Warren
(1993), Chadee and Chadee (1994)
and Mollineau et al., (2014), as well
as in Venezuela Linares (1998),
Mollineau et al., (2008) and Molina
and Briceño ( 2018) attribute the
attack to the common red squirrel (N.
Although Linares (1998) point
out that squirrels feed of cocoa pods
in Venezuela, the damage caused by
these rodents in the country, except
for a study recently published by
Molina and Briceño (2018), does not
is sufciently detailed. However, for
other countries in tropical America,
very signicant damages are
reported; for example, López et al.,
(2014) indicate losses between 26 and
34 % in Nicaragua and Mollineau et
al., (2008) reported losses greater
than 30 % in Trinidad and Tobago.
Esta publicación cientíca en formato digital es continuación de la Revista Impresa: Depósito legal pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2021, 38: 279-300. Abril-Junio.
Molina y Briceño ISSN 2477-9407
El problema radica en que la
distribución geográca de las ardillas es
similar a la del cacao (Emmandie y Warren,
1993). Las ardillas muerden las mazorcas
para extraer las semillas y alimentarse
del mucilago que las recubre; algunas
mazorcas son devoradas totalmente. Las
semillas pueden fermentarse y sufrir
cambios en su sabor y aroma (Coulibaly,
1982) y quedan expuestas a hongos y
bacterias (Parra y Camejo, 2015) que las
dañan por completo. Como consecuencia,
se reduce la productividad de los cultivos
y por ende los ingresos de los productores
(López et al., 2014; Mollineau et al., 2008).
El objetivo del presente trabajo fue
analizar la relación entre el nivel de
daño por ardillas rojas (S. granatensis)
y algunos factores agronómicos y
ambientales en cultivos del occidente de
la Cordillera de Mérida.
Materiales y métodos
Las 39 unidades de producción (UP)
en las que se desarrolló el trabajo están
distribuidas como se indica en la Figura 1
y en el Cuadro 1.
El área de estudio es montañosa,
con colinas, conos y valles. Las colinas
de arcillas y areniscas son pequeñas,
con pendientes entre 10° y 30°
modeladas por la erosión cuaternaria
sobre las formaciones terciarias y
algunas acumulaciones del pleistoceno
inferior. Los conos contienen también
cuarcitas, granitos, gneis y esquistos.
Los valles cubren aproximadamente 10
% del piedemonte, están constituido por
depósitos sedimentarios de los ríos y
tienen pendientes entre 3 y 5 % sobre los
conos o formaciones terciarias (La Marca,
The problem is rooted on the fact
that the geographic distribution of
squirrels is similar to that of cocoa
(Emmandie and Warren, 1993).
Squirrels bite the pods to extract the
seeds and feed on the mucilage that
covers them; some pods are eaten,
others are partially eaten. The seeds
can ferment changing their avor
and smell (Coulibaly, 1982) and stay
exposed to fungi and bacteria (Parra
and Camejo, 2015; Quesnel and López,
1975) that damage them completely.
Consequently, the productivity of the
crops, and therefore the producer’s
income of the decreases (López et al.,
2014; Mollineau et al., 2008).
The objective of this work was to
analyze the relationship among the
level of damage caused by red squirrels
(N. granatensis) and some agronomic
and environmental factors in cocoa
crops of the western Cordillera de
Materials and metods
The 39 production units (PU) in
which the work was developed are
distributed as indicated in Figure 1
and in Table 1.
The study area is mountainous,
with hills, cones, and valleys. The
hills of clays and sandstones are
small, with slopes between 10° and
30° shaped by Quaternary erosion
on the Tertiary formations and
some accumulations of the Lower
Pleistocene. The cones are composed
of sandstones, quartzites, granites,
gneiss, and schists. The valley sub
landscape covers approximately 10
% of the foothills and is constituted
Esta publicación cientíca en formato digital es continuación de la Revista Impresa: Depósito legal pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2021, 38: 279-300. Abril-Junio.
Molina y Briceño ISSN 2477-9407
Figura 1. Ubicación relativa de las unidades de producción en el área de
Figure 1. Relative location of the production units in the study area.
El clima es variable y está
determinado principalmente por el
relieve y la altitud que condicionan a
su vez la magnitud de la temperatura
y las precipitaciones. La altitud
causa una disminución entre 0,60 a
0,65 oC por cada 100 m. Los meses
más calurosos son mayo y junio. La
precipitación media anual para Mesa
Bolívar, población característica de
este piso térmico subtropical ubicada
a 1170 msnm es de 1150 mm.
Según Huber y Alarcón (1988),
la vegetación original del área de
estudio corresponde a bosques
ombrólos basimontanos semideciduos
estacionales, con árboles remanentes de
35 m de altura, con dos estratos
arbóreos y densidad variable, hasta
los 800 msnm, y bosques ombrólos
submontanos siempreverdes, entre los
800 y 1800-2000 msnm.
sedimentary deposits from the
rivers and has slopes between 3
and 5% on the cones or tertiary
formations (La Marca, 1997).
The climate is variable and is
mainly regulated by the relief and
altitude, which in turn determine
the magnitude of temperature
and rainfall. The altitude causes
a decline in temperature between
0.60 to 0.65
C for each 100 m
of altitude. The hottest months
are May and June. The mean
annual rainfall for Mesa Bolívar,
a characteristic town of this
subtropical thermal oor located at
1170 m.a.s.l., is 1150 mm.
According to Huber and Alarcón
(1988), the native vegetation of
the study area corresponds to
seasonal semi-deciduous basimontan
ombrophilous forests, with trees
Esta publicación cientíca en formato digital es continuación de la Revista Impresa: Depósito legal pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2021, 38: 279-300. Abril-Junio.
Molina y Briceño ISSN 2477-9407
Cuadro 1. Localización y altitud de las unidades de producción
muestreadas para el estudio de la relación entre factores
agronómicos y nivel del daño por ardillas rojas a mazorcas de
cacao en la Cordillera de Mérida, Venezuela.
Table 1. Location and altitude of the production units sampled to study
the relationship among agronomic factors and the level of
damage by red squirrels to cocoa pods in the Cordillera de
Nombre de la UP Municipio, localidad y
altitud (msnm) Nombre de la UP Municipio, localidad
y altitud (msnm)
Santa Lucía I
Santa Lucía II
San Rafael,
Mi Refugio
El Porvenir
La Vega
La Escondida
El Silencio
Los Manzanos
Santísima Trinidad I
Santísima Trinidad II
La Florida
La Trinidad
Antonio Pinto Sali-
nas, Mesa Bolívar
La Hedionda
La Loma
El Milagro
San Isidro
Los Labradores
El Vegón
La Vega
La Plata
Zea, Zea
La Esperanza
Las Tres Palmas
San Isidro
La Cañada
Los Caraños
La Fontana
La Candelaria
Mi Herencia
Caracciolo Parra y
Mesa Julia
Caracciolo Parra y
Olmedo, Río Frío
San Rafael
La Planada
Los Cedros
La Esperanza I
La Esperanza II
El Rosal
Los Taguanes
La Montaña
msnm: metros sobre el nivel del mar.
msnm: meters above sea level.
Los suelos son arcillosos, débilmente
ácidos, bastante meteorizados y tienen
buen drenaje. Todos son aluviones
recientes y por eso son fértiles (Vivas,
up to 35 m high, with two arboreal
strata and variable density, up to 800
m.a.s.l., and evergreen submontane
ombrophilous forests, between 800
and 1800-2000 m.a.s.l.
Esta publicación cientíca en formato digital es continuación de la Revista Impresa: Depósito legal pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2021, 38: 279-300. Abril-Junio.
Molina y Briceño ISSN 2477-9407
El levantamiento de la
información resumida en el Cuadro
2 fue desarrollado entre octubre de
2017 y marzo de 2018. En cada UP
se seleccionaron 12 plantas al azar,
indistintamente de si contenían o
no árboles frutales. Para aleatorizar
la selección, cada UP se dividió en
cuatro sectores; con la ayuda de
una tabla de números aleatorios
se escogió uno de esos sectores y se
delimitó con cinta plástica de color un
área de un
ha del centro del sector
y se numeraron todas las plantas de
cacao presentes; luego se escogieron
las 12 plantas utilizando la tabla; en
cada planta se contó el número de
mazorcas y se vericó la cantidad de
mazorcas mordidas por las ardillas.
Según Molina y Briceño (2018),
las mazorcas de cacao son dañadas
por ardillas y pájaros carpinteros
de varias especies, pero no se han
encontrado evidencias de ataque
por otras especies de mamíferos.
Según estos autores, el daño por
ardillas se distingue fácilmente del
causado por pájaros carpinteros pues
éstos perforan las mazorcas dejando
oricios circulares de diámetro no
mayor de 2 cm, mientras que las
ardillas hacen cavidades de forma
irregular que pueden abarcar
casi todo el fruto; además; en las
mazorcas mordidas por las ardillas
se pueden apreciar los surcos que
dejan los dientes incisivos con los que
las roen (Figura 2).
Los tipos de cacao se clasicaron
como criollo, forastero e híbrido.
La ubicación de las UP (altitud y
coordenadas geográcas) fue denida
con un GPS Garmin E-trex
The soils are clayey, weakly acidic,
quite weathered, and well-drained. All
are recent alluviums and therefore are
fertile (Vivas, 1992).
The information summarized in
Table 2 was collected between October
2017 and March 2018. In each PU,
12 plants were randomly selected,
regardless of whether or not they
contained fruit trees. To randomize
the selection, each PU was divided into
four sectors; with the help of a table of
random numbers, one of these sectors
was chosen and an area of 1/4 ha from
the center of the sector was delimited
with colored plastic tape and all the
cocoa plants present were numbered;
then the 12 plants were chosen using
the table; in each plant, the number
of pods was counted and the number
of pods bitten by the squirrels was
According to Molina and Briceño
(2018), cocoa pods are damaged by
red squirrels and various species
of woodpeckers, but they found no
evidence of attack by other species
of mammals. These authors indicate
that damage by squirrels is easily
distinguished from that caused by
woodpeckers because they pierce the
pods leaving circular cavities whose
diameter usually does not exceed 2 cm,
while squirrels leave much larger and
irregularly shaped apertures that can
cover almost all the fruit; furthermore,
on the pods bitten by the squirrels, the
grooves left by the incisor teeth with
which they gnaw on them can be seen
(Figure 2).
The varieties of cocoa were
classied as criollo, forastero and
hybrid. The location of the PU
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Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2021, 38: 279-300. Abril-Junio.
Molina y Briceño ISSN 2477-9407
Cuadro 2. Variables incluidas en el análisis de la relación entre factores
agronómicos y ambientales y el nivel de daño por ardillas a
mazorcas de cacao.
Table 2. Variables included in the analysis of the relationship among the
agronomic and environmental factors and the level of damage
by red squirrels to cocoa pods.
Variable Categorías Prueba estadística usada
Altitud I: hasta 500 msnm
Kruskal-Wallis para mues-
tras independientes
α = 0,05
II: > 500 msnm
Tamaño del lote I: < 4 ha
II: de 5 a 10 ha
III: de 11 a 15 ha
IV: > 15 ha
Tipo de vegetación aledaña I: Otras plantaciones de cacao
II: Rastrojos
III: Bosques secundarios
IV: Pastizales
Densidad de siembra I: cuadros de 2m x 2m
II: cuadros de 3m x 3m
III: cuadros de 4m x 4m
IV: > 4m x 4m
Nivel de uso de agroquímicos I: No usa agroquímicos
II: Usa agroquímicos
Distancia cultivo-bosque I: De 1 a 100 m
Kolmogorov-Smirnov para
dos muestras independientes
α = 0,05
II: > 100 m
Número de cultivares I: 1 cultivar
II: 2 o más cultivares
Número de cultivos asociados I: De 0 a 2
II: > 2 cultivos asociados
Número de árboles de sombra.ha-1 I: De 0 a 20
Prueba de Moses
α = 0,05
II: > 20
Presencia de frutos alternativos I: Con frutales alternativos
II: Sin frutales alternativos
El porcentaje de daño fue
calculado como el cociente entre el
número de mazorcas mordidas y el
número de mazorcas total x 100. Para
las pruebas estadísticas el porcentaje
(altitude and geographic coordinates)
was dened using a GPS Garmin
The percentage of damage was
calculated as the quotient between the
Esta publicación cientíca en formato digital es continuación de la Revista Impresa: Depósito legal pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2021, 38: 279-300. Abril-Junio.
Molina y Briceño ISSN 2477-9407
de daño fue transformado a arcoseno
(Ahrens et al., 1990; Warton y Hui,
number of pods bitten and the number
of total pods x 100. For statistical
tests, the percentage of damage was
Figura 2. Detalles del daño causado por las mordidas de las ardillas rojas
(N. granatensis) a una mazorca madura de cacao criollo.
Figure 2. Details of the damage caused by the red squirrel (N. granatensis)
bites to a mature pod of criollo cocoa.
El resto de las variables fueron
tipicadas para reducir las diferencias
debidas a las distintas escalas (Sokal
y Rolph, 1995), es decir, se calculó el
promedio y la desviación estándar;
el valor tipicado se calculó restando
el valor original del promedio de la
variable y el valor resultante fue
dividido por la desviación estándar.
Los datos fueron procesados
estadísticamente usando el programa
SPSS versión 20 (IBM, 2011). Para
transformed to arcsine (Ahrens et al.,
1990; Warton and Hui, 2011).
The remaining variables were
typied to reduce the differences due
to the diverse scales in which they are
expressed (Sokal and Rolph, 1995),
that is, the average and standard
deviation were calculated; the typied
value was determined by subtracting
the original value of the average of the
variable and the resulting value was
divided by the standard deviation.
Esta publicación cientíca en formato digital es continuación de la Revista Impresa: Depósito legal pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2021, 38: 279-300. Abril-Junio.
Molina y Briceño ISSN 2477-9407
estudiar la relación entre el nivel
de daño y el resto de las variables,
los datos se agruparon en categorías
subjetivas (Cuadro 2) buscando
uniformidad en el tamaño de los grupos
y se procesaron estadísticamente
siguiendo los criterios de Siegel y
Castellán (2007).
Se consideran como frutos
alternativos para las ardillas
aquellos nativos o cultivados, que
son consumidos de forma ocasional
por estos roedores; los principales
son: guama (Inga spp. Mill), aguacate
(Persea americana Mill), jobo
(Spondias mombin L.) y pomarrosa
(Syzygium jambos L.).
Resultados y discusión
El nivel de daño varío entre
cero y 44 %, siendo (en promedio)
12 % para las UP ubicadas en Mesa
Bolívar, 10 % para las de Zea, 13 %
para las de Mesa Julia y 3 % para
las de Río Frío. Estos resultados
contrastan con los de López et al.
(2014) quienes encontraron pérdidas
entre 26 y 34 % para Nicaragua y con
los de Mollineau et al. (2008) quienes
reportaron pérdidas superiores al 30
% para Trinidad y Tobago. Si bien el
nivel de daño encontrado es inferior
al reportado por estos autores, no
es de poca importancia para los
productores merideños, pues ellos
están enfrentando una grave crisis.
Al nivel de campo esto se expresa
principalmente a través de la escases y
los costos elevados de los agroinsumos
y la mano de obra. Además, las
pérdidas causadas por ardillas deben
sumarse a las generadas por hongos,
The data were statistically
processed using the SPSS IBM®
version 20 program (IBM, 2011). To
study the relationship among the level
of damage and the rest of the variables,
these were grouped into subjective
categories (Table 1) to homogenize the
group size, and statistically processed
following the Siegel and Castellán’s
(2007) criteria.
The alternative fruits for squirrels
are those native or cultivated, other
than cocoa, which are occasionally
consumed by these rodents; the main
ones are: guama (Inga spp. Mill),
avocado (Persea americana Mill),
jobo (Spondias mombin Mill), and
pomarosa (Syzygium jambos L.).
Results y discussion
The level of damage varied between
zero and 44 %, being (on average) 12 %
for the PU’s located in Mesa Bolívar,
10 % for those located in Zea, 13 % for
those belonging to Mesa Julia, and
3 % for the PU’s in Río Frio. These
results contrast with those of López et.
al., (2014) who found losses between
26 and 34% for Siuna, Nicaragua,
and with those of Mollineau et. al.,
(2008) who reported losses greater
than 30% for Trinidad and Tobago.
Although the level of damage found
is lower than that reported by these
authors, it is not of little importance
for Mérida producers, since they
are facing a severe crisis. At the
eld level, this is expressed mainly
through the scarcity and high costs
of agro-inputs and labor. Also, the
losses caused by squirrels must be
added to those generated by fungi,
Esta publicación cientíca en formato digital es continuación de la Revista Impresa: Depósito legal pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2021, 38: 279-300. Abril-Junio.
Molina y Briceño ISSN 2477-9407
cuya magnitud en algunas regiones
del neotrópico es de aproximadamente
40 % (Correa et al., 2014); de hecho,
ambos problemas están relacionados
ya que, en muchos casos, las mazorcas
de cacao que no son dañadas por
completo por las ardillas, son
atacadas por hongos y bacterias que
las inutilizan por completo (Molina y
Briceño, 2018).
No se encontraron diferencias
signicativas (p> 0,05) para el nivel de
daño entre las categorías de altitud de
las UP. Esto se debe probablemente a
que las ardillas rojas tienen un amplio
rango de distribución geográca, tanto
en sentido longitudinal como altitudinal
(Linares, 1998), igual que ocurre con el
cacao (López et al., 2014); además se
trata de roedores que, por ser estrategas
r, están adaptados para explotar al
máximo los recursos disponibles y así
garantizar una progenie numerosa
(Krebs, 1985). Este resultado contrasta
con el de López et al., (2014) quienes
encontraron que el daño es mayor en
cultivos ubicados entre 200 y 300 msnm.
No se encontraron diferencias
(p> 0,05) en el nivel de daño entre las
categorías de tamaño de los lotes de
cacao. Ello puede deberse a que el
tamaño de las UP tiende a ser pequeño
y a que las ardillas tienen una alta
movilidad (Zollner, 2000). En el Sector
Mesa Bolívar-El Bordo, en Río Frío y
en Zea, aproximadamente dos tercios
tienen menos de 2 ha de supercie,
mientras que en Santo Tomás y Mesa
Julia, dos tercios de las UP tienen entre
3 y 5 ha.
No se encontraron diferencias
(p> 0,05) en el nivel de daño entre las
categorías de distancia al bosque. Sin
whose magnitude in some neotropical
regions is approximately 40% (Correa
et al., 2014); in fact, both problems are
related since, in many cases, the cocoa
pods that are not completely damaged
by squirrels are attacked by fungi and
bacteria that render them completely
useless (Molina and Briceño, 2018).
No statistically signicant
differences (p> 0.05) were found for
the level of damage between the
altitude categories of the PU’s. This
is probably because red squirrels
have a wide range of geographic
distribution, both longitudinally and
altitudinally (Linares, 1998), as is the
case with cocoa (López et al., 2014);
besides, they are rodents that, being
r-selected species, are adapted to
exploit the available resources to the
maximum, regardless of whether they
are in a variable range of climates,
to guarantee a large progeny (Krebs,
1985). This result contrasts with that
of López et al., (2014) who found that
damage by squirrels varies according
to the altitudinal range in which
the PU’s included in their study
were located, and concluded that the
damage is greater in crops located
between 200 and 300 m.a.s.l.
No differences (p> 0.05) were found
for the level of damage between the
size categories of the cocoa plots. This
may be because PU size tends to be
small and that squirrels have high
mobility (Zollner, 2000). In fact, in the
Mesa Bolívar-El Bordo area, in Río
Frio and in Zea, approximately two-
thirds of them have less than 2 ha of
surface, meanwhile in Santo Tomás
and Mesa Julia, two-thirds of the UP
have between 3 and 5 ha.
Esta publicación cientíca en formato digital es continuación de la Revista Impresa: Depósito legal pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2021, 38: 279-300. Abril-Junio.
Molina y Briceño ISSN 2477-9407
embargo, Lee (1997) encontró que
ardillas del género Callosciurus causan
mayor daño a las mazorcas localizadas
cerca de los bosques en India. Las
ardillas de la familia Sciuridae
exhiben diferentes rangos perceptuales
(distancia máxima desde la que un
animal puede detectar la presencia de
un parche de hábitat); por ejemplo las
ardillas grises (Sciurus carolinensis)
tienen un rango perceptual de 300 m y
las ardillas zorro (Sciurus niger) de 400
m (Zollner, 2000).
Tampoco se encontraron diferencias
en el nivel de daño entre las cuatro
categorías de vegetación aledaña. Sin
embargo, las observaciones de campo
(Figura 3) indican que no existe daño
cuando los cultivos de cacao están
rodeados por pastos, mientras que el
daño es evidentemente mayor cuando
están rodeados por bosques secundarios.
El menor daño observado en los
cultivos rodeados por pastos puede
deberse a que el movimiento de
las ardillas allí es limitado porque
las ardillas son presas de varias
especies de aves, mamíferos y
reptiles, y suelen evadir los lugares
donde el riesgo de depredación es
alto (Krijger et al., 2017; Potash et
al., 2019).
El mayor nivel de daño encontrado
en los cultivos rodeados por bosques
es razonable cuando en los cultivos
hay abundantes árboles de sombra
que mejoran la conectividad con la
vegetación montañosa (Mäkeläinen et
al., 2016).
No se encontraron diferencias
(p> 0,05) en el nivel de daño entre las
categorías de densidad de siembra
entre las UP. Ello puede deberse a
No differences were found (p>
0.05) for the level of damage between
the categories of distance to the
forest. However, Lee (1997) found
that various squirrels of the genus
Callosciurus cause a higher level of
damage to the pods of crops located
near forests in India. This is because
squirrels of the Sciuridae family
exhibit different perceptual ranges
(maximum distance from which an
animal can detect the presence of a
patch of habitat); for example, gray
squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis) have
a perceptual range of 300 m and
fox squirrels (Sciurus niger) have a
perceptual range of 400 m (Zollner,
Nor were found differences for
the level of damage between the four
categories of neighboring vegetation.
However eld observations (Figure 2)
indicate that there is no damage when
cocoa crops are surrounded by grasses
and that damage is visibly less when
surrounded by other PU’s of cocoa,
while the damage is visibly greater
when they are surrounded by stubble
or secondary forests.
The lower damage observed in
crops surrounded by grasses may be
because the movement of squirrels
there is limited due to they can be
exposed to predators. Since rodents
play the role of prey for many species
of birds, mammals and reptiles, they
avoid frequenting places where the
risk of predation is high (Krijger et al.,
2017; Potash et al., 2019).
The highest level of damage found
in crops surrounded by forests is
reasonable when there are abundant
shade trees in the crops that improve
Esta publicación cientíca en formato digital es continuación de la Revista Impresa: Depósito legal pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2021, 38: 279-300. Abril-Junio.
Molina y Briceño ISSN 2477-9407
que la mayoría de los cultivos fueron
establecidos en diseños de 3 x 3 ó 3 x
4 m, de manera que existe una alta
conectividad entre las plantas y por
ende, la movilidad de las ardillas en
su búsqueda de mazorcas de cacao se
ve facilitada (Daghela et al., 2013).
connectivity to the mountainous
vegetation (Mäkeläinen et al., 2016).
No differences were found (p> 0.05)
for the level of damage between the
categories of planting density among
the PU’s. This may be because most
of the crops in the study area were
Figura 3. Relación entre el nivel de daño y el tipo de vegetación aledaña
(3A), el número de cultivos asociados (3B), el número de árboles
de sombra (3C) y la presencia de frutos alternativos (3D).
Barras con letras distintas muestran diferencias signicativas
(p< 0.05).
Figure 3. Relationship among the level of damage and the kind of
neighboring vegetation (3A), the number of associated crops
(3B), and the presence of alternative fruits (3D). Bars with
different letters show signicant differences (p< 0.05).
Esta publicación cientíca en formato digital es continuación de la Revista Impresa: Depósito legal pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2021, 38: 279-300. Abril-Junio.
Molina y Briceño ISSN 2477-9407
No se detectaron diferencias
(p> 0,05) en el nivel de daño entre los
cultivos con dos variedades y aquellos
con tres variedades de cacao. Los
productores, al momento de establecer
sus cultivos compran las plantas
en viveros o construyen sus propios
viveros con semillas de la zona, sin que
haya un experto que haga selección
genética. Como consecuencia, los
cultivos tienen diferentes proporciones
de cacao criollo, forastero e híbrido,
lo que ya es característico de toda la
región (Chacón et al., 2007, Salazar,
El nivel de daño diere (p<0,05)
entre los dos grupos de cultivos
asociados. En la Figura 3 se puede
apreciar que el nivel de daño se reduce
en la medida en que aumenta el
número de cultivos asociados. Ello
puede ser producto de que, por un
lado, una mayor cantidad de cultivos
mejora la complejidad estructural de
la vegetación (Flaherty et al., 2012;
Garcés-Restrepo et al., 2013; Gregory
et al., 2017; Holloway et al., 2012)
creando un hábitat más favorable
para las ardillas, y por el otro, entre
los cultivos asociados hay frutos
alternativos (Reher et al., 2016) como
es el aguacate.
No se detectaron diferencias
(p> 0,05) en el nivel de daño entre
las categorías de uso de agroquímicos
para el control de las arvenses. Las
ardillas son animales arborícolas
(Linares, 1998) de modo que la
estructura del estrato herbáceo no es
un factor determinante.
El nivel de daño fue diferente
(p< 0,05) entre las categorías de
árboles de sombra. En la Figura 3
established in 3 x 3 or 3 x 4 m designs,
both among plants and among rows,
so that there is high connectivity
between plants and therefore, the
mobility of squirrels in their search
for cocoa pods is facilitated (Daghela
et al., 2013).
No differences (p> 0.05) were
detected for the level of damage
between crops with two varieties and
those with three cocoa varieties. This
is for the reason that in the study area,
the producers, to establish their crops,
buy the plants in nurseries or build
their own nurseries with seeds from
the area, without an expert selecting
the seeds according to their genetics.
Consequently, in either case, the
crops will have different proportions
of criollo, forastero and hybrid cocoa,
as is common throughout the region
(Chacón et al., 2007, Salazar, 2016).
The level of damage differs (p<
0.05) between the two groups of
associated crops compared. In Figure
3 it can be seen that the level of
damage is reduced as the number
of associated crops increases. This
may be due, on the one hand, to the
fact that a greater number of crops
improves the structural complexity of
the vegetation (Flaherty et al., 2012;
Garcés-Restrepo et al., 2013; Gregory
et al., 2017; Holloway et al., 2012)
creating a more favorable habitat for
squirrels, and on the other because
among the associated crops there are
alternative fruits (Reher et al., 2016)
such as the avocado.
No differences were found (p> 0.05)
for the level of damage between the
categories of use of agrochemicals for
weed control. Because squirrels are
Esta publicación cientíca en formato digital es continuación de la Revista Impresa: Depósito legal pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2021, 38: 279-300. Abril-Junio.
Molina y Briceño ISSN 2477-9407
puede observarse que el nivel de
daño aumenta en la medida en que
aumenta la cantidad de árboles.ha-1.
La vegetación de sombra contribuye
a conformar una mayor complejidad
estructural que favorece la presencia
y la movilidad de las ardillas a través
de las ramas (Alvarenga y Talamoni,
2006; Flaherty et al., 2012; Garcés-
Restrepo et al., 2013; Gregory et al.,
2017; Holloway et al., 2012; Reunanen,
2001), así como la construcción de
nidos (Holloway y Malcolm, 2007).
Smith y Nott (1988) encontraron que
las ardillas encuentran protección
en los cultivos con mayor cobertura
de sombra. Monge e Hilje (2006)
explicaron que la ardilla Notosciurus
variegatoides varía su dieta en función
de la arquitectura de los árboles, lo que
a su vez determina su protección y el
acceso a los alimentos. Cuautle (2007)
señala que las ardillas requieren
ciertas condiciones de macrohábitat y
microhábitat para su establecimiento.
Por otro lado, Wilson (2008) asoció la
complejidad multidimensional en la
vegetación boscosa con la abundancia
de la ardilla Glaucomys sabrinus.
Se encontraron diferencias
signicativas (p< 0,05) para el nivel
de daño entre las UP con frutos
alternativos y aquellas sin ellos. En la
Figura 3 se observa que el nivel de daño
es mayor en los cultivos que tienen
frutos alternativos. Las semillas
de cacao por si solas no parecen
representar una dieta completa para
los roedores por lo que el nivel de daño
está relacionado con la presencia de
árboles con frutos alternativos (Monge
e Hilje, 2006; Singleton, 2015). En este
sentido, Reher et al. (2016) señalan
arboreal animals (Linares, 1998), the
structure of the herbaceous stratum is
not a determining factor.
The level of damage was different
(p< 0.05) between the shade tree
categories. In Figure 3 it can be
observed that it increases as the
number of trees.ha-1 increases.
The shade vegetation contribute
conforming a greater structural
complexity that favors the presence
and mobility of squirrels through
the branches (Flaherty et al., 2012;
Garcés-Restrepo et al., 2013; Gregory
et al., 2017; Holloway et al., 2012;
Reunanen, 2001), as well as the
construction of nests (Holloway and
Malcolm, 2007). Smith and Nott (1988)
found that squirrels nd protection
in cocoa crops with greater shade
coverage. Monge and Hilje (2006)
explained that the squirrel Sciurus
variegatoides varies its diet depending
on the architecture of the trees, which
in turn determines its protection and
access to food. Cuautle (2007) points
out that squirrels require certain
macrohabitat and microhabitat
conditions for their establishment. On
the other hand, Wilson (2008) found
that forests that support greater
multidimensional complexity in
vegetation exhibit greater abundances
of the squirrel Glaucomys sabrinus.
Statistically signicant differences
(p< 0.05) were found for the level of
damage between PU with alternative
fruits for squirrels and those without
them. In Figure 3 it is observed
that the level of damage is higher in
crops with alternative fruits. Cocoa
beans by themselves do not seem to
represent a complete diet for these
Esta publicación cientíca en formato digital es continuación de la Revista Impresa: Depósito legal pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2021, 38: 279-300. Abril-Junio.
Molina y Briceño ISSN 2477-9407
que la abundancia de las ardillas rojas
de Eurasia (Sciurus vulgaris) guarda
relación con la existencia de fuentes
mayores de alimentos.
Es razonable esperar que la
presencia de frutos alternativos
contribuya a reducir el nivel de
daño, especialmente si se considera
que los frutos alternativos pueden
conformar casi la totalidad de la
dieta de las ardillas del genero
Sciurus. Por ejemplo, en Panamá,
los frutos de jobo (Spondias mombin)
y de guácimo (Guazuma ulmifolia
Lam.) representaron más del 90 %
de la dieta de Sciurus variegatoides
(Monge e Hilje, 2006). Sin embargo,
en este estudio el mayor nivel de daño
se encontró en cultivos con frutos
alternativos, lo que puede deberse a
que durante el trabajo de campo los
árboles no tenían frutos o estos no
estaban sucientemente maduros y
por ende no estaban siendo consumidos
por las ardillas, y a que una mayor
densidad de árboles frutales puede
favorecer la abundancia de ardillas al
mejorar la complejidad estructural de
paisaje, aumentando el nivel de daño
sobre las mazorcas de cacao.
De los resultados expuestos
previamente se deduce que el nivel
de daño es inferior al reportado para
otras regiones del trópico americano,
pero tiene un impacto signicativo en
la economía de los productores.
El nivel de daño diere según la
cantidad de cultivos asociados, según
la cantidad de árboles de sombra y
de acuerdo con la presencia de frutos
rodents, so the level of damage is
related to the presence of trees with
alternative fruits (Monge and Hilje,
2006; Singleton, 2015). In this sense,
Reher et al. (2016) point out that the
abundance of Eurasian red squirrel
(Sciurus vulgaris) is closely related
to the existence of greater sources of
It is reasonable to expect that
the presence of alternative fruits
will contribute to reducing the level
of damage to cocoa pods, especially
considering that alternative fruits
can constitute almost the entire diet
of squirrels of the genus Sciurus. For
example, in Panamá, the fruits of
jobo (Spondias mombin) and guácimo
(Guazuma ulmifolia) represented
more than 90 % of the diet of Sciurus
variegatoides (Monge and Hilje, 2006).
However, in the present study the
highest level of damage was found in
crops with alternative fruits, which
may be due in part to the fact that
during the eldwork the availability
of alternative fruits was low, that is,
the trees had no fruits or these were
not mature enough and therefore were
not being consumed by squirrels, and
on the other hand, the presence of a
higher density of fruit trees may be
favoring the abundance of rodents by
improving the structural complexity
of the landscape, increasing the level
damage on cocoa pods.
From the results previously
exposed, it can be deduced that the level
of damage is lower than that reported
for other regions of the American
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Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2021, 38: 279-300. Abril-Junio.
Molina y Briceño ISSN 2477-9407
alternativos. En conjunto, estos
factores conforman la complejidad
estructural de los cultivos, que gura
como un elemento integrador en
la determinación del nivel de daño
causado por las ardillas ya que dene
la idoneidad de su hábitat.
Cabe destacar que el menor
daño de las ardillas ocurre en las
plantaciones separadas con respecto a
lotes boscosos por pastizales. Con base
en este descubrimiento, y sabiendo
de que las ardillas son sensibles a la
modicación del hábitat, es evidente
la importancia que tiene el manejo
agronómico de la vegetación asociada
al cultivo así como la participación
activa de la comunidad de productores
para el control de las ardillas.
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Throughout its distribution area, cocoa is damaged by fungi, insects, acari and squirrels. In this study, we evaluated the climatic seasonality of damage by red squirrels in ten farms of the Cordillera de Mérida, Venezuela. Although we did not find statistically significant differences (p>0.05) between the dry and rainy seasons, our results show a higher level of damage during the rainy season when the squirrels reproduce, taking advantage of a greater food supply.
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Tesis MsC. Palabras Claves: Aboles de sombra, bosques, composición florística, diversidad, mamíferos, percepciones de productores. Abstract: The study compared the biodiversity (trees and mammals) present in cacao (Theobroma cacao) and banana (Mu sa spp) agroforestry systems (AFS), and natural forests in farms belonging to Bribri farmers, in Baja Talamanca , Limón , C o s t a R i c a. The AFS had fewer tree species, lower tree densities and fewer primary forest species than the forest. Nevertheless their multi-strata structure was similar to that of the forest. The diversity and abundance of mammals in AFS was similar to that in forests, suggesting that the AFS may provide habitats and resources for mammals.The biodiversity present within the A F S provides benefits (timber, f r u i t s, firewood and meat) and problems (mainly damage to adjacent crops) to the indigenous farmers in the region. In Ta l a m a n c a , the conservation of biodiversity will depend on the rational control of hunting,as well as the ecological management of the A F S.
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Cocoa agriculture is considered to have played a significant role in the transformation of tropical landscapes in Africa, Latin America and Asia in the past and continues to do so. In recent decades, intensification mechanisms such as the use of hybrid varieties and application of agrochemicals have been promoted in Ghana as a means to improve cocoa sector performance. Such expansion and intensification of cocoa agroforestry systems have often led to replacing the original forest ecosystem and the removal of native trees. For effective conservation and management of natural habitats, a thorough knowledge and sustained monitoring of ecological quality of cocoa landscapes is essential. Such assessments and monitoring may be conducted in the broader context of cocoa certification audits. However, current methods used in certification audits rely mainly on field observations which are subject to auditors’ discretion. This also leads to challenges in assessing requirements that are not easily quantifiable from physical observations. Additionally, farm-level assessments in voluntary schemes limit the assessment of indicators that are better expressed at the landscape scale, such as connectivity. This study is thus conducted to develop a method for assessing ecological quality of a cocoa landscape based on non-cocoa woody vegetation. In this study, ecological quality, defined by the abundance, distribution, structure and configuration of noncocoa woody vegetation within a cocoa landscape was assessed based on the context of selected Sustainable Agriculture Network certification standards. The assessment was conducted for two management objectives. A conservation objective which assesses ecological quality from the viewpoint of ecologists and environmentalists in maintaining or enhancing habitats and native vegetation; and a Productivity objective which is based on the perspective of cocoa farmers and production stakeholders whose interest is to improve yield and income. A combination of these two objectives was then used to assess potential suitability for meeting the selected certification requirements. Four spatial indicators were identified for the assessment, namely tree density, crown cover, biomass and connectivity based on the SAN certification standards, Ghana Cocoa Manual and literature. Biomass is included based on its increasing relevance and use in providing information on the value of ecosystems. Norms for the indicators are specified based on the two assessment objectives. For the conservation objective, the SAN Guidelines recommendation for optimum shade is used as the norm for crown cover. Higher biomass value was considered higher quality based on existing knowledge that it represents larger, mature trees which provide several essential ecological services. Norms for connectivity were assigned based on the observed movement characteristics of an indicator species, Flying Squirrel. For the productivity objective, the norms for tree density and crown cover were set by the optimal number of trees per hectare and shade tree cover for cocoa production as recommended by the Ghana Cocoa Manual. The spatial indicators were quantified based on a satellite image of the study area and data acquired from field observation. Object-based image analysis was used to identify and map non-cocoa trees as well as other land covers on a Worldview-2 image of the study area. From the derived tree segments, tree density was quantified by calculating the number of individual tree segments within an overlayed 100m X 100m grid. Crown density was quantified similarly by calculating the percentage area of non-cocoa tree segments within a 100m X 100m grid. Biomass was quantified by use of an allometric equation which is based on DBH and was derived in Ghana. To apply the biomass model, a regression model was used to predict DBH of noncocoa tree segments from their crown projection area (DBH). Connectivity was assessed by aggregating polygons within a threshold distance of 25m based on the movement characteristics of the indicator species. Spatial Multiple Criteria Evaluation (SMCE) was used to assess ecological quality for each objective by combining the standardized pixel values of the corresponding indicator maps into an ecological value for each pixel. The resulting maps for the two objectives were then further combined to derive a map of potential suitability for certification based on the selected spatial indicators.
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Dentro de las evidencias morfo-estructurales más importantes en la región, se tieneel Corrimiento de Mesa Bolívar, falla de ángulo bajo, que hace que la Asociación Tostós (Paleozoico superior) cabalgue, sobre las unidades formacionales del Jurásico y del Cretácico, incluso el Terciario.El objetivo primordial es el de encontrar evidencias en campo de la actividad tectono-estructural de la zona. En función a los análisis y resultados, se verificó que el modelo geológico estructural determinado es de índole compresivo, que ha definido una orientación de esfuerzos: Noroeste-Sureste (NO-SE) con una dirección de deformación o vergencia (NE-SO), evidenciando que el Corrimiento de Mesa Bolívar está íntimamente ligado a la tectónica compresiva que originó el levantamiento de Los Andes venezolanos, así como las múltiples estructuras localizadas en el sitio de estudio.
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Linear infrastructure development and resulting habitat fragmentation are expanding in Neotropical forests, and arboreal mammals may be disproportionately impacted by these linear habitat clearings. Maintaining canopy connectivity through preservation of connecting branches (i.e. natural canopy bridges) may help mitigate that impact. Using camera traps, we evaluated crossing rates of a pipeline right-of-way in a control area with no bridges and in a test area where 13 bridges were left by the pipeline construction company. Monitoring all canopy crossing points for a year (7,102 canopy camera nights), we confirmed bridge use by 25 mammal species from 12 families. With bridge use beginning immediately after exposure and increasing over time, use rates were over two orders of magnitude higher than on the ground. We also found a positive relationship between a bridge’s use rate and the number of species that used it, suggesting well-used bridges benefit multiple species. Data suggest bridge use may be related to a combination of bridge branch connectivity, multiple connections, connectivity to adjacent forest, and foliage cover. Given the high use rate and minimal cost, we recommend all linear infrastructure projects in forests with arboreal mammal populations include canopy bridges.
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Current reactive pest management methods have serious drawbacks such as the heavy reliance on chemicals, emerging genetic rodenticide resistance, and high secondary exposure risks. Rodent control needs to be based on pest-species ecology and ethology to facilitate development of ecologically-based rodent management (EBRM). An important aspect of EBRM is a strong understanding of rodent pest species ecology, behaviour, and spatiotemporal factors. Gaining insight in the behaviour of pest-species is a key aspect of EBRM. The landscape of fear is a mapping of the spatial variation in the foraging cost arising from the risk of predation and reflects levels of fear a prey species perceives at different locations within its home range. In practice, the landscape of fear (LOF) is a mapping of habitat use as a result of perceived fear, which shows where bait or traps are most likely to be encountered and used by rodents. Several studies link perceived predation risk of foraging animals with quitting-harvest rates or giving-up densities (GUDs). GUDs have been used to reflect foraging behaviour strategies of predator avoidance, but to our knowledge very few papers have directly used GUDs in relation to pest management strategies. An opportunity for rodent control strategies lies in the integration of the LOF of rodents in EBRM methodologies. Rodent management could be more efficient and effective by concentrating on those areas where rodents perceive the least levels of predation risk.
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Urban expansion and associated habitat fragmentation are expected to be detrimental to global biodiversity. Natural habitat that is extensively modified often poses challenges to native fauna that must adapt to new conditions to survive. While some species decline in numbers or become locally extinct, the Eurasian red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) successfully inhabits cities. Because squirrels are sensitive to habitat fragmentation and their space-use patterns are influenced by the distribution and abundance of major food resources, their movement patterns are likely to be modified in response to changes in environmental conditions brought about by urbanization. Therefore, to investigate whether supplementary food resources are key to its success, the home ranges of squirrels inhabiting a large city park were related to both natural food sources (NFS) and anthropogenically-provided food sources (PFS) in 3 seasons. The combination of home ranges that were relatively small, year-round food availability and the lack of a seasonal body mass change indicates that the semi-urban environment can be high-quality habitat. The squirrels’ home ranges encompassed areas with a year-round NFS supply, but they shifted their home range core areas closer to PFS in seasons where they were more reliable, even though NFS were also abundant at the time. Additionally, heavier individuals’ core areas were located closer to PFS. Consequently, our results show that human activity (i.e., via PFS) had a direct, measureable effect on squirrels’ feeding habits and movement patterns even though NFS were available. However, the consequences of urbanization are not always detrimental for native animal species and an improved knowledge of energy resources and their effect on habitat use is important for understanding and minimizing the long-term impacts of humans on urban wildlife.
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Background: Urbanization causes modification, fragmentation and loss of native habitats. Such landscape changes threaten many arboreal and gliding mammals by limiting their movements through treeless parts of a landscape and by making the landscape surrounding suitable habitat patches more inhospitable. Here, we investigate the effects of landscape structure and habitat availability on the home-range use and movement patterns of the Siberian flying squirrel (Pteromys volans) at different spatial and temporal scales. We followed radio-tagged individuals in a partly urbanized study area in Eastern Finland, and analysed how landscape composition and connectivity affected the length and speed of movement bursts, distances moved during one night, and habitat and nest-site use. Results: The presence of urban habitat on movement paths increased both movement lengths and speed whereas nightly distances travelled by males decreased with increasing amount of urban habitat within the home range. The probability of switching from the present nest site to another nest site decreased with increasing distance among the nest sites, but whether the nest sites were connected or unconnected by forests did not have a clear effect on nest switching. Flying squirrels preferred to use mature forests for their movements at night. Conclusions: Our results suggest that the proximity to urban habitats modifies animal movements, possibly because animals try to avoid such habitats by moving faster through them. Urbanization at the scale of an entire home range can restrict their movements. Thus, maintaining a large enough amount of mature forests around inhabited landscape fragments will help protect forest specialists in urban landscapes. The effect of forested connections remains unclear, highlighting the difficulty of measuring and preserving connectivity in a species-specific way.
This updated 2nd edition, two decades after the publication of the first edition, combines information from the latest scientific research on rodent pests and their control. It includes 19 chapters discussing: the natural history of rodents and preadaptations to pestilence; commensal rodents; rodents in agriculture and forestry; rodents as carriers of disease; non-chemical and non-lethal chemical control methods, with special reference to food stores; chemical control methods; laboratory evaluation of rodenticides; field evaluation of rodenticides; resistance to anticoagulant rodenticides; damage assessment and damage surveys; rodent control in protection of humans and animal health; rodent control in temperate field crops and forestry; rodent control in tropical field crops; sociology and communication of rodent management in Developing Countries; ethics in rodent control; environmental impacts of rodenticides; monitoring rodenticide residues in wildlife; rodent control and island conservation; and rodent control 20 years since the publication of the first edition. This book is essential reading for all those involved in rodent pest control, including researchers, conservationists, practitioners and public health specialists.
An animal's perception of predation risk varies across a heterogeneous landscape. Animals rely on indirect cues in the environment, including availability of protective cover, openness of sightlines and distance to refuge to evaluate potential predation risk. Interactions between the indirect cues that influence an animal's perception of predation risk are poorly understood, especially for prey at risk of avian and terrestrial predation. We conducted a giving-up density (GUD) study to examine how interactions between terrestrial predator presence, ceiling (canopy) cover, wall (shrub/grass) cover and distance to nearest tree influence fox squirrel, Sciurus niger, risk perception. The GUD indicates an animal's perceived predation risk, such that increased GUD (decreased foraging) corresponds to greater perceived risk. We found that fox squirrels perceived cues of predation risk in response to a synergistic interaction between ceiling and wall cover. In open canopy areas, fox squirrels increased GUD where there was also increased wall cover. However, fox squirrels reduced GUD in closed canopy areas where there was also increased wall cover. We attribute the differential effects of wall cover depending on ceiling cover to the effectiveness of open sightlines in decreasing predation risk from avian or terrestrial predators. Our study shows that the effect of vegetation structure on prey risk perception and antipredator behaviour depends on the relative risk posed by avian and terrestrial predators that use different hunting strategies.