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On the Use of Dependabot Security Pull Requests


Abstract and Figures

Vulnerable dependencies are a major problem in modern software development. As software projects depend on multiple external dependencies, developers struggle to constantly track and check for corresponding security vulnerabilities that affect their project dependencies. To help mitigate this issue, Dependabot has been created, a bot that issues pull-requests to automatically update vulnerable dependencies. However, little is known about the degree to which developers adopt Dependabot to help them update vulnerable dependencies. In this paper, we investigate 2,904 JavaScript open-source GitHub projects that subscribed to Dependabot. Our results show that the vast majority (65.42%) of the created security-related pull-requests are accepted, often merged within a day. Through manual analysis, we identify 7 main reasons for Dependabot security pull-requests being not merged, mostly related to concurrent modifications of the affected dependencies rather than Dependabot failures. Interestingly, only 3.2% of the manually examined pull-requests suffered from build breakages. Finally, we model the time it takes to merge a Dependabot security pull-request using characteristics from projects, the fixed vulnerabilities and issued pull requests. Our model reveals 5 significant features to explain merge times, e.g., projects that have relevant experience with Dependabot security pull-requests are most likely to be associated with rapid merges. Surprisingly, the severity of the dependency vulnerability and the potential risk of breaking changes are not strongly associated with the merge time. To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first to evaluate how developers receive Dependabot's security contributions. Our findings indicate that Dependabot provides an effective platform for increasing awareness of dependency vulnerabilities and help developers mitigate vulnerability threats in JavaScript projects.
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On the Use of Dependabot Security Pull Requests
Mahmoud Alfadel, Diego Elias Costa, Emad Shihab, Mouafak Mkhallalati
Data-driven Analysis of Software (DAS) Lab
Concordia University
Montreal, Canada
{mahmoud.alfadel, diego.costa, emad.shihab, mouafak.mkhallalati}
Abstract—Vulnerable dependencies are a major problem in
modern software development. As software projects depend on
multiple external dependencies, developers struggle to constantly
track and check for corresponding security vulnerabilities that
affect their project dependencies. To help mitigate this issue,
Dependabot has been created, a bot that issues pull-requests to
automatically update vulnerable dependencies. However, little is
known about the degree to which developers adopt Dependabot
to help them update vulnerable dependencies.
In this paper, we investigate 2,904 JavaScript open-source
GitHub projects that subscribed to Dependabot. Our results
show that the vast majority (65.42%) of the created security-
related pull-requests are accepted, often merged within a day.
Through manual analysis, we identify 7 main reasons for
Dependabot security pull-requests being not merged, mostly
related to concurrent modifications of the affected dependencies
rather than Dependabot failures. Interestingly, only 3.2% of the
manually examined pull-requests suffered from build breakages.
Finally, we model the time it takes to merge a Dependabot
security pull-request using characteristics from projects, the fixed
vulnerabilities and issued pull requests. Our model reveals 5
significant features to explain merge times, e.g., projects that have
relevant experience with Dependabot security pull-requests are
most likely to be associated with rapid merges. Surprisingly, the
severity of the dependency vulnerability and the potential risk of
breaking changes are not strongly associated with the merge time.
To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first to evaluate
how developers receive Dependabot’s security contributions. Our
findings indicate that Dependabot provides an effective platform
for increasing awareness of dependency vulnerabilities and help
developers mitigate vulnerability threats in JavaScript projects.
Index Terms—Dependabot, pull request, dependency, security
Modern software systems are increasingly depending on
the reuse of code from external dependencies (i.e., packages).
While the use of dependencies boosts productivity [1] and
software quality [2], it also increases the impact of security
vulnerabilities [3]. A security vulnerability in a highly-used
dependency may directly impact hundreds of applications,
leading to significant financial costs and reputation loss. An in-
famous example is the Equifax cybersecurity incident in 2017,
caused by a web-server vulnerability in the Apache Struts
package, which led to illegal access to sensitive information
of almost half of the US population (143 million citizens) [4].
The open source community has taken active measures
to deal with security vulnerabilities in dependencies. For
example, Dependabot is a very popular GitHub bot that
creates pull-requests (PRs) to help developers automatically
integrate dependency updates and vulnerability fixes into their
projects [5]. Dependabot monitors the GitHub Vulnerability
Advisories dataset to identify the vulnerable dependencies of
the target project. As soon as a dependency vulnerability is
identified, Dependabot sends a notification through a PR that
updates the vulnerable dependency version to non-vulnerable
version that has fixed the security issue, and developers can
simply merge the PR to adopt the suggested update. Currently,
more than 6 million security and non-security related PRs
have been merged in projects from 15 languages supported
by Dependabot [6].
Previous work [7] investigated to which extent dependency
management tools can convince developers to upgrade out-of-
date dependencies, showing that such tools are not yet widely
adopted by developers. However, they focus on the general
problem of outdated dependencies and do not pay particular
attention to security vulnerabilities in dependencies. Given
that dependency updates for vulnerability fixes have a critical
impact, we specifically focus on studying a very popular
dependency tool (e.g., Dependabot) at coping with security
vulnerabilities in dependencies. To our best knowledge, little
is known about the receptivity and level of adoption of De-
pendabot security PRs in real open-source software projects.
Therefore, our main goal is to understand the degree to
which developers adopt Dependabot security PRs that tackle
dependency vulnerabilities in open source projects. To achieve
our goal, we perform an empirical study involving data from
15,243 Dependabot security PRs that belong to 2,904 active
open-source JavaScript projects from GitHub. In the first stage
of our study, we examine how often Dependabot security
PRs are accepted (merged) and how long it takes to merge
them (RQ1), in order to determine to what extent developers
of open-source projects adopt and respond to Dependabot
security PRs. We observe that the majority (65.42%) of the
Dependabot security PRs in our dataset are merged, often
within a day. Still, a significant minority (34.58%) of PRs
are not merged.
As such, to understand the motives that led developers to not
merge Dependabot security PRs, we qualitatively examine the
reasons for Dependabot security PRs being not merged (RQ2).
Our manual analysis identifies 7 main reasons, showing that,
by in large, the majority of non-merged PRs are turned-over
by Dependabot itself. For example, in 50.8% of the manually
studied PRs, Dependabot closes a former security PR in favor
of a newer PR that updates to a newer version.
Although the majority of the PRs are merged within a day
(RQ1), we observe a non-negligible proportion of PRs that
took longer to be merged. Hence, to understand what would
lead open source developers to take a longer time to respond
to Dependabot security PRs, we examine the features that
influence the time to merge a Dependabot security PR, given
that the time is crucial and that the longer a package remains
affected, the longer the application that uses it will remain
vulnerable to malicious users (RQ3). We observe, using our
mixed-effects regression model, five highly important features
to explain merge time durations of Dependabot security PRs.
While some common wisdom features (e.g., the project ac-
tivity and the past experience with Dependabot security PRs)
are strongly associated with the timespan of the merged PRs,
the severity of dependency vulnerability and the level of patch
update are not.
To summarize, this paper makes the following contributions:
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to pro-
vide an empirical evidence for understanding developers
adoption of Dependabot security automated PRs in open
source projects, while also discussing the implications of
our findings to practitioners and Dependabot maintainers.
We qualitatively uncover the possible issues developers
could face when adopting Dependabot PRs. Such evalu-
ation can advance the future work, i.e., researchers can
direct their efforts to identify the cause of the issues and
propose solutions to overcome the limitations.
We build a logistic regression model that could identify
relative importance of various factors explaining merge
times of Dependabot security PRs.
We publish our dataset to help foment further empirical
investigations on the related fields [8].
Paper organization. The rest of the paper is organized as
follows. Section II describes our study design. Section III
presents the results of our study. Section IV discusses how
our findings lead to implications to practitioners and future
research directions. Section V presents the related work. Sec-
tion VI presents the threats to validity. Section VII concludes
our paper.
Dependabot aims to help developers automatically update
their dependencies through PRs. There are numerous reasons
to update a dependency, such as making the use of new
features, accessing bug fix patches, etc., which led to the cre-
ation of millions of Dependabot PRs in open-source projects.
Updates that include security issues fixes are among the most
critical reasons developers should update their dependencies,
as applications frequently depend on packages containing vul-
nerabilities [9]. Therefore, we focus in our work on studying
Dependabot security PRs, i.e., to what extent open source
developers adopt Dependabot security PRs to help them keep
their dependencies secure. Hence, we first need to identify and
collect the dataset of Dependabot security PRs, and use this
data to answer the following research questions:
Fig. 1: An example of Dependabot security PR [13].
RQ1: How often and how fast are Dependabot security
pull requests merged?
RQ2: What are the reasons for Dependabot security pull
requests being not merged?
RQ3: What factors are associated with rapid merge times?
Our study examines security PRs created by Dependabot
in JavaScript projects. We chose to focus on JavaScript due
to its wide popularity amongst the development community
[10]. In addition, considering the dynamic nature of JavaScript
and the rapidly growing environment (with more than 1.3M
packages [11]), the problem of maintaining and updating
dependencies is especially challenging, as evidenced by a
recent survey of Node.js developers [12]. Hence, dependency
management in JavaScript is challenging, which makes De-
pendabot effectiveness even more crucial.
To perform our study, we leverage the GitHub API to collect
security PRs that were created by Dependabot for the purpose
of fixing a vulnerable dependency in a JavaScript project.
Obtaining Dependabot security PRs. Dependabot distin-
guishes minor bug fixes and feature enhancements from se-
curity fixes, i.e., whether the dependency update contains a
security fix or not. Security PRs submitted by Dependabot
contain information related to the vulnerability of the affected
dependency, such as the list of vulnerabilities in the security
fix. We show an example of a Dependabor security PR in
Figure 1. Using the GitHub API, we are able to obtain security
PRs by collecting PRs that are: (i) created by Dependabot;
(ii) submitted to JavaScript projects in GitHub, and (iii) for
the purpose of fixing a security vulnerability (i.e., the PR
body refers to a security update). In total, we obtained 36,561
Dependabot security PRs from 6,853 JavaScript projects.
Projects selection. It is known that GitHub contains some
toy projects [14], which are not representative of the software
projects we aim to investigate. Therefore, once the dataset of
Dependabot security PRs is collected, we apply some filtering
TABLE I: Statistics of the 2,904 studied JavaScript projects.
Metric Min. Median (¯x) Mean (µ) Max.
Commits 20 153 465.7 28,486
Age (in days) 146 652 808.3 3,828
Security PRs 1 6 7.3 48
criteria for selecting a set of higher-quality projects. We only
include JavaScript projects that are starred, non-forked, and
contain more than 20 commits, as recommended by prior
studies [7], [14]. After applying these refinement criteria,
we end up with 15,243 PRs, which belong to 2,904 open-
source JavaScript projects that have at least one vulnerable
dependency identified by Dependabot and a security PR was
already created for the purpose of fixing it. The affected
dependencies contain a set of 167 distinct vulnerable packages.
This set contains some popular packages, such as lodash,
eslint-utils, jquery, debug, and merge.
Table I shows the descriptive statistics on the selected
JavaScript projects in our dataset. Overall, the projects in our
dataset have a rich development history and are long-lived
projects (median of 153 commits and 652 days of development
lifespan), and have received a median of 6 security PRs from
Dependabot. Finally, our dataset contains Dependabot security
PRs for the period between June 2017 and April 2020. Note
that Dependabot launching was on May 26, 2017 [15].
In this section, for each RQ, we present our motivation,
describe the approach used, and discuss our findings.
RQ1: How often and how fast are Dependabot security
pull requests merged?
In this RQ, we examine the degree to which open source
developers are responsive to Dependabot security PRs in the
studied projects. Our examination contemplates two main
aspects, namely: how many Dependabot security PRs are
merged (accepted)? (Section III-A), and how long does it take
for these security PRs to be merged? (Section III-B).
A. Acceptance of Dependabot security PRs
Motivation. Given the critical problem of vulnerable
dependencies in the current JavaScript landscape, we want
to understand how receptive to Dependabot security PRs the
open-source projects are. A high adoption rate of Dependabot
security PRs indicates that developers value Dependabot
contributions and agree with its assessment on the importance
of updating their dependencies due to security concerns.
Also, given that updating dependencies comes at the risk of
breaking the project’s own code, the adoption rate shows how
often developers are willing to risk breaking their code to use
a dependency that is free of vulnerabilities.
Approach. To examine the number of merged PRs, we need
first to find the state of each PR in our dataset. PRs have
three different states in GitHub: open, merged and closed
(i.e., not merged). Open PRs indicate that the PR is not yet
TABLE II: Analysis of the merged and not merged Dependabot
security PRs.
Dependabot security PRs # %
Total 13,003 100.00%
Merged 8,506 65.42%
Not Merged 4,497 34.58%
processed by developers and the decision about such PRs is
not yet taken, hence they are not meaningful for this analysis
and have been excluded. To identify whether the PR status
is merged (accepted) or not, we extract the value of the key
merged_at timestamp that is returned from the GitHub API
for each PR. For the closed (not merged) PRs, this timestamp
is null, while for the merged PRs the merged_at timestamp
carries an actual date-time value. After that, we count the
frequency of each PR state.
Results. The total number of Dependabot security PRs in our
dataset after excluding the ones with open state is 13,003.
Of the 13,003 examined Dependabot security PRs in our
dataset, 65.42% are merged. Table II shows the proportion
of each state of the Dependabot security PRs in our dataset.
We observe that the majority of security PRs are merged,
indicating that developers are highly receptive to Dependabot
security PRs in their projects.
B. Lifecycle of Dependabot security PRs
Motivation. The time needed to process (merge or close)
Dependabot security PRs is an important property, as the
longer an application remains depending on vulnerable
versions of packages, the higher the likelihood of having
the vulnerability exploited by attackers. So, to advance our
insights, we study whether developers are responsive at
merging Dependabot security PRs, i.e., if the time that these
security PRs take to be processed is as short as possible.
Therefore, we investigate 1) how long does it take to merge a
security PR since it was first created? and 2) how long does
it take to close a security PR since it was first created?
Approach. To measure the amount of time it takes for
Dependabot security PRs to be processed (merged or closed),
we calculate the time difference (in days) between the
creation date and the merge date for merged PRs, and the
time difference between the creation date and the close date
for closed PRs.
Results. Figure 2 presents a violin-plot containing the dis-
tribution of the amount of time for the merged and not
merged (closed) security PRs, measured in days. From the
Figure, we can observe that the vast majority of the merged
Dependabot security PRs are processed within one day
(median = 1 day).
Figure 2 also shows that the closed security PRs tend to
take longer time to process than the merged ones, i.e., on
median, the closed security PRs took 8 days before being
closed. Comparing the merged and closed security PRs using
Merged Not Merged
1 10 100 1000
Time (in days)
Fig. 2: Violin-plot showing the distribution of the amount of time for
Dependabot security PRs to be processed (merged and not merged).
Note the logarithmic scale on the x-axis.
the unpaired Mann Whitney test [16] shows that this difference
is statistically significant (p-value = 2.2e-16), with an effect
size (Cliff’s: 0.48) for the differences between merged and
closed PRs, which is a large size of the effect. This ensures that
Dependabot security PRs are either processed and merged fast
or left to linger before they are closed without being merged.
The majority (65.42%) of Dependabot security PRs
are merged and integrated in the projects, often within
a day. Non-merged Dependabot security PRs take, on
median, 8 days to be closed.
RQ2: What are the reasons for Dependabot security pull
requests being not merged?
Motivation. While most PRs are merged (as shown in RQ1),
a non-negligible share (34.58%) of the PRs are closed (not
merged) in the studied projects. It is crucial to understand
why such PRs are not merged, to grasp the motives that led
developers to dismiss them, especially because such security-
related PRs are meant to free open-source projects from
known vulnerabilities. In turn, this can be used to motivate
improvements at Dependabot, with the aim of increasing its
effectiveness. Therefore, we examine why some PRs are not
merged, by performing an in-depth manual analysis.
Approach. To find out why Dependabot security PRs are not
merged in our dataset, we qualitatively examine them based
on the discussion and reviews associated with these PRs. We
collect the discussion and review comments related to each
closed PR. Out of overall closed PRs (4,497), 1.27% have no
discussion or review comments on them, hence, we exclude
them from our analysis since it is very hard to judge such
PRs without any extra information. The first author manually
inspected all remaining closed PRs (4,440) by looking at
the discussion and review comments to determine the reason
for the closing, and (if possible) summarize the reason for
not merging the PR into one sentence. Through this manual
analysis, we identified 7 different groups of reasons for the
PRs not being merged.
To alleviate the potential bias due to our manual classifica-
Fig. 3: Example of Dependabot PR closed for being superseded by
another Dependabot PR (R1).
Fig. 4: Example of Dependabot PR closed because the dependency
was already updated (R2).
tion for these PRs, we obtain a statistically significant sample
of 354 PRs (of the 4,440 PRs) with 95% confidence level and
5% confidence interval. Then, another author independently
examined the 354 PRs. Note that the number of comments
that span over the discussion of the closed PRs is two, on
median, which makes the manual inspection indeed feasible.
To evaluate the agreement between the two authors, we
used Cohen’s Kappa coefficient [17], which is a well-known
statistic that measures the inter-rater agreement level for
categorical scales, and takes into consideration the possibility
of the agreement occurring by chance. In our categorization
of the manually extracted reasons, the level of agreement
between the two authors was of +0.96, which is considered
to be an excellent agreement [18].
Results. Table III summarizes why Dependabot security PRs
are not merged, identified by our manual analysis. Below, we
provide more details about each reason.
R1. PR is superseded by another newer PR (50.8%): This
is the most common reason for not merging a Dependabot
security PR. In this case, the PR is closed because another
Dependabot security PR updates the affected dependency to
even a newer version that contains fixes to other problems
but not necessarily a new vulnerability. In such cases,
Dependabot itself closes the former PR in favor of the new
and more up-to-date PR. Figure 3 shows an example of
R1 [19]. A few cases (1.06%) of superseded PRs are closed
by project maintainers where they close a set of PRs and
create a single PR that combines all of the changes [20].
R2. PR is not merged because the update was applied
manually on the dependency file (30.1%): Dependabot
detects that the fixed version has been applied on the depen-
dency file, hence, it closes the corresponding PR. Figure 4
shows an example of R2 where Dependabot closed the PR
that fixes the vulnerable version of the dependency eslint-
utils. We manually searched for the commit that applied the
same fix suggested by Dependabot. In this commit [21], we
observe that the same fix version, suggested by Dependabot,
was manually added through the commit that also has the
TABLE III: The manually extracted reasons for not merging Dependabot security PRs.
ID Reason Description % % Closed by
Dependabot Others
R1 Superseded A newer PR contains a newer fix version of the affected dependency 50.8% 49.74% 1.06%
R2 Up to date The affected dependency is already updated 30.1% 30.1% -
R3 No longer a dependency The affected dependency is removed 6.6% 6.6% -
R4 No longer updatable The affected dependency has a peer requirement on another dependency 6.4% 6.4% -
R5 Tests Tests run failed 3.2% - 3.2%
R6 Errors Incorrect implementation for handling the dependency fix in the PR 1.4% 1.4% -
R7 Quality Requirement The PR does not comply to the project standards for handling the PRs 1.1% - 1.1%
R8 Unknown The PR could not be classified due to lack of information in the discussion 0.4% - 0.4%
same date as the closed PR date [22].
R3. PR is not merged because the affected dependency
is removed and no longer exists in the project (6.6%):
Dependabot will close a PR once the corresponding vulner-
able dependency is removed from the project, and hence,
the PR is no longer needed [23].
R4. PR is not merged due to a peer dependency
requirement (6.4%). Another reason Dependabot closes a
PR is when there is a peer requirement between the affected
dependency and another dependency. Peer dependencies are
a way of specifying dependencies among external packages,
when such packages are compatible with specific depen-
dency versions. Hence, to update/fix an affected dependency,
its peer dependency should also be updated, which may lead
to version conflicts [24]. For example, if the dependency
eslint-config-airbnb@16.1.0 have a peer requirement on
eslint@^4.9.0, so it is required to update this (eslint) until
eslint-config-airbnb is updated. In such cases, Dependabot
opens a PR to update eslint-config-airbnb but later it closes
the PR due to having the peer dependency. We found a
Github issue in Dependabot repository itself about this
problem [25], however, the problem seems not yet properly
resolved by Dependabot according to the issue discussion.
R5. PR is not merged due to test failures (3.2%). In
such cases, the PR is closed after automated tests have
failed during the CI pipeline run [26]. For example, after
the Travis tests have failed in this PR [27], the project
maintainer closed the PR. When the project maintainer
closes the PR, Dependabot will stop notifying the project
about the current affected dependency version, however, it
opens a new PR when a new fix version of the affected
dependency is available.
R6. Error in Dependabot (1.4%). We found cases where
the submitted PRs were opened, however, they do not per-
form the correct fix update, and hence, Dependabot closed
such PRs [28]. For example, in Figure 5 we can notice
from the PR title that the affected dependency cryptiles
should be updated from the vulnerable version 3.1.3 to the
fixed version 4.1.3. However, Dependabot was not able to
resolve the dependency to the fixed version, i.e., the PR
commit changes show a different version update than the
one should be. This issue is caused by the challenge of
resolving dependency conflicts of transitive dependencies.
Consider an application that depends on package A, and
package A (transitively) depends on package B. Package A
has a version constraint for depending on package B (^1.0.0)
which contains a vulnerability, and the vulnerability was
only fixed in another major version (e.g., 2.0.1) of package
B. In this case, Dependabot cannot find a version of package
B that complies with the requirement of package A and is
not vulnerable. This type of issues render the R6 reason.
The has now been fixed by Dependabot maintainers [29].
R7. PR does not comply with the project standards
for handling PRs (1.1%). A small share of open-source
projects specifies what is called Contributor License Agree-
ment (CLA) that should be signed by the contributor before
merging the corresponding PR. In such projects, developers
tend to close the Dependabot security PR after it is submit-
ted. To gain more insights about whether such PRs may be
still useful for the projects (e.g., project maintainers may
manually adopt and apply the dependency fix suggested
by the Dependabot PR), we manually analyze a sample
of such PRs. In particular, we perform our analysis on 15
PRs of a popular and very active project namely box/box-
ui-elements [30]. We could find 8 Dependabot PRs that
are manually applied to the dependency file by a project
maintainer even after closing the Dependabot PRs. For
example, in this PR [31], Dependabot suggests updating
the vulnerable dependency atob from version 2.0.3 to 2.1.2.
Although the project maintainer closed the PR, we find
that the same dependency update was actually applied as
shown in this commit [32], probably to circumvent the
licensing issue. One way to overcome the issue of legal
side of contributions (i.e., CLA requirements) is to white-list
Dependabot in the CLA checker. Some CLA providers (e.g.,
cla-assistant [33]) allow to white-list specific contributions
to a repository.
R8. Unknown (0.4%). In a small minority of cases (0.4%),
we could not identify the reason of not merging a De-
pendabot PR because its discussion and comments provided
insufficient information relevant to closing the PR [34].
Overall, the vast majority of the examined PRs (93.9%) are
not merged due to four primary reasons related to concurrent
modifications of dependencies: R1 (superseded), R2 (already
up-to-date), R3 (no longer a dependency), R4 (no longer
updatable). Approximately 4% of the PRs are not merged
by project maintainers due to factors related to the project
process and quality specifications (testing, license agreement).
Only 1.4% of the PRs are not merged due to technical errors
Fig. 5: Example of a Dependabot PR closed due to Dependabot’s error in the resolved version (R6). As the PR title shows, the affected
dependency Cryptiles should be updated from 3.1.2 to 4.1.3, while the diff change shows a different version update from 3.1.2 to 3.1.3.
in Dependabot. Finally, note that the reasons mentioned above
are not strictly related to security-related Dependabot PRs.
The large majority of the closed Dependabot security
PRs (93.9%) are turned over by Dependabot due to
concurrent modifications of the affected dependencies.
Approximately 4.3% of the non-merged PRs are closed
by developers due to a specific project’s process. Only
1.4% are not merged due to technical issues with
RQ3: What factors are associated with rapid merge times?
Motivation. While most of the merged Dependabot PRs
are accepted and integrated within one day (RQ1), there is
a sizeable proportion (32.82%) of the merged PRs which
took much longer time to be merged. The time taken to
handle a Dependabot security PR is crucial given that a
quick fix is the only weapon at developers disposal for
minimising the risk of the application being affected by
external vulnerable dependencies. For example, Heartbleed,
a security vulnerability in OpenSSL package, is perhaps
the most infamous example. It was introduced in 2012 and
remained uncovered until April 2014. After its disclosure,
researchers found more than 692 different sources of attacks
attempting to exploit the vulnerability in applications that
used the OpenSSL package [35], [36]. Hence, in this RQ
we aim to study the features that are highly important and
associated with the merge time of a Dependabot security
PR. Doing so is important to gain understanding of why
developers take so long to merge a Dependabot PR that fixes
some publicly discovered vulnerabilities.
Approach. Our goal is to study the most important features
associated with the merge time of a Dependabot security
PR. In particular, we aim to understand the features that
are associated with rapid merge times. To that aim, we
perform a logistics regression analysis that can discriminate
whether a Dependabot security PR is merged rapidly or not.
Therefore, we first classify merge times into rapid vs. not-
rapid. We determine a threshold that discriminates the PRs
merge times in our dataset into rapid vs. not-rapid merge
times, by evaluating the merge time distribution of the PRs.
We find the third quantile (4 days) to be an appropriate
threshold. Note that, influenced by prior studies [37], [38],
we perform several scenarios for choosing our threshold,
i.e., we experimented with different segmentation thresholds
(lower quantile, median, upper quantile). For each scenario,
we measure the logistics model performance using R-squared
(R2) metric [39]. We use the threshold obtained by the top
performing modelling scenario (i.e., the upper quantile). That
said, 6,546 PRs belong to the lower 75% of the data points
(i.e., those are rapid PR merge times), whereas 1,960 PRs
belong to the upper 25% of the data point (i.e., those are not-
rapid PR merge times).
To conduct our logistic regression model we first collect a
set of features by reviewing the related research on the pull-
based software development modelling. Then, we conduct cor-
relation and redundancy analyses to remove highly correlated
features because the existence of correlated and redundant
features can affect regression models [40]. Finally, we fit a
generalized mixed-effects model for logistic regression. These
steps are detailed in the following paragraphs.
(i) Features Selection. To determine our set of features,
we consult the related literature on the field of pull-based
development model, e.g., areas of patch submission and ac-
ceptance [41], [42], code reviewing [43], and also dependency
vulnerability analysis [44], [45]. The initial list of computed
features (described in Table IV) comprises features that span
TABLE IV: The 15 features selected to model the time to merge Dependabot security PRs.
Feature Name Data Type Description
PR Features
changed_lines Numeric Number of lines changed (added + deleted) in the dependency file by Dependabot PR
auto_merge Category Status of auto-merge method for Dependabot PR. Binary value: True or False
Project Features
sloc Numeric Number of executable source lines of code in the project at Dependabot PR creation time
team_size Numeric Number of the active team members in the project at the PR creation time
num_submitted_PRs Numeric Number of submitted Dependabot security PRs to the project at the PR creation time
num_accepted_PRsNumeric Number of accepted Dependabot security PRs in the project at the PR creation time
perc_accepted_PRs Numeric Percentage of merged Dependabot security PRs in the project at the PR creation time
num_dependencies Numeric Number of total proejct dependencies at the PR creation time
num_recent_commits Numeric Number of commits in the project during the last month prior to the PR creation time
age (days) Numeric Project age at Dependabot PR creation time (i.e., the time interval between project creation time
and Dependabot PR creation time)
total_commitsNumeric Number of total project commits at the PR creation time
num_issues Numeric Number of total project issues at the PR creation time
num_PRs Numeric Number of total project PRs at the PR creation time
Vulnerability Patch Features
severity Category Severity of the vulnerability in the affected dependency (Critical, High, Moderate, Low) associated
with the Dependabot PR
patch_level Category Patch level of the dependency update (Major, Minor, Patch) associated with the Dependabot PR
*Features removed after further step-wise feature selection (e.g., correlation).
over three main dimensions as follows:
PR features. These features attempt to capture the influence
of Dependabot security PR characteristics on the merge time.
For example, the size of the patch in the PR could affect
the merge time [41], [42], i.e., the time needed to examine
an external contribution could vary depending on the size of
the contribution. Dependabot security PRs have varying size
depending on the updated dependencies, such as the number
of lines being changed (chanegd_lines) in the dependency
file, which may affect the time it takes for developers to review
and validate the applied changes. In fact, Dependabot triggers
one security PR for each direct vulnerable dependency, by
default. However, if the direct vulnerable dependency requires
transitive dependencies that are also vulnerable, Dependabot
applies additional changes in the same PR, increasing the
impact of the changes, e.g., there is more risk in breaking
changes when transitive dependencies are vulnerable. Another
PR feature is the auto-merge. Dependabot provides an
auto-merge feature, which automatically merges Depend-
abot PRs. A project can enable this feature in case it uses a
Continuous Configuration (CI) infrastructure to prevent pos-
sible breaking changes. By default, no PRs are auto-merged.
Note that we assign the auto_merge as a PR feature, as
it can be enabled/disabled during the project lifecycle. Also,
enabling the auto-merge feature does not assure that the PR
will be merged instantly, given that Dependabot will only
merge the PR if the CI tests pass without issues.
Project features. Project features quantify how responsive
to Dependabot security PRs the project is. Essentially, such
features capture how open the project is to accepting such
PRs and its past experience with Dependabot security PRs,
by quantifying past Dependabot merged security PRs (e.g.,
perc_accepted_PRs). Other common wisdom features that
can explain the merge time are related to the project size (e.g.,
sloc,team_size) and maturity of the project (e.g., age).
We obtain the project features from previous studies in the
field of PR acceptance, as the majority of these features have
been successfully used in prior studies [41], [43], [46]–[48] to
explain the merge time of a PR.
Vulnerability patch features. The vulnerability patch fea-
tures quantify the characteristic of the suggested dependency
update in the Dependabot PR. There are three main levels
of dependency update: 1) patch release indicates backward
compatible bug fixes, 2) minor release indicates backwards
compatible new features and 3) major release informs develop-
ers of backwards incompatible changes in the package release.
Therefore, dependency updates that happens at the patch and
minor levels are most likely to have minimal impact on the
project and can be merged faster by developers. The opposite
will happen in updates that bump the dependency to a major
release, which have a higher risk of breaking changes and thus
may take longer to be merged [44], [45]. Additionally, the
severity of the dependency vulnerability is another feature to
explain the project response to a security PR [49]. Dependabot
builds upon GitHub Advisory dataset [50] to provide a sever-
ity level of a dependency vulnerability (i.e., Critical, High,
Moderate, and Low).
(ii) Correlation and Redundancy Analysis. The initial list
of features included 15 features, shown in Table IV. To make
sure that our selected features are not correlated, which could
distort their importance in the model, we conduct a pairwise
correlation analysis. Specifically, we use the Spearman rank
correlation |ρ|metric [51]. A pair of features that have a
correlation of |ρ| 0.7 should have one of the features
removed. We remove 2 features using that cut-off, namely,
Furthermore, we perform RDA (redundancy analysis) on
the remaining 13 non-correlated features. A feature can be
redundant if it can be modelled using the other independent
features. That said, we should eliminate independent features
TABLE V: Results of the mixed-effects logistic model - sorted by
χ2in descending order.
Feature Coef. χ2p-value Sign.+
perc_accepted_PRs 0.63 88.46 <0.001 ***
auto_merge (TRUE) 1.32 64.57 <0.001 ***
num_recent_commits 0.71 32.20 <0.001 ***
num_dependencies -0.23 7.83 0.005 **
age 0.17 4.32 0.037 *
sloc -0.09 2.94 0.086
severity - 1.49 0.683
patch_level - 1.06 0.588
num_PRs -0.11 0.55 0.459
num_submitted_PRs 0.03 0.25 0.617
changed_lines 0.02 0.17 0.681
num_issues -0.05 0.12 0.733
team_size 0.04 0.09 0.765
+Significance codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05
that can be estimated with an R2>= 0.9[52]. We observe
no redundant features found in the remaining 13 features.
Table IV shows the final 13 selected features (the features
without sign) along with their data type and description.
Since the original distributions for most of the features were
on different scales, we decided to re-scale the data (standard-
ization scaler) before using them in the model.
(iii) Statistical Analysis. Since our dataset contains PRs from
different projects (i.e., PRs merging times vary from one
project to the next), we use the generalized mixed-effects lo-
gistic model to control the variation between projects. Mixed-
effects logistic model, unlike the traditional logistic model,
can model the individual differences between the projects by
assigning (and estimating) a different intercept value for each
project [53], [54]. This allows to capture a project-to-project
variability in the dependent feature (PR merge time). We use
the glmer function in the lme4 R package to conduct a mixed-
effects logistic model.
To evaluate the fitness of our model, we use the R-squared
metric for generalized mixed-effects models [39], which
describes the proportion of variance considering the project
variable effect. Also, to measure the explanatory power of the
features in the model, and influenced by prior studies [37],
[55], we use χ2(Chi-Squared). The value of χ2indicates
whether the model is statistically different from the same
model in the absence of a given independent variable
according to the degrees of freedom in the model. The higher
the χ2value, the greater the explanatory power of the feature
in distinguishing rapid PR merge times.
Results. Our mixed-effects logistic model achieves a good
performance of discriminating the rapid PR merge times of
Dependabot security PRs using our determined threshold.
The model fits the data well; it explains 67% of the variability
in the data (PR merge times) when considering the project
variable (R2= 0.67); and 22% when only considering the
independent features without the project variable, showing that
the mixed-effect model is more effective at modelling time to
merge PRs across different projects.
Table V presents the findings of the features importance
derived from the mixed-effects model. All the independent
features are ordered on the basis of their explanatory power
(χ2). With each independent feature, we report its estimated
coefficient, its explanatory power (χ2), its p-value, and its
statistical significance code (using asterisks) to model the rapid
PR merge times. Our results reveal 5 important features to
have a strong association with the time to merge a Dependabot
security PR. The top three features are: (1) the percentage
of past accepted Dependabot security PRs in the project,
(2) the adoption of the auto-merge feature, (3) the level
of project activity prior to the PR creation time. Next, we
explain the important features derived from our model.
As shown in Table V, we observe several features that led
to merge the Dependabot security PRs fast. For example, the
past experience of the project with Dependabot is a major
feature that have a strong association with the PR merge
time. Projects that have had success in accepting and merging
security Dependabot PRs in the past are more likely to merge
Dependabot PRs faster in the future, as indicated by the
positive coefficient of the perc_accepted_PRs in Table V.
This also shows that projects that have experienced issues in
the past are less inclined to merge the PRs without its due
investigation, which may explain the long PR processing time.
Also, enabling the auto-merge feature is strongly asso-
ciated with merging the PRs rapidly. Other highly important
features are related to the project activity. For example, the
level of project activity, denoted by num_recent_commits,
has a strong association with rapid merges, i.e., the model
indicates that the more active the project, the more likely
a Dependabot security PR will be merged within 4 days.
Moreover, our model shows that the project age is another
important feature that explains the rapid PR merges, although
to a lower degree. Projects that have been in development for
years are more likely to merge Dependabot PRs within 4 days,
as opposed to more recent projects.
Furthermore, we observe that the number of project de-
pendencies (num_dependencies) is a feature that correlates
with Dependabot security PRs being merged in more than 4
days. This indicates that projects with a high number of depen-
dencies tend to take longer to merge a Dependabot security
PR. Projects with many dependencies are more susceptible
to dependency vulnerabilities [56], which may lead to an
overwhelmingly high number of Dependabot security PRs,
taking much longer for developers to address all updates.
Finally, it is also surprising to note that some observed
features, such as the vulnerability severity and the dependency
patch-level, do not play a significant role in how rapid a
Dependabot security PR will be merged. This shows that
developers do not necessarily prioritize Dependabot security
PRs depending on the severity of the vulnerability or the
likelihood of a breaking change (patch_level).
The rapid merge time of Dependabot security PRs
is directly associated with the project activity level,
the project past experience with Dependabot security
PRs and the adoption of the auto-merge feature. In
contrast, a project with a high number of dependencies
is more likely to take longer to process the merges.
Surprisingly, neither the severity of the vulnerability
nor the risk of breaking changes (patch level) seems
to significantly influence the PR merge time.
In this section, we discuss implications of our findings to
practitioners (Section IV-A) and Dependabot (Section IV-B).
A. Implications to practitioners
Open-source projects are highly receptive to Dependabot
security PRs. Our results (RQ1& RQ2) show that a large
proportion (65.42%) of the Dependabot security PRs are
accepted, and 50.8% of the closed (not merged) security PRs
are not triggered by developers, but rather by Dependabot
itself in favor of more updated dependency versions. The high
level of acceptance of Dependabot security PRs indicates
that developers are willing to trust external automated
tools for important preventive tasks (security dependency
updates), given that the tool provides sufficient information
for developers to decide. That said, developers should use
Dependabot not just to make their dependencies up-to-date but
also to keep them secure and vulnerability-free. Dependabot
can be seen as a success case to be replicated by tools that
assist developers on a variety of tasks like security updates
through PRs.
Developers are encouraged to enable the auto-merge
feature for improving the merging time of Dependabot
security PRs. Our results (RQ2) show that more than half
(50.8%) of the non-merged PRs in our dataset are superseded
for not being merged on time. Therefore, we recommend
maintainers to review and respond to security updates as
quickly as possible to avoid being affected by publicly known
vulnerabilities. One way to achieve that is by using the auto-
merge feature. Our model (RQ3) shows the importance of
the auto-merge feature. Additionally, our results show that the
security dependency updates of Dependabot rarely break the
tests in the CI pipeline (3.2%), given the fact that Dependabot
issues a PR bumping the current vulnerable version of the
dependency to the closest (minimum) non-vulnerable version
(to reduce the likelihood of build breakage) [57]. In fact,
projects can configure the auto-merge feature to be only
enabled for security PRs [58]. That said, developers are better
off setting a CI pipeline to automatically merge Dependabot
security PRs, particularly in projects that are not in active
development or suffer from lack of resources.
B. Implications to Dependabot maintainers
Dependabot needs to properly handle peer dependencies.
Our results (RQ2) show that 6.4% of the closed security
PRs are accidentally closed by Dependabot when there is a
peer dependency. If a vulnerable dependency A has a peer
dependency to B (i.e., the semantic version of the dependency
A allows only specific versions to be compatible with the
dependency B), creating a PR to update the dependency
A would produce version conflicts, effectively leading
Dependabot to close the PR after opening it. In such cases,
to avoid version conflicts for the peer dependency, the
dependency B in the previous example should be updated
prior, to be compatible with the new version update of the
vulnerable dependency A. At current stage, Dependabot is
not fully able to handle such peer dependency updates [25].
Therefore, and given that security updates are essential,
Dependabot should find a mechanism to be able to resolve
the version conflicts among the peer dependencies in the
target project, by updating them to compatible versions.
Dependabot needs to be more efficient for projects with a
high number of dependencies. Our model (RQ3) pinpoints
the num_dependencies as one of the significant factors
for taking a long time to merge a security Dependabot PR.
In fact, we have seen several cases (e.g., [59], [60]) where
developers have manually consolidated multiple Dependabot
PRs into a single PR, to only then update the dependencies
all at once. Dependabot can be more efficient by providing
ways of grouping PRs to reduce security notification fatigue
in large projects. Also, such feature would be more essential
in case multiple dependencies need to be updated at the same
time or they can break the application.
Dependabot needs to prioritize security updates by more
fine-grained analysis of dependency vulnerabilities. Cur-
rently, Dependabot provides the maintainers with a way
to prioritize receiving notifications for Dependabot security
PRs [61]. This is done by using the vulnerability severity level
of the suggested security updates. Our model (RQ3) shows that
the security PRs are treated independently of the severity level,
indicating a need for a better way of prioritization. A potential
improvement to Dependabot is to give priority to updates
where the vulnerability part of the dependency is actively used
by the project’s code. This is admitedly difficult, particularly
in dynamically typed languages such as JavaScript, but a
conservative approximation can be used to hint developers they
need to act fast. Techniques discussed in the literature might
be used to achieve this fine-grained prioritization, e.g., SAP
organization had recently created a tool that applies static and
dynamic analyses to detect and mitigate the use of vulnerable
dependencies at the code-level [62], [63].
The works most related to ours are studies that propose or
discuss dependency management tools for security vulnerabili-
ties. Previous studies (e.g., [64], [65]) have shown that projects
are slow in terms of responding to security vulnerabilities
that are publicly announced, which is sometimes due to
factors related to resources and process management. The
software development community has proposed several tools
that help developers be aware of dependency updates and
vulnerabilities. For example, Cadariu [66] developed a Vulner-
ability Alert Service (VAS), which scans Maven dependencies
against vulnerabilities using the Common Vulnerabilities and
Exposures (CVE) database. Apiwave [67] is another tool that
tracks API migrations in order to help developers be aware
of their project dependency updates. One limitation of these
tools is that they only send alerts to notify developers about the
vulnerable dependencies without being able to automatically
fix them or suggest a fix version.
Other works focused on identifying dependency vulnerabil-
ities at a more fine-grain level. For example, Ponta et al. [68]
proposed a code-centric tool to detect and mitigate dependency
vulnerabilities for Java and Python industry applications. Also,
a study by Bodin et al. [63], using extracted methods, show
that the code-centric detection tool is viable, although there
are challenges related to the JavaScript language and the
complexity of the application dependencies. Pashchenko et
al. [69], [70] proposed an approach that addresses the over-
estimation problem of techniques that report vulnerable de-
pendencies in the Java ecosystem. The authors highlighted
that many of the vulnerable dependencies were actually not
deployed, and hence, their impact was neglected. Zerouali et
al. [71] proposed a tool to analyze vulnerabilities that affect
npm dependencies in Docker containers. Di Penta et al. [72]
assessed three static analysis tools for detecting source code
vulnerabilities in three open-source network systems, and did
not find much overlap between the tools’ results, suggesting
no “silver bullet” vulnerability detection tool.
More specifically, some tools (e.g., [73], [74]) aim to
help project maintainers automatically track and update their
dependencies. For example, David-DM [73] is a tool that
uses what is called "coloured (badges)". The tool checks for
outdated dependencies and colours a dependency badge with
red, indicating that an outdated dependency version is used.
Greenkeeper [74], an automated PRs bot, is another tool that
helps developers keep their project dependencies up-to-date by
creating PRs that make the required changes for the depen-
dency version update. The work that is most close to ours is the
study by Mirhosseini and Parnin [7]. Their work investigated
the use of pull requests and badges in the tools David-DM
(badges) and Greenkeeper (PRs) to understand whether such
tools help developers upgrade outdated dependencies. They
analyzed more than 6K GitHub projects that used these tools,
and found that projects using the PR tool (i.e., Greenkeeper)
tend to upgrade more often than projects that use the Badge
tool (David-DM). Nevertheless, the Greenkeeper tool could
convince developers of the examined projects to accept only a
third of the submitted PRs with a relativity high rate of build
breakages (i.e., 25%), indicating the need for better automated
dependency tools to convince developers respond to these PRs.
The analysis in the study focused on only seven npm packages
in the studied projects.
Gousios et al. [41] studied the use of pull-request in the
general software development. For example, they found that
80% of typical pull requests are merged within 3 days. Our
paper differs from Gousios et al.’s study since we study
Dependabot-generated security PRs specially for dependency
updates, whereas that study focuses on PRs for software
development in general. While we found some overlapping
reasons for not merging a PR with the studied from Gousious
et al. [41], most of our findings are unique and applicable only
to the context of automatic dependency updates.
Our study complements previous works since we specif-
ically focus on studying security updates, i.e., we study a
large dataset of Dependabot security pull requests. Moreover,
we examine the reasons for Dependabot security PRs being
not-merged. Our case study shows that developers make a
good use of dependency tools such as Dependabot, responding
quickly to the majority of Dependabot security pull requests
(less than a day), suffering from a low rate of build breakages.
Additionally, our paper adds to the literature through, for
example, understanding what factors influence the merge time
of a Dependabot security PR.
Internal validity: Threats to internal validity concern factors
that might affect the casual relationship and experimental bias.
In RQ2, we manually analyze the non-merged PRs to identify
the reasons of their apparent rejection by developers. This
analysis is subjected to the author bias, as every investigator
has a subjective method when classifying a PR. We mitigate
this threat by asking a second author to independently classify
the reasons for not merging and calculate the inter-rater agree-
ment in our methodology (Cohen’s Kappa coefficient [17]).
The level agreement (+0.96) indicates that our results are more
likely to hold.
Another concern is related to the conclusion drawn from
the built model by studying the association between the inde-
pendent and dependent variables. In our work, we study the
features that influence the time it takes to merge a Dependabot
security PR. To achieve that, we built our model using 13
features that span over three dimensions. However, our set of
features are not exhaustive, and other features can be added
and show influence for the PR merge times. Still, our model
is able to explain 67% of the data variation, which for our
purposes is a good initial model for understanding the factors
that correlate with the merge time.
External validity: Threats to external validity concern the
generalizability of our findings. Our study analyses only
JavaScript projects that subscribe to Dependabot. Therefore,
our results cannot be generalized to projects of different
languages and other ecosystems. Still, given that JavaScript
was the first major language supported by Dependabot, it
has had a more widespread adoption, which enable us to
assess its use on a larger dataset of projects. Furthermore,
our methodology can be applied to investigate Dependabot in
projects from other programming languages.
This paper conducts an empirical study to investigate
the use of Dependabot security pull requests, by examining
15,243 pull requests submitted to 2,904 JavaScript open source
GitHub projects. Our results show that a large proportion
(65.42%) of Dependabot security PRs are merged, often in
one day. Furthermore, our manual analysis leads us to identify
that most of the non-merged security PRs (93.9%) are actually
closed by Dependabot itself, mostly related to concurrent
modifications on the affected dependencies, rather than De-
pendabot failures. Finally, we build a mixed-effects regression
model to understand why some of the pull requests take longer
to be merged. Our results reveal 5 important features, e.g., the
project past experience with Dependabot security PRs is the
most influential feature. We note, however, that the severity
of the vulnerability and the risk of breaking changes are
not significantly associated with rapid merges. Our findings
indicate that Dependabot provides an effective platform to help
developers secure their dependencies. Leveraging our findings,
we provide a series of implications that is of interest for
practitioners and Dependabot maintainers alike.
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... Dependabot is a tool designed to automatically propose updates to external library dependencies, aiming to address vulnerabilities and maintain project stability [Alfadel et al. 2021]. Dependabot monitors the GitHub Advisory Database, and upon identifying a vulnerability, it submits a PR to update the library version and resolve the issue. ...
... Predicting lifetime can help reviewers save time, improve efficiency, and optimize PR review prioritization. Researchers have focused on identifying the factors that influence lifetime , Silva et al. 2020, Gousios et al. 2014, Alfadel et al. 2021, He et al. 2023, Nasrabadi et al. 2023], predicting lifetime [de Lima Júnior et al. 2021, e Silva and de Lima Júnior 2021, and evaluation time [Yu et al. 2015]. Previous research, however, has not considered differences between automated and human PRs. ...
... Recent studies explored the integration (acceptance or rejection) and lifetime of automated PRs [Alfadel et al. 2021, Wyrich et al. 2020, Wyrich et al. 2021, He et al. 2023, Nasrabadi et al. 2023. [Wyrich et al. 2021] conducted a comparative study of automatically and manually created PRs using a large dataset (20, 623, 320 PRs), but with 4, 654 users identified as bots, even recommending in their conclusion that the comparison can be done individually for bots. ...
Conference Paper
Pull request(PR)-based workflows improves collaboration in software development; however, the influx of PRs in certain repositories is challenging. Bots, like Dependabot, automate PR creation but can cause communication noise, indicating the need for smarter tools. We investigated 197, 736 PRs from 90 open-source projects using regression algorithms to predict PR lifetimes. Results showed that in 21 repositories, Dependabot PRs were reviewed faster, whereas in 47 repositories, human PRs were quicker. The RMSE difference was notable, with 18, 338 minutes for human PRs and 5, 585 minutes for Dependabot PRs. Key attributes for prediction were similar across scenarios, although the number of commits was very important only for Dependabot PRs.
... It is worth noting that a study conducted by Munaiah et al. (2017) demonstrated that some selection criteria that are widely used in the literature can potentially exclude relevant engineered software projects. Therefore, we combine multiple exclusion criteria as suggested by prior studies (Kalliamvakou et al. 2014;Mirhosseini and Parnin 2017;Alfadel et al. 2021). We exclude GitHub repositories that fulfill at least one of the following exclusion criteria: ...
... In order to perform our descriptive analysis on the PRs that are created in GitHub projects, a set of features was selected to investigate different aspects related to dependency management and security PRs. These features were inspired from several studies that were conducted in the literature on pull requests merge decision and merge time (Alfadel et al. 2021;Gousios et al. 2014a;Gousios and Zaidman 2014;Soares et al. 2015a), code review in pull requests (Kononenko et al. 2018b;Yu et al. 2015), code contribution in pull requests (Zhu et al. 2016), software bots (Erlenhov et al. 2019a;Wessel and Steinmacher 2020a), and bloated dependencies (Soto-Valero et al. 2021). We have also added some features that can potentially act on the merge decision and merge time of PRs after performing our manual analysis on a representative sample of our dataset (as discussed in Section 4.3.2). ...
... It is calculated as the time difference between the repository creation date and the PR creation date. Several studies suggest that projects with high and frequent activity tend to handle PRs quickly and within smaller time frames (Alfadel et al. 2021;Gousios et al. 2014a). Therefore, we considered to check how active the repository was at the PR creation time (latest_activity) to study the merge rate of PRs. ...
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Modern software development is a complex engineering process where developer code cohabits with an increasingly larger number of external open-source components. Even though these components facilitate sharing and reusing code along with other benefits related to maintenance and code quality, they are often the seeds of vulnerabilities in the software supply chain leading to attacks with severe consequences. Indeed, one common strategy used to conduct attacks is to exploit or inject other security flaws in new versions of dependency packages. It is thus important to keep dependencies updated in a software development project. Unfortunately, several prior studies have highlighted that, to a large extent, developers struggle to keep track of the dependency package updates, and do not quickly incorporate security patches. Therefore, automated dependency-update bots have been proposed to mitigate the impact and the emergence of vulnerabilities in open-source projects. In our study, we focus on Dependabot, a dependency management bot that has gained popularity on GitHub recently. It allows developers to keep a lookout on project dependencies and reduce the effort of monitoring the safety of the software supply chain. We performed a large empirical study on dependency updates and security pull requests to understand: (1) the degree and reasons of Dependabot’s popularity; (2) the patterns of developers’ practices and techniques to deal with vulnerabilities in dependencies; (3) the management of security pull requests (PRs), the threat lifetime, and the fix delay; and (4) the factors that significantly correlate with the acceptance of security PRs and fast merges. To that end, we collected a dataset of 9,916,318 pull request-related issues made in 1,743,035 projects on GitHub for more than 10 different programming languages. In addition to the comprehensive quantitative analysis, we performed a manual qualitative analysis on a representative sample of the dataset, and we substantiated our findings by sending a survey to developers that use dependency management tools. Our study shows that Dependabot dominates more than 65% of dependency management activity, mainly due to its efficiency, accessibility, adaptivity, and availability of support. We also found that developers handle dependency vulnerabilities differently, but mainly rely on the automation of PRs generation to upgrade vulnerable dependencies. Interestingly, Dependabot’s and developers’ security PRs are highly accepted, and the automation allows to accelerate their management, so that fixes are applied in less than one day. However, the threat of dependency vulnerabilities remains hidden for 512 days on average, and patches are disclosed after 362 days due to the reliance on the manual effort of security experts. Also, project characteristics, the amount of PR changes, as well as developer and dependency features seem to be highly correlated with the acceptance and fast merges of security PRs.
... While leveraging FOSS libraries brings numerous opportunities for speeding up software development, the risk of borrowing other developers' code manifests in the form of bugs and vulnerabilities. Prior work shows that vulnerabilities are a widespread problem in FOSS libraries [21,10,11]. Numerous security incidents point to vulnerable dependencies as the main culprit for the security exploit. ...
... However, leveraging other people's code comes with its own risks. As vulnerabilities in NPM libraries are widespread [25,11], we expect projects with higher technical leverage to be at a higher risk of being affected by vulnerabilities. Hence, in this RQ, we evaluate this hypothesis by assessing the risks of projects with low and high technical leverage to vulnerability exposure. ...
To comply with high productivity demands, software developers reuse free open-source software (FOSS) code to avoid reinventing the wheel when incorporating software features. The reliance on FOSS reuse has been shown to improve productivity and the quality of delivered software; however, reusing FOSS comes at the risk of exposing software projects to public vulnerabilities. Massacci and Pashchenko have explored this trade-off in the Java ecosystem through the lens of technical leverage: the ratio of code borrowed from FOSS over the code developed by project maintainers. In this paper, we replicate the work of Massacci and Pashchenko and we expand the analysis to include level-1 transitive dependencies to study technical leverage in the fastest-growing NPM ecosystem. We investigated 14,042 NPM library releases and found that both opportunities and risks of technical leverage are magnified in the NPM ecosystem. Small-medium libraries leverage 2.5x more code from FOSS than their code, while large libraries leverage only 3\% of FOSS code in their projects. Our models indicate that technical leverage shortens the release cycle for small-medium libraries. However, the risk of vulnerability exposure is 4-7x higher for libraries with high technical leverage. We also expanded our replication study to include the first level of transitive dependencies, and show that the results still hold, albeit with significant changes in the magnitude of both opportunities and risks of technical leverage. Our results indicate the extremes of opportunities and risks in NPM, where high technical leverage enables fast releases but comes at the cost of security risks.
... PSFs such as dependency management tools (e.g., Dependabot [44], Renovate Bot [66], Greenkeeper [19]) notify maintainers of dependency updates (e.g., vulnerability fixes, version updates). Prior work [4,35,71] found Dependabot to be helpful in vulnerability management, where most vulnerable dependencies identified by Dependabot were addressed within several days [71] or a day [4]. GitHub also found that 60% more vulnerability-related, automated pull requests were merged in 2023 than in 2022 [45]. ...
... PSFs such as dependency management tools (e.g., Dependabot [44], Renovate Bot [66], Greenkeeper [19]) notify maintainers of dependency updates (e.g., vulnerability fixes, version updates). Prior work [4,35,71] found Dependabot to be helpful in vulnerability management, where most vulnerable dependencies identified by Dependabot were addressed within several days [71] or a day [4]. GitHub also found that 60% more vulnerability-related, automated pull requests were merged in 2023 than in 2022 [45]. ...
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In open-source software (OSS), software vulnerabilities have significantly increased. Although researchers have investigated the perspectives of vulnerability reporters and OSS contributor security practices, understanding the perspectives of OSS maintainers on vulnerability management and platform security features is currently understudied. In this paper, we investigate the perspectives of OSS maintainers who maintain projects listed in the GitHub Advisory Database. We explore this area by conducting two studies: identifying aspects through a listing survey (n1=80n_1=80) and gathering insights from semi-structured interviews (n2=22n_2=22). Of the 37 identified aspects, we find that supply chain mistrust and lack of automation for vulnerability management are the most challenging, and barriers to adopting platform security features include a lack of awareness and the perception that they are not necessary. Surprisingly, we find that despite being previously vulnerable, some maintainers still allow public vulnerability reporting, or ignore reports altogether. Based on our findings, we discuss implications for OSS platforms and how the research community can better support OSS vulnerability management efforts.
... For example, in the discussion of the pull request #385 of the E3SM-Project/e3sm_diags project, 2 developers mention that the removal of unused dependencies would reduce the duration of CI builds for the project. Other discussions in GitHub projects also raised similar concerns about the accrual of unused dependencies and their negative impact on CI. 3,4,5,6 To address such issues, prior work had suggested caching dependencies in the CI environment [28]. Also, CI providers, such as GitHub Actions (GHA), 7 allow dependency caching to improve the overall CI build time. ...
... Unused-dependency commits might be created by people maintaining the project or an automated software bot. Prior research [6,36,53] suggests that projects often use automated bots, such as Dependabot, to keep their dependencies up to date. If bots emerge as the primary contributors of unused-dependency commits, an effective waste mitigation strategy would need to include scrutinizing and refining the functionalities and configurations of these bots. ...
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Modern software systems are increasingly dependent upon code from external packages (i.e., dependencies). Building upon external packages boosts developer productivity and allows software reuse to seamlessly span across projects. Package maintainers regularly release updated versions to provide new features, fix defects, and address security vulnerabilities. Due to the potential for regression, managing dependencies is not just a trivial matter of selecting the latest versions. Since it is perceived to be less risky to retain a dependency than remove it, as projects evolve, they tend to accrue dependencies, exacerbating the difficulty of dependency management. It is not uncommon for a considerable proportion of external packages to be unused by the projects that list them as a dependency. Although such unused dependencies are not required to build and run the project, updates to their dependency specifications will still trigger Continuous Integration (CI) builds. The CI builds that are initiated by updates to unused dependencies are fundamentally wasteful. Considering that CI build time is a finite resource that is directly associated with project development and service operational costs, understanding the consequences of unused dependencies within this CI context is of practical importance. In this paper, we conduct the first study on the CI waste that is generated by updates to unused dependencies. We collect a dataset of 20,743 commits that are solely updating dependency specifications (i.e., the package.json file), spanning 1,487 projects that adopt Node Package Manager (NPM) for managing their dependencies. Our findings illustrate that 55.88% of the build time that is associated with dependency updates is only triggered by unused dependencies. At the project level, the median project spends 56.09% of its dependency-related build time on updates to unused dependencies. Moreover, we find that automated bots are the primary producers of dependency-induced CI waste, contributing 92.93% of the build time that is spent on unused dependencies. The popular Dependabot is responsible for updates to unused dependencies that account for 74.52% of that waste. To mitigate the impact of unused dependencies on CI resources, we introduce Dep-sCImitar , an approach to cut down wasted CI time by identifying and skipping CI builds that are triggered due to unused-dependency commits. A retrospective evaluation of the 20,743 studied commits shows that Dep-sCImitar reduces 68.34% of the wasted CI build time by skipping wasteful builds with a precision of 94%. We make this approach available as a prototype tool that can be integrated with any JavaScript project that adopts NPM to automatically skip CI builds that are triggered by unused-dependency commits.
... For each iteration, we have selected several recently published empirical software engineering studies that do not explicitly list implications for practitioners. We restricted the number of students summarizing the same paper to seven; we have offered choice of 11 papers for the first iteration [1,2,10,15,18,20,23,30,31,59,66], and 7 papers for the second iteration [17,19,25,34,38,13,64]. Like Design a Study, the first iteration is not mandatory or graded, instead we provide feedback to help you improve the students' writing. ...
In this chapter, we share an experience report of teaching a master course on empirical research methods at Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands. The course is taught for ten weeks to a mix of students from different study programs and combines both practical assignments with a closed-book exam. We discuss the challenges of teaching a course on research methods and explain how we address these challenges in the course design. Additionally, we share our lessons learned and the do's and don'ts we learned over several iterations of teaching the course.
In this chapter, we share an experience report of teaching a master course on empirical research methods at Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands. The course is taught for ten weeks to a mix of students from different study programs and combines both practical assignments with a closed-book exam. We discuss the challenges of teaching a course on research methods and explain how we address these challenges in the course design. Additionally, we share our lessons learned and the challenges we encountered over several iterations of teaching the course.
The epidemic of inaccessible websites presents a major challenge to equitable information access and continues to threaten our vision of an inclusive digital society. Despite decades of research, education, legislation, and policy reform globally, little progress has been made to ensure the accessibility of websites. Today's web accessibility strategies and tools are predicated on the belief that web accessibility issues are introduced through code created by the website developer and therefore focus on that website's code in isolation. However, as demonstrated in modern web security research, vulnerabilities can be introduced via dependencies to external libraries and frameworks outside of their development control. This PhD research explores an epidemiology-inspired approach to web accessibility to accurately model internet health, with the objective of identifying the root causes of accessibility barriers, how they propagate in the web ecosystem, and how to help web developers prevent and mitigate the propagation of accessibility barriers.
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Software ecosystems play an important role in modern software development, providing an open platform of reusable packages that speed up and facilitate development tasks. However, this level of code reusability supported by software ecosystems also makes the discovery of security vulnerabilities much more difficult, as software systems depend on an increasingly high number of packages. Recently, security vulnerabilities in the npm ecosystem, the ecosystem of Node.js packages, have been studied in the literature. As different software ecosystems embodied different programming languages and particularities, we argue that it is also important to study other popular programming languages to build stronger empirical evidence about vulnerabilities in software ecosystems. In this paper, we present an empirical study of 550 vulnerability reports affecting 252 Python packages in the Python ecosystem (PyPi). In particular, we study the propagation and life span of security vulnerabilities, accounting for how long they take to be discovered and fixed. Our findings show that the discovered vulnerabilities in Python packages are increasing over time, and they take more than 3 years to be discovered. The majority of these vulnerabilities (50.55%) are only fixed after being publicly announced, giving ample time for attackers exploitation. We find similarities in some characteristics of vulnerabilities in PyPi and npm and divergences that can be attributed to specific PyPi policies. By leveraging our findings, we provide a series of implications that can help the security of software ecosystems by improving the process of discovering, fixing and managing package vulnerabilities.
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With one of the largest available collection of reusable packages, the JavaScript runtime environment Node.js is one of the most popular programming application. With recent work showing evidence that known vulnerabilities are prevalent in both open source and industrial software, we propose and implement a viable code-based vulnerability detection tool for Node.js applications. Our case study lists the challenges encountered while implementing our Node.js vulnerable code detector.
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Open source software (OSS) libraries are widely used in the industry to speed up the development of software products. However, these libraries are subject to an ever-increasing number of vulnerabilities that are publicly disclosed. It is thus crucial for application developers to detect dependencies on vulnerable libraries in a timely manner, to precisely assess their impact, and to mitigate any potential risk. This paper presents a novel method to detect, assess and mitigate OSS vulnerabilities. Differently from state-of-the-art approaches that depend on metadata to identify vulnerable OSS dependencies, our solution is code-centric, and combines static and dynamic analyses to determine the reachability of the vulnerable portion of libraries, in the context of a given application. Our approach also supports developers in choosing among the existing non-vulnerable library versions, with the goal to determine and minimize incompatibilities. Eclipse Steady, the open source implementation of our code-centric and usage-based approach is the tool recommended to scan Java software products at SAP; it has been successfully used to perform more than one million scans of about 1500 applications. In this paper we report on the lessons learned when maturing the tool from a research prototype to an industrial-grade solution. To evaluate Eclipse Steady, we conducted an empirical study to compare its detection capabilities with those of OWASP Dependency Check (OWASP DC), scanning 300 large enterprise applications under development with a total of 78165 dependencies. Reviewing a sample of the findings reported only by one of the two tools revealed that all Steady findings are true positives, while 88.8% of the findings of OWASP DC for vulnerabilities covered by our code-centric approach are false positives. For vulnerabilities not caused by code but due, e.g., to erroneous configuration, 63.3% of OWASP DC findings are true positives.
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Continuous Integration (CI) is a set of software development practices that allow software development teams to generate software builds more quickly and periodically (e.g., daily or even hourly). CI brings many advantages, such as the early identification of errors when integrating code. When builds are generated frequently, a long build duration may hold developers from performing other important tasks. Recent research has shown that a considerable amount of development time is invested on optimizing the generation of builds. However, the reasons behind long build durations are still vague and need an in-depth study. Our initial investigation shows that many projects have build durations that far exceed the acceptable build duration (i.e., 10 minutes) as reported by recent studies. In this paper, we study several characteristics of CI builds that may be associated with the long duration of CI builds. We perform an empirical study on 104,442 CI builds from 67 GitHub projects. We use mixed-effects logistic models to model long build durations across projects. Our results reveal that, in addition to common wisdom factors (e.g., project size, team size, build configuration size, and test density), there are other highly important factors to explain long build durations. We observe that rerunning failed commands multiple times is most likely to be associated with long build durations. We also find that builds may run faster if they are configured (a) to cache content that does not change often or (b) to finish as soon as all the required jobs finish. However, we observe that about 40% of the studied projects do not use or misuse such configurations in their builds. In addition, we observe that triggering builds on weekdays or at daytime is most likely to have a direct relationship with long build durations. Our results suggest that developers should use proper CI build configurations to maintain successful builds and to avoid long build durations. Tool builders should supply development teams with tools to identify cacheable spots of the project in order to accelerate the generation of CI builds.
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Background: Vulnerable dependencies are a known problem in today's open-source software ecosystems because OSS libraries are highly interconnected and developers do not always update their dependencies. Aim: Our paper addresses the over-inflation problem of academic and industrial approaches for reporting vulnerable dependencies in OSS software, and therefore, caters to the needs of industrial practice for correct allocation of development and audit resources. Method: Careful analysis of deployed dependencies, aggregation of dependencies by their projects, and distinction of halted dependencies allow us to obtain a counting method that avoids over-inflation. To understand the industrial impact of a more precise approach, we considered the 200 most popular OSS Java libraries used by SAP in its own software. Our analysis included 10905 distinct GAVs (group, artifact, version) in Maven when considering all the library versions. Results: We found that about 20% of the dependencies affected by a known vulnerability are not deployed, and therefore, they do not represent a danger to the analyzed library because they cannot be exploited in practice. Developers of the analyzed libraries are able to fix (and actually responsible for) 82% of the deployed vulnerable dependencies. The vast majority (81%) of vulnerable dependencies may be fixed by simply updating to a new version, while 1% of the vulnerable dependencies in our sample are halted, and therefore, potentially require a costly mitigation strategy. Conclusions: Our case study shows that the correct counting allows software development companies to receive actionable information about their library dependencies, and therefore, correctly allocate costly development and audit resources, which is spent inefficiently in case of distorted measurements.
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Modern Code Review (MCR) plays a key role in software quality practices. In MCR process, a new patch (i.e., a set of code changes) is encouraged to be examined by reviewers in order to identify weaknesses in source code prior to an integration into main software repositories. To mitigate the risk of having future defects, prior work suggests that MCR should be performed with sufficient review participation. Indeed, recent work shows that a low number of participated reviewers is associated with poor software quality. However, there is a likely case that a new patch still suffers from poor review participation even though reviewers were invited. Hence, in this paper, we set out to investigate the factors that are associated with the participation decision of an invited reviewer. Through a case study of 230,090 patches spread across the Android, LibreOffice, OpenStack and Qt systems, we find that (1) 16%-66% of patches have at least one invited reviewer who did not respond to the review invitation; (2) human factors play an important role in predicting whether or not an invited reviewer will participate in a review; (3) a review participation rate of an invited reviewers and code authoring experience of an invited reviewer are highly associated with the participation decision of an invited reviewer. These results can help practitioners better understand about how human factors associate with the participation decision of reviewers and serve as guidelines for inviting reviewers, leading to a better inviting decision and a better reviewer participation.
Vulnerable dependencies are a known problem in today's free open-source software ecosystems because FOSS libraries are highly interconnected, and developers do not always update their dependencies. Our paper proposes Vuln4Real, the methodology for counting actually vulnerable dependencies, that addresses the over-inflation problem of academic and industrial approaches for reporting vulnerable dependencies in FOSS software, and therefore, caters to the needs of industrial practice for correct allocation of development and audit resources. To understand the industrial impact of a more precise methodology, we considered the 500 most popular FOSS Java libraries used by SAP in its own software. Our analysis included 25767 distinct library instances in Maven. We found that the proposed methodology has visible impacts on both ecosystem view and the individual library developer view of the situation of software dependencies: Vuln4Real significantly reduces the number of false alerts for deployed code (dependencies wrongly flagged as vulnerable), provides meaningful insights on the exposure to third-parties (and hence vulnerabilities) of a library, and automatically predicts when dependency maintenance starts lagging, so it may not receive updates for arising issues.
Software reuse is a widely adopted practice among both researchers and practitioners. The relation between security and reuse can go both ways: a system can become more secure by relying on mature dependencies, or more insecure by exposing a larger attack surface via exploitable dependencies. To follow up on a previous study and shed more light on this subject, we further examine the association between software reuse and security threats. In particular, we empirically investigate 1244 open-source projects in a multiple-case study to explore and discuss the distribution of security vulnerabilities between the code created by a development team and the code reused through dependencies. For that, we consider both potential vulnerabilities, as assessed through static analysis, and disclosed vulnerabilities, reported in public databases. The results suggest that larger projects in size are associated with an increase on the amount of potential vulnerabilities in both native and reused code. Moreover, we found a strong correlation between a higher number of dependencies and vulnerabilities. Based on our empirical investigation, it appears that source code reuse is neither a silver bullet to combat vulnerabilities nor a frightening werewolf that entail an excessive number of them.