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#Sport #Gesundheit #Digital. Der Kongress zu Chancen und Risiken der Digitalisierung in Sport und Gesundheit



In ihrem 50. Jubiläumsjahr lud die Technische Universität Kaiserslautern am 26. und 27. November 2020 zu einem Höhepunkt ein: dem Kongress #Sport #Gesundheit #Digital. Für zwei Tage wurden im Rahmen eines Online-Forums gemeinsam die Themenfelder Sport, Gesundheit und Digitalisierung diskutiert. Wir freuen uns sehr, dass die Techniker Krankenkasse die TUK als Ausrichter der Veranstaltung besonders unterstützt hat. #SGD – Der Kongress setzte an der Schnittstelle von Sport, Gesundheit und Digitalisierung an und beleuchtete Chancen und Möglichkeiten, die durch das Zusammenspiel dieser Disziplinen entstehen können. Gleichzeitig wurden Risiken und Herausforderungen der digitalen Entwicklungen in Sport und Gesundheit betrachtet und perspektivisch mit Blick in die Zukunft analysiert. Hochkarätige Beiträge aus Wissenschaft und Praxis aus allen für das Themenspektrum relevanten Fachrichtungen sorgten für ein hohes Maß an Abwechslung und Transfer. Der Kongress richtete sich dabei nicht nur an Personen aus Wissenschaft und Praxis der Bereiche Gesundheitswesen und -management, Medizin und Psychologie. Ebenso angesprochen wurden Übungsleitende und Angehörige aus Hochschulsport und Sportwissenschaft, Studierende und Mitarbeitende aller bezogenen Fachrichtungen sowie alle allgemein interessierten Personen. Der vorliegende Kongressband stellt die Sammlung der Kongressinhalte dar. Neben den schriftlichen Beiträgen lassen sich hier auch Impressionen der Kongresstage und die Vorträge als interaktiv eingebundene Videos finden.
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Wenn der Einsatz von Unterrichtsvideos für das Lernen von Lehrpersonen effektiv sein soll, so muss er auf der Grundlage solider empirischer Erkenntnisse beruhen. Aus diesem Grund wurde ein Review von seit dem Jahr 2000 erschienenen empirischen Studien unternommen, die im Hinblick auf Wirkungen, Prozesse und Bedingungen des Videoeinsatzes in der Aus- und Weiterbildung von Lehrpersonen analysiert wurden. Erste Resultate dieses Reviews deuten darauf hin, dass visuelles Feedback – auch im Sinne von Selbstkonfrontation – das Lernen von Lehrpersonen effektiver machen kann, da es ihnen dabei hilft, ihr berufliches Denken und Handeln zu verbinden. Aus Sicht der Forschung nötig ist ein Verständnis der Zusammenhänge zwischen den Personenmerkmalen von Lehrpersonen, den Prozessen von Wahrnehmung, Feedback, Deutung, Reflexion und Handeln sowie der kontinuierlichen Entwicklung der professionellen Kompetenz und Motivation von Lehrpersonen. Diese Faktoren werden im Beitrag als Komponenten des Modells «Visuelles Lernen von Lehrpersonen» dargestellt.
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Background Subjective health is usually related to objective health status. Several studies have shown that students of therapeutic professions and medicine are predisposed to neck and back pain and may suffer from gratification crises. A gratification crisis is a specific stress constellation with high effort expenditure and low reward. Long-term or recurrent experiences of gratification crises in students result in pronounced stress reactions and the associated health risks. Objectives Descriptive representation and hierarchical regression analysis of the relationship between musculoskeletal complaints (MSB), gratification crises, social resources and the subjective health of students. Methods The survey among students of the Hochschule für Gesundheit Bochum who were enrolled in summer semester 2018 (N = 1168) was conducted by means of soSci Survey using standardized instruments and was analysed with Software R. Results Data sets of 302 students could be used for the analysis (response rate 26%). The strongest MSB were in the neck, shoulders, and upper and lower back. Overall, the group “39 years and older” had the highest pain values (except for forearm/wrist and lower leg/foot). Students who have more pain in the neck and lower back and who tend to overcommitment rate their subjective health worse. Conclusions These results are particularly disturbing for a group just starting their career in the health care professions. Neck and back pain can jeopardize career longevity and exacerbate the predicted shortage of labour. Measures to reduce MSB and master the psychological challenges of study should be included in curricula to protect future employees in the health sector.
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The all-relevant problem of feature selection is the identification of all strongly and weakly relevant attributes. This problem is especially hard to solve for time series classification and regression in industrial applications such as predictive maintenance or production line optimization, for which each label or regression target is associated with several time series and meta-information simultaneously. Here, we are proposing an efficient, scalable feature extraction algorithm, which filters the available features in an early stage of the machine learning pipeline with respect to their significance for the classification or regression task, while controlling the expected percentage of selected but irrelevant features. The proposed algorithm combines established feature extraction methods with a feature importance filter. It has a low computational complexity, allows to start on a problem with only limited domain knowledge available, can be trivially parallelized, is highly scalable and based on well studied non-parametric hypothesis tests. We benchmark our proposed algorithm on all binary classification problems of the UCR time series classification archive as well as time series from a production line optimization project and simulated stochastic processes with underlying qualitative change of dynamics.
Conference Paper
The use of videos in teaching is not a new phenomenon. Nevertheless, in the context of the digital turn, videos are increasingly becoming the focus of formal and informal teaching/learning processes at universities. This is mainly due to simple production and distribution possibilities and the advantages associated with video as a learning form. For example, it can be quite advantageous for students if lectures are "preserved" and can be consumed multiple times depending on their own learning preferences. From the point of view of the teachers, on the other hand, this is a economical form of storing learning content, which occurs "incidentally", so to speak. On the basis of an empirical analysis of demand and the current state of the art, this article explores the question of the prevalence and didactic purpose of video use in university teaching. The analysis was based on a proposal for a systematics of the different video types, which is presented for discussion in the context of the paper.
The University of Vermont Wellness Environment program is a neuroscience-inspired, incentive-based behavioral change program designed to improve health and academic outcomes in college-age students. The program uses health promotion and illness prevention delivered in classrooms, residential halls, and via a customized App that incentivizes healthy behaviors and monitors the use of health-promoting activities. This article presents feasibility data on participation of college students in ongoing data collection about key outcomes related to health and well-being. The data collection component were easily implemented in college students and yielded high-quality data.
Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of interventions targeting alcohol consumption, drug use and smoking for college/university students. Participants: College/University students Methods: Studies were eligible if: (1)included students attending universities/colleges; (2)implemented in a university/college setting; (3)aimed to improve at least one of the following behaviors: alcohol and/or drug use and/or smoking; (4)were RCTs. The effect of the interventions on behaviors was determined by the percentage of studies that reported an effect. Due to the heterogeneity of outcomes meta-analysis was not conducted. Results: 88 studies met criteria. University-based interventions were effective for reducing alcohol-related outcomes (drinking patterns, BAC, consequences, problem drinking). Inconsistent findings for drug and smoking were observed. Conclusions: University-based interventions have the potential to improve health for students. While there is a breadth of research examining the efficacy of interventions to reduce alcohol consumption, further research is needed to determine the best approach for addressing smoking and drug use among students.
Der Einsatz von Film und Video als Werkzeuge in Trainings- und Lernprozessen ist etabliert, eine Begründung über aktuelle lerntheoretische Ansätze möglich und verschiedene konkrete Nutzungsszenarien sind dokumentiert und z.T. auch eva-luiert. Mit der Möglichkeit der Abbildung einer (Lern-)Situation über alle Ebenen und Richtungen eröffnen 360°-Videos im Vergleich zu „klassischen“ Bewegtbild-formaten neue didaktische Optionen, die vor allem auf eine individuelle Raum-aneignung durch die selbstbestimmte Auswahl und Veränderung eines Bildaus-schnitts sowie das immersive Potential dieser Aufnahmen aufsetzen. Ausgehend von einer Betrachtung der Potentiale wird im vorliegenden Beitrag die 360°-Video-Technologie erklärt, Anwendungsbeispiele vorgestellt und erste eige-ne Erfahrungen in der Nutzung dieser vergleichsweise noch neuen Medien-Technologie diskutiert.
Objective This report aimed to systematically review the evidence for a differential association between objective and self-reported physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness on academic achievement. Design Systematic review. Data sources Studies were identified from searches in Embase, Education Resources Information Center, PubMed, PsycINFO, SPORTdiscus and Web of Science databases from January 2000 to December 2016. Eligibility criteria for selecting studies Eligibility criteria included cross-sectional, longitudinal and interventional study designs. Outcomes included students’ school grade or a standardised test or measure of academic achievement. Explanatory variables were cardiorespiratory fitness and objective and self-reported physical activity. Inclusion criteria included school-aged children and adolescents aged–18 years (or students from primary to secondary school when student’s participants age was not described) and articles published in English, Portuguese or Spanish. Results A total of 51 articles met inclusion criteria: 41 cross-sectional, 2 intervention and 8 longitudinal studies. Results from 11 studies were inconsistent regarding the relationship between objectively measured physical activity and academic achievement. Ten of the 16 articles reported positive associations between self-reported physical activity and academic achievement. From the 22 studies that analysed the relationship between cardiorespiratory fitness and academic achievement, it was verified that they all generally support the beneficial effect of cardiorespiratory fitness on students’ academic achievement. Conclusion Higher cardiorespiratory fitness may be important to enhance children and adolescents’ health and, additionally, academic achievement. Due to a lack of consensus across studies, methodological issues associated with the assessment of physical activity should be considered when investigating physical activity and academic achievement.
The hip joint transfers upper body load to the lower limbs and plays an important role in maintaining balance and stability during locomotion. Muscles around the hip joint are also the major postural muscles in our body. A diseased hip joint experiences diminished function affecting the activity of daily living gravely. Furthermore, being a part of the closed kinetic chain, as the disease progresses, problems originating at the hip joint start showing effects on the neighboring joints including pelvis, knee, ankle and spine. The gold standard treatment for end-stage hip disease is total hip arthroplasty (THA). From a clinical perspective, total hip replacement is considered to be one of the most successful orthopedic surgeries in terms of patient outcome, based on self-reported questionnaires for health status. However, gait, being the major function of the hip joint, tends not to be assessed objectively in the outcome analysis of THA surgery. In research settings, THA has consistently shown a positive outcome with improved gait parameters compared to preoperative analysis. Note that this recovery is still not reported to be 100% in comparing to healthy controls and, as a result, objective assessment data during the early postoperative period can also be used to help design tailor-made rehabilitation protocols for individual patients, optimizing outcome results. This chapter details gait alteration in hip arthritis and improvement in gait following THA.
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