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Manual de Boas Práticas e Sustentabilidade no Turismo - Manual of Good Practices and Sustainability in Tourism



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The aim of this study was to investigate videos as potential triggers of behavior. Therefore, we applied the theories of triggers and media richness to learn about the triggering efficiency of mobile marketing videos on participants' behavioral intentions. The experiment involved three distinct test groups, each comprising 41 student participants. From the perspective of media richness theory, we observed that the different kinds of videos had quite similar effects in terms of triggering behavioral changes. However, the mechanisms explaining why triggers were present differed for each video. Further, the results reveal that the consumer's position in the information search process was the most significant reason for the triggering of any kind of effect. In addition, the instructionally designed videos were able to exert an affective triggering effect: the more participants liked the video, the more it affected their participation intention and recall scores. This study extends the media richness research by demonstrating that the effects of media richness can vary within technically similar videos, as they form different logical connections among non-verbal visual cues related to a video's storyline.
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This paper argues that a gap exists between the marketing of shore excursions and cruise tourists' expectations of 'local flavor' experiences. The paper first establishes that this discrepancy exists, then aims to refine the focus of marketing and promotion, and finally proposes strategies for improving cruise tourists' satisfaction. Amsterdam, a city eager to attract more cruise tourists, is chosen as the case area to evaluate the alignment of marketing and passenger expectation. The study is based on an analysis of tours proposed by cruise companies, using a word frequency analysis of their narratives, and on structured interviews with 228 passengers. The result indicates that marketers should more effectively focus on and promote 'local flavor' experience. They could place a stronger emphasis on local identity by cooperating with more local partners and engaging tourists in product design.
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One of the significant features of modern marketing is its consumer-oriented approach. Because of the multiple effects of pricing decisions, the importance of the consumer-oriented approach increases. Accordingly, business organizations have to take into account consumers’ perception in their pricing decisions. Van Westendorp Price Sensitivity Meter is one of the price sensitivity methods, which is used to measure price sensitivity of consumers. The responses of four questions in the scale are displayed graphically using plots of cumulative percentages for each question in Van Westendorp PSM. Three important findings related with pricing can be obtained by this method. These are Optimal Price Point, The Range of Acceptable Price and Indifference Price. In this study, the prices are listed as: optimal price 360 TL, indifference price 345 TL and the range of acceptable price 320 TL - 385 TL. These findings show that the price sensitivity of the university students on private dormitories is high.
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A Internet tem motivado o desenvolvimento do turismo, facilitou o acesso instantâneo e a distribuição de informação turística bem como o suporte e a reengenharia das reservas das organizações turísticas, permitindo a todos os utilizadores, sem necessidade de intermediários, aceder a informações turísticas e efectuar reservas de produtos turísticos. Como resultado, um mercado electrónico emergiu e a maioria dos fornecedores turísticos desenvolveu interfaces para comunicar directamente e eficientemente com os seus parceiros e com os clientes. Surgiu um novo tipo de viajante mais conhecedor, experiente e que procura valores excepcionais para as suas viagens. A interactividade desenvolvida entre os consumidores, produtos e profissionais do sector tem provocado alterações na cadeia de valor do turismo, nos canais de distribuição bem como tem motivado o surgimento de novas tendências associadas a este meio interactivo.
Storytelling about places is recognized as a tool to enhance the reputation of regions as they compete for tourism and economic development spending in the digital age. Through digital media, people can be encouraged to tell their tourism stories and share their experiences. Our design approach integrates Service Science, Management, Engineering, plus Design, Arts and Public Policy (SSME + DAPP, so just SS) and Viable Systems Approach (VSA) perspectives. Storytelling can be managed in a local service system to enhance brand competitiveness. The way local governments and cultural organizations understand and encourage storytelling about places (“place storytelling”) can have a significant impact on the success of a region competing for tourism and development spending. Place storytelling enables local stakeholders to tell their personal stories about their beloved places. Our analysis and cases demonstrate that place storytelling enables strategic communication that supports sustainable competitive advantage. By means of an analysis of “Umbria on the Blog”, which is an innovative project which joins place and web 2.0, and “Il Mangiastorie”, which promotes wine and food and tourism of some Campania internal area, we highlight the relevance of managing place storytelling as a strategic communication involving stakeholders in the place-identity-building process. This paper presents a model of place storytelling that local governments and cultural organizations can use to encourage and manage stakeholder engagement in a multilevel process for improving regional service system marketing and communications in the digital age.
This article provides a discourse analysis of the online tourism marketing of two tourist destinations – Hangzhou and London – with the purpose of examining how destinations from different cultural contexts promote the local attractions to an international audience. The sample texts chosen from two websites ( and are analysed through appraisal theory. The results show that the use of linguistic resources functions to promote destinations and that the two destinations differ from each other in marketing methods. The measures that Hangzhou adopts include conveying information, highlighting its history and establishing credibility by citing authoritative words, whereas London attempts to promote the city by foregrounding its current attractions and inviting readers to the text. The paper finally discusses possible reasons for the differences and provides several implications for online tourism marketing.
The cultural heritage of capital cities is a local capital in the global competition for tourism income as well as a public good of urban societies and a symbol of national identities. When developing cultural heritage as an asset for tourism, city marketing turns these complex urban meanings into rather simplistic commercial images. Such symbolic manipulations of culture intervene in deeply affective, institutionalised structures and thus risk political conflict and public contention. The strongly controversial planning for the cultural flagship district of the Museumsquartier Vienna highlighted cultural diversity as an urban characteristic that remains often underweighted in urban political economy's focus on corporate dominance or local community. Enquiring into the discursive–institutional interactions which turned the political economic repositioning of urban culture into a plural political process, what lessons can we draw for tourism planning? As democratic societies meet diverse contemporary challenges in addition to tourism, managing the cultural heritage of cities is indeed a highly sensitive and controversial political task. But what initially appeared a planning failure and even deadlock of democratic government has since emerged as an urban space that is rather well accepted by local and international visitors. In the context of Vienna's international opening as a European capital, the controversial political emergence has contributed to constructing this cultural district as new interpretation of the historic city. Despite many shortcomings, unsolved conflicts and exclusionary decisions, the new landmark offers a specific combination of external images with internal visions, old paths with contemporary needs. Thus, instead of a rigid top-down plan, tourism planning needs to continuously consider diverse social, economic and political claims in an inclusive, differentiated and open-ended approach to urban development.
Climatic variability and a substantial fraction of the most recent temperature warming in the Northern Hemisphere can be accounted for by the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index. The most pronounced anomalies have occurred since the winter of 1989, with significant implications on weather conditions in areas within the index's geographical scope. Because climate is one of the most important factors in explaining world movements by humans, in this paper, variability patterns between quarterly Revenue Passenger Kilometers (RPK), compiled by the European Airline Association, and the NAO index are investigated as a function of different time lags and diverse economic indicators, with the aim of evaluating the impact of NAO variability and trends that can be associated with the change in RPK since the nineties. Using a traditional international air travel demand model, it has been found that the dissociation of the NAO index into positive and negative fluctuations can be related to changes in different geographical RPK time series, once seasonal effects are removed. The results are consistent with the view that meteorological and climate conditions can act as both a pull and push factor.
eTourism: Strategic and tactical impacts of information communication technologies for tourism
  • D Buhalis
Buhalis, D. (2004), "eTourism: Strategic and tactical impacts of information communication technologies for tourism", Revista de Turismo e Desenvolvimento, vol.1, n.º 1, pp. 57-66, Universidade de Aveiro: Aveiro.