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(This paper has a correction: the version was corrected on September 3, 2022, as requested by the authors sent on August 24, 2021, to the journal. No new content was added, just a revision of the citation formatting in one of the text references). Objective: It describes and analyzes the theoretical-practical incidences of misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation, including but not limited to the Information Science framework. Besides, it aims to outline an understanding of these three concepts based on 16 arrangements interconnected according to their intentionality. Methods: To build discourses and descriptions of the phenomenon of misinformation and its derivations, we applied the hermeneutical, rhetorical, and phenomenological principles of intentionality as our work methods. Results: As a result, we present some theoretical incidences to clarify these three concepts, in addition to outlining and characterizing, according to the intentionality, 16 mis-, dismal al-information arrangements associated with these three concepts: bias, propaganda, retracted papers, conspiracy theories, misleading representation in maps, charts and graphics, fake news, clickbait, hoax, satire or parody, imposter website, fake reviews, phishing, filter bubbles, and echo chambers. Conclusions: We highlight that the complexity that permeates the various fields in the present situation is due to the difficulty of reaching a consensus on the semantic definition of the concepts of information, misinformation, and its disambiguations since these concepts have various properties. R PORTUGUESE: Objetivo: Descreve e analisa as incidências teórico-práticas da informação incorreta (misinformation), desinformação (disinformation) e má informação (malinformation), incluindo, mas não se limitando ao arcabouço da Ciência da Informação. Além disso, objetiva delinear uma compreensão desses três conceitos a partir de 16 arranjos interligados de acordo com sua intencionalidade. Método: Para construir discursos e descrição do fenômeno da desinformação e suas derivações, aplicamos a hermenêutica, a retórica e os princípios fenomenológicos da intencionalidade como métodos de trabalho. Resultados: Como resultados, apresentamos 14 incidências teóricas com o objetivo de esclarecer esses três conceitos, além de delinear e caracterizar, de acordo com a intencionalidade, 16 arranjos de desinformação associados a esses três conceitos, sendo eles: viés de confirmação, propaganda, artigos retratados, teorias da conspiração, representação enganosa em mapas, quadros e gráficos, notícias falsas, caça-cliques, trote, sátira ou paródia, website impostor, revisões falsas, phishing, filtros-bolha e câmaras de eco. Conclusões Destaca-se a complexidade que permeia os vários campos da conjuntura atual relacionada à dificuldade de um consenso sobre a definição semântica dos conceitos de informação, desinformação e suas desambiguações, uma vez que estes conceitos também possuem inúmeras propriedades.
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Informação incorreta, desinformação e má informação: Esclarecendo definições e exemplos em
tempos de desinfodemia
Mestre e doutoranda em Ciência da Informação
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Departamento de Ciência da Informação, Recife, Brasil
Májory K. Fernandes de Oliveira MIRANDA
Doutora em Informação e Comunicação em Plataformas Digitais Universidade do Porto
Professora adjunta na Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Departamento de Ciência da Informação, Recife, Brasil
A lista completa com informações dos autores está no final do artigo
Objective: It describes and analyzes the theoretical-practical incidences of misinformation, disinformation, and
malinformation, including but not limited to the Information Science framework. Besides, it aims to outline an understanding
of these three concepts based on 16 arrangements interconnected according to their intentionality.
Methods: To build discourses and descriptions of the phenomenon of misinformation and its derivations, we applied the
hermeneutical, rhetorical, and phenomenological principles of intentionality as our work methods.
Results: As a result, we present some theoretical incidences to clarify these three concepts, in addition to outlining and
characterizing, according to the intentionality, 16 mis-, dis-, mal- information arrangements associated with these three
concepts: bias, propaganda, retracted papers, conspiracy theories, misleading representation in maps, charts and
graphics, fake news, clickbait, hoax, satire or parody, imposter website, fake reviews, phishing, filter bubbles, and echo
Conclusions: We highlight that the complexity that permeates the various fields in the present situation is due to the
difficulty of reaching a consensus on the semantic definition of the concepts of information, misinformation, and its
disambiguations since these concepts have various properties.
KEYWORDS: Misinformation. Disinformation. Malinformation. Disinfodemic. Infodemic. Intentionality.
Objetivo: Descreve e analisa as incidências teórico-práticas da informação incorreta (misinformation), desinformação
(disinformation) e informação (malinformation), incluindo, mas não se limitando ao arcabouço da Ciência da
Informação. Além disso, objetiva delinear uma compreensão desses três conceitos a partir de 16 arranjos interligados de
acordo com sua intencionalidade.
Método: Para construir discursos e descrição do fenômeno da desinformação e suas derivações, aplicamos a
hermenêutica, a retórica e os princípios fenomenológicos da intencionalidade como métodos de trabalho.
Resultados: Como resultados, apresentamos 14 incidências teóricas com o objetivo de esclarecer esses três conceitos,
além de delinear e caracterizar, de acordo com a intencionalidade, 16 arranjos de desinformação associados a esses três
conceitos, sendo eles: viés de confirmação, propaganda, artigos retratados, teorias da conspiração, representação
enganosa em mapas, quadros e gráficos, notícias falsas, caça-cliques, trote, sátira ou paródia, website impostor, revisões
falsas, phishing, filtros-bolha e câmaras de eco.
Conclusões Destaca-se a complexidade que permeia os vários campos da conjuntura atual relacionada à dificuldade de
um consenso sobre a definição semântica dos conceitos de informação, desinformação e suas desambiguações, uma
vez que estes conceitos também possuem inúmeras propriedades.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Informação incorreta. Desinformação. Má Informação. Desinfodemia. Infodemia. Intencionalidade.
Encontros Bibli: revista eletrônica de biblioteconomia e ciência da informação, Florianópolis, v. 26, p. 01-23, 2021.
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. ISSN 1518-2924. DOI:
Encontros Bibli: revista eletrônica de biblioteconomia e ciência da informação, Florianópolis, v. 26, p. 01-23, 2021.
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. ISSN 1518-2924. DOI:
The history of humanity has been marked and divided by wars. The information
society had its boom in the development of telecommunications, information technologies,
and informatics based on information and knowledge, but now it is witnessing the opposite
— the era of information wars (MCLUHAN, 1970; STENGEL, 2019). In this circumstance,
the significance evolution of misinformation meaning, associated with his delivery forms and
intentionalities, has given rise to two disambiguation, which are associated with the
information phenomenon itself — disinformation and malinformation.
Conspiracy theories, fake news, clickbait, rumors, and hoaxes are just a few
examples of information disorders (WARDLE; DERAKHSHAN, 2018). In the current
pandemic scenario of COVID-19, for instance, the mass mis-, dis- information practices,
have made reappearance or given rise to new words, such as “infodemic” and “disinfodemic”
(POSETTI; BONTCHEVA, 2020; ZAROCOSTAS, 2020). In this context, still in February
2020, when the peak of deaths and false news has not yet reached the current proportions1,
Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, World Health Organization Director-General, at the
Munich Security Conference, had already realized the impact of false and inaccurate
information by saying that “we’re not just fighting an epidemic; we’re fighting an infodemic”.2
(MUNICH…, 2020, p. 6).
According to Posetti and Bontcheva (2020, p. 2), the term disinfodemic refers to “the
falsehoods fuelling the pandemic and its impacts” because “of the huge ‘viral load’ of
potentially deadly disinformation that is described by the UN Secretary General as a poison,
and humanity’s other ‘enemy’ in this crisis”. In this new scenario, Baines and Elliott (2020,
p. 16) highlight that the first lessons learned of the COVID-19 infodemic are that: “(i) the
infodemic is unprecedented in its size and velocity; (ii) unexpected forms of false information
are emerging daily; and (iii) no global consensus exists on how best to classify the types of
false messages being encountered”. In addition to other examples, one can assume that
the world is facing a revolution in the post-custodial paradigm, which this essay will refer to
as the (mis)informational explosion.
1 As of February 2021, 2,533,323 deaths have been confirmed worldwide (According the COVID-19
Data Repository by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University
available at
2 According to Oxford Languages, infodemic is “a surfeit of information about a problem that is viewed
as being a detriment to its solution”. To see more, visit:
Encontros Bibli: revista eletrônica de biblioteconomia e ciência da informação, Florianópolis, v. 26, p. 01-23, 2021.
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. ISSN 1518-2924. DOI:
Going back a step in the history, we can observe that the exponential growth of
information after World War II led to the creation of the metaphor information explosion
coined in Vannevar Bush's 1945 paper As We May Think. Far ahead of his time, Bush
proposed a hypothetical proto-hypertext system, called “memex” (memory extender), that
would combine artificial intelligence through associative indexing, information storage, and
retrieval, which is the reason that Vannevar Bush is considered the precursor of Information
Science (BARRETO, 2002). Vannevar Bush's memex interpreted today by what would be
the digital computer and its connections between other machines through the Web has
made important advances possible. On the other hand, it has become a large superhighway
spreading false information (FLORIDI, 1996). In this context, Akers et al. (2019, p. 1) points
out that the “technology is increasingly used unintentionally (misinformation) or
intentionally (disinformation) — to spread false information at scale, with potentially broad-
reaching societal effects”. In this sense, nowadays, to trigger an information war is needed
“only computers and smartphones and an army of trolls and bots.” (STENGEL, 2019, p. 16).
Based on this understanding, we can point that the phenomena of mis-, dis-, mal-
information grows as diverse and different communities explore the possibilities of creating,
exploring, and editing information, which is part of the own democratization of access to
knowledge, production, dissemination of information and freedom of expression, guaranteed
by The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in its Article 19. On the other hand, “but
when the whole environment of public discourse becomes occupied and dominated by
falsehood, it frustrates the primary purpose of freedom of expression.” (EUROPEAN
PARLIAMENT, 2019, p. 79).
Indeed, is important to highlight that mis-, dis-, mal- information are not new
phenomena, but its intensification, associated with the alterations in the information
ecosystem and its development in the post-truth era indicates the importance of this object
of study in Information Science.
Thus, the purpose of this essay is (1) to describe and analyzes the theoretical-
practical incidences of mis-, dis-, mal- information, mainly, but not limited to the Information
Science framework, exploring both hermeneutics and rhetoric to build discourses from the
ontological analysis and description of the phenomenon of misinformation and its
derivations; (2) outline and characterize 16 mis-, dis-, mal- information arrangements
associated with these three concepts: bias, propaganda, retracted papers, conspiracy
theories, misleading representation in maps, charts and graphics, fake news, clickbait,
Encontros Bibli: revista eletrônica de biblioteconomia e ciência da informação, Florianópolis, v. 26, p. 01-23, 2021.
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. ISSN 1518-2924. DOI:
hoaxes, satire or parody, imposter websites, fake reviews, phishing, political use of sensitive
information, misuse of personal/confidential information, filter bubbles, and echo chambers.
In this exploratory essay, we applied the hermeneutic, rhetorical, and
phenomenological principles of intentionality as works methods. Among the various
reasoning for analysis, these work methods stand out due to their pragmatic characteristics.
Among them, the motivations, and circumstances, such as the political, cultural, and
economic scenarios of information production, come to constitute and consolidate the facts.
Seminal studies using hermeneutics, for instance, have become fundamental steps in the
establishment of the theoretical foundations of Information Science, and precedents of
studies of mis-, dis-, mal- information (CAPURRO, 2000).
Mis-, dis-, mal- information cases can be found in many scenarios. As political
strategy emerges, for instance, in scenarios such as the 2016 election campaign of the
United States of America, Brexit in the United Kingdom, and, more recently, in the 2018
presidential elections in Brazil. Akers et al. (2019) classify that the current mis- and dis-
information situation is due to six factors: (1) democratization of content creation, (2) rapid
news cycle and economic incentives, (3) wide and immediate reach and interactivity, (4)
organic and intentionally created filter bubbles, (5) algorithmic curation and lack of
transparency, and (6) scale and anonymity in online accounts. To this extent, is also
important to highlight that social media and other technological tools have changed and
accelerated the dissemination of several issues related to the democratic public sphere
(KARLOVA; FISHER, 2013; HINDS, 2019).
In an endeavor to understand some current mis-, dis-, mal- information phenomena,
Hinds (2019, p. 14) points out that “a major problem nowadays, which still lacks research,
is false information in private chat groups, either on WhatsApp or Facebook”. Hinds (ibid.,
p. 16) adds that “the victory of Bolsonaro in Brazil was highly influenced by a disinformation
campaign going on in private chat groups of WhatsApp”. Indeed, in a report released by
Quartz3, Brazil was one of the countries that the rate of affirmation that “Facebook is the
internet” was higher, with 55%, revealing literacy problems of even bigger, and regulatory
problems. Figure 1 summarizes some key events, based on the last years, that allow us to
3 Available on: Access on May 19, 2020.
Encontros Bibli: revista eletrônica de biblioteconomia e ciência da informação, Florianópolis, v. 26, p. 01-23, 2021.
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. ISSN 1518-2924. DOI:
perceive the use of mis-, dis-, and mal- information as a new war strategy that have direct
impacts on society.
Figure 1 some historical facts about mis-, dis-, mal- information over the last years
Source: The authors (2020).
However, mis-, dis-, mal- information tactics have been used since 1939, during World
War Two, such as Operation Bodyguard. The plan was intended to deceive the German
High Command as to the time and location of the D-Day invasion indicating that guns
are not always the best way to win a war (FALLET, 2001; FALLIS, 2009; ROMERO-
In its etymological sense, the inclusion of the word misinformation in dictionaries can be
found from the year 1949 in the Russian language dictionary “Словарь русского
языка”. In this context, the word dezinformatsiya or dezinformatsia (дезинформация)
had by its first definition the action to mislead public opinion through the use and
propagation of false information. This meaning, until then, defined by the Soviets,
referred to the operations of intoxication carried out by the capitalist countries against
the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (URSS) (FALLET, 2001; ROMERO-
RODRIGUÉZ, 2014). The mythological horse of Troy, narrated in Homer's “Iliad”, also
serves as an example of disinformation. A huge wooden horse as a symbol of peace,
which was hollow and full of Greek soldiers against the Trojans.
From the Information Science perspective, the interrelationship between information
and misinformation domains is observed in Capurro (1992, p. 5) by saying "information
and misinformation are, in some way, pseudonyms" and that "Information Science is the
Encontros Bibli: revista eletrônica de biblioteconomia e ciência da informação, Florianópolis, v. 26, p. 01-23, 2021.
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. ISSN 1518-2924. DOI:
science of information and misinformation" (ibid., p. 6). According to Capurro (1992)
“information science, conceived as a hermeneutic-rhetorical discipline, studies the con-
textual pragmatic dimensions within which knowledge is shared positively as
information and negatively as misinformation particularly through technical forms of
communication” (CAPURRO, 1992, p.6).
In this rationale, Schrader (1986, p. 179 apud CAPURRO) further explains that the
definition absence about the negative form misinformation and its derivatives such as
“lies, propaganda, misrepresentation, gossip, delusion, hallucination, illusion, mistake,
concealment, distortion, embellishment, innuendo, deception” in the Information
Science, may “leads to a ‘naïve model of 'information man’, which sometimes takes the
form of decision-making man or uncertainty man”. So, the current informational context,
based not only on true information but also on misinformation, disinformation, and
malinformation, places us before a new paradigm and the need to study this domain.
In a broad sense, misinformation can assume many meanings. Hence, this essay
highlights three disambiguation: misinformation, disinformation (FLORIDI, 1996,
2005, 2007, 2011; FALLIS, 2009, 2011, 2014, 2015; KARLOVA; LEE, 2012; KARLOVA;
FISHER, 2013) and malinformation (BURBULES, 1997; WALKER, 2019; WARDLE;
DERAKHSHAN, 2017, 2018; BAINES; ELLIOTT, 2020).
As a starting point, it is important to highlight two main features related to the definition
of information and its associations with truth and intentionality, whose propositions
have a direct effect on the interpretations of these concepts. In this regard, perhaps, the
best-known discussions around the ontological-semantic properties of information that
Søe (2019) called by a metalinguistic disagreement about misinformation,
disinformation, and its relations with veracity, falsity, and neutral are led by Luciano
Floridi and Don Falis. In this arena, Søe (2019) summarizes that Fallis (2009, 2011,
2014, 2015), as well as in the discussions previously held by Fox (1983), Fetzer (2004),
Scarantino and Piccinini (2010) defend that information is alethically neutral, where any
meaningful data counts as information and does not require truth. On the other hand,
Floridi (2007 p. 40) states that “information encapsulates truth, and hence that false
information fails to qualify as information at all”. Søe (2019, p. 7), by analyzing what she
Encontros Bibli: revista eletrônica de biblioteconomia e ciência da informação, Florianópolis, v. 26, p. 01-23, 2021.
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. ISSN 1518-2924. DOI:
calls that Floridian Dilemma4, argues that “Floridi’s distinction between information as
true, and misinformation and disinformation as false, collapses due to the possibility of
true misinformation and true disinformation”, as well as Karlova and Fisher (2013, p. 3)
argue that Fallis' analysis “builds further support for a subjective, constructionist view of
information, as articulated by Hjørland (2007)”.
Looking beyond the verbal dispute5, we agree that the crucial point for defining
the three concepts (misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation) is to discuss
them around their intentionality, since that all the three concepts are associated with the
intentionality of the action.
Miranda (2018), for instance, states intentionality has an intentional state (need,
desire, belief), which, in turn, has an adjustment direction. The adjustment direction
determines the conditions of satisfaction of a subject when he reaches a propositional
content, that is, the desired information. Manipulations are carried out so that the
conditions of satisfaction are adjusted to the propositional content. But some
statements of propositional content, even if they have intentionality, can be false.
Having intentionality does not guarantee that the conditions of satisfaction are
achieved, as the information referred to by the propositional content may not exist. In
this case, manipulation occurs as an action applied to the variables of mis-, dis-, mal-
information. Besides, that information is directed by intentionality stemming from the
notions of network and background, which in turn, determines the conditions of
satisfaction and the need for adjustments to determining the direction of information
mapping (MIRANDA, 2019).
Still about the intentionality, Ilharco (2004, p. 46) discusses information problems and
indicates an association of the phenomenon with the action, questioning “whether the
action precedes the information or the opposite?”6. Indeed, there is a relationship
between communication and information according to the Mathematical Theory of
Information created in the 1940s by Shannon and Weaver, for the reduction of
uncertainty, associated with the practices of information retrieval.
Thus, Chart 1 summarizes the theoretical incidences used to clarify the features
contained in mis-, dis-, mal- information concepts.
4 “the dilemma that the notion of semantic information as inherently truthful and independent of
informees, as opposed to misinformation and disinformation as false semantic content” (SØE,
2019, not paged).
5 According the Chalmers’s framework seen in Søe (2019).
6 In the original: “A acção precede a informação ou o contrário?”.
Encontros Bibli: revista eletrônica de biblioteconomia e ciência da informação, Florianópolis, v. 26, p. 01-23, 2021.
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. ISSN 1518-2924. DOI:
Chart 1 Theoretical incidences about mis-, dis-, and mal-information concepts
Author's understanding
Fox (1983)
“misinformation is a species of information, just as misinforming is a
species of informing … informing does not require truth and information
need not be true; but misinforming requires falsehood, and
misinformation must be false” (p. 193).
Floridi (2005)
“false information”, i.e. misinformation, is merely pseudo-information” (p.
Floridi (2011)
“misinformation is ‘well-formed and meaningful data (i.e. semantic
content) that is false” (p. 260).
Karlova and Lee
“misinformation may also be uncertain (perhaps by presenting more than
one possibility or choice), vague (unclear), or ambiguous (open to
multiple interpretations). Misinformation, however, may still be true,
accurate, and informative, depending on the context, and therefore, meet
many of the same qualifications accepted for information” (p. 3).
Fallis (2014)
“Inaccurate information (or misinformation) can mislead people whether
it results from an honest mistake, negligence, unconscious bias, or (as in
the case of disinformation) intentional deception” (p. 1).
Fallis (2009)
“First of all, in order to disinform, you have to intend to deceive someone”
(p. 3).
“It is also worth noting that you must intend to deceive and not just intend
to disseminate false information” (p. 3).
Floridi (2011)
“Disinformation’ is simply misinformation purposefully conveyed to
mislead the receiver into believing that it is information” (p. 260).
Floridi (2011)
“Disinformation arises whenever the process of information is defective.
This can happen because of: (a) a lack of objectivity, as in the case of
propaganda; (b) a lack of completeness, as in a case of damnatio
memoriae; and (c) a lack of pluralism, as in the case of censorship” (p.
Karlova and
Fisher (2013)
“Disinformation is deliberately deceptive information. The intentions
behind such deception are unknowable, but may include socially-
motivated, benevolent reasons […] and personally-motivated,
antagonistic reasons” (p. 3).
Fallis (2014)
“Disinformation is a type of information” (p. 137).
“disinformation is particularly dangerous because it is no accident that
people are misled. Disinformation comes from someone who is actively
engaged in an attempt to mislead” (p. 136).
Walker (2019)
“genuine information that is shared to cause harm” (p. 232).
Burbules (1997)
“potentially dangerous or damaging information; inappropriate
information; information people feel uncomfortable with in openly
accessible circulation” (p. 113).
Wardle and
“information, that is based on reality, but used to inflict harm on a
person, organisation or country” (p. 44).
Baines and
Elliott (2020)
“‘malinformation’ requires both intention and equivalence and often
involves a repurposing of the truth value of information for deceptive
ends” (p. 12).
Source: The authors.
Encontros Bibli: revista eletrônica de biblioteconomia e ciência da informação, Florianópolis, v. 26, p. 01-23, 2021.
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. ISSN 1518-2924. DOI:
Hence, Karlova and Fischer (2013, p. 5), knowing that “human intentionality is
typically vague and mercurial”, and that “the diffusion of inaccurate and deceptive
information may be motivated by benevolent or antagonistic intents, but the nature or degree
of the intent cannot be determined solely by behaviour or discourse”, offer five features for
evaluation of information, misinformation, and disinformation through their informativeness.
Chart 2 shows these adapted features adding the malinformation concept as discussed,
observing these same characteristics.
Chart 2Features of mis-, dis-, mal- information
Caption: Y = Yes; N = No; Y/N = Could be Yes and No, depending on context and time.
Source: Adapted from Karlova and Fisher (2013).
For interpretative purposes, based on the understandings presented in the Chart 2,
we assume in this essay that (1) misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation are a
type of information, regardless of the characteristics indicated by Karlova and Fisher (2013)
if are true, complete, current, informative, deceptive, or not, as already foreseen in Fox
(1983), Karlova and Lee (2012), and Fallis (2014). Hence, (2) misinformation is imprecise
information, open to multiple comprehensions and uses; (2) disinformation is information
deliberately deceptive, intending to deceive or not; and (3) malinformation is the sensitive
information (true) that is strategically used to cause advantage. The next subsection
provides some examples.
3.1 Misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation examples
The universe of this essay is composed of 16 types of dis/mis/mal-information
arrangements associated with these three concepts. Figure 2 illustrates these 16
arrangements, according to the intentionality of each one, including, but not limited to
considerations made by Fallis (2014, 2015) Rubin, Chen, and Conroy (2016), Wardle and
Derakhshan (2017, 2018), Disinformation… (2018), and Zannettou et al. (2019).
Encontros Bibli: revista eletrônica de biblioteconomia e ciência da informação, Florianópolis, v. 26, p. 01-23, 2021.
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. ISSN 1518-2924. DOI:
Figure 2 Practical incidences about mis-, dis-, mal-information according to their intentionality
Source: The authors (2020).
3.1.1 Disinformation arrangements
Fake News. Since the U.S. presidential elections in 2016, the term fake news has
gained prominence as a disinformation device and even named word of the year 2017
by Collins dictionary. Another example involving fake news in political campaigns
happened recently in the Brazilian presidential elections. Tardáguila, Benevenuto, and
Ortellado (2018) found that among 100,000 images disclosed in WhatsApp, only 8%
were true, and more than half contained misleading or flatly false information. According
to Barclay (2018, p. 6), fake news is “information that is completely fabricated for the
purpose of either making money or advancing a particular political or social agenda,
typically by discrediting others”. However, it is important to emphasize that the term fake
Encontros Bibli: revista eletrônica de biblioteconomia e ciência da informação, Florianópolis, v. 26, p. 01-23, 2021.
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. ISSN 1518-2924. DOI:
news has been used by politicians “as a weapon to attack a free and independent press”
as Wardle (2019, n.p.) points out. In this sense, Rubin, Chen, and Conroy (2016) classify
three types of fake news: exposed fabrications, hoaxes, and news satire. An exposed
fabrication example is the yellow press and its unverified articles, which, through
clickbait (Figure 3a) and sensationalist articles, aim to increase its traffic and
consequently generate profit.
Hoaxes. According to Rubin, Chen, and Conroy (2016, p. 3), a hoax is “another type of
deliberate fabrication or falsification in the mainstream or social media”. Rumors, fake
graphics or tables, false attribution of authorship, dramatic images, etc., are examples
of hoaxes (Figure 3b).
News satire or parody. Can be found as humorous news websites based on irony,
often in a mainstream format, such as 'The onion' website in Figure 3 (c). In some cases,
if readers are not aware of the humorous slant intended, such news may be a source of
misinformation. It is important to point out that they should not be mistaken for an
imposter website, whose deliberate intention is to deceive or confuse by copying a
traditional media source, such as can be observed in Figure 3 (d).
Figure 3 – Clickbait, hoax, satire, and imposter website examples
Source: Screenshots of (a) Facebook advertisement (2017); (b) (2019); (c)
The Onion webpage at Facebook (2020); (d)
dutertes-icc-trial-fake (2017).
Encontros Bibli: revista eletrônica de biblioteconomia e ciência da informação, Florianópolis, v. 26, p. 01-23, 2021.
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. ISSN 1518-2924. DOI:
Fake reviews. Regarding fake reviews as a disinformation tool, examples can be found
in e-commerce platforms (KUMAR; SHAH, 2018) where they are used to influence the
purchasing of products and services. In this respect, the authors have demonstrated
that humans are not always able to discern misleading opinions. Cases of fake reviews
can also be found in the peer-review process of science communication, such as the
fraudulent peer-review case that led to three articles from the same authors being
retracted (ENAGO, 2018).
3.1.2 Mis-, dis-information arrangements
The categorization of the following mis- and dis-information arrangements was
conducted considering the ambiguity of their intentionality:
Bias. The phenomenon of bias and its inter-relations has been studied for a long time
and in several areas. According to Gackowski (2006, p. 735), “bias may occur in all
types of information, although in passive information its source is ignorance; hence,
it is classed as an aspect of misinformation”. Some examples are belief bias,
confirmation bias, and anchoring.
Propaganda. As a mis/dis-information device, propaganda is closely correlated with
the memory-history binomial because it is commonly used as a dangerous persuasive
political tool to shape a large-scale opinion. The discourse made to influence people
has an intrinsic relationship with the knowledge of reality so that it can differentiate
what is true and what is not. According to Fallet (2001), this form of manipulation uses
Pavlov’s theory of conditioned response that pairs a stimulus with a conditioned
response. Through the emotional appeal used to trigger emotions at the expense of
reason, propaganda has become a modern and postmodern weapon. An example of
this was the Nazi propaganda that by using anti-Semitic defamation wiped out millions
of Jews. It is important to highlight that propaganda does not always take on a
negative connotation and is not always a lie (FALLET, 2001). It is also important to
highlight that propaganda “does not necessarily have to originate from a government
or other organization” (BARCLAY, 2018, p. 34).
Retracted Papers. As to the mis/dis-information phenomenon in scholarly
communication, retracted papers demonstrate that mis/dis-information is not
exclusive to political and economic scenarios or daily life (SANTOS-D’AMORIM;
Encontros Bibli: revista eletrônica de biblioteconomia e ciência da informação, Florianópolis, v. 26, p. 01-23, 2021.
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. ISSN 1518-2924. DOI:
MIRANDA; CORREIA, 2020). Retractions present two approaches according to
intentionality: unintentional (misinformation e.g., methodological, analysis, and
data error) and intentional (disinformation, e.g., plagiarism, image manipulation,
fabrication, and forged authorship). Articles retracted by deliberate fraud as well as
honest mistakes that may be on a large scale undermine confidence in science
(JAMIESON, 2018). However, this is not a new phenomenon. In the scientific field,
one of the first significant frauds became known as the Piltdown man, where about
100 years ago a hominid fossil was forged by joining fragments of an orangutan's jaw
to a human skull that was supposed to reveal facts about the evolution of man. This
fraud took about 40 years to be detected and its author was only identified in 2016.
One hundred years after his death, about 500 works were backed by this false
discovery, which hampered studies such as the Australopithecus africanus in 1920,
the first one of a true humanoid species, delaying the development of science for
several years (MILLAR, 1972).
Conspiracy theories. At first glance, conspiracy theories might sound pathetic,
however, they “have the potential to cause harm both to the individual and the
community”, (KLEIN; CLUTTON; DUNN, 2019, p. 1), just as the anti-vaccine
movement. For instance, Ball (2020, p. 1) highlights that the “anti-vaccine movement
could undermine efforts to end coronavirus pandemic”. Thus, the popularization of
social media and internet forums increases and amplify discussions about conspiracy
theories, challenging even already consolidated scientific discoveries, such as the
flat-Earth conspiracy.
The incorrect use of maps, charts, and graphics. Sampling bias, truncated axis
distortion, deceptive visualizations, (PELTIER, 2011), changes in time span (HUFF,
1993), and 3D Optical illusion (CUDMORE, 2014) are examples of misleading
representations with the attempt to support arguments. In this context, Tufte's Lie
Factor (TUFTE, 1983), can be used to warrant the integrity of a graphic, represented
by the equation
Hence, according Tufte (1983, p. 57)
if the Lie Factor is equal to one, then the graphic might be doing a reasonable job of
accurately representing the underlying numbers. Lie Factors greater than 1.05 or
less than .95 indicate substantial distortion, far beyond minor inaccuracies in plotting.
Encontros Bibli: revista eletrônica de biblioteconomia e ciência da informação, Florianópolis, v. 26, p. 01-23, 2021.
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. ISSN 1518-2924. DOI:
The logarithm of the Lie Factor can be taken in order to compare overstating (log LF
> 0) with understating (log LF < 0) errors. In practice almost all distortions involve
overstating, and Lie Factors of two to five are not uncommon.
Nowadays, the incorrect use of charts and graphics, particularly, can be found in the
current pandemic scenario, many times used to shape public opinion on certain topics of
interest, and are constituted as an object of study increasingly studied in different fields.
3.1.3 Dis-, mal- information and mis-, mal-information arrangements
In this subsection, the arrangements can assume a dis-, mal- information way or/and
a mis-, mal-information way:
Phishing. As a malinformation device, phishing is a type of misuse of personal and/or
confidential information. Theft of personal information by copying a popular website and
inserting personal data has become a common tool. According to Apte, Palshikar, and
Baskaran (2019), identity theft, attempt to tarnish a reputation, profile cloning, denying
access to e-mail, and financial loss are, for example, results of phishing.
Filter bubbles. As dis/mal-information device, filter bubbles (algorithm-based) can
amplify and at the same time isolate viewpoints and narratives spreading
misinformation. In the information flood age (GLEICK, 2011), filter bubbles appear as a
tool for content personalization through invisible algorithms provided by web search
engines and social media, creating a personal ecosystem of information (PARISER,
2011). Figure 4 (a) represents an example of this, reported by Kelly and François (2018),
illustrating the US political spectrum on the eve of the 2016 elections on Twittersphere.
In this figure, it is possible to see a clear polarization, represented by the small colored
groups that divide opinions on not such small lines between the left-wing activists and
the main conservatives.
Echo chambers. Echo chambers emerge as one increasingly has an emotional
relationship with information rather than a rational one (WARDLE, 2019). According to
Karlsen (2017, p. 258) “people have a tendency to favour information that reinforces
their preexisting views”, thus, as a result of this selective exposure, echo chambers can
maximize ideological polarization, reinforcing different types of intolerance as well as
spreading false information (KUMAR; SHAH, 2018). An observational study made by
Dunn et al. (2015, p. 7) involving a network of 30,621 users in Twitter found that “twitter
users who were more often exposed to negative opinions about the safety and value of
HPV vaccines were more likely to tweet negative opinions than users who were more
Encontros Bibli: revista eletrônica de biblioteconomia e ciência da informação, Florianópolis, v. 26, p. 01-23, 2021.
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. ISSN 1518-2924. DOI:
often exposed to neutral or positive information”, as shown in Figure 4 (b). The orange
clusters represent a majority of negative tweets, cyan clusters represent the users
exposed to mostly neutral/positive tweets, while the gray clusters represent those users
not exposed to HPV vaccine tweets.
Figure 4 Real examples of filter bubbles (left) and echo chamber (right)
Source: Kelly and François (2018) (left) and Dunn et al. (2015) (right).
Political use of sensitive information. Nowadays it is possible to identify highly
complex relationships involving mis/mal-information and dis/mal-information
devices at the same time, as observed in the ongoing pandemic scenario of the
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV-2) caused by the new coronavirus
(COVID-19), where some political opinions have affected the scientific criteria for
containment measures worldwide, as in the case of vaccines, for example.
“Exaggerations to make a point, or purposely inflating or deflating numbers”
exemplified by Keiser (2019, p. 27) reminds the case of Brazil, in which the Federal
Government - in what they called a change of methodology - changed the format of
the disclosure of the pandemic statistics in the country (PHILLIPS, 2020).
Misuse of personal/confidential information. A malinformation device example
was the Cambridge Analytica and Facebook data scandal that involved the data
collection that influenced the U.S. Presidential Election Results 2016. The
unprecedented data breach involved a harvest of private information over 50 million
Facebook profiles. Thus, based on this matter, issues about user data privacy and
data protection have been raising to the present (CADWALLADR; GRAHAM-
HARRISON, 2018; ISAAK; HANNA, 2018).
Encontros Bibli: revista eletrônica de biblioteconomia e ciência da informação, Florianópolis, v. 26, p. 01-23, 2021.
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. ISSN 1518-2924. DOI:
In conclusion, based on the considerations discussed in this essay, as an attempt to
clarify mis-, dis-, mal-information concepts, (1) we presented 14 theoretical definitions
distributed among the three concepts discussed, exploring hermeneutics, rhetoric, and the
phenomenological principles of intentionality as works methods to build discourses and
descriptions of the phenomenon of misinformation and its derivations; and (2) we outlined
an understanding of practical misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation concepts,
based on 16 arrangements interconnected with these three concepts, according to your
Given the complexity that permeates the various fields of the current conjuncture, as
well as the difficulty of a consensus on the semantic definition of information, as already
seen in Shannon (1993, p.180) by saying that “it is hardly to be expected that a single
concept of information would satisfactorily account for the numerous possible applications
of this general field”, we can observe the same difficulty related a consensus on the semantic
definition about the terms of mis-, dis-, mal-information. This is due to the fact that
misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation, as well as information, have also
numerous properties that indicate their causes and use. Therefore, incorrect, misleading, or
uncertain information may present many possibilities and be open to multiple interpretations.
Over the 16 arrangements presented - bias, propaganda, retracted papers, conspiracy
theories, misleading representation in maps, charts, and graphics, fake news, clickbait,
hoaxes, satire or parody, imposter websites, fake reviews, phishing, political use of
sensitive information, misuse of personal/confidential information, filter bubbles, and echo
chambers - we can summarize that our view about misinformation, disinformation,
malinformation is that the three are types of information, each with multiple use
possibilities, according to the intentionality. Hence, (i) misinformation is inaccurate
information, open to multiple comprehensions and uses, being the prefix mis–, an indication
of mistake or something wrong. (ii) disinformation is information deliberately deceptive,
intending to deceive; and (iii) malinformation is the sensitive information that is strategically
used to cause advantage, whether personal or institutional.
We can also infer that the phenomena of misinformation, disinformation,
malinformation, and its derivations, occur as incessant actions in search of the conditions of
satisfaction in reaching the intentionality of propositional content, that is, the needs of
specific groups in search of the information so desired.
Encontros Bibli: revista eletrônica de biblioteconomia e ciência da informação, Florianópolis, v. 26, p. 01-23, 2021.
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. ISSN 1518-2924. DOI:
Finally, we can point out some perspectives for further works in Information Science,
such as a possible understanding of regulation and co-regulation of the digital environment,
and regulation tools for the web in the next electoral scenario, besides the critical thinking
issues perspectives. To think beyond truth and non-truth binaries values (DEVINE, 2018;
SØE, 2019), besides seek to join transdisciplinary efforts with other fields of knowledge can
also set itself up as one of the ways for solving real problems on the spectrum of
misinformation and its effects on society. Thus, Information Science revisits its first proposal:
to act with social responsibility in this technological and informational paradigm, and now, in
the era of information wars and the misinformational explosion age.
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Ao bibliotecário Rinaldo Ribeiro de Melo, pela normalização das referências deste artigo.
Concepção e elaboração do manuscrito: K. Santos-d’Amorim, M. K. F.O. Miranda
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Encontros Bibli: revista eletrônica de biblioteconomia e ciência da informação, Florianópolis, v. 26, p. 01-23, 2021.
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Enrique Muriel-Torrado, Edgar Bisset Alvarez, Camila Barros.
Recebido em: 01/09/2020 Aprovado em: 01/03/2021 Publicado em: 20/03/2021
... definition of the term "fake news" or shared common understanding and approach to. Moreover, we can find many terms and concepts in the literature that refer to fake news such as 'disinformation' (false or misleading content that is spread with an intention to deceive or secure economic or political gain, and which may cause public harm) (European Commision, 2018 April 26 2 ;Bontcheva & Posetti, 2020;Fallis, 2015;Khan, 2021;Tudjman & Mikelic, 2003), 'misinformation' (false or misleading content shared without harmful intent though the effects can be still harmful) (European Commision, 2018 April 26; and 'malinformation' (Santos-d'Amorim & Fernandes de Oliveira Miranda, 2021). 3 Since 2020, the new term "infodemic" was coined, reflecting widespread researchers' concern (Gupta et al., 2022;Apuke & Omar, 2021;Sharma et al., 2020;Hartley & Vu, 2020;Micallef et al., 2020) about the proliferation of misinformation linked to the pandemic. ...
Conference Paper
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This article addresses the topic of fake news prevention. It approaches it from the perspective of crime prevention by looking at legislative and situational measures. The authors explain that this criminal behaviour is by no means new, but has changed recently with the rise of social media and the frequent use of the term fake news by politicians and mainstream media. So a reconsideration of the phenomenon in an era of network societies is warranted. This paper recognises the importance of dissemination of fake news in the above context and the need to combat this contemporary online harm, while at the same time critically analyses the existing legislative and non-legislative mechanisms to prevent the dissemination of fake news or mitigate their effects. The authors take an international perspective in their analysis of legislative efforts and also discuss the endemic limits/ barriers related to international harmonisation, but also other important issues such as the protection of fundamental rights, the crime displacement and the difficulty for the law in this area to keep pace with technological developments. Finally, the paper makes recommendations to increase efficiency in the fight against the dissemination of fake news online by taking a multimodal approach that combines the strongest responses in a network of mutually reinforcing measures to address the problem holistically, as is appropriate in contemporary networked societies.
... A disseminação da desinformação é um desafio cada vez mais presente na sociedade contemporânea, possuindo uma grande relação com o advento e popularização das tecnologias de informação e comunicação, principalmente no que se refere ao uso das redes sociais (MEEL; VISHWAKARMA, 2020). De maneira geral, a desinformação pode ser descrita como a propagação deliberada de informações falsas, enganosas ou distorcidas, possuindo o intuito de manipular opiniões, criar confusão e diminuir a confiabilidade de fontes de informação (SANTOS-D'AMORIM; MIRANDA, 2021). As consequências da desinformação podem apresentar uma alta gravidade, e impactar severamente a cidadania, incluindo a tomada de decisões informadas, a saúde pública, a estabilidade política e a coesão social (MORGAN, 2018;MUHAMMED;MATHEW, 2022 O estudo se baseia na exploração de uma estratégia metodológica baseada no uso de soluções computacionais aplicadas, de maneira a identificar padrões e tendências em grandes volumes de dados. ...
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The flood of information following the earthquake disaster in Cianjur has had an impact on the spread of hoaxes which is difficult to stop. The impact not only causes anxiety and fear, it even triggers division and conflict. To educate the public in preventing hoaxes, the Volunteer Team from Putra Indonesia University and Jayabaya University for three months after the earthquake carried out activities to Strengthen Digital Literacy and Psychosocial Assistance at earthquake victim posts spread across Cianjur. Implementation of community service uses a service-learning method that adapts the learning system to the situation and needs of the community. Community service activities are carried out using teaching aids that can be received by earthquake victims in the form of fun-learning with a duration of two hours. The first session is filled with introductions and storytelling, then learning while playing in the second session. The group was divided into two separate locations, namely the children's group and the parents' group. The aim is for each group to receive different material reinforcement according to their individual needs. Implementation of activities is carried out in collaboration with various parties (between universities, company CSR and local stakeholders). The results of the activities carried out showed that participants were able to understand digital culture, ethics in using social media, and the Personal Data Protection Law.
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Considering the harmful effects of misinformation in the overall context of human life that unfold in social, economic, environmental, and cultural dynamics, this investigation presents an overview of studies on "misinformation" in Information Science. The analysis was based on the documents indexed in the BRAPCI database from the first occurrence until the end of 2023. It was identified that the configuration of the studies on the topic is characterized by three scenarios: the first one covers five years and is marked by a limited interest in the topic, with only 15 publications during this period; the second scenario stands out for the significant increase in interest in the topic, with a considerable increase in the number of publications, with a 453% increase in publications compared to the first scenario. As for the third scenario, it is marked by uncertainty. A contextual analysis compared to the social context shows that the practical impacts of the topic have stimulated greater academic interest. It was identified that over nine years, most of the research is bibliographic, from which the absence of interdisciplinary collaborations with other areas is noted. The excessive emphasis on theory at the expense of applicability can potentially limit and underestimate the field's ability to address practical issues related to mitigating the impacts of informational disorders, which directly impact everyday life. Keywords: False information; Bibliometrics; Infodemics; Information Science
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Resumo Ao imitarem o formato jornalístico e misturarem factos reais com fabricados, com a intenção deliberada de enganar, as fake news afetam a confiança nos media e prejudicam o debate democrático. Desta forma, identificar as caraterísticas das fake news, a forma como se distinguem das notícias verdadeiras e a sua disseminação permite informar as políticas de literacia digital e mediática. O presente artigo representa uma revisão da literatura neste domínio. Inicialmente, apresenta uma clarificação dos conceitos principais, discutindo, depois, os determinantes da suscetibilidade e disseminação de fake news mais abordados pela comunidade científica, nomeadamente individuais, sociais e contextuais. Palavras-chave: Fake News; Suscetibilidade; Disseminação. English Fake News-Susceptibility and Dissemination Factors Abstract By mimicking journalistic formats and blending real facts with fabricated ones, with the deliberate intention of deceiving, fake news affects trust in the media and harms democratic debate. Thus, identifying the characteristics of fake news, how they differ from true news, and their dissemination enables the informing of policies on digital and media literacy. This article represents a review of the literature in this domain. Initially, it presents a clarification of the main concepts, then discusses the determinants of susceptibility and Artigo Fake News-Fatores de suscetibilidade e 12 dissemination of fake news most addressed by the scientific community, namely individual, social, and contextual factors.
Introducción: Las redes sociales, especialmente Twitter (ahora X), se han convertido en plataformas clave para la difusión de información falsa o sesgada por líderes políticos, afectando la percepción pública y la democracia. Se analiza cómo esta desinformación influye en la opinión pública y exacerba la polarización política. Metodología: La investigación se basa en una revisión sistemática de la literatura sobre desinformación política y un análisis de la actividad en X de líderes políticos españoles durante eventos significativos entre 2021 y 2022. Utilizando Fanpage Karma, se analizaron los tuits de seis representantes políticos, incluidos el presidente del gobierno y portavoces de los principales partidos en el Congreso. Los eventos estudiados fueron: la Ley Trans, el cruce de inmigrantes en Melilla, el regreso del rey emérito Juan Carlos I y la Cumbre de la OTAN en Madrid. Resultados: El análisis reveló que la mayoría de los mensajes políticos en X carecen de transparencia y están cargados de tono emocional, con predominio de acusaciones y críticas. Los mensajes sobre la Ley Trans fueron los más numerosos, destacando términos como derechos humanos, igualdad y feminismo, mientras que otros se centraron en la derogación de leyes y críticas al gobierno. La actividad en X muestra una tendencia hacia la polarización, con pocos mensajes asépticos y un alto nivel de reacciones emocionales y controversiales. Discusión y conclusiones: La investigación concluye que la desinformación en la comunicación política en X es significativa y contribuye al desorden informativo, debilitando la confianza pública en las instituciones democráticas. La alta frecuencia de mensajes emocionales y contradictorios fomenta la inseguridad y la polarización política. Se destaca la necesidad de programas de alfabetización mediática para capacitar a los ciudadanos en la identificación y evaluación crítica de la información en redes sociales. Las administraciones públicas y los medios de comunicación deben promover mayor transparencia y veracidad en la información política para contrarrestar la desinformación y fortalecer la democracia.
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This paper presents an analysis on information disorder in social media platforms. The study employed methods such as Natural Language Processing, Topic Modeling, and Knowledge Graph building to gain new insights into the phenomenon of fake news and its impact on critical thinking and knowledge management. The analysis focused on four research questions: 1) the distribution of misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation across different platforms; 2) recurring themes in fake news and their visibility; 3) the role of artificial intelligence as an authoritative and/or spreader agent; and 4) strategies for combating information disorder. The role of AI was highlighted, both as a tool for fact-checking and building truthiness identification bots, and as a potential amplifier of false narratives. Strategies proposed for combating information disorder include improving digital literacy skills and promoting critical thinking among social media users.
Information disorder is becoming a scourge affecting the authenticity and integrity of information among the populace, particularly undergraduates. This study assessed the prevalence of information disorders among undergraduates of Kwara State University, Malete. The study adopted the descriptive survey design. The study population consisted of 25,277 Kwara State University undergraduate students in Malete. A multi-stage sampling technique was used to select respondents from the population. The questionnaire was the instrument used to collect data. The study's findings revealed that lack of awareness of information disorders and the desire to be respected by colleagues were the major causes of information disorders among students. The prevalent information disorders among students were clickbaits, hoaxes, biases and imposter websites. Fake reviews, rumours, hoaxes, and propaganda were the highest information disorders rampant among students, and some of the strategies to reduce the prevalence of information disorders are identifying the sources of information and those that can be victimised by such information. The study concluded that information disorders are prevalent among the undergraduates of Kwara State University and recommends, among others, that the management of Kwara State University and other stakeholders should orientate undergraduates on information disorders and their challenges.
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La arquitectura digital ha alterado de manera decisiva la sociedad y, en consecuencia, demanda respuestas legales. De la Internet desarrollada en la década de 1970 con fines militares, casi nada permanece igual. La plataforma ha otorgado un poder sin igual a las empresas de tecnología, cambiando la forma en que nos comunicamos, abordamos la política, negociamos y también cómo nos relacionamos. En la economía digital actual, la atención de los usuarios es el principal producto, y estos usuarios también son productores de contenido. En este modelo, se facilita la propagación de información falsa, lo que pone en riesgo la democracia y la ciencia. Para abordar estos fenómenos, es fundamental desarrollar y aplicar mecanismos adecuados de regulación de las plataformas para proteger a la sociedad y la libertad. Este estudio se basa en este contexto para analizar algunas respuestas regulatorias que se están debatiendo en Brasil.
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This paper contributes to the current debate on the nature of semantic information by offering a semantic argument in favour of the veridical thesis according to which p counts as information only if p is true. In the course of the analysis, the paper reviews some basic principles and requirements for any theory of semantic information.
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COVID-19 is an unprecedented global health crisis that will have immeasurable consequences for our economic and social well-being. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the director general of the World Health Organization, stated “We’re not just fighting an epidemic; we’re fighting an infodemic”. Currently, there is no robust scientific basis to the existing definitions of false information used in the fight against the COVID-19infodemic. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how the use of a novel taxonomy and related model (based upon a conceptual framework that synthesizes insights from information science, philosophy, media studies and politics) can produce new scientific definitions of mis-, dis- and malinformation. We undertake our analysis from the viewpoint of information systems research. The conceptual approach to defining mis-,dis- and malinformation can be applied to a wide range of empirical examples and, if applied properly, may prove useful in fighting the COVID-19 infodemic. In sum, our research suggests that: (i) analyzing all types of information is important in the battle against the COVID-19 infodemic; (ii) a scientific approach is required so that different methods are not used by different studies; (iii) “misinformation”, as an umbrella term, can be confusing and should be dropped from use; (iv) clear, scientific definitions of information types will be needed going forward; (v) malinformation is an overlooked phenomenon involving reconfigurations of the truth.
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While the historical impact of rumours and fabricated content has been well documented, efforts to better understand today’s challenge of information pollution on a global scale are only just beginning. Concern about the implications of dis-information campaigns designed specifically to sow mistrust and confusion and to sharpen existing sociocultural divisions using nationalistic, ethnic, racial and religious tensions is growing. The Council of Europe report on “Information Disorder: Toward an interdisciplinary framework for research and policy making” is an attempt to comprehensively examine information disorder and to outline ways to address it.
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A new era of Information Warfare has arrived. Various actors, including state-sponsored ones, are weaponizing information on Online Social Networks to run false-information campaigns with targeted manipulation of public opinion on specific topics. These false-information campaigns can have dire consequences to the public: mutating their opinions and actions, especially with respect to critical world events like major elections. Evidently, the problem of false information on the Web is a crucial one and needs increased public awareness as well as immediate attention from law enforcement agencies, public institutions, and in particular, the research community. In this article, we make a step in this direction by providing a typology of the Web’s false-information ecosystem, composed of various types of false-information, actors, and their motives. We report a comprehensive overview of existing research on the false-information ecosystem by identifying several lines of work: (1) how the public perceives false information; (2) understanding the propagation of false information; (3) detecting and containing false information on the Web; and (4) false information on the political stage. In this work, we pay particular attention to political false information as: (1) it can have dire consequences to the community (e.g., when election results are mutated) and (2) previous work shows that this type of false information propagates faster and further when compared to other types of false information. Finally, for each of these lines of work, we report several future research directions that can help us better understand and mitigate the emerging problem of false-information dissemination on the Web.
Studies of social networks show that opposition to vaccines is small but far-reaching — and growing. Studies of social networks show that opposition to vaccines is small but far-reaching — and growing. Two sisters holding the US flag and protest boards
A pesquisa discute encontrabilidade de informação a partir do mapeamento das propriedades do fenômeno informacional, com destaque para a Teoria da Intencionalidade, inerente aos estudos da Fenomenologia, e para as muitas definições de informação atuantes na Ciência da Informação (CI). O método dos quatro pólos congrega as etapas Epistemológica, Teórica, Técnica e Morfológica que sustentam, respectivamente, a natureza do problema, as teorias como estratégia, a técnica bibliográfica e descritiva, e a morfológica com os resultados e interpretação da noção de informação enquanto fenômeno, a partir da Teoria da Intencionalidade, ou seja as propriedades. Contribuindo com o esforço de conceituação uniforme da informação, os resultados inferem suas propriedades de: Intencionalidade/direccionalidade; atos de fala assertivo e diretivo; direção de ajustamento; e rede e background. O estudo foi inicialmente desenvolvido em tese de doutoramento, e posteriormente continuado como projeto de pesquisa e discutido no grupo Estudos Epistemológicos em Informação do Departamento de Ciência da Informação da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco. Palavras-chave: Teoria da Intencionalidade; fenômeno informacional; propriedades de informação.
While some journalists analyze and verify “open source” materials such as social media, eyewitness video, and satellite imagery to hold leaders and institutions accountable, many journalists and students are not learning basic digital verification skills. Research shows that journalists find this work challenging and that newsrooms do not consistently offer resources. Educators can fill this gap, and address problems the press faces in a post-truth age, such as student overtrust of digital sources, public distrust of the media, and the advancement of tools to fake visual information. This essay offers exercises and resources for educators in a variety of settings.
With the revelation that Facebook handed over personally identifiable information of more than 87 million users to Cambridge Analytica, it is now imperative that comprehensive privacy policy laws be developed. Technologists, researchers, and innovators should meaningfully contribute to the development of these policies.
The insistence on the validity of ‘alternative facts’ can be seen as simply lying, and lying in the support of a particular form of interest—or it can be seen as a more significant reflection on the status of truth in a world that is neither entirely modern, nor entirely post-modern: a world in which education, science, economics and religion have all failed to deliver on their promised truths.