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Analysis of phishing emails


Abstract and Figures

This research aims to describe and analyze phishing emails. The problem of phishing, types of message content of phishing emails, and the basic techniques of phishing email attacks are explained by way of introduction. The study also includes a review of the relevant literature on Web of Science and analyzes articles that deal with the threat of phishing attacks and defense against them. Data collected within a time interval of two months from two email accounts of one of the authors of the study was used for the analysis of 200 email messages. Data has been resented in tabular form, to allow further statistical processing using functions such as sum, average and frequency analysis. The core part of the study involved the classification and segmentation of emails according to the main goals of the sent message. The text analytical software Tovek, was used for the analysis, Contribution of the manuscript is in the understanding of phishing emails and extending the knowledge base in education and training in phishing email defense. The discussion compares the results of this research with those of the studies mentioned in the "Introduction" and "Literature review" sections. Furthermore, the emerging problems and limitations of the use of text analytical software are described, and finally the issue is devoted to problems with obtaining personal data from recipients' emails. The "Conclusion" section summarizes the contributions of this research.
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AIMS Electronics and Electrical Engineering, 5(1): 93116.
DOI: 10.3934/electreng.2021006
Received: 25 January 2021
Accepted: 08 March 2021
Published: 11 March 2021
Research article
Analysis of phishing emails
Ladislav Burita*, Petr Matoulek, Kamil Halouzka and Pavel Kozak
Department of Informatics and Cyber Operations, University of Defence, 65 Kounicova Street,
66210 Brno, Czech Republic
* Correspondence: Email:; Tel: +420973442172; Fax: +420973442327.
Abstract: This research aims to describe and analyze phishing emails. The problem of phishing,
types of message content of phishing emails, and the basic techniques of phishing email attacks are
explained by way of introduction. The study also includes a review of the relevant literature on Web
of Science and analyzes articles that deal with the threat of phishing attacks and defense against them.
Data collected within a time interval of two months from two email accounts of one of the authors of
the study was used for the analysis of 200 email messages. Data has been resented in tabular form, to
allow further statistical processing using functions such as sum, average and frequency analysis. The
core part of the study involved the classification and segmentation of emails according to the main
goals of the sent message. The text analytical software Tovek, was used for the analysis, Contribution
of the manuscript is in the understanding of phishing emails and extending the knowledge base in
education and training in phishing email defense. The discussion compares the results of this
research with those of the studies mentioned in the ―Introduction‖ and ―Literature review‖ sections.
Furthermore, the emerging problems and limitations of the use of text analytical software are
described, and finally the issue is devoted to problems with obtaining personal data from recipients’
emails. The ―Conclusion‖ section summarizes the contributions of this research.
Keywords: phishing email; analysis; statistics; segmentation (business, charity, fund, transfer,
others), text analytical SW Tovek
1. Introduction
Phishing emails are a type of targeted email attack where social engineers lure the recipient into
performing specific actions such as clicking on a malicious link, opening a malicious attachment, or
AIMS Electronics and Electrical Engineering Volume 5, Issue 1, 93116.
visiting a web page and entering their personal information [1]. Phishing attacks seek to trick
recipients into believing that an email is legitimate, in order to solicit sensitive information (e.g.,
usernames, passwords, and credit card numbers) or install malware. As a result, phishing is a
fundamental component of many cyber-attacks and is often used as a first step in advanced persistent
threats [2].
Phishers use many different techniques to initiate phishing attacks, the main methods used are
email, SMS, social media, instant messaging, search engines and malicious websites. Phishers
always modify their methods to use any communication method available to reach their victims. The
spear phishing is a highly targeted of phishing attack. Rather than sending more phishing emails to
anyone, the phisher sends spoofed emails to consumers that appear to originate from somebody they
know [3].
Phish Threat security experts focused on which phishing templates is the best, or more precisely
the worst results. Whether corporate email users succumb more to sugar or whips. Threats or free
offers. Specific instructions or useful suggestions. Wording with "you must" or "you might like." The
answers cover a wide range of topics around phishing, but they have one thing in common: none of
them fall into the category of threats. Most of the test fraudulent emails that users responded to dealt
with common, not dramatic, issues that were obviously interesting or important topics. Nothing on
the top ten list was really urgent or frightening, and all the messages sounded likely and
uncomplicated enough to be worth resolving quickly. The top ten list, resp. the worst [4], is given
1. Code of ethicsreport from the HR department representing the new code of ethics.
2. Delayed delivery of the annual tax statementsimulated warning to employees.
3. Scheduled server maintenance.
4. You have been assigned a taskpartially targeted phishing.
5. Test the new email system.
6. Updating the rules for going on holidays.
7. Car lights onthe building manager obviously wants to be very helpful.
8. Undelivered shipment by courier service.
9. Secure documentit is said to be a "secure document" from the HR team.
10. Report from social networksfor example: simulated LinkedIn notification telling recipient:
"You have unread messages from Josef."
Phishing detection is a subset of digital literacy that K12 educators could include as part of the
curricula on critical thinking and information literacy. K12, from kindergarten to 12th grade, is an
American expression that indicates the range of years of supported primary and secondary education
found in the United States, which is similar to publicly supported school grades prior to college in
several other countries [5].
The aim of this paper is to analyze the text of phishing emails and results of the research
confront with research results described in the Introduction and in Literature review. Acquired
knowledge of the study should help in recognition of phishing emails, defense against phishing
emails attacks, and could contribute to education and training in cyber security.
This paper is organized as follows. The ―Introduction‖ provides some phishing definitions and
lists the top ten phishing attacks. The research methodological elements and steps are presented
under the ―Materials and methods‖ section. It includes the literature review, data collection,
statistical surveys, classification and segmentation of phishing emails, and application of text
AIMS Electronics and Electrical Engineering Volume 5, Issue 1, 93116.
analytical SW. The section ―Results of phishing email analysis‖ is a core part of this paper. It
presents the statistical survey results and detailed analysis of phishing emails under the following
segments: Business, Charity, Fund, Transfer, and Others. The last part of this section is ―Analysis of
phishing email duplicity,‖ which deals with repeatedly sent emails. The ―Discussion‖ section follows,
where the results of the current research are compared with those of the studies mentioned in the
―Literature review‖ subsection. We discuss the question: What is the reason for obtaining personal
information? We also discuss the problems associated with using text analytical SW in analysis of
personal data. Then we conclude the paper.
2. Materials and method
This section describes methodological elements and steps of the research. These steps include
the literature review, data collection, statistical surveys, classification and segmentation of phishing
emails, and application of text analytical SW.
2.1. Literature review in the theme “Phishing amail attackts and defense against them”
The literature review made it possible to find out what topics other researchers have dealt with
in phishing. The literature source was publications indexed on Web of Science and publications
recommended by a reviewer of the manuscript. The sub-chapter is divided into five parts:
1. Research on the susceptibility of respondents to phishing attacks.
2. Results of efforts to improve phishing email detection.
3. Analysis of email content and development of phishing recognition capabilities.
4. URL-based phishing attack detection.
5. Summary of the literature review.
2.1.1. Research on the susceptibility of respondents to phishing attacks
The study [6] used a role-play scenario-based methodology to investigate why some email
phishing attacks are successful, and why some people are more susceptible to them. To examine
which email phishing attacks are most successful, was utilized a social influence framework, based
on six principles of influence; namely: authority, consistency, liking, reciprocity, scarcity. and social
proof. Participants were exposed to both genuine and phishing emails which contained these
influence principles. Results indicate that participants were quite poor at correctly judging the safety
of a link, regardless of whether the email was phishing or genuine. These findings have practical
applications for phishing education, training and awareness programs.
The research [7] determined the effect of Internet user age and email content such as weapons
of influence and life domains on spear-phishing susceptibility. Six life domains phishing emails can
refer to financial, health, ideological, legal, security, and social. In total, 100 young and 58 older
users received, without their knowledge, daily-simulated phishing emails over 21 days. A browser
plugin recorded their clicking on links in the emails as an indicator of their susceptibility.
Forty-three percent of users fell for the simulated phishing emails, with older women showing the
highest susceptibility. It was found that older women were particularly susceptible to phishing. In
addition, young users’ susceptibility decreased across the course of the intervention, while older
AIMS Electronics and Electrical Engineering Volume 5, Issue 1, 93116.
users’ susceptibility did not decrease. The effectiveness of phishing emails varied depending on the
weapons of influence and life domains. In particular, susceptibility was highest for scarcity and
legal emails and lowest for social proof and financial emails. Further, the relative effectiveness of
specific weapons of influence differed between young and older users. While young compared to
older users showed greater susceptibility to scarcity and authority emails, older compared to young
users showed greater susceptibility to reciprocation and liking emails. Older users showed lower
susceptibility awareness than young users.
The purpose of the paper [8] was to explore user susceptibility to phishing by unpacking the
mechanisms that may influence individual victimization. The focus was on the characteristics of the
e-mail message, users' knowledge and experience with phishing, and the manner in which these
interact and influence how users cognitively process phishing e-mails. A field experiment was
conducted where 194 subjects were exposed to a real phishing attack. The experimenters
manipulated the contents of the message and measures of user traits and user processing were
obtained after the attack. Phishing susceptibility was predicted by a particular combination of both
low attention to the e-mail elements and high elaboration of the phishing message. Finally,
individual factors such as knowledge and experience with e-mail increased resilience to the
phishing attack.
2.1.2. Results of efforts to improve phishing email detection
The contribution of the paper [9] is the ability of the proposed Phishing Email Detection
System (PEDS) to adapt itself to reflect changes in the environment. The novelty claim stems from
the fact that was introduced a new approach that used Reinforcement Learning (RL). An algorithm
called Feature Evaluation and Reduction (FEaR) was developed to explore the new behavior as well
as to rank a selected list of features. In the field of online phishing email detection, the number of
important features is always changing. The algorithm is dynamically changing the number of
important features and extract them from next email. A Neural Network (NN) is used as the core of
the classification model, and an algorithm called Dynamic Evolving Neural Network using RL
allows the NN to evolve dynamically. Through investigating the previous studies, a very limited
number of studies have been built to handle zero-day (first using) phishing attacks. Any model that
supposed to detect zero-day phishing attack need to have the ability to dynamically adapt the
detection model to reflect changes in phishing emails. In addition, it should have the ability to
explore new behaviors in newly received email in the online mode.
Targeted spear phishing attacks have been implicated in many major security breaches. Email
filtering systems are the first line of defense against such attacks. These filters are typically
configured with uniform thresholds for deciding whether or not to allow a message to be delivered
to a user. However, users have very significant differences in both their susceptibility to phishing
attacks as well as their access to critical information and credentials that can cause damage. Work
presented in the paper [10] has considered setting personalized thresholds for individual users based
on a Stackelberg game model. First, in the model user values can be substitutable, modeling cases
where multiple users provide access to the same information or credential. Second, it was
considered attackers who make sequential attack plans based on the outcome of previous attacks.
For multiple-credential scenarios, it was formulated a bi-level optimization problem for finding the
defense strategy and then reduce it to a single level optimization problem. Experimental results lead
to significant higher defender utilities than two existing benchmarks in different parameter settings.
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The study [11] examines overconfidence in phishing email detection. Authors believe that
overconfidence can lead to one’s adopting risky behavior in uncertain situations. Study focuses in
the experiment with 600 subjects and tests what leads to overconfidence in phishing detection. Each
subject of the experiment judged a set of randomly selected phishing emails and authentic business
emails and were examined two metrics of overconfidence (i.e., over precision and overestimation).
Results show that cognitive effort decreased overconfidence, while variability in attention allocation,
dispositional optimism, and familiarity with the business entities in the emails all increased
overconfidence in phishing email detection.
2.1.3. Analysis of email content and development of phishing recognition capabilities
Phishing emails use a range of influence techniques to persuade individuals to respond, such as
promising a monetary reward or invoking a sense of urgency. The study [12] explored a number of
factors that may affect the persuasiveness and trustworthiness of emails by examining participant
judgements. Participants of the experiment were recruited from Central Washington University to
complete an online study in marketing communications. One hundred and twenty-four participants
were female and fifty-four were male. The majority of participants being in the 18‒24 years age
group category (168 participants), the remaining 10 participants were over the age of 24. The
experiment was conducted online using the platform Recent advances in
phishing susceptibility research have expanded current understanding of how people make decisions
regarding suspicious emails. However, the precise role of various message-specific factors,
including how and why they influence people’s judgements and decisions, remains unclear. It was
investigated how three of these factors, which have not been extensively examined in previous
research, influence judgements of email trust and persuasiveness, specifically the use of loss and
reward-based influence techniques, authentic design cues, and referencing a salient current event.
The use of loss-based influence techniques and the presence of authentic design cues was found to
increase perceived trust and persuasiveness, with a number of psychological mechanisms identified
that may account for these findings. It is hoped that these findings will provide a basis from which
to systematically explore the potential role of these various underlying mechanisms. Only by
understanding how people evaluate email communications will it be possible to understand why
phishing emails work and how best to mitigate them.
Phishing emails success rely on social engineering techniques; they exploit human psychology
and convince a victim to give away personal information and money. The authors believe that
phishing emails can contain different types of principles of persuasion and techniques that can
increase their effectiveness. The paper [13] builds a unique list of principles of persuasion.
Persuasion is typically defined as the ―human communication that is designed to influence others by
modifying their beliefs, values, or attitudes‖. First, persuasion involves the intent to achieve a goal
on the part of the message sender. Second, communication is the means to achieve that goal. Five
principles of persuasion in social engineering:
1. Authority: Society trains people not to challenge authority but to respond without questioning.
2. Social Proof: People tend to mimic what the majority of people do or seem to be doing, so let
their guard and suspicion down and prefer to share the same responsibilities and risks.
3. Liking, Similarity and Deception: People prefer to follow or relate to other people whom they
know, like, are attracted to, or who seem familiar or similar to themselves.
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4. Distraction: When people focus on what they can gain, lose or need, on strong emotional states
or on whether an item will soon be unavailable or is restricted, this can heighten people’s
emotional state and make them forget other important considerations when making decisions.
5. Commitment and Reciprocation: Reciprocating a favor or responding to some action can be an
automatic response that is linked to a sense of commitment with a previous situation.
Subject lines were chosen over the entire email texts due to not only small size and objectivity,
but especially because it is a good practice and highly recommended that this type of attack is
preferably detected earlier in the interaction with the user. Indeed, subject lines are the first contact
point with the email recipient and a main piece of information that triggers the user into deciding
whether an email should be opened or not. The study shows that subject line in phishing email can
be cleverly crafted to include different persuasive content and turn simple sentences into triggers to
influence users to open an email. The authors believe that it is essential to improve techniques
designed to prevent and detect phishing emails within the initial users’ interactions and stress the
relevance of investing in studies on this topic [13].
The aim of the research [14] is authorship analysis of phishing emails. The authorship analysis
of phishing emails consists of three steps: 1) data pre-processing; 2) dimensionality reduction; and 3)
cluster analysis. In data pre-processing phase is to convert email documents into a numeric space
using combination of term frequencies of words (TF)s and the WordNet semantic similarity measure.
The data obtained in this step is very sparse and high dimensional, therefore one needs to apply
dimensionality reduction before applying clustering techniques. Main contributions are in a new
data pre-processing procedure is designed based on combination of TFs and the matrix of
path-similarity distance measure; in an algorithm for finding groups of similar emails in phishing
emails datasets. This algorithm is based on the combination of clustering and feature selection
algorithms. Research demonstrates that the use of accurate clustering algorithms in combination
with the feature selection algorithms can help to identify meaningful groups in phishing emails
datasets and to design an effective defense mechanism to prevent phishing attacks.
Every electronic message poses some threat of being a phishing attack. If recipients
underestimate that threat, they expose themselves, and those connected to them, to identity theft,
ransom, malware, or worse. If recipients overestimate that threat, then they incur needless costs,
perhaps reducing their willingness and ability to respond over time. Metacognition is described
generally as ―cognition about cognition‖ it refers in the paper [15] to individuals’ understanding of
their ability to detect phishing emails. That is a special case of the metacognitive ability to navigate
online systems, in which limited bandwidth - messages may be misleading, not just because of poor
design. In field experiments, was examined the appropriateness of individuals’ confidence in their
judgments of whether email messages were legitimate or phishing, using calibration and resolution
as metacognition metrics.
Participants in experiments had reasonable calibration but poor resolution, reflecting a weak
correlation between their confidence and knowledge. Of the 40 emails that participants reviewed, 19
were phishing emails (adapted from public archives), 19 were legitimate emails (adapted from real
ones), and 2 were attention checks. Although a 50% base rate of phishing emails is not realistic (less
than 1% of actual emails are phishing), that rate was used to reduce the burden on participants and
the time required to collect sufficient data for analysis. The order of the emails was randomized for
each participant. Each phishing email contained one or more of the features often associated with
phishing: impersonal greeting, suspicious URLs, unusual content based on the stated sender and
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subject, requests for urgent action, and grammatical errors or misspellings. Understanding the
relationship between metacognition and phishing detection is critical for improving training and
education. Analyses to identify how metacognition differs for phishing and legitimate emails, the
relationship between metacognition and individual factors for phishing and legitimate emails, and
the relationship between metacognition and real-world vulnerability [15].
2.1.4. URL-based phishing attack detection
Interesting research, published in [16] and further developed in [17] was oriented to phishing
emails detection, based on URL links analysis. This research was oriented to one of the critical
phish emails risk moment, based on detection malicious URL addresses with almost 100% accuracy
using convolutional neural networks (CNN).
URL is an address that allows locating a website on the Internet. The user encounters it mainly
when using distinguish them. Dictionaries containing predefined words are not an optimal solution
in the case of URLs because each minimal change in the letter in the address can refer to an
impersonation attempt. The average address length was 186 characters, and the longest address was
1149 characters. To optimize the network at this stage were used 256 characters to encode the URLs.
The used architecture was very good at analyzing the natural language processing (NLP); however,
the analysis of URL addresses in terms of the occurrence of phishing attacks seemed to be novel. An
idea to sensitize the network, so that it can detect the address distortions to optimize the architecture
presented by us so that the network can be implemented in mobile devices with limited memory and
computing power. An embedding layer was used in the network to change the representation of the
input data from a one-hot vector to a real-valued vector from the input element. This technique has
perfect effects in NLP where by changing the representation of words, was obtained better results
for a given classifier.
Authors used a modern version of Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) called Long Term Short
Term Memory (LSTM) and it was proposed the method of identifying phishing websites based
solely on the URL address text by a deep neural network with convolutional layers and encoded
URLs as one-hot character-level vectors and presented them as inputs to a CNN. There were
checked many variants of CNNs against testing error to achieve the best data generalization.
Moreover, it was found out that the use of the embedding layer improved the results. The results
presented show that the CNN network dealt with the classification better than LSTM. In
experiments, can be observe the minimal advantage of CNN over LSTM in terms of accuracy.
2.1.5. Summary of the literature review
The literature review confirmed the interest in cyber security research phishing emails and
defense against them. Three papers that are of interest in social influence and explore user
susceptibility in phishing attacks fell under the first area of interest, ―Research on the susceptibility
of respondents to phishing attacks‖. There were three papers oriented to the second interest area,
―Results of efforts to improve phishing email detection‖. For these papers, methods of artificial
intelligence and development systems of email filtering were used in the field experiments.
Studies that fell under the third interest area, ―Analysis of email content and development of
phishing recognition capabilities,‖ are closest to the objectives of our article. They were made up of
AIMS Electronics and Electrical Engineering Volume 5, Issue 1, 93116.
four papers and involve research into the reasons for accepting/rejecting phishing email based on
influence techniques and principles of persuasion and metacognition. The object of analysis is the
subject line of phishing email and its authorship. Themes for result discussion include phishing
templates, life domains of phishing emails, and features often associated with phishing.
2.2. Data collection and statistical survey
The phishing emails were collected from the email accounts of one of the authors in the
months of October and November 2020. The text of each potential phishing email was included into
one file; its range reached at the end almost 70 pages. Only the plain text of the fraudulent messages
was chosen for data collection. Emails whose text could only be accessed by clicking on a URL or
downloading an attachment were excluded for security reasons. The total number of data was 200
emails, each introduced in a file with its own serial number. The text file, composed of the emails,
was further divided into 200 separate files, for better processing by analytical software.
A simple statistical survey (summation, average, frequency analysis) was applied to determine
the following parameters of the phishing emails.
The number of emails sent to the business (university) or personal account.
Identity of the sender: male, female, or not specified; company (corporate) or personal
account; and country of the sender.
Whether immediate response was required; whether the answer should contain personal data.
Whether money or other wealth (gold, diamonds) were promised.
Length of email in words, its language, nationality of sender.
A frequency analysis showed how many phishing emails were sent per day and per week and
the trend of the emails.
2.3. Classification, segmentation and application of text analytical SW
The phishing emails were classified and segmented manually based on their characteristics.
Then the text analytical SW, Tovek, was used and results were organized in a table. The set of
1. The main goal (message) of the email; form of address (greeting).
2. A person or company sender; requested information or action from sender.
3. Promised result after sending the answer or fulfilling the requested action.
The text analytical software (SW), Tovek Tools (TT), is used to easily find information in text
from various sources (files, emails, databases, etc.) and in different formats. TT consists of five
modules, namely Index Manager, Tovek Agent, Query Editor, Info Rating, and Harvester. The first
step of data processing is data indexing in the Index Manager module so that searches can be
performed quickly in the Tovek Agent module using the prepared options or automatic search for
entities (name, URL address, date, phone number, geographic information).
Simple queries contain only a few search keywords and operators. Complex queries should be
created using the module Query Editor, and results can be in form of search archives. The Tovek
language formulates queries in a precise format with various search parameters. The TT module for
context analysis is Info Rating, which makes it possible to find the context in documents with respect
AIMS Electronics and Electrical Engineering Volume 5, Issue 1, 93116.
to context queries. The results of document search can be exported to the Harvester module for
content analysis. It is possible to discover word connections and prepare word frequency analysis
and graphs of word contexts [18].
3. Results of phishing emails analysis
3.1. Statistical analysis of phishing emails
Table 1 depicts the results of the statistical survey of the selected parameters of the phishing
emails. It contains the total amount of emails, the sender of the email (male, female, or not specified)
(see Figure 1), and the number of emails sent to the business (university) or personal account. It also
includes the number of emails sent by organization (corporate) or personal accounts, whether the
email required immediate response and whether the answer should contain personal data, the amount
of money promised, and the language of the emails.
Table 1. Statistical survey.
Parameter of emails (unit)
Parameter of emails (unit)
Total number
Name of sender not available (%)
Male sender (%)
Female sender (%)
Sent to business account (%)
Sent to personal account (%)
Corporate mail (%)
Personal mail (%)
Immediate response required (%)
Answer with personal data (%)
Total promised money (mil. USD)
Money promised per mail (mil. USD)
Total promised gold (kg)
Average length of email (words)
Language English (%)
Language Czech or Slovak (%)
Figure 1. Number of emails by sender.
The number of emails delivered to the work account was significantly higher than the number
of emails delivered to the personal account. This disparity is not surprising, because work accounts
are certainly more interesting to phishers than personal accounts. It was not possible to use simple
automatic search to statistically determine data. The text of phishing emails is often quite
complicated, so it was necessary to read them individually and enter the detected values in the tables.
Sender male
Sender not known
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The number of emails from men was more than half of the total emails. This result is awaiting,
because phishing emails often encourage various businesses and more often men work in this area.
Phishing emails also often require the recipient to send an immediate response; otherwise, there is a
risk of delay.
The country or nationality of the email sender is given in Table 2 and Figure 2. The
determination was performed using the text analytical SW and the results were corrected manually.
Often, names of different countries crop up for one sender and it was difficult to decide the actual
country. In some cases, the country was determined using the international prefix of the telephone
number used or the registered office address of the company whose representative the sender claimed
to be. In almost 40% of emails, the country or nationality of the sender could not be ascertained.
The frequency analysis in Figure 3 shows how many phishing emails were sent per week. There
was a slightly increasing trend. The last week had only 5 days. The maximum number of emails sent
on any given day was ten and the minimum was zero.
Table 2. Country or nationality of email senders.
New Zealand
Burkina Faso
Czech or Slovak
Cote D’Ivore
Benin Republic
South Africa
Figure 2. Number of emails by country of nationality of sender.
AIMS Electronics and Electrical Engineering Volume 5, Issue 1, 93116.
Figure 3. Weekly frequency of incoming emails.
3.2. Classification by the main goal (message) of the phishing email
Depending on the main goal (message), the phishing emails were classified into five segments:
1) Business, 2) Charity, 3) Fund, 4) Transfer, and 5) Others. In the following subsections we explain
the segments in detail (in parentheses beside the title of each subsection is given the number of
emails and its percentage of the total number).
After extraction of the relevant phishing emails in any segment, some analysis was performed to
find out what personal information (name, address, and phone number) is requested by the emails.
The three parts of the query (1) were first joined by the ―or‖ operator and then by the ―and‖ operator:
(receiver name or your name or full name) or (contact address or home address or
house address or your address) or (your tel or phone number or mobile number or
mobile telephone or direct cell or direct telephone)
3.2.1. Business segment (64, 32%)
The Business segment included a wide range of phishing emails that offer cooperation on a
project, investment in the recipient's country, execution of a contract, or realization of a business
opportunity. Some emails also required a partner to trade in medical and supplier products, or offered
opportunities in the development of IT services. The last set of emails included in this segment
offered the recipient work in various areas with a promise of a high salary and many lucrative
benefits. Querying of the email files was performed using a hierarchical query processed in the
Query Editor (see Figure 4).
The result of the query was a set of files (emails) that could be sorted by file name (Figure 5) or
by score (Figure 6), which expresses the degree of fulfillment of the query conditions. In addition, it
could contain selected entities, in Figure 5 with email addresses and in Figure 6 with detected states
of the selected emails.
AIMS Electronics and Electrical Engineering Volume 5, Issue 1, 93116.
Figure 4. Hierarchical query in the Business segment.
Figure 5. Result of the query in the Business segment, sorted by file name.
Figure 6. Result of the query in the Business segment, sorted by score.
AIMS Electronics and Electrical Engineering Volume 5, Issue 1, 93116.
The analysis of personal information in the Business segment using query (1) with the ―or‖
operator gave 34 emails (53%) and analysis with the ―and‖ operator gave only six emails (9%).
Example of email (file 053):
Jacob Contract Arrangement (From J.W); From: Wrench, Jacob
Attn: Sir, I am, Jacob Wrench (Mr), a Level 2 Director with the Contract Awards and Monitoring
Committee of Ministry of Urban and Rural Development. I got your information from business
network online, my duty as empowered by the British Government is to monitors provision the basic
amenities, social recreational activities in urban and rural areas, this programs include assistance to
deprived local communities and to co-ordinate project and development at the national levels,
further more from this projects we have been able to secure some reasonable amount of money to the
tune of Three Million One Hundred and Sixty Thousand British Pounds (GBP3,160,000.00) as
commission from various contractors resulting from over invoicing, hence all the necessary
approvals has been completed. This approved fund is now securely deposited with a financial
institution here in U.K for onward transfer to its destination. This fund is deposited with the reason
that it is payment for a foreign expatriate/company {contractor} as we are Government officials we
are not allowed to operate or open a foreign bank account hence you need to stand as the beneficiary
and claim this funds on our behalf from the bank. I am making this contact with you with faith of
making as a reliable person/company with high integrity/dignity one with conscience that will claim
this funds on our behalf as the beneficiary {the foreign contractor},and we have agreed to offer you
30% of the total sum as commission for your assistance/effort and 5% will be used to settle every
expense each of us might incur on the process, we will use our 65% to invest under your
recommendations and guide and go into joint venture business with you. I would greatly appreciate
your assistance, I look forward to hear from you be informed that confidentiality is the nature of this
business because I would not be happy to lose my job. For confidentiality I request you contact me
via my email below. When I hear from you I will inform you further on how to proceed if you are
willing to part of this project.
Best regards Jacob Wrench, Email:
3.2.2. Charity segment (41, 21%)
Here is the typical scenario of most phishing emails classified under the Charity segment: The
sender is an old woman, a widow, without children. The deceased husband left a large fortune
(millions of USD), which she wants to donate to charity. She describes with brutal openness that she
is seriously ill (cancer) and has a few weeks left to live. The letter is written in the Christian spirit,
asking the recipient of the donation to set up a charity fund and get a reward for this mission.
The following was the query (2) for selecting emails in the Charity segment:
charity, cancer, illness, disease, hospital, widow, God, Christ, Lord
Remark: The operator ―,‖ works in the Tovek Agent first as the ―or‖ operator in a query and
then as the ―and‖ operator in the search result to determine the score.
The analysis of personal information in the Charity segment using query (1) with the operator
―or‖ gave 15 emails (37%) and the analysis with the ―and‖ operator gave six emails (14%).
AIMS Electronics and Electrical Engineering Volume 5, Issue 1, 93116.
Example of email (file 058), displayed in Tovek Viewer with marked keywords and entities:
Mrs. Melinda Cruz<>
From Mrs. Melinda Cruz Charitable Donation.
Dearest in Christ, Greetings in the name of our lord Jesus Christ. I am Mrs. Melinda Cruz, an
aging widow (69 years old) suffering from long time illness breast Cancer and Cancer of the lungs, I
am currently admitted in a private hospital here in Abidjan Cote D' Ivoire. I have some funds I
inherited from my late loving husband, the sum of US$ $ 2 million dollars which he deposited with a
bank in Abidjan. I am looking for a honest and God fearing person that can use these funds for God's
work also creating a charitable organization for the less privileged, helping the elderly, the poor,
also the war and HIV/AIDS victims, and 15% out of the total funds will be for your compensation for
doing this work. I found your email address from the internet and I decide to contact you after my
prayers hoping that you will not betray the trust. If you could be able to do this work, please email
me back for more detail on how it could be done. I wait for your positive reply.
Your Sister in Christ, Mrs. Melinda Cruz.
3.2.3. Fund segment (35, 18%)
This segment included phishing emails that promised the recipient money obtained from a fund
(compensation, scam or fraud), a financial gift, or assets from inheritance.
The following was the query (3) for selecting emails in the Fund segment:
fund and (compensation or scam or fraud), gift, inheritance
List of mentioned funds (or organization) in the phishing emails:
Bill Gates Foundation.
Compensation fund for scam victims, Bank of Holland.
Compensation fund, The International Police & the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network.
Compensation funds with ORA Bank.
Fund in the Bank of America, New York.
The UN office compensation fund for scam victims, DNB Bank, London, UK.
Compensation fund, United Bank for Africa, Lomé, Togo.
The Charles Koch Charitable Foundation.
The International Monetary Fund, First National Bank, South Africa.
The International Monetary Fund, the World Bank Group.
The United Nations Compensation Unit, West Africa.
The United Nations Development Fund (UNDF).
The analysis of personal information in the Fund segment using query (1) with the operator ―or‖
gave 17 emails (49%) and analysis with the ―and‖ operator yielded 5 emails (15%). The graphs of
Figures 7 and 8 are the result of the email content analysis prepared with the TT module Harvester
and show phrases (word connections) in the emails. The number at the link between the words
depicts the "strength" of the connection (number of occurrences).
AIMS Electronics and Electrical Engineering Volume 5, Issue 1, 93116.
Figure 7. Content analysis of the word compensation.
Figure 8. Content analysis of the word scam.
Example of email (file 178):
Mrs. Angela Blake<> Good Day Sir / Mrs.
How are you doing, this is to let you know your name was shortlisted among the foreigners to be
compensated for Scam Victim, The total sum of US$5.000,000.00 which was approved by
COMMITTEE to be release to you at your preferable mode of payment by the Investigation and Debt
Settlement Committee, The Payment is as a result of compensation Inheritance Fund for scam victim
AIMS Electronics and Electrical Engineering Volume 5, Issue 1, 93116.
which is due for payment. Approved by the Investigation and Debt Settlement Committee /
International Monetary Fund, All is required from you is your details for Authorization and
Endorsement of your Name on the said fund US$5 Million for payment.
Your Full Name:
Your Home Address:
Your Direct Phone Number:
Your Nationality:
Your Occupation:
Your Age / Marital Status:
Your Nearest Airport:
Copy of your ID:
Please acknowledge the receipt of this message for more details, as you furnish this office your
details stated below required for proper Verification and Documentation and opening of the claim
file of your name on the legal documents as the rightful beneficiary for payment. Waiting to hear
from you and God Bless you for your understanding.
Yours Faithfully, MRS. ANGELA BLAKE, Federal Ministry of Finance Consultant.
3.2.4. Transfer segment (29, 15%)
This segment included phishing emails in which the sender requested cooperation for money or
other asset transfer. The commission for transfer ranged from 30 to 60 % of the transferred amount.
The initiator was usually a bank clerk who claimed to have discovered a free money account and that
the intended transfer would be completely risk-free.
The query (4) for selecting emails in the Transfer segment was:
(transfer or shipment) and (money or gold or diamonds)
Figure 9. Content analysis of the word transaction.
AIMS Electronics and Electrical Engineering Volume 5, Issue 1, 93116.
Figure 10. Connections of the word shipping.
The graph of Figure 9 and list of words on Figure 10 are the result of content analysis of the
emails grouped under the Transfer segment. They were prepared with the Harvester module and
show phrases (word connections) in the emails.
The analysis of personal information in the Transfer segment using query (1) with the operator
―or‖ yielded 14 emails (48%) and analysis with the ―and‖ operator yielded 5 emails (17%).
Example of email (file 167):
WEB, Send Money Worldwide. Ria Money Transfer is a convenient
way to send Money Fast. It's Easy, Reliable and you Have a choice of Great Options.
ATTN. Dear Beneficiary, Please we need your current Home Address and Telephone Number to
Enable us Start Sending you $7.5 Million Dollars to you Through Ria Money Transfer as we were
instructed by The Minister of Finance Benin Republic this Morning To Be Sending you $5,000.00
each day Till the Whole Amount $7.5 Million Dollars, Call Rev. COOLEY WILLIAM now and ask
him to give you MTCN and every Other Information you Need to pick up your $5,000.00 Today. Here
is what he may require from you.
Your Receiver name--------------
Your Country--------------------
Your City-----------------------
Your Tel-----------------------
Your Test Question--------------
AIMS Electronics and Electrical Engineering Volume 5, Issue 1, 93116.
Your Id-------------------------
Forward the Information here; ( Or Call Rev. COOLEY WILLIAM On
Telephone +229 -64751435
Thanks Mrs.Katrina Phillip, Director, Chair of the Compensation and Benefits Committee
3.2.5. Other segment (31, 16%)
This segment included emails with marginal significance due to their volume in the whole set of
emails. The commonest categories among this segment were:
Repeated contact (7, 4 %).
Loan offer (7, 4 %).
Erotic offer (6, 3 %).
Undelivered package (2, 1 %).
Example of email (file 176), displayed in Tovek Viewer with marked keywords and entities:
We have registered your ATM MASTER CARD of US $(92.55M)with DHL
Courier Company with the registration code of (Shipment Code awb33xzs) please kindly Contact
them with your full delivery information such as follows to enable you receiver your ATM MASTER
CARD in six working days from the DHL Courier Company department as well.
Your Full Name....
Your Full Address......
Your Telephone Number.........
Your Passport copy...........
Your Age............
Your Occupation...........
Name of Director: MR.RICHARD MARK
Call me :+229-51037495
Contact E-mail:
Best Regard
3.3. Analysis of the phishing emails duplicity, repeatedly sending
The most frequent duplicate corporate phishing emails (10 times) was sent by Exxon Mobil, UK;
in one case the email was from Murray Bell (Male), who posed as the HR Manager (file 9), and in all
other cases from Peter Alexandra (Male), who posed as the Operations and Corporate Affairs Officer.
Each email number, email address and the date the email was sent are provided in Table 3. The
content of file 9 was a job offer, whereas in the other cases the content requested the recipient’s full
cooperation and partnership to re-profile funds amounting to US $ 12.2M. All emails the have been
included in the Business segment. Exxon Mobil does really exist, available at
AIMS Electronics and Electrical Engineering Volume 5, Issue 1, 93116.
Table 3. The email number, email address and date email was sent.
Email address
Email address
The next sending of duplicate corporate phishing emails (two times) was made through:
Bank of America New York (does exist), files 15 and 77, Transfer segment.
Bill Gates Foundation (does exist), files 66 and 79, Fund segment.
United Nations Compensation Unit, Tunde automotive Marina, Lagos, Nigeria (does not exist,
it is scam), files 22 and 121, Fund segment.
The duplicity in phishing personal emails are listed in Table 4. The characteristics of the emails
include name of sender (Name), their sex (Sex: Male, Female), the relevant segment to which the
email belongs (Segment), file resp. email numbers (File number), information about the content of
the duplicate emails (Content), and number of duplicates (Dup).
No regularity or intent could be traced in sent duplicate phishing emails.
Table 4. Characteristics of the duplicate emails.
File numbers
David Kane
little differences
Grace William
Jean Phillip
Kim Chan Ouk
Lida Oum
Mehmet Osman Pisir
Melinda Cruz
little differences
Rita Van Zyl
4. Discussion
In this discussion, we will first compare the results of our research with those of the studies
mentioned in the ―Literature review‖ section. Next, we explore the problems with using the text
analytical SW for the analysis of personal data.
The top ten phish threats [4] provide a breakdown of phishing threats that correspond to our
results in only one item, "Undelivered shipment by courier service," and this is only a marginal topic
in the Others segment. The explanation for this difference is probably that the phishing attacks
according to [4] probably belong to spear phishing, which is not covered in this study.
The research [7] defines the six life domains of phishing emails: financial, health, ideological,
legal, security, and social. These domains are difficult to compare to the phishing email segments of
AIMS Electronics and Electrical Engineering Volume 5, Issue 1, 93116.
our research. The Business segment does not correspond to any domain; the Charity segment could
belong to the health and social domains; the Fund segment could belong to the financial, security and
social domains; and the Transfer segment could belong to the financial and legal domains. The
breakdown according to [7] is too general and does not correspond to the current situation of
phishing email attacks.
On the contrary, our research completely confirms features often associated with phishing [15]:
―impersonal greeting, suspicious URLs, unusual content based on the stated sender and subject,
requests for urgent action, and grammatical errors or misspellings‖. In our study, impersonal greeting
was used in 100% of the phishing emails analyzed. The most frequent was NO greetings (31%);
followed by the greeting Hello (25%) combined with such a word as ―Beloved,‖ ―Dear,‖ ―Friend,‖
―Partner,‖ or ―Sir / Madam‖; then the greeting ―Dear‖ or ―Dearest‖ (18%) combined with ―Beloved,‖
―Customer,‖ ―Friend,‖ ―in Christ,‖ or ―Sir / Madam.‖ The greeting ―Good Day‖ (8%) was often
combined with ―Sir / Madam‖. Other greetings (Attention, Hey, Hi, May Allah Bless You, etc.) were
used less frequently.
Suspicious URLs were used in any emails, but were not analyzed for security reasons. There
were requests for urgent action in 86% of the emails. We were able to detect grammatical errors
and/or misspellings in a large group of the emails, despite that we are not native English speakers.
The offer of a large amount of money can be considered as unusual content. In all the segments
analyzed, the amount offered was 1736 million USD, which was almost 9 million USD per email, a
sum of money most people cannot dream of earning even in a lifetime. In the Business segment, the
ease of creating a business partnership (by just replying to an email) can be considered unusual
content. In fact, business partnerships are built gradually and only gradually can mutual trust grow.
In the Fund segment, it can be considered as unusual content that funds could be raised to
compensate fake victims of fraud. In the Transfer segment, receiving an invitation to pick up boxes
full of money from the airport can be considered as unusual content if you, so can a bank clerk
informing you that "forgotten" money could be transferred from the bank to your account without
any risk.
In the Charity segment, a typical scenario of the phishing email (written in the Christian spirit)
repeating the phrase or word ―an old woman,‖ ―widow,‖ ―without children,‖ ―seriously ill (cancer)‖
and/or ―has a few weeks left to live‖ can be considered as unusual content. Also unusual are emails
with content to the following effect: the sender’s deceased husband left a large fortune (millions
USD), which the sender wants to donate to charity; the recipient of the donation should set up a
charity fund and get a reward. We think that people who are so seriously ill have other worries than
creating charitable funds.
The analysis of the phishing email files using text analytic SW was accompanied by the
problem of selecting suitable keyword representatives for queries, because many of the keywords
were spread out in the emails regardless of their segmentation. We show this for the example of
context analysis using the TT module Info Rating. The context query (Figure 11) detects the
distribution of selected keywords in the emails. The result can be monitored in the context matrix
(Figure 12), in which there is a number of documents (emails) in each node where the corresponding
pair of context queries occur. In our example, the keywords are ―Business‖ and ―Fund‖, and they are
found in 32 documents, out of which 14 belong to the Business segment, 13 to the Transfer segment,
4 to the Charity segment and 2 to the Fund segment.
AIMS Electronics and Electrical Engineering Volume 5, Issue 1, 93116.
Figure 11. The context query.
Figure 12. The context matrix.
Another example applies to the keyword "name", which should determine if this information is
required in the email. But a large group of emails start with "My name is," and this keyword also
appears elsewhere in the text of the emails. Therefore, with the knowledge of the content of emails,
the word name must be supplemented by another adjective, e.g. full, receiver, your. This means that
the result of each query by the analytical SW needs to be manually monitored and corrected.
Figure 13. Hacking conditions of email account [19].
AIMS Electronics and Electrical Engineering Volume 5, Issue 1, 93116.
An interesting question is: What is the reason for obtaining personal information? Assume that
this is for subsequent intrusion into the recipient's network account. Does the hacker have enough
information to do this? Let’s compare the information obtained from the phishing emails with the
hacking conditions in Figure 13.
The analysis of personal information for the set of all phishing emails in query (1) with the ―or‖
operator yielded the result 67 emails (34%) and the analysis with the ―and‖ operator yielded 17
emails (9%). If we had added a condition for birthday, the search result would have been only one
email (file 118). With respect to the hacking requirement of Figure 13, it can be concluded that
hacking the email account of the receiver was not the primary target of the analyzed phishing attacks,
but another form of cybercrime.
The request to obtain personal information contains in phishing emails, in addition to the data
analyzed above (name, address, and phone number) a number of other less frequent requests for: age,
country, fax number, marital status, nationality, occupation, sex. In addition, other means of
identification were less often required, namely a scanned copy of the receiver’s identity, passport,
reference file, or letter of authorization. In emails classified under the Transfer segment, the
following information was also required: receiver’s bank name, account number, payment method,
and credit card number.
5. Conclusions
The main goal of the study is to contribute to the understanding of phishing emails, while
adding to the knowledge base on education and training in phishing email defense. An analysis of
200 emails was performed, including statistical survey, classification and segmentation by email
content, and report on duplicate emails. The text analytical SW Tovek was used for the analysis, with
manual corrections.
The novelty of the paper in comparing to the analyzed sources in the literature review consists
mainly in the fact that a similar research topic, it was a detailed analysis of phishing emails, was not
dealt with by any of them in the way carried out in our research. It was oriented to the detail
understanding of phishing emails and extending the knowledge base for education and training in
phishing email defense. The research of phishing emails included statistics, their classification,
segmentation and analysis using the text analytical SW Tovek. In the discussion, the acquired
knowledge was confronted with other sources, especially in the recognition characteristics of
phishing emails.
The core part of the study involved classification of the phishing emails into the following five
segments: Business, Charity, Fund, Transfer and Others. Each segment has been described in detail,
highlighting its characteristics. The results of the analysis have been compared with results of some
previous studies in the field.
Future research should be oriented to similar analysis, perhaps with smaller data samples, with
the goal to discover changes in phishing emails after one year. It will also be of interest to find out if
the same phishing emails, from the same workplace (same intranet network), are routed to different
recipients’ accounts.
AIMS Electronics and Electrical Engineering Volume 5, Issue 1, 93116.
The study presents results of the research in project [20] at the Department of Informatics and
Cyber Operations, Faculty of Military Technologies, University of Defence, Czech Republic.
Conflict of interest
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.
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article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (
... Their findings shed light on the severity of the impact of phishing attacks, signaling the urgent need for robust cybersecurity measures to counteract this pervasive threat. Burita et al. (2021) discussed the effects of phishing attacks on individuals and organizations. They pointed out that successful phishing attacks can result in financial losses, damage to an organization's reputation, and loss of sensitive data such as usernames, passwords, and credit card information. ...
... Additionally, the study noted that phishing attacks can cause psychological distress to victims, as they may feel violated and vulnerable after falling victim to a scam. Finally, Burita et al. (2021) recommended that future studies should focus on conducting similar analyses, potentially using smaller data sets, to investigate any changes in phishing emails that occur over a one-year period, as, it may be useful to explore whether identical phishing emails originating from the same workplace such as intranet network are being delivered to various recipients' accounts. Carroll (2022) studied the factors affecting awareness of phishing among generation: they mentioned that phishing attacks can have significant negative impacts on individuals, organizations, and society. ...
... The increased reliance on digital communication, as discussed by Carroll (2022), has exacerbated these threats, especially during global events like the COVID-19 pandemic. Bhavsar et al. (2018) and Burita et al. (2021) underline the multifaceted nature of phishing attacks, which not only compromise sensitive data but also inflict psychological distress on victims. ...
Full-text available
This study aimed at understanding phishing attacks targeting mobile phone users in Tanzania, focusing on the investigation of effects of these attacks on the mobile phone users. The study used technology threat avoidance theory as its theoretical framework. Respondents were selected using a purposive stratified sampling method to ensure diverse representation across various demographics and business sectors. A descriptive research design was employed and traders in Kariakoo market, Dar es Salaam were the target population. A sample size of 394 respondents was chosen and data obtained through structured questionnaires and in-depth interviews. Quantitative data were analyzed using SPSS, while qualitative data were examined with Deedose. The study revealed social, economic, and psychological effects of phishing attacks to mobile phone users in Tanzania. Socially, there was a noticeable decline in trust toward digital communications, leading to altered online behaviors and interactions. Economically, the effects included substantial financial losses and disruptions to business operations, impacting both individuals and organizations. Psychologically, the study found that victims experienced emotional distress, anxiety, and a heightened sense of vulnerability, prompting an increased awareness and caution regarding cyber security practices. The study concluded that phishing attacks posed significant social, economic, and psychological challenges for mobile phone users in Tanzania, with effects varying across different demographic groups. It also revealed that users' age, gender, education, and business sector influenced their susceptibility to phishing attacks, leading to diverse experiences and vulnerabilities within the population. The study recommends implementation of targeted awareness campaigns through popular communication channels, such as social media ads and television, to maximize reach and engagement, especially among younger users who are frequently online.
... To simplify, a phishing attack is all about trickery. Therefore a phishing email [8] is a serious security threat targeting the end user and tricking him/her into compromising his/her own security. This happens when accessing insecure web pages that are controller by the attacker, opening suspicious attachments maliciously crafted by the attacker or revealing private information. ...
... Email phishing is a phishing type in which unsuspecting victim is tricked into divulging credential or sensitive information through email [10], [52]. Here the attacker sends phishing code either through email containing a phishing link or malware attachment in such a way that as soon as the victim clicks on the link [21], it will either redirect it to a phishing site or get the system infected by malware. Sensitive credentials getting by this mean can then be use by the attacker to commit series of cybercrimes against the victim or target organization including but not limited to remote malware installation, instigate Denial of service attack, Cyberstalking, identity theft, and can even be sold in the dark market. ...
Full-text available
Phishing is one of the most effective ways in which cybercriminals get sensitive details such as credentials for online banking, digital wallets, state secrets, and many more from potential victims. They do this by spamming users with malicious URLs with the sole purpose of tricking them into divulging sensitive information which is later used for various cybercrimes. In this research, we did a comprehensive review of current state-of-the-art machine learning and deep learning phishing detection techniques to expose their vulnerabilities and future research direction. For better analysis and observation, we split machine learning techniques into Bayesian, non-Bayesian, and deep learning. We reviewed the most recent advances in Bayesian and non-Bayesian-based classifiers before exploiting their corresponding weaknesses to indicate future research direction. While exploiting weaknesses in both Bayesian and non-Bayesian classifiers, we also compared each performance with a deep learning classifier. For a proper review of deep learning-based classifiers, we looked at Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN), Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), and Long Short Term Memory Networks (LSTMs). We did an empirical analysis to evaluate the performance of each classifier along with many of the proposed state-of-the-art anti-phishing techniques to identify future research directions, we also made a series of proposals on how the performance of the under-performing algorithm can improved in addition to a two-stage prediction model
... They embed malicious scripts into a document disguised as an official document to trick victims into accessing it. This is done with the aim of obtaining important information such as personal data, account data, and financial data from individuals or organizations targeted by phishing (Burita et al., 2021). The obtained information is then stored in servers or databases owned by the attackers. ...
Full-text available
In the rapidly evolving landscape of cybersecurity threats, the need for robust defenses against phishing attacks has become paramount. This study explores the efficacy of malware detection in phishing email attacks using dynamic analysis on the platform. Leveraging the insights provided by the Deloitte Center for Controllership regarding the escalating frequency of cyber adversaries targeting organizational data, this research investigates the effectiveness of the platform, particularly utilizing the SOC 146 rule, in identifying and mitigating phishing threats. Through a comprehensive analysis process encompassing dynamic malware analysis techniques, such as those employed by VirusTotal and URLHaus, alongside detailed examination of suspicious email attachments using the Mailbox feature, this study aims to provide insights into the evolving tactics of phishing attackers, specifically those utilizing Excel 4.0 Macros. The research methodology involves collecting malware samples for analysis, configuring sandbox environments with tools like Process Monitor and Regshot, and utilizing sophisticated analysis tools like ProcDot to visualize malware behavior. Additionally, the study examines the effectiveness of the platform in detecting phishing URLs and malicious domains reported by AnyRun and URLHaus databases. The findings reveal promising results in the detection and identification of phishing threats, shedding light on the potential of dynamic analysis methods in bolstering cybersecurity defenses against evolving phishing techniques. This research contributes to the ongoing efforts to enhance cybersecurity measures and protect organizational assets from the pervasive threat of phishing attacks.
... Cybersecurity becomes a very challenging issue and the occurrence of different cyber attacks is more frequent [1,2]. Detection of anomalies in computer networks has been the main goal of many research activities due to its potential in detecting new types of cyber attacks. ...
... Email phishing je druh phishingového útoku, kedy používateľ odosiela podvodné emailové správy veľkému množstvu náhodných používateľov. Tento druh phishingového útoku tak dokáže zasiahnuť veľké množstvo používateľov, avšak v dôsledku nižšej personalizácie správ môže dosahovať nižšiu úspešnosť a môže byť jednoduchšie identifikovateľný [4,5]. ...
Conference Paper
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Organizácie, ktoré využívajú v rámci svojich činností internetovú sieť, sú v súčasnosti vystavené hrozbe kybernetických útokov, ktoré môžu mať nežiadúce následky na integritu a kontinuitu procesov a služieb. Je preto nevyhnutné, aby organizácie prijímali technologické a procesné opatrenia na zaisťovanie dostatočnej úrovne kybernetickej bezpečnosti. Súčasťou procesu implementácie kybernetickej bezpečnosti je aj proces identifikácie zraniteľnosti, čím môžu organizácie odhaliť zraniteľnosť systémov na konkrétne kybernetické útoky a následne implementovať adekvátne opatrenia na jej znižovanie. Preto je tento článok zameraný na identifikáciu zraniteľnosti vybranej skupiny na phishingový útok, s využitím phishingového testu.
... It contains "@" symbols, instead of domain name they use IP addresses, having more number of external and internal links in the Email body. Another feature seen here is the pop-up window code and the onclick activities, which are primarily done in JavaScript, but also other script-based features may occur in the body of the email as seen by the work of authors in [4]- [5]. ...
Conference Paper
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Phishing based incidents are the procedure of posting illegal or dishonest communications that seems to be originated from a trustworthy sending node. It is commonly reflected in the case of email transmission. The aim is to rob one’s important personal information which includes credit/ debit card details, login information, account related data etc. In one way or another, Phishing emails are can trick users into revealing crucial technical or personal information. Users needs to be very careful and cautious when working with the emails they receive in their Inbox. In addition to verifying sender information, users must be wise enough in analyzing the body of the email to remain protected against such frauds. To account for this reason, this study have proposed a simple yet effective approach, ML-PETA,for analyzing the email text body with Machine learning algorithms. Using the proposed approach, this paper could achieve an accuracy of 96 percentage with a minimum count of vital features only for Phishing Email Text Analysis. At the same time, by the application of dimensionality reduction techniques, the proposed approach is able to reduce the dimensionality of the data considerably, which is better than state-of-the-art existing phishing email detection techniques which have much greater number of features and lesser accuracy rate.
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Along with the development of the Internet, methods of fraud and ways to obtain important data such as logins and passwords or personal sensitive data have evolved. One way of obtaining such information is to impersonate a page the user knows. Such a site usually does not provide any services other than collecting sensitive information from the user. In this paper, we present a way to detect such malicious URL addresses with almost 100 % accuracy using convolutional neural networks. Contrary to the previous works, where URL or traffic statistics or web content are analysed, we analyse only the URL text. Thus, the method is faster and detects zero-day attacks. The network we present is appropriately optimised so that it can be used even on mobile devices without significantly affecting its performance.
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Every electronic message poses some threat of being a phishing attack. If recipients underestimate that threat, they expose themselves, and those connected to them, to identity theft, ransom, malware, or worse. If recipients overestimate that threat, then they incur needless costs, perhaps reducing their willingness and ability to respond over time. In two experiments, we examined the appropriateness of individuals’ confidence in their judgments of whether email messages were legitimate or phishing, using calibration and resolution as metacognition metrics. Both experiments found that participants had reasonable calibration but poor resolution, reflecting a weak correlation between their confidence and knowledge. These patterns differed for legitimate and phishing emails, with participants being better calibrated for legitimate emails, except when expressing complete confidence in their judgments, but consistently overconfident for phishing emails. The second experiment compared performance on the laboratory task with individuals’ actual vulnerability, and found that participants with better resolution were less likely to have malicious files on their home computers. That comparison raised general questions about the design of anti-phishing training and of providing feedback essential to self-regulated learning.
Highly targeted spear phishing attacks are increasingly common, and have been implicated in many major security breeches. Email filtering systems are the first line of defense against such attacks. These filters are typically configured with uniform thresholds for deciding whether or not to allow a message to be delivered to a user. However, users have very significant differences in both their susceptibility to phishing attacks as well as their access to critical information and credentials that can cause damage. Recent work has considered setting personalized thresholds for individual users based on a Stackelberg game model. We consider two important extensions of the previous model. First, in our model user values can be substitutable, modeling cases where multiple users provide access to the same information or credential. Second, we consider attackers who make sequential attack plans based on the outcome of previous attacks. Our analysis starts from scenarios where there is only one credential and then extends to more general scenarios with multiple credentials. For single-credential scenarios, we demonstrate that the optimal defense strategy can be found by solving a binary combinatorial optimization problem called PEDS. For multiple-credential scenarios, we formulate it as a bilevel optimization problem for finding the optimal defense strategy and then reduce it to a single level optimization problem called PEMS using complementary slackness conditions. Experimental results show that both PEDS and PEMS lead to significant higher defender utilities than two existing benchmarks in different parameter settings. Also, both PEDS and PEMS are more robust than the existing benchmarks considering uncertainties.
Dependence on computers has had a transformative effect on human society. Cybernetics is now woven into the core functions of virtually every basic institution, including our oldest ones. War is one such institution, and the digital revolution’s impact on it has been profound. The American military, which has no peer, is almost completely reliant on high-tech computer systems. Given the Internet’s potential for full-spectrum surveillance and information disruption, the marshaling of computer networks represents the next stage of cyberwar. Indeed, it is upon us already. The recent Stuxnet episode, in which Israel fed a malignant computer virus into Iran’s nuclear facilities, is one such example. Penetration into US government computer systems by Chinese hackers-presumably sponsored by the Chinese government-is another. Together, they point to a new era in the evolution of human conflict. In Cybersecurity: What Everyone Needs to Know, noted experts Peter W. Singer and Allan Friedman lay out how the revolution in military cybernetics occurred and explain where it is headed. They begin with an explanation of what cyberspace is before moving on to discussions of how it can be exploited and why it is so hard to defend. Throughout, they discuss the latest developments in military and security technology. Singer and Friedman close with a discussion of how people and governments can protect themselves. In sum, Cybersecurity is the definitive account on the subject for the educated layman who wants to know more about the nature of war, conflict, and security in the twenty first century.
Phishing is fundamental to cyber attacks. This research determined the effect of Internet user age and email content such as weapons of influence (persuasive techniques that attackers can use to lure individuals to fall for an attack) and life domains (a specific topic or aspect of an individual's life that attackers can focus an email on) on spear-phishing (targeted phishing) susceptibility. In total, 100 young and 58 older users received, without their knowledge, daily simulated phishing emails over 21 days. A browser plugin recorded their clicking on links in the emails as an indicator of their susceptibility. Forty-three percent of users fell for the simulated phishing emails, with older women showing the highest susceptibility. While susceptibility in young users declined across the study, susceptibility in older users remained stable. The relative effectiveness of the attacks differed by weapons of influence and life domains with age-group variability. In addition, older compared to young users reported lower susceptibility awareness. These findings support effects of Internet user demographics and email content on susceptibility to phishing and emphasize the need for personalization of the next generation of security solutions.
To reduce the threat caused by phishing attacks, it is vital to investigate why some phishing attacks are successful, and why some people are more susceptible to them than others. To examine this, we used a social influence framework, and applied the Susceptibility to Persuasion Strategies scale within a dual-process model of persuasion framework. A total of 985 participants took part in a role-play scenario-based phishing study. Results indicated that phishing emails utilising scarcity and social proof principles were least successful, whereas those applying consistency and reciprocity principles were most successful. The same principles were also considered least and most persuasive according to the Susceptibility to Persuasion Strategies scale. For the majority of principles, participants who were susceptible to a specific principle were significantly more susceptible to emails containing that principle. Further results revealed that age; the percentage of time spent using a computer; susceptibility to the social proof principle; and, both dispositional and situational impulsivity, were significant predictors in people's ability to detect phishing emails. Practical implications of these findings as well as future directions are discussed.
Phishing is a very dangerous form of social engineering with the aim to deceive people into disclosing private/confidential information. Despite widespread warnings and means to educate users to identify phishing messages, these are still a prevalent practice and a lucrative business. The authors believe that persuasion, as a style of human communication designed to influence others, has a central role in successful digital scams. Research on persuasion applied to phishing emails is scarce and tends to build on Cialdini's work alone. Only a single study has proposed a list of merged principles from three different perspectives but it has methodological limitations regarding the analysis’ performance by a single researcher and the testing of principles in a small, not validated sample of phishing emails. This paper aims to fill those gaps by building on Cialdini's, Gragg's and Stajano & Wilson's works to derive a unique list of Principles of Persuasion in Social Engineering (PPSE), resulting from the application of the relational method by two independent researchers. The PPSE are identified, by two independent researchers (Kappa > 0.789) on a sample of phishing email subject lines (N = 194), dated from 2008 to 2017 and randomly selected from a reliable phishing archive ( A thematic content analysis, together with the sample characterization in terms of visual elements and targeted content, revealed that the most prominent principles of persuasion in phishing emails were ‘Authority’ ‘Strong Affect’ ‘Integrity’ and ‘Reciprocation’. The larger percentage of references with the presence of visual elements was found for the ‘Strong Affect’ principle. The use of the pronouns ‘you’ and ‘your’ was more evident for the categories ‘Strong Affect’ and ‘Authority’ while the employment of the pronouns ‘we, us, our’ was more frequent in the ‘Reciprocation’ principle. This paper constitutes a step further in understanding the use of principles of persuasion in phishing emails with future applications on how their recognition can be automated.
Fraudulent emails, otherwise known as phishing emails, use a range of influence techniques to persuade individuals to respond, such as promising a monetary reward or invoking a sense of urgency. The current study explored a number of factors that may impact the persuasiveness and trustworthiness of emails by examining participant judgements of 20 pre-designed emails that varied according to (a) whether they used loss or reward-based influence techniques, (b) whether they contained particular authentic design cues, (c) whether they referenced a salient current event (the Rio Olympics), and (d) whether participants had been previously exposed to information regarding online scams in general. Results suggest that the presence of authentic design cues and the type of influence technique used significantly impacted participant judgements. Findings are discussed in relation to theoretical models of phishing susceptibility.
Despite state-of-the-art solutions to detect phishing attacks, there is still a lack of accuracy for the detection systems in the online mode which leading to loopholes in web-based transactions. In this research, a novel framework is proposed which combines a neural network with reinforcement learning to detect phishing attacks in the online mode for the first time. The proposed model has the ability to adapt itself to produce a new phishing email detection system that reflects changes in newly explored behaviours, which is accomplished by adopting the idea of reinforcement learning to enhance the system dynamically over time. The proposed model solve the problem of limited dataset by automatically add more emails to the offline dataset in the online mode. A novel algorithm is proposed to explore any new phishing behaviours in the new dataset. Through rigorous testing using the well-known data sets, we demonstrate that the proposed technique can handle zero-day phishing attacks with high performance levels achieving high accuracy, TPR, and TNR at 98.63%, 99.07%, and 98.19% respectively. In addition, it shows low FPR and FNR, at 1.81% and 0.93% respectively. Comparison with other similar techniques on the same dataset shows that the proposed model outperforms the existing methods.
This study examines overconfidence in phishing email detection. Researchers believe that overconfidence (i.e., where one’s judgmental confidence exceeds one’s actual performance in decision making) can lead to one’s adopting risky behavior in uncertain situations. This study focuses on what leads to overconfidence in phishing detection. We performed a survey experiment with 600 subjects to collect empirical data for the study. In the experiment, each subject judged a set of randomly selected phishing emails and authentic business emails. Specifically, we examined two metrics of overconfidence (i.e., overprecision and overestimation). Results show that cognitive effort decreased overconfidence, while variability in attention allocation, dispositional optimism, and familiarity with the business entities in the emails all increased overconfidence in phishing email detection. The effect of perceived self-efficacy of detecting phishing emails on overconfidence was marginal. In addition, all confidence beliefs poorly predicted detection accuracy and poorly explained its variance, which highlights the issue of relying on them to guide one’s behavior in detecting phishing. We discuss mechanisms to reduce overconfidence.