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Aztec Cannibalism and Maize Consumption: The Serotonin Deficiency Link


Abstract and Figures

In 1977 Michael Harner suggested that the Aztecs might have practiced cannibalism to obtain animal proteins. A year later, Bernard R. Ortiz de Montellano objected that the Aztecs could obtain all the required aminoacids from vegetable sources, and that their cannibalism was simply a thanksgiving ritual, because its occurrence generally coincided the maize harvest. But at about the same time other researchers showed that maize consumption could provoke brain serotonin deficiency, which, in turn, could provoke some neurobehavioral after-effects, such as the tendency towards aggressive behavior or religious/ideological fanaticism. In this study we attempt to show that a maize diet may cause serotonin deficiency and that this could explain cannibalism and other peculiarities of Aztec culture. The conclusions reached in this study are consistent with past and recent evidence of cannibalism among the Anasazi, a people that was similarly heavily dependent on maize for their nourishment. More broadly, our findings indicate a probable alimentary background for aggressive or fanatical behavior in populations heavily dependent on foods that can lower brain serotonin.
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Aztec Cannibalism and Maize consumption: The serotonin deficiency link
Michele Ernandes; Rita Cedrini; Marco Giammanco; Maurizio La Guardia; Andrea ...
Mankind Quarterly; Fall 2002; 43, 1; Social Science Module
pg. 3
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... [2] The introductory section of our review of the academic literature on this topic is based on Wjnkelman (1998) and Ernandes et al. (2002). ...
What social factors predict human sacrifice in premodern societies? After summarising key insights from competing theoretical perspectives that seek to explain the presence of human sacrifice in premodern societies, we empirically assess the explanatory utility of each theory. We draw from Stark's ‘moral communities’ argument and Alexander and Smith's insights regarding cultural autonomy to highlight how the macro-level organisation of premodern societies impacted the practice of human sacrifice. Using data from Murdock and White's Standard Cross-Cultural Sample, logistic regression models suggest that premodern societies that expressed community ties through religious ceremonies were more likely to engage in human sacrifice, while beliefs in spirit aggression are correlated with lower likelihood of human sacrifice. In terms of non-religious factors, societies that experienced frequent famine were slightly less likely to activity in the ancient world are partly a function of societal complexity. We conclude by specifying the theoretical implications of these findings.
The objective of this study was to assess the ecological association of dietary tryptophan intake and suicide rates across industrialized nations. Tryptophan, an essential amino acid, is the rate-limiting precursor of serotonin biosynthesis. The serotonergic system has been strongly implicated in the neurobiology of suicide. Contemporary male and female suicide rates for the general population (42 countries) and the elderly (38 countries) were correlated with national estimates of dietary tryptophan intake. Measures of tryptophan intake were significantly negatively associated to national suicide rates. Controlling for national affluence, total alcohol consumption and happiness levels slightly attenuated these associations, but left all of them negative. The effect is an ecological (group-level) finding. Estimated per capita tryptophan supply is only a proxy for actual consumption. Developed nations ranking high in dietary tryptophan intake rank low in suicide rates, independent of national wealth, alcohol intake and happiness.
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The author surveys the evolutionary structure of the human brain in relation to the phenomenon of human religiosity, with particular reference to the synthesis of serotonin and the human tendency to search for and recognize a "group leader.".
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Ecological, religious, and social predictors of institutionalized human sacrifice are assessed through cross-cultural analysis. While human sacrifice has no significant correlations with measures of agricultural potential, protein, total food, food storage adequacy, and famine risk, there are significant positive correlations with population density, population pressure, and war for land and resources. Population pressure and war for land and resources have independently significant correlations with human sacrifice, and together account for 38% of its variance (multiple R = .62, p < 0.006). A measure of low hierarchical focus of religion provides significant additional explanation of variance (multiple R = .72, R2 = .51, p < .000), suggesting human sacrifice may play a role in ideological integration.
Countries above the median in corn consumption have significantly higher homicide rates than countries below the median in corn cornsumption. Research from a variety of sources suggests the hypothesis that populations consuming corn-based diets may have high homicide rates due to a reduction in brain tryptophan and/or serotonin.
Patients with limited focal frontal and nonfrontal lesions were tested for visual perspective taking and detecting deception. Frontal lobe lesions impaired the ability to infer mental states in others, with dissociation of performance within the frontal lobes. Lesions throughout the frontal lobe, with some suggestion of a more important role for the right frontal lobe, were associated with impaired visual perspective taking. Medial frontal lesions, particularly right ventral, impaired detection of deception. The former may require cognitive processes of the lateral and superior medial frontal regions, the latter affective connections of the ventral medial frontal with amygdala and other limbic regions.
L'A. analyse le theme des mâchoires cosmiques chez les azteques du Mexique ou le ciel est une bouche et la terre une mâchoire a travers quatre types de sources: les images des evenements mythiques ou cosmiques, les images sculpturales ou ecrites de Tlaltecuhtli, deesse de la terre, et Tonatiuh, dieu du soleil, les prieres et les chants decrivant l'alimentation dans l'antimonde, la pratique rituelle de la consommation des guerriers ennemis comme strategie pour acquerir le charisme. L'intention de l'A. est d'identifier les processus et les croyances qui conduisent a la transformation magique du corps humain et corps divin