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ARPHA Conference Abstracts 4: e64815
doi: 10.3897/aca.4.e64815
Conference Abstract
Beyond fish eDNA metabarcoding: Field replicates
disproportionately improve the detection of
stream-associated vertebrate species
Till-Hendrik Macher , Robin Schütz , Jens Arle , Arne Beermann , Jan Koschorreck , Florian Leese
‡ University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany
§ German Environmental Agency, Dessau, Germany
Corresponding author: Robin Schütz (
Received: 22 Feb 2021 | Published: 04 Mar 2021
Citation: Macher T-H, Schütz R, Arle J, Beermann A, Koschorreck J, Leese F (2021) Beyond fish eDNA
metabarcoding: Field replicates disproportionately improve the detection of stream-associated vertebrate
species. ARPHA Conference Abstracts 4: e64815.
Fast, reliable, and comprehensive biodiversity monitoring data are needed for
environmental decision making and management. Recent work on fish environmental DNA
(eDNA) metabarcoding shows that aquatic diversity can be captured fast, reliably, and non-
invasively at moderate costs. Because freshwater ecosystems act as sinks in the
landscape, they also collect traces of terrestrial species via surface runoff or when
specimens come into direct contact with water (e.g., for drinking purposes). Thus, fish
eDNA metabarcoding data can provide information on fish but also on other, even
terrestrial vertebrate species that live in riparian habitats. This data become available and
may offer a much more comprehensive approach for assessing vertebrate diversity at no
additional costs. Studies on how the sampling strategy affects species detection especially
of stream-associated communities, however, are scarce. We therefore performed an
analysis on the effects of biological replication on both fish as well as (semi-)terrestrial
species detection. Along a 2-km stretch of the river Mulde (Germany), we collected 18 1L
water samples and analyzed the relation of detected species richness and quantity of
biological replicates taken. We detected 58 vertebrate species, of which 25 were fish and
lamprey, 18 mammals, and 15 birds, which account for 50%, 24% and 7% of all native
species to the German federal state of Saxony-Anhalt. However, while increasing the
‡ ‡ § ‡ § ‡
© Macher T et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY
4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are
number of biological replicates resulted in only 25 % more detected fish and
species, mammal and bird species richness increased disproportionately by 69 % and 84
%, respectively. Contrary, PCR replicates showed little stochasticity. We thus emphasize to
increase the number of biological replicates when the aim is to improve general species
detections. This holds especially true, when the focus is on rare aquatic taxa or on
(semi-)terrestrial species, the so-called ‘bycatch’. As a clear advantage, this information
can be obtained without any additional sampling or laboratory effort when the sampling
strategy regarding biological replication is chosen carefully. With the consideration of
frequent eDNA metabarcoding as part of national biomonitoring programs, the additional
information provided by the bycatch can be used to further investigate the state of the
environment and its biodiversity on a much broader scale.
environmental DNA, metabarcoding, vertebrates, biological replication, fish, mammals,
birds, sampling strategies, bycatch
Presenting author
Robin Schütz
Presented at
1st DNAQUA International Conference (March 9-11, 2021)
2Macher T et al
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All content in this area was uploaded by Robin Schütz on Mar 24, 2021
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