... Low cyber knowledge Unawareness of information protection strategies Schmidt et al., 2023;Attrash-Najjar et al., 2023 Unawareness of the functions of online networks Schmidt et al., 2023;Rohanachandra et al., 2023;Moorman & Romano, 2023; Unawareness of cyberspace risks Rohanachandra et al., 2023;Moorman & Romano, 2023;Haginoya et al., 2021;Bounds, 2021 Unawareness of the nature of online relationships Schmidt et al., 2023;Rohanachandra et al., 2023;Pusch et al., 2020;Müller et al., 2014 Unawareness of ethical and religious standards in online environments Bouchard et al., 2023;Attrash-Najjar et al., 2023;Moorman & Romano, 2023 Low emotional awareness in online environments Rohanachandra et al., 2023;Attrash-Najjar et al., 2023;Joleby et al., 2021;Bounds, 2021 Lack of awareness-raising about mental and sexual health in online media Cirik et al., 2023;Attrash-Najjar et al., 2023;Moorman & Romano, 2023;Hamilton-Giachritsis et al., 2020;Kilimnik et al., 2020;Müller et al., 2014 The failure to understand the impact of media on beliefs and individual and collective culture Finkelhor et al., 2023;Bouchard et al., 2023;Moorman & Romano, 2023;Hornor et al., 2022;Bounds, 2021;Gámez-Guadix et al., 2021 Unawareness of boundaries of online activities Unawareness of privacy issues Cirik et al., 2023;Bouchard et al., 2023;Moorman & Romano, 2023; Unawareness of boundaries in online dating Finkelhor et al., 2023;Cirik et al., 2023;Rohanachandra et al., 2023;Moorman & Romano, 2023;Filice et al., 2022;Pusch et al., 2020 The failure to evaluate online risks Bouchard et al., 2023;Attrash-Najjar et al., 2023;Haginoya et al., 2021 The failure to distinguish between good and bad secrets when interacting with adults Finkelhor et al., 2023;Bouchard et al., 2023;Moorman & Romano, 2023;Müller et al., 2014 The failure to distinguish between influencing and communication strategies in online environments Finkelhor et al., 2023;Bouchard et al., 2023;Attrash-Najjar et al., 2023;Gámez-Guadix et al., 2021;Kilimnik et al., 2020 Low media literacy ...