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A Salutogenic Mental Health Model: Flourishing as a Metaphor for Good Mental Health


Abstract and Figures

This chapter focuses on a salutogenic understanding of mental health based on the work of Corey Keyes. He is dedicated to research and analysis of mental health as subjective well-being, where mental health is seen from an insider perspective. Flourishing is the pinnacle of good mental health, according to Keyes. He describes how mental health is constituted by an affective state and psychological and social functioning, and how we can measure mental health by the Mental Health Continuum—Short Form (MHC-SF) questionnaire. Further, I elaborate on Keyes’ two continua model of mental health and mental illness , a highly useful model in the health care context, showing that the absence of mental illness does not translate into the presence of mental health. You can also read about how lived experiences of former patients support Keyes dual model of mental health and mental illness. This model makes it clear that people can perceive they have good mental health even with mental illness, as well as people with perceived poor or low mental health can be without any mental disorder. The cumulative evidence for seeing mental disorder and mental health function along two different continua, central mental health concepts, and research significant for health promotion are elaborated in this chapter.
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© The Author(s) 2021
G. Haugan, M. Eriksson (eds.), Health Promotion in Health Care – Vital Theories and Research,
A Salutogenic Mental Health
Model: Flourishing asaMetaphor
forGood Mental Health
This chapter focuses on a salutogenic under-
standing of mental health based on the work of
Corey Keyes. He is dedicated to research and
analysis of mental health as subjective well-
being, where mental health is seen from an
insider perspective. Flourishing is the pinna-
cle of good mental health, according to Keyes.
He describes how mental health is constituted
by an affective state and psychological and
social functioning, and how we can measure
mental health by the Mental Health
Continuum—Short Form (MHC-SF) question-
naire. Further, I elaborate on Keyes’ two con-
tinua model of mental health and mental
illness, a highly useful model in the health
care context, showing that the absence of
mental illness does not translate into the pres-
ence of mental health. You can also read about
how lived experiences of former patients sup-
port Keyes dual model of mental health and
mental illness. This model makes it clear that
people can perceive they have good mental
health even with mental illness, as well as
people with perceived poor or low mental
health can be without any mental disorder.
The cumulative evidence for seeing mental
disorder and mental health function along two
different continua, central mental health con-
cepts, and research signicant for health pro-
motion are elaborated in this chapter.
Mental health · Mental health promotion ·
Flourishing · Mental health continuum short
form · MHC-SF · Two continua model
Salutogenesis · Complete mental health
Positive mental health · Well-being
5.1 Introduction
This chapter is about mental health. Mental
health is explained from a salutogenic perspec-
tive. This is an asset- and resource-oriented
approach, which is explained with Corey Keyes’
theoretical model of mental health [13], where
mental health is understood as the presence of
feelings and functioning, and not the absent of
illness. The two continua model of mental health
[3, 4] contributes to an understanding of mental
health relevant in health care services by incorpo-
rating knowledge about diseases (pathogenesis)
and complements this with the knowledge about
health and well-being (salutogenesis).
N. H. Mjøsund (*)
Division of Mental Health and Addiction, Department
of Mental Health Research and Development, Vestre
Viken Hospital Trust, Drammen, Norway
Years ago, WHO [5] introduced a denition of
health praised as well as criticized from many
perspectives. However, it can be seen as a deni-
tion including situations a person is eager to
achieve and situations a person is eager to avoid.
“Health is a state of complete physical, mental
and social well-being and not merely the absence
of disease and inrmity” ([5], p.1). Health has
different meanings to different people. Green and
Tones [6] say it so strikingly:
…health is one of those abstract words, like love
and beauty, that mean different things to different
people. However, we can condently say that
health is, and has always been, a signicant value
in people’s lives ([6], p.8).
To focus on mental health by separating it
from health in its totality might be articial due
to the risk of losing the sight of health’s complex-
ity and composition. Mjøsund etal. [7] argue that
perceived mental health, and physical, emotional,
social, and spiritual aspects of health reciprocally
inuence each other. It seems that the phenome-
non of mental health is especially fragile from
being separated from the totality of health.
However, a conscious theoretical attention to one
of the aspects of health while remembering its
connectedness to the other aspects might facili-
tate a deeper understanding and more targeted
clinical intervention to promote it.
In a society with a dominant awareness on ill-
ness and disease prevention, people need useful
knowledge to care for and promote their mental
health, as well as physical, spiritual, and social
health. Academics and scholars need theories and
models to study mental health, and health profes-
sionals and health promoters need an extensive
knowledge base to perform evidence-based inter-
ventions for quality enhancement in clinical
practices. Scientists claim to adapt a pragmatic
approach accepting various conceptualizations of
health because it remains unlikely that we arrive
at consensus on a health denition for health pro-
motion research [8].
Findings from lived experiences of inpatient
care in the project Positive Mental Health—From
What to How [9] shed light on some elements of
the mental health and Keyes’ dual model of men-
tal health [2]. In this qualitative research project,
the meanings of mental health and mental health
promotion were explored from the perspective of
persons with former and recent patient experi-
ences [7].
5.2 Mental Health
Nearly two decades ago, Corey Keyes, PhD in
sociology [1], suggested to operationalize mental
health as a syndrome of symptoms of positive
feelings and positive functioning in life. Mental
health is about an individual’s subjective well-
being; the individuals’ perceptions and evalua-
tions of their own lives in terms of their affective
state, and their psychological and social function-
ing [1]. Inspired by salutogenesis, mental health
is viewed as the presence of positive states of
human capacities and functioning in cognition,
affect, and behavior [3].
Hence, the more dominant view of mental
health as the absence of psychopathology was
questioned by Keyes [3]. While still holding this
view, Keyes needed to employ the DSM-3 [10]
approach as a theoretical guide for the conceptu-
alization and the determination of the mental
health categories and the diagnosis of mental
health [1]. These terms, more often used in diag-
nosing mental disorders, rather than health, were
used with a conscious aim [1, 4, 11]. Keyes
chooses to utilize DSM-3, its established reputa-
tion and familiarity, as a tool aiming to place the
domain of mental health on equal footing with
mental illness [1]. The measurement of mental
health was done in the same way as psychiatrist
measures common mental disorders, as for exam-
ple a major depressive episode [12]. The con-
cepts (syndromes, symptoms, and diagnosis) are
familiar for nurses and for multidisciplinary pro-
fessionals in health care services, as well as for
patients and their relatives, which is a pedagogic
benecial when health promotion models and
theories are used to guide interventions in clinical
Mjøsund [9] contributes to the knowledge
base of health promotion by investigating expe-
riences of mental health among persons with
mental disorders. This study explored how
N. H. Mjøsund
mental health was perceived by former patients
[7], and the experiences of mental health pro-
motion efforts in an inpatient setting [13]. The
methodology Interpretative Phenomenological
Analysis [14] was applied on 12 in-depth inter-
views. Apart from the participants, an advisory
team of ve research advisors either with a
diagnosis or related to a family member with
severe mental illness was involved at all stages
of the research process as part of the extensive
service user involvement applied in the project
[15, 16].
5.2.1 Mental Health asaSyndrome
Keyes [1] operationalizes mental health as a syn-
drome of symptoms, based on an evaluation or
declaration that individuals make about their
lives. The syndrome of symptoms of positive
feelings and positive functioning in life included
psychological, social, and emotional well-being
[1], make up the family tree of mental health,
which is portrayed in Fig.5.1.
How you are feeling about life includes (1)
emotional well-being—and how you are func-
tioning is about, (2) psychological well-being,
and (3) social well-being. The division of subjec-
tive well-being consists in this way of two com-
patible traditions: the Hedonic tradition, focusing
on the individual’s feelings toward life, and the
Eudaimonic tradition that equates mental health
with how human potential, when cultivated,
results in functioning well in life [3, 17].
Emotional well-being consists of perceptions of
happiness, interest in life, and satisfaction with
life [18]. Where happiness is about spontaneous
reection on pleasant and unpleasant affects in
one’s immediate experience, the life satisfaction
represents a more long-term assessments of one’s
life [2]. The Hedonic approach equals emotional
well-being as it frames happiness as positive
emotions and represent the opinion that a good
life is about feeling good or experiencing more
moments of good feelings [12]. In contrast to the
emotional well-being, psychological well-being
is about the individual’s self-report about the
quality with which they are functioning [2].
Psychological and social well-being are rooted in
Family Tree of Mental Health
Positive Feeling Positive Functioning
I - Me
Emotional Well-Being Psychological Well-Being Social Well-Being
We - Us
Interest in Life
Positive Relations with Others
Personal Growth
Purpose in Life
Environmental Mastery
Social Acceptance
Social Integration
Social Growth
Social Contribution
Social Coherence
Fig. 5.1 The family tree of mental health. (Reproduced with permission from a lecture given by C.Keyes in Drammen,
Norway, 13th of December 2010)
5 A Salutogenic Mental Health Model: Flourishing asaMetaphor forGood Mental Health
the Eudaimonic tradition which claims that hap-
piness is about striving toward excellence and
positive functioning, both individually and as a
member of the society [2]. Eudaimonia frames
happiness as a way of doing things in the world
and represents the opinion that a good life is
about how well individuals cultivate their abili-
ties to function well or to do good in the world
[12]. Psychological well-being is conceptualized
as a private phenomenon that is focused on the
challenges encountered by the individual; it is
about how well an individual functions in life
[12]. Social well-being represents a more public
experience related to the individual social tasks
in their social structures and communities [2].
Social well-being is about how well an individual
is functioning as a citizen and a member of a
community [12]. An important distinction
between psychological and social well-being is
that the former represents how people view them-
selves functioning as “I” and “Me,” while the lat-
ter represents how people view themselves
functioning as “We” and “Us” [17].
The level of mental health is indicated when
a set of symptoms of emotional well-being com-
bined with symptoms of psychological and
social well-being at a specic level are present
for a specied duration [1, 2]. This constellation
of symptoms coincides with the individual’s
internal and subjective judgment of their affec-
tive state and their psychological and social
5.2.2 Mental Health:
Mental health can be conceptualized along a con-
tinuum and subdivided into three conditions or
levels: languishing, moderate, and ourishing
mental health [1]. To be ourishing is to be lled
with positive emotions and to be functioning well
psychologically and socially. Flourishing has
emerged to be a term describing the optimal state
of mental health [19]. Languishing is to be men-
tally unhealthy, which is experienced as being
stuck, stagnant, or that life lacks interest and
engagement [2]. Further, languishing can be
described as emptiness and lack of progress, the
feeling of a quiet despair that parallels accounts
of life as hollow, empty, a shell, or a void.
Individuals diagnosed as neither ourishing nor
languishing are considered to have moderate
mental health [1]. To be diagnosed as having
ourishing, moderate or languishing mental
health, three dimensions or symptoms of emo-
tional well-being, six of psychological well-
being, and ve dimensions of social well-being
are assessed [18]. A state of mental health is
indicated when a set of symptoms at a specic
level are present or absent for a specied dura-
tion, and they coincide with distinctive cognitive
and social functioning [1].
5.2.3 Measuring Mental Health:
TheMental Health Continuum
Short Form
The self-administered questionnaire Mental
Health Continuum—Short Form (MHC-SF) was
developed to assess mental health based on indi-
viduals’ responses to structured scales measuring
the presence or absence of positive effects (hap-
piness, interest in life, and satisfaction), and
functioning in life, which includes the measure-
ment of the two dimensions: psychological well-
being and social well-being [1, 18]. Psychological
well-being is characterized by the presence of
intrapersonal reections of one’s adjustment to
and outlook on life and consists of six dimen-
sions: self-acceptance, positive relations with
others, personal growth, purpose in life, environ-
mental mastery, and autonomy. Social well-being
epitomizes the more public and social criteria
and consists of social coherence, social actualiza-
tion, social integration, social acceptance, and
social contribution [17]. Individuals who are
ourishing or languishing must exhibit, respec-
tively, high or low levels on at least seven or more
of the dimensions [1]. Keyes [18] explains:
To be diagnosed with ourishing mental health,
individuals must experience ‘every day’ or ‘almost
every day’ at least one of the three signs of hedonic
wellbeing and at least six of the eleven signs of
N. H. Mjøsund
positive functioning during the past month.
Individuals who exhibit low levels (i.e., ‘never’ or
‘once or twice’ during the past month) on at least
one measure of hedonic wellbeing and low levels
on at least six measures of positive functioning are
diagnosed with languishing mental health.
Individuals who are neither ourishing nor lan-
guishing are diagnosed with moderate mental
health ([18], p.1).
The MHC-SF is constructed to be interpreted
by both a continuous scoring, sum 0–70, and a
categorical diagnosis of ourishing, moderate
mental health or languishing. The questionnaire
has been translated to many languages and applied
in different cultures across many continents, such
as Europe [20], Africa [17], Australia [21], South-
America [22], North-America [23, 24], and Asia
[25, 26]. Recently, the structure and application
were evaluated for cross-cultural studies, involv-
ing 38 nations [27]. The MHC-SF shows good
internal reliability, consistency, and convergent
and discriminant validity in respondents between
the age of 18 and 87 years [20] and across the
lifespan [28]. The MHC-SF is claimed to be valid
and reliable for monitoring well-being in student
groups [29], as well as in both clinical (affective
disorders) and nonclinical groups [30]. Moreover,
the MHC-SF has also been used as the outcome in
intervention studies [31, 32].
5.2.4 Flourishing: ThePinnacle
ofGood Mental Health
The term ourishing gives associations to some-
thing we want to achieve, a state where we are
thriving, growing, and unfolding, and I have
vitality, energy, and strength. The concept of
ourishing has mostly been used in the eld of
positive psychology and sociology. Although
the concept is considered to be relevant in nurs-
ing practice and research, it is still virtually
absent in the nursing literature [19]. According
to Keyes, ourishing is the pinnacle of good
mental health; he chose to use the term ourish-
ing to be clear that he was talking about mental
health and not merely the absence of mental ill-
ness [12]. An evolutionary concept analysis of
ourishing claimed that ourishing is still an
immature concept, however with a growing evi-
dence of ourishing as a district concept [19].
This concept analysis was based on four com-
mon conceptual frameworks of ourishing. The
framework with most information available and
most cited was presented by Keyes [1].
Additionally, the frameworks of Diener and
Diener etal. [33, 34], Huppert and So [35], and
Seligman [36] were included in this concept
analysis [19]. The authors request further multi-
disciplinary research to establish standard oper-
ational and conceptual denitions and to develop
effective interventions [19].
5.2.5 Perceived Mental Health:
ADynamic Movement
Former inpatients described mental health as an
ever-present aspect of life; moreover, mental
health was perceived as a dynamic phenomenon,
a constantly ongoing movement, or process like
walking up or down a staircase [7]. The move-
ment was affected by experiences in the emo-
tional, physical, social, and spiritual domains of
life and accompanied by a sense of energy.
Figure5.2 shows that mental health is expressed
both verbally and by body language, and in
everyday life, mental health was experienced as a
sense of energy and as increased or decreased
well-being [7].
It is interesting that the participants living with
the consequences of severe mental disorders were
not talking about the absence of illness, pathologi-
cal conditions, and disorder symptoms when they
described their perception of mental health and
mental health promotion [7]. The salutogenic
understanding of Keyes [3] claiming that mental
health is the presence of feelings and functioning,
a state of human capacities, was supported by how
the participants perceived mental health.
The understanding of mental health as a pro-
cess and movement, like walking up or down a
spiral staircase—equivalent to a continuum—is
previously conrmed by a study of young people
[37]. Talking about the experience of being in dif-
ferent positions on the mental health staircase,
5 A Salutogenic Mental Health Model: Flourishing asaMetaphor forGood Mental Health
the exploration of the participants’ accounts and
their descriptions clearly indicated a vertical
movement in accordance with Keyes’ [1] contin-
uum of mental health. The perception of the phe-
nomenon of mental health as an ever present
aspect of life, a part of being human [7], is of
signicance. Mental health was perceived as a
quality of daily life, not characterized by quanti-
tative entities such as numbers, but rather as good
or bad, up or down, poor or strong. Mental health
being experienced as constantly present in life
and a part of being could be a contradiction to the
early work of Keyes, when he described ourish-
ing as the presence of mental health and
languishing as absence of mental health [1].
More recently, [3, 12, 38] languishing is denoted
as the absence of positive mental health or “the
lowest level of mental health” [39]. Based on the
participants’ way of speaking about the position
“low in the staircase” [7], and Keyes’ description
of high, moderate, and low mental health, Fig.5.3
visualizes the levels of mental health.
I’m great
I’m fine
I’m down
© 2017 Nina Helen Mjøsund
Fig. 5.2 Perceived mental health. (Reproduced with per-
mission from Mjøsund NH.Positive mental health—from
what to how. A study in the specialized mental health care
service. Trondheim: Norwegian University of Science and
Technology, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences,
Department of Public Health and Nursing; 2017)
I’m great
I’m fine
I’m down
Mjøsund Keyes
= presence of good
mental health
= presence of good
mental health
mental health
© Nina Helen Mjøsund 2021
Fig. 5.3 Mental health as moving up and down a staircase—equivalent to Keyes’ continuum of mental health
N. H. Mjøsund
Mjøsund etal. [7] claim that a sense of energy
was a salient marker of perceived mental health.
The sense of energy inuenced experiences of
mental health in the emotional, physical, spiri-
tual, and relational domains of life. The feeling of
energy was proportional with the position on the
staircase; while low or down on the staircase, the
sense of energy was described as “like starting a
shaky engine with a at battery.” The participants
described how this lack of mental and physical
energy was associated with difculties initiating
and completing any activities [7]. This is in line
with Keyes’ [1] descriptions of ourishing
including the presence of enthusiasm, aliveness,
vitality, and an interest in life, associated with a
sense of energy. Lack of energy and motivation
as a result of mental disorders has been identied
by patients as a barrier to integrating healthy life-
styles [40]. An assessment of the sense of energy,
in collaboration with the patient, might form the
basis for interventions aiming to “push or pull”
into an activity or advising rest. Both the inter-
ventions have been described by Lerdal [41]. The
sense of energy should be investigated more in
depth and its relationship with mental health and
mental disorders needs further research in order
to inform the health promotion knowledge base.
The use of lay language in order to break
down barriers between stakeholders in health
promotion and health care is encouraged [42].
Having dialogs about taking a step or moving in
the staircase of mental health is one way of oper-
ationalizing mental health into lay language for
all people. Visualizing theoretical models might
increase the possibility to grasp the content, as
well as the usefulness in clinical practice can be
promoted. Illustrations might enhance insight
and shared understanding that is signicant in
health promotion initiatives aiming to increase
empowerment (Figs.5.1, 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4).
5.3 The Two Continua Model
The two continua model includes the presence of
human capacities and functioning as well as the
assessment of disease or inrmity [3, 4]. The
contemporary dominant perspective in mental
health care is on treating diseases and illness.
Therefore, theories, models, and concepts which
can help to facilitate mental health promotion are
required. The dual continua model includes
related but distinct dimensions of both mental
health and mental illness [11, 28, 43, 44]. The
illustration of the two continua model of health
(Fig.5.4.) reproduced from Keyes [3] visualizes
the conceptualized denition of health along the
vertical line and the continuum of mental illness
along the horizontal line.
This dual model of mental health and mental
illness goes well with WHO’s [5] denition of
health and is particular signicant for health
professionals in health care settings. The classi-
cal myth of Asclepius, the God of Medicine, and
his two daughters Hygeia and Panacea gave rise
to complementary concepts and approaches to
health. The daughters represents two different
points of view enlightening the distinction
between the denitions of health and illness [6].
The daughter Hygeia represented a salutogenic
approach symbolizing the virtue of wise living
and well-being. Salutogenesis comes from the
Latin word “salus” which means health and is
considered as a state of human capacities and
functioning. Health is the natural order of
things, a positive attribute to which human
beings are entitled if they govern their life
wisely. Panacea represented the pathogenic
approach, which considers health as the absence
of disease and illness [3].
With Hygeia and Panacea in mind, it becomes
clear that it is possible to have good mental health
even with mental illness, and one can have poor
or low mental health without mental illness. This
concurs with accounts from persons living with
mental disorders [7]. In the eld of recovery, the
inuence of positive mental health has been stud-
ied in a sample of persons with mood and anxiety
disorders [45] and individuals during recovery
from drug and alcohol problems [46]. Moreover,
the absence of mental illness does not equal the
presence of mental health and revealing that the
causes of mental health are often distinct from
those understood as the causes for mental illness
[43], and the conditions that protect against men-
tal disorders do not automatically promote the
5 A Salutogenic Mental Health Model: Flourishing asaMetaphor forGood Mental Health
presence of positive mental health [3]. There
seems to be cumulating evidence that mental dis-
orders and mental health function along two dif-
ferent continua that are only moderately
interrelated [4, 20, 28].
There is a growing interest for studying the
relationship between mental health and mental
illness in various environments, including work
settings and psychosocial work conditions [47].
MHC-SF has been found to be valid and reliable
for monitoring well-being in both clinical
(patients with affective disorders) and nonclinical
samples [30]. The prevalence of ourishing
among individuals with schizophrenia spectrum
disorders has been studied in Hong Kong [48].
Psychiatric outpatients with major mental illness
have lower rates of well-being compared to con-
trols, although about one-third is seen to be our-
ishing [49]. Screening of levels of mental health
complements mental disorders screening in the
prediction of suicidal behavior and impairment
of academic performance among college students
[50]. High level of mental health seems to protect
against the onset of mental disorders (mood, anx-
iety, and substance abuse disorders) [51] or func-
tion as a resilience resource [52]. A study
examined the presence and correlates of well-
being measured by MHC-SF and psychopathol-
ogy in a sample of female patients with eating
disorders, as well as the level of mental health
Flourishing &
Mental Illness Flourishing
Mental Health &
Mental Illness
Languishing &
Mental Illness Languishing
Mental Health
Fig. 5.4 The dual-continua model. (Reproduced with
permission from Keyes CLM. Mental Health as a
Complete State: How the Salutogenic Perspective
Completes the Picture. In: Bauer GF, Hämmig O, editors.
Bridging Occupational, Organizational and Public Health:
A Transdisciplinary Approach. London: Springer; 2014.
N. H. Mjøsund
compared with the general population [53]. Less
research has been done in treatment settings and
hospitals; however, one study provides evidence
for the psychometric properties of the MHC-SF
in a primary care youth mental health setting, and
they claim that the MHC-SF’s three-factor struc-
ture is valid for use in mental health care [54].
Health promotion in health care should take a
holistic approach, also anchored in the WHO’s
[5] denition of health, meaning the salutogenic
orientation complementing the pathogenic
orientation in contemporary health care services.
I claim that the two continuum model provides
theoretical tools which are useful in the develop-
ment of health promotion interventions in the
health care context; this model is equalizing
treatment and care of disorders and the promo-
tion of health. Having the dual continua model in
mind, the protection of mental health is not to be
confused with protections against mental disor-
ders. I would like to emphasize the differentiation
between the protection of mental health (some-
thing positive) and the protection against mental
illness (something negative). The perception of
what is positive or negative depends on the con-
text and culture and might differ from one person
to another. However, in this chapter, the terms
positive and negative are used simply to illustrate
the difference in purpose. In clinical practice of
health disciplines such as nursing, it is relevant to
have theoretical models to guide in customizing
the care to the individual situation of the person.
Patients and health care providers may utilize this
framework to focus on the mental illness status,
as well as the persons’ level of mental health
[44]. Keyes’ conceptual framework maps on to
themes emerging from narratives about recovery
from mental illness [55] and can be a model to
bridge mental illness with positive mental health
in processes of recovery [56].
The ndings presented by Mjøsund etal. [7]
give support to the promotion and protection of
mental health as described in the two continua
model [2], which brings the continuum of mental
illness and the continuum of mental health into
the same picture (Fig.5.4). This corresponds to
the experiences presented by the participants and
interpretation of their accounts led to an under-
standing of an everyday life where they perceived
illness and health as intertwined, but also dis-
similar [7]. They have been diagnosed with a
mental disorder, but they are not their diagnosis,
life is also mental health and well-being. The rec-
ognition of the duality of mental health and men-
tal illness require major changes for current
clinical practice in health care dominated by the
pathogenic approach. Health promotion and
mental health promotion should have a more
dominant position in today’s health care systems.
Complementing health promotion and the protec-
tion of good mental health with treatment and
prevention against disorder and illness should be
given equal consciousness and resources based
on the evidence base. In the words of Keyes,
“…what lowers the bad does not necessarily
increase the good” (Personal communication on
12th of July 2015).
5.4 Flourishing: Signicant
inSalutogenic Mental Health
Some perspectives on the opportunities and pros-
pects for a further salutogenic development of
mental health promotion in the health care might
be relevant. In line with Keyes [3], I claim that
research using absence of illness as an outcome
as well as mental health promotion interventions
with a purpose to restore health understood as
absent of illness or to protect against disease are
wrongly labeled as salutogenic. Even the father
of the term salutogenesis, Aaron Antonovsky [57,
58], might be understood as inuenced by this
way of thinking in some of his writings. In my
view, this is the main difference between
Antonovsky’s salutogenic model of health and
Keyes’ dual continua model of mental health.
Antonovsky gives a conceptual denition of the
health ease/dis-ease continuum as a multifaceted
state or condition of the human organism:
A person’s location at a given point in time, on this
continuum, can be described by the person’s par-
ticular prole on four facets: pain (felt by the indi-
vidual), functional limitations (felt by the
individual), prognostic implications (dened by
5 A Salutogenic Mental Health Model: Flourishing asaMetaphor forGood Mental Health
health authorities) and action implication (seen by
such authorities as required) ([58], p.65).
This denition of health leads us to recognize
a person’s location on the healthy end of contin-
uum, when these negative facets are missing.
Based on this, I claim that Antonovsky did not
dene health as something present or positive,
rather the absence of something negative. This is
in line with Antonovsky’s own remark:
The health ease / dis-ease, or breakdown, contin-
uum as presented here essentially seems to formu-
late the most desirable health category in negative
terms; an absence of pain, no functional limitation,
and so forth ([58], p.67).
In a later paper from 1985, however,
Antonovsky dened mental health as somewhat
more than the absence of something negative:
Mental health, as I conceive it, refers to the loca-
tion, at any point in the life cycle, of a person on a
continuum which ranges from excruciating emo-
tional pain and total psychological malfunctioning
at one extreme to a full, vibrant sense of psycho-
logical wellbeing at the other ([59], p.274).
A salutogenic orientation will focus on the
achievement of successful coping, which facili-
tates movement toward that end of the mental
health continuum which is a vibrant sense of psy-
chological well-being. Antonovsky proposed rel-
evant issues and questions to be answered by
health promoters. Understanding how people
move from the use of unconscious psychological
defence mechanism toward the use of conscious
coping mechanisms is where the emphasis lies,
from rigidity in a defensive structure to the capac-
ity for constant and creative inner readjustment
and growth, from a waste of emotional energy
toward its productive use, from emotional suffer-
ing toward joy, from narcissism toward giving of
oneself, and from exploitation of others toward
reciprocal interaction [59].
However, it is important to underline that the
salutogenic orientation is much more than the
salutogenic model of health [60]. Eriksson ([60],
p. 103) suggests to use the metaphor of an
umbrella to underline that salutogenesis is more
than Antonovsky’s salutogenic model of health.
Salutogenesis is an umbrella concept of theories
and concepts about assets for health and well-
being, including salutogenic elements and dimen-
sions [61]. The editors of The Handbook of
Salutogenesis discuss possible futures of the
salutogenic orientation, and Georg Bauer states:
If we narrowly follow Antonovsky’s conceptual-
ization, salutogenesis is about coping with miser-
able life situations or about “surviving the toxic
river of life”- leaving little space for looking at the
bright side of life. Applying salutogenesis to posi-
tive health development- or joyful swimming in
the river of life- is urgently needed ([60], p.442).
5.5 Conclusion
In summary, I claim that Keyes’ model of mental
health is an important contribution to the saluto-
genic orientation and the knowledge base of
health promotion. In this model, mental health is
dened by the presence of subjective well-being
[1], which is in line with the lived experiences of
former patients, who perceived mental health as
an ever-present aspect of life [7]. Keyes has also
given important contribution to the health promo-
tion eld by his two continua model of mental
health and mental illness in the same context.
Splitting the phenomenon of mental health and
the phenomenon of mental illness into two sepa-
rate, although related, phenomena is a meaning-
ful and useful way of understanding health and
illness for patients, relatives, and health care pro-
fessionals in the context of health care services.
Take Home Messages
Mental health is an ever-present aspect of life.
Mental health is about subjective well-being;
the individuals’ perceptions and evaluations
of their own lives in terms of their emotional
state and their psychological and social
Flourishing, as a term, describes the optimal
state of mental health.
Mental Health Continuum—Short Form
(MHC-SF) is a structured scale that can quan-
tify mental health.
The two continua model of mental health and
mental illness includes the presence of human
N. H. Mjøsund
capacities and functioning as well as the
assessment of disease or inrmity.
Based on the understanding of mental health
and mental illness as two continua, it is possi-
ble to have good mental health with mental
illness and have poor or low mental health
without mental illness.
The absence of mental illness does not equal
the presence of mental health, substantiating
that the causes of mental health are often dis-
tinct processes from those understood as the
risks for mental illness and disorder.
There is cumulating evidence that mental
illness and mental health function along two
different continua with only moderate
The evidence-based salutogenic models of
mental health and the two continua model of
mental health and mental illness made by
Corey Keyes are signicant knowledge for
health promotion.
Acknowledgments The author would like to thank
Vestre Viken Hospital Trust, Department of Mental Health
Research and Development for making it possible to write
this chapter. Magnus Lien Mjøsund, thank you for review-
ing the language and for assisting in ne-tuning of the
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5 A Salutogenic Mental Health Model: Flourishing asaMetaphor forGood Mental Health
... Kesihatan mental adalah lebih daripada ketiadaan penyakit mental (Mjøsund, 2021). Ia termasuk emosi, psikologi dan kesejahteraan sosial kita dan dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor serta mempengaruhi cara kita mengendalikan tekanan hidup biasa dan berhubung dengan orang lain (Mjøsund, 2021). ...
... Kesihatan mental adalah lebih daripada ketiadaan penyakit mental (Mjøsund, 2021). Ia termasuk emosi, psikologi dan kesejahteraan sosial kita dan dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor serta mempengaruhi cara kita mengendalikan tekanan hidup biasa dan berhubung dengan orang lain (Mjøsund, 2021). Justeru, konstruk dibina dengan mengambil kira anteseden gejala kesihatan mental dalam kalangan pekerja menerusi ukuran tahap kemurungan, kegelisahan dan stress kerana anteseden ini yang banyak mempengaruhi tahap kesihatan mental seseorang pekerja (Rosli dan Salamuddin, 2021). ...
... Model Dwi Kontinum Keyes (2002) seperti Rajah 2 adalah dirujuk. (Mjøsund, 2021) ...
The increasing trend in mental health issues has become highly concerning, with the impact being more significant during the post-pandemic COVID-19 period. Numerous studies on mental health have been conducted within the healthcare sector; however, previous research data is insufficient to fully address the issues arising from this increasing trend. This study aims to examine the impact of work engagement on mental health among executives at the Companies Commission of Malaysia. The study involves 468 executives, with a response rate of 45.9%. Work engagement was measured using the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES), and mental health was assessed with the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS-21). Descriptive and inferential analyses were employed as statistical methods. The results indicate that both work engagement and mental health are at good and normal levels; however, work engagement moderately affects the decline in mental health. This study also details how factors of work engagement influence mental health, albeit to a small extent.
... Es así, y valiéndonos de los actuales estudios del bienestar existentes, que nos convencemos cada vez más que la atención al malestar, el sufrimiento, la enfermedad o la patología (lo negativo), no necesariamente se traduce en la promoción y cuidado de la salud (mental, bienestar, florecimiento, etcétera); puesto que son entidades diferentes. De acuerdo con Mjøsund (2021), es necesario reconocer que esta dualidad requiere un mayor reto de cambio paradigmático sobre todo en el ámbito clínico en donde la atención a la salud sigue siendo predominantemente patogénica y lo que implica un importante sesgo (y hasta descuido) por parte de los sistemas de salud pública y privada, y a través de las disciplinas afines (medicina, trabajo social, psiquiatría, etcétera). Así, los estudios del bienestar han hecho hincapié en esto último desde hace más de dos décadas (Barragán-Estrada, 2021b) explicando y evidenciando que la ausencia de lo «malo» no representa la aparición de lo «bueno». ...
... Por generalidad, la salud mental es un concepto que está siempre presente en la vida de las personas en función de su estado emocional y psicológico, tanto en lo individual como en lo social, y que se profesa en los diferentes dominios de vida (Mjøsund, 2021). Así, se debe comprender que la salud mental no es carecer de problemas, sino el mantenimiento de diversos aspectos vitales que nos permiten funcionar adecuadamente. ...
... De modo similar a los criterios diagnósticos que caracterizan a un síndrome, cuadro clínico o trastorno, la salud mental óptima o positiva, se diagnostica como alta, moderada o deficitaria, según la presencia de los siguientes síntomas: (1) bienestar emocional (afecto positivo, felicidad, satisfacción con la vida), (2) bienestar psicológico (autoaceptación, crecimiento personal, propósito, dominio del entorno, autonomía, relaciones positivas), y (3) bienestar social (aceptación social, autorrealización social, contribución social, congruencia social, integración social). Por ejemplo, una persona se considera floreciente si experimenta diario o casi diariamente, al menos uno de los tres síntomas de bienestar emocional y seis de los once que incluyen el bienestar psicológico y social (Barragán-Estrada, 2020; Lamers et al., 2011;Mjøsund, 2021). ...
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Antecedentes : el presente artículo teórico repasa empírica y detenidamente los conceptos de bienestar, salud mental óptima/ positiva, tipos de bienestar y florecimiento, en miras del esclarecimiento y diferenciación con base en lo que ofrece la literatura científica actual, y dado que suelen ser utilizados como sinónimos, o bien como términos intercambiables. Estado del arte : se explican y proponen diversos criterios de inclusión y referencia de lo que solemos considerar «positivo» y «negativo» en los estudios científicos del bienestar y el malestar (enfermedad, patogénico, decaimiento), como un marco y guía confiable de futuras investigaciones y metodologías de trabajo relacionadas con los constructos aquí estudiados, así como un medio de apoyo en la elaboración y enriquecimiento de las mismas definiciones. Aunado a ello, se proponen y articulan conceptos específicos y diferenciados del bienestar, la salud mental óptima y el florecimiento; que se reconocen como independientes, pero interrelacionados. Conclusiones : la revisión de la literatura y análisis de la información da paso a la aparición de un nuevo concepto denominado «bienestar integrativo», que busca compilar los tipos de bienestar existentes y la salud mental que en conjunto resultan conducentes del florecimiento individual y social. Así, se buscó impactar en la utilización de terminologías adecuadas, vigentes y funcionales, en razón de la complejidad y dinamismos que ofrecen los términos; confiando, además, en que permitirá a investigadores y profesionales diversos, la conformación y desarrollo de instrumentos de evaluación, así como posibles aplicaciones prácticas en los ámbitos clínicos, educativos, sociales, políticos, laborales o de otros tipos.
... 56 Salutogenic models also keep people flourishing with good mental health. 57 In complex dynamic health care systems, salutogenesis improves the patient experience, which is a pillar of safe, effective, quality care. 58 Salutogenesis and a SOC have been applied across organizations, communities, and environments 59 to promote 23 and preserve health. ...
... 127 PRISM is a low-moderate psychological intervention consistent with salutogenic approaches that keep people flourishing with good mental health. 57 PRISM could catalyze opportunities for physical therapists in mental health. 14 Finally, the strongest facilitator of PRISM may be the exorbitant financial cost of unrelieved pain (∼$600 billion annually). ...
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Unlabelled: The Academy of Orthopedic Physical Therapy (AOPT) Pain Education Manual (PEM) supports the advancement of modern pain content, and the National Institutes of Health Federal Pain Research Strategy (FPRS) has called for new models for pain management. This Perspective proposes the Pain Recovery and Integrative Systems Model (PRISM) as a new model that addresses the multidimensional nature of pain. PRISM is a salutogenic, integrative, process-based cognitive-behavioral model designed for physical therapist education and practice. PRISM aligns with national and international initiatives to better understand and manage pain, thereby mitigating the global opioid crisis. PRISM aims to address the multidimensional nature of pain while building resilience, nurturing growth, and facilitating pain recovery. Impact: PRISM is a salutogenic, integrative, process-based, cognitive-behavioral model to guide physical therapists in managing the multidimensional nature of pain.
... Psychological health within positive sychology is conceptualized as both the absence of psychological illness and the presence of positive qualities (e.g., well-being and good quality of life in the physical, emotional, social, and spiritual domains) [16,17]. Previous research has found that higher BMI is associated with lower physical health-related quality of life [10,14] and higher emotional distress (i.e., stress, anxiety, and depression) [18]. ...
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Background: Past studies have primarily focused on the impact of body weight perception on psychological health. However, other components (e.g., perceived body fat and muscularity) may also play a role. This study aimed to examine the association between weight status (i.e., normal weight and obesity/overweight) and psychological health, and how different components of body perception mediate the association. Methods: From February to June 2022, 621 undergraduates completed an online cross sectional survey, which included questions about height, weight, psychological health (i.e., well-being, quality of life, depression, anxiety, and stress), and body perception. Participants with a body mass index (BMI) between 18.5 kg/m² and 25 kg/m² were classified as normal weight, while those over 25 kg/m² were classified as individuals with obesity/overweight. Path analysis tested the association between weight status and psychological health and the mediating role of perceived body weight, fat, and muscularity. Results: Obesity/overweight was associated with lower well-being (β = 0.128, p=0.002) and physical health-related quality of life (β = 0.089, p=0.024), and higher depression (β = −0.133, p=0.002) and stress (β = −0.104, p=0.013). These associations were fully mediated by perceived body fat, with estimates ranging from −0.122 to 0.112. Perceived body weight and perceived muscularity did not significantly mediate these associations. Conclusion: Perceived body fat was the only component of body perception that explained the association between weight status and psychological health. This finding suggests that research on psychological health in individuals with obesity or overweight needs to extend beyond mere perceived body weight and incorporate different components of body perception. Furthermore, interventions aimed at improving psychological health in individuals with obesity or overweight need to consider the potential effect of perceived body fat.
... Subjective well-being is defined as "people's overall evaluations of their lives and their emotional experiences… a broad umbrella term that refers to all different forms of evaluating one's life or emotional experience, such as satisfaction, positive affect, and low negative affect" (Diener et al. 2017, p. 87). Aligning with Diener et al.'s (1999) definition and expanding on the Ryff well-being model (Ryff & Keyes, 1995), Keyes' (2007Keyes' ( , 2014, salutogenic flourishing well-being model (Mjøsund, 2021) includes positive feeling (happiness, satisfaction, and interest in life) and positive psychological functioning (self-acceptance, positive relations with others, personal growth, purpose in life, environmental mastery, autonomy) facets. Drawing from a sociological perspective, the Keyes model includes novel information about individuals' perceptions of the quality of their social well-being (self-acceptance, integration, growth, contribution, coherence), which is not the central focus of other subjective well-being perspectives (Keyes et al., 2002). ...
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Managing the COVID-19 pandemic involved implementing public health policies that disrupted students’ lives, creating conditions that substantially influenced their mental health and well-being. Subsequently, research focused on the mental health sequelae of increased depression and anxiety, but the possible impacts on adolescents’ social well-being have been largely unexamined. Social well-being is essential to youth’s overall mental health and can be diminished even without symptoms of depression and anxiety. This report explored heterogeneities in changes in adolescents’ social well-being from pre-COVID-19 to post-restrictions using longitudinal data from adolescents attending middle and high schools in California (N = 1,299; 49.9% female). Data collection involved four observations. Participants completed a school-based mental health wellness survey annually from 2019 to 2022. A latent profile analysis identified five profiles demonstrating distinctive social well-being trajectories. Two ordered profiles included Stable-High (28%) and Stable-Low (26%) patterns. Three groups represented nonordered profiles labeled as Succumbing (20%), Languishing (14%), and Recovering (12%). Pervasive decreases in social well-being were observed, and a significant portion of the adolescents did not recover to their pre-COVID-19 level by 2022. Adolescents in the Stable-High and Recovering profiles showed better psychological well-being, optimism, and school connectedness and less distress than their counterparts in the other three profiles. Mental health professionals should be aware of the pandemic’s effects on adolescents’ social well-being. Lower levels of social well-being may be a risk factor for adolescents developing generally jaded attitudes about their social networks and diminishing their potential engagement with sources of social support.
... Flourishing and meaning in life were used as positive general life well-being indicators. Flourishing is a key indicator of positive well-being as it encompasses experiencing positive emotions and functioning well psychologically and socially (Mjøsund, 2021). Sense of meaning in life, derived from Viktor Frankl (1963), encompasses comprehension (i.e., a network of schemas making a meaning framework for life) and purpose (i.e., selfconcordant long-term life aspirations that motivate relevant activity) (Steger, 2012). ...
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To explore workers’ well-being during COVID-19, researchers have primarily utilized variable-centered approaches (e.g., regression) focusing on describing workers’ general level of well-being. Given the diversity of factors that may have impacted workers’ well-being during the pandemic, focusing on such well-being trends do not provide sufficient insight into the different lived well-being experiences during the pandemic. Moreover, positive well-being in workers’ general lives and work has been understudied in such complex public health crises. To address these issues, we use latent profile analysis, a person-centered analysis, to explore the diverse well-being realities Canadian workers (employed before COVID-19 or working at the time of the survey) experienced at the beginning of COVID-19. Canadian workers (N = 510) were surveyed between May 20-27th, 2020, on positive (meaning in life, flourishing, thriving at work) and negative (distress, stress, impaired productivity, troublesome symptoms at work) well-being indicators, as well as on factors that may be associated with experiencing different well-being profiles. Five well-being profiles emerged: moderately prospering, prospering, moderately suffering, suffering, and mixed. Factors at the self- (gender, age, disability status, trait resilience), social- (marital status, family functioning, having children at home), workplace- (some employment statuses and work industries, financial strain, job security), and pandemic-related (perceived vulnerability to COVID-19, social distancing) ecological levels predicted profile membership. Recommendations for employers, policymakers, and mental health organizations are discussed.
... The MWM-ALHIV includes both eudemonic and hedonic dimensions of mental wellness. Previous scholars have argued that there is a need for empirical studies that go beyond life satisfaction and well-being in adolescents, to include both eudemonic and hedonic dimensions of mental wellness, explore the relationship between these dimensions and how this can be integrated into a meaningful framework to address mental wellness in a holistic manner [39][40][41]. Therefore, we argue that the key strength of this measure lies in its use of multiple methods to conceptualize and define mental wellness. ...
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A growing body of evidence suggests that improving the mental wellness of adolescents living with HIV (ALHIV) will also result in improved adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART), as well as improving their general health and wellbeing as they age into adulthood. However, to develop effective strategies and interventions aimed at improving mental wellness, we require age and culturally appropriate instruments to build an evidence base. Currently, there is a lack of mental wellness measures developed for ALHIV, especially in the African context. To address this gap, we developed a measure of mental wellness following modified guidelines set out by DeVellis [1] and Godfred et al. as a guiding framework [2]; (1) Identifying the gap, (2) Set the theoretical foundations and identify domains and (3); Instrument development and initial validation. For the first two steps, we conducted a systematic review, photovoice study and integrative review – which we briefly describe as the findings have been published. Following this we describe the processes to develop the instrument and to establish content validity through a modified Delphi Study. Through this process we were able to refine the instrument which will be subject to further testing. Implications and Contribution: This study aims to add to the body of knowledge on promoting mental health (mental wellness) among adolescents living with HIV in South Africa through developing an appropriate and valid measure of mental wellness for this population. This study reports on the results of a Delphi Study aimed at improving the content validity of the instrument Mental Wellness Measure for Adolescents Living with HIV (MWM-ALHIV).
... Both studies also underline that increased knowledge of positive mental health can promote help-seeking, support the development of coping skills and help to overcome mental health difficulties. Knowledge of positive mental health is an important step towards strengthening positive mental health approach throughout different societal sectors (Agenor et al., 2017;Mjøsund, 2021;Willen et al., 2021). Measures for positive mental health literacy can be of use in different contexts such as evaluating interventions for mental health promotion but also within mental healthcare services (Slade, 2010). ...
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Purpose The purpose of this study is to systematically review how positive mental health literacy has been conceptualised and measured over the last 20 years. Positive mental health recognises the benefits of feeling good and functioning effectively. Developing clarity around conceptualisation and knowledge (or literacy) of what constitutes positive mental health is an area of continued development, and an important step in measuring the impact of mental health promotion. Design/methodology/approach A systematic review of literature was performed to investigate how positive mental health literacy has been conceptualised and measured over the last 20 years. Databases searched included EDS, Scopus, ERIC, PsycINFO, CINAHL and SocIndex with fulltext. Search terms relating to positive mental health were combined with proximity operators within four words denoting knowledge, competence or literacy. Findings A total of 464 records were assessed on title level, with six articles included for final review. The final studies included three measures assessing participants’ knowledge of positive mental health, some of which included more distal themes such as awareness of coping strategies and emotional awareness. One measure, the Mental Health Promoting Knowledge – 10, stood out as the most fitting measure of positive mental health literacy. Research limitations/implications Our review approaches an under reported area of study, highlighting an area in need for further development with a few limitations. When building the search strategy, care was taken to line it up with literacy around positive mental health and its synonyms. The word “mental health” without positive specification was omitted in the final search strategy, increasing the risk of it also omitting potential articles of interest. Practical implications Our findings therefore highlight a knowledge gap in relation to conceptualisations and measures of positive mental health literacy, unfolding an area for further development. A more harmonised understanding of what is meant by positive mental health is an important step towards clarifying the concept and facilitating future study of the topic. Measures of positive mental health literacy could be an important indicator for mental health promotion. Social implications New ways of measuring positive mental health literacy can be a useful way to establish benefits of mental health promotion, taking a salutogenic approach to mental health. Originality/value These findings expose an apparent knowledge gap in relation to conceptualisations and measures of positive mental health literacy, highlighting an area in need for further development. Measures of positive mental health literacy could be an important indicator for mental health promotion.
The final chapter of this book offers composite (theoretical-empirical) findings. The conclusion maps out cross-scientific frontiers and draws interdisciplinary insights for future research. These overall purposes are achieved under three sub-headings. Foremost, the first section brings to fore the analytical purchase of exploring classical-quantal conjunctions beyond the boundaries of natural and social sciences. Then, the second section seeks to demonstrate the added value of examining physical-psychical conjugations across established scientific disciplines and conventional humanities branches. Last but not least, the third section showcases future implications of analyzing transversal correspondences in complex (socio-physical/psycho-social) configurations of world affairs. Speaking of international studies, research efforts might well develop along several variants of quantum-social theorizing: (1) Cognitive quantizing would be much more amenable to technological developments in quantum industries. (2) The further advances in affective quantizing may potentially sustain transversal ground of theoretical fertilization in emotion research, affect studies, social psychology, and quantum neurosciences. (3) Normative quantizing would continue to incorporate quantum-logical insights into the available frameworks of moral philosophy, critical theory, and ethical conduct. (4) Discursive quantizing would provide panoramic pictures encompassing classical/non-classical, natural/non-natural, and social/non-social cosmologies concurrently. Future scholars might traverse across various modes of quantum-social theorizing beyond international studies.
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Objective: To examine psychosocial effects on college student peer support workers of providing mental health peer support as compared to other trained student workers. Participants: From August 2016 through May 2017, undergraduate students trained to provide mental health peer support were compared to trained student workers not providing peer support. Methods: A post-training, post-working survey design was used to assess psychosocial effects using Keyes’ Mental Health Continuum Short Form, the Deakin Coping Scale, and the Interpersonal Support Evaluation List. Results: At completion of training, peer supporters had lower flourishing (−9.5%, p = 0.090) than controls. After 6 weeks’ work, peer supporters exhibited lowered avoidance coping (−62%, p = 0.023), and more belonging support (+9.5%, p = 0.044). Conclusions: Peer supporters’ mental wellness does not decrease over the course of working as a mental health peer support worker; conversely, some aspects of well-being improve.
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Background: Poor attention is paid by recent research to the prevalence of mental well-being in psychiatric patients and the comparison between groups with different diagnoses. Data suggest that the presence of mental illness does not necessarily mean the absence of well-being, particularly in stable outpatients. Methods: A consecutive series of 375 patients attending two community mental health centers was given the Mental Health Continuum Short Form (MHC-SF) and the Clinical Global Impression - Severity scale. Diagnoses were made after the MINI Neuropsychiatric Interview and a chart review of all relevant clinical information. The flourishing category and the three components of MHC-SF were used to rate well-being. A total of 274 controls were taken from the employees at a local firm. Results: The rates of flourishing mental health were: 33.1% schizophrenia, 36.6% bipolar disorder, 23.3% unipolar depression, 24.4% cluster B personality disorder, and 53.3% controls (p < 0.001). The comparison of the three MHC components across diagnostic groups found that unipolar depression and cluster B personality patients had significantly lower scores compared to bipolar and schizophrenia patients. Flourishing mental health was detected more often in males than females (34.9% vs. 24.1% - p < 0.05). For schizophrenia patients indices of well-being were better in those on depot medications. Conclusions: Psychiatric outpatients with major mental illness have lower rates of well-being compared to controls, although about one-third is flourishing. Patients with unipolar depression and cluster B personality disorder may deserve special attention when planning intervention for fostering well-being.
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Objective: The purpose of the current study is to test the factorial structure of the Mental Health Continuum (Short Form) in Asian population as a part of the scale adaptation and validation in Vietnam. Method: The study was conducted across three different Vietnamese samples (adolescents N = 802, students N = 532, adults N = 1407). Within the paper we present a comparison of the existing measurement models of the MHC-SF using two methodological approaches: CFA and ESEM (both in exploratory – using bi-geomin rotation; and in confirmatory variant–using target rotation). Results: The current report supported the targeted bifactor ESEM solution as better describing the factorial structure of the MHC-SF than the originally assumed three-factor solution in all samples; it showed metric and scalar invariance across age and gender. Conclusion: The structure of the MHC-SF is best represented as combination of the bifactor and ESEM model.
Objectives: Psychosocial work conditions are determinants of mental illness among worker populations. However, while the focus on negative aspects of mental health has generated important contributions to the development of workplace interventions, there is less evidence on the factors that support the positive aspects of mental well-being. This study aimed to examine the association between psychosocial work conditions and mental health outcomes among a representative sample of Canadian workers; and to assess whether the relationships are consistent across measures of mental illness versus mental well-being. Methods: Population-based data were obtained from the cross-sectional 2012 Canadian Community Health Survey. Psychosocial work conditions were measured using an abbreviated version of the Job Content Questionnaire. For mental illness, we focused on major depressive episodes, generalized anxiety disorders, and bipolar disorders in the past 12 months, as measured using Composite International Diagnostic Interview criteria. Mental well-being was defined as having flourishing mental health, based on items from the Mental Health Continuum-Short Form. Regression models provided odds ratios (ORs) and fitted probabilities for the relationship between work conditions and mental health, adjusting for covariates. Results: Higher levels of job control, social support, and job security were associated with being free of disorders (ORs ranging from 1.08 to 1.15) as well as having flourishing mental health (ORs ranging from 1.10 to 1.14). Lower physical effort was associated with decreased odds of having flourishing mental health (OR 0.89). Psychological demands were not associated with any of the mental health outcomes in the fully-adjusted models. The overall pattern of these relationships was consistent across the two outcome models, although there was evidence of heterogeneity on the absolute probability scale. Specifically, there was a relatively stronger relationship between job control/social support/physical demands and well-being outcomes, compared with disorder outcomes. Conclusions: Psychosocial work conditions were associated with both negative and positive measures of mental health. However, mental illness and mental well-being may represent complementary, yet distinct, aspects in relation to psychosocial work conditions. Interventions targeting the psychosocial work environment may serve to improve both of these dimensions, although the measurement and examination of specific dimensions may be required to obtain an integrated and comprehensive understanding of mental health in the workplace.
Objectives The Mental Health Continuum‐Short Form (MHC‐SF), measuring emotional, social, and psychological well‐being, has scarcely been validated in clinical populations. We evaluated MHC‐SF in 203 patients with affective disorders and 163 nonclinical participants. Method Traditional confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), bifactor CFA, three‐factor exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM), and bifactor ESEM models were compared. Convergent/discriminant validity was tested against classic well‐being validators and current mood state. Results All three subscales were significantly lower in patients. Test‐retest reliability in patients was moderate. Bifactor ESEM fitted data best and displayed full scalar gender and partial scalar invariance across groups. Factor strength indices suggested that MHC‐SF is primarily unidimensional, especially in patients. However, subscales differed considerably on size, internal consistency, distinctness, discriminant validity, and temporal stability. Conclusions MHC‐SF was valid and reliable for monitoring well‐being in both clinical and nonclinical samples, but further research is needed before safely concluding on its dimensionality.
Background: Mood and anxiety disorders are associated with growing burden of disease. Recent evidence shows that monitoring and enhancing positive mental health might be one direction to reduce this burden. The aim was to determine whether positive mental health predict recovery from mental disorders. Methods: The study population consisted of 414 participants with a 12-month disorder from the representative general population Netherlands Mental Health Survey and Incidence Study-2. Independent positive mental health indicators were mental well-being, its subscales emotional, social and psychological well-being and the category flourishing mental health. Recovery was defined as no longer fulfilling DSM-IV criteria of the index disorder 3 years later. Results: Despite meeting the criteria of a 12-month mental disorder, 19% with anxiety disorder were flourishing and 14% with mood disorder. Logistic regression analyses controlled for sociodemographics, physical health, life-events, service use, psychotropic medication, comorbidity and clinical severity showed that positive mental health positively influenced recovery from anxiety disorder (mainly by emotional and psychological well-being) and did not influence recovery from mood disorder. Limitations: The results are not generalizable to psychiatric patients in treatment settings and might differ for specific disorders within each DSM-IV category. Conclusions: Clinicians are encouraged to measure positive mental health in their patients and to improve positive mental health particularly in people with an anxiety disorder. The non-significant relation between positive mental health and recovery from mood disorder warrants further research, for example through using more in-depth assessment of positive mental health components and by investigating recovery from less severe mood disorders.
High levels of positive mental health protect individuals from mental illness. This study investigates longitudinal change in positive mental health as a predictor of mental illness recovery in a cohort group. Using data from the 1995 and 2005 Midlife in the United States cross-sectional surveys (n=1,723), logistic regression was used to estimate the odds ratio that individuals diagnosed with a mental illness in 1995 would have recovered in 2005 based on whether their level of positive mental health changed over the 10-year period. Individuals who maintained or gained the highest levels of positive mental health were more than 27.6 and 7.4 times, respectively, more likely to recover when compared to those who maintained the lowest level of positive mental health. Those who maintained or gained moderate levels of positive mental health had more moderate likelihood of recovery, and those whose positive mental health declined to the lowest levels had no significantly different likelihood of recovery compared to participants whose positive mental health remained low. This study was limited by the age of the data, and the inability to control for some predictors of recovery. This study suggests that positive mental health may be an important resource for individuals to recover from mental illness and stay mentally healthy. Results point to the need to include positive mental health assessment and interventions into mental health care systems.
Objectives Mental health is regarded as more than the absence of mental health difficulties, with clinical and research focus moving towards measurement of well-being. The Mental Health Continuum-Short Form (MHC-SF) was developed to assess overall and emotional, social and psychological well-being. Little is known about the use of the MHC-SF with young people engaging with mental health services. The current pilot study sought to examine the performance of the MHC-SF in an Irish primary care youth mental health service for 12–25 year olds. Methods A sample of 229 young people (female n =143; male n =85, unknown n =1) aged 12–24 years ( M =15.87, SD =2.51) who completed the MHC-SF prior to commencing their first intervention session in Jigsaw participated in this study. The psychometric properties of the MHC-SF were investigated using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and Cronbach’s alpha for internal consistency. Results CFA supported the three-factor structure of the MHC-SF for emotional, social, and psychological well-being, and very good internal consistency was observed. Conclusion Findings provide evidence for the psychometric properties of the MHC-SF in a primary care youth mental health setting, and suggest that the MHC-SF’s three-factor structure is valid for use in this context. Limitations and recommendations for future research are discussed.
Aim The aim was to explore the process of involving mental healthcare service users in a mental health promotion research project as research advisors and to articulate features of the collaboration which encouraged and empowered the advisors to make significant contributions to the research process and outcome. Background There is an increasing interest in evaluating aspects of service user involvement in nursing research. Few descriptions exist of features that enable meaningful service user involvement. We draw on experiences from conducting research which used the methodology interpretative phenomenological analysis to explore how persons with mental disorders perceived mental health. Aside from the participants in the project, five research advisors with service user experience were involved in the entire research process. Design We applied a case study design to explore the ongoing processes of service user involvement. Methods Documents and texts produced while conducting the project (2012‐2016), as well as transcripts from multistage focus group discussions with the research advisors, were analysed. Results The level of involvement was dynamic and varied throughout the different stages of the research process. Six features: leadership, meeting structure, role clarification, being members of a team, a focus on possibilities and being seen and treated as holistic individuals, were guiding principles for a salutogenic service user involvement. These features strengthened the advisors’ perception of themselves as valuable and competent contributors. Conclusion Significant contributions from research advisors were promoted by facilitating the process of involvement. A supporting structure and atmosphere were consistent with a salutogenic service user involvement. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.