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Stress and Learning in Pupils: Neuroscience Evidence and its Relevance for Teachers


Abstract and Figures

Our understanding of how stress affects primary school children's attention and learning has developed rapidly. We know that children experience differing levels of stressors (factors that cause stress) in their environments, and that this can influence how they respond to new stressors when they occur in educational contexts. Here, we review evidence showing that stress can increase children's attention and learning capacities in some circumstances but hinder them in others. We show how children differ in their attention and learning styles, dependent on stress levels: for example, more highly stressed children may be more distracted by superficial features and may find it harder to engage in planning and voluntary control. We review intervention research on stress management techniques in children, concentrating on psychological techniques (such as mindfulness and stress reappraisal), physiological techniques (such as breathing exercises) and environmental factors (such as reducing noise). At the current time, raising teachers' awareness of pupils' differing stress responses will be an important step in accommodating the differing needs of children in their classrooms. Our understanding of how stress affects primary school children's attention and learning has developed rapidly. In this review, we consider how children's different experience of stress in their environment can influence how they respond to further stress experienced at school; we show how stress can increase attention and learning in some circumstances but hinder them in others; and how children differ in their attention and learning styles depending on stress levels. Finally, we consider the effectiveness of interventions intended to improve children's resilience.
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Stress and Learning in Pupils:
Neuroscience Evidence and its
Relevance for Teachers
Sue B. Whiting1,SamV.Wass
1, and Michael S. C. omas1,3
ABSTRACT— Our understanding of how stress affects pri-
mary school children’s attention and learning has devel-
oped rapidly. We know that children experience differing
levels of stressors (factors that cause stress) in their environ-
ments, and that this can influence how they respond to new
stressors when they occur in educational contexts. Here, we
review evidence showing that stress can increase children’s
attention and learning capacities in some circumstances but
hinder them in others. We show how children differ in their
attention and learning styles, dependent on stress levels:
for example, more highly stressed children may be more
distracted by superficial features and may find it harder
to engage in planning and voluntary control. We review
intervention research on stress management techniques in
children, concentrating on psychological techniques (such
as mindfulness and stress reappraisal), physiological tech-
niques (such as breathing exercises) and environmental fac-
tors (such as reducing noise). At the current time, raising
teachers’ awareness of pupils’ differing stress responses will
be an important step in accommodating the differing needs
of children in their classrooms.
Almost everyone has experienced common symptoms
of stress, such as a raised heart rate, excessive sweating
and a dry mouth. But not everyone appreciates that these
are part of the body’s ‘fight or flight response’ a sys-
tem that has evolved to maximize our body’s capacity to
1Department of Psychological Sciences, Birkbeck, University of
London, London, UK
2School of Psychology, University of East London, London, UK,
3Centre for Educational Neuroscience, Birkbeck, University of London,
London, UK
Address correspondence to Prof. Michael S. C. omas, Centre for
Educational Neuroscience, Department of Psychological Sciences Birk-
beck, University of London, Malet Street, Bloomsbury, London WC1E
7HX, UK; e-mail:
respond to actual physical danger (Cacioppo, Tassinary, &
Berntson, 2000). We now know that, in addition to these
bodily changes, stress also associates with other, more subtle
mental changes it influences, for example, how we decide
what to pay attention to in our environment (Arnsten, 2009);
and we know that children are as affected by stress if not
even more so than are adults (Koss & Gunnar, 2018).
long-term influence on multiple aspects of our neural and
physical development (Dufford, Kim, & Evans, 2020). For
example, adverse life events (such as changing parental
figures in the home, frequently moving house, domestic
violence or abuse) can lead to long-term effects (Felitti
et al., 1998), particularly if children are exposed to them
during early life (Gunnar & Quevedo, 2007; Koss & Gun-
nar, 2018). Evidence suggests that individuals are sensitive
to environmental influences in different ways (Pluess
et al., 2018), and, as some degree of resilience or vulnerabil-
ity runs in families, genetic inheritance may also be involved
(Keers et al., 2016; Kuijper et al., 2019).
We also know that the effects of stress exposure are
detectable both immediately, and over longer timescales
(Schwabe & Wolf, 2014). Because of this, a cumulative effect
of stressors may occur within an individual who is already
in a stressful state when encountering a subsequent stres-
sor (Joëls, Fernandez, & Roozendaal, 2011). Finally, we are
starting to understand how an individual’s stress level affects
how they pay attention and learn. In educational settings, an
individual’s level of stress response in a given situation influ-
ences their learning capacities in complex ways (Schwabe &
Wolf, 2014).
Many of the initial neuroscience findings on the effects
of stress that stemmed from rodent studies are now being
reflected in human studies (Heim, Entringer, & Buss, 2019;
Romens, McDonald, Svaren, & Pollak, 2015; Zannas &
West, 2014). However, there are ethical considerations and
other added complexities when dealing with humans, as
opposed to groups of genetically identical rodents where it
© 2021 e Authors. Mind, Brain, and Education published by International Mind, Brain, and Education Society and Wiley Periodicals LLC. 1
is is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the
original work is properly cited.
Stress and Learning
is possible to deliberately manipulate the carefully controlled
laboratory conditions. Moreover, the majority of the human
literature on the relationship between stress and learning
stems from adult studies. Nevertheless, there is little rea-
son to suspect that the relationships shown in adults should
not also be present in children (Quas, Castro, Bryce, &
Granger, 2018; Quas, Yim, Edelstein, Cahill, & Rush, 2011;
Quas, Yim, Rush, & Sumaroka, 2012). In this review arti-
cle, we focus where the research exists on a consideration of
stress as it pertains to learning in primary age children. We
argue that it is important to understand, and take account of,
system, while acknowledging that research has yet to fully
characterize this relationship.
is review is structured in four parts. In Part (a), we
bodies respond to stress at different timescales. In Part (b),
we explain what determines how much of a stress response is
elicited in a particular situation. In Part (c), we describe how
an individual’s stress response may influence their learning.
Finally, in Part (d), we review classroom interventions that
use this knowledge in different ways with the goal of using
our understanding of stress to improve learning outcomes.
e term ‘stress’ is used with a variety of different meanings
by researchers in different fields (Epel et al., 2018). In psy-
chology and neuroscience, a distinction is commonly made
between short-term (or ‘acute’) stress arising from factors
that have a clear start and end point (e.g., a child being fright-
ened by a dog in the park) and long-term (or ‘chronic’) stress
arising from factors that have no clear end or recovery phase
(e.g., poverty, parental neglect) (Epel et al., 2018).
Our brains and bodies respond to different sorts of stress
in a multitude of different ways. Animal research initially
demonstrated how the stress response actually consists of a
number of different types of response, occurring over dif-
ferent timescales (Joëls & Baram, 2009). Immediately on
‘stressor’), changes are triggered in different signaling chem-
icals in the brain (Joëls & Baram, 2009). As a result, there is
a change in activity in brain areas involved in arousal, alert-
ness, and attention (particularly sustained attention) (Joëls
et al., 2011). ese changes alter the way that we pay atten-
tion and learn in complex ways (see Part (c)).
In addition, various physiological changes occur in the
body, aimed at maximizing the body’s capacity to respond
to an anticipated physical challenge (Cacioppo et al., 2000;
Ulrich-Lai & Herman, 2009). ese changes include elevated
heart rate (to maximize blood supply to the muscles), sweat-
ing (to cool the body in anticipation of exertion), expan-
sion of the bronchial tubes in the lungs, and the release
of short-term energy stores. Together, these responses are
known as the fast-acting sympathetic nervous system (‘fight
or flight’) response. ere are also reductions in activity
in the parasympathetic nervous system, which is involved
in the more slow-acting and response-dampening (‘rest
or digest’) responses, e.g., decreased reproductive func-
tion, and decreased saliva production and digestive func-
tion (Cacioppo et al., 2000). A well-studied marker of the
parasympathetic nervous system is heart rate variability, a
measure of beat-to-beat variations in our heart rate. High
heart rate variability is associated with low stress.
More slow-acting chemical responses are also triggered
over a range of timescales from minutes to hours. e most
well-known of these is called cortisol. e changes induced
by these chemicals operate using different modes of action
(Vogel & Schwabe, 2016) and alter brain and bodily func-
tion in a range of different ways (Engel & Gunnar, 2020) (see
Part (c)). One of these effects is that cortisol temporarily
suppresses the immune system response, in order to max-
imize the resources available for immediate, short-term sur-
vival, an effect initially demonstrated in animals (e.g., Westly
& Kelley, 1984). is effect has been attributed as the rea-
son why students so often report infections, such as a cold
sore, during the exam season (McGregor, Murphy, Albano,
& Ceballos, 2016).
Swift recovery from a fast stress response is considered to
be adaptive (Del Giudice, Ellis, & Shirtcliff, 2011; McEwen
& Wingfield, 2003), the threat being speedily dealt with
through additional energy resources so the individual may
return to normal. e process through which our body is
able to achieve stability through change consisting of active
processes by which an organism responds to daily events
in order to maintain its normal balance or equilibrium is
known as allostasis (McEwen & Wingfield, 2003). However,
the process of disrupting and restoring equilibrium carries
with it a cost. e term ‘allostatic load’ (McEwen & Stel-
lar, 1993) refers to the long-term ‘wear and tear’ which accu-
mulates when an individual is exposed repeatedly to stressful
situations. Long-term effects of repeated exposure to stres-
sors have been documented extensively throughout the brain
and body (McEwen, 2017). As a result of these changes, the
total amount of stress to which someone has been exposed
over their lifespan also influences how they respond to new
stressors when they occur (see Part (b)).
Stress may also be considered as a relationship between
an individual and the environment that involves an appraisal
of the stressor’s significance and whether extra resources
are required (Lazarus & Folkman, 1984). e appraisal
is the individual’s evaluative judgment of the situation or
event i.e., whether it presents a threat or a challenge.
Sue B. Whiting et al.
is will be shaped both by personal and environmental
factors (Epel et al., 2018). erefore, an individual’s stress
response is largely determined by his or her interpretation
of an event, rather than the event itself (Dickerson &
Kemeny, 2004). Although unpredictability and novelty are
such psychological factors (Mason, 1968), stronger deter-
minants, particularly during motivated performance tasks,
are an out-of-control feeling and a social-evaluative threat
(e.g., negative judgment by others) (Dickerson & Kemeny,
‘Resilience’ is the ‘capacity to prepare for, recover from
and adapt in the face of stress, adversity, trauma or tragedy’
(Heartmath, 2020). e word ‘capacity’ implies the possibil-
ity of increasing one’s capability to deal with stress by using
the analogy of an inner battery (Heartmath, 2020), and sug-
gests not only bouncing-back and recouping faster but also
neutralizing or even preventing some of the negative conse-
Sixty-one percent of adults, in a survey spanning 23 USA
states, reported that they had suffered an adverse child-
hood experience (such as physical, emotional or sexual
abuse, incarcerated household member, parental separation
or divorce) between the ages of 0–17 years (Merrick, Ford,
Ports, & Guinn, 2018). Regrettably, considerable evidence
now suggests that early-life stress is associated with lifelong
effects, including elevated risk of physical disease (Danese &
McEwen, 2012), higher lifelong incidence of all types of men-
tal health problems (Conway, Raposa, Hammen, & Bren-
nan, 2018), and cognitive impairments in older adult humans
(Lupien, Maheu, Tu, Fiocco, & Schramek, 2007).
Evidence suggests that some individuals are more sensi-
tive than others to environmental influences, and some of
these differences may be due to genetic inheritance i.e., some
degree of resilience or vulnerability runs in families (Keers
et al., 2016; Kuijper et al., 2019). For example, hair cortisol
concentration can be used as a marker of long-term stress
response activity. One twin study involving adolescents and
young adults estimated the heritability of hair cortisol con-
centration at 72% (Rietschel, Streit, Zhu, et al., 2017). Dif-
ferences in stress response may also be transmitted between
generations by environmental pathways. For example, epi-
genetic research has suggested that a mother experiencing
stress might condition her offspring either to a metabolism
that is more alert to danger, i.e., a more easily triggered stress
response ready for fight or flight (Babenko, Kovalchuk, &
Metz, 2015), or one with a blunted stress response, i.e., insuf-
ficient arousal (Shakiba, Ellis, Bush, & Boyce, 2019).
Perhaps surprisingly, children who are more sensi-
tive to environmental influences have been argued to
respond differently not only to adversity (e.g., poverty and
maltreatment) but also to positive experiences (e.g., sen-
sitive parenting and social support) (Boyce, 2016; Pluess
et al., 2018; Wass, 2018). According the Orchid-Dandelion
model, children are either environmentally sensitive,
‘orchid’ children (Ellis & Boyce, 2008), who suffer most
in adverse conditions but also benefit most from opti-
mum conditions; or less sensitive, ‘dandelion children,
who are able to thrive anywhere (Ellis, Boyce, Belsky, &
Bakermans-Kranenburg, 2011). ese groups have been
consistently noted across many samples of children, adoles-
cents and adults, although younger children may be more
environmentally sensitive than the other age groups (Pluess
et al., 2018). An alternative model, Diathesis-Stress, offers
no upside of greater sensitivity, instead arguing that genetics
or early life events serve to make children more vulnerable
to the effects of later environmental stressors, as risk factors
accumulate (e.g., Grasso, Ford, & Briggs-Gowan, 2013; see
Slagt, Dubas, Dekovic, & van Aken, 2016 for an appraisal of
these competing models).
Emotional neglect during childhood has been associated
with long-term changes in parts of the brain involved in
memory and learning, which appear to be most severe in the
brain regions involved in processing emotional information
(Bogdan, Williamson, & Hariri, 2012; Chattarji, Tomar,
Suvrathan, Ghosh, & Rahman, 2015; Goodman et al., 2018;
McGowan et al., 2009; Quesada, Wiemers, Schoofs, &
Wolf, 2012; Romens et al., 2015; Turecki & Meaney, 2016).
In addition, exposure to early life stress is thought to dis-
rupt the body’s feedback systems that help re-establish
stability after we are exposed to stress (de Kloet, Joëls, &
Holsboer, 2005; Denver, 2009).
Increased long-term stress is also most commonly asso-
ciated with an increased response to new stressors when
they occur, along with an inability to recover from the effects
of stress exposure (Gunnar & Quevedo, 2007). However,
a competing proposal is that children’s exposure to small
amounts of long-term stress can act as a ‘stress inoculation’,
improving the ability to cope with new stressors when they
occur demonstrated by rodent models and then extended
to humans (Chaby et al., 2015; Parker, Buckmaster, Hyde,
Schatzberg, & Lyons, 2019; Russo, Murrough, Han, Char-
ney, & Nestler, 2012). One way to reconcile these findings
is to suggest that children who show the biggest response to
new stressors are those who have either the highest, or the
lowest levels of life-long stress exposure. Children who show
the lowest response to new stressors are those who have
experienced intermediate levels of life-long stress (Ellis &
Boyce, 2008). Alternatively, a history of successfully navigat-
ing (perhaps more modest) stress-inducing situations may
furnish individuals with a greater sense of agency, thereby
Stress and Learning
reducing out-of-control feelings, and attenuating the cogni-
tive appraisal component of future stress responses.
A useful heuristic, characterizing broad patterns of respond-
ing to stress, is known as the Yerkes-Dodson Law (see
Figure 1) (Diamond et al., 2007; Yerkes & Dodson, 1908).
A converging picture has emerged from animal research,
research with human adults and research with develop-
mental populations. Changes in physiological arousal affect
how individuals allocate their attention due to changes
in anticipatory awareness (Murphy, Robertson, Balsters,
& O’Connell, 2011; Wass, 2018). According to this con-
cept, best attention and learning is observed in children at
intermediate levels between under-aroused (dropping off to
sleep) and over-aroused (hyperactive and agitated). Using
tasks where participants have to look out for a particu-
lar sought-for object among multiple distractors, findings
suggest that under-aroused children fail to respond to the
sought-for object when it appears; by contrast, over-aroused
children respond indiscriminately, to both the sought-for
object and distractors. Only the group at intermediate lev-
els of arousal responded to the sought-for target, but not
the distractors (Aston-Jones & Cohen, 2005; Wass, Daub-
ney, Golan, Logan, & Kushnerenko, 2019). Evidence con-
sistent with this view has been shown using manipulations
that induce temporary high-stress states in adults (Arn-
sten, 2009), and in studies that examine naturally vary-
et al., 2019).
e term ‘arousal’ corresponds to levels of activity within
the autonomic nervous system, the system responsible for
control of the bodily functions that are not consciously
directed, such as breathing and heart rate. Higher levels
of activity within this system indicate temporarily elevated
physiological stress. Individual differences in vulnerability,
stress responsiveness and psychological perception of events
(see above) potentially affect the shape (height, width or
symmetry) of the inverted-U function that links arousal and
performance (Sapolsky, 2015). As a result, along with evi-
dence that different children may show different levels of
stress responding in a given situation (as described in Part
(b)), the differing stress responses to learning tasks conceiv-
ably impact learning in a variety of different ways, and may
also depend on the demands of the task.
Elevated short-term stress is associated with immedi-
ate decreases in activity in brain regions associated with
response planning and inhibition (Liston, McEwen, &
Casey, 2009), along with increased activity in brain areas
associated with maintaining vigilance (Arnsten, 2009).
Research examining how behavior is affected by short-term
stress suggests that working memory, planning and response
inhibition are impaired by temporarily elevated stress, while
other cognitive functions such as rapid learning are actu-
ally improved (Arnsten, 2009). Although this research has
mainly been conducted with adults, recent research has
shown consistent results in children (de Barbaro, Clackson,
& Wass, 2016). For example, young children being raised in
more densely populated urban environments show elevated
physiological stress in home settings. When tested in the
laboratory, the same children showed reduced sustained
attention but faster speeds of learning (Wass, Smith, Stubbs,
Clackson, & Mirza, 2019). is ties in with the ‘hidden
talents’ model of adaptive intelligence, in which although
early-life adversity can undermine healthy development,
children growing up in harsh environments may also
develop typical, or even enhanced skills for solving prob-
lems in high-adversity contexts (the hidden talents) (Ellis
et al., 2020). ese talents may include increased creativ-
ity, and superior skills in switching and novel information
tracking in similar stressed environments (see Section titled
However, the fact that stress is involved with a cascade of
different types of chemical response means that the effects
of stress on attention and learning may differ at longer
time intervals between the stress exposure and learning. For
example, whereas stress during or just before learning may
strengthen memory, stress experienced some time before the
learning event can impair memory (see Figure 2 in Vogel
& Schwabe, 2016). Vogel and Schwabe (2016) proposes that
stress alters the balance of the different learning and mem-
ory systems, thus critically shaping the quality and quan-
tity of memories (see Figure 5 in Vogel & Schwabe, 2016).
A study with university students, using several measures of
stress, demonstrated this effect (Zoladz et al., 2011). Positive
emotional content learned at the time of the stressful event
was better retained (demonstrating a significant positive
correlation with heart rate during stress manipulation) but
negative emotional content learned 30 minutes afterwards
was more poorly retained (demonstrating a significant neg-
ative correlation with their blood pressure and salivary cor-
tisol level changes during the stress manipulation). Zoladz
and colleagues suggested that different biological mecha-
nisms potentially contribute to differential timing effects
that prior stress exerts on learning. e rationale behind
these time-dependent effects on learning and memory may
be understood by taking an adaptive perspective and consid-
ering selective pressures on primitive survival mechanisms.
Vogel and Schwabe speculate that the different waves of
chemical changes in the brain have evolved both to improve
our learning capacity at the time of stressful events because
Sue B. Whiting et al.
Fig 1. (a) e Yerkes and Dodson Law (Yerkes & Dodson, 1908). Diamond, Campbell, Park, Halonen, and Zoladz (2007) describe this
version of the Law as that found in five decades of publications and books on memory, such as in Hebb (1955), Loftus (1980), and
Radvansky (2006). (b) Diamond et al.’s (2007) depiction of the original version of the Law, based on the actual findings of Yerkes and
Dodson on fear conditioning in mice. e original version captures the observation that strong emotionality can enhance performance
under simple learning conditions. Under more difficult learning conditions, strong emotionality attenuates performance. Simple learning
conditions would involve, for example, focused attention on a restricted range of cues, while complex or difficult learning conditions
would involve, for example, divided attention, multi-tasking, or greater working memory demands. Figure is adapted from Diamond
et al. (2007, Figure 2).
remembering these types of events will be helpful for our
future survival and to reduce neural excitability afterward,
so the body may return to normal. To appraise a poten-
tially stressful event, existing memories would need to be
quickly drawn upon to compare the current incident with
previous similar ones. Future survival would be enhanced
by avoidance of similar life-threatening encounters, imply-
ing that strong memories of the event would be essential.
Suppressing memories unrelated to the stressor immediately
subsequent to the event would minimize memory interfer-
ence, thus further strengthening the already strong memory
of the relevant event (Schwabe & Wolf, 2014).
We have seen how some stress (demonstrated by an increase
in children’s arousal and attention) is required for success-
ful learning; however, too much or too little stress asso-
ciates with less successful learning. Children will respond
to stressors differently because of certain long-term factors
(e.g., genetics, environment) and short-term factors (e.g.,
recent stress exposure before arriving at school). Because
of these individual differences, a positive challenge for one
child may under or over-stimulate another child, thus poten-
tially reducing effective learning. A child’s response may vary
from day to day, or even during the same school day, depend-
ing on their appraisal of the situation and their available cop-
ing strategies. At high stress, children are more distracted by
superficial features of the environment, will find it harder to
engage in planning and voluntary control of their attention,
and are more likely to engage in habitual behaviors due to
reduced efficiency of executive functions such as inhibitory
In the discussion which follows, we focus on three types
of intervention to alleviate the negative impact of stress:
first, those that focus on psychological factors underlying
the stress response; second, physiological interventions to
reduce stress in children; third, those that focus on environ-
mental factors. While the majority focus on stress reduc-
tion as the main goal of the intervention, some studies are
concerned with the subsequent impact on test performance
and attention (e.g., Khng, 2017).
Psychological Factors
Reappraising Stress
e notion of psychological stress has often been per-
ceived as too vague and wider-ranging to measure accurately
(Crosswell & Lockwood, 2020). However, there are several
well-established ways to measure stress levels, including
behavioral coding, self-report measures, and using physio-
logical measurements such as cortisol and heart rate vari-
ability; the reader is referred to Crosswell and Lockwood
(2020) for a review of the different methods. e main psy-
chological factors behind the stress response (Dickerson
& Kemeny, 2004; Mason, 1968) are unpredictability, nov-
elty, out-of-control feeling and a social-evaluative threat.
Of these, the last two produce the strongest effect during
motivated performance tasks (Dickerson & Kemeny, 2004;
Mason, 1968). us, the degree of stress responding that a
child shows in a given situation can be influenced by whether
a child knows that he/she will be judged by his teacher
Stress and Learning
and possibly others in his class (social-evaluative threat)
and whether he/she understands how to complete a task
(out-of-control feeling). A key point is that although a child’s
perceived stress may not even constitute a valid stress from
the teacher’s viewpoint (Sotardi, 2016), it could potentially
affect their receptivity to learning.
Yeager and Dweck (2012) proposed that subtle messages
from adults influence pupils’ belief systems for example,
adding the word ‘yet’ to what would be a negative sentence
‘You haven’t done it,yet effectively diffuses the negativity by
suggesting that the child will accomplish it at a later date
(Haimovitz & Dweck, 2016). Dweck’s ‘Growth Mind-Set’
model proposes two mind-sets that influence motivation
and learning very differently. e limiting Fixed Mind-Set
assumes that abilities are fixed throughout life and cannot
be changed by individual effort, and gives no recognition of
personal growth: the failure-is-debilitating mindset. In con-
trast, the Growth Mind-Set focuses more on the malleabil-
ity of intelligence and so a difficult task is more likely to be
viewed as a healthy challenge: the failure-is-enhancing mind
set. Despite the plausibility of the model, nearly half the stud-
ies attempting to change mind-sets which also verified the
subsequent impact on mind-set (some did not!) found that
the manipulations did not produce a measurable change on
pupils’ mind-sets (Sisk, Burgoyne, Sun, Butler, & Macna-
mara, 2018). However, grade improvements through such
manipulations have been noted for the lowest achieving stu-
dents, so the intervention may work better for some chil-
dren than others (Yeager et al., 2016, 2019). e apparent low
malleability of mind-sets may be because parents’ mind-sets
influence children more strongly in this regard than those of
teachers (Haimovitz & Dweck, 2016).
In the context of stress, Crum and colleagues proposed
that two different mind-sets, the ‘stress-is-enhancing’
mind-set (embracing-the-challenge) versus the ‘stress-
is-debilitating’ mind-set (worrying-about-the-challenge)
can affect an individual’s stress response (Crum, Salovey, &
Achor, 2013). e stress-is-enhancing mindset may lead to
more positive outcomes than the stress-is-debilitating
mind-set. is proposal can be tested by reappraisal
interventions. Brooks (2014) defines reappraisal as ’a
form of cognitive change that involves construing an
emotion-eliciting situation in such a way that changes
its emotional impact’ for example, by using the simple
self-statement Iamexcited to reappraise anxiety as the
arousal-congruent emotion of excitement (Brooks, 2014).
ere is some evidence that these types of reappraisal
techniques can lead to short-term changes for example,
university and high-school students exhibited superior
performance when a maths test was reframed as a chal-
lenge, rather than a threat (Brooks, 2014) (see also Crum,
Jamieson, & Akinola, 2020) but evidence for longer-term
effects is lacking. In addition, evidence that these types of
reappraisal techniques can directly influence an individual’s
level of physiological stress responding has also not, to our
knowledge, been shown.
Reappraising Learning
A more recent approach suggests a different route: that,
for children from stressful environments, we should instead
be reappraising how we present learning tasks to play to
their strengths. is is along the lines recommended by
Vogel and Schwabe (2016): it is important to understand
pupils’ inter-individual differences to help develop more per-
sonalized training programs with a view to helping pre-
vent pupils’ stress–induced impairments. Children grow-
ing up in harsh environments may develop typical, or even
enhanced, skills for solving problems in high-adversity con-
texts (Ellis et al., 2020). Learning that is tailored to play
to their strengths may be more effective. is approach
may be considered as an extension of resilience science, the
study of individuals exhibiting positive developmental out-
comes despite exposure to adversities. In this way, the hid-
den talents model treats stress-adapted skills, such as flexible
switching between tasks or mental states or tracking novel
information in the environment, as a form of adaptive intel-
ligence that needs to be harnessed for individuals to achieve
their full potential. e approach recommends restructur-
ing school environments so that individuals with impaired
sustained attention skills, who find it demanding to com-
plete a lengthy task, are instead given tasks that utilize and
build upon their hidden talents and strengths. At present,
however, there are to our knowledge no intervention studies
that have explicitly tested the effectiveness of this approach,
and they would be predicated on being able to identify each
child’s individual profile of stress response.
e notion of mindfulness introduced to the West, as
used in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, was oper-
ationally defined by Kabat-Zinn as ‘paying attention in
a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment,
and nonjudgmentally’ (Kabat-Zinn, 1994, as reported by
Purser & Milillo, 2016). Nowadays, a plethora of differ-
ent versions of mindfulness have been developed, leading
to criticism that the concept has been diluted (Purser
& Milillo, 2016). An increasing number of schools have
adopted mindfulness-based interventions as a way of
attempting to improve childrens behavioral, cognitive and
mental health outcomes. A key proposed role of mindfulness
training is the reduction of stress.
e only meta-analysis (N=33 studies) to date of
randomized controlled trials across a wide age group of chil-
dren and adolescents (4-year-olds to 17-year-olds; Dunning
et al., 2019) found support for small but significant effects of
Sue B. Whiting et al.
mindfulness-based interventions, relative to all comparison
conditions combined (including passive control groups),
for the following outcomes: mindfulness, executive func-
tioning, attention, depression, anxiety/stress and negative
behaviors. Across the 17 randomized controlled trials that
featured comparison to active control interventions (such
as relaxation training), support for significant benefits of
mindfulness-based interventions was restricted to mindful-
ness, depression and anxiety/stress (Dunning et al., 2019).
However, surprisingly, the outcomes were not significantly
affected by the number of hours of training. Despite these
positive findings, the meta-analysis noted a lack of stan-
dardized interventions (22 different mindfulness protocols
across the 33 studies) with many researchers developing and
implementing their own personal mindfulness interventions
instead of replicating results from previous studies using
established mindfulness protocols. Publication bias was
noted towards studies with positive results, and Dunning
et al. suggested that further biases may have occurred from
different methodologies and uncertainty over crucial design
characteristics. ey noted how the outcomes were typically
measured by self-report and recommended that future stud-
ies would be strengthened if observer-rated measures were
used along with direct physiological or behavioral measures;
as mindfulness was developed to improve mental health,
future studies should also include active control groups
employing psychosocial and psychological interventions
targeting the same outcome. Another meta-analysis sug-
gested that late adolescents (15-year-olds to 18-year-olds)
may gain more benefits from mindfulness interventions than
primary school children (Carsley, Khoury, & Heath, 2018).
However, this study was not a randomized controlled trial
and did not analyze effects on stress; moreover, Dunning
et al.’s (2019) analysis yielded a mixed picture on age effects.
In sum, small but significant effects of reductions in
depression and anxiety/stress have been found following
mindfulness interventions with children and adolescents,
potentially operating in part through reduction of stress,
although there is currently a lack in the quantity and quality
of evidence (Saunders & Kober, 2020).
Physiological Factors
Breathing Techniques
Breathing, like other aspects of our autonomic nervous sys-
tem, is under automatic control: we automatically start to
breathe faster when we are doing exercise, or are anxious.
But, unlike other aspects of our autonomic function (such
as heart rate, or sweating), breathing is something that we
can also voluntarily control when we want to. Because of
this, and building on traditional techniques from the East-
ern tradition such as pranayama, a number of authors have
investigated whether slowing breathing by controlling the
pace of in- and out-breaths can alter physiological stress
responses (Lehrer & Gevirtz, 2014; Noble & Hochman, 2019;
Russo, Santarelli, & O’Rourke, 2017). Research on adults has
established that nasal slow-paced breathing (i.e., at around
6 breaths a minute compared with the typical 9–24 breaths
per minute) can immediately alter stress-related physiology,
by shifting it toward increased activity within the parasym-
pathetic nervous system thus, for example, maximizing
heart rate variability, associated with lower stress (Noble
& Hochman, 2019). Optimization of several physiologi-
cal variables has also been noted, for example maximizing
oxygen absorption (through activating various receptors in
the lungs) and beneficial cardiorespiratory effects (Russo
et al., 2017). Breathing exercises have considerable practical
potential: the advantage of using a specific breathing tech-
nique is that, once learned, it can be performed anywhere at
any time and be easily included as an alternative ‘attention
grabber’ for teachers to use.
However, research is still in its early stages, with only a
few small exploratory studies conducted with adults and
even fewer conducted with children. Heart rate variability
and standardized anxiety scale measurements demonstrated
significant improvements in a randomized controlled trial
with a class of 8-year-olds after a 4-month 10-minute daily
intervention that included deep breathing; the children
reported that they were better able to cope with everyday
stressors (Bothe, Grignon, & Olness, 2014). Heart rate vari-
ability measurements demonstrated improvements 1 year
later. After a slow paced breathing intervention, a group of
14 adolescents with intellectual disabilities demonstrated
improved stress management compared with the control
group who had an audiobook session (Laborde, Allen,
Göhring, & Dosseville, 2017). Khng (2017) used a deep
breathing intervention just before a timed mathematics
test in 122 10-to-11-year-old children, and reported that
taking deep breaths before the test significantly reduced
self-reported feelings of anxiety and improved test per-
formance compared to the control group. Nevertheless,
compared to the research into mindfulness, there is an
absence of randomized controlled trials looking at breathing
interventions in adults as well as children. Even for adults, as
Russo et al. (2017) point out, research into controlled, slow
breathing should be extended into investigating long-term
effects rather than the short-term effects that have been the
focus of research to date.
In sum, although a few preliminary studies are suggesting
that deep breathing may help primary school children to be
more resilient when under stress, more robust research in
the form of randomized controlled trials is required.
Recovery Time
e research reviewed in Part (c) suggests that stress
can affect learning and memory over longer time scales,
including impairing memory and learning minutes to hours
Stress and Learning
after a stressful event. For children experiencing stressful
home environments, breakfast clubs may help in deliver-
ing safe, nurturing school environments and nutritional
support. In principle, they could also improve learning
outcomes during the first two lessons for those vulnerable
children who have experienced stress before arriving at
school, by providing more time for delayed chemicals that
suppress learning to dissipate, and therefore offer a buffer
between home environment and learning activities. How-
ever, systematic evaluation of this possibility has yet to be
carried out.
Physical Exercise
It has been proposed that physical exercise may benefit
children’s cognitive function by altering their stress-related
physiology (Álvarez-Bueno et al., 2017; Wegner, Koutsan-
dréou, Müller-alcazar, Lautenbach, & Budde, 2019), with
associated changes in activity levels of various signaling
molecules in the brain (Strasser & Fuchs, 2015). In addi-
tion to direct effects of physical activity on stress responses
(Puterman et al., 2018; Strasser & Fuchs, 2015), there are
also various indirect routes through which physical activ-
ity is associated with reduced stress, such as exposure to
fresh air, natural light, social interaction, and taking a break
from work. Playing in team sports may also provide social
support and reduce psychosocial stress (Keefe, Keefe, &
Lavie, 2019). For example, a child struggling in a classroom
team, which potentially would reduce his or her psychosocial
stress (Sapolsky, 2005).
However, whereas links between exercise and aspects of
child development such as executive functions are well doc-
umented in meta-analyses based on multiple randomized
controlled trials (Chang, Labban, Gapin, & Etnier, 2012;
Xue, Yang, & Huang, 2019), relatively fewer studies to date
have examined the short- and long-term effects of exercise
on stress in children (Rasmussen & Laumann, 2013). Some
correlational evidence has linked increased exercise with
a reduced stress response in adults (Zschucke, Renneberg,
Dimeo, Wüstenberg, & Ströhle, 2015) and exercise has been
shown to reduce anxiety in children with Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder (Cerrillo-Urbina et al., 2015). More
robust research, identifying cause-and-effect, is required to
establish the most effective exercise for specifically reducing
stress in primary school children.
Environmental Factors
Noisy and chaotic environments adversely affect multiple
aspects of child development (Marsh, Dobson, & Maddison,
2020). Increased stress is an important factor that may
explain this relationship. For example, exposure to audi-
tory noise is associated with physiological stress in children
(Wass et al., 2019). erefore, reducing noise and clutter
within a learning environment (for example, through the use
of noise-dampening material to attenuate auditory noise)
may be an effective stress management technique for some
While an environment can cause stress in children, it is
also important to understand how stress can then influence
how children interact with their environment. is is par-
reduces children’s ability to deploy focused attentional in
a noisy, chaotic environment (Diamond et al., 2007; Liston
et al., 2009). Reducing visual distractions and clutter within
a classroom can help children maintain attentional focus
and improve performance on learning tasks (Fisher, God-
win, & Seltman, 2014). It is likely though it remains to
be shown that the challenge of maintaining attentional
focus in a highly stimulating classroom would be great-
est for children experiencing higher levels of stress (Dia-
mond et al., 2007). However, because stress simultaneously
increases vigilance, teachers can be aware that ‘attention
grabbers’, such as clapping hands when children become
distracted, should be more effective at eliciting attention in
these same children.
Some stress, manifested in changes to arousal and atten-
tion, is required for learning. Too much stress or stress at
the wrong time may inhibit learning. is complex rela-
tionship, heuristically illustrated by an inverted-U curve,
is likely to differ between pupils depending on a multi-
tude of long-term and short-term factors. Some children
may be more sensitive to the environment than others. A
classroom challenge providing optimal learning outcomes
for one pupil may provide too much, or too little, arousal
for another. Present-day research as yet provides only a
fragmentary framework for the development and testing of
innovative top-down psychotherapeutic and physiological
interventions to regulate the physiological and neural stress
response. We have described potential classroom strate-
gies for addressing this issue, and explored the impact of
environmental factors; however, at the current time, rais-
ing teachers’ awareness of the inter-individual differences
in their pupils’ stress responses will be an important step
in accommodating the differing needs of children in their
classrooms. Developing personalized approaches and train-
ing programs may prove to be the ultimate goal, to not only
prevent stress-induced impairments but also enable all chil-
dren to achieve their full potential.
Acknowledgments—MSCT’s contribution to this paper
was supported by UK Medical Research Council grant
Sue B. Whiting et al.
MR/R00322X/1. SVW’s contribution was supported
by ESRC grant ES/N017560/1, Leverhulme Trust grant
RPG-2018-281, and ERC grant ONACSA 853251.
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... En el contexto de la educación matemática, es importante abordar las posibles barreras emocionales que afectan los procesos cognitivos como la ansiedad matemática, el estrés y los problemas de atención (Amran y Bakar, 2020;Guillermo, Carlos, et al., 2022;Uden et al., 2023;Whiting et al., 2021;Yu, 2023). Al integrar enfoques neuroeducativos, se busca abordar estos desafíos implementando estrategias personalizadas que promuevan un aprendizaje más efectivo y significativo (Chang et al., 2021). ...
... Un estudio realizado por (Brink et al., 2023) examinó cómo las emociones positivas y negativas influyen en el desempeño de los estudiantes, en matemáticas. Los hallazgos revelaron que las emociones favorables, como el interés y la confianza en las propias habilidades, están asociadas con un mejor desempeño en tareas matemáticas, mientras que las emociones desfavorables, como la ansiedad, miedo y estrés pueden interferir en el rendimiento resultados que concuerdan con lo expuesto por (Amran y Bakar, 2020;Guillermo, Carlos, et al., 2022;Whiting et al., 2021;Yu, 2023). ...
... Estos hallazgos resaltan la importancia de fomentar un ambiente emocional favorable en el salón de clases e implementar estrategias para reducir la ansiedad matemática, como el entrenamiento en habilidades de afrontamiento y la enseñanza de técnicas de regulación emocional (Amran y Bakar, 2020; Whiting et al., 2021;Yu, 2023). Asimismo, Procopio et al. (2022) examinó cómo los principios neurocientíficos pueden contribuir a diseñar metodologías de enseñanza efectivas en el contexto de las matemáticas. ...
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Resumen Este artículo presenta un estudio sobre la utilización de la neurociencia en la enseñanza de las matemáticas, haciendo hincapié en la necesidad de abordar los obstáculos emocionales y mejorar las prácticas educativas en matemáticas, particularmente en los países de América Latina, como Colombia, que enfrentan desafíos notables en este campo. La investigación se basa en un análisis exhaustivo de documentos científicos, y emplea un enfoque interdisciplinario para identificar los mecanismos neuronales implicados en el procesamiento matemático y aplicar estrategias educativas eficaces. La metodología de investigación es cualitativa de tipo exploratorio que abarca una revisión sistemática de la literatura, encontrándose una aproximación a la configuración del uso de la neurociencia en la enseñanza de las matemáticas, donde se encuentran resultados relacionados con modelos, estrategias, prácticas de enseñanza y pensamiento matemático. La inclusión de métodos, estrategias y prácticas basadas en neuroeducación en el proceso educativo contribuye a enriquecer la experiencia de aprendizaje y a potenciar la conexión entre las habilidades matemáticas y las dimensiones emocionales y creativas de los estudiantes, se resalta la importancia de adaptar estrategias educativas para satisfacer las necesidades individuales de los estudiantes, la relevancia de la conexión emocional en el aprendizaje matemático, el enfoque multisensorial, la metacognición y la diversificación de estrategias educativas. Finalmente se analiza cómo la neurociencia puede mejorar la práctica pedagógica y abordar
... It has to be taken in consideration that there is a difference between acute stress which arises from factors that have a clear start and end (e.g, a pupil is afraid of test) and chronic stress, based on factors which are long lasting without clear end (e.g., learning disorders, neglect). Each brain and body respond to the stressors differently (Whiting et al. 2021). ...
... If person changes perception, changes a level of own stress. Level of stress can be influenced by outer situations and individual´s view of them, for someone it can be stimulating, for other disturbing (Brobeck et al. 2007, Whiting et al. 2021. For emergence of stress is enough to expect negative possibility and imagination of failure. ...
... We can conclude that stressis a condition in the environment which has unusual requirements on the organism as well as internal condition when the individual responses to a stressful circumstance. Whether it is negative pressure to the person depends on individual differences in perception of the event or in physiological reactions (Garrett 2009, Whiting et al. 2021. ...
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Paper deals with the role of stress in the process of learning of pupils, younger students at primary school. It is based on literature review, and the term stress is discussed in general, as a condition in the environment as well as an internal condition leading to specific responses of an individual. It is a complex topic described from neuroscientific, biological, pedagogical and psychological point of view. The main goal is to describe stress and identify different resources of students´ stress and to refer how various levels of everyday negative pressure and anxiety can affect individual´s cognitive processes, his emotional state and well-being, as well as behaviour in school environment. In this review, following issues are examined: what stress is, how it functions and what kinds of stressors are experienced in primary students, what kinds of symptoms are associated with it, how a reduced ability to regulate negative emotions as stress and anxiety impacts foreign language learning, and what coping methods and techniques can be applied for reducing foreign language anxiety in school environment. / Keywords: emotions and stress, younger students, school environment, foreign language learning, coping methods
... So while it is assumed that stress during learning promotes memory formation and contributes to robust memories, stress may also significantly impair the retrieval of memories and harbors the risk of performing worse in exams (Whiting et al. 2021). ...
... Stress is a critical factor affecting the psychological and physiological wellbeing, as well as the academic achievement, of preadolescents (Snoeren and Hoefnagels, 2014;Whiting et al., 2021). Stress among preadolescent students in Sri Lanka is a critical issue (Sedere, 2010;Wasantha, 2015;Hamilton et al., 2016;Sedere et al., 2016;Peiris et al., 2023) that needs to be assessed through robust measures (Hamilton et al., 2016). ...
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Background Stress influences examination performance among Sri Lankan students. Validated tests are required to evaluate stress levels among elementary students in Sri Lanka. Therefore, the Perceived Stress Questionnaire 8–11 (PSQ8-11) was translated into a Sinhala version. The aim of this study was to examine the psychometric properties of the translated and adapted scale among elementary level school children in Sri Lanka and examine invariance across male and female children. Methods The participants were 1021 students from seven schools. After removing missing values, responses from 693 students (mean age = 9.65 ± 0.478 years, 51.8% male) were analysed for participant characteristics. Cronbach’s alpha, Spearman’s correlation, and confirmatory factor analysis with measurement invariance models were conducted after adding one item to the original PSQ8-11 version. Results The Cronbach’s alpha value for the 20-item modified PSQ8-11 Sinhala version was.788. The two subscales, psychological stress (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.615) and physiological stress (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.711), indicated a satisfactory level of internal consistency. Furthermore, a statistically significant correlation (p < 0.01; 2-tailed) was reported among each of the subscales. Confirmatory factor analyses demonstrated a satisfactory goodness-of-fit across the two models by confirming the theoretical constructs of the PSQ8-11 translated version with its two subscales. The two-factor model has better model fit indices compared to the unidimensional model (χ²/df = 1.447, CFI = 0.947, TLI = 0.938, WRMR = 0.028, RMSEA = 0.026, SRMSR = 0.0341, and PCLOSE = 1 of the two-factor model). Measurement variance across gender was supported by the establishment of configural and metric invariances. Conclusion Acceptable psychometric properties for the PSQ8-11 Sinhala version were observed in elementary schoolers in Sri Lanka.
... These coping mechanisms are shaped by perceived threats and personal characteristics. Additionally, stressful environments can negatively affect the learning experience [18]. Bandura's theory defines self-efficacy as a person's confidence in their ability to perform tasks necessary to reach certain goals [17,19]. ...
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Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of an interactive program designed to reduce nursing students’ perceived stress and improve self-efficacy and readiness to professionally address incivility during clinical practice. Background: Incivility in clinical settings adversely impacts learners, educators, institutions, and healthcare systems, undermining safety and the teaching–learning process. Despite its increasing global prevalence, effective interventions remain largely unexplored. Methods: Our mixed-methods study, conducted from March to April 2024, involved senior baccalaureate pre-licensure nursing students (N = 35) from a California State University. The three-week, one-hour-per-week, interactive clinical incivility management program was developed through an extensive literature review. Pre- and post-intervention differences were assessed using a 10 min self-administered online survey that included the Uncivil Behavior in Clinical Nursing Education (UBCNE; 12 items), Perceived Stress Scale (PSS; 10 items), General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSE; 10 items), and a sample characteristics questionnaire (11 items). A one-hour face-to-face focus group (n = 11) then provided qualitative data on personal experiences of clinical incivility. Quantitative data were analyzed using SPSS version 27, while qualitative data were analyzed using Colaizzi’s method. Results: Clinical incivility prevalence was 71.4% (n = 25 out of 35). No statistically significant differences were found in UBCNE, PSS, and GSE scores between pre- and post-intervention. However, professional responses to clinical incivility significantly improved after the intervention (t = −12.907, p < 0.001). Four themes emerged from the qualitative data: (a) uncivil behaviors or language from nurses, (b) emotional discouragement and low self-confidence, (c) resource and personnel shortages at clinical sites for education, and (d) the necessity for interventions to manage clinical incivility. Conclusions: Nursing schools and clinical agencies should collaborate to establish monitoring systems, enhance communication, and implement evidence-based policies and interactive interventions to prevent and manage clinical incivility experienced by nursing students from clinical sites.
... Moreover, we did not recruit an active control group. Low attention frequently co-occurs with other non-behavioral problem traits such as stress (Whiting et al. 2021) and anxiety (Justicia-Galiano et al. 2017), which could exert a significant influence on the reported study results. We used the same attention tasks to identify students with low attention and measure their pre-and post-intervention ability. ...
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This study investigates the effects of math training on math and cognitive performance among 8–9 year-old students with low attention. Fifty-six students with low attention were randomly assigned to a training group (n = 24) and a passive control group (n = 32). They completed math problem-solving, calculation fluency and PASS cognitive processing tests both before and after training. The children in the training group received 3 days of training per week for a total of 21 days using the math modules of The Children’s Mathematics and Cognition Training Manual in Chinese. The results showed that the training group’s math problem-solving performance improved significantly. Moreover, the cognitive performance on the CAS-2 in the planning and simultaneous processing tests for the training group was enhanced. The implications of these findings are discussed with consideration of the interpretability being constrained by the fact that no active control condition was applied.
... Furthermore, it is interesting to note that for learning to occur, children are required to experience an amount of stress (eustress), which causes their arousal and attention to increase (Whiting et al., 2021). The issue, however, revolves around the amount of stress that causes this benefit. ...
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The Symposium 2022 of the Institute for Education focused on “The Neuroscience of Learning”. It is a known fact that the brain and learning have an intimate link and when learning happens, the brain undergoes a change which can be chemical and structural. The papers presented here provide a remarkable insight into the area of neuroscience and create a connection with learning or the disposition of the individual to learn. The affective domain is placed at the forefront of the studies, highlighting the effect it has on the development of the child and the outcomes of the educational journey. Though brain research and its relation to learning is still in its early stages, it is imperative that we continue to delve into this field to investigate the processes that can be adopted to create a positive educational journey. It is through the collaboration between neuroscientists and educators that the pathway towards the development of a person’s full potential can be achieved. However, language can be a major barrier, considering the jargon used when communicating methodologies, analyses, and findings. Thus, bridging the language can be considered the initial factor that may result in translating the scientific findings of neuroscientists into personalised strategies used in the classroom and in the community to overcome learning hindrances and exploit the brain’s potential.
... proses belajar, dan stress yang berlebihan dapat menurunkan kemampuan kognitif, seperti kemampuan memberikan atensi, memecahkan masalah, melakukan analisis dan kemampuan berpikir kritis (Whiting et al., 2021). ...
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Penerapan pembelajaran diferensiasi dengan memanfaatkan teknologi masih menjadi masalah bagi guru. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas penggunaan media hyperdoc dalam pembelajaran berdiferensiasi konten dengan asesmen awal pembelajaran melalui minat belajar. Pengembangan media ini menggunakan model Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, dan Evaluation (ADDIE) yang kemudian diuji dengan uji kelayakan media dan uji efektivitas media menggunakan rumus N-Gain Hake. Subyek penelitian ini adalah 35 peserta didik kelas 9B. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hasil uji efektivitas media mencapai skor 69,4 yang berada pada kategori cukup baik. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa media hyperdoc diferensiasi ini efektif dalam meningkatkan pemahaman peserta didik pada materi toleransi.
... This association was even stronger than with other COVID-19-related stressors. Prolonged social and psychological stress was found to lead to increased physiological stress, which hindered cognitive development and learning(Whiting et al., 2021). ...
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Objective This study examines whether parental emotional distress during the first pandemic-related school shutdown in 2020 in Germany affected the development of primary school students’ mathematical skills and investigates changes in parents’ working conditions as triggers of cascading stress processes. Background The Family Stress Model (FSM) explains the mechanisms that mediate between families’ structural conditions and children's developmental outcomes. Foundational works for this approach focus on historic events that instigate rapid structural changes which, in turn, undermine families' economic situation. The economic losses trigger stress processes. Research on the COVID-19 pandemic reports heightened levels of parental stress and negative impacts on children's cognitive and socioemotional development. This study examines the role of parental emotional distress during the COVID-19 shutdown on children's cognitive development. Expanding on the classical FSM, we hypothesize that changes in parents' working situation, rather than economic changes, may have triggered family stress processes during the shutdown, as federal support largely cushioned economic cutbacks in Germany. Method For the German National Educational Panel Study (NEPS), interviews were conducted with parents, and primary school students in Starting Cohort 1 were tested after the first shutdown in 2020. The database provides rich information from survey waves prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, allowing a longitudinal analysis of a sample of 1512 primary school students with ordinary least squares regression. Results Parents’ emotional distress during the pandemic had a robust negative effect on students’ mathematical skills, even when controlling for prior parenting stress. Changes in parents’ working conditions also had an effect on children’s test scores, and the negative effect of working from home on the test scores was mediated by parents’ emotional distress. Conclusion The COVID-19 pandemic was a historic event which, at least in Germany, challenged the mental health of many parents and, in turn, impaired the skill development of primary school students. We introduce the role of changes in working conditions as triggers of such processes.
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Although early-life adversity can undermine healthy development, children growing up in harsh environments may develop intact, or even enhanced , skills for solving problems in high-adversity contexts (i.e., “hidden talents”). Here we situate the hidden talents model within a larger interdisciplinary framework. Summarizing theory and research on hidden talents, we propose that stress-adapted skills represent a form of adaptive intelligence that enables individuals to function within the constraints of harsh, unpredictable environments. We discuss the alignment of the hidden talents model with current knowledge about human brain development following early adversity; examine potential applications of this perspective to multiple sectors concerned with youth from harsh environments, including education, social services, and juvenile justice; and compare the hidden talents model with contemporary developmental resilience models. We conclude that the hidden talents approach offers exciting new directions for research on developmental adaptations to childhood adversity, with translational implications for leveraging stress-adapted skills to more effectively tailor education, jobs, and interventions to fit the needs and potentials of individuals from a diverse range of life circumstances. This approach affords a well-rounded view of people who live with adversity that avoids stigma and communicates a novel, distinctive, and strength-based message.
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Despite the strong evidence linking psychological stress to disease risk, health researchers often fail to include psychological stress in models of health. One reason for this is the incorrect perception that the construct of psychological stress is too vague and broad to accurately measure. This article describes best practices in stress measurement, detailing which dimensions of stressor exposures and stress responses to capture, and how. We describe when to use psychological versus physiological indicators of stress. It is crucial that researchers across disciplines utilize the latest methods for measuring and describing psychological stress in order to build a cumulative science.
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Mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs) have become an increasingly widespread treatment for psychiatric and medical disorders in children and adolescents. However, enthusiasm for mindfulness in pediatric populations may outpace the evidence. To address this gap, we integrate the “Framework for Developing and Testing Mind and Body Interventions” issued by the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) with the National Institute of Health (NIH) “Stage Model of Intervention Development,” and offer specific recommendations based on the stage model of MBI development to guide the design, evaluation, implementation, and dissemination of MBIs in young persons. As such, we offer both a theoretical framework and practical guidance to child and adolescent clinicians and researchers seeking to develop and/or test evidence-based MBIs. We believe that this paper has great potential for scientific and public health benefit, given the rapidly increasing use of mindfulness as a clinical intervention.
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Background: Household chaos, represented by the level of disorganisation or environmental confusion in the home, has been associated with a range of adverse child and family outcomes. This review aims to (1) identify how household chaos is measured, (2) chart study details of household chaos literature, and (3) map the existing literature with respect to the relationship between household chaos and child, parent, and family outcomes. We expect that this review will highlight the need to consider the importance of household chaos in child well-being research, particularly in those families where children may be more vulnerable to the adverse effects of household chaos. Methods: We searched five electronic databases (last updated September 1st 2018) in addition to Google Scholar, and identified publications via a 3-stage screening process, which was conducted by two researchers. Published studies were included if they investigated the association between household chaos and child, parent, or family outcomes. Research that investigated household chaos as a mediator or moderator, or that investigated how the relationship between household chaos and the outcome of interest was mediated or moderated, were also included. Results: One hundred twelve studies in 111 publications were included. The majority were conducted in the United States (n = 71), and used either cross-sectional (n = 60) or longitudinal (n = 49) study designs. Outcomes of interest were categorised into seven categories: (1) cognitive and academic (n = 16), (2) socio-emotional and behavioural (n = 60), (3) communication (n = 6), (4) parenting, family, and household functioning (n = 21), (5) parent outcomes (n = 6), (6) hormone (n = 8), and (7) physical health and health behaviours (n = 19). There was consistent evidence for significant correlations between household chaos and adverse outcomes across all seven categories in diverse populations with respect to age, disease status, and socio-economic status (SES). Conclusion: There is consistent evidence for associations between household chaos and a number of adverse child, parent, and family-level outcomes. Household chaos may also help describe variations in outcomes between low SES and child development.
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The dominant cultural valuation of stress is that it is “bad for me.” This valuation leads to regulatory goals of reducing or avoiding stress. In this article, we propose an alternative approach—stress optimization—which integrates theory and research on stress mindset (e.g., Crum, Salovey, & Achor, 2013) and stress reappraisal (e.g., Jamieson, Mendes, Blackstock, & Schmader, 2010) interventions. We further integrate these theories with the extended process model of emotion regulation (Gross, 2015). In so doing, we explain how altering second-level valuation systems—shifting the valuation of stress from “is bad for me” to “can be good for me”—fundamentally changes the overarching goal of stress regulation from reducing stress to optimizing stress responses to achieve valued goals. With this optimization goal in mind, individuals are invited to flexibly identify, select, and engage in specific regulation tactics (e.g., situation selection, attentional control, cognitive change, and response modulation) in ways that help them achieve valued ends as opposed to merely reducing or avoiding stressful experiences. We discuss definitions and issues related to key terms including stress, stressors, stress responses, and stress regulation and outline a research agenda for testing this new integrated theory as an intervention.
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Context: Due to great variability of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA)-axis, research has to produce better-controlled findings to make a more meaningful statement regarding the effect of exercise training (ET) on the cortisol awakening response (CAR), especially in children. Objective: The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of different ET interventions on the CAR in children. Design and setting: We conducted a short-term training study for 10 weeks in primary schools in Westphalia, Germany. Participants: 71 children (9–10 years old) were randomly assigned to a cardiovascular exercise group (n = 27), a motor exercise group (n = 23), or a control group (n = 21). Intervention: An experienced instructor trained the children in an after-school setting in 45 min sessions, three times a week over the course of 10 weeks. Main outcome measure: CAR (0, +30 min) was assessed on 2 schooldays one week apart before and after the 10-week intervention. A Shuttle Run Test was performed to determine the cardiovascular fitness. Motor fitness was assessed using the Heidelberg Gross Motor Test. Results: Children who enhanced their cardiovascular fitness over the course of the intervention showed an increased CAR after the intervention time (B = 0.213), whereas children who underwent a motor exercise intervention and at the same time gained in motor fitness exhibited a decreased CAR after intervention (B = −0.188). Conclusions: It has been speculated that other neurobiological pathways are activated by different exercise interventions. The extent to which these ET effects on CAR can be applied in clinical settings needs further investigation. Précis: The 10-weeks longitudinal effects of cardiovascular vs. motor exercise interventions (three times a week) on CAR in children show that these interventions exert different effects on hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis activity.
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Retrospective correlational studies of humans suggest that moderate but not minimal or substantial early life stress exposure promotes the development of stress inoculation-induced resilience. Here we test for a nonlinear relationship between early life stress and resilience by comparing varying “doses” of early life stress. Juvenile squirrel monkeys underwent one of five treatment conditions between 17–27 weeks of age: Stress inoculation (SI) with continuous access to mother (SI + Mom; one stress element), SI without continuous access to mother (SI; two stress elements), SI without continuous access to mother and with alprazolam injection pretreatments (SI + Alz; three stress elements), SI without continuous access to mother and with vehicle injection pretreatments (SI + Veh; three stress elements), or standard housing (No SI; zero stress elements). Alprazolam was used to test whether anxiolytic medication diminished SI effects. Subjects exposed to one or two early life stressors subsequently responded with fewer indications of anxiety (e.g., decreased maternal clinging, increased object exploration, smaller cortisol increases) compared to No SI subjects. Subjects exposed to three early life stressors did not differ on most measures from one another or from No SI subjects. These findings provide empirical support for a nonlinear J-shaped relationship between early life stress exposure and subsequent resilience.
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Control of respiration provides a powerful voluntary portal to entrain and modulate central autonomic networks. Slowing and deepening breathing as a relaxation technique has shown promise in a variety of cardiorespiratory and stress-related disorders, but few studies have investigated the physiological mechanisms conferring its benefits. Recent evidence suggests that breathing at a frequency near 0.1 Hz (6 breaths per minute) promotes behavioral relaxation and baroreflex resonance effects that maximize heart rate variability. Breathing around this frequency appears to elicit resonant and coherent features in neuro-mechanical interactions that optimize physiological function. Here we explore the neurophysiology of slow, deep breathing and propose that coincident features of respiratory and baroreceptor afferent activity cycling at 0.1 Hz entrain central autonomic networks. An important role is assigned to the preferential recruitment of slowly-adapting pulmonary afferents (SARs) during prolonged inhalations. These afferents project to discrete areas in the brainstem within the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS) and initiate inhibitory actions on downstream targets. Conversely, deep exhalations terminate SAR activity and activate arterial baroreceptors via increases in blood pressure to stimulate, through NTS projections, parasympathetic outflow to the heart. Reciprocal SAR and baroreceptor afferent-evoked actions combine to enhance sympathetic activity during inhalation and parasympathetic activity during exhalation, respectively. This leads to pronounced heart rate variability in phase with the respiratory cycle (respiratory sinus arrhythmia) and improved ventilation-perfusion matching. NTS relay neurons project extensively to areas of the central autonomic network to encode important features of the breathing pattern that may modulate anxiety, arousal, and attention. In our model, pronounced respiratory rhythms during slow, deep breathing also support expression of slow cortical rhythms to induce a functional state of alert relaxation, and, via nasal respiration-based actions on olfactory signaling, recruit hippocampal pathways to boost memory consolidation. Collectively, we assert that the neurophysiological processes recruited during slow, deep breathing enhance the cognitive and behavioral therapeutic outcomes obtained through various mind-body practices. Future studies are required to better understand the physio-behavioral processes involved, including in animal models that control for confounding factors such as expectancy biases.
Experiencing poverty in childhood has been associated with increased risk for physical and mental health difficulties later in life. An emerging body of evidence suggests that brain development may be one mediator of this relation. In this chapter, we discuss evidence for an association between childhood poverty and brain structure/function. First, we examine the association from a lifespan perspective discussing studies at multiple developmental stages from the prenatal period to late adulthood. Second, we examine existing studies that link childhood poverty, brain development, and physical and mental health outcomes. Third, we discuss studies linking childhood poverty and environmental risks and protective factors. Lastly, we discuss suggestions for future studies including advances in network neuroscience, population neuroscience, using multiple imaging modalities, and the use of longitudinal neuroimaging studies. Overall, associations between childhood poverty, brain development, and development over the life course may help to both better understand and eventually reveal salient intervention strategies to mitigate social disparities in health.
Adverse experiences during childhood can have long-lasting impacts on physical and mental health. At the heart of most theories of how these effects are transduced into health impacts is the activity of stress-mediating systems, most notably the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA) axis. Here we review the anatomy and physiology of the axis, models of stress and development, the development of the axis prenatally through adolescence, the role of experience and sensitive periods in shaping its regulation, the social regulation of the axis at different points in development, and finally conclude with suggestions for future research. We conclude that it is clear that early adversity sculpts the stress system, but we do not understand which dimensions have the most impact and at what points in early development. It is equally clear that secure attachment relationships buffer the developing stress system; however, the mechanisms of social buffering and how these may change with development are not yet clear. Another critical issue that is not understood is when and for whom adversity will result in hypo- vs hyperactivity of stress-mediating systems. These and other issues are important for advancing our understanding of how early adversity "gets under the skin" and shapes human physical and mental health.