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Online Mobile App Usage as an Indicator of Sleep Behavior and
Job Performance
Chunjong Park∗, Morelle Arian∗, Xin Liu, Leon Sasson†, Jerey Kahn†
Shwetak Patel, Alex Mariakakis‡, Tim Altho
University of Washington, Rise Science Inc.†, University of Toronto‡
Sleep is critical to human function, mediating factors like memory,
mood, energy, and alertness; therefore, it is commonly conjectured
that a good night’s sleep is important for job performance. However,
both real-world sleep behavior and job performance are dicult
to measure at scale. In this work, we demonstrate that people’s
everyday interactions with online mobile apps can reveal insights
into their job performance in real-world contexts. We present an
observational study in which we objectively tracked the sleep be-
havior and job performance of salespeople (
15) and athletes
19) for 18 months, leveraging a mattress sensor and online
mobile app to conduct the largest study of this kind to date. We
rst demonstrate that cumulative sleep measures are signicantly
correlated with job performance metrics, showing that an hour of
daily sleep loss for a week was associated with a 9.0% average re-
duction in contracts established for salespeople and a 9.5% average
reduction in game grade for the athletes. We then investigate the
utility of online app interaction time as a passively collectible and
scalable performance indicator. We show that app interaction time
is correlated with the job performance of the athletes, but not the
salespeople. To support that our app-based performance indicator
truly captures meaningful variation in psychomotor function as it
relates to sleep and is robust against potential confounds, we con-
ducted a second study to evaluate the relationship between sleep
behavior and app interaction time in a cohort of 274 participants.
Using a generalized additive model to control for per-participant
random eects, we demonstrate that participants who lost one hour
of daily sleep for a week exhibited average app interaction times
that were 5.0% slower. We also nd that app interaction time ex-
hibits meaningful chronobiologically consistent correlations with
sleep history, time awake, and circadian rhythms. The ndings
from this work reveal an opportunity for online app developers to
generate new insights regarding cognition and productivity.
mobile app interaction, interaction time, sleep tracking, sleep be-
havior, job performance
∗Both authors contributed equally to this research.
This paper is published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
(CC-BY 4.0) license. Authors reserve their rights to disseminate the work on their
personal and corporate Web sites with the appropriate attribution.
WWW ’21, April 19–23, 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2021 IW3C2 (International World Wide Web Conference Committee), published
under Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 License.
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-8312-7/21/04.
Sleep is essential to human function, aecting memory [
], en-
ergy [
], mood [
], and alertness [
]. The importance of sleep is
widely accepted, yet a signicant portion of the population does not
get sucient sleep at night [
], and an increasing number of peo-
ple report experiencing sleep problems [
]. In recent years, sleep
tracking has become more commonplace with the introduction
of commercially available sleep-tracking technologies like smart-
phones, smartwatches, mattress sensors, and other devices [
Online mobile apps associated with such devices collect and man-
age sleep data so that users can learn about and improve upon their
sleep behavior. In doing so, many people hope to feel more rested
and be more productive at their workplace.
The impact of sleep on people’s psychomotor function has been
widely studied, usually in controlled lab settings. For example, re-
searchers have found that partial sleep deprivation over multiple
days can aect people’s ability to perform simple tasks like reaction
time tasks such as the psychomotor vigilance test (PVT) and mental
math [
]. The consequences of sleep deprivation have even
been found to be comparable to the cognitive and motor impair-
ments experienced during alcohol intoxication [
]. Although prior
literature suggests that poor sleep behavior can impact real-world
job performance, this relationship has remained largely unquanti-
ed due to the lack of objective measures of both sleep behavior
and job performance. Many careers involve a complex combination
of cognitive and psychomotor tasks, so it is unclear how contrived
tasks like the PVT translate to higher level performance. Further-
more, job performance assessment can require privacy-invasive
methods that disrupt a person’s work.
Prior literature has leveraged technology interaction patterns
as passive and scalable indicators of alertness and other aspects of
psychomotor function [
]. In our work, we extend
this literature by investigating the relationships between smart-
phone app-based performance, objective sleep behavior metrics,
and objective job performance metrics gathered from two concur-
rent studies carried out over 18 months. In our rst study (
), we recruited 34 employees from two organizations—a bank-
ruptcy law rm consultancy (
15) and the National Football
League (
19)—to track their sleep using a mattress sensor, and
we compared that data against widely accepted job performance
metrics that were provided by their employers. This represents is
the largest study to date among those that leverage objective mea-
surements of natural sleep behavior and job performance patterns,
with similar studies including less than half the study population
and only a single job category [
]. Across 300 nights of sleep
with associated job performance metrics, our analyses support the
hypothesis that cumulative sleep loss (e.g., sleep debt, sleep history)
arXiv:2102.12523v1 [cs.HC] 24 Feb 2021
WWW ’21, April 19–23, 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia Park and Arian, et al.
is correlated with decreased job performance. We nd that onehour
of reduced time-in-bed daily for one week was associated with 9.0%
fewer contracts established for the average salesperson and a 9.5%
grade drop for the average athlete (Section 4.1).
Since job performance metrics can be dicult to capture in prac-
tice, we explore the possibility of using timed interactions with
the sleep-tracking app as an unobtrusive indicator of broader psy-
chomotor performance. We examined the amount of time partici-
pants spent interpreting the information on the app’s main screen
as an instantiation of an app-based performance metric. We nd
that app interaction times were correlated with the athletes’ game
performance (
=0.046), but not the salespeople’s perfor-
mance (𝜌=-0.0752, 𝑝=0.4106) (Section 4.2).
is larger than its predecessors, job perfor-
mance can be extremely diverse and subject to many confounds
that are infeasible to track (e.g., external personal issues leading
to diminished performance). To corroborate the use of app-based
performance as a valid indicator of psychomotor function via its
relationship to sleep, we tracked the sleep behavior and app inter-
action times of 274 individuals (
). We analyzed this data
to determine whether app interaction time is sensitive to known
sleep-related inuences on psychomotor function while being ro-
bust to other individual-level eects like user-specic baselines
and smartphone specications. Across 7,200 tracked nights of sleep
with more than 16,000 app interaction events, our analyses reveal
that daily variations in app interaction time aligned with constructs
in sleep biology, most notably circadian rhythm [
] and sleep
inertia [
]. We nd that app interaction time was negatively corre-
lated with time-in-bed (
=0.049), sleep history (
), and sleep debt (
). Furthermore,
we demonstrate that participants who lost one hour of daily sleep
over the previous week exhibited app interaction times that were 0.5
seconds slower (Section 5.1). In summary, our research investigates
the following questions:
RQ.1 Is sleep behavior correlated with job performance?
(STUDY 1, Section 4.1)
Is app-based performance correlated with job performance?
(STUDY 1, Section 4.2)
Is app-based performance correlated with sleep behavior?
(STUDY 2, Section 5.1)
In this section, we describe prior work on (1) sleep biology, (2)
consumer sleep-tracking applications and their eects on users’
sleep behavior, (3) the relationship between sleep and performance,
and (4) the use of technology to passively infer performance.
2.1 Models in Sleep Biology
Dijk et al. [
] describe sleep biology using an additive two-
process model consisting of circadian rhythm, the 24-hour biological
cycle that occurs in nearly all creatures, and homeostasis, the in-
creasing pressure to sleep as one stays awake for longer periods of
time. Akerstedt et al. [
] later added a third process: sleep inertia,
the initial drowsiness that occurs immediately after waking up. Past
studies have used two- and three-process models of sleep biology to
understand the eects of sleep schedules on mood [
] and athletic
performance [
]. Genetic predispositions and chronotyping (i.e.,
“morning person” vs. a “night owl”) have also been shown to aect
sleep behavior [
]. Matchock et al. [
] and Altho et al. [
] nd
evidence of signicant interaction between circadian rhythms and
chronotyping on reaction times. A recent study suggests that female
sleep duration is not strongly dependent on menstrual cycles [
To characterize the importance of sleep, many studies require
that subjects adhere to strict sleep schedules that range from a full
night’s rest to total sleep deprivation [
]; however, researchers
have noted that natural sleep is more commonly characterized by
partial sleep deprivation over multiple days, also known as chronic
sleep restriction. Regardless of the specics of one’s sleep schedule,
researchers have noted the accumulation of sleep debt as an im-
portant metric of sleep behavior [
]. Calculating sleep
debt requires understanding an individual’s sleep need—the op-
timal amount of daily sleep an individual requires. Sleep need is
often measured through a controlled study where a participant is
subjected to extended time-in-bed over many days; under these
conditions, sleep length typically decays exponentially over time
and approaches an asymptote that represents the individual’s sleep
need [
]. Since sleep need is often dicult to measure in uncon-
trolled settings, Kitamura et al. [
] propose a method of estimating
sleep debt based on one’s history of time-in-bed. We utilize Kita-
mura et al.’s calculation of sleep debt as a cumulative sleep metric
in our analyses. Furthermore, we leverage Akerstedt et al.’s three-
process model to understand the correlations between sleep debt,
job performance, and our app-based performance metric.
2.2 Sleep Sensing Systems
Traditional polysomnography studies utilize expensive sensors like
EEGs and EMGs to get ne-grained information about how a person
sleeps [
]. Given the growing desire for health-related self-tracking
technologies, sleep tracking has become more commonplace. Ko et
al. [
] provide a review of consumer sleep sensing technologies.
Their review covers sleep-sensing form factors like smartphones
], smartwatches, wristbands, mattress sensors, and wireless
radios [
]. Overall, these technologies are able to gather sleep
metrics ranging from sleep duration to disturbance frequency. For
instance, Min et al. [
] propose a mobile app that processes seven
dierent sensor streams (e.g., motion, sound, light) to classify a
person’s sleep state and sleep quality, while Rahman et al. [
demonstrate that coarse body movements and subtle chest move-
ments from breathing and heartbeats can be detected by measuring
the reections of high-frequency wireless signals.
Beyond exploring new ways of extracting sleep data, another
line of research has explored how sleep data should be presented to
users and how recommendations should be generated to improve
sleep behavior. Bauer et al. [
] show that a recommendation-based
peripheral display can serve as a low-eort, yet eective, method for
improving awareness of healthy sleep behavior. Daskalova et al. [
address the creation of personalized recommendations through
guided self-experimentation. Their mobile app, SleepCoacher, tracks
sleep behavior metrics from the accelerometer and microphone to
generate data-driven recommendations; as users engage with these
recommendations, SleepCoacher is able to measure whether the
Online Mobile App Usage as an Indicator of Sleep Behavior and Job Performance WWW ’21, April 19–23, 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
intervention had its intended eect. Daskalova et al. have also
explored cohort-based sleep tracking and recommendations [22].
To the best of our knowledge, the aformentioned body of litera-
ture has not explored the opportunity of using interactions with a
sleep-tracking system as an additional source of information. The
act of examining sleep data on a smartphone requires users to exert
cognitive load, which itself is tied to sleep behavior. We introduce
the notion of app-based performance to investigate whether inter-
actions with a sleep-tracking system can provide insight into sleep
behavior or job performance.
2.3 The Eects of Sleep on Performance
In this work, we contextualize large-scale sleep data through job-
based and mobile app-based performance measurements [
]. One
of the most common tests that have been used for measuring psy-
chomotor function is the psychomotor vigilance test (PVT) [
], during which a person is asked to respond to a visual signal by
pressing a button. Researchers have employed a variety of other
contrived tasks to measure cognitive and motor performance in
relation to sleep. Pilcher and Hucutt [
] provide a meta-analysis
of 19 research studies that examine task performance and mood
as a function of sleep restriction. The cognitive tasks Pilcher and
Hucut list in their review include logical reasoning [
], mental
math [
], visual search tasks [
], and word memory tasks [
The motor tasks they reference include exercise [
], endurance
tasks [60], and muscle strength tests [86].
The aforementioned tests have been used to examine the ef-
fects of sleep quality on various performance dimensions. Rajdev et
al. [
] use the PVT to validate a mathematical model of psychomo-
tor performance based on sleep debt. Ramakrishnan et al. [
] also
use the PVT to validate their own phenotype-specic group-average
model of psychomotor performance. Lo et al. [
] use a battery of
seven cognitive tasks to nd that partial sleep deprivation impairs
a wide range of cognitive functions, subjective alertness, and mood.
Lastly, Killgore et al. [
] study the eects of total sleep depriva-
tion on measures of emotional intelligence, constructive thinking,
and decision-making during a gambling task.
Watson [
] provides a literature review on the interaction be-
tween sleep and athletic performance, drawing closer to our re-
search questions on sleep and job performance. In one of the most
closely related studies to our own
, Mah et al. [
] exam-
ined the eects of sleep on collegiate basketball players. Their study
entailed having athletes maintain their typical sleep schedule, after
which they underwent a period of sleep extension with a minimum
goal of 10 hours in bed each night. The athletes were evaluated
using the PVT, subjective scales of sleepiness, and performance
metrics specic to basketball practices (e.g., sprint time, shooting
percentage). Furthermore, the athletes were asked to rate their own
performance during practices and games. Although research like
that of Mah et al. strives towards our goal of measuring high-level
job performance rather than low-level task performance, their work
falls short capturing an objective measurement of in-game perfor-
mance. In our work, we build on this literature by examining the
correlation between sleep behavior and natural, widely accepted
job performance metrics collected from the workplaces of athletes
and salespeople (
). Our study represents the largest ef-
fort to study this relationship to date, spanning multiple careers
Figure 1: The home screen of Rise Science’s sleep-tracking
app shows data about the user’s most recent night of sleep.
categories and nearly 300 nights of data in a study population that
more than doubles prior work [57].
2.4 Interactions as an Indicator of Cognition
Technology interaction patterns have been used as an indicator for
understanding dierent aspects of performance. Regarding smart-
phones, indicators like app usage and app-specic productivity
have been used to estimate alertness [
]. For ex-
ample, Murnane et al. [
] demonstrate that app usage patterns vary
for individuals with dierent chronotypes and rhythms of alert-
ness. Oulasvirta et al. [
] correlate frequent, short bursts of smart-
phone interaction (i.e., checking a notication) with inattentiveness.
Other researchers have leveraged technology interaction to esti-
mate higher level constructs like stress [
], mood [
], academic
performance [90], inebriation [10, 58], and accident risk [6].
Even with just the timing between two interaction events, re-
searchers have been able to assess aspects of a person’s cognition.
Vizer et al. [
] analyze variation in computer keystroke rate to infer
increased stress levels. Altho et al. [
] track users’ typing and click
speed on a web search engine as a measure of psychomotor function.
Their work shows that keystroke time and click time vary based
on sleep duration, circadian rhythms, and the homeostatic process.
Inspired by this prior work, we measure app interaction time as a
potential non-intrusive indicator of performance (
) and
sleep (
). Concretely, we demonstrate that this indicator
correlates with athletic job performance and meaningfully reects
psychomotor performance variation due to biological functions (i.e.,
circadian rhythm and sleep inertia).
Both of our observational studies,
, fol-
lowed the same protocol. In this section, we rst describe the tech-
nology that participants used to track and monitor their sleep be-
havior. We then describe the metrics that we use to quantify sleep
behavior, job performance, and app-based performance. We con-
clude by detailing the procedures that were used to clean the dataset
in preparation for analysis.
WWW ’21, April 19–23, 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia Park and Arian, et al.
3.1 Devices
Participants in both
were recruited as
existing users of Rise Science’s
mobile app. We enrolled partici-
pants via targeted recruitment (salespeople and athletes) as well as
broader recruitment calls, but participants from all sources were
onboarded in a similar fashion. Each participant received a kit con-
sisting of an Emt QS
and a sleep-tracking mobile app
3, 4
as shown
in Figure 1. The Emt QS is a highly sensitive pressure sensor that
lies underneath the user’s mattress (or their preferred side of the
mattress when the bed is shared). The sensor uses ballistocardio-
graphy to track heart rate, breathing rate, and movement. In past
studies, the Emt QS has been validated against a standard clinical
heart rate monitor and polysomnography equipment [
Within the sleep-tracking mobile app, participants can access and
visualize their own sleep data, view sleep session summaries, create
sleep plans, and learn about the importance of sleep.
3.2 Participants and Study Procedure
The data collection period started on May 2017 and ended on De-
cember 2018, spanning 592 days. Recruitment happened throughout
that period, and participants joined and left the study at their own
discretion. In
(Section 4), participants from the bank-
ruptcy law rm consultancy were enrolled for 225 days, and par-
ticipants from the NFL teams were enrolled for 450–520 days. In
(Section 5), participants were enrolled for 80–580 days.
Demographic data like age and gender were not collected to mini-
mize intrusion and maintain privacy. However, we know that most
NFL players are between 23–27 years old [
], and a public data-
base estimated that 71% of the bankruptcy law rm’s employees are
. In
, we expect that most of the participants
were under the age of 45 since self-tracking requires active engage-
ment with sleep-technology, which is more common in younger
demographics [9].
Special care was taken to avoid coercion during recruitment. To
protect participants’ privacy, employers were never told who en-
rolled in the study and were only given aggregated results after the
study was done. Participants did not receive explicit instructions
from the research team and were free to follow whatever sleep
schedule they chose. Participants were also free to use the Emt
QS and sleep-tracking app at will; if they had to travel while par-
ticipating in the study, they could choose to either bring the Emt
QS with them or leave it behind. The mobile app sent participants
notications, reminders, and recommendations for improving their
sleep (e.g., reducing caeine intake, dimming lights); participants
were free to disable these features at any time. Our retrospective
data analysis was conducted in accordance with the Institutional
Review Board at the University of Washington.
3.3 Sleep Behavior Metrics
The Emt QS reports the following metrics to describe a single
night’s rest: bedtime, wake time, sleep midpoint, time-in-bed, and
5The rm’s name is removed to preserve their anonymity.
total sleep duration. Time-in-bed measures how long a person is
in their bed, thus only requiring accurate presence detection. Total
sleep duration, on the other hand, estimates how long a person is
actually asleep in their bed, thus requiring both accurate presence
and sleep detection. Because total sleep duration is more suscep-
tible to sensing errors, we exclude it from the analyses reported
in this paper and focus on time-in-bed measures, which can be
measured with higher accuracy and validity. This choice is com-
mon in previous work as well [
]. Nevertheless, sleep
duration and time-in-bed were strongly correlated in our dataset
, 𝑝 <
001) and produced comparable results in most cases.
Looking beyond a single night’s sleep, cumulative metrics across
multiple nights can provide further insight into participants’ sleep
behavior. We use sleep debt [
], the weighted accumulation
of sleep loss, as one of those measures. Sleep debt is calculated
using the following formula:
−𝑒−𝑖/7∗ (SleepNeed −TimeInBed𝑖)
is the number of days in the past. Note that the dierence
between sleep need and debt is weighted by a decaying exponential
with a time constant of 7 days [
], indicating that recent measure-
ments have greater importance. Whenever a participant skipped
a day of tracking, we impute the missing time-in-bed value using
their average time-in-bed over the past week. Signicant impu-
tation happened in only 12.7% of the weeks (see Section 3.6 for
details). Sleep need is typically estimated in a controlled labora-
tory study, making it challenging to estimate sleep debt in the wild.
Therefore, we estimate sleep need using the approach proposed
by Kitamura et al. [
]. Their approach involves using long nights
of sleep to predict the dierence between sleep need and habitual
sleep (i.e., the average time-in-bed over two weeks) for a minimum
of four nights. We also introduce a simplied sleep history metric
that avoids the notion of sleep need but still captures an aggregate
measure of sleep behavior:
The calculation of sleep history is normalized such that weights
sum to one, making the metric more interpretable as a weighted
average of time-in-bed over the past week.
3.4 Job Performance Metrics
For STUDY 1, we were able to utilize organizational partnerships
to gather the job-specic performance metrics described below:
3.4.1 Performance Metrics for Salespeople. The salespeople who
participated in our study work at a bankruptcy law rm consultancy.
Their job entails elding phone calls from potential clients in need
of bankruptcy relief and referring those callers to an attorney. The
employees collect a fee upon successfully hiring a client, which is
the company’s primary revenue source. Employees in this company
are evaluated on a variety of metrics related to that revenue stream,
such as the amount they collect in fees. However, the distribution
of fees is highly variable ($250–$1750) and primarily dependent
upon the clients rather than the employees themselves. Therefore,
Online Mobile App Usage as an Indicator of Sleep Behavior and Job Performance WWW ’21, April 19–23, 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Metric Description
Bedtime Time at which the user got into their bed
Wake time Time at which the user got out of their bed
Midpoint Midpoint between start and end time
The total time the user spent in bed during a single day including nighttime
sleep and naps, regardless of whether they were sleeping
Sleep debt Weighted average of dierence between sleep need and time-in-bed
Sleep history Weighted average of time-in-bed
Number of hires (salespeo-
Number of contracts made after consulting, normalized by the number of
hours they work
Game grade (athletes)
Score of a player’s game performance out of 100 assigned through three
independent experts
App Usage Interaction time
Time between opening home screen of app to another screen by user’s touch
Table 1: A summary of the metrics we collect in our dataset through three data streams: (1) sleep metrics through the Emt
QS, (2) job performance through the participants’ employers, and (3) app usage through a sleep-tracking mobile app.
we focus on the number of hires per day the salespeople were able
to establish as their job performance metric. This metric follows
a right-sided normal distribution [
] with a mean of 3.80 and a
standard deviation of 3.27 hires per day. Although work hours
were generally consistent across the company, we normalized the
number of hires a salesperson made by the number of hours they
worked that day to account for whatever variance remained.
3.4.2 Performance Metrics for Athletes. The athletes who partici-
pated in our study play in a professional American football league
in the United States. We gather job performance metrics for the ath-
letes’ performance during weekly games using Pro Football Focus
(PFF). PFF evaluates athletes using the following procedure [
two experts score every play the athlete is involved in, a third expert
resolves disagreements between those experts, an external group
of ex-players and coaches veries the scores, and then the scores
are summed together and normalized to a grade between 0–100.
Although PFF is not purely quantitative, the experts can account
for in-game context that is lost by purely statistical methods (e.g.,
injuries, matchups). For this reason, PFF has been used in the past
literature for assessing performance in football [18, 29, 73].
In American football, each player has their own unique skill set
according to their position; for example, quarterbacks are typically
known for their throwing ability and wide receivers are known for
their speed and catching ability. The notion of positional special-
ization makes it dicult to compare athletes across positions in a
purely quantitative way, especially since some skills are position-
specic. Nevertheless, PFF’s method of expert observation and score
normalization allows them to produce an overall game performance
grade that can be used to compare athletes across positions.
3.5 Sleep-Tracking App Usage Metrics
Participants had to interact with a sleep-tracking app in order to
examine their sleep summaries, so we leverage these interactions as
a novel source of data. We take inspiration from Altho et al. [
] by
using app interaction time—the time between two touch events in
the app—as an app-based performance metric. App interaction time
is not meant to be a direct replacement of the PVT; instead, it serves
as a more general measure of cognition by measuring the user’s
ability to process information on the app’s screen. Interaction speed
can be confounded by the content that is shown on the screen. To
account for this confound, we restrict our analysis of app interaction
time to transitions from the home screen (shown in Figure 1) to
other endpoints within or outside of the app.
3.6 Data Filtering and Post-Processing
Sleep behavior, job performance, and app interaction metrics (Ta-
ble 1) were collected from separate sources at dierent intervals.
Therefore, post-processing was needed to join and collate them.
3.6.1 General Post-Processing. We followed best-practices in prepar-
ing mobile app data for analysis [
]. The calculation of time-in-bed
included naps, which were either automatically annotated if the
user’s bedtime or wake time fell in the afternoon (12:00-18:00)
or manually annotated by the user. Naps appeared in 9.3% of the
nightly sleep metrics (62% automatically tagged vs. 38% manually
annotated), contributing an additional 1.22 hours to time-in-bed
on average. Sleep events when participants spent more than 16
hours in bed in a single session were attributed to faulty sensing
and removed from the dataset. The remaining nights, along with
imputed averages for missing values, were used for calculating
sleep debt and sleep history. A full week of sleep data was available
for calculating 46.9% of the cumulative sleep metrics, meaning that
no imputation was needed for them; three or more nights were only
missing in 12.7% of the cumulative sleep metrics. When cumulative
sleep metrics were calculated without imputation, the standard de-
viation of the times within the same week was only 1 hour and 10
minutes; this shows that there was not signicant variance within
a week, justifying the use of a short-term average. For the analy-
ses related to app-based performance, interaction events that were
shorter than 0.45 seconds (2
-percentile) were excluded since
these were likely accidental or automatically generated by the app
itself; events longer than 54.83 seconds (97
-percentile) were
excluded since they were likely indicative of the user engaging in
another activity.
3.6.2 Job-Specific Filtering. Job performance data for the salespeo-
ple was collected on a daily basis. Therefore, every night of sleep
that a salesperson tracked with their Emt QS was collated with
WWW ’21, April 19–23, 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia Park and Arian, et al.
STUDY 1 Statistics Salespeople Athletes
Number of participants 15 19
Total unique days with both sleep-tracking and job performance measurements
118 171
Total unique days with both app interaction and job performance measurements
122 46
Total nights of sleep tracked with app-based performance measure 234 418
Total nights of sleep tracked 834 2,687
Total number of transitions between screens 679 909
Total number of times app was opened 425 691
Nights of sleep tracked per user (avg ±std) 46.33 ±37.45 133.1 ±89.92
Time-in-bed in hours (avg ±std) 7.283 ±2.020 7.308 ±1.920
Days of app use per user (avg ±std) 28.25 ±21.06 40.65 ±50.43
Table 2: Summary statistics for our dataset in STUDY 1 after the ltering described in Section 3.6.
Sleep Metrics
Raw Metrics Per-Person Z-Normalized Metrics
Time-in-Bed Sleep Debt Sleep History Time-in-Bed Sleep Debt Sleep History
NFL Player
Game Grades
(𝑁= 19)
0.086 (
Hires per Day
(𝑁= 15)
0.039 (
0.164 (
Table 3: Spearman correlation coecients between sleep behavior and job performance. P-values are provided in parentheses;
results with p-value < 0.05 are shown in bold.
the job performance metric from the next day. Aligning the data
streams for the athletes was more dicult since they had games on
a weekly basis. The athletes also had to travel to games away from
their home stadium, leaving larger gaps in their sleep-tracking data.
To accommodate these issues, we aligned the weekly PFF grades
with the sleep behavior metrics from the most recent tracked night
of sleep within the two nights before the relevant game day; if no
nights were tracked in that span, the game grade from that week
was ltered out.
3.7 Distribution of Job Performance Data
Using D’Agostino’s
test [
], we determined that the job per-
formance metrics in our dataset were non-normally distributed
(number of hires:
; game grades:
). The same holds true for app-based performance (
5177, p<1
) and app event count (
Therefore, we use Spearman’s Rank Correlation (
) across all cor-
relational analyses throughout this paper.
Our rst study investigates
within a cohort of 15
salespeople and 19 athletes. Table 2 shows the summary statistics of
our dataset after post-processing. The large standard deviations in
the various metrics are due to the logistics of our study. Participants
were recruited throughout the 18-month-long period, so some peo-
ple had many more opportunities to use the sleep-tracking tools
than others.
4.1 RQ.1: The Relationship Between Sleep
Behavior and Job Performance
Using the objective job performance metrics we were able to ob-
tain from our participants’ employers, we rst examine whether
better sleep behavior improves job performance. To the best of our
knowledge, our study is the largest to date on this topic without
any constraints on how participants slept or went about their daily
jobs [
]. The code for all of our analyses can be found in the
GitHub repository associated with this project7.
4.1.1 Analysis Procedure. For this analysis, we calculate correlation
coecients between the job performance metrics and three sleep
behavior metrics: time-in-bed, sleep debt, and sleep history. Sleep
metrics can vary across individuals due to genetic predisposition
and other possible confounds [
], so we repeat the analysis
using standardized sleep behavior metrics according the Z-score
within each individual’s data. Participants who did not track at
least 5 nights of sleep were excluded from this analysis to ensure
that the data was representative of their typical sleep behavior. The
salespeople and athletes contributed data from 118 and 171 nights
of sleep with corresponding job performance metrics, respectively.
4.1.2 Results. The correlation coecients between the sleep be-
havior and job performance metrics in our dataset are presented in
Table 3. The analysis reveals positive, statistically signicant corre-
lations in some, but not all, cases. For the salespeople, sleep debt was
positively correlated with the number of hires they made (
=0.022). For the athletes, normalized sleep history (
and sleep debt (
=0.031) were both positively correlated
with game performance. Fewer correlations were found for the
salespeople than the athletes, which could be due to the nature
7Code available at https://github.com/cjpark87/mobile-app- sleep-performance.
Online Mobile App Usage as an Indicator of Sleep Behavior and Job Performance WWW ’21, April 19–23, 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
-- - - - -
- - -
ρ ρ
Sleep History Z-Norm
- - -
Sleep Debt Z-Norm
(a) Sleep Debt
- - -
Sleep History Z-Norm
- - -
Sleep Debt Z-Norm
(b) Normalized Sleep History
- - -
Sleep Debt Z-Norm
(c) Normalized Sleep Debt
Figure 2: Regression plots showing the eect sizes for the
statistically signicant results from Table 3. The job perfor-
mance of both the (a) salespeople and (b+c) athletes is sensi-
tive to cumulative sleep metrics. Throughout the paper, the
data are binned into discrete and evenly distributed inter-
vals (quintiles or deciles). Point estimate and error bars rep-
resent mean estimate (black) and standard error (blue), re-
spectively. Orange lines represent the best linear regression
t to the raw data along with standard errors (shaded area).
of their jobs. The athletes rely on millisecond-scale reaction times
during their games, whereas salespeople do not need to operate at
such a rapid pace. These results could imply that careers focused on
physical and psychomotor skills may be more strongly aected by
sleep behaviors than careers that focus primarily on cognition. The
fact that multiple correlations emerged between cumulative sleep
behavior metrics and job performance, combined with the lack
of such correlations from single-day metrics, suggests that sleep
over an extended period has a stronger impact on a person’s job
performance than a single night of sleep. Additionally, the general
increase in correlation coecients after the sleep behavior metrics
were normalized within individuals supports the notion that sleep
needs and behaviors vary between individuals.
We further analyze the statistically signicant correlations by
measuring their eect sizes, which are shown in Figure 2. One
hour of sleep debt by the average salesperson was associated with
a 2.2% decrease in the number of hires they were able to make.
Since sleep debt is a weighted sum of sleep decits, another way
to consider this eect size is by saying that one hour of sleep loss
the night before was associated with 1.9% fewer hires. The average
salesperson made 3.8 hires per workday and collected $936 in fees
per hire. Therefore, a 1.9% decrease translates to a $67 loss per
day. The average athlete experienced a 2.0% drop (1.3 points) in
their game grade when they lost one hour of sleep the night before.
Although these performance decreases may appear small, they can
accumulate over time or across multiple people on the same team.
In fact, sleep debt implies that a decit can be spread over multiple
(a) Game Grade
(b) Hires Per Hour
Figure 3: Regression plots showing the eect sizes between
app-based performance and (a) overall game grade and (b)
hires per day. App interaction time is sensitive to the job
performance of the athletes, but not the salespeople.
days, so one hour of sleep loss the night before is equivalent to 2.4
hours of sleep loss a week before or 0.2 hours of sleep loss every
day for a week. A more severe, but not uncommon scenario of
losing an hour of sleep every day for a week is equivalent to losing
4.75 hours of sleep yesterday or 11.2 hours of sleep one week ago.
On average, this loss in sleep debt was associated with a 9.5% (6.2
points) reduction in game performance, and a 9.0% ($317) reduction
in hires for salespeople.
4.2 RQ.2: The Relationship Between App
Interaction Time and Job Performance
Having supported the hypothesis that better sleep behavior is cor-
related with heightened job performance, we now explore the pos-
sibility of leveraging passively captured app interaction data as
a non-invasive indicator of job performance. We investigate this
question on the basis that app-based performance provides an in-
situ measurement of psychomotor and cognitive function that may
be easier to track than sleep behavior or job performance itself.
4.2.1 Analysis Procedure. To examine whether app interaction
time could serve as a non-invasive indicator of job performance,
we calculate the correlation between these two data sources. We
also t least squares models between app interaction time and job
performance metrics to determine eect sizes. The salespeople and
athletes contributed data from 122 and 46 unique days with both
app interaction and job performance measurements; note that this is
a many-to-one relationship since participants frequently interacted
with their app multiple times in the same day.
4.2.2 Results. Figure 3 shows real-world job performance against
app interaction time for those participants. App interaction time
was not found to be signicantly correlated with the number of hires
the salespeople made (
=0.411). A signicant correlation
was found between app interaction time and the athletes’ game
grade (
=0.0455). The eect size shows that athletes who
were 10 seconds faster in their app interaction time had an average
of 5 more points in game grades. Our app interaction metric is
partly related to reaction time, so the discrepancy between athletes
and salespeople in this analysis may be because the athletes’ day-
to-day activities require rapid, precise reactions; the salespeople’s
activities, on the other hand, are typically more forgiving with
respect to psychomotor function. Another explanation could be that
WWW ’21, April 19–23, 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia Park and Arian, et al.
Raw Sleep Data
Per Person
Z-Normalization of Sleep Data
Time-in- Sleep Sleep Time-in- Sleep Sleep
Bed History Debt Bed History Debt
Interaction -0.015 -0.055 -0.095 0.006 -0.012 -0.010
Time (𝑝=0.049) (𝑝=3.9×10−11) (𝑝=5.2×10−30)(𝑝=0.483) (𝑝=0.140) (𝑝=0.230)
Table 4: Spearman correlation coecients between sleep behavior and app-based performance. P-values are provided in paren-
theses; results with p-value < 0.05 are shown in bold.
STUDY 2 Statistics Participants
Number of participants 274
Total nights of sleep tracked with app-based
performance measurements
Total nights of sleep tracked 30,618
Total number of transitions between screens 16,336
Total number of times app was opened 11,140
Nights of sleep tracked per user (avg ±std) 109.2 ±91.81
Time-in-bed in hours (avg ±std) 7.338 ±1.628
Days of app use per user (avg ±std) 43.68 ±46.48
App interaction time in seconds (avg ±std) 10.14 ±10.02
Table 5: Summary statistics for our dataset in STUDY 2 after
the ltering described in Section 3.6.
PFF includes contextual information, such as whether the opponent
presented a favorable matchup during a game; the number of hires
a salesperson can make in a given day is more dependent upon
external factors (e.g., customer needs, health of the economy).
The previous study revealed statistically signicant correlations
between our app-based performance measurement and athletic job
performance, but not salesperson job performance. These ndings
highlight the fact that jobs can be extremely diverse (e.g., unique
skill requirements and methods of rating performance), making
it challenging to test the generalizability of our ndings even fur-
ther. If app interaction time is truly an indicator of performance, it
should be sensitive to factors that are known to impact psychomo-
tor function. Therefore, we conducted an exploration on a broader
population of 274 participants to support the idea that app-based
performance truly captures aspects of a person’s psychomotor and
cognitive function. Using the PVT, sleep researchers have demon-
strated that psychomotor and cognitive function improve with
better sleep behavior [
]. Separately, computing researchers
have shown that the timing between interaction events in a desktop
or smartphone can be an indicator of psychomotor and cognitive
function [
]. Our third and nal research question (
) aims
to join these two bodies of literature. Table 5 shows the summary
statistics of the dataset used for this analysis after post-processing.
5.1 RQ.3: The Relationship Between App
Interaction Time and Sleep Behavior
5.1.1 Analysis Procedure. It is well established that psychomotor
and cognitive function vary throughout the day due to circadian
rhythms homeostatic sleep drive, and sleep inertia, collectively
(a) Time-in-bed
(b) Sleep History
(c) Sleep Debt
Figure 4: Regression plots showing the eect sizes for the
statistically signicant results from Table 4. App interaction
time is sensitive to many sleep metrics: (a) time-in-bed, (b)
sleep history, and (c) sleep debt.
forming the three-process model of sleep [
]. Any per-
formance indicator should therefore be sensitive to variations of
time and sleep. To examine whether this is the case for our app-
based performance metric, we evaluate the relationship between
app interaction time and four dierent measures: time of day, time
since wake-up, sleep debt, and sleep history. Beyond calculating
the correlation between these two data sources, we also create a
generalized additive model similar to the one proposed by Altho
et al. [
] to characterize app interaction time as a function of sleep
behavior and time of day. We extend this model by incorporating
random eects intercepts for each user, which not only accommo-
dates user-specic performance baselines, but also accounts for
device-specic eects like the rendering capabilities of the user’s
smartphone. If some participants took certain medications, regu-
larly napped, or consistently consumed high quantities of caeine,
these confounds would be adjusted through the random intercepts
as well. Our participants logged 7,195 nights of sleep that were
paired with at least one app interaction event during the same day.
5.1.2 Results. Table 4 summarizes the correlation coecients be-
tween sleep behavior and app interaction time. Time-in-bed (
049), sleep history (
), and
Online Mobile App Usage as an Indicator of Sleep Behavior and Job Performance WWW ’21, April 19–23, 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
sleep debt (
) had negative correlations
with app interaction time; in other words, participants with better
sleep behaviors had faster app interaction times. Although the corre-
lation coecients on individual performance are rather small due to
signicant variation within and across participants, these estimates
align with ndings from previous work [
]. When averaging
the app interaction times of samples within a certain sleep metric
bin, the eect sizes are practically meaningful and span dierences
of up to 2.5 seconds. For example, as shown in Figure 4(c), one hour
less of sleep debt was associated with app interactions times that
were 0.175 seconds slower than the average. Another way to frame
this eect size is that one hour less of daily sleep over the past week
was associated with app interaction times that were 0.72 seconds
slower. As before, the cumulative sleep behavior metrics exhibited
stronger correlations than total time-in-bed; however, app-based
performance correlated better with non-normalized sleep behavior
metrics. This result suggests that the minimal complexity of the
app interaction task engendered less variance across individuals.
Moreover, we found that extended sleep does not improve psy-
chomotor performance. Figure 4(b) shows that app interaction time
was fastest when individuals had an average of 7.75 hours of daily
sleep over the past week. Similar U-shaped relationships have also
been reported in previous work on psychomotor performance [
and other outcomes (e.g., mortality [53]).
Since we found statistically signicant correlations between cu-
mulative sleep behavior metrics and job performance, we used
sleep history and sleep debt in generalized additive models. Fig-
ure 5 shows the variation of app interaction time as a function
of time of day, time since wake-up, and the aforementioned met-
rics. We nd that app interaction times are slowest at night and
fastest between 3-6 PM; the dierence between those extremes is
approximately 1.5 seconds. Note that the relationship between app
interaction time and time of day (Figure 5, top) generally aligns with
circadian rhythm processes as measured through controlled sleep
studies [
]. Our results also align with the chronobiological
process of sleep inertia [
] since participants had slower app inter-
action times within one hour of waking up (Figure 5, middle). App
interaction time decreases in the rst six hours after wake-up and
then begins to increase again, consistent with both the chronobio-
logical process of homeostatic sleep drive [
] and previous work
examining click speeds in search engines [
]. App interaction time
increased by an average of 0.4 seconds when sleep history improved
from 6 to 8 hours, and app interaction time increased by 0.5 seconds
beyond the threshold of -5 sleep debt hours. In other words, when
participants lost one hour of sleep daily for a week, they exhibited
app interaction times that were 5% (0.5 seconds) slower. Note that
this estimate is slightly less than the estimate of 0.72 seconds in
Figure 4(c). The dierence between the two estimates is explained
by the fact that the generalized additive model controls for the
impacts of circadian rhythm, homeostatic sleep drive, and sleep
inertia, as well as participant-specic baselines through random
Establishing the relationship between sleep behavior and job per-
formance has been a challenge in the past due to the diculty
(a) Accounting for Sleep History (b) Accounting for Sleep Debt
Figure 5: Generalized additive models of app interaction
time accounting for (a) sleep history and (b) sleep debt. In
both cases, the models account for (top row) the local time
in the participant’s time zone, (center row) time since wake-
up, and (bottom row) sleep behavior. These models show
that app interaction time is sensitive to sleep behaviors in-
cluding circadian rhythm, time awake, and cumulative sleep
metrics. Both models include random intercepts for each
participant, and standard errors are shown.
in collecting objective measures in real-world settings. By taking
advantage of ubiquitous sleep-tracking technology and the increas-
ing desire within companies to evaluate job performance through
data, our research signies a major step towards understanding
this relationship. We demonstrate that an app-based performance
metric is correlated with both job performance metrics and sleep
behaviors in a way that is consistent with sleep biology. This high-
lights an interesting opportunity for future assessments of sleep
and performance in uncontrolled settings. Below, we describe the
implications and limitations of our work.
6.1 Opportunities for Passive Sensing
The PVT has been used to measure psychomotor and cognitive func-
tion in the wild [
]; however, the PVT can be disruptive if deployed
at inopportune moments. Other prior work has required partici-
pants to adhere to a strict sleep schedule in order to measure the
eects of sleep on behavior [
]. In our work, we found that our
instantiation of app-based performance was correlated with both
better sleep behavior and athletic job performance, suggesting the
potential power of a passive, nonintrusive performance indicator.
Passive sensing through ubiquitous technologies like smartphones
WWW ’21, April 19–23, 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia Park and Arian, et al.
can enables continuous data collection for the study of populations
that have traditionally been dicult to recruit to controlled studies.
We restricted our correlation analysis of app-based performance
to comparable interactions within the sleep-tracking app that started
from the home screen and involved single touches; however, not
all interactions are created equal, nor does app interaction time tell
the whole story about how the user is engaging with the app’s con-
tent. Some screens require more time to process than others, and
longer processing times may indicate that the user is engaging more
with the displayed information. Understanding how app interaction
time is a function of on-screen content could be explored further
to enable more robust measurements. Beyond app interaction time,
comparable performance metrics have also been elicited through
other interactions like typing and web browsing [
]. Re-
sponses to alarms and notications could also provide more natural
opportunities for capturing app-based performance in the future.
6.2 Implications for Sleep-Tracking Apps
One design recommendation that we propose for sleep-tracking
apps involves personalized views of sleep metrics. Many researchers
have noted that sleep behaviors are unique according to genetic
predisposition and chronotyping [
]. Throughout our analy-
ses, there were cases when normalizing sleep behavior metrics
according to each user’s history produced statistically signicant
correlations, but the same was not true for the raw data. Present-
ing raw values in combination with data that is scaled relative to
the individual could provide useful insights to users in the future.
Because sleep quality is subjective and not well-dened [
future apps could also allow users to explore what sleep metrics
matter to their perceived sleep quality. In fact, we posit that job
performance may be inuenced by a person’s perception of their
own sleep quality, so our research may inform ways of exploring
this matter in the future.
Finally, lapses in sleep tracking and the resulting lack of data
are an important consequence of real-world data collection that
should be addressed. Our dataset exhibited an extreme case of
this issue since athletes can be away from home for at least 3-
4 days at a time; nevertheless, travel is a regular occurrence for
many people. The cumulative sleep metrics in our dataset—sleep
history and sleep debt—were most informative in our analyses
related to sleep behavior. We used the average time-in-bed of nearby
nights for imputation when a participant skipped a night of sleep
tracking (Section 3.6). Future work could explore other alternatives
to imputation, such as improving generative models through deep
learning [
] or multi-device sensing to remedy data gaps [
6.3 Additional Context Information
PFF game grades are able to incorporate context because they are
assigned by experts who watch the games and understand the ath-
letes’ match. Our other data streams, however, lacked such context.
For example, the performance of salespeople depends on the de-
mand of their goods and services. Job performance in general is
also a function of experience and division of labor. Such informa-
tion from managers and worker proles could be incorporated for
rened analyses in future work.
Sleep is known to be aected by a wide variety of factors: age [
], ambient light [
], caeine intake [
], and diet [
], to
name a few. The eect of travel between time zones (2–3 hour dier-
ence) has not been shown to signicantly impact sleep [
], but an
eect has been demonstrated on athletic performance [
]. Measur-
ing these factors through sensors and accounting for their eects in
statistical analyses could improve evidence of links between sleep
behavior, job performance, and app usage.
6.4 Limitations
Our dataset included participants from a bankruptcy law rm con-
sultancy and the NFL, which allowed us to compare two populations
with distinct job demands whose job performance can be quantied
eectively. In both cases, we were able to identify sleep behavior
metrics that correlated with job performance; however, the correla-
tions manifested in dierent sleep behavior metrics (e.g., sleep debt
for salespeople, personalized sleep history for athletes) (Section 4.1.
Beyond the discrepancy between the two groups’ job demands, the
dierences in results can also be attributed to idiosyncrasies within
the job performance metrics themselves. For the salespeople, the
number of hires an employee is able to make may depend on the
state of the economy and the rate of bankruptcy in the country.
For the athletes, the subjective nature of the expert’s grades can
manifest in anchoring eects towards common values [
]. We use
rank-based correlation methods and per-person normalization to
account for some of these idiosyncrasies (Section 4.1), but future
work should explore and compare alternative sources of job per-
formance data. Furthermore, an exciting avenue of research may
entail the creation of a job performance metric that generalizes
across dierent careers.
Although salespeople and athletes have very dierent job de-
mands, they do not cover the entire spectrum of careers. Each
profession has its own demands and may not overlap with either
of the ones that were included in our study. There was also an
element of selection bias in our participant pool; the people who
enrolled in our observational study may have been more excited to
track their sleep and interact with the app than the average person,
producing inated app engagement measurements. Similarly, the
observational and correlational nature of our data preclude us from
making causal inferences. Learning about how our ndings may
generalize to other populations remains an area of future work.
Lastly, there are many confounds that could have aected our
datasets. People have unique habits that aect their sleep behavior
and job performance [
]. Unique smartphone parameters
like clock speed or operating system throttling due to current bat-
tery level aect app interaction time. We addressed within-person
confounds as much as possible via statistical methods. For our corre-
lational analyses, we examined both raw and per-person normalized
sleep behavior metrics (Section 4.1, 4.2, 5.1). For our generalized
additive model of app interaction time against sleep behavior and
time of day, we utilized random eects intercepts to accommodate
for performance baselines, habits, and device specications specic
to each participant (Section 5.1). These steps helped us account for
confounds that existed throughout a participant’s enrollment in
the study, including regular medication intake, naps, or caeine
Online Mobile App Usage as an Indicator of Sleep Behavior and Job Performance WWW ’21, April 19–23, 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Many people recognize that improving sleep behavior benets job
performance, but the precise relationship between the two has been
dicult to capture and quantify in the past. Our study advances
the literature in this space by providing a correlational analysis
between objectively measured sleep behavior metrics from a mat-
tress sensor and job performance metrics from a bankruptcy law
rm and the NFL. Our ndings suggest that establishing good sleep
behaviors over extended periods is more important to job perfor-
mance than simply getting a good night’s sleep one day prior. We
also found evidence that passively captured app interaction metrics
can serve as a useful indicator for some job performance and sleep
measures, thereby highlighting another mechanism through which
researchers can collect relevant psychomotor and cognitive per-
formance measures at scale. It is our hope that our work inspires
researchers to examine in-situ sleep behaviors and performance
measures across diverse contexts to further develop our understand-
ing of human performance.
This research has been supported in part by NSF grant IIS-1901386,
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (INV-004841), the Allen Institute
for Articial Intelligence, and a Microsoft AI for Accessibility grant.
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