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Aggregated Model of Virtual Power Plants for Frequency and Voltage Stability Analysis


Abstract and Figures

The concept of Virtual Power Plant (VPP) has been recently proposed to coordinate a set of distributed generators to act like a single power plant. A VPP also combines the frequency and voltage support provided by these distributed resources. The paper proposes a novel reduced-order yet accurate aggregated model to represent VPP transients for the stability analysis of power systems. The goal is to provide a model that is adequate for system studies and can serve to the Transmission System Operator (TSO) to evaluate the impact of VPPs on the overall grid. The proposed model can accommodate the transient response of the most relevant controllers included in the distributed generators that compose the VPP. Using a comparison with a real-time detailed Electro-Magnetic Transients (EMT) models of the VPP confirms the validity of the proposed aggregated model. The case studies based on the IEEE 39-bus system verifies the accuracy of the proposed aggregated model on the system stability analysis.
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPWRS.2021.3063280, IEEE
Transactions on Power Systems
Aggregated Model of Virtual Power Plants for
Transient Frequency and Voltage Stability Analysis
Junru Chen, Member, IEEE, Muyang Liu, Member, IEEE, Federico Milano, Fellow, IEEE
Abstract The Virtual Power Plant (VPP) has been proposed
to aggregate Distributed Generations (DGs) to act like a single
power plant, thus, also has functions on the frequency and
voltage support. The previous models of the VPP are static
and focus on the energy trading and management. For the
system transient response analysis, a dynamic VPP model must
be needed. The paper proposes a reduced-order yet accurate
aggregated model to represent VPP transients for the stability
analysis of power systems. The goal is to provide a model that is
adequate for system studies and can serve to the Transmission
System Operator (TSO) to evaluate the impact of VPPs on
the overall grid. The proposed model can accommodate the
transient response of the most relevant controllers included
in the distributed generators that compose the VPP. Using a
comparison with a real-time detailed Electro-Magnetic Transients
(EMT) models of the VPP confirms the validity of the proposed
aggregated model. The case studies based on the IEEE 39-bus
system verifies the accuracy of the proposed aggregated model
on the system stability analysis.
Index Terms Virtual Power Plant (VPP), Fast Frequency
Response (FFR), voltage stability, frequency stability.
A. Motivation
In the context of the power system migrating into higher
Distributed Generations (DGs), the concept of the Virtual
Power Plant (VPP) has been proposed to aggregate these
DGs units and/or load, and to coordinate to act like a single
power plant [1]. In order to maintain the system frequency
and voltage stability, VPPs like any other power plants, are
expected to have frequency and voltage support capabilities.
However, the VPP consists of a number of DGs, each of which
has its own transient response. A model able to represent the
transient response of a VPP as a single dynamic device is
sought by TSOs but still missing. This paper addresses this
issue and proposes an aggregated VPP model for transient
stability analysis.
B. Literature Review
The vast majority of existing aggregated VPP models are
aimed to solve the economic dispatch and energy management
problems and are thus steady-state models [1], [2]. Instead,
to date, the transient analysis of the high renewable system
is based on the separated DG models. Based on their control,
M. Liu and J. Chen are currently with Xinjiang University, China.
At the time of preparing this work, the authors were with the School
of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University College Dublin, Ire-
land. (E-mails:, and fed-
This work is supported by the European Commission, by funding Junru
Chen and Federico Milano under the Project EdgeFLEX, Grant No. 883710;
and by the Science Foundation Ireland, by funding Muyang Liu and Federico
Milano, under Investigator Program Grant No. SFI/15/IA/3074.
i.e. current sources or voltage sources, these DGs are classified
into Grid-Following (GFL) and Grid-Forming (GFM) respec-
tively [3]. References [4] and [5] propose a detailed full-order
model for the GFL-DG and GFM-DG accordingly.
Since converter dynamics are fast with respect to the elec-
tromechanical modes and regulators of synchronous machines,
the dominant dynamics of a DG comes from their controllers.
Based on this observation, references [6] and [7] propose a
2nd-order model of the GFL-DG and GFM-DG. However,
even with such second-order DG models, the computational
burden may still be considerable if the number of units that
compose the VPP is high. Moreover, from the viewpoint of a
TSO, it is not viable to model the transient behavior of each
small unit included in a VPP. TSOs, in fact, only need to know
the transient response of the VPP as a whole.
Aggregating several small units into a simple(er) model is
common practice. TSOs often employ aggregated grid models
for dynamic security assessment. For example, the 179-bus
Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) system is
aggregated from the original 10,000+ bus transmission system.
Fast frequency response analysis is based on the aggregated
models, for example, reference [8] proposes a transfer function
to aggregate all the synchronous generators and reference [9]
proposes a generic transfer function to represent all of gen-
erations in the power system. For a more accurate frequency
analysis in time domain simulation, reference [10] proposes
a model to aggregate the multiple wind machine system into
a single wind generator, reference [11] proposes method to
aggregate the multiple grid-feeding converter system into a
second order model and reference [12] proves that the virtual
inertia response of the wind turbine can be aggregated into a
similar form of the swing equation.
Most of the work interests on the system frequency response
thus above models are based on the assumption that the voltage
of the DG keeps constant. However, in reality, the occurrence
of any contingency disturbs the grid voltage and enforces the
DG reaction on the voltage. The transient voltage regulation
in the DG will affect its active power output and further
affects the grid frequency. This interaction differs with the
DG controls.
the DG works on the GFL mode and its voltage keeps
constant. With regard to the VPP, it actually mixes GFL and
GFM units with various frequency and voltage controls, so
that its response is more involved. In order to model the
entire VPP accurately, the system identification, such as inertia
estimation [13] and grid impedance estimation [14], is required
to determine the parameters of the aggregated model. To the
best of the authors’ knowledge, such a model has not been
proposed so far.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPWRS.2021.3063280, IEEE
Transactions on Power Systems
C. Contributions
This work proposes an aggregated VPP model able to
accurately reproduce the transient response of a VPP at the
fundamental frequency for the transient frequency and voltage
stability analysis. The secondary control of the VPP can ensure
a solid output from all the internal DGs in the forthcoming
commission period. The use case is to analyses the system
response in the situation of the contingency occurrence, i.e.
generator outage, load change and line outage. Thus, the ag-
gregated model is based on the assumption that all the internal
DG units working in unsaturated situation and working in
the symmetrical situation. Since the units in a VPP can be
either GFL or GFM, the proposed VPP model consists of
a voltage source and a current source in parallel to emulate
synchronization transients separately. The load in the VPP is
modeled according to their location to minimize the effect of
the voltage-dependent load on frequency and voltage response
[15]. The proposed VPP model is verified via a fully-fledged
EMT model and via a RMS transient stability model based on
the IEEE 39-bus system.
D. Organization
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section
II reviews the basic concept of VPP and analyzes the transients
of its internal units. Section III proposes the aggregated
VPP model. Section IV validates the proposed aggregated
model by comparing it with a detailed VPP EMT model
in Matlab/Simulink. In Section V, the IEEE 39-bus system
serves to show the accuracy of the proposed model for the
system dynamic security assessment. Conclusions are drawn
in Section VI.
A VPP is a cluster of DGs with several different technolo-
gies, e.g. wind generator (WT), PV panels, electric vehicle
(EV) chargers, electrical storage system (ESS) and loads as
shown in Fig. 1. VPP can coordinate their internal units via
the dual-directional communication system. The control tasks
of the VPP are separated in its time scales, using threefold hi-
erarchical layout including primary control, secondary control
and tertiary control [16]. The latter two controls are centralized
and implemented by Distribution System Operators (DSOs)
and are not further considered in this work.
The primary control, on the other hand, is implemented
into the individual units to achieve fast frequency response,
and primary frequency and voltage response. For the system
dynamic security assessment by TSOs, the knowledge of the
frequency and voltage supporting capabilities, the transient re-
sponse and the grid power injection at the Point of Connection
(POC) is required. The remainder of this section provides a
brief review on the general DG control strategies, i.e. Grid-
Following (GFL) and Grid-Forming (GFM).
A. Grid following DG
The GFL-DGs is widely used in wind farms, PV plants and
EV charger stations. It behaves like a current source, delivering
Power line
Communication line
Fig. 1: VPP Structure.
the assigned current id,iqor power p,qinto the grid. Its grid
synchronization is based on the voltage, using a Phase-Locked
Loop (PLL) to track the phase of the voltage at the Point of
Common Coupling (PCC). Note, PCC is a point of a single
DG connecting to the rest of the VPP, while POC is a point of
VPP connecting to the utility grid. Assuming that the phase
angle of the PCC voltage is the reference, the phase of the
VPP at the POC is δ. Then the q-axis PCC voltage in the
synchronous dq-frame can be written as follows:
vd=vpoc cos(δ)(ωg+ ∆ω)lgiq,(1)
vq=vpoc sin(δ)+(ωg+ ∆ω)lgid,(2)
where ωgis the grid frequency, ωis the PLL frequency
deviation to the grid in transients, i.e. ω=ωωg,lgis the
grid inductance from the DG to the POC. The synchronization
of the GFL-DG enforces vqto be null as indicated in Fig. 2
and its time constant depends on the PI parameters, Kp,Ki
normally in the range [50,100] ms [17]. Of course, there are
advanced PLLs [18] for the purpose of lower harmonics, but
essentially, they all contain a proportional part for a quick
stabilization and an integral part for a zero steady-state error
on the grid frequency deviations. Thus, here we use the generic
PI-based PLL for simplicity.
When the converter is perfectly synchronized with the grid,
the q-axis PCC voltage vqis null while the d-axis PCC voltage
vdequals to the voltage magnitude at the POC. Moreover, the
active power and reactive power are fully decoupled in the
steady state or vq= 0.
The reference currents of the converter control are given by:
, iref
where the reference active and reactive powers are given by:
pref =p+Kd(ωω)M˙ω , (4)
qref =q+Kq(vvd),(5)
where ωand vare the nominal frequency and voltage,
respectively. The active power reference (4) contains the feed-
forward power pfrom the DC source of the DG and the power
for the fast frequency response, i.e. df/dt response (inertia
emulation) M, and the primary frequency control, i.e. f-P
droop control Kd, where the frequency signal ωis is the
grid frequency detected by the PLL or Phasor Measurement
Unit (PM U); and the reactive power reference (5) contains
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPWRS.2021.3063280, IEEE
Transactions on Power Systems
the reactive power set point qand the compensated reactive
power for the voltage support, i.e. the V-Q droop control Kq.
Note, the virtual inertia in GFL could be achieved besides
using ESS, the kinetic energy stored in turbine [19] and the
de-loading control [20], but these all can be represented in the
form of (4) [12].
The power delivered by the GFL-DG to the POC is:
p=idvpoc cos(δ) + iqvpoc sin(δ),(6)
q=iqvpoc cos(δ) + idvpoc sin(δ).(7)
The resulting model of the GFL-DG is shown in Fig. 2,
where the dynamics of the converter current controller have
been neglected as their time scale is of the order of 1ms
and thus much faster than the synchronization dynamics and,
hence, it has been assumed that id=iref
dand iq=iref
The computation of this GFL-DG reduced model includes
3 differential equations (two for PLL and one for RoCoF
computation) and 7 algebraic equations.
Fig. 2: GFL-DG dynamic model.
B. Grid forming DG
The GFM-DG is widely used in microgrids and is aimed
at substituting the Synchronous Generator (SG) to impose the
voltage and frequency to the grid. Its grid synchronization is
based on the same principle as the SG, i.e. based on the power
balance. A particular synchronization method for GFM-DGs
is the Virtual Synchronous Generator (VSG), which consists
in emulating the inertia through a swing equation. Again
assuming that the PCC is the reference, the phase of the VPP
at the POC is δ. Then the synchronization of the VSG is
given by:
M˙ω=pp+Kd(ωωg) + D(ωωg),(8)
where Dis the damping coefficient. Note, the virtual inertia
in GFM could be achieved besides using ESS, the power
synchronization control [21] and DC voltage-based inertia
emulation [22], but these all can be represented in the form of
(8) [23]. The voltage support in the GFM-DG is a Automatic
Voltage Regulation (AVR) with gain Kvas in SGs:
v=v+Kv(vvpoc ).(9)
Since the GFM-DG controls the voltage directly, its reactive
power couples to the active power and the power at the POC
is the consequence of the voltage difference between the PCC
and POC. Assuming the system impedance is solely reactive,
namely lg, the power at the POC is:
p=v vpoc
ω lg
q=v vpoc
ω lg
ω lg
The dynamics of the converter voltage controller are of the
order of 10 ms and are thus negligible. For the same reason,
also the dynamics of the current controller are not considered,
as in the model of the GFL-DG [7]. The resulting GFM-DG
model is shown in Fig. 3. The computation of this GFM-DG
reduced model includes 2 differential equations and 3 algebraic
Fig. 3: GFM-DG dynamic model.
As discussed above, the GFL-DG and GFM-DG have dif-
ferent dynamic responses. To properly capture their transients,
thus, the proposed aggregated VPP model includes one current
and one voltage source. Then, the distributed loads in a VPP
can be represented with three aggregated loads, according to
their locations as indicated in Fig. 4, where the impedance
connecting to the POC is used to represent the effect of the
VPP system impedance on the DG dynamics as shown in
Fig. 2 and Fig. 3.
Fig. 4: VPP equivalent model.
Note that, in steady-state, since the GFL-DGs controls active
and reactive power directly, the aggregated current source is
modelled as PQ bus with negative powers; whereas, since
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPWRS.2021.3063280, IEEE
Transactions on Power Systems
GFM-DGs controls the active power and the voltage directly,
the aggregated voltage source model is modelled as a PV bus.
The remainder of this section discusses the definition of the
parameters of the aggregated VPP model shown in Fig. 4.
A. Aggregated Current Source Model
Let us assume that the VPP includes nGFL-DGs. Taking
the POC as the observation point, these GFL-DGs can be
represented by a Norton equivalent circuit where the ncurrent
sources are connected in parallel. The resulting aggregated
model can be easily obtained as the sum of their currents and
multiple of their impedances, as follows:
i=1 p
i=1 pi
i=1 q
i=1 qi
where, pi(qi) is the active (reactive) power compensation
of the GFL-DG ifor the frequency (voltage) support. Consid-
ering the power compensation from each GFL is (4) and (5),
the total power compensation can be computed as:
Kq,i(vvp oc ),(16)
where we assume that the set points ωand vare the same
for all GFL-DGs. In turn, the f-P gain, Rate of Change of
Frequency (RoCoF) gain and V-Q gain of the aggregated
current source are the sum of the values of all GFL-DG
included in the VPP.
The synchronism difference of the GFL-DGs mainly de-
pends on the term lgidin Fig. 2. The larger lgid, the longer the
synchronizing dynamics, in fact, the feed-forward loop of the
GFL-DG synchronizing dynamics depends on lgid(Kp+Ki
Based on this observation, the aggregated PLL parameters can
be computed as the weighted sum of the PI parameters of all
GFL-DGs in the VPP as indicated in (17). Since id,i in reality
is variable, for simplicity, in the computation of the synthetic
PLL parameter, assuming the active and reactive power is
decoupled, the active current then can be represented by the
active power reference as follows:
i=1 lg,iid,i (Kp,i +Ki,i
i=1 lg,iid,i
i=1 lg,ip
i(Kp,i +Ki,i
i=1 lg,ip
Substituting the synthetic parameters ia
pand Ka
into Fig. 2, we obtain the aggregated current sources and (1),
(2) and (12)-(7) constitute the resulting Differential-Algebraic
Equation (DAE) model of the aggregated current source.
B. Aggregated Voltage Source Model
Let us assume that the VPP includes mGFM-DGs. Taking
the POC as the observation point, the GFM-DGs can be repre-
sented by a Thevenin equivalent circuit where the mvoltage
sources are connected in parallel. The resulting aggregated
model is a voltage source connected to the POC through a
line. The active power of the aggregated voltage source is the
sum of the active powers of all GFM-DGs:
pivivpoc sin δi
where, for simplicity the ωi’s of the GFM-DGs have been
approximated as the reference angular speed, namely ωiωo.
Similarly, the reactive power at the POC is given by:
qivivpoc cos δi
From (18) and (19), the aggregated line impedance la
the aggregated voltage source is computed similarly by (14)
using all the Thevenin equivalent impedance of the GFM-DGs.
Then, substituting (9) into (11) and (19), we obtain the reactive
power due to the voltage change (v=vvpoc) at the POC
as follows:
qa= ∆v
Kv,i cos δi
where, again ωiωo,i= 1, . . . , m. Finally, the aggregated
AVR gain Ka
vis computed as the weighted sum of the AVR
gain Kv,i of all GFM-DGs:
i=1(Kv,i cos(δi)olg ,i)
i=1 cos(δi)olg,i
i=1 Kv,i qi
i=1 qi
As shown in Fig. 3, the dynamics of the frequency response
and synchronization are in the same loop, whose dynamic
behavior is determined by the inertia, damping and droop
coefficients. The inertia Maand droop Ka
dof the aggregated
voltage source is simply the sum of inertias and droops of all
Mi, Ka
Kd,i .(22)
The equivalent angular speed (frequency) of the aggregated
voltage source is obtained as weighted sum of the frequencies
of all GFM-DGs, similarly to the concept of the Center of
Inertia (CoI), as follows:
i=1 Miωi
i=1 Mi
The synthetic damping within VPP consists of the damping
in the DGs and the losses from the VPP grid resistances,
thus, cannot be simply computed as the sum of the damping
coefficients of the GFM-DGs. Essentially, damping is the
friction power to prevent the frequency change. Based on
this, we propose to compute the damping through the swing
equation (8), as follows:
i=1 pipKa
d(ωω) + ˙ωM a
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPWRS.2021.3063280, IEEE
Transactions on Power Systems
Substituting the synthetic parameters Ka
dand Da
into the scheme represented in Fig. 3, we obtain the aggregated
voltage source. Equations (8), (9) and (18)-(24) constitute the
resulting DAE model of the aggregated voltage source.
C. Load
The GFL- or GFM-interfaced loads can be modelled and
aggregated into previous current or voltage source model
respectively with negative generation. While other lloads are
generally modelled as voltage-dependent load:
pl,i =pl0,i vi
vαi, ql,i =ql0,i vi
Where αi/βiis the voltage coefficient of the active/reactive
power. When αi=βi= 0, it is constant power loads,
αi=βi= 1, it is constant current loads, αi=βi= 2,
it is constant impedance loads. Loads are distributed in the
region of the VPP and we assume that their voltage depends
on the nearby DG. GFL-DGs control the power directly, while
its terminal voltage is passively controlled as the consequence
of the the assigned power set point. On the other hand, GFM-
DGs control the voltage directly. Based on these observations,
loads can be classified into three categories, according to the
i. viis set to the voltage at the POC if the load is closed
to the POC;
ii. viis set to the voltage of the aggregated current source
output if the load is closed to the GFL-DG;
iii. viis set to the voltage of the aggregated voltage source
output if the load is closed to the GFM-DG;
Then, the distributed loads are aggregated into three clusters,
namely at the buses of the POC, current source and voltage
source, respectively, as shown in 4. Note that, in reality, viis
not exactly equal to the aggregated bus voltage. Hence a small
mismatch on the loading is inevitable.
D. System Identification
A VPP generally measures (vi, id,i, iq,i )or (pi, qi, ωi)at
the terminal of each DG, and commands the set-point p
i,v,ωand the primary control gains Kd,i,Kq,i ,Kv,i to
each DG according to the unit commitment of its secondary
control. However, the internal dynamic parameters, inertia
Mi, input inductance lg,i and damping Diare not known
by the VPP. For example, some of DGs use the adaptive
and alternating inertia, and some feed forward the inertia of
the turbine for the grid inertia provision. In the aggregated
model, the damping can be identified with (24) but the inertia
Miand input impedance lg,i still need to be identified. The
power system identification is a broad topic and still under
researching. There are many methods in the literature. Here
we only introduce one method based on [24]:
Mi=Tm,i(∆PiKd,i (ω
iωi)Mi˙ωi)sign( ˙ωi).(26)
where Tm,i is the time constant of the inertia estimation.
The system reactance from each DG to POC can be com-
puted via a derivation of the power flow equation (10) [25],
lg,i =vivgsin(δi)
The aggregated VPP model is completed. In comparison
with a VPP full model, the construction of the model from
3n+ 2mdifferential equations plus 7n+ 3m+ 2lalgebraic
equations is reduced to 5 differential equations plus 16 alge-
braic equations. The larger number of the units in the VPP,
the larger computational relief using the aggregated model.
A real-time simulation solved in Matlab/Simulink is utilized
to validate the proposed aggregation model against fully-
fledged EMT models that represent each element of the VPP.
The tested VPP is shown in Fig. 5. It consists of 2GFL-
DGs, 2GFM-DGs and 4loads connected to an infinite bus.
This infinite bus is modelled as an ideal voltage source, with
controlled frequency and voltage. The nominal frequency is
50 Hz. The base voltage is 10 kV and base power is 1MW.
The DG parameters as well as the aggregated voltage/current
source model settings are given in Table I. For simplicity, the
converter parameters are the same for all DGs and are given
in Table II. The system parameters are shown in Fig. 5. The
perturbances are a voltage change and frequency change of
the ideal source.
TABLE I: DGs and aggregated model parameters.
Unit M KdD Kv/Kqlg
[MWs/rad] [MW/rad] [MW/rad] [H]
GFL1 1.0 110 -600 0.157
GFL2 1.5 80 -367 0.193
GFM1 0.6 50 50 0.9 0.135
GFM2 0.3 80 80 0.9 0.160
I-model 2.5 190 -967 0.087
V-model 0.9 130 163 0.9 0.066
TABLE II: Converter parameters of DGs.
Parameter Value Parameter Value
LCL filter (µH/L) 0.5/3/0.1Voltage controller P/I 0.01/10.4
Current controller P/I 5000/10400 GFL1 PLL P /I 144/2560
GFL2 PLL P/I 126/2240 I-model PLL P /I 138/2450
A. Transient Response following Frequency Variations
This section verifies the accuracy of the aggregated model in
response to a frequency change at the POC. The initial steady-
state is characterized by 50 Hz frequency and 1pu voltage at
the POC. At t= 2 s, the frequency of the ideal source starts
decreasing from 50 Hz s to 49.85 Hz with a 0.3Hz/s slope.
The frequency variation stops at 2.5s. For simplicity and to
better illustrate the dynamics, the results below only show the
fast frequency response.
Figure 6 shows the comparison of the active power tran-
sients between the total power of the GFL-DGs (GFM-DGs)
of the detailed model and the aggregated current (voltage)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPWRS.2021.3063280, IEEE
Transactions on Power Systems
j0.0377 pu j0.0346 pu
j0.0817 pu
j0.0377 pu
j0.0911 pu j0.0534 pu
j0.0408 pu j0.0157 pu
P=0.7 pu
Q=0.2 pu
P=0.4 pu
Q=0.1 pu
P=0.9 pu
Q=0.6 pu
P=0.5 pu
Q=0.11 pu
p*=1 pu
v*=1 pu
p*=0.5 pu
v*=0.5 pu
p*=0.7 pu
q*=0 pu
In nite bus
v=1+j0 pu
j0.011 pu
P*=0.3 pu
q*=0 pu
Fig. 5: VPP topology for EMT simulation.
1.5 2 2.5
Active power (pu)
Time (s)
Total GFL
Current source model
(a) GFL-DGs vs. aggregated current source model.
1.5 2 2.5
3x 10−3
Aactive power (pu)
Time (s)
Total GFM
Voltage source model
(b) GFM-DGs vs. aggregated voltage source model.
Fig. 6: Active power transient response after a frequency variation.
source. The aggregated models appears to capture accurately
the dynamics of the overall VPP.
Figure 7 shows the results of the reactive power transients
between the detailed VPP and the proposed aggregated model.
Both the detailed VPP and the aggregated model present a
reduction of the reactive power. This reduction is due to the
power coupling of the GFMs and the voltage dependent loads.
Although the voltage level of the aggregated voltage source is
set to match the initial reactive power of the detailed model,
local GFM-DG voltages may be different in the detailed VPP
model. Consequently, the reactive power response can show
some small difference in the two models, as illustrated in (19).
Similarly, as mentioned above, the aggregated load voltage
may be different from the local voltages of the actual loads.
These are the reasons why Fig. 7 shows a reactive power
mismatch between the aggregated model and the detailed VPP.
However, since the voltage differences in the GFM-DGs and/or
in the load are generally small, such a mismatch is negligible.
1.5 2 2.5
Reactive power (pu)
Time (s)
Detailed VPP
Aggregated model
Fig. 7: Reactive power transient response after a frequency change.
B. Transient Response following Voltage Variations
This section verifies the accuracy of the aggregated model
in response to voltage step variations. The initial steady-state
is characterized by 50 Hz frequency and 1pu voltage at the
POC. The voltage of the ideal source jumps from 1pu to 0.9
pu at t= 2 s and recovers to 1pu at t= 2.5s.
Figure 8 shows the active power transients following the
voltage variations. The dynamic response of the GFL-DGs
show two aspects: (i) the negative feedback of the PLL
synchronization; and (ii) the reactive power compensation.
Because of these effects, the active and reactive powers of the
GFL-DG are coupled during the transient. This leads to the
spike in the active power at the instant of the voltage change.
The aggregated model shows a lower peak on the active power
than the detailed VPP, because it neglects the transients of the
current controller.
With regard to the GFM-DGs, the steps in the voltage
activates the AVR that, as a consequence, increases the output
voltage of the DGs. This voltage regulation leads to the
active power change as indicated in (18). Then the power
synchronization of the GFM-DG moves the phase to re-track
its power reference. This transient behavior is well reflected
in the aggregated voltage source model. The sub-transient
oscillation is due to the dynamic coupling between the swing
equation and the system impedance [27]. This behavior is also
accurately captured by the aggregated model.
1.5 2 2.5
Active power (pu)
Time (s)
Total GFL
Current source model
(a) GFL-DGs vs. aggregated current source model.
1.5 2 2.5
Time (s)
Reactive power (pu)
Total GFM
Voltage source model
(b) GFM-DGs vs. aggregated voltage source model.
Fig. 8: Active power transient response after voltage variations.
Figure 9 shows the reactive power transient of the detailed
and aggregated VPPs. The voltage support of the VPP com-
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPWRS.2021.3063280, IEEE
Transactions on Power Systems
pensates the reactive power following the POC voltage change.
The aggregated model accurately captures such a reactive
power compensation. Since the grid voltage before t= 2 s
and after t= 2.5s is the same, the reactive power trajectories
at post fault are perfectly matched. However, during the POC
voltage sag, there is a small mismatch due to the different
voltage levels in the VPP grid. Again, this mismatch is small
and does not affect the overall accuracy of the aggregated
1.5 2 2.5
Reactive power (pu)
Time (s)
Detailed VPP
Aggregated model
Fig. 9: Reactive power transient response after voltage variations.
C. Transient Response following Grid Impedance Variation
This section verifies the accuracy of the aggregated model
in response to the grid impedance variation. The infinite bus
now connects to the VPP via a parallel transmission line, of
which value is 0.01 pu and 0.001 pu. The line of 0.001 pu is
cut off at 2 s.
Figure 10 shows the active power transients following the
line outage. The aggregated model can basically capture the
response of the VPP, but shows a higher mismatches for the
aggregation of the GFL-DGs. This is because the phase at this
time is jumped at the POC and the grid impedance increases.
This lead to the transient current in the GFL-DGs lower its
reference, thus, resulting in a less peak than the aggregated
model with reference current output.
(a) GFL-DGs vs. aggregated current source model.
1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2
Active power (pu)
Time (s)
Total GFM
Voltage source model
(b) GFM-DGs vs. aggregated voltage source model.
Fig. 10: Active power transient response after line outage.
Figure 11 shows the reactive power transients following
the line outage. Since GFL-DGs applies the constant power
control, the reactive power variation is insignificant, only in
the order of 103pu. The aggregated current source model
captures the synchronous resonance occurred in the GFL-
DGs. On the other hand, the grid impedance change leads to
the reactive power change in the GFM-DGs and this is well
represented by the voltage source model as indicated in (20).
1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2
x 10−4
Reactive power (pu)
Time (s)
Total GFL
Current source model
(a) GFL-DGs vs. aggregated current source model.
1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2
Reactive power (pu)
Time (s)
Total GFM
Voltage source model
(b) GFM-DGs vs. aggregated voltage source model.
Fig. 11: Reactive power transient response after line outage.
This case study validates the fidelity of the aggregated
model for system-wide applications, e.g. the dynamic security
assessment solved by the TSOs. The grid is a modified New
England 10-machine system with inclusions of 3VPPs. Three
SGs with nearby loads are replaced with the VPPs. The
topology of the VPPs and the overall grid is shown in Fig. 12.
For simplicity, the topology of each VPP is identical, but the
capacities and parameters of the DGs are different (see Table
III) as well as the distributed loads in the VPP.
For the detailed grid formulation, the GFL- and GFM-
DGs are represented with full-order models [28], including
the dynamics of voltage and current controllers and converter
filters. The model of the SGs and their primary controls,
i.e. AVRs and Turbine Governors (TGs), are given in [29].
This case study aims to verify the accuracy of the proposed
aggregated model in different scenarios, namely, contingencies
occurring at supply and demand buses as well as in the
transmission system. The grid frequency is estimated with CoI.
Finally, simulations are solved with Dome, a Python-based
power system software tool [30].
The computation is carried out by the Dell Inspiron 15-3567
with 4 Intel Core i5-7200U 2.5 GHz. The computational time
of the full model is 35.267 s while that of the aggregated model
is 26.582 s. There is a 24.6 % reduction on the computational
time. This reduction can be further increased for the modern
power system with increasingly high penetration of VPP.
A. Eigenvalue Analysis
Before doing the time domain simulation, this section com-
pares the eigenvalue of the system using aggregated models
with that using detailed VPP models.
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPWRS.2021.3063280, IEEE
Transactions on Power Systems
TABLE III: VPPs and its aggregation model parameters.
Unit M KdD Kv/Kqlgω
VPP1-GFL1 0 35 -100 1.12 ·103
VPP1-GFL2 20 52 -88 6.99 ·104
VPP1-GFL3 45 44 -65 6.89 ·104
VPP1-GFM1 20 35 35 0.9 2.17 ·104
VPP1-GFM2 42 50 50 0.9 9.86 ·104
VPP1-I-model 65 131 -253 2.65 ·104
VPP1-V-model 62 85 85 0.9 6.38 ·103
VPP2-GFL1 21 46 -73 4.97 ·104
VPP2-GFL2 10 82 -81 7.25 ·104
VPP2-GFL3 0 44 -37 2.75 ·103
VPP2-GFM1 75 55 55 0.9 8.78 ·104
VPP2-GFM2 52 34 34 0.9 6.39 ·103
VPP2-I-model 31 172 -191 2.66 ·104
VPP2-V-model 127 89 89 0.9 6.69 ·103
VPP3-GFL1 15 36 -23 1.09 ·103
VPP3-GFL2 18 22 -31 1.32 ·103
VPP3-GFL3 8 19 -17 2.48 ·103
VPP3-GFM1 31 42 42 0.9 2.02 ·103
VPP3-GFM2 27 18 18 0.9 1.56 ·103
VPP3-I-model 41 77 -71 4.81 ·104
VPP3-V-model 58 60 60 0.9 9.45 ·103
Gen 1
Gen 2
Gen 3
Gen 4
Gen 5
Gen 6
Gen 7
Gen 8
Gen 10
25 26
DG 1
DG 2
DG 3DG 4
DG 5
Fig. 12: VPPs in the modified New England system.
Figure 13 shows the comparison results of the critical
eigenvalues. Due to the simplicity, the aggregated model
has less number of the eigenvalues, but the dominated or
right most eigenvalues are well represented. However, the
detailed VPP, due to the control interactions, presents extra
a pairs of eigenvalues in the poor damped area, for example
at -0.17207±j7.097100. This will lead to oscillations at the
corresponding frequency, i.e. 2.42 Hz, as proved latter in
Fig. 14b, Fig. 15b and Fig. 16b.
B. Scenario 1: Generator Outage
This scenario considers the outage of the machine Gen 8at
t= 1 s. Figure 14 shows the trajectories of the grid frequency,
the active power and reactive power of the VPP 1at its POC,
and the voltages at the nearby grid buses.
The active power response of the VPP can be accurately
captured by the aggregated model, as shown in Fig. 14b, so 0.5
Detailed VPP
Aggregated Model
Fig. 13: Eigenvalue comparison between the detailed VPP and
Aggregated Model.
that the grid frequency response (see 14a) is identical to the
one obtained with the detailed model. On the other hand, as
expected, the reactive power, e.g. see Fig. 14d, obtained from
the aggregated model shows a small mismatch with respect to
that of the detailed VPP, thus, resulting in a small mismatch
on the voltage response, as shown in Fig. 14c.
0 5 10 15 20
Time [s]
ωCoI [pu (Hz)]
Detailed VPP
Aggregated Model
(a) System frequency.
0 5 10 15 20
Time [s]
pVPP 1 [pu (MW)]
Detailed VPP
Aggregated Model
(b) VPP1 active power at POC.
0 5 10 15 20
Time [s]
vBus [pu (kV)]
Bus 28
Bus 19
Bus 22
(c) Bus voltages.
0 5 10 15 20
Time [s]
qVPP 1 [pu (MVar)]
Detailed VPP
Aggregated Model
(d) VPP1 reactive power at POC.
Fig. 14: Modified New England system, Scenario 1: generator outage.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPWRS.2021.3063280, IEEE
Transactions on Power Systems
C. Scenario 2: Load Outage
This scenario considers the outage of the load at bus 8at t=
1s. To avoid repetitions, we only show the system frequency
and bus voltages. After the contingency, since the generation is
greater than the loading, the system frequency increases. The
aggregated model accurately captures such a dynamic response
of the frequency as well as the voltage response as shown in
Fig. 15.
0 5 10 15 20
Time [s]
ωCoI [pu (Hz)]
Detailed VPP
Aggregated Model
(a) System frequency.
0 5 10 15 20
Time [s]
vBus [pu (kV)]
Bus 28
Bus 19
Bus 22
(b) Bus voltages.
Fig. 15: Modified New England system, Scenario 2: load outage.
D. Scenario 3: Line Outage
This scenario considers the outage of the line connecting
buses 2 and 25 at t=1 s. Fig. 16 shows the system response
obtained with the detailed and the proposed aggregated VPP
models. In this case, the frequency response of the aggregated
model presents a mismatch in the first 7 s after the contingency.
This mismatch is due to the converter controller dynamics,
whose dynamic effect is also shown in the EMT results
discussed in Section IV. This mismatch, however, is very small
in percentage and absolute values. It is visible only because
of the small scale of the y-axis in Fig. 16a.
This paper proposes an aggregated low-order model of VPP
that is able to accurately capture the transient response of
VPP with respect to the system contingencies. The proposed
aggregated model consists of a current source to represent
GFL-DG dynamics and a voltage source to represent GFM-
DG dynamics in the VPP. Loads are also properly represented
in the proposed aggregated model. Simulation results indicates
that, with this model, TSOs can study the dynamic response
of the grid without loss of accuracy and with no need to
model in detail the network and the various units in the VPP.
In the future work, the effect of the VPP system resistance
on the damping coefficient of the aggregated model could
be further investigated. Besides, based on this model, the
secondary control of the VPP could also be aggregated, and
0 5 10 15 20
Time [s]
ωCoI [pu (Hz)]
Detailed VPP
Aggregated Model
(a) System frequency.
0 5 10 15 20
Time [s]
vBus [pu (kV)]
Bus 28
Bus 19
Bus 22
(b) Bus voltages.
Fig. 16: Modified New England system, Scenario 3: line outage.
then frequency and voltage stability in a national grid could
be analyzed.
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPWRS.2021.3063280, IEEE
Transactions on Power Systems
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Muyang Liu (S17-M20) received the ME and
Ph.D. in Electrical Energy Engineering from Uni-
versity College Dublin, Ireland in 2016 and 2019.
Since December 2019, she is a senior researcher with
University College Dublin. Her scholarship is funded
through the SFI Investigator Award with title “Ad-
vanced Modeling for Power System Analysis and
Simulation.” Her current research interests include
power system modeling and stability analysis.
Junru Chen (S17-M20) received the ME and Ph.D.
degree in Electrical Energy Engineering from Uni-
versity College Dublin in 2016 and 2019. He was
exchanging student at Kiel University (Germany) in
2018 and at Tallinn University of Technology (Esto-
nia). He is currently a senior researcher at University
College Dublin and a visiting scholar at Aalborg
University, Denmark. His current research interests
in Power electronics control, modeling, stability and
Federico Milano (S’02, M’04, SM’09, F’16) re-
ceived from the University of Genoa, Italy, the ME
and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering in 1999 and
2003, respectively. From 2001 to 2002, he was with
the Univ. of Waterloo, Canada. From 2003 to 2013,
he was with the Univ. of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain.
In 2013, he joined the Univ. College Dublin, Ireland,
where he is currently Professor of Power Systems
Control and Protections and Head of Electrical
Engineering. His research interests include power
systems modeling, control and stability analysis.
... In [31], a hierarchical day-ahead optimal coordination of a VPP and distribution network is proposed to increase grid voltage stability. In [32], the VPP aggregated the distributed generators to operate as a single power plant to support the frequency and voltage of the grid. In [33], the contingencies in transmission lines are considered besides the financial bidding of the VPP by constructing a mixed-integer nonlinear programming problem and solving it using optimization algorithms. ...
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Due to the increasing installation of residential electric vehicle (EV) chargers to benefit from the low tariff rates during off-peak hours, the simultaneous charging of a large number of EVs affects the voltage profile and the transformer loading of a radial distribution network. Hence, this paper presents a virtual power plant (VPP) configuration that aggregates the data of dispersed residential batteries and EVs and coordinates their charging and discharging to regulate bus voltages and reduce transformer loading levels. This can be achieved by firstly ensuring that the batteries are completely charged during the daytime utilizing the available solar power and the grid power. After that, the residential EVs will be charged at night by using the grid and batteries. To ensure charging fairness for the customers, the VPP gives the charging priority to the EVs with lower states of charge (SOCs). The efficacy of the proposed VPP is tested on the radial IEEE 33 bus distribution system, including forty-five models of distributed zero-energy houses (ZEHs). The simulation results revealed that the VPP performs within the bus voltage and the transformer loading limits. Moreover, the VPP reduced the hot spots on transformers and transmission lines due to the possible large instantaneous power losses on them.
... Apart from the extensive research on steady-state models for inter-interval scheduling of HPPs, another major area of focus is dynamic modeling and control for intra-interval dynamic response. In [26]- [28], dynamic models have been developed to precisely characterize the transient responses of HPPs. Utilizing HPP dynamic models, [29]- [31] implement control algorithms to mitigate fluctuations in HPP power output. ...
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Hybrid power plants (HPPs) present a promising solution to address the significant challenges posed by the rapid integration of variable renewable energy sources (VREs) into power systems, particularly in maintaining power balance and frequency stability. Therefore, there is a pressing need for system operators and HPP owners to effectively manage both the energy and regulation services of HPPs within the current system operational framework. Existing studies on HPP modeling often separate dynamic control from steady-state scheduling and lack coordinated integration of self-scheduling of HPPs with the system-level scheduling, leading to over/under estimation of the flexibility of HPPs. To address this challenge, this paper presents a generic modeling framework for HPPs that integrates steady-state optimization with dynamic control across multiple timescales, enabling seamless HPP participation in day-ahead and real-time markets and real-time control. Additionally, the framework facilitates comprehensive economic and frequency performance evaluations. Case studies on a modified IEEE 39-bus system demonstrate the framework’s ability to ensure frequency performance with flexible HPP operation modes, align BESS state-of-charge (SOC) with dispatch targets, and optimize reliability and economic outcomes under various scenarios.
... In recent years, with the deepening of power market reforms, the commercial operation models of VPPs are also continuously being explored and developed [8]. VPPs can participate in different markets based on the progress of market reforms, thereby gaining profits from multiple angles. ...
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As the reform of electricity marketization advances, the virtual power plant (VPP), as an emerging market participant, is being progressively incorporated into the trading scope of both the electricity spot market (ESM) and the reserve market (RM). Due to its flexible regulation capabilities, the bidding strategies of VPPs in the electricity market are complex and variable, presenting new challenges to the joint operation of power markets. In this context, first, based on the interactive game relationships among multiple market entities under the operating mechanisms of the spot and reserve markets, this paper designs a principal-follower game framework for transactions in these markets with the VPP as the main entity. Second, it constructs a two-level joint optimized bidding strategy model for VPP participation in the spot and reserve markets, where the inner layer is the VPP’s optimized bidding strategy model aiming to maximize the total revenue from the spot and reserve markets; the outer layer is the spot and reserve market clearing model targeting the minimization of the total electricity purchasing cost for society. Finally, the simulation case analysis shows that the proposed method can achieve joint optimal operation of the electricity spot and reserve markets by considering the VPP bidding strategy, resulting in a 1.42% reduction in the total electricity purchase cost of the power market.
... We define M as the diagonal matrix composed of m i , D as the diagonal matrix composed of d i , K as the diagonal matrix composed of k i , Γ as the diagonal matrix composed of γ i , and T as the diagonal matrix composed of τ i . Then, we give a system-level model based on two widely acceptable assumptions [3], [7]. 1) Neglecting inner loop dynamics: The dynamics of inner loops, such as the current loop of IBRs, are not considered in system-level frequency analysis because they operate on much shorter timescales compared to powerfrequency loops. ...
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The frequency responses at different buses following a disturbance differ from that of the center-of-inertia (COI). Buses exhibiting much lower frequency nadirs than the COI nadir may pose stability concerns. In this letter, we demonstrate that nodal frequency responses are composed of global and local components. We propose a natural analytical decomposition method to separate these two components. The decomposition provides an insight into the overlap of angle and frequency dynamics. Based on this decomposition, we also derive an indicator that identifies buses susceptible to frequency stability issues. We believe that our findings are fundamental for deepening the understanding of nodal frequency dynamics, with potential applications in related studies. Our work is supported by both numerical simulations and rigorous theoretical analysis.
... However, the number of studies on frequency and voltage stability by designing a suitable control scheme for VPP containing grid-forming (GFM) converters is quite limited. In [10], a reduced-order aggregated model was proposed to represent the VPP's transients and perform the system's transient stability analysis. In [11], an adjustable inertia support was provided by the synchronous VPP based on GFM inverter-interfaced distributed energy resources. ...
... In a VPP, distributed generators are aggregated to act as a single power plant. They can provide voltage and frequency support to the system [180]. The parameter values required for control loops are adjusted based on the stable operation of a single converter; however, system behavior is also taken into account in VPPs. ...
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In electrical power systems where the proportion of synchronous generators (SG) is gradually decreasing, grid-forming (GFM) converters need to be installed and controlled to meet all the system requirements that SGs have provided to date. Modeling, control, and implementation of GFM converters have been the subject of numerous studies in recent years, particularly in the context of ensuring grid stability during the transition to non-synchronous renewable energy sources. This paper provides a comprehensive literature review on the modeling and control of grid-connected converters. In particular, the focus is placed on GFM-type control structures, objectives, and applications. Both grid-following (GFL) and GFM control structures are detailed. Then, the objectives of controlling GFM converters in power systems are discussed in detail. Finally, some completed and ongoing GFM installation projects around the world are summarized under the subheadings of battery energy storage system (BESS), GFM wind, hybrid, and high voltage direct current (HVDC).
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Background Virtual power plants (VPPs) represent a pivotal evolution in power system management, offering dynamic solutions to the challenges of renewable energy integration, grid stability, and demand-side management. Originally conceived as a concept to aggregate small-scale distributed energy resources, VPPs have evolved into sophisticated enablers of diverse energy assets, including solar panels, wind turbines, battery storage systems, and demand response units. This review article explores the evolution of VPPs and their pivotal roles as major stakeholders within contemporary power systems. The review opens with a definition of VPPs that clarifies both their fundamental traits and technological foundations. A historical examination of their development highlights major turning points and milestones that illustrate their transforming journey. Main text The methodology used for this article entailed a thorough examination to identify relevant studies, articles, and scholarly works related to virtual power plants. Academic databases were used to gather relevant literature. The literature was organized into categories helping to structure and present information in a logical flow based on the outline created for the review article. The discussions in the article show that the various functions that VPPs perform in power systems are of major interest. VPPs promote the seamless integration of renewable energy sources and provide optimum grid management by aggregating distributed energy resources, which improves sustainability. One of the important components of this evaluation involves taking market and policy considerations. Examining worldwide market patterns and forecasts reveals that VPP usage is rising, and that regulatory frameworks and incentives have a bigger impact on how well they integrate. Conclusion Overcoming obstacles is a necessary step towards realizing full VPP potential. For VPPs to be widely adopted, it is still essential to address technological and operational challenges as they arise. Diverse stakeholders must work together to overcome market obstacles and promote the expansion of the VPP market. This analysis highlights the potential for VPPs to propel the evolution of contemporary power systems toward a more sustainable and effective future by highlighting areas for future research and development.
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This paper proposes an on-line estimation method able to track the inertia of synchronous machines as well as the equivalent, possibly time-varying inertia from the converter- interfaced generators. For power electronics devices, the droop gain of the Fast Frequency Response (FFR) is also determined as a byproduct of the inertia estimation. The proposed method is shown to be robust against noise and to track accurately the inertia of synchronous generators, virtual synchronous genera- tors with constant and adaptive inertia, and wind power plants with inclusion of energy storage-based frequency control.
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The second part of this two-part paper discusses how to determine whether a device connected to the grid is providing inertial response and/or frequency control. The proposed technique is based on the index proposed in Part I of this paper. This part first discusses the dynamic behavior in terms of the rate of change of controlled power of a variety of non-synchronous devices that do and do not regulate the frequency. These include passive loads, energy storage systems and thermostatically controlled loads. Then a case study based on a real-world dynamic model of the all-island Irish transmission system discusses an application, based on a statistical analysis, of the proposed technique to wind power plants with and without frequency control. The properties and the robustness with respect to noise and other measurement issues of the proposed technique are also thoroughly discussed.
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The first part of this two-part paper proposes a technique that consists in the measurement, through phasor measurement units, of bus frequency variations to estimate the rate of change of regulated power, and in the definition of a local index that is able to discriminate between devices that modify the frequency at the connection bus and devices that do not. A taxonomy of devices based on their ability to modify locally the frequency is proposed. A byproduct of such an index is to estimate the inertia or equivalent inertia of the monitored device. The proposed index is shown to be a relevant consequence of the concept of frequency divider formula recently published by the authors on the IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. The properties of the proposed index is illustrated through examples based on the synchronous machine and its controllers.
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With the increasing integration of renewable generation, many power grids have gradually formed AC–DC hybrid systems. Abnormal operations, such as DC blocking faults and generation trips, have led to several incidents of large frequency deviations. However, current simulation methods result in large errors when estimating the frequency regulation capacity of the system. This paper proposes a generic system frequency-response (SFR) model that can be used to estimate the dynamic frequency behavior of modern large-scale power systems. The limitations of the classical SFR model is first analyzed. Second, a generic SFR model with a more reasonable structure is presented, and the parameter-determination strategy is proposed using both the dynamic and steady-state data. Then, the generic SFR model is built and verified by a simulation case. Finally, a generic SFR model with satisfactory accuracy is established for the power grid in East China based on the measured disturbance data. The results show that the proposed model is promising for broad potential applications.
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High-penetration wind power access to grid requires wind turbine generator (WTG) to provide frequency regulation service. Consequently, the frequency dynamics of wind power plants (WPPs) integrated system are changing; thus, it is necessary to investigate the dynamic frequency response of WPPs. In this paper, an analytical approach for an aggregated frequency response model for WPPs with primary frequency regulation service is presented and validated. First, different operation region of WTGs is fully taken into account, and a low-order wind power frequency response (WPFR) model with combined frequency control is deduced based on small signal analysis theory, which has been given in the form of symbolic transfer function. Afterwards, a system identification (SI) analytical method is proposed to aggregate a multi-machine WPFR model with heterogeneous parameters into a single equivalent model, which is called an aggregated WPFR (AWPFR) model, and this aggregation method is validated by the mathematical proof. Finally, the accuracy and effectiveness of the AWPFR model is verified through comparisons of simulation results obtained from the multi-machine WPFR model, detailed wind power plant (WPP) model and individual WPFR models, and the impact of the WTG parameters on the system frequency characteristics is analyzed and discussed. Such an aggregation model can provide a convenient way to describe the dynamic frequency response of WPPs by avoiding the need for modeling complex transient processes while maintaining a satisfactory level of accuracy.
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Virtual Synchronous Generator (VSG) control has been proposed as a means to control power electronics converter interfaced generation and storage which retains the dynamics of the conventional synchronous machine. This paper provides a comprehensive, transfer function based, analysis of VGS control, which can be used as the basis for the design of VSG transient and steady state performance. Based on a hardware validated, large signal model, a small signal model and associated transfer functions which describe the changes in real and reactive power in response to changes in references and grid frequency disturbances. The derived transfer functions are used to obtain insight into the correct design of VSG controllers. The small signal models, transfer functions and associated analysis are validated by comparison with measured results on a scaled hardware system.
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Virtual synchronous generator (VSG) control for converters has been proposed as a method to provide virtual inertia from power electronics connected generation and storage. Most works to date have analyzed VSG control under the assumption that the VSG dynamics are much slower than that the converter. This work shows that when converter and line dynamics are taken into account the virtual inertia and damping settings are constrained by stability considerations. These conditions for stability are analyzed based on a simple transfer function approach. It is shown that for the VSG to be stable and validly approximated by a second order system, the ratio of damping to virtual inertia is a key parameter. This paper quantifies how these VSG parameters are constrained by stability. The transfer function analysis is validated using full switching model simulations of stable and unstable cases.
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Constrained by low capacity and volatility, the rapid growth of distributed energy resources are obviously slowdown resulting in consumption difficulty and investment obstacle. As an effective integration and management technology, virtual power plant (VPP) becomes a suitable cornerstone of renewable energy future development. Based on current scientific research, this study intends to provide a detailed review of VPP from an internal perspective (e.g. energy resources' integration and operation) to the external aspect including participation in electricity market. In accordance with market diversity, different bidding strategy optimisation problems of VPP are formulated and their corresponding mathematical solution methods are literately reviewed. To extract characteristics of VPP, a comparison between energy management techniques (e.g. VPP, microgrid, active distribution network, and load aggregator) is conducted, where advantages and defects of VPP are also concluded. Meanwhile, realistic deployments of VPP in European electricity markets are elaborated to verify its feasibility and applicability. To better accommodate future development of renewable energy, a flexible structure and effective management mechanism of VPP should be built leading to its technical innovation and management reform. Possessed with the threefold development orientation, VPP will undoubtedly improve the utilisation and management of renewable energy sources as a coordinated and operational entity.
During severe grid faults, grid-following converters may become unstable and experience loss of synchronization when complying with requirements for low-voltage ride-through capability. This phenomenon is well-described, understood, and modeled for single-converter systems but lacks a modeling framework when extended to multi-converter systems. To fill this gap, this work presents the necessary stability conditions and aggregated reduced-order models for different multi-converter configurations, which can be used to assess the transient synchronization stability of grid-following converters under symmetrical grid faults. The necessary conditions for transient stability and the aggregated models are verified through numerous simulation studies, which verify their high accuracy for large-signal synchronization stability assessment. To that end, the Anholt wind power plant is considered as a case study where the aggregated model is compared to the full operation of a wind farm string containing 9 full-order grid-following converter models. High model accuracy is obtained, and the computational burden associated with the proposed model is reduced with a factor of 100 compared to a full-order representation on the tested system. Accordingly, the presented analysis and proposed modeling are attractive as a screening tool and a convenient approach for early-stage fault analysis of a system design.