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A new approach for a fully automated earthquake
monitoring: the local seismic network of the Trentino
region (NE Italy)
Alfio Viganò &Davide Scafidi &Gabriele Ferretti
Received: 3 April 2020 /Accepted: 18 February 2021
#The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V. part of Springer Nature 2021
Abstract An application of the Complete Automatic
Seismic Processor (CASP) for seismic monitoring is
presented. Its integrated and iterative fully automatic
procedure is able to achieve complete data analysis
and significantly rapid elaborations. Its performance in
real-time seismic monitoring and alerting is tested in the
Trentino region (NE Italy) for the period 1
March 2018
August 2019. CASP precisely and accurately
located 386 seismic events, with local magnitudes in
the -0.8–3.4 range, and produced a seismic catalogue
with a magnitude of completeness around 1.1. Automat-
ic earthquake solutions, with average horizontal and
vertical errors of 1.1 and 1.5 km, are very similar to
those included in a manually revised reference cata-
logue. In addition, 146 detected events are located in
the area of the local porphyry quarries. CASP alerts are
delivered as Short Message Service (SMS), Telegram
and e-mail messages within an average time of just over
two minutes from the earthquake origin time. These
alerts contain earthquake source parameters, ground
shaking levels and instrumental intensities. CASP reli-
ability, promptness and robustness permit to civil pro-
tection and decision makers to perform a monitoring
primarily dedicated to emergency management, in order
to evaluate both seismic sources and their effects (peak
ground acceleration) at local targets, such as more
inhabited territories and critical infrastructures (dams
and hydropower plants).
Keywords Seismic monitoring .automatic seismic
analysis .seismic alert .Complete Automatic Seismic
Processor CASP .Trentino .Italian Alps
Automatic seismic analyses are becoming an increas-
ingly urgent demand, because of the huge amount of
data to be processed and the growth of more and more
specific applications. On the one hand, the scientific
community is avid for high-quality elaborations in order
to satisfy geophysical models and make deep investiga-
tions (e.g., Afonso et al. 2013; DeVries et al. 2018). On
the other hand, real-time earthquake information is
shared in many ways to meet the needs of different
end users (citizens, technicians, civil protection, politi-
cians, and decision makers) (National Research Council
2006). Automatic seismological procedures are com-
monly applied for seismic and environmental monitor-
ing (e.g., Allen 1982; Lomax et al. 2012;Spallarossa
et al. 2014) but their use still does not fully meet the
need of society (e.g., people awareness, resilience ca-
pacity, emergency management) or even remains con-
2018) showed that advanced processing for complete
A. Viganò (*)
Servizio Geologico, Provincia autonoma di Trento, Via Zambra
42, 38121 Trento, Italy
e-mail: alfio.vigano@provincia.tn.it
D. Scafidi :G. Ferretti
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, dell’Ambiente e della Vita,
Università degli Studi di Genova, Corso Europa 26,
16132 Genova, Italy
/ Published online: 26 February 2021
J Seismol (2021) 25:419–432
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