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International Journal of Technology and Design Education (2022) 32:1495–1513
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The ethical implications ofcollecting data ineducational
settings: discussion onthetechnology andengineering
attitude scale (TEAS) andits psychometric validation
forassessing apre‑engineering design program
ConstanzaMiranda1,2 · JulianGoñi1· AstridPickenpack1· TrinidadSotomayor1
Accepted: 28 January 2021 / Published online: 24 February 2021
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V. part of Springer Nature 2021
K-12 Engineering Education has placed a lot of attention on students’ attitudes or predis-
positions towards science and technology. However, most assessment methods are focused
on STEM as a whole or only on technology. In this article, we will discuss the instru-
ment called Technology and Engineering Attitude Scale (TEAS) which focuses on atti-
tudes towards technology. Previous studies and applications of this particular scale lacked
proper statistical validation of the instrument. The following research looks at the applica-
tion of an adapted version of the TEAS to assess a GEDC awarded pre-engineering design
program in Chile. This version was psychometrically analyzed in 436 cases to validate the
interpretations driven by a particular cultural context and specific to the discipline of engi-
neering. The article focuses on the modifications applied to the instrument after the statisti-
cal validity process. The discussion is centered on the ethical importance of adapting an
existing scale in a valid and reliable way to assess a pre-engineering design program in
a local context. Lessons learned and recommendations for future research in this area are
proposed based on this particular experience.
Keywords Attitudes towards engineering· Pre-engineering education· Technology and
engineering attitudes scale· Research ethics· Engineering design education
Attitudes and perceptions are one of the main research topics in K-12 engineering edu-
cation (Hynes etal. 2017). Perception, as a topic of qualitative research, is conceived as
a set of lenses that shape the individual’s subjective reality (Given 2008). Perceptions
are constructed through different sources; “from perspectives of location, subjectivity,
* Constanza Miranda
1 DILAB School ofEngineering, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile
2 Department ofBiomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, 3400 N. Charles St., Baltimore,
MD21218, USA
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