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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 12, No. 2, 2021
A Hybridized Deep Learning Method for Bengali
Image Captioning
Mayeesha Humaira1, Shimul Paul2, Md Abidur Rahman Khan Jim3, Amit Saha Ami4, Faisal Muhammad Shah5
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Abstract—An omnipresent challenging research topic in com-
puter vision is the generation of captions from an input image.
Previously, numerous experiments have been conducted on image
captioning in English but the generation of the caption from the
image in Bengali is still sparse and in need of more refining. Only
a few papers till now have worked on image captioning in Bengali.
Hence, we proffer a standard strategy for Bengali image caption
generation on two different sizes of the Flickr8k dataset and
BanglaLekha dataset which is the only publicly available Bengali
dataset for image captioning. Afterward, the Bengali captions
of our model were compared with Bengali captions generated
by other researchers using different architectures. Additionally,
we employed a hybrid approach based on InceptionResnetV2
or Xception as Convolution Neural Network and Bidirectional
Long Short-Term Memory or Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Unit
on two Bengali datasets. Furthermore, a different combination
of word embedding was also adapted. Lastly, the performance
was evaluated using Bilingual Evaluation Understudy and proved
that the proposed model indeed performed better for the Bengali
dataset consisting of 4000 images and the BanglaLekha dataset.
Keywords—Bengali image captioning; hybrid architecture; In-
ceptionResNet; Xception
An image is worth a thousand stories. It is effortless for
humans to describe these stories but it is troublesome for a
machine to portray them. To obtain captions from images it
is necessary to combine computer vision and natural language
processing. Previously lots of research has been done on image
captioning but most of them were done in English. Research
done on Image captioning using other languages [13], [15],
[16] is still limited. Few works until now have been conducted
on image captioning in Bengali [5], [23], [37] so we aim to
explore image captioning in the Bengali language further.
About 215 million people worldwide speak in Bengali
among those 196 million individuals are natives from India
and Bangladesh. Bengali is the 7th most utilized language
worldwide1.As a result, it is momentous to generate image
captions in Bengali alongside English. Moreover, most of the
natives have no knowledge of English. Additionally, image
captioning can be used to aid blind people by converting the
text into speech blind people who can understand the image.
Also, surveillance footage can be captioned in real-time so that
theft, crime or accidents can be detected faster.
The main issue of image captioning in the Bengali lan-
guage is the availability of a dataset. Most of the datasets
available are in English. English datasets can be translated
using manual labor or using machine translation. At any rate,
manual translations have higher accuracy, they are extremely
monotonous and troublesome. Machine translation on the other
hand provides a better solution. In our experiment, we used
a Machine translator such as Google translator2to translate
English captions to Bengali and modified those sentences
that were syntactically incorrect manually. Furthermore, we
also utilized BanglaLekha3dataset which is the only publicly
available Bengali dataset for image captioning till now. All
the captions in this dataset were in Bengali and human
annotated. We employed two approaches to captioning images
in Bengali. Firstly, a hybrid model was used as demonstrated
in Fig. 1 where two embedding layers were concatenated.
Among those concatenated embedding one was GloVe [22]
which utilize a pre-trained file in Bengali and another was
fastText [7] which was trained on the vocabulary available.
Secondly, two different models were trained to have a single
embedding. One was conducted with only a trainable fastText
embedding and the other experimented on GloVe embedding
which was pre-trained in Bengali. For all three of the cases,
InceptionResnetV2 [28] and Xception [38] was used as a
Convolution Neural Network (CNN) to detect objects from
In this work, we proposed a hybridized Deep Learning
method for Image captioning. This was achieved by concate-
nating two word embedding. The contribution of this paper is
as follows:
•We introduced a hybridized method of image caption-
ing where two word embedding pre-trained GloVe and
fastText were concatenated.
•Experiments were carried on both our models using
Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (BiLSTM)
and Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Unit (BiGRU).
BiGRU has not been used before for image captioning
using different languages other than English.
•Moreover, these two models have been tested on two
Flickr8k datasets of varying lengths. One dataset con-
tains 4000 images and the other contains 8000 images.
To our best knowledge, no paper used Flickr8k full
dataset translated in Bengali for image captioning.
•Additionally, our model was also tested on the
BanglaLekha dataset which contains 9154 images.
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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 12, No. 2, 2021
•Lastly, it was shown that our proposed hybrid model
achieved higher BLEU scores for both the Flickr4k-
BN dataset and the BanglaLekha dataset.
Fig. 1. Illustration of Hybridized (Right) Model and Model with Single
Embedding FastText or GloVe (Left).
This section depicts the progress in image captioning.
Hitherto, many kinds of research have been conducted and
many models have been developed to get captions that are
syntactically corrected. The authors in [2] presented a model
that deems the probabilistic distribution of the next word
using previous word and image features. On the other hand,
H. Dong et al. [6] proposed a new training method Image-
Text-Image which amalgamate text-to-image and image-to-
text synthesis to revamp the performance of text-to-image
synthesis. Furthermore, J. Aneja [21] and S. J. Rennie [25]
adapted the attention mechanism to generate caption. For
vision part of image captioning Vgg16 were used by most
of the papers [2], [11], [24], [25], [27], [30] as CNN but
some of them also used YOLO [9], Inception V3 [6], [31],
AlexNet [24], [30] ResNet [11], [18], [24] or Unet [4] as
CNN for feature extraction. Concurrently, LSTM [6], [9], [11],
[17], [31] was used by most of the papers for generating the
next word in the sequence. However, some of the researcher
also utilized RNN [19] or BiLSTM [4], [30]. Moreover, P.
Blandfort et al. [32] systematically characterize diverse image
captions that appear “in the wild” in order to understand how
people caption images naturally. Alongside English researchers
also generated captions in Chinese [15], [16], Japanese [1],
Arabic [12], Bahasa Indonesia [13], Hindi [26] German [29]
and Bengali [5], [23]. M. Rahman et al. [23] generated image
caption in Bengali for the first time followed by T. Deb et al.
[5]. Researchers of paper [23] used VGG-16 to extract image
features and stacked LSTMs. On the contrary, researchers of
paper [5] generated image caption using InceptionResnetV2 or
VGG-16 and LSTM. They utilized 4000 images of the Flickr8k
dataset to generate captions. We modified the merge model
adapted by paper [5] to get much better and fluent captions in
Only three works have been done on image captioning in
Bengali till now. In [23], author’s first paper, was where in
image captioning in Bengali followed by [5] and [37]. Rahman
et al. [23] have aimed to outline an automatic image captioning
system in Bengali called ‘Chittron’. Their model was trained to
predict Bengali caption from input image one word at a time.
The training process was carried out on 15700 images of their
own dataset BanglaLekha. In their model Image feature vector
and words converted to vectors after passing them through the
embedding, the layer was fed to the stacked LSTM layer. One
drawback of their work was that they utilized sentence BLEU
score instead of Corpus BLEU score. On the other hand, Deb et
al. [5] illustrated two models Par-Inject Architecture and Merge
Architecture for image captioning in Bengali. In the Par-Inject
model image, feature vectors were fed into intermediate LSTM
and the output of that LSTM and word vectors were combined
and fed to another LSTM to generate caption in Bengali.
Whereas, in the Merge model image feature vectors and words
vector were combined and passed to an LSTM without the
use of an intermediate LSTM. They utilized 4000 images
of the Fickr8k dataset and the Bengali caption their models
generated were not fluent. Paper [37] used a CNN-RNN based
model where VGG-16 was used as CNN and LSTM with 256
channels was used as RNN. They trained their model on the
BanglaLekha dataset having 9154 images.
To overcome the above mentioned drawbacks of fluent
captions we conducted our experiment using a hybridized
approach. Moreover, we used 8000 images of the Flickr8k
dataset alongside the Flickr4k dataset. We further validated
the performance of our model using the human annotated
BanglaLekha dataset.
We employed an Encoder-Decoder approach where both
InceptionResnetV2 and Xception were used separately in dif-
ferent experimental setups to Encode Images to feature vectors
and different word embedding were used to convert vocabulary
to word vectors. Image feature vectors and word vectors after
passing through a special kind of RNN were merged and
passed to a decoder to predict captions word by word this
process is illustrated in Fig. 2. We propose a hybrid model
that consists of two embedding layers unlike the merge model
[5]. We also conducted experiments on the merged model
having either pre-trained GloVe [22] or trainable fastText [7]
embedding. To be more precise, we trained the merge model
using three settings as shown in Fig. 1.
Our proposed hybrid model is shown in Fig. 3. It consists
of two part which is encoder and decoder.
The encoder comprised of two parts one for han- 699 |Page
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
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Fig. 2. An overview of how captions are generated word by word using our model.
dling image features and another for handling word
sequence pair. Firstly, image features were extracted
using InceptionResnetV2 [28] or Xception [38]. These
image features were preceded down to a dropout layer
followed by a fully connected layer and then another
dropout layer. A fully connected layer was used to
reduce the dimension of the image feature vector from
1536 or 2048 to 256 to match the dimension of word
prediction output. Secondly, Input word sequence pairs
are feed to two embedding layers one was pre-trained
GloVe embedding and another was fastText which
was not pre-trained. Both embeddings were used to
convert words to vectors of dimension 100. The vector
from the two embeddings was then passed through a
separate dropout layer followed by either BiLSTM or
BiGRU of dimension 128. To match the dimension of
visual feature vector output these vectors were passed
through an additional fully connected layer of dimen-
sion 256. These two outputs were then concatenated.
This concatenated output was then mapped to the
visual part of the encoder using another concatenation
and then forwarded to the decoder.
The decoder is a Feed Forward Network which ends
with a SoftMax. It takes the concatenated output of the
encoder as input. This input was first passed through
a fully connected layer of 256 dimensions followed
by a dropout layer. Finally, via probabilistic Softmax
function outputs the next word in the sequence. The
SoftMax greedily selects the word with maximum
This section narrates the total strategy adapted to obtain
captions from images. Also, different tuning techniques availed
are described here.
Fig. 3. Proposed Hybrid Model.
A. Dataset Processing
Flickr8k dataset has 8091 images of which 6000 (75%)
images are employed for training, 1000 (12.5%) images for
validation and 1000 (12.5%) images are used for testing.
Moreover, with each image of the Flickr8K dataset five ground
truth captions describing the image are designated which adds
up to a total of 40455 captions for 8091 images. For image
captioning in Bengali, those 40455 captions were converted 700 |Page
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Vol. 12, No. 2, 2021
to Bengali language using Google Translator. Unfortunately,
some of the translated captions were syntactically incorrect.
Hence, we manually checked all 40455 translated captions
and corrected them. We utilized these 8000 images as well
as selected 4000 images as done by Deb et al. [5] in
Bengali(Flickr4k-BN and Flickr8k-BN). These 4000 images
were selected based on the frequency of words in those 40455
captions. Using POS taggers most frequent nouns Bengali
words were identified from ground truth captions. The most
frequent words in the Bengali Flickr8k dataset are shown
in Fig. 4 for Bengali and English respectively. 4000 images
analogous to these words are selected and made two small
datasets Flickr4k-BN.
We also utilized the BanglaLekha dataset which consists
of 9154 images. It is the only available Bengali dataset till
now. All its captions are human annotated. One problem
with this dataset is that it has only two captions associated
with each image resulting in 18308 captions for those 9154
images. Hence, vocabulary size is lower than Flickr4k-BN and
Flickr8k-BN. Flickr8k-BN consists of 12953 unique Bengali
words, Flickr4k-BN consist of 6420 unique Bengali words and
BanglaLekha consists of 5270 unique Bengali words. It can be
seen that the BanglaLekha dataset has a vocabulary size even
lower than Flickr4k-BN. Hence, we employed the Flickr8k-
BN dataset alongside Flickr4k-BN and BanglaLekha datasets.
The split ratio of all three datasets for training, testing and
validating are shown in Table I.
Fig. 4. Illustration of Most Frequent Noun Bengali Words in Flickr8k
Bengali Dataset.
B. Image Feature Extraction
One essential part of image captioning is to extract features
from given images. This task is achieved using Convolutional
Neural Network architectures. These architectures are used to
detect objects from images. They can be trained on a large
number of images for extracting image features. This training
process requires an enormous number of images and time.
Due to the shortage of a large number of images, we utilized
Convolutional Neural Network architecture which was pre-
trained on more than a million images from the ImageNet
[33] dataset in our model known as InceptionResnetV2 [28]
and Xception [38]. These two pre-trained architectures were
used separately for different experimental setups. The reason
for using InceptionResnetV2 and Xception is that these models
can achieve higher accuracy at lower epochs. The last layer
which is used for prediction purposes of this pre-trained of
InceptionResnetV2 model is pulled out and the last two layers
of the pre-trained Xception model were pulled out. Finally,
the average pooling layer was used to extract image features
and convert them into a feature vector of 1536 dimensions for
InceptionResnetV2 and 2048 dimensions for Xception. All the
images are given an input shape of 299x299x3 before entering
the InceptionResnetV2 model. Here 3 represents the three-
color channels R, G and B.
C. Embeddings
Handling word sequences requires word embedding that
can convert words to vectors before passing them to special
recurrent neural networks (RNN). In our model GloVe [22]
and fastText [7] have been used as an embedding.
•GloVe is a model for distributed word representation.
The model employs an unsupervised learning algo-
rithm for acquiring vector representations for words.
This is achieved by mapping words into a meaningful
space where the distance between words is related to
semantic similarity.
•fastText is a library for the learning of word embed-
dings and text classification created by Facebook’s AI
Research (FAIR) lab. The model employs unsuper-
vised learning or supervised learning algorithms for
obtaining vector representations for words. fastText
yields two models for computing word representations
namely skipgram and cbow. Skipgram model learns
to forecast a target word using the nearby word.
conversely, cbow model forecasts the target word
according to its context where context depicts a bag
of the words contained in a fixed size window around
the target word.
Both GloVe and fastText have pre-trained word vectors that
are trained over a large vocabulary. These embeddings can
also be trained. In the hybrid model shown in Fig. 3, two
embeddings have been used GloVe and fastText. There GloVe
was pre-trained but fastText has been trained on vocabulary
available in the dataset. Trainable fastText instead of pre-
trained fastText was used to enrich the vocabulary with words
in Flickr8k and BanglaLekha datasets. Also, results of pre-
trained fastText have already been demonstrated by Deb et al.
[5]. The combination of two embedding leads to redundancy of
words but it gives fluent caption in Bengali as the vocabulary
size increases. On the other hand, pre-trained files for both
GloVe and fastText in the hybrid model will give much greater
redundancy and the vocabulary size becomes small as the
vocabulary does not contain unique words in the dataset.
Two other models were trained alongside the hybrid model.
Unlike the hybrid model, these two models had a single
embedding either a trainable fastText embedding or a pre-
trained GloVe embedding. GloVe file “bn glove.39M.100d”4
pre-trained in Bangali Language was used for Bengali datasets.
D. Word Sequence Generation
Flickr8k dataset has five captions associated with each
image and BanglaLekha has two captions associated with each
4 Bengali 701 |Page
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 12, No. 2, 2021
Dataset Total Image Training Validation Testing
Flickr4k 4000 2400 (60%) 800 (20%) 800 (20%)
Flickr8k 8000 6000 (75%) 1000 (15%) 1000 (15%)
BanglaLekha 9154 7154 (78%) 1000 (11%) 1000 (11%)
image. One of the difficult tasks of image captioning is to
make the model learn how to generate these sentences. Two
different types of special Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)
were used to train the model to generate the next word in the
sequence of a caption. The input and output sizes were fixed
to the maximum length of the sentence present in the dataset.
In the case of Flickr4k-BN and Flickr8k-BN maximum length
was 23. On the other hand, two different maximum lengths
of the sequence 40 and 26 were used for the BanglaLekha
dataset. Reducing the maximum sequence length significantly
increased the evaluation scores. While training if any sentence
were generated having a length less than the maximum length
zero-padding was applied to make that sentence length equal
to the fixed length. Additionally, an extra start token and
end token is added to the sequence pair for identification in
the training process. During training, image features vector
and previous words converted to vector using embedding
layer were used to generate the next word in the sequence
probabilistic Softmax with the help of different types of RNN.
Fig. 5 illustrates the input and output pair.
Fig. 5. Demonstrates How Word Sequences are Generated.
Due to the limitation of the basic Recurrent Neural Net-
work (RNN) [34] to retrain long term memory a better
approach was taken by Deb et al. [5] which uses Long Short-
Term Memory (LSTM). However, LSTM [10] only preserve
preceding words but for proper sentence generation succeeding
words are also necessary. As a result, our model uses Bidirec-
tional Long Short-Term Memory (BiLSTM) and Bidirectional
Gated Recurrent Unit (BiGRU) which are illustrated in Fig. 6.
Each box marked as A or A’ was either a Long Short-Term
Memory (LSTM) or a Gated Recurrent Unit GRU [8] unit. X
[0...i] are the input words and Y [0...i] are the output words.
Y [0...i] are determined using the Eq. 1.
ˆy<t> =g(Wy[−→
a<t>] + by)(1)
Where ˆ
y<t>is the output at time t when activation function
g is applied to recurrent component’s weight Wyand bias by
with both forward activation −→
a<t>at time t and backward
activation ←−
a<t>at time t.
Fig. 6. Illustrates Bidirectional RNN having X0. . . i as Input and Y0. . . i as
output. A and A’ boxes are both either BiLSTM or BiGRU where A is the
Forward Recurrent Component an A’ is the Backward Recurrent Component.
•GRU is a special type of RNN. Reset and update the
gate of a GRU helps to solve the vanishing gradient
problem of RNN. The update gate of GRU seeks how
much information from the previous units must be
forwarded. The update gate adopted is computed by
the following formula:
zt=σ(Wz.[ht−1, xt]) (2)
where ztis update gate output at the current times-
tamp, Wzis weight matrix at update gate, ht-1 informa-
tion from previous units, and xtis input at the current
The reset gate is used by the model to find how much
information from the previous units to forget. The
reset gate is computed by the following formula:
rt=σ(Wr.[ht−1, xt]) (3)
where rtis reset gate output at current timestamp, Wr
is weight matrix at reset gate, ht-1 information from
previous units, and xtis input at the current unit.
Current memory content used to store the relevant
information from the previous units. It is calculated
as follows:
ht=tanh(W.[rt∗ht−1, xt]) (4)
where ˜
htis current memory content, W is weight
at current unit, rtis reset gate output at current
timestamp, ht-1 is information from previous units, and
xtis input at the current unit.
Final memory at the current unit is a vector used to
store the final information for the current unit and pass
it to the next layer. It is calculated using a formula:
ht= (1 −zt)∗ht−1+zt˜
where htis final memory at the current unit, ztis
update gate output at current timestamp, ht-1 is infor-
mation from previous units, and ˜
htis current memory
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Vol. 12, No. 2, 2021
•LSTM is another Special type of RMNN. Unlike the
GRU the LSTM has three gates, namely, the forget
gate, update gate and the output gate. The equations
for the gates in LSTM are:
it=σ(Wi[ht−1, xt] + bi)(6)
ft=σ(Wf[ht−1, xt] + bf)(7)
ot=σ(Wo[ht−1, xt] + bo)(8)
where itrepresents input gate, ftrepresents forget gate,
otrepresents output gate, σrepresents sigmoid func-
tion, Wxrepresents weight of the respective gate(x)
neurons, ht-1 represents output of previous LSTM
block at timestamp t-1, xtrepresents input at current
timestamp and bxrepresents biases for the respective
Input gate tells what new information is going to
be stored in cell state. Forget gate determine what
information to throw away from cell state and Output
get is used to provide output at timestamp t. The
equations for the cell state, candidate cell state and
the final output are:
˜ct=tanh(Wc[ht−1, xt] + bc)(9)
where ctrepresents cell state at timestamp t and
ctrepresent candidate for cell state at timestamp t.
candidate timestamp must be generated to get memory
vector for current timestamp ct. Then the cell state is
passed through a activation function to generate ht.
Finally, htis passed through a softMax layer to get
the output yt.
E. Hyperparameter Selection
One major problem of machine learning is overfitting.
Overfit models have high variance. These models cannot
generalize well. As a result, this is a huge problem for
image captioning. We observed the performance of our model
and noticed that it was suffering from overfitting rather than
underfitting. To minimize this overfitting problem some hy-
perparameter tuning has been adapted in our model. Firstly,
different values of dropout [35] have been used for sequence
model image features and decoder. Dropouts help prevent
overfitting. For feature extractor dropout value of 0.0 was used,
a dropout of 0.3 was used for the sequence model and in the
case of decoder dropout value of 0.5 was utilized. Secondly,
different activation functions were employed for different fully
connected layers. For example, regarding the feature extractor
model and decoder ELU [3] activation function was availed
and for the sequence model, ReLU [36] activation function
was employed. Thirdly, we employed external validation to
provide an unbiased evaluation and ModelCheckpoint was
availed to save models that had minimum validation loss. On
the other hand, ReduceLROnPlateau was used for models that
had Xception as CNN. Moreover, Adam optimizer [14] was
utilized and the models were trained for 50 and 100 epochs
having learning rates of 0.0001 and 0.00001. A short summary
of the hyperparameters adapted in different models are shown
in Table II and the loss plot of BanglaLekha dataset and
Flickr8K-BN dataset are ornamented in Fig. 7 and Fig. 8,
respectively. From these plots, it can be seen that the model
converges towards epoch 100. Another important factor that
improved the result was maximum sentence length. In the
BnglaLekha only a few sentences had lengths greater than 26.
As a result, we took a maximum length of sentences in this
dataset to 26. This enhanced the evaluation scores greatly.
Fig. 7. Loss Plot of BanglaLekha Dataset for 100 epochs.
Fig. 8. Loss Plot of Flickr8k-BN Dataset for 100 epochs.
We implemented the algorithm using Keras 2.3.1 and
Python 3.8.1. Additionally, we ran our experiments on GPU
RTX 2060. Our code and Bengali Flickr8k dataset is given
in GitHub5. We translated the Flickr8k dataset to Bengali
using Google Translator Like that done by [16]. Bilingual
Evaluation Understudy (BLEU) [20] score was used to evaluate
the performance of our models as it is the most wielded metric
nowadays to evaluate the caliber of text. It depicts how normal
sentences are compared with human generated sentences. It
is broadly utilized to evaluate the performance of Machine
translation. Sentences are compared based on modified n-
gram precision for generating BLEU scores. BLEU scores are
computed using the following equations:
P(i) = Matched(i)
5 Learning-Method- for-Bengali- Image-Captioning 703 |Page
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 12, No. 2, 2021
Search Type Model Learning Rate Loss Function Callback Epoch
Greedy Xception 0.00001 Sparse Categorical ReduceLROnPlateau 100
+BiLSTM Crossentrophy
InceptionResnetV2 0.0001 Categorical ModelCheckpoint 50
+BiLSTM Crossentrophy
Beam=3 Xception 0.00001 Sparse Categorical ReduceLROnPlateau 100
+BiLSTM Crossentrophy
Beam=5 Xception 0.00001 Sparse Categorical ReduceLROnPlateau 100
+BiLSTM Crossentrophy
where P(i) is the precision that is for each i-gram where i =
1, 2, ...N, the percentage of the i-gram tuples in the hypothesis
that also occur in the references is computed. H(i) is the
number of i-gram tuples in the hypothesis and Matched(i) is
computed using the following formula:
Matched(i) = X
min {Ch(ti),max
jChj (ti)}(13)
where tiis an i-gram tuple in hypothesis h, Ch(ti)is the
number of times tioccurs in the hypothesis, Chj (ti)is the
number of times tioccurs in reference j of this hypothesis.
where ρis brevity penalty to penalize short translation,
n is the length of the hypothesis and L is the length of the
reference. Finally, the BLEU score is computed by:
BLEU =ρ{
Two different search types Greedy and Beam search were
used to compute these BLEU scores. In a Greedy search word
with maximum probability is chosen as the next word in the
sequence. On the other hand, Beam search considers n words
to choose from for the next word in the sequence. Where n
is the width of the beam. For our experiment, we considered
beamwidth of 3 and 5. We computed 1-gram BLEU (BLEU-
1), 2-gram BLEU (BLEU-2), 3-gram BLEU (BLEU-3), 4-
gram BLEU (BLEU-4) for various architectures. These are
illustrated in Table III, Table IV and Table V.
Performance of the proposed Hybrid architecture and single
embedding GloVe or fastText on Flickr4k-BN dataset con-
sisting of 4000 data for Bengali are demonstrated in Table
III. From Table III it can be stated that the Hybrid model
performed better for both BiLSTM and BiGRU on the Bengali
dataset than only GloVe and only fastText word embedding.
Moreover, we obtained better BLEU scores than paper [5]. The
greedy search was employed to compute these BLEU scores.
Consequently, the performance of the single embedding
GloVe or fast Text and hybrid architecture on Flickr8k-BN
dataset consisting of 8000 data and BanglaLekha dataset are
displayed in Table IV and Table V, respectively. There also
it can be observed that the proposed Hybrid model performed
better for both BiGRU and BiLSTM than the other models. The
Highest BLEU score was obtained using BiLSTM on Flickr4k-
BN and Flickr8k-BN as a result the captions generated by
the Hybrid model for both datasets are illustrated in Fig. 9.
Furthermore, our proposed Hybrid model also gave the highest
BLEU scores for the BanglaLekha dataset for both BiLSTM
and BiGRU as shown in Table V. From there it can be observed
that Xception and the learning rate played a vital role in
increasing the BLEU scores. These scores were even better
than BLEU scores obtained by paper [37]. Table VI illustrates a
brief comparison of the BLEU scores obtained by our proposed
model and the scores obtained by other papers. From there it
can be observed that our proposed Hybrid model indeed gave
a better performance. The captions generated by these models
for test images of the BanglaLekha dataset are shown in Fig.
10. Flickr8k-BN dataset consisting of 8000 images were not
previously used by any other papers for generating captions in
Fig. 9. Illustration of Captions Generated by Best Performing Hybrid
Architecture using Fickr4k-BN and Flickr8k-BN Datasets. 704 |Page
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 12, No. 2, 2021
Experimental RNN Training Validation BLEU
Model Accuracy Accuracy 1 2 3 4
Proposed BiLSTM 0.421 0.387 0.661 0.508 0.382 0.229
Hybrid architecture BiGRU 0.432 0.386 0.660 0.503 0.371 0.215
GloVe BiLSTM 0.432 0.388 0.644 0.491 0.369 0.220
BiGRU 0.429 0.386 0.651 0.497 0.373 0.223
fastText BiLSTM 0.414 0.372 0.638 0.490 0.370 0.219
BiGRU 0.426 0.379 0.653 0.505 0.381 0.226
Search Learning Word Experimental BLEU
Type Rate Embedding Model 1 2 3 4
Hybrid Xception+BiLSTM 0.504 0.326 0.232 0.119
Xception+BiGRU 0.536 0.352 0.246 0.126
Greedy 0.00001 GloVe Xception+BiLSTM 0.539 0.356 0.249 0.129
Xception+BiGRU 0.532 0.352 0.241 0.121
fastText Xception+BiLSTM 0.190 0.055 0.000 0.000
Xception+BiGRU 0.194 0.068 0.012 0.000
Hybrid InceptionResnetV2+BiLSTM 0.540 0.370 0.268 0.145
InceptionResnetV2+BiGRU 0.526 0.360 0.261 0.141
Greedy 0.0001 GloVe InceptionResnetV2+BiLSTM 0.534 0.369 0.265 0.142
InceptionResnetV2+BiGRU 0.512 0.350 0.255 0.138
fastText InceptionResnetV2+BiLSTM 0.528 0.363 0.269 0.140
InceptionResnetV2+BiGRU 0.530 0.362 0.260 0.140
Hybrid Xception+BiLSTM 0.416 0.246 0.176 0.089
Xception+BiGRU 0.414 0.247 0.178 0.093
Beam=3 0.00001 GloVe Xception+BiLSTM 0.395 0.239 0.174 0.089
Xception+BiGRU 0.404 0.245 0.178 0.090
fastText Xception+BiLSTM 0.034 0.000 0.000 0.000
Xception+BiGRU 0.059 0.003 0.001 0.000
Hybrid Xception+BiLSTM 0.409 0.240 0.175 0.090
Xception+BiGRU 0.403 0.239 0.171 0.089
Beam=5 0.00001 GloVe Xception+BiLSTM 0.377 0.226 0.162 0.079
Xception+BiGRU 0.393 0.241 0.172 0.085
fastText Xception+BiLSTM 0.034 0.000 0.000 0.000
Xception+BiGRU 0.059 0.003 0.001 0.000
In this work, we exhibited a notion for automatically
generating caption from an input image in Bengali. Firstly, a
detailed description of how the Flickr8k dataset was translated
in Bengali and distributed into a dataset of two sizes was
presented. Secondly, how image features were extracted and
the different combinations of word embedding utilized were
also conferred. Moreover, the reasons for using a special
kind of word sequence generator was elucidated. Furthermore,
different parts of the proposed architecture were ornamented.
Finally, using the BLEU score it was authenticated that the
proposed architecture performs better for both Flickr4k-Bn
and BanglaLekha datasets. This validates the fact that image
captioning using the Bengali language can be refined further in
the future. We will try to adapt the visual attention and trans-
former model in the near future for better feature extraction and
getting more precise captions. Additionally, we aim to make
our own dataset having five captions with each image, unlike
the BanglaLekha dataset that has two captions associated with
each image to enrich the vocabulary of our dataset.
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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 12, No. 2, 2021
Search Learning Word Experimental BLEU
Type Rate Embedding Model 1 2 3 4
Hybrid Xception+BiLSTM 0.673 0.525 0.454 0.339
Xception+BiGRU 0.674 0.527 0.454 0.344
Greedy 0.00001 GloVe Xception+BiLSTM 0.612 0.453 0.380 0.265
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fastText Xception+BiLSTM 0.422 0.324 0.288 0.219
Xception+BiGRU 0.429 0.326 0.291 0.222
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