

  • Center for Agro Based Industry, Bogor, Indonesian
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... The maximum moisture content for coconut milk powder in the Indonesian National Standard Design Concept (RSNI) is 5% [11]. The moisture content plays a significant role in coconut milk powder's shelf life and solubility. ...
... The pH analysis of the powdered coconut milk product was taken as much as 3 grams and then dissolved in 18 ml of water (based on recommendations for using commercial products). The RSNI concept for coconut milk products requires the quality of coconut milk to have a neutral pH with a minimum of 5.9 [11]. ...
... The water content analysis The water content in an ingredient can determine the shelf life of a product. The low moisture content has good physical and chemical stability and extends the shelf life [11]. The results of the water content analysis can be seen in Table 3. ...
Coconut milk has a higher water content than other contents, so microbes can easily damage and spoil it. To obtain a low-moisture powder product, the liquid coconut milk was dried using a Buchi Mini Spray dryer B-290 with inlet temperatures of 150°C, 160°C, and 170°C. The researchers added maltodextrin to coconut milk, which had a ratio of grated coconut to the water of 1:3, in concentrations of 9%, 10%, 11%, 12%, and 13%. The addition of maltodextrin and the use of drying temperature did not significantly affect the pH, solubility, and percentage of product mass but did significantly affect the moisture content. The best operating conditions for producing coconut milk powder were at a maltodextrin concentration of 13% and a temperature of 170°C. Under these conditions, the produced coconut milk powder had a pH value of 6.12, a moisture content of 4.56%, a solubility of 98.74%, a product mass of 24.99 grams and an overall percentage of product mass of 21.32%.
... The maximum moisture content for coconut milk powder in the Indonesian National Standard Design Concept (RSNI) is 5% [11]. The moisture content plays a significant role in coconut milk powder's shelf life and solubility. ...
... The pH analysis of the powdered coconut milk product was taken as much as 3 grams and then dissolved in 18 ml of water (based on recommendations for using commercial products). The RSNI concept for coconut milk products requires the quality of coconut milk to have a neutral pH with a minimum of 5.9 [11]. ...
... The water content analysis The water content in an ingredient can determine the shelf life of a product. The low moisture content has good physical and chemical stability and extends the shelf life [11]. The results of the water content analysis can be seen in Table 3. ...
The HP scrubber is an equipment used to separate liquid from gas in the oil and gas industry. The low liquid level in the vessel is one of the abnormal conditions in the HP scrubber, a blowby gas event will happen because of a low level. So, the controller level indicator is required to prevent system damage and workplace accidents. The alarm response time is calculated in order to avoid an accident. To determine the alarm response time for a HP scrubber, a dynamic process simulation method can be used using Aspen HYSYS version 12. In a process simulation modeling also requires a process description that can describe real-world conditions, one of which is the condition of the existing piping in the system. Failure scenarios caused a process to have abnormal conditions, allowing the alarm response time to be calculated, and it can be modelled by using the event scheduler facility In Aspen HYSYS. The HP scrubber's maximum alarm response time without pipe segments and with the addition of 16 m pipe segments are 2.42 minutes and 2.56 minutes. Meanwhile, the time from alarm to failure on the HP Scrubber without and with the addition of 16 m pipe are 13.60 minutes and 28.70 minutes, respectively. So, the length of segment pipes added to the pipe configuration does not really affect the alarm response time. However, it can affect the time until a process failure occurs.
... Masyarakat Indonesia banyak yang memanfaatkan buah kelapa sebagai bahan baku pembuatan santan. Hal tersebut terjadi karena kandungan yang dimiliki santan cukup tinggi diantaranya air, lemak dan protein (Ariningsih et al., 2021). ...
... Penelitian (Pratiwi & Mahendra, 2013). Kadar protein santan (persamaan 1) (Syafruddin et al., 2016) kadar lemak santan (persamaan 2), asam lemak bebas santan (persamaan 3), dan stabilitas emulsi (persamaan 4) (Ariningsih et al., 2021). Data dianalisis menggunakan program statistik SPSS 25.0. ...
... Lemak merupakan salah satu kandungan terpenting dalam santan. Lemak dalam santan mempengaruhi parameter kualitas santan lainnya, seperti jumlah peroksida dan asam lemak bebas (Ariningsih et al., 2021). ...
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Tanaman kelapa (Cocos nucifera) merupakan salah satu tanaman agroindustri yang sangat berpotensial di Indonesia karena kandungan nutrisinya. Masyarakat Indonesia banyak yang memanfaatkan buah dari tanaman kelapa salah satunya sebagai bahan baku pembuatan santan. Santan didapat dari ekstrak daging buah kelapa tua yang telah diparut, baik dengan penambahan atau tanpa air, cairan santan berwarna putih ini merupakan emulsi minyak dan air. Selama produksi, santan perlu mengalami pretreatment homogen geser berkecepatan tinggi. Umumnya, jenis perlakuan awal ini dapat meningkatkan stabilitas emulsi pada santan. Hal tersebut perlu dilakukan karena sistem emulsi santan sangat mudah tidak stabil setelah pencairan. Suhu pretreatment pada daging buah kelapa menjadi faktor utama yang memberikan pengaruh terhadap kualitas mutu santan kelapa. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis perubahan kualitas mutu santan kelapa setelah dilakukan pretreatment penyimpanan daging buah kelapa sebelum diparut dan diperas menjadi santan. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan tahapan meliputi persiapan alat dan bahan, pembuatan santan kelapa yang dimulai dengan pembersihan kelapa, kemudian pemberian pretreatment daging buah kelapa dengan 3 perlakuan penyimpanan. Karakteristik kimia santan kelapa terbaik diperoleh dengan pretreatment penyimpanan pada suhu (-16 °C ± 2 °C) dengan nilai Kadar Protein (3,263%), Kadar Lemak (55,87%), Asam Lemak Bebas (0,15%), dan Stabilitas Emulsi (88,38%).
... The number of IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1200/1/012059 2 coconut plants in Indonesia, used by the community, one of which is using coconut plants as raw material for making coconut milk. This is because coconut milk has high water, fat and protein content [3]. ...
... The main fat is saturated fat (88.64%) but the content of unsaturated fat is lower, namely 4.20% monounsaturated fat and 1.05% polyunsaturated fat and 11% solid non-fat [5]. Coconut milk is used by almost all households in Indonesia and Asia, as well as in other parts of the world [3]. oconut milk in China is used as a beverage ingredient. ...
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Coconut plant ( Cocos nucifera ) is one of the potential industrial plants and has an important role both in terms of nutrition and in terms of economy in Indonesia. The number of coconut plants in Indonesia is used by the community, one of which is as a raw material for making coconut milk. Coconut milk is obtained from the extract of old coconut flesh that has been grated, either with the addition or without water, this white coconut milk liquid is an emulsion of oil and water. Coconut milk contains 230 kilocalories and consists of 67.5% water, 23.8% total fat, 5.54% carbohydrates, 2.29% protein and 0.70% ash. During production, coconut milk needs to undergo pretreatment homogeneous high-speed shear. Generally, this type of pretreatment can improve the emulsion stability in coconut milk. This needs to be done because the coconut milk emulsion system is very easily unstable after thawing. Temperature pretreatmentin coconut flesh is the main factor that influences the quality of the coconut milk produced. This study was conducted to analyze changes in the quality of coconut milk after it was done pretreatment storage of coconut flesh before being grated and squeezed into coconut milk and knowing the temperature pretreatment the most appropriate method to obtain the best quality coconut milk by using the Multiple Attribute Zeleny. The research was carried out in stages including the preparation of tools and materials, making coconut milk starting with cleaning the coconut, then giving pretreatment coconut flesh with 3 storage treatments using cold temperatures (6°C ± 2°C) and freezing temperatures (-16°C ± 2°C) stored for 24 hours and room temperature (27°C ± 2°C) without storage time. Then the coconut flesh is grated and the coconut milk is squeezed and continued with testing the quality parameters of coconut milk. The best treatment in the manufacture of coconut milk is to use pretreatment at freezing temperatures (-16°C ± 2°C) which is stored for 24 hours with the quality of coconut milk in the form of 22% yield, 30.59% water content, pH 6.27, and Viscosity 86.70 cP.
... Kadar lemak dalam botok ikan tongkol dipengaruhi oleh komposisi bahan bakunya yaitu berasal dari lemak ikan tongkol (1,5%), lemak santan (18,03%), lemak kelapa parut (64,53%) (Ariningsih et al., 2020), minyak yang digunakan untuk menumis bumbu serta lemak yang terkandung pada bumbu yang digunakan. ...
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Tuna botok is a popular traditional food from Pontianak with high nutritional value, but its shelf life is short due to its susceptibility to spoilage. Proper packaging is essential to extend its shelf life and enhance the value of Pontianak's traditional foods. This study aims to evaluate the quality of tuna botok packaged in glass jars during storage. Measurements of moisture content, ash content, protein content, fat content, and total plate count were conducted on days 5, 10, 15, and 20 of storage. The results indicated that storage for up to 20 days had no effect on ash and fat content, but significantly impacted moisture and protein content. After 20 days, the total plate count remained within acceptable limits, with the product containing 66.56% moisture, 2.27% ash, 14.76% protein, and 11.78% fat.
... This can be attributed to the considerable water, fat, and protein content of coconut milk (Srihari, 2010). A number of research on the processing of coconut milk have been conducted, including (Tulashie et al., 2022), who explored coconut milk production as a substitute for dairy milk, (Gea, 2016) focused on technology transfer and management enhancement to augment coconut milk productivity, (Ariningsih et al., 2021;Novarianto, 2023) conducted an analysis of coconut milk products to establish national standards for Indonesian coconut milk products, food additives and pasteurization processes as approaches to prolong the lifespan of coconut milk products have been investigated by (Wulandari et al., 2017), and (Patil & Benjakul, 2018) examined coconut milk processing for businesses. This framework offers insights and investment opportunities for coconut-related industries. ...
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This study uses a soft system methodology to examine the coconut milk supply chain, which supports the local food agro-industry, particularly for rendang products. It aims to develop a fundamental concept to optimize this supply chain. The proposed method is effective for addressing complex, multi-stakeholder problems. Using systems thinking, real-world system behaviour is converted into a conceptual model, facilitating decision-making through customer, actor, transformation, worldview, owner, and environment components. The findings include a conceptual model translated into a causal loop diagram, part of a dynamic systems approach, which shows the interconnections and feedbacks among variables in the supply chain, such as raw material supply, logistics costs, production volume, and distribution costs. This stage identifies stakeholders and systematically illustrates the relationships in managing the flow of goods. It provides a basis for designing a supply chain network aligned with local government policies for developing the coconut milk agro-industry. It aims to optimize the local food industry, particularly rendang, in West Sumatra province. After creating the conceptual model, gap analysis and validation were conducted, comparing the model with real-world insights from stakeholders, including coconut farmers, producers, rendang manufacturers, academic institutions, and local governments. Validation focused on efficiency, efficacy, and effectiveness. The results demonstrate the foundational idea for designing the coconut milk agro-industry supply chain network to support local food products, as depicted in the causal loop diagram.
... Margarine is an emulsion of vegetable oil and water containing at least 80% fat (Ulfa et al., 2017). The coconut milk used in this study is coconut milk powder with a fat content of 37% (Ariningsih et al., 2021). Coconut milk is also a source of saturated fat, but in the form of medium- chain saturated fatty acids (MCFAs) (Raghavendra & Raghavarao, 2010). ...
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Dyslipidemia is the occurrence of conditions that have abnormal lipid profile levels in the blood. Consumption of food sources of flavonoids and resistant starch is expected to play a role in dyslipidemia. Unripe Berlin banana flour (UBF) is source of flavonoids and resistant starches that benefit in dyslipidemia. This study aimed to determine the effect of giving UBF on SOD levels in dyslipidemic rats. This research used true experimental method with Pretest-Posttest and Control Group Design. This study used 30 rats divided into 5 groups K-, K +, P1 (UBF 0.144g /rat/day), P2 (UBF 0.288g /rat/ day), and P3 (UBF 0.576g/rat/day). The data were analyzed with one-way Anova and paired T-test. The results of the study showed that the values of SOD levels pre and post-intervention were not significantly different between groups. The mean of SOD levels pre-intervention showed that the K+, P1 and P3 groups were lower than K- group, then post-intervention at P1, P2 and P3 had higher SOD levels than K+ group. Meanwhile, the SOD levels of each group pre and post-UBF intervention in the P1 group were significantly different (p < 0.05), while in the P2 and P3 groups were not significantly different. This study concluded that giving raw Berlin banana flour at a dose of 0.144 g / day could increase the SOD levels in dyslipidemic rats.
... Usaha Santan kelapa ini kegiatannya dengan bahan baku buah kelapa dilakukan pemerasan sehingga menghasilkan cairan yang disebut santan kelapa. Produk santan dapat terdiri dari santan encer, santan, santan krim, santan konsentrat dan santan bubuk (Santi Ariningsih, et al, 2020). ...
Hampir di setiap kecamatan yang berada di wilayah Kabupaten Sijunjung dipastikan memiliki usaha santan kelapa walaupun masih bersifat UMKM. Pemilihan Kecamatan IV Nagari dilakukan secara purposive karena usaha santan kelapa di kecamatan ini berkembang pesat yang sebelumnya 5 orang, pada tahun 2023 ada 20 orang. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah perhitungan Net Present Value, Payback Period, Internal Rate of Return dan analsisis sensitivitas. Dari hasil analisis kelayakan finansial dengan discount factor 8,9% didapatkan rata-rata net present value dari kedua puluh responden Rp275,413,432. Payback period yang didapatkan dari kedua puluh responden rata-rata menghabiskan waktu 134 hari, dengan waktu payback period yang paling lama 293 hari dan paling cepat 58 hari. Kemudian internal rate of return yang didapatkan oleh kedua puluh responden rata-rata 377%, dengan yang tertinggi 691% dan yang terendah senilai 149%. Dari analisis sensitivitas kedua puluh responden asumsi kenaikan biaya 10% dan penerimaan turun 10%, discount factor 8,9% nilai net present value yang didapatkan berada pada NPV positif sehingga usaha masih layak untuk diteruskan.
... The amylose content of red rice is 23-27%, while white rice's is 15-22% 41,42 . Coconut milk is reported to have a fat content of 18.03%, with lauric acid as the dominant fatty acid composition 43 . The high percentage of amylose and fat in the formulation causes amylose molecules to trap fatty acids more and form amylose-lipid complexes 44 . ...
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Kembang goyang is Indonesian traditional snack, but it has quite low of dietary fiber and resistant starch content. Organic and nonorganic red rice could be used to increase level of dietary fiber by transforming it into red rice flour and used as a substitute of white rice flour in the making of kembang goyang snack. The purpose of this study is to determine type and substitution ratio of red rice flour into white rice flour to produce the best formulation of kembang goyang snack based on its dietary fiber content and texture. Kembang goyang snack is made by organic and nonorganic red rice flour with different ratios of red rice flour: white rice flour (0:100; 20:80; 40:60; 60:40; and 80:20). The result showed that organic red rice flour has lower yield (91,47 ± 0,23%) compared to nonorganic red rice flour's yield (92,80 ± 0,09%). In contrast, the dietary fiber content (8,09 ± 0,04%) and resistant starch content (3,95 ± 0,00%) of organic red rice flour is higher than the dietary fiber content (6,46 ± 0,07%) and resistant starch content (1,76 ± 0,03%) of non-organic red rice flour. Overall, the moisture content for both types of red rice flour ranged between 5,91 ± 0,08 to 6,35 ± 0,60%. The best formulation of kembang goyang snack is obtained by using organic red rice flour at ratio 40:60 of red rice flour and white rice flour. The product is classified as fiber-rich product and has similar texture (toughness and fracturability) to commercial product with 6,30 ± 0,01% of resistant starch content.
... Analisis Produk Santan Untuk Pengembangan Standar Nasional Produk Santan Indonesia mengusulkan kadar asam lemak bebas santan maksimal 0,3% untuk santan krim dan santan encer (Ariningsih et al,. 2020 Jurnal Agroindustri Pangan ISSN 2964-8343 (online) Vol. 2 No. 3, November 2023, Hal. 125-135 131 Santan yang diproses tanpa perlakuan (kontrol) mengalami penurunan pH yang sangat cepat kerena tingkat cemaran mikroba lebih tinggi sehingga kerusakan santan lebih cepat akibat pemecahan karbohidrat menjadi alkohol dan karbon diokksida sehin ...
Kelapa (Cocos nucifera) merupakan anggota tunggal dalam marga Cocos dari suku aren-arenan atau Arecaceae yang secara botani merupakan pohon berbuah. Tumbuhan ini dimanfaatkan hampir semua bagiannya oleh manusia sehingga dianggap sebagai pohon kehidupan (tree of life). Pohon kelapa bisa dimanfaatkan batang, daun dan buahnya. Provinsi Kalimantan Barat menempatkan komoditas kelapa sebagai salah satu komoditas unggulan hasil perkebunan. Selain untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dalam negeri, kelapa juga merupakan komoditas ekspor penghasil devisa negara. Luas perkebunan kelapa di Kalimantan Barat sampai dengan tahun 2018 telah mencapai 99.749 ha dengan produksi 80.694 ton (BPS Kalbar, 2018). Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada mulai bulan Mei sampai Bulan Agustus 2022. Proses penelitian yang dilakukan yaitu pengujian kadar kadar air, kadar asam lemak bebas, dan tingkat asams basa (pH) pada produk santan dengan penambahan konsentrasi bahan penstabil (sodium alginat) yang dilakukan di Laboratorium Analisis Mutu Jurusan Agribisnis Politeknik Negeri Sambas.Berdasarkan data hasil rata-rata uji kadar air dengan penambahan konsentrasi bahan pengental dapat dilihat bahwa konsentrasi 0,4% memiliki kadar air yang baik dengan nilai 60,4377%. Hasil Analisis Varian (Anova) Uji Kadar Air di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa hasil nilai Fhitung yang didapatkan sebesar 392,8417 serta Ftabel 5% yang digunakan 3,48% dan 1% menggunakan 5,99%. Berdasarkan data hasil rata-rata uji kadar air dengan penambahan konsentrasi bahan pengental dapat dilihat bahwa konsentrasi 0,4% memiliki kadar asam lemak bebas yang baik dengan nilai 0,0799% . Berdasarkan data hasil rata-rata uji kadar pH dengan penambahan konsentrasi bahan penstabil dapat dilihat bahwa konsentrasi 1,2% memiliki pH yang baik dengan nilai 6,20. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tentang pengolahan santan kelapa dengan penambahan sodium alginat dapat disimpulkan bahwa penambahan sodium alginat dapat mempengaruhi hasil kadar air pada santan kelapa, penambahan sodium alginat dapat mempengaruhi hasil kadar asam lemak bebas pada santan kelapa dan penambahan sodium alginat dapat mempengaruhi hasil pH pada santan kelapa Saran yang diberikan untuk skipsi ini antara lain penelitian selanjutnya sebaiknya lebih mengunakan kemasan yang lebih baik lagi serta melakuan uji lanjutan diantaranya viskositas, kadar lemak dan uji mikroba.
... Gea et al. (2016) melakukan pengembangan transfer teknologi dan perbaikan manajemen yang dapat meningkatkan produktifitas santan. Ariningsih et al. (2020) melakukan analisis terhadap produk santan untuk menetapkan standar nasional bagi produk santan indonesia. Wulandari et al. (2017) meneliti tentang potensi aditif makanan dan teknik pasteurisasi untuk memperpanjang umur simpan produk, sehingga aman untuk di konsumsi. ...
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Kelapa menjadi produk unggulan dan banyak dibudidayakan di Wilayah Padang Pariaman. Kemajuan agroindustri kelapa diprediksi memiliki kemampuan untuk meningkatkan motivasi petani dan efisiensi budidaya kelapa, sehingga merangsang perluasan industsri pedesaan. Tujuan penelitian adalah merumuskan strategi pengembangan agroindustri santan kelapa yang dirancang dengan pendekatan sistem melalui integrasi sub sistem usaha tani kelapa dan sub sistem pengolahan kelapa untuk memaksimalkan keuntungan usaha tani kelapa dan menjamin pemenuhan kapasitas produksi agroindustri santan kelapa untuk mendukung industri produk pangan lokal. Penelitian ini berupaya untuk melakukan serangkaian tahapan yang melibatkan petani kelapa dan pelaku agroindustri santan di Padang Pariaman, pengisian kuisioner pleh pakar, analisis SWOT untuk mengidentifikasi dan menghitung bobot IFE dan EFE agroindustri santan kelapa, dan identifikasi strategi pengembangan agroindustri santan kelapa melalui penerapan AHP. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh strategi pengembangan agroindustri santan kelapa melalui integrasi horizontal dengan cara mendirikan agroindustri santan kelapa yang terintegrasi dengan petani sebagai pemasok kelapa butiran untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pasokan santan kelapa berkualitas bagi industri produk pangan lokal dapat terwujud.
Coconut milk yoghurt is yoghurt made from coconut milk fermented by lactic acid bacteria (LAB). Generally, coconut milk yoghurt has a less thick texture and less antioxidant. Purple sweet potato, a food rich in carbohydrates and antioxidant, can be utilized to enhance the nutritional value and sensory quality of coconut milk yoghurt.This study aimed to determine the effect of adding purple sweet potato puree on the characteristics of coconut milk yoghurt and to find out the addition of purple sweet potato puree to produce coconut milk yoghurt with the best characteristics. This research used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 5 treatment levels adding 0 percent, 5 percent, 10 percent, 15 percent and 20 percent purple sweet potato puree. This treatment was repeated three times, resulting in a total of 15 experimental units. The data obtained were analyzed statistically using ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) and if the treatment had an effect on the observed parameters (P<0,05), the Duncan Multiple Range Test was carried out. The research results showed that the addition of purple sweet potato puree had a significant effect (P<0,05) on pH, total lactic acid bacteria, protein content, viscosity, antioxidant activity, sensory color, aroma, texture, taste and overall acceptability of coconut milk yoghurt. The treatment with the addition of 20 percent purple sweet potato puree produced coconut milk yoghurt with the best characteristics: pH 4,33, total LAB 4,4 x 108 cfu/ml, protein content 4 ,40 percent, viscosity 2666,67 mPa.s, antioxidant activity 77,47 percent, overall preferred attributes for color, aroma, texture, taste, and overall acceptance, with the criteria of purple color, thick texture and sour taste. Keywords: characteristics, purple sweet potato puree, coconut milk yoghurt
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Pengembangan agroindustri santan kelapa memiliki potensi dalam mendorong eskalasi ekonomi, meningkatkan penghasilan masyarakat, memfasilitasi penyerapan tenaga kerja, mendorong pembangunan yang adil dan mempercepat kemajuan daerah. Usaha pengolahan santan kelapa di Sumatera Barat umumnya masih skala usaha rumah tangga dengan proses produksi sederhana, teknologi tradisional, mutu santan kelapa yang belum standar dan akses pasar yang terbatas. Tujuan riset ini adalah mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor berpengaruh pada pengembangan agroindustri santan kelapa dengan pendekatan kuantitatif menggunakan metode Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (FAHP). Faktor-faktor ini dapat menjadi pedoman bagi pemerintah dan pihak terkait dalam merencanakan strategi kebijakan yang berkaitan dengan pengembangan dan pertumbuhan agroindustri santan kelapa. Penelitian ini menerapkan prosedur yang dimulai dari pembuatan struktur hierarki, penyusunan kuisioner, pembuatan matrik perbandingan fuzzy, dan penentuan jumlah bobot prioritas. Penelitian ini melibatkan informan kunci yang terdiri dari praktisi industri, akademisi dan tenaga ahli dari pemerintahan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh sebelas faktor-faktor berpengaruh pada pengembangan agroindustri santan kelapa yang terbagi atas tiga kelompok, yaitu: (i) kelompok A, merupakan faktor-faktor yang memerlukan tingkat pengawasan yang sangat ketat (extremely), terdiri dari faktor pendapatan (15,5 %), faktor harga (14,8 %), faktor pasar (14,5%), faktor bahan baku (11,9 %), faktor produktivitas (9 %) dan faktor kualitas (8,1 %), (ii) kelompok B, merupakan faktor-faktor yang memerlukan tingkat pengawasan ketat (strongly), terdiri dari faktor teknologi (8 %), faktor transportasi (7,8 %) dan faktor tenaga kerja (4,2 %), (iii) kelompok C, merupakan faktor-faktor yang memerlukan tingkat pengawasan sedang (moderately), terdiri dari faktor limbah produksi (4,3 %) dan faktor regulasi (1,9 %).
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This research was motivated by the high trans fat content in margarine which is associated with an increased risk of heart disease and there has been no research on the effect of using coconut milk on the quality of rolled sponge cake. This research aims to analyze the effect of the use of fat (margarine, coconut milk) on the quality of rolled sponge cake which includes shape, volume, color, aroma, texture and taste. The type of research carried out was experimental, namely conducting direct experiments on the effect of the use of fat (margarine, coconut milk) on the quality of rolled sponge cake and repeated three (3) times. The data collection technique in this research is an organoleptic test on the quality of rolled sponge cake in terms of (shape, volume, color, aroma, texture and taste. The data analysis technique uses statistical analysis of the mean difference test (t test). The results of the research were the quality of the neat shape with a diameter of 5-7 in both treatments, the quality of the skin color being brownish yellow in both treatments, the quality of the volume expanding (with a sponge height of 3 cm) in both treatments, the quality of the inner color being yellow in rolled cakes using margarine and not yellow in rolled sponge cake using coconut milk, fragrant aroma quality in both treatments, soft texture quality (when pressed back to its original shape with a height of 3 cm) in both treatments, sweet texture quality in rolled sponge cake using margarine and not sweet in sponge cake rolls that use coconut milk. In this research, there was a significant influence on the quality of the inner color and taste of the rolled sponge cake.This research was motivated by the high trans fat content in margarine which is associated with an increased risk of heart disease and there has been no research on the effect of using coconut milk on the quality of rolled sponge cake. This research aims to analyze the effect of the use of fat (margarine, coconut milk) on the quality of rolled sponge cake which includes shape, volume, color, aroma, texture and taste.The type of research carried out was experimental, namely conducting direct experiments on the effect of the use of fat (margarine, coconut milk) on the quality of rolled sponge cake and repeated three (3) times. The data collection technique in this research is an organoleptic test on the quality of rolled sponge cake in terms of (shape, volume, color, aroma, texture and taste. The data analysis technique uses statistical analysis of the mean difference test (t test). The results of the research were the quality of the neat shape with a diameter of 5-7 in both treatments, the quality of the skin color being brownish yellow in both treatments, the quality of the volume expanding (with a sponge height of 3 cm) in both treatments, the quality of the inner color being yellow in rolled cakes using margarine and not yellow in rolled sponge cake using coconut milk, fragrant aroma quality in both treatments, soft texture quality (when pressed back to its original shape with a height of 3 cm) in both treatments, sweet texture quality in rolled sponge cake using margarine and not sweet in sponge cake rolls that use coconut milk. In this research, there was a significant influence on the quality of the inner color and taste of the rolled sponge cake.
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Kue mochi merupakan makanan yang terbuat dari tepung ketan dengan isian kacang tanah dan gula aren, serta memiliki tekstur kenyal dan lembut. Pada zaman modern, mochi dapat dikreasikan dengan bahan tambahan untuk adonan kulit ataupun isian mochi sehingga nilai gizi yang terkandung pada mochi lebih meningkat. Salah satunya dengan penambahan bahan subtitusi tepung daun kelor yang akan meningkatkan karakteristik organoleptik dan kandungan proksimatnya. Penelitian ini difokuskan untuk mengetahui pengaruh formulasi tepung daun kelor terhadap mutu organoleptik kue mochi kelor dan mengetahui respon optimum uji organoleptik mochi kelor sebagai produk diversifikasi pangan serta mengetahui kandungan proksimat kue mochi kelor. Data diolah menggunakan metode RSM (Response Surface Method) dengan 28 panelis biasa dan 2 orang panelis ahli dengan parameter uji yang dilakukan yakni meliputi tekstur, warna, aroma dan rasa. Masing-masing panelis diberikan 4 sampel berbeda yaitu F1 (Substitusi tepung daun kelor 1%), F2 (Substitusi tepung daun kelor 2 %), F3 (Substitusi tepung daun kelor 3%) dan F4 (Substitusi tepung daun kelor 4%) pada setiap formulasinya. Karakteristik untuk warna dan aroma yang diminati oleh panelis yaitu sampel F3 (Tepung Ketan 97% + Tepung Daun Kelor 3%) dengan nilai optimasi warna, rasa , aroma dan tekstur berada pada wilayah optimasi 2. Serta hasil uji proksimat diketahui bahwa kandungan proksimat kue mochi F3 dengan hasil kadar air (33,2%), kadar abu (0,63%), protein (8,15%), lemak (11,6%), karbohidrat (46,4%).
Cream of coconut milk is a thicker viscous substance produced from coconut milk which can be utilized as oil from coconut cream. Processing of coconut cream into oil is a processed oil product that has a clear color and has a distinctive coconut odor and has a long shelf life. The purpose of this study was to determine the organoleptic test (taste, color, texture, and aroma) of coconut cream oil according to SNI. This study used an experimental design study method, which consisted of 3 treatments used, namely the addition of Fe tablets with a ratio of F1 (1 Fe capsule : 1 Vitamin A capsule), F2 (1 ½ Fe capsule : 1 ½ vitamin A), F3 (2 Fe capsule: 2 vitamin A), then the Fe content was analyzed. The data obtained using ANOVA (Analysis Of Variance) was then identified by organoleptic tests and the content of iron (Fe) was tabulated in tabular form. The results of the organoleptic test on coconut cream oil were more dominant in the F3 treatment (2 Fe capsules: 2 vitamin A), and less favored in the F1 treatment. The results of testing the content of iron (Fe) in treatment 1 was 0.0107 and in treatment 2 was 0.0543 while in treatment 3 it was 0.0133. The results of the data showed that there was an increase in iron (Fe) content in treatment 2 of 0.0543. The use of heat in the process of cooking food greatly affects the nutritional value of food. The frying process is food processing using high temperatures above 160⁰C which can reduce the fat content and destroy vitamins and minerals, one of which is iron.
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