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Development and validation of humming process to increase heart rate variability & attention for college students

  • Wellness Space

Abstract and Figures

Aim: The objective of the study was to compare the impact of daily 10 min humming practice for one week on heart-brain coherence and attention on college students. Methodology: The evidence indicates that increased heart-brain coherence facilitates better emotional regulation and thereby increases attention. Simple humming practice was identified as a method to increase the heart-brain coherence. Each student was assigned randomly to an experimental group or control group. The experimental group (n= 15) performed 10-minutes humming daily for 7 days and the control group (n=15) was not asked to do anything. 10-minute humming was simplified Bhramari practice with total breath duration of 13 seconds based on short training. SDMT (Symbol Digit Modalities Test) and Heart Brain Coherence (using Emwave Pro Device by HeartMath Inc.) was conducted for both the groups on Day 1 and Day 7. Statistical analysis was conducted using student-t test to understand the results. Results: For the experimental group, there was statistically significant improvement in both “Coherence” and “SDMT” score on Day 7 (compared to Day 1, p<.05). For control group, the change in both parameters was not statistically significant. Conclusions: The results confirm that a short duration humming practice just for one week can increase the heart-brain coherence and Heart Rate Variability and has a significant impact on increasing attention amongst the college students. These findings can be leveraged to facilitate better concentration and potentially increased performance for college students.
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Research Paper
The International Journal of Indian Psychology
ISSN 2348-5396 (Online) | ISSN: 2349-3429 (Print)
Volume 9, Issue 1, January- March, 2021
DIP: 18.01.028/20210901, DOI: 10.25215/0901.028
© 2021, Irani F. Z., Trivedi G. Y. & Sinha N.; licensee IJIP. This is an Open Access Research distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any Medium, provided the original work is properly
Development and validation of humming process to increase
heart rate variability & attention for college students
Irani Fariburz Z
*, Trivedi Gunjan Y
, Sinha Neeta
Aim: The objective of the study was to compare the impact of daily 10 min humming practice
for one week on heart-brain coherence and attention on college students. Methodology: The
evidence indicates that increased heart-brain coherence facilitates better emotional regulation
and thereby increases attention. Simple humming practice was identified as a method to
increase the heart-brain coherence. Each student was assigned randomly to an experimental
group or control group. The experimental group (n= 15) performed 10-minutes humming
daily for 7 days and the control group (n=15) was not asked to do anything. 10-minute
humming was simplified Bhramari practice with total breath duration of 13 seconds based on
short training. SDMT (Symbol Digit Modalities Test) and Heart Brain Coherence (using
Emwave Pro Device by HeartMath Inc.) was conducted for both the groups on Day 1 and
Day 7. Statistical analysis was conducted using student-t test to understand the results.
Results: For the experimental group, there was statistically significant improvement in both
“Coherence” and “SDMT” score on Day 7 (compared to Day 1, p<.05). For control group,
the change in both parameters was not statistically significant. Conclusions: The results
confirm that a short duration humming practice just for one week can increase the heart-brain
coherence and Heart Rate Variability and has a significant impact on increasing attention
amongst the college students. These findings can be leveraged to facilitate better
concentration and potentially increased performance for college students.
Keywords: Heart Rate Variability, HRV, Coherence, Humming, Attention, College Students
Key Messages: Simple humming increases Heart Rate Variability (HRV). Increased HRV
influences emotional regulation, reduces stress and increases attention and focus. This study
demonstrated that compared to the control group (which did not do any humming), the
experimental group (practiced 10 mins humming daily for 7 days) demonstrated increased
HRV and a statistical increase in SDMT scores.
B.A. (Hons) Psychology, School of Liberal Studies, PDPU, Gujarat, India
Cofounder, Society for Energy & Emotions, Wellness Space, Ahmedabad, India
Assistant Professor, School of Liberal Studies, PDPU, Gujarat, India
*Responding Author
Received: October 12, 2020; Revision Received: February 14, 2021; Accepted: March 03, 2021
Development and validation of humming process to increase heart rate variability & attention for
college students
© The International Journal of Indian Psychology, ISSN 2348-5396 (e)| ISSN: 2349-3429 (p) | 244
ue to the increasing prevalence of cell phone usage and a general increase in screen
time, there is a marked decrease in the attention span, especially in young adults and
. It gets challenging for students to concentrate for longer durations of
time as there are consecutive lectures held for around an hour each and this leads to mental
exhaustion. Studies have shown that guided breathing, exercising help in increasing focus
and cognition through changes in beat-to-beat variations in the heart’s signals (Heart Rate
. The increase in HRV, influenced by coherence between heart and the
brain signals, balances the nervous system and increases emotional regulation
Studies have shown that increased HRV (using techniques such as slow breathing or HRV
biofeedback, chanting or meditation) is linked to better cognitive function (attention &
. This study explored if regular practice of humming (slow breathing, i.e. slow
inhalation followed by longer exhalation while making a humming sound during exhalation)
could increase HRV and thereby increase the focus and attention. This was based on a small
experiment when we found that humming generates significant increase in heart’s
oscillations (HRV) and hence it was used as a technique to increase the HRV.
Heart Rate Variability
Heart Rate Variability (HRV) refers to the successive interval between two heart beats (also
known as NN or RR intervals). It is indicative of the sympathetic and parasympathetic
activity of the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS). High HRV is seen as a sign of lower
anxiety levels and better emotional regulation.
Low HRV represents prevalence of higher
sympathetic ANS activity and high HRV indicates higher parasympathetic activity
Decreased HRV indicates an imbalance in the ANS which helps serve as a non-invasive
indicator of Cardio Metabolic Diseases (CMDs)
. Research shows that HRV is
significantly associated with the blood flow in the ventromedial prefrontal region of the
brain and the Amygdala.
In both young and old adults higher HRV was associated with
medial prefrontal cortex and amygdala connectivity
. The Prefrontal cortex is said to be
related to higher attention and emotion regulation
As discussed earlier, previous studies have demonstrated that chanting and HRV
biofeedback increase attention
. However, the research in the area explored longer
duration sessions (beyond 15 minutes) and over several weeks. This study explored if a
short daily practice (10 minutes) for just one week can influence HRV and increase attention
and focus. Moreover, the process of making humming sound has broader implications and
does not involve any religious mantra and could have a much broader acceptance, especially
amongst the students.
Participants and Design
The study was conducted at an educational institute and the undergraduate students were
recruited to participate in a week-long study. The participants were randomly divided into
two groups (experimental & control) without informing them about the other group. The
written consent was taken from them to be a part of this study. The students on any regular
medication or with chronic disease or recent surgery were excluded from the study. The
average age of the subjects in the experimental group was 20.33 and the standard deviation
was ±1.11, for the control group the average age was 20.47 and the standard deviation was
±0.99. There were 6 males and 9 females in the control group and 5 males and 10 females in
the experimental group.
Development and validation of humming process to increase heart rate variability & attention for
college students
© The International Journal of Indian Psychology, ISSN 2348-5396 (e)| ISSN: 2349-3429 (p) | 245
Figure 1.1: The study design of the experimental group
Figure 1.2 The study design of the control group
The protocol is shown in Figure 1.1 and 1.2. Each student was randomly assigned to either
the experimental group or the control group. For both the groups the experiment was done
only with one student at a time. The experiment was conducted in an air-conditioned room
where the temperature was maintained at 25 degree centigrade. The measurements were
conducted between 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM and the participant did not consume any tea or
coffee two hours before the measurements.
Measurement tools
The symbol-digit modalities test (SDMT) is a symbol substitution neuropsychological test
that examines a person’s attention, concentration and speed of processing.
SDMT test
Development and validation of humming process to increase heart rate variability & attention for
college students
© The International Journal of Indian Psychology, ISSN 2348-5396 (e)| ISSN: 2349-3429 (p) | 246
scores do not vary much by age, education, gender and income groupings in healthy
. Hence, for this study, the written version of the SDMT test was used to
measure attention and focus (concentration, speed of processing) for college students. The
intermediate measure, HRV, was used based on the data provided by Emwave Pro
(Achievement and Coherence parameters). These two parameters based on the output of the
Emwave Pro and have been used in several studies as measures of HRV
The experimental group (Humming)
This group practiced 10 mins humming daily for one week (n=15). As shown in figure 1.1
after measuring the subject’s attention, focus and HRV on Day 1, they were requested to
practice simple humming for 10 mins daily for one week. Every day they would practise the
humming for 5 minutes in the morning and 5 minutes in the night at the same time every
day. After one week, the attention, focus and HRV measurements were repeated. Attention
and focus was measured using Symbol Digit Modalities Test (SDMT) and HRV was
measured using two parameters from Emwave Pro device
(Achievement and Coherence).
Breathe android application
(made by Jatra, Inc) was used to ensure consistency for each
participant. Day 1 and Day 7 measurements for HRV were conducted while the students
perform a slow guided breathing exercise of 10 seconds long breath for 5 minutes followed
by 13 seconds long simple humming for 5 minutes with the help of the “Breathe” mobile
application. HRV was measured using Emwave Pro device (Heartmath, Inc) and Coherence
and Achievement parameters from the software were noted into an Excel
.Students were asked to practise this simple humming for 5 minutes each in the
morning and evening for 7 days. On the last day they were again tested for attention and
focus using the SDMT and then they were again asked to perform the breathing exercise and
simple humming while their Heart Brain coherence was measured.
The control group
As shown in figure 1.2 the control group was not introduced to any humming practice and
were not aware of the activities performed by the experimental group. This group was also
tested for attention and focus using the SDMT and their Heart Brain Coherence and
Achievement was measured for 5-minute paced breathing of 10 seconds on the first and
seventh day. They were not asked to do any specific activity for those 7 days.
Data Analysis
Each group’s data was tabulated in an Excel document with scores of SDMT and Coherence
and Achievement numbers from Emwave Pro device. Summary of the data showing mean
and standard deviation for each group is shown in Table 1. Statistical analysis for Student’s
T-Test was conducted using Excel feature and p-value is also highlighted in the table.
The SDMT is a test in which the subject substitutes the digit corresponding to a symbol and
they are scored on the number of correct substitutions done in a minute. It measures
cognitive performance namely attention, focus, short term memory.
The change in
the SDMT scores was analysed and Student’s T-Test was used to check for validity of the
The results confirmed a statistically significant improvement in SDMT Score in the
Experiment group (n=15) after daily humming practice of 10 minutes duration for one week
based on Student’s T-Test with a p-value of 0.00 (<0.05). However, for control group
Development and validation of humming process to increase heart rate variability & attention for
college students
© The International Journal of Indian Psychology, ISSN 2348-5396 (e)| ISSN: 2349-3429 (p) | 247
(n=15) there no significant change in the SDMT score (p-value=0.4, >0.05). Table 1.1
captures the SDMT scores of both groups before and after the intervention.
Table 1.1 Change in SDMT scores for both groups and their standard deviation
SDMT Score
Control Group
For control group, the paced breathing achievement and coherence scores did not have any
statistically significant changes (p-value=0.33 and 0.24 respective). Therefore, it can be
concluded that the HRV for this group did not change significantly during the week and this
could have resulted in no change in their SDMT scores (Table 1.2). It is important to add
here that the experimental design ensured the control group did not do any humming or any
other paced breathing activity during the week since that could have increased their HRV
and influenced the SDMT score.
Table 1.2 Change in HRV parameters for the control group
Control Group -
Control Group -
Control Group -
Control Group -
For experiment group, the achievement score increased for both the humming and paced
breathing activities in a statistically significant manner (p=0.04 and 0.05 respectively, Table
1.3). Coherence for humming (the activity they performed for one week) increased in a
statistically significant manner (p=0.04) for the experiment group, however the breathing
coherence score showed an increase but it was not statistically significant (p=0.11)
Table 1.3 Change in HRV parameters for the experimental group
Experimental Group -
Experimental Group -
Experimental Group -
Experimental Group -
Development and validation of humming process to increase heart rate variability & attention for
college students
© The International Journal of Indian Psychology, ISSN 2348-5396 (e)| ISSN: 2349-3429 (p) | 248
The results indicate that the prescribed daily humming may have contributed to the increase
of humming scores for “Coherence” and “Achievement” for the experiment group. The
group also increased the “Achievement” score for breathing while the “Coherence” for
breathing did not increase in a statistically significant manner. This increase in coherence
may have contributed to increased cognition (attention) as demonstrated by the increase in
the SDMT scores.
The study has demonstrated that a short practice of 10 minutes daily for just one week could
increase the attention and focus in the experiment group as demonstrated by increase in the
SDMT score. This increase was clearly not observed in the control group. The increase in
attention and focus is consistent with earlier findings however, the unique insight from this
study is that a short duration practice for a week also has a positive impact on cognition. A
previous study
in this area used Gayatri Mantra Chanting (daily 10 minutes) for 5 days.
Another study
used biofeedback training for basketball players which had them breathe
at their resonant frequency and showed improvement in HRV, response time, concentration
etc. They were asked to practise for 20 minutes daily for 10 days. Compared to that, this
study leveraged a simpler and more neutral method to increase HRV in a short time by
introducing the participants to humming.
The findings can be incorporated into a routine where students can pursue this technique
daily during college days to enhance their focus and attention. It does not require any
external help so there is no dependence on any external device or guidance after a simple
training is completed. The limitation is that this work requires self-discipline which may
prevent a broad-based usage unless the individual chooses to prioritize this over other work.
Future work in this could explore a larger sample size with different demographics (e.g.
senior citizens, corporate employees). Future work can involve studies that focus on
comparison between humming and breathing.
The results confirm that a short duration humming practice just for one week to increase the
heart-brain coherence has a significant impact on increasing the attention amongst the
college students. The increase in coherence and cognition did not happen in the control
group that did not pursue the humming practice. These findings can be leveraged to increase
concentration and potentially increased performance for college students. The future work
in this area should explore different demographics with a larger sample size and could also
compare humming and breathing as an intervention.
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The author appreciates all those who participated in the study and helped to facilitate the
research process.
Conflict of Interest
The author declared no conflict of interest.
How to cite this article: Irani F. Z., Trivedi G. Y. & Sinha N. (2021). Development and
validation of humming process to increase heart rate variability & attention for college students.
International Journal of Indian Psychology, 9(1), 243-251. DIP:18.01.028/20210901,
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Full-text available
Cardiac vagal tone can be seen as a stable marker for the ability to sustain attention and regulate emotion, two factors associated with the quality of meditation. In this study, heart rate variability (HRV) has been monitored in different forms of Shamatha quiescence meditation: three breath meditations, Settling the Mind in its natural state, Awareness of Awareness, Loving-kindness and Tonglen. Establish and test a practical means of monitoring neurobiological effects of meditation. Over 6 weeks, two experimental groups practiced Shamatha meditation on a daily basis (n = 20). HRV patterns and cortisol tests were monitored at three measuring points during these weeks, and an attention focus test was performed at the start and after 6 weeks. Six weeks of regular practice in Shamatha meditation were associated with HRV indices suggesting improvements in the homeostatic regulation of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) in 85% of the HRV recordings (tachogram and frequency specter) of all 20 subjects. Further, a substantial decrease in cortisol levels was also noted. The attention focus test showed a significant increase of 18.7% in sustained attention, moving from medium to high attention focus, with a significant result of t(20) = − 8.764 and p < 0.001. Participants reported positive subjective changes in attention focus, sense of happiness and calmness and increased abilities in emotional regulation and attunement. Six weeks of regular practice in Shamatha meditation contributes to a substantial increase of attention focus and a decrease in stress levels evidenced in changes in diurnal cortisol measures. HRV biofeedback shows that the sympathetic nervous system is counterbalanced by increased vagal tone, and autonomic balance is enhanced by all Shamatha meditations, not only breath meditations, but also mind meditations: Settling the Mind in its natural state, Awareness of Awareness, Loving-kindness and Tonglen. Although these results are promising, further research is recommended with HRV biofeedback instruments to report statistical analysis and to understand unique HRV patterns in Shamatha mind meditation.
Full-text available
The ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) has been implicated in a variety of social, cognitive, and affective functions that are commonly disrupted in mental illness. In this review, we summarize data from a diverse array of human and animal studies demonstrating that vmPFC is a key node of cortical and subcortical networks that subserve at least three broad domains of psychological function linked to psychopathology. One track of research indicates that vmPFC is critical for the representation of reward and value-based decision-making, through interactions with ventral striatum and amygdala. A second track of research demonstrates that vmPFC is critical for the generation and regulation of negative emotion, through its interactions with amygdala, bed nucleus of stria terminalis, periaqueductal gray, hippocampus, and dorsal anterior cingulate cortex. A third track of research shows the importance of vmPFC in multiple aspects of social cognition, such as facial emotion recognition, theory of mind ability, and processing self-relevant information, through its interactions with posterior cingulate cortex, precuneus, dorsomedial prefrontal cortex, and amygdala. We then present meta-analytic data revealing distinct subregions within vmPFC that correspond to each of these three functions, as well as the associations between these subregions and specific psychiatric disorders (depression, posttraumatic stress disorder, addiction, social anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder). We conclude by describing several translational possibilities for clinical studies of vmPFC-based circuits, including neuropsychological assessment of transdiagnostic functions, anatomical targets for intervention, predictors of treatment response, markers of treatment efficacy, and subtyping within disorders.
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Cognitive and motor performance measures are commonly employed in multiple sclerosis (MS) research, particularly when the purpose is to determine the efficacy of treatment. The increasing focus of new therapies on slowing progression or reversing neurological disability makes the utilization of sensitive, reproducible, and valid measures essential. Processing speed is a basic elemental cognitive function that likely influences downstream processes such as memory. The Multiple Sclerosis Outcome Assessments Consortium (MSOAC) includes representatives from advocacy organizations, Food and Drug Administration (FDA), European Medicines Agency (EMA), National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), academic institutions, and industry partners along with persons living with MS. Among the MSOAC goals is acceptance and qualification by regulators of performance outcomes that are highly reliable and valid, practical, cost-effective, and meaningful to persons with MS. A critical step for these neuroperformance metrics is elucidation of clinically relevant benchmarks, well-defined degrees of disability, and gradients of change that are deemed clinically meaningful. This topical review provides an overview of research on one particular cognitive measure, the Symbol Digit Modalities Test (SDMT), recognized as being particularly sensitive to slowed processing of information that is commonly seen in MS. The research in MS clearly supports the reliability and validity of this test and recently has supported a responder definition of SDMT change approximating 4 points or 10% in magnitude.
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Neuropsychological batteries are infrequently used to assess cognitive impairment in multiple sclerosis because they are time-consuming and require trained personnel. The Symbol Digit Modalities Test (SDMT) is suggested to be a useful screening tool to measure cognitive impairment in multiple sclerosis patients and is more valid and reliable over time than the Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test (PASAT). The purpose of this study was to evaluate which of these tests was more sensitive to cognitive impairment at one-year follow-up. A total of 237 patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis and 57 healthy controls underwent a complete neuropsychological assessment. One year later, we assessed 196 patients using the Brief Repeatable Battery of Neuropsychological Tests. We also administered other executive function and prospective memory tests, together with fatigue and depression questionnaires. A total of 33.8% of patients were classified as cognitively impaired. The SDMT and the PASAT 3 seconds test (PASAT3) had a sensitivity of 0.809 and 0.783, respectively, thereby classifying patients as cognitively impaired. Analysis of 196 patients one year later showed 31.6% had cognitive impairment compared with 27.6% at the first assessment. The sensitivity to detect cognitive impairment after one year was 0.824 for SDMT and 0.796 for PASAT3. When the predictors were removed from the comparative standard battery, SDMT still showed a slightly higher sensitivity. Both SDMT and PASAT3 correlated significantly with all tests, but SDMT showed higher correlation values. Furthermore, SDMT was completed by all subjects while PASAT3 was completed by 86.9% of patients and 94.7% of controls. SDMT is simpler to administer than PASAT3 and may be slightly more sensitive to MS cognitive impairment. It could thus be a suitable test to assess cognitive impairment routinely in people with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis.
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Heart rate variability (HRV), the change in the time intervals between adjacent heartbeats, is an emergent property of interdependent regulatory systems that operate on different time scales to adapt to challenges and achieve optimal performance. This article briefly reviews neural regulation of the heart, and its basic anatomy, the cardiac cycle, and the sinoatrial and atrioventricular pacemakers. The cardiovascular regulation center in the medulla integrates sensory information and input from higher brain centers, and afferent cardiovascular system inputs to adjust heart rate and blood pressure via sympathetic and parasympathetic efferent pathways. This article reviews sympathetic and parasympathetic influences on the heart, and examines the interpretation of HRV and the association between reduced HRV, risk of disease and mortality, and the loss of regulatory capacity. This article also discusses the intrinsic cardiac nervous system and the heart-brain connection, through which afferent information can influence activity in the subcortical and frontocortical areas, and motor cortex. It also considers new perspectives on the putative underlying physiological mechanisms and properties of the ultra-low-frequency (ULF), very-low-frequency (VLF), low-frequency (LF), and high-frequency (HF) bands. Additionally, it reviews the most common time and frequency domain measurements as well as standardized data collection protocols. In its final section, this article integrates Porges' polyvagal theory, Thayer and colleagues' neurovisceral integration model, Lehrer et al.'s resonance frequency model, and the Institute of HeartMath's coherence model. The authors conclude that a coherent heart is not a metronome because its rhythms are characterized by both complexity and stability over longer time scales. Future research should expand understanding of how the heart and its intrinsic nervous system influence the brain.
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Background: Anxiety disorders increase risk of future cardiovascular disease (CVD) and mortality, even after controlling for confounds including smoking, lifestyle, and socioeconomic status, and irrespective of a history of medical disorders. While impaired vagal function, indicated by reductions in heart rate variability (HRV), may be one mechanism linking anxiety disorders to CVD, prior studies have reported inconsistent findings highlighting the need for meta-analysis. Method: Studies comparing resting-state HRV recordings in patients with an anxiety disorder as a primary diagnosis and healthy controls were considered for meta-analysis. Results: Meta-analyses were based on 36 articles, including 2086 patients with an anxiety disorder and 2294 controls. Overall, anxiety disorders were characterized by lower HRV [high frequency (HF): Hedges’ g = −0.29. 95% CI: −0.41 to −0.17, p < 0.001; time domain: Hedges’ g = −0.45, 95% CI: −0.57 to −0.33, p < 0.001] than controls. Panic disorder (n = 447), post-traumatic stress disorder (n = 192), generalized anxiety disorder (n = 68), and social anxiety disorder (n = 90), but not obsessive–compulsive disorder (n = 40), displayed reductions in HF HRV relative to controls (all ps < 0.001). Conclusion: Anxiety disorders are associated with reduced HRV, findings associated with a small-to-moderate effect size. Findings have important implications for future physical health and well-being of patients, highlighting a need for comprehensive cardiovascular risk reduction.
Background: The evaluation process of the performance of the symbol-digit modalities test (SDMT) has focused much on numerical scores paying only little attention to the qualitative aspects of performance. Incorporating the gaze analysis technique, we aimed to investigate the performance of Parkinson's disease (PD) patients on the written SDMT task. Methods: Twelve patients with PD and normal cognition (PD-N), 11 with PD and mild cognitive impairment (PD-MCI), and 13 healthy participants (NC) controlled for age, sex and education were recruited. Results: PD-MCI participants achieved significantly lower scores than NC and PD-N participants. Eye-movement parameters, however, did not differ among the study groups, and were not correlated with task performance. Conclusions: Impaired performance on the SDMT by PD-MCI participants despite relatively preserved oculomotor performance indicates that lower SDMT scores are not due - even in part - to visuomotor impairments otherwise seen in PD patients.
The ability to regulate emotion is crucial to promote well-being. Evidence suggests that the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and adjacent anterior cingulate (ACC) modulate amygdala activity during emotion regulation. Yet less is known about whether the amygdala–mPFC circuit is linked with regulation of the autonomic nervous system and whether the relationship differs across the adult lifespan. The current study tested the hypothesis that heart rate variability (HRV) reflects the strength of mPFC–amygdala interaction across younger and older adults. We recorded participants' heart rates at baseline and examined whether baseline HRV was associated with amygdala–mPFC functional connectivity during rest. We found that higher HRV was associated with stronger functional connectivity between the amygdala and the mPFC during rest across younger and older adults. In addition to this age-invariant pattern, there was an age-related change, such that greater HRV was linked with stronger functional connectivity between amygdala and ventrolateral PFC (vlPFC) in younger than in older adults. These results are in line with past evidence that vlPFC is involved in emotion regulation especially in younger adults. Taken together, our results support the neurovisceral integration model and suggest that higher heart rate variability is associated with neural mechanisms that support successful emotional regulation across the adult lifespan.
Resting high-frequency heart rate variability (HF-HRV) relates to cardiac vagal control and predicts individual differences in health and longevity, but its functional neural correlates are not well defined. The medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) encompasses visceral control regions that are components of intrinsic networks of the brain, particularly the default mode network (DMN) and the salience network (SN). Might individual differences in resting HF-HRV covary with resting state neural activity in the DMN and SN, particularly within the mPFC? This question was addressed using fMRI data from an eyes-open, 5-min rest period during which echoplanar brain imaging yielded BOLD time series. Independent component analysis yielded functional connectivity estimates defining the DMN and SN. HF-HRV was measured in a rest period outside of the scanner. Midlife (52% female) adults were assessed in two studies (Study 1, N = 107; Study 2, N = 112). Neither overall DMN nor SN connectivity strength was related to HF-HRV. However, HF-HRV related to connectivity of one region within mPFC shared by the DMN and SN, namely, the perigenual anterior cingulate cortex, an area with connectivity to other regions involved in autonomic control. In sum, HF-HRV does not seem directly related to global resting state activity of intrinsic brain networks, but rather to more localized connectivity. A mPFC region was of particular interest as connectivity related to HF-HRV was shared by the DMN and SN. These findings may indicate a functional basis for the coordination of autonomic cardiac control with engagement and disengagement from the environment.