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Abstract and Figures

Objective: This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MetS) among the employees of the Tehran University of Medical Sciences, along with presenting a predictor for its identification. Material and Methods: 1583 employees from the Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS) participated in our cross-sectional study, who were ori-ginally a part of the enrollment phase in the TUMS Employees’ Cohort study (TEC). Their basic information, physical activity questionnaire, biochemical blood test, and body composition were obtained through the Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA), blood pressure, anthropometric measurements, and his-tory of diseases and medication. The prevalence of MetS was determined according to the criteria of the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Adult Treatment Panel-III (ATP-III). Result: According to the criteria of the IDF, the prevalence of MetS among total participants was 22.2%, where 21.9% were men and 22.4% were women. According to the criteria of ATP-III, the prevalence of MetS was found to be 15%. The prevalence of obesity (BMI≥30) and hyperglycemia (FBS ≥100 mg/dL) among the study participants was 23.4% and 9.7%, respecti-vely. The prevalence of hypertension (SBP ≥130, DBP ≥85 mmHg) and high triglyceride level (TG ≥150 mg/dL) was found to be 14.6% and 19.6%, respectively, while the prevalence of reduced high-density lipoprotein in men and women was found to be 40.3% and 74.7%, respectively.Logistic regression analysis revealed that the predictors of metabolic syndrome were age, sex, physique rate (the evaluated levels of muscle and body fat), and metabolic age (where the BMR of a person was compared to the mean of the BMR of the same age group). Conclusion: This study introduces metabolic age as a new predictor of MetS. However, more studies are needed to con-firm this association.
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Metabolic Age:
A New Predictor for Metabolic Syndrome
Metabolik Yaş: Metabolik Sendrom İçin Yeni Bir Öngördürücü
Ramin MEHRDAD, Hamidreza POURAGHA*, Mohadeseh VESAL**,
Gholamreza POURYAGHOUB***, Mahdiyeh NADERZADEH****,
Zahra Banafsheh ALEMOHAMMAD*****
Center for Research on Occupational Diseases, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran
*Occupational Health Department, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran
**Occupational Medicine Department, School of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran
***Center for Research on Occupational Diseases, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran
****Center for Air Pollution Research, Institute for Environmental Research Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
*****Department of Occupational Medicine, School of Medicine, Occupational Sleep Research Center Baharlou Hospital,
Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Original Article
Turk J Endocrinol Metab
Objective: This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of
metabolic syndrome (MetS) among the employees of the Teh-
ran University of Medical Sciences, along with presenting a pre-
dictor for its identification. Material and Methods: 1583
employees from the Tehran University of Medical Sciences
(TUMS) participated in our cross-sectional study, who were ori-
ginally a part of the enrollment phase in the TUMS Employees’
Cohort study (TEC). Their basic information, physical activity
questionnaire, biochemical blood test, and body composition
were obtained through the Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis
(BIA), blood pressure, anthropometric measurements, and his-
tory of diseases and medication. The prevalence of MetS was
determined according to the criteria of the International Dia-
betes Federation (IDF) and the National Cholesterol Education
Program (NCEP) Adult Treatment Panel-III (ATP-III). Result:
According to the criteria of the IDF, the prevalence of MetS
among total participants was 22.2%, where 21.9% were men
and 22.4% were women. According to the criteria of ATP-III,
the prevalence of MetS was found to be 15%. The prevalence
of obesity (BMI30) and hyperglycemia (FBS 100 mg/dL)
among the study participants was 23.4% and 9.7%, respecti-
vely. The prevalence of hypertension (SBP 130, DBP 85
mmHg) and high triglyceride level (TG 150 mg/dL) was found
to be 14.6% and 19.6%, respectively, while the prevalence of
reduced high-density lipoprotein in men and women was found
to be 40.3% and 74.7%, respectively.Logistic regression analy-
sis revealed that the predictors of metabolic syndrome were
age, sex, physique rate (the evaluated levels of muscle and
body fat), and metabolic age (where the BMR of a person was
compared to the mean of the BMR of the same age group).
Conclusion: This study introduces metabolic age as a new
predictor of MetS. However, more studies are needed to con-
firm this association.
Keywords: Metabolic syndrome; body composition;
body mass index; physical activity
Amaç: Bu çalışmada, Tahran Tıp Bilimleri Üniversitesi çalışanları
arasında metabolik sendrom (MetS) prevalansını araştırmak ve
tanımlanması için bir öngördürücü sunmak amaçlanmıştır.
Gereç ve Yöntemler: Bu kesitsel çalışmaya, Tahran Tıp Bilim-
leri Üniversitesi [Tehran University of Medical Sciences
(TUMS)]’nden 1583 çalışan katıldı, bu kişiler aslında TUMS Ça-
lışanları Kohort çalışması [TUMS Employees’ Cohort study
(TEC)]nın kayıt aşamasına dâhildi. Temel bilgileri, fiziksel akti-
vite anketi, biyokimyasal kan testi ve vücut kompozisyonu Bi-
yoelektrik Empedans Analizi [Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis
(BIA)], kan basıncı, antropometrik ölçümler ve hastalık ve ilaç
öyküsü aracılığıyla elde edildi. MetS prevalansı, Uluslararası Di-
yabet Federasyonu [International Diabetes Federation (IDF)] ve
Ulusal Kolesterol Eğitim Programı Yetişkin Tedavi Paneli-III [Na-
tional Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel-III
(NCEP ATP-III)] kriterlerine göre belirlendi. Bulgular: IDF kri-
terlerine göre toplam katılımcılar arasında MetS prevalansı
%22,2 idi ve %21,9’u erkek, %22,4’ü kadındı. ATP-III kriterle-
rine göre MetS prevalansı %15 olarak bulundu. Çalışma katı-
lımcıları arasında obezite (BKİ 30) ve hiperglisemi (AKŞ 100
mg/dL) prevalansı sırasıyla %23,4 ve %9,7 idi. Hipertansiyon
(SKB 130 mmHg, DKB 85 mmHg) ve yüksek trigliserid dü-
zeyi (TG 150 mg/dL) prevalansı sırasıyla %14,6 ve %19,6 ola-
rak bulunurken, erkeklerde ve kadınlarda düşük yoğunluklu
lipoprotein prevalansı sırasıyla %40,3 ve %74,7 bulundu. Lojis-
tik regresyon analizi, Mets’in öngördürücülerinin yaş, cinsiyet,
vücut oranı (değerlendirilen kas ve vücut yağı seviyeleri) ve me-
tabolik yaş [kişinin bazal metabolizma hızının (BMR) aynı yaş
grubundakilerin BMR ortalamasıyla karşılaştırılması] olduğunu
ortaya koydu. Sonuç: Bu çalışma, metabolik yaşın MetS için
yeni bir öngördürücü olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Ancak, bu
ilişkiyi doğrulamak için daha fazla çalışmaya ihtiyaç vardır.
Anahtar kelimeler: Metabolik sendrom; vücut kompozisyonu;
beden kitle indeksi; fiziksel aktivite
Address for Correspondence: Ramin Mehrdad, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Phone: +98 21 66405588 E-mail:
Peer review under responsibility of Turkish Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism.
Received: 26 Sep 2020 Received in revised form: 18 Nov 020 Accepted: 27 Nov 2020 Available online: 19 Jan 2021
1308-9846 / ® Copyright 2021 by Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism of Turkey.
Publication and hosting by Turkiye Klinikleri.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-SA license (
DOI: 10.25179/tjem.2020-79234
Metabolic syndrome is a complex and multi-
risk factor in atherosclerotic cardiovascular
disease (ASCVD) and type 2 diabetes (1).
Metabolic syndrome consists of five risk fac-
tors, including atherogenic dyslipidemia, in-
creased blood pressure, dysglycemia, a
pro-thrombotic and pro-inflammatory state
(2). Metabolic syndrome also multiplies the
potential danger of ASCVD and type 2 dia-
betes by five times (3). About a quarter of the
world’s population i.e., more than one billion
people, are estimated to have metabolic syn-
drome (4). According to various epidemiolog-
ical studies, the incidence rate of metabolic
syndrome is reported between 20% and 45%
(5). Also, many other studies around the
world have been reporting the incidence of
metabolic syndrome. In 2017, a research
work conducted in Iran revealed that the inci-
dence of metabolic syndrome according to the
IDF and ATP III criteria was 30% and 25%,
respectively (4). In another meta-analysis
study in Iran, the incidence of metabolic syn-
drome in 2017 was found to be 31% (6). A
study among Brazilian healthcare providers in
2019 revealed a metabolic syndrome inci-
dence of 24.4% (7), while in the same year,
another study found that the incidence rate of
metabolic syndrome among the Japanese
white-collar workers was 23.1% (8).
Predisposing factors of metabolic syndrome
can be categorized into two groups. The first
group is based on the metabolic syndrome
criteria presented by the IDF, ATP III, and
WHO and consists of hypertension, high
blood sugar, low HDL, high TG and waist cir-
cumference, along with obesity. The second
group is reported in various studies and con-
sists of the predictors of metabolic syn-
drome such as inactivity, age, sex, BMI,
smoking, alcohol, TG/HDL ratio, WHR, body
shape, and serum uric acid (7,9-17).
New predictors for metabolic syndrome are
an important concern for the researchers in
this field. And, body composition analysis
has been introduced as a new predictor for
metabolic syndrome. However, our knowl-
edge in this field needs to improve further.
The purpose of this study was to investigate
the incidence of metabolic syndrome among
the staff of the Tehran University of Medical
Sciences and also to find if some compo-
nents of the body composition analysis such
as metabolic age and physique rating could
act as the predictors of metabolic syndrome.
Material and Methods
The data for this cross-sectional study was
taken from the TEC study (Tehran university
of medical sciences Employees’ Cohort
study) during its enrollment phase, which
was collected between January 2017 and
September 2018. The TEC study further in-
tended to enroll 5500 people from their staff
between January 2017 and March 2021
(18). It is designed as a longitudinal study
to track the long-term health of their em-
ployees. Participants were recruited from
different departments. They voluntarily en-
rolled for the research project upon com-
pleting the informed consent form. All the
examinations were performed, and the in-
formation was collected from the partici-
pants in a single day. This study was carried
out according to the Helsinki Declaration
A total of 1583 participants (1012 women
and 571 men), all being TUMS employees
from different divisions (clinical, research,
service, technical, etc.), were enrolled in
this study.
Data collection
The participants were asked about their sex,
age, marital status, ethnicity, age of mar-
riage, education level, occupational group,
shift work, and tobacco usage. Also, to file a
record of diseases in the participants, their
current illnesses were examined through
general medical examinations. The records
included hypertension, type 2 diabetes, hy-
perlipidemia, thyroid diseases, and medica-
Blood pressure measurement
The blood pressure of the participants was
measured thrice, and the average was re-
ported with a precision of one mmHg. The
participant was made to sit for a 15 min
break, and then the measurements were
taken. An interval of 30 minutes was pro-
vided between the first and second round of
measurements, while a 2-hour interval was
given between the second and third rounds.
Blood pressure was measured using a stan-
dard and calibrated clinical mercury
The weight and height of the participants
were measured with a precision of 0.1 kg
and 0.1 cm, respectively. They were wearing
light clothes with no shoes while the meas-
urements were being taken. The waist cir-
cumference was calculated with a precision
of 0.1 cm at the anatomical landmarks such
as the middle of the lower rib margin and
the iliac crest, and the widest portion of the
hip. The BMI was measured as the weight
(kg) of the participant divided by the square
of their height (m).
Blood samples
After 12-hours of fasting, blood samples
were taken between 7 and 9 am. The meas-
ured parameters in the blood samples in-
cluded Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS),
Triglyceride (TG), total cholesterol (CHO),
and high-density and low-density lipoprotein
cholesterol (HDL, LDL).
Body composition
One of the most common methods to study
and analyze the body shape is the body
composition analysis method, which can be
performed using different technologies such
as using of a Caliper, anthropometry, tracer
dilution, densitometry, air displacement
plethysmography, dual-energy X-ray absorp-
tiometry, bioelectrical impedance analyzer,
computed tomography, magnetic resonance
imaging, and 3D body scanning. In the BIA
method, the impedance from different tis-
sues of the body is analyzed to predict the
composition of the body. A very weak elec-
trical current of 800 microamperes with a
frequency of 50 kHz is passed through the
body, and the impedance from the tissues is
measured against this current. Due to the
presence of electrolytes, water demonstrates
high conductivity. However, adipose tissues
show low conductivity (19,20). The body
composition provides quantitative and qual-
itative information on various tissues such as
fat-free mass, fat mass, total water content,
bone mineral density and its content, meta-
bolic age, and the physique rate. At the time
of measurement, all the metal accessories
such as watches, rings, and other jewelry
were removed, and all the measurements
were performed by the same trained per-
sonnel based on the same protocol. The
body composition of participants was meas-
ured and reported using the bioelectrical im-
pedance analysis (BIA) by the Tanita®
MC-780U Body Composition Analyzer.
Metabolic age is determined by comparing
a person’s basal metabolic rate with the av-
erage basal metabolic rate that corresponds
to a similar age group. It is now emerging
as a marker for metabolic health. If the
metabolic age is less than the actual age, it
means that the body is healthy, but if it is
higher than the actual age, it may indicate
that the person is not in good health and
needs to change their eating and exercising
habits and also maybe their lifestyle.
The Physique rate evaluates the levels of
muscle and body fat in an individual. It can
assess which of the nine body types does
one belongs to. The Body Composition Ana-
lyzer can be used to assess whether a per-
son is healthy. It is used to measure the fat
percentage of the body, muscle mass, and
even water and bone content, along with the
physique rating. The nine body types, ac-
cording to the physique rating is as follows:
Hidden Obese: high-fat percentage with a
low level of muscle mass.
Obese: high level of fat percentage with a
standard level of muscle mass.
Solidly-built: high body fat percentage
with a high level of muscle mass.
Under exercised: an average body fat with
a low level of muscle mass.
Standard: an average level of body fat with
average muscle mass.
Standard Muscular: an average amount of
fat percentage with a high level of muscle
Thin: a low amount of body fat with a low
level of muscle mass.
Thin and Muscular: a low amount of body
fat with a standard level of muscle mass.
Very Muscular: a low amount of body fat
with a high level of muscle mass.
International Physical Activity
Questionnaire- short form (IPAQ-SF)
The physical activity was calculated using
the short form of the IPAQ (International
Physical Activity Questionnaire) along with
the MET (the tasks that are equivalent to
metabolic activity) hours per week (MET-
hours/week). The validity of IPAQ has al-
ready been reported (21). Considering the
frequency of participation in the activities
mentioned over the past week, the MET
scores for intense, medium, and hiking ac-
tivities (for at least 10 min) were multiplied
by the time each participant spent on the
activity. The scores for the various activities
were then summarized as MET-mins/week.
Finally, they were categorized into three
groups: low, medium, and high activity.
A HIGH-level of activity was scored upon the
participant’s engagement in vigorously in-
tense activity for at least three days to
achieve a minimum total physical activity of
at least 1500 MET minutes a week OR 7 or
more days of any combination of walking
with moderately intense or vigorously in-
tense activities to achieve a minimum total
physical activity of at least 3000 MET min-
utes a week.
A MODERATE level of physical activity was
scored upon engagement in 3 or more days
of vigorously intense activity and/or walking
at least 30 min per day OR 5 or more days
of moderately intense activity and/or walk-
ing at least 30 min per day OR 5 or more
days of any combination of walking with
moderately intense or vigorously intense ac-
tivities to achieve a minimum total physical
activity of at least 600 MET minutes a week.
Scoring a LOW level of physical activity on
the IPAQ indicated that the participant was
not meeting any of the criteria for either
MODERATE or HIGH levels of physical activ-
Metabolic syndrome and its components
In this study, the metabolic syndrome was
diagnosed according to the criteria of the
National Cholesterol Education Program
(NCEP) Adult Treatment Panel-III (ATP- III)
and the International Diabetes Federation
The criteria to diagnose the metabolic syn-
drome based on ATP III had to fulfill three or
more of the following:
1. Waist circumference >=102 cm for men
and greater than 88 cm for women,
2. Blood triglycerides >=150 mg/dL or if a
person is on high triglyceride medication,
3. HDL cholesterol level of <40 mg/dL for
men and <50 mg/dL for women,
4. Fasting blood glucose >=100 mg/dL or if
a person is on medication for high blood
5. Systolic blood pressure (SBP) >130
mmHg or diastolic blood pressure (DBP)
>=85 mmHg or if an individual is on med-
ication for hypertension.
The diagnostic criteria for the metabolic syn-
drome based on the IDF criteria are:
Obesity that is based on the abdominal cir-
cumference, which is >94 cm in men and
>80 cm in women,
And any two of the following:
Blood triglyceride (TG) more than 150
mg/dL or if a person is on high blood triglyc-
eride therapy,
HDL cholesterol levels of <40 mg/dL in
males and < 50 mg/dL in females,
Fasting blood glucose greater than 100
mg/dL or if a person is on high blood sugar
Systolic blood pressure >130 mmHg or di-
astolic blood pressure >85 mmHg or if a
person is on medication for hypertension.
Metabolic syndrome was assessed based on
the above-mentioned criteria.
Statistical analysis
For descriptive statistics, means and stan-
dard deviations were used as quantitative
variables, and frequency and percentage
were used as qualitative variables. For uni-
variate analysis, the Chi-square test was uti-
lized for qualitative variables, while for the
quantitative variables, the t-test was used
to compare between the two groups, with
and without metabolic syndrome. The logis-
tic regression analysis was used to realize
which one of our variables were the predic-
tors of metabolic syndrome. The statistical
analyses were done using the IBM SPSS®,
version 24. P-values of less than 0.05 were
considered statistically significant.
Ethical issues
This research was approved by the Ethics
Committee for Research at Tehran University
of Medical Sciences using the code of ethics
IR.TUMS.VCR.REC.1398.246 (10 Jun 2019).
We explained the details of the study, includ-
ing the processes and procedures, to all the
participants just before their enrollment, and
they signed and approved the informed con-
sent form. The information of the participants
was coded anonymously and kept confiden-
The incidence of metabolic syndrome based
on the IDF criteria was equivalent to 22.2%
whereas it was 15% based on the ATP-III
criteria. We used the IDF criteria in this
study since it was stricter (it identifies a
higher percentage of individuals having
metabolic syndrome). In our study, the inci-
dence rate of metabolic syndrome according
to the IDF definition was found to be 21.9%
and 22.4% in males and females, respec-
Physical activity was also classified into
three categories, namely high, medium, and
low physical activity. According to this study,
70.7% of the overall total population had
low physical activity, where 68.4% were
women, and 74.8% were men. Table 2
shows the details of the physical activity
performed by the participants based on their
Table 3 presents the variables other than the
IDF criteria, which includes age, sex, physi-
cal activity, metabolic age, and physique rat-
ing in both the groups, with and without
metabolic syndrome.
In the next step, logistic regression was em-
ployed to find the predictors of the meta-
bolic syndrome among the participants. In
this model, Nagelkerke R Square was found
to be 0.176. Table 4 here exhibits the re-
This research study aimed to review the in-
cidence rate of metabolic syndrome and its
predictors among the employees of the
Tehran University of Medical Sciences, re-
sulting in an incidence rate of 22.2% and
15.0% based on the IDF and ATP-III criteria,
das Merces et al. in 2019 reported the inci-
dence of metabolic syndrome in Brazilian
healthcare providers as 24.4% based on the
ATP-III criteria, which is about 10% more
than our results (7). However, in another
study, Brazilian healthcare providers showed
a much lower incidence rate of 4.5% (22).
This discrepancy may be due to different
categorizations of the participants in both
the studies based on the existence of meta-
bolic syndrome. Moreover, the results of
Mango et al. were closer to ours. In a 2019
study, the incidence of metabolic syndrome
in the Japanese white-collar employees was
found to be 19.5% (8). In the same year,
the incidence rate of metabolic syndrome in
Iranian petrochemical workers was revealed
as 18.4% as per the ATP-III criteria (23),
and in Korean staff, the incidence of meta-
bolic syndrome was found to be 19.8% ac-
cording to the criteria of ATP-III (9). In a
study close to our research, the incidence of
*According to IDF criteria.
TG: Triglyceride; HDL: High-density lipoprotein; FBS: Fasting Blood Sugar; BP: Blood pressure; BMI: Body mass index.
Total Male Female
n=1583 n=571 n=1012 p value Incidence*
Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) n (%)
Age (year) 43.0 (8.7) 44.0 (9.2) 42.4 (8.4) 0.002 -
TG (mg/dL) 119.1 (58.7) 137.4 (73.0) 108.7 (45.8) <0.001 311 (19.6)
HDL (mg/dL) 43.3 (9.3) 42.2 (8.0) 43.9 (9. 9) 0.007 986 (62.3)
FBS (mg/dL) 86.0 (20.8) 89.7 (26.2) 84.1 (16.7) <0.001 153 (9.7)
BP systolic (mmHg) 115.7 (12.8) 120.7 (12.7) 112.9 (12.0) <0.001 230 (14.5)
BP diastolic (mmHg) 77.4 (8.2) 79.8 (8.6) 76.1 (7.8) <0.001
BMI (kg/m2) 27.2 (4.5) 27.6 (4.3) 27.0 (4.7) <0.001 371 (23.4)
Waist circumference (cm) 88.7 (11.6) 96.1(9.6) 84.5 (10.4) <0.001 985 (62.2)
Metabolic Age (year) 41.1 (12.5) 42.9 (11.8) 40.0 (12.8) <0.001 -
Table 1. Basic information on the data and elements of metabolic syndrome and their incidence.
metabolic syndrome in Iranian health work-
ers was found to be 22.4% (24). Also, the
incidence of metabolic syndrome among
hospital health workers in Nigeria and Kenya
were 24.2% and 34%, respectively (25,
26). The incidence was also 21.2% in devel-
oping countries such as Ghana, as per the
IDF criteria, where the incidence was proven
to be greater in females than in males (11).
These results were similar to our study, as
well. In 2016, the incidence of metabolic
syndrome in Japanese healthcare workers
was 8.7% (27), which was very different
from our results and could be due to the dif-
ferences in the lifestyle. A meta-analysis of
the metabolic syndrome among the Chinese
people was reported to be 24.5% (28),
while the incidence among employees who
participated in the Aragon Workers’ Health
Study (AWHS) was reported as 27.1% (29).
Many studies have compared the incidence
of metabolic syndrome between the em-
ployees with sedentary jobs and the ones
with active jobs. The difference can be seen
in some studies; for example, a study re-
ported an incidence of metabolic syndrome
in office workers to be 33% but found only
a 14% incidence rate in firefighters (30).
Various studies have also reported the inci-
dence of the metabolic syndrome within dif-
ferent societies, which ranges from 20% to
35%, especially in developing countries.
This incidence accounts for at least one-fifth
of the population and could be an alarming
Physical activity status Total n (%) Male n (%) Female n (%) p value
Low 1119 (70.7) 427 (74.8) 692 (68.4)
Moderate 366 (23.1) 114 (20) 252 (24.9) 0.027
High 98 (6.2) 30 (5.3) 68 (6.7)
Table 2. Levels of physical activity among the participants based on their gender.
With Metabolic Syndrome Without Metabolic Syndrome
Total Male Female Total Male Female
n=352 n=125 n=227 n=1231 n=446 n=785 p value
Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
Age (year) 47.0 (7.9) 47.3 (8.8) 46.8 (7.3) 41.8 (8.6) 43.0 (9.1) 41.1 (8.2) <0.001
Physical Activity 481.1 (619.2) 401.5 (484.2) 524.9 (679.2) 544.4 (799.4) 533.7 (884.2) 550.3 (747.5) <0.001
Metabolic Age 48.6 (11.2) 50.0 (10.9) 47.8 (11.3) 38.9 (12.0) 40.9 (11.3) 37.8 (12.3) <0.001
Physique Rating 29.3 (8.1) 26.1 (7.1) 31.1 (8.0) 34.8 (9.9) 31.1 (9.6) 36.1(9.7) <0.001
Table 3. Descriptive statistics of the study variables in both the groups, with and without metabolic syndrome.
95% C. I for EXP(B)
Variable B Odds Ratio Sig Lower Upper
Metabolic age 0.037 1.037 0.002 1.014 1.061
Physique rating 0.028 0.972 0.039 0.946 0.999
Age 0.050 1.051 <0.001 1.028 1.074
Sex 0.299 1.349 0.034 1.023 1.780
Constant -4.648 0.010 <0.001
Table 4. Metabolic syndrome predicting the elements.
SD: Standard deviation.
signal for ASCVD and type 2 diabetes (31).
Abdominal obesity is the most common part
of metabolic syndrome, and many studies
have shown a direct relationship between
abdominal obesity and the incidence of
metabolic syndrome. These studies also val-
idate our results (32-34).
Some studies argue that metabolic syn-
drome occurs at an older age. For example,
at the age of 29 years, the incidence of
metabolic syndrome accounted for as much
as one-third of the total population, while at
the age of 50 years, half of the population
was having metabolic syndrome.
In our study, the mean±SD of the age in the
group with metabolic syndrome was found
to be 47±7.9 years, whereas the mean ±SD
of the age in the non-metabolic syndrome
group was shown as 41.8±8.6 years.
Many studies have explored the predictive
components of metabolic syndrome, such as
levels of HDL, TG, FBS, waist circumference,
and elevated blood pressure (35).
In addition to the components of MetS de-
scribed by the criteria of the IDF, NCEP ATP-
III, and WHO, other predictors have also
been introduced in various studies, such as
inactivity, age, sex, BMI, smoking, alcohol
usage, TG to HDL ratio, waist to hip ratio,
serum uric acid, and leptin (7,9-16,36). How-
ever, in our study, age and sex were identi-
fied as predictors of metabolic syndrome
based on the logistic regression analysis.
Metabolic age is a new term used to de-
scribe the overall fitness and the metabolic
activity of an individual and is obtained by
comparing the basal metabolism of a person
with the mean basal metabolism of the
same age group. If the metabolic age of a
person was found higher than their chrono-
logical age, it indicated a level of basic me-
tabolism with low physical activity. Metabolic
age can be a useful tool for assessing the
metabolic status of individuals. A study by
the European Society of Cardiology (ESC)
used metabolic age as one of the predictors
for cardiovascular disorders in people hav-
ing a higher metabolic age than their
chronological age (37).
In addition to the known variables of meta-
bolic syndrome, we also used results of body
composition analysis as probable predictors
of metabolic syndrome. However, our main
target was to confirm if the body composi-
tion results could predict metabolic syn-
drome. The results indicated that metabolic
age and physique rating could be considered
as independent predictors of metabolic syn-
We also investigated if metabolic age could
predict metabolic disorders in individuals.
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) changes with
age (38). Metabolic age is the comparison of
the BMR of a person with the mean BMR of
the same age group (39). According to the
logistic regression analysis, metabolic age
can be a new predictor for metabolic syn-
drome. Also, physique rating, which indi-
cates the body-type (40), can be a simple
predictor of metabolic syndrome. In 2016, a
study found that type 2 diabetic individuals
were significantly different from the control
in terms of physique rating (41).
Our results might open the door to the world
of metabolic syndrome.
The R-square of the model of regression in
our study reached 0.176, which is not good
enough, and the odds ratios were also small.
Hence, we recommend other researchers to
consider studies with more variables that
could affect the metabolic syndrome. This
can help in creating a better picture of meta-
bolic syndrome along with its anticipating
This study introduces metabolic age as a
new predictor of metabolic syndrome. How-
ever, more studies are needed to confirm
this association.
Source of Finance
During this study, no financial or spiritual
support was received neither from any phar-
maceutical company that has a direct con-
nection with the research subject, nor from
a company that provides or produces med-
ical instruments and materials which may
negatively affect the evaluation process of
this study.
Conflict of Interest
No conflicts of interest between the authors
and/or family members of the scientific and
medical committee members or members of
the potential conflicts of interest, counsel-
ing, expertise, working conditions, share
holding and similar situations in any firm.
Authorship Contributions
Idea/Concept: Ramin Mehrdad, Mohadeseh
Vesal; Design: Zahra Banafsheh Alemoham-
mad; Control/Supervision: Mohadeseh
Vesal; Data Collection and/or Processing:
Gholamreza Pouryaghoub, Mohadeseh
Vesal; Analysis and/or Interpretation: Ramin
Mehrdad; Literature Review: Writing the Ar-
ticle: Hamidreza Pouragha, Mohadeseh
Vesal; Critical Review: Ramin Mehrdad.
This cross-sectional study was performed
with the support, collaboration, and financ-
ing of the TUMS employees’ cohort (TEC)
study (Grant no: 97-01-159-38078). The
paper has been prepared based on the data
from the enrolment phase of the cohort
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... BIA is a non-invasive, inexpensive, safe and easily applied method that measures body composition and metabolic status based on the electrophysiological properties of the human organism [7].Body mass index (BMI), degree of obesity, body fat/muscle ratios, basal metabolic rate (BMR) and metabolic age (met-age) can be obtained by BIA [8][9][10][11].Met-age is an index based on BMR showing the basic energy requirement of the body at rest and is related to corrected muscle mass [11]. Since BMR is signi cantly different between individuals in the same chronological age group [12,13], met-age was started to be used in the foreground as an alternative index in clinical practice and it was suggested that it is a good risk marker that patients can understand more easily [14].It is a predictive value in metabolic syndrome and its greater than chronological age supported the view that increased metabolic syndrome risk and its smaller than chronological age supported the view that metabolic health is good [15]. ...
... suggested that met age was higher in male and female patients with metabolic syndrome compared to the control group and that it was a predictive marker [15]. In our study, although chronological age was observed to increase metabolic age in both groups, the difference between chronological age and metabolic age was signi cantly higher in the female T2DM group. ...
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Background:Metabolic age is an important risk marker that can be easily understood by patients in clinical practice. In this study, we aimed to investigate the association of metabolic age with chronological age and physical examination score in male and female patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Material and Method:Male (n:50) and female patients (n:72) with T2DM were included in the study. Anthropometric measurements were obtained with Tanita MC-780MA device, waist/hip and waist/height ratios were calculated, variables were compared between groups and correlation with met age was analyzed. Linear regression analysis was used to determine the factors affecting met age. Results:The difference between met-age and chronological age was significantly higher in female patients with T2DM (age difference: 6.0∓3.79 in female group, 3.38∓2.80 in male group) (p<0.001). BMI values, degree of obesity and fat mass were significantly higher in women (p<0.001), waist/hip ratios were lower (p<0.001) and waist/height ratios were higher (p=0.001). Physical examination score, muscle mass, lean mass and BMR were higher in men than in women (p<0.001).There was a significant positive association of met age with chronological age and a significant negative association with physical examination score in both sexes (p<0.05). According to the linear regression model, it was found that met age was positively affected by chronological age and waist/height ratio and negatively affected by physical examination score in the female group (R2 =0.983).In the male group, it was observed that it was positively affected by chronological age, obesity degree, body mass index (BMI) and negatively affected by physical examination score (R2 =0.974). Conclusions:Met age increases with increasing chronological age and decreasing physical examination score in male and female patients with T2DM.
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Background In this study, the association between the social determinants of health (SDH) as well as other health risk factors and outcomes will be evaluated at different socioeconomic layers. Methods/design This is a prospective cohort study that was launched in January 2018 on Tehran University of Medical Sciences’ employees. The initial enrolment phase will continue up to March 2021, or until a sample size of 5500 is reached. In addition to annual phone-calls, the participants will be followed thrice at 5-year intervals. Data are collected through blood and urine samples, complete physical examination, anthropometric evaluation, and the completion of questionnaires related to SDH, such as socioeconomic status and social capital, history of diseases, lifestyle (including, nutrition, physical activity, cigarette and hookah smoking), occupational exposures (including psychosocial factors at work and work-family conflicts), and different aspects of physical, mental and occupational health as health outcomes. The association between independent variables and health (objective or subjective) are examined using multiple models and by controlling the confounding effects. Moreover, the trend in lifestyle changes and its impact on health are evaluated. Discussion Our study will explore the key social determinants as well as other factors including socioeconomic status and social capital, history of diseases, lifestyle and occupational exposures that affect health. This will provide social and occupational health decision-makers and stakeholders with new and valuable evidence in an era in which we are witnessing huge changes in lifestyle.
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Objective To investigate the associations among procrastination (time inconsistency), work environment and obesity-related factors in Japanese male workers. Design Cross-sectional study. Setting Data were collected at two work sites of Japanese electronics manufacturing company in 2015. Participants 795 full-time male workers in a Japanese electric company, aged 35–64 years, who underwent health checkups in 2015. Main outcome measures Body mass index (BMI), adult weight change, obesity (BMI ≥25 kg/m ² ), adult weight gain over 10 kg (AWG10) and metabolic syndrome (MetS). Multivariable linear and logistic regression analyses were performed to assess the associations of procrastination assessed by using a one-item questionnaire and white-collar and blue-collar work with obesity-related factors. Results White-collar workers with high procrastination levels showed positive associations with BMI (B: 0.75, 95% CI 0.06 to 1.44) and adult weight change (B: 1.77, 95% CI 0.26 to 3.29), and had increased odds of AWG10 (OR: 1.85, 95% CI 1.04 to 3.29) and MetS (OR: 2.29 95% CI 1.18 to 4.44) after adjustment for age, education, work-related factors and lifestyle factors. However, such positive associations were not observed among blue-collar workers. Conclusions Procrastination and white-collar work might have a joint effect on weight gain during adulthood and consequential obesity.
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Body composition is known to be associated with several diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancers, osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. Body composition measurements are useful in assessing the effectiveness of nutritional interventions and monitoring the changes associated with growth and disease conditions. Changes in body composition occur when there is a mismatch between nutrient intake and requirement. Altered body composition is observed in conditions such as wasting and stunting when the nutritional intake may be inadequate. Overnutrition on the other hand leads to obesity. Many techniques are available for body composition assessment, which range from simple indirect measures to more sophisticated direct volumetric measurements. Some of the methods that are used today include anthropometry, tracer dilution, densitometry, dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, air displacement plethysmography and bioelectrical impedance analysis. The methods vary in their precision and accuracy. Imaging techniques such as nuclear magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography have become powerful tools due to their ability of visualizing and quantifying tissues, organs, or constituents such as muscle and adipose tissue. However, these methods are still considered to be research tools due to their cost and complexity of use. This review was aimed to describe the commonly used methods for body composition analysis and provide a brief introduction on the latest techniques available.
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Background: Metabolic syndrome, a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease and diabetes, is recognized as an important health problem. Objective: To investigated whether the workplace environment was associated with metabolic syndrome. Methods: This study was a cross-sectional study using medical records and workplace environment reports of 1297 blue-collar Korean male workers who exposed to work hazards in one workplace. The metabolic syndrome was confirmed using the NCEP ATP III. The workplace environment was classified into organic compounds, metals, acids and bases, metalworking fluid, dust, noise and shift worker. Results: Among the total subjects, 257 (19.8%) had metabolic syndrome. Age, BMI, current smoking status, and at risk alcohol drinking were found to be significant predictors of metabolic syndrome. In seven workplace environment categories, the odds ratio (OR) of metabolic syndrome increased 1.785 (95% CI 1.058 to 3.013) times in the metalworking fluid environment. Conclusion: The workplace environment, especially metalworking fluid is associated with metabolic syndrome.
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Background: In recent decades, metabolic syndrome is one of the most important public health risk factors. Having this in mind, the present study was conducted to evaluate the frequency of metabolic syndrome and its associated risk factors in healthcare workers. Method: This study is a cross-sectional study conducted on 410 healthcare workers in a teaching hospital in Iran. Demographic, occupational, and psychosocial characteristics were assessed using questionnaire. Assessment of metabolic syndrome of hospital staff was performed at workplace during their medical examination. Results: The frequency of metabolic syndrome was found to be 22.4%. This relationship was found among blood pressure and occupational stress, despite the fact that there was no significant relationship between metabolic syndrome and occupational stress. Higher age, having shift work, and inactivity were associated with metabolic syndrome. Conclusion: Considering the high frequency of metabolic syndrome among Iranian healthcare workers, it is advised that effective management should be employed to correct the occupational and psychosocial factors associated with this syndrome.
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Aim: This study compared the ability of anthropometric parameters to predict Metabolic Syndrome (MetS). Methods: Eleven anthropometric parameters: waist circumference (WC), body mass index (BMI), waist-to-height ratio (WHtR), a body shape index (ABSI), body roundness index (BRI), visceral adiposity index (VAI), abdominal volume index (AVI), Conicity Index (CI), body adiposity index (BAI), lipid accumulation product (LAP) and waist circumference-triglyceride index (WTI) were measured and calculated in apparently healthy subjects with and without MetS. A receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was applied to assess their ability to predict MetS. Results: Of the 535 subjects recruited 23% had MetS. WC had the largest area under the curve (AUC) in both men (0.814 95% CI 0.721–0.907) and women (0.819 95%CI 0.771–0.867). This did not differ from the AUC of BMI, WHtR, BRI, CI, BAI, LAP in men and BMI, WHtR, BAI, LAP, VAI and WTI in women (P > 0.05). The cutoff point for WC was 89.5 cm and 91.8 cm in men and women respectively. The AUC of WC was the largest in the 40–49 and 60 years and above age groups while the AUC of LAP was the largest for age groups 30–39 and 50–59 years. Conclusion: Of the 11 anthropometric parameters assessed, the WC was the best at predicting MetS in both men and women. There is need to ascertain the cutoff point and establish landmark for measuring WC especially for the sub Saharan region.
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Background Metabolic syndrome is defined as a cluster of at least three out of five clinical risk factors: abdominal (visceral) obesity, hypertension, elevated serum triglycerides, low serum high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and insulin resistance. It is estimated to affect over 20% of the global adult population. Abdominal (visceral) obesity is thought to be the predominant risk factor for metabolic syndrome and as predictions estimate that 50% of adults will be classified as obese by 2030 it is likely that metabolic syndrome will be a significant problem for health services and a drain on health economies. Evidence shows that regular and consistent exercise reduces abdominal obesity and results in favourable changes in body composition. It has therefore been suggested that exercise is a medicine in its own right and should be prescribed as such. Purpose of this review This review provides a summary of the current evidence on the pathophysiology of dysfunctional adipose tissue (adiposopathy). It describes the relationship of adiposopathy to metabolic syndrome and how exercise may mediate these processes, and evaluates current evidence on the clinical efficacy of exercise in the management of abdominal obesity. The review also discusses the type and dose of exercise needed for optimal improvements in health status in relation to the available evidence and considers the difficulty in achieving adherence to exercise programmes. Conclusion There is moderate evidence supporting the use of programmes of exercise to reverse metabolic syndrome although at present the optimal dose and type of exercise is unknown. The main challenge for health care professionals is how to motivate individuals to participate and adherence to programmes of exercise used prophylactically and as a treatment for metabolic syndrome.
This book provides the reader with comprehensive information on the interactions between diabetes and a wide range of comorbid conditions and on disease management in such patients. It has the aim of empowering health care providers in their daily battle against the disease and its consequences. Diabetes has been identified by WHO and the United Nations as a medical emergency because of the increase in its global prevalence, which may reach one billion in three to four decades if the trend remains unchanged. Despite improved care that is helping to prolong life, diabetes impacts substantially on the quality of life of those affected and kills or disables several million people each year. The disease is systemic because all organs, tissues, and cells suffer in the presence of hyperglycemia and are damaged by the diabetic milieu. Unfortunately, most patients with diabetes will consequently experience chronic diabetic complications. This book will be of value for all physicians and nurses who care for patients with diabetes and face the challenge of treating hyperglycemia and related acute and chronic complications.
Background: Some studies indicated night shift work can be associated with the higher risk of metabolic syndrome (MetS). However, the effect of both rotating and extended night shift work (12-hr rotating night) on MetS has not been well-known. We aimed to examine and clarify the association among petrochemical workers. Methods: We recruited 1575 eligible workers in this study. According to shift work schedules the participants were divided into following groups: 12-hr fixed day and 12-hr rotating night. Biochemical data, including fasting blood sugar and lipid panel (TC, TG, LDL, and HDL) were determined by blood tests. Demographic data was obtained by interview at the time of blood pressure and anthropometric indices measurements. The National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Adult Treatment Panel III (ATP III) was applied to identify subjects with MetS. The Logistic regression models were used to predict risk of MetS and its components between study groups. Results: The prevalence of MetS was showed 18.4% (290/1575). We found a significant difference between study groups in the prevalence of MetS (p < 0.05). The odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) in the 12-hr rotating night group in comparison to the 12-hr fixed day shift group according to unadjusted and full adjusted logistic regression models were estimated 1.26 (0.96, 1.65) and 1.34 (1.01, 1.76), respectively. Among MetS components, we observed the significant higher risk in TG and HDL (P < 0.05). Conclusion: This study suggests 12-hr rotating night shift as the high-risk group for MetS. More studies needed to confirm our findings.
Metabolic syndrome poses a major threat on human health affecting the quality of life. Adipose tissue is an important organ which plays a crucial role in the pathogenesis of metabolic syndrome. Adipocytokines secreted by the adipose tissue plays a critical role in storage, food intake, energy expenditure, lipid and glucose metabolism. Leptin is primarily involved in regulating food intake, body weight and energy homeostasis through neuroendocrine functions. Contemporary research suggests that leptin also influences insulin sensitivity and lipid metabolism. High leptin concentrations are directly associated with the obesity subsequent development of metabolic disease sequelae such as insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Elucidation of the mechanism of action of leptin would help to develop novel therapeutic approaches for there metabolic disorders like obesity and diabetes. This review provides an updated ‘state-of-the-art’ about the leptin and its role in the pathophysiology of metabolic syndrome at the molecular level.