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The mobile environment of the 2020s is experiencing a vertical video revolution. The portrait, or vertical, screen format is replacing the traditional landscape, or horizontal, format to become the default for mobile video production and consumption. With the increasing use of vertical videos, an important, yet unanswered, question is how mobile users respond to this format. Therefore, we examine the effectiveness of mobile vertical versus horizontal video advertisements in terms of consumer interest, engagement, and processing fluency, as well as the underlying mechanism of the effort of watching the video ad on a smartphone in three studies. In a large-scale field study, we demonstrate that mobile vertical video ads increase consumer interest and engagement compared to horizontal video ads. In two experimental studies, we further show that mobile users process vertical video ads more fluently than horizontal video ads. Exploring the underlying mechanism for this effect, we find that mobile users experience less effort when watching a video ad vertically (vs. horizontally) on the smartphone in full-screen, as watching a vertical video does not require turning the phone. Importantly, we find that mobile users' age moderates this indirect effect, as younger mobile users (Generation Z) process mobile vertical video ads more fluently than older Generations X and Y. This article closes with implications for theory and suggestions for mobile marketers.

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... La riqueza del video radica en su facultad de llegar al mismo tiempo a miles de usuarios y ser compartido en todo tipo de medios (Fernández, 2019). Esta característica ha llamado la atención de diversas marcas y también de los consumidores actuales, que, por los avances tecnológicos, pueden ser los protagonistas del contenido gracias a las cámaras de video presentes en todos los celulares (Fernández, 2019;Mulier et al., 2021;Ojeda, 2012). Por esta misma razón, muchos usuarios se identifican con nuevas plataformas de video como TikTok, la red social de microvideos donde reina la espontaneidad (Herman, 2019;Elson, 2020). ...
... Este caso dio pie a un fenómeno donde cientos de usuarios de todo el mundo se convirtieron en adprosumers de la marca (Ioannou, 2020;Hodgkins, 2020). En ese sentido, actualmente se sabe que TikTok representa una potencial herramienta que puede ayudar a las marcas y sus productos a tener una gran exposición gracias a los usuarios o influencers de la red social y el contenido natural que generan (Feng, Chen & Wu, 2019;Tang, 2019;Mulier et al., 2021). Así mismo, desde el ámbito publicitario se sabe que el usuario, como adprosumer y prosumidor, es un elemento notable para la promoción de marcas o la alteración de su imagen, ya que tienen el poder de llevar mensajes y cambiar las percepciones o reputaciones de una marca (Sanchez & Zamora, 2015;Caro, Luque & Zayas, 2015;Pino & Galán 2010). ...
... Así, el video espontáneo es válido según su credibilidad, es decir, para ser reconocido como realista es fundamental que en este se detecten que las imágenes son incontroladas y sin planificación (Capdevilla, 2015;Hautz et al., 2014;Fernández, 2019) lo que es potenciado hoy en día por el formato vertical de video gracias a las cámaras de celular (Mulier et al., 2021). Así mismo, el desenvolvimiento de las personas es una de las características de la espontaneidad en cualquier actividad, la cual se pierde al sentirse limitado frente al miedo a la opinión pública (Montoya, 2018). ...
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El presente artículo analiza tres videos espontáneos de tres adprosumers de la marca Takis en TikTok como posibles agentes de influencia en el panorama actual peruano. La marca Takis, originalmente mexicana, tuvo un gran impacto en sus consumidores peruanos, ya que estos se convirtieron en adprosumers de la marca generando una gran cantidad de publicidad gratuita y espontánea a lo largo de los años 2020-2021. Así, este estudio enmarcado en el paradigma fenomenológico y en el enfoque cualitativo, analiza y contrasta las opiniones y percepciones de consumidores que fueron testigos del fenómeno Takis gracias a Tik Tok. Para la investigación, se contó con diecisiete usuarios activos de TikTok, que, a su vez, son consumidores de Takis. Uno de los hallazgos relevantes es que el modo de actuar de estos videos sucita la auto-proyección del consumidor en el adprosumer, lo que posteriormente puede despertar la curiosidad por la marca. Finalmente, el estudio concluye que la espontaneidad, en los videos de los adprosumers, es un elemento que aporta emociones y percepciones positivas hacia la marca. Así las cosas, la espontaneidad de usuarios que no cuentan con auspicios ni con publicidad pagada genera más empatía con los potenciales consumidores.
... The mobile marketing environment in the 2020s is dramatically changing to adapt to the constantly evolving consumer interest and engagement. For example, in a large-scale field study, Mulier et al. (2021) found that vertical video ads are more effective in increasing engagement than horizontal video ads. More importantly, they identified that the preference for vertical video is not the same across different age groups and that younger mobile users are more likely to be fluent when watching vertical videos on mobile phones than older generations (Mulier et al., 2021). ...
... For example, in a large-scale field study, Mulier et al. (2021) found that vertical video ads are more effective in increasing engagement than horizontal video ads. More importantly, they identified that the preference for vertical video is not the same across different age groups and that younger mobile users are more likely to be fluent when watching vertical videos on mobile phones than older generations (Mulier et al., 2021). In other words, mobile users' age plays a moderating role in the effects of mobile marketing. ...
... The increased internet access with mobile data and the worldwide usage of social and content media apps changed consumer behavior, how companies conduct their businesses, and their marketing strategies (Mulier et al., 2021). The findings of this work have provided a landscape of online media usage in Albania, which future researchers could utilize to examine this issue further. ...
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This study investigates the relationship between online marketing and social media apps (Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and LinkedIn) or content apps (YouTube and Netflix), focusing on Albanian markets. Based on the analysis of 525 Albanian social media users from different age groups, the findings illustrate that 90% of the respondents prefer to use a smartphone rather than a personal computer in their daily life. Except for LinkedIn and Facebook, all social media apps had higher usage rates among the younger demographic, according to data analysis. The most popular app is Facebook. Based on age-based differentiation strategies, our data support the findings. Every app can help businesses reach the Youth category (aged 14 to 24), but social networking apps and YouTube should be the main priorities. Adults in the target audience in the 25–45 age range can be found primarily on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, while people over 45 can be found primarily on Facebook. Specifically, companies investing in online marketing can use Instagram and YouTube, which are more popular among younger social media users, while older users prefer Facebook and LinkedIn. Meanwhile, it would be better not to use in-app purchase strategies for companies that intend to invest through their apps.
... Uno de los fundamentos a favor del formato en vertical está relacionado con la forma en que usamos nuestros dispositivos móviles (Ida, 2019). Desde el año 2020, el formato de pantalla vertical está reemplazando al formato horizontal tradicional para convertirse en el formato predeterminado para la producción y el consumo de vídeo móvil (Mulier, Slabbinck y Vermeir, 2021). ...
... Es decir, experimentan menos esfuerzo cuando miran un anuncio de vídeo vertical en el teléfono inteligente en pantalla completa, ya que no requiere girar el teléfono. Es importante destacar que la edad de los usuarios móviles modera este efecto indirecto, ya que son los usuarios más jóvenes -Generación Z-quienes procesan los anuncios de vídeos verticales en sus dispositivos móviles con más fluidez que las Generaciones X e Y (Mulier, Slabbinck y Vermeir, 2021). ...
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En el contexto actual de las redes sociales de comunicación, el vídeo vertical se ha convertido en un formato emergente para compartir contenido. Desde la perspectiva de la comunicación audiovisual, la proliferación de dispositivos móviles ha promovido la popularidad del formato de vídeo vertical en plataformas sociales. Esta tendencia plantea la necesidad de comprender sus relaciones, implicaciones e influencia. Objetivo: En este contexto, esta investigación se centra en analizar las imágenes en tres plataformas líderes: TikTok, Instagram Reels y YouTube Shorts. Metodología: Se llevó a cabo un estudio comparativo en las tres plataformas sociales para conocer las características y variables de género, imagen (formato, tipo, colocación de la cámara, espacio de grabación, planos, escenas, montaje, continuidad, audio y sobreimpresiones) y tiempo (estructura, orden y duración), y en total se estudiaron 1.194 piezas audiovisuales. Conclusiones: De la muestra se deduce que en las tres plataformas sociales predominan imágenes en movimiento de formato vertical, del género entretenimiento, de una escena, grabados con la cámara a la altura de los ojos, en interior, con planos abiertos y secuencia, con continuidad con cortes, con una estructura lineal y cronológica, con música, con sobreimpresiones en la imagen, y de una duración variable.
... Authors Mulier, Slabbinck, and Vermeir noted that until just a few years ago, vertical videos were viewed as unconventional, amateurish, aesthetically unpleasing and wrong. This perception stemmed from the fact that video platforms like YouTube were originally designed for horizontal viewing and would display black bars on either side of the video when playing vertical content (Mulier et al., 2021). ...
... Furthermore, their research revealed that mobile users find it easier to process vertical video ads, a format that requires less effort as it eliminates the need for phone rotation. Nonetheless, their results were influenced by the respondents' age, showing that the fluency in processing mobile vertical video ads is notably higher among younger mobile users (Generation Z) when compared to older individuals belonging to Generations X and Y (Mulier et al., 2021). ...
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The aim of the conducted study was to determine Serbian consumers' preferences related to the consumption of video-based content. The study was carried out through the execution of exploratory research relying on a survey. The quantitative analysis of the responses and the subsequent assessment of descriptive statistic measures showed that the hypothesis (video marketing efforts should be geared towards the digital realm due to the increasing consumption of brand and user-generated online video content) should be accepted since the respondents unquestionably prefer to consume video content in the digital environment. The research also provided valuable findings regarding the respondents' predilections for specific video platforms, formats, and trends. The overall findings of the study have significant potential for practical application while at the same time, they contribute to the deepening of academic knowledge in the areas of video marketing and digital marketing.
... Recent studies emphasize the importance of user actual behavior, such as user responses to ads (Belanche et al., 2017b;Lee et al., 2022;Molitor et al., 2020). (3) Scholars primarily focused on technical design, such as a horizontal versus vertical video ads (Mulier et al., 2021) as one way to influence user response to splash ads, which may not always be the case depending on user characteristics (e.g., watching habits). Few research devoted to adopting an integrated approach by exploring the interaction between technical (e.g., skip control) and human (e.g., user habits) factors. ...
... By reviewing the relevant literature (e.g., Belanche et al., 2017b;Lee et al., 2022;Molitor et al., 2020), it is evident that among the few numbers of research on skippable ads, scholars largely agree that technical design could increase the effectiveness of ads. Therefore, they largely focus on technical design of ads on mobile, such as orientation of video display (Mulier et al., 2021). There has been only rare research devoted to understand the interaction effects of both technical factors (e.g., skip control) and human factors (e.g., users habits) on ad effectiveness following the perspective of sociomateriality as advocated by recent IS studies (Cecez-Kecmanovic et al., 2014;Scott & Orlikowski, 2014). ...
... Despite YouTube becoming a significant advertising platform for DMOs, little research exists on how to adapt existing video marketing strategies for the unique aspects of YouTube. When a new channel has arisen as an important medium for DMOs' video advertising, researchers have reimagined the factors to be considered when designing effective advertisements to understand the unique aspects of a medium from the destination marketing perspective (Beeton, 2005;Goodrich et al., 2011;Mulier et al., 2021). While some tourism studies have investigated YouTube as a marketing channel, they have mainly focused on describing the content of DMOs' YouTube advertisements (Alegro & Turnšek, 2021) or tourists' usage of the platform (Arora & Lata, 2020). ...
... Despite the growing significance of YouTube as an advertising platform for DMOs, limited research exists on how to adapt existing video marketing strategies to account for the platform's unique aspects. When a new channel becomes a vital medium for DMOs' video advertising, researchers have reexamined the factors that contribute to the design of effective advertisements, with a focus on understanding the unique aspects of the medium from a destination marketing perspective (Beeton, 2005;Goodrich et al., 2011;Mulier et al., 2021). While some tourism studies explored YouTube as a marketing channel, they have primarily described the content of DMOs' advertisements (Alegro & Turnšek, 2021) or investigated tourists' usage patterns on the platform (Arora & Lata, 2020). ...
This research aims to understand the unique aspects of social media that should be considered by a destination marketing organization (DMO) to create advertisements that attract the interests of tourists on YouTube. It examines the effectiveness of two YouTube-specific practices—native advertising and comment management. Two studies with a multi-method approach examined the effects of such practices on tourists’ perceptions regarding DMOs’ YouTube advertisements and destinations. The results showed that tourists positively perceived the advertisements and the destinations when DMOs’ YouTube advertisements were recognized as non-advertising content, and when native advertising was emphasized in the comment section of the YouTube advertisements. By delving into the necessary adaptations within the current video marketing communication framework for social media platforms, this study contributes to the field of destination advertising. Moreover, it provides practical insights into effective video advertising strategies for social media platforms that DMOs can implement.
... Murano et al. (2021) research the impact of videos' length, posting hours and language style on customer engagement metrics (likes, views and comments). Mulier et al. (2021) acknowledge the effectiveness of mobile vertical video marketing in terms of consumer interest and engagement. An important study has been carried out by Alam€ aki et al. (2019), in which different kinds of videos can trigger customer behavior and purchasing intention, which depends on the stage of the digital journey. ...
... As the key to brand awareness and growth, video marketing constitutes an important element of the marketing communication strategy in the new business environment (Scott, 2017;Mowat, 2018;Mulier et al., 2021). Multiple studies have been devoted to highlighting the importance of video marketing as a valuable source of information (Chenchen et al., 2020), as a highly engaging medium (Mowat, 2018), as an important element in strategic marketing (Sedej, 2019), as a trigger of consumers' purchasing behavior (Zhao, 2023), etc. Gupta (2020) acknowledges video marketing as the best technique to attract customers, a fact that is strongly supported by the uprising trend of vloggers as a valued source that creates a sense of transparency in communication between consumers and the brand (Lee and Watkins, 2016;Hsu, 2020) as well as an influencer factor for the development of positive emotions, participation intention and better recall of content (Alam€ aki et al., 2019). ...
Purpose The paper’s main goal is to examine the relationship between the video marketing of financial technologies (Fintechs) and their vulnerable website customers’ brand engagement in the ongoing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) crisis. Design/methodology/approach To extract the required outcomes, the authors gathered data from the five biggest Fintech websites and YouTube channels, performed multiple linear regression models and developed a hybrid (agent-based and dynamic) model to assess the performance connection between their video marketing analytics and vulnerable website customers’ brand engagement. Findings It has been found that video marketing analytics of Fintechs’ YouTube channels are a decisive factor in impacting their vulnerable website customers’ brand engagement and awareness. Research limitations/implications By enhancing video marketing analytics of their YouTube channels, Fintechs can achieve greater levels of vulnerable website customers’ engagement and awareness. Higher levels of vulnerable customers’ brand engagement and awareness tend to decrease their vulnerability by enhancing their financial knowledge and confidence. Practical implications Fintechs should aim to increase the number of total videos on their YouTube channels and provide videos that promote their customers’ knowledge of their services to increase their brand engagement and awareness, thus reducing their vulnerability. Moreover, Fintechs should be aware not to over-post videos because they will be in an unfavorable position against their competitors. Originality/value This research offers valuable insights regarding the importance of video marketing strategies for Fintechs in promoting their vulnerable website customers’ brand awareness during crisis periods.
... Moreover, due to the social nature of short-form videos, the time of publishing and posting the video content may be particularly important. On one hand, unlike the passive relationship between audiences and traditional media such as TV and video platforms, social media users have high autonomy to actively choose marketing and advertising content (Liu et al., 2018); on the other hand, they expect and crave more social connections with others (Mulier et al., 2021). The influence of the time of posting video content seems to be related to the users' mental resources and their perception of social relatedness (Zor et al., 2022). ...
... Current video marketing research shows that online video consumption is an important driver to economics. From the perspective of consumer interest, engagement and processing fluency, Mulier et al. (2021) found that mobile vertical video advertising can improve consumer interest and engagement compared to horizontal video advertising. In addition, the optimization of video title information content, video title emotional intensity, video description information content and video tag volume can affect consumers' viewing behaviors (Tafesse, 2020), and short videos are also an effective tool for marketing movies and other online contents (Liu et al., 2018). ...
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Purpose This study explores whether and how four main factors of short-branded video content (content matching, information relevance, storytelling and emotionality) facilitate consumer engagement (likes, comments and shares), as well as the moderating effect of the release time (morning, afternoon and evening) in such relationships. Design/methodology/approach This study uses Python to write programs to crawl relevant data information, such as consumer engagement and short video release time. It combines coding methods to empirically analyze the impact of short-branded video content characteristics on consumer engagement. A total of 10,240 Weibo short videos (total duration: 238.645 h) from 122 well-known brands are utilized as research objects. Findings Empirical results show that the content characteristics of short videos significantly affected consumer engagement. Furthermore, the release time of videos significantly moderated the relationship between the emotionality of short videos and consumer engagement. Content released in the morning enhanced the positive impact of warmth, excitement and joy on consumer engagement, compared to that released in the afternoon. Practical implications The findings provide new insights for the dissemination of products and brand culture through short videos. The authors suggest that enterprises that use brand videos consider content matching, information relevance, storytelling and emotionality in their design. Originality/value From a broader perspective, this study constructs a new method for comprehensively evaluating short-branded video content, based on four dimensions (content matching, information relevance, storytelling and emotionality) and explores the value of these dimensions for creating social media marketing success, such as via consumer engagement.
... As a result, short video platforms are becoming the preferred channel for tourism enterprises to market their products and a link for interaction, co-creation, and sharing between destinations and tourists (Wengel et al., 2022). However, due to the lack of management and guidance during production, a large number of short videos have extremely limited scope and frequency of distribution (Mulier et al., 2021;Wang et al., 2022). According to the 2022 TikTok Travel Ecology Report, the number of users with travel interests on TikTok exceeded 270 million in 2021, and over 79 million people published travel-related videos on the TikTok platform. ...
... Research has found that visual information could help to improve the fluency of information processing, resulting in more positive evaluation results (Mulier et al., 2021). Short videos that convey richer information and stimulate multi-sensory experiences are believed to have better persuasive effects in changing customer attitudes and behaviors (Tussyadiah and Fesenmaier, 2009). ...
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While user-generated short videos have become very common in tourism marketing, how they affect potential tourists’ decisions has not been discussed academically. Based on the customer inspiration theory, this study explored the effects of different tourism short video contents on potential tourists’ travel intentions, as well as the mediating effect of customer inspiration and the moderating effect of consumption orientation through three experiments. The following conclusions were drawn. (1) Tourism short videos significantly increased potential tourists’ customer inspiration and travel intention; (2) The customer inspirations (“inspired-by” and “inspired-to”) chain-mediated the relationship between tourism short videos and potential tourists’ travel intentions; (3) Consumption orientation positively moderated the chained mediation effect above, and the chained mediation effect of tourism short videos on the travel intentions of tourists with hedonistic motivations through inspire-by and inspire-to is stronger than that of tourists with utilitarian motivations. The above findings could help expand the perspective of tourism short video research and provide suggestions for tourism business managers to apply short video content to marketing.
... Regarding marketing strategies, Xu (2006) and Kim et al. (2016) have emphasized the importance of personalization in mobile advertising and app stickiness, respectively. Research by Mulier et al. (2021) and Meghisan-Tomă et al. (2021) has explored the effectiveness of mobile video marketing and the influence of usage motivation on m-commerce behavior among young adults, respectively. ...
... To improve the model's explanatory power, this study selects control variables according to the factors that affect the advertising effect in the existing literature and controls the variables that may affect the mobile advertising effect. These variables include individual characteristics (gender, city level, and consumption level), physical attributes of mobile ads (such as advertising duration, video style) (Mulier et al., 2021), lyrics (Jensema et al., 2000), and number of title characters, and content characteristics of mobile ads (such as background music) (Liu et al., 2022;Mourey & Elder, 2019), video emotion (Teixeira et al., 2012) and brand Logo (Dew et al., 2022). ...
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Busyness has become more prevalent, and the state of being busy and associated cues have been increasingly employed as a marketing strategy by numerous businesses and marketers. The current research integrates two online experiments, one field experiment, one laboratory experiment, and one secondary data to examine the busy mindset, referred to as a subjective perception of busyness, and how it impacts consumers' preferences for self‐improvement products. First, busy mindsets made individuals more inclined toward products that promote self‐improvement (studies 1, 2, and 3). Furthermore, sense of authentic pride served as a mediator in the effect of a busy mindset on self‐improvement products (study 4). This study also investigated the moderating effect of work ethic on the above mechanisms (study 5). Finally, we used a second data set (study 6) to verify the main effect of a busy mindset on the preference for self‐improvement products. This research not only enriches the theory of busyness but also offers practical implications for marketing self‐improvement products.
... Instagram Stories supports diverse aspect ratios, and the most highly recommended is a vertical full-screen display. Mulier et al. [39] indicated that vertical ads can better pique interest and increase viewer engagement compared to horizontal ads. Therefore, the stimuli used in our experiment were designed based on a 9:16 vertical full-screen display. ...
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Instagram Stories advertising has the advantages of precise targeting, diverse advertising formats, and a wide range of users; it has, thus, become an important medium for mobile game marketing. To find the most effective ad designs for mobile games on Instagram Stories, this study applied the stimulus-organism-response (S-O-R) theory to investigate how game involvement and ad designs affect users’ visual attention. Visual attention is an important physiological indicator of advertising effectiveness, and eye-tracking technology can accurately assess consumers’ visual attention. This study applied eye-tracking technology to 80 participants, grouped as follows: high-involvement gamers, low-involvement gamers, and nongamers. This study used the eye movement indicators for first fixation duration (FFD) and total fixation duration (TFD) to, respectively, evaluate the attentional salience and hold of mobile game ads. The ads were presented in three formats (5 s video, 15 s video, and 5 s image) with two types of content (gameplay and game characters). Results showed that the mobile game ads on Stories exerted the highest attentional hold on high-involvement gamers. In terms of ad format, video ads offered a higher attentional hold and attentional salience. In terms of ad content, ads that introduced game characters resulted in better attentional salience; however, ads that introduced gameplay exerted better attentional hold for nongamers. This study examined both individual differences in media users and ad design to provide recommendations for the personalization of mobile game ads for social media. For example, ads designed for a high-involvement gamer should incorporate more diverse and complex information. In addition, we found that when the marketing goal is the promotion of game characters, image ads are the most appropriate format.
... When using mobile devices, individuals create a mental model of how technology works and apply that information when presented with similar contextual cues (Yamashita et al., 2007). For example, Gen Z individuals create portrait-oriented videos because of their previous experience, watching vertical videos on social media apps such as TikTok and Snapchat (Mulier et al., 2021;Navarro-Güere, 2023). This sort of previous experience or familiarity is an important factor in examining technology adoption (Luceri et al., 2022) as well as brand experience (Kazmi et al., 2021). ...
Purpose Building on technology acceptance and learning transfer theories, this study aims to evaluate the integration of mobile augmented reality (MAR) in omnichannel retailing touchpoints for Generation Z (or Gen Z)'s apparel shopping, assessing how habitual augmented reality (AR) use in nonretailing contexts impacts Gen Z's motivations, acceptance and use of MAR shopping apps. Design/methodology/approach A total of 562 participants downloaded a footwear MAR app and completed a survey. Data were analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis and multivariate regression to explore moderated mediation effects. Findings The study reveals a paradigm shift: Gen Z's habitual use of AR in social media (e.g. Snapchat and TikTok face filters) significantly influences their intent to use MAR in shopping, overshadowing hedonic motivations. This marks a transition from AR as a gimmick to a practical utility in omnichannel touchpoints, with performance expectancy emerging as a critical mediator in adopting MAR for utilitarian purposes. Research limitations/implications This study highlights how Gen Z consumers’ tech habits influence their pragmatic view of MAR, urging re-exploration of the main constructs of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT2) model. Practical implications Findings suggest Gen Z values practicality over fun in MAR shopping apps, guiding marketers to emphasize tangible benefits for this demographic. Originality/value This research underscores the evolving perception of AR in retail among mobile natives, highlighting the shift from novelty to habitual utility. It offers strategic insights for integrating AR into omnichannel strategies, catering to the utilitarian expectations of Gen Z in the digital retail landscape.
... Our results are not surprising given what we know about how users tend to access social media on their mobile devices. The preference for portrait orientation could be because most users access Facebook on their smartphones, and most smartphone users hold their phones upright [28]. In that orientation, portrait aspect videos fill the screen and may create a more pleasant viewing experience without the user needing to expend additional energy tilting the device horizontally to view in landscape mode. ...
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Background During an infodemic, timely, reliable, and accessible information is crucial to combat the proliferation of health misinformation. While message testing can provide vital information to make data-informed decisions, traditional methods tend to be time- and resource-intensive. Recognizing this need, we developed the rapid message testing at scale (RMTS) approach to allow communicators to repurpose existing social media advertising tools and understand the full spectrum of audience engagement. Objective We had two main objectives: (1) to demonstrate the use of the RMTS approach for message testing, especially when resources and time are limited, and (2) to propose and test the efficacy of an outcome variable that measures engagement along a continuum of viewing experience. Methods We developed 12 versions of a single video created for a vaccine confidence project in India. We manipulated video length, aspect ratio, and use of subtitles. The videos were tested across 4 demographic groups (women or men, younger or older). We assessed user engagement along a continuum of viewing experience: obtaining attention, sustaining attention, conveying the message, and inspiring action. These were measured by the percentage of video watched and clicks on the call-to-action link. Results The video advertisements were placed on Facebook for over 4 consecutive days at the cost of US $450 and garnered a total of 3.34 million impressions. Overall, we found that the best-performing video was the shorter version in portrait aspect ratio and without subtitles. There was a significant but small association between the length of the video and users’ level of engagement at key points along the continuum of viewing experience (N=1,032,888; χ24=48,261.97; P<.001; V=.22). We found that for the longer video, those with subtitles held viewers longer after 25% video watch time than those without subtitles (n=15,597; χ21=7.33; P=.007; V=.02). While we found some significant associations between the aspect ratio, the use of subtitles, and the number of users watching the video and clicking on the call-to-action link, the effect size for those were extremely small. Conclusions This test served as a proof of concept for the RMTS approach. We obtained rapid feedback on formal message attributes from a very large sample. The results of this test reinforce the need for platform-specific tailoring of communications. While our data showed a general preference for a short video in portrait orientation and without subtitles among our target audiences on Facebook, that may not necessarily be the case in other social media platforms such as YouTube or TikTok, where users go primarily to watch videos. RMTS testing highlights nuances that communication professionals can address instead of being limited to a “one size fits all” approach.
... Xiao et al (2019) agrees with Qian (2021) that short videos must have an entertainment function. Mulier et al (2021) evaluated the effectiveness of the orientation a mobile video used for marketing on a social media platform. The vertical and horizontal display of marketing videos was assessed and the followup activities related to marketing recorded. ...
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Following the successes recorded in the SOCTHADICK conferences of 2021 and 2022, it is with great pleasure that we present the Proceedings of the 2023 Conference of the Society for the Advancement of ICT & Comparative Knowledge (SOCTHADICKconf’23). This year’s conference, which took place from 29th October, 2023 to 1st November, 2023, was hosted by the Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Science, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. The Conference Organizing Committee, will like to thank the Management of the University for providing the infrastructural support for the conference. Several papers were presented and submitted at the conference. This Proceedings contains papers that were eventually accepted after peer review. We wish to thank all members of the Planning Committee, reviewers, technical support team and all who made material and financial contributions towards the realization of the conference.
... Social media content often incorporates music, images, and various symbols, engaging customers' sight, hearing, and emotionality. However, social media research tends to investigate the unique effects of specific content elements on SMEBs, such as visual or linguistic (Mulier, Slabbinck, and Vermeir 2021;Pezzuti, Leonhardt, and Warren 2021) (see Table 1), while failing to integrate other types of elements. ...
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Social media has become a key touchpoint in contemporary customer journeys. Consequently, prior studies have investigated how social media content drives outcomes. However, much of this research has focused on the design of individual, isolated content elements, paying limited attention to how individuals respond to their holistic combinations. Drawing on multimodality, this study investigates how combinations of content elements drive social media engagement behaviors (SMEBs), a critical social media outcome. Through a fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis with 516 Instagram stories, the findings reveal four content element configurations that can drive high SMEBs: the loud, the informative, the affective, and the relational. These findings contribute to the literature by demonstrating that multiple configurations of content elements can simultaneously drive SMEBs, thus challenging the dominant view in the literature, which has focused on the effectiveness of isolated elements on diverse outcomes.
... For example, Douyin, one of the most popular short video APPs in China, has collaborated with over one million restaurants, delivering 2.19 million food alternatives to netizens via 1.67 billion short videos in 2022. 1 Short video marketing is an emerging marketing approach that significantly differs from traditional advertising. Firstly, short videos possess the capability to attract a massive volume of viewers and increase user traffic (Mulier et al., 2021;Xiao et al., 2023). Vloggers with large followings usually generate substantial viewership, converting them into potential consumers for advertisers. ...
With the growing popularity of the short video industry, restaurants are progressively capitalizing on the potential of short video platforms to market their food. This is accomplished either by establishing their own short video marketing channels or by introducing third-party vlogger ones. By developing game theoretical models, we aim to explore whether and how to run the right short video marketing channel for a restaurant, and investigate the optimal online pricing ratio and short video creation effort under different channels. The research results firstly indicate that the optimal online pricing ratio is significantly influenced by the creation effort cost coefficient of the restaurant or vlogger, as well as the potential market scale. The optimal creation effort in different channel is mainly related to the revenue sharing rate and the vlogger influence. Secondly, the restaurant prefers to build her own short video channel when the potential market scale is higher and the platform's commission rate is lower. By contrast, the restaurant opts to introduce the third-party vlogger short video channel when both the signing fee for vlogger and commission fee for platform are lower. Furthermore, it suggests that the restaurant offer a higher (lower) revenue sharing rate for the cost-efficient (cost-inefficient) vlogger. Lastly, the discussion analysis indicates that mastering pricing right is more beneficial to the restaurant.
... Researchers also identify a moderating effect of age on the processing of video ads. Younger participants process vertical video more easily than their older counterparts, likely due to the early age at which they interact with smartphones (Mulier et al., 2021). ...
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The emergence of new media channels goes hand in hand with the advent of new content formats and their subsequent rise in popularity. The digital era brings forth numerous new formats, with short video content currently emerging as the winner in terms of interaction, popularity, and return on investment (ROI) for content creators. This analysis examines a combination of psychological, lifestyle, and practical factors to explain why online users find this type of content so appealing and why the number of content creators joining this trend is increasing in the coming years. Social media with short video formats is studied from the perspectives of attachment theory and the socio-technical approach, which are useful in revealing the psychological motivators for online users actively seeking this type of content. Scientific literature about subjective feelings of engagement provides guidance on the fragmented workday and the usefulness of short-format content to fill small breaks in a busy day. From a practical standpoint, considering recent statistics on mobile usage, short-format content, especially vertical video, is faster, easier, and cheaper to create. At the same time, it is highly appealing, easy to distribute, and convenient to consume on smartphones without rotating the screen.
... The first stage of the electoral campaign in Costa Rica in January 2022, was characterized by the use of three digital marketing tactics: 1) Video marketing, based on the use of videos within digital platforms, with an approximate duration of up to three minutes, together with an algorithm that only showed the user what he/she wants to see (Mulier, Slabbinck, and Vermeir 2021); 2) Influencer marketing, through the use of an influencer towards a community, to talk about brand products and recommend them to their followers (De Veirman, Cauberghe, and Hudders 2017) and 3) Live streaming, which allowed the brand to showcase its products and interact with users in real time (De Veirman, Cauberghe, and Hudders 2017). ...
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The use of digital marketing in the development of political strategies is increasingly common among the different political candidates running for public office, as it allows them to connect directly with the voter. However, the constant evolution of the digital era has changed the behavior patterns of voters, which is why the research question arises, seeking to identify the tactics used in the profile of the presidential candidate of the Partido Liberación Nacional (PLN), in the Facebook social network, during the month of January, 2022. This would determine whether the use of a political digital marketing strategy contributed to the results obtained. The approach was qualitative, so a review of the publications on the Internet was carried out to identify the strategy used, and to define the profiles that constitute the voting public. The most relevant finding was that the party did not develop a digital strategy according to the target population, as evidenced by the lack of specific content on Facebook, minimal interaction of the candidate with the social network, and lack of use of data analysis tools.
... This poses a challenge, since many parents of people n Gen Z grew up with different financial knowledge and less sophisticated savings, retirement, mortgage, and loan options, so they often struggle to fully comprehend these choices themselves. Members of Gen Z, as digital natives who have grown up using apps and calculators for various financial purposes, possess a certain level of awareness and selfsufficiency (Mulier et al., 2021). Although these qualities are advantageous in many ways, it is equally important that Gen Zers seek assistance and personalized guidance. ...
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Generation Z (Gen Z), also known as digital natives, constitutes one‐third of the world' population. Despite notable contributions and progress explaining Gen Z's behavior, significant gaps remain in our understanding of digital natives, their interactions with new‐age technologies and how these technologies can be utilized to provide a better quality of life for this group of consumers. In this review article, we provide a background on Gen Z's consumer psychology and interactions with new‐age technologies, followed by an overview of the articles published in our special section. Finally, we suggest new areas for future research on Gen Z's consumer psychology and interactions with new‐age technologies. Specifically, we propose four main themes for future research in this area: (1) Gen Z and new‐age technologies, specifically generative artificial intelligence (AI), quantum computing, the metaverse, virtual influencers, and live streaming; (2) Gen Z consumers and global issues, specifically economic and social issues, sustainability and environmental issues, and health and wellbeing; (3) combining theories, concepts and disciplines to understand Gen Z and new‐age technologies; and (4) new methods and forms of collaboration.
... Padahal, Instagram Reels merupakan fitur yang dibuat untuk video vertikal. Hal tersebut tentu lebih ramah kepada para digital native yang memang lebih menyukai menyaksikan video melalui smartphone tanpa perlu memutarnya 90 derajat (Mulier et al., 2021). ...
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Instagram memiliki banyak fitur, salah satunya adalah fitur Instagram Reels yang kini menjadi cara penyebaran berita dalam format multimedia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui motif khalayak dalam mengakses konten berita di Instagram Reels @narasinewsroom dengan menggunakan teori uses and gratifications 2.0 yang memiliki tipologi Model MAIN (Modality, Agency, Interactivity dan Navigability) oleh Sundar Limperos (2013). Dengan menggunakan metode survei deskriptif, peneliti mengolah data dari 348 responden yang tergabung dalam audiens Instagram @narasinewsroom. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa motif navigabilitas menjadi alasan paling kuat yang mendorong khalayak untuk mengkonsumsi media karena merasa dapat menjelajahi semua informasi yang ada di Instagram Reels @narasinewsroom dan memiliki keleluasaan dalam bernavigasi di platform tersebut. Disusul motif interaktivitas di urutan kedua, motif modalitas di urutan ketiga, dan motif agensi di urutan terakhir. Selain itu, temuan ini juga menyimpulkan bahwa fitur-fitur yang ada di Instagram yaitu Instagram Reels mampu memenuhi motif audiens ketika mengakses berita di Instagram. Instagram has numerous features, one of which is the Instagram Reels feature, now utilized as a means to distribute news in a multimedia format. This study aims to determine audience motives for accessing news content on Instagram Reels @narasinewsroom, employing The Uses and Gratifications 2.0 theory, which incorporates the MAIN Model (Modality, Agency, Interactivity, and Navigability) developed by Sundar Limperos (2013). Using a descriptive survey method, researchers processed data from 348 respondents who comprise the audience of Instagram @narasinewsroom. The study's results indicate that the navigability motive is the most potent reason that encourages audiences to consume the media, as they feel capable of exploring all the information on Instagram Reels @narasinewsroom and enjoy flexibility when navigating the platform. Interactivity motives rank second, followed by modality motives in third place, and agency motives in last place. Additionally, this finding concludes that Instagram's features, particularly Instagram Reels, effectively fulfill audience motives when accessing news on the platform.
... The screens of stationary computers can be much larger and more than one might be employed. Most mobile devices are designed to be held vertically and used in the portrait mode with a 9:16 aspect ratio (screen width to screen height), while desktop devices are usually horizontal in format and utilized in the landscape mode with a 16:9 aspect ratio (Mulier et al., 2021). (Banerjee et al., 2021). ...
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The proliferation of smartphones, tablets, and other digital devices in addition to traditional computers has transformed the Internet into a device‐mediated environment. While these devices provide immediate access to similar Internet sources, they differ significantly in their characteristics, such as screen size, operation mode, and context of use. As a consequence, behaviors on the Internet along the customer journey vary substantially depending on the device used. To summarize the fast‐growing body of research on device‐mediated customer behavior, a systematic, framework‐based literature review of 59 articles from the last decade was conducted. Through an examination of the antecedents, decisions, and outcomes investigated in the publications, the review presents a conceptual framework that highlights the relation between device characteristics, decision processes, and behavioral outcomes. The review further summarizes the theories, contexts, and methods employed in the studies and sets an extensive future research agenda. We found that the extant literature lacks comprehensive theories and clear definitions of digital devices in the omnichannel environment. Furthermore, existing findings should be generalized for other contexts (e.g., industries and countries) and validated via the introduction of other research designs and methods. The understanding of device‐mediated behavior and the consequently arising marketing measures remains scarce. Thus, this review advances the comprehension of customer behavior on the Internet and provides researchers and practitioners with information on the implications for customer experience and omnichannel management.
... Prior research has emphasized how gen z's love for social media and related isolation, as well as poor diet, are affecting their short-and long-term health (Priporas et al., 2022). In addition, previous studies about gen z's interaction with technology have also demonstrated their tech savviness and willingness to adopt new technologies (Romero & Lado, 2021) as well as how their interaction with mobile content leads to their engagement (Mulier et al., 2021). The current research began with an attempt to better understand why, how, and when gen z's perception of social isolation and social anxiety influences their online sharing of personal information. ...
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Generation Z's (gen z) sharing of personal information on social media is a growing phenomenon with significant ramifications. Existing research, however, focuses on examining the role of social and/or psychological factors and fails to consider how and when social, psychological, and organizational factors affect gen z's willingness to share personal information on social media. To fill this gap, we propose a conceptual model based on the tenets of sociometer theory, to understand the dynamics of gen z's willingness to share personal information while considering its process and boundary conditions. Using a sequential multi‐study design, we conducted an experiment followed by a survey to test our hypotheses using data collected from gen z in India. Our findings show that when gen z feels socially isolated/anxious, they are more likely to share personal information on social media. The effect of social isolation on sharing of personal information increases when gen z fear that they are missing out on the rewarding experiences others are having, are engaged in repetitive negative thoughts and perceive their firm's privacy policy as transparent and ethical. Our findings provide a better understanding of why, how, and when gen z's are willing to share personal information on social media. We extend existing limited research on the psychological aspects of digital natives' interaction with modern technologies. Our results equip social media marketing and brand managers with the knowledge they need to increase gen z's willingness to share personal information.
... Gyroscopes, multi-touch screens, and even 5G networks can offer more interaction possibilities for mobile devices (Miao et al., 2021). Nowadays, mobile video marketing is widely regarded as the focus of enterprise strategy design (Mulier et al., 2021). Mobile interactive video advertising is a type of media that has attracted wide attention. ...
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Mobile interactive video advertising is a relatively new type of media. A combination of interactivity and narrative is used to tell the video story to the audience. This study studied in three steps on mobile interactive video advertising to determine the design basis that should be paid attention to. Firstly, the research framework is proposed through expert interview and qualitative coding of the interview text. Secondly, research samples are made through surveys and conference discussions. The samples were designed into 30 types containing various interactive narrative and involvement. Finally, the qualitative results are verified in a quantitative way. The results show that in order to improve the audience's purchase intention, more attention should be paid to interactive narrative, subjective video quality assessment, immersion, satisfaction, and product involvement.
... Prior studies indicate that visual information would increase message processing fluency, resulting in more positive evaluative outcomes (Mulier et al., 2021). Short videos that convey more enriched messages and inspire multisensory experience are assumed to lead to even better persuasive effects in altering customers' attitudes and behaviors (Tussyadiah & Fesenmaier, 2009). ...
Despite the prevalence of food tourism-related short videos on social networking services, few studies have examined the effectiveness of such videos in promoting food tourism. This study aims to address this gap in literature via three experimental studies. Specifically, Study 1 reveals significantly different attitudes across participants who watch food tourism videos with different framing styles (information-focused, emotion-focused, and commercial-focused); and viewers’ attitudes significantly influence their video-sharing and destination visit intention. Study 2 suggests that information-focused and emotion-focused videos influence viewers’ attitude via distinct routes, that is, cognitive evaluations and aroused emotions, respectively. Study 3 finds that different locations and lengths of embedded commercial content in a video induce different levels of brand awareness. This study is amongst the first to uncover the effects of food tourism video framing styles on viewers’ attitudes and behaviors, unravel the underlying mechanism, and explore the most effective brand placement strategies in food tourism promotion. Highlights Information-focused video is the most effective in promoting food tourism. Information-focused video triggers cognitive evaluations. Placing commercial content in the middle or end of a video is more effective. Ten-second embedded commercial content is as persuasive as the traditional 15 seconds.
... A comprehensive review of the previous literature reveals a significant research gap. Most previous studies have tended to focus on various intentions or behaviors related to the application of MSFV apps, such as user experiences and technology adoption intent [5], short-form video application addiction [6], using motivation and influencing factors of users' participation [7], customers' participation behaviors [4], video formats [8], shortform video app continuance intention to use [9], content features of short-form video and customer purchase intentions [10], and factors influencing users' engagement behaviors [11]. For example, Mou et al. [9] found that the app recommendation algorithm positively affected individual satisfaction, the novelty of new products, and privacy concerns. ...
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Mobile short-form video (MSFV) shopping represents an emerging method of mobile e-commerce and indicates the future development trend of mobile e-commerce. Unlike other famous mobile commerce applications, MSFV apps provide customers with animated videos which enable them to view product information vividly. This study examines the associations between digital customer experience and customer loyalty based on a human–computer interaction approach. We draw on content quality, relationship quality, and stickiness to investigate customer attitudinal loyalty and behavioral loyalty. A total of 796 users who use the leading MSFV app in China were randomly surveyed, among whom 778 users were involved in testing the hypotheses. Our findings indicate that content and relationship quality positively influence customers’ stickiness to MSFV shopping. Moreover, stickiness positively mediates the indirect link between content quality and customer loyalty as well as relationship quality and customer loyalty. This study demonstrates the value of extending the human-computer interaction approach to MSFV shopping and contributes to the existing literature by offering a deeper understanding of customer loyalty in the context of MSFV shopping. In addition, it has some managerial implications for making the most of the MSFV app’s huge potential to help the sustainable growth of mobile e-commerce.
... Similarly, some other researchers also noticed that the popularity of TikTok was leading to a shift in the consumer culture where authentic brand narratives are valued and self-brand connections are more important than ever (Kunkel et al. 2019). In a large-scale field study, Mulier et al. (2021) demonstrated that mobile vertical video ads increase consumer interest and engagement compared to horizontal video ads. Then, in two experimental studies, they further found that mobile users process vertical video ads more fluently than horizontal video ads, and younger mobile users (Generation Z) process mobile vertical video ads more fluently than older Generations X and Y. Furthermore, some researchers expanded the topics to discuss about how different industries (such as publishing, tourism, etc.) can use short videos for marketing (Deng and Zhao 2019;Liu and Yang 2018;Wang and Xu 2021), and encourage consumers' engagement and sharing (Si and Zhao 2019). ...
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The popularity of TikTok has sparked short video studies in global academia. Whereas in China, the market for short video platforms is already matured, which has seen numerous research publications. However, an overall review of short video research is still absent. Using the methods of science mapping and thematic analysis, we summarized the research and review articles from Web of Science Core Collection and CNKI (CSSCI and CSCD) from the past two decades. The main findings are: 1) There are four main stages in the development of short video studies and each of them is tightly related to the market growth; 2) Four main perspectives (media, economic, cultural and discursive) of short video studies with 12 clusters of core issues have emerged, and the visibility that short videos bring to ordinary people is the fundamental viewpoint of many studies; 3) Currently, the short video studies are going broader and deeper, attracting scholars from different academic backgrounds, and multiple methods are applied in the studies; 4) The papers from WoS and CNKI share some similarities but show more differences in the research issues, subjects and methods. We pointed out the limitations of present studies and possibilities of future research.
... [3] Lana Mulier (2021) stated that the current mobile environment is undergoing a vertical video revolution. With three studies, it examined the efficacy of mobile vertical video advertising and horizontal video advertising in terms of consumer interest, engagement, and processing fluency, as well as the underlying mechanisms for efforts to watch video advertising on smartphones [4]. What's more, in AR marketing, mobile vertical video advertising increases customers' interest and engagement, and mobile users process vertical video advertising more smoothly than horizontal video advertising. ...
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In recent years, augmented reality (AR) technology has found wider and wider application in marketing, providing new opportunities for companies to better display their products to customers. For high-end brands, richer interactive customer experience can help them stand out in highly competitive market. In this paper, the concept of AR marketing and its related theories are analyzed. Then, the impact of AR technology on the changes in marketing approaches is discussed by summarizing the existing cases of AR marketing. Finally, with high-end automobile brands as the research object, the application of AR technology in customer interaction is explored.
... To better understand what drives people to skip pre-roll skippable ads, scholars have explored factors that influence pre-roll ad skipping (Mulier, Slabbinck, and Vermeir 2021;Belanche, flavián, and Pérez-Rueda 2017;Campbell et al. 2017). Little in this line of research did focus on the role of viewing device such as mobile phones. ...
Mobile devices have evolved as a major channel for online video consumption. With the growth of online video platforms, various ad formats have been experimented to increase advertising effectiveness. One such attempt is pre-roll skippable ads that allow users to skip an ad after watching it for a few seconds. Despite pre-roll ads providing better user experience, their high skipping rate is alarming to advertisers and brands. Recent studies revealed what factors influence pre-roll ad acceptance, yet little has been known regarding the role of device type. This study investigates how mobile users respond to pre-roll skippable ads differently than PC users, focusing on individual and contextual factors of video consumption. Using individual-level clickstream data obtained from a major online video platform in South Korea, this study found that mobile users tend to skip pre-roll ads more often than PC users, but the degree differs by individual and contextual factors.
Purpose Short-form video advertisements have recently gained popularity and are widely used. However, creating attractive short video advertisements remains a challenge for sellers. Based on the visual-audio perspective and signaling theory, this study investigated the impacts of three visual features (number of shots, pixel-level image complexity and vertical versus horizontal formats) and two audio features (speech rate and average spectral centroid) on user engagement behavior. Design/methodology/approach We conducted a field study on TikTok. To test our various hypotheses, we used regression analysis on 2,511 videos containing product promotion information posted by 60 sellers between January 1, 2020 and November 20, 2021. Findings For visual variables, the number of shots and pixel-level image complexity were found to have nonlinear (inverted U-shaped) relationships with user engagement behavior. The vertical video form was found to have a positive effect on comments and shares. In the case of audio variables, speech rate was found to have a significant positive effect on shares but not on likes and comments. The average spectral centroid was found to have significant negative influences on likes and comments. Practical implications This study provides specific suggestions for sellers who create short-form videos to improve user engagement behavior. Originality/value This study contributes to the literature on short-form video advertising by extending the potential drivers of user engagement behavior. Additionally, from a methodological perspective, it contributes to the literature by using computer vision and speech-processing techniques to analyze user behavior in a video-related context, effectively overcoming the limitations of the widely adopted survey method.
Social media marketing has become essential for businesses of all sectors and sizes in the current digital world. However, many organizations encounter difficulties in promotion during their transformation. Thus, this chapter explores the possible problems affecting organizational performance in social media marketing using a case study of the University of Hong Kong Foundation under the lens of integrating the 5Es Usability Model (Effective, Efficient, Engaging, Error Torrelance, and Easy to Learn) and AIDA Marketing Communication Model (Awareness, Interest, Desire, and Action) models into a comprehensive framework. In the post-pandemic era, the reliance on digital marketing has intensified, making social media an even more pivotal tool for engagement. Furthermore, integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) into social media marketing strategies has introduced new dynamics, offering predictive analytics, personalized content, and real-time engagement opportunities, which are critical for organizations like HKUF to stay competitive and relevant.
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In the continuously evolving environment of blockchain applications, decentralized finance (DeFi) has been discerned as a favorable application among internet users. In this point of view, DeFi platforms have known increased competition with multiple similar platforms constantly emerging. Therefore, DeFi platforms should seek to promote digitally their financial services and increase the visibility of their website. This study examines the potential utilization of DeFi YouTube channel metrics for enhancing their digital marketing performance (website visibility and campaign efficiency), through statistical analyses, system dynamics (SD), and eye-tracking models. From the paper's outcomes, it becomes clear that only the YouTube metrics of the number of videos, number of comments, video interaction, channel views, and views per video can affect DeFi platforms’ website visibility and campaigns’ efficiency. Toward this purpose, neuromarketing applications (eye tracking and heatmaps) indicated that DeFi YouTube channels should select an engaging video (high interaction rate) and provide little but clear information on their home page. Apart from that, the rest of the channel’s pages should be enriched with a logical number of highly interactive short-duration videos, and not with an increasing number of videos.
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The Covid-19 pandemic broke out in late 2019 sending many businesses and economies worldwide into crisis.
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Purpose The purpose of this research is to provide a strategic framework for business resilience plans (BRPs) to guide micro, small, and medium-sized firms (MSMEs) in determining their adaptability level and providing information on agility and resilience tactics while coping with turbulence. Design/methodology/approach A systematic literature review (SLR) is used in this work to collect and acquire a complete and high-quality sample of academic journal articles. As the primary focus, 63 high-quality journals were chosen from 154 academic papers in the Scopus and Web of Science databases by using qualitative data analysis. The method of thematic analysis incorporating grounded approach analysis was utilized for creating themes and key findings in this study. Findings This study proposes the dimensions of the BRPs framework along with key findings to identify future research directions for MSMEs. The three dimensions of BRP include responsiveness, reactiveness, and proactiveness based on the principles of agility, absorption, and resilience. Originality/value This study proposes a sustainable and resilient framework for post-disaster MSMEs as a catalyst towards sustainably resilient MSMEs. This study highlights viable avenues for future research for academics and provides a resilient plan at various levels for business owner-managers.
In the context of climate and neutrality, governments of many countries have introduced plastic restrictions. Enterprises often introduce pro-environmental services with certain force to the market. Does a good intention always have a good result? Despite good intentions, most pro-environmental services require extra effort (financial, physical, mental, etc.) from the participants. This will inevitably bring negative impact on some customers’ repurchase intention. How to mitigate its negative consequences is worthy of academic attention. Previous studies show that sense of guilt motivates individuals to take prosocial actions to relieve or counteract temporary negative emotions. This paper analyzed and explained the affective mechanism of this phenomenon through two between-subject experiments. The results showed that: (1) High-autonomy effort (different from low-autonomy effort) can significantly release the sense of reactive guilt hence promote repurchase intention; (2) Low-autonomy effort (different from high-autonomy effort) will reduce people’s perceived pleasure hence suppress repurchase intention; (3) Choice diversification can improve the perceived autonomy of individuals with low actual autonomy and compensate for the lack of actual autonomy, thus weakening the negative impact of low autonomous effort on perceived pleasure, and ultimately promoting people’s repurchase intention.
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Los nuevos medios de comunicación han cambiado la producción y el uso que hacemos de imágenes estáticas y dinámicas que visionamos en las pantallas de nuestros dispositivos móviles. El panorama audiovisual se presenta plagado de posibilidades de combinación de formatos y recursos. En los últimos años la verticalización de la pantalla ha incursionado como soporte de la comunicación audiovisual en la Tecnologías de Comunicación e Información. El objetivo principal de esta investigación ha sido conocer la literatura publicada sobre el vídeo en formato vertical donde se ha optado por la revisión bibliográfica de tipo narrativo, y para su elaboración se han consultado las bases de datos de Web of Science, Scopus y Google Académico con una estrategia de búsqueda relacionada. La evidencia científica publicada se puede sectorizar en la discusión sobre la relación entre la imagen y el dispositivo, la relación de aspecto, los soportes y formatos de los nuevos medios, el vídeo vertical en redes sociales y lineamientos sobre la gramática del vídeo vertical. Entre las principales conclusiones destaca que el formato vertical desafía las concepciones tradicionales y conduce a ajustes visuales/espaciales, estilísticos y estéticos que determinan una nueva forma de ver y experimentar de los medios y plataformas de comunicación. Esta revisión de la literaria hace patente la escasa bibliografía científica disponible sobre el tema en cuestión.
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Literatürdeki değişimin ve gelişmelerin tespit edilebilmesi adına spesifik çalışma konularına yönelik içerik analizlerinin gerçekleştirilmesi önemlidir. Bu çalışma, 2020-2022 yılları arasında SSCI, ESCI ve Scopus indekslerinde yayınlanan, etki faktörü 5 ve üzerinde olan pazarlama dergilerini inceleyerek pazarlama alanında ortaya çıkan güncel gelişmeleri ve konuları tespit etmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Belirlenen kriterler doğrultusunda ön plana çıkan 14 dergide ulaşılan 114 makalenin içerik analizi, nitel içerik analiz yönteminden yararlanılarak yapılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda incelenen makalelerdeki pazarlama konuları “dijital pazarlama ve dijital pazarlama ile bağlantılı pazarlama türleri”, “diğer güncel pazarlama türleri”, “geleneksel pazarlama ile bağlantılı pazarlama türleri”, “sürdürülebilir pazarlama ve sürdürülebilir pazarlama ile bağlantılı pazarlama türleri”, “pazarlama stratejileri ile bağlantılı pazarlama türleri”, “nöropazarlama ve nöropazarlama ile bağlantılı pazarlama türleri” olmak üzere altı grup etrafında toplanmıştır. Teorik ve pratik çerçevede bu çalışma, pazarlama araştırmacılarına ve uygulayıcılarına güncel pazarlama konuları hakkında genel bir çerçeve sunmaktadır. Aynı zamanda, pazarlama alanında gerçekleştirilecek gelecekteki araştırmalarda irdelenmesi gereken sorunsallarla ilgili işaretler vermektedir.
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Bu çalışmada teknik gelişmelerin, dijitalleşmenin ve yeni gösterim mecralarının, sinematografinin önemli bir parçası olan çerçeve oranlarına etkisini araştırmak amaçlanmaktadır. Bu amaca uygun olarak çalışmada, analogtan dijitale, yataydan dikeye; film, televizyon ve yeni medyada çerçeve oranlarının tarihi incelenecektir. Sinema tarihinin başlangıcın-dan bu yana, filmlerin hangi formatta çekilip sergilenmesi gerektiği konusunda tartışmalar yapılır; ekonomik, teknik ve kültürel sebeplerle çerçeve oranlarına çeşitli standartlar getirilir. Analog çağ boyunca 1.15:1'den 2.76:1 çerçeve oranına değişim gösteren filmler çoğunlukla yatay for-matta seyirciye sunulur. Sinemanın dijital çağı ise çerçeve oranlarının esnekleştiği, çerçevenin yaratıcı kullanımına olanak tanıyan bir dönem olarak karşımıza çıkar. Dijital film ve videoların tablet ve cep telefonların-dan izlenmeye başlanması, sosyal medya üzerinden video paylaşımının artması daha dar çerçeve oranlarına olan ilgiyi arttırır. Dikey format ya da "dikey sinema" olarak da tanımlanan 9:16 format, telefonlarını dikey kullanma eğilimindeki halkın yaratıcılığının bir ürünü olan, anlık ve sa-mimi görülen, dijital çağa özgü yeni bir medya estetiği olarak düşünülebilir. Dikey konu ve nesnelerin daha başarılı kompozisyonlarına olanak tanıyacağı varsayılan bu format, ön yargılara rağmen çağdaş medyada hızla yaygınlaşmaktadır. Sinema ve televizyon endüstrisinde yeterince itibar edilmeyen dikey formattan, şimdilik daha çok deneysel yapımlar-da, kısa filmlerde, belgesellerde, haber programlarında ve sosyal medyada içeriklerinde yararlanılmaktadır. Dijital çağda geleneksel çerçeve form ve oranları yeniden düşünülmektedir ve bu sürece özgü bir görsel estetik sunan dikey formatın daha esnek bir görsel-işitsel ortam için olanak sağ-layacağı, yeni tür ve üsluplara kapı açacağı öngörülebilir. Anahtar Sözcükler: dijital sinema, dikey sinema, çerçeve oranı, geniş perde, çerçeve.
During health crises, the popularity of mobile short videos on Douyin (Chinese TikTok) as a medium for interactive and engaging news communication has not been thoroughly explored from the perspective of news framing devices and effects. By examining the impact of denotative framing, stylistic-semiotic framing, reasoning devices, and rhetorical strategy on news engagement, this study found that high-visual-modality and solution-embedded news stories significantly influenced news engagement (likes, shares, and comments), respectively. Likewise, an enhanced relationship between verbal-visual redundancy would encourage all levels of news engagement. Furthermore, regarding visual grammar framing, action-oriented news stories would attract more likes and shares, and speech-scene-specific news stories would receive more shares and comments. Besides, larger images in the vertical form are more likely to please the audience’s first impression, and the subjective strategy is more positively related to comments. The present study showed that nonverbal framing devices were better predictive of citizen engagement with news during a public health crisis than verbal or textual framing devices. In other words, the findings seek to fill the gap regarding how these short-video-logic devices are related to news engagement in health crisis-related behavioral data.
Short-form video has attracted users’ attention and been widely adopted for entertainment. Recently, short-form video has also been used for advertising. However, how short-form video for advertisement influences consumer engagement behavior remains unclear. This study aims to explore key features of short-form video advertisements that influence consumer engagement behavior. Through analyzing data obtained from social media platform TikTok, we discovered that four key features of short-form video—performance expectancy, entertainment, tie strength, and sales approach—are significantly related to consumer engagement behavior. In addition, the results showed that product type moderated the relationship of these effects on consumer engagement behavior. This study is one of the first to investigate the influence of short-form video advertisement features on consumer engagement behavior; thus, it contributes to the social media advertisement literature. It extends consumer engagement behavior research by applying a combination of uses and gratifications theory and signal theory. It also highlights the significance of product type in advertising literature. The use of big data and text analysis contributes from a methodological perspective to social media research. This study also provides practical and managerial implications for sellers and marketers on how to attract consumers to engage in videos and how to make data-driven decisions.
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The aim of this study is to conduct a systematic literature review of the adoption of Immersive marketing technology (IMT) in terms of strategic planning of its adoption, resource requirements, and its implications and challenges. The study categorizes and contextualizes qualitative approaches to evaluate the literature, with Scopus databases serving as the primary source of 90 selected articles in the areas of information technology, business, and marketing strands. Theme analysis was carried out using thematic techniques and grounded approach principles to facilitate thematic coding and generate theme analysis. The analysis was supported by the three concepts of business flexibility, agility, and adaptability, which were drawn as a strategy for IMT adoption. The findings presented three main themes: proactive flexibility, responsive agility, and reactive adaptability that enables business owner-managers to craft a strategy for IMT adoption. The novel contribution of this study is the inclusion of key implications related to IMT as a starting point of the next level of innovative marketing for both academics, practitioners, and business owner-managers. Keywords: Immersive marketing technology, Augmented reality, Virtual reality, Mixed reality, Business flexibility.
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Considering the sharing formats offered by social media platforms, Tiktok; It was thought that it would be important to analyze within the framework of journalism culture, news production, news consumption and the future of journalism. One of the features of the shares made on Tiktok is the presence of entertainment elements throughout the content themes. The two main research questions created on the basis of this information are as follows: Do the demographic structure of Tiktok and the structural possibilities of the platform determine the news production processes? What are the common and divergent points in the Tiktok posts of popular newspapers from different countries? Content analysis was preferred as a method in this study. As a result of the research, it has been determined that the newspapers generally prefer soft news in their Tiktok posts, and when hard news is considered, they use a language that is funny, prank and contains comedy elements in accordance with the structure of the platform. In addition, journalists exhibiting 'phenomenon' behaviors that have become widespread in social media and the changes that can be made in the video components in Tiktok are among the important outputs of the study.
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This paper seeks to provide historical references for the examination of contemporary forms of vertical moving images, often considered “wrong” due to their incompatibility with the audiovisual standards established in the West. Deploying an archaeological approach, the paper identifies expressions of verticality in moving images since their first modern developments, encompassing both the birth of cinema and the emergence of video art circuits in the 1980s-90s. These cases serve to underscore the disputed mediality of audiovisual systems. This paper concludes by showing how the negotiation of medium specificities continues through networked platforms and curated events, creating possibilities for the emergence of new technological art forms.
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The aim of this study was to investigate videos as potential triggers of behavior. Therefore, we applied the theories of triggers and media richness to learn about the triggering efficiency of mobile marketing videos on participants' behavioral intentions. The experiment involved three distinct test groups, each comprising 41 student participants. From the perspective of media richness theory, we observed that the different kinds of videos had quite similar effects in terms of triggering behavioral changes. However, the mechanisms explaining why triggers were present differed for each video. Further, the results reveal that the consumer's position in the information search process was the most significant reason for the triggering of any kind of effect. In addition, the instructionally designed videos were able to exert an affective triggering effect: the more participants liked the video, the more it affected their participation intention and recall scores. This study extends the media richness research by demonstrating that the effects of media richness can vary within technically similar videos, as they form different logical connections among non-verbal visual cues related to a video's storyline.
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Generation Z known as the Digital natives operates in a diverse manner set of consumers as they have a distinctive taste, choice, opinion, preference, attitude and behavior which make it crucial to understand how they play, learn and interact with their friends, peers, family, and brands. Generation Z is highly fashion conscious demands for high-end luxury goods, especially Luxury apparels. The present study aims to understand the purchase behavior, drivers and the process of buying luxury apparels of Generation Z. The study suggests that marketers need to be creative and interactive not only in their stores and advertisements but also on the digital platform and market in a subtle manner. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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The affect system, in its position to monitor organismic-environmental transactions, may be sensitive to the internal dynamics of information processing. Hence, the authors predicted that facilitation of stimulus processing should elicit a brief, mild, positive affective response. In 2 studies, participants watched a series of neutral pictures while the processing ease was unobtrusively manipulated. Affective reactions were assessed with facial electromyography (EMG). In both studies, easy-to-process pictures elicited higher activity over the region of zygomaticus major, indicating positive affect. The EMG data were paralleled by self-reports of positive responses to the facilitated stimuli. The findings suggest a close link between processing dynamics and affect and may help understand several preference phenomena, including the mere-exposure effect. The findings also highlight a potential source of affective biases in social judgments.
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Consumers typically make choices based on a menu that lists a variety of food items. Prior research has shown that the position of food items within a menu (center vs. edge) can impact choices (e.g., edge preference and edge aversion). This research extends the literature by demonstrating that the display format of a menu (horizontal vs. vertical displays) can determine the relative impact of these influences. Two experiments find that the middle options are preferred when food options are displayed horizontally (vs. vertically), whereas the edge items are preferred under a vertical display (vs. a horizontal display). These differences extend to different types of foods (food vs. beverage), and to even and odd numbers of options (e.g., four vs. five). These findings increase the understanding of how food item displays can influence consumer choices, and provide important implications for practitioners and policymakers, including how to effectively position food items.
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Digital advertising is the fastest growing form of marketing. Within digital, mobile is the fastest growing medium. Mobile advertising occurs on any mobile device, such as smartphones and tablets. The upcoming generation of Digital Natives is especially prone to viewing mobile advertising. Digital Natives have grown up with digital communications; they use their smartphones to connect with the world and make purchases. Mobile advertising and Digital Natives are both new to the marketplace and, thus, research is scarce on both. This paper investigates the preferences of Digital Natives regarding mobile advertising. Several preferences were found and recommendations are provided.
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By utilizing 15 in-depth interviews with current and former local television (TV) news videographers and editors, this article examines vertical video and what impact it is having on the production of local TV news. Three key themes are analyzed to investigate this trend: (1) the discourse video professionals use to distinguish their work as professional while labeling 9 × 16 vertical video “amateur,” creating what Pierre Bourdieu called a habitus; (2) the role vertical video has in influencing video professionals’ daily newsroom responsibilities; and (3) where vertical video fits within the business of local TV news. Mobile applications collect and display vertical content natively, and this article argues that local news professionals should recognize the creative opportunity in producing original content to engage new audiences on various platforms.
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Despite widespread theoretical and practical interest in advertising engagement, scholars and practitioners share little consensus as to what it is and how it can be measured. Guided by the theories of immersion and presence, this research investigates the experiential nature of advertising engagement in the television advertising context. Using survey data (N = 1,115 cases) on thirteen TV advertisements aired during two Super Bowl broadcasts, a definition of the construct is developed and a parsimonious, reliable and valid four-item scale for measuring experiential TV advertising engagement is produced. As conceptualized, TV advertising engagement is an experience independent of its antecedents and consequences, in which the viewer is psychologically immersed in and present with a TV advertisement. These conceptual dimensions are reflected in the four items of the produced scale.
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The videos made through mobile phones are probably changing the way we think of videos created to tell or show something, both imaginary tales or private movies, or even chronicles of events to spread rapidly through the web. A change has already occurred in the use, as the new digital portable devices allowed to concentrate on a single medium a variety of media with various functions. Therefore, a tool like the telephone has been enhanced with new features typically designed for other media.In this process of appropriation, new mobile devices changed the way these new features are being used, due, of course, to new conditions. Other than multiplying the production of images that one would call "dirty" due to the presence of rough movements, continuous zoom in and zoom out and, of course, broadcast sub-standard video quality, the new tools introduced the practice of vertical shooting, so inducing a habit.In the history of photography, however, the two formats, landscape and portrait, have always lived together. This paper aims to analyze, briefly, a situation in rapid and continuous evolution, also characterized by the presence of new paradigms responding to visual aesthetic rules that are gradually being defined.
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Since 2009, the readability guideline has recommended use of a landscape layout in package leaflets of medicines. However, no evidence-based research exists to support this specification. The readability test study provided in this article investigated the readability of landscape format in comparison to other formats. The optimised package leaflets texts of three different medicines were each printed using identical layout and design, and in each of the following four formats - landscape, portrait (once single-column and once two columns per page) and booklet. In addition, two package leaflets available on the German market in 2005, with similar text, were investigated - whereby one used landscape and the other portrait format. Each package leaflet was investigated using the written readability test method, consisting of a questionnaire containing 25 questions relating to the package leaflets’ contents. The 234 participants significantly located and understood more information, required less time to find the 25 requested contents and had better opinions about the optimised package leaflets in comparison to both leaflets available on the German market (p≤0.001). However, no significant advantage or disadvantage presented for any one of the four investigated formats were found. This finding negates the readability guideline’s stated preference for the landscape format. As such, it is requested that the European Commission deletes this unqualified recommendation as soon as is possible, as other formats, like portrait format, are similarly appropriate for use in package leaflets.
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Advertisers worldwide are designing advertising with an eye toward viral activity particularly within social networking sites such as Facebook. Yet, little is known about the social processes at play when ads are shared. Taking a consumer-centric approach, this study investigates the social processes central to ads going viral within the Social Web. Conducting a national online experiment, the intertwining roles of brand relationships, interpersonal relationships, and sharing motivations in the social exchange of advertising are explored by testing two proposed referral decision-making processes: referral and referral acceptance. Results suggest that brand relationships and interpersonal relationships impact referral of ads within SNSs, and brand relationships interact with sharing motivations to impact decisions; specifically, brand relationships are conduits for ensuring reciprocal altruism in exchange, but their influence is tempered within stronger interpersonal relationships. Practical and theoretical implications are discussed.
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A variety of business sectors have been buffeted by the diffusion of mobile technology, a trend that presents a variety of difficult challenges but interesting opportunities to marketers. One such opportunity is gamification, which, one hopes, will enhance appeal to mobile consumers. Our sense from both personal experience and the literature is that the gamified mobile apps currently offered by firms mostly miss the mark. We provide a systematic overview of game design and note how principles derived from that field are highly applicable to gamification in mobile marketing settings. We are aided by the work of Schell (2008), whose Elemental Game Tetrad Model allows us to offer a coherent look at how gamification should affect mobile marketing outcomes.
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Review of research into the consequences of easy vs difficult processing; traces fluency effects to the hedonic quality of the processing experience.
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Consumers from cultures that read from left to right possess a spatial representation of time whereby the past is visualized on the left and the future is visualized on the right. Across four studies, the current research investigates whether and how this past-left, future-right conceptualization of time affects attitudes toward time-related products. Specifically, when consumers view advertisements in which product images are positioned congruently (incongruently) with their spatial representation of time, they have more (less) favorable attitudes toward the product. This effect occurs for both products that naturally involve the progression of time (e.g., self-improvement products) and also products for which a time component is a desired attribute (e.g., antiques). The effect of horizontal position reverses among consumers who read from right to left. The mediating role of processing fluency is highlighted as an underlying mechanism, and the moderating role of need for structure is identified.
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The current research introduces a new moderator to the price comparison literature by considering how the processing of regular and sale price information may be grounded in the degree to which consumers are consistent-handed (CHs) or inconsistent-handed (ICHs) in performing manual tasks. Because vertically presenting regular and sale price information facilitates calculation of savings, vertical price comparisons should be processed more fluently than horizontal comparisons. However, this fluency difference should asymmetrically affect ICHs and CHs. Prior research has indicated that ICHs are more cognitively flexible than CHs. Here, ICHs expressed more favorable purchase intentions with greater deal depth for both vertical and horizontal price comparisons, possibly because their greater cognitive flexibility enabled them to process price comparisons effectively regardless of presentation layout. Conversely, possibly due to lower cognitive flexibility, CHs exhibited purchase intentions that were sensitive to differences in deal depth when presented with more fluent vertical price comparisons, but not less fluent horizontal comparisons. These findings are replicated across two experiments relying on different participant populations.
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Typically, shoppers’ paths only cover less than half of the areas in a grocery store. Given that shoppers often use physical products in the store as external memory cues, encouraging shoppers to travel more of the store may increase unplanned spending. Estimating the direct effect of in-store travel distance on unplanned spending, however, is complicated by the difficulty of collecting in-store path data and the endogeneity of in-store travel distance. To address both issues, the authors collect a novel data set using in-store radio frequency identification tracking and develop an instrumental variable approach to account for endogeneity. Their analysis reveals that the elasticity of unplanned spending on travel distance is 57% higher than the uncorrected ordinary least squares estimate. Simulations based on the authors’ estimates suggest that strategically promoting three product categories through mobile promotion could increase unplanned spending by 16.1%, compared with the estimated effect of a benchmark strategy based on relocating three destination categories (7.2%). Furthermore, the authors conduct a field experiment to assess the effectiveness of mobile promotions and find that a coupon that required shoppers to travel farther from their planned path resulted in a substantial increase in unplanned spending (21.29)overacouponforanunplannedcategoryneartheirplannedpath(21.29) over a coupon for an unplanned category near their planned path (13.83). The results suggest that targeted mobile promotions aimed at increasing in-store path length can increase unplanned spending. Keywords: shopper marketing, path data, radio frequency identification tracking, unplanned purchase, mobile promotion
Multiscreening refers to consumers' simultaneous usage of multiple screen-based devices. Prior research has shown that simultaneous multiscreening distracts consumers and hinders cognitive processing. In this paper, we evaluate whether and how simultaneous multiscreening can harm advertising effectiveness. Moreover, we test under which conditions an additional mobile advertising impression can moderate the effect of multiscreening on advertising effectiveness. We test the impact of multiscreening via different screen-based devices in two experiments. We find that multiscreening decreases advertising effectiveness and show that an additional mobile advertising impression of the same brand can attenuate the effect, but only when the additional mobile advertisement does not lead to high levels of distraction from the desktop advertisement.
Past empirical studies have analysed the influence of manifest online review content factors and the reviewer-related factors on online review helpfulness. However, the influence of latent content factors, which are implied from the text and that result in the differential helpfulness perceptions of review receivers, have been ignored. Hence, using the lens of the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM), we develop a comprehensive model to study the influence of content- and reviewer-related factors on review helpfulness. This study not only includes the manifest content-related and reviewer-related factors, but also the latent content factors consisting of argument quality (comprehensiveness, clarity, readability and relevance) and message valence. The study initially employs a manual content analysis to analyse the argument quality of ~500 TripAdvisor reviews (Study 1). Subsequently, model testing techniques are used to study the holistic and relative influence of these different factors on review helpfulness. In the validation study (Study 2), Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing techniques are used to extract latent content information and test the above model with 50,000 reviews from The results show that latent review content variables like argument quality and valence influence the helpfulness of the reviews better and beyond the previously studied, manifest review content- and reviewer-related factors.
Viral advertising videos are a prominent form of viral marketing, yet little is known about which factors influence an online video's virality or likelihood to be shared and viewed. A content analysis of 155 viral ad videos found that average shares and views were higher for videos with full story development versus videos with less than full story development as measured via a five-point drama scale based on Freytag's Pyramid. An incremental story development effect on shares and views was also found. Time duration and company size did not significantly influence the results for shares but did have some effect on the results for views. The role of story in viral videos, the relationship between drama theory, narrative theory, story grammar theory and transportation theory, and managerial implications of story development in viral marketing are also discussed.
In the 21st century modern business environment video marketing has been becoming the centre of attention of strategic marketing planning and the trend is still on the rise. In order to plan and execute video marketing effectively, companies need to follow trends and consequently be aware of effective new marketing options that will provide maximum business results.This article tackles those issues and provides fresh empirical data on video marketing and its role in the modern business environment. It also provides an insight into video marketing trends and possibilities that are considered crucial for the near future. The evaluated and analysed data were gathered on the basis of research carried out in 2018 among 45 top managers of small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) that have been doing business globally.
This paper provides an empirical perspective into the antecedents and outcomes of consumer attitudes towards retailers' mobile commerce (m-commerce) applications (apps). A longitudinal perspective was obtained from 474 consumers over a period of 12 months. The research examines the variables influencing consumer attitudes and behaviours during the initial adoption phase (1 month) of a retailer's m-commerce app compared to the usage phase (12 months) of the app. Previous research primarily outlines some of the determinants of mobile app adoption; moving beyond this, through a direct comparison with the same set of consumers at each phase of the research the results illustrate significant differences between the variables influencing consumer attitudes towards the m-commerce app at the initial adoption phase compared to the usage phase. Additionally, the results assert that, over time (following the usage phase), positive attitudes towards the app results in increased purchase frequency through the app, positive attitudes and loyalty towards the brand. The results further reveal the influence of smartphone screen size on consumer attitudes and behaviours.
Does a timer—displayed during an in-stream commercial to show viewers how long they need to wait—help relieve the ad irritation that viewers experience when they have to wait for a video to play? Likewise, does the skip-ad button that allows viewers to skip an ad after several seconds help lessen their irritation with the commercial? This research theoretically and empirically examined whether reducing temporal uncertainty (i.e., using a timer to let viewers know the ad length) in skippable advertising actually helped relieve viewers' ad irritation and reduce their likelihood of ad-skipping. Across two experimental studies, temporal certainty (e.g., the presence of the timer) during short commercials generally decreased ad irritation. In contrast, when a skip-ad button is displayed, temporal certainty during both short and long commercials increased ad irritation, which subsequently decreased advertising effectiveness. Also, the higher the ad irritation, the higher the ad-skipping rate. Theoretical and managerial implications of these results are discussed, and alternative solutions for reducing ad irritation are provided.
As mobile devices gain increasing popularity in consumers' shopping journeys, geofencing mobile advertising is widely used by retailers to convert front traffic, i.e., consumers walking in front ofa store, into sales. In the process, retailers face two critical questions, i.e., how to set the fence locations and how to improve the conversion effectiveness with consideration of the advertising costs. We aim to shed light on the issues by developing an analytical model that considers two competitive retailers' mobile advertising strategies in a linear Hotelling city. We first present the equilibrium prices (or fence locations), advertising levels, and profits. In addition, by conducting a comparative static analysis, we ascertain the separate effects and joint effects offront traffic, showing how the traffic changes caused by consumer entry and consumer switching affect the equilibrium outcomes in different competitive environments. Counter-intuitively, we find that higher front traffic, which is usually regarded as being favorable to a retailer, can lead to lower prices, advertising levels, and profits under certain conditions. The results suggest that retailers should craft and adjust mobile advertising strategies in accordance with both consumers' movement tendency and competition intensity. Besides, by comparing the competitive retailers, we provide guidance to retailers on how to make mobile advertising strategies according to traffic advantages or disadvantages.
Since the appearance of the first banner ad, online advertising has evolved significantly and now accounts for a substantial portion of all advertising spending. As online advertising tools proliferate, academic research in this area has also matured over time. To capture these developments, this paper offers a synthesis of over 300 articles on online advertising published in major advertising and marketing journals over the last ten years. The key literature is summarized around six themes: (1) online advertising effectiveness; (2) online advertising mechanisms; (3) creative elements in online advertising; (4) the role of context in online advertising; (5) online personalization; and (6) search advertising. Knowledge gaps in existing research are identified, and important future research questions are suggested.
Although “vertical videos” have been derided as inelegant, amateur and to be avoided, a number of corporate organisations such as Snapchat and Periscope have been using vertical framing to create marketing content for mobile phones. Blurring the boundaries between amateur and professional media, these companies often encourage the production of user-generated vertical content alongside in-house and commissioned videos. This chapter argues that a shifting mobile media landscape (both technological and social) allows vertical framing to flourish and, in turn, problematises distinction between user-generated and corporate mobile media in the era of the smartphone.
This paper examines the customer experience in relation to retailers' m-commerce mobile applications. The research aims to understand the variables capable of influencing the customer experience during use of retailers' m-commerce mobile applications, resulting in the development of a Mobile Application Customer Experience Model (MACE). Through the use of structural equation modelling on a sample of 1024 consumers, the findings of the research highlight the importance of utilitarian factors in driving an effective customer experience. In contrast to the e-commerce environment with regard to flow theory, this research highlights that customers are conscious of the length of time spent completing an activity on an m-commerce mobile application, thus should customers perceive to spend longer than necessary using the application, it will result in a negative customer experience. Additionally, the findings illustrate that gender and smartphone screen-size play a moderating role on the customer experience. The findings provide key managerial implications for retailers on how to provide an excellent customer experience through mobile applications as a service delivery channel.
According to prominent models in cognitive psychology, neuroscience, and economics, effort (be it physical or mental) is costly: when given a choice, humans and non-human animals alike tend to avoid effort. Here, we suggest that the opposite is also true and review extensive evidence that effort can also add value. Not only can the same outcomes be more rewarding if we apply more (not less) effort, sometimes we select options precisely because they require effort. Given the increasing recognition of effort's role in motivation, cognitive control, and value-based decision-making, considering this neglected side of effort will not only improve formal computational models, but also provide clues about how to promote sustained mental effort across time.
Popular culture has critiqued ‘vertical video syndrome’, or video shot on smartphones in the portrait rather than landscape orientation, as something aesthetically unpleasing which should be avoided. But the design of smartphones seems to encourage shooting vertical video. This article examines the aesthetic desirability of vertical videos through applied media aesthetics. It traces the history of horizontal film and television orientations, as well as the image-centric orientation model found in still photography. It argues that vertical video, rather than a syndrome to be avoided, instead takes advantage of the technological innovations and embodied pleasures offered by the smartphone to rupture the visual paradigms and create a new visual aesthetic for phone-based moving images.
A mediation model explores the direct and indirect effects of an initial variable ( X) on an outcome variable ( Y) by including a mediator ( M). In many realistic scenarios, investigators observe censored data instead of the complete data. Current research in mediation analysis for censored data focuses mainly on censored outcomes, but not censored mediators. In this study, we proposed a strategy based on the accelerated failure time model and a multiple imputation approach. We adapted a measure of the indirect effect for the mediation model with a censored mediator, which can assess the indirect effect at both the group and individual levels. Based on simulation, we established the bias in the estimations of different paths (i.e. the effects of X on M [ a], of M on Y [ b] and of X on Y given mediator M [ c']) and indirect effects when analyzing the data using the existing approaches, including a naïve approach implemented in software such as Mplus, complete-case analysis, and the Tobit mediation model. We conducted simulation studies to investigate the performance of the proposed strategy compared to that of the existing approaches. The proposed strategy accurately estimates the coefficients of different paths, indirect effects and percentages of the total effects mediated. We applied these mediation approaches to the study of SNPs, age at menopause and fasting glucose levels. Our results indicate that there is no indirect effect of association between SNPs and fasting glucose level that is mediated through the age at menopause.
This survey finds a strong preference for portrait or vertical screen viewing of newspapers on computers.
This research examines whether spatial differences in presentation of comparative price promotions (vertical vs. horizontal) affect consumers' assessment of price discounts. Results show that when comparative price promotions are presented horizontally, consumers take longer to compute the monetary discount and are less accurate than when such prices are presented vertically. This suggests that cognitive constraints exhibit a larger detrimental effect on performing computations when prices are presented horizontally than vertically. In addition, a constraint on visual resources impacts vertical presentations more while a constraint on verbal resources influences price computations that are presented horizontally.
This research investigates the unexplored consequences of food presentation on consumers' portion size perceptions and consumption. The findings show that consumers perceive portions as smaller and eat more when foods are presented vertically (i.e., stacked on the plate) versus horizontally (i.e., spread across the plate). The effect of presentation on portion size perceptions occurs because consumers use the surface area of the portion as a heuristic for overall portion size and, for equal volumes of food, portions presented vertically have a smaller surface area. Surface area is used as a heuristic for overall portion size presumably because (1) when looking down at a plate of food on a dining table, the surface area of the portion is more salient than the height and (2) through experience consumers learn that the surface area of the portion is often positively correlated with overall portion size. The results of this research underscore the importance of food presentation and identify viewing angle as a factor to consider when evaluating portion size.
Interactive online media are an increasingly preferred format for users and advertisers, and skippable online video advertisements are common on social media networks such as YouTube. The specific features and influences of this interactive marketing tool demand further consideration. Focusing on effective tactics, this article investigates the influence of introducing high-arousal and low-arousal stimuli on skippable ad effectiveness (i.e., ad acceptance, ad attitude, brand attitude, and ad intrusiveness), with the potential moderation of context congruency and product involvement. A pretest and three studies confirm that high-arousal ads are watched for longer time and are more effective in congruent contexts. Users' product involvement determines the intrusiveness of high- and low-arousal skippable ads. These findings, along with their practical implications for this novel setting, provide further directions for research too.
The intersection of mobile marketing and shopper marketing, known as mobile shopper marketing, is a rapidly evolving area. We formally define mobile shopper marketing as the planning and execution of all mobile-based marketing activities that influence a shopper along and beyond the path-to-purchase: from the initial shopping trigger, to the purchase, consumption, repurchase, and recommendation stages. However, not much is known about mobile shopper marketing. We plug this gap by first discussing mobile shopper marketing and its scope in depth and then presenting a process model that connects the mobile shopping journey with four key entities, i.e., shopper, employee, organization, and mobile technology. For each of these themes, we identify the challenges that offer future research opportunities.
This work bridges theory and practice on mobile promotions and proposes a research agenda. We do so by first defining mobile promotions and distinguishing them from mobile advertising. We then develop a framework for various stakeholders in the mobile promotion ecosystem. Finally, we advance research questions concerning each stakeholder and view these questions through the lens of several overarching themes that surround mobile promotions, such as the privacy-value tradeoff, return on investment, spatiotemporal targeting, inter-media substitution, and channel and consumer power.
The authors investigate how horizontal versus vertical displays of alternatives affect assortment processing, perceived variety, and subsequent choice. Horizontal (vs. vertical) displays are easier to process due to a match between the human binocular vision field (which is horizontal in direction) and the dominant direction of eye movements required for processing horizontal displays. It is demonstrated that this processing fluency allows people to browse information more efficiently, which increases perceived assortment variety and ultimately leads to more variety being chosen, and if the number of options chosen is allowed to vary, it leads to more options chosen. It is shown that because people see more variety in a horizontal (vs. vertical) display, they process a horizontal assortment more extensively. When more variety is positive, they find the choice task easier and have a higher level of satisfaction and confidence about their choices. When more variety is not necessarily positive, for example, in a choice of a single most-preferred option, these effects disappear. Two field studies, an eye-Tracking study, and two lab studies support these conclusions.
What techniques can social scientists use when an outcome variable for a sample is not representative of the population for whom they would like to generalize the results? This book provides an introduction to regression models for such data including censored, sample-selected and truncated data.
Purpose Our aim was investigate the role of attention, processing motivation, and processing depth in the relationship between self-reported subjective processing fluency and relevant advertisement variables such as ad attitude, brand attitude, and purchase intentions. Design/methodology/approach Two empirical studies were conducted using self-report questionnaires. Findings In study 1 (N=176), we pretested our measure of self-reported subjective processing fluency. As expected, it was found to be sensitive to visual and semantic features of advertisements and to predict attitudes toward an advertisement. In study 2 (N=204), mediation analyses showed that self-reported subjective processing fluency was a predictor of attitude toward the advertisement (through attention and processing depth), attitude toward the brand (through processing depth), and purchase intentions (through processing depth). Research limitations/implications Our results emphasize the role of cognitive processing in explaining the effect of processing fluency on attitudes in marketing research. Practical implications Practitioners could use our theoretical framework and take into account the fluency with which consumers process information to improve the way they advertise their products. Originality/value Our results suggest that self-reported subjective processing fluency can be relevant to predicting consumers' attitudes because it increases attention and processing depth of the advertisement.
Mobile advertising is one of the fastest-growing advertising formats. In 2013, global spending on mobile advertising was approximately 16.7billion,anditisexpectedtoexceed16.7 billion, and it is expected to exceed 62.8 billion by 2017. The most prevalent type of mobile advertising is mobile display advertising (MDA), which takes the form of banners on mobile web pages and in mobile applications. This article examines which product characteristics are likely to be associated with MDA campaigns that are effective in increasing consumers' (1) favorable attitudes toward products and (2) purchase intentions. Data from a large-scale test-control field experiment covering 54 U.S. MDA campaigns that ran between 2007 and 2010 and involved 39, 946 consumers show that MDA campaigns significantly increased consumers' favorable attitudes and purchase intentions only when the campaigns advertised products that were higher (vs. lower) involvement and utilitarian (vs. hedonic). The authors explain this finding using established theories of information processing and persuasion and suggest that when MDAs work effectively, they do so by triggering consumers to recall and process previously stored product information.