
Blockchain Technology in the Healthcare Industry: Trends and Opportunities

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The growth in the use of blockchain technology in healthcare is remarkable and has a significant impact on the healthcare industry. In this work, the gap between the healthcare industry and blockchain technologies was addressed by evaluating previous activities. Bibliometric analysis of dataset distribution, venues, keywords and citations was conducted to identify the trend of blockchain technology in healthcare. Case studies of telecare medicine information system and E-health were also reviewed and evaluated in terms of security and privacy. This study discussed potential future challenges such as scalability and storage capacity, blockchain size, universal interoperability and standardisation. This work highlighted the motivations of employing blockchain technology in the healthcare industry. Prospects in health data and sharing process, clinical trials, the pharmaceutical industry, big data, artificial intelligence, 5G ultrasonic device, security and privacy were highlighted.

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... Uses FHIRChain for secure and scalable clinical data sharing. [17] 2021 Journal Examines blockchain's role in health data, clinical trials, and privacy. ...
... It provides a bibliometric overview and analyses gathered data properties, contributing to a better understanding of the current state of blockchain research in healthcare. Hussein et al., [13,17] employed a systematic review methodology to analyse the research landscape of blockchain technology in healthcare applications. It contributed to the literature by mapping the research landscape and identifying gaps, offering opportunities for further development of decentralised healthcare applications. ...
... The study highlights the necessity for further exploration of blockchain architectures beyond Hyperledger and Ethereum, as most prototypes followed similar structures. Hussien et al. [17] highlighted the motivations for employing blockchain technology in the healthcare industry. They discussed potential future challenges such as scalability and storage capacity, blockchain size, universal interoperability, and standardisation. ...
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Blockchain technology leverages a cryptographic system to provide secure and immutable storage of transaction histories within a decentralised framework. While various industries have demonstrated interest in integrating blockchain into their IT systems, concerns regarding accessibility, privacy, performance, and scalability persist. Permissioned blockchain frameworks offer a viable solution for securing confidential records. Extensive research has been conducted to explore the opportunities, challenges, application areas, and performance evaluations of different public and permissioned blockchain platforms. Given the sensitive nature of medical information, healthcare organisations must adhere to various legal obligations, including HIPAA regulations, to protect these data. Although navigating these requirements can be challenging, it is crucial for safeguarding the reputation of healthcare providers, maintaining patient trust, and avoiding legal repercussions. Permissioned blockchains represent decentralised digital ledgers tailored to collaborate among businesses and organisations. Their popularity has increased significantly in recent years, resulting in the availability of several leading options, such as Hyperledger Fabric, Corda, Quorum, and MultiChain. Each of these platforms presents its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Although blockchain technology remains relatively nascent in the permissioned realm, several factors warrant consideration when comparing these platforms. This study will review the existing landscape of blockchain technologies in healthcare applications and identify the research scopes. This research aims to determine how permissioned blockchain technology can effectively fulfil the requirements for managing healthcare data.
... The features like decentralization and transparency that blockchain technology offers promise to ensure data security and privacy in all aspects [15]. These characteristics of Blockchain attract researchers to integrate Blockchain technology into WBAN to ensure the security and privacy of medical data [6,16]. For that let us analyze various security attacks in WBANs. ...
... Here all the transactions are transparent to participating nodes in the network. Without permission the Blockchain consensus mechanism allows any node to participate [16]. The major drawback of this type of network is, it requires more computational power, it offers minimal privacy and security requirements. ...
... In this network, there will be a few nodes whose features are established in advance. These nodes are responsible for validating any transaction which follows the consensus mechanism for creating and finalizing a new block [16]. ...
... It is not widely appreciated how susceptible IoT hardware devices are to failure caused by high operating temperatures [45]. We observed that during a DDoS attack, the temperature of the victim node increased dramatically, which could potentially cause hardware failure due to overheating [45]. ...
... It is not widely appreciated how susceptible IoT hardware devices are to failure caused by high operating temperatures [45]. We observed that during a DDoS attack, the temperature of the victim node increased dramatically, which could potentially cause hardware failure due to overheating [45]. This can also pose a risk of fire hazards. ...
... This can also pose a risk of fire hazards. It is crucial to identify any temperature variability anomalies that may occur during a DDoS threat [45]. We individually analysed how device temperature varies based on three blockchain platforms. ...
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The Internet of Things (IoT) and blockchain are emerging technologies that have attracted attention in many industries, including healthcare, automotive, and supply chain. IoT networks and devices are typically low-powered and susceptible to cyber intrusions. However, blockchains hold considerable potential for securing low-power IoT networks. Blockchain networks provide security features such as encryption, decentralisation, time stamps, and ledger functions. The integration of blockchain and IoT technologies may address many of the security concerns. However, integrating blockchain with IoT raises several issues, including the security vulnerabilities and anomalies of blockchain-based IoT networks. In this paper, we report on our experiments using our blockchain test bed to demonstrate that blockchains on IoT platforms are vulnerable to DDoS attacks, which can also potentially lead to device hardware failures. We show that a number of anomalies are visible during either a DDoS attack or IoT device failure. In particular, the temperature of IoT hardware devices can exceed 90 °C during a DDoS attack, which could lead to hardware failure and potential fire hazards. We also found that the Block Transaction Rate (BTR) and network block loss percentage can increase due to corrupted hardware, with the BTR dropping to nearly zero blocks/sec and a block loss percentage of over 50 percent for all evaluated blockchains, and as high as 81.3 percent in one case. Our experiments demonstrate that anomalous temperature, latency, bandwidth, BTR, and network block loss percentage can potentially be used to identify DDoS attacks.
... As blockchain technology becomes more popular, smart contracts are getting new life. Now they are starting to be used in many different fields like finance [7,8], supply chain management [9][10][11], Internet of Things [12][13][14], and healthcare [15][16][17]. For instance, in September, 2023, Huawei and Beijing Bank showed, for the first time, the application of smart contracts in IoT scenarios. ...
... We employed widely used evaluation metrics that are widely used in the field of machine learning, such as F1 score, accuracy, recall, and precision, to provide a reasonable assessment of the detection results produced by our proposed model. (14)- (17). ...
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Ensuring the absence of vulnerabilities or flaws in smart contracts before their deployment is crucial for the smooth progress of subsequent work. Existing detection methods heavily rely on expert rules, resulting in low robustness and accuracy. Therefore, we propose EDSCVD, an enhanced deep learning vulnerability detection model based on dual-channel networks. Firstly, the contract fragments are preprocessed by BERT into the required word embeddings. Next, we utilized adversarial training FGM to the word embeddings to generate perturbations, thereby producing symmetric adversarial samples and enhancing the robustness of the model. Then, the dual-channel model combining BiLSTM and CNN is utilized for feature training to obtain more comprehensive and symmetric information on temporal and local contract features.Finally, the combined output features are passed through a classifier to classify and detect contract vulnerabilities. Experimental results show that our EDSCVD exhibits excellent detection performance in the detection of classical reentrancy vulnerabilities, timestamp dependencies, and integer overflow vulnerabilities.
... Blockchain can address interoperability issues by providing a standardized framework for data sharing among different healthcare systems and providers, facilitating seamless access to patient records [7,11,22]. This research explores blockchain technology's potential to shape wearable devices and UX while enhancing trust. ...
... Blockchain offers a decentralized and secure way to store and manage data, providing transparency while ensuring privacy and control [7][8][9][10][11]. Blockchain employs advanced cryptographic methods such as hash chaining, anonymous signatures, and non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs to ensure data integrity and privacy [9,12]. ...
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This study explores the integration of blockchain technology in wearable health devices through the design and development of a Smart Fidget Toy. We aimed to investigate design challenges and opportunities of blockchain-based health devices, examine the impact of blockchain integration user experience, and assess its potential to improve data control and user trust. Using an iterative user-centered design approach, we developed a mid-fidelity prototype of a physical fidget device with a blockchain-based web application. Our key contributions include the design of a fidget toy using blockchain for secure health data management, an iterative development process balancing user needs with blockchain integration challenges, and insights into user perceptions of blockchain wearables for health. We conducted user studies, including a survey (n = 28), focus group (n = 6), interactive wireframe testing (n = 7), and prototype testing (n = 10). Our study revealed high user interest (70%) in blockchain-based data control and sharing features and improved perceived security of data (90% of users) with blockchain integration. However, we also identified challenges in user understanding of blockchain concepts, necessitating additional support. Our smart contract, deployed on the Polygon zkEVM testnet, efficiently manages data storage and retrieval while maintaining user privacy. This research advances the understanding of blockchain applications in health wearables, offering valuable insights for the future development of this field.
... Recent advancements in technology have made blockchain (BC) a contender for systems that can offer unmatched security characteristics. 17 The history of Blockchain technology is attempted to be explained simply by a number of definitions. A distributed system (distributed ledger) organized into blocks and connected by nodes is one of the most often used definitions of a blockchain. ...
... To prevent and identify diseases, numerous systems have been developed in recent years. 17 Data integrity, record-sharing, data privacy, and patient enrollment are some of the weaknesses in existing systems, which blockchain technology can address. The clinical healthcare systems listed below offer data integrity and privacy. ...
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There is a dearth of interoperability between apps, data streams, and predictability in the healthcare industry for a significant amount of the data generated by multiple digital ecosystems. Real-time data streams can be derived as meaningful and scalable enough to enable real-time healthcare predictive analytics thanks to the new technology approach in distributed messaging and Blockchain, which has become a fundamental component of many healthcare technology stacks. Additionally, absorbing data streams from multiple sources from patterns of data can enhance models that are hampered by complex and lengthy analyses by raising the level of prediction and accuracy. Improved responses, lowered availability requirements, and unified predictive modeling will speed up healthcare interoperability and, in turn, improve diagnosis accuracy, move evidence-based medicine (EBM) in the right direction, and produce other positive effects on healthcare that improve best results and quality.
... In the current era of widespread technological progress linked to globalization, the electronic medical record system is a highly efficient and effective option for managing and storing patient health information (Sheikh et al., 2021). Regarding the deployment of electronic medical records in healthcare institutions, ensuring compliance and safeguarding data represent paramount concerns (Hussien et al., 2021). This is because the use of this system also gives rise to novel issues pertaining to the security of patient health information (Naarttijärvi, 2018). ...
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Electronic medical records must adhere to the principles of data and information security, which include availability, integrity, and confidentiality. Medical records serve as legitimate legal evidence, thereby satisfying these principles both individually and institutionally. Consequently, the aim of this research is to explore the roles of law on medical records for data and information security. To achieve this aim, a systematic literature review (SLR) was employed. The Scopus and PubMed databases were chosen for their global recognition. Full-text articles from these databases were subjected to PRISMA analysis using Mendeley Reference Manager. The researchers collected 32 research articles by the categories of data protection law, medical records' law enforcement, and data protection law recommendation. The research findings indicate that the roles of law deal with the role of law in compliance and data protection, law enforcement and sanctions, a recommendation for improving compliance and data protection. In addition, the law is crucial for ensuring compliance and data protection in electronic medical records implementation in hospitals. However, compliance levels have not reached optimal levels. To improve security, awareness, and enforcement, collaboration with legal bodies, and educational initiatives are needed. Legislation like HIPAA and GDPR influence data protection measures, but penalties are insufficient. To enhance compliance, medical personnel should undergo rigorous training and improve oversight of health data management procedures
... In the healthcare industry, blockchain technology's potential to enhance the handling of data, confidentiality, and privacy [23] has garnered a lot of interest. Still, there are several barriers to its adoption. ...
Blockchain-Enabled Internet of Things Applications in Healthcare: Current Practices and Future Directions examines cutting-edge applications, from blockchain-powered IoT innovations in healthcare systems to intelligent health profile management, remote patient monitoring, and healthcare credential verification. Additionally, the book extends its insights into blockchain-enabled IoT applications in smart agriculture, highlighting AI-driven technologies for health management and sustainable practices. With expert analyses, case studies, and practical guidance, this book offers readers a roadmap for implementing these technologies to improve efficiency, security, and data management in healthcare. It is an invaluable resource for industry professionals, researchers, and students interested in the future of healthcare technology. Key Features: - Exploration of blockchain and IoT applications in healthcare and agriculture - In-depth case studies and expert analyses - Practical insights into technology challenges and benefits
... In this regard, Chelladurai et al. [81] put forth a management system for electronic health records based on blockchain technology. Hussien et al. [82] explored the disparity between the healthcare sector and blockchain technology by evaluating cutting-edge technologies. This thorough review not only covered prior methodologies but also underscored the security and privacy concerns surrounding blockchain, using telehealth and electronic health information systems as illustrative case studies. ...
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The integration of artificial intelligence and blockchain in healthcare promises a significant transformation in data management, service quality improvement, and increased patient data security. Blockchain, by offering a decentralized and transparent platform, enhances the reliability and security of information. Meanwhile, artificial intelligence, with its ability to analyse and process data, helps identify patterns and predict treatment outcomes. The aim of this study is Evaluation and prioritization of artificial intelligence integrated blockchain factors in the healthcare supply chain using F-AHP and F-DEMATEL. Following a review of previous studies, four criteria and 23 sub-criteria were identified. In the first step, these criteria were ranked using the F-AHP method. In the second step, relationships among the sub-criteria were determined through F-DEMATEL, identifying causal and effect criteria. The F-AHP results show that among the 23 sub-criteria identified from previous studies, "integration of treatment processes (C32)", "Provide fair service (C31)", "health monitoring (C12)", "security of medical data (C34)", and "clinical decision support (C21)" ranked first to fifth, respectively. The F-DEMATEL results indicate that sub-criteria are divided into causal and effect categories, with "stakeholder participation (C42)" and "technology acceptance (C44)" being the most important causal sub-criteria, while "monitoring the treatment process (C15)" and "patient-centered treatment strategies (C22)" were identified as the most important effect sub-criteria. These findings suggest that the use of AI-blockchain integration in healthcare can lead to significant improvements in managing healthcare systems.
... Babich and Hilary [20] clarified the positive impact of blockchain technology on operations. These advantages were identified by Hussien et al. [21] and Li [22] for the healthcare and food industries, respectively. Considering the importance of information sharing among members, Wang et al. [23] show that blockchain technology can significantly minimize information asymmetry and overcome information sharing mistrust, privacy issues, and data misuse. ...
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Frequent exposure of fraud in online retailing has created consumer distrust in platforms and constrained the sustainability platform-based supply chains. We consider the role of blockchain in countering consumer mistrust and explore its impact on the platform sales modes selection (marketplace, wholesale, and hybrid) in a platform-based supply chain. Six game theoretic models where the platform takes three different sales modes (wholesale, marketplace, or hybrid) without and with blockchain adoption are developed. Intuition suggests that consumer mistrust reduces profits for the manufacturer and the platform. Counter-intuitively, there is little impact on the selection of platform sales modes. Moreover, as with previous studies where blockchain was not implemented, the manufacturer and the platform make an agreement on the wholesale (hybrid) mode when the commission rate and service effort are lower (higher) after implementing blockchain. The difference is that as the blockchain cost increases, the hybrid mode will no longer be selected.
... These contracts are written in the Solidity programming language. Solidity is the most popular programming language for smart contracts on the Ethereum platform [32]. Solidity has a syntax similar to other languages such as C++ and JavaScript. ...
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The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) refers to a structure where multiple devices and sensors communicate with each other over a network. As the number of internet-connected devices increases, so does the number of attacks on these devices. Therefore, it has become important to secure the data and prevent potential threats to the data in factories or workplaces. In this study, a deep learning-based architecture was used to determine whether the data collected from IIoT sensors was under attack by looking at network traffic. The data that was not exposed to attacks was stored on the Ethereum Blockchain network. The Ethereum blockchain network ensured that sensor data was stored securely without relying on any central authority and prevented data loss in case of any attack. Thanks to the communication process over the blockchain network, updating and sharing data was facilitated. The proposed deep learning-based intrusion detection system separated normal and anomaly data with 100% accuracy. The anomaly data were identified with an average of 95% accuracy for which attack type they belonged to. The data that was not exposed to attacks was processed on the blockchain network, and an alert system was implemented for the detected attack data. This study presents a method that companies can use to secure IIoT sensor data.
... This includes the infrastructure that supports the EHR, including the following computer hardware and software applications: core clinical and administrative EHR applications, clinical decision support systems, electronic prescribing, health information exchanges, patient portal systems, and telehealth and remote patient monitoring systems. HIT also incorporates computer networks, servers, and network security technology [6]. HIT is critical for EHRs. ...
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Digital health technologies, encompassing telemedicine and health information technology (HIT), have demonstrated the potential to reduce healthcare costs while improving accessibility and care quality. With healthcare costs rising globally, digital tools offer a promising solution by enabling early diagnosis, remote monitoring, and streamlined care coordination. Telemedicine facilitates access to medical services, especially in underserved areas, while HIT, particularly through electronic health records (EHR), enhances care efficiency and reduces unnecessary procedures. Despite the benefits, challenges such as resistance to technology, integration difficulties, and disparities in access must be addressed to realize the full cost-saving potential of digital health. This paper explores the impact of digital health on reducing healthcare expenditures and presents case studies that highlight the technology's success in improving care outcomes and controlling costs. INTRODUCTION The high cost of healthcare is a global issue. People are spending more on medical bills, making it difficult to keep up. Countries with government-funded healthcare are renegotiating plans and cutting programs to maintain budgets. In America, people struggle to pay medical bills and navigate the complicated world of healthcare. However, there is an overlooked solution a new technology that allows for monitoring health through digital means. This addresses the problem of rising healthcare costs [1]. There are simple health issues that often go unnoticed before they become bigger problems. Identifying and addressing these issues early on can significantly improve outcomes, and this can be achieved through making necessary lifestyle changes. It is well-established that prevention is better than a cure, and in this regard, digital monitoring plays a crucial role. By harnessing the power of technology, individuals can track their health status and receive real-time updates, enabling them to take proactive measures. However, to truly revolutionize healthcare, there is a pressing need for a highly efficient and readily accessible mass-produced device that consolidates all monitoring capabilities. This all-in-one solution would empower individuals to conveniently monitor various aspects of their health, facilitating timely intervention and personalization of care [2]. Overview of Digital Health Technologies Digital health technologies can be grouped into two major categories: telemedicine and health information technology (HIT). Telemedicine encompasses a variety of applications and services using two-way video, email, smartphones, wireless tools, and other forms of telecommunication's technology and health care services. Examples of telemedicine are digital stethoscopes, store-and-forward telemedicine, remote monitoring, online health management, and tele-education (health professional training). HIT supports the collection, storage, exchange, and analysis of health data using technology. HIT includes electronic health records (EHR), health information exchange (HIE), personal health records (PHR), and population health management. The most common form of HIT is an EHR. Both telemedicine and HIT can offer a more coordinated system of care that permits real-time access to patient information and the sharing of that information among providers. Technologies such as EHRs and secure messaging can reduce unnecessary tests and procedures, and the need for unnecessary hospital admissions, potentially leading to a reduction in overall expenditures. Policy-makers require new ways to measure the impact of digital health technologies on costs to see if they can reduce healthcare spending as hypothesized by many estimates. Before the implementation of EHRs and other health information
... The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are also testing BC capabilities, such as time-stamping, peer-to-peer reporting, and feature processing, for real-time detection of disease outbreaks [84]. Recent studies have explored the use of BC in information management systems [85], especially in the healthcare context [27,86,87]. One of the most serious challenges in healthcare is data management, which faces problems such as lack of diagnostic data, interoperability, and inability to maintain confidentiality and security of patient health records [20,21]. ...
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Article History: This study proposes a high-level design and configuration for an intelligent dual (hybrid and private) blockchain-based system. The configuration includes the type of network, level of decentralization, nodes, and roles, block structure information, authority control, and smart contracts and intended to address the two main categories of challenges-operation management and data management-through three intelligent modules across the pandemic stages. In the pre-hospital stage, an intelligent infection prediction system is proposed that utilizes in-house data to address the lack of a simple, efficient, agile, and low-cost screening method for identifying potentially infected individuals promptly and preventing the overload of patients entering hospitals. In the in-hospital stage, an intelligent prediction system is proposed to predict infection severity and hospital Length of Stay (LoS) to identify high-risk patients, prioritize them for receiving care services, and facilitate better resource allocation. In the post-hospital stage, an intelligent prediction system is proposed to predict the reinfection and readmission rates, to help reduce the burden on the healthcare system and provide personalized care and follow-up for higher-risk patients. In addition, the distribution of limited Personal protective equipment (PPE) is made fair using private blockchain (BC) and smart contracts. These modules were developed using Python and utilized to evaluate the performance of state-of-the-art machine learning (ML) techniques through 10-fold cross-validation at each stage. The most critical features were plotted and analyzed using SHapely Adaptive exPlanations (SHAP). Finally, we explored the implications of our system for both research and practice and provided recommendations for future enhancements.
... Recent disruptive technologies [1] have revolutionized the things around us, and sectors such as the healthcare industry have even changed in terms of their quality and diagnosis process. Healthcare 4.0 is one such technology which began in 2016 [2][3][4], and its primary intention was on wearable health systems customized for real-time deployment. Benefits from these technologies for enhanced clinical medical diagnosis and treatment processes accrue to patients as well as physicians. ...
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Healthcare 4.0 is considered the most promising technology for gathering data from humans and strongly couples with a communication system for precise clinical and diagnosis performance. Though sensor-driven devices have largely made our everyday lives easier, these technologies have been suffering from various security challenges. Because of data breaches and privacy issues, this heightens the demand for a comprehensive healthcare solution. Since most healthcare data are sensitive and valuable and transferred mostly via the Internet, the safety and confidentiality of patient data remain an important concern. To face the security challenges in Healthcare 4.0, Web 3.0 and blockchain technology have been increasingly deployed to resolve the security breaches due to their immutability and decentralized properties. In this research article, a Web 3.0 ensemble hybrid chaotic blockchain framework is proposed for effective and secure authentication in the Healthcare 4.0 industry. The proposed framework uses the Infura Web API, Web 3.0, hybrid chaotic keys, Ganache interfaces, and MongoDB. To allow for more secure authentication, an ensemble of scroll and Henon maps is deployed to formulate the high dynamic hashes during the formation of genesis blocks, and all of the data are backed in the proposed model. The complete framework was tested in Ethereum blockchain using Web 3.0, in which Python 3.19 is used as the major programming tool for developing the different interfaces. Formal analysis is carried out with Burrows–Abadi–Needham Logic (BAN) to assess the cybersecurity reliability of the suggested framework, and NIST standard tests are used for a thorough review. Furthermore, the robustness of the proposed blockchain is also measured and compared with the other secured blockchain frameworks. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed model exhibited more defensive characteristics against multiple attacks and outperformed the other models in terms of complexity and robustness. Finally, the paper gives a panoramic view of integrating Web 3.0 with the blockchain and the inevitable directions of a secured authentication framework for Healthcare 4.0.
... [9] Furthermore, Hussien and Huang et al addressed medical privacy protection using blockchain technology. [10,11] Mittelstadt and Salerno et al explored the ethical challenges and opportunities of privacy protection in health big data. [12,13] Additionally, discussions have extended to laws, regulations on gene data, health information, and regional data sharing. ...
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With the rapid development of emerging information technologies such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and the Internet of Things, the world has entered the era of big data. In the face of growing medical big data, research on the privacy protection of personal information has attracted more and more attention, but few studies have analyzed and forecasted the research hotspots and future development trends on the privacy protection. Presently, to systematically and comprehensively summarize the relevant privacy protection literature in the context of big healthcare data, a bibliometric analysis was conducted to clarify the spatial and temporal distribution and research hotspots of privacy protection using the information visualization software CiteSpace. The literature papers related to privacy protection in the Web of Science were collected from 2012 to 2023. Through analysis of the time, author and countries distribution of relevant publications, we found that after 2013, research on the privacy protection has received increasing attention and the core institution of privacy protection research is the university, but the countries show weak cooperation. Additionally, keywords like privacy, big data, internet, challenge, care, and information have high centralities and frequency, indicating the research hotspots and research trends in the field of the privacy protection. All the findings will provide a comprehensive privacy protection research knowledge structure for scholars in the field of privacy protection research under the background of health big data, which can help them quickly grasp the research hotspots and choose future research projects.
... Several studies have explored incorporating blockchain technology into various domains, including healthcare, smart cities, e-health, robotics, and cardiovascular medicine. Tagde et al. reviewed the use of blockchain and AI in e-health [22], while Lopes and Alexandre provided an overview of blockchain integration with robotics and AI [23], and Hussien et al. explored the trends and opportunities of blockchain technology in the healthcare industry [24]. ...
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Today, AI is primarily narrow, meaning that each model or agent can only perform one task or a narrow range of tasks. However, systems with broad capabilities can be built by connecting multiple narrow AIs. Connecting various AI agents in an open, multi-organizational environment requires a new communication model. Here, we develop a multi-layered ontology-based communication framework. Ontology concepts provide semantic definitions for the agents’ inputs and outputs, enabling them to dynamically identify communication requirements and build processing pipelines. Critical is that the ontology concepts are stored on a decentralized storage medium, allowing fast reading and writing. The multi-layered design offers flexibility by dividing a monolithic ontology model into semantic layers, allowing for the optimization of read and write latencies. We investigate the impact of this optimization by benchmarking experiments on three decentralized storage mediums—IPFS, Tendermint Cosmos, and Hyperledger Fabric—across a wide range of configurations. The increased read-write speeds allow AI agents to communicate efficiently in a decentralized environment utilizing ontology principles, making it easier for AI to be used widely in various applications.
... Accepted [22] healthcare sector in Jordan at a significant level ( ≤0.05). Moreover, based on Table 5, the hypotheses of this study were accepted and confirmed based on the cited studies in the table. ...
... Blockchain technology is grounded on three primary concepts: blocks, nodes, and miners. The technology saves data in different locations, across a network of computers [13] [14] [15]. Every computer independently updates its blockchain, reflecting the latest unit to the blockchain. ...
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As stated recently, the advanced technologies emerge as safe and reliable paths for private data sharing in numerous sectors, including finance, industry, energy, the web, supply, and the most critical one-healthcare. With a large amount of data increasingly generated in almost all those sectors, the powerful message for data analysis also rises-and the similar implies the concerns over privacy. Privacy protection techniques and solutions of some years back have seemingly become antiquated. Some privacy protections are weak while others can only work if the available data is degraded to suit their strength. Healthcare is treated as one of the most privacy-sensitive data domains with some of the most peculiar privacy protection regulatory requirements, well layered in major industry-specific standards such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act-HIPAA. In this regard, modern security experts have formulated modern approaches that allow running simulated health data (data security) and privacy. This facilitates the exploration of the big potential of data in the healthcare sector while adhering to state, international, and industry-based laws. In this review survey, big data and block-chain have been brought forward as useful tools to improve the privacy and data security in the healthcare industry. The goal of this study is to review the current status of data security and privacy in healthcare, which is made possible by these cutting-edge digital technologies in the provision of study consent systems to patients, about the sharing of their private, sensitive data. The outcome of the review shows that in order to protect patients' data privacy and their security, these modern tools facilitate quick, simple, effective, and seamless interactions between data processors (healthcare organizations) and data owners (patients).
... Ensures large amount of details of individual patients by storing it in format for every individual. 2 [44][45] Specific analysis of procedural effects ...
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Blockchain technology is a new development that is being used in a variety of industries, including the healthcare industry. Blockchain networks are utilized in the systems in healthcare to safely store and transfer patient data across hospitals, pharmaceutical firms, diagnostic centers, and healthcare providers. The capacity of Blockchain apps to precisely identify both critical and potentially hazardous faults in the medical industry is one of the significant benefits of using them in healthcare. The transparency, efficiency, and security of shared medical records throughout the healthcare network could, therefore, be improved by this technology. Blockchain technology can help medical organizations learn important lessons and ensure better analysis of patient information. This paper explores Blockchain technology and its benefits when used in healthcare. It provides the need for blockchain in healthcare and facilitates a road map of Blockchain in global healthcare. Additionally, it lists and discusses important Blockchain applications for the healthcare industry.
... Literature review and analysis -Secure data storage and patient record management -Supply chain tracking for pharmaceuticals -Improved data access and sharing L. Ismail et al. [36] Proposing a lightweight blockchain architecture for healthcare Design and simulation of a new blockchain architecture -Improved scalability and transaction processing speed compared to traditional blockchain -Reduced resource consumption and energy footprint T. Kumar et al. [37] Identifying key requirements and challenges for using blockchain in healthcare Literature review and analysis of existing blockchain applications in healthcare -Secure and efficient data management -Patient privacy and data protection -Regulatory compliance and interoperability H. M. Hussien et al. [38] Reviewing current trends and opportunities for using blockchain in healthcare Literature review and analysis of recent research and development in blockchain healthcare applications -Improved data security and transparency -Enhanced medication traceability and supply chain management -Increased efficiency and automation of healthcare processes A. Farouk et al. [39] Proposing a blockchain platform for industrial healthcare with a focus on data sharing and collaboration Design and conceptualization of a new blockchain platform -Improved security and transparency of data sharing between healthcare providers and manufacturers P. Zhang et al. [40] Overview of potential use cases for blockchain technology in healthcare Literature review and analysis of existing and proposed applications -Secure medical record management -Personalized medicine and precision healthcare -Supply chain tracking and counterfeit prevention [42] Heart disease diagnosis using federated learning on EHR data Modified artificial bee colony algorithm for feature selection combined with federated learning ...
... • Integration with Legacy Systems: Many healthcare organizations have existing EHR systems. Integrating these legacy systems with blockchain technology while ensuring data consistency can be challenging [21,134]. • User Training and Adoption: Healthcare professionals and staff need adequate training in using blockchainbased EHR systems. Adapting to new technology can be a hurdle in the healthcare sector [120,155]. ...
Blockchain has gained significant interest because of its inherent characteristics—decentralization, integrity, immutability, interoperability, transparency, and trustworthiness. Additionally, Blockchain has the potential to revolutionize the healthcare sector, ushering in a novel era. This survey presents some novel insights into blockchain-based electronic health record systems. Its aim is to present the research discoveries regarding the present state of blockchain technology in diverse healthcare application contexts. This paper presents a theoretical survey of various reputed research papers and white papers representing successful implementation. It helps the researchers to assess and understand blockchain-enabled healthcare systems properly. This detailed survey analysis presents the contribution of existing works from the perspective of identified challenges and their respective solutions. This paper presents a graphical survey analysis based on research findings, which helps identify some future exploratory directions for proper research work.
... The key contribution of bitcoin was allowing transactions between anonymous parties without the need for intermediaries or third parties, such as banks and financial institutions, by enabling trust and security. Applicationspractically and conceptually -include multiple use applications of blockchain across various contexts including healthcare management Hussien et al., 2021), the energy sector (Ahl et al., 2020;Teng et al., 2021), e-government (Sullivan and Burger, 2019;Assiri et al., 2022;Kassen, 2022) and supply chain management (Saberi et al., 2019;Queiroz et al., 2019;Lim et al., 2021). ...
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In order to drive the digitization process in the context of the healthcare business, it is crucial to understand fundamentals of the blockchain and its applications in the healthcare industry. Blockchain has the potential for addressing major challenges in healthcare because of its characteristics as security enhancement, traceability, transparency, and cost reduction. These qualities can improve transparent supply chain, EHR, and medicine authentication and can make a positive impact in healthcare industry. Popularly believed to be a kind of revolutionary advancement in computing science, there is so much that blockchain might bring about positive change in the health facilities. This paper's objectives are to evaluate the current state of blockchain technology research in healthcare supply chains, discuss implications, and identify potential future themes. The approach used in this paper was the use of systematic literature review or SLR which has two phases. At first, only related articles were identified based on relevance to selected keywords through database search and an extensive process that led to bibliographic coupling which divided 124 papers into relevant categories. In the second phase, these documents underwent elaborate descriptive and content analysis. In the results, it is evident that literature in the application of blockchain in healthcare is still emerging, though there is a steady upward trend over the last five years. Asian countries are leading in this aspect of production and *IEEE Access* emerging as the most productive journal in the blockchain healthcare research. The principal application domains identified include medical insurance, remote patient monitoring, medication supply chain management, EHR management, and inventory control; among them, EHR management is the largest use case. However, the study points out that many of the findings obtained tend to be limited in terms of applicability because the reviewed samples mainly include theoretical or non-sufficiently empirical studies. The knowledge acquired is expected to help the stakeholders, policy makers, scholars, and managers in order to make tactical choices pertaining to implementation and adaptation of blockchain technology in health care. Excluding such other emerging technologies and sectors as well, the focus of this study on blockchain solutions in the healthcare context may also limit the studies' external validity. This research can be ranked as one of the few recent comprehensive attempts to offer a systematic literature review and bibliometric analysis of blockchain application in healthcare. This paper reviews the existing literature, identifies emerging trends, and provides specific recommendations for future research to improve existing knowledge and planning regarding the application of blockchain in the healthcare industry.
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ABSTRACT This article examines the potential that innovations like blockchain and cryptocurrency possess in to change healthcare access for the Americans that are living abroad. It conducts a thorough analysis into the challenges that plague expatriates, including having to go through unfamiliar healthcare systems, manage international insurance, guarantee data privacy and afford cross-border payments. The study also analyses how blockchain, through its secure decentralized and immutable ledger system, can secure health data with the use of decentralized, tamper-proof electronic health records. It investigates the role that cryptocurrency plays in the reduction of transaction costs, streamlining of payments and the improvement of transparency in cross-border healthcare payments. This article also analyses how the use of stablecoins and government-backed digital currencies can reduce the volatility risks that is the feature of cryptocurrencies. The study also describes the benefits and challenges of blockchain and cryptocurrency that affect the potential of these technologies to create a global healthcare system for American expatriates that is more secure, accessible and affordable. The article makes acknowledgement of the challenges and limitations that plague these technologies like scalability, regulatory hurdles and the need for more awareness and adoption. The article concludes by pointing out the need for further research, development and collaboration among stakeholders to fully make use of the potential of blockchain and cryptocurrency in resolving the unique healthcare needs of Americans abroad. Keywords: Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Healthcare, Americans Abroad, Expatriates, Data Security, Cross-border Payments, Health Information Exchange
Purpose The healthcare ecosystem continues to evolve with new technological developments with the support of its stakeholders. The technology-driven and patient-centric Healthcare 5.0 (H5.0) ecosystem is undergoing a transformation promising enormous benefits. However, the need to identify and understand the inherent challenges and barriers faced in the journey of H5.0 implementation and the relevant countermeasures for accelerated implementation has become critical. Design/methodology/approach The current research paper has utilised the Delphi approach for the collection of information and applied a well-proven quality function deployment (QFD) methodology for analysis. Findings The house of quality (HOQ) tool from the QFD has highlighted the critical H5.0 challenges which contribute to, approximately, 60% of the total weight. The identified top five process descriptors from the developed HOQ also contribute, approximately 60% among overall countermeasures. A useful H5.0 implementation progress (HIP) index has been recommended for tracking the progress made in the H5.0 implementation journey. Originality/value This research is among the first that has provided the application of the HOQ approach in the QFD methodology in the domain of H5.0. It has provided useful insights to the stakeholders. Furthermore, the development of a simple and practical HIP index is another useful value addition.
Introduction: In recent decades, the medical field has faced many challenges in managing and maintaining information security on waiting lists for organ transplantation patients. The lack of trust of the participants in this process, which requires more efforts to ensure the security and privacy of patients and donors, highlights the necessity for finding new security solutions . Method: In this study, a safe and reliable method was presented and implemented using blockchain technology based on the Network Distributed File System (IPFS) to improve waiting list management and solve the challenge of maintaining voluminous medical documents. In this method, patient information is anonymized using appropriate algorithms, and then, stored and linked to the blockchain network . Results: The implemented system provides an integrated and innovative method in organ transplantation management, which not only comprehensively provides the security and privacy of patients, but also reduces social inequalities and increases trust in the organ donation process, as well as fair management of patient waiting lists. Conclusion: The proposed system has provided a scalable and efficient system using microservices architecture and can be provided as a reliable tool for medical stakeholders .
Blockchain-Enabled Internet of Things Applications in Healthcare: Current Practices and Future Directions examines cutting-edge applications, from blockchain-powered IoT innovations in healthcare systems to intelligent health profile management, remote patient monitoring, and healthcare credential verification. Additionally, the book extends its insights into blockchain-enabled IoT applications in smart agriculture, highlighting AI-driven technologies for health management and sustainable practices. With expert analyses, case studies, and practical guidance, this book offers readers a roadmap for implementing these technologies to improve efficiency, security, and data management in healthcare. It is an invaluable resource for industry professionals, researchers, and students interested in the future of healthcare technology. Key Features: - Exploration of blockchain and IoT applications in healthcare and agriculture - In-depth case studies and expert analyses - Practical insights into technology challenges and benefits
Blockchain-Enabled Internet of Things Applications in Healthcare: Current Practices and Future Directions examines cutting-edge applications, from blockchain-powered IoT innovations in healthcare systems to intelligent health profile management, remote patient monitoring, and healthcare credential verification. Additionally, the book extends its insights into blockchain-enabled IoT applications in smart agriculture, highlighting AI-driven technologies for health management and sustainable practices. With expert analyses, case studies, and practical guidance, this book offers readers a roadmap for implementing these technologies to improve efficiency, security, and data management in healthcare. It is an invaluable resource for industry professionals, researchers, and students interested in the future of healthcare technology. Key Features: - Exploration of blockchain and IoT applications in healthcare and agriculture - In-depth case studies and expert analyses - Practical insights into technology challenges and benefits
The advancements of AI techniques and its transformation made an intelligent automated process using Internet of Things (IoT), machine optimization in various industrial applications. One of the notable change happens in the healthcare industry witnessed significant progress, leading to the emergence of Health 4.0. This new era encompasses a wide range of cutting-edge technologies including the Internet of Things (IoT), Internet of Services (IoS), Medical Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), Health Cloud, Health Fog etc. The largest barrier to electronic healthcare is securing all medical equipment that are connected to the internet. Blockchain, a distributed and immutable ledger or database, has gained popularity across various sectors, including healthcare, due to its efficiency and reliability by offering features such as decentralization, enhanced security, and immutability. This chapter aims to explore the advantages and challenges associated with implementing blockchain technology in healthcare 4.0 by providing factual evaluation of block chain's progress in healthcare.
Healthcare plays a major role in ensuring the health and longevity of individuals and fostering a more productive society. It is a rapidly changing industry with various sectors like medical services, technologies, and products. IoT is emerging as a solution to enhance healthcare through interconnectivity, automation, and real-time data. In healthcare, IoT enables real-time data collection, remote monitoring, and advanced analytics, improving patient care and operational efficiency. However, challenges like data privacy and the need for robust IT infrastructure must be addressed. Cloud computing complements IoT by offering scalable, flexible solutions for health data management. This chapter focuses on IoT and cloud computing in healthcare, particularly in diagnosing sleep apnea. IoT devices connected to the cloud can monitor sleep disorders and aid in accurate diagnosis and treatment. The chapter aims to provide a comprehensive overview of IoT and cloud technologies in healthcare, their benefits, challenges, and potential in revolutionizing sleep medicine.
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When looking at the history of humanity, continuous change and development have been observed that have been the new needs of people, and solutions can be found for these requirements. The Industrial Revolution is one of these developments and consumption type and limit was changed after this point. This revolution brought the significance of energy production and consumption. Since the construction industry is the field that consumes the most energy, it is very important to control energy in buildings. With this essential, smart building systems which are require sensor data and an internet connection. Thus, a new requirement has emerged regarding the security and storage of sensor data. Blockchain technology is considered a feasible option to address uncertainties related to process tracking, data storage and data transparency. In this paper, the keywords "blockchain technology" and "smart building" found in the literature are examined to discuss what can be used to process data in smart buildings and ensure the security of this data.
Blockchain technology has been growing at a substantial growth rate over the last decade. Blockchain, originally developed to support the cryptocurrency ecosystem, has recently been used in various other fields to achieve extraordinary levels of security. Blockchain technology has applications beyond cryptocurrencies, including risk management, healthcare facilities, financial and social services, and more. Blockchain has been used in the healthcare industry for several purposes including secure data logging, transactions, and maintenance using smartcontracts. The healthcare sector integrating blockchain into various aspects of this digital age. Its features such as micro-transactions, decentralized exchanges, consensus mechanisms, and smart contracts allow for securing the privacy of the health data of patients who are key stakeholders in the healthcare domain. The User Interface (UI) of the HealthChain system highlights the development of blockchain peers with background data on blockchain network construction. By digitally linking patients, payers, and providers over an open network, Health Chain is building a data- driven healthcare community. The modular Hyperledger fabric architecture, which promotes secrecy, scalability and security in health informatics, is a major asset of HealthChain which is powered by Blockchain. The smartcontracts guarantees that the right people are authorised and given the rights on its network of permissions. This review's primary goal is to offer an extensive look and assessment of blockchain technology. The intention is to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of blockchain technology, its present status, and its possible effects on a range of industries, including supply chain management, healthcare, banking, and more.
In the realm of modern healthcare, data management grapples with challenges such as transparency, traceability, and privacy, exacerbated by centralized systems’ vulnerability during natural disasters. Blockchain technology emerges as a disruptive solution with transformative potential for healthcare data management. This paper meticulously investigates challenges hindering seamless blockchain integration in healthcare, encompassing regulatory, technical, and ethical dimensions. It emphasizes the critical need for innovative solutions to fortify data security and combat issues like deception in clinical trials within the healthcare domain. Addressing these challenges, the paper proposes a patient-centric blockchain-based framework. This framework employs advanced cryptographic techniques, including ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption, to establish authorization rights for relevant parties. Proxy re-encryption ensures secure data transfer and requested anonymity, allowing successful decryption without compromising confidentiality. To validate the proposed framework, the paper employs the Burrows–Abadi–Needham (BAN) logic for security evaluation. Simulation using OMNET++ software provides insights into associated storage and computation costs, facilitating a comprehensive assessment of operational efficiency. In conclusion, this paper navigates the challenges of integrating blockchain into healthcare data management, presenting its transformative potential and proposing a robust patient-centric solution. It not only addresses domain-specific problems but also contributes significantly to the broader discourse on technology’s convergence with healthcare. Envisioning a future where blockchain enhances scientific advancement, technological integration, and patient empowerment, the paper underscores the profound influence of blockchain on the healthcare sector.
Technological development has drastically changed the healthcare industry, bringing with it both new opportunities and problems for medical practitioners. The necessity of encouraging healthcare Professionals to accept and adjust to artificial intelligence and other cutting-edge technology is examined in this chapter. This chapter addresses the obstacles that come with implementing AI and other technologies and offers solutions for overcoming the difficulties involved in incorporating cutting-edge instruments into medical procedures. With insightful discussions on the moral dilemmas surrounding healthcare technology, the narrative aims to advance a well-rounded approach that prioritizes patient care while making use of the benefits of cutting-edge technologies. The chapter examines the potential implications of developing trends on the responsibilities of healthcare professionals and the future of healthcare technology.
This study investigates the impact of green finance (GF) on sustainable development and green supply chains, particularly in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. It explores how GF influences firms' economic, environmental, and social sustainability, with a focus on the moderating effects of modern technologies like big data analytics (BDA) and blockchain. The research is based on data collected from 562 managers in Egypt's industrial and manufacturing sectors through a survey conducted between November 18th, 2023, and January 12th, 2024. The survey, which used a five-point Likert scale, was distributed via both traditional and electronic methods, and its reliability was ensured through a pilot phase involving seven academics and five SC practitioners. The data was analyzed using partial least squares structural equation modeling, chosen for its effectiveness with non-normal data distributions. The Bootstrapping method with 5000 iterations was employed to validate the model. The findings reveal that GF significantly enhances green supply chain management (GSCM), particularly when moderated by BDA, though blockchain technology does not have a significant moderating effect. Additionally, GSCM is found to positively influence the environmental and social dimensions of sustainable development, mediating the relationship between GF and these sustainability outcomes. This study provides valuable insights for practitioners and policymakers, emphasizing the critical role of GF and BDA in fostering sustainable development, especially within the Egyptian industrial and manufacturing sectors.
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Personalized medicine has been made possible by the development of genomic research, which has opened up previously unheard-of possibilities for the identification, management, and prevention of diseases based on unique genetic profiles. On the other hand, privacy, data integrity, and consent management pose serious obstacles to the transparent and safe exchange of genetic data. This study investigates how blockchain technology can help with these issues by providing a decentralized, transparent, and unchangeable platform for exchanging genetic data. With its strong security features, blockchain technology offers a viable answer to the privacy and integrity issues that come with sharing genomic data. Blockchain enables that genetic data can be shared safely and privately among researchers, healthcare professionals, and patients by utilizing decentralized consensus methods and cryptography techniques. Every transaction on the blockchain is connected to earlier transactions and encrypted, forming a tamper-proof record that ensures data integrity. Using a combination of frameworks, case studies, and literature reviews, this research project examined the body of material already available on the applicability of blockchain technology in this field. According to the results of the peer-reviewed literature, blockchain technology not only protects genetic data from manipulation and unwanted access, but it also helps to create a more cooperative and trustworthy environment for genomic research. This opens the door to more rapid progress in personalized treatment and emphasizes how crucial it is to include cutting-edge technical solutions to protect vital Keywords: Genomic, Data Integrity, Blockchain, Technology, Cryptography, Preservation, Security Journal Reference Format: Malasowe, B.O., Okpor, M.D., Aghware, F., Ako, R.E. & Edim, E.B. (2024): Assuraning Data Integrity, Preservation, Transparency and Privacy.of Genomic Data in the Sharing Process Using Blockchain Technology. Journal of Behavioural Informatics, Digital Humanities and Development Rese Vol. 10 No. 3. Pp 17-46.
Blockchain technology has emerged as a transfor-mative innovation across multiple sectors, including finance, healthcare, agriculture, and real estate. Despite its widespread adoption, the healthcare system in Jordan has not yet fully lever-aged blockchain for patient information storage, encountering significant implementation challenges. This study aims to identify the obstacles faced by physicians in verifying patient conditions and accessing medical histories, as well as the limitations inherent in current off-chain systems. By examining these issues, the study seeks to propose solutions to improve the efficiency of the healthcare system. Healthcare professionals and software developers from both government and private hospitals, as well as medical laboratories , participated in this study. Data was collected from 100 participants and analyzed to derive conclusions and insights. The primary finding suggests that the adoption of blockchain technology for storing patient healthcare records and electronic health records can greatly enhance the security, reliability, integrity, and privacy of patient data. The study advocates for the integration of health systems from private and government hospitals into a unified, independent system that shares a common database while preserving individual hospital information. The study emphasizes blockchain's capability to ensure data security both on-chain and off-chain, thereby reducing the risks of data loss and forgery. It highlights the challenges physicians face in verifying patient cases and retrieving medical histories, stressing the necessity for streamlined processes to manage patient data more efficiently. These results provide valuable insights for healthcare professionals , software developers, and organizations, highlighting the potential benefits of blockchain technology in addressing security and privacy concerns within the healthcare sector.
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Blockchain technology and the Internet of Things (IoT) for smart healthcare systems has emerged as a promising area of research, as evidenced by a bibliometric analysis. This analysis explores the scholarly literature on the integration of blockchain and IoT in healthcare, identifying key trends, influential publications, and research directions. By leveraging blockchain's decentralized and immutable nature alongside the IoT's ability to collect and transmit real-time health data from various devices, smart healthcare systems aim to enhance data security, interoperability, and patient privacy. Bibliometric analysis provides valuable insights into the evolution of research in this field, highlighting emerging topics, interdisciplinary collaborations, and potential applications that can revolutionize healthcare delivery and management in the future. This paper introduces the Weighted Key Signature for Smart Healthcare Systems (WKSS), a framework designed to optimize healthcare operations within smart environments. With advanced technologies such as blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT), and integration technologies, WKSS aims to improve patient care, resource utilization, and overall healthcare system efficiency. The framework encompasses key components including digital signature generation, computational efficiency, and bibliometric analysis to provide insights into emerging trends and key contributors within smart healthcare systems. Through a comprehensive analysis, including simulations and bibliometric studies, this paper demonstrates the effectiveness of WKSS in reducing patient waiting times, enhancing resource utilization rates, and improving healthcare provider efficiency. Through simulations and bibliometric analysis, significant improvements were observed in key metrics. The average patient waiting time decreased from 45 to 34 minutes, resource utilization rates increased from 70% to 85%, and examination room occupancy rose from 60% to 75%. Additionally, physician and nurse utilization rates improved from 80% to 90% and from 75% to 85%, respectively.
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Telecare medical information system (TMIS) implemented in wireless body area network (WBAN) is convenient and time-saving for patients and doctors. TMIS is realized using wearable devices worn by a patient, and wearable devices generate patient health data and transmit them to a server through a public channel. Unfortunately, a malicious attacker can attempt performing various attacks through such a channel. Therefore, establishing a secure authentication process between a patient and a server is essential. Moreover, wearable devices have limited storage power. Cloud computing can be considered to resolve this problem by providing a storage service in the TMIS environment. In this environment, access control of the patient health data is essential for the quality of healthcare. Furthermore, the database of the cloud server is a major target for an attacker. The attacker can try to modify, forge, or delete the stored data. To resolve these problems, we propose a secure authentication protocol for a cloud-assisted TMIS with access control using blockchain. We employ ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption (CP-ABE) to establish access control for health data stored in the cloud server, and apply blockchain to guarantee data integrity. To prove robustness of the proposed protocol, we conduct informal analysis and Burrows-Adabi-Needham (BAN) logic analysis, and we formally validate the proposed protocol using automated validation of internet security protocols and applications (AVISPA). Consequently, we show that the proposed protocol provides more security and has better efficiency compared to related protocols. Therefore, the proposed protocol is proper for a practical TMIS environment.
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With the digitization of traditional medical records, medical institutions encounter difficult problems, such as electronic health record storage and sharing. Patients and doctors spend considerable time querying the required data when accessing electronic health records, but the obtained data are not necessarily correct, and access is sometimes restricted. On this basis, this study proposes a medical data sharing scheme based on permissioned blockchains, which use ciphertext-based attribute encryption to ensure data confidentiality and access control of medical data. Under premise of ensuring patient identity privacy, a polynomial equation is used to achieve an arbitrary connection of keywords, and then blockchain technology is combined. In addition, the proposed scheme has keyword-indistinguishability against adaptive chosen keyword attacks under the random oracle model. Analysis shows that the scheme has high retrieval efficiency.
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The concept of Blockchain has penetrated a wide range of scientific areas, and its use is considered to rise exponentially in the near future. Executing short scripts of predefined code called smart contracts on Blockchain can eliminate the need of intermediaries and can also raise the multitude of execution of contracts. In this paper, we discuss the concept of Blockchain along with smart contracts and discuss their applicability in the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) in the e-healthcare domain. The paper analyses the dimensions that decentralization and the use of smart contracts will take the IoMT in e-healthcare, proposes a novel architecture, and also outlines the advantages, challenges, and future trends related to the integration of all three. The proposed architecture shows its effectiveness with average packet delivery ratio, average latency, and average energy efficiency performance parameters when compared with traditional approaches.
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With rapid technological development, mobile computing and wireless transmission have become mature. These two technologies can be combined for sharing medical records on social networks, but doing so depends on the secure sharing of a patient’s data between Pervasive Social Network (PSN) nodes. Previous research has revealed that most human sensors cannot support very heavy computation, so the computation on the sensor node must be light. When a legitimate node is intercepted, an attacker may steal shared data of a third party through this intercepted node, causing security problems. Based on the aforementioned security and performance considerations, this study proposes a blockchain-based medical data preservation scheme for telecare medical information systems (TMISs), which consists of a medical sensor area authentication protocol and a social network information transfer protocol. The former protocol uses elliptic curve point multiplication to achieve secure data transfer between human sensors and mobile devices. The latter protocol stores data collected and transferred by mobile devices. The scheme herein is secure against several possible attacks and reduces the number of communication rounds below those of previously developed approaches. The social network information transfer protocol stores data using blockchain technology so that a data owner can authorize access to data by relevant users. Therefore, the proposed scheme improves upon not only the computing performance but also the security of previous approaches.
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Consensus mechanisms are a core feature for handling negotiation and agreements. Blockchain technology has seen the introduction of different sorts of consensus mechanism, ranging from tasks of heavy computation to the subtle mathematical proofs of Byzantine agreements. This paper presents the pioneer Delegated Byzantine Fault Tolerance (dBFT) protocol of Neo Blockchain, which was inspired by the Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT). Besides introducing its history, this study describes proofs and didactic examples, as well as novel design and extensions for Neo dBFT with multiple block proposals. Finally, we discuss challenges when dealing with strong Byzantine adversaries, and propose solutions inspired on PBFT for current weak-synchrony problems and increasing system robustness against attacks.
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This paper is dedicated to investigating the application of blockchain in eHealth systems. Unlike the previous work, patients here play a supervisory role and allow medical institutions to legally use their medical data without prior authorization but own the right to manage the medical data. This concept is able to protect the rights and interests of patients without affecting the normal diagnosis and research work of medical institutions. On this basis, a blockchain-based access control scheme for eHealth systems is proposed. To encourage patients to actively share their medical data, an incentive mechanism is also included. Finally, a case study on Ethereum is given to illustrate the feasibility and practicality of the proposed method.
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Nowadays, blockchain is developing as a secure and trustworthy platform for secure information sharing in areas of application like banking, supply chain management, food industry, energy, the Internet, and medical services. Besides, the blockchain can be described in a decentralized manner as an immutable ledger for recording data entries. Furthermore, this new technology has been developed to interrupt a variety of data-driven fields, including the health sector. However, blockchain refers to the distributed ledger technology, which constitutes an innovation in the information recording and sharing without a trusted third party. In this paper, blockchain and Distributed Ledger-based Improved Biomedical Security system (BDL-IBS) has been proposed to enhance the privacy and data security across healthcare applications. Further, our goal is to make it possible for patients to use the data to support their care and to provide strong consent systems for sharing data among different organizations and applications, since this includes managing and accessing a high amount of medical information, and this technology can maintain data to ensure reliability. Finally, results show that new blockchain-based digital platforms allow for fast, easy, and seamless interactions between data suppliers to enhance privacy and data security, including for patients themselves.
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In recent years, blockchain-related technologies and applications have gradually emerged. Blockchain technology is essentially a decentralized database maintained by the collective, and it is now widely applied in various fields. At the same time, with the growth of medical technology, medical information is becoming increasingly important in terms of patient identity background, medical payment records, and medical history. Medical information can be the most private information about a person, but due to issues such as operation errors within the network or a hacking attack by a malicious person, there have been major leaks of sensitive personal information in the past. In any case, this has become an issue worth studying to ensure the privacy of patients and protect these medical materials. On the other hand, under the current medical system, the patient’s EMR (electronic medical record) cannot be searched across the hospital. When the patient attends the hospital for treatment, repeated examinations will occur, resulting in a waste of medical resources. Therefore, we propose a blockchain-based secure inter-hospital EMR sharing system in this article. Through the programmatic authorization mechanism by smart contracts, the security of EMR is guaranteed. In addition to the essential mutual authentication, the proposed scheme also provides and guarantees data integrity, nonrepudiation, user untraceability, forward and backward secrecy, and resistance to replay attack.
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Blockchain-Based Healthcare System (HS-BC) is an electronic medical record (EMR) data-sharing system, which significantly facilitates the storage, access, and sharing of EMR data, and provides patients with timely and effective medical diagnosis and treatment. However, due to the high openness of the blockchain, security and privacy still are major concerns in HS-BC. In this paper, we propose an attribute-based signature scheme with attribute revocation to protect the privacy of the user’s identity in HS-BC. Under the premise of using attributes to identify users and protect their identity, the user combines the attribute master-key and the attribute update-key to calculate the attribute signing key, where the attribute master-key is related to the user identity and attribute set, and the attribute update-key is related to the attribute revocation. Through making use of the KUNodes algorithm, attribute revocation can effectively achieve. The designed attribute-based signature scheme requires relatively few pairing operations and does not rely on a central authority. Besides, we formally conducted a security analysis and proved that the proposed scheme is unforgeable, collusion resistant and privacy-preserving. Finally, we evaluate the proposed attribute-based signature scheme in terms of storage and efficiency. Comparison and experimental results show that it is feasible.
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Objective The creation and exchange of patients’ Electronic Healthcare Records have developed significantly in the last decade. Patients’ records are however distributed in data silos across multiple healthcare facilities, posing technical and clinical challenges that may endanger patients’ safety. Current healthcare sharing systems ensure interoperability of patients’ records across facilities, but they have limits in presenting doctors with the clinical context of the data in the records. We design and implement a platform for managing provenance tracking of Electronic Healthcare Records based on blockchain technology, compliant with the latest healthcare standards and following the patient-informed consent preferences. Methods The platform leverages two pillars: the use of international standards such as Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE), Health Level Seven International (HL7) and Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) to achieve interoperability, and the use of a provenance creation process that by-design, avoids personal data storage within the blockchain. The platform consists of: (1) a smart contract implemented within the Hyperledger Fabric blockchain that manages provenance according to the W3C PROV for medical document in standardised formats (e.g., a CDA document, a FHIR resource, a DICOM study, etc.); (2) a Java Proxy that intercepts all the document submissions and retrievals for which provenance shall be evaluated; (3) a service used to retrieve the PROV document. Results We integrated our decentralised platform with the SpiritEHR engine, an enterprise-grade healthcare system, and we stored and retrieved the available documents in the Mandel's sample CDA repository¹, which contained no protected health information. Using a cloud-based blockchain solution, we observed that the overhead added to the typical processing time of reading and writing medical data is in the order of milliseconds. Moreover, the integration of the Proxy at the level of exchanged messages in EHR systems allows transparent usage of provenance data in multiple health computing domains such as decision making, data reconciliation, and patient consent auditing. Conclusions By using international healthcare standards and a cloud-based blockchain deployment, we delivered a solution that can manage provenance of patients’ records via transparent integration within the routine operations on healthcare data.
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Background: With increased specialization of health care services and high levels of patient mobility, accessing health care services across multiple hospitals or clinics has become very common for diagnosis and treatment, particularly for patients with chronic diseases such as cancer. With informed knowledge of a patient’s history, physicians can make prompt clinical decisions for smarter, safer, and more efficient care. However, due to the privacy and high sensitivity of electronic health records (EHR), most EHR data sharing still happens through fax or mail due to the lack of systematic infrastructure support for secure, trustable health data sharing, which can also cause major delays in patient care. Objective: Our goal was to develop a system that will facilitate secure, trustable management, sharing, and aggregation of EHR data. Our patient-centric system allows patients to manage their own health records across multiple hospitals. The system will ensure patient privacy protection and guarantee security with respect to the requirements for health care data management, including the access control policy specified by the patient. Methods: We propose a permissioned blockchain-based system for EHR data sharing and integration. Each hospital will provide a blockchain node integrated with its own EHR system to form the blockchain network. A web-based interface will be used for patients and doctors to initiate EHR sharing transactions. We take a hybrid data management approach, where only management metadata will be stored on the chain. Actual EHR data, on the other hand, will be encrypted and stored off-chain in Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act–compliant cloud-based storage. The system uses public key infrastructure–based asymmetric encryption and digital signatures to secure shared EHR data. Results: In collaboration with Stony Brook University Hospital, we developed ACTION-EHR, a system for patient-centric, blockchain-based EHR data sharing and management for patient care, in particular radiation treatment for cancer. The prototype was built on Hyperledger Fabric, an open-source, permissioned blockchain framework. Data sharing transactions were implemented using chaincode and exposed as representational state transfer application programming interfaces used for the web portal for patients and users. The HL7 Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources standard was adopted to represent shared EHR data, making it easy to interface with hospital EHR systems and integrate a patient’s EHR data. We tested the system in a distributed environment at Stony Brook University using deidentified patient data. Conclusions: We studied and developed the critical technology components to enable patient-centric, blockchain-based EHR sharing to support cancer care. The prototype demonstrated the feasibility of our approach as well as some of the major challenges. The next step will be a pilot study with health care providers in both the United States and Switzerland. Our work provides an exemplar testbed to build next-generation EHR sharing infrastructures.
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Over the past several years, many healthcare applications have been developed to enhance the healthcare industry. Recent advancements in information technology and blockchain technology have revolutionized electronic healthcare research and industry. The innovation of miniaturized healthcare sensors for monitoring patient vital signs has improved and secured the human healthcare system. The increase in portable health devices has enhanced the quality of health-monitoring status both at an activity/fitness level for self-health tracking and at a medical level, providing more data to clinicians with potential for earlier diagnosis and guidance of treatment. When sharing personal medical information, data security and comfort are essential requirements for interaction with and collection of electronic medical records. However, it is hard for current systems to meet these requirements because they have inconsistent security policies and access control structures. The new solutions should be directed towards improving data access, and should be managed by the government in terms of privacy and security requirements to ensure the reliability of data for medical purposes. Blockchain paves the way for a revolution in the traditional pharmaceutical industry and benefits from unique features such as privacy and transparency of data. In this paper, we propose a novel platform for monitoring patient vital signs using smart contracts based on blockchain. The proposed system is designed and developed using hyperledger fabric, which is an enterprise-distributed ledger framework for developing blockchain-based applications. This approach provides several benefits to the patients, such as an extensive, immutable history log, and global access to medical information from anywhere at any time. The Libelium e-Health toolkit is used to acquire physiological data. The performance of the designed and developed system is evaluated in terms of transaction per second, transaction latency, and resource utilization using a standard benchmark tool known as Hyperledger Caliper. It is found that the proposed system outperforms the traditional health care system for monitoring patient data.
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In the digital economy era, the development of a distributed robust economy system has become increasingly important. The blockchain technology can be used to build such a system, but current mainstream consensus protocols are vulnerable to attack, making blockchain systems unsustainable. In this paper, we propose a new Robust Proof of Stake (RPoS) consensus protocol, which uses the amount of coins to select miners and limits the maximum value of the coin age to effectively avoid coin age accumulation attack and Nothing-at-Stake (N@S) attack. Under a comparison framework, we show that the RPoS equals or outperforms Proof of Work (PoW) protocol and Proof of Stake (PoS) protocol in three dimensions: energy consumption, robustness, and transaction processing speed. To compare the three consensus protocols in terms of trade efficiency, we built an agent-based model and find that RPoS protocol has greater or similar trade request-satisfied ratio than PoW and PoS. Hence, we suggest that RPoS is very suitable for building a robust digital economy distributed system.
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Electronic medical records (EMRs) are extremely important for patients’ treatment, doctors’ diagnoses, and medical technology development. In recent years, the distributed healthcare blockchain system has been researched for solving the information isolated island problem in centralized healthcare service systems. However, there still exists a series of important problems such as the patients’ sensitive information security, cross-institutional data sharing, medical quality, and efficiency. In this paper, we establish a lightweight privacy-preserving mechanism for a healthcare blockchain system. First, we apply an interleaving encoder to encrypt the original EMRs. This can hide the sensitive information of EMRs to protect the patient’s privacy security. Second, a ( t , n )-threshold lightweight message sharing scheme is presented. The EMRs are mapped to n different short shares, and it can be reconstructed by at least t shares. The EMR shares rather than the original EMRs are stored in the blockchain nodes. This can guarantee high security for EMR sharing and improve the data reconstruction efficiency. Third, the indexes of the stored EMR shares are employed to generate blocks that are chained together and finally form a blockchain. The authorized data users or institutions can recover an EMR by requesting at least t shares of the EMR from the blockchain nodes. In this way, the healthcare blockchain system can not only facilitate the cross-institution sharing process, but also provide proper protections for the EMRs. The security proof and analysis indicate that the proposed scheme can protect the privacy and security of patients’ medical information. The simulation results show that our proposed scheme is more efficient than similar literature in terms of energy consumption and storage space, and the healthcare blockchain system is more stable with the proposed message sharing scheme.
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Within the Internet of Things (IoT) and blockchain research, there is a growing interest in decentralizing health monitoring systems, to provide improved privacy to patients, without relying on trusted third parties for handling patients’ sensitive health data. With public blockchain deployments being severely limited in their scalability, and inherently having latency in transaction processing, there is room for researching and developing new techniques to leverage the security features of blockchains within healthcare applications. This paper presents a solution for patients to share their biomedical data with their doctors without their data being handled by trusted third party entities. The solution is built on the Ethereum blockchain as a medium for negotiating and record-keeping, along with Tor for delivering data from patients to doctors. To highlight the applicability of the solution in various health monitoring scenarios, we have considered three use-cases, namely cardiac monitoring, sleep apnoea testing, and EEG following epileptic seizures. Following the discussion about the use cases, the paper outlines a security analysis performed on the proposed solution, based on multiple attack scenarios. Finally, the paper presents and discusses a performance evaluation in terms of data delivery time in comparison to existing centralized and decentralized solutions.
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This study looks into the current, and potential uses of Blockchain technology in business, specifically in Accounting and in cybersecurity. We relate Blockchain uses to current concerns within cybersecurity and accounting. We review the literature that includes topics such as Big Data in Accounting, blockchain’s use in financial security and cybersecurity, and its use in financial accounting though the use of ledger technology and also as a system of tracking financial misconduct. We also review the Department of Homeland Security plan for cybersecurity over the next few years to understand what the US Government plans because of the importance of cybersecurity development. We show that Blockchain impacts auditing in different ways that will change the profession drastically. We also find that blockchain should be effectively implemented into different aspects of cybersecurity, and accounting, such as Auditing and general accounting procedures. Keywords: blockchain, business, cybersecurity, accounting, big data, Department of Homeland Security
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In any interconnected healthcare system (e.g., those that are part of a smart city), interactions between patients, medical doctors, nurses and other healthcare practitioners need to be secure and efficient. For example, all members must be authenticated and securely interconnected to minimize security and privacy breaches from within a given network. However, introducing security and privacy-preserving solutions can also incur delays in processing and other related services, potentially threatening patients lives in critical situations. A considerable number of authentication and security systems presented in the literature are centralized and frequently need to rely on some secure and trustful third party with communications. This, in turn, increases the time required for authentication and decreases throughput due to known overhead, for patients and inter-hospital communications. In this paper, we propose a novel decentralized authentication of patients in a distributed hospital network, by leveraging blockchain. Our notion of a healthcare setting includes patients and allied health professionals (medical doctors, nurses, technicians, etc), and the health information of patients. Findings from our in-depth simulations demonstrate the potential utility of the proposed architecture. For example, it is shown that the proposed architecture's decentralized authentication among a distributed affiliated hospital network does not require re-authentication. This improvement will have a considerable impact on increasing throughput, reducing overhead, improving response time, and decreasing energy consumption in the network. We also provide a comparative analysis of our model in relation to a base model of the network without blockchain to show the overall effectiveness of our proposed solution.
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The development of Electronic Information Technology has made the Electronic Medical Record a commonly used approach to recording and categorizing medical patient data in databases of different hospitals and medical entities so that controlling the shared data is not possible for patients at all. The importance of medical data as possessions of people and the system leads us to be concerned about its security, privacy, and accessibility. How to store and controlling access to medical information is of the most important challenges in the electronic health area. The present paper provides a new, secure, and efficient scheme based on blockchain technology and attribute-based encryption entitled “MedSBA” to record and store medical data, indicating that our proposed scheme protects user privacy and allows fine-grain access control of medical patient data based on General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Private blockchains are used in MedSBA to improve the right to revoke instant access which is of the attribute-based encryption challenges. The security and functionality of our proposed scheme are proved within a formal model and based on BAN logic, respectively; simulating the MedSBA scheme in the OPNET software as well as examining its computational complexity and storage indicates the efficiency of the present scheme.
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The accessibility of electronic healthcare data is necessary for effective treatment, policy decisions, and healthcare information exchange. Due to the intangibility of digital data, healthcare information is also prone to privacy-breach and security attacks. Further, the importance of immutability and privacy of healthcare data becomes colossal when a nationwide healthcare and wellness scheme is planned to be implemented. Providing quality healthcare services to such an enormous population size is challenging and requires proper technological infrastructure. The cooperation from the society is equally important to lay such a copious architecture on which the healthcare services should seamlessly run. Objective To assess the social and technical challenges that lie ahead in implementing large-scale comprehensive healthcare services and suggest a technology-intervening solution to serve the society at large. Method This study considers India's National Health Policy (2017) initiatives. The social and technical hurdles in implementation of the schemes are discussed, and AarogyaChain, a Blockchain technology-based solution is proposed to eliminate the health policy implementation hiccups. Result We find that the scalability is a primary concern in implementing healthcare services on blockchain at such a large scale. We experimented by creating a blockchain and found that the system throughput is a function of the number of special nodes called ordering nodes, and a trade-off is required to balance between time-to-commit and system's fault tolerance. Conclusion Blockchain provides a secure and transparent system of integrated healthcare services that keeps patients at the center and provides for corruption intolerant and efficient implementation of nationwide health-insurance programs.
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The dawn of the 21st century has seen the advent of many technologies targeting commercial and financial sectors. These include Big Data, Internet of Things and FinTechs such as blockchain. Blockchain is a type of a distributed database that is used to replicate, share, and synchronise data spread across different geographical locations such as multiple sites, countries, or organisations. The main property of blockchain is that there is no central administrator or centralised data storage mechanism. Consensus algorithms govern the peer-to-peer decentralised network. Numerous benefits and applications of blockchains have resulted in it becoming popular among a broad spectrum of businesses, but is it the case in the construction industry? Given, the backward nature of the construction industry in digitalisation and its reticence to change, it becomes important to analyse the potential impact of Blockchains as a potential disruptive technology. Although there exists a significant research gap and the potential possibility to test blockchain in the construction sector, the construction industry is historically reported as the second lowest sector to have adopted information technology. This leads to a conundrum whether blockchain is a pure technological hype or whether there is a real potential application in construction. The paper is aimed at critically analysing the application potential of blockchains in construction through a use case analysis and comprehensive literature review to resolve whether it is pure hype or real. The exploration revealed that due to the exponential uses of blockchain, investments involved, and a number of start-up businesses contributing to Industry 4.0, blockchain indeed has a credible potential in the construction industry.
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This paper attempts to explain a solution to tackle the problem of counterfeit medicines in India by proposing a resilient electronic health networks using blockchain. The distribution and consumption of fake medicines take thousands of lives every year. There are no effective measures to combat the network of the fake medicine syndicate in the country, and the stakeholders in the healthcare ecosystem have to work under trust-deficit relationships amongst them. Blockchain is a decentralized system of computer nodes, where each node stores the same data, and coexist with other nodes without having to trust them. The proposed solution is based on recording the medicine logistics requirements from medicine manufacturing to the patient on the blockchain network. If, at any stage, counterfeit medicine is introduced into the system, it will be detected immediately, and its further penetration will be stopped. The system is simulated using a hyper ledger fabric platform, and its performance is also compared with other existing methods. Results show that the system thus formed is computationally intensive but offers a reliable solution to the menace of fake medicines.
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Blockchain is evolving to be a secure and reliable platform for secure data sharing in application areas such as the financial sector, supply chain management, food industry, energy sector, internet of things and healthcare. In this paper, we review existing literature and applications available for the healthcare system using blockchain technology. Besides, this work also proposes multiple workflows involved in the healthcare ecosystem using blockchain technology for better data management. Different medical workflows have been designed and implemented using the ethereum blockchain platform which involves complex medical procedures like surgery and clinical trials. This also includes accessing and managing a large amount of medical data. Within the implementation of the workflows of the medical smart contract system for healthcare management, the associated cost has been estimated for this system in terms of a feasibility study which has been comprehensively presented in this paper. This work would facilitate multiple stakeholders who are involved within the medical system to deliver better healthcare services and optimize cost.
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Background: Blockchain can be described as an immutable ledger, logging data entries in a decentralized manner. This new technology has been suggested to disrupt a wide range of data-driven domains, including the health domain. Objective: The purpose of this study was to systematically review, assess and synthesize peer-reviewed publications utilizing/proposing to utilize blockchain to improve processes and services in healthcare, health sciences and health education. Method: A structured literature search on the topic was conducted in October 2018 relevant bibliographic databases. Result: 39 publications fulfilled the inclusion criteria. The result indicates that Electronic Health Records and Personal Health Records are the most targeted areas using blockchain technology. Access control, interoperability, provenance and data integrity are all issues that are meant to be improved by blockchain technology in this field. Ethereum and Hyperledger fabric seem to be the most used platforms/frameworks in this domain. Conclusion: This study shows that the endeavors of using blockchain technology in the health domain are increasing exponentially. There are areas within the health domain that potentially could be highly impacted by blockchain technology.
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Blockchain emerging for healthcare provides a secure, decentralized and patient driven record management system. However, the storage of data generated from IoT devices in remote patient management applications requires a fast consensus mechanism. In this paper, we propose a lightweight consensus mechanism and a decentralized patient software agent to control a remote patient monitoring (RPM) system. The decentralized RPM architecture includes devices at three levels; 1) Body Area Sensor Network- medical sensors typically on or in patient’s body transmitting data to a Smartphone, 2) Fog/Edge, and 3) Cloud. We propose that a Patient Agent(PA) software replicated on the Smartphone, Fog and Cloud servers processes medical data to ensure reliable, secure and private communication. Performance analysis has been conducted to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed Blockchain leveraged, distributed Patient Agent controlled remote patient monitoring system.
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Although the blockchain technology was first introduced through Bitcoin, extending its usage to nonfinancial applications, such as managing electronic medical records, is an attractive mission for recent research to balance the needs for increasing data privacy and the regular interaction among patients and health providers. Various systems that adopts the blockchain in managing medical records have been proposed. However, there is a need for more work to better characterize, understand and evaluate the employment of blockchain technology in the healthcare industry. In this paper, a design of blockchain based system, namely MedChain, for managing medical records is proposed. MedChain is designed to improve the current systems as it provides interoperable, secure, and effective access for medical records by patients, health care providers, and other third parties, while keeping the patients’ privacy. MedChain employs timed-based smart contracts for governing transactions and controlling accesses to electronic medical records. It adopts advanced encryption techniques for providing further security. This work proposes a new incentive mechanism that leverages the degree of health providers regarding their efforts on maintaining medical records and creating new blocks. Extensive experiments are conducted to evaluate the MedChain performance, and results indicate the efficiency of our proposal in handling a large dataset at low latency.
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Healthcare data management has been gaining a lot of attention in recent years because of its high potential to provide more accurate and cost-ef cient patient care. The traditional client-server and cloud-based healthcare data management systems suffer from the issues of single point of failure, data privacy, centralized data stewardship, and system vulnerability. The replication mechanism, and privacy and security features of blockchain have a promising future in the healthcare domain as they can solve some of the inherent issues of the health management system. However, most of the recent research works on blockchain in the healthcare domain have primarily focused on the permission-less Bitcoin network that suffers from drawbacks such as high energy consumption, limited scalability, and lowtransaction throughput. Consequently, there is a need for a scalable, fault-tolerant, secure, traceable and private blockchain to suit the requirements of the healthcare domain. We propose a lightweight blockchain architecture for the healthcare data management that reduces the computational and communication overhead compared to the Bitcoin network by dividing the network participants into clusters and maintaining one copy of the ledger per cluster. Our architecture introduces the use of canal, that allows secure and con dential transactions within a group of network participants. Furthermore, we propose a solution to avoid forking which is prevalent in the Bitcoin network. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed architecture in providing security and privacy compared to the Bitcoin network by analyzing different threats and attacks. We also discuss how our proposed architecture addresses the identi ed threats. Our experimental results demonstrate that our proposed architecture generates 11 times lower network traf c compared to the Bitcoin network as the number of blocks increases. Our ledger update is 1.13 times faster. Our architecture shows a speedup of 67% in ledger update and 10 times lower network traf c when the number of nodes increases.
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Blockchain have been an interesting research area for a long time and the benefits it provides have been used by a number of various industries. Similarly, the healthcare sector stands to benefit immensely from the blockchain technology due to security, privacy, confidentiality and decentralization. Nevertheless, the Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems face problems regarding data security, integrity and management. In this paper, we discuss how the blockchain technology can be used to transform the EHR systems and could be a solution of these issues. We present a framework that could be used for the implementation of blockchain technology in healthcare sector for EHR. The aim of our proposed framework is firstly to implement blockchain technology for EHR and secondly to provide secure storage of electronic records by defining granular access rules for the users of the proposed framework. Moreover, this framework also discusses the scalability problem faced by the blockchain technology in general via use of off-chain storage of the records. This framework provides the EHR system with the benefits of having a scalable, secure and integral blockchain-based solution.
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The sharing of electronic health records (EHRs) has great positive significance for research of disease and doctors’ diagnosis. In recent years, cloud-based electronic medical record sharing scheme has brought a lot of conveniences, but the centralization of cloud exposes threats inevitably to data security and privacy preservation. Blockchain technology can be seen as a promising solution to address these problems on account of its unique propertis of decentration, anonymity, unforgeability and verifiability. In this paper, we propose a blockchain based secure and privacy-preserving EHR sharing protocol. Data requester can search desired keyword from data provider to find relevant EHRs on the EHR consortium blockchain and get the re-encryption ciphertext from cloud server after getting the data owner’s authorization. The scheme mainly uses searchable encryption and conditional proxy re-encryption to realize data security, privacy preservation, and access control. Furthermore, proof of authorization is designed as the consensus mechanism for consortium blockchain to guarantee system’s availability. Security analysis demonstrates that the proposed protocol can achieve security goals. Besides, we emulate the cryptographic primitives and implement the proposed scheme on Ethereum platform. Performance evaluation shows that the proposed scheme has high computational efficiency.
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In body sensor networks, both wearable and implantable biosensors are deployed in a patient body to monitor and collect patient health record information. The health record information is then transmitted toward the medical server via a base station for analysis, diagnosis, and treatment by medical experts. Advancement in wireless technology although improves the patient health–monitoring mechanism, but still there are some limitations regarding security, privacy, and efficiency due to open wireless channel and limited resources of body sensor networks. To overcome these limitations, we have proposed an efficient and secure heterogeneous scheme for body sensor networks, in which biosensor nodes use a certificate-less cryptography environment to resolve the key escrow and certificate-management problems, while MS uses a public key infrastructure environment to enhance the scalability of the networks. Furthermore, we design an online/offline signcryption method to overcome the burden on biosensor nodes. We split the signcryption process into two phases: offline phase and online phase. In the offline phase, the major operations are computed without prior knowledge of patient data. While in online phase, the minor operations are computed when patient data are known. Besides, we have used a new hybrid blockchain technology approach for the secure transmission of patient information along with attributes stored in the medical server toward the cloud that provides ease of patient data access remotely from anywhere by the authorized users and data backup in case of medical server failure. Moreover, hybrid blockchain provides advantages of interoperability, transparency traceability, and universal access. The formal security analysis of the proposed scheme is proved in the standard model, and informal security assures that our scheme provides resistance against possible attacks. As compared to other existing schemes, our proposed scheme consumes fewer resources and efficient in terms of processing cost, transmission overhead, and energy consumption.
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Blockchain in healthcare applications requires robust security and privacy mechanism for high-level authentication, interoperability and medical records sharing to comply with the strict legal requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. Blockchain technology in the healthcare industry has received considerable research attention in recent years. This study conducts a review to substantially analyse and map the research landscape of current technologies, mainly the use of blockchain in healthcare applications, into a coherent taxonomy. The present study systematically searches all relevant research articles on blockchain in healthcare applications in three accessible databases, namely, ScienceDirect, IEEE and Web of Science, by using the defined keywords ‘blockchain’, ‘healthcare’ and ‘electronic health records’ and their variations. The final set of collected articles related to the use of blockchain in healthcare application is divided into three categories. The first category includes articles (i.e. 43/58 scientific articles) that attempted to develop and design healthcare applications integrating blockchain, particularly those on new architecture, system designs, framework, scheme, model, platform, approach, protocol and algorithm. The second category includes studies (i.e., 6/58 scientific articles) that attempted to evaluate and analyse the adoption of blockchain in the healthcare system. Finally, the third category comprises review and survey articles (i.e., 6/58 scientific articles) related to the integration of blockchain into healthcare applications. The final articles for review are discussed on the basis of five aspects: (1) year of publication, (2) nationality of authors, (3) publishing house or journal, (4) purpose of using blockchain in health applications and the corresponding contributions and ⁽⁵⁾ problem types and proposed solutions. Additionally, this study provides identified motivations, open challenges and recommendations on the use of blockchain in healthcare applications. The current research contributes to the literature by providing a detailed review of feasible alternatives and identifying the research gaps. Accordingly, researchers and developers are provided with appealing opportunities to further develop decentralised healthcare applications through a comprehensive discussion of about the importance of blockchain and its integration into various healthcare applications.
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Electronic health record (EHR) has recorded the process of occurrence, development, and treatment of diseases. So it has high medical value. Owing to the private and sensitive nature of medical data for patients, the data sharing and privacy preservation are critical issues in EHR. Blockchain technology may be a promising solution for the problems above since it holds the features of decentralization and tamper resistance. In the paper, we propose a medical data sharing and protection scheme based on the hospital’s private blockchain to improve the electronic health system of the hospital. Firstly, the scheme can satisfy various security properties such as decentralization, openness, and tamper resistance. A reliable mechanism is created for the doctors to store medical data or access the historical data of patients while meeting privacy preservation. Furthermore, a symptoms-matching mechanism is given between patients. It allows patients who get the same symptoms to conduct mutual authentication and create a session key for their future communication about the illness. The proposed scheme is implemented by using PBC and OpenSSL libraries. Finally, the security and performance evaluation of the proposed scheme is given.
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The sharing of personal health records can help to improve the accuracy of the doctor’s diagnosis and to promote the progress of medical research. Currently, to reduce the maintenance cost of data, personal health records are usually outsourced to a third party such as the cloud service provider. In this case, patients may lose direct control over their personal health records and the semi-trusted cloud service provider may tamper with or reveal personal health records. Therefore, ensuring the privacy and integrity of personal health records and realizing the fine-grained access control are crucial issues when personal health records are shared. As a distributed architecture with decentralized and tamper-proof features, blockchain provides a new way to protect the personal health records sharing system. In this paper, we propose a new personal health records sharing scheme with data integrity verifiable based on blockchain. Aiming at the problems of privacy disclosure, limited keyword search ability and loss of control rights in the process of personal health record sharing, the new scheme uses searchable symmetric encryption and attribute-based encryption techniques to achieve privacy protection, keyword search and fine-grained access control. Compared with the existing similar schemes, the new scheme allows patients to distribute attribute private key for users, avoiding many security problems caused by the existing of attribute authority in the scheme. Furthermore, the new scheme uses blockchain to manage keys in the scheme, avoiding the single point failure problem of centralized key management. In particular, the new scheme stores the hash values of encrypted personal health records in blockchain, and the related index set is stored in smart contract, which can further improve the efficiency of data integrity verification. Finally, performance evaluation and security analysis indicate that our scheme is secure and feasible for practical use.
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Internet of Things (IoT) is able to integrate the computation and physical processes as services in the social world. The number of services at the edge of IoT is rising rapidly due to the prevalent uses of smart devices and cyber-physical systems (CPSs). To explore the promising applications of IoT services, one of the challenges is to enable the interoperability of the services in a decentralized environment. The blockchain technology (BCT) has been proven as a promising solution to establish the trust of data and call for executions; theoretically, it can be used to support the interoperability of services. BCT verifies data or a process and stores it as a transaction in a distributed ledger. Similar to the topology to IoT, applying BCT at the edges of the network exhibits the distributed characteristic. However, currently, BCT is still facing the challenges for interoperability due to a number of factors such as consensus protocols, block sizes, and interval of blocks. Prominent protocols such as proof-of-work (PoW) may cause excessive delays in finality settlement. One promising protocol Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerant offers a fast finality settlement and uses hyperledger to support the scalability; however, the trust might also be a concern if the validators are chosen improperly. This paper discusses the interoperability of IoT services and the challenges and proposes an architecture solution by integrating BCT, service-oriented architecture (SoA), and enablers of key performance indicators (KPIs) and service selections. The proposed architecture aims to solve both interoperability and trust issues for IoT services. The feasibility of the proposed method is validated by the examples of smart contract implementations.
Due to the expeditious evolution of wearable technology and wireless mobile networks, the tele-medicine and mobile medications have turned up into the Telecare Medicine Information System (TMIS). The efficient management of the patient's Electronic Health Record (EHR) plays a vital role for the telecare of patients that include medication for the chronic patients, long-term telecare for the special patients, analysis of patients infected with certain disease etc. The sharing and distribution of EHRs with medical practitioners can enhance accuracy of the diagnosis; however, privacy and security preservation of patients’ record are the detracting issues of this system. Recently, due to the property of immutability, blockchain technology has been introduced to be as an auspicious solution for achieving EHR sharing with privacy and security preservation. This work puts forward a novel blockchain-based privacy and security preserving EHR sharing protocol for improved diagnosis and efficient treatments in TMIS. Firstly, two types of blockchains, named as private blockchain and the consortium blockchain, are constructed by formulating their consensus, data structures and mechanisms. Private blockchain is in-charge of maintaining EHRs, while consortium blockchain stores EHRs’ secure indexes. In order to attain data security, secure search, access control and privacy preservation, all the EHRs are public-key encrypted with appropriate searchable keyword. Security analysis of our protocol validates that our protocol achieves all the security goals by exempting several security attacks. For achieving efficient computational results, the user and server sides of our scheme are implemented separately. Furthermore, performance analysis of our protocol with other existing protocols reveals that our protocol is relatively better in terms of the communication and computation overhead by providing notable level of the security.
A blockchain consists of an ordered list with nodes and links where the nodes store information and are connected through links called chains. This technology supports the availability of a publicly maintained ledger of transactions, first gaining mainstream attraction with cryptocurrencies. A myriad of other applications have emerged ever since. There has been a steady growth in the number of research studies conducted in this field; as such, there is a need to review the research in this field. This paper conducts an extensive review on 76 journal publications in the field of blockchain from 2016 to 2018 available in Science Citation Index (SCI) and Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) database. The aim of this paper is to present scholars and practitioners with a detailed overview of the available research in the field of blockchain. The selected papers have been grouped into 14 categories. The contents of papers in each category are summarized and future research direction for each category is outlined. This overview indicates that the research in blockchain is becoming more prominent and requires more effort in developing new methodologies and framework to integrate blockchain. It is the need of today’s growing business that ventures into new technologies like cloud computing and Internet of Things (IoT).
Cyber parental control is a multidisciplinary field that aims to provide a safe Internet environment for children by authorizing parents or guardians to practice control on their children in using Internet access. Literature investigates and reviews cyber parental control from different perspectives, such as the risks associated with the cyber network, the roles of parents, the psychological and legal implications, and the technological aspects. However, there is a lack of studies on the bibliometric analysis report that demonstrates the research trend in cyber parental control. This study aims to present a thorough bibliometric and network collaboration analysis of cyber parental control research practices in the last twenty years. This analysis begins by identifying over 2,700 unique literature items that were published between 2000 and 2019 in the Scopus and ISI Web of Science databases. Using bibliometric analysis, this study identifies the most influential literature, determines the topical discipline areas, and provides insights for current research trends and directions for the future on the research of cyber parental control. The findings provide a robust roadmap for further investigation in this field. This study also highlighted the taxonomy of cyber parental control tools and their filtering techniques. Finally, it presented several open challenges on cyber parental control as future research directions.