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Sustainability Issues of Various Denim Washing Methods



Denim washing is increasingly joining the list of indispensable processes of meeting the demands of the world’s shifting fashion industry. Other than this, there is a rising trend in the sustainability perception among both producers and customers in the modern world. However, denim washing is considered to have direct impacts on the environment because of its chemical discharge and many other pollutants emitted during the process which affect water supplies. In the process, the denim industry encounters challenges at every level. Therefore, there is need for studying sustainable problems associated with denim washing. The unseen soul of the denim industry is technology, as nothing can be transformed without technological advancement. Sustainability problems of conventional washing have been addressed in this paper (i.e. pp spray washing, bleaching washing, stone washing, sand blasting etc.). Furthermore, the paper describes how sustainability can be achieved through the most recent washing techniques, such as laser, waterjet, nanobubble, ozone, NoStone, potassium permanganate alternatives etc. The introduction of new technologies has triggered a dramatic shift in the denim washing industry in terms of water usage, electricity and chemicals as well as improved quality. Consequently, it is undoubtful that the recent technologies in denim washing are crucial in making the industry sustainable. Moreover, the paper describes the idea of digitally printed denim and the available software for measuring sustainability in the process of denim washing.
ISSN: 2623-6257 (Print) 2623-6281 (Online) Journal homepage: Journal doi: 10.31881/TLR
Tex le & Leather Review
Sustainability Issues of Various Denim
Washing Methods
Md. Khalilur Rahman Khan, Sayedatunnesa Jintun
How to cite: Khan MKR, Jintun S. Sustainability Issues of Various Denim Washing Methods. Tex le
& Leather Review. 2021. h ps://
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Published: 8 March 2021
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Sustainability Issues of Various Denim Washing Methods
Md. Khalilur Rahman KHAN*, Sayedatunnesa JINTUN
Department of Textile Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Bangladesh University of Business
and Technology (BUBT), Dhaka, Bangladesh
UDC 677.074:677.027.13:628.515
DOI: 10.31881/TLR.2021.01
Received 5 January 2021; Accepted 25 February 2021; Published Online 8 March 2021
Denim washing is increasingly joining the list of indispensable processes of meeting the demands of the world’s
shifting fashion industry. Other than this, there is a rising trend in the sustainability perception among both
producers and customers in the modern world. However, denim washing is considered to have direct impacts on
the environment because of its chemical discharge and many other pollutants emitted during the process which
affect water supplies. In the process, the denim industry encounters challenges at every level. Therefore, there is
need for studying sustainable problems associated with denim washing. The unseen soul of the denim industry
is technology, as nothing can be transformed without technological advancement. Sustainability problems
of conventional washing have been addressed in this paper (i.e. pp spray washing, bleaching washing, stone
washing, sand blasting etc.). Furthermore, the paper describes how sustainability can be achieved through the
most recent washing techniques, such as laser, waterjet, nanobubble, ozone, NoStone, potassium permanganate
alternatives etc. The introduction of new technologies has triggered a dramatic shift in the denim washing
industry in terms of water usage, electricity and chemicals as well as improved quality. Consequently, it is
undoubtful that the recent technologies in denim washing are crucial in making the industry sustainable.
Moreover, the paper describes the idea of digitally printed denim and the available software for measuring
sustainability in the process of denim washing.
Denim, Washing methods, Sustainability, Enzyme, Ozone, Water jet fading
Overall, the texle industry, and specically the denim industry, has always been a valuable industry, thus its
extension expands its centrality in decades to come. Among all the exisng texle products, no other kind
of fabric has aracted such an acknowledgment as denim. Denim has been used extensively by dierent
generaons of people, sexual orientaons and classes [1,2]. On the basis of all-me fashion, denim may be
considered a fabric and can be exceponally a stylish fabric. For the sustainment during the fast-changing
fashion, denim has undergone consistent advancement [3]. There is a high developing denim demand from
the youth, linked to reasons such as denim’s higher quality, strength, comfort level, low maintenance, and
simple accessibility. Worldwide, the showcase of denim is expected to rise profusely in the coming years.
Denim washing stands out as a part of the essenal producon processes needed to meet the rapidly rising
and changing fashion market’s demands [2].
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Brundtland (once known as the World Commission on Environment and Development) denes the buzzword,
sustainability, as “improvement that meets the present desires without relinquishing future generaons’
capacity” [4]. Literally, sustainability refers to the act of preserving scarce and vital natural resources for
future generaons. Sustainability, in most manufacturing industries, is a primary move. Sustainable prac-
ces explain the involvement beyond the customers and business, while the environment and commu-
nity are essenal [5]. Currently, all are enthused to engage sustainability in the design and manufacturing
processes in the connuously changing fashion trends [6]. Sustainability can be idened through three
components: environmental, social and nancial sustainability.
There is a close associaon between texles and governance, social and environmental problems. However,
the rising awareness of the social and environmental problems aecng the texle sector is the reason
behind the increase in sustainability measures’ implementaon over the past few years. The crucial conse-
quences of sustainability in the texle industry pertain to denim manufacture as well. In the phase of manu-
facturing, sustainability is among the key challenges in the denim industry. In the industry, there exists a
huge desire to ensure every phase of producon is sustainable [7].
However, during the selecon of denim garments, customers are inuenced by factors such as fashion, arac-
veness, and aesthecs. Denim clothing, in the primary process, does not inherit the customer’s desired
properes. However, it becomes eecve aer washing due to its new strength, comfort, soness, look
and low cost, leading to the customer’s total sasfacon [8]. Washing is considered an essence of nished
denim and is the nal stage of denim manufacture. However, dierent techniques of denim washing are
employed to achieve denim’s fading eect, soness, as well as relaxed feeling [9,10]. Besides, the indus-
trial processes are linked to various environmental implicaons, mainly surrounding the heavy chemical
usage and the extensive use of energy and water resources, eecve wastewater treatment etc. Jeans or
denim are also considered the world’s highest pollutant texle products, as a result of their indigo dying, the
amount of water required to achieve excellent washes as well as chemicals used [11]. In terms of achieving
sustainability in the denim industry, every kind of washing technique has their own merits and demerits.
In the past few years, various washing results have become prominent. Advanced materials, the latest
technology and environment friendly washing techniques are establishing the sustainable producon of
denim. Therefore, a denim producer must be conscious, versale, eecve, and technologically aware of
sustainability. Bangladesh’s denim industry’s future set-up will certainly aect the percepon of modern
technologies of washing. From this perspecve, this study aims at expounding on the recent developments
in sustainability achievement during denim washing.
The denim industry discharges vast quanes of wastewater into surrounding streams and bodies of water,
thus leaving a large water footprint [2]. With tradional washing recipes, every jean consumes 150 grams
of chemicals, 70 litres of water and 1 kWh of power during the stage of denim washing [12,13]. The old-
fashioned and me-consuming techniques are, therefore, not ideal for denim mass producon and the
manufacturing cost also increases [14]. Because of the high costs of manufacturing resulng from energy,
chemicals and water usage, an industrial-scale installaon is viewed as a big concern for the achievement
of a sustainable process. However, sustainability issues in denim washing may be categorized as follows:
i) Less water consumption for the blue planet.
ii) Elimination of wastewater.
iii) Reuse of water.
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iv) Less chemicals for sustainable future.
v) Use of environmentally friendly chemicals and materials.
vi) Less energy for efficient manufacturing.
vii) The protection of human health.
viii) Shorter process.
ix) Process optimization in terms of time, temperatures and raw materials.
x) Quality improvement.
xi) Increasing productivity.
xii) Longevity of washing equipment.
KHAN MKR, XX. Sustainability Issues of Various Denim Washing Methods. TLR 0 (0) 2020 00-00.
affect the perception of modern technologies of washing. From this perspective, this study aims at
expounding on the recent developments in sustainability achievement during denim washing.
The denim industry discharges vast quantities of wastewater into surrounding streams and bodies of
water, thus leaving a large water footprint [2]. With traditional washing recipes, every jean consumes
150 grams of chemicals, 70 litres of water and 1 kWh of power during the stage of denim washing
[12,13]. The old-fashioned and time-consuming techniques are, therefore, not ideal for denim mass
production and the manufacturing cost also increases [14]. Because of the high costs of
manufacturing resulting from energy, chemicals and water usage, an industrial-scale installation is
viewed as a big concern for the achievement of a sustainable process. However, sustainability issues
in denim washing may be categorized as follows:
i) Less water consumption for the blue planet.
ii) Elimination of wastewater.
iii) Reuse of water.
iv) Less chemicals for sustainable future.
v) Use of environmentally friendly chemicals and materials.
vi) Less energy for efficient manufacturing.
vii) The protection of human health.
viii) Shorter process.
ix) Process optimization in terms of time, temperatures and raw materials.
x) Quality improvement.
xi) Increasing productivity.
xii) Longevity of washing equipment.
Figure 1. Significant parameters for sustainable denim washing [15]
Figure 1. Significant parameters for sustainable denim washing [15]
Sandblas ng treatment method washes the denim surface by using rough, high-speed impelling materials.
Despite being banned in most countries, it is s ll employed in some parts of the world, mainly through radar,
because it provides an inexpensive and simple technology of genera ng the an cipated e ect on denim
[16]. Several brands, a emp ng to end the fatal method, prohibit the economically favoured sandblas ng.
If sandblas ng is carried out without adequate protec ve equipment, it can be extremely hazardous to
employees’ health. The process produces vast quan es of silica dust that can be inhaled by workers, posing
a great risk for a lethal pulmonary disease called silicosis. In an a empt to achieve a worn look, the use of
brush or sandpaper strategy exposes workers to work-related asthma hazards because of the dust [17].
Stone Washing
For a long period of  me, pumice stone has been used in the denim industry in crea ng an abrasion e ect
on the denim fabric. The denim style is characterized by a vintage, mildly distressed look. Despite several
downsides a ached to the use of stones, the abrasion e ect remains the best solu on. Stones, for instance,
could subject denim to wear and tear, speci cally on the waistbands and hems. In washing machines, every-
thing is abraded, including the jeans’ rivets and metal bu ons. Since the stones are disposed of, the process
leads to the challenge of waste from the grit. By washing the denim repeatedly, the stones are supposed to
be en rely removed [18]. The use of pumice stones by machinery to abrade denim clothing is harmful. The
crucial step of unloading the batch to remove stones incurs a  me consuming, laborious process. To avoid
stones remaining in the pockets, which can ruin the garments in later steps, the garment must be checked
by the operator one by one. Dumping of waste stones is another environmental concern as it needs appro-
priate land lling procedures. Stone inventories’ management needs are an addi onal burden for factories
occupying valuable areas of land. Pumice stones are made up of fragments of ferrous and heavy metals
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that should eventually be separated from the garments with repeated washes [19]. Material-based stone
washing other than pumice stones leads to serious risks to the health of workers [17].
Bleaching Wash
The denim bleach strategy can be ulized in decolorizing indigo from denim, a process that involves a strong
oxidave agent. The foremost commonly used chemicals ulized within the industry amid washing, with or
without the expansion of stone include potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide, calcium hypochlorite,
and sodium hypochlorite. The resulng decolorizaon is largely more apparent, depending on the treat
ment me, temperature and the intensity of the amount of the bleach liquor. The commonly used technique
of denim bleaching is chlorine bleaching through sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl). Monitoring this process is
dicult i.e. the same degree of bleaching may not be easily achieved in repeated runs [20]. However, the
release of hypochlorous acid and chlorine is environmentally harmful, as it threatens living organisms and
harms the environment. Moreover, since it acidies, it may cause pulmonary complicaons like the acute
respiratory syndrome (ARDS), due to aspiraon that may turn fatal. Despite its success in bleaching itself, it
oen produces an unpleasant scent in the resultant garment. Notably, sodium hypochlorite is an extreme
irritant and can potenally impose substanal chemical burns on workers. Aer the bleaching process,
the remaining hypochlorite should be expelled from the denim. Reducing agent treatment may be used in
eliminang residual chlorine, also known as residual hypochlorite, in a process called anchlor process. As a
reducing agent, thiosulphate or sodium metabisulte is used in denim. When mixed with water, it discharges
a sharp and unpleasantly smelling gas and SO2-, which harms the ecosystem and spoils water [2]. There is
a common problem of yellowing, resulng from the residual chlorine from the process of washing in this
case. Therefore, chlorine and manganese, which is a heavy metal, should be evaded for the sake of the envi-
ronment. Tradional hypochlorite bleaching has been recognized to harm the stretch bres and potenally
leads to complaints [21]. Hydrogen peroxide stands out as the cheapest method of bleaching. Also, during
its storage, it has a high degree of whiteness and is dicult to be yellowed. However, it is disadvantageous
in that, under alkaline condions, high temperature bleaching requires energy eciency improvement and
may lead to substanal bre damage [22].
Potassium Permanganate (PP) Spray Washing
Potassium permanganate (PP) is an oxidizing agent used for denim’s local bleaching and nishing. Besides, PP
spray is used on jeans for lightening a parcular area as well as creang whisker eects on denim. However,
potassium permanganate (PP) spray is the most hazardous procedure for sta’s safety and health. When
using a spray-gun to convert chemicals to micro-parcles, workers performing this strategy absorb the micro-
parcles, which causes lung problems, despite the implementaon of various protecve precauons [23].
In this method, washing and neutralizaon consumes huge water volumes. Failure to eecvely neutralize
leads to yellowing. PP sprays have adverse impacts on laborers, as coming into contact with it bothers and
burns the eyes and skin. Therefore, factory sta dealing with this chemical without safety equipment and
proper venlaon systems may be at risk of long-term and short-term health problems [24].
Enzymatic Stoning Wash (Bio-stoning)
There has been a rise in the global awareness on enzyme use in texle processing aimed at minimizing
polluon during texle producon resulng from their eco-friendly and toxicity characteriscs [25]. For
the enhancement of fabrics’ quality and comfort, enzymac treatment is more eecve than a variety of
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chemical and mechanical operaons. The enzymac stonewashing technique employing chemicals like cellu
lase is useful in the producon of denim’s stonewash look. The invenon of bio-stoning or enzymac stone-
washing enrely or partly replaced stonewashing. With the immense-looking market for distressed jeans’
garments, there is an increase in the use of enzymac stonewashing. Bio-stone washing has increased the
range of available nishes, opening up new opportunies of denim nishing. A small number of enzymes
may replace large quanes of pumice stones [26]. The enzymac stonewashing increases the jean load by
up to 50% as well as producing a soer nish and a perfect look [27,28]. This technique improves both the
clothing’s contrast and the abrasion eect. With paral or no use of stone, a fancy colour-fenced surface is
produced. Aer the enzyme treatment, its rinsing process is lower than pumice stonewashing. Moreover, it
has a lower stonewashing cost [29]. Jeans stonewashed through this process have more durability. Besides,
it ensures equal outcome under minimum volume, me, waste, water and machine damage. However, bio-
stoning involves the release of water and chemicals into the euent, thus the process is not friendly to the
environment [30]. Cellulase denim washing is highly precise and eecve; with high resulng reproduc-
ibility, consistency, and fading eects’ precision, as in the case of producvity [31]. While the outcomes
in acidic cellulase are quicker, too much back staining decreases the indigo colour and aects the fabrics’
strength. The best stonewashing choice is the neutral cellulase due to lesser back staining, wider pH prole,
and lesser strength loss than the acidic cellulase. It therefore lowers the need for rigid pH control producing
a more reproducible wash-to-wash nish [27]. Other cellulase applicaons in the texle industry include
the bio-polishing of garments. Cellulase has the capability to hydrolyse microbrils that protrude from the
garments’ coon surface. The microbrils, aer being damaged, appear to break away from the main body
of the bre leaving a smoother yarn’s surface [32]. Besides the enzymac treatment making the bres’
surface “polished”, it decreases not only the bres’ exural rigidity, but also the strength of breaking due
to the bre structure’s degradaon [33]. Gokarneshan et al. suggested that, to achieve a desired eect,
both stonewashing and biopolishing should be combined, which saves at least 30-50 litres of water per
kilogram of denim garments [34].
Enzymac Bleaching Wash (Bio-bleaching)
Enzymes have gained popularity as a substute for chemicals used in shading/bleaching and are denitely
advantageous in terms of wastewater treatment and the use of resources.
Laccases are essenal enzymes in the achievement of eco-friendly blue denim bleaching process. They are
a part of the enzyme type of oxidoreductase. Generally, laccases do not work independently, but require a
chemical mediator to be applied between the enzyme and the indigo. The enzyme is oxidized in the pres-
ence of an aqueous medium where it aacks the mediator and converts it to free radicals. Ulmately, the
free radicals aack the indigo converng it into oxidized products [2]. Moreover, the primarily used media-
tors are harmful. However, this enzyme’s benet is the specic indigo dyes’ treatment and not in the bre
itself. The enzyme breaks down the indigo molecule without aecng other dyes like sulphur, direct or
reacve dyes [35].
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DeniLite® Cold
DeniLite® Cold is the new cold bleaching soluon from Novozymes. The current method is based on enzymes
named peroxidases, and operates without extra oxygen from either water or air. This new peroxidase has
a high reacon speed, with 90% of the reacon ending in 10 minutes. Based on the gentle bleaching condi-
ons, the cold bleaching technology enhances denim fabric longevity. The enzymac condions acng on
the fabric’s indigo dye are tremendously precise. This ensures that the fabric’s elascity and strength, unlike
in tougher bleaching chemicals, remains unchanged [36].
Combined Washing Concept
Denim washing has substanally reshaped denim fashion’s sales demands and potenal. Denim clothing
industry’s signicant breakthrough lies in the shades and results obtained, beginning from stonewashing to
the recent enzyme washing processes and bio-polishing concepts [37]. The rubbing of denim clothing pieces
is done through a combinaon of pumice stones and enzymes, or the ulizaon of chemicals. Novozymes
Denimax® Core, a recent wash processing plan from Novozymes, empowers the handling of the scrabbed
area that goes on prior to the combined desizing process. While the convenonal process has two rinses
and two baths, the combined process has one rinse and one bath, reducing the water usage for more than
50%. As a result of reduced procedures, heat savings may be achieved by shiing from any of the conven-
onal methods procedures to the combined process [38].
NoStone®+, in conjuncon with Levi Strauss & Co., is the newly revamped system of denim washing, devel-
oped by Tonello. The system is developed to overcome the environmental, mechanical, and economic
constraints of stonewashing process. NoStone®+ framework’s premise is the stainless-steel rough drum,
which is linked to the washing machine cylinder. The drum is handled in a special way to make it more or less
abrasive, depending on the intensity of the desired eect or the needed treatment. The process’s nature is
mechanical rather than chemical. The outcomes of NoStone®+ are similar to those of stonewashing, while
also reducing the carbon footprint produced from the use of pumice stones. NoStone®+ also minimizes
manual labour, preparing me, emissions, generaon costs, and water usage. More so, it does not produce
sludge nor dust, does not harm the system, and according to Tonello, it produces a uniform eect in both
sampling and producon [39]. In conjuncon to the NoStone® technology, enzymes may also be ulized in
the accentuaon of NoStone® process’s impact [24].
Potassium Permanganate Alternatives
Spray treatment with potassium permanganate is the most convenonal and economical method [40].
Despite being an eecve technique, it has a high aquac toxicity, thus imposing risks on health and the
environment. Many countries have a duty or stringent rules to oer proof of prevenng such misuse [41].
Other developing chemical systems recently developed do not emit manganese into the atmosphere, as it
is a heavy, non-biodegradable metal [24].
OrganIQ Product
The organIQ bleaching technique, a proprietary of CHT Group, is the rst fully biodegradable and purely
organic denim bleaching agent that achieves sustainable, remarkable results. Applicaon of this technique
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does not require extra neutralizaon and does not pollute wastewater with hazardous contaminants, when
properly used. Under a combinaon of organIQ bleaching agent and organIQ biopower, there will be no
need to use chlorine, potassium permanganate, or stones. Moreover, the really uy products become
perfectly smooth and develop a precious character [42]. Modern techniques’ combinaon, such as organIQ
+ fog applicaon, produces fully eecve ecological washing results, and ensures resource protecon [43].
Nearbleach Sky White
Nearbleach Sky White, designed for localized bleaching, is applied in brush and spray technique, in combina-
on with hydrogen peroxide and the catalyst, Katalin Sky White, to achieve a controlled and quick bleaching
for denim garments of high whiteness. In this process, me and water is saved. Aer applicaon, there is
need for only a simple washing step, with no neutralizaon [44].
Acticell Technology Solution
Accell technology soluon is designed to produce bleaching eects, just like potassium permanganate
bleach. It also works best as an alternave product in achieving localized bleaching results (Accell RT, Ac-
cell B3). The desired outcome can also be achieved at any temperature, e.g. 60°C or room temperature.
The bleaching eect takes place during a heang operaon. The product has been cered by GOTS [45].
Garmon Avol Oxy White
Garmon Avol Oxy White is free from all drawbacks associated to potassium permanganate toxicology,
including toxicity to aquac creatures. Moreover, workers’ health is secured. It provides simple applicaon,
handling protecon, and a stunning consistency. Tumble drying or curing must be avoided as it is inappro-
priate and results in tensile loss and coon tearing [46].
Peristal BLI Eco
Alternavely, Peristal BLI Eco system is used instead of oxidave spray bleaching, which also ensures sustain-
ability and eecveness when dealing with denim jeans that are indigo-dyed. This method is eecve as
it does not contain any heavy metals nor chlorine, thus conforming to most environmental requirements,
like bluesign® and ZDHC. Moreover, the products are odourless and free from alkylphenol, formaldehyde,
ammonia, and heavy metals’ ethoxylates. Addionally, their oxidizing reacvity is very high. For the workers’
safety and security, there should be strict adherence to the crucial safety measures in the industry [47].
Ozone Washing
Ozone washing is an innovave waterless technology. The ozone imposes crucial eects on clothing as well
as the environment [48. 49]. The ozone is a triatomic molecule with three oxygen atoms. One of the ar-
cial methods of producing the ozone is corona discharge. The gas fades dyed texle fabrics by rupturing
the chromophores of natural or synthec bres. Due to the high oxidaon ability of the ozone (E=2.07 eV),
it can easily decompose complex aromac rings of dyes, resulng in decolorizaon. In order to generate
ozone (a strong oxidant gas), only air and electric energy is used [11]. On treated products, the ozone does
not leave secondary derivave products, because it is chemically unstable. The garment may be bleached
through this technique. During denim garment bleaching, the ozone is dissolved in the water in the washing
machine. Moreover, denim garment bleaching and fading may be done via the use of the ozone gas in closed
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chambers. When compared to other oxidizing bleaching agents, the use of the ozone gas is much faster, as
it only takes 15 minutes, while convenonal bleaching takes 30-50 minutes [2]. While the ozone nishing
uses two to three washes and rinses, stonewashing or chemical bleaching uses six to seven. Despite the
inability of the ozone to eliminate water use during jeans nishing, it greatly lowers water consumpon.
By decreasing the temperature needed and the amount of water that should be heated for wet nishing,
it decreases energy consumpon. Besides the reducon of chemical and water consumpon from 85% to
95%, and energy from 70% to 80%, Jeanologia’s G2 Dynamic technology is designed to guarantee a detoxed
and sustainable fabric. For instance, if 15 to 20 litres of water are required per kilogram of fabric, the whole
process will only require 0.5 to 3 litres of water per kilogram with G2 Dynamic [50]. G2 technology, by using
ambient air, develops the garments “sun-washed” eect with the real look of outdoor use. In addion, using
the ozone instead of some convenonal nishing eliminates the euent as well as the generaon of sludge
from the pumice stones. This technique is simple and friendly to the environment, because aer laundering,
the UV radiaon may deozonize the ozonized water [18]. Addionally, the ozone is applicable beyond shading,
such as in stonewashing, to replicate other processes of denim nishing. This approach is sustainable due
to its high quality, comparably beer performance, long-lasng eects of the operaon, low maintenance
costs, simple installaon, minimal bleaching producon costs, and high producon capacity and eciency.
Nonetheless, safety procedures and features should be key in the avoidance of workers’ deadly or dangerous
accidental exposure to the ozone gas. Since it runs in dry condions, the system enhances whiteness and
eradicates the jeans pockets’ back staining as well as other potenal organic spots [51].
Nanobubble e-Flow Technology
Nanobubble e-Flow technology can handle raw clothing and apply dierent chemicals, move the clothing
with the use of micro-nanobubbles (MNB) as the chemical product vehicle capable of directly geng inside
the bres [52]. The process involves injecon of atmospheric air into the electro-ow reactor and then
subjecng it to an electromechanical shock to generate wet air ow and nanobubbles [53]. Dierent chemical
products such as dyes, anmicrobials, liquid repellents, wrinkle-free resins, soeners etc. are used to pass
funconal properes to the denim. Through the applicaon of this modern technology, the revoluonary
feature is that certain items get into contact with garments with minimum water amount [54]. The nano-
bubbles’ skin has a duty to transport the chemicals to the garments [12]. Water and chemicals are homo-
geneously blended with the help of microbubbles and spread on the garment [55]. Nanobubble technology
boasts of signicant success such as 86% water use reducon, 97% wastewater reducon, extremely low
liquor rao of 1:1, the recycling of steam/water, energy use reducon up to 80%, 50% chemical products
saving, related chemical wastage reducon, reducon of the washing and drying process, as well as neces-
sary temperature reducon and reducon in CO2 emissions [54,56]. The method is, therefore, cost eec-
ve. It can create a washed look by laser as well as the wet ozone process creates a bleached look over the
denim [56]. The e-Flow process provides pre-shrinkage of the fabric, thus avoiding high shrinkage during
washing at home. Moreover, it improves the colour fastness to rubbing properes [53]. If the surface of the
fabric is meant to achieve a stonewashed eect by enduring a high degree of abrasion, the e-Flow tech-
nology, on the basis of aesthecs and sustainability, is a commercially viable choice. However, it is important
to consider the producvity factor. Chemical suppliers have produced cellulase enzymes usable in e-Flow,
such as the DyStar’s Lava® Cell NEF [57].
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Water Jet Fading
Convenonally, the jeans’ abrasion and whitening processes are done either with manual brushing or perman-
ganate sprays, whereby the two techniques are harmful to the respiratory system, skin and the eyes. By
using water during whitening, Tonello’s Water Brush tackles the above disadvantages [58]. Hydro jet treat-
ment oen needs hydro jet nozzles’ contact to the one or both surfaces of fabric. There is much relaon-
ship between the degree of colour washout, paern clarity, resulng fabric soness and the nature of the
dye in the fabric and the manner and degree of uid impact energy added to the fabric. Blue indigo dyed
denim produces exceponally essenal outcomes [18]. Fascinangly, Tonello’s water brush uses water, but
does not absorb it. The water used in garment whitening is gathered by a large tank under the spray robot.
The tank lters the water then recycles it back to the robot. Again, the highlights include its zero inuence
on the workers and the ecosystem, and the reducon of resource use [58]. Tonello has an aim of replacing
the manual and permanganate brushing techniques with highly pressurized water through Water Brush
incorporaon in nishing processes to create the same worn eect without applying heavy chemicals.
The chemicals not only pollute the environment but also pose risks to the workers involved in the process.
Laser Technology
To avoid some of the shortcomings of the tradional technologies, a new revoluonary approach has been
established under laser technology’s advent in the texle industry [59]. It is another sustainable opon in
the denim washing eld. This is the fastest growing and approved technology of the denim industry, and
has made denims go green [13]. Laser nishing is referred to as denim spray painng. Lasers are employed
during laser engraving as well as laser marking. The method is oen used to replace environmentally disad-
vantageous and potenally hazardous typical dry techniques, such as grinding, destroying, hand sanding,
sand blasng etc. [59]. Via this technique, the dye on the surface is decomposed by the laser beam and the
subsequent components are converted to vapour and expelled away. The eciency of fading is dependent
on the wavelength of the laser beam, pulse duraon and power density [3]. Laser technology provides in-
nite exploraon and innovaon possibilies for designers. This technique creates paerns carried out by
computer-managed processes, such as even images, text, lines and dots [13]. Therefore, it can be used in
creang personalized paerns and designs or generang worn-out eects like rips, abrasions and whiskers.
It is also capable of providing detailed duplicability of the applied results. Moreover, laser engraving is useful
in fabrics’ burning and colour fading to generate embroidered designs in the cloth. Lasers are preferred
for low-cost sealed CO2 and laser engraving [60]. There is a possibility of pre-programming the laser with
designs that may exactly replicate the ancipated look obtained through manual sandblasng and sanding
with considerably minimal labour and physical hazards. To produce a variety of denim looks, it requires less
water, chemicals and electricity. For an enhanced laser eect to mimic heavier bleaching applicaons, an
addion of laser boosters to the fabric may be eecve [24]. Furthermore, it reduces producon costs and
saves me. According to experts, these technologies have led to 500% producon increase per workplace
and 50% fabric strength loss [13]. Moreover, the soware, such as E-Mark and CarbonLaze, increases indus-
trial eciency, gives room for more innovaon, simplies design, and decreases steps of pre-producon
process. In conjuncon to an eco-washing system, laser technology for nishing jeans has led to outstanding
environmental benets. This new technology saves 85% of chemical products, 67% of water, and 62% of
electricity [13]. The most complex issue associated to laser processes is the inaccuracy of the laser beam
magnitude. When low, it is dicult to obtain the eect, and on high laser strength, it may destroy the bre
bonds, leading to tearing and chemical damage [1]. Furthermore, the fading process is linked to a high eye
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damage potenal [3]. It was hard to operate and maintain the early laser systems. However, the current
laser systems are easier in terms of service and maintenance [60].
Plasma Treatment
With a wide range of sustainable technologies, many would consider the plasma treatment as an eec-
ve way of replacing tradional chemical processes, because it facilitates the achievement of the desired
outcome using an appropriate reacve gas, and it is a dry process as well. Avoiding chemical waste is the
key aracon of plasma in industrial operaons. Saving vast amounts of water, chemicals and electricity is
another benet [61]. The plasma is an incompletely ionized gas, and is oen referred to as the fourth state
of maer. Upon the exposure of a substance to the plasma, a number of plasma parcles (neutrals, radi-
cals, ions, and electrons), as well as UV photons reaching the surface with various energies’ distribuon,
bombard the surface. A number of these acve species are energec enough to detach chemical bonds and
prompt bre surface reacons [62]. The RF and Corona’s low-pressure treatments resulted in an improve-
ment in denim lightness, implying eliminaon of indigo dye from the fabric surface. To achieve a worn look
for indigo-dyed denim fabric, corona treatments and low-pressure plasma may serve as a viable alternave
to the tradional bio-stoning. However, further research is required in order to prevent harsh fabric handle
emergence and the upsurge of yellowness [63].
Sustainability Issues of Digitally Printed Denim
On its sustainability journey, the texle industry is gradually inclining towards digitalizaon [64]. Digitally
printed denim uses a mechanism that can bring denim to a new level, by using texle inkjet prinng as an
arsc method [65]. Digital prinng can create precise image data, with the use of millions of colours in
innite mof format. Under this technology, it is possible to create visually convincing design specics that
mimic the real thing, like abrasion areas, whiskers, and yarn slubs [66]. Digi Denim is a completely ‘waterless’
kind of denim. Among the tradional washing processes are pre-treatments, enzyme washing, bleaching,
and neutralizing. Every step in this process requires a signicant amount of water. The digizaon of denim
industry contributes to sustainable pracces. Without any natural resource or material waste, digital design
can create countless pairs of jeans, thus lowering waste levels and the environmental impact. Digi Denim
provides a huge cost decrease and the overall lead me. It is a sustainable and cost-eecve opon as
opposed to the tradional denim nishing and colouring techniques [1].
The control of the cost of energy, chemicals, and water in the producon process is aimed at developing
an ethical, producve and environmentally friendly denim washing system. Through the evaluaon of the
current impacts, the dening intervenons and areas of change are easily recognizable, and can thus be
tracked for sustainability.
Environmental Impact Measuring (EIM) Software
EIM soware is used in the assessment of the environmental impact of nishing processes for garments
in categories such as: the use of water, the use of energy, the use of chemical products and health of the
workers. With regard to water, a low-impact process is dened by the EIM as consuming less than 35 litres
of water per garment. The EIM takes a product’s toxicology into consideraon. It penalizes the use of more
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chemicals for contaminants, regardless of the amount of the substance used. The environmental eect of
a complete nishing process can also be calculated by the EIM. The individual can clearly see the key cause
of the environmental hazards with this tool, giving them the requisite data to move towards a more envi-
ronmentally friendly process. The EIM also enables the consumer to compare various processes and deter-
mine their resulng outcomes in terms of sustainability issues [67].
Environmental Score (eScore) Software
VAV Technology developed the eScore Soware for denim manufacturing industries that calculate and
compare the quanes of chemical, electricity, and energy reference values, as consumed by the machines
based on the prescripons. It provides data on the lower and upper limits to protect the environmental
and human health, data on the system eort and ulizaon of ability. Based on each company’s water and
chemical consumpon, eScore Soware ranks the companies and categorizes their scores as follows: i) 0-33
Score: Environment-Friendly Producon, ii) 33-66 Score: Acceptable Producon, iii) 66-99 Score: Limit Value,
iv) 100 and more: Non-Environment-Friendly Producon [68].
Dierent kinds of mechanical or dry-washing processes and chemical or wet-washing processes create a
lucrave outlook for the denim washing system. Relang to sustainability concerns, the tradional washing
methods are linked to tremendous health and environmental risks. However, with new technologies and
approaches to denim washing, sustainable and aainable soluons are currently available, capable of
supporng the environment, the consumer and the company. Following the denim industries’ adopon
of new technologies in the manufacturing process, there has been a drasc decrease in the use of energy,
chemicals and water during the washing of denim fabrics. It is worth stang that these new technologies,
including waterjet, ozone, and laser technologies, have presented themselves as excellent opons for denim
washing regarding the expense, me, durability, consistency, and eciency. As a result, the denim industry
will soon experience dramac changes following the new developments. However, there is need for further
advancement in denim washing techniques to enhance sustainability of the industry.
Author Contribuons
Conceptualizaon – M.K.R.K.; methodology – S.J.; resources - M.K.R.K. and S.J.; wring-original dra prep-
araon – M.K.R.K. and S.J.; wring-review and eding – M.K.R.K. All authors have read and agreed to the
published version of the manuscript.
This research received no external funding.
Conicts of Interest
The authors declare no conict of interest.
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... Stone wash gives denim a worn out and vintage outlook by damaging the fabric with pumice stone [4]. The pumice stone for Stone wash requires more water to remove, can clog washing machines, sewer lines and create an undesired impact on effluent [4,[14][15][16][17][18][19]. Figure 1 shows the life cycle of pumice stone for stone washing. The requirement for mining, transport, storage, machine maintenance and waste disposal of pumice stone cause large amount of carbon footprint [20,21]. ...
... gives denim a worn out and vintage outlook by damaging the fabric with pumice stone [4]. stone for Stone wash requires more water to remove, can clog washing machines, sewer ate an undesired impact on effluent [4,[14][15][16][17][18][19]. ws the life cycle of pumice stone for stone washing. ...
Full-text available
The denim sector has to deal with secondhand trash, unsalable inventory, and processed waste. Although the process of recycling garbage is sustainable, it is not. Enthusiasts can use zero water technologies, ozone washes, stone-free technology, less hazardous dyeing and washing techniques, and advanced organic denim to enhance the denim experience. By transforming the way denim is treated, this technology may enhance worker safety and the environment NoStone® technology eliminates pumice stone in washing machines, offering a reusable, robust solution with easy-lock features, eliminating pollutants from extraction, transportation, and processing, and being lightweight and sustainable. This paper's primary goals are to examine water consumption and carbon footprint utilizing the no-stone approach and the ETP value for sustainability evaluation. This research also shows the sample's appearance before and following a stone-free wash. The denim's characteristics and af-tercare cycle evaluation are also examined using a range of tests. Sektor teksasa mora da se bavi sekundarnim otpadom, inventarom koji se ne može prodati i prera-đenim otpadom. Iako je proces reciklaže otpada održiv, nije. Entuzijasti mogu da koriste tehnologije bez vode, pranje ozonom, tehnologiju bez kamenja, manje opasne tehnike bojenja i pranja, kao i napredni organski teksas da poboljšaju iskustvo teksasa. Transformisanjem načina na koji se teksas tretira, ova tehnologija može poboljšati bezbednost radnika i životnu sredinu. Nostone® tehnologija eliminiše plavac u mašinama za pranje veša, nudeći robusno rešenje za višekratnu upotrebu sa funkcijama lakog zaključavanja, eliminišući zagađivače iz ekstrakcije, transporta i obrade, i da je lagan i održiv. Primarni ciljevi ovog rada su ispitivanje potrošnje vode i ugljeničnog otiska koristeći pristup bez kamena i ETP vriednost za procenu održivosti. Ovo istraživanje takođe pokazuje izgled uzorka pre i nakon pranja bez kamenja. Karakteristike teksasa i procena ciklusa posle nege se takođe ispituju ko-rišćenjem niza testova.
... processes were eliminated by using Eco bleach in a sustainable process. As a result, process chemical, and water were saved by a margin [7][8][9][10]. ...
... Those processes were eliminated by using Eco bleach in a sustainable process. As a result, process timing, chemical, and water were saved by a margin [7][8][9][10]. ...
... Depending on the depth of colour and the desired effects in the final product, a major part of indigo is removed and substantial amounts of indigo and indigodyed fibre residue are found in wastewater. Traditional denim washing formulas can use 70 L of water, 150 g of chemicals and 1 kWh of energy per pair of jeans, which is substantial compared with water and chemical consumption in dyeing (Khan and Jintun, 2021). ...
... Major processes use oxidants such as NaOCl and KMnO 4 followed by treatment with reducing agents. More sustainable processes used different technologies, all of which employ a low liquor ratio or process the garment in a wet or dry state based on enzyme treatments (cellulases and laccases), ozone treatment, plasma processes and laser treatment (Khan and Jintun, 2021). Two general principles are followed in these processes: weakening and removing fibres from the surface, and the oxidative destruction of indigo dye. ...
... 1. Less water consumption 2. Less chemical consumption 3. Less sludge discharge 4. Cost eff ectiveness 5. Less time consumption 6. Quality improvement of Product [13]. ...
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In denim washing industry pumice stone is a very popular material in enzyme or jumping process. Pumice stone is less costly and that's the only reason behind it's higher application. But pumice stone creates more sludge in ETP & requires more water in process which is not sustainable. Also for usage of pumice stone there is a higher possibility of damage issue in case of very light wash. In this study Eco Stone were used instead of Pumice stone to observe it's all kinds of outcome against Pumice stone with its sustainability. Because Eco stone require less water and create less sludge as its corrosion is lesser than Pumice stone. And for its smooth surface the possibility of physical damage of garments is lower.
... Sustainability was assessed using Environmental Impact Measuring (EIM) and Environmental Score (eScore) software [15]. ...
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Sustainability has emerged as a key concept in the modern techniques of washing and treating denim. The clothing industry, specifically the denim washing sector, confronts substantial sustainability issues due to its impact on water pollution and the generation of large quantities of chemical waste. This research aims to investigate the long-term sustainability of the nebulization process in the context of denim finishing. The goal is to assess the dependability of the technology as a feasible option by demonstrating its effectiveness using environmental impact measuring software. The environmental impact assessment assesses the ecological consequences of clothing across four fundamental areas: water usage, chemical utilisation, energy consumption in the production process, and labour implications. The aforementioned methods proved to have low energy and water demands, resulting in less waste and pollution. This study evaluated several aspects of nebulization on denim and concluded that nebulization is a beneficial method for applying eco-friendly finishing.
... Chemicals employed in this washing procedure, such as sodium hypochlorite, calcium hypochlorite, and potassium permanganate have a negative impact on both the environment and human health, and they also drastically affect fabric qualities such as strength and durability [7]. Bleaching agents are hazardous because they emit hypochlorous acid and chlorine, which endanger living things and the environment. ...
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Denim washing, which offers phenomenal comfort, performance, and classy style in daily life, is an emerging component of daily fashion. This study focused on washing denim using natural reagents such as unripe pineapple, unripe mango, and lemon mixture on indigo blue denim with 90% cotton, 10% spandex, and a GSM of 270, and black denim with 95% cotton, 5% spandex, and a GSM of 380. Both of them were constructed (3/1 RHT) right hand twill weave. Desizing for this washing procedure was conducted at 70 °C for 25 minutes, and washing with natural reagents was performed at 55 °C for 30 minutes. After washing, there was a considerable color fading effect on both fabrics. Therefore, several tests were done to determine the weight loss, GSM change, tensile strength, air permeability, color difference, and whiteness index. Indigo blue denim's GSM increased after washing while its tensile strength decreased compared to black denim. Indigo blue denim has a higher whiteness index value than black denim. For both fabrics, weight loss and air permeability were considerable. The outcome of this experiment was encouraging and showed that risky synthetic washing chemicals may be replaced with natural reagents. This washing method required less water than a conventional wash procedure. Thus, these strategies point to a sustainable and environmentally friendly way to denim washing.
The cellulase enzyme has significant potential for applications in textile chemical processing, offering an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional chemical methods. In conventional enzymatic treatments, the enzymes act as biocatalysts and are typically discarded as effluent after completing their function. However, the single-use nature, high production costs, and limited biological activity of cellulase enzymes hinder their widespread commercial use in the textile industry. This study focuses on the immobilization of a commercial cellulase enzyme onto two distinct reversible soluble–insoluble polymers Chitosan and Eudragit S-100 for the recovery and reusability. Chitosan and Eudragit were chosen as support materials due to their pH-dependent soluble–insoluble properties. These properties allow them to act as homogeneous catalysts in their soluble phase during application (since textile materials are heterogeneous) and enable easy recovery in their insoluble phase for subsequent reuse. The immobilization process was optimized to achieve maximum enzyme activity with ideal enzyme loading percentages. After immobilization on chitosan, the cellulase retained 92% of its initial activity with a loading efficiency of 73.7%, while on Eudragit, it maintained 86.5% activity with a loading efficiency of 75.6%. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) was employed to confirm the successful attachment of the cellulase enzyme to the polymers. The immobilized cellulase demonstrated equivalent fading effects compared to the native cellulase in terms of color depth (K/S value) and color metrics (L*, a*, b*), while also reducing physical damage and back-staining—common issues in the traditional denim fading process. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and back-staining analyses of the denim samples provided further evidence of these benefits. Moreover, the immobilized cellulase maintained approximately 50% of its activity even after recovery from five denim washing cycles, showcasing the potential for reuse across multiple applications, particularly in textile processing. Thus, cellulase immobilized on chitosan and Eudragit S-100 represents a promising solution for the sustainable use of enzymes in the textile industry.
As lavanderias industriais de beneficiamento de jeans, são empresas responsáveis pelo beneficiamento dessas peças, utilizando um volume de água bastante elevado nos processos de modificação da cor e texturas para atender o mercado varejista e atacadista. O uso eficiente da água, se apresenta como uma importante alternativa para atender a demanda elevada desse recurso natural por essas empresas. O objetivo desta pesquisa é avaliar o uso de água e geração de efluentes no processo de beneficiamento de jeans (LBJ) como um estudo de caso nas lavanderias de beneficiamento de jeans localizadas na cidade de Toritama/Pernambuco. Para isso, uma fundamentação teórica com revisão bibliográfica foi estruturada para auxiliar a pesquisa de campo em 9 lavanderias de beneficiamento de jeans, onde foram coletadas informações com auxílio de um questionário semiestruturado, embasado na normativa estadual, que auxiliou a coleta e interpretação dos dados. Os resultados demonstraram que em todas as etapas do processo a relação de banho (R:B) é uma forma usual das empresas identificarem o volume de água utilizado nas etapas de beneficiamento. Nesses processos é utilizado na maioria das vezes, águas captadas do Rio Capibaribe e de poços. Por outro lado, os efluentes gerados são lançados no referido corpo hídrico, causando uma poluição difusa, que interfere nos usos múltiplos da bacia hidrográfica. Para melhorar a qualidade do processo e reduzir o consumo de água, algumas empresas utilizam processos eco-friendly, como o laser, que é um processo à seco e que reduz consequentemente a geração de efluentes.
Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) in denim industries produces tonnes of sludge daily. Removal of this sludge stands among the most difficult natural issues in wastewater treatment methodologies. Inappropriate sludge disposal poses a potent threat to flora, fauna, and human health so there is a dire need to explore the uses of ETP sludge without compromising on sustainability and the environment. The usage of ETP sludge as a cement replacement material is proposed to effectively manage a waste product to support sustainability and circularity for urban renewal. ETP sludge acquired from a denim processing plant was ground to powder form after sun-drying, cleaning and oven-drying. Insight into the chemical and microstructural characterization of processed sludge was carried out by using X-ray Fluorescence, X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared and Scanning Electron Microscope techniques. The presence of heavy metals along with silica was found by using XRF and was verified through XRD patterns. Detailed characterization supported sludge addition as a cement in the concrete samples in a proportion of 10%, 20% and 30%; with and without recyclable, environmentally friendly and reinforced PolyPropylene fibers (1%). It was found that workability for sludge concrete mixes with and without fibers increases with higher substitution. Also, the sludge concrete with 10% substitution was found optimal for achieving higher compressive, tensile, and flexural strength whereas the influence of fibers on the sludge substitution ratio was found to be insignificant in the proposed proportion. ETP Sludge without the additional process of firing or inceneration, can be utilized in light to medium loads bearing construction applications such as paver, paver blocks and bricks.
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Industry 4.0 is a new era of industrial revolution in which textile and apparel (T&A) companies are adopting and integrating advanced technologies to achieve sustainability and a competitive edge. Previous studies have just focused on the perspective of big data utilization in Industry 4.0 and neglected the role of business intelligence systems (BIS), especially in the T&A industry. The current study is one of the first to investigate the determinants of BIS adoption with an eye towards understanding how BIS can resolve sustainability issues in T&A companies with Industry 4.0 technologies. Methodology: A qualitative research approach is applied with 14 semi-structured in-depth interviews from 12 of the world’s high-end T&A companies. The snowball and purposeful sampling strategy is used to select the participants. The qualitative content analysis technique is used to analyze the interview data. Results: The findings revealed various themes, such as sustainability issues in T&A companies, improved value creation processes with leading BI solutions, and perceived difficulties in the adoption of BIS. Major improvements are perceived in the apparel retail business because apparel companies are more prone to adopt the Industry 4.0 technologies with advanced business intelligence (BI) solutions. The results prove the pivotal role of economic sustainability in the adoption of BIS and Industry 4.0 technologies in T&A companies.
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The wet processing of denim jeans is required to achieve comfortable touch and versatile appearance for the final product. The finishing of denim jeans with ozone offers ecological and economic advantages by decreasing rinsing times, water and energy consumption. Ozone, a selective oxidant with high reduction potential, has proven to decolorize textile effluents and it is especially capable of reacting with indigo. In this study, the effect of ozone on the color change of denim fabrics and on the backstaining of the pocket fabrics was studied. Seven different denim fabrics, dyed with the indigo and mixture of indigo and sulfur dyes, were desized and bio-stoned and thereafter treated with ozone in aqueous medium. The response of the color of the indigo dyed denim fabrics to ozone was stronger in comparison with the fabrics dyed with the mixture of indigo and sulfur dyes. The pocket fabrics backstained during the desizing and bio-stoning and subsequent ozone treatment was able to decrease the backstaining. Ozone was able to bleach the denim jeans and decreased the backstaining without the significant loss of the strength of the fabrics. The combined desizing and enzyme wash followed by the ozone wash is thus a promising finishing treatment for denim jeans.
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Kapok is a hollow fiber with a 90% hollow degree. Compared with cotton fiber, kapok fiber has excellent performances, such as good hygroscopicity, and a good warmth retention property. In this work, desized indigo kapok/cotton denim fabrics were bleached in different ways: Laser, cellulose enzyme, sodium hypochlorite, potassium permanganate and hydrogen peroxide. After bleaching, the K/S values, tensile strength, air permeability, thickness, color fastness to rubbing and the crease recovery angle of denim fabrics were measured through the spectrophotometer, tensile strength tester, air permeability tester, thickness tester, rubbing fastness tester and fabric crease elasticity tester, respectively. The surfaces of fabrics and fibers were observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Results show that the kapok/cotton fabrics were color-faded after five kinds of bleaching, the K/S values of denim with laser bleaching was declined dramatically, while there was a little change in the permeability. The tensile strength and the weight of the fabrics were decreased, and cloth which was bleached with potassium permanganate was most affected. The color fastness to rubbing and the crease recovery angle of denim fabrics with laser treatment is most suitable for industrial production. In general, laser bleaching is the better way to fade the kapok/cotton denim fabrics. Meanwhile, after five kinds of bleaching, the physical properties of kapok/cotton denim fabrics were similar to those of cotton denim fabric, which indicates that kapok/cotton denim fabric is suitable for the existing industrial bleaching technology.
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Plasma, an ionized gas composed of ions, electrons, photons, UV-radiation and neutral active species can be used for nano-scale surface modification of textile substrates without using water. Among the various types of plasma, only atmospheric pressure cold plasma (non-thermal plasma) is suitable for surface modification of heat sensitive polymeric textile substrates in a continuous manner. In the present study, atmospheric pressure cold plasma was generated in the presence of helium (He) and helium-oxygen (He/O 2) mixture, and cotton fabric was plasma treated for 30 s to 4 min. The plasma treated fabric was found to be more hydrophilic in nature as exhibited by its wicking property due to generation of more hydrophilic groups resulting in better water transport, even though the treatment was found to increase the surface crystalline index (CI) of cotton. In the He plasma treated sample, formation of radicals was more. The improvement in colour value in terms of K/S, a and c in case of He/O 2 plasma treated samples for 2 and 4 min was also noted. The observations made in the study have been explained from the analysis of EDX, ATR-FTIR, ESR and SEM studies on both the untreated and plasma treated cotton textiles.
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Nowadays denim garments are phenomenally popular among the people of all ages especially to the youth. To get the soft and comfortable feeling along with fading effect, different kinds of denim washing techniques are used which is most of cases synthetic chemical based. This paper practically throws the light towards the washing of 100% cotton indigo dyed denim garments using natural substances like soapnut, lemon juice, tamarind, and sunlight. Cotton denim ready-made garments were taken through washing with lemon juice and tamarind at 60°C and carried out for 30 minutes. Different properties of the washed samples were investigated like Weight loss%, Shrinkage, GSM, Strength, Whiteness Index, Color Difference, Reflectance Value and Color strength in the washed fabric. Weight losses of the samples washed by natural reagents were almost three times less than synthetic chemical washed samples. Natural washed samples had less amount of shrinkage as well. Moreover, the samples which were naturally washed contained greater strength and less color difference values than the samples washed by synthetic chemicals. Hence, the results have introduced a new concept of pollution-free washing system of denim fabrics
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By 2021, global denim market is anticipated to grow over 900 million pieces. 70% denim wears have localized decolouration effect of spray look, produced conventionally by Potassium permanganate. But Potassium permanganate is toxic when high concentration of manganese gets released through the effluent into an ecosystem and has potential environmental risks. To create diversity in denim fabrics it is necessary to apply special techniques and new substances. In this study, denim was treated with ceric sulfate to obtain the desired effect. Design of Experiments (DoE) had been used to optimize the concentration of ceric sulfate. Colour strength measurement in terms of K/S of sprayed denim with Potassium permanganate and ceric sulfate were compared. Physical and mechanical properties of such treated fabrics were investigated along with colour fading, like bending length, crease recovery angle, tear and tensile strength measurements. The results show that ceric sulfate could be a suitable alternative to Potassium permanganate with comparable decolouration effect.
Industries worldwide have been impacted by environmental regulations, economics, and ultimately consumers, which has led to more thought about the development of sustainable products. The textile industry is no exception. The preparation, dyeing, and finishing of textile fibres requires large amounts of water and other chemicals which may be toxic or hazardous. Green chemistry along with other green technologies may now play a leading role in this process. This book emphasises the importance of plasma treatment as a green and sustainable technology. A Novel Green Treatment for Textiles: Plasma Treatment as a Sustainable Technology discusses the plasma treatment of textile fibres and its environmental, economic, and social benefits. The book reviews the general properties of textiles and provides a description of the current treatment methods typically used today. The author then introduces the concept of plasma and its application in treating textile materials. The application of plasma as a pretreatment as well as a treatment in dyeing textiles is discussed. The book summarizes the application of plasma treatment in the printing and finishing of textiles. Also explored is the concept of sustainability and its role in the development of plasma treatments in textile wet processing. The 12 Principles of Green Chemistry are incorporated throughout the book.