
Geranium aedonianum a new species of Geraniaceae from Ladakh, India

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Geranium aedonianum sp. nov. collected from Panikhar village of Kargil district, Ladakh, India belonging to subg. Geranium, is described and illustrated. It differs from other closely allied species: Geranium collinum, G. himalayense and G. strictipes by the obtrullate-obtriangular leaf segments that are narrower at base and with fewer lobes, longer pedicels, staminal filament whitish having broad base tapering smoothly towards apex and glandular hairs along the margins on upper part and its longer fruits.

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... After Wallich's enumeration (1828), the first systematic documentation of Indian Geranium is available in the Flora of British India (Edgeworth & Hooker, 1874), which reported 18 species, 17 of which occur within the present-day political boundaries of India. Over the past four decades, numerous new taxa have been identified in India (Yeo, 1984;, 2021Hurrah et al., 2022 a, b) and about 32 species of Geranium are currently known to occur in India (Lindley, 1840;Edgeworth & Hooker, 1875;Knuth, 1923;Malhotra, 1997;Wagh et al., 2015), with their distribution primarily concentrated in the Himalayan region, although a few species are also found in tropical hills (Hurrah et al., 2023). ...
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Recent field explorations in the Jammu & Kashmir state of India, one of the biodiversity-rich and ecologically significant mountainous regions within the Himalayan biodiversity hotspot, have led to the recollection of Geranium molle L. and G. rectum Trautv., after more than a century since their last collection. The recollection of these rare species of Geranium is discussed in the context of botanical exploration in the region. Detailed descriptions are provided along with illustrations, field photographs, microscopic images, notes on taxonomy, distribution and comparison with allied species.
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The delimitation and taxonomic status of Geranium mascatense Boiss. in India has not merely been in a state of flux, but also experience distributional inconsistency both at national and global level. The study aims at highlighting an extension to the global distribution range of this species and at resolving the chaos that exists about its taxonomy and distribution in India. The results are validated through detailed description, illustrations, digital photographs, macro and micro-morphological characters, comparison with allied species, taxonomic key, notes on taxonomy and distribution map of G. mascatense and its nearest kin, G. ocellatum.
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A new variety, Geranium ocellatum var. albiflorum, is described here from Tehri district of Uttarakhand state, India. The new variety is readily distinguished from G. ocellatum var. ocellatum by its central white spot at the petal base, dichasial inflorescence and peduncle length. A detailed description, photographs and conservation status are provided for the new variety. A key to the varieties of G. ocellatum is also provided.
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Modern investigation through botanic, vegetation and soil analyses allowed us to establish, for the first time, the maximum herd size of grazing Italian river buffalo that would allow the preservation of habitats defined by Directive 92/43/EEC in a coastal area of the Mediterranean basin. The study was funded by project LIFE09 NAT/ITI000150 ("Humid coastal habitat conservations actions inside SIC-Zone umide della Capitanata"), and focused on an Italian wetland area called Palude Frattarolo in the Apulia region included in a SAC IT9110005 (Zone umide della Capitanata). Ten habitats defined in Habitat
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The study presents an updated overview of the 14 non-endemic threatened crop wild relatives (CWR) in Italy: Aegilops biuncialis, Ae. uniaristata, Ae. ventricosa, Asparagus pastorianus, Beta macrocarpa, Brassica insularis, B. montana, Crambe hispanica subsp. hispanica, C. tataria subsp. tataria, Ipomoea sagittata, Lathyrus amphicarpos, L. palustris, Vicia cusnae and V. serinica. Geographical distribution , ecology (with plant communities and habitat 92/43/EEC aspects), genetics (focused on gene pools), property, and in situ and ex situ conservation were analyzed. In addition, with the aim of their protection and valorization, specific actions are recommended.
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Geranium L. sect. Ruberta Dumort. and section Unguiculata (Boiss.) Reiche (Geraniaceae) consists of 10 and two species, respectively. The highest diversity of section Ruberta is located in Macaronesia with seven species, four of them endemic. Additionally, two species are endemic to Turkey, another is restricted to southern Spain and Morocco, and three are naturalized in many temperate regions of the world but are native to Europe and adjacent areas of Africa and western Asia. Section Unguiculata is mainly found on the Balkan Peninsula, although one species reaches eastward to the mountains of southern France. Geranium sect. Ruberta is characterized by its actinomorphic flowers (only G. palmatum Cav. has slightly zygomorphic flowers) and its petals with a bicarinate and well-developed claw. This broader concept of the section Ruberta, which includes section Lucida R. Knuth, permits the unequivocal inclusion of all species, unlike the previous proposal to separate these species into two sections. The species of section Unguiculata are characterized by the clearly zygomorphic flowers and petals with a smooth claw. In contrast with some regional treatments, I have synonymized G. eginense Hausskn. & Sint. ex R. Knuth and G. elamellatum Kokwaro to G. purpureum Vill. and G. kikianumKit Tan & Vold to G. macrorrhizum L.Anewkey is provided as well as new and detailed descriptions. Each species is illustrated and mapped, and 43 lectotypes and three neotypes are designated.
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Forty-two species of Geranium from Yunnan, Sichuan, Gansu, W Hubei and adjacent territories are keyed and described. Four new species are published: G. canopurpureum Yeo, G. duclouxii Yeo, G. fargesii Yeo and G. retectun Yeo. One previously described species is reduced to varietal rank (as G. hupehanum var. wilsonii (Knuth) Yeo) and many others are reduced to synonymy. The name G. platyanthum Duthie is taken up for G. eriostemon Fischer ex DC, which is a later homonym of G. eriostemum Poiret. A catalogue of collectors' numbers is supplied.
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Perennial species of Geranium from North America north of México are revised. Nineteen species are accepted, of which seventeen belong in subg. Geranium and two belong in subg. Robertium. Geranium erianthum, G. maculatum, G. oreganum, G. sylvaticum, G. caespitosum, G. californicum, G. lentum, G. wislizenii, G. richardsonii, G. viscosissimum are native, whereas G. pratense, G. sanguineum, G. potentilloides, G. sibiricum, G. thunbergii, G. retrorsum, G. solanderi, G. pyrenaicum and G. palmatum were introduced from Europe, Asia, and Oceania. Geranium eremophilum, G. fremontü, G. parryi, G. marginóle and G. cowenii , sometimes accepted in currant literature, are considerad to be synonyms of G. caespitosum . Similarly, G. strigosum and G. attenuilobum are synonymized to G. viscosissimum , and G. concinnum to G. californicum . Nomenclatura for all species is reviewed, and seventeen lectotypes are designated. Descriptions, key, distribution maps, and illustrations are included. Se revisan las especies perennes de Geranium de Norteamérica al N de México. Se aceptan 19 especies de las cuales 17 pertenecen al subg. Geranium y dos al subg. Robertium. Geranium erianthum, G. maculatum, G. oreganum, G. sylvaticum, G. caespitosum, G. californicum, G. lentum, G. wislizenii, G. richardsonii, G. viscosissimum son las especies autóctonas, y G. pratense, G. sanguineum, G. potentilloides, G. sibiricum, G. thunbergii, G. retrorsum, G. solanderi, G. pyrenaicum y G. palmatum , las introducidas tanto desde Europa como desde Asia u Oceanía. Geranium eremophilum, G.j"remonta, G. parryi, G. margínale y G. cowenii , a veces aceptados en la literatura reciente, son considerados como sinónimos de G. caespitosum . Del mismo modo, se sinonimiza G. strigosum y G. attenuilobum a G. viscosissimum y G. concinnum a G. californicum . Se revisa la nomenclatura de todas las especies y se designan diecisiete lectótipos. Se incluyen descripciones completas, una clave, mapas de distribución e ilustraciones.
Geranium lahulense, a new species from Keylong, Lahul & Spiti district of Himachal Pradesh, is described and illustrated. The new species is distinguished from its allied species (G. richardsonii, G. pratense, G. himalayense) by its deltoid-subulate stipules, polygonal to sub-globular leaves with widely separated rhombic segments, white obovatecordate petals and mericarps without any transverse vein at apex. A morphological comparison with related species and taxonomic key to distinguish the species are also provided.
Geranium rubifolium (Geraniaceae) has been rediscovered while conducting floristic sampling for the monographic studies on the genus Geranium from Indian Himalayan region. The species was described 179 years ago by John Lindley by using Iconotype, serving as the type and the only known material of the taxon. The locality of Lindley’s collection (collection made by Dr. Royle) is imprecisely described, as he only mentioned ‘the Himalaya’ where the taxon is found. Therefore any search attempt would require an extensive exploration of the Indian Himalayan region. Morphological variation of G. rubifolium has been poorly understood because of the non-availability of representative specimen. Consequently, after rediscovering the taxon, we provide here the detailed taxonomic description, notes on habitat, distribution and its conservation status
During studies of Geranium in India, it was found that no lectotype had been designated for Geranium grevilleanum. Although several researchers studied this species, they provide only the collection number, type locality and herbarium where it is housed but failed to mention which sheet should be regarded as a type specimen. Therefore, the original material of that species is here established and a lectotype is selected.
Geranium subg. Robertium (Geraniaceae) comprises eight sections, of which section Batrachioidea and section Divaricata are revised here. Geranium sect. Batrachioidea consists of four species centered in Eurasia, between the Mediterranean region and the Himalaya Mountains, although they have also expanded to many temperate areas in America, South Africa, and Australia. In contrast to the current literature, we consider G. brutium to be a synonym of G. molle. We also accept G. aequale to include plants similar to G. molle but with smooth mericarps. Geranium sect. Divaricata comprises two species, one widespread between the Mediterranean region and the Himalaya Mountains and the other endemic to the Caucasus. A cladistic analysis using a data set of 15 characters showed that both sections are well supported by synapomorphic features. Conversely, no new character (other than pollen color) was found to support a relationship between them. Brief accounts are also given of chromosome number, hybrids, and diagnostic aspects of morphology. Nomenclature for all species is reviewed, 32 lectotypes are designated, and descriptions, distribution maps, and illustrations are provided.
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