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Methodology for developing and evaluating diagnostic tools in Ayurveda – A review

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Abstract and Figures

Ayurveda has a holistic and person-centric approach towards health and disease, which in turn necessitates consideration of several factors in the process of a diagnostic workup. This concept of personalised diagnosis brings about a high level of variability among the clinicians with respect to their assessment methods and disease diagnosis. Developing and validating diagnostic tools for diseases enumerated in the Ayurvedic classical textbooks can help in standardising the clinical approach, even when attempting to arrive at a patient specific diagnosis. However, diagnostic research is a very less explored area in Ayurveda and there are no established standards for developing and evaluating diagnostic tools. This paper reviews the methodology for the development and validation of diagnostic tools, available in published literature and proposes to integrate this in the field of Ayurveda. The search was conducted on online databases including PubMed, Science Direct, Scopus, and Google scholar, with keywords - ayurvedic diagnosis, diagnostic tool development, validity, reliability, and diagnostic test assessment. The articles were screened based on their comprehensiveness, relevance, and feasibility, and the methodology elaborated in the selected articles was organized into a framework that can be adopted in Ayurveda. We have also tried to examine the methodological challenges of integrating the fundamentals of ayurvedic diagnosis within the current methods of diagnostic research and explored possible solutions. The proposed tool development process involves both qualitative and quantitative components, which may be carried out in three phases that include setting the diagnostic criteria, tool development and validation, and diagnostic test assessment.
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Review Article
Methodology for developing and evaluating diagnostic tools in
Ayurveda ea review
Mukesh Edavalath
, Benil P. Bharathan
Department of Roganidana, VPSV Ayurveda College, Kottakkal, Kerala, India
Department of Agadatantra, VPSV Ayurveda College, Kottakkal, Kerala, India
article info
Article history:
Received 22 September 2020
Received in revised form
11 January 2021
Accepted 15 January 2021
Available online xxx
Ayurveda diagnosis
Ayurvedic diagnostic tool development
Diagnostic accuracy
Diagnostic test assessment
Gold standard
Ayurveda has a holistic and person-centric approach towards health and disease, which in turn neces-
sitates consideration of several factors in the process of a diagnostic workup. This concept of personalised
diagnosis brings about a high level of variability among the clinicians with respect to their assessment
methods and disease diagnosis. Developing and validating diagnostic tools for diseases enumerated in
the Ayurvedic classical textbooks can help in standardising the clinical approach, even when attempting
to arrive at a patient specic diagnosis. However, diagnostic research is a very less explored area in
Ayurveda and there are no established standards for developing and evaluating diagnostic tools. This
paper reviews the methodology for the development and validation of diagnostic tools, available in
published literature and proposes to integrate this in the eld of Ayurveda. The search was conducted on
online databases including PubMed, Science Direct, Scopus, and Google scholar, with keywords - ayur-
vedic diagnosis, diagnostic tool development, validity, reliability, and diagnostic test assessment. The
articles were screened based on their comprehensiveness, relevance, and feasibility, and the method-
ology elaborated in the selected articles was organized into a framework that can be adopted in Ayur-
veda. We have also tried to examine the methodological challenges of integrating the fundamentals of
ayurvedic diagnosis within the current methods of diagnostic research and explored possible solutions.
The proposed tool development process involves both qualitative and quantitative components, which
may be carried out in three phases that include setting the diagnostic criteria, tool development and
validation, and diagnostic test assessment.
©2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Institute of Transdisciplinary Health Sciences
and Technology and World Ayurveda Foundation. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (
1. Introduction
Diagnosis is a fundamental component in clinical practice, with
signicant implications on patient care, research, and health policy.
A clinician uses the method of reasoning, based on the scientic
knowledge of diseases and their manifestations, for arriving at a
diagnosis. Yet, in many instances, this process of reasoning can lead
to pitfalls, especially when the factors at hand are more complex,
including the variance in individual approach, population charac-
teristics, the prevalence of the disease, and even the facilities at
hand. In Ayurveda, owing to its holistic and patient-centric
approach, the diagnostic process involves the assessment of
several subjective and objective parameters pertaining to the dis-
ease as well as the patient [1]. Thus, even in patients with identical
modern diagnosis, the ayurvedic therapeutic indicators may vary,
generating a personalised diagnosis. This scheme of a workup can
bring about discrepancies among clinicians, with regards to the
application of assessment methods and diagnostic workup, even-
tually contributing to a poor interobserver agreement [2,3]. How-
ever, in clinical practice, since ayurvedic medicines are formulated
based on their action on respective dosha (body humor), precise
disease nomenclature may not have much implication on the
treatment outcome. But in research, this poses a disadvantage, as
reproducibility cannot be achieved if there is a disagreement in the
diagnosis [4,5]. Currently, most of the ayurvedic clinical trials
employ generic tools that are based on references from classical
textbooks, albeit not validated scientically. Further, since the
pathological concepts of Ayurveda are based on the functional
derangements of dosha, there are also no established gold
*Corresponding author.
Peer review under responsibility of Transdisciplinary University, Bangalore.
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0975-9476/©2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Institute of Transdisciplinary Health Sciences and Technology and World Ayurveda Foundation. This is
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Please cite this article as: M. Edavalath and B.P. Bharathan, Methodology for developing and evaluating diagnostic tools in Ayurveda ea review,
J Ayurveda Integr Med,
standards like histopathology, for validating these tools. Hence,
there is a need for developing and validating diagnostic tools for
diseases enumerated in Ayurveda, to standardise the clinical
approach, even when attempting for a patient-centric, individu-
alised diagnosis. However, diagnostic research is a very less
explored area in Ayurveda and there are no widely accepted stan-
dards for developing and evaluating diagnostic tools either. This
paper reviews the current methodology for the development and
validation of diagnostic tools and proposes to incorporate this in
the eld of Ayurveda. The search for articles was conducted on
online databases including PubMed, Science Direct, Scopus, and
Google scholar, with keywords - ayurvedic diagnosis, diagnostic
tool development, validation of diagnostic tool, validity, reliability,
and diagnostic test assessment. A total of 452 articles were listed, of
which 59 were screened based on their comprehensiveness in the
elaboration of methodology, relevance, and feasibility. The process
of developing and validating health assessment tools was reviewed
and organised into a framework that could be adopted in Ayurveda.
The challenges of integrating the fundamentals of ayurvedic diag-
nosis within the concepts of modern diagnostic research are also
highlighted with their possible solutions (Fig. 1).
2. Current concepts of diagnosis
Diagnosis can be considered as both a process and a classica-
tion scheme, which in turn is described as a pre-existing set of
categories agreed upon by the medical profession to designate a
specic condition[6]. The diagnosis of a disease may be conrmed
with the help of history and physical examination, a specic test or
investigation, or a combination of the above said factors, which are
collectively known as diagnostic criteria. A good diagnostic tool or
test should enable a clinician to perfectly distinguish between pa-
tients with and without a certain condition [7]. However, not all
diagnoses can be conrmed with the help of an investigation like
imaging or histology, in case of which, an algorithmic method with
a sequential approach may help arrive at the diagnosis. There are
also composite health measurement scales that are either clinician
elicited or patient-reported, used for diagnosis or assessment of
treatment outcomes [8].
3. Classication of a modern diagnostic tool/test
Based on the purpose for which they are used, diagnostic
measures can be broadly divided into 3 categories: discrimination,
prediction, and evaluation [9]. The discriminative ability of a
measure is vital to differentiate between patient groups or identify
meaningful differences in patientsconditions. A predictive mea-
sure, as the name implies, is used to predict the outcome or prog-
nosis, so that clinicians can select appropriate treatment goals and
strategies. An evaluation tool is useful in detecting the longitudinal
change in an individual or group, after the initiation of therapy.
There is another classication based on the specic role of the test
or tool, as follows [10].
(1) Screening eto identify the disease in an apparently healthy
person; (2) Triage ea rapid test that can be applied with minimal
false positives; (3) Conrmation/exclusion econrm or exclude a
disease; (4) Monitoring eto assess the efcacy of treatment; (5)
Prognosis eassessment of outcome or disease progression.
Depending upon who is administering it, the tool can be clas-
sied under two [11].
(1) Proxy or physician-administered tool ethese are tools
administered by a physician or healthcare worker, aimed at diag-
nosing or classifying disease, and includes identication of sub-
jective manifestations and objective signs in the patient; (2) Self-
administered tool eThese tools are used in certain disorders that
do not have objective signs, as in headache or other subjective
manifestations, where the patients themselves report their symp-
toms. Also, tools intended at monitoring therapeutic responses or
other evaluations like the quality of life falls under this category.
4. Ayurvedic diagnostic process econcepts, challenges, and
Even though working on the same patient, there are signicant
differences between Ayurveda and modern biomedicine, with
regards to the understanding of diseases and methods of assess-
ment. While the former relies on the concept of dosha imbalances
elicited by signs and symptoms, the latter banks on the changes in
the molecular mechanisms, which in turn are identied by
Fig 1. Flow chart of the review process.
M. Edavalath and B.P. Bharathan Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine xxx (xxxx) xxx
meticulous investigations. Moreover, for personalizing the therapy,
ayurvedic diagnostics rely on an algorithmic approach, that ne-
cessitates the assessment of various subjective and objective pa-
rameters relating to the patient (Rogi pareeksha)aswellasthe
manifested disease (Roga pareeksha) (Table 1)[12].
The assessment of shatkriyakala (therapeutic windows) is also
unique to Ayurveda, which helps in identifying the pathogenesis,
even at a very early stage [13]. It is also to be noted that the nal
diagnosis does not merely provide a disease name, rather puts
forward multiple therapeutic indicators, enabling the physician to
arrive at an individualized diagnosis. This eventually prompts var-
iations in the prescription, even between patients with an identical
modern diagnosis, and also renders a oneeoneone correlation of
diseases entailed in Ayurveda and biomedicine, an unrewarding
exercise. Such an elaborate scheme of assessment necessitates the
development of diagnostic measures in the form of questionnaires
or composite health measurement tools, that are based on disease
descriptions elaborated in the classical textbooks. After devising
the tools, validation should be carried out systematically, including
the assessment of psychometric properties and diagnostic accuracy.
5. Scope of diagnostic tools in Ayurveda
Ayurvedic classical textbooks comprise extensive references
regarding lakshanas (signs and symptoms) of each disease, which
can be employed in developing tools for clinical purposes. For
example, the Poorvaroopa [14] (premonitory signs) can predict
future diseases whereas asadhya lakshana (signs of bad prognosis)
could predict an unfavourable outcome of the respective disease.
Certain lakshanas like sama and nirama (two different stages of a
disease), rogamukta lakshanas (features of remission), etc indicate
the therapeutic response.
Accordingly, tools falling under the following domains can be
developed in Ayurveda.
Diagnostic tools: These are tools aimed at predicting, diag-
nosing, or grading specic disorders enumerated in classical text-
books; Classication tools: After diagnosing the disease, it has to
be classied based on parameters like dosha predominance or stage
of the disease. Or, when an apt diagnosis is not available, classi-
cation can be made based on therapeutic indicators like dosha and
dhatu (body tissues) involved, srotas (body channels), Prakriti,Agni,
etc.; Monitoring or evaluation tools: In most instances, the
diagnostic tool itself can serve the purpose of evaluation, provided
a grading system is also incorporated. However, in some disorders,
a separate tool might be necessary for evaluating the therapeutic
response; Prognostic tool: Ayurvedic literature is abundant with
signs and symptoms which indicate good as well as bad prognosis,
which in turn, can be used to make predictions regarding the
probable therapeutic outcomes.
As mentioned earlier, these tools can either be devised in the
form of a physician administered one, with an added section to
assess patient reported variables or in a self-administered form,
especially for diagnosing diseases characterized by subjective
manifestations alone.
6. Qualities of a good tool
Any measuring instrument which is in the form of a question-
naire, statement, or checklist, should possess certain qualities to be
adopted into clinical practice, as described below [15,16].
Adequate for the problem intended to be measured (content
validity); Reect underlying theory or concept to be measured
(construct validity); Reliability and precision, so that the mea-
surements are consistent; Feasibility esimple and acceptable to
patients and physicians; Sensitivity to change ecapable of
measuring change through time.
Of the above, the instrument has to be evaluated extensively for
its psychometric properties, including validity and reliability, dur-
ing the development stage itself.
7. Phases of tool development and their implications in
The proposed framework of diagnostic tool development con-
sists of both qualitative and quantitative components, which can be
carried out under three phases.
Preliminary phase edening or setting the diagnostic/classi-
cation criteria; The second phase etool development and valida-
tion; Third phase ediagnostic tool assessment.
7.1. Preliminary phase edening the diagnostic/classication
Even though used synonymously in various instances, there is a
difference between diagnostic criteria and a diagnostic tool [17],
especially in the case of Ayurveda. The criteria provide the list of
symptoms and signs essential for diagnosing a specic disease [18],
whereas the tool aids in eliciting those in the given patient. Even
though the criteria can serve as a tool in many of the conditions,
this may not be practical always. E.g. ein the case of the disease
amavata,lakshanas enumerated include angamarda (body ache),
aruchi (anorexia), trishna (thirst), alasya (lassitude), gourava
(heaviness), jwara (fever), apaka (indigestion), and angashoonatha
(swelling) [19]. If we consider this as the criteria for diagnosing
amavata, there are two major issues that a clinician may confront.
The rst issue is related to the operational denitions of some of the
terms like apaka, which needs suitable questions pertaining to the
construct, to be elicited in a given patient. Secondly, few of the
lakshanas are present in other diseases as well, necessitating an
algorithmic approach to differentiate this disease from overlapping
ones. Hence it is imperative to formulate a standardized case
denition or diagnostic criteria for each disease before the tool is
Table 1
Assessment parameters in Ayurvedic diagnosis.
Rogi pareeksha Roga pareeksha External factors
Prakriti,Sara,Samhanana,Satwa Satmya,Pramana,Agni,Vyayamasakti,Vaya.Dosha,Dushya,Rogamarga,
Upasaya anupasaya
Roga avastha e
Prakriti (body constitution), Sara (excellence in dhatu), Samhanana (body composition), Satwa (mental strength), Satmya (preferences), Pramana (anthropometry), Agni
(digestive power), Vyayamasakti (exercise tolerance), Vaya (age).
Dosha (body humor),Dushya (vitiated tissues),Rogamarga(disease pathway),Nidana (etiology), Samprapti (pathogenesis), Poorvarupa (premonitory signs), Rupa (clinical
manifestations), Upadrava (complications), Upasaya anupasaya (explorative therapy), Roga avastha (stage of disease), Sama (with ama/toxic metabolite), Nirama
(without ama), Nava (recent onset), Purana (chronic). Kala (season), Desa (place of residence).
M. Edavalath and B.P. Bharathan Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine xxx (xxxx) xxx
being developed. Apart from diagnosing the disease, a diagnostic
tool also should incorporate items aimed at categorizing it into
various subtypes with regards to dosha status and disease staging.
Such classication criteria can be incorporated along with the
primary diagnosis or as a subsequent step in assessment. Framing
the diagnostic and classication criteria may be accomplished
through a multistep process including literature review, focus
group discussions as well as consensus methods involving experts,
experienced practitioners, and academicians. Consensus methods
allow for a group of experts to share ideas to form a consensus on
selected topics and include approaches like consensus conference,
modied Delphi survey, and Nominal group technique [20,21].
7.2. The second phase etool development and validation
This process is to be carried out in the following stages.
7.2.1. Devising items and response scales
Once the diagnostic criteria are set, the next step is to formulate
questions for each of the elements or construct. Since many disease
symptoms are expressed in intricate Sanskrit terminologies, an
operational denition, as well as questions to elicit these in pa-
tients, are essential, to avoid discrepancies in their clinical appli-
cation. Questions can be generated from several sources including
literature review, expert interview, or by a focus group discussion
involving experts as well as proposed respondents. In this process,
terminologies from the classical textbooks may be taken up for
discussion and necessary modications done based on the panel
inputs. The decision also has to be taken regarding the intended use
of the tool, the number of items or questions needed to elicit each
lakshana, and the type of response scales for each question.
Necessary care should be taken regarding the relevance of each
item, chronology, and wording of questions, and selection of
response formats, to carry out the patient assessment in a stepwise
manner. It is ideal to have a mixture of both positively and nega-
tively worded items to minimize the danger of acquiescent
response bias, i.e. the tendency for respondents to agree with a
statement or respond in the same way to items [22].
7.2.2. Selection of response scales and formats
While framing the questions for health assessment, there is a
wide variety of response scales that can be employed, depending
upon the clinicians need as well as the factor being assessed. The
most commonly used formats are based either on dichotomized
categories (e.g. Yes or No format) or a continuum, which offers a
range of choices to select from. Scales that allow patients to choose
the option on a continuum agreement are preferred so that grading
of a factor also can be assessed along with its presence. Such scales
are commonly developed based on the Likert scale, Thurstones
method, or Guttman scaling [23]. For example, the Likert scale uses
a bipolar scaling method ranging from agreement to disagreement
or positive to negative statements, where items are rated 1e5or
1e7. In the case of Ayurveda, this can be employed in assessing
subjective parameters like ruja (pain), kandu (pruritus), or daha
(burning sensation). [24]. Guttman scale utilizes questions or
statements in a hierarchical order so that a respondent agreeing on
a particular item will also agree with the lower order statements
stated below that. As an example, questions on different stages of
dosha vitiation can be arranged in a hierarchical order so that
positive response for a given item will provide a cumulative score,
indicating the staging in the given patient. Similarly, in the case of
composite tools, some components may have a greater role in
identifying a particular construct compared with others; where
assigning weights to these components might become necessary
[25]. Moreover, many of the scale items may have a level of inter-
correlation as they aim to evaluate the same characteristic, which
also signicantly impacts its accuracy in predicting the outcome.
7.2.3. Pretesting
The prepared questionnaire has to be pretested in a small
sample of 10e30 of the target population as well as in experts, to
rene the questions. This step includes the assessment of face and
content validity, translation review, reliability assessment, and item
revision [26,27]. Another important step is to assess the respondent
and interviewer friendliness of certain questions, or the entire
questionnaire, which can be achieved through focus groups,
cognitive interviews with test subjects, or both [28]. Face and content validity. After preparing the initial draft, it
has to be examined by a few experts for its face validity and content
validity. In the context of an instrument or tool, validity expresses
the degree to which it measures the particular attribute or
construct, or it can be considered as the appropriateness of
inference or decision made from measurement. Validity tests can
be broadly classied into those that assess the theoretical construct
and the empirical construct [29]. Face validity and content validity
assess the theoretical construct whereas the empirical construct is
assessed by means of criterion validity and construct validity,
which is explained later on (Section 7.2.4).
Face validity: Face validity refers to the extent to which one or
more experts subjectively agreeing that the items in the ques-
tionnaire are a valid measure of the concept which is being
measured just on the face of it. It is often considered as very ca-
sual and soft so that many researchers do not consider this as a
good indicator of validity. There are also others who consider that
face validity is a component of content validity [30].
Content validity: Content validity indicates whether the scale
items represent the proposed domains or concepts, the question-
naire is intended to measure [31]. This is a more reliable measure
than face validity since it can be assessed by employing objective
techniques. According to Bums and Grove, content validity can be
obtained from three sources: literature, representatives of the
relevant populations, and experts, which in turn could be estab-
lished in two stages; development and judgment stage [32]. In the
development stage, content validity is assessed through inputs
from literature, population representatives, or experts, mainly
employing qualitative methods like a survey or focus groups, as
described earlier. In the judgment stage, content validity is assessed
using an objective method, where graded responses are elicited
from experts to generate quantitative evidence. Even though there
are several methods through which this can be achieved, a simple
technique is the Content validity index developed by Wal and
Bausell [33]. Here the questionnaire is reviewed by ve to ten ex-
perts, to judge the content domains of the tool, through the use of
rating scales so that each item is ranked on a four-point scale, based
on relevance, clarity, simplicity, and ambiguity see Table 2.
The content validity index is calculated from this data, which in
turn will provide information about the level of agreement among
experts regarding the items in the questionnaire. However, just like
face validity, content validity also has a drawback, as it involves
subjective assessment on the part of experts about the relevance of
each item in the tool. Cognitive interview. In self-reported questionnaires, it is
important to assess whether the respondent interprets the items
consistently with intended meanings [34]. This is carried out by
cognitive interviews, where the questionnaire is administered to a
selected number of subjects and their response elicited. Two
important methods used are the Think aloud method and the
Graded response scale, by which parameters like comprehension,
M. Edavalath and B.P. Bharathan Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine xxx (xxxx) xxx
retrieval, judgment, and response are assessed. This process helps
in identifying confusing questions or response options and misin-
terpretation by the respondents, so that such questions can be
rened or reframed to convey the intended meaning precisely. Translation and back-translation. If the original instrument
is developed in a different language, then it has to be translated into
the one that will be used in practice and then back translate, to
check if it keeps the original meaning after translation [35]. In such
a scenario, the cognitive interview should be carried out with the
translated version of the tool. The translation and back translation
have to be carried out by two different experts respectively, to avoid
bias. Reliability assessment. Reliability is the extent to which a
questionnaire, test, or any measurement procedure produces the
same results on repeated attempts, provided the construct being
assessed is stable over time [36]. It is a very important property of
any diagnostic tool, especially in a clinical trial, because it is vital to
establish that any changes observed in the trial are due to the
intervention and not to errors in the measuring instrument. Reli-
ability is not a xed property of a questionnaire as it depends on the
intended function, the population on which it is applied, and the
conditions in which it is used, so that the same instrument may not
be reliable under different conditions. There are three aspects of
reliability, namely: stability (test-retest reliability), equivalence
(inter-observer reliability), and internal consistency [30]. These are
discussed below:
a. Stability - test-retest reliability: Test-retest reliability in-
dicates the stability of the measurement tool over time so that
similar scores are obtained when the test is repeated on the same
subjects at a different timepoint, provided the construct is stable.
The extent to which these repeated values are similar to one
another reects the test-retest reliability of that measure [37].
Intra-rater-reliability: A variant of the test-retest reliability is
the intra-rater reliability, where the same observer makes two
separate measurements in the same subjects, at separate moments
in time and a comparison is made [38]. This is especially done if the
assessment involves a human component in decision making and is
a measure of the stability of scores given by the same evaluator on
repeated attempts. Statistical assessment involves estimation of the
correlation between multiple measurements, with the use of
intraclass correlation coefcient for continuous measures,
Spearman rank correlation coefcient for ordinal measures, and phi
coefcient in the case of binary variables. In general, the correlation
coefcient (r) values of r0.70 are considered as good, indicating
the stability of the instrument [39]. However, this form of reliability
cannot be assessed in certain cases where the factor that is
measured keeps changing with time. Hence two important as-
sumptions have to be met to use this test-retest procedure. The rst
and most important assumption is that the characteristic measured
does not change over time, called a testing effect. The second one is
that the interval between assessments is long enough yet short in
time so that the respondents memory of the previous test does not
inuence the second attempt (memory effect). Streiner and Nor-
man (2015) suggest that the usual range of time elapsed between
assessments tends to be between 2 and 14 days [39].
b. Equivalence: Equivalence refers to the consistency of the
results among multiple administrators of an instrument, or among
alternate forms of the same instrument. The former is called inter-
observer or inter-rater reliability whereas the latter is known as
alternate-form reliability [40].
Inter-rater reliability: This form of reliability is assessed by
comparing measurements obtained by two or more observers at a
given time, on the same population and the agreement between
them denotes inter-rater reliability. This is important in the case of
ayurvedic diagnosis, especially when the tool includes the assess-
ment of constructs that necessitates a physicians judgement, as in
the case of categorizing different shades of colour of the affected
body part in diseases like sopha (oedema) or vrana (ulcer). How-
ever, it is to be noted that Intra-rater reliability is a prerequisite for
inter-rater reliability. Reliability studies that measure agreement
between two or more observers usually make use of Kappa statistic
(Cohens or Fleiss kappa) where a kappa score of 1 indicates perfect
agreement, while zero indicates agreement equivalent to chance
[41]. For conducting such reliability studies, there has to be a suf-
cient sample size and also requires blinding of observers, in order
to prevent bias in assessment. In alternate-forms reliability,
different versions (with altered wordings) of the same tool are
administered and evaluated for the degree of correlation between
the assessments [47]. However, in practice, it is rarely employed
owing to the difculty in framing and administering multiple
c. Internal consistency (homogeneity): Normally, in a ques-
tionnaire, more than one item or question is used to measure an
attribute or construct, because of the basic tenet that several
related observations can produce a more reliable estimate than one.
For example, a prakriti assessment tool may require more than one
question to measure a single attribute agni, among others. In-
ternal consistency measures the extent to which items in the testor
instrument are measuring the same attribute of the given construct
[42]. Several methods can be employed for measuring internal
consistency that includes item-to-total correlation, split-half reli-
ability, KudereRichardson coefcient, and Cronbachs
. The
itemetotal correlation is used in assessing the reliability of a multi-
item scale where the correlation between an individual item and
the total score without that item is calculated, so that odd questions
are singled out [43]. In split-half reliability, the results are divided
into half so that correlations are calculated comparing both halves
and strong correlations indicate high reliability [44]. Another
commonly used measure is an extension of split-half reliability,
termed Coefcient alpha or Cronbachs alpha, which estimates the
average level of agreement in all the possible ways of split-half tests
and higher alpha indicating good internal consistency [45]. This is
used in the case of scales with items that have several response
options, whereas, in tools with dichotomous response scales, the
more complicated KudereRichardson test is employed [46].
Currently, all the above measures can be carried out using available
Table 2
Rating scale to calculate the content validity index.
Criteria Rank
12 3 4
1. Relevance Not relevant The item needs some revision Relevant but need minor revision Very relevant
2. Clarity Not clear The item needs some revision Clear but need minor revision Very clear
3. Simplicity Not simple The item needs some revision Simple but need minor revision very simple
4. Ambiguity Doubtful The item needs some revision No doubt but need minor revision Meaning is clear
M. Edavalath and B.P. Bharathan Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine xxx (xxxx) xxx
statistical software, so that the selection of the test is the only factor
that requires prudence on the part of the researcher. Item revision. During the process of pretesting, if the in-
strument is found to have a poor face and content validity or low
reliability or if there is a poor understanding of the items and re-
sponses scales by the target population, then the respective items
have to be revised or deleted, to rene the tool. Following the item
revision, the questionnaire has to be retested for the above pa-
rameters, before administering to a larger population for assessing
its validity and other accuracy measures.
7.2.4. Empirical validation - large sample study
After revising the items, the validity of the questionnaire can be
empirically established with the help of a eld test, to assess how
well the given measure relates to one or more external criterion or
the intended constructs. These forms of validity are called criterion-
related validity and construct validity respectively [30]. Further, the
criterion validity is divided into predictive validity and concurrence
validity whereas the subtypes of construct validity include
convergence validity, discriminant validity, known-group validity,
and factorial validity. Some experts have also included hypothesis-
testing validity as a form of construct validity [47]. In this phase, the
tool has to be administered in a large sample, with sample size
being calculated based on the number of items in the questionnaire. Criterion validity. Establishing the criterion validity in-
volves the demonstration of a correlation between the new tool
and another instrument or standard that is considered as an ac-
curate indicator of the same concept or construct being measured
(the gold standard) [48]. A major disadvantage of this validity is
that such a gold standard may not be available or easy to establish,
as in the case of Ayurveda. Criterion-related validity is further
classied into concurrent validity and predictive validity [49].
Concurrent validity is assessed statistically by testing the new in-
strument against an independent criterion or existing standard,
where both tools are administered on the same subjects, for
calculating the correlation coefcient and further tested using Two-
one sided t-tests (TOST) [50]. In case if such a criterion or standard
is absent, as in most of the Ayurvedic diagnosis, this correlation can
be done with a panel diagnosis involving experts. On the other
hand, predictive validity is assessed when the purpose of the tool is
to predict or estimate the occurrence of a behaviour or an event and
is often described in terms of sensitivity and specicity [51], as
explained later in the third phase. Construct validity. Construct validity is a quantitative form
of assessing the degree to which the tool measures the trait or
theoretical construct that it is intended to measure [52]. For
example, in the case of health assessment tools, most often the
instrument is intended to measure an underlying construct, such as
pain, or disability, rather than some directly observable phenom-
enon. Such constructs that are not directly measurable can be ex-
pected to have a set of quantitative relationships with other
constructs (e.g. exercise tolerance) as per current understanding.
Since a single related observation cannot prove the construct val-
idity of a new measure, multiple variables may be used for this
purpose such as disease staging, clinical or laboratory evidence, or
other related constructs of well-being. As this assessment uses a
hypothetical construct for comparison, it is the most difcult one to
establish, despite being the more valuable form of validity.
Depending upon the purpose of the tool, there are several means of
evidence that can be used for establishing the construct validity, as
discussed below:
Convergent and discriminant validity: These are two sophis-
ticated forms of testing construct validity, which requires postu-
lating that the instrument under consideration should have
stronger relationships with some variables and weaker relation-
ships with others [53]. Accordingly, correlations are expected to be
strongest with the most related constructs and weakest with the
most distally related constructs. Thus, while assessing the given
construct with the new tool, the result is compared with a different
measure of the same concept, so that if both yield similar results,
the validity is established. Similarly, discriminant validity veries
that the given instrument measures a construct that is not related
to the one under consideration. For example, a new tool assessing
swasthya (positive health) will have convergent validity with tools
measuring general health like WHOQOL-BREF (World Health Or-
ganization Quality of Life Instruments), whereas discriminant val-
idity with that assessing disability like WHODAS 2.0. (World Health
Organization Disability Assessment Schedule). Factorial validity/factor analysis. Even though factorial val-
idity is an empirical extension of content validity, it is considered as
a subtype of construct validity, because it employs a statistical
model called factor analysis to validate the contents of the
construct [54]. This form of validity is assessed in cases where the
construct of interest has several dimensions or if the instrument
has different domains of a general attribute. For example, the tool
measuring swasthya will be multi-dimensional, so that it needs to
assess the physical, psychological and social aspects of an individ-
ual. In such a case, items set up for measuring a particular domain
(e.g. physical) within the construct of interest (overall health sta-
tus), are supposed to be highly related to one another, than to those
measuring other dimensions (psychological or social domains). In
the process of factor analysis, the items are analysed creating a
mathematical model that estimates construct domains, within the
pool of items. It assesses the intercorrelation between questions or
up to what degree individual items are measuring a common factor
or domain so that items with poor factor loading can be deleted
from the tool. The main statistical methods used here are correla-
tion coefcients like Pearsons or Spearmans and principal
component analysis [55,56].
7.3. Third phase - diagnostic test assessment
Before a new clinical tool can be introduced into general prac-
tice, it should be evaluated for its clinical validity, by the means of
diagnostic accuracy studies. These studies evaluate the new tests
accuracy in discriminating subjects with or without the target
condition, in comparison with an existing standard, and can be
considered as a prototype of criterion validity explained above.
Several parameters are assessed in this step including sensitivity,
specicity, predictive values, likelihood ratios, and area under the
ROC curve [57]. Various study designs can be employed for this
purpose, based on the condition and population of interest,
including Cohort (single gate entry), Case-control (two gate entry),
and randomized controlled trials [58,59]. The parameters to be
assessed in this phase are briey described below.
7.3.1. Sensitivity and specicity
If the instrument is developed to detect the presence or absence
of a particular phenomenon or disease, it is important to determine
the degree of agreement between the results obtained by the new
tool (index test) and an existing gold standard. In case if the new
scale is a continuous measure and the external criterion a dichot-
omous one (presence or absence of disease), then it is imperative to
choose a cut point that can classify the subjects as healthy or sick.
This can lead to two types of errors: healthy individuals labelled as
M. Edavalath and B.P. Bharathan Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine xxx (xxxx) xxx
sick (false positive) or sick subjects diagnosed as healthy (false
negative). Assessing the sensitivity and specicity will help in
quantifying the diagnostic ability of the tool, especially in differ-
entiating subjects with and without the particular disease [60]. The
sensitivity of a diagnostic tool is dened as the proportion of people
with the target condition who got a positive test result. In other
words, this indicates the ability of the tool to detect subjects with
the disease, whereas, specicity is the proportion of people without
the target condition, among those who tested negative. This in-
dicates the ability of the tool to rule out the disease in most of the
healthy subjects. In general, a diagnostic test is considered to have a
reasonable validity if its sensitivity and specicity are equal or over
0.80 [61].
7.3.2. Predictive values
In addition to the assessment of diagnostic validity, it is also
important to evaluate its behaviour, when applied to different
clinical contexts. This is done by calculating the predictive values,
which also takes into consideration the population to which it is
applied as well as the prevalence of the disease in them [60]. Pre-
dictive values are classied into two, where the positive predictive
value (PPV) indicates the proportion of patients who test positive
and actually have the disease, whereas negative predictive value
(NPV) is the proportion of patients who test negative and are truly
free of the disease. It is to be noted that, unlike sensitivity and
specicity, the PPV and NPV are dependent on the population being
tested and the prevalence of the disease. If a particular disease is
very common in the given population, then the calculated PPV will
be high, indicating that if the test is positive, the patient is certain to
have that disease.
7.3.3. Likelihood ratio
It has been already stated that predictive values take prevalence
into consideration, which can inuence the validity of a diagnostic
tool. One way to avoid this inuence is to calculate likelihood ratios,
that relate sensitivity and specicity in a single index, without
considering the prevalence of the disease.
The likelihood ratio is dened as how much more likely a pa-
tient who tests positive has the disease compared with one who
tests negative and demonstrates the potential utility of the diag-
nostic tool [59].
The likelihood ratio for a positive result (LRþ): It is calculated
by dividing the proportion of sick subjects with a positive test result
(sensitivity) by the proportion of healthy subjects with a negative
result (1-specicity).
The likelihood ratio for a negative result (LR-): It is the
probability of a person with the disease tested negative (false
negative) divided by the probability of a person without the disease
and tested negative (true negative). Of these 2 indices, the likeli-
hood ratio for a positive result is the most commonly employed in
practice, known as the likelihood ratio.
7.3.4. ROC curve
When the values of a diagnostic test follow a quantitative scale,
sensitivity and specicity vary according to the chosen cut point
that classies the population as healthy or sick. In this situation, a
global measure of the validity of the test in the universe of all
possible cut points is obtained through the use of ROC curves
(receiver operating characteristics) (Fig. 2)[62].
The ROC curve is drawn by plotting sensitivity along the Y-axis
and the complement of specicity (1-specicity) along the X-axis.
Different curves are then plotted for each cut-off point and the cut
off with the maximum area under the curve (AUC) correctly clas-
sies the pair of sensitivity and specicity ideal for the developed
tool see Table 3.
8. The problem of missing gold standard
Establishing the reliability and validity measures of a tool re-
quires evaluation against an existing gold standard, which may not
always be feasible in Ayurveda. In such a scenario, several methods
could be adopted, depending upon the characteristics of the
existing standards. These include imputing or adjusting for missing
data, generating a construct reference standard, and validating the
index test results in relation to other relevant clinical characteris-
tics [63]. Among the above-mentioned methods, the last two can be
adopted in Ayurveda. For instance, results from multiple methods
like composite reference standard [64], panel diagnosis [65], and
latent class analysis [66] can be combined to generate a construct
reference standard. In Ayurveda, a panel diagnosis in the form of
expert consensus is more ideal since the diagnosis involves a
greater human element. Another alternative method is to abandon
the diagnostic accuracy paradigm and validate the index testresults
in relation to other characteristics like future clinical events or
outcomes. Whether the approach of upasaya and anupasaya
(diagnosis based on explorative therapy) [67] expounded in Ayur-
veda can be employed for validating the index test results is also to
be explored. However, unlike the diagnostic accuracy indicators,
analysis of these studies incorporates the use of measures like
event rates, relative risks, and other correlation statistics.
9. Other recommendations
Developing diagnostic instruments in compliance with the
contemporary methods will aid in standardizing the ayurvedic
diagnostic approach, without relying on the biomedical methods of
assessment. The whole process also solicits extensive inputs from
allied elds like statistics and social sciences, aiding the investi-
gator to effectively integrate the principles of psychometry in tool
development. However, not all measures of validity and reliability
explained here are essential in every instance, as the selection of
specic psychometric property depends upon the type and purpose
of the tool, as well as the population in which it is being adminis-
tered. Likewise, these measures are not constant for a given tool
and require separate assessments for different settings. Moreover,
Fig. 2. ROC curve for three different cut points denoted by A, B, and C. Compared to A
and B, C represents the best classier among all the three cut-offs.
M. Edavalath and B.P. Bharathan Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine xxx (xxxx) xxx
there may be settings where a modern diagnosis is expedient in
patient management, especially in determining the prognosis or
evaluating the outcome. Hence efforts could also be directed at
formulating a framework for integrating the modern diagnostic
measures or investigations within the ambit of ayurvedic diagnosis.
Apart from this, it is also worthwhile to examine whether the
contemporary concepts of validity and reliability can be compared
with the classical research paradigms elucidated in Ayurveda such
as Pramanas [68]. Such an attempt will address the long-term de-
mand for developing tools and assessment methods within the
context of ayurvedic theoretical constructs.
10. Conclusion
Ayurveda, with its holistic and person centric clinical approach,
relies on the assessment of subjective and objective parameters for
arriving at an individualized diagnosis. Further, when attempting a
personalized diagnosis in a given patient, it is imperative to have a
certain degree of agreement between clinicians, which can be
brought about by employing standardised diagnostic tools.
Currently, there are no widely accepted standards for diagnostic
tool development in Ayurveda. The authors, after reviewing the
current literature, propose a framework for tool development in
Ayurveda, which involves three phases viz. dening the diagnostic
criteria, tool development and validation, and diagnostic test
assessment. The methodological challenges like the interplay of
multiple variables in the diagnosis and lack of a gold standard for
comparison were also discussed with their probable solutions.
Source(s) of funding
Conicts of interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing
nancial interests or personal relationships that could have
appeared to inuence the work reported in this paper.
The authors would like to extend their gratitude towards Sri
Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya, Kanchi-
puram, Tamil Nadu, for providing resources and support.
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Table 3
Summarizing the phases of tool development.
Phases in Tool Development Steps Methods
Preliminary Phase
(Dening Diagnostic Criteria)
Dening the diagnostic / classication criteria 1. Literature Review
2. Focus Group Discussions
3. Consensus Methods:
a. Consensus Conference
b. Modied Delphi
c. Nominal Group Technique
Second Phase
(Tool Development and Validation)
Devising Items &Response Scales
Item generation
1. Number of Items
2. Type of response
3. Selection of response scales and formats
1. Literature review
2. Focus group discussions
3. Modied Delphi
4. Dichotomous
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a. Thurstones method
b. Likert scale
c. Guttmann scale
Face Validity
Content Validity
Expert evaluation
Cognitive Interview Small sample study in respondents
Translation &Back translation Language experts
Reliability assessment Small sample study
Internal consistency (Cronbachs
Test-Retest Reliability
Inter-Rater Reliability (Kappa statistics)
Item revision
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Construct Validity Convergent Validity
Discriminant Validity
Factor Analysis Pearsons or Spearmans coefcients
Principal component analysis
Third Phase
(Diagnostic Test Assessment)
Predictive Values
Likelihood Ratios
Area under ROC curve
Cohort (single gate entry)
Case-control (two gate entry)
Randomized controlled trials
*Missing Gold Standard Construct reference standard Composite reference standard
Panel Diagnosis
Latent class analysis
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Other outcome measurements
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Full-text available
Background Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a powerful tool in health care, and its integration with Ayurveda, presents promising opportunities. Aims This review aims to Explore AI’s role in enhancing Ayurvedic diagnosis, personalized treatments, and drug discovery, challenges related to AI integration in Ayurveda . Methods and Materials A comprehensive literature search was conducted to identify relevant studies and articles on the integration of AI and Ayurveda. The search included databases such as PubMed, Google Scholar, and relevant journals. The collected data were analyzed to present a comprehensive overview of the topic. Results AI algorithms analyze patient data to enhance accuracy in diagnosis. They can integrate genomic, lifestyle, and environmental data for precise Prakriti determination. AI can digitize traditional diagnostic tools for standardization, such as pulse and tongue examination. AI tailors personalized treatments based on an individual’s constitution and imbalances. AI accelerates the discovery of medicinal herbs and predicts herb-drug interactions. It formulates personalized herbal combinations, preserving traditional knowledge. AI-driven health monitoring provides personalized lifestyle recommendations based on Ayurvedic principles. Conclusions The integration of AI into Ayurveda holds promise in transforming traditional medicine and health care. Collaboration between Ayurvedic practitioners, technology experts, and policymakers is essential to address challenges. The future prospects of AI in Ayurveda are bright, offering personalized treatments, preventive health care, and research advancements while preserving Ayurveda’s holistic essence.
This book provides a holistic view of natural products and remedies that have been used to treat cancer. The editors aim to educate readers about the importance of the translational role of natural products in cancer treatment by compiling 14 chapters. The book emphasizes an integrative approach to the topic by blending traditional knowledge that supports alternative therapies with the science of phytochemicals and drug discovery technologies as a means to manage the disease. Key topics include alternative therapies (such as aromatherapy and immune boosting herbal medications), cytotoxic and anti-cancer phytochemicals, drug delivery and discovery technologies (including high-throughput screening) and some drug targets of interest for cancer treatment (such as topoisomerases and caspases). Readers will be able to learn about natural sources of ant-cancer compounds, and the methods used by research and development experts in pharmaceutical and nutraceutical industries to isolate and formulate these compounds. This book will be a handy resource for a wide range of readers. This includes researchers, traditional medical practitioners, PG students, Ph.D. scholars and general readers to understand the role of natural products in cancer treatment. key features - Explains the importance of alternative therapies in the management of cancer - Emphasizes the ethnopharmacological approaches to cancer - Explores natural anticancer drug libraries - Discusses the role of modern cancer targets and the importance of in-silico tools in anticancer drug discovery - Addresses modern drug discovery tools and drug delivery technologies concerning their applications in cancer treatment. - Includes references for further reading
Despite significant advances in high throughput assays, the current state of drug discovery and development is facing an insurmountable challenge. For this reason, new methods for drug research are urgently needed. Ayurveda was used by almost 70% of Indians. The systematic and research-based search and investigation of native plants for beneficial and therapeutic effects should be modified. For this clarification, new scenarios and approaches were developed and developed Ayurvedic epidemiology, observational studies, and reverse pharmacological methods have produced remarkable achievements, indications, and components for a wide variety of diseases and conditions. The potential phytobase entity will appear in future scaffolds for medicinal chemists to increase potency while reducing toxicity. Many native medicinal herbs have been shown to be effective. Mucuna pruriens eggs are effective in treating Parkinson's disease, the Nycthanthes plant arbor-tritis is effective in treating malaria, and Phyllanthus amarus is used in treating hepatitis. Reverse pharmacology is used by several groups around the world for drug development of new formulations, chemicals, and baits.
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Background: The assessment of prognosis in a patient using a rigorous methodology is documented in old Ayurveda texts. But in present times, practitioners employ varied clinical assessment methods, which results in low inter-observer agreement. Objectives: This study proposes a conceptual framework for developing a prognosis scoring system, which we refer to as the "Baghel Prakash prognosis scoring system" (BPPSS), and presents its preliminary psychometric validation. Materials and methods: Classics of Ayurveda were extensively reviewed for item generation. Thirty-nine items were pooled initially. The Content Validity Index for Items (I-CVI), Scale-level Content Validity Index (S-CVI), and Content Validity Ratio (CVR) were calculated. The final framework contained 30 items. The scoring system was pilot-tested in a sample of 30 patients with various disease conditions. The reliability checks were done to evaluate internal consistency. Inter-item correlations, item-total correlations, and Cronbach's alpha (if an item is deleted) were used to conduct item analysis for the instrument. Results: The framework developed includes a set of early clinical warning signs and a prognosis scoring system of 30 items with a provision for clinical adjustment of scores for selected items. Internal consistency of the scoring system during the initial psychometric validation revealed a value of .761 for Cronbach's alpha (based on standardized items), and item analysis revealed that most of the items had acceptable correlation coefficients between .3 and .7. Conclusion: Based on this preliminary validation study, we found that this prognosis framework, based on the principles of Ayurveda, may be used in varied clinical situations. The preliminary psychometric validation experiments yielded satisfactory results. The framework also has potential in clinical research, such as selecting patients with similar prognostic scores for comparability in case and control groups of clinical trials. This tool can be utilized as a reliable outcome measure after conducting enough validation studies.
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Ayurveda is seen as one of the ancient medical systems that predate even the advent of modern science. This time-honored method of medicine has not been thoroughly studied by modern science. The traditional medical experience opens new doors for herbal research. The lack of knowledge of the similarities and distinctions between these systems' inherent strengths and weaknesses are the primary obstacles to their integration. A reviewer attempts to bring the concepts of Ayurveda to the fore that are centuries old and puts them to the test in the modern context. This would serve the young physicians and researchers and enable them to grasp conventional systems better, improve upon their similar ideas, and promote universal acceptance of the same ideas in these systems.
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Psychologists must be able to test both for the presence of an effect and for the absence of an effect. In addition to testing against zero, researchers can use the two one-sided tests (TOST) procedure to test for equivalence and reject the presence of a smallest effect size of interest (SESOI). The TOST procedure can be used to determine if an observed effect is surprisingly small, given that a true effect at least as extreme as the SESOI exists. We explain a range of approaches to determine the SESOI in psychological science and provide detailed examples of how equivalence tests should be performed and reported. Equivalence tests are an important extension of the statistical tools psychologists currently use and enable researchers to falsify predictions about the presence, and declare the absence, of meaningful effects.
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Psychologists must be able to test both for the presence of an effect and for the absence of an effect. In addition to testing against zero, researchers can use the two one-sided tests (TOST) procedure to test for equivalence and reject the presence of a smallest effect size of interest (SESOI). The TOST procedure can be used to determine if an observed effect is surprisingly small, given that a true effect at least as extreme as the SESOI exists. We explain a range of approaches to determine the SESOI in psychological science and provide detailed examples of how equivalence tests should be performed and reported. Equivalence tests are an important extension of the statistical tools psychologists currently use and enable researchers to falsify predictions about the presence, and declare the absence, of meaningful effects.
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Recent discussions on Ayurvedic research almost always end up with a note of discontent about its current methodology and demands for radically different versions. Reinforcement of “classical methods (of the glorious past)” is being envisaged as an alternative. If research is systematic enquiry to bring out truth, its core construct applies to formation of knowledge anywhere in the world, any time, may it be ancient or modern. As a part of debating on the necessity of an alternative, this article tries to check the comparability of ‘classical method’ (as available from Darsanas and Ayurveda) with ‘contemporary method’ through examining how much the two systems correspond in relation to the basic construct and terminology of research, under nine domains. The domains include most of the cardinal aspects of research process such as philosophical constructs, research paradigm, basic approaches on reasoning, definition and classification of research, research process based on nature of relationship, planning of interventional research, technical terminology, research reporting and research fallacies. More than sixty technical terms related to classical method are selected and explored for their conformity with contemporary language of research. Meaningful agreement was obtained which suggested that the two systems are comparable. Leaving a space for more systematic, methodical and extensive critical comparison, this review concluded on a suggestion that, one who proposes radical changes in research methodology, may consider the comparability of the two systems, and rethink on an extremist demand for a total reconstruction. Instead, the modus operandi of revising Ayurvedic research may emphasise on prioritizing its preferences and practices.
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Diagnostic tests are approaches used in clinical practice to identify with high accuracy the disease of a particular patient and thus to provide early and proper treatment. Reporting high-quality results of diagnostic tests, for both basic and advanced methods, is solely the responsibility of the authors. Despite the existence of recommendation and standards regarding the content or format of statistical aspects, the quality of what and how the statistic is reported when a diagnostic test is assessed varied from excellent to very poor. This article briefly reviews the steps in the evaluation of a diagnostic test from the anatomy, to the role in clinical practice, and to the statistical methods used to show their performances. The statistical approaches are linked with the phase, clinical question, and objective and are accompanied by examples. More details are provided for phase I and II studies while the statistical treatment of phase III and IV is just briefly presented. Several free online resources useful in the calculation of some statistics are also given.
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Psychologists must be able to test both for the presence of an effect and for the absence of an effect. In addition to testing against zero, researchers can use the two one-sided tests (TOST) procedure to test for equivalence and reject the presence of a smallest effect size of interest (SESOI). The TOST procedure can be used to determine if an observed effect is surprisingly small, given that a true effect at least as extreme as the SESOI exists. We explain a range of approaches to determine the SESOI in psychological science and provide detailed examples of how equivalence tests should be performed and reported. Equivalence tests are an important extension of the statistical tools psychologists currently use and enable researchers to falsify predictions about the presence, and declare the absence, of meaningful effects.
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Scale pretests analyze the suitability of individual scale items for further analysis, whether through judging their face validity, wording concerns, and/or other aspects. The current article reviews scale pretests, separated by qualitative and quantitative methods, in order to identify the differences, similarities, and even existence of the various pretests. This review highlights the best practices and objectives of each pretest, resulting in a guide for the ideal applications of each method. This is followed by a discussion of eight questions that can direct future research and practice regarding scale pretests. These questions highlight aspects of scale pretests that are still largely unknown, thereby posing a barrier to their successful application.
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Measurement instruments play an important role in research, clinical practice and health assessment. Studies on the quality of these instruments provide evidence of how the measurement properties were assessed, helping the researcher choose the best tool to use. Reliability and validity are considered the main measurement properties of such instruments. Reliability is the ability to reproduce a result consistently in time and space. Validity refers to the property of an instrument to measure exactly what it proposes. In this article, the main criteria and statistical tests used in the assessment of reliability (stability, internal consistency and equivalence) and validity (content, criterion and construct) of instruments are presented, discussed and exemplified. The assessment of instruments measurement properties is useful to subsidize the selection of valid and reliable tools, in order to ensure the quality of the results of studies.
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Patient classification systems generate information for staff allocation based on a patient’s care needs. This study aims to test further the instrument for assessing nursing intensity (NI) in perioperative settings. Nine operating departments from five university hospitals were involved. The perioperative nurses gathered data from patients ( N=876 ) representing different fields of surgery. Reliability was tested by parallel classifications ( n=144 ). Also, the users’ ( n=40 ) opinions were surveyed. The results support the predictive validity and interrater reliability of the instrument. The nurses considered the instrument feasible to use. The patients’ low ASA class did not automatically signify low NI; however, high ASA class was more frequently associated with high intraoperative NI. Intraoperative NI indicated the length of the postanaesthesia care and the type of the follow-up unit. Parallel classifications ensured the homogenous use of the instrument. The use of the instrument is recommended.
Kuder-Richardson Formula 20 was derived on the assumption that the average covariance between items on different forms is the same as the average covariance on the same form. This formula is considered an underestimate of the parallel form reliability because the average covariance of items with identical difficulty is expected to be higher than the average covariance of items of different difficulty. The proposed coefficient is derived by assuming instead that the average Goodman-Kruskal gamma between items of identical difficulty would be the same as the average for items of different difficulty. Given the average gamma for the present items, this permits an estimate of the covariance between items of identical difficulty. This leads directly to an estimate of the correlation between scores on the present test and those on a form that had an identical distribution of difficulty. Some examples are given.