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Non-ammocoete larvae of Palaeozoic stem lampreys


Abstract and Figures

Ammocoetes—the filter-feeding larvae of modern lampreys—have long influenced hypotheses of vertebrate ancestry1–7. The life history of modern lampreys, which develop from a superficially amphioxus-like ammocoete to a specialized predatory adult, appears to recapitulate widely accepted scenarios of vertebrate origin. However, no direct evidence has validated the evolutionary antiquity of ammocoetes, and their status as models of primitive vertebrate anatomy is uncertain. Here we report larval and juvenile forms of four stem lampreys from the Palaeozoic era (Hardistiella, Mayomyzon, Pipiscius, and Priscomyzon), including a hatchling-to-adult growth series of the genus Priscomyzon from Late Devonian Gondwana. Larvae of all four genera lack the defining traits of ammocoetes. They instead display features that are otherwise unique to adult modern lampreys, including prominent eyes, a cusped feeding apparatus, and posteriorly united branchial baskets. Notably, phylogenetic analyses find that these non-ammocoete larvae occur in at least three independent lineages of stem lamprey. This distribution strongly implies that ammocoetes are specializations of modern-lamprey life history rather than relics of vertebrate ancestry. These phylogenetic insights also suggest that the last common ancestor of hagfishes and lampreys was a macrophagous predator that did not have a filter-feeding larval phase. Thus, the armoured ‘ostracoderms’ that populate the cyclostome and gnathostome stems might serve as better proxies than living cyclostomes for the last common ancestor of all living vertebrates.
Adult and juvenile stages of P. riniensis a–g, AM 5750. h–n, AM 7538. a, b, Main slab of AM 5750. Photograph (a) with angled single-directional light (unlike the vertical polarized light in Fig. 1a); and photograph from Fig. 1a overlain with outlines of the anatomical structures identified in this study (b). For interpretive drawing, see Fig. 1b. c, d, Counterslab of AM 5750. Photograph (c) and interpretive drawing (d). e, Detailed, low-angle-light photograph of the oral funnel, showing the individual cusps of the circumoral feeding apparatus and ridges along the edge of the oral funnel. f, g, Detailed anatomy of the region surrounding the left (f) and right (g) eye, showing eye lenses and otic capsules. Owing to the thickness of the preserved body, some of the dorsal skeletal structures in the snout (for example, tectal cartilages) cannot be observed at the surface. h, i, Main slab of AM 7538. Photograph overlain with outlines of the anatomical structures identified in this study (h) and interpretive drawing (i). j, Detailed photograph of the branchial basket on main slab. k, Detailed photograph of the left eye, showing the periocular structure. l, Photograph of counterslab of AM 7538. m, n, Detailed low-angle-light photographs of the circumoral feeding apparatus, which consists of 14 grooved, petaliform plates. m, Main slab, showing cast. n, Counterslab, showing mould. Scale bar, 5 mm (a–d), 2 mm (h, i, l). Definitions of abbreviations are provided in the legends of Figs. 1–3 and ‘Anatomical abbreviations’ in the Methods.
Late larval stages of P. riniensis a–f, AM 5816. g–k, AM 5815. l, m, AM 7539. a, b, Main slab of a large late larva, AM 5816 (no counterslab was found). Photograph overlain with outlines of the anatomical structures identified in this study (a) and interpretive drawing (b). c, Detailed photograph of the head, showing potential preservation of the petaliform plates of the circumoral feeding apparatus (arrowhead) and additional soft tissue structures. d, Detailed photograph of the branchial basket and digestive tract. e, f, Detailed photographs of the posterior trunk, with broken lines showing partial outline of the tail. g, h, Main slab of AM 5815, a small late larva missing a large portion of the snout and posterior half of the trunk. Photograph overlain with outlines of the anatomical structures identified in this study (g) and interpretive drawing (h). i, Photograph of counterslab, which shows posterior extremity of the trunk. j, Detailed photograph of the head, showing arrangement of the branchial arches and positions of the snout structures. k, Detailed photograph of the snout and eyes, showing the small snout structures and otic capsules. l, m, Main slab of AM 7539, a small late larva (counterslab has no anatomically informative trace). Photograph overlain with outlines of the anatomical structures identified in this study (l), and interpretive drawing (m). Scale bars, 2 mm. Definitions of abbreviations are provided in the legends of Figs. 1–3 and ‘Anatomical abbreviations’ in the Methods.
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408 | Nature | Vol 591 | 18 March 2021
Non-ammocoete larvae of Palaeozoic
stem lampreys
Tetsuto Miyashita1,2,3,4,7 ✉, Robert W. Gess5,7, Kristen Tietjen1,6 & Michael I. Coates1
Ammocoetes—the lter-feeding larvae of modern lampreys—have long inuenced
hypotheses of vertebrate ancestry1–7. The life history of modern lampreys,
whichdevelop from a supercially amphioxus-like ammocoete to a specialized
predatory adult, appears to recapitulate widely accepted scenarios of vertebrate
origin. However, no direct evidence has validated the evolutionary antiquity of
ammocoetes, and their status as models of primitivevertebrate anatomy is uncertain.
Here we report larval and juvenile forms of four stem lampreys from the Palaeozoic era
(Hardistiella, Mayomyzon, Pipiscius, and Priscomyzon), including a hatchling-to-adult
growth series of the genus Priscomyzon from Late Devonian Gondwana. Larvae of all
four genera lack the dening traits of ammocoetes. They instead display features that
are otherwise unique to adult modern lampreys, including prominent eyes, a cusped
feeding apparatus, and posteriorly united branchial baskets. Notably, phylogenetic
analyses nd that these non-ammocoete larvae occur in at least three independent
lineages of stem lamprey. This distribution strongly implies that ammocoetes are
specializations of modern-lamprey life history rather than relics of vertebrate ancestry.
These phylogenetic insights also suggest that the last common ancestor of hagshes
and lampreys was a macrophagous predator that did not have a lter-feeding larval
phase. Thus, the armoured ‘ostracoderms’ that populate the cyclostome and
gnathostome stems might serve as better proxies than living cyclostomes for the last
common ancestor of all living vertebrates.
In evolutionary narratives of vertebrate origin, ammocoetes remain
a convenient model—if not an analogue—of hypothetical ancestral
states, because few alternatives are offered by the controversial fossil
forms attributed to the vertebrate stem or the anatomically specialized
living chordates8. The overall resemblance between ammocoetes and
cephalochordates drove early comparative analyses to postulate an
ammocoete-like, sand-burrowing filter feeder at the base of vertebrate
, and even to propagate the idea that cephalochordates
are ‘degenerate’ vertebrates
. Circumstantial support for these sce-
narios has begun to erode in recent times. Cephalochordates have now
been removed to the earliest branch of the chordate crown9; hagfish,
which have now been shown to be firmly allied as the sister group to
, show no trace of an ammocoete-like larval phase
; and puta-
tive stem vertebrates (Metaspriggina and myllokunmingiids) from the
Cambrian period are morphologically remote from ammocoete-like
conditions (such as fused branchial arches or primordial sensory cap-
. However, in the absence of direct contradictory evidence,
ammocoete-like hypothetical ancestors persist in modern hypotheses
of vertebrate origin
. These models both predict and require a deep
evolutionary origin of ammocoete morphology.
Here we present an analysis of ontogenetically immature specimens
of four Palaeozoic stem lampreys to test whether an ammocoete-like
phase existed early in the lamprey lineage. To date, the taxon Mesomyzon
mengae from Early Cretaceous lake beds of China represents the earli-
est known record of the ontogenetic transition from ammocoete to
adult19. However, the stem taxa reported here are at least 180million
years older than Mesomyzon and all of them derive from non-freshwater
environments. These exceptionally well-preserved
specimens show
no distinctive ammocoete-like traits. Instead, these specimens exhibit
characteristics that are associated with the adult phase of modern lam-
preys. In each fossil taxon, the immature individuals signal a transfor-
mation series that does not parallel the ontogeny of modern lampreys.
Priscomyzon riniensis, which is from the latest Devonian stage (the
Fammenian) of Waterloo Farm (South Africa), provides the earliest
and most complete ontogenetic series among the four stem lampreys
that we examined. In the original description21, the holotype (acces-
sion code: Albany Museum (AM) 5750) is the only specimen reported,
and it remains the sole representative of the adult stage in our newly
reconstructed series (Fig.1a, b, Extended Data Fig.2a–g). AM5750 has
prominent eyes22 (which were originally interpreted as otic capsules21),
a well-developed oral funnel with an annular cartilage, a ring of 14cusps
in the circumoral feeding apparatus, and 7pairs of branchial arches.
Seven additional specimens of the same taxon are reported here for
the first time. These come from the same locality as the holotype and
represent younger ontogenetic stages (Fig.1d–q). The smallest of these
(AM5813, which has a body length of 14mm) carries an abdominal bulge
Received: 14 January 2020
Accepted: 28 January 2021
Published online: 10 March 2021
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1Department of Organismal Biology and Anatomy, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA. 2Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. 3Department of Biology, University of
Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. 4Department of Earth Sciences, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. 5Albany Museum and the Department of Geology, Rhodes University,
Makhanda, South Africa. 6Biodiversity Institute & Natural History Museum, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, USA. 7These authors contributed equally: Tetsuto Miyashita, Robert W. Gess.
Nature | Vol 591 | 18 March 2021 | 409
of low tissue density (Fig.1p, q) that extends from behind the branchial
basket to the anal region. We tentatively identify this structure as a yolk
sac, and therefore interpret AM5813 as a hatchling.
From hatchling to adult, all eight specimens of Priscomyzon (Fig.1a–q,
Extended Data Figs.1–5) exhibit prominent eyes and anteroposteriorly
short branchial baskets that are fused at the pericardial region. Tectal
cartilages are partially preserved in the four youngest specimens, and
a funnel with the circumoral feeding apparatus is present in all but one
specimen (AM5817), which is missing the snout. In the immature indi-
viduals (AM7538 and AM5813) the feeding apparatus consists of 14pet-
aliform units, whereas in the adult (AM5750) the apparatus is preserved
as a ring of 14cusps that resembles the circumoral keratinous teeth of
modern adult lampreys. All of these characters (a circumoral feeding
apparatus, prominent eyes, tectal cartilages, and posteriorly closed
branchial baskets) occur in the adult phase of modern lampreys, but
never prior to metamorphosis23. In ammocoetes, the sensory capsules
are underdeveloped (for example, ophthalmic development is arrested
in the form of eyespots); the upper lips form a hood rather than a funnel;
the branchial baskets are long with independent left and right sides
that are aligned in parallel; and tectal cartilages are absent (Fig.1r, s).
A unique sequence of morphological changes across ontogeny
is evident in the Priscomyzon series. The diameter of the oral funnel
appears to increase in positive allometry against body width, whereas
the elongate snout becomes progressively shorter. The branchial bas-
kets also increase in proportion as the branchial arches become radially
arranged. In the adult (AM5750), the first two branchial arches extend
anterior to the eye, whereas they are immediately posterior toor level
withthe eye in younger individuals (Fig.1h–k). Although the juvenile
specimen (AM7538) is similar to the adult in discrete morphological
characters, it is no larger than the larvae—and may even be shorter in
body length than one larva (AM5817). However, a composite size trait
(the first principal component of 13 metric traits) corroborates the
ac cfa
cfa iii
oh nhp
es oc nc
bb ht
AM 5750
AM 5813
AM 7538
AM 5816
AM 5815
AM 7539 AM 5817
AM 5814
Fig. 1 | A growt h series of Priscomyzon riniensis. Th is growth seri es has no
ammocoe te phase, and is sh own in reverse onto genetic order. a, b, Adult stage ,
represen ted by the holoty pe AM5750, shown as a pho tograph (a) and
interpret ive drawing (b). The an atomy is reinter preted from the or iginal
description21 (‘A-4. Additional d escription s’ section o ftheSupplementar y
Infor mati on). c, Schematic re construc tion of a part of th e circumoral feedi ng
apparatus of Priscomyzon, showing t wo petaliform pla tes and cusps f rom
oblique ventr al view from a cen tre of the oral funne l. d, e, Juvenile stage,
represen ted by AM7538. This s tage is charac terized by a well- developed oral
funnel and b ranchial regio n. fk, Late larval st age, represen ted by AM5816
(f, g), AM5815 (h, i), and AM7539 (j, k). This s tage is interm ediate in snout
length an d branchial expan sion. lo, Early lar val stage, repre sented by AM5817
(l, m) and AM5814 (n, o). The larvae are sle nder and elonga te, and the branch ial
region is sm all compared to the r est of the body. p, q, Hatchlin g stage,
represen ted by AM5813. T his 14-mm-long spe cimen is charac terized by an
abdominal b ulge (which we identif y as a potentia l yolk sac) andhas an elongat e
snout and sma ll branchial reg ion. Prominen t eyes and a circumora l feeding
apparatusare alre ady present in t his individual a s in later ontogen etic stages .
r, s, Early ontogenetic p hases of the mo dern lamprey Petromyzon marinus.
A hatchling ( Tahara’s stage 26) (r) and an early ammoco ete (Tahara’s stage 30)
(s) in left lateral v iew. Unlike in the stem lam prey, larvae of modern l ampreys
have an oral hood , primordial eye spot s, and elongate b ranchial basket s. Scale
bars, 2mm. ac, an nular cartila ge; bb, branchial basket ; bl, bi-lobed per icardial
struct ure; cbb, pericardi al commissure b etween branc hial baskets; cfa ,
circumoral fe eding apparatu s; dt, digestive tra ct; e, eye; el, eye lens; es, eye
spot; ht, hea rt; nc, notoch ord; nhp, nasohypoph seal organ; oc, o tic capsule; of,
oral funnel; oh , oral hood; pbl, pos tbranchial lat eral structu re; pc, parachordal
commissu re; pos, perioc ular structur e; ps, piston syste m; tc, tectal c artilage;
tr, trabecular c artilage; ys, yolk sa c. Arabic nume rals denote bran chial arches,
and Roman numerals indicate elements of the circumoral feeding apparatus.
410 | Nature | Vol 591 | 18 March 2021
ontogenetic sequence that was reconstructed from discrete morpho-
logical characters, and places AM7538 between the adult and larval
specimens (Extended Data Fig.9b, c). This is consistent with modern
lamprey ontogeny, in which body size decreases across the larva–juve-
nile transition (the largest ammocoetes reach nearly 1.5times the body
length of the smallest adults)24.
Other Palaeozoic stem lampreys also provide evidence of
non-ammocoete larvae. We identified two specimens of Pipiscius
zangerli that carry a yolk sac (Fig.2a–d) from the Mazon Creek fauna
(dating to the Moscovian age from the Pennsylvanian subperiod of
Illinois). The smaller of the pair (accession code Royal Ontario Museum
(ROM) 56679) has a body length of 19mm and carries a proportionally
larger sac than that of FMNH (Field Museum of Natural History) PF16082
(which has a body length of 32mm). As with Priscomyzon, these hatch-
lings are unlike ammocoetes. Both ROM56679 and FMNHPF16082 have
prominent eyes, an oral funnel, and small branchial baskets relative to
body length. Despite their diminutive size and association with a yolk
sac, the character suites of these specimens are otherwise similar to
those of larger specimens of Pipiscius. Most diagnostically for this
taxon, these characters include a feeding apparatus that is shown here
to consist of concentric rings of petaliform plates and cusps (Fig.2e,
f, Extended Data Fig.6a–h), similar to (but more numerous and prob-
ably more complex than) that of Priscomyzon. These similarities sig-
nal the affinity of Pipiscius among stem lampreys, corroborating the
original taxonomic assignment
that has long lacked unambiguous
morphological support
. A corollary of this comparison is that
such plates and cusps probably co-occurred in the feeding apparatus
of Priscomyzon and are differentially exposed or preserved in individual
specimens (Fig.1c).
One larval specimen of the stem lamprey Mayomyzon pieckoensis28
(FMNH PF8167) is known from the same locality as Pipiscius. FMNH
PF8167 is approximately one third of the length of the largest known
specimen of Mayomyzon (Fig.3) and corresponds to the late larva in
the Priscomyzon series (Fig.1h, i). Consistent with the larvae of Prisco-
myzon, it has prominent eyes, tectal cartilages, and a well-developed
oral funnel. In comparison to other specimens of Mayomyzon
, the
branchial region is proportionally greater in the larva (Extended Data
Fig.6i–v). The Mayomyzon series also contains specimens from sev-
eral ontogenetic stages in which the gut imprint is independent from
the branchial region (Extended Data Fig.6i–v). This trait differs from
modern ammocoetes, in which the branchial region communicates
directly with the gut. In modern lampreys, the gut becomes separated
from the branchial passage only during metamorphosis, which enables
suctorial pumping in adult lampreys30. This ontogenetically terminal
state in modern lampreys is probably the general condition among
the Palaeozoic stem taxa, regardless of ontogenetic stage, because
its correlate—a dorsally positioned gut or posteriorly joined branchial
basket—is observed in all four taxa described in this Article (Extended
Data Figs.2–7).
Furthermore, we identified new specimens to supplement a previ-
ously described series of late ontogenetic stages
in Hardistiella
montanensis, a stem lamprey from the Bear Gulch fauna (dating to the
Bashkirian age from the Pennsylvanian of Montana). The smallest speci-
men of Hardistiella (CM (Carnegie Museum of Natural History)4505)
(Extended Data Fig.7a, b) is approximately two thirds the estimated
length of the largest (CM63079 and UMPC (University of Montana
Paleontological Collections)10210), and has previously been described
as a late-stage larva
. Including the two new specimens (ROM78122 and
UMPC10210), the Hardistiella series shows decreasing body depth with
growth, which culminates in an anguilliform profile similar to that of
modern adult lampreys (Extended Data Figs.7a–l, 9f).
Ontogenetic transformations inferred from these Palaeozoic stem
lampreys point consistently to the absence of an ammocoete phase.
Although the Palaeozoic larval specimens are larger than modern
lamprey hatchlings (which are approximately 10mm in length), the
Fig. 2 | Hatc hlings of Pipis cius zangerli. The se specimen s show anatomical
traits com parable to thos e of Priscomyzon. ad, ROM56679 (a, b) and
FMNHPF16082 (c, d) have a yolk sa c and a circumoral fee ding apparatus t hat
consist s of petaliform un its. e, f, Three-dimensional micro-computed
tomograp hy renderings s how part and coun terpart of the c ircumoral feedin g
apparatus i n a mature specim en of Pipiscius (FMNHPF8344). Eac h petaliform
plate is split i nto lobes by a long itudinal groove towa rd the outer edge. At l east
three (and pote ntially four) rings of cu sps are preser ved (those demarc ating
the anteri or-most plate are highlig hted), and each cus p occurs at the pla te
boundari es. Scale bar s, 2mm. an, anus; ba, bran chial arch; other abb reviations
as in Fig.1.
ac? dt pcs?
of tr
Fig. 3 | Lar val specime n of M.pieckoensis (FMNH PF8167). T his specimen
shows anatom ical traits co mparable to thos e of Priscomyzon: it has an elon gate
snout, promin ent eyes, and sep aration bet ween digestive t ract and branc hial
passage . Scale bar, 2mm. pcs, per icardial struc ture; other abbr eviations as in
Nature | Vol 591 | 18 March 2021 | 411
former are sufficiently small as to make a preceding ammocoete phase
extremely unlikely. Otherwise, ammocoete traits would have to develop
early, only to metamorphose at diminutive size into the forms repre
sented by AM5813 and ROM56679 (Figs.1n, o, 2a, b). By contrast, living
lampreys persist as filter-feeding ammocoetes for 2–7years, grow
much larger than these Palaeozoic larvae, and usually metamorphose
at lengths of 150–250mm
. Although no hatchlings have been identi-
fied in Hardistiella and Mayomyzon, the similarities that are manifest
in the later ontogenetic stages add support to the generality of the
ontogenetic pattern thatwe observed in Priscomyzon (Extended Data
Fig.9). This reconstructed life history for the stem lampreys appears
to be consistent with palaeoecological settings. All three localities
represent protected, shallow, marine-influenced habitats in which
larvae, juveniles, and sexually mature and/or gravid adults of other
fishes (placoderms, chondrichthyans, actinopterygians, and sarcop-
terygians) occur
. It is difficult to determine whether these stem
lampreys represent direct or indirect developers
. In Priscomyzon,
immature and adult forms are set apart by several characters (Extended
Data Fig.9c), and the transition may therefore qualify as metamorpho-
sis. A possible reduction in body length across this transition is also
reminiscent of metamorphosis in modern lampreys
(Extended Data
Fig.9b). However, there is no clear evidence for the marked dietary
shift that is usually associated with metamorphosis.
With the addition of these Palaeozoic stem lampreys, the results of
our phylogenetic analysis support a reverse character polarity to the
prediction of ammocoete-based hypotheses of vertebrate origins:
that is, the life history of modern lampreys represents a derived con-
dition39,40. Life-history traits that are distinct from those of modern
lampreys—including large hatchling size relative to the adult, and the
lack of evidence for filter-feeding larvae—occur in three stem-lamprey
branches and successive outgroups of the lamprey clade(Fig.4). This
character distribution offers two further implications: (a) similar to
hagfish and modern adult lampreys, the last common ancestor of living
cyclostomes was probably a macrophagous predator; and (b) condi-
tions at the crown vertebrate node might be better informed by the
armoured taxa that occupy both the cyclostome and gnathostome
stems (namely, the ostracoderms) (Extended Data Fig.10). Thus, the
cyclostome and gnathostome crowns each represent an independ-
ent evolution of carnivory that emerged from the stem assemblage
of deposit feeders such as anaspids, galeaspids, osteostracans, and
Given this fossil evidence, modern ammocoetes do not appear to
provide a sound model for the hypothetical ancestral conditions of
vertebrates. Therefore, morphological similarities between ammo-
coetes and invertebrate chordates might be attributed to convergence
or reversal facilitated by similar life habits. For instance, an ammo-
coete has an endostyle—an infrapharyngeal organ that stores iodine
and secretes food-trapping mucous into the branchial system
in invertebrate chordates. The ammocoete endostyle later develops
into a follicular thyroid, which is a vertebrate homologue of the chor-
date endostyle
. The derived state of an ammocoete is seemingly
at odds with this apparent recapitulation, but the ecophysiology of
modern lampreys offers a scenario that is compatible with both. In
the lamprey crown group, the prolonged filter-feeding larval phase
delays the requirement for the endocrine function of a thyroid in
iodine-poor freshwater environments40. This pre-metamorphic state
may have allowed the presumptive thyroid in common ancestors of
the crown-group lampreys to be co-opted as a functional equivalent
of those present in invertebrate chordates. Understanding whether
this co-option event represents convergence or reversal (and whether
it accompanied heterochronic shift) requires a detailed comparison
of the development and determination of the protochordate state of
the endostyle homologue.
Thus, lampreys and cephalochordates remain important branches
for constraining a suite of characters at the crown vertebrate node,
but neither is sufficient for the reconstruction of the ancestral state.
Paradoxically for a vertebrate clade with a notoriously poor-quality
fossil record8,26, here we have robust evidence of a substantial change
in life-history strategy, despite the conservation of adult morphology
of 360million years or more. An ammocoete phase (and the distinct
metamorphosis from filter feeders to predators) evolved somewhere
along the nearly 200-million-year ghost lineage (Fig.4) during which
lamprey habitats broadened to include freshwater. In a clear contrast
to the Palaeozoic stem lampreys
, the early ontogenetic stages of
post-Palaeozoic lampreys (whether fossil or living) occur exclusively in
freshwater environments13,19,24. This implied ecological shift suggests
that ammocoetes were an adaptation to closed, fluctuating fluvial
and lacustrine habitats in which filter feeders are typically less diverse
R. eos
R. lopheliae
E. burgeri
E. stoutii
E. atami
Gnathostomata (total group)
Ammocoete-like larval stage
Gametes/hatchlings relatively large
(crown group)
(crown group)
Cyclostomi (total group)
Petromyzontiformes (total group)Myxinoidea (total group)
Date (Ma)
500 400 300 200 100 0
C O S D M Pn P T J K Pg N
Fig. 4 | Time -calibra ted phylogen etic tree of ea rly vertebrat e lineages
shows a late evolut ionary ori gin of a fil ter-feedin g larva. The t ree shows a
portio n of strict con sensus of 360mos t parsimonious t rees based o n 52taxa
and 167morphologi cal characte rs, revised f rom a previous stud y10; the full tree
is shown in Ex tended Data F ig.10. Mean divergenc e estimates for n odes are
also base d on the previous s tudy10. Tips (squares) show the m odern
lamprey-like (blue) an d non-modern-lam prey-like (red) state for the t raits that
are compared i n the right colum ns. Black indic ates missing i nformation. Ti ps
for composit e taxa (bars) show th e chronologic al range of the fossil re cord for
those clad es. Nodes (empt y circle, total no de; filled circ le, crown node) are als o
colour-coded, w ith the ances tral state rec onstruct ed parsimoniou sly and
unambigu ously. Icons asso ciated with ea ch lamprey taxon de note the state o f
larval phase (blue silhouette, ammocoete; red silhouette, non-ammocoete)
and whethe r a circumoral feedi ng apparatus th at consists of p etaliform plate s
and cusps is p resent (compute d tomography ren dering in red). We scor ed
relative size s of gametes or h atchlings in Pipiscius and Priscomyzon on the basis
of the smalle st specimen s describe d in this Articl e (Figs.1p, q, 2a, b), and in
Gilpichthys25 and Hardistiella32 on th e basis of the ser ies of abdomin al
struct ures that were previ ously interpre ted as gonads (Ex tended Dat a
Fig.7i–p). Anaspida wa s scored on the bas is of Euphanerops. Scale at
thebottom sh ows approximate date i n millions of years a go (Ma) along with
period or s ubperiod bo undaries; C, Ca mbrian; O, Ordovician; S, S ilurian;
D, Devonian; M, Mis sissippian; Pn, Pe nnsylvanian; P, Permian; T, Triassic;
J, Jurassic ; K, Cretaceou s; Pg, Palaeogen e; N, Neogene.In th e hagfish c rown
group: E., Eptatretus; R., Rubicundus. E. atami is also known as a sp ecies of the
genus Paramyxine.
412 | Nature | Vol 591 | 18 March 2021
than in marine communities. The presence of such a generalist larval
phase prior to the specialized adult form may have contributed to the
long-term survival of this lineage, after the apparent extinction of their
exclusively non-freshwater relatives.
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maries, source data, extended data, supplementary information,
acknowledgements, peer review information; details of author contri-
butions and competing interests; and statements of data and code avail-
ability are available at
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No statistical methods were used to predetermine sample size. The
experiments were not randomized, and investigators were not blinded
to allocation during experiments and outcome assessment.
Anatomical abbreviations
In addition to abbreviations used in Figs.1–3, Extended Data Figs.1–7
use the following abbreviations: af, anal fin; blb, longitudinal bar of
branchial basket; cf, caudal fin; df, dorsal fin; edg, broken edge; gn,
gonads; kd, kidney; kl, kaolinite lump; mo, mouth; my, myomere; ofr,
ridges on oral funnel; os, oral structure; ot, otic capsule; and plp, pos-
terior lateral plate.
All specimens of Priscomyzon described in this Article were excavated
and identified by R.W.G., from shale rescued from the roadworks at
Waterloo Farm near Makhanda (also known as Grahamstown) (South
. All but the smallest specimen (AM5813) were collected from
the same lens as the type specimen (AM5750). AM5813 comes from
an immediately adjacent lens. The specimens are accessioned at the
Albany Museum. The specimens of the Mazon Creek stem lampreys
(Mayomyzon and Pipiscius) have previously been reported from private
(and transferred to public repositories subsequently) or
were identified by T.M. and M.I.C. in the designated depositories (FMNH
and ROM). The specimens of Hardistiella were previously described3133,
or reported to T.M. by K. Seymour and D.C. Evans (ROM) and J. Pardo
(University of Calgary).
Anatomical reconstructions
We examined all specimens under a binocular microscope with chang-
ing light angles for the maximum refraction and topographical infor-
mation. In Priscomyzon, the fragility of the specimens precluded any
potentially corrosive methods such as alcohol immersion or ammonium
chloride coating. Their taphonomy includes partial metamorphosis of
the enclosing mudstone during deep burial, during which the tissue
remnants were completely replaced by secondary metamorphic mica,
which converted to kaolinite during uplift. This complete replacement
of the preserved tissues by kaolinite ruled out geochemical analysis
using radiation or spectrometric techniques. The Hardistiella series
comprises three specimens that have previously been described31–33,
and two previously undescribed specimens. Aside from the descrip-
tion of features relevant to the ontogeny of Hardistiella, a complete
description and detailed morphological analyses of the new specimens
are deferred at this time.
Taxonomic identification
Taxonomic identifications are based on several lines of inferences: char-
acters diagnostic to the genus (for example, the numbers of branchial
arches or circumoral elements) and specific to lampreys (for example,
oral funnel); faunal correlates (whether or not any other similar jawless
vertebrates occur in the locality); and fit to the previously known speci-
mens (whether or not the specimen falls into the range of morphological
and taphonomic variations known for the taxon). We assessed each
specimen against modern decay experiments20,4446 to consider decay
effects on preservation of the soft tissue characters (Extended Data
Fig.8). We then mapped the preserved characters across the specimen
series within each taxon to test for gradual morphological transitions
indicative of ontogenetic sequence, and assigned the specimens to a par-
ticular ontogenetic stage (Extended Data Fig.9). Detailed descriptions
of this ontogenetic analysis are available inSupplementary Information.
Computed tomography scan
The circumoral feeding apparatus of a mature individual of Pipis-
cius (FMNH PF8344) was scanned by K.T. at the Paleo CT Scan
Facility (Department of Organismal Biology and Anatomy, University of
Chicago). Scan parameters used for the part were: voxel size = 11.458µm;
voltage = 65kV; current = 175µA; timing = 2,000ms; filter = 0.5mm Cu.
Scan parameters used for the counterpart were: voxel size = 11.309µm;
voltage = 60kV; current = 180µA; timing = 1,000ms. No distinct layer
of soft tissue was discernible on part or counterpart but the parts did
not fit one another perfectly, which suggests that the body structures
were preserved in thin film (<50µm) at the part–counterpart interface.
Using Mimics (Materialise), K.T. generated an infilling layer over the
surface topography in both part and counterpart (Fig.2e, f). These
negatives show: (a) a mould of the cusps and cast of the petaliform
plates (Fig.2e); and (b) infillings for pulp cavities of the cusps and the
grooves between and within the plates (Fig.2f)
All specimens were illustrated with solid lines to represent topographi-
cal contours and/or changes in mineral compositions, grey shades to
represent organic imprints or tissues, and stipples to show anatomical
structures demarcated by topographical contours.All anatomical
drawings were prepared by T.M.
Phylogenetic analysis
We examined the relationships of the four stem lampreys in a dataset
modified from a previous analysis10. This dataset contains 52taxa and
167morphological characters, and was analysed using PAUP47. Strict
consensus of the 360most parsimonious trees (tree length=344; con-
sistency index=0.544; retention index=0.814; rescaled consistency
index=0.442) is shown in Extended Data Fig.10. Full analytical details
and dataset are available inSupplementary Information.
Reporting summary
Further information on research design is available in theNature
Research Reporting Summary linked to this paper.
Data availability
The digitally reconstructed part and counterpart of Pipiscius (Fig.2e,
f) remain under the copyright of the FMNH, and are available at https:// The original scan data are
property of the FMNH (depository:
and are available upon request to the FMNH and the corresponding
author. The cladistic dataset used for our analysis is available asSup-
plementary Information.
43. Gess, R. W. High Latitude Gondwanan Famennian Biodiversity Patterns: Evidence from the
South African Witpoort Formation (Cape Supergroup, Witteberg Group) (Univ. of
Witwatersrand, 2011).
44. Sansom, R. S., Gabbott, S. E. & Purnell, M. A. Decay of vertebrate characters in hagish
and lamprey (Cyclostomata) and the implications for the vertebrate fossil record. Proc. R.
Soc. Lond. B 278, 1150–1157 (2011).
45. Sansom, R. S., Gabbott, S. E. & Purnell, M. A. Non-random decay of chordate characters
causes bias in fossil interpretation. Nature 463, 797–800 (2010).
46. Purnell, M. A. etal. Experimental analysis of soft-tissue fossilization: opening the black
box. Palaeontology 61, 317–323 (2018).
47. Swofford, D. L. PAUP* . (Sinauer, 2017).
48. State of New York Conservation Department. A Biological Survey of the Oswego River
System. Supplemental to Seventeenth Annual Report. (J. B. Lyon, 1928).
Acknowledgements We thank J.-B. Caron, J. Hanken, J. Hurum, P. Janvier, G. Clement,
Z. Johanson, O. Matton, K. Moore, T. Mörss, M. Purnell, S. Gabbott, T. Schossleitner, K. Seymour,
W. Simpson, and S. Walsh for collections access; M. Bronner, A. Chinsammy-Turan, S. Gess,
S. Green, D. Hockman, K. Miyashita, H. Parker, and R. Prevec for logistical support; J. Pardo for
reporting UMPC10210; K. Seymour and D. Evans for reporting ROM78122; and R. Plotnick for
the access to the D. Bardack slide collections. Funding was provided by Chicago Fellows
Program, Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship, I. W. Killam Memorial Scholarship,
Commonwealth Science Conference Follow-on Grant (T.M.); NSF DEB-1541491 (M.I.C.);
Millennium Trust, South African DSI-NRF Centre of Excellence in Palaeosciences, National
Research Foundation, and the South African Natural Science Collections Facility (R.W.G.).
Author contributions T.M. designed the study, performed morphological and phylogenetic
analyses, prepared igures, and wrote the manuscript; R.W.G. conceptualized the study of
Priscomyzon, performed the ieldwork in the Waterloo Farm lagerstätte, discovered the
specimens of Priscomyzon, and contributed to the morphological analysis of Priscomyzon and
drafting the manuscript; K.T. performed the computed tomography scan of Pipiscius and
provided reconstructions; M.I.C. coordinated the study, identiied the specimens of Pipiscius,
and contributed to drafting the manuscript.
Competing interests The authors declare no competing interests.
Additional information
Supplementary information The online version contains supplementary material available at
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to T.M.
Peer review information Nature thanks Philippe Janvier, Shigeru Kuratani and the other,
anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work.
Reprints and permissions information is available at
Extende d Data Fig. 1 | Com parison of th e specime ns of P.riniensis to the
same sca le in reverse onto genetic ord er. a, b, An adult (AM5750),
photograph (a) and interpre tive drawing (b). c, d, A juvenile (A M7538),
photograph (c) and interpret ive drawing (d). e, f, A large late larva (A M5816),
photograph (e) and interpret ive drawing (f). g, h, A small late lar va (AM5815),
photograph (g) and int erpretive drawi ng (h). i, j, A small late larva (A M7539),
photograph (i) and inter pretive drawing ( j). k, l, A large early lar va (AM5817),
photograph (k) and inter pretive drawing ( l). m, n, A small early larva (A M5814),
photograph (m) and interpre tive drawing (n). o, p, A hatchling (AM58 13),
photograph (o) and interpret ive drawing (p). Scale bar, 2mm.
q, Reconstr uction of thre e individuals of Priscomyzon, each repre senting a
different o ntogenetic st age. Clockw ise from the ri ght: a hatchlin g carrying a
yolk sac (bas ed on AM5813), tucked in th e meadow of the char ophyte
Octochara c rassa; a juveni le (based on A M7538), attached to the sub strate in
the foregrou nd; and an adult (bas ed on AM5750), looming over the ot her
individua ls and showing it s feeding appara tus. In the back ground, a schoo l of
the coelacanth Selenichthys kowiensis swi m above the charophy te meadow.
Artwor k by K.T.
Extende d Data Fig. 2 | Se e next page for capti on.
Extende d Data Fig. 2 | Adul t and juvenile st ages of P.riniensis. ag, AM5750.
hn, AM7538. a, b, Main slab of A M5750. Photograph (a) with angled single-
directio nal light (unlike the ver tical polariz ed light in Fig.1a); and photogr aph
from Fig.1a overlain wit h outlines of the a natomical str uctures iden tified in
this study (b). For interpretive dr awing, see Fig .1b. c, d, Countersl ab of
AM5750. Photogr aph (c) and interpretive d rawing (d). e, Detailed, low-angle-
light photo graph of the oral f unnel, showing th e individual cus ps of the
circumoral fe eding apparatu s and ridges alon g the edge of the oral f unnel.
f, g, Detailed ana tomy of the region s urrounding the l eft (f) and right ( g) eye,
showing eye len ses and otic ca psules. Ow ing to the thickn ess of the pres erved
body, some of the do rsal skeletal st ructures in t he snout (for example, te ctal
cartila ges) cannot be obs erved at the sur face. h, i, Main slab of A M7538.
Photograp h overlain with outli nes of the anatom ical struct ures identif ied in
this study (h) and interpre tive drawing (i). j, Det ailed photogra ph of the
branchial ba sket on main slab. k, De tailed photog raph of the left e ye, showing
the perio cular struct ure. l, Photogra ph of countersla b of AM7538.
m, n, Detailed low-angle-light photographs of the circumoral feeding
apparatus , which consist s of 14grooved, petalifor m plates. m, Mai n slab,
showing ca st. n, Counter slab, showing mould . Scale bar, 5mm (ad), 2mm
(h, i, l). Definition s of abbreviatio ns are provided in th e legends of Figs .1–3 and
‘Anatomical ab breviations’ i nthe Methods.
Extende d Data Fig. 3 | La te larval sta ges of P.riniensis. af, AM5816.
gk, AM5815. l, m, AM7539. a, b, Main slab of a large late la rva, AM5816
(no counterslab was found). Photograph overlain with outlines of the anatomical
struct ures identif ied in this st udy (a) and interpreti ve drawing (b). c, Detailed
photogra ph of the head, show ing potenti al preserva tion of the pet aliform plates
of the circumo ral feeding appa ratus (arrowhead) a nd additional s oft tissue
struct ures. d, Detailed pho tograph of the br anchial basket a nd digestive tra ct.
e, f, Detailed photo graphs of the p osterior tr unk, with broken li nes showing
partial ou tline of the tail . g, h, Main slab of AM5815, a sm all late larva mi ssing a
large port ion of the snout an d posterior h alf of the trunk . Photograph overla in
with outlin es of the anatom ical struc tures identi fied in this s tudy (g) and
interpret ive drawing (h). i, Photograph of counterslab, which shows posterior
extremit y of the trunk. j, D etailed pho tograph of the h ead, showing ar rangement
of the branch ial arches and po sitions of the s nout struct ures.
k, Detaile d photograph o f the snout and eyes , showing the smal l snout struc tures
and otic cap sules. l, m, Main slab of A M7539, a small late larva (countersl ab has no
anatomic ally informative tr ace). Photograph overla in with outline s of the
anatomic al structure s identif ied in this stud y (l), and interpreti ve drawing (m).
Scale bars , 2mm. Defini tions of abbrev iations are provi ded in the legen ds of
Figs.1–3 and ‘Anatomical abbrevi ations’ in theMe thods.
Extende d Data Fig. 4 | Ea rly larval sta ges of P.riniensis. ac, AM5817.
dj, AM5814. a, b, Main slab of AM5817, a large early l arva (no counters lab was
found). Photog raph overlain with ou tlines of the anat omical struc tures
identif ied in this stud y (a) and interpretive dr awing (b). c, Detailed photograph
of the head re gion, showing i ndividual bran chial arches and su rface erosion
struct ures. d, e, Main slab of AM5814, a small ea rly larva. Photo graph overlain
with outlin es of the anatom ical struct ures identif ied in this stud y (d) and
interpret ive drawing (e). f, g, Counterslab. Photograph (f) and interpret ive
drawing ( g), showing individu al branchial arche s. h, i, Detailed photographs of
the oral reg ion in main slab, with ( h) or without (i) broken li nes delineat ing the
circumoral feeding apparatus. j, Detailed ph otographs of th e head region in
countersl ab. Scale bars, 2mm. D efinitio ns of abbreviat ions are provided in t he
legends of Fi gs.1–3 and ‘Anatomical abbrev iations’ in theMet hods.
Extende d Data Fig. 5 | Hat chling sta ge of P.rinien sis, re presente d by
AM5813 car rying a yolk sac . ac, Main slab. Photog raph (a), photograph
overlain with ou tlines of the ana tomical struc tures identi fied in this s tudy (b)
and interp retive drawing (c). d, e, Detaile d photographs o f the head regio n in
different light angles, highlighting different structures preserved by kaolinite
mass. f, Det ailed photogra ph of the branchial re gion. g, Detailed photograph
of the circumoral feeding apparatus. hj, Counterslab. Photograph (h),
interpret ive drawing (i) and de tailed photog raph of the head re gion ( j). Scale
bars, 2mm. Def initions of a bbreviation s are provided in the le gends of Figs.1–3
and ‘Anatomical a bbreviation s’ in theMethods .
Extende d Data Fig. 6 | Se e next page for capti on.
Extende d Data Fig. 6 | Vario us growth sta ges of the Mazon C reek stem
lampreys P.zangerli and M.pieckoensis. av, Pipiscius (ah) and Mayomyzon
(iv) show suites of ch aracters tha t are compatible w ith the Priscomyzon seri es,
including pro minent eyes, an ora l funnel, and shor t branchial bas kets.
a, b, ROM56679, a hatchling carry ing a yolk sac. Phot ograph overlain wi th
outlines of t he anatomical s tructures i dentifie d in this study (a) and
photograph of the counterpart (b). c, d, FMNH PF16082, a hatch ling carry ing a
yolk sac. Phot ograph overlain wi th outlines of th e anatomical st ructures
identif ied in this stud y (c) and photograph of the c ounterpar t (d).
eh, Comparis on of the specim ens of P.zangerli at t he same scale re veals nearly
identica l suites of morph ological char acters bet ween the hatch ling and adult,
except size and p resence or abs ence of a yolk sac . e, f, Holotype FMNH PF8 346
shown as a phot ograph (e) and interp retive drawing (f), repres enting the
general adul t morpholog y of the taxon and pre served in comp arable
orienta tions to the two h atchling spec imens. g, The la rgest specim en known
for Pipiscius (FMNH PF83 44), showing the circumo ral feeding appar atus in
dorsal vie w. h, The smaller hatch ling (ROM56679), shown in interpre tive
drawing at th e same scale as eg (two a dult specime ns). ip, A specimen
referred to M.pieckoensis (FMNH PF8 167), representing a lar va. il, Main part .
Photograp h (i), photograph overlain w ith outlines of t he anatomical s tructures
identif ied in this stud y (j), inter pretive drawing ( k), and scanned phot ograph
taken in the 1960 s by D.Bardack to show the ori ginal state of t issue
preser vation in this spe cimen (l). The pho tograph in l was di scovered in the
slide collec tions of D.Bardack . A full view of the sno ut can be seen i n figure 2 of
ref. 28. The sp ecimen was da maged in the snout, a nd the thin film o f organic
tissues h as deteriora ted across the e ntire specime n. mp, Detailed
photogra phs and illustrat ion of the head re gion. Photog raph in low-angle
lighting to r eveal surface tex tures (m), interpretive dr awing (n), photograph in
high-angle li ghting to reveal th e film of prese rved tissue s (o) and photograph
of counterpart in high-angle lighting for comparison (p). q, Scan of photogra ph
taken in the 1960 s by D.Bardack, to show orig inal state of ti ssue preser vation in
the head re gion of FMNH PF568 7, a juvenile of M.pieckoensis. The pho tograph
in q was discovered i n the slide collec tion of D. Bardack . Further detail s can be
seen in f igures 2–4 of ref. 28. rv, Comparison of t he specimen s of M.pieckoensis
at the same s cale reveals chara cter transit ions across on togeny, including the
decreasi ng relative propor tions of branc hial region. r, s, Holoty pe FMNH
PF5687 shown a s a photograph (r) and int erpretive drawi ng (s), representing
the juvenile st age. t, Interp retive drawing of FM NH PF8167 at the same sc ale as
r, s (juvenile), u, v (adult). u, v, The largest know n specimen (RO M56787) shown
as a photogr aph (u) and interpreti ve drawing (v), representi ng the adult sta ge.
Scale bars , 2mm (ad, il, mp), 5mm (eh, rv). Definiti ons of abbreviat ions
are provided in t he legends of Fig s.1–3 and ‘Anatomic al abbreviatio ns’ inthe
Extende d Data Fig. 7 | Se e next page for capti on.
Extende d Data Fig. 7 | Grow th series o f H.montanensis. This seri es shows
suites of ch aracters tha t are compatible w ith those of othe r Palaeozoic ste m
lampreys, incl uding prominent e yes, an oral funnel, a nd short branc hial
baskets. T his series a lso document s gradual chara cter transit ions in the
decreasi ng body depth, in creasing inte rocular dista nce and progres sively
slender prof ile of the oral fu nnel. Compar ison reveals size di screpancie s across
the juvenile–ad ult transitio n and between t he sexually mature , gravid
specimen and other adults (discussed in section A-3a of the Supplementary
Informatio n in compariso n to modern lamprey s). al, Hardistiella
montanensis. a, b, Photograph (a) and i nterpretive draw ing (b) of late larva l
stage repre sented by CM4505, sho wing the deep er body than in any la ter
ontogenetic stages. c, d, Juvenile stage, repr esented by ROM781 22, showing
intermediate body depth. Photograph (c) and interpretive draw ing (d).
el, Adult stage re presented by CM63 079 (e, f), UMPC10210 (g, h) and
UMPC7696 (il). e, f, CM63079—incomplete, b ut potentially t he largest
specime n—shown as a photog raph (e) and interpret ive drawing (f).
g, h, UMPC10210, showing a n advanced sta ge of decay relative to o ther
specime ns, shown as a photo graph (g) and in terpretive draw ing (h).
il, UMPC7696 associa ted with pote ntial gonads (prob ably represen ting a
gravid femal e with ovaries or e ggs), shown as a photog raph (i) and inter pretive
drawing (l). k, De tailed photog raph of the abdo minal region of th e main part,
showing the c ircular struc tures interpre ted in ref. 32 as gonads . l, Tracing of the
anatomic al structure s in k (in grey). mp, The abdomina l structure s
wereidentif ied as gonads in t he stem myxino id Gilpichthysgreenei from th e
Mazon Creek fa una, indicati ng a small number of la rge ovaries or eg gs (white
arrowhead s) in this taxon. The se examples, wh ich are shown here in v arious
forms of develop ment and stat es of preserv ation, bolste r the gonadal
interpret ation for the ser ial, circular abdo minal struct ures in the holot ype of
the stem lamp rey Hardistiella UMPC7696 (k, l). In Gilpichthys, the stru ctures
appear to deve lop in a small number (3–5) of i ron concretion s as in ROM56389
(m), or paired serie s of fewer than a dozen circu lar depression s as in FMNH
PF234 64 (n). o, p, FMNH PF8464 shows a s eemingly ma ture state of
developmen t: 11circular stru ctures of iron-ri ch recryst allization, imp lying that
the conten ts were encaps ulated and chem ically distinc t from the rest of t he
body. The numb er agrees wi th the 11 prese nt in FMNH PF23 464, shown he re as a
photogra ph with low-angle lig hting (o) and as a detail ed photograph o f the
gonads in hig h-angle, high-ex posure lightin g (p). Scale bars, 5mm. Def initions
of abbreviat ions are provide d in the legends of Fi gs.1–3 and ‘Anatomical
abbreviat ions’ in theMetho ds.
Extende d Data Fig. 8 | Se e next page for capti on.
Extende d Data Fig. 8 | Com parison of a natomical t raits prese rved in the
specim ens of Palaeo zoic stem lamp rey describ ed in this Ar ticle. a, Moder n
decay ser ies of ammoco etes and adult lam preys, after a prev ious publicat ion20.
Codes for the se reference de cay series are a s follows. Yellow, pristine; oran ge,
decayin g; red, onset of lo ss; terminal po int, complete lo ss. The x axis s hows
number of days , whereas yaxis ran ks decay sta ges. For each fossi l specimen
(bp), bars shown in orig inal colours (ye llow, orange, and red) repr esent
charact ers preserve d in the specime n; 50% transparen t (brown) bars repre sent
charact ers preserve d in the specime n but in a different for m than in the
modern refe rence; grey bars re present chara cters missi ng in the specime n; no
bars shown de notes that, in pr inciple, chara cters canno t be assesse d in the
specime n (for example, ‘slanting g ill openings’ c annot be deter mined in
dorsoventr ally compresse d specimens , whereas ‘gill sy mmetry ’ cannot be
assess ed in transvers ally compress ed specimen s). bi, Priscomyzon riniensis.
b, AM5750, represen ting the adult st age. c, AM7538, repres enting the juve nile
stage. df, AM5816 (d), AM5815 (e), and AM7539 (f), all representing th e late
larval stage. g, h, AM5817 ( g) and AM5814 (h), represen ting the early lar val
stage. i, AM5813, repres enting the hatc hling stage. j, k, Pipisc ius zangerli. ROM
5667 9 ( j) and FMNH PF160 82 (k), both represe nting the hatc hling stage.
l, Mayomyzon pieckoensis. FMNH PF8167, represen ting the late lar val stage.
mq, Hardistiella montanensis. m, CM4505, repr esenting the l ate larval sta ge.
n, ROM78122 , representin g the juvenile sta ge. oq, CM63079 (o), UMPC10210
(p), and UMPC7696 (q), all representing t he adult stage. I nterpretive dr awings
in bq are not to scale .
Extende d Data Fig. 9 | Se e next page for capti on.
Extende d Data Fig. 9 | De terminati on of ontogen etic stage s for the
Palaeozoic stemlamprey specimens. This comparison reveals gradual
transiti ons of charact ers in each taxon , allowing the de signation of
ontogene tic stages and c orroboratin g their taxonom ic identity. Each
ontogene tic series of s tem lamprey shows an e arly expression of c haracter
states t hat, in modern lam preys, develop only in th e adult phase (dark blue
shades in cf), conf irming the ab sence of the am mocoete pha se in these ste m
taxa. a, Modern lampreys. Reference ontogenetic sequence and comparison of
ontogene tically variabl e characters t hat are also prese rved in the stem l amprey
specime ns, indicated i n blue shades. I mages are after a p revious public ation48
(adult, P. marinus) or courte sy of G. Kovalchuk (lat e larva and juvenile ,
Entosphenus tridentatus), except for the hat chling and early l arva (photogr aphs
by T.M., P. marinus). b, Size variations am ong the specim ens of P.riniensis.
Principa l component1 is us ed as a composit e size metric tha t correlates w ith
ontogenetic stages (xaxis), whereas the spec imens are similar in b ody length
from larval t o juvenile stage s (yaxis). For metho dological de tails, see the ‘A-3a.
Size variat ions’ secti on oftheSupplement ary Informati on. For original
measurem ents and princ ipal compone nt scores, see S upplementa ry Tables3
and 4, respec tively. cf, Ontogenet ic series of four Pa laeozoic stem lam preys:
P.riniensis (c); P.zangerli (d); M.pieckoensis (e); and H.montanensis (f). In
addition to t he character s that vary in mod ern lamprey ontoge ny (blue shades),
the table co mpares charac ters that var y ontogenetic ally in Priscomyzon (re d
shades) and in Hardistiella and Mayomyzon (gree n shades). Each row
represen ts a characte r; the lighter sha de shows the immatu re state (descri bed
in the left most column) and the d arker shade shows the m ature state
(describe d in the rightmo st column). Interm ediate shades i ndicate
polymor phism within th e stage (absence a nd presence mi xed) or interme diate
state (charac ter descri bes a continuu m). An empty box wit h a question mark
denotes m issing informat ion. Each sta ge represente d in the fossil record i s
linked to inter pretive drawing s of the specime ns (represent ative specime ns for
nonlarval s tages of Mayomyzon and Pipiscius). For detai led information a nd
discussi on of the charac ters, see the ‘A-3f. Defini tions of ontoge netic
charact ers’ sectio n oftheSupplementa ry Informatio n.
Extende d Data Fig. 10 | Phylo genetic tre e of early verte brate linea ges
resulti ng from our ana lysis, showi ng the relatio nships of st em lampreys
and other cyclostomes. The tree shows str ict consen sus of 360most
parsimoni ous trees bas ed on 52taxa and 167morpholo gical charac ters, revise d
from a previou s publication 10. Topology is similar to th e previously pre sented
consensus tree10, but differs i n: the deeply ne sted, stem-pe tromyzontiform
position o f Pipiscius; the stem-myx inoid aff inity of Gilpichthys; th e position of
Myxineidus as outg roup to all the rest of p etromyzonti forms; and the collap se
of crown node s into polyto mies for both myx inoids and petr omyzontiforms .
Filled circle s indicate crown n odes, and empt y circles show tot al nodes or the
most inclus ive nodes of enti rely extinct lin eages. Black , nonvertebra te
outgroup s; green, stem ver tebrates; ma genta, stem cycl ostomes; purp le,
anaspids (ste m cyclostomes); red, my xinoids (hag fishes); oran ge,
petromyz ontiforms (lamp reys); blue, gnathostom es (total group). For the
methodol ogy and analy tical detai ls, see the ‘Par t B’ secti on
oftheSupplementary Information.
... The fossil is preserved as rare carbonized films on bedding planes in one laminated siltstone horizon in the bank of the Logan water in the Lesmahagow inlier of Lanarkshire, SW Scotland [2]. It was once considered the most primitive known vertebrate [1], but with additional studies, its affinities are now debatable [3][4][5][6][7][8]. Because the interpretations of such exceptionally preserved soft-bodied fossils is difficult, observed features can be interpreted in different ways [9][10][11] ( Figure 2). ...
... Only four undoubted Palaeozoic lamprey species have been recorded, the Devonian (419-359 Ma) Priscomyzon riniensis, from South Africa considered the oldest parasitic lamprey [22]. Priscomyzon, and three from the Carboniferous (359-299 Ma) [8]. These Paleozoic lampreys might not, however, be parasitic as conventionally assumed, as they have tiny dentition and a small buccal cavity (which accommodates the anti-coagulant secreting glands and food processing in living parasitic lampreys) and lack an ammocoete stage [8,34]. ...
... Priscomyzon, and three from the Carboniferous (359-299 Ma) [8]. These Paleozoic lampreys might not, however, be parasitic as conventionally assumed, as they have tiny dentition and a small buccal cavity (which accommodates the anti-coagulant secreting glands and food processing in living parasitic lampreys) and lack an ammocoete stage [8,34]. Wu et al. [33] speculated that the well-developed oral discs and attaching skills of these early lampreys might be adaptations to grazing algal mats, which would fit with the mode of life proposed here for Jamoytius and other similar forms like Euthanerops. ...
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Jamoytius kerwoodi, is a primitive, eel-like jawless vertebrate found uniquely in an Early Silurian (Llandovery epoch; 444–433 Ma) horizon near Lesmahagow, Scotland. This species is a rare component of a low-diversity dominantly nektonic detritus-feeding and herbivorous fauna living over an anoxic bottom and is found at the transition from a marine-influenced, probably brackish-water, deep-water basin to a shallower-water, less saline and likely freshwater basin. In the absence of true teeth, Jamoytius was probably a detritivore or herbivore feeding on Dictyocaris. Jamoytius may have a common ancestor with living lampreys, especially as their ectoparasitic mode of life might have evolved from ancestral detritivores or herbivores.
... 2.4,3.5,4.3). Another chordate from the Mazon Creek, the stem-hagfish (Miyashita et al., 2021) Gilpichthys greenei, also has been described as having no fins (Bardack and Richardson, 1977), indicating that it was either finless or does not commonly have fins preserved. In some species from the Mazon Creek that are known to have a tail fin, e.g., the lamprey Mayomyzon pieckoensis Bardack and Zangerl, 1968 and the hagfish Myxinikela siroka Bardack, 1991, the tail fin is not apparent in some specimens, typically those that are dorsoventrally flattened or that have a poorly preserved tail region (e.g., Miyashita, 2020, fig. ...
... In some species from the Mazon Creek that are known to have a tail fin, e.g., the lamprey Mayomyzon pieckoensis Bardack and Zangerl, 1968 and the hagfish Myxinikela siroka Bardack, 1991, the tail fin is not apparent in some specimens, typically those that are dorsoventrally flattened or that have a poorly preserved tail region (e.g., Miyashita, 2020, fig. 3;Miyashita et al., 2021, fig. 3). ...
... Some Mazon Creek cyclostomes have preserved otic capsules, which can look similar to eyes in that they are typically a pair of circles or ovals on the head of the fossil. However, otic capsules are rarely preserved as very dark brown or black material and are more typically a medium to light brown (see, e.g., the range of preservational variation of otic capsules figured by Gabbott et al., 2016 andMiyashita et al., 2021). Moreover, SEM and Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS; Gabbott et al., 2016) analyses reveal that the otic capsules are pyritized. ...
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Nemavermes mackeei Schram, 1973, found in the Mazon Creek fossil site and the Bear Gulch Limestone, was described initially as a free-living marine nematode. Here we investigate 13 specimens of N. mackeei from the Mazon Creek to reassess its morphology and identity, and also two specimens originally identified as Gilpichthys greenei Bardack and Richardson, 1977. Based on the extensive morphological variation among these specimens, N. mackeei encompasses multiple species that are only distantly related. The holotype of N. mackeei is a proboscis of Tullimonstrum gregarium Richardson, 1966, making N. mackeei a junior synonym of T. gregarium. However, the other specimens that we investigated could not be attributed to T. gregarium. We name a new species from these specimens: Squirmarius testai new genus new species, a cyclostome. One specimen is likely a juvenile G. greenei. Other specimens were not identified during this study but represent a variety of vermiform bilaterians. UUID:
... As a lineage of the living jawless vertebrates, lampreys have great weight in the study of vertebrate evolution [1][2][3][4][5] . They are characterized by their peculiar feeding behavior of eating blood or cutting off tissues from the hosts or prey to which they firmly attach via their toothed oral sucker 6,7 . ...
... 360 million years but left an extremely patchy fossil record in the post-Carboniferous period, with only two species known from the Cretaceous 2,3, 8,9 . Despite the superficially conservative morphology throughout their history, from the simply assembled teeth in Paleozoic fossils, lampreys' feeding apparatus, especially the size, shape and arrangement of the keratinous teeth, was substantially reformed and enhanced to the pattern of modern species 2,3,6,7,[9][10][11][12] . And evidently, departing from their Paleozoic kin with non-ammocoete larvae and expanding the habitats to the freshwater domain, lampreys changed the life-history strategy some time before the Cretaceous by evolving the ammocoete and metamorphic stages 3,9,[13][14][15] . ...
... Despite the superficially conservative morphology throughout their history, from the simply assembled teeth in Paleozoic fossils, lampreys' feeding apparatus, especially the size, shape and arrangement of the keratinous teeth, was substantially reformed and enhanced to the pattern of modern species 2,3,6,7,[9][10][11][12] . And evidently, departing from their Paleozoic kin with non-ammocoete larvae and expanding the habitats to the freshwater domain, lampreys changed the life-history strategy some time before the Cretaceous by evolving the ammocoete and metamorphic stages 3,9,[13][14][15] . Eventually, they established their current diversity and anti-tropical distribution 5,16 . ...
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Lampreys, one of two living lineages of jawless vertebrates, are always intriguing for their feeding behavior via the toothed suctorial disc and life cycle comprising the ammocoete, metamorphic, and adult stages. However, they left a meager fossil record, and their evolutionary history remains elusive. Here we report two superbly preserved large lampreys from the Middle-Late Jurassic Yanliao Biota of North China and update the interpretations of the evolution of the feeding apparatus, the life cycle, and the historic biogeography of the group. These fossil lampreys’ extensively toothed feeding apparatus differs radically from that of their Paleozoic kin but surprisingly resembles the Southern Hemisphere pouched lamprey, which foreshadows an ancestral flesh-eating habit for modern lampreys. Based on the revised petromyzontiform timetree, we argued that modern lampreys’ three-staged life cycle might not be established until the Jurassic when they evolved enhanced feeding structures, increased body size and encountered more penetrable host groups. Our study also places modern lampreys’ origin in the Southern Hemisphere of the Late Cretaceous, followed by an early Cenozoic anti-tropical disjunction in distribution, hence challenging the conventional wisdom of their biogeographical pattern arising from a post-Cretaceous origin in the Northern Hemisphere or the Pangean fragmentation in the Early Mesozoic.
... Modern jawless fish, the lampreys and hagfish, are phylogenetically intermediate between jawed fish and the ancestral vertebrate, and for that reason, are often used as a proxy for the ancestral vertebrate. For example, the very simple lamprey larvae --the ammocoete --have been suggested to reflect a simple, ammocoete-like vertebrate ancestor (Miyashita et al. 2021), ...
... Investigations into the growth stages of the Mazon Creek lampreys Mayomyzon pieckoensis and Pipiscius zangerli, as well as fossil lampreys from other sites, revealed that none of these early lampreys had the simple ammocoete larval stage (Miyashita et al. 2021). The ammocoete larva of modern lampreys, like the hagfish unpigmented eye, is likely to be derived, and not representative of the ancestral vertebrate. ...
... The ammocoete larva of modern lampreys, like the hagfish unpigmented eye, is likely to be derived, and not representative of the ancestral vertebrate. (Miyashita et al. 2021) (Plate 6) ...
The late Carboniferous (Middle Pennsylvanian, ∼307 mya) Mazon Creek Lagerstätte found in Northern Illinois, USA is unique for its exceptional biotic diversity as well as the human endeavors, both professional and avocational, that brought vast numbers of fossils and new species to science. In 1997, the Mazon Creek Fossil Beds, exposed along the Mazon River near Benson Road, Morris Illinois became a National Historic Landmark. The fossils are preserved in siderite (iron carbonate, FeCO 3 ) concretions within the lower 3-8 meters of the Francis Creek Shale Member of the Carbondale Formation, and often retain outlines of original soft tissues. The Mazon Creek biota includes over 465 animal and 350 plant species representing more than 100 orders, which is attributed to the preservation of organisms from multiple habitats and the large number of specimens collected. That phenomenon was made possible by coal extraction bringing concretions to the surface and highly motivated amateur collectors pursuing them. Some of the formerly mined areas continue to draw collectors and are preserved as part of the Mazonia-Braidwood State Fish and Wildlife Area. The fossils, fossil collectors and collection sites are a significant part of our cultural and scientific geoheritage.
... The PAG is an evolutionarily ancient neural organization that is found with mostly homologous phylogenetic anatomic locations and organizations, molecular profiles, and afferent and efferent neural connections, including in the one of the oldest known living vertebrates, the jawless, eel-like lamprey fish (Olson et al., 2017;Miyashita et al., 2021). The PAG is a tube-shaped mass of neuronal cell bodies that envelopes the cerebral aqueduct, which is a conduit for cerebrospinal fluid flow and connects the third ventricle at the level of the midbrain to the fourth ventricle at the level of the pons. ...
... dPAG. Fittingly and perhaps prophetically, Freud's first two publications described the evolutionary implications of the ontogenetic migratory patterns of central nervous system neurons of the phylogenetically ancient larval lamprey (summarized in Freud, 1917, p. 340), an organism whose PAG defensive behavioral functions have been studied for their abiding evolutionary survival importance (Olson et al., 2017;Cisek, 2021;Miyashita et al., 2021). The present computational neuroscience findings of Reis et al. clearly demonstrate that the neuronal ensembles of both instincts as well as ego mechanisms of defense can be housed in the brainstem dPAG. ...
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In 1926, Freud famously conjectured that the human ego defense of repression against an internal instinctual threat evolved from the animal motor defense of flight from an external predatory threat. Studies over the past 50 years mainly in rodents have investigated the neurobiology of the fight-or-flight reflex to external threats, which activates the emergency alarm system in the dorsal periaqueductal gray (dPAG), the malfunction of which appears likely in panic and post-traumatic stress disorders, but perhaps also in some “non-emergent” conditions like social anxiety and “hysterical” conversion disorder. Computational neuroscience studies in mice by Reis and colleagues have revealed unprecedented insights into the dPAG-related neural mechanisms underlying these evolutionarily honed emergency vertebrate defensive functions (e.g., explore, risk assessment, escape, freeze). A psychoanalytic interpretation of the Reis studies demonstrates that Freud’s 1926 conjecture is confirmed, and that internal instinctual threats alone can also set off the dPAG emergency alarm system, which is regulated by 5-HT1A and CRF-1 receptors. Consistent with current psychoanalytic and neurobiologic theories of panic, several other of the primitive components of the dPAG alarm system may also have relevance for understanding of the unconscious determinants of impaired object relationships (e.g., avoidance distance). These dPAG findings reveal (1) a process of “evolution in situ,” whereby a more sophisticated dPAG ego defense is seen evolving out of a more primitive dPAG motor defense, (2) a dPAG location for the phylogenetically ancient kernel of Freud’s Ego and Id, and (3) a Conscious Id theory that has been conclusively invalidated.
... In particular, heterostracans, an extinct group of jawless stem-gnathostomes, have been a focus of the debate over feeding in early vertebrates. This is because their oral region is more commonly and completely preserved than in any other such group, and they are often interpreted as one of the earliest diverging lineages of stem-gnathostomes [1,[20][21][22][23]. As such, heterostracans have the potential to inform on the feeding ecology of the earliest members of the gnathostome lineage [24]. ...
... In other armoured stem-gnathostomes (osteostracans, galeaspids, thelodonts, pituriaspids, anaspids, arandaspids and astraspids) there is little information on the anatomy of their feeding apparatus [1,71,84,[88][89][90][91], but marked variation in their anatomy suggests a range of ecological roles. Meanwhile, evidence that filter feeding in ammocoete larval lampreys represents an independent evolutionary innovation [23] (although see [92]) suggests that suspension feeding has evolved separately amongst jawless vertebrates at least once. Taken together with evidence for macrophagy in earlier diverging lampreys, hagfish and conodonts [82,93,94], it is clear that early vertebrates and stem-gnathostomes established a diversity of feeding ecologies long before the origin of jaws. ...
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Attempts to explain the origin and diversification of vertebrates have commonly invoked the evolution of feeding ecology, contrasting the passive suspension feeding of invertebrate chordates and larval lampreys with active predation in living jawed vertebrates. Of the extinct jawless vertebrates that phylogenetically intercalate these living groups, the feeding apparatus is well-preserved only in the early diverging stem-gnathostome heterostracans. However, its anatomy remains poorly understood. Here, we use X-ray microtomography to characterize the feeding apparatus of the pteraspid heterostracan Rhinopteraspis dunensis (Roemer, 1855). The apparatus is composed of 13 plates arranged approximately bilaterally, most of which articulate from the postoral plate. Our reconstruction shows that the oral plates were capable of rotating around the transverse axis, but likely with limited movement. It also suggests the nasohypophyseal organs opened internally, into the pharynx. The functional morphology of the apparatus in Rhinopteraspis precludes all proposed interpretations of feeding except for suspension/deposit feeding and we interpret the apparatus as having served primarily to moderate the oral gape. This is consistent with evidence that at least some early jawless gnathostomes were suspension feeders and runs contrary to macroecological scenarios that envisage early vertebrate evolution as characterized by a directional trend towards increasingly active food acquisition.
... second is that the common ancestor had a mixed myocardium, and that hagfish and lampreys lost the compact layer. In this regard, current discussion focuses on which traits from modern agnathans represent derived conditions with respect to the common vertebrate ancestor (Miyashita et al., 2021). ...
The ventricle of the vertebrate heart is the main segment of the cardiac outflow region. Compared with other cardiac components, it shows remarkable histomorphological variation among different animal groups. This variation is especially apparent in the myocardium, which is generally classified into three main types: trabeculated, compact and mixed. The trabeculated or ‘spongy’ myocardium is characterized by the existence of trabeculae and deep recesses or intertrabecular spaces, lined by the endocardium. The compact type is composed of condensed myocardial fibers, with almost no trabeculated layer. The mixed type consists of an outer compact layer and an inner trabeculated layer. Among vertebrates, fishes show a great diversity of myocardial types. On this basis, the ventricular myoarchitecture has been categorized into four groups of varying complexity. This classification is made according to (i) the proportion of the two types of myocardium, trabeculated versus compact, and (ii) the vascularization of the heart wall. Here, we review the morphogenetic mechanisms that give rise to the different ventricular myoarchitecture in gnathostomes (i.e. jawed vertebrates) with special emphasis on the diversity of the ventricular myocardium throughout the phylogeny of ancient actinopterygians and teleosts. Finally, we propose that the classification of the ventricular myoarchitecture should be reconsidered, given that the degrees of myocardial compactness on which the current classification system is based do not constitute discrete states, but an anatomical continuum.
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Little is known about the chemosensory system of gustation in sea lampreys, basal jawless vertebrates that feed voraciously on live prey. The objective of this study was to investigate taste bud distribution and chemosensory responses along the length of the pharynx in the sea lamprey. Scanning electron microscopy and immunocytochemistry revealed taste buds and associated axons at all six lateral pharyngeal locations between the seven pairs of internal gill pores. The most rostral pharyngeal region contained more and larger taste buds than the most caudal region. Taste receptor cell responses were recorded to sweet, bitter, amino acids and the bile acid taurocholic acid, as well as to adenosine triphosphate. Similar chemosensory responses were observed at all six pharyngeal locations with taste buds. Overall, this study shows prominent taste buds and taste receptor cell activity in the seven pharyngeal regions of the sea lamprey.
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Background The deep (> 200 m) ocean floor is often considered to be a refugium of biodiversity; many benthic marine animals appear to share ancient common ancestry with nearshore and terrestrial relatives. Whether this pattern holds for vertebrates is obscured by a poor understanding of the evolutionary history of the oldest marine vertebrate clades. Hagfishes are jawless vertebrates that are either the living sister to all vertebrates or form a clade with lampreys, the only other surviving jawless fishes. Results We use the hagfish fossil record and molecular data for all recognized genera to construct a novel hypothesis for hagfish relationships and diversification. We find that crown hagfishes persisted through three mass extinctions after appearing in the Permian ~ 275 Ma, making them one of the oldest living vertebrate lineages. In contrast to most other deep marine vertebrates, we consistently infer a deep origin of continental slope occupation by hagfishes that dates to the Paleozoic. Yet, we show that hagfishes have experienced marked body size diversification over the last hundred million years, contrasting with a view of this clade as morphologically stagnant. Conclusion Our results establish hagfishes as ancient members of demersal continental slope faunas and suggest a prolonged accumulation of deep sea jawless vertebrate biodiversity.
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The Waterloo Farm lagerstätte in South Africa provides a uniquely well‐preserved record of a Latest Devonian estuarine ecosystem. Ecological evidence from it is reviewed, contextualised, and compared with that available from the analogous Swartvlei estuarine lake, with a particular emphasis on their piscean inhabitants. Although the taxonomic affinities of the estuarine species are temporally very different, the overall patterns of utilisation prove to be remarkably congruent, with similar trophic structures. Significantly, both systems show evidence of widespread use of estuaries as fish nurseries by both resident and marine migrant taxa. Holocene estuaries are almost exclusively utilised by actinopterygians which are overwhelmingly dominated by oviparous species. Complex strategies are utilised by estuarine resident species to avoid exposure of eggs to environmental stresses that characterize these systems. By contrast, many of the groups utilising Devonian estuaries were likely live bearers, potentially allowing them to avoid the challenges faced by oviparous taxa. This may have contributed to dominance of these systems by non‐actinoptergians prior to the End Devonian Mass Extinction. The association of early aquatic tetrapods at Waterloo Farm with a fish nursery environment is consistent with findings from North America, Belgium and Russia, and may be implied by the estuarine settings of a number of other Devonian tetrapods. Tetrapods apparently replace their sister group, the elpistostegids, in estuaries with both groups having been postulated to be adaptated to shallow water habitats where they could access small piscean prey. Correlation of tetrapods (and elpistostegids) with fish nursery areas in the Late Devonian lends strong support to this hypothesis, suggesting that adaptations permitting improved access to the abundant juvenile fish within the littoral zone of estuarine lakes and continental water bodies may have been pivotal in the evolution of tetrapods.
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Hagfish depart so much from other fishes anatomically that they were sometimes considered not fully vertebrate. They may represent: ( i ) an anatomically primitive outgroup of vertebrates (the morphology-based craniate hypothesis); or ( ii ) an anatomically degenerate vertebrate lineage sister to lampreys (the molecular-based cyclostome hypothesis). This systematic conundrum has become a prominent case of conflict between morphology- and molecular-based phylogenies. To date, the fossil record has offered few insights to this long-branch problem or the evolutionary history of hagfish in general, because unequivocal fossil members of the group are unknown. Here, we report an unequivocal fossil hagfish from the early Late Cretaceous of Lebanon. The soft tissue anatomy includes key attributes of living hagfish: cartilages of barbels, postcranial position of branchial apparatus, and chemical traces of slime glands. This indicates that the suite of characters unique to living hagfish appeared well before Cretaceous times. This new hagfish prompted a reevaluation of morphological characters for interrelationships among jawless vertebrates. By addressing nonindependence of characters, our phylogenetic analyses recovered hagfish and lampreys in a clade of cyclostomes (congruent with the cyclostome hypothesis) using only morphological data. This new phylogeny places the fossil taxon within the hagfish crown group, and resolved other putative fossil cyclostomes to the stem of either hagfish or lamprey crown groups. These results potentially resolve the morphological–molecular conflict at the base of the Vertebrata. Thus, assessment of character nonindependence may help reconcile morphological and molecular inferences for other major discords in animal phylogeny.
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Modern lampreys (Petromyzontiformes) are one of two lineages of surviving jawless fishes (agnathans), and are thus of critical importance to understanding the evolution of the vertebrates. Although their fossil record is meager, it appears they have remained morphologically conserved for at least 360 million years, but the origin of their multi-stage life history is unclear. Unlike hagfishes, the other extant group of jawless fishes, which exhibit direct development, all modern lampreys possess a complex life cycle which includes a long-lived freshwater larval (or ammocoete) period, followed by a true metamorphosis into a sexually-immature juvenile and then mature adult which differ dramatically in their morphology and ecology from the larva. Because of their basal position, it is critical to understand when the extant lamprey life history evolved, and if such a life history was present in the last common ancestor of agnathans and gnathostomes. Recent discoveries in paleontology, genomic analyses, and developmental biology are providing insight s into this problem. The current review synthesizes these findings and concludes that the ancestral lamprey life cycle followed a direct development. We suggest that the larval period was short and relatively limited if present at all, but that the juvenile included modern larval traits; over the course of evolution, differential select ion pressures throughout the lifetime produced distinct larval and juvenile/adult periods. Each period required the dramatically different morphologies seen in modern lampreys, ultimately requiring a true metamorphosis to accommodate the large changes in the body plan and to maximize the efficiency of each life period. As a result, modern lamprey life histories are a patchwork of ancestral and derived characters.
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Melanoma is a disease process which has been increasing in incidence over the past three decades and metastatic melanoma carries a poor prognosis. Through genetic studies of this disease, it has been determined that the BRAF V600 mutation plays a major role in the pathophysiology of the disease and this has led to the utilization of targeted therapy (BRAF and MEK inhibitors) in its treatment. Other BRAF mutations (non-V600 mutations) are rare in melanoma and targeted therapy is not indicated for patients with these mutations due to reduced response rates. An emerging option for metastatic melanoma with uncommon BRAF mutations is immunotherapy using checkpoint inhibitors such as PD-1 inhibitors or CTLA-4 inhibitors. Currently, it is unknown how patients with BRAF non-V600 mutations respond to immunotherapy. This report will examine the effect of immunotherapy on two distinct metastatic melanoma patients, each with uncommon BRAF mutations, occurring outside the V600 locus (E586K and G469E). These patients were noted to have a durable, complete response when treated with immunotherapy and continue to exhibit a response 9 and 15 months after discontinuing therapy. Further research and clinical trials are needed to study patients with uncommon BRAF mutations and the potential therapeutic benefit of immunotherapy.
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The success of vertebrates is linked to the evolution of a camera-style eye and sophisticated visual system. In the absence of useful data from fossils, scenarios for evolutionary assembly of the vertebrate eye have been based necessarily on evidence from development, molecular genetics and comparative anatomy in living vertebrates. Unfortunately, steps in the transition from a light-sensitive ‘eye spot’ in invertebrate chordates to an image-forming camera-style eye in jawed vertebrates are constrained only by hagfish and lampreys (cyclostomes), which are interpreted to reflect either an intermediate or degenerate condition. Here, we report—based on evidence of size, shape, preservation mode and localized occurrence—the presence of melanosomes (pigment-bearing organelles) in fossil cyclostome eyes. Time of flight secondary ion mass spectrometry analyses reveal secondary ions with a relative intensity characteristic of melanin as revealed through principal components analyses. Our data support the hypotheses that extant hagfish eyes are degenerate, not rudimentary, that cyclostomes are monophyletic, and that the ancestral vertebrate had a functional visual system. We also demonstrate integument pigmentation in fossil lampreys, opening up the exciting possibility of investigating colour patterning in Palaeozoic vertebrates. The examples we report add to the record of melanosome preservation in Carboniferous fossils and attest to surprising durability of melanosomes and biomolecular melanin.
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Reexamination of the chondrenchelyid Harpagofututor volsellorhinus from the Bear Gulch Limestone (Health Formation, Upper Chesterian, Mississippian), has revealed that the preserved fossil pigments are those originally associated with particular, well-vascularized abdominal organs (liver, spleen, and gonads) and major venous sinuses (orbital, gonadal, pelvic). The pattern of pigment localization reflects circulatory pathways of fossilized vessels. This determination was confirmed by comparison of fossil patterns to the visceral and circulatory anatomy of extant chondrichthyans. The arrangement of these pigments conveys strong, and otherwise unavailable, evidence for the internal reproductive features of these sexually mature, Paleozoic chondrichthyans. Under the appropriate preservational conditions the pigments also reveal asphyxia as the cause of death. Thus, the value of these pigments cannot be underestimated. Unfortunately, they are prone to spontaneous and progressive degradation that starts immediately upon excavation. Consequently, it is imperative to record data accurately and in a timely fashion. This report thus introduces the use of a color flatbed scanner as a particularly effective laboratory research tool for the collection and archiving of ephemeral fossil data.
Distribution, variety and life cycles.- Perspectives and relationships.- Ecology and behaviour.- Respiration and feeding.- The heart and circulatory system.- The skeleton and the muscular system.- The nervous system.- Osmotic and ionic regulation.- The pituitary.- The peripheral endocrine tissues.- Reproduction and development.- Comparative biochemistry, immunology and cytogenetics.- Conclusions and evolutionary perspectives.