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Studies examining the effect of social isolation on cognitive function typically involve older adults and/or specialist groups (e.g., expeditions). We considered the effects of COVID‐19‐induced social isolation on cognitive function within a representative sample of the general population. We additionally considered how participants ‘shielding’ due to underlying health complications, or living alone, performed. We predicted that performance would be poorest under strictest, most‐isolating conditions. At five timepoints over 13 weeks, participants (N=342; aged 18‐72 years) completed online tasks measuring attention, memory, decision‐making, time‐estimation, and learning. Participants indicated their mood as ‘lockdown’ was eased. Performance typically improved as opportunities for social contact increased. Interactions between participant sub‐groups and timepoint demonstrated that performance was shaped by individuals’ social isolation levels. Social isolation is linked to cognitive decline in the absence of ageing covariates. The impact of social isolation on cognitive function should be considered when implementing prolonged pandemic‐related restrictive conditions. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Running Head: Social isolation impairs cognitive function
Social isolation during COVID-19 lockdown impairs cognitive function
Joanne Ingram1*, Christopher J. Hand2, and Greg Maciejewski1
1School of Education and Social Science, University of the West of Scotland, Paisley, UK
2Department of Psychology, Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, UK
*Corresponding Author
Joanne Ingram
School of Education and Social Science,
University of the West of Scotland,
Conflict of Interest Statement
We confirm that none of the authors have a conflict of interest.
Data Availability Statement
The data that support the findings of this study are openly available in the Open Science
Framework at .
Studies examining the effect of social isolation on cognitive function typically involve older
adults and/or specialist groups (e.g., expeditions). We considered the effects of COVID-19-
induced social isolation on cognitive function within a representative sample of the general
population. We additionally considered how participants ‘shielding’ due to underlying health
complications, or living alone, performed. We predicted that performance would be poorest
under strictest, most-isolating conditions. At five timepoints over 13 weeks, participants
(N=342; aged 18-72 years) completed online tasks measuring attention, memory, decision-
making, time-estimation, and learning. Participants indicated their mood as ‘lockdown’ was
eased. Performance typically improved as opportunities for social contact increased.
Interactions between participant sub-groups and timepoint demonstrated that performance
was shaped by individuals’ social isolation levels. Social isolation is linked to cognitive
decline in the absence of ageing covariates. The impact of social isolation on cognitive
function should be considered when implementing prolonged pandemic-related restrictive
Keywords cognitive decline; COVID-19; executive function; lockdown; social isolation
Much of the global population has experienced “lockdown” conditions due to the COVID-19
pandemic. There is growing evidence of the consequences of COVID-19-related social
isolation, confinement, and loneliness on mood and physical health (e.g., Lippi et al., 2020;
Zhang et al., 2020), but no examination of similar changes in cognitive function has been
presented. If “lockdown” conditions lead to cognitive decline – in memory, perceptual ability,
and/or executive function – this has broad impact for education, work, and everyday life, as
well as implications for theories of cognitive decline.
COVID-19 restrictions vary from country-to-country and vary across time within
countries. In Scotland, the strictest conditions permitted leaving home only for societally
essential work, groceries, and solo exercise once a day (or exercise with members of one’s
own household). Entering another home was only permitted in emergencies. Additionally,
approximately 1-in-20 adults were required to ‘shield’ due to pre-existing conditions which
made them vulnerable to COVID-19 infection/complications. Shielding individuals were
required to stay at home, indoors at all times, initially with no exceptions. Effectively,
citizens were left entirely isolated (if living alone) or were restricted to interpersonal contact
with only members of their household.
Except for outdoor exercise, which became unlimited after 49 days, residents of
Scotland spent 66 days under the strictest lockdown conditions. Severe and suddenly-
imposed constraints on interpersonal contact led, for some, to feelings of isolation and
loneliness (Li & Wang, 2020), and to higher levels of negative mood (Ingram et al., 2020).
The relationship between isolation and cognitive decline in certain populations has been well-
documented (see Cacioppo & Hawkley, 2010 for a review); we investigated if isolation due
to COVID-19 restrictions led to a decline in cognitive function in the general population,
with specific consideration of those shielding and/or living alone.
Social isolation and cognitive decline are typically assessed in older adults. Findings
are frequently inconsistent as measurement of social activity is variable (Evans et al., 2019a),
and social isolation is difficult to rigorously control. However, isolation has been shown to
influence cognitive functioning (Evans et al., 2019a) and decline (Kuiper et al., 2016). Living
alone and having no close relationships, or having a limited or poor social network have been
linked to increased risk of dementia (Fratiglioni et al, 2000), whilst poorer cognitive ability in
the absence of dementia has been predicted by lower levels of emotional support (Seeman et
al,. 2001). Social engagement during recreational activities enhances memory (Richards et
al., 2003), and protects against cognitive decline (Bassuk et al., 1999). Younger participants
who were experimentally induced to envisage a future of social isolation were impaired on
general mental ability, self-regulation, and reasoning (Baumeister & DeWall, 2005;
Baumeister et al., 2005; Twenge et al., 2001). Recent research suggests that when controlling
for age, gender, education level, and physically-limiting health conditions, social isolation
(the absence of social relationships and disengagement from community; Nicholson, 2009) is
associated with level of cognitive function (Evans et al., 2018a; Evans et al., 2019b).
Associations between social isolation and cognitive function are frequently linked to
cognitive reserve (Stern, 2009). Social interactions with others involve mental stimulation,
hence frequent social interaction may protect or enhance cognitive function (van Gelder et
al., 2006). Reserve and maintenance of cognitive function may be protected through regular
effortful social interactions which require engagement of complex cognitive processes
(Barnes et al., 2004; Fratiglioni et al, 2004). However, research in this area is limited due to
the inability to establish the directional link between cognitive and social decline – that is,
those experiencing greater decline may be unable to maintain social interactions. Studies
have generally controlled for this using baseline measurements (Barnes, et al., 2004;
Fratiglioni et al., 2004; Zunzunegui et al., 2003) and existing cohort data (Gow et al., 2007).
However, research has indicated causal links using cross-lagged modelling (Thomas, 2011)
and latent change score modelling (Read et al., 2020). These studies found differential effects
of social isolation on cognitive impairment across males and females. Whilst neurological
and situational ageing effects are impossible to accurately imitate, enforced lockdown
conditions afforded a unique opportunity to replicate certain social and physical restrictions
often experienced only by older adults. Further issues with measurement of social contacts
and networks (Evans et al., 2019a) were mitigated by the blanket rule of no-contact across the
Social isolation effects have also been assessed naturalistically during scientific
expeditions. A study of prolonged Antarctic isolation yielded varied results, with clear
functional detriment only evident at the very end of the isolation period (Khandelwal et al.,
2017). However, while isolated from broader society, that expedition facility housed 26 team-
members, allowing for extensive, varied face-to-face interpersonal contact. Examination of a
solitary participant during a seventeen-day expedition on-foot through the Simpson desert
indicated substantial cognitive deterioration over time, which resolved fully once the
expedition was complete (Maruff et al., 2006).
A review of Antarctic expeditions (Zimmer et al., 2013) noted that 63.6% of studies
reported cognitive impairment, with a variety of aetiologies suggested, including stress and
fatigue, and low environmental stimulation. However, other studies (e.g., John Paul et al.,
2010; Palinkas et al., 2005) demonstrate maintained or even improved cognitive performance
over extended periods in polar environments. Studies of spaceflight have yielded mixed
evidence; detriment is typically attributed to effects of microgravity or environmental
stressors as opposed to social isolation (Kanas & Manzey, 2008). Deficits in attentional
processing (Pattyn et al., 2005) and concurrent task-management (Manzey & Lorenz, 1998)
have been found, but individual effects of social isolation or stressful environment are rarely
demonstrated. Collectively, the results of studies on the effects of social isolation on cognitive
function during expeditions show mixed results or no detriment to cognition. However, it is
important to note that astronauts and polar explorers are carefully selected against specific
criteria and undergo rigorous medical and psychological screening (De La Torre et al., 2012;
John Paul et al., 2010). Space expeditions are generally short, allowing little time to
experience effects of isolation. Polar expeditions often involve a larger number of
individuals, which perhaps provides sufficient social contact to maintain function. Finally,
these individuals have consented to enter a restrictive environment; thus, these
groups/findings may not be representative when considering the effects of pandemic-related
social isolation.
Disentangling the effect of social isolation on human cognitive function is difficult,
but we can draw parallels with animal studies. Rats reared in isolation demonstrate deficits in
cognitive flexibility (Amitai et al., 2014); isolating animals impairs reversal learning,
regardless of inanimate stimulation, suggesting isolation effects on prefrontal cortico-striatal
pathways (Schrijver et al., 2004). Studies further demonstrate that social isolation leads to
permanent neurochemical, behavioural, and neurostructural changes in rodents (Jones et al.,
2011; Schubert et al., 2009).
Research involving older adults or expeditions suggest that cognitive function can be
improved or restored through cognitive plasticity. Research on plasticity in older adults ties
closely with the notion of cognitive reserve already discussed (See Hertzog et al., 2009 for a
discussion of cognitive enrichment). Studies have shown that with cognitive and/or physical
training or intervention, cognitive function can be maintained or improved in the ageing brain
(e.g., Bherer, 2015; Karbach & Verhaeghen, 2014). Cognitive decline seen in expeditioners
has been found to resolve quickly after the expedition was complete (Maruff et al., 2006;
Ratino et al., 1988), suggesting that short-term periods of isolation do not impact cognitive
function over the longer-term. Considering the evidence for plasticity of cognitive function, it
was expected that any cognitive decline resulting from COVID-19 restrictions to social
contact would resolve as restrictions were relaxed.
Societal “lockdown” conditions within the UK (beginning in March 2020) provided a
valuable opportunity to assess social isolation effects on cognitive function across a large
representative sample, with minimal limitations (e.g., older-adult-only sample, extreme
environments). To compare cognitive function during stricter and more-liberal societal
conditions (i.e., when extra-household face-to-face social contact was permitted), participants
completed multiple cognitive tasks across five timepoints. Tasks assessed a range of cognitive
functions, examined previously in relation to social isolation (e.g., Beneke et al., 1993; John
Paul et al., 2010; Kelly et al., 2005; Ratino et al., 1988). These included: attention (Flanker
Task: Wylie et al., 2007), working memory (Digitized-Digit Symbol Substitution Task;
Chatterjee et al., 2019), decision making (Iowa Gambling Task, Bechara et al., 1994), time
perception, (modified version of Time Production Task; Tortello et al., 2020) and learning
(Symbol Learning; Yang et al., 2017).
The initial timepoint (Week 1) aligned with participants living under the most-
restrictive conditions – leaving the house was allowed only for non-shielding individuals for
essential work which could not be completed from home, for essential groceries, or for
individual outdoor exercise (which had become unlimited, after initially being restricted to
once per day). Participants completed the task battery at four further timepoints. Restrictions
were eased across this period as follows. At Week 3, unless self-isolating / shielding, meeting
outside with one other household was allowed. At Week 5, one household could meet with
people from up to two households out-of-doors, those in the shielding group could go
outdoors for exercise. At Week 9, people could meet with others from up to two households
indoors or outdoors, and retail, hospitality, hairdressers, and cultural venues re-opened. At
Week 13, in addition to the expansion at Week 9, children had returned to nurseries and
We predicted that performance on all tasks would be poorest at timepoint 1, with
gradual improvement as restrictions were eased. We predicted that due to differing levels of
isolation, shielding participants would show differential effects to non-shielding participants,
and that those who lived alone would show differential effects to those who co-habited.
342 Scottish nationals/long-term residents (56.7% female, 41.5% male, 0.6% non-
binary, 0.9% transgender) aged 18-72 years old (Mage=32.1 years, SDage=11.2) participated. An
a priori power analysis anticipating small effect sizes (f=.10, α=.05, power=.95) suggested a
target sample of 188; thus, our sample was ample. Participants who identified as Scottish
were recruited using Prolific Academic ( and first took part in an additional
study on the effects of COVID-19 restrictions on healthy behaviours (CURRENT
AUTHORS, 2020). 399 eligible participants took part in the additional study by CURRENT
AUTHORS. Participants who were native English-speakers with no vision/attention/learning
impairment or prior knowledge of Mandarin characters (used in the symbol-learning task; N
= 342), were then immediately invited to take part in the current study. A breakdown of key
participant demographic characteristics is presented in Table 1. There are two rows of data in
Table 1; one represents the main dataset, and the other represents the subset dataset (please
see Data Analysis section for further details). Crucially, there are very few differences in the
demographic make-up of the sub-sample, relative to the global sample.
<<Table 1 about here>>
All experienced social isolation during lockdown; 14.9% (nshield = 51) of participants
identified as having ‘shielded’ throughout lockdown. Approximately 3% of the general
Scottish adult population were ‘required’ to shield (Scottish Government, 2020). 12% of
participants lived alone during lockdown – in the broader Scottish context approximately
15% of people live alone (National Records Scotland, 2018). There was moderate participant
dropout across timepoints (328 participants remained after Week 3, 275 after Week 5, 228
after Week 9, and 203 after Week 13). No participants were excluded during the study. A
small number of participants were not included in certain sub-analyses; specific details can be
found under Data Analysis.
Measures & Procedure
We examined participants’ performance on five cognitive tasks. These included the
Iowa gambling task (adapted from Bechara et al., 1994) as a measure of decision making, a
flanker task (adapted from Wylie et al., 2007) as a measure of selective attention, a symbol-
learning task (adapted from Yang et al., 2017) as a measure of learning ability, a digit-symbol
substitution task (Chatterjee et al., 2019, Version 1) as a measure of working memory, and a
time production task (adapted from Tortello et al., 2020) as a measure of time estimation. As
negative mood has been shown to correlate with poorer performance on some cognitive tasks
(see Chepenik et al., 2007 for a review), we measured and controlled for participants’
negative mood when examining potential changes in cognitive function. Ten negative items
from Grove and Prapavessis’ (1992) abbreviated Profile of Mood State (POMS) scale were
used. For more information about the tasks and measures, please see the Supporting
The tasks were designed and administered online, using the Gorilla Experiment
Builder (; for information about stimulus and response timing precision, see
Anwyl-Irvine et al., 2019; Bridges et al., 2020). The tasks were administered in the same
order at each timepoint (Iowa gambling, flanker, symbol-learning, time production, digit-
symbol substitution, mood rating). At the end of timepoint 5 (Week 13), could disclose
whether they had cheated on any of the tasks (e.g., using an online translator to determine
Mandarin character meanings). Participants received £5 for completing each session; sessions
took, on average, 20 minutes to complete. The study was approved by the lead institution
ethics committee, following British Psychological Society (2014) guidelines.
Data analysis
Cognitive task data were analysed with four logit/linear mixed-effects models, using
the “lme4” package (Bates et al., 2011) in R (R Development Core Team, 2004). Fixed effects
were tested using maximum likelihood-ratio tests comparing full and reduced models. The
first model (henceforth referred to as the ‘main’ model) included Time (Weeks 1, 3, 5, 9, 13)
as a fixed effect and Negative Mood Rating (NMR), Age, and Gender as covariates. Within
Time, repeated coding was used to define four planned contrasts that compared consecutive
timepoint pairings (Week 1 vs. 3, Week 3 vs. 5, Week 5 vs. 9, Week 9 vs. 13). Note that NMR
was removed due to model non-convergence1 for the Iowa gambling, flanker (accuracy but
not RT), symbol-learning, and digit-symbol substitution (accuracy) tasks. For the same
reason, Age was removed for the Iowa gambling, symbol-learning (only analyses involving
interaction terms), and digit-symbol substitution tasks (accuracy), whilst Gender was
removed for the Iowa gambling (only analyses involving interaction terms), flanker
(accuracy), symbol-learning, and digit-symbol substitution (accuracy) tasks. NMR and Age
were significant covariates of RT in the flanker and digit-symbol substitution tasks. Age was
also a significant covariate of accuracy in the digit-symbol substitution task. Gender was a
significant covariate of RT in the flanker and DSST tasks and the number of advantageous
deck selections in the Iowa gambling task.
The second model (henceforth referred to as the ‘subset’ model) was identical to the
main model, except that it included only those participants who completed all sessions (203
out of 342). The rationale for a second model was that due to participant dropout, estimates
for each timepoint in the main model could be biased as they were based on all participants
who completed a given session, rather than those who completed all sessions. This is because
mixed-effects models ignore missing observations (unlike general linear models which delete
them listwise). However, we demonstrate below that for each task, the results of the subset
model corroborated those of the main model, confirming that the latter were not driven by a
subset of participants at a particular timepoint.
The third model (henceforth referred to as the ‘shielding status’ model) examined
differences between shielding (n=51) and non-shielding participants (n=288). Note that three
participants were excluded from these analyses as they did not disclose their shielding status.
The fourth model (henceforth referred to as the ‘living status’ model) examined differences
between participants who lived alone during lockdown (n=41) and those who co-habited
(n=301). The shielding status and living status models were identical to the main model, but
additionally included Group (shielding, non-shielding / solitary, non-solitary) and Group ×
Time as additional fixed effects. For significant interactions, follow-up comparisons
examined Group differences for each pair of consecutive timepoints separately. The purpose
of supplementary by-groups models was to demonstrate that the predicted gradual
improvement in task performance was due to the easing of lockdown restrictions and
differential social isolation, rather than due to simple practice effects.
NMR data were analysed using a linear mixed-effects model with Time as a fixed
effect. All models included a random intercept by-participants. The random by-participants
slope for Time was significant in all models but was removed due to model non-convergence
after fixed effects and covariates were added.
Two of the 342 participants were excluded from the symbol-learning task analyses;
although they did not understand Mandarin, they reported knowing certain characters because
they are also used in Japanese Kanji. Finally, RT analyses of flanker and digit-symbol
substitution tasks excluded incorrect responses (3.0% and 2.2% of responses, respectively),
and excluded correct responses ±2 SDs from a participant’s mean at each timepoint (4.0%
and 4.7% of correct responses, respectively).
All data and analysis scripts are openly available (Ingram et al., 2021).
Iowa gambling task
Time had a significant effect on the number of advantageous deck selections
[χ2(4)=1835.90, p<.001; see Figure 1].
<<Figure 1 about here>>
Planned contrasts showed improvement (i.e., higher number of advantageous
selections) from Week 1 to 3 (z=40.74, p<.001), from Week 3 to 5 (z=37.53, p<.001), from
Week 5 to 9 (z=26.74, p<.001), and from Week 9 to 13 (z=19.72, p<.001). The subset model
showed qualitatively the same results. The shielding status model revealed a significant
Group × Time interaction [χ2(4)=11.83, p<.05]. This was solely due to a greater improvement
from Week 9 to 13 for shielding [χ2(1)=27.72, p<.001] than non-shielding participants
[χ2(1)=34.84, p<.001]. The living status model also revealed a significant Group × Time
interaction [χ2(4)=79.55, p<.001]. This was due to a greater improvement from Week 1 to 3
for solitary [χ2(1)=75.70, p<.001] than non-solitary participants [χ2(1)=290.92, p<.001], an
improvement from Week 3 to 5 for non-solitary [χ2(1)=221.44, p<.001] but not solitary
participants [χ2(1)=0.13, p=.71], an improvement from Weeks 5 to 9 for solitary [χ2(1)=29.95,
p<.001] but not non-solitary participants [χ2(1)=0.26, p=.61], and an improvement from Week
9 to 13 for non-solitary participants [χ2(1)=112.93, p<.001] but a deterioration for solitary
participants [χ2(1)=36.00, p<.001].
Flanker task
Time had a significant effect on the number of correct responses [χ2(4)=24.19, p<.001;
see Figure 2].
<<Figure 2 about here>>
Planned contrasts showed no differences between Week 1 and 3 (z=0.80, p=.43), a
deterioration from Week 3 to 5 (z=-2.98, p<.01), a further deterioration from Week 5 to 9 (z=-
3.36, p<.001), and no differences between Week 9 and 13 (z=-1.80, p=.072). The subset
model showed qualitatively the same results. We could not test the Group × Time interaction
in the shielding status model due to model non-convergence. The living status model revealed
a significant Group × Time interaction [χ2(4)=18.08, p<.01]. This was solely due to an
improvement from Week 1 to 3 for non-solitary participants [χ2(1)=23.54, p<.001] but a
deterioration for solitary participants [χ2(1)=8.47, p<.01].
Time also had a significant effect on RT [χ2(4)=453.02, p<.001; see Figure 2]. Planned
contrasts showed speeding-up from Week 1 to 3 (t=-20.52, p<.001), slowing from Week 3 to
5 (t=-9.69, p<.001), speeding-up from Week 5 to 9 (t=-7.31, p<.001) and from Week 9 to 13
(t=-6.26, p<.001). The subset model showed qualitatively the same results. The shielding
status model revealed a significant Group × Time interaction [χ2(4)=41.84, p<.001]. This was
due to a greater speeding-up from Week 1 to 3 for shielding [χ2(1)=134.73, p<.001] than non-
shielding participants [χ2(1)=332.40, p<.001], a greater slowing from Week 3 to 5 for
shielding [χ2(1)=31.15, p<.001] than non-shielding participants [χ2(1)=4.79, p<.05], and a
greater speeding-up from Week 5 to 9 for shielding [χ2(1)=27.22, p<.001] than non-shielding
participants [χ2(1)=3.71, p=.054]. The living status model also revealed a significant Group ×
Time interaction [χ2(4)=88.49, p<.001]. This was due to a significant slowing from Week 3 to
5 for non-solitary [χ2(1)=21.94, p<.001] but not solitary participants [χ2(1)=0.20, p=.65], a
speeding-up from Week 5 to 9 for non-solitary participants [χ2(1)=11.87, p<.001] but a
slowing for solitary participants [χ2(1)=53.78, p<.001], and a significant speeding-up from
Week 9 to 13 for solitary [χ2(1)=38.30, p<.001] but not non-solitary participants [χ2(1)=3.37,
p=.07]. Similar results were obtained when Trial (congruent, incongruent) was included as an
additional fixed effect.
Symbol-learning task
Time had a significant effect on the number of correctly recalled meanings
[χ2(4)=25.32, p<.001; see Figure 3].
<<Figure 3 about here>>
Planned contrasts showed an improvement from Week 1 to 3 (z=4.03, p<.001), from
Week 3 to 5 (z=4.12, p<.001), from Week 5 to 9 (z=3.94, p<.001), and a non-significant
deterioration from Week 9 to 13 (z=1.04, p=.30). The subset model showed similar results,
except there was no difference between Week 1 and 3 (z=1.49, p=.14). The Group × Time
interaction was non-significant in both the shielding status [χ2(4)=1.27, p=.87] and living
status models [χ2(4)=5.12, p=.28].
Time production task
Time had a significant effect on time deviation score, or the numerical difference
between participants’ RT and the amount of time they were asked to estimate/produce
[χ2(4)=58.13, p<.001; see Figure 4].
<<Figure 4 about here>>
Planned contrasts showed a shift towards less underestimation from Week 1 to 3
(t=7.23, p<.001), a shift towards overestimation from Week 3 to 5 (t=6.38, p<.001), and
greater overestimation from Week 5 to 9 (t=5.06, p<.001) and from Week 9 to 13 (t=3.93,
p<.001). The subset model showed qualitatively the same results. The Group × Time
interaction was non-significant in the shielding status [χ2(4)=8.01, p=.09] and living status
models [χ2(4)=7.24, p=.12].
Digit-symbol substitution task
Time had a significant effect on the number of correct responses [χ2(4)=980.84,
p<.001; see Figure 5].
<<Figure 5 about here>>
Planned contrasts showed a significant improvement from Week 1 and 3 (z=28.85,
p<.001), from Week 3 to 5 (z=17.74, p<.01), from Week 5 to 9 (z=10.43, p<.001), and a
deterioration between Week 9 and 13 (z=-2.84, p<.01). The subset model showed
qualitatively the same results. We could not test the Group × Time interaction in the shielding
and living status models due to model non-convergence.
Time also had a significant effect on RT [χ2(4)=7048.80, p<.001; see Figure 4].
Planned contrasts showed a speeding-up from Week 1 to 3 (t=-80.31, p<.001), from Week 3
to 5 (t=-77.13, p<.001), from Week 5 to 9 (t=-57.40, p<.001), and from Week 9 to 13 (t=-
38.24, p<.001). The subset model showed qualitatively the same results. The shielding status
model revealed a significant Group × Time interaction [χ2(4)=30.58, p<.001]. This was due to
a greater speeding-up from Week 1 to 3 for non-shielding [χ2(1)=1146.47, p<.001] than
shielding participants [χ2(1)=87.96, p<.001] and a greater speeding-up from Week 3 to 5 for
shielding [χ2(1)=673.61, p<.001] than non-shielding participants [χ2(1)=239.24, p<.001]. The
living status model also revealed a significant Group × Time interaction [χ2(4)=32.11,
p<.001]. This was due to a greater speeding-up from Week 3 to 5 for non-solitary
[χ2(1)=871.16, p<.001] than solitary participants [χ2(1)=47.64, p<.001], greater speeding-up
from Week 5 to 9 for solitary [χ2(1)=46.28, p<.001] than non-solitary participants
[χ2(1)=52.74, p<.001], and greater speeding-up from Week 9 to 13 for solitary [χ2(1)=49.19,
p<.001] than non-solitary participants [χ2(1)=22.99, p<.001].
Mood rating task
Time had a significant effect on NMR [χ2(4)=10.99, p<.05; see Figure 6]. Planned
contrasts showed an improvement (i.e., lower NMR) from Week 1 to 3 (t=-2.28, p<.05), a
deterioration from Week 3 to 5 (t=-2.28, p<.05), and an improvement from Week 5 to 9 (t=-
3.15, p<.01) and from Week 9 to 13 (t=-2.13, p<.05). The effect of Time was marginal in the
subset model [χ2(4)=8.94, p=.063]. The Group × Time interaction was non-significant in both
the shielding status [χ2(4)=2.14, p= 71] and living status models [χ2(4)=4.29, p=.37].
<<Figure 6 about here>>
Our results suggest that prolonged time in a socially-impoverished environment was
detrimental to key aspects of cognitive function. Crucially, Group × Time interactions
indicated that differential social isolation differentially influenced cognitive function.
We first consider three of our tasks which most-clearly represent executive function.
Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) selections consistently improved as restrictions were eased,
except for shielding participants. Shielding participant did not show IGT improvement until
between Week 9 and 13 when shielding was “paused” (shielding individuals were required to
follow the same restrictions as other individuals during the pause). Flanker task RT
performance generally improved as restrictions were eased, with a decline in Week 5
corresponding with an increase in negative mood. Digit-symbol substitution showed general
improvement over time; these improvements were greatest for solitary participants in later
weeks, reflecting the broadest re-opening of society between Week 5 and 9. These solitary
participants could now benefit from visiting other people (and having visitors) inside their
homes, as well as the re-opening of many cultural amenities. We additionally tested
participants’ time-estimation and symbol-learning performance. The most-robust finding for
time production was that of a qualitative and quantitative difference in time-estimation as
lockdown conditions eased, from significant underestimation to significant overestimation.
Symbol-learning showed consistent improvement, but no significant Group × Time
interactions for either shielding, non-shielding / solitary, non-solitary dwellers.
Older adults experiencing cognitive decline show riskier decision-making in
comparison to healthy controls (Smart & Krawitz, 2015); age-related decline in cognitive
processing may lead to decision-making deficits as adults age (Beitz et al., 2014). Studies
using rodents demonstrate direct effects of isolation on decision-making ability using an
adapted version of the IGT (Zeeb et al., 2013). Our IGT analyses show that decision-making
ability improved in less-restrictive conditions; this was qualified by an interaction with
shielding status. This suggests that restricting social behaviours due to the COVID-19
pandemic led to poorer, riskier decision-making.
Flanker tasks probe selective attention; we observed flanker RT deficit during the
greatest level of isolation. This executive function task-decrement during severe social
restriction is supported by studies involving both older and younger adults (Baumeister &
DeWall, 2005; Cacioppo et al., 2000; Twenge et al., 2001). In one study the mere suggestion
of a future spent alone led to problems with higher-order cognitive and self-regulatory
processes (Baumeister et al., 2005); and so the effect of prolonged time spent in a highly
restricted social environment is reflected in the poorer performance on the flanker task,
particularly at the first timepoint. In addition, fluctuations in flanker task performance
corresponding with negative mood rating in our analyses align with previous research
indicating an effect of depression on selective attention (see Chepenik et al., 2007 for a
Both accuracy and RT data from the digit-symbol substitution task (DSST) support
the hypothesis that cognitive function would be poorer during severe social restrictions.
Whilst research involving space exploration has shown minimal effects using the DSST, these
trips generally lasted less than a week and involved highly trained participants (Kelly et al.,
2005). A decline in cognitive functioning has been linked to prolonged social isolation in
older adults (Evans et al., 2019a). Research using the Symbol Digit Modality Test (SDMT;
Smith 2007) have shown that information processing and working memory components
(similar to those assessed by the DSST) have a reduced rate of decline when older adults
maintain social networks and social engagements (Barnes et al., 2004).
Time perception task analyses demonstrate an interesting effect. Rather than improve
as lockdown conditions eased, participants evolved from underestimating time-elapsed when
restrictions were severe to overestimating time-elapsed when restrictions were most relaxed.
This suggests that participants’ time-estimation had slowed-down as restrictions were eased.
This result reflects early work on cognitive processing in space expeditions (Ratino et al.,
1988). Astronauts’ time-estimation was impaired; particularly, in over-estimating brief time
intervals (2 sec) near the end of journey and immediately after landing. This was attributed to
astronauts’ high workload at the end of a mission. However, the greatest difference was
observed in the first time-estimation assessment immediately after landing on Earth. It is
possible that this effect arose from the relaxation or relief associated with successful mission-
accomplishment; this explanation could also apply to the present results. As lockdown
restrictions eased, participants felt more relaxed (as evidenced by lower NMR) and began to
perceive time passing more slowly.
Significant improvement in negative mood rating as lockdown restrictions eased
indicated the benefits of socialisation and freedom of movement. These results support those
of Ingram et al. (2020). Cognitive function, particularly attention, varies with mood in
isolated (polar) conditions, however these changes were previously considered to be linked to
temperature-related hormone changes (Reed et al., 2001). Our results have implications for
research on cognitive ageing, particularly in relation to cognitive reserve.
We have demonstrated that even relatively short-term social isolation – specifically,
reduced social contact with those outside the household – has a negative impact on cognitive
abilities/executive functions. These results are in line with studies which demonstrated a link
between social isolation and cognitive decline in older adults (Evans et al., 2019a; Kuiper et
al., 2016). Social interactions are thought to preserve cognitive abilities through the process
of cognitive reserve (Stern, 2009); however, in traditional ageing research, it is difficult to
differentiate between decline caused by lack of social contact and reduced social contact due
to age-related decline (Gow et al., 2007). The imposed reduction in social contact for our
participants (Mage=32.1 years, SDage=11.2) allows us to attribute poorer cognitive function to
social isolation, as opposed to the reverse. Fluctuations in performance on tasks are also
found when comparing participants who lived alone (12% of sample) during “lockdown” to
those who lived with others. Specifically, improvements for participants living alone were
seen between Week 5 and Week 9, which is when those who were living alone could form
“extended households” so that they could visit one other household and be visited by that
same other household. Studies of older adults have shown conflicting results with respect to
the independent influences of living alone and social isolation on cognitive function (see
Evans et al., 2019b for a detailed discussion). Our results support a reduction in cognitive
ability for those living alone; however, note that this is a small sample size, and these
participants had no opportunity to engage in face-to-face social contact to mitigate the
increased social isolation experienced whilst living alone during “lockdown”.
Another factor which may relate to our results is that of constriction of life-space.
Life-space refers to the daily extent of movement throughout the environment; that is, a
physical measure of spaces (e.g., home, neighbourhood, town, etc.) that a person frequents.
Restricted life-space is linked to increased risk of Alzheimer’s dementia (AD) and milder
cognitive impairment in older adults (James et al., 2011). Life-space-constrained participants
– for instance, those who rarely left their home or neighbourhood – were twice as likely to
develop AD than those with larger life-space, controlling for social network size (James et al.,
2011). These results and our own suggest that physically-restrictive conditions can drive
cognitive decline, as opposed to only social restrictions / social isolation. Therefore, strategies
to alleviate cognitive decline should not focus exclusively on encouraging online social
interaction, as this does not expand life-space.
Restrictions to, or reduced, physical activity may also be linked with reduced
cognitive ability. Physical activity has been shown to protect against dementia and benefit
cognition (Fratiglioni et al., 2004). Whilst engaging in aerobic exercise seems to improve
older adults’ abilities on tasks involving executive control (Kramer et al., 1999), it is difficult
in research involving older adults to unpick the relationship between cognitive decline, social
interaction, and physical activity (Richards et al., 2003), or between physical function (e.g.
mobility), life-space, and cognitive ability (De Silva et al., 2019). It is a limitation of the
current study that physical activity was not tracked across timepoints. However, at timepoint
1, 52.7% of participants reported having increased or perceived no-change to their level of
physical activity since the “lockdown” conditions were imposed. Therefore, a decrease in
physical activity due to restrictions cannot account for the decline in cognitive function
within this group. These reported changes in physical activity support the conclusion that
reduced social interaction, and life-space, account for our results, with easing of restrictions
leading to graded improvement in performance on cognitive tasks.
Our study is somewhat limited as, due to the immediate instigation of lockdown
measures within the UK, we were unable to gather baseline measures of cognitive function.
As a consequence, it is not possible to show the level of initial cognitive decline, or any
adaptation of cognitive processes to the socially-impoverished conditions. However, the
finding of improvements over time seen across tasks supports theories of cognitive
enrichment and plasticity (Hertzog et al., 2009). Our results demonstrate plasticity of
cognitive function, with graded improvement in tasks as restricted eased qualified by
differing patterns across groups. The effect of practice on task improvements cannot be ruled
out without baseline measures. It is important to note though that the differing patterns of
improvement for the shielding and living alone participants, which correspond with differing
changes to restrictions aligned with these groups, suggest this is not the case. Similarly,
fluctuations in improvements linked to mood further indicate that the observed results are
driven by the very nature of restrictions, rather than repeated testing within our study.
We demonstrate that restrictive living conditions consequent of the COVID-19
pandemic related to poorer cognitive performance. Easing of restrictions allowed more
mobility, and social contact coincided with improvement in a number of tests of cognitive
function. This pattern was reinforced by evidence that individuals who were more isolated
(shielding participants) demonstrated longer-lasting deficits in cognition. Our results support
the theory of cognitive reserve and suggest that maintaining social relationships throughout
the lifespan plays a role in maintaining cognitive ability. Continued restrictions to social
contact and life-space may be highly detrimental to cognitive function. As such, if lockdown
conditions continue to be used in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, strategies to
alleviate cognitive decline during prolonged restrictive conditions should be considered. As a
true substitute for social contact and life-space is unlikely to be found, policymakers may
wish to also consider the effect on cognitive function when implementing restrictions. Future
research may wish to address longer-term effects on cognitive function as restrictions
continue to be relaxed and then tightened.
1 Mixed-effects models typically fail to converge when testing too many or too complex
effects that are not supported by the underlying data (see Bates et al., 2015), especially when
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Table 1. Participant sample demographics
Sample N Mean Age
Main 342 32.1 years (SD=11.2)
Subset 203 33.4 years (SD=11.9)
Gender-Sex Female Male Non-Binary Trans
Main 56.6% 41.3% 0.9% 0.6%
Subset 56.2% 42.4% 0.5% 1.0%
Location Town City Suburbs Village Countryside
Main 32.2% 26.6% 22.2% 12.6% 6.4%
Subset 29.6% 27.1% 24.6% 10.8% 7.9%
Relationship Status Single Married In a Relationship Divorced Separated
Main 28.9% 26.6% 41.8% 0.9% 1.8%
Subset 30.1% 25.1% 42.9% 1.0% 1.0%
Household Partner only Parents Partner + Children Living Alone Other Adult Alone +Child(ren)
Main 29.2% 24.9% 21.4% 12.0% 6.4% 3.5%
Subset 24.9% 30.0% 20.8% 16.2% 5.1% 3.1%
Student Status Full-Time Part-Time Non-Student
Main 22.0% 3.5% 74.5%
Subset 18.2% 3.5% 78.3%
Employment Working from Home Unemployed Furloughed Keyworker Carer/Parent Working Away
Main 36.1% 19.9% 21.1% 14.4% 4.7% 2.3%
Subset 35.9% 21.2% 20.7% 13.6% 6.1% 2.5%
Physical Activity A lot less active A little less active About the same A little more active A lot more active
Main 23.8% 22.0% 15.8% 25.8% 12.6%
Subset 22.7% 25.1% 15.3% 22.7% 14.3%
Figure Captions
Figure 1. Iowa Gambling task: Mean proportions of selections from advantageous decks for
shielding vs. non-shielding (Panel A) and solitary vs. non-solitary participants (Panel B).
Error bars show 95% confidence intervals adjusted to remove between-subjects variance
using Morey’s (2008) method.
Figure 2. Flanker task: Mean proportions of correct responses and RTs for shielding vs. non-
shielding (Panels A & B) and solitary vs. non-solitary participants (Panels C & D). Error bars
show 95% confidence intervals adjusted to remove between-subjects variance using Morey’s
(2008) method.
Figure 3. Symbol learning task: Mean proportions of correctly recalled meanings for
shielding vs. non-shielding (Panel A) and solitary vs. non-solitary participants (Panel B).
Error bars show 95% confidence intervals adjusted to remove between-subjects variance
using Morey’s (2008) method.
Figure 4. Time production task: Mean time deviation scores (RT – target duration) for
shielding vs. non-shielding (Panel A) and solitary vs. non-solitary participants (Panel B).
Scores below the dashed line represent underestimation, whereas those above represent
overestimation. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals adjusted to remove between-
subjects variance using Morey’s (2008) method.
Figure 5. Digit-symbol substitution task: Mean proportions of correct responses and RTs for
shielding vs. non-shielding (Panels A & B) and solitary vs. non-solitary participants (Panels C
& D). Error bars show 95% confidence intervals adjusted to remove between-subjects
variance using Morey’s (2008) method.
Figure 6. Mood rating task: Mean ratings for shielding vs. non-shielding (Panel A) and
solitary vs. non-solitary participants (Panel B). Error bars show 95% confidence intervals
adjusted to remove between-subjects variance using Morey’s (2008) method. Higher ratings
denote more-negative mood.
... In the general population, restrictions and lockdowns imposed during the COVID-19 pandemic contributed to social isolation and loneliness [14], which are known to negatively impact physical, mental and emotional health [15]. Social isolation is particularly harmful to older adults with concomitant poor health, sensory impairments that interfere with participation in social activities, and a social network that becomes smaller through death of family, friends, and acquaintances in their age cohort [16,17]. ...
... Further, our finding that increased anxiety, fatigue, and cognitive concerns correlated with poorer social functioning in PwPD is in line with prior work that has focused on factors that lead to social withdrawal in PD [45]. Consistent with prior literature on the impacts of social isolation on cognitive functioning [15,46], our study showed a significant correlation between subjective cognitive and social functioning. ...
Full-text available
Background/Objectives: Social isolation and health-related consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic may have significantly impacted quality of life in people with Parkinson’s disease (PwPD). The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic specifically on subjective cognition and social functioning in PwPD is poorly understood. We conducted a longitudinal analysis of changes in subjective cognitive and social functioning in PwPD before (T1, 2017–2019) and during (T2, 2021) the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: At T1, 347 PwPD completed online surveys. At T2, 123 of them (54 males, 69 females) responded to follow-up questionnaires including Quality of Life in Neurological Disorders (Neuro-QoL) subscales, Beck Depression Inventory-II, Parkinson’s Anxiety Scale, motor and non-motor experiences of daily living from the MDS-Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale, and the Coronavirus Impact Scale. Results: T1–T2 declines in subjective cognition and social functioning both were correlated with more anxiety, fatigue, and motor symptoms. Additionally, declines in subjective cognition correlated with depression, and with decline in social functioning. Women reported greater COVID-19 impact than men, unrelated to cognition and social functioning; in men, personal experience with COVID-19 was associated with decline in subjective cognition. Conclusions: Our finding that subjective cognition and social functioning are associated with different motor and non-motor symptoms of PD suggests that the impacts of PD on subjective cognition and social functioning are complex, which has important implications for treatment.
... It is often accompanied by symptoms such as intrusive thoughts, rumination and avoidance behaviours, which can exacerbate cognitive distortions and processing (12). In addition, complicated grief can lead to social isolation and lower engagement in activities, limiting opportunities for cognitive stimulation and social interaction, which serve as protective factors for cognitive decline (13,14). Neuroimaging studies have shown that total brain volumes and gray and white matter volumes are lower in bereaved individuals than in non-bereaved individuals. ...
Background: Complicated grief is characterised by persistent low mood, intense distress and cognitive impairment. This study aimed to explore coping strategies (i.e. emotion-, problem- and meaning-centred) used by bereaved individuals facing complicated grief and how these strategies may predict psychological and cognitive outcomes. Methods: In a cross-sectional study, 20 bereaved individuals (5 males, 15 females) that aged 27 years old–65 years old (mean = 42.25, standard deviation [SD] = 9.30) were recruited following the loss of a loved one due to physical illness. Participants were screened for complicated grief and subsequently completed self-report assessments of coping strategies and depressive symptoms using Brief Grief Questionnaire (BGQ), Brief Coping Orientation to Problems Experienced (COPE) Questionnaire, Meaning-Centered Coping Scale (MCCS) and Patient Health Questionnaire-9 Items (PHQ-9). Following that, participants underwent a neurocognitive assessment of working memory using the 2-Back task. Results: Caregivers with complicated grief suffered from moderate severity of depressive symptoms (mean = 17.45, SD = 4.43) as they were coping with the losses. Furthermore, the f indings showed that MCC significantly predicted lower levels of depressive symptoms (b = −0.50, t (16) = −2.25, P = 0.04). However, coping strategies did not significantly predict working memory performance. Conclusion: These findings highlight the potential benefits of MCC in alleviating depressive symptoms in bereaved individuals and underscore its contribution to the development of grief interventions. Grief therapists can emphasise this coping strategy to promote healing and resilience in patients in the grief work.
... Further studies, including one by Favieri et al. (2021) using a Stroop test and a Go/No-Go task as indicators of executive functions, identified executive deficits across diverse demographics, suggesting isolation as a primary factor (Favieri et al., 2021). Ingram et al. (2021) studied the effects of social isolation across various cognitive domains in a diverse sample. Participants completed tests measuring attention, memory, decision-making, time-estimation, and learning. ...
... A potential association is the fact that isolation during the pandemic increased loneliness [26]. Isolation has been linked to numerous negative outcomes, with cognitive decline being of particular interest as that would be expected to increase a focus on loneliness with the advent of the pandemic [27]. Furthermore, the restricted life space we see in isolation, especially in high-risk environments like retirement homes, has been linked with an increased risk of AD-yet another reason to examine loneliness and themes of isolation in AD research [28]. ...
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Background Despite several studies having correlated Alzheimer’s disease with mental health conditions, the extent to which they have been incorporated into Alzheimer’s disease clinical trials remains unclear. Objective This study aimed to assess the temporal trends in mental health-related terminology in Alzheimer’s disease clinical trials as a proxy measure of research interest. Additionally, it sought to determine the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the frequency of these terms through pre-pandemic and post-pandemic trend assessment. Methods In this retrospective descriptive analysis, we included 2243 trials with a start date between 1988 and 2022 by searching for the keyword “Alzheimer Disease” in the U.S. National Library of Medicine database. A Python program was created to extract and count the frequency of four mental health terms (loneliness, depression, anxiety, and distress) by year and trial status (e.g., completed, active, recruiting). Binary logistic regression analyses were conducted to examine the yearly patterns in the appearance of the four mental health terms. A multivariable logistic regression analysis was performed to identify trial characteristics associated with each mental health term. Results Our results depicted a statistically significant increasing trend in three (i.e., loneliness, anxiety, distress) of the four mental health conditions by year. A comparison between pre-pandemic and post-pandemic trials showed an increase in the mention of the same three words over time. Interpretation These results may suggest a growing awareness of mental health conditions and a greater interest in considering these conditions in Alzheimer’s disease trials, particularly after the onset of COVID-19. Future researchers should conduct more in-depth analyses to examine how mental health variables are operationalized in these trials, with consideration for their subsequent success.
... Alzheimer's disease (Wilson et al. 2007). This was exemplified by the COVID-19 pandemic, during which social isolation resulting from the global lockdown significantly impaired cognitive performance in children and adults within the United States and at least 15 other countries (Ingram et al. 2021;Betthauser et al. 2023). Studies in students reveal that the pandemic not only had a detrimental effect on academic performance during the lockdown, but that students had not recovered a year after schools reopened (Breit et al. 2023;Di Pietro 2023;Fahle et al. 2023). ...
Social isolation is a risk factor for cognitive impairment. Adolescents may be particularly vulnerable to these effects, because they are in a critical period of development marked by significant physical, hormonal, and social changes. However, it is unclear if the effects of social isolation on learning and memory are similar in both sexes or if they persist into adulthood after a period of recovery. We socially isolated male and female 129Sv/Ev mice throughout adolescence (post-natal days 29-56), provided a 2-week resocialization recovery period, and then tested spatial learning and cognitive flexibility in the active place avoidance task. After behavioral testing, mice were injected with 5-Bromo-2′-deoxyuridine (BrdU) so that lasting effects of social isolation on cell proliferation in the dentate gyrus could be examined. We found that in males, isolation led to a modest impairment in the rate of initial spatial learning, whereas in females, initial learning was unaffected. However, when the location of the shock zone was switched during the conflict variant of the task, cognitive flexibility was impaired in females only. Similarly, social isolation reduced cell proliferation in the ventral dentate gyrus only in females. Together, these findings indicate that social isolation during adolescence differentially impairs spatial processing in males and females, with effects that persist into adulthood.
... Research suggests that social distancing measures, like those during COVID-19, can negatively impact memory, attention, and overall cognitive function in adults and older adults [33,34]. Research indicates that increased ISO is correlated with diminished cognitive performance, heightened symptoms of depression and anxiety, and accelerated cognitive decline [35], which is consistent with the results of our study: ISO accelerated cognitive function of mice. ...
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Postoperative cognitive dysfunction (POCD) is a major concern, particularly among older adults. This study used social isolation (ISO) and multiomics analyses in aged mice to investigate potential mechanisms underlying POCD development. Aged mice were divided into two groups: ISO and paired housing (PH). Oleamide and the cannabinoid receptor type 2 (CB2R) antagonist AM630 were administered intraperitoneally, while Foxq1 adeno‐associated viral (AAV) vector was injected directly into the hippocampus. Intramedullary tibial surgeries were subsequently performed to establish the POCD models. Behavioral tests comprising the Y‐maze, open field test, and novel object recognition were conducted 2 days after surgery. Hippocampal and serum inflammatory cytokines were assessed. Following surgery, ISO mice demonstrated intensified cognitive impairments and escalated inflammatory markers. Integrative transcriptomic and metabolomic analysis revealed elevated oleamide concentrations in the hippocampus and serum of PH mice, with associative investigations indicating a close relationship between the Foxq1 gene and oleamide levels. While oleamide administration and Foxq1 gene overexpression substantially ameliorated postoperative cognitive performance and systemic inflammation in mice, CB2R antagonist AM630 impeded these enhancements. The Foxq1 gene and oleamide may be crucial in alleviating POCD. While potentially acting through CB2R‐mediated pathways, these factors may modulate neuroinflammation and attenuate proinflammatory cytokine levels within the hippocampus, substantially improving cognitive performance postsurgery. This study lays the groundwork for future research into therapeutic approaches targeting the Foxq1‐oleamide‐CB2R axis, with the ultimate goal of preventing or mitigating POCD.
... Results from assessments of cognitive activity (attention, memory, decision-making, etc.) in the group aged 18-72 years during COVID-19 showed that social isolation is associated with decline in cognitive function, regardless of the age factor [51]. Over a period of 13 weeks, participants completed online tasks assessing attention, memory, decision-making, time estimation, and learning. ...
Social isolation is a risk factor for cognitive impairment. Adolescents may be particularly vulnerable to these effects, because they are in a critical period of development marked by significant physical, hormonal, and social changes. However, it is unclear if the effects of social isolation on learning and memory are similar in both sexes or if they persist into adulthood after a period of recovery. We socially isolated male and female 129Sv/Ev mice throughout adolescence (postnatal days 29–56), provided a 2-week resocialization recovery period, and then tested spatial learning and cognitive flexibility in the active place avoidance task. After behavioral testing, mice were injected with 5′-bromo-2′-deoxyuridine (BrdU) so that lasting effects of social isolation on cell proliferation in the dentate gyrus could be examined. Tissue was also stained for doublecortin (DCX). We found that in males, isolation led to a modest impairment in the rate of initial spatial learning, whereas in females, initial learning was unaffected. However, when the location of the shock zone was switched during the conflict variant of the task, cognitive flexibility was impaired in females only. Similarly, social isolation reduced cell proliferation and the number of immature neurons in the ventral dentate gyrus only in females. Together, these findings indicate that social isolation during adolescence differentially impairs spatial processing in males and females, with effects that persist into adulthood.
Nowadays, the medical COVID-19 emergency is ending worldwide, whereas there is an increasing need to understand the marks and the lessons learned from over two years of unprecedented changes in all life domains. Recent research has highlighted growing rates of psychological suffering among the general population as well as among university students, who were yet well-recognized as a vulnerable population even before the pandemic. The present work drives from university students’ experience, and it aims to provide an overview of the key dimensions to take into account, in terms of main risks, changes, challenges, and resources, to develop updated tailored research and interventions promoting psychological health conditions in the current time within and beyond the educational context/university students’ population. Implications for research and interventions are highlighted and discussed.
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Studies examining the effect of social isolation on cognitive function typically involve older adults, and/or specialist groups (e.g., astronauts, Antarctic explorers). We considered the effects of COVID-19-induced long-term social isolation on cognitive function within a representative sample of the general population. We additionally considered how participants ‘shielding’ due to underlying health complications and participants living alone performed. We predicted that performance would be poorest under strictest, most-isolating conditions. At five timepoints over 13 weeks, participants (N=342; aged 18-72 years) completed online tasks measuring attention, memory, decision-making, time-estimation and learning, and indicated their mood, as ‘lockdown’ conditions were revised. Analyses revealed that performance typically improved as opportunities for social interaction increased. Interactions between participant sub-groups and timepoint demonstrated that performance was not shaped by repeated testing, but by individuals’ social isolation levels. Strategies to alleviate cognitive decline during prolonged restrictive conditions are required to avoid long-lasting impairment in the general population.
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The United Kingdom and Scottish governments instigated a societal lockdown in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Subsequently, many experienced substantial lifestyle changes alongside the stresses of potentially catching the virus or experiencing bereavement. Stressful situations and poorer health behaviors (e.g., higher alcohol consumption, unhealthy diet, poorer sleep quality, physical inactivity) are frequently linked to poor mental health. Our objective was to examine changes in health behaviors and their relationship with negative mood during COVID-19 lockdown. We also considered associations between health behaviors and socio-demographic differences and COVID-19-induced changes. 399 participants completed a questionnaire asking about their personal situation and health behaviors during lockdown as well as a negative mood scale. The significance threshold for all analyses was α = 0.05. Poorer diet was linked to more-negative mood, and to changes to working status. Poorer sleep quality was linked with more-negative mood, and with ‘shielding’ from the virus. Being less physically active was related to more-negative mood and student status, whereas being more physically active was linked to having or suspecting COVID-19 infection within the household. Increased alcohol consumption was linked to living with children, but not to negative mood. Changes to diet, sleep quality, and physical activity related to differences in negative mood during COVID-19 lockdown. This study adds to reports on poor mental health during lockdown and identifies lifestyle restrictions and changes to health behaviors which may, to some extent, be responsible for higher negative mood. Our data suggests that it is advisable to maintain or improve health behaviors during pandemic-associated restrictions.
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Many researchers in the behavioral sciences depend on research software that presents stimuli, and records response times, with sub-millisecond precision. There are a large number of software packages with which to conduct these behavioral experiments and measure response times and performance of participants. Very little information is available, however, on what timing performance they achieve in practice. Here we report a wide-ranging study looking at the precision and accuracy of visual and auditory stimulus timing and response times, measured with a Black Box Toolkit. We compared a range of popular packages: PsychoPy, E-Prime®, NBS Presentation®, Psychophysics Toolbox, OpenSesame, Expyriment, Gorilla, jsPsych, Lab.js and Testable. Where possible, the packages were tested on Windows, macOS, and Ubuntu, and in a range of browsers for the online studies, to try to identify common patterns in performance. Among the lab-based experiments , Psychtoolbox, PsychoPy, Presentation and E-Prime provided the best timing, all with mean precision under 1 millisecond across the visual, audio and response measures. OpenSesame had slightly less precision across the board, but most notably in audio stimuli and Expyriment had rather poor precision. Across operating systems , the pattern was that precision was generally very slightly better under Ubuntu than Windows, and that macOS was the worst, at least for visual stimuli, for all packages. Online studies did not deliver the same level of precision as lab-based systems, with slightly more variability in all measurements. That said, PsychoPy and Gorilla, broadly the best performers, were achieving very close to millisecond precision on several browser/operating system combinations. For response times (measured using a high-performance button box), most of the packages achieved precision at least under 10 ms in all browsers, with PsychoPy achieving a precision under 3.5 ms in all. There was considerable variability between OS/browser combinations, especially in audio-visual synchrony which is the least precise aspect of the browser-based experiments. Nonetheless, the data indicate that online methods can be suitable for a wide range of studies, with due thought about the sources of variability that result. The results, from over 110,000 trials, highlight the wide range of timing qualities that can occur even in these dedicated software packages for the task. We stress the importance of scientists making their own timing validation measurements for their own stimuli and computer configuration.
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S We assess the health and wellbeing of normal adults living and working after one month of confinement to contain the COVID-19 outbreak in China. On Feb 20–21, 2020, we surveyed 369 adults in 64 cities in China that varied in their rates of confirmed coronavirus cases on their health conditions, distress and life satisfaction. 27% of the participants worked at the office, 38% resorted to working from home, and 25% stopped working due to the outbreak. Those who stopped working reported worse mental and physical health conditions as well as distress. The severity of COVID-19 in an individual's home city predicts their life satisfaction, and this relationship is contingent upon individuals’ existing chronic health issues and their hours of exercise. Our evidence supports the need to pay attention to the health of people who were not affected by the virus epidemiologically, especially for people who stopped working during the outbreak. Our results highlight that physically active people might be more susceptible to wellbeing issues during the lockdown. Policymakers who are considering introducing restrictive measures to contain COVID-19 may benefit from understanding such health and wellbeing implications.
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As coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic continues, an increasing number of countries and territories are adopting restrictive measures based on physical (“social”) distancing, aimed at preventing human-to-human transmission and thereby limiting virus propagation. Nationwide lockdowns, encompassing mass quarantine under stay-at-home ordinances, have already been proven effective to contain the COVID-19 outbreak in some countries. Nevertheless, a prolonged homestay may also be associated with potential side effects, which may jeopardize people’s health and thus must be recognized and mitigated in a ways without violating local ordinances. Some of the most important undesirable consequences of prolonged homestay such as physical inactivity, weight gain, behavioral addiction disorders, insufficient sunlight exposure and social isolation, will be critically addressed in this article, which also aims to provide some tentative recommendations for side effects alleviation.
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Analysis of cognitive functioning from gaze behavior might serve as an early indicator of age related decline of cognitive functions. Standard psychological tests like the digit-symbol substitution test or the symbol-digit modalities test is used exclusively in this regard. In this paper, we have designed and developed a digitized version of the digit symbol substitution test. Three different versions have been designed in order to derive deeper insights of the user behavior. The test-retest validation of the versions reveals good correlation across sessions. Further, the difference in gaze behavior which might be used as an indicator of cognitive functions is tested for two different age groups (13 participants<30 years and 11 participants >40 years). It is seen that the designed digitized version along with the usage of physiological markers like eye tracking bestows additional information and is sensitive to age related factors which might be used for the assessment as well as for the training purpose in rehabilitation systems. Results show that the performance can be analyzed using gaze and pupillometric features in addition to the conventional test performance metrics. We derived an index to measure the performance related to visuo-spatial functioning on one of the designed versions of the test. Results of this index on the number of fixations for two age groups are found to be separated in a statistically significant (p<0.05) manner. The age related difference (p<0.05) is also evident in the pupillometric responses obtained.
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Objectives: To investigate associations between level and changes in social isolation and in memory in older men and women. Methods: The sample included 6123 women and 5110 men aged 50+ from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing. Extended Latent Change Score models from six measurement occasions every two years from 2002 were used to investigate associations between social isolation and memory. Models were adjusted for age, socioeconomic position and health. Results: Social isolation increased and memory decreased over time. Among men an initially high level of social isolation was associated with a somewhat greater decrease in memory. Among women a greater increase in social isolation predicted a greater decrease in memory and a larger change in social isolation was associated with further larger changes in isolation, although when social isolation reached a higher level it subsequently decreased. Conclusion: Results suggest that the association between social isolation and memory decline arises because social isolation is associated with increased memory decline rather than poor memory leading to increases in social isolation. Men with high levels of social isolation and women with accumulated social isolation over time are especially affected as these patterns of isolation were associated with more profound memory decline.
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Purpose: The purpose of this review is to investigate the relationship between life-space mobility and cognition in older adults. Methods: MEDLINE, Embase, CINAHL, and PsycINFO were searched through December 2018 for studies containing measures of life-space mobility and cognitive function. Two independent reviewers screened studies. Eligible studies were combined using a random-effects model, and heterogeneity was assessed using the I2. Results: Thirty-five articles were identified for review. A moderate and statistically significant association (pooled r = 0.30, 95% confidence interval 0.19 to 0.40.) was observed between life-space mobility and cognition among nine studies. Life-space mobility demonstrated small-to-moderate associations with domain-specific cognitive functioning, particularly executive function, learning, memory, and processing speed. Furthermore, individuals who had restricted life-space mobility (Life-Space Assessment ≤ 40) experienced a steeper decline in cognition (β = 0.56 and p = 0.0471) compared to those who did not (Life-Space Assessment ≥ 41). Conclusion: This review examined the association between life-space mobility and cognitive function in older adults. The results suggest that a moderate relationship between life-space mobility and cognition exists, whether adjusted or unadjusted for covariates such as sociodemographics, mental health, functional capacity, and comorbidities.
Despite ample research on the prevalence of specific psychiatric disorders during COVID-19, we know little about the broader psychological impact of the pandemic on a wider population. The study investigates the prevalence and predictors of general psychiatric disorders measured by the 12-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) and frequency of loneliness during COVID-19 in the United Kingdom, a country heavily hit by the pandemic. We analyzed 15,530 respondents of the first large-scale, nationally representative survey of COVID-19 in a developed country, the first wave of Understanding Society COVID-19 Study. Results show that 29.2% of the respondents score 4 or more, the caseness threshold, on the general psychiatric disorder measure, and 35.86% of the respondents sometimes or often feel lonely. Regression analyses show that those who have or had COVID-19-related symptoms are more likely to develop general psychiatric disorders and are lonelier. Women and young people have higher risks of general psychiatric disorders and loneliness, while having a job and living with a partner are protective factors. This study showcases the psychological impact, including general psychiatric disorders and loneliness, of broader members of the society during COVID-19 and the underlying social inequalities.
Interval timing measures time estimation in the seconds-to-minutes range. Antarctica provides a real-world context to study the effect of extreme photoperiods and isolation on time perception. The aim of this study was to explore interval timing as a cognitive measure in the crew of Belgrano II Argentine Antarctic Station. A total of 13 subjects were assessed for interval timing in short (3 s), intermediate (6 s) and long (12 s) duration stimuli. Measures were taken during the morning and evening, five times along the year. Significant variations were found for 3 s and 6 s during the morning and 6 s during the evening. Results suggest an impact of isolation on morning performances and an effect of the polar night on evening measures. These findings shed some light on the use of interval timing as a cognitive test to assess performance in extreme environments.