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Static Force Measurement Using Piezoelectric Sensors

Journal of Sensors

Abstract and Figures

In force measurement applications, a piezoelectric force sensor is one of the most popular sensors due to its advantages of low cost, linear response, and high sensitivity. Piezoelectric sensors effectively convert dynamic forces to electrical signals by the direct piezoelectric effect, but their use has been limited in measuring static forces due to the easily neutralized surface charge. To overcome this shortcoming, several static (either pure static or quasistatic) force sensing techniques using piezoelectric materials have been developed utilizing several unique parameters rather than just the surface charge produced by an applied force. The parameters for static force measurement include the resonance frequency, electrical impedance, decay time constant, and capacitance. In this review, we discuss the detailed mechanism of these piezoelectric-type, static force sensing methods that use more than the direct piezoelectric effect. We also highlight the challenges and potentials of each method for static force sensing applications.
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Review Article
Static Force Measurement Using Piezoelectric Sensors
Kyungrim Kim ,
Jinwook Kim ,
Xiaoning Jiang,
and Taeyang Kim
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695, USA
Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and North Carolina State University,
Chapel Hill, NC 27599, USA
Department of Mechanical and System Engineering, Korea Military Academy, Seoul 01805, Republic of Korea
Correspondence should be addressed to Taeyang Kim;
Received 13 November 2020; Revised 8 February 2021; Accepted 3 March 2021; Published 16 March 2021
Academic Editor: Manel Gasulla
Copyright © 2021 Kyungrim Kim et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
In force measurement applications, a piezoelectric force sensor is one of the most popular sensors due to its advantages of low cost,
linear response, and high sensitivity. Piezoelectric sensors eectively convert dynamic forces to electrical signals by the direct
piezoelectric eect, but their use has been limited in measuring static forces due to the easily neutralized surface charge. To
overcome this shortcoming, several static (either pure static or quasistatic) force sensing techniques using piezoelectric materials
have been developed utilizing several unique parameters rather than just the surface charge produced by an applied force. The
parameters for static force measurement include the resonance frequency, electrical impedance, decay time constant, and
capacitance. In this review, we discuss the detailed mechanism of these piezoelectric-type, static force sensing methods that use
more than the direct piezoelectric eect. We also highlight the challenges and potentials of each method for static force sensing
1. Introduction
Force sensation as part of tactile information is an important
feedback mechanism to perceive external stimuli in human
explorations [13]. Force sensing is also necessary to obtain
accurate force feedback in robotics and automated medical
device applications [47]. For these applications, sensors
have specic requirements such as small size, lightweight,
structural robustness, low cost, and low power consumption
[811]. In the last few decades, many electromechanical force
sensing techniques have been developed to satisfy these
requirements, including piezoresistive-, capacitive-, and
piezoelectric-type sensors [1215]. Among these sensing
methods, piezoelectric (PE) sensing is one of the most popu-
lar methods because it uses a direct piezoelectric eect that
can eciently measure dynamic forces [1619]. In addition,
piezoelectric force sensors oer distinct advantages such as
mechanical robustness and noise resistance compared to
other types. However, PE force sensors have a major draw-
back that limits their practical use in static force measure-
ments [2023]. When a static force is applied to
piezoelectric force sensors, the induced electrostatic charge
begins to exponentially decrease according to the following
equation, q=Qet/RC (qis the amount of charge after a cer-
tain time, Qis the original value of generated charge, Ris
the resistance of the feedback resistor, Cis the total capaci-
tance of the sensor system, and tis the measurement time).
The product of Rand Cis known as the discharge time con-
stant (DTC) which implies the time required for the induced
charge to decrease by 37% of its initial value. For the su-
ciently long DTC with adequate signal processing, quasistatic
forces can be possibly measured, but there are still limitations
in the time window for measuring static forces due to the cur-
rent leakage [24]. This characteristic makes typical piezoelec-
tric force sensors only suitable for time-varying (dynamic)
force measurements despite their advantages over other types
of force sensors. Numerous designs of piezoelectric sensors
have been suggested for static force sensing using various
measurement parameters including the resonance frequency,
decay time constant, and capacitance [2530]. Recent studies
also demonstrated that the electrical impedance or admit-
tance amplitude at resonance (or antiresonance) varies by
Journal of Sensors
Volume 2021, Article ID 6664200, 8 pages
applied force-induced acoustic load variation with feasible
sensitivity and linearity which can be eectively used for
static force sensing [3133]. Despite increasing attention for
taking full advantage of piezoelectricity in static force sens-
ing, a collective resource that provides a comprehensive
review of each measurement mechanism is hardly available
to date. Several review articles regarding general piezoelectric
force sensors were published, but those articles mainly
focused on the direct piezoelectric sensing of dynamic and
quasistatic force with very limited information of static mea-
surement [3437]. In this review, we focus on static force
measurement techniques using piezoelectric-type sensors.
Most piezoelectric-type yet static force sensors were reported
later than 2000 since the motivation usually came from their
contrasting performance in static force measurements com-
pared to highly-ecient, well-known piezoelectric sensor
designs for dynamic force measurement. Thus, our review
covers relatively recent literature (mainly from 2000 to
2020) with the keywords of piezoelectricityand static
force sensor.
2. Static Force Measurement Using
Piezoelectric Sensors
Several studies have been conducted on static force measure-
ment using piezoelectric sensors. In most cases, piezoelectric
resonant-type sensors based on the inverse piezoelectric
eect have been used for static measurement applications.
The piezoelectric resonant sensor detects the change of the
resonance conditions of a piezoelectric material induced by
external stimuli [3846]. This sensor also requires the voltage
source to oscillate the resonator at a specic frequency [47
49]. Since this type of sensor is not aected by leakage cur-
rent, it can be eectively used for both dynamic and static
measurements without the signal drift.
Static force can be measured by using the change in the
resonance frequency of the piezoelectric sensor [2527, 31
33]. The resonance frequency is determined by the eective
stiness (or spring constant) and mass of the sensor struc-
ture. When a force is applied to the sensor, the sensor struc-
ture is deformed and the stiness changes with respect to the
applied force. As a result, the force can be detected by mea-
suring the resonance frequency shift of piezoelectric mate-
rials. Meanwhile, the piezoelectric property change
including the compliance coecient and the piezoelectric
constant aects both the resonance frequency and the electri-
cal impedance of the sensor. Since these properties are sensi-
tive to the applied force, a static force can be estimated by
measuring the frequency and impedance shift according to
the piezoelectric property variation. In addition, static forces
can be measured by utilizing the resonance frequency or elec-
trical impedance shift due to a change in boundary condi-
tions such as surface acoustic loading and mechanical
clamping eects. On the other hand, it is known that the
decay time constant of piezoelectric sensors is directly
aected by the applied force [28]. Therefore, it is also possible
to sense the static force through the measurement of the
decay time constant in the piezoelectric sensor system.
Finally, the typical piezoelectric material is a dielectric mate-
rial that can be considered a capacitor [29, 50, 51]. Thus, the
capacitive measurement of the piezoelectric sensors can be
used for static force sensing. In this section, these mecha-
nisms are discussed with a summary of the reported
2.1. Resonance Frequency Measurement. Gehin et al. have
studied a static force sensing method using the piezoelectric
resonant sensor based on the resonance frequency measure-
ment [25]. The piezoelectric sensor was made of lead titanate
zirconate (PZT), and the structure consisted of a thin circular
steel plate clamped between two aluminum rings as shown in
Figure 1(a). The prototyped sensor was driven by an alternat-
ing voltage, and static forces were applied to the diaphragm
by using an aluminum tube xed on the circular plate. It
was observed that the resonance frequency (800 Hz) of the
prestressed sensor increased linearly when the applied force
increased ranging from 0 to 17.7 N. The sensitivity was found
to be 6.6 Hz/N with the hysteresis of 1.76% of the span. The
maximum input force was estimated to be 42 N considering
the yield stress of the diaphragm material. The relatively
high-temperature sensitivity (9 Hz/
C) was also observed
due to the dierent coecients of thermal expansion and
temperature dependence of elastic modulus for the sensor
Barthod et al. have developed a piezoelectric resonant
sensor with the structure of double-ended tuning forks
(DETF) for force sensing applications [26]. A prototyped
sensor consists of a thin circular plate, two beams, a tube,
and two piezoelectric elements (PZT) as shown in
Figure 1(b). The circular plates and beams were made of
Invar alloy whose thermal expansion coecient was close
to that of PZT to minimize the temperature eect. The beams
were directly machined into the circular plate by using a
chemical machining technique to avoid unequal loading
eects. The piezoelectric elements were attached to the top
surface of the beams using the conductive paste. An alternat-
ing voltage was applied to one of the piezoelectric elements to
obtain the second vibrational mode of sensor structures.
When the force was applied to the circular plate through
the tube, the beams were also stressed, and thus, the reso-
nance frequency increased. The experimental results of the
prototyped sensor showed that the resonance frequency
increased linearly over the tested force range (10.8 N to
30 N). The sensitivity and hysteresis were found to be
10.5 Hz/N and 1.8%, respectively. It is noteworthy that a
much less temperature sensitivity of 0.3 Hz/
C was observed
compared to the typical diaphragm design sensor (9 Hz/
Recently, Safour and Bernard have investigated a piezo-
electric resonant sensor for high static force (~1500 N) sens-
ing applications [27]. A ring-shaped piezoelectric specimen
made of PZT was prepared for the experiments, and a com-
pression machine (Zwick/Roell Z030) was used to compress
the specimen as shown in Figure 1(c). The preliminary exper-
imental results showed that the resonance frequency
increased nonlinearly with respect to the applied force. Low-
ered spectrum quality for higher force values (>500 N) was
observed due to the parasitic vibration modes on the main
spectrum which limited the force measuring range
2 Journal of Sensors
signicantly. The unwanted vibration modes were mainly
caused by the constrained condition at the contact interfaces.
To eliminate this phenomenon, soft material-based layers
such as a rubber or Polytetrauoroethylene (PTFE) were
applied to the surface of the piezoelectric material. The
experiment results showed the improved sensor performance
with the increased linearity and eliminated parasitic mode.
The maximum force range and the sensitivity were found
to be 1500 N and 1.9 Hz/N, respectively. However, there
was also a decrease in the quality factor due to the high
mechanical loss of the layer, which means that it is necessary
to design an appropriate soft layer according to the required
sensing applications.
2.2. Electrical Impedance Measurement. Lin et al. have dem-
onstrated a static force sensing technique through electrical
impedance (admittance) measurement of a piezoelectric reso-
nant sensor [31]. A unimorph cantilever beam (UCB) with a
PZT layer and an aluminum layer was used for the prototyped
sensor to take advantages of simple structures compared to the
Piezoelectric materials
Steel diaphragm
Aluminum rings Aluminum tube
Base plate
Double ended tuning for
Piezoelectric materials
Bottom plate
Top plate
Piezoelectric material
Figure 1: Schematics of piezoelectric sensors for static force measurements using the resonant frequency measurement method: (a) typical
diaphragm design, (b) double-ended tuning fork design, and (c) ring-shape design.
Aluminum layer
Piezoelectric material Force
PDMS sensing layer
Piezoelectric material
So silicone rubber
Piezoelectric material
Figure 2: Schematics of piezoelectric force sensors for static force measurements using the electrical impedance measurement method: (a)
unimorph cantilever beam design, (b) hyperelastic sensing layer on the resonator design, and (c) embedded resonator design for the smart
skin application.
3Journal of Sensors
double-ended tuning fork-type sensors as shown in Figure 2(a).
The static force was applied to the top of the beam, and com-
pression forces were measured by a load cell. The minimum
and maximum force ranges for the experiment were deter-
mined to be 0.5 N and 5 N considering the linear response
and the yield stress of the cantilever, respectively. Then, the elec-
trical admittance shift at the xed frequency (3903 Hz) of the
resonant sensor was measured, and the applied static force
was computed with obtained data. From the experimental
results, the full-scale output (FSO) was found to be 10:1×10
5S for 0.5 to 5 N force range, which was corresponding to
the electrical impedance of 9900 ohms and the force sensitivity
of 2200 ohms/N. In addition, the nonlinearity was found to be
25.4% FSO and the hysteresis error was 9.2% FSO.
Recently, Kim et al. have studied a static force measure-
ment technique using a specially designed piezoelectric reso-
nator and sensing layers [32]. In this study, a face-shear
mode lead magnesium niobate-lead titanate (PMN-PT)
single-crystal resonator was adopted for the sensing element
to take an advantage of its high sensitivity to the acoustic load
[52]. Also, the concept of a hyperelastic sensing layer was rst
introduced and applied for converting the applied static force
into the acoustic load impedance. When the force is applied
to the sensing layer, the elasticity of the layer changes due
to the characteristic of the cross-linking system of hyperelas-
tic materials [53, 54]. As a result, the acoustic impedance of
the sensing layer also increases since the acoustic impedance
is determined by the values of its elasticity and density [55,
56]. The change in acoustic load impedance due to the
change in elasticity can be measured with high sensitivity
using the acoustic load sensing technique with face-shear
mode piezoelectric resonators [52, 57]. The acoustic load
impedance is directly related to the electrical impedance of
the sensor, and thus, the static force can be simply sensed
by measurement of the resonators electrical impedance.
The schematic of the prototyped sensor is shown in
Figure 2(b). For the force sensing test, normal forces ranging
from 0.1 to 2.0 N were applied to the prototyped sensor and
the electrical impedance shift of the sensor was measured
through the top and bottom electrodes. It was observed that
the electrical impedance increased linearly as applied normal
forces increased. The sensitivity and accuracy of the sensor
were found to be 51 ohms/N and 50 mN (±2.5%) in the range
of 0.1-2 N from an ideal transfer function, respectively.
Liu et al. have developed a static force sensing technique
using an electromechanical impedance measurement with
the piezoelectric resonator for smart skin applications [33].
A prototyped sensor was made of a PZT plate with a reso-
nance frequency of 900 kHz and embedded in the skin-like
soft silicon rubber material as shown in Figure 2(c). Calibra-
tion weights (0.5 N2.5 N) were used for applying static
forces, and the impedance signal was recorded using an
impedance analyzer with frequency ranges of 100 kHz to
3 MHz. The tactile index (TI) was used as a diagnostic
method that compared the average impedance values to
reduce the noise eects. As a result of the experiment, it
was observed that the TI value consistently increased as the
static force increased, and the sensitivity was found to be
about 1.8%/N with the resolution of 0.5 N. In this study, a
detailed numerical simulation was also successfully per-
formed to model the electromechanical impedance response
of piezoelectric sensors.
2.3. Decay Time Measurement. Ozeri and Shmilovitz have
developed a static force sensing technique based on the decay
time constant measurement of the piezoelectric sensor [28].
A disk-shaped PZT element with a resonance frequency of
70 kHz was prepared, and natural rubbers were attached to
the top and bottom of the element as described in
Figure 3(a). For experiments, the static forces (from 14.1 N
to 141.3 N) are applied to the sensor and excited with a sinu-
soidal voltage signal (exciting phase). At the end of the exci-
tation phase, the series RLC current begins to exponentially
decrease (free oscillating phase). Then, the change in current
during a specic time is measured, and the decay time con-
stant is calculated with measured values. Since the decay time
constant directly reects the amount of change in the force
applied to the sensor, it can be eectively used for static force
measurement. From the experiments, it was revealed that the
decay time decreased as the applied static force increased
nonlinearly. In this method, the circuit system constituting
the sensor can be simplied because it uses the amount of
change in the current for a certain period for the measure-
ment rather than the current that occurred at a certain
2.4. Capacitance Measurement. Sekalski et al. have investi-
gated static force sensing using capacitance measurement
with a stacked piezoelectric resonator [29, 50]. A commercial
PZT piezostack (Physik Instrument) was used for force sens-
ing experiments, and the normal forces ranging from 730 N
to 4 kN were applied to the PZT stack as shown in
Natural rubber
Piezoelectric material
Figure 3: Schematics of static force sensing technique: (a) current decay time measurement using a disk-shaped PZT element and (b)
capacitance measurement using a commercial PZT piezostack.
4 Journal of Sensors
Figure 3(b). It was observed that the capacitance increased as
a function of the loaded force with the sensitivity of 25 nF/kN
and the repeatability of ±5%. When a relatively large force
(>500 N) was applied, the capacitance increased linearly,
whereas, in the case of a small force loading (<100 N), it
showed nonlinear behavior. This is believed to be due to
the large elastic modulus of the piezostack, which makes it
dicult to change the capacitance with small force loading.
The capacitance measurement method using the piezostack
showed potential for the large static force sensing applica-
tions due to its linearity and wide measuring range.
3. Conclusion and Future Work
The piezoelectric force sensor is widely used for measuring
dynamic and quasistatic forces due to its distinct advantages
over other types of sensors. For static force sensing, various
types of piezoelectric sensing technique have been researched
including resonance frequency, electrical impedance, current
decay time, and dielectric capacitance measurements. The
main features of these types of sensors are summarized in
Table 1. The frequency measurement method which is most
widely researched shows excellent linearity compared to
other methods. On the other hand, the electrical impedance
measurement method is one of the most promising tech-
niques and is suitable especially for small force measure-
ments because it presents a high sensitivity to small forces.
However, both the frequency measurement and electrical
impedance measurement methods suer from a large tem-
perature eect since resonance frequency and electrical
impedance are strongly aected by the environmental tem-
peratures. This inuence on the temperature can be mini-
mized by using proper piezoelectric material that is
relatively insensitive to temperature changes [5862]. In
addition, the temperature eect can be reduced when the
sensor structure is designed in consideration of the coe-
cient of temperature for all sensor components [63, 64].
Meanwhile, it was revealed that the sensitivity of the electrical
impedance measurement varies depending on the vibration
mode of piezoelectric material [52, 57]. Thus, for piezoelec-
tric force sensors utilizing the electrical impedance method,
it is necessary to determine the optimized vibration mode
of piezoelectric sensing materials. The decay time measure-
ment method has the advantage of broad operating fre-
quency and simple and low-cost circuit, but further
research will be needed for practical applications. In the case
of the capacitance measurement method, it is suitable for
large force measurement, but it can be inappropriate for
small force measurement due to the high stiness of piezo-
electric materials. To obtain a high sensitivity to the small
force, piezoelectric polymers with low stiness such as poly-
vinylidene uoride (PVDF) can be considered sensing mate-
rials [6567]. Alternatively, a dielectric polymer layer or a
cavity structure can be added to the sensing layer to increase
the total capacitance change [68, 69]. Finally, a dual-mode
piezoelectric sensor design can be potentially used by com-
bining multiple operation modes. By analyzing the variations
of more than two dierent parameters by force variations, the
higher sensitivity and higher repeatability are possibly
expected for force sensing applications. We expect that the
summary in this review can be a foundation for designing
highly sensitive, low-cost, piezoelectric static force sensors.
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare that there is no conict of interest
regarding the publication of this paper.
This research was partly funded by the 2020 research fund of
Korea Military Academy (Hwarangdae Research Institute)
Table 1: Comparisons of dierent types of piezoelectric static force sensing methods.
type Material Sensor structure Sensitivity Sensing
central value
error Hysteresis Thermal
drift Repeatability Ref.
(CeramTec) Diaphragm 6.6 Hz/N 0-17.7 N 890 Hz 3.5% 1.76% 9 Hz/C 0.7% [25]
PZT Double-ended
tuning forks 10.5 Hz/N 10.8-
30 N 2500 Hz 3.6% 1.80% 0.3 Hz/C 2% [26]
PZT (Noliac) Ring shape 1.9 Hz/N 50-
1500 N 172 kHz 6.7% —— —[27]
PZT Unimorph
cantilever beam
ohms/N 0.5-5 N 3900 ohms 25.4% 9.20% 15.1% [31]
PMN-PT Embedded in the
ohms/N 0.1-2 N 318.5 ohms 4.3% —— —[32]
Embedded in the
polymer 1.8%/N 0.5-2.5 N 2700 ohms 11.2% —— —[33]
decay time
PZT Disk shape 1 μsec/N 14.1-
141.3 N 186.5 μsec 11.9% —— —[28]
(PICMA) Piezostack 25 nF/kN 0.7-4 kN 3170 nF 3.6% 10% ——[29]
5Journal of Sensors
and the National Research Foundation of Korea Grant
funded by the Korean Government (2019R1G1A109954512).
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8 Journal of Sensors
... The emergence of new materials and new directions in science, such as piezoelectric materials and electroelasticity, has led to new developments in experimental mechanics. One of these new branches of experimental mechanics is related to various piezoelectric sensors, which are based on the direct piezoelectric effect [1][2][3][4][5][6]. Currently, piezoelectric sensors are widely used in construction [7][8][9][10][11], and in many areas of modern technology [12,13]. ...
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This article is devoted to a mathematical model of a new piezoelectric sensor used for measuring bending strains. The first simple model of a piezoelectric sensor of bending deformations (we will call it a classical sensor) was presented in our previous paper. The classical sensor is a one-dimensional three-layer structure, in which the two outer layers are made of piezoelectric ceramic with preliminary polarization across the thickness of the sensor, and one elastic middle layer is located between these piezoelectric layers. In the present modified model of the new sensor, piezoelectric stacks are used instead of simple piezoelectric elements. As shown in the paper, this kind of piezoelectric composite sensor with stacks allows us to significantly increase the value and stability of the measured electrical signal and increase the accuracy of strains measurement. Piezoelectric ceramic is a brittle material. The use of stacks significantly reduces brittleness by enclosing thin layers of piezoelectric ceramic in a metal matrix. Piezoelectric laminated stacks have a periodic structure, and we will use the mathematical homogenization method to correctly determine their effective moduli (physical constants). Increasing the reliability of the proposed sensors, as well as the accuracy and stability of their deformation measurements, is aimed at enhancement of the mechanical safety of building structures, increasing the efficiency of their monitoring. The most important characteristic of any sensor is its efficiency. Our first classical bending strain sensor has a simple structure and an efficiency approaching the value of the coupling coefficient k31 (k31 is a constant describing a known physical property of a piezoelectric material). Our classic piezoelectric flexural strain sensor has an efficiency of the order of the coupling coefficient k31. For piezoelectric materials with a strong piezoelectric effect, the k31 value is approximately 0.30–0.35. The efficiency of our classical sensor is hundreds of times greater than the efficiency of the most popular tangential (longitudinal) strain sensor, developed by Lord Kelvin. The efficiency of the flexural strain sensor using stacks is of the order of the coupling coefficient k33. For the sensor with piezoelectric stacks, the value of efficiency is approximately 0.60–0.70. Note that the efficiency of the improved sensor is twice as high as the efficiency of our classic flexural strain sensor.
... S. Lv et al. energy conversion capabilities. Compared with other flexible materials, piezoelectric materials exhibit superior mechanical robustness [7], noise resistance [8], and rapid mechanical response [9,10]. ...
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The applications of piezoelectric materials in the field of smart structures have received significant attention from both the communities of science and engineering. Numerous experimental studies have been carried out to endow smart structures with good flexibility. The flexible/stretchable piezoelectric materials are developed to fit this emerging trend. Generally, these materials undergo significant deformation before reaching fracture failure, and they often exhibit a stress-softening phenomenon during the deformation process. However, the traditional linear constitutive model, typically used for rigid piezoelectric ceramics, continues to dominate theoretical and modeling processes in many scenarios. Existing nonlinear constitutive models usually introduce additional coefficients besides elastic, piezoelectric, and dielectric coefficients. Determining these coefficients requires a substantial number of experiments. In this work, based on a Neo-Hookean material model and electromechanical theory, a novel model for flexible piezoelectric material considering large deformation has been established. In contrast with existing models, the present model describes the nonlinear behavior of flexible piezoelectric material without the need for introducing additional parameters. Furthermore, this model exhibits a quadratic dependence of stress on the electric field. To facilitate practical applications, the constitutive model has been implemented using the commercial simulation software ABAQUS through a user subroutine. The accuracy of the subroutine is validated by comparing simulations with analytical solutions for uniaxial stretching of a flexible piezoelectric ribbon. Several numerical examples are followed to demonstrate the robustness of the elements. The proposed model offers a valuable tool for the analysis and design of flexible piezoelectric material.
... The piezoelectric sensor can be effectively modeled with a force sensor that will allow the modulation of the applied force [9]. Figure 3 shows the piezosensor used in our design. ...
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In the emerging landscape of smart urban development, the integration of sustainable and intelligent technologies is peculiar for shaping the future of education environments. Universities are increasingly transforming into smart campuses, through innovation and harnessing data-driven and eco-friendly solutions to enhance the educational milieu and operational efficiency. Within this smart campus vision, piezoelectricity emerges as a groundbreaking avenue for renewable energy harvesting. This paper presents a thorough investigation into the deployment of piezoelectric energy harvesting systems in a university setting, where the continuous people foot traffic offers an untapped resource for energy production. By embedding piezoelectric materials within campus walkways, the study demonstrates how pedestrian activity can be transformed into electrical power, contributing to campus lighting, powering infrastructure, and fostering a self-sustaining energy ecosystem. Our research determined an estimate of 4.3 Watts of electric power that can be generated by a single individual, indicating the viability of such systems in contributing to the smart campus infrastructure and innovative ways to generate electric energy.
... Flexible piezoelectric materials have attracted considerable attention due to their exceptional properties, characterized by high stretchability and electromechanical coupling [1]. These materials hold immense promise for applications in flexible electronics, such as wearable devices and foldable displays [2,3], biomedical sensors for health monitoring [4,5], and energy harvesting from ambient mechanical vibrations [2]. The development of flexible piezoelectric materials with superior tensile properties and durability has been a primary focus of numerous experimental studies [6,7]. ...
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Flexible piezoelectric materials have gained considerable attention due to their remarkable properties, including electromechanical coupling and high stretchability. These characteristics make them valuable in the realm of flexible electronic devices. However, the issue of fracture in these materials cannot be ignored. In general, these flexible/stretchable materials experience fractures when subjected to significant deformation, unlike brittle piezoelectric materials with low failure strain which have been extensively studied. There is a pressing need to investigate the fracture behavior of flexible piezoelectrics under finite deformation conditions. Within the framework of the phase field method, this work addresses the fracture of flexible piezoelectrics utilizing a nonlinear electromechanical material model. To investigate the influence of electrical boundary conditions on fracture behavior, a function related to the electric permittivity ratio and phase field variable is employed to degrade the electric energy density. By adjusting the electric permittivity ratio, the analysis encompasses the fracture behavior of flexible piezoelectric materials under the assumptions of electrically impermeable, semi-permeable, and permeable conditions, respectively. In order to solve the coupled governing equations, a residual controlled staggered algorithm (RCSA) is employed in the user element subroutine of commercial software ABAQUS. The simulation results indicate that fracture behavior in flexible piezoelectric materials is influenced by several factors, including material parameters, geometry, polarization direction, and the external electric field. Notably, when the poling direction is perpendicular to the electric field direction, variations in the external electric field have a minimal impact on fracture behavior. In contrast, when the poling direction is parallel to the electric field direction, the influence on fracture behavior is pronounced. These findings provide valuable insights for developing strategies to enhance the fracture resistance and durability of flexible piezoelectric materials in practical applications.
... The repeatedly applied force over an overall measuring time of 55 s indicates a proportional response. The mechanical hysteresis of the structure during static force is disregarded because the piezoelectric effect is only used for dynamic responses due to the rapidly neutralized surface charge [26]. After a hold time of 5 s, the piezoelectric coefficient is calculated from the measured force and charge. ...
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The development of smart wearables, involving the sensor integration into textiles, has emerged in several applications, such as heart rate monitoring in healthcare contexts, smart insoles for gait analysis, or gesture recognition for virtual reality interfaces. A common challenge in this field is the incorporation of off-the-shelf sensors, which are often nonelastic, therefore, constrain the design, reduce sensitivity, and lead to increased costs. In this work, we present an additively manufactured ferroelectret sensor integrated into a textile with detachable electronics on an elastic strap. The sensor comprises a 3D printed layer of soft polylactic acid, creating a seamlessly fused, mechanically resilient compound. Its long-term charge stability results in the surface potential settling at 300V after 15 days and a piezoelectric coefficient of up to 201 pC/N for mechanical loads of 1 N, similar to state-of-the-art ferroelectrets. We demonstrate the sensor integration in the application of hand gesture recognition by deploying it into a sport bandage and reliably distinguish between three gestures, while the soft sensor proves suitable as an unobtrusive measurement device. As a result, this lowcost, biocompatible, and highly flexible sensor qualifies for the integration in various further applications, such as in medical and sports devices.
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With advancements in small-scale research fields, precision manipulation has become crucial for interacting with small objects. As research progresses, the demand for higher precision in manipulation has led to the emergence of ultrahigh-precision engineering (UHPE), which exhibits significant potential for various applications. Traditional rigid-body manipulators suffer from issues like backlash and friction, limiting their effectiveness at smaller-scale applications. Smart materials, particularly piezoelectric materials, offer promising solutions with their rapid response and high resolution, making them ideal for creating efficient piezoelectric transducers. Meanwhile, compliant mechanisms, which use elastic deformation to transmit force and motion, eliminate inaccuracies induced by rigid-body mechanisms. Integrating piezoelectric transducers and compliant mechanisms into piezoelectric compliant devices enhances UHPE system performance. This paper reviews the recent advances in piezoelectric compliant devices. By focusing on the utilization of piezoelectric transducers and compliant mechanisms, their applications in perception, energy harvesting, and actuation have been surveyed, and future research suggestions are discussed.
Robots are increasingly equipped with different sensors to better identify things and interact with their environment. One such sensor is the ability to sense and receive information through touch. A significant challenge in designing tactile sensors is to create a larger and more complex network of electrical connections to cover larger partitioned surface areas, necessitating a more compaction for electrical connections. In this study, we try to reduce the number of these array connections by designing a novel triboelectric-piezoelectric pressure sensors that will function as electromechanical frequency-selective filters. The sensor cell units are created in the form of various disk-shape layers with a basic double-lamina layers, a triboelectric lamina placed over a piezoelectric lamina. The triboelectric layer, being soft, is used for static pressure measurement and more sensitivity enhancement. In addition, an electromechanical frequency-selective filter is generated by altering geometric dimensions of that lamina, such as the radius and/or thickness. An applied pressure is calculated by measuring the electric current and the cell unit admittance. The advantage of using piezo-layer geometric manipulation for generating different operating resonant frequencies is that it is a simpler design task as compared to alter the cell electrical properties, which is the focus of previous research. In this work, a theoretical model and numerical simulations are employed to obtain the electromechanical admittance of a set of three unit cell tactile sensors.
Resistance spot welding (RSW) is a widely used technique in the automotive industry. The weld size is the critical parameters for evaluating the quality of RSW. In this study, an innovative non-destructive inspection method based on fiber-optic sensing was proposed. The relationship between the change of the fiber optic sensor signals during the welding process and the weld size is established. The results show that there is a strong correlation between the maximum wavelength change of the fiber optic sensing signal during the welding process and the weld size. The method shows good generalizability to different welding parameters and materials. In addition, the signal vibration difference can accurately predict the occurrence of expulsion.
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Berries are nutritious and valuable, but their thin skin, soft flesh, and fragility make harvesting and picking challenging. Manual and traditional mechanical harvesting methods are commonly used, but they are costly in labor and can damage the fruit. To overcome these challenges, it may be worth exploring alternative harvesting methods. Using berry fruit-picking robots with perception technology is a viable option to improve the efficiency of berry harvesting. This review presents an overview of the mechanisms of berry fruit-picking robots, encompassing their underlying principles, the mechanics of picking and grasping, and an examination of their structural design. The importance of perception technology during the picking process is highlighted. Then, several perception techniques commonly used by berry fruit-picking robots are described, including visual perception, tactile perception, distance measurement, and switching sensors. The methods of these four perceptual techniques used by berry-picking robots are described, and their advantages and disadvantages are analyzed. In addition, the technical characteristics of perception technologies in practical applications are analyzed and summarized, and several advanced applications of berry fruit-picking robots are presented. Finally, the challenges that perception technologies need to overcome and the prospects for overcoming these challenges are discussed.
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Real-time monitoring of intrabody pressures can benefit from the use of miniaturized force sensors during surgical interventions or for the recovery period thereafter. Herein, we present a force sensor made of P(VDF-TrFE) with simple fabrication process that has been integrated into the tip of a medical catheter for intraluminal pressure monitoring, as well as into an implantable device with power consumption of 180 µW obtained by the Near Field Communication (NFC) interface to monitor the arterial pulse at the subcutaneous level (≤ 1 cm). The pressure range supported by the sensor is below 40 kPa, with a signal responsivity of 0.63 µV/Pa and mean lifetime expectancy of 400000 loading cycles inside physiological conditions (12 kPa). The proposed sensor has been tested experimentally with synthetic anatomical models for the lungs (bronchoscopy) and subcutaneous tissue, as well as directly above the human carotid and radial arteries. Information about these pressure levels can provide insights about tissue homeostasis inside the body as fluid dynamics are altered in some health conditions affecting the hemodynamic and endocrine body systems whereas, for surgical interventions, precise control and estimation of the pressure exerted by a catheter over the internal walls is necessary to avoid endothelium injuries that lead to bleeding, liquid extravasation or flow alteration associated with atheroma formation.
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Tactile sensing is paramount for robots operating in human-centered environments to help in understanding interaction with objects. To enable robots to have sophisticated tactile sensing capability, researchers have developed different kinds of electronic skins for robotic hands and arms in order to realize the ‘sense of touch’. Recently, Stanford Structures and Composites Laboratory developed a robotic electronic skin based on a network of multi-modal micro-sensors. This skin was able to identify temperature profiles and detect arm strikes through embedded sensors. However, sensing for the static pressure load is yet to be investigated. In this work, an electromechanical impedance-based method is proposed to investigate the response of piezoelectric sensors under static normal pressure loads. The smart skin sample was firstly fabricated by embedding a piezoelectric sensor into the soft silicone. Then, a series of static pressure tests to the skin were conducted. Test results showed that the first peak of the real part impedance signal was sensitive to static pressure load, and by using the proposed diagnostic method, this test setup could detect a resolution of 0.5 N force. Numerical simulation methods were then performed to validate the experimental results. The results of the numerical simulation prove the validity of the experiments, as well as the robustness of the proposed method in detecting static pressure loads using the smart skin.
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We present the development of a 6 × 6 piezoelectric array sensor for measuring elasticity and force. The proposed sensor employs an impedance measurement technique, sensing the acoustic load impedance of a target by measuring the electrical impedance shift of face-shear mode PMN–PT (lead magnesium niobate–lead titanate) single crystal elements. Among various modes of PMN–PT single crystals, the face-shear mode was selected due to its especially high sensitivity to acoustic loads. To verify the elasticity sensing performance, gelatin samples with different elastic moduli were prepared and tested. For the force measurement test, different magnitudes of force were loaded to the sensing layer whose acoustic impedance was varied with applied forces. From the experimental results, the fabricated sensor showed an elastic stiffness sensitivity of 23.52 Ohm/MPa with a resolution of 4.25 kPa and contact force sensitivity of 19.27 Ohm/N with a resolution of 5.19 mN. In addition, the mapping experiment of elasticity and force using the sensor array was successfully demonstrated.
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The aim of this paper is to investigate the design and the integration of a static force sensor based on a resonant bulk acoustic wave piezoelectric transducer. Experimental measurements of the electrical admittance spectrum show its dependence on the applied force. We noticed that the quality of the frequency response for a given vibration mode degrades with the increase of the applied force, which limits the force measuring range. The root cause of the response-stress dependence is investigated by means of the developed analytical model and a finite element analysis. The analysis results show that the selected operating vibration mode, the components of the structure on which the piezoelectric specimen is positioned and the boundary conditions at the contact interfaces between all the components have a direct effect on the electrical admittance spectrum. A modified structure was proposed to enhance the quality of the frequency response. The experimental tests show higher measuring range (up to 1500 N).
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We propose the use of simple and low cost piezoelectric patch type force sensors for logistic applications to ensure safety of the package while also detecting damage suffered. The sensors are connected to a prototype readout system that can record the data and transfer it wirelessly via a Bluetooth (BT) module. The data can be received by an in-vehicle telematics device which can upload it directly to the cloud database, thus allowing real time monitoring of package condition during transportation. This logistics management model would aid in improving the quality of services provided by the logistics company while also earning consumer credibility. Thus, we believe that these patch type force sensors can be realistically implemented in logistics in the near future.
This work proposes the development of a wearable piezoelectric sensor from polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) that can be integrated into clothing and measure high forces. Based on the direct piezoelectric effect, good linearity is expected such that there should be an increase in voltage as higher loads are tested. With external circuitry and an interface to a computer via a microcontroller board, measurements include calculations for initial voltage, force, pressure, and normalized voltage as well as measured voltage. Results are analyzed based on two criteria: First, wearable conditions based on no-cloth, rigid-cloth, and smooth-cloth implementations; and second, the maximum force applied by varying sensor dimensions. Two load ranges were also applied: Low-force threshold between 2.5 kN and 10 kN with steps of 0.5 kN and high-force threshold between 10 kN and 50 kN with steps of 2.5 kN. Given this criteria, all results have shown great accuracy can be attained since all percent errors are within the performance error threshold between 2% and 5%.
Significance Measuring physiological pressures such as lung pressure, brain pressure, eye pressure, etc. is important for monitoring health status, preventing the buildup of dangerous internal forces in impaired organs, and enabling novel approaches of using mechanical stimulation for tissue regeneration. Pressure sensors are often implanted and directly integrated with soft biological systems. Therefore, the devices should be flexible and at the same time biodegradable to avoid invasive removal surgery. Here, we present the study and processing of a biodegradable polymer which can convert mechanical force to electricity, and employ the polymer to develop a biocompatible implanted force sensor. The sensor, relying solely on common medical materials, can monitor important biological forces and eventually self-vanish, causing no harm to the body.
In this paper, we propose a small, low cost force sensor based on a commercially available photointerrupter for use in a tendon-driven robotic hand. The proposed sensor consists of a photointerrupter and an elastic frame and is designed to measure tendon tension. Using the design methodology presented in this paper, the force sensor can be made small enough (4 mm × 6 mm × 10 mm) to be inserted into a robotic fingertip and made able to measure a large allowable force (approximately 200 N) with low non-linearity (1.85%) and low hysteresis (1.19%). Due to the characteristics of the photointerrupter, it is possible to overcome the disadvantages associated with traditional miniature force sensors and to have very high resolution (0.1 N) over the entire measurement range (0–200 N). To verify feasibility, we performed force feed-back control using a prototype of the sensor. Experimental results show that the proposed sensor has comparable performance to commercial force sensors of similar size and can be manufactured more simply and economically.
Poly(N-acryloyl glycinamide) (PNAGA) with a protein-like thermoresponsive gelation behavior in water has been developed as a high strength self-healable supramolecular polymer(SP) hydrogels recently. However, harsh conditions, such as high temperature treatment and long waiting time, were required for achieving the complete healing due to strong dual amide hydrogen bonding interactions. In this study, to create an autonomic rapid self-healing SP hydrogel, we deliberately introduced a methyl into the opposite side to dual amide to synthesize N-methacryloyl glycinamide (MNAGA) monomer. Rheological analysis, dynamic light scattering(DLS), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, and Gaussian calculation revealed that one substitution methyl caused a considerable perturbation to the hydrogen bonding interaction, thus leading to the increased starting gelling concentration and pronounced decrease in mechanical properties of PMNAGA hydrogel compared to PNAGA hydrogel. The PMNAGA hydrogel was shown to exhibit rapid autonomic reparability without any external intervention, and dynamic swelling measurement indicated this PMNAGA hydrogel could evolve from permanent to transient network due to the metastable hydrogen bonding crosslinkage, depending on its environmental temperature. This intriguing robust, autonomous healing and autolytic PMNAGA hydrogel holds great potential as a short-term embolic agent for blocking blood vessel and artificial tears for moistening eyes.