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Contribution of Agroforestry Systems to Farmer Income in State Forest Areas: A Case Study of Parungpanjang, Indonesia

  • National Research and Innovation Agency

Abstract and Figures

Agroforestry activities in Forest Areas with Special Purpose (FASP) have been implemented since 2000 in Parungpanjang, West Java, which was subsequently reinforced by the Decree of the Minister of Environment and Forestry concerning the Recognition and Protection of Forest Partnerships (Kulin KK) for the Harapan Sejahtera and Guna Bakti Forest Farmer Groups in 2019. This study investigates the contribution of agroforestry systems to farmer income using a household survey in the Parungpanjang Research Forest. The study aims to analyze: 1) the contribution of agroforestry to farmer income from a household structured income analysis; 2) factors of agroforestry that influence total farmer household income using multiple regression analysis. The results show that agroforestry systems contributed 15.8% to farmer household income. The highest agroforestry productivity occurs in the age group of 41-45 years with an average of managed land area of 0.65 hectares and average annual income of IDR 16,780,000 (USD 1,198.6)/farmer/year. The statistical model showed that agroforestry income does not have a significant influence on total farmer household income due to differences in the types of commercial crops, motivation, and skill, as well as age related to physical abilities. There are only two agroforestry factors, namely age and land area, that have a significant influence on total farmer income, whereby the direction of the age variable has a negative influence.
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Forest and Society
Vol. 5(1): 109-119, April 2021
Received: 2020-09-08; Accepted: 2021-02-26
Copyright © 2021 by Forest and Society. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Regular Research Article
Contribution of Agroforestry Systems to Farmer
Income in State Forest Areas: A Case Study of
Parungpanjang, Indonesia
Desmiwati Desmiwati 1,*, Thomas Oni Veriasa 2, Aam Aminah 1, Anggi Dian Safitri 1 , Kresno Agus
Hendarto 1, Tri Astuti Wisudayati 1, Hasan Royani 1, Kurniawati Hastuti Dewi 3, Sandy Nur Ikfal
Raharjo 3, Dian Ratna Sari 3
1 Forest Tree Seed Technology Research and Development Center, Ministry of Environment and Forestry,
Bogor-Indonesia 16001
2 Center for Regional Systems Analysis Planning and Development (Crestpent/P4W), IPB University, Bogor-
Indonesia 16127.
3 The Center for Political Studies, Indonesian Institute of Science
*Corresponding author:; Tel: +62-813-810-94360
Abstract: Agroforestry activities in Forest Areas with Special Purpose (FASP) have been implemented since
2000 in Parungpanjang, West Java, which was subsequently reinforced by the Decree of the Minister of
Environment and Forestry concerning the Recognition and Protection of Forest Partnerships (Kulin KK) for
the Harapan Sejahtera and Guna Bakti Forest Farmer Groups in 2019. This study investigates the contribution
of agroforestry systems to farmer income using a household survey in the Parungpanjang Research Forest.
The study aims to analyze: 1) the contribution of agroforestry to farmer income from a household structured
income analysis; 2) factors of agroforestry that influence total farmer household income using multiple
regression analysis. The results show that agroforestry systems contributed 15.8% to farmer household
income. The highest agroforestry productivity occurs in the age group of 41-45 years with an average of
managed land area of 0.65 hectares and average annual income of IDR 16,780,000 (USD
1,198.6)/farmer/year. The statistical model showed that agroforestry income does not have a significant
influence on total farmer household income due to differences in the types of commercial crops, motivation,
and skill, as well as age related to physical abilities. There are only two agroforestry factors, namely age and
land area, that have a significant influence on total farmer income, whereby the direction of the age variable
has a negative influence.
Keywords: Agroforestry systems; Household income; Research Forest; Social forestry
1. Introduction
In order to address the global challenges of climate change, food security, and rural poverty,
changes in environmental management systems are required. In the forestry sector, agroforestry is
increasingly recognized as a viable option for overcoming these challenges (Mutonyi & Fungo, 2011).
Agroforestry is a system of natural resources management that integrates trees on farms and in the
agricultural landscape to diversify and sustain production (Molla, 2019). Agroforestry is a cost-
effective strategy for climate change mitigation (Baliton et al., 2017), that provides benefits on
carbon sequestration and storage (Zomer et al., 2016; Feliciano et al., 2018), increases ecosystem
services (Shin et al., 2020), simultaneously provides job opportunities (Borrella et al., 2015), and
there is a positive relation between agroforestry and community (Humphries et al., 2012).
In practice, agroforestry is often described as a suitable system for the needs of community in
their land use systems. Several studies of agroforestry systems in Indonesia have shown that it has
brought about several positive impacts particularly because it increases productivity of forest land
(Suryanto et al., 2013), improves soil quality (Mulyono et al., 2019), plays an important role in
maintaining avian diversity (Withaningsih et al., 2020), brings economic benefits for local
communities (Sudaryanto & Variasa, 2018; Kamaluddin et al., 2020), and promotes food security
Forest and Society. Vol. 5(1): 109-119, April 2021
(Wulandari et al., 2014). However, agroforestry still faces challenges mainly with regard to the
agriculture expansion caused by commercialization of timber (Kusters et al., 2008), poverty
alleviation and farmer household welfare (Nuryati et al., 2019), community participation (Dwijanti
et al., 2018), and lack of market and community access to finance opportunities (Suyadi et al., 2019).
To date, the Government of Indonesia has established 35 Forest Areas with Special Purpose
(FASP) for research, education, training and religious purposes. FASPs are located in various regions
with a total area of 37,569.05 hectares (Ratina, 2019), one of which is located in Parungpanjang,
Bogor Regency, West Java. FASP Parungpanjang has applied agroforestry systems since 2016, which
was subsequently received strengthened authority by forestry partnerships through the Social
Forestry (SF) model since 2019. The SF provides access for Harapan Sejahtera and Guna Bakti Forest
Farmer Groups (FFG) to manage the forest through an agrosilviculture model for 35 years. It is aimed
at increasing the productivity of research on forest land, such as the quality of shade tree plants, the
productivity of intercropping plants, soil fertility, and on the improvement of local community
welfare (Desmiwati et al, 2018).
As a research forest, various studies on FASP Parungpanjang have already been carried out,
particularly focusing on the technical aspects of silvicutural forest plants. Studies on the social
economic aspects of the FASP, on the other hand, are still very limited and mostly conductive
through qualitative research such as research on community attitudes and behavior (Surati, 2014),
perceptions and participation levels of smallholder farmers (Desmiwati, 2016), social capital of
smallholder farmers (Desmiwati et al, 2018), agroforestry patterns and livelihood strategies of
smallholder farmers (Desmiwati & Nugraheni, 2018) and economic perceptions of smallholder
farmers (Hendarto et al, 2020), and roles and voice of farmers in the “special purpose” forest area:
strengthening gender responsive policy (Dewi et al, 2020).
Referring to the aims of the agroforestry system and SF implementation in FASP Parungpanjang,
this study aims to fill the gap on socio-economic aspects of FASP to complement the baseline data
for impact measurement. The objectives of this study are as follows: first, to calculate the
contribution of agroforestry to farmer income, and second, to analyze agroforestry factors that
influence farmer income. The main research question of the study is: does agroforestry has a
significant contribution to the rural economy?
2. Methods
2.1. Study Area
This study was conducted in the Parungpanjang FASP (106031’06”E, 06022’58,9”S) managed by
the Forest Tree Seed Technology Research and Development Center (FTSTRDC), of the Ministry of
Environment and Forestry (MoEF). The area directly borders four villages namely Jagabaya and
Gintung Cileujet Village, Parungpanjang District, and Tapos and Batok Village, Tenjo District, Bogor
Regency, West Java (Figure 1). Initially, the Parungpanjang FASP was located in the Perum Perhutani
production forest area as stated in the Loan and Use Agreement
. Subsequently, the designation
was changed to a FASP in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Environment and Forestry
in 2019
. Furthermore, on 27 August 2019, the Parungpanjang FASP became the first Social Forestry
model implemented by the MoEF out of a total of 35 FASPs in Indonesia. The Social Forestry permit
(35 years) is stipulated through the Decree of the Minister of Environment and Forestry Number SK.
7087/Menlhk-PSKL/PKPS/PSL.0/8/2019 concerning the Recognition and Protection of the Forest
The Loan and Use Agreement No.08/044-3/III/1996 and 796/VIII-BTP/12/1996
The Decree of the Minister of Environment and Forestry No. SK.169/Menlhk/Setjen/PLA.0/2/2019 dated
February 25, 2019 with an area of ± 100 Ha.
Forest and Society. Vol. 5(1): 109-119, April 2021
Partnership (Kulin KK) of the Harapan Sejahtera Forest Farmer Group (FFG) covering an area of 10.7
hectares, which includes 19 members.
On the same date, MoEF also issued the Decree of the Minister of Environment and Forestry
Number SK.7089/Menlhk-PSKL/PKPS/PSL.0/8/2019 concerning the Recognition and Protection of
the Forest Partnership (Kulin KK) of Guna Bakti FFG covering an area of 8.75 hectares with 21
This research provides a baseline of socio-economic data as a parameter to measure forest
management using the Forestry Partnership scheme (Kulin KK).
Figure 1. Location of field study
2.2. Data Collection
The data was collected from September until October 2019 using a household census survey
with a total of 52 respondents consisting of farmer households in the Tapos Village (N=31) and
Jagabaya Village (N=21), Bogor Regency, West Java. The household questionnaires drew from the
National Survey on Socio-economic Issues questionnaire developed by the Indonesia Bureau of
Statistics (BPS), and introduced several modifications. The census method and questionnaire was
used to explore the demographic characteristics of the village and the respondents, as well as
collecting baseline data for further in-depth surveys (Malleson et al., 2008). Meanwhile,
observations and in-depth interviews were conducted to obtain detailed farmer household
socioeconomic dynamics and demographic information.
Furthermore, two focus group discussions (FGD) were conducted in each village with 25 farmer
participants in Tapos Village and 21 participants in Jagabaya Village. The FGDs verified and deepened
information related to agroforestry patterns and types of commercial crops that had been
developed, as well as information on seasonal calendars and agroforestry income referring to each
type of commercial crops cultivated.
2.3. Analysis
2.3.1 Contribution of agroforestry income to total farmer household income
Forest and Society. Vol. 5(1): 109-119, April 2021
Total farmer income was analyzed by calculating all activities that generate both cash and in-
kind income. In-kind income is calculated by summing up all the value of products consumed directly
by farmer households (Faße & Grote, 2013; Angelsen et al., 2014). The formula used is as follows:
Total farmers income=Σ (On-farm Income + Off-farm income+Non-farm Income) (1)
In this study, on-farm income activities included agroforestry and livestock, and off-farm income
included work as daily laborers. Non-farm income activities included stalls and hawkers, bike
mechanics, craftmans (Boboko/bamboo craft) and others (service activities and transfers). The
agroforestry contribution was analyzed by calculating agroforestry income to the total farmers
income in a year. The formula used is as follows:
 
 (2)
Where,  = Contribution of agroforestry income to the total farmers income (% in a year);
 = total income from agroforestry activities (IDR/year);  = Total farmers income (IDR/year).
2.3.2 Factors of agroforestry system that influence farmer household income
Multiple linear regression analysis was carried out to determine agroforestry factors that have
a significant influence on farmer income. The equation model (Sarstedt & Mooi, 2014) is as follows:
Y = + 1X1 + 2X2 + 3X3 + 4X4 + 5X5 + (3)
Where, Y = Farmers income (IDR/year); α = constant; β1- β8 = regression coefficient; X1 =
Agroforestry income (IDR/year); X2 = Age (years); X3 = Education (years); X4 = Family size (person);
X5 = Land area (hectare); e = error. The t test is conducted by comparing the p-value (Sig.) of the
regression test results with the degree of error used in this model i.e. 10% or α = 0.1. The references
of variables can be seen in Table 1 below.
Table 1. References of Variables
Source of References
Suherdi et al., 2014
Marschke & Berkes, 2005; Parhusip et al., 2019
Family size
Rahman et al., 2017
Land area
Nyaga et al., 2015, Van Chu et al., 2019
Due to data limitations (52 farming households), this research conducted several tests on the
regression model to mitigate statistical issues that might arise and ensure the robustness of the
model i.e Normality, Linearity, Heteroscedasticity, Multicollinearity and Regression Spesification
Error Test (RESET).
3. Results and Discussions
3.1 Agroforestry practice
The main tree species that dominate the forest vegetation structure of the Parungpanjang FASP
are mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla), acacia (Acacia mangium), nyamplung (Calophyllum
inophilum), gempol (Nauclea orientalis i Linn), merbau (Intsia bijuga), kepuh (Sterculia foetida),
mindi (Melia azedarach), tisuk (Hibiscus sp) and white jabon (Anthocephalus cadamba).
Intercropped plants were dominted by galangal (Lenguas galangal), chinese potato (Coleus
Forest and Society. Vol. 5(1): 109-119, April 2021
tuberosus) and peanut (Arachis hypogaea). Tree plantations in this area are research objects of
Farmer Groups members in Tapos Village and Jagabaya Village have practiced agro-silviculture
by applying alley-cropping techniques in a simple pattern with a limited number of intercropping
cultivated varieties. Alley-cropping techniques allow farmers to plant agricultural crops in alleys in
between woody plants (Shin et al., 2020). The main inter-cropped plant species was galangal
(Lenguas galanga) with other secondary and additional intercropped plants (Table 2).
Table 2. Agroforestry patterns adopted by farmers in FASP Parungpanjang.
Type 1
Galangal (Lenguas galanga)
Pongamia (Pongamia pinnata)
Cassava (Manihot
Banana (Musa sp.)
Type 2
Galangal (Lenguas galanga)
Largeleaf rosemallow (Hibiscus macrophyllus)
Type 3
Galangal (Lenguas galanga)
Peanut (Arachis hypogaea)
Type 4
Galangal (Lenguas galanga)
Chinese potato (Coleus tuberosus)
Type 5
Galangal (Lenguas galanga)
Red Jabon (Anthocephalus macrophyllus)
Type 6
Galangal (Lenguas galanga)
Cheesewood (Nauclea orientalis)
Source: Primary data, 2019
3.2 Contribution of agroforestry to farmer income
Table 3. shows the education level of the respondents in both villages. The majority of the
respondents graduated from elementary school (55.8%), while 36.6% did not graduate from
elementary school, although most of them can read and write. Only 7.6%, or four respondents, had
a higher education level than other respondents. According to age group, respondents over 45 years
old amounted to 67.3%, while 13.4% of respondents were over 60 years old (Table 4).
The study found that the age of respondents ranged from 3078 years. Table 4 shows that the
age group of 41-45 years (9.6%) managed the largest part of agroforestry land area than other age
groups, namely an average of 0.65 hectares. Out of the total land managed by farmers (22.9
hectares), the average area of managed land is 0.44 hectares per farmer.
Table 3. Education level of farmers
Education level
Did not graduate from Elementary School ( < 6 years)
Elementary School - SD (6 years)
Junior High School SMP (9 years)
Senior High School - SMA (12 years)
Source: Primary data, 2019; N=52
Table 4. Farmer composition based on age group
Age Group
Farmers Households
Total Land Area
Land Area per age
group (hectare)
30 - 35
36 - 40
41 - 45
46 - 50
51 - 55
56 - 60
61 - 65
> 65
Source: Primary data, 2019
Forest and Society. Vol. 5(1): 109-119, April 2021
Table 5 shows that the contribution of agroforestry income to total farmer income was 15.8%
with an average agroforestry income of IDR 3,829,519 (US$ 273.5) per farmer per year. The highest
contribution to total farmer income was from working as daily laborers (33.7%), followed by income
from stall/hawkers (28.9%). The lowest contribution to farmer income is from livestock (1.6%).
Agroforestry is an alternative livelihood option where the main income of farmers are off-farm and
non-farm activities. This is because farmer households are landless and are unable to develop
agricultural activities. Furthermore, low education and poverty have caused them to seek out
selected employment that relies more on physical abilities that do not require large capital, such as
daily laborers and hawkers.
Table 5. Average farmer household income based on income sources per year (in IDR)
Source of Income
Total Income
Income Shared (%)
Daily laborers
Bike Mechanic
Craft (Boboko)
Source: Primary Data, 2019 Total N= 52; US$ 1= IDR 14,000
Figure 2. Distribution of farmer income based on land area and age group.
Figure 2 explains that the highest productivity of agroforestry occurs in farmers aged 41-45 years
with an average land area of 0.65 hectares and an average income of IDR 16,780,000 (US$ 1,198.6)
per year per farmer. In the age group 46-50 and above, agroforestry income tends to decrease along
with the area of land being managed. The downward trend of farmer income from agroforestry was
explained in Table 2 and shows that the majority of farmer groups members involved in agroforestry
businesses are over 45 years (67.3%).
Forest and Society. Vol. 5(1): 109-119, April 2021
While the age group of 30-40 years manages land with an average area of 0.31-0.36 hectares,
yet, the level of agroforestry income is still relatively low in this group compared to the same level
of land in other older age groups (61-65 years). This is due to the fact that younger farmers are not
as focused on agroforestry, as it is viewed as an additional livelihood that makes the land become
unproductive. The younger farmers earn their main income from other livelihood options such as
daily laborers and hawkers.
In the case of the Parungpanjang FASP, the contribution of agroforestry income to total farmer
household income is 15.8%, with agroforestry income contribution in each farmer household
described in Figure 2. This has been caused by the following 1) different types of intercropping
planted, namely although the main intercropped plants (galangal) are relatively the same and
provide a large share of income, yet other intercropped plants also contribute to increasing farmers
income; 2) farmers motivation and skills, for farmers who regularly apply fertilizer and clean the
land, the results are much better than plants that remain unmanaged after planting; 3) age also
affects the physical ability to cultivate land. The majority of farmer groups members are already
elderly and expressed that they are unable to cultivate larger areas land. These farmers feel that the
land that has been cultivated is sufficient.
According to Brown et al. (2018), there are two important factors as a precondition for success
in adopting an agroforestry system before making further interventions namely, successful
mobilization and engagement of farmers and facilitating farmer capacity development and/or
access to qualified tree/agriculture seeds. Several interventions are needed after the precondition
phases have been met, include providing incentives, facilitating market networks, and institutional
and policy change.
3.3 Factors of agroforestry system that influence on the farmers household income
The agroforestry system factors analyzed in this regression model are explained in Table 6. Of
the five variables analyzed by t-test, there are two variables that have a significant influence on total
farmer income, namely age and land area (Table 7), whereas education, family size, and agroforestry
income variables do not have a significant influence on the total farmers household income.
Table 6. Explanation and summary statistics of variables
Std. Deviation
Farmers Income (Y)
Total farmer income in IDR
per year
Age (X1)
Age in years
Education (X2)
Education in years
Family Size (X3)
The family member of
household (person)
Agroforestry Income (X4)
Household annual income
from agroforestry in IDR
Land Area (X5)
Land area in hectare
Source: Primary data, 2019.
Age (Sig. 0.007) has a negative influence direction, which means that as age increases, farmer
income will decrease, due to the contribution of agroforestry income also decreasing as farmers get
older and the limited area of land that can be managed. Agroforestry activities require farmers who
are in the productive age (1850 years) due to intensive workload (Suherdi et al., 2014; Suyadi et
al., 2019). In the Parungpanjang FASP context, farmer physical ability to manage land will determine
the productivity and income received by the farmers. This phenomenon is verified by the findings
listed in Figure 2.
Forest and Society. Vol. 5(1): 109-119, April 2021
Table 7. Result of t-test
Standardized Coefficients
Collinearity Statistics
Age (X1)
Education (X2)
Family Size (X3)
Agroforestry Income (X4)
Land Area (X5)
a. Dependent Variable: Y Household Income; * sigficant at p value < 0.05
Land area (Sig. 0.047) of the agroforestry system has a significant influence on the total farmer
income. This is consistent with Van Chu et al. (2019), which stated that farmers with larger forestry
land area have more chance to increase their household income. In this case, significant agroforestry
income is obtained from farmers aged 41-45 years with an average land area of 0.65 hectares. Land
productivity is also closely related to farmer capacity and access to resources, as well as access to
markets (Borrella et al., 2015; Brown et al., 2018).
4. Conclusion
Agroforestry practices in the Parungpanjang FASP have contributed to the income of farmer
groups members, but the effects are still imbalanced. This is influenced by the types of plant
cultivated, motivation and skills, and age relative to ability to manage land. Regarding the results of
the regression analysis, there are two agroforestry factors that influence farmer income, namely
age and land area.
In order to optimize the contribution of the agroforestry system to farmer income in the
Parungpanjang FASP, it is necessary to increase land productivity by assessing profitable
intercropped plant types in corresponding soil or land characteristics and minimum requirements
of physical treatments. Furthermore, FTSTRDC need to strengthen the capacity of farmer groups
members by facilitating technical capacity for training of good agricultural practices, including
facilitating the business model and market network of agroforestry products.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization and design of the experiments were conducted by D., and K.A.H.,
who performed the experiments. D and T.O.V analyzed the data and wrote the paper. D, T.O.V, and K.A.H.,
are the main contributors of the paper, and the others are member contributors. All authors have read and
agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest
Acknowldegement: The authors would like to express heartfelt thanks to the farmers in Tapos and Jagabaya
Village who took part in focus group discussions and informant interviews or respondent survey in our
research. We would like to express our special gratitude to the field officers in Parungpanjang, including Mr.
Adim, Mr. Muhammad, and Mr. Maman, and Dian Anshar for English editing. This paper is one of the joint
outputs of Pusat Unggulan Iptek (PUI) between the Center for Political Studies, Indonesian Institute of Sciences
and Forest Tree Seed Technology Research & Development Center (FTSTRDC/BP2TPTH), Ministry of
Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia, 2019.
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... Research Hardiyanti want to know the agroforestry management pattern and calculate agroforestry's contribution to farmers' total income [29]. Unlike the two previous studies, Desmiwati focus more on the contribution of agroforestry to household income by analyzing structured household income and analyzing agroforestry factors that affect total household income, with the results showing that agroforestry contributes 15.8% of the total income of farmer households in addition to factors that influence agroforestry income, namely land area and age [30]. ...
... Desmiwati's research also highlights the importance of land ownership area in the growth of agroforestry producers. Additionally, age plays a big role in how much an income increases [30]. Source: primary data, 2023 ...
... When compared to earlier research, the percentage of agroforestry revenue contributes a sizeable component of household income. According to the study's findings [30] agroforestry accounts for 15.8% of all household income. Although the off-farm sector accounts for a sizable portion of household income (3.7%), as does the non-farm sector (49%). ...
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Agroforestry systems have received much attention as sustainable land use practices that integrate agricultural crops and forest crops by local people to maximize the income structure. However, often the structure of household income who adopted this system is volatile and unpredictable. The purpose of this study was to examine the income structure of farmer households that rely on agroforestry systems and explore factors that influence agroforestry income. We used variables of age, education, land area, number of activities of non-agroforestry, number of cultivated plants, and institutional participation. This study used survey techniques and in-depth interviews to collect data in Tegaldowo Village which was chosen based on the agroforestry potential of the surrounding villages in the Kendeng Mountains region. We interviewed 34 households selected from the population by random sampling, then we analyzed all informations by using descriptive and regression analysis. The analysis results showed that agroforestry income contributes 57.4% of the total household income approximately 25,071,029 IDR (1,729 USD) per household per year. In addition, non-agroforestry income contributed 4.2% of total household income consisting of 14% paddy field farming, skilled labor 842%, public workers 9.9%, traders 0.8%, employee 8.7%, remittances 0.8%, and other income 3.6%.
... The annual income of the families related to agroforestry was improved allowing them the flexibility to extend expenditures accordingly. In Indonesia, farmers practicing agroforestry in state forests resulted in intensification from prior land use (Desmiwati, 2021) [3] . Our study found that agroforestry paved the opportunity for connecting to electric facilities that directly influenced the development of the infrastructures in the Sal Forest area. ...
... The annual income of the families related to agroforestry was improved allowing them the flexibility to extend expenditures accordingly. In Indonesia, farmers practicing agroforestry in state forests resulted in intensification from prior land use (Desmiwati, 2021) [3] . Our study found that agroforestry paved the opportunity for connecting to electric facilities that directly influenced the development of the infrastructures in the Sal Forest area. ...
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Agroforestry practices play an inevitable role in reinforcing the livelihood of millions of small-scale farmers while ensuring sustainable food security throughout the world. The significance of practicing various strategies of agroforestry models in densely populated countries like Bangladesh is highly recognized according to livelihood functionalities. To achieve the sustainable goals of the United Nations, identifying potential agroforestry practices along with their impacts towards socio-economic, and ecological demands is crucial. Socio-economic interactions are highly influenced by livelihood improvement and assurance of food security for the participants. Madhupur Sal forest is one of the major sources of diversified combination agroforestry systems practiced by the people around it. Age, education, annual income, and agroforestry knowledge had a significant relationship with the farmers' opinions on socio-economic development through agroforestry practices. Sustainable livelihood capitals (Human, Social, Physical, Financial, and Natural) were improved in each model we determined, and agroforestry multi-functionally increased food security ensuring 94% yearly food sufficiency, and 6% sufficiency for two-thirds of the year according to the response variables. This study depicted various prospects for livelihood enhancement and food security concerning diverse agroforestry models.
... An agroforestry system is a land-use strategy that combines tree-based systems (woody perennials) with crops and animals [2] in some form of spatial arrangement and a temporal sequence. Agroforestry can also be defined as a dynamic, ecologically based system of natural resource management through the integration of trees in agricultural land and landscapes, diversifying and sustaining production to increase social, economic and environmental benefits for those who have access to these lands [3]. ...
... Agroforestry systems have received recognition as a sustainable land use practice [4] that can increase ecological resilience [5], increase food security [6], and provide economic benefits [3]. The concept of agroforestry aligns with the growing need to balance production-oriented activities with conservation efforts [7], especially in areas such as Java Island, where production forests play an important role in human life. ...
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Agroforestry is an agricultural system that integrates primary trees and alternative crops on the same land to provide economic, social, and ecological benefits. One of the agroforestry planting patterns is called Persilan. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the concept of persilan carried out by pesanggem (forest farmers) in several blood types in Java. Researchers observed agroforestry activities in three districts in Java, namely Rembang, Blora, and Tuban. To see agricultural patterns in several regions of Java, we used secondary data studies and Google Maps. In addition, we also collect data through stakeholder surveys to find out the philosophy, land plot, calendar, and ecological function of persilan patterns. The results showed interesting facts related to land parcels in the context of agroforestry which were widely developed in several regions, including Pati, Grobogan, Rembang, Blora, Tuban, to Bojonogoro. Persilan is a form of agriculture where people use Perum Perhutani production forests as their planting land. They plant in the empty parts between the trees by combining primary plants with interstitial plants for 5 years. The concept of Persilan plays a role in maintaining the ecological balance of forests, economic prosperity, and social welfare of local communities.
... The efficacy of this method in enhancing the rural economy is contingent upon the utilization of rapidly growing tree species that possess substantial economic worth, such as H. macrophyllus. Farmers in East and West Java showed a strong preference for the species H. macrophyllus due to its suitability for agroforestry, as noted by Darmayanti & Solikin (2013) and Desmiwati et al. (2021). The multiculture agroforestry system in East Java mostly consists of trees such as H. macrophyllus, Melia azedarach, Sweitenia macrophylla, bamboos, and crops such as Manihot esculenta, Arachis hypogea, Zea mays, and Oryza sativa. ...
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In East Java, forest degradation on the slopes resulted landslides during rainy seasons, because of a farming change toward mountainous terrain. Government encouraged community to build agroforestry systems using Hibiscus macrophyllus, therefore this study examined the H. macrophyllus growth on slopes from 15° to 75° in two trials from 6 months to three years, using a variety of eight seed sources. The objectives of this study were to determine the growth responses of H. macrophyllus of various ages on various land slopes in two locations (Mount Kawi and Mount Willis). The trials in two locations were established by Incomplete Block Design (IBD) comprising of 4-6 replications with 50 open pollinated families from 8 seed sources. In both trials, this plant was grown alongside agricultural crops. The General Linear Model (GLM) was used to analyse the growth data from two trials to identify variations in plant age, location, slopes and seed sources. The results showed that growth was significantly different between locations, slopes, seed source and ages. It was found that there was an interaction between site and slope. Height varies, with three times more in Willis (72.6 cm) than in Kawi (26.05 cm). Dramatic changes in slopes, induce more than doubled the height between 75° and 30° slope, which influence considerable wood biomass volume at the end. Increasing growth occurred from 6 months to 3 years i.e.: >7.5 times for height and >6.5 times for diameter. This fast growth at 3 years immediately benefits in ameliorating the mountainside ecosystem. Seed sources perform differently, and considerable variances also occur between families. Comparison between the lowest and greatest seed sources were 40% greater in height and 9% in diameter, indicating that seed sources, as well as family selection, should be considered. The best growth response of H. macrophyllus was found at Willis after 3 years at 30° slope.
... Our study supported this conclusion, as most respondents in our findings who were willing to adopt and promote agroforestry had small family sizes and were earning a substantial amount through this practice (Table 2). In a previous study, agroforestry systems contributed approximately 15.8% to farmer household income, with the greatest agroforestry system adaptation occurring in the age group of 41-45 (Desmiwati et al., 2021). Income diversification tactics have gained significant importance recently, and agroforestry has emerged as the most efficient option for combining overall production, particularly in the context of limited land availability. ...
... Area and ownership are essential factors in the agroforestry system because the agroforestry system is a business system that maximizes land use. The factors of age and land area significantly affect the total income of farmers (Desmiwati et al. 2021). Table 1 shows that the age level of respondents who manage the MCF is dominated by the young productive age level of 53.33%. ...
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Applying agroforestry system in the customary forest area plays a significant role in increasing the productivity of the community’s land because it will increase the economic value and welfare of the customary community. This study aims to analyze the agroforestry system’s land productivity and land equivalent ratio in the Marena Customary Forest (MCF) area, Enrekang Regency. This research used a survey method involving observation, questionnaires, and interviews with sample respondents who owned land and applied agroforestry systems in the MCF. Data obtained from interviews and field observations were then analyzed descriptively. The study revealed that applying agroforestry systems in the community-managed MCF can increase land productivity, showing the value of land productivity of IDR 20,512,208/ha/year. The agroforestry system’s land equivalent ratio (LER) amounted to 2.34. This shows that applying the agroforestry system is considered capable of increasing land productivity and the income and welfare of the indigenous people of Marena. Keywords: agroforestry, customary forest, land equivalent ratio, land productivity
... On the other hand, the greater the poverty gap (the poorer the household), the greater the weighting given, so this index can also be said to be an index that measures sensitivity to poverty (Desmiwati et al. 2021). Generally, the greater the value of this index, the more severe poverty is. ...
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Agroforests in many tropical countries have long been acknowledged as substantially necessary to contribute to biodiversity conservation and community livelihood. The importance of agroforest biodiversification is now overlooked and replaced by a simplified structure due to the impact of agricultural commercialization. Land use changes have occurred in the Upper Citarum Watershed over time, converting traditional agroforests into monoculture plantations at the expense of their socio-ecological function. This paper aimed to analyze land use change dynamics and the effect of biodiversity loss on the socio-economy aspect of the rural agricultural landscape in the Upper Citarum Watershed. We conducted a survey of 95 respondents of community farmers in the agricultural landscape in Sukapura and Resmi Tingal Village using questionnaire guidelines and direct interviews to gather information. There was a significant decrease in plant diversity in some plot agroforests, which, in the previous study, was dominant to be reduced even to local extinctions. The results also show that the farmer poverty index according to BPS criteria is 12.63% of respondents who are below the poverty line. Our results imply that preserving mixed-garden (talun) patches in a landscape dominated by cash-crop gardens is one of the strategies that could conserve landscape biodiversity and increasingly a sustainable livelihood. Keywords: agriculture commercialization, agroforestry, land use change, poverty index, rural development
... This can be explained on the fact that, access to credit by a farmer will increase his/her financial resources which are always important in purchasing good varieties of trees (leguminous trees) and also in the process of controlling the pests and diseases that are often associated with those shady trees commonly intercropped with coffee. This finding of the study was in line with the findings of a study by (Desmiwati et al., 2021) in which the researcher reported that, credit access had a significant influence on the adoption and implementation of agroforestry technologies. ...
Due to the declining productivity of coffee farms in many regions, there has always been a growing interest in agroforestry technologies as a way to improve the fertility of the soil, increase crop diversity, and provide other income sources to farmers. Much as there had been successful cases of agroforestry adoption in the study area, there was still limited evidence on the impact of these technologies on coffee farmer’s welfare. A study was conducted to assess the socio economic factors influencing the adoption of agroforestry practices and the welfare of the coffee farmers in Bukhura parish, Bumasheti Sub County, Bududa district. The findings REVEALED that the majority (80%) of the farmers practiced agroforestry in their gardens, of which they grew shade-providing trees such as Ficusnatalensis in coffee gardens is an important practice for the wellbeing of the coffee. The regression results indicate that the use of agroforestry techniques had a significant positive impact on the income generated from the coffee by the farmers. However, other factors; distance from the nearest coffee market and form of coffee sold also had a significant impact on the income generated from the coffee. The results also showed that access to credit, access to extension services and farming experience were found to have significant influence on the adoption of agroforestry practices among the coffee farmers in the study area. The key conclusions from the study are that credit facilities and extension services are key issues in promoting agroforestry among coffee farmers, and there is need to encourage coffee farmers to practice agroforestry since it had a positively significant impact on their incomes
The concept of Joint Community Forest Management in Indonesia is an effort to involve communities in forest management through agroforestry to support forest sustainability. Agroforestry (or persilan in local language) carried out by pesanggem in the KPH Kebonharjo and KPH Mantingan Working Areas significantly contributes to the pesanggem household income. This research wants to measure the provision of agroforestry on pesanggem household income and examine agroforestry factors that influence pesanggem household income. Data collection techniques through surveys and observations of 216 pesanggem households were carried out in the KPH Kebonharjo and KPH Mantingan areas, divided into eight villages respectively. The data was then analyzed descriptively and by multiple linear regression analysis. The research results found that the agroforestry pattern through land plots refers to agricultural activities by pesanggem in forest areas by utilizing forest land belonging to Perum Perhutani as agricultural/persilan for planting seasonal crops. Persilan contributions provide a moderate contribution to pesanggem households in KPH Kebonharjo and KPH Mantingan with a total contribution percentage of 38% or IDR 11,000,000 per household per year with details for each KPH Kebonharjo 44% (IDR 10,900,000 per household per year) and KPH Mantingan 33% (Rp. 11,200,000 per household per year). Based on the results of linear regression analysis, some variables significantly influence measurements with degrees of confidence of 85%, 95%, and 99%. The variables agricultural equipment (sig. 0.133), distance to agroforestry land (sig. -0.051), labor utilization (sig. 0.038), and land area of land persil (sig. 0.001) show an influence on the agroforestry income of pesanggem households in KPH Kebonharjo. In addition, the variables farming income (sig. -0.143), other income (sig. 0.048), area of land plots (sig. 0.037), and distance to agroforestry land (sig. 0.001) show an influence on the agroforestry income of pesanggem households, at KPH Mantingan. This research provides valuable insights into the complex relationships between agroforestry, production forests, and economic dynamics, providing a foundation for sound policy-making and encouraging environmentally conscious economic growth
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Many studies that have focused on forestry partnerships have failed to examine their substantial impact on social and ecological outcomes from the perspective of community partners in Indonesia. Using Integrative Framework for Collaborative Governance Regimes (IFCGs) and qualitative methods, this study, therefore, explores community partners’ views on the quality of their collaboration in the country. The findings indicate that the viewpoints of community partners play a vital role in forestry partnership scheme, influencing substantially the quality of their collaboration. In addition, it has been observed that the viral phenomenon on social media in Indonesia has become a critical catalyst for changes in political dynamics and power relations among collaborating groups that are not well defined in the IFCG framework. The results also suggest highlighting the vital role of collaborative actions, which is even more crucial than acquiring a legal licence.
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Agroforestry is an intensive land management system that integrates trees into land already used for crop and animal farming. This provides a diverse range of ecosystem services by bridging the gaps between agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry. It is an important approach to improve the environmental, economic, and social benefits of complex social-ecological systems in the Asia-Pacific region. This paper aims to examine the research trends in agroforestry and the current state of knowledge, as well as the research gaps in the ecosystem services of agroforestry in this region. A systematic mapping methodology was applied, where analysis units were academic articles related to agroforestry practices in the Asia-Pacific region. The articles published between 1970 and 2018 were collected through the international specialized academic database, SCOPUS. They were coded according to the types of agroforestry practices and ecosystem services. The research result indicates silvorable systems, especially plantation crop combinations, tree management, habitats for species, biological controls, and maintenance of genetic diversity and gene-pools, are the most prominent in the agroforestry research from the Asia-Pacific region. Approximately 60% of all research articles include case studies from India, China, Indonesia, and Australia. Research on agroforestry has changed following the international discourse on climate change and biodiversity. Therefore, this systematic map improves our understanding of the nature, volume, and characteristics of the research on ecosystem services with regard to agroforestry in the Asia-Pacific region. It provides scholars with a springboard for further meta-analysis or research on agroforestry and ecosystem services.
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Energy needs in Indonesia are increasing and have inverse impacts on the source and production of energy itself. One effort that can be done to overcome this problem is to use biomass energy sources, especially for home industries and people surrounding the forests. This research aims to describe the perceptions of farmers, as potential workers, about the development of Calliandra calothyrsus Meisner wood energy demonstration plot. The Focus Group Discussion (FGD) was conducted in the Parungpanjang research forest. Qualitative content analysis methods were used to explore the data collected from FGD. The results showed that farmers have a positive perception of the development of wood energy demonstration plots. However, they only assume that being a worker in the demonstration plot is only a side job.
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Coffee has traditionally been a commodity product sold in a highly competitive and saturated global market. This lack of product differentiation has made coffee farmers very vulnerable to fluctuating prices. During the last decade, the coffee industry is undergoing a process of decommoditisation, offering an opportunity for farmers to differentiate their coffee in terms of sustainability and quality and to commercialise it more directly. However, smallholder farmers face productivity and transactional constraints that inhibit them from accessing these higher-value market segments. Intermediaries are needed to connect them with this new market. In this article, we present a cross-case study analysis of three ‘connective businesses’ that are facilitating direct trade relationships between smallholder farmers and speciality coffee roasters.
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Farmer welfare improvement programs through efforts to reduce poverty have been carried out, but poverty rates are still quite high. The main cause is that farmers are classified as small-scale farmers with land tenure less than 0.5 hectares. Efforts made include the Integrated Polyculture Agroforestry Farming (IPAF) to diversify sources of income. The application of this pattern varies considerably depending on farmer ownership and currently there are various forms of IPAF cropping patterns. The study aims to analyze and identify differences in the welfare level of IPAF farmers in Cibalong and Karangnunggal Districts, West Java, Indonesia. The study was conducted from April to October 2018. Data sources were primary and secondary data. Primary data through a survey of 250 farm households with details from Cibalong 167 farmers and 87 farmers from Karangnunggal. Secondary data were obtained from various research results and literature studies, related institutions and other data sources. Data analysis is descriptive statistical analysis using the level of welfare of farm households based on the National Socio Economic Survey (NSES) 2012 indicators. The level of welfare of IPAF farmer households based on the method of NSES 2012, based on income indicators based on poverty criteria from the Directorate of Land Use, IPAF farmer households in the two districts studied were included in the near-poor category. The level of welfare of farmers, households based on the concept of poverty line, the score of IPAF farmers' household expenditure in Cibalong District is lower (2.96) compared to Karangnunggal District (3.00) and is included in the non-poor criteria. The recapitulation of welfare indicators according to NSES 2012, the level of welfare of IPAF farmers in Cibalong District is lower (75.45%) compared to Karangnunggal (78.31 percent).
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This paper examined how forest has contributed to rural households’ livelihood in Da river basin, the northwest mountainous region of Vietnam. The results revealed that forest predominantly contributes to the total income of rural residents in the region. Specifically, forestry land area, access to non-timber forest products, and payment for forest environmental services significantly affected household’s income in the region. However, rural people in the region have still faced several difficulties that constrain household’s livelihood. Of these difficulties, lack of financial capital, epidemic diseases in animal husbandry, limited access to market information and natural disaster are popular barriers to livelihood of people in the region. This paper also recommended several policies to improve rural livelihood in Da river basin. These includes: (i) integrating issues regarding payment for forest environmental services and REDD+ into socioeconomic development plan; (ii) improving awareness of local people on sustainable natural capital use through ecosystem conservation policy; (iii) providing preferential credit and training on agricultural production techniques; and (iv) encouraging market-oriented agriculture.
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The rural communities living around the National Park are generally farmers. They are less empowered and classified as poor. This is due to the relatively low capacity of farmers. In order to be more empowered, the farmers need to improve their capacity. This study aimed to analyze the factors that directly and indirectly affect the capacity building of agroforestry farmers around the National Park. This study was conducted in Kuningan and Majalengka districts of West Java Province for four months, from July to October 2017. Sampling technique used was random sampling with cluster location was agroforestry Forest Farmer Group (FFG) in the buffer zone of Gunung Ciremai National Park. The sample size was 310 members of agroforestry Forest Farmer Group. The results showed that the capacity of agroforestry farmers around the National Park was low. This is due to the low level of formal education, farming experience, cosmopolitan level, and narrow farmland of farmers. It is also caused by low environmental support factors (economic accessibility, ecological conditions, FFG role) and low participation of farmers in agroforestry both economically and socially.
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This paper discusses the setting up of a multivariate statistical method in selecting the useful soil quality indicators for soil quality assessment under agroforestry pattern. The of soil quality has been recognized as a tool to determine the sustainability of land resources, especially in agroforestry development. The study was carried out at Upper Citarum Watershed of Bandung district, West Java province, Indonesia. The soil samples were taken with purposive sampling under agroforestry pattern. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used as the multivariate statistical method to identify the minimum data set (MDS); scoring of each indicator, and data integration in the index of soil quality. The MDS consisted of four soil chemical indicators and represented 83.6% of the variability of data, i.e., pH, and exchangeable Calcium (exch Ca), organic Carbon (org C), and exchangeable Natrium (exch Na) respectively. The soil quality index (SQI) was categorized under agroforestry pattern as moderate. The artificial agroforestry-based coffee with an intercropping system (timber woods, multi purpose trees and horticultures) provides better soil quality.
Using the Harvard Analytical Framework (HAF), we analyze the role of farmers (male and female) in the Special Purpose Forest Area of Parungpanjang, Indonesia. Primary data for this study were collected through interviews and focus group discussions with male and female farmers at the research site in September 2019. This shows that female farmers participate in all dimensions of productive, reproductive, and socio-political activities, including aspects of control, while male farmers tend to limit their participation only to productive and socio-political activities. It confirms the findings of earlier research that there is no significant gender difference between the roles of female and male farmers in terms of natural resource management and control in Southeast Asia. However, one problem remains: the Special Purpose Forest Area of Parungpanjang has not given official registration rights to female farmers. By presenting their voices, we suggest the need for the strengthening of gender-responsive policies such as granting registration rights to female farmers to access and use land and conduct gender awareness programs among male farmers.
Local people's involvement in forest management in Indonesia was studied in a context of a community-based forest management program named Pengelolaan Hutan Bersama Masyarakat (PHBM), which emerged from the state-owned forest company, Perhutani. On Java Island, this program has been spreading since 2003 and it was hoped that it would help to increase local people's income by giving them access to the forest, to assist in the thinning process and to cultivate intercropping. This study aimed to observe the impacts of people's involvement in the PHBM program on their economic wellbeing. The study was conducted over three research phases, in 2005/2006, 2006/2007, and 2008/2009, in Desa Ciomas village, Bogor District, West Java Province and through follow-up research performed in 2016 to observe more recent conditions and establish the continuity of the previous research. The results showed that local people in Desa Ciomas were highly interested in PHBM and the benefits that it offered, with an expectation of additional income. The optimal income was not realized in some cases, including when large-scale farming necessitated farming system that replied on hired labor which is known to be less productive than family labor. PHBM should be able to contribute to local people's income by empowering them with respect to both on- and off-farm activities.