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COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance and Hesitancy in Low and Middle Income Countries, and Implications for Messaging


Abstract and Figures

Background As vaccination campaigns are deployed worldwide, addressing vaccine hesitancy is of critical importance to ensure sufficient immunization coverage. We analyzed COVID-19 vaccine acceptance across 15 samples covering ten low- and middle- income countries (LMICs) in Asia, Africa, and South America, and two higher income countries (Russia and the United States). Methods Standardized survey responses were collected from 45,928 individuals between June 2020 and January 2021. We estimate vaccine acceptance with robust standard errors clustered at the study level. We analyze stated reasons for vaccine acceptance and hesitancy, and the most trusted sources for advice on vaccination, and we disaggregate acceptance rates by gender, age, and education level. Findings We document willingness to take a COVID-19 vaccine across LMIC samples, ranging from 67% (Burkina Faso) to 97% (Nepal). Willingness was considerably higher in LMICs (80%) than in the United States (65%) and Russia (30%). Vaccine acceptance was primarily explained by an interest in personal protection against the disease (91%). Concern about side effects (40%) was the most common reason for reluctance. Health workers were considered the most trusted sources of information about COVID-19 vaccines. Interpretation Given high levels of stated willingness to accept a COVID-19 vaccine across LMIC samples, our study suggests that prioritizing efficient and equitable vaccine distribution to LMICs will yield high returns in promoting immunization on a global scale. Messaging and other community-level interventions in these contexts should be designed to help translate intentions into uptake, and emphasize safety and efficacy. Trusted health workers are ideally positioned to deliver these messages.
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COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance and Hesitancy in Low
and Middle Income Countries, and Implications for
Julio S. Solís Arce, BA*1, Shana S. Warren, PhD2, Niccoló F. Meriggi, MSc3, Alexandra Scacco, PhD1, Nina
McMurry, PhD1, Maarten Voors, PhD4, Georgiy Syunyaev, MPhil1,5,24, Amyn Abdul Malik, PhD6, Samya
Aboutajdine, MA3, Alex Armand, PhD7, Saher Asad, PhD8, Britta Augsburg, PhD9, Antonella Bancalari, PhD10,
Martina Björkman Nyqvist, PhD11, Ekaterina Borisova, PhD5,12, Constantin Manuel Bosancianu, PhD1, Ali Cheema,
PhD8,13, Elliott Collins, PhD2, Ahsan Zia Farooqi, MA13 , Mattia Fracchia, MA7, Andrea Guariso, PhD14, Ali
Hasanain, PhD8, Anthony Kamwesigye, BSc2, Sarah Kreps, PhD15, Madison Levine, MSc4, Rebecca Littman,
PhD16, Melina Platas, PhD17 , Vasudha Ramakrishna, MSc18, Jacob N. Shapiro, PhD19 , Jakob Svensson, PhD20,
Corey Vernot, BS18, Pedro C. Vicente, PhD7, Laurin B Weissinger, DPhil21, Baobao Zhang, PhD14, Dean Karlan,
PhD†2,22 , Michael Callen, PhD†3,23 , Matthieu Teachout, PhD†3, Macartan Humphreys, PhD 1,24, Saad B. Omer,
PhD‡6 , and Ahmed Mushfiq Mobarak, PhD§25
1WZB Berlin Social Science Center
2Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA)
3International Growth Centre (IGC)
4Wageningen University & Research
5International Center for the Study of Institutions and Development (HSE University, Moscow, Russia)
6Yale Institute for Global Health
7Nova School of Business and Economics
8Lahore University of Management Sciences
9The Institute for Fiscal Studies
10University of St. Andrews & The Institute for Fiscal Studies
11Stockholm School of Economics and Misum
12Economics Department of Ghent University
13Institute of Development and Economic Alternatives
14Trinity College Dublin
15Cornell University
16University of Illinois Chicago
17NYU Abu Dhabi
18Yale Research Initiative on Innovation and Scale (Y-RISE)
19Princeton University
20Institute for International Economic Studies (IIES), Stockholm University
21Tufts University
22Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University
23London School of Economics
24Columbia University
25Yale University
*First author
Last author
Corresponding author. 1 Church Street, New Haven, CT 06510. Phone 203 432 3656. Email
§Corresponding author. 165 Whitney Avenue, New Haven, CT 06520-8200. Phone 203 432 5787. Email
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NOTE: This preprint reports new research that has not been certified by peer review and should not be used to guide clinical practice.
As vaccination campaigns are deployed worldwide, addressing vaccine hesitancy is of critical im-
portance to ensure sufficient immunization coverage. We analyzed COVID-19 vaccine acceptance
across 15 samples covering ten low- and middle- income countries (LMICs) in Asia, Africa, and
South America, and two higher income countries (Russia and the United States).
Standardized survey responses were collected from ‘45,928 individuals between June 2020 and
January 2021. We estimate vaccine acceptance with robust standard errors clustered at the study
level. We analyze stated reasons for vaccine acceptance and hesitancy, and the most trusted sources
for advice on vaccination, and we disaggregate acceptance rates by gender, age, and education
We document willingness to take a COVID-19 vaccine across LMIC samples, ranging from 67%
(Burkina Faso) to 97% (Nepal). Willingness was considerably higher in LMICs (80%) than in
the United States (65%) and Russia (30%). Vaccine acceptance was primarily explained by an
interest in personal protection against the disease (91%). Concern about side effects (40%) was
the most common reason for reluctance. Health workers were considered the most trusted sources
of information about COVID-19 vaccines.
Given high levels of stated willingness to accept a COVID-19 vaccine across LMIC samples, our
study suggests that prioritizing efficient and equitable vaccine distribution to LMICs will yield
high returns in promoting immunization on a global scale. Messaging and other community-level
interventions in these contexts should be designed to help translate intentions into uptake, and
emphasize safety and efficacy. Trusted health workers are ideally positioned to deliver these mes-
Beyond Conflict, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Columbia University,, Ghent
University, HSE University Basic Research Program, International Growth Centre, Jameel Poverty
Action Lab Crime and Violence Initiative, London School of Economics and Political Science, Mu-
lago Foundation, NOVAFRICA at the Nova School of Business and Economics, NYU Abu Dhabi,
Oxford Policy Management, Social Science Research Council, Trinity College Dublin COVID19
. CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licenseIt is made available under a
is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. (which was not certified by peer review) The copyright holder for this preprint this version posted March 13, 2021. ; medRxiv preprint
Response Funding, UK Aid, UKRI GCRF/Newton Fund, United Nations Office for Project Ser-
vices, Weiss Family Fund, WZB Berlin Social Science Center, Yale Institute for Global Health,
Yale Macmillan Center, and anonymous donors to IPA and Y-RISE
. CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licenseIt is made available under a
is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. (which was not certified by peer review) The copyright holder for this preprint this version posted March 13, 2021. ; medRxiv preprint
A safe and effective vaccine against COVID-19 is a critical tool to control the pandemic. As of
March 2, 2021, there were 76 vaccines in clinical development and 16 had advanced to Stage 3
clinical trials.1Following clinical trials, several vaccines have been approved in multiple countries
and are being distributed across the globe. At present, global vaccine distribution remains highly
unequal, with much of the current supply directed toward high-income countries.2
While effective and equitable distribution of the vaccines is a key policy priority, ensuring the
population’s acceptance is equally important. Acceptance of vaccines and trust in the institutions
that administer them are likely key determinants of the success of any vaccination campaign.3Sev-
eral studies investigate high-income country residents’ willingness to take a potential COVID-19
vaccine.4,5Little is known about acceptance rates in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs),
however, where the majority of the world’s population resides.
Acceptance of childhood vaccination for common diseases —such as measles (MCV), Bacille
Calmette-Guérin (BCG) and diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (DTP)—is generally high in LMICs,
providing reasons for optimism about future uptake of COVID-19 vaccines. Table 1summarizes
general vaccine acceptance and uptake of common childhood vaccines for the countries included
in our study. Still, existing studies on COVID-19 vaccine acceptance document large variation,
both across and within countries, including in settings where overall vaccination rates are high.4
These studies highlight concerns about COVID-19 vaccine safety, and particularly concerns about
the speed of vaccine development, as reasons for hesitancy in higher income settings. Similar
concerns may apply in LMICs.
Additional reasons for hesitancy may feature more prominently in LMIC settings. Reported
COVID-19 mortality rates have consistently been lower in LMICs relative to higher income
countries.6If individuals in LMICs feel the risk of disease is less serious, they may be less
inclined to accept perceived risks associated with taking a recently-developed vaccine. Previous
studies have also highlighted factors such as concerns about healthcare quality,7negative historical
experiences,8weak support from traditional leaders,9and mistrust in government10 as barriers to
healthcare utilization in LMICs.
Understanding factors that may lead people in LMICs to reject COVID-19 vaccination is of global
concern, since a lag in vaccination in the developing world could facilitate the spread of new
variants of the virus to other countries.
In order to effectively promote the vaccine and devise messaging strategies, we need to know if
people are willing to take it, the reasons why they are willing or unwilling to do so, and the factors
influencing their decision-making. For this purpose, we developed and deployed a common set of
questions across 15 studies in ten LMICs in Africa (Burkina Faso, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda,
Sierra Leone, Uganda), Asia (India, Nepal, Pakistan), and Latin America (Colombia). We compare
these findings in LMICs to those from two higher income countries (Russia and the United States).
. CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licenseIt is made available under a
is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. (which was not certified by peer review) The copyright holder for this preprint this version posted March 13, 2021. ; medRxiv preprint
Survey questions and sample construction
Survey data were collected between June 2020 and January 2021. Our main outcome measure
is vaccine acceptance. Across studies, we asked respondents, “If a COVID-19 vaccine becomes
available in [your country], would you take it?”. If the respondent answered yes to this question,
we followed up with the question, “Why would you take it? [the COVID-19 vaccine]”. If the
respondent said they would not be willing to take the vaccine, we followed up with the question,
“Why would you not take it? [the COVID-19 vaccine]”. Finally, regardless of their expressed will-
ingness to take the vaccine, we asked about actors and institutions who would be influential in their
decision. The question was worded in the following way: “Which of the following people would
you trust MOST to help you decide whether you would get a COVID-19 vaccine, if one becomes
available?”. To examine heterogeneity across demographic strata, we collected information about
the gender, age, and education level of each respondent. Slight variations in questions wording and
answer options across studies are documented in Appendix B.
Studies vary in terms of geographic scope, sampling methodology, and survey modality. Seven
were national or nearly-national in scope. Among these, studies from Burkina Faso, Colombia,
Rwanda, and Sierra Leone (“Sierra Leone 1”) used nationally-representative samples of active
mobile phone numbers reached through Random Digit Dialing (RDD). Studies in the USA and
Russia were conducted online using quota samples obtained from private survey companies.
The remaining eight studies targeted sub-national populations. One study from Pakistan (“Pakistan
2”) used RDD to reach a representative sample of active mobile phone users in Punjab province.
Respondents in Mozambique, Nigeria, “Pakistan 1”, “Uganda 1”,“Uganda 2”, India, Nepal and
“Sierra Leone 2” were drawn from pre-existing studies to which COVID-19 vaccine questions
were subsequently added. For example, “Sierra Leone 2” has national coverage from a study on
access to electricity and “Uganda 1” sampled female caregivers of households in rural and semi-
rural villages as part of a large ongoing cluster-RCT implemented across 13 districts.
Table 2summarizes the geographic scope, sampling methodologies and survey modalities of all
15 studies. A detailed description of each study is included in Appendix D.
All LMIC surveys were conducted via telephone to minimize in-person contact and comply with
local government social distancing guidelines. Interviews were conducted by local staff in each
country in local language(s). Surveying by phone made rapid, large-scale data collection possible.
Surveys lasted approximately 15 to 40 minutes.
Taken together, we have data from 21,844 individuals from LMICs and 24,084 from the USA and
Russia, for a total of 45,928 respondents.
Statistical Analysis
Vaccine acceptance was defined as the percentage of respondents who answered “yes” to the ques-
tion, “If a COVID-19 vaccine becomes available in [country], would you take it?”. This was
. CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licenseIt is made available under a
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calculated combining all other answer options (“No”, “Don’t Know” and “Refuse”) into a single
reference category. We estimated this outcome for each study with robust standard errors and
employed sampling weights where available.
In addition to study-level estimates, we combined data from all studies other than the USA and
Russia to calculate an aggregate estimate for all LMIC studies. For these analyses, each included
study received equal weight and standard errors were clustered at the study level. Averages in the
All LMICs” group then reflect the expected share across studies. In this combined analysis we
also estimated the underlying heterogeneity of vaccine acceptance across studies using the between
studies variance estimator τ2from a random effects model.
We also conducted subgroup analyses by gender, age and education level and reported differences
between groups. For the All LMICs” analyses we calculated the average of differences between
subgroups within studies with standard errors clustered at the study level.
We additionally examined reported reasons for COVID-19 vaccine acceptance and hesitancy, as
well as the types of actors respondents would trust when making the decision about whether to
take a COVID-19 vaccine. Among respondents who expressed willingness to take the vaccine, we
asked about several possible reasons why they would take it. For respondents unwilling to take the
vaccine, we asked about several possible reasons why they would not take it. Finally, we asked all
respondents, regardless of their answers to other questions, whom they would trust most to help
them decide whether to get a COVID-19 vaccine. We report estimates of agreement with reasons
for vaccine acceptance/hesitance and trust in actors for individual studies and for the All LMICs”
Role of the funding source
None of our funders played any role in the collection, analysis, interpretation, writing or decision
to submit this article for publication.
Replication code
Code and output of the analysis can be consulted here
Our main results are shown in Figure 1and reproduced as Table 4in Appendix A. The first column
provides overall acceptance rates in each study, while the remaining columns show acceptance
rates disaggregated by respondent characteristics. The All LMICs” row reports averages for LMIC
countries only (and so excludes Russia and the US).
We document meaningful variation in vaccine acceptance across and within LMICs, but generally
high levels of acceptance in LMICs overall. The average acceptance across studies is 80.3% (95%
. CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licenseIt is made available under a
is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. (which was not certified by peer review) The copyright holder for this preprint this version posted March 13, 2021. ; medRxiv preprint
CI 74.9–85.6), with a median of 78, a range of 30.1 percent points and an interquartile range of
9.7. Our estimate of τ2is 0.007 which implies a standard deviation over country averages of 0.084.
The acceptance rate in every LMIC sample is higher than in USA (64.6%, 61.8–67.3) and Russia
(30.4%, 29.1–31.7).
We find limited evidence of variation across demographic subgroups in LMICs, as shown in Table
8. Women are generally less willing to accept the vaccine (average difference about 4.3 points, sig-
nificant at p< .01). Younger respondents (defined as aged <55 given younger-skewing populations
in LMICs) are marginally more willing to take the vaccine, but this difference is not statistically
significant. Less educated people were on average more willing to take the vaccine in LMICs, but
this difference is not significant.
To better understand the reasoning behind vaccine acceptance, we asked those who were willing
to take the vaccine why they would take it. We summarize in Table 3, with more details in Table 5.
The most common reason given for vaccine acceptance was personal protection against COVID-19
infection. The average across LMICs is 91% (86–96). In every individual study, it ranks as the
first reason. In distant second place, LMIC respondents reported willingness to take the COVID-
19 vaccine in order to protect their families. The average across LMICs is 36% (28–43). In
comparison to self-protection, protecting the community did not feature prominently in the stated
reasons at all.
Self-protection also ranked as the most commonly expressed reason for taking the vaccine in Rus-
sia (76%, 74–78) and the USA (94%, 92–95).
This evidence contrasts with appeals to altruistic behavior and prosocial motivations in order to
promote vaccine acceptance.11 The risks and benefits to personal well-being feature much more
prominently in people’s stated reasons for vaccine acceptance.
Figure 2summarizes the reasons given among respondents who said they were not willing to take
a Covid vaccine.
The most common reason expressed for reluctance to take the vaccine in LMIC studies was concern
about side effects. For studies Uganda 1 (85.1% 80.7–89.6), Sierra Leone 2 (57.9%, 50.1–65.7),
Sierra Leone 1 (53.5% 47.1–59.9) and Uganda 2 (47.3% 42.2–52.5), more than half of those re-
spondents unwilling to take the vaccine mentioned this reason. Respondents in Russia (36.8%,
35.2–38.4) and the USA (79.3%, 74.6–84), reported high levels of this same concern.
While serious adverse events that are life-threatening or require hospitalization are very rare, with
only .6% of respondents reporting at least one side effect in the Pfizer vaccine trial,12 one potential
explanation for the outsized concern about side effects could be the lack of widespread information
about features of the vaccine at the time of data collection. Media coverage of the few cases of
serious adverse events and spread of fake news may contribute as well.13
Concerns about side effects could also be due to a concern about mild side effects from experiences
with other vaccines. In the case of available COVID-19 vaccines, we now know that mild side
effects are common but transient. These include fatigue, muscle pain, joint pain and headache,
which were severe in fewer than 10% of people in the clinical trials of tens of thousands. Severe
fever occurred in fewer than 2% of them.14
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Allergic reactions from the COVID-19 vaccine seem to be extremely rare. Data from trials of the
Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines shows that anaphylaxis after reported administration occurs at a rate of
11.1 cases per million vaccine doses administered.15 Our data reflects this no more than 6% of
respondents expressed concern about allergies in any of our LMIC studies.
Other concerns that make many respondents unwilling to take the vaccine could be countered
by accurately presenting the scientific data to the public. Studies Uganda 2 (31%, 25.9–36.2),
Mozambique (29.7%, 18.6–40.8) and Pakistan 1 (26%, 18–34) showed relatively high levels of
skepticism about vaccine effectiveness. This is also true for respondents in Russia (29.6%, 28.1–
31.1) and the USA (46.8%, 41–52.6). Recent clinical trials reveal very high rates of vaccine
efficacy,16,17 so clearly communicating these results to the public is a high priority, given the
skepticism we observe in our data. In contrast, conspiracy theories were rarely mentioned by
respondents in any of our study samples, in spite of widespread popular discourse about anti-
vaxxer movements and theories in higher-income countries.18
Finally, respondents in some studies downplayed the seriousness of this disease, and listed this as
a reason not to be vaccinated. Studies USA (39.3% 33.5–45), Pakistan 1 (29.4%, 20.9–37.9) and
Nepal (20.4% 6.7–34.1) report high rates of lack of concern about getting seriously ill from the
The analysis above identifies the nature of the information gaps that any vaccine messaging should
focus on, while in Figure 3we try to identify the actors who are best placed to deliver those
messages. We asked respondents about their most trusted source of information during the process
of deciding whether to take the vaccine, because these sources are vital to disease control strategies
during public health emergencies.19 Results from Figure 3are reproduced as Table 7in Appendix
We find striking consistency across countries. In all but one study, respondents identified the health
system as the most trustworthy source to help them decide whether or not to take the COVID-19
vaccine (with the exception of Rwanda, where the government in general was identified as the
most trusted source, with the health system a close second). Family and friends were the next
most important reference points in most samples. Across samples, women were 3 percentage
points more likely to rely on family and friends than male respondents though this difference is not
significant at conventional levels (Figure 4in Appendix D). By contrast, endorsements by religious
leaders or celebrity figures were not seen as important sources of influence in any sample other than
To our knowledge, this is the first study documenting rates of expressed COVID-19 vaccine accep-
tance and hesitancy in a large set of LMICs. Our findings show variable but broadly high levels of
prospective COVID-19 vaccine acceptance across LMICs using data from 45,928 respondents in
13 original household surveys from Africa (Burkina Faso, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sierra
Leone, Uganda), Asia (Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan), and Latin America (Colombia). Ac-
ceptance across LMIC averages 80.3, ranging between 66.5 and 96.6. We document considerably
lower levels of acceptance in Russia and the United States.
. CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licenseIt is made available under a
is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. (which was not certified by peer review) The copyright holder for this preprint this version posted March 13, 2021. ; medRxiv preprint
Patterns of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy are not well predicted by existing measures of concerns
about the safety of other vaccines (e.g., the Wellcome Global Monitor shown in Table 1). Com-
pared with other vaccines, COVID-19 vaccine acceptance is lower and more variable across LMIC
samples. This suggests that concerns may apply specifically to COVID-19 vaccines rather than to
vaccination more broadly.
Our study also documents reasons why respondents express intentions to take (or not take) a
COVID-19 vaccine. The main reason expressed for willingness to take such a vaccine was to
protect oneself. The most common reasons offered by those unwilling to take the vaccine were
concerns about safety (side effects) and efficacy. Across all contexts, health care workers were the
most trusted source of information about vaccines.
Our study samples offer an important window into the motivations underlying COVID-19 vac-
cine acceptance in LMICs, but our data are not fully nationally representative. Random digit dial
samples and follow-up phone surveys, while necessary during a global pandemic, do not include
individuals who reside outside coverage areas, who do not own or cannot operate cell phones,
or who choose not to respond to telephone surveys. Care should also be taken in any attempt to
extrapolate to the population level from the samples representative of narrow subpopulations.
If intentions reported in our LMIC samples translated into actual vaccination uptake, the rates
would far exceed the range of what would be required for COVID-19 herd immunity (40-67% in
recent estimates).20,21 However, reported intent may not materialize into actual vaccine adoption.22
The high salience of COVID-19 due to extensive media coverage and government mitigation
efforts and excitement around vaccine release may have increased reported intention.23 Results
from the first COVID-19 vaccine Phase 3 clinical trial were announced before some surveys were
fielded; during others, subsequent approvals were granted. The fast-moving information environ-
ment may change people’s perceptions about vaccines by the time they are widely available in
Nonetheless, our findings provide some specific guidance on how to design messaging to boost
COVID-19 vaccine acceptance and uptake in LMICs. Our data have implications for both what
the content of the message should be, and who should deliver the message.
First, high levels of trust in the advice of health workers and governments on COVID-19 vaccine
decision-making suggest that social and behavioral change communication (SBCC) strategies that
engage local health workers may be particularly effective tools to encourage timely and complete
vaccine uptake, and to combat remaining vaccine hesitancy. The literature has explored messaging
strategies to promote welfare-improving behaviors, with considerable attention paid to celebrity
endorsements.24 Our data strongly support the view25 that those with the most relevant expertise -
as opposed to celebrities or general opinion leaders - are most trusted on this specific topic and are
therefore best positioned to deliver the message.
Second, the average COVID-19 vaccine acceptance rate across our LMIC samples is high, ap-
proximately 80.3%. Given such positive intentions, there may be high returns to investing in
straightforward “last-mile” nudges that help citizens convert intentions into actions. Reminder
messages from healthcare providers and messages alerting patients that vaccines have been re-
served for them at an upcoming appointment may provide a low-cost encouragement to initiate
and complete two-dose COVID-19 vaccinations, as was found in two recent large-scale studies in
. CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licenseIt is made available under a
is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. (which was not certified by peer review) The copyright holder for this preprint this version posted March 13, 2021. ; medRxiv preprint
the United States.26,27 Similarly, childhood vaccination reminders plus cash incentives in Kenya
substantially increased full immunization,28 and cash and in-kind incentive programs in Nigeria
and India have also proven effective.29,30
Third, high coverage rates of existing vaccines, coupled with respondents’ reliance on friends and
family as information sources, suggest that the general pro-vaccination stance of many citizens
could be leveraged to convert intent to uptake. Social learning strategies and norm-setting are
powerful drivers of information diffusion and behavior change in many related sectors.31 Social
signalling of positive attitudes toward COVID-19 vaccines may also help shift social norms toward
even greater immunization acceptance and two-dose completion in the community at large.32
Finally, our findings offer guidance on the specific content of vaccine messaging that is likely to
be most persuasive. Messaging should highlight the high efficacy rates of the COVID-19 vaccines
currently on the market in reducing or eliminating disease, hospitalizations and death. Alluding
to clinical data that addresses people’s concerns about potential side effects should be prioritized.
Messaging should also emphasize the direct protective benefits of the vaccine to the adopter.
. CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licenseIt is made available under a
is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. (which was not certified by peer review) The copyright holder for this preprint this version posted March 13, 2021. ; medRxiv preprint
JSo, SW, NMe, AS, NMc, GS, MV and AM are co-first authors. DK, MC, MT, MH, AMM and SO
are co-last authors. AMM and SO are also the corresponding authors. DK, AMM, MT, NMe, MC,
and MV conceived of the study and provided overall guidance. SAb and NMe led the literature
search, with input from AS, NMc, SW, AMM, AM and JSo. SW, NMe, AS, NMc, MV, GS, AA,
SAs, AC, AF, AH, MC, MT, and MH oversaw data collection as part of other research efforts. SW,
NMe, and MT coordinated the project across study samples. The following verified the underlying
data for individual study samples: EC (Burkina Faso, Colombia, Rwanda, Sierra Leone 1), BA
(India), AS and RL (Nigeria), AG and MBN (Uganda 1), CMB and MH (Uganda 2), NMe and
MV (Sierra Leone 2), GS (Russia), MF (Mozambique), AF and JSh (Pakistan 1), SAs (Pakistan
2), CV (Nepal), and NMc (USA). JSo, GS, MH and SA collated and processed all datasets used
for the analysis. NMe, MH, AMM, JSo, GS, SW, AS, EC, EB, MT, MV and NMc did the data
interpretation with guidance from SO and AM. JSo, GS, EC and MH verified final datasets and
analysis. JSo and GS did the data analysis and produced output figures with input from MH,
AMM, DK, SW, EC, MV, NMe and MT. MH supervised the data analysis. JSo, SW, NMe, AMM,
AS, NMc and MV wrote the first draft of the manuscript, with guidance from AM and SO. JSo,
SW, NMe, AS, NMc, MV, SAb, EB, MP, JSh, PV, BZ, MC, MT, MH, AMM and SO revised the
manuscript. All authors approved the final version of the manuscript. All authors had full access to
all the data used in this study and had final responsibility for the decision to submit for publication.
Declaration of interests
We declare no competing interests.
Data Sharing
Individual participant data (de-identified) that underlie the results reported in this article, analytic
code and replication files will be available immediately following publication to no end date for
anyone who wishes to access the data and use it for any purpose. A replication exercise is available
. CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licenseIt is made available under a
is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. (which was not certified by peer review) The copyright holder for this preprint this version posted March 13, 2021. ; medRxiv preprint
Research in context
Evidence before this study
COVID-19 vaccine acceptance has been widely studied in high-income countries. Much less evi-
dence exists for LMICs, and data that are available33,34 systematically exclude the estimated 66%
of individuals in LMICs who do not use the internet.35 Searches of PubMed and the Cochrane
Database of Systematic Reviews using the terms “vaccine hesitancy”, “low- and middle-income
countries”, “trust in vaccines”, “immunization campaign”, “vaccination incentives” and “vacci-
nation policy” to select studies investigating the determinants of COVID-19 vaccine uptake and
policy-led actions to increase it and restricted to studies published between Jan 1, 2020 and Jan
31, 2021 identified two studies addressing COVID-19 vaccine acceptance in LMICs, and no any
studies comparing uptake for the COVID-19 vaccine with general attitudes toward vaccines.
Added value of this study
This study documents COVID-19 vaccine acceptance across ten LMICs and identifies key socio-
demographic predictors, combining analyses of data from 15 distinct studies that cover a total of
45,928 individuals. To date, no comparable quantitative mapping of COVID-19 vaccine acceptance
in LMICs has been released. By extending the analysis to attitudes toward vaccinations in general,
and by asking respondents to specify reasons for their acceptance or refusal, our study offers novel
insights that may help inform country-specific policies to smooth the path to vaccine acceptance
in LMICs.
Implications of all the available evidence
As mass immunization campaigns are deployed across the world, our analysis offers cause for
optimism regarding potential uptake of the COVID-19 vaccine in LMICs. Our findings suggest
that policies to encourage widespread uptake should focus on converting intentions to take the
vaccine into action. Our analysis of reasons for hesitancy and most trusted sources for advice
about vaccination suggests that communication campaigns focusing on vaccine safety and efficacy
delivered through trusted health workers may be particularly effective in persuading those who are
still hesitant. While acceptance of COVID-19 vaccinations is high across our sample of LMICs,
acceptance of vaccines in general is even higher, highlighting opportunities to leverage existing
pro-vaccine attitudes and norms to encourage uptake and address remaining hesitancy. Social
signaling of vaccination status may also be effective in demonstrating local acceptance of safety
and efficacy claims.
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Table 1: Vaccination beliefs and coverage for the countries in our sample
%Respondents agreeing Vaccines are... Vaccine coverage in 2019 (% of infants)
Effective Safe Important for
children to have
Tuberculosis (BCG) Diphtheria,
% of parents with
any child that was
ever vaccinated
Burkina Faso 87 72 95 98 95 88 97
Colombia 83 84 99 89 92 95 95
India 96 97 98 92 94 95 92
Mozambique 87 93 98 94 93 87 95
Nepal 89 93 99 96 96 92 95
Nigeria 82 92 96 67 65 54 95
Pakistan 91 92 95 88 86 75 94
Rwanda 99 97 99 98 99 96 100
Sierra Leone 95 95 99 86 95 93 97
Uganda 82 87 98 88 99 87 98
Russia 67 48 80 96 97 98 96
USA 85 73 87 . 97 90 95
Table 1 presents an overview of vaccination beliefs and incidence across countries in our sample. Columns 2-5 use data from the Wellcome Global Monitor 2018. Column 2 shows
the percentage of respondents who are parents and report having had any of their children ever vaccinated. Columns 3-5 show the percentage of all respondents that either strongly
agree or somewhat agree with the statement above each column. All percentages are obtained using national weights. Columns 6-8 use data from the World Health Organization on
vaccine incidence. Columns 6-8 report the percentage of infants per country receiving the vaccine indicated in each column.
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Table 2: Summary of studies sampling
Study Geographic scope Sampling methodology Survey modality Weights
Burkina Faso National Random digit dialing (RDD) Phone Yes
Colombia National Random digit dialing (RDD) Phone Yes
India Subnational, Slums in 2 cities Representative sample of slum dwellers living in vicinity of a community
toilet and located in Uttar Pradesh
Phone Yes
Mozambique Subnational, 2 cities 1) Random sample in urban and periurban markets stratified by gender and
type of establishment in Maputo; 2) Random sample representative of
communities in the Cabo Delgado, stratified on urban, semiurban, and
rural areas
Phone No
Nepal Subnational, 2 districts Random sample of poor households from randomly selected villages in
Phone Yes
Nigeria Subnational, 1 state 1) Random sample of individuals in Kaduna; 2) Sample of phone numbers
from a phone list of Kaduna state residents
Phone No
Pakistan 1 Subnational, 2 districts Random sample of individuals in administrative police units in two
districts of Punjab
Phone Yes
Pakistan 2 Subnational, 1 province Random digit dialing (RDD) on a random sample of all numerically
possible mobile phone numbers in the region of Punjab
Phone No
Russia Subnational, 61 regions Sample recruited from the Russian online survey company OMI (Online
Market Intelligence). Sampling targeted at having a minimum of
respondents per region, as well as representation of age, gender and
education groups.
Online Yes
Rwanda National Random digit dialing (RDD) Phone Yes
Sierra Leone 1 National Random digit dialing (RDD) Phone Yes
Sierra Leone 2 National A random sample of households in 195 rural towns across all 14 districts
of Sierra Leone
Phone No
Uganda 1 Subnational, 13 districts Sample of women in households from semi-rural and rural villages across
13 districts in Uganda, selected according to the likelihood of having
Phone No
Uganda 2 Subnational, 1 district Random sample of households in Kampala Phone No
USA National Nation-wide sample of adult internet users recruited through the market
research firm Lucid
Online Yes
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Figure 1: Acceptance rates overall and broken down by respondent characteristics.
By gender
By education
By age
0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100
(National, 1959)
(Subnational, 61 regions, 22125)
Uganda 2
(Subnational, 1 district, 1366)
Uganda 1
(Subnational, 13 districts, 3362)
Sierra Leone 2
(National, 2110)
Sierra Leone 1
(National, 1070)
(National, 1355)
Pakistan 2
(Subnational, 1 province, 1492)
Pakistan 1
(Subnational, 2 districts, 1633)
(Subnational, 1 state, 1868)
(Subnational, 2 districts, 1389)
(Subnational, 2 cities, 862)
(Subnational, Slums in 2 cities, 3348)
(National, 1012)
Burkina Faso
(National, 977)
Subgroups Female
Up to Secondary
More than Secondary
If a COVID-19 vaccine becomes available in [country], would you take it?
Figure 1 presents average acceptance of the COVID-19 vaccine across studies and subgroups within studies. For each study, we summarize sampling
information in parentheses in the following way: First, we indicate whether the geographic coverage of the sample is national or subnational. If the
coverage is subnational we provide further details. Second, we list the number of observations included in the study. In the plot, points represent
the estimated percentage of individuals who would take the vaccine. “No”, “Don’t know” and “Refuse” are taken as a single reference category.
Bars around each point indicate a 95% confidence interval for the estimate. An estimate of average acceptance for all studies in LMICs (excluding
USA and Russia) is also shown.
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Table 3: Reasons to take the vaccine
Study N Self Family Community
Burkina Faso 651 76 42 7
(73, 79) (38, 46) ( 5, 9)
Colombia 756 91 23 12
(88, 93) (20, 26) (10, 14)
Mozambique 768 83 32 4
(80, 86) (27, 38) ( 2, 5)
Nepal 1341 96 34 20
(95, 98) (32, 37) (17, 22)
Nigeria 1424 89 35 21
(88, 91) (33, 38) (19, 23)
Rwanda 1152 98 26 11
(97, 99) (23, 28) ( 9, 13)
Sierra Leone 1 836 94 37 21
(92, 96) (34, 40) (18, 23)
Sierra Leone 2 1855 91 62 21
(88, 93) (57, 66) (16, 27)
Uganda 1 2885 96 36 9
(95, 97) (34, 38) ( 8, 10)
Uganda 2 1045 96 28 11
(95, 97) (25, 31) ( 9, 12)
All LMICs . 91 36 14
(86, 96) (28, 43) ( 9, 18)
Russia 5887 76 69 41
(74, 78) (67, 71) (38, 43)
USA 1313 94 92 89
(92, 95) (90, 94) (87, 91)
Table 3 shows percentage of respondents mentioning reasons why they
would take the Covid-19 vaccine. The number of observations and per-
centage correponds only to people who would take the vaccine. Respon-
dents in all countries could give more than one reason. A 95% confidence
interval is shown between parentheses. Studies India, Pakistan 1 and Pak-
istan 2 are not included because they either did not include the question or
were not properly harmonized with the other studies.
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Figure 2: Reasons not to take the vaccine.
about side
about getting
from the
Not concerned
about getting
seriously ill
Doesn’t think
vaccines are
Doesn’t like
Allergic to
Won’t have
time to get
Mentions a
Other reasons
0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100
Uganda 2
Uganda 1
Sierra Leone 2
Sierra Leone 1
Pakistan 1
Burkina Faso
Number of observations [50,500) 500+
Why would you not take the COVID-19 vaccine?
Figure 2 shows the percentage of respondents mentioning reasons why they would not take the COVID-19 vaccine. In the plot, points represent
the estimated percentage of individuals that would not take the vaccine or do not know if they would take the vaccine for each possible response
option. Bars around each point indicate a 95% confidence interval for the estimate. An estimated average for all studies in LMICs is also shown.
Size of points illustrates the number of observations in each response option. Studies India and Pakistan 2 are not included because they either did
not include the question or were not properly harmonized with the other studies.
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Figure 3: Trusted actors and institutions, broken down by expressed willingness to take a
COVID-19 vaccine.
Sierra Leone 1
Uganda 2
Burkina Faso
Sierra Leone 2
Health workers
Government or
Family or
Famous person,
religious leader
or traditional
radio or online
Don’t know or
Health workers
Government or
Family or
Famous person,
religious leader
or traditional
radio or online
Don’t know or
Answer No, Don’t know Yes Any
Which of the following people would you trust MOST to help you decide whether you would get a COVID-19 vaccine?
Figure 3 shows histograms of actors and institutions respondents say they would trust most to help them decide whether to take the COVID-19
vaccine. Respondents were only permitted to select one most trusted actor or institution. Studies India, Mozambique, Pakistan 1, Pakistan 2 and
Uganda 1 are not included because they either did not include the question or were not properly harmonized with the other studies.
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Supplementary Appendix
Appendix A: Tables from results
Table 4: If a COVID-19 vaccine becomes available in [country], would you take it? Disaggre-
gated by subgroups
Gender Education Age
Country Average acceptability Female Male > Secondary Up to Secondary <55 55+
Burkina Faso 66.5 62.1 68.4 60.8 70.1 66.0 61.0
(63.5, 69.5) (56.3, 67.9) (65.0, 71.9) (55.9, 65.8) (66.4, 73.8) (57.2, 74.8) (-6.5, 128.6)
Colombia 74.9 73.5 77.3 78.1 73.4 74.5 73.8
(72.2, 77.6) (70.1, 77.0) (73.0, 81.7) (73.6, 82.5) (70.1, 76.8) (70.9, 78.0) (65.0, 82.6)
India 84.6 80.8 85.6 89.4 85.8 84.6 85.1
(82.8, 86.4) (77.6, 84.1) (83.7, 87.5) (83.5, 95.4) (82.6, 88.9) (82.8, 86.4) (80.8, 89.4)
Mozambique 89.1 86.2 91.3 86.1 89.7 88.4 91.7
(86.5, 91.7) (82.5, 90.0) (88.4, 94.1) (81.8, 90.4) (86.5, 92.8) (85.5, 91.3) (88.1, 95.4)
Nepal 96.6 96.4 96.4 . . 96.8 93.8
(95.5, 97.6) (94.6, 98.2) (95.1, 97.7) . . (95.6, 98.0) (90.4, 97.2)
Nigeria 76.2 74.9 77.0 . . 76.3 74.7
(74.3, 78.2) (71.7, 78.1) (74.6, 79.4) . . (74.3, 78.3) (65.8, 83.6)
Pakistan 1 76.1 72.2 80.1 83.6 74.0 76.0 80.8
(70.0, 82.3) (65.6, 78.8) (73.8, 86.4) (76.6, 90.5) (67.4, 80.5) (69.9, 82.2) (64.9, 96.7)
Pakistan 2 66.5 . . 71.4 64.2 . .
(64.1, 68.9) . . (67.3, 75.5) (61.2, 67.1) . .
Rwanda 84.9 79.4 88.0 71.4 87.7 85.2 73.3
(82.9, 86.8) (75.8, 83.0) (85.8, 90.2) (65.5, 77.2) (85.8, 89.7) (83.3, 87.2) (59.2, 87.3)
Sierra Leone 1 78.0 74.1 80.1 74.4 80.2 78.2 74.0
(75.5, 80.5) (69.5, 78.7) (77.2, 83.1) (70.1, 78.7) (77.0, 83.3) (75.7, 80.8) (61.4, 86.6)
Sierra Leone 2 87.9 88.6 87.7 88.8 87.8 87.4 90.0
(86.2, 89.6) (85.7, 91.5) (85.9, 89.5) (85.0, 92.5) (86.0, 89.6) (85.5, 89.3) (87.4, 92.6)
Uganda 1 85.8 85.8 . 80.1 84.8 85.8 .
(84.4, 87.2) (84.4, 87.2) . (74.4, 85.9) (83.2, 86.5) (84.4, 87.2) .
Uganda 2 76.5 74.9 78.0 68.6 79.8 76.9 73.7
(74.3, 78.7) (71.5, 78.3) (75.2, 80.9) (64.3, 72.9) (77.3, 82.2) (74.5, 79.3) (67.3, 80.0)
All LMICs 80.3 79.1 82.7 77.5 79.8 81.3 79.3
(74.9, 85.6) (73.3, 84.9) (77.4, 88.0) (71.4, 83.6) (74.1, 85.4) (76.1, 86.5) (72.6, 86.0)
Russia 30.4 22.6 38.5 31.0 29.6 28.4 40.0
(29.1, 31.7) (20.9, 24.2) (36.5, 40.5) (29.6, 32.5) (27.3, 32.0) (27.1, 29.7) (35.9, 44.0)
USA 64.6 56.1 73.4 72.3 51.5 61.8 69.4
(61.8, 67.3) (52.1, 60.1) (69.8, 76.9) (69.5, 75.0) (46.0, 57.0) (58.4, 65.2) (64.8, 73.9)
Table 4 shows percentage of respondents willing to take the COVID-19 vaccine as plotted in Figure 1. A 95% confidence interval is
shown between parentheses
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Table 5: Reasons to take the vaccine- All categories
Protection If recommended by
Study N Self Family Community Health workers Government Other
Burkina Faso 651 76 42 7 6 19 2
(73, 79) (38, 46) ( 5, 9) ( 4, 8) (16, 22) ( 1, 3)
Colombia 756 91 23 12 1 2 6
(88, 93) (20, 26) (10, 14) ( 0, 2) ( 1, 3) ( 4, 7)
Mozambique 768 83 32 4 . 7 3
(80, 86) (27, 38) ( 2, 5) . ( 5, 8) ( 2, 4)
Nepal 1341 96 34 20 2 3 7
(95, 98) (32, 37) (17, 22) ( 1, 2) ( 2, 4) ( 5, 9)
Nigeria 1424 89 35 21 . 6 4
(88, 91) (33, 38) (19, 23) . ( 4, 7) ( 3, 5)
Rwanda 1152 98 26 11 1 5 1
(97, 99) (23, 28) ( 9, 13) ( 0, 1) ( 4, 6) ( 1, 2)
Sierra Leone 1 836 94 37 21 12 23 7
(92, 96) (34, 40) (18, 23) (10, 14) (20, 25) ( 5, 9)
Sierra Leone 2 1855 91 62 21 59 . 16
(88, 93) (57, 66) (16, 27) (54, 63) . (11, 21)
Uganda 1 2885 96 36 9 . 10 6
(95, 97) (34, 38) ( 8, 10) . ( 9, 12) ( 5, 7)
Uganda 2 1045 96 28 11 1 15 2
(95, 97) (25, 31) ( 9, 12) ( 1, 2) (13, 17) ( 1, 3)
All LMICs . 91 36 14 12 10 5
(86, 96) (28, 43) ( 9, 18) (-8, 31) ( 4, 16) ( 2, 8)
Russia 5887 76 69 41 11 6 18
(74, 78) (67, 71) (38, 43) (10, 13) ( 5, 7) (16, 20)
USA 1313 94 92 89 . 67 .
(92, 95) (90, 94) (87, 91) . (64, 70) .
Table 5 shows percentage of respondents mentioning reasons why they would take the Covid-19 vaccine. The number of observations and percentage correponds
only to people who would take the vaccine. Respondents in all countries could give more than one reason. A 95% confidence interval is shown between
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Table 6: Reasons not to take the vaccine
Study N Concerned
about side
about getting
from the
Not concerned
about getting
seriously ill
Doesn’t think
vaccines are
Doesn’t think
outbreak is as
serious as
people say
Doesn’t like
Allergic to
Won’t have time
to get
Mentions a
Other reasons
Burkina Faso 325 40.9 8.0 7.4 19.5 13.5 3.5 1.5 0.9 17.9 8.7
(35.5, 46.3) ( 5.0, 11.0) ( 4.5, 10.2) (15.1, 23.8) ( 9.8, 17.2) ( 1.5, 5.6) ( 0.2, 2.8) (-0.1, 1.9) (13.7, 22.1) ( 5.6, 11.8)
Colombia 202 31.0 18.1 8.0 10.2 2.3 0.6 0.4 0.5 10.0 31.6
(24.4, 37.6) (12.7, 23.4) ( 3.9, 12.0) ( 5.9, 14.5) ( 0.3, 4.3) (-0.6, 1.8) (-0.4, 1.3) (-0.5, 1.5) ( 5.8, 14.2) (25.1, 38.2)
Mozambique 74 . . 2.7 29.7 . . . . . 21.6
. . (-0.7, 6.1) (18.6, 40.8) . . . . . (12.2, 31.0)
Nepal 48 9.3 7.9 20.4 15.2 15.7 4.4 1.8 . 2.8 12.1
( 0.3, 18.2) (-0.4, 16.3) ( 6.7, 34.1) ( 3.2, 27.2) ( 4.0, 27.3) (-1.9, 10.6) (-1.9, 5.5) . (-1.5, 7.2) ( 0.8, 23.5)
Nigeria 410 21.5 26.1 15.9 9.3 . . 0.2 . 4.9 26.8
(17.5, 25.5) (21.8, 30.4) (12.3, 19.4) ( 6.4, 12.1) . . (-0.2, 0.7) . ( 2.8, 7.0) (22.5, 31.1)
Pakistan 1 441 23.0 21.9 29.4 26.0 22.1 11.5 . . 13.2 19.6
(15.1, 30.8) (14.3, 29.4) (20.9, 37.9) (18.0, 34.0) (12.8, 31.3) ( 5.5, 17.4) . . ( 7.1, 19.4) (10.4, 28.8)
Rwanda 70 38.6 10.1 18.7 21.5 5.8 7.0 5.6 . 21.3 25.8
(26.9, 50.3) ( 2.8, 17.3) ( 9.3, 28.1) (11.6, 31.4) ( 0.1, 11.4) ( 0.9, 13.2) ( 0.1, 11.1) . (11.5, 31.1) (15.3, 36.3)
Sierra Leone 1 234 53.5 37.9 14.6 7.5 4.2 3.0 0.9 4.0 20.3 5.7
(47.1, 59.9) (31.6, 44.2) (10.1, 19.2) ( 4.2, 10.9) ( 1.6, 6.8) ( 0.8, 5.2) (-0.4, 2.2) ( 1.4, 6.5) (15.1, 25.5) ( 2.8, 8.7)
Sierra Leone 2 254 57.9 . . 17.3 . 5.1 . 0.0 3.5 24.8
(50.1, 65.7) . . (11.9, 22.7) . ( 2.5, 7.8) . ( 0.0, 0.0) ( 1.3, 5.7) (19.3, 30.3)
Uganda 1 289 85.1 . 3.8 24.2 1.7 1.7 . 1.0 . 8.0
(80.7, 89.6) . ( 1.7, 5.9) (19.2, 29.2) ( 0.2, 3.2) ( 0.2, 3.2) . (-0.1, 2.2) . ( 4.9, 11.0)
Uganda 2 319 47.3 10.7 5.0 31.0 4.1 1.6 0.3 . 10.3 6.0
(42.2, 52.5) ( 7.1, 14.2) ( 2.7, 7.3) (25.9, 36.2) ( 1.9, 6.2) ( 0.2, 2.9) (-0.3, 0.9) . ( 7.0, 13.7) ( 3.4, 8.5)
All LMICs . 40.8 17.6 12.6 19.2 8.7 4.3 1.5 1.3 11.6 17.3
(25.3, 56.3) ( 8.7, 26.5) ( 6.4, 18.8) (13.8, 24.7) ( 2.4, 14.9) ( 1.7, 6.8) (-0.2, 3.3) (-0.6, 3.2) ( 6.1, 17.0) (11.0, 23.7)
Russia 16238 36.8 13.9 5.4 29.6 6.4 3.7 10.2 1.0 21.4 5.1
(35.2, 38.4) (12.8, 15.1) ( 4.6, 6.1) (28.1, 31.1) ( 5.6, 7.3) ( 3.1, 4.3) ( 9.2, 11.2) ( 0.7, 1.4) (20.1, 22.8) ( 4.4, 5.8)
USA 462 79.3 . 39.3 46.8 . . . . 6.0 49.1
(74.6, 84.0) . (33.5, 45.0) (41.0, 52.6) . . . . ( 3.4, 8.7) (43.3, 54.9)
Table 6 shows percentage of respondents mentioning reasons why they would not take the Covid-19 vaccine. The number of observations and percentage correponds only to people who would NOT take the vaccine. Respondents in all countries
could give more than one reason. A 95% confidence interval is shown between parentheses
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Table 7: COVID-19 Vaccination Decision-making: most trusted source
Study N Take
or Ministry of
Family or
leader or
radio or
online groups
Other Don’t know
or Refuse
Burkina Faso 651 Yes 57.1 15.1 19.6 0.9 2.0 4.8 0.4
(53.3, 60.9) (12.4, 17.9) (16.5, 22.7) ( 0.2, 1.6) ( 0.9, 3.1) ( 3.2, 6.4) (-0.1, 0.9)
Burkina Faso 325 No 40.7 8.5 16.2 3.7 1.6 25.1 4.2
(35.3, 46.1) ( 5.5, 11.6) (12.1, 20.2) ( 1.6, 5.7) ( 0.2, 3.0) (20.3, 29.8) ( 2.0, 6.4)
Burkina Faso 976 All 51.6 12.9 18.4 1.8 1.9 11.6 1.7
(48.5, 54.8) (10.8, 15.0) (16.0, 20.9) ( 1.0, 2.7) ( 1.0, 2.7) ( 9.6, 13.6) ( 0.9, 2.5)
Colombia 756 Yes 41.4 12.7 36.9 0.9 1.7 . 6.3
(37.8, 45.0) (10.3, 15.2) (33.4, 40.4) ( 0.2, 1.5) ( 0.8, 2.7) . ( 4.6, 8.1)
Colombia 202 No 31.5 7.6 35.5 5.3 1.4 . 18.8
(24.9, 38.1) ( 3.8, 11.3) (28.8, 42.1) ( 2.2, 8.4) (-0.2, 3.0) . (13.2, 24.3)
Colombia 958 All 39.3 11.6 36.6 1.8 1.7 . 8.9
(36.2, 42.5) ( 9.6, 13.7) (33.5, 39.7) ( 1.0, 2.6) ( 0.9, 2.5) . ( 7.1, 10.7)
Nepal 1341 Yes 44.7 0.7 36.2 16.1 0.4 0.5 1.3
(40.9, 48.6) ( 0.3, 1.1) (33.5, 39.0) (13.1, 19.1) ( 0.0, 0.9) ( 0.1, 0.8) ( 0.7, 2.0)
Nepal 48 No 30.2 2.1 18.7 16.8 0.0 1.0 31.2
(14.6, 45.9) (-2.1, 6.2) ( 5.6, 31.7) ( 4.0, 29.6) ( 0.0, 0.0) (-1.1, 3.2) (13.6, 48.9)
Nepal 1389 All 44.2 0.8 35.6 16.1 0.4 0.5 2.4
(40.5, 47.9) ( 0.3, 1.2) (32.9, 38.3) (13.3, 18.9) ( 0.0, 0.8) ( 0.1, 0.8) ( 1.5, 3.3)
Nigeria 1424 Yes 63.8 21.6 6.3 5.1 . 2.6 0.6
(61.3, 66.3) (19.4, 23.7) ( 5.0, 7.5) ( 4.0, 6.3) . ( 1.8, 3.4) ( 0.2, 1.0)
Nigeria 410 No 37.6 5.6 13.9 17.8 . 8.5 16.6
(32.9, 42.3) ( 3.4, 7.8) (10.5, 17.3) (14.1, 21.5) . ( 5.8, 11.3) (13.0, 20.2)
Nigeria 1834 All 58.0 18.0 8.0 8.0 . 3.9 4.2
(55.7, 60.2) (16.2, 19.8) ( 6.7, 9.2) ( 6.7, 9.2) . ( 3.0, 4.8) ( 3.3, 5.1)
Rwanda 1152 Yes 23.8 27.4 15.1 1.0 0.7 32.0 0.1
(21.3, 26.2) (24.9, 30.0) (13.0, 17.2) ( 0.4, 1.5) ( 0.2, 1.2) (29.3, 34.7) (-0.1, 0.2)
Rwanda 70 No 10.1 15.6 12.8 2.9 0.0 53.2 5.5
( 2.8, 17.4) ( 6.9, 24.3) ( 4.8, 20.8) (-1.1, 6.9) ( 0.0, 0.0) (41.2, 65.1) ( 0.1, 11.0)
Rwanda 1222 All 23.0 26.7 15.0 1.1 0.6 33.2 0.4
(20.6, 25.3) (24.3, 29.2) (13.0, 17.0) ( 0.5, 1.7) ( 0.2, 1.1) (30.5, 35.8) ( 0.0, 0.8)
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Table 7: COVID-19 Vaccination Decision-making: most trusted source (continued)
Study N Take
or Ministry of
Family or
leader or
radio or
online groups
Other Don’t know
or Refuse
Sierra Leone 1 836 Yes 47.6 36.9 7.3 3.8 0.5 3.1 0.8
(44.2, 51.0) (33.6, 40.2) ( 5.5, 9.1) ( 2.5, 5.1) ( 0.0, 1.0) ( 1.9, 4.2) ( 0.2, 1.4)
Sierra Leone 1 234 No 31.1 17.1 12.1 7.7 0.5 29.4 2.2
(25.1, 37.1) (12.2, 21.9) ( 7.9, 16.3) ( 4.3, 11.2) (-0.4, 1.3) (23.5, 35.3) ( 0.3, 4.1)
Sierra Leone 1 1070 All 44.0 32.5 8.4 4.7 0.5 8.9 1.1
(41.0, 46.9) (29.7, 35.4) ( 6.7, 10.0) ( 3.4, 6.0) ( 0.1, 0.9) ( 7.1, 10.6) ( 0.5, 1.8)
Sierra Leone 2 1855 Yes 94.1 . 3.0 0.9 0.1 1.9 0.0
(92.5, 95.7) . ( 2.0, 4.0) ( 0.3, 1.5) (-0.1, 0.2) ( 1.2, 2.7) ( 0.0, 0.0)
Sierra Leone 2 254 No 54.7 . 3.9 7.5 0.0 33.9 0.0
(46.5, 62.9) . ( 1.4, 6.5) ( 2.9, 12.0) ( 0.0, 0.0) (26.3, 41.4) ( 0.0, 0.0)
Sierra Leone 2 2109 All 89.3 . 3.1 1.7 0.0 5.8 0.0
(87.2, 91.5) . ( 2.2, 4.1) ( 0.8, 2.6) ( 0.0, 0.1) ( 4.4, 7.2) ( 0.0, 0.0)
Uganda 2 1045 Yes 38.3 36.5 9.8 7.0 5.0 3.5 0.0
(35.5, 41.1) (33.5, 39.4) ( 7.9, 11.6) ( 5.4, 8.6) ( 3.6, 6.3) ( 2.5, 4.6) ( 0.0, 0.0)
Uganda 2 319 No 24.5 19.1 8.5 7.8 7.5 32.0 0.6
(19.9, 29.0) (14.5, 23.7) ( 5.4, 11.5) ( 4.8, 10.9) ( 4.5, 10.5) (26.7, 37.3) (-0.2, 1.5)
Uganda 2 1364 All 35.0 32.4 9.5 7.2 5.6 10.2 0.1
(32.7, 37.4) (29.9, 35.0) ( 7.9, 11.1) ( 5.8, 8.6) ( 4.3, 6.8) ( 8.6, 11.8) (-0.1, 0.3)
All LMICs . Yes 51.3 21.6 16.8 4.5 1.5 6.9 1.2
(33.7, 68.9) ( 9.4, 33.8) ( 5.7, 27.9) ( 0.1, 8.8) (-0.1, 3.1) (-3.4, 17.2) (-0.6, 3.0)
All LMICs . No 32.5 10.8 15.2 8.7 1.6 26.1 9.9
(21.8, 43.3) ( 4.8, 16.8) ( 7.4, 23.0) ( 4.0, 13.4) (-0.9, 4.1) (10.2, 42.1) ( 0.6, 19.2)
All LMICs . All 48.1 19.3 16.8 5.3 1.5 10.6 2.4
(31.6, 64.5) ( 8.3, 30.3) ( 6.1, 27.5) ( 1.0, 9.6) (-0.2, 3.3) ( 0.7, 20.5) (-0.1, 4.9)
Russia 5887 Yes 47.1 24.4 16.5 2.0 4.1 5.8 .
(44.6, 49.7) (22.2, 26.7) (14.6, 18.5) ( 1.2, 2.8) ( 3.1, 5.1) ( 4.5, 7.0) .
Russia 16238 No 31.1 6.9 33.1 2.2 5.3 21.3 .
(29.6, 32.7) ( 6.1, 7.8) (31.5, 34.7) ( 1.7, 2.8) ( 4.5, 6.0) (20.0, 22.7) .
Russia 22125 All 36.0 12.3 28.1 2.2 4.9 16.6 .
(34.7, 37.3) (11.3, 13.2) (26.8, 29.3) ( 1.7, 2.6) ( 4.3, 5.5) (15.6, 17.6) .
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Table 7: COVID-19 Vaccination Decision-making: most trusted source (continued)
Study N Take
or Ministry of
Family or
leader or
radio or
online groups
Other Don’t know
or Refuse
USA 1313 Yes 38.1 33.0 8.7 1.7 . 18.6 0.0
(34.8, 41.5) (29.8, 36.1) ( 6.7, 10.7) ( 0.7, 2.6) . (16.1, 21.1) ( 0.0, 0.0)
USA 462 No 25.3 21.3 18.7 4.2 . 30.3 0.2
(20.4, 30.3) (16.6, 26.0) (13.9, 23.4) ( 1.6, 6.9) . (25.0, 35.6) (-0.2, 0.7)
USA 1775 All 34.5 29.7 11.5 2.4 . 21.9 0.1
(31.7, 37.3) (27.0, 32.3) ( 9.5, 13.4) ( 1.4, 3.4) . (19.5, 24.2) (-0.1, 0.2)
Table 7 shows percentage of respondents that mention actors who they would trust the most to help them decide whether to get a COVID-19 vaccine. For all countries
the questions was asked regardless if respondent would take a vaccine, would not take it, does not know or does not respond. For India respondents were able to mention
more than one actor, for the rest of countries only one actor was allowed. While rows should sum to 100%, rounding makes number slightly above or below. A 95%
confidence interval is shown between parentheses.
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Figure 4: Trusted actors and institutions, broken down by gender.
Sierra Leone 1
Uganda 2
Burkina Faso
Sierra Leone 2
Health workers
Government or
Family or
Famous person,
religious leader
or traditional
radio or online
Don’t know or
Health workers
Government or
Family or
Famous person,
religious leader
or traditional
radio or online
Don’t know or
Answer Female Male All
If a COVID-19 vaccine becomes available in [country], would you take it?
Figure 4 shows histograms of actors and institutions that respondents say they would trust most to help them decide whether or not to take the
COVID-19 vaccine. Respondents were only permitted to select one most trusted actor or institution. Responses are broken down by acceptance of
the COVID-19 vaccine.
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is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. (which was not certified by peer review) The copyright holder for this preprint this version posted March 13, 2021. ; medRxiv preprint
Table 8: Differences in means
Estimate Std.error P.value Degrees of freedom Baseline category Variable
0.04 0.01 0.00 10 Male Gender
0.00 0.01 0.71 10 55+ Age
0.02 0.03 0.41 10 Up to secondary Education
Table 8 shows the results of subgroup mean differences. Subgroup differences were gener-
ated considering only LMICs. The differences in means for gender and age do not include
the Uganda 1 study, which only included female respondents under the age of 55.
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Table 9: Observations and missingness patterns.
Country N obs Take vaccine Gender Education Age
Burkina Faso 977 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.88
Colombia 1,012 0.95 0.00 0.00 0.32
India 3,348 1.00 0.00 0.78 0.00
Mozambique 862 0.98 0.00 0.04 0.00
Nepal 1,389 1.00 0.05 1.00 0.05
Nigeria 1,868 0.98 0.00 1.00 0.00
Pakistan 1 1,633 0.99 0.00 0.01 0.00
Pakistan 2 1,492 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00
Russia 22,125 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Rwanda 1,355 0.90 0.00 0.00 0.00
Sierra Leone 1 1,070 1.00 0.00 0.03 0.00
Sierra Leone 2 2,110 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.01
Uganda 1 3,362 0.94 0.00 0.19 0.05
Uganda 2 1,366 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
USA 1,959 0.91 0.00 0.00 0.00
Table 9 show the percentage of observations that are not missing values
for each variable included in Figure 1.
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Appendix B: Question wording and answer options per study
Table 10: Question wording and answer options- Vaccine acceptance
Study Question Fig. 1 Recoding Fig. 1
Burkina Faso If a COVID-19 vaccine became available in Burkina Faso, would you take
Yes; No; Don’t know; Refuse
Colombia If a COVID-19 vaccine became available in Colombia, would you take it? Yes; No
India If a vaccine for coronavirus gets introduced, would you like to get it? Yes, only for free; Yes, even if I have to pay; No
Mozambique When a COVID-19 vaccine becomes available in the future, would you
take it?
Yes; No; Refuse
Nepal Should a vaccine against COVID become available in Nepal, would you
take it?
Yes; No
Nigeria If a COVID-19 vaccine became available in Niger, would you take it? Yes/Agree; No/Disagree
Pakistan 1 If a vaccine against the coronavirus becomes available, do you plan to get
Yes; No; Don’t know; Refuse
Pakistan 2 If a vaccine against the coronavirus becomes available, do you plan to get
Absolutely yes; Yes; Neutral; No; Absolutely no
Russia If a COVID-19 vaccine became available in Russia, would you take it? Yes, if a Russian vaccine will be available; Yes, if
an imported vaccine will be available; No; Not
Rwanda If a COVID-19 vaccine became available in Rwanda, would you take it? Yes; No
Sierra Leone 1 If a COVID-19 vaccine became available in Sierra Leone, would you take
Yes; No
Sierra Leone 2 Should a vaccine against COVID become available in Sierra Leone, would
you take it?
Yes; No
Uganda 1 When a COVID-19 vaccine becomes available in Uganda, would you take
Yes; No
Uganda 2 If a COVID-19 vaccine becomes available in Uganda, would you take it? Yes; No; Don’t know; Refuse
USA If a COVID-19 vaccine becomes available in the United States, would you
take it?
Definitely yes; Probably yes; Probably not;
Definitely not, Refuse
Table 13 presents question wording and answer options from answers used in Figure 1 to get estimated vaccine acceptance. Answer options are
separated by a semicolon. In India options ’Yes, only for free’ and ’Yes, even if I have to pay’ are both recoded as ’Yes’. In Pakistan 2, ’Absolutely
yes’ is recoded as ’Yes’, ’Neutral’ is recoded as ’Don’t know’ and ’Absolutely no’ is recoded as ’No’. In Russia, ’Yes, if a Russian vaccine will be
available’ and ’Yes, if an imported vaccine will be available’ are both recoded as ’Yes’. In USA ’Definitely yes’ and ’Probably yes’ are recoded as
’Yes’, and ’Probably not’ and ’Definitely not’ are recoded as ’No’
. CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licenseIt is made available under a
is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. (which was not certified by peer review) The copyright holder for this preprint this version posted March 13, 2021. ; medRxiv preprint
Table 11: Question wording and answer options- Reasons to take vaccine
Study Question Tab. 2 Protection: self Protection: family Protection: community
Burkina Faso Why would you
take it?
Protection: self
(general); Protection:
self, chronic condition
Protection: family Protection: community
Colombia Why would you
take it?
Protection: self
(general); Protection:
self, chronic condition
Protection: family Protection: community
Mozambique Why would you
take it?
I want to protect myself
from having COVID-19
in the future
I want to protect my
family/members of my
household against
having COVID-19 in the
I want to protect my
community against
having COVID-19 in the
Nepal Why would you
take it?
Protection: self
(general); Protection:
self, chronic condition/
vulnerable to covid
Protection: family Protection: community
Nigeria Why would you
take it?
I want to protect myself
from having COVID-19
in the future
I want to protect my
family/members of my
household against
having COVID-19 in the
I want to protect my
community against
having COVID-19 in the
Russia Why would you
take it?
Protection: self Protection: family Protection: community
Rwanda Why would you
take it?
Protection: self
(general); Protection:
self, chronic condition
Protection: family Protection: community
Sierra Leone 1 Why would you
take it?
Protection: self
(general); Protection:
self, chronic condition
Protection: family Protection: community
Sierra Leone 2 Why would you
take it?
I will take a vaccine to
protect myself from
having COVID-19 in the
I will take a vaccine to
protect my
family/members of my
household against
having COVID-19 in the
I will take a vaccine to
protect my community
against having
COVID-19 in the future
Uganda 1 Why would you
take it?
Protect myself from
having COVID-19
Protect my
family/members of my
household against
Protect my community
against COVID-19
Uganda 2 Why would you
take it?
Protection: self
(general); Protection:
self, chronic condition/
vulnerable to Covid
Protection: family Protection: community
USA Why would you
take it?
To protect myself from
COVID-19 infection
To protect my family
from COVID-19
To protect my
community from
COVID-19 infection
Table 10 presents question wording and answer options used in Table 2 to get an estimated percentage of reasons to take the
COVID-19 vaccine. Columns ’Protection: self’, ’Protection: family’ and ’Protection: community’ show the answer options
that were recoded in each category. Answer options are separated by a semicolon.
. CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licenseIt is made available under a
is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. (which was not certified by peer review) The copyright holder for this preprint this version posted March 13, 2021. ; medRxiv preprint
Table 12: Question wording and answer options- Reasons not to take the vaccine
Study Question
Fig. 2
Concerned about side
Concerned about
getting COVID-19
from the vaccine
Not concerned about
getting seriously ill
Doesn’t think vaccines
are effective
Doesn’t think
COVID-19 outbreak is
as serious as people say
Doesn’t like needles Allergic to vaccines Won’t havetime to get
Mentions a conspiracy
Other reasons
Why would
you not take
. Concerned about getting
coronavirus from the
Not concerned about
getting seriously ill
Doesn’t think vaccines
work very well
Coronavirus outbreak is
not as serious as people
Doesn’t like needles Allergic to vaccines Won’t havetime to get
Conspiracy theory Other reason
Colombia Why would
you not take
. Concerned about getting
coronavirus from the
Not concerned about
getting seriously ill
Doesn’t think vaccines
work very well
Coronavirus outbreak is
not as serious as people
Doesn’t like needles Allergic to vaccines Won’t havetime to get
Conspiracy theory Other reason; Already
immune; Doesn’t have
Mozambique Why would
you not take
. . I am not concerned
about the risk associated
with me/my relatives
getting COVID-19
I don’t think vaccines
are effective
The coronavirus
outbreak is not as
serious as people say it
I don’t like needles . I won’t have time to go
get vaccinated
. Other
Nepal Why would
you not take
I would be concerned
about the side effects
from the vaccine
I would be concerned
about getting infected
with coronavirus from
the vaccine
I’m not concerned about
getting seriously ill from
the virus
I don’t think vaccines
work very well
The coronavirus
outbreak is not as
serious as people say it
I don’t like needles I’m allergic to vaccines I won’t have time to go
get vaccinated
I think there is a
conspiracy theory with
Nigeria Why would
you not take
I would be concerned
about the side effects
from the vaccine
I would be concerned
about getting infected
with coronavirus from
the vaccine
I’m not concerned about
getting seriously ill from
the virus
I don’t think vaccines
work very well
The coronavirus
outbreak is not as
serious as people say it
I don’t like needles I’m allergic to vaccines I won’t have time to go
get vaccinated
The virus is a hoax /
does not exist; The
vaccine has microchips/
tracking devices
Other; Religious /
community leaders
advising me not to take
Pakistan 1 Why would
you not take
I am concerned about
side effects from the
I would be concerned
about getting infected
with coronavirus from
the vaccine
I don’t consider myself
or my family members
at risk of getting
seriously ill
I don’t think the vaccine
would work well
The coronavirus
infection is just like the
flu and doesn’t warrant a
I don’t like needles . . Vaccines are just
Western conspiracies to
stunt the growth of
Muslims are prohibited
from taking a vaccine
before a disease is
Russia Why would
you not take
Afraid of side effects Afraid of getting
infected with
coronavirus from the
Not concerned with
getting seriously ill from
the virus
Don’t think vaccines are
Coronavirus outbreak is
not as serious as people
say it is
Afraid of needles Can get allergic reaction Don’t have time to get
Hoax: Virus don’t exist;
Hoax: Virus was
designed so vaccines
won’t work; Profit
companies; Control:
contain things that
control our minds;
Global politics: China
can take advantage
Other; I already had
coronavirus and don’t
need a vaccine
Rwanda Why would
you not take
. Concerned about getting
coronavirus from the
Not concerned about
getting seriously ill
Doesn’t think vaccines
work very well
Coronavirus outbreak is
not as serious as people
Doesn’t like needles Allergic to vaccines Won’t havetime to get
Conspiracy theory Other reason; Already
immune; Doesn’t have
Leone 1
Why would
you not take
. Concerned about getting
coronavirus from the
Not concerned about
getting seriously ill
Doesn’t think vaccines
work very well
Coronavirus outbreak is
not as serious as people
Doesn’t like needles Allergic to vaccines Won’t havetime to get
Conspiracy theory Other reason
Leone 2
Why would
you not take
I will not take a vaccine
because I am concerned
about side effects
I will not take a vaccine
because I am not
concerned about the risk
associated with me/my
relatives getting
COVID-19ne is
I will not take a vaccine
because I am not
concerned about the risk
associated with me/my
relatives getting
I will not take a vaccine
because they are not
. I will not take a vaccine
because I don’t like
. I will not take a vaccine
because I don’t have
I will not take a vaccine
because I don’t think
COVID exists
I will not take a vaccine
because of other
reasons; I will not take a
vaccine because my
community objects it; I
will not take a vaccine
because I don’t have
symptoms; I will not
take a vaccine because I
am immune; I will not
take a vaccine because it
is provided by foreign
aid; I will not take a
vaccine because I don’t
know what a vaccine is
Uganda 1 Why would
you not take
Concerned about the
side effects from the
I am not worried that my
relatives will get
I am not worried that my
relatives will get
I don’t think vaccines
are effective
Coronavirus is not as
serious as people say it
I don’t like needles . I won’t have time to go
get vaccinated
. Other; It will cost too
Uganda 2 Why would
you not take
I would be concerned
about the side effects
from the vaccine
I would be concerned
about getting infected
with coronavirus from
the vaccine
I’m not concerned about
getting seriously ill from
the virus
I don’t think vaccines
work very well
The coronavirus
outbreak is not as
serious as people say it
I don’t like needles I’m allergic to vaccines I won’t have time to go
get vaccinated
I think there is a
conspiracy theory with
USA Why would
you not take
I am concerned about
possible side effects
. I am not concerned
about getting the virus
I don’t think vaccines
are effective
. . . . Mentions a conspiracy
theory (recoded from
responses in "Other"
Cost or difficulty of
getting the vaccine
Table 11 presents question wording and answer options used in Figure 2 to get an estimated percentage of reasons not to take the COVID-19 vaccine. Columns 3-10 show the answer options that were recoded in each category. Answer options are separated by a semicolon.
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Table 13: Question wording and answer options- Trusted actors and institutions
Study Question Fig. 3 Health workers Government or
Ministry of Health
Family or friends Famous person,
religious leader or
traditional healers
Newspapers, radio or
online groups
Burkina Faso Which of the following people would you trust
MOST to help you decide whether you would get
a COVID-19 vaccine, if one becomes available?
Doctors or other staff at
a community health
Advice from Ministry of
Family members;
Friends you see and talk
to; Friends you-’ve made
Famous person;
Religious leaders;
Traditional Healers
Traditional media
radio);Online medical
discussion groups
Other/ Someone else
Colombia Which of the following people would you trust
MOST to help you decide whether you would get
a COVID-19 vaccine, if one becomes available?
Doctors or other staff at
a community health
Advice of the Instituto
Nacional de Salud
Family members;
Friends you see and talk
to; Friends you’ve made
Famous person;
Religious leaders;
Traditional Healers
Traditional media
radio);Online medical
discussion groups
Other/ Someone else
Nepal Which of the following people would you trust
MOST to help you decide whether you would get
a COVID-19 vaccine, if one becomes available?
Doctors or other staff at
a community health
Advice of the national
health service
Family members;
Friends you see and talk
Famous person;
Religious leaders;
Traditional healers
Traditional media
(newspaper, radio);
Online medical
discussion groups
None of these/ Someone
else; Advice of the
Nigeria Which of the following people would you trust
MOST to help you decide whether you would get
a COVID-19 vaccine, if one becomes available?
Medical professionals
like doctors
NCDC; Government
Family members and
Religious leaders . Some other sourcer;
Other community
Russia Which of the following people would you trust
MOST to help you decide whether you would get
a COVID-19 vaccine, if one becomes available?
Health workers Government; Health
Family; Friends Famous people;
Religious leaders
Traditional media;
Online medical
discussion groups
Rwanda Which of the following people would you trust
MOST to help you decide whether you would get
a COVID-19 vaccine, if one becomes available?
Doctors or other staff at
a community health
Advice of the Ministry
of Health
Family members;
Friends you see and talk
to; Friends you’ve made
Famous person;
Religious leaders;
Traditional healers
Traditional media
(newspaper, radio);
Online medical
discussion groups
None of these/ Someone
else; Myself
Sierra Leone 1 Which of the following people would you trust
MOST to help you decide whether you would get
a COVID-19 vaccine, if one becomes available?
Doctors or other staff at
a community health
Advice of the Ministry
of Health and Sanitation
Family members;
Friends you see and talk
to; Friends you’ve made
Famous person;
Religious leaders;
Traditional healers
Traditional media
(newspaper, radio);
Online medical
discussion groups
None of these/ Someone
else; I do trust
Sierra Leone 2 Which of the following people would you trust
MOST to help you decide whether you would get
a COVID-19 vaccine, if one becomes available?
A doctor, nurse or other
staff at a community
health clinic; A country
medical staff
. Family; Friends you see
and talk to; Friends
you’ve made online
A famous person; A
religious leader; A
traditional healer
Online medical
discussion groups
None of these/ Someone
Uganda 2 Which of the following people would you trust
MOST to help you decide whether you would get
a COVID-19 vaccine, if one becomes available?
Doctors or other staff at
a community health
Advice of the national
health service
Family; Friends you see
and talk to; Friends
you’ve made online
Famous person;
Religious leaders;
Traditional healers
Traditional media
(newspaper, radio);
Online medical
discussion groups
None of these; Someone
USA Which of the following people would you trust
MOST to help you decide whether you would get
a COVID-19 vaccine, if one becomes available?
Your doctor or
healthcare provider
Donald Trump; Anthony
Fauci; Your state’s
governor; Local public
health authority
Friends or family Your pastor, priest, or
other religious leader
. Other; Joe Biden
Table 12 presents question wording and answer options used in Figure 3 to get the percentage of respondents mentioning each actor or instituion that they would trust to decide whether to get the COVID-19 vaccine. Columns 3-8 show the
answer options that were recoded in each category. Answer options are separated by a semicolon.
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Appendix C: Additional contributors
We thank Madison Levine, Sellu Kallon, Vasudha Ramakrishna, Sarah Ryan for valuable intellec-
tual contributions and research assistance.
IPA would like to thank staff in Burkina Faso, Colombia, Rwanda, Sierra Leone and the United
States for their intellectual contributions, research assistance, and support throughout the RECOVR
survey: Achille Mignondo Tchibozo, Michael Rosenbaum, Hugo Salas, Filippo Cuccaro, Jean
Leodomir Habarimana Mfura, Doug Kirke-Smith, Savanna Henderson, Shahana Hirji, Kyle Hol-
loway, Margarita Cabra.
Ekaterina Borisova and Georgiy Syunyaev would like to thank staff at Online Market Intelligence
survey agency and Kirill Chmel and Vladimir Zabolotsky for their intellectual contributions and
research assistance.
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Appendix D: Sample Descriptions
The case history data for all countries in our sample is extracted from the Johns Hopkins University
Center for Systems Science and Engineering (JHU CSSE) database.1
Burkina Faso, Research for Effective COVID-19 Responses (RECOVR) National RDD Sam-
ple, Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA)
COVID-19 Experience
First confirmed case: March 9, 2020
Number of confirmed cases 2,335 as of October 15, 2020
Number of deaths: 65 as of October 15, 2020
Target Population: A random sample of all adults with mobile phone numbers in the country,
based on national communications authority number allocation plans.
Original Study Design: N/A
COVID-19 Survey Design: Numbers were called via random digit dialing (RDD), stratified by
mobile network operator market share for a two-round panel survey.
Sampling Frame: All mobile phone numbers in Burkina Faso.
Survey Dates: October 15 to December 4, 2020 (Round 1 June 6-15, 2020)
Sample size, tracking and attrition: Sample includes 977 respondents from the second round of a
panel. In the first round conducted between June 6 to 15, 2020, 1,356 individual surveys were con-
tacted through Random Digit Dialing (RDD) from the sampling frame of all mobile phone numbers
in Burkina Faso. 2,313 working numbers yielded 1,383 eligible respondents for a completion rate
of 98% of eligible respondents.
Sampling Weights: Post-stratification weights are computed to adjust for differential attrition be-
tween the first and second rounds of the RDD panel, weighting on gender, region, and educational
IRB Approval: This research was approved via IPA IRB Protocol 15608, and the Burkina Faso
Institutional Ethics Committee for Health Sciences Research, approval A13-2020.
Colombia, Research for Effective COVID-19 Responses (RECOVR) National RDD Sample,
Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA)
COVID-19 Experience
1Dong, E., Du, H., & Gardner, L. (2020). An interactive web-based dashboard to track COVID-19 in real time.
The Lancet infectious diseases, 20(5), 533-534.
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First confirmed case: March 6, 2020
Number of confirmed cases: 456,689 as of August 15, 2020
Number of deaths: 14,810 as of August 15, 2020
Target Population: A random sample of all numerically possible mobile phone numbers in the
country, based on national communications authority number allocation plans.
Original Study Design: N/A
COVID-19 Survey Design:
Sampling Frame: Numbers were called via random digit dialing (RDD), stratified by mobile net-
work operator market share.
Survey Dates: August 15-25, 2020 (Round 1 May 8-15, 2020)
Sample size, tracking and attrition: Sample includes 1,012 respondents contacted in the second
round of a panel of 1,507.
Sampling Weights: Post-stratification weights are computed to adjust for differential attrition be-
tween the first and second rounds of the RDD panel, weighting on gender, region, and educational
IRB Approval: This research was approved via IPA IRB Protocol 15582.
India, Coping with COVID-19 in Slums: Evidence from India Subnational sample, Nova
School of Business and Economics, The Institute for Fiscal Studies, University of St. Andrews
COVID-19 Experience
First confirmed case: January 30, 2020
Number of confirmed cases: 198,370 as of June 1, 2020
Number of deaths: 5,608 as of June 1, 2020
Target Population: Random subset of slum populations in Lucknow and Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh,
India. Socio-economic variables are only collected for a representative sample of the population
relying on community toilets or open defecation to fulfil their sanitation needs.
Original Study Design: Randomized controlled trial, with complete census of households within
142 slums (September to December 2017), and a series of household and caretaker surveys, objec-
tive measurements, incentivized behavioural measurements, and a Structured Community Activity,
collected for a sub-set of 100 slums between April 2018 and September 2019.
Intervention: Catchment areas of CTs were randomly allocated to two interventions. The first
intervention aimed at community toilet improvements by offering caretakers the choice of a grant
to be spent for improvements in the facility. Following the grant, caretakers were offered a large
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financial reward conditional on the cleanliness of the facility. The second intervention added to
this CT improvement awareness creation among potential users through face-to-face information
sessions, leaflets, monthly reminders using voice messages sent to mobile phones, and posters
hung in the CTs.
Sampling Frame: A two-step sampling was applied, first, study households from the main study
sample were sampled, then households from the whole slum population were added.
Survey Dates: Baseline: June to July 2020, Follow-up 1: October toNovember 2020, Follow-up 2:
December 16, 2020 toJanuary 18, 2021.
Sample size, tracking and attrition: 3,991 households, with a mean of 28 households per cluster
(142). Non-response Baseline: 25%, Attrition rate Baseline to Follow-up (1 and 2): 13%, Ran-
domly selected replacement households for Follow-up (1 and 2): 1,277.
Sampling Weights: Included
IRB Approval: Approval was secured from London School of Economics (REC ref. 1132). The
pre-analysis plan was registered on the AEA RCT registry (RCT ID AEARCTR-0006564).
Mozambique Subnational sample, International Growth Center, Nova School of Business
and Economics
COVID-19 Experience
First confirmed case: March 22, 2020
Number of confirmed cases: 12,777 as of October 30, 2020
Number of deaths: 91 as of October 30, 2020
Target Population: Microentrepreneurs in urban markets of Maputo and household heads from
the province of Cabo Delgado.
Original Study Design: Initial data were collected in-person in two different studies. For microen-
trepreneurs in Maputo, the data were collected between October 2013 and April 2014 (baseline),
and between July and November 2015 (endline).2For household heads in Cabo Delgado, the data
were collected in-person between August and September 2016 (baseline), and between August and
September 2017 (endline).3
Intervention: The first study was dedicated to analyzing the impacts of interventions targeting
microentrepreneurs in urban markets on financial inclusion and literacy. The second study focused
on the role of information to counteract the political resource curse after a substantial natural gas
Sampling Frame: The first initial sample was selected by in-field random sampling in 23 urban and
periurban markets in Maputo and Matola. Stratification was based on the gender of the respondent
2Original study:
3Original study:
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and on the type of establishment (stall vs. store). The second initial sample was selected to be
representative of 206 communities in the province of Cabo Delgado, randomly drawn from the list
of all 421 polling locations in the sampling frame, stratified on urban, semiurban, and rural areas.
This survey in this paper was done by phone.
Survey Dates: October 30 to November 21, 2020 (Maputo) and November 6 to November 30, 2020
Sample size, tracking and attrition: 554 microentrepreneurs from Maputo and 308 households
from Cabo Delgado.
Sampling Weights: N/A
\emph{IRB Approval: The approval was secured from Universidade Nova de Lisboa on July 14,
Nepal, Western Terai Panel Survey (WTPS) Subnational sample, Yale University, Yale Re-
search Initiative on Innovation and Scale (Y-RISE)
COVID-19 Experience
First confirmed case: January 23, 2020
Number of confirmed cases: 233,452 as of December 1, 2020
Number of deaths: 1,529 as of December 1, 2020
Target Population: Rural households in the districts of Kailali and Kanchanpur.
Original Study Design: Initial baseline data was collected in-person in July of 2019, and 5 rounds
of phone survey data were collected between August 12, 2019 and January 4, 2020.
Sampling Frame: The phone survey sample includes 2,636 rural households in the districts of
Kailali and Kanchanpur, which represent the set of households that responded to phone surveys
from an original sample of 2,935 households. This sample was constructed by randomly sampling
33 wards from 15 of the 20 sub-districts in Kailali and Kanchanpur and selecting a random 97
villages from within those wards. At the time of baseline data collection in July of 2019, 7 of these
97 villages were dropped from the sample due to flooding. Households belong to the bottom half
of the wealth distribution in these villages, as estimated by a participatory wealth ranking exercise
with members of the village.
Survey Dates:December 1st - December 11, 2020
Sample size, tracking and attrition: 1,392 households
IRB Approval: This research was approved via Yale University IRB Protocol 2000025621.
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Nigeria Subnational sample, WZB Berlin Social Science Center, University of Illinois
COVID-19 Experience
First confirmed case: February 28, 2020
Number of confirmed cases: 65,693 as of November 18, 2020
Number of deaths: 1,163 as of November 18, 2020
Target Population: Christian and Muslim men and women, age 18 and above, living in Kaduna
state, Nigeria.
Original Study Design: Initial data was collected from a subset of the sample in December 2019
(in person survey) and July - Aug 2020 (phone survey) as part of an experiment testing the effects
of a brief radio program on inter-religious animus. A random walk procedure and random sampling
were used within households to recruit a representative sample of adults in Kaduna town. The rest
of the sample was recruited for the study in Aug 2020 by purchasing phone lists for residents of
Kaduna State.
Intervention: The study examines the effects of a radio program and a TV drama on inter-religious
animus. The subset of the sample in the radio study was randomly assigned to listen to a brief
radio program on one of the following topics: (1) an inter-religious storyline, (2) an intra-religious
storyline, and (3) a message about maintaining safe health practices. All respondents in the sample
participated in a study examining the effect of viewing an inter-religious storyline unfolding over
a full season of a popular TV drama, Dadin Kowa. The season aired from Aug - Oct 2020. A
third of the sample were encouraged to watch Dadin Kowa, a third were encouraged to watch
the TV station Africa Magic Hausa at the same time Dadin Kowa aired, and a third were in the
treatment-as-usual group. All participants received a weekly incentivized SMS quiz from Aug -
Oct 2020.
COVID-19 Survey Design: This survey is not primarily about COVID-19, but was designed as an
endline survey to follow the TV drama intervention described above. The goal of this survey is to
measure a range of attitudinal outcomes related to Christian-Muslim relations (including prejudice,
intergroup threat perceptions, dehumanization, and support for the use of violence, among others).
We included nine of the standardized COVID-19 vaccine-related questions collected specifically
for this vaccine acceptance study in the final module of the endline survey.
Sampling Frame: 950 respondents in the sample were recruited in person through a random sam-
pling procedure in the Kaduna metropolitan area (pre-COVID). The remaining 1,700 respondents
were recruited into the study over the phone from lists of phone numbers of Kaduna state residents
that were purchased from a private vendor.
Survey Dates: November 18 - December 18, 2020.
Sample size, tracking and attrition: All 1,834 individuals who completed the endline survey are
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Sampling Weights: N/A
IRB Approval: This study was reviewed by the IRB at the University of Pennsylvania (Protocol
834548), and it was determined on November 20, 2019 to meet the criteria for review exemption
(45 CFR 46.104, category #2).
COVID-19 Experience
March 6: First confirmed case: February 26, 2020
Number of confirmed cases: 271,887 as of July 24, 2020
Number of deaths: 5,787 as of July 24, 2020
Pakistan, Economic Vulnerability Assessment (EVA) Subnational sample, Sheikhupura Po-
lice Study Sample, Institute of Development and Economic Alternatives, Lahore University
of Management Science, London School of Economics, Princeton University
Target Population: A representative sample of adults from 108 of 151 police beats in Sheikhupura
and Nankana districts of Punjab Province.
Original Study Design: N/A
COVID-19 Survey Design: The EVA survey involved calls to all households in the stratified
random sample for the policing study midline survey.
Sampling Frame: Households in Sheikhupura and Nankana districts.
Survey Dates: July 24 to September 9, 2020
Sample size, tracking and attrition: Sample includes 1,473 respondents.
Sampling Weights: Post-stratification weights are computed to adjust for the sampling process,
which involved stratifying first on 27 police stations, then within each police station on beats, then
PPS sampling within beats using Asiapop population data.
IRB Approval: This research was approved via Princeton University IRB Protocol 7250.
Pakistan, Economic Vulnerability Assessment (EVA) Subnational sample
Target Population: All possible mobile phone numbers (in the province of Punjab) generated
based on the local mobile phone number structure in Pakistan.
Original Study Design: N/A
COVID-19 Survey Design: The EVA survey involved making calls to individuals in Punjab based
on random digit dialing.
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Sampling Frame: Individuals with mobile phones in Punjab.
Survey Dates: September 2 to October 13, 2020
Sample size, tracking and attrition: Sample includes 1,492 respondents.
Sampling Weights: N/A.
IRB Approval: This research was approved by Lahore University of Management Sciences IRB
Protocol LUMS-IRB/07012020SA.
Rwanda, Research for Effective COVID-19 Responses (RECOVR) National RDD Sample,
Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA)
COVID-19 Experience
First confirmed case: March 14, 2020
Total cases: 5,017 as of October 22, 2020
Total deaths: 34 as of October 22, 2020
Target Population: A random sample of all numerically possible mobile phone numbers in the
country, based on national communications authority number allocation plans.
Original Study Design: N/A
COVID-19 Survey Design:Phone survey
Sampling Frame: Numbers were called via random digit dialing (RDD), stratified by mobile net-
work operator market share.
Survey Dates: October 22 to November 5, 2020 (Round 1 June 4 -12, 2020)
Sample size, tracking and attrition:Sample includes 1,355 respondents contacted in the second
round of a panel of 1,480.
Sampling Weights: Post-stratification weights are computed to adjust for differential attrition be-
tween the first and second rounds of the RDD panel, weighting on gender, region, and educational
IRB Approval: This research was approved via IPA IRB Protocol 15591, Rwanda National Institute
for Scientific Research permit No.0856/2020/10/NISR; and Rwanda National Ethics Committee
approval No.16/RNEC/2020.
Russian Federation, Research on COVID-19 in Russia’s Regions (RoCiRR) Subnational sam-
ple, International Center for the Study of Institutions and Development (HSE University,
Moscow, Russia) and Economics Department of Ghent University, WZB Berlin Social Sci-
ence Center, Columbia University
COVID-19 Experience
. CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licenseIt is made available under a
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First confirmed case: January 31, 2020
Number of confirmed cases: 1,720,063 as of November 6, 2020
Number of deaths: 29,654 as of November 6, 2020
Target Population: Adult internet users who reside in one of 61 federal subjects (federal cities,
oblasts, republics, krais and autonomous okrug) of Russia. The regions included in the study are
Republics: Bashkortostan, Karelia, Komi, Mariy El, Mordovia, Tatarstan, Udmurtia, Chuvashia.
Krais: Altai, Krasnodarsky, Krasnoyarsky, Permsky, Primorsky, Stavropolsky, Khabarovsky.
Oblasts: Arkhangelsk, Astrakhan, Belgorod, Bryansk, Vladimir, Volgograd, Vologda, Voronezh,
Ivanovo, Irkutsk, Kaliningrad, Kaluga, Kemerovo, Kirov, Kostroma, Kurgan, Kursk, Leningrad,
Lipetsk, Moscow, Murmansk, Nizhny Novgorod, Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Orenburg, Orel,
Pskov, Penza, Rostov, Ryazan, Samara, Saratov, Sverdlovsk, Smolensk, Tambov, Tver, Tomsk, Tula,
Tyumen, Ulyanovsk, Chelyabinsk, Yaroslavl. Other: Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Khanty-Mansiysk
Autonomous Okrug Ugra. The remaining 24 federal subjects were excluded from the study
due to inability to enroll sample size with desired characteristics (sample size, age, gender and
education group composition).
Original Study Design: N/A
COVID-19 Survey Design: The study was designed to measure the impact of pandemics on
Russians, mostly those who live in cities with more than 100,000 residents. It contains a number of
questions on the personal experience, norms and values, trust in government institutions, provision
of social services, and mass media use. Region and geolocality of every respondent are recorded.
Sampling Frame: In total 25,558 respondents received the module on vaccine acceptance. The
sample was enrolled from the pool of Russian online survey company OMI (Online Market In-
telligence). The sampling was specifically targeted at having a minimum of 150 respondents in
each of the 61 regions and including respondents from all the main age and gender groups within
each region. Respondents were also selected so that at least 40% of respondents did not have
higher education, in accordance with higher education rates in Russia. Out of 25,558 recruited
respondents, 22,125 completed the survey. Among 22,125 respondents who completed the survey,
20,821 were enrolled from the general pull of the survey company respondents, while the remain-
ing 1,304 respondents were enrolled among residents of cities with populations below 100,000 and
rural areas.
Survey Dates: November 6 - December 1, 2020
Sample size, tracking and attrition: 22,125 respondents who completed the survey with the vaccine
acceptance module included.
Sampling Weights: Post-stratification weights are computed to match marginal population distri-
butions of age, gender and education with target proportions coming from the 2019 Yearbook and
2015 Microcensus released by Russian Federal Bureau of National Statistics (Rosstat).
IRB Approval: This study was approved via Columbia University IRB Protocol IRB-AAAT4453.
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Sierra Leone
COVID-19 Experience
First confirmed case: March 20, 2020
Total cases: 2,252 as of October 2, 2020 and 3,030 as of January 20, 2021
Total deaths: 72 as of October 2, 2020 and 77 as of January 20, 2021
Sierra Leone, Research for Effective COVID-19 Responses (RECOVR) National RDD Sam-
ple, Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA) Target Population: A random sample of all numer-
ically possible