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Abstract and Figures

To determine the influence background knowledge has on the reading comprehension of primary school-aged children, a critical review was conducted. Twenty-one studies were identified according to pre-determined criteria that focused on the link between background knowledge and reading comprehension of children in the mid to late primary years. The review highlighted that higher levels of background knowledge have a range of effects that are influenced by the nature of the text, the quality of the situation model required, and the presence of reader misconceptions about the text. The review also indicates that background knowledge impacts differentially on stronger and weaker readers. Findings suggest that readers with lower background knowledge benefit more from text with high cohesion, while weaker readers with a high degree of background knowledge were able to compensate for their weak reading skills. Implications of the findings for early years classroom practice are outlined, together with suggested future research directions.
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The Role of Background Knowledge in Reading
Comprehension: A Critical Review
Reid Smith , Pamela Snow , Tanya Serry & Lorraine Hammond
To cite this article: Reid Smith , Pamela Snow , Tanya Serry & Lorraine Hammond (2021):
The Role of Background Knowledge in Reading Comprehension: A Critical Review, Reading
Psychology, DOI: 10.1080/02702711.2021.1888348
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Published online: 22 Feb 2021.
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The Role of Background Knowledge in Reading
Comprehension: A Critical Review
Reid Smith
, Pamela Snow
, Tanya Serry
Lorraine Hammond
School of Education, La Trobe University, Bendigo, Australia;
School of Education,
La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia;
School of Education, Edith Cowan
University, Perth, Australia
A critical review was conducted to determine the
influence background knowledge has on the reading
comprehension of primary school-aged children. We
identified twenty-three studies that met our criteria
and focused on the links between background know-
ledge and reading comprehension of children in the
mid to late primary years. Review findings highlight
that higher levels of background knowledge have a
range of effects that are influenced by the nature of
the text, the quality of the situation model required,
and the presence of reader misconceptions about
the text. Our findings also indicate that background
knowledge impacts differentially on stronger and
weaker readers. Readers with lower background
knowledge appear to benefit more from text with
high cohesion, while weaker readers were able to
compensate somewhat for their relatively weak
reading skills in the context of a high degree of back-
ground knowledge. Implications of the findings for
early years classroom practice are outlined, together
with suggested future research directions.
Received 3 March 2020
Accepted 19 January 2021
The ultimate purpose of reading is to extract and construct meaning
from all kinds of text (Snow, 2002). Reading comprehension is core to
academic progress, because it underpins content-area learning in all
CONTACT Reid Smith Department of Education, La Trobe
University, Bendigo, Australia.
ß2021 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
subjects. Research in reading over the last 40 years has increasingly
emphasized the importance of background knowledge as a significant
contributor to the reading ability of middle school students (Recht &
Leslie, 1988), college students (Chiesi, Spilich, & Voss, 1979; Garner &
Gillingham, 1991; Spilich, Vesonder, Chiesi, & Voss, 1979) and adults
(Walker, 1987). This critical review is concerned with the role played by
background knowledge in reading comprehension for primary school-
aged children, and the implications this has for instruction.
Theoretical Underpinnings
The Simple View of Reading (SVR) (Gough & Tunmer, 1986) holds that
reading comprehension is the product of two distinct yet related skills:
decoding, the ability to recognize individual written words, and language
comprehension, the process of interpreting words and connected dis-
course. During the early stages of learning to read, the ability to decode
is the most crucial factor in the reading process (Castles, Rastle, &
Nation, 2018; Juel, 1988). Once children have achieved accuracy and flu-
ency with decoding, complementary models exist to explain the activity
of reading comprehension.
Reading involves the interaction between the skills and cognitive proc-
esses of the reader and the linguistic characteristics of a text. The reader
needs to integrate text information with prior knowledge to form a men-
tal representation of the meaning of the text (Van Dijk, Kintsch, & Van
Dijk, 1983). Schematic views of reading, such as the Construction-
Integration model, postulate that reading is comprised of interactions
between the literal, propositional representation of a text (the textbase)
and a related schema formed from background knowledge (Kintsch, 1998;
Kintsch & Van Dijk, 1978). The textbase, held in working memory,
includes explicit information from the text, as well as local inferences
used to construct meaning. For most readers, the textbase is automatically
constructed and requires little conscious effort (Tapiero, 2007). Elements
of this textbase are then integrated with the readers preexisting schemata,
contained in long-term memory, to form a representation of the meaning
of the text (the situation model). The situation model differs from the
textbase in that it is not a verbatim record of the text. Instead, it is a
dynamically constructed representation of the text and its interaction
with the readers preexisting schemata. Situation models are cumulative;
as a person reads and learns more about a given topic, the schemata and
any resultant situation model will change through growth, reorganization
and error correction (Kintsch, 2009).
Low skilled readers (those in the lowest quartile of the population)
typically construct a less detailed situation model than skilled readers
because they are less likely to have a coherent textbase and/or well-
formed schemata (Kintsch, 1998; McNamara, Ozuru, & Floyd, 2011).
Without an effective textbase that is coherent with the content of the text,
the reader has access to little information that can be integrated with any
related schemata (Kintsch, 1998). A less coherent textbase results in a
poorer understanding of the text; an inability to recognize differences
between characters or recall information from the text would exemplify a
poor understanding due to an incoherent textbase. In contrast, problems
associated with schemata tend to manifest as inference generation diffi-
culties. Inferencing is the process by which a reader integrates informa-
tion from the text with background knowledge in order to fill in detail
and links not explicitly stated in a text (McNamara & Magliano, 2009).
The ability to infer meaning from text has been recognized as a predictor
of reading comprehension at a range of developmental stages and is one
of the drivers of sophisticated reading ability (Cain & Oakhill, 1999;
Oakhill & Cain, 2007).
The Role of Domain Knowledge
The Construction-Integration model identifies a critical role for back-
ground knowledge in reading (Kintsch, 1998; Kintsch & Van Dijk, 1978).
Knowledge can be classified according to its specificity; background know-
ledge comprises all of the world knowledge that the reader brings to the
task of reading. This can include episodic (events), declarative (facts) and
procedural (how-to) knowledge as well as related vocabulary (Kintsch,
1998). A subset of background knowledge, domain knowledge, refers to
knowledge of a specific and defined field (Alexander & Jetton, 2000).
Long-term memory stores knowledge as a series of propositions that
are activated during reading (Tapiero, 2007). These propositions are con-
nected and organized into various schemata that comprise an individuals
understanding of a particular concept. The schemata representing a con-
cept will differ from reader to reader, as schemata are built from the
accumulation of individual knowledge and experience. Schemata may dif-
fer in the quality (how trueor useful), quantity and organization of
information (Kendeou, Rapp, & van den Broek, 2003; Langer, 1984;
Rumelhart, 2017). When reading, the schemata (and related knowledge
propositions) associated with that text are activated in order to contribute
to the construction of the situation model. When readers lack knowledge
elements required to properly integrate the textbase, they build a less
effective situation model and thus have more difficulty understanding the
text (Chiesi et al., 1979; Kendeou et al., 2003; Kendeou & Van Den
Broek, 2007). Low skilled readers are less able to select and recall prem-
ises required to make inferences about a text, and are also less able to
suppress irrelevant information during the integration phase of compre-
hension building (Cain, Oakhill, Barnes, & Bryant, 2001).
Knowledge in long-term memory can be further categorized according to
availability and accessibility. Availability refers to whether relevant knowledge
is held in long-term memory. Accessibility refers to the ease with which avail-
able knowledge can be retrieved, with more accessible knowledge requiring
less time and effort for retrieval. Knowledge that is available may be more or
less accessible; knowledge that is not available cannot be accessed at all.
The accuracy of stored knowledge can vary; items are encoded in long-
term memory irrespective of whether they are accurate. Students bring a
range of knowledge to the task of reading, some of which may be inaccurate;
in fact, for young children, holding misconceptions is often the norm rather
than the exception (Borges, 1999; Vosniadou & Brewer, 1994). Thus, sche-
mata often hold a mix of information that varies in accuracy.
It is important to note that background knowledge differences do not
fully account for variation in reading comprehension abilities of accurate
decoders. Although comprehension is sometimes conceptualized as a
function of decoding ability and the presence of relevant knowledge, stud-
ies examining the comprehension of children using available knowledge
show that there are a number of sources of comprehension failure, even
when the underlying knowledge-base required for comprehension appears
sound (Barnes, Dennis, & Haefele-Kalvaitis, 1996; Cain et al., 2001).
These multiple processes, including aspects of language comprehension
and ability to select relevant background knowledge, cumulatively and
interactively influence cognitive processing during reading.
The Role of Working Memory and Cognitive Load
Working memory is an aspect of executive function that is crucial in
reading (Ericsson & Kintsch, 1995; Kintsch, 1998). In the Construction-
Integration model, working memory plays an important role in short
term information retention and transfer to long-term memory. In the
context of reading, working memory is a temporary storage system that
functions to support the reader to briefly hold text propositions and
actively process coherence gaps in order to produce the textbase.
Integration of the textbase with background knowledge to form the situ-
ation model also occurs within the working memory system.
Cognitive Load Theory (CLT) incorporates a model of how working
memory functions during learning tasks, including reading (Sweller, 1994;
Sweller, van Merri
enboer, & Paas, 2019). During any learning event, the
limited capacity of working memory acts to constrain information trans-
fer to long-term memory. CLT builds on earlier theories first developed
by Baddeley and Hitch (1974), who described working memory as having
a limited storage capacity when processing novel information (such as
reading an unfamiliar text). However, working memory has a virtually
limitless capacity for information retrieved from long-term memory
(Ericsson & Kintsch, 1995; Sweller et al., 2019). The number and com-
plexity of information units being processed in working memory at any
one time is sometimes known as the cognitive load, with a greater num-
ber and/or complexity of information units resulting in a higher load
(Sweller et al., 2019). The likelihood that something will be read, under-
stood and learnt (i.e., be encoded into long-term memory) depends in
substantial part on the ability of working memory to adequately process
and integrate new information into existing schemata. This is influenced
by the degree of cognitive load imposed by the complexity of the written
material during reading (Kintsch, 2009).
For comprehension to occur, working memory must not be too heav-
ily burdened. When cognitive load exceeds the limits of available working
memory, the situation model formed is less detailed and elements of the
textbase and situation model are less likely to be encoded in long-term
memory. For readers who have little background knowledge, Kintsch
(2009) theorized that the act of integrating the textbase with any available
knowledge is effortful to the point that it can overload working memory
and lead to comprehension breakdown. Relative experts in a particular
topic with high background knowledge find the act of integrating the
textbase and knowledge more automatic and effectively effortless, lower-
ing working memory (and hence cognitive load) demands. Accessibility
also has a role to play in the load imposed by the act of reading; low
accessibility of knowledge requires an effortful search for the relevant
knowledge and hence increased extrinsic load (Kintsch, 2009).
The Role of the Text
The other actor in reading is the text itself. Texts differ in terms of their
stated purpose, linguistic features, and text coherence and cohesion
(Halliday & Hasan, 2014). Cohesion, sometimes known as the microstruc-
ture, represents the visibility of the link between phrases and sentences.
High-cohesion texts sometimes provide a greater level of explanatory
detail to compensate for a readers lack of background knowledge.
Coherence (macrostructure) represents the extent to which the text pro-
vides information and cues to help the reader relate information across
different parts of the text (Graesser, McNamara, & Louwerse, 2003).
High-coherence texts provide explicit clues as to the relationships within
and between sentences and typically include linguistic devices such as
headings and connectives (like because and however) to help link or con-
trast ideas. This has the effect of reducing the cognitive load required to
understand the text (Beck, Omanson, & McKeown, 1982; McKeown,
Beck, Sinatra, & Loxterman, 1992; McNamara, Kintsch, Songer, &
Kintsch, 1996; McNamara et al., 2011).
The cohesion and coherence of a text determines the ease with which a
reader can bring background knowledge to bear. Low-coherence and low-
cohesion texts require the reader to more actively process a text as they are
required to make more inferences, to bridge sentences and ideas. In addition,
a reader facing a low-coherence text needs to rely more heavily upon their
background knowledge to help fill the coherence gaps by making inferences.
Low cohesion texts force readers to more actively process the text; they make
demands that mean a reader may not even observe cues to draw on prior
knowledge to establish meaning (McKeown et al., 1992). This is particularly
true for readers with less background knowledge. These additional demands
mean that a higher level of active processing is required to obtain the text-
base, reducing the amount of working memory available to activate weak
schemata. This results in the creation of a poor situation model and reduced
comprehension. Text coherence and cohesion can be affected by linguistic
features such as the number of T-units, the minimally terminable unit of lan-
guage, present in the text (Hunt, 1965).
It has been suggested that the influence of background knowledge on
reading varies by age (Cunningham & Stanovich, 1997; Graesser & Bertus,
1998) and genre (Berkowitz & Taylor, 1981). Narrative texts differ from con-
versation in that they are stories that are tied together by story grammar
units and linguistic markers of coherence and cohesion (Stein & Glenn,
1979). Expository texts sit at the formal end of the continuum and involve
descriptions that usually contain knowledge that is new to the reader (Paul &
Norbury, 2012). These texts make particular demands on the knowledge of
the reader as such texts, by definition, are written to inform by building on a
readers existing knowledge of a particular topic (Beck & McKeown, 1991).
Teaching Reading
The degree to which teachers recognize that differences in the back-
ground knowledge of children can account for some of the variation in
reading is contestable (Strutt, 2011). Reading processes can be described
as skills (automatic once learnt, such as decoding) and strategies (techni-
ques deliberately employed to support comprehension, such as summariz-
ing) (OBrien & Cook, 2015). Reading instruction beyond the early years
has traditionally focused on encouraging children to use generic reading
comprehension strategiessuch as finding the main idea of a text, exem-
plified by the Strategies To Achieve Reading Success (STARS) program
(Adcock & Davies, 2012; Adcock & Krensky, 2012). However, others have
argued that these so-called strategiesare actually comprehension
outcomes rather than teachable reading strategies (Muijselaar et al., 2018;
Shanahan, 2018). Investigation of teaching approaches such as finding
the main ideashow a mixed evidence base for their efficacy (Langdon
Sjostrom & Chou Hare, 1984; Ramsay, Sperling, & Dornisch, 2010;
Stevens, Park, & Vaughn, 2019). Given this weak evidence, it is striking
that these methods have a dominant position in classroom instruction
(Dole, Nokes, & Drits, 2009), particularly given that the duration of
instruction in these techniques does not moderate reading comprehension
performance beyond fifteen hours of instruction (Elleman, 2017; Stevens
et al., 2019). Teaching programs that are underpinned by these
approaches, such as the Fountas and Pinnell Systems of Strategic Actions
(Pinnell & Fountas, 2007), are intended to be used across a range of texts
and may be the focus of instruction at the expense of the careful accumu-
lation of knowledge (Hirsch, 2019). Traditionally, and in some cases, still
today, teachers have left the task of building background knowledge in
the hands of the parents. This is a surprising position given a demon-
strated socio-economic status (SES) gradient associated with childrens
preschool oral language exposure and acquisition of world knowledge
(Gilkerson et al., 2017; Hart & Risley, 1995,2003).
The aim of this critical review, therefore, was to examine the published
evidence regarding the degree to which variation in childrensbackground
knowledge contributes to differences in reading comprehension in the mid to
late primary years of schooling. The Construction-Integration model of dis-
course processing holds that levels of comprehension are differentially associ-
ated with the reading process and the development of comprehension. As a
result, we examined studies with a particular emphasis on the differential
effects of varying background knowledge on children identified as being
skilled and low skilled readers. A further purpose of the review was to exam-
ine the interaction between the linguistic features of a text and a readers
background knowledge. In particular, we aimed to investigate the effects of
differing levels of text cohesion on childrens reading comprehension.
Inclusion Criteria
General study characteristics
We included empirical studies published between 1950 and 2020 that
either used a knowledge-building intervention or examined correlations
between preexisting knowledge and reading performance. Intervention
studies were included if they used pre-teaching activities or full teaching
sequences designed to increase the relevant background knowledge of
children. Assessments of preexisting knowledge were either a measure of
general knowledge unrelated to the target text or a specific assessment of
knowledge and skills related to the passages used for comprehension.
Reviews of the literature were excluded.
Outcome measures
The primary outcome of interest was reading comprehension ability.
Therefore, included studies featured at least one form of objective, quantita-
tive reading comprehension measure, such as curriculum-based outcome
measures (e.g., Key Stage assessments), standardized tests (e.g., Iowa Test of
Basic Skills (Hoover, Dunbar, & Frisbie, 2001) and Gates-MacGinitie Reading
Test (MacGinitie & MacGinitie, 1992)) or researcher-designed assessments of
reading comprehension. We included studies that used a variety of measures,
such as: open-ended recall, cloze, multiple choice questions and cued recall
outcomes. Studies were not included if they used assessment items that were
explicitly trained in an intervention.
Studies eligible for inclusion in this review needed to include a reading
comprehension measure in which the child read an extended text and
was required to recall and/or answer questions related to the content of
the text. We were interested only in passage-level rather than sentence-
level text in order to inform classroom practices that could be useful in
promoting comprehension of complex written texts. Studies were also
excluded if they used electronic passages or hypertext in order to avoid
confounding due to modality effects.
Participant groups
This review included studies involving participants from age six to 12
enrolled in formal, mainstream education classes taught in English. In
Australia, this age range comprises children who are in middle to late pri-
mary school. Studies conducted in languages other than English were
excluded due to external validity concerns including the potential limita-
tion in providing generalizability of findings to the target population (i.e.,
English-speaking children enrolled in mainstream schools).
Groups of unselected, typically-achieving children, children with devel-
opmental language disorder, or children at risk for language and reading
problems were included in the review. Studies that targeted children with
clinical diagnoses such as autism spectrum disorder or other neurodeve-
lopmental or sensory disabilities were excluded from the review, as were
studies targeting second language learners. This was because the aim of
this review was to capture the effects of background knowledge on the
range of students for whom a Tier 3 intervention or atypical approach
was not yet required. As we aimed to characterize children across the
range of reading abilities reflected in a typical classroom, studies that
specifically aimed at the lowest achieving readers to the exclusion of typ-
ically achieving children were also excluded.
Research design
Experimental and quasi-experimental designs were included. For studies
linking background knowledge with reading comprehension in which
there was a categorization according to preexisting background knowledge
but without a specific intervention, a method for defining the population
according to degree to which children could recall relevant knowledge
was required. Intervention studies were required to include a business as
usualcontrol condition, with or without exposure to the materials, or a
weaker intervention used to mirror usual classroom instruction. Studies
that compared less and more skilled readers were included, even in the
absence of control groups, as the focus of these studies was the differen-
tial effect of interventions on the two groups of readers. Included studies
needed to have a methodology that was sufficiently detailed that it could
be faithfully replicated. The studies were examined using the Glasgow
Critical Appraisal Checklist (Morrison, Sullivan, Murray, & Jolly, 1999),
which was adapted from the Critical Appraisal Skills Program (www.casp- The Glasgow Checklist was selected because it had a subsection
directly related to the quality and replicability of education research.
We used a critical review methodology. A critical review synthesizes
material from diverse sources, analyzing it in order to produce a hypoth-
esis or model based on the data and study outcomes (Grant & Booth,
2009). The outcome of a critical review differs from other similar review
types in that it is often an evaluation of the relevant body of work in
order to construct a conceptual contribution that embodies existing theo-
ries or to derive a new theory (Grant & Booth, 2009).
Identification and retrieval of the studies
A number of databases were searched, in order to identify the largest possible
number of eligible studies that assessed the relationship between background
knowledge and reading comprehension in primary school children. An elec-
tronic search using ERIC, PychINFO and Web of Science was conducted
using the keywords readAND knowledge and readAND information.In
addition to the electronic search, the reference lists of the retrieved studies
were hand-searched in order to identify any missing articles not captured by
the original search and five additional studies were identified this way. Initial
eligibility screening focused on the age-range of participants, study design
and text type used in the study. This initial screening identified 158 studies
fulfilling the criteria noted above. Of the 158 studies that met initial eligibility
criteria, 18 were identified that used a background knowledge measure or a
knowledge building intervention and explicitly linked it to a measure of read-
ing comprehension. Figure 1 displaysthenumberofstudiesfoundasaresult
of the searches.
Study Characteristics
Eligible studies were coded according to their characteristics by the
first author. For detailed information about the coded characteristics,
see Table 1 below.
Descriptive characteristics
Across the 23 eligible reports, most were published in the 1980s and
1990s, with six published in the last 15 years. The majority of the 23 stud-
ies used a quasi-experimental design and were conducted in the United
States. The sample sizes ranged from 20 to 674, and involved children
from ages six to 12 in classroom settings. Participants in papers reviewed
in this study were representative of the spread of reading abilities present
in typical classrooms and were from a variety of SES backgrounds.
The studies varied in the degree to which they reported gender, SES and
ethnicity, so these details were not coded.
Expository text was utilized in 20 of the 23 studies, in contrast to only
six requiring comprehension of various narrative forms. This is consistent
with the wider field of research focusing on expository text due to its
difficulty; attempts to quantify the relationship between background
knowledge and genre in older children and adults have found that narra-
tive texts are less demanding on background knowledge than expository
Figure 1. Number of included studies before and after eligibility screening.
Table 1. Methodological Characteristics by Study
Background measure type
PostTest reading measure
choice Cloze
Johnson III
Questions Retell
Choice Cloze Reenactment
sentence T/F
Johnson III
Adams et al. (1995) NARR Y 106 4-7 N Y Y Y CAT Y Y Y
Beck et al. (1982) NARR A 48 3 N Y WRA Y Y Y
Best et al. (2008) NARR/EXP 61 3 N Y WJIII Y Y Y
Callahan and Drum (1984) EXP A 20 5-6 A Y Y CAT. MAT Y Y Y Y
Cervetti et al. (2016) EXP Y 59 4 N Y Y YYY
Connor et al. (2017) EXP Y 418 K-4 N Y WJIII Y Y Y
DeWitz et al. (1987) EXP 101 5 N Y Y ITBS Y Y
Freebody and
Anderson (1983)
Holmes (1983) EXP Y 56 5 N Y Y YY
Kim et al. (2021) EXP Y 674 1 N Y Y MAP, D Y Y Y Y
Langer (1984) EXP 161 6 N Y Y ITBS YY
Lipson (1982) EXP A 28 3 N UY Y
Marr and Gormley (1982) EXP Y 33 4 N Y Y MAT YY
McKeown et al. (1992) EXP Y 48 5 N Y MAT Y Y Y
McKeown et al. (2009) NARR/EXP 119 5 N TN, WJIII Y Y Y
McNamara et al. (2011) NARR/EXP A 65 4 N Y WJIII Y Y Y
McNamara et al. (1996) EXP A 36 4 6N Y Y YY Y
Pearson and
Johnson (1979)
EXP Y 20 2 A Y Y MAT Y Y
Recht and Leslie (1988) NARR Y 64 7 8 N Y Y SRA Y Y Y
Reutzel and Morgan (1990) EXP A 168 5-6 N Y Y GM Y Y Y Y
Stahl and Jacobson (1986) EXP 61 6 N Y GM Y Y Y
Taft and Leslie (1985) EXP Y 57 3 N Y Y YY Y
Yochum (1991) EXP Y 90 5 N to A Y Y U Y Y
Text Genre: EXP ¼Expository, NARR ¼Narrative.
Researcher Developed texts: Y ¼Yes, A ¼Adapted version created.
Reader Type: N ¼Normal range, A ¼Above average.
Pretest Reading Measure: MAT ¼Massachusetts Achievement Test, ITBS ¼Iowa Test of Basic Skills, CAT ¼California Achievement Test.
WJIII ¼Woodcock-Johnson III, SPR ¼Scientific Research Associates achievement comprehension subtest, GM¼Gates-MacGinitie Test, TN ¼Terra Nova reading comprehension test, D ¼Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills, MAP ¼Measures of
Academic Progress, U ¼unspecified standardized assessment.
texts (Nelson, 1998; Olson, 1985; Spiro & Taylor, 1987; Wolfe &
Woodwyk, 2010).
Excluded studies
A number of otherwise relevant studies were excluded from this review.
A series of experiments, utilizing a novel knowledge base, were excluded
because some or all of the text was read to students (Barnes et al., 1996;
Cain et al., 2001). Others examined single sentence reading so did not
meet the connected text requirement (e.g., McNamara and McDaniel
(2004)). A significant number of studies relied on activation of back-
ground knowledge but had no measure of that knowledge (e.g., Brand~
and Oakhill (2005).
Results and Discussion
Methods Used to Assess Comprehension and Knowledge Vary
Between Studies
One of the striking aspects of the reviewed studies was the variability in
measures employed to measure both reading comprehension and back-
ground knowledge. Reading assessment types varied from free recall (e.g.,
Adams, Bell, & Perfetti, 1995; McKeown, Beck, & Blake, 2009; McNamara
et al., 1996); cued recall (Best, Floyd, & McNamara, 2008; Callahan &
Drum, 1984); cloze (Callahan & Drum, 1984; Connor et al., 2017; Dewitz
et al., 1987); multiple choice questions of various forms (Connor et al.,
2017; Kim et al., 2021; McNamara et al., 2011; Reutzel & Morgan, 1990;
Stahl & Jacobson, 1986; Yochum, 1991); summary (Callahan & Drum,
1984; Freebody & Anderson, 1983; Recht & Leslie, 1988); sentence recog-
nition (Stahl & Jacobson, 1986); true/false questions (Freebody &
Anderson, 1983); to reenactment (Recht & Leslie, 1988). Even when using
the same assessment method, scoring varied. For example, when using a
recall measure, some researchers examined organization of ideas (Langer,
1984), some tallied ideas (Best et al., 2008; Callahan & Drum, 1984; Recht
& Leslie, 1988), while others scored the quality and accuracy of recall
(Cervetti, Wright, & Hwang, 2016; Recht & Leslie, 1988). This variation
was surprising given the considerable effort and attention that has been
devoted to examining ways in which reading comprehension can be
accurately measured (Bowyer-Crane & Snowling, 2005; Hua & Keenan,
2017; Pearson & Johnson, 1972).
Variation in outcome measures across studies is problematic for two
reasons. Firstly, it is difficult to make direct comparisons of background
knowledge effects, and secondly, different levels of comprehension are
assessed by each of the measures. For example, tasks which assess a
readers memory of the literal aspects of text, such as summaries, sentence
recognition and cloze items, probe a surface level representation of the
text: the textbase constructed by the reader (McNamara et al., 1996;
Tapiero, 2007). In contrast, methods addressing a readers inferences,
such as questions requiring integration of prior knowledge with informa-
tion not directly stated in the text, measure the complexity and detail of
the readers situation model, probing a deeper understanding of the text
(McNamara et al., 1996).
The variation in comprehension measures indicates that there is not
necessarily one consistent interpretation across studies of what it means
to actually comprehend a text and what the outcomes of comprehension
should and could look like to classroom teachers. The studies do not
have a common view on what children will know and be able to do as a
result of reading, and hence, what methods would be best for measuring
these outcomes. As a result, comparisons and consideration of general
trends across the studies needs to be treated with caution. Despite these
caveats, there were a number of key observations and outcomes that were
consistently reported across the studies and these are discussed below.
Background Knowledge Impacts Differentially on Different
Levels of Comprehension
We consistently found that higher levels of background knowledge enable
children to better comprehend a text. Readers who have a strong know-
ledge of a particular topic, both in terms of quantity and quality of know-
ledge, are more able to comprehend a text than a similarly cohesive text
for which they lack background knowledge. This was evident for both
skilled and low skilled readers (Marr & Gormley, 1982; Reutzel &
Morgan, 1990; Taft & Leslie, 1985).
Reading relies heavily on aspects of an individuals executive function-
ing, such as working and long-term memory performance, generic read-
ing skills, such as decoding and semantic skills that are applicable across
texts, and the availability of background knowledge specific to the text
being read (Wren, 2000). Several studies included in the review demon-
strated a compensatory effect for knowledge and reading ability; low
skilled readers with strong knowledge were able to compensate for gener-
ally poor comprehension skills (Adams et al., 1995; Holmes, 1983; Recht
& Leslie, 1988). There appears to be to be a tradeoff between knowledge
and general reading ability at this age; a child with a strong knowledge-
base can compensate to some extent for poor reading skill, and a child
with strong reading skill can compensate to some extent for deficiencies
in knowledge (Adams et al., 1995; Cervetti & Wright, 2020).
The findings of this review highlight that the compensatory effect of
background knowledge is most pronounced in the development of the
textbase. Recall and summary measures assess the ability of the reader to
retrieve the meaning of the text but they do not require the reader to
integrate what they have just read into preexisting schemata (Kostons &
van der Werf, 2015). Recht and Leslie (1988) focused on the textbase level
and demonstrated that high-knowledge readers were able to compensate
for poor reading skill to the extent that they were able to summarize and
recall to a similar degree to high-knowledge, skilled readers. The effects
of background knowledge in the construction of a textbase for skilled
readers was less significant (McNamara et al., 1996; Recht & Leslie, 1988),
to the point where, in the well-known Recht and Leslie (1988) so-called
baseball study, there was no statistically significant difference in the
recall between less-skilled and skilled, high-knowledge children.
McNamara et al. (1996) reported a similar effect whereby readers with
sufficient background knowledge were able to recall elements of the text
irrespective of their general reading abilities. The authors hypothesized
that the ability to recall information is directly related to the formation of
an adequate textbase (McNamara et al., 1996). The textbase can serve as
an efficient retrieval structure, and so propositions can be retrieved suc-
cessfully, regardless of whether the reader understands the relationships
between them (Kintsch, 1998).
The compensatory effect of knowledge was less pronounced when chil-
dren were asked to make inferences. Adams and colleagues (1995) demon-
strated that children with greater domain knowledge were more capable of
making inferences about a narrative text. Interestingly, although low-skill
readers did gain some benefit from increased knowledge, it was not as pro-
nounced as that gained by above-average readers. In contrast to the effects
of knowledge on the textbase, low-skill readers were not able to fully com-
pensate for below-average reading skill while inferencing (Adams et al.,
1995). This was consistent with findings from a number of other studies
(Holmes, 1983; Reutzel & Morgan, 1990;Stahl&Jacobson,1986).
The review also indicated that the effects of increased knowledge
depend on a childs reading skill. Low skill readers with high knowledge
are able to compensate for poorer reading skills in textbase construction
(McNamara et al., 1996; Recht & Leslie, 1988). This, in turn, enables a
more effective situation model to be produced; however, this model is still
not as detailed as that formed by an above-average, high-knowledge
reader. Therefore, although recall is strong, these readers still find infer-
encing difficult (Adams et al., 1995; Holmes, 1983; McNamara et al.,
1996; Reutzel & Morgan, 1990; Stahl & Jacobson, 1986). For stronger
readers, the impact of knowledge is most pronounced in the integration
of the textbase into a more complete schema to develop the situation
model. These children gain less benefit in the development of the textbase
but increased knowledge facilitates the formation of a more coherent situ-
ation model. These observations are consistent across studies comparing
the performance of low and high knowledge readers (Best et al., 2008;
Taylor, 1979; Yekovich, Walker, Ogle, & Thompson, 1990).
Knowledge Interacts with the Coherence and Cohesion of the Text
Understanding a text is moderated by an interaction between background
knowledge and the texts coherence and cohesion. In each of the reviewed
studies, cohesion had differential effects on the reader depending on their
level of background knowledge. McNamara and colleagues (1996) deter-
mined that readers with less knowledge were more able to recall key fea-
tures and answer inferential questions after reading a highly cohesive and
coherent text. These children benefit from texts that do much of the proc-
textbase and resultant situation model production (McNamara et al., 1996;
Reutzel & Morgan, 1990). In contrast, high knowledge children developed a
more complete situation model, and hence a greater understanding of the
text, when the text had lower cohesion. For these readers, the additional
processing required for low cohesion text forces them to produce a more
complete situation model (McNamara et al., 1996). When faced with a
more cohesive text, high knowledge children seem less likely to actively pro-
cess the text and monitor their comprehension as a result of the ease with
which they can form the textbase (McNamara et al., 1996). This reverse
cohesion effectseems to be a specific instance of the expertise reversal
effect described in the CLT literature, whereby instructional techniques dif-
fer depending on levels of prior knowledge (Sweller et al., 2019). The
expertise reversal effect notes that novice learners benefit from consistent,
heavily guided instruction or texts, whereas experts (higher-knowledge
learners) benefit more from reduced guidance or support (Sweller
et al., 2019).
The findings of this review suggest that cohesion demands are partially
responsible for the degree to which text genre impacts on the comprehen-
sion ability of children to compensate for lower reading ability using
prior knowledge. Across several studies included in this review, there was
a much greater impact of knowledge on the ability of children to read
expository texts as compared to narrative texts (Best et al., 2008;
McNamara et al., 2011; Nelson, 1998). Several factors may contribute to
this finding. Firstly, working memory demands of expository texts are
more pronounced than for narrative texts, as the schema associated with
narrative text structure are usually more practised for younger children
than expository texts (Best et al., 2008; Williams, Hall, & Lauer, 2004). A
lower demand on working memory with narrative texts may allow a
greater focus on encoding the information in long-term memory
(Tapiero, 2007). An alternative explanation is that the demands on prior
knowledge imposed by expository texts are significantly greater than those
imposed by narrative text consequently, the impact of poor prior know-
ledge may be far more pronounced with expository texts (Cervetti &
Wright, 2020; Wolfe & Woodwyk, 2010).
Misconceptions Can Be an Inhibiting Factor in Reading
Several studies highlighted the significance of the quality of knowledge for
reading comprehension, particularly the impact of reader misconceptions.
In the study by Lipson (1982), children identified as high and low skill read-
ers were asked to recognize and recall information from an expository text.
During this task, children relied more heavily on prior knowledge than on
the text; when information in the text contradicted prior knowledge, chil-
dren would preference prior knowledge. When asked to recall the contents
of the article, low skill readers were much more likely to omit contradictory
information from the text and replace with their misconception. Holmes
(1983) conducted a similar study, dividing participants into above and below
average readers to determine any differential effects of reading ability. She
observed similar effects to Lipson, noting that above-average readers were
more likely to identify contradictions between prior knowledge and infor-
mation in the text. Below-average readers were more reliant on their (incor-
rect) knowledge and struggled to resolve inconsistencies between the text
and prior knowledge (Holmes, 1983). This effect was observed in another
review study (McKeown et al., 1992). The ability to notice and address
breakdowns in comprehension is one of the features of a competent reader
(Barnes et al., 1996). This ability may be related to differing levels of organ-
ization of knowledge in long-term memory (Holmes, 1983;Langer,1984).
Higher levels of schematic organization are characterized by more precise
definitions of terms, superordinate concepts and analogous relationships
between ideas (Langer, 1984). Schemata that had a greater level of organiza-
tion enabled readers to recall and utilize information more readily from
related expository texts.
Contribution of the Findings to a Wider Context
For children in middle to late primary school, depth of background
knowledge has significant implications for their ability to read texts of
various genres. Arguably the strongest contribution of this review to the
current body of research is the contrast in the compensatory effects of
background knowledge on particular levels of comprehension described in
the Construction-Integration model for skilled and low-skill readers. Figure
2depicts these differential effects and their relationship to general reading
skill. In the formation of an accurate textbase, knowledge can help a reader
identify cohesion gaps in the text and construct bridging inferences to
repair these gaps. As this review has demonstrated, when a low-skilled
reader has strong knowledge relevant to the text, they can compensate for
below average reading skill to the point where their recall of a text is similar
to that of a skilled reader with similar knowledge (see Figure 2).
Background knowledge also affects the quality of the situation model
formed during reading. The stronger and more detailed the background
knowledge, the stronger the situation model representation of the text
will be. Therefore, a stronger knowledge base can compensate for less
skilled reading, although not completely (see Figure 2). The fact that
background knowledge cannot fully compensate for less skilled general
reading highlights the importance of teaching foundational skills thor-
oughly and not just relying on the development of a stronger knowledge-
base. Several studies in this review (Adams et al., 1995; Holmes, 1983;
Reutzel & Morgan, 1990; Stahl & Jacobson, 1986) demonstrated a gap in
the quality of the situation model formed by knowledgeable readers of
differing reading skill, a finding which is supported by other studies with
older students (Kraal, Koornneef, Saab, & van den Broek, 2018;OReilly
& McNamara, 2007) and in other forms of discourse (Barnes et al., 1996;
Cain et al., 2001). This residual difference in reading skill has variously been
Figure 2. Differences in the effects of background knowledge for above and below
average readers on textbase and situation model quality.
attributed to difficulty identifying text relations, integrating information from
the text with background knowledge and generating relevant inferences at the
right time (Cain et al., 2001; Cervetti & Wright, 2020;Perfetti,Landi,&
Oakhill, 2005; Rapp, Broek, McMaster, Kendeou, & Espin, 2007).
Therefore, although background knowledge is an important compo-
nent of reading comprehension, it is not the only component and thus
can only partially compensate for less skilled and strategic reading. This
partial compensation model differs from some descriptions of the impacts
of background knowledge, which claim greater degrees of compensation.
(Recht & Leslie, 1988).
The impact of low background knowledge can be ameliorated by
enhancing the cohesion of a text low knowledge readers benefit from
greater cohesion in the text because they lack the necessary prior know-
ledge to generate bridging inferences. When the text lacks cohesion, the
low knowledge reader is generally unable to make connections between
separate ideas in the text. By contrast, high knowledge readers gain from
cohesion gaps because it forces them to access background knowledge to
understand the text. In a follow-up study to that described in this review,
OReilly and McNamara (2007) found that this reverse cohesion effect
exists only for less skilled readers. They attribute this difference to the
fact that more skilled readers are already making strategic decisions and
actions that actively repair comprehension deficits.
The finding that different tools for assessing reading comprehension
are used across various studies is not surprising; it has been a debated
topic for some time (e.g., Dochy, Segers, & Buehl, 1999; Johnston &
Pearson, 1982). However, the range of test types, and the various levels of
comprehension that each assessed, was greater than expected given
attempts over time to develop consistent measures of reading.
Limitations of the Reviewed Research Studies
Few studies specifically compared a measure of background knowledge
with a measure of reading comprehension for younger children. Some
attempted a knowledge activation strategy (such as pre-reading) or a
framework like a concept map but neglected the measurement of what
children knew either before the intervention or as a result of the know-
ledge-building intervention.
The absence of a standardized measure of reading comprehension
made some comparisons difficult. As mentioned previously, measures
used across the studies were generally researcher-developed and unique to
the study. This use of custom measures is understandable given the short
duration of the studies; however, the presence of standardized (and com-
parable) measures would have allowed a more robust analysis.
One of the concerns about generalizing from the literature included in
this review is the degree to which the situation model and the resultant
schema construction are stable. The stability of a schema is measured by
the longevity of understanding of the text. In most of the studies, the
time elapsed between reading and the subsequent assessment was brief.
In a few studies there was a longer time between reading the text and
comprehension. Given that the purpose of many of texts in the included
studies is specifically to inform the reader, it would have been useful to
have a greater indication of long-term retention.
Most interventions in this study were short-term, ranging from two to
12 hours of instructional time. In a middle primary classroom, time is typic-
ally spent building studentsknowledge in less well-defined domains such as
The American Revolutionand Classification. Due to the larger scope of
these domains, they require a lengthier instructional phase than those in the
studies in this review. Development of longer-term interventions designed to
specifically build a larger knowledge-base would have contributed to the
understanding of the effects of knowledge building in the regular classroom.
The effectiveness of this approach is hinted at in the two exceptions to this
generalization: the Model of Reading Engagement (MORE) (Kim et al., 2021)
and the Content-Area Literacy Instruction (CALI) (Connor et al., 2017)mod-
els. Both attempted to systematically build a knowledge base over a longer
period of time. Both models showed positive and significant effects on prox-
imal reading measures and smaller effects on texts that were more distal to
the content that was being studied as part of the program. These two studies
suggest the potential for longer scale knowledge building, and a greater
emphasis on this in the literature would be welcome.
Limitations of the Review
One limitation of this review was the exclusion of research completed in
non-English speaking populations. Although the intention of this criter-
ion was to increase the ecological validity of the findings, a substantial
body of research relating to the links between background knowledge and
reading comprehension has been conducted in non-English speaking pop-
ulations. These exclusions were a reflection of the resources available to
the research team, consisting of people fluent only in English. An adjust-
ment to include these studies would have strengthened the review.
Recommendations for Practice and Future Research
In examining the outcomes of this review, it becomes more clear that
background knowledge is not just an incidental aspect of reading instruc-
tion. Instead, explicitly teaching background knowledge should be
considered foundational to increasing competency in reading. The out-
comes of this review indicate that development of background knowledge
is as, if not more, important now as it has ever been in the past, if even
just for the simple actof comprehending a text (Willingham, 2006).
Thus it is imperative that English and Language Arts educators must
focus on the explicit teaching of domain knowledge in English and
Language Arts classrooms in order to build their studentsreading com-
prehension capacity.
Findings from this review suggest that children would benefit from
exposure to background knowledge in a specific, explicit and sequenced
way (Connor et al., 2017; Kim et al., 2021): a so-called knowledge rich
curriculum (Hirsch, 2019) in addition to teaching of comprehension strat-
egies such as summarizing. This contrasts with the more prevalent
approach of teaching generic reading comprehension strategies(such as
determining the main idea, inferring and locating information) as the
prime focus of reading instruction (Griffith & Duffett, 2018; Moats,
2000). The recommendation for the development of background know-
ledge also runs counter to the prevailing view in Australian education
circles that, due to the prevalence of online information sources, know-
ledge building is less relevant and necessary than in the past and less rele-
vant than the building of so-called soft-skills such as critical thinking and
collaboration (Schleicher, 2018).
The differential impacts of background knowledge on reading compre-
hension have implications for the selection of reading materials for the
instruction of primary aged children. There seems to be a Goldilocks
principle at play in the selection of texts; if the process of comprehension
is too effortful then mental resources go toward maintaining meaning
and not storage and learning, whereas if comprehension is not effortful
enough then inscription to long-term memory is less likely to occur. In
terms of CLT, the load imposed by maintaining meaning becomes too
high and encoding information in long-term memory is inhibited
(Kintsch, 2009). If the reading process is too easy, readily accessible mem-
ories are not created. Using several matched texts written at particular
levels of cohesion for particular domains as part of an instructional
sequence may enable a text choice that is just difficult enough to enable
active processing but not so difficult that comprehension cannot occur
(McNamara et al., 1996).
Future research should focus on several questions related to knowledge
structure, availability and accessibility. The ability to recruit background
knowledge in the act of reading may be a function of the stability of that
knowledge in long-term memory. Given the purpose of reading many
texts, particularly for school-aged children, is to learn new information,
the ability of children to form a stable knowledge-base is of great
importance. In particular, given that long-term knowledge retention is
one of the aims of formal schooling, future studies could be conducted to
determine whether the compensatory effects of relevant prior knowledge
when reading allow the resultant knowledge constructed to be better
retained over a longer period than that measured in most of the studies
in this review.
There is some suggestion that the ease with which children can acti-
vate relevant schemata (knowledge accessibility) affects subsequent com-
prehension. Future studies could test whether comprehension is affected
by relevant knowledge accessibility, and whether there is a difference in
the degree to which knowledge accessibility has an impact on the reading
comprehension abilities of high and low skill readers.
Finally, studies involving a more ecologically sound knowledge-build-
ing intervention for the purpose of improving reading comprehension
could be conducted. Interventions that have a stronger link with the way
in which a knowledge-base is developed in typical classrooms could be
tested for their effects on the reading of related texts. This may inform
how instruction may be adapted to best develop comprehension.
The role of background knowledge has been a well-recognized and
researched aspect of reading comprehension for the last four decades.
Knowledge plays an integral role in most theories of reading, yet remains
an under-addressed aspect of reading instruction for teachers. This review
built upon the existing literature by describing the various ways in which
background knowledge partially, not completely, compensates for reading
skill deficiencies. Although misconceptions may be an inhibitor in com-
prehension, the presence of rich schemata gives readers a greater oppor-
tunity to build a strong understanding of the texts they read. This review
highlights the importance of the systematic and sequential building of
background knowledge for an increased ability to comprehend a range of
texts in upper-primary school children. It also focuses on the interactions
between text coherence, background knowledge and learning from text,
and so has implications for text selections for learning and for teacher
pre-service education and professional development.
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... Reading without comprehending the main ideas of a text is not truly considered effective reading. Smith et al. (2021) emphasized the importance of reading comprehension skills for students, highlighting their role as the backbone for all learners and how they positively impact overall academic performance. Smith et al. (2021) and Whitten et al. (2019) have asserted a positive correlation between students' reading comprehension abilities and their academic performance. ...
... Smith et al. (2021) emphasized the importance of reading comprehension skills for students, highlighting their role as the backbone for all learners and how they positively impact overall academic performance. Smith et al. (2021) and Whitten et al. (2019) have asserted a positive correlation between students' reading comprehension abilities and their academic performance. ...
... Learners with greater vocabulary knowledge often have better reading comprehension abilities, and vice versa. Other factors that hinder reading comprehension include learners' ability to understand the grammatical structure of texts (Hu et al., 2022), their emotional status, such as attitude and motivation towards reading, prior knowledge of the content (Smith et al., 2021), and the ability to think critically and engage actively as readers. This suggests that reading comprehension is a complex language skill (Elleman & Oslund, 2019), requiring considerable linguistic and cognitive resources. ...
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Translanguaging has recently emerged as a prominent field of study. Despite its growing popularity, its impact on students’ reading comprehension skills remains largely unexplored. This study employed a quasi-experimental research design to examine the impact of translanguaging on students’ reading comprehension performance. The study also examined students’ perceptions of translanguaging to gain a deeper understanding of translanguaging’s potential impact. Data were gathered through pre-and post-tests, questionnaires, semi-structured interviews, and observations. A sample of 56 Bhutanese school students (33 males, 23 females) were purposely recruited and divided into two groups: the experimental and control groups. The experimental group was taught using the translanguaging approach, while the control group followed a monolingual approach. The findings, based on the comparison of pre-and post-test scores between the two groups, revealed that the translanguaging group significantly outperformed the monolingual group in their post-test scores despite a negligible difference in pre-test scores. This suggests that translanguaging could be an effective teaching approach to enhancing students’ reading comprehension skills. Furthermore, despite the dominant position of English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) in the context, most students perceived translanguaging as an effective pedagogical practice. They reported that it allowed them to freely use their language repertoire to discuss and learn new vocabulary and difficult content, improved their confidence to participate in classroom discussions, and enhanced lesson comprehension. This study concludes with practical implications and suggestions for future research.
... In addition to vocabulary, other cognitive abilities such as working memory also play a crucial role in comprehension (Currie & Cain, 2015). There is considerable evidence that differences in working memory capacity are associated with differences in reading comprehension (Carretti et al., 2009;Currie & Cain, 2015;Seigneuric & Ehrlich, 2005;Smith et al., 2021). Working memory is a short-term memory system that supports the simultaneous processing of information, allowing the listener to retain previously received information while processing new input, and enabling the integration of both (Baddeley et al., 2020;Just & Carpenter, 1992). ...
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This study aimed to analyze the role of vocabulary knowledge, working memory, and processing speed in the listening comprehension of oral texts in 3- to 6-year-old Spanish-speaking children. A total of 165 children (55.76% girls; M = 4.64 years; SD = 1.07) participated in the study. Participants listened to three narrative texts and answered questions about their literal and inferential content, performed working memory tasks, a processing speed task, and a vocabulary test. ANOVA results revealed significant age-related differences across all tasks, with older children performing better than younger ones. Correlation analyses showed associations between comprehension, vocabulary, and working memory; the results suggest that these cognitive abilities are key contributors to oral narrative comprehension. The path analyses fulfilled indicated that the impact of age on comprehension is mediated by vocabulary and verbal working memory, while processing speed did not significantly influence comprehension. The results highlight the importance of supporting vocabulary development and working memory skills in early childhood education, as these are critical to enhancing comprehension abilities. In conclusion, the study demonstrates that individual differences in oral comprehension are primarily driven by vocabulary knowledge and working memory capacity, while processing speed plays a secondary role.
... According to Deldar et al. [25], spoken language is a complicated system that includes pragmatics, semantics, and syntax and is tied to the sound and meaning of a language. These three areas must be understood in order to comprehend how language skills develop, but they are not all the same [26]. Communication competence is not attained, contributing to ineffective classrooms, without knowledge of vocabulary systems (word meanings), syntax (grammar and word order), morphology (meaning of word parts and forms), pragmatics (rules of social communication), and phonics (awareness of sound and rhyme). ...
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An e-module aviation speaking preparation test has been developed to support cadets of aviation vocational schools in preparing English language proficiency tests. This research aimed to assess whether there was an improvement in cadets’ aviation speaking preparation test scores after studying the E-Module. A sample of 120 cadets participated in the study to examine the effect of E-Module aviation speaking preparation test to enhance aviation speaking abilities. The validation test score of 89.5% indicates that the E-Module aviation speaking preparation test is very valid for usage. Independent sample T-test results revealed differences between pretest and posttest scores of the e-module aviation speaking preparation test for cadets at both aviation polytechnics. Paired T-test results indicated that cadets who utilized the E-Module achieved higher learning with a significance value of (0.000)<α (0.05). The correlation between pretest and posttest scores and the learning outcomes of the E-Module aviation speaking preparation test showed a relatively high level of correlation, with a coefficient of 0.480 and a significance value of Sig (2-tailed=0.000)<½ α (0.025). These findings suggest that the E-Module aviation speaking preparation test effectively enhances the aviation English speaking abilities of cadets.
... Reading and comprehension are fundamental skills crucial for initiating learning and achieving academic success. These skills support content-area learning across all subjects (R. Smith et al., 2021), and students' academic and career development hinge significantly on their reading abilities (Snow, 2002). The role of reading curricula is pivotal in guiding students toward attaining their reading goals (Crowe et al., 2009). ...
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The purpose of this longitudinal study was to critically evaluate the updated Turkish reading curricula to determine whether they enable teachers to design instructional sequences that are highly cognitively demanding. This study was designed as a qualitative inquiry using document analysis to estimate the pedagogically oriented intellectual demands of the reading field’s curricular objectives. A total of 1,542 reading objectives were thoroughly examined and the generic picture of the longitudinal analysis shows that the objectives at the understand level dramatically dominate (49.3%) the reading instruction at the elementary and middle school levels. Approximately one-third of the objectives in the curricula were categorized at the remember level, indicating that the intellectual demands of the reading curricula predominantly focus on lower-order cognitive skills from elementary to middle school. None of the 1,542 reading objectives were classified at the create (0%) level. Only 9.26% of all objectives could potentially be utilized to design educational sequence requiring higher cognitive processing, such as at the analyze level. Similarly, only 3.04% of all objectives could be translated into instructional episodes that necessitate cognitive processes at the evaluate level by teachers. Educational recommendations are offered to teachers, curriculum developers, and educational policymakers.
... Highly cohesive materials (i.e., those that provide cues linking phrases and sentences and relate information across the text [12]) are known to reduce cognitive load for the reader [13]. However, text cohesion can also influence the extent to which a learner can leverage background knowledge [14]. Learners with lower background knowledge tend to benefit from texts with high cohesion, while learners with higher background knowledge tend to benefit from texts with low cohesion. ...
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Understanding how student characteristics affect learning in General Chemistry can influence the pedagogical strategies employed by instructors. Previous studies have investigated the effects of characteristics including prior knowledge, math ability, and motivations on course performance. Student characteristics can also influence study strategies employed by students. Few studies, however, have focused on the role of language and reading comprehension skill in learning in chemistry. This work explores the effects of prior knowledge and reading comprehension skill on learning from reading texts about two chemistry concepts. Linear regression analyses were utilized to establish relationships between predictors and test scores after reading to determine whether reading comprehension skill influenced learning gains after reading texts. A meta-analysis of four large-scale studies showed that prior knowledge and reading comprehension correlated with post-test scores and that an effect called expertise reversal may help low prior knowledge students close the post-test score gap if they read texts with certain readability characteristics. However, our findings also suggest that texts with similar readability characteristics can hinder the learning of those with higher prior knowledge.
... Some might argue, however, that simplicity is by far more important than using plain English because the average reader cannot and does not read all those documents in the first place. That, of course, will affect the course of justice, impair access to the courts by the 'ordinary' person, and force the use of highly paid advisers who can navigate their way through the thicket of legalese [13,14]. ...
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This paper examines the dual demands of clarity and complexity in legal writing, examining how these contrasting approaches shape readers’ understanding and perception of legal texts. While clarity facilitates accessibility, especially for non-specialists, complexity often becomes essential to convey intricate legal doctrines accurately. The study investigated the historical context, the rationale behind both styles and the modern debate on balancing these elements in legal writing. Ultimately, it proposes strategies to harmonize clarity with necessary complexity, ensuring that legal writing meets diverse audiences’ needs while maintaining the precision critical to legal discourse. Keywords: Legal Writing, Clarity in Legal Language, Complexity in Legal Texts, Communication in Law, Legal Jargon.
... The likelihood of information being encoded to long-term memory is dependent on the ability of working memory to process and integrate new information into existing schema. According to Smith et al. (2021), knowledge stored in long-term memory can be categorized into two types: availability and accessibility. Availability refers to that relevant knowledge that is held in one's long-term memory, while accessibility is the time and ease in which this knowledge can be retrieved. ...
In their classrooms, teachers create learning environments that foster knowledge acquisition through the strategies they choose to implement. This article highlights a strategy called Brain Drain, which teachers can set up as an activity that will help students access their prior knowledge, connect new learning, and have an opportunity to discuss and build upon this learning with peers. The Schema, Cognitive Load, and Sociocultural Learning Theories are mentioned, briefly highlighted, and connected to this strategy.
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Reading comprehension is crucial for language acquisition and has garnered significant attention. In light of this, substantial research has examined the variables affecting reading comprehension from various perspectives. Studies in cognitive psychology have explored the connection between working memory (WM) and English reading comprehension. However, few reviews specifically address the influence of WM on reading comprehension in the context of Chinese English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners. Therefore, this study aims to review the role of WM in reading comprehension among Chinese EFL learners, with a focus on how WM contributes to improved reading performance. Eight studies published between 2018 and 2023 were selected from the databases Google Scholar and Web of Science. Findings reveal a positive correlation between WM and reading comprehension among Chinese EFL learners. Moreover, WM capacity (WMC) was shown to be a significant predictor of reading performance. The results indicate that both educators and students can collaborate to strengthen WMC, thus improving reading comprehension outcomes. This review encourages further research on the impact of different WM subcomponents on EFL reading comprehension in China and on effective strategies that instructors and learners can employ to enhance WMC in the EFL learning process.
Purpose Opportunities for literacy learning should be made accessible to all. For children with developmental disabilities who are emergent communicators, instruction in language and word reading may not be accessible through traditional practices. Method Within this clinical focus article, we propose a conceptual model—accessible literacy for emerging communicators (ALEC)—guided by universal design for learning (UDL). UDL provides guidance to make learning accessible by considering all students' needs for engagement, representation, and action and expression. The ALEC model leverages UDL to offer clinical guidance to identify and implement opportunities for language and word reading learning for emerging communicators using augmentative and alternative communication. For emerging communicators with developmental disabilities, applying UDL principles to literacy opportunities includes mapping literacy onto meaningful interactions, providing high-meaning and orthographic representations, and embedding literacy into augmentative and alternative communication technology. We explore this approach clinically, reporting on cases in which we used the approach with three young children on the autism spectrum. Results Based on clinical observation of data collection sessions in which UDL principles were applied to literacy, three participants demonstrated improved engagement compared with other sessions that targeted literacy goals. Conclusion More research is needed, but our initial exploration showed that, by applying UDL guidelines for access, literacy learning opportunities can be made accessible for children with developmental disabilities who are emerging communicators.
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To account for the large demands on working memory during text comprehension and expert performance, the traditional models of working memory involving temporary storage must be extended to include working memory based on storage in long-term memory. In the proposed theoretical framework cognitive processes are viewed as a sequence of stable states representing end products of processing. In skilled activities, acquired memory skills allow these end products to be stored in long-term memory and kept directly accessible by means of retrieval cues in short-term memory, as proposed by skilled memory theory. These theoretical claims are supported by a review of evidence on memory in text comprehension and expert performance in such domains as mental calculation, medical diagnosis, and chess.
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Cognitive load theory was introduced in the 1980s as an instructional design theory based on several uncontroversial aspects of human cognitive architecture. Our knowledge of many of the characteristics of working memory, long-term memory and the relations between them had been well-established for many decades prior to the introduction of the theory. Curiously, this knowledge had had a limited impact on the field of instructional design with most instructional design recommendations proceeding as though working memory and long-term memory did not exist. In contrast, cognitive load theory emphasised that all novel information first is processed by a capacity and duration limited working memory and then stored in an unlimited long-term memory for later use. Once information is stored in long-term memory, the capacity and duration limits of working memory disappear transforming our ability to function. By the late 1990s, sufficient data had been collected using the theory to warrant an extended analysis resulting in the publication of Sweller et al. (Educational Psychology Review, 10, 251–296, 1998). Extensive further theoretical and empirical work have been carried out since that time and this paper is an attempt to summarise the last 20 years of cognitive load theory and to sketch directions for future research.
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This study investigated the effectiveness of the Model of Reading Engagement (MORE), a content literacy intervention, on first graders’ science domain knowledge, reading engagement, and reading comprehension. The MORE intervention emphasizes the role of domain knowledge and reading engagement in supporting reading comprehension. MORE lessons included a 10-day thematic unit that provided a framework for students to connect new learning to a meaningful schema (i.e., Arctic animal survival) and to pursue mastery goals for acquiring domain knowledge. A total of 38 first-grade classrooms (N = 674 students) within 10 elementary schools were randomly assigned to (a) MORE at school (MS), (b) MORE at home, (MS-H), in which the MS condition included at-home reading, or (c) typical instruction. Since there were minimal differences in procedures between the MS and MS-H conditions, the main analyses combined the two treatment groups. Findings from hierarchical linear models revealed that the MORE intervention had a positive and significant effect on science domain knowledge, as measured by vocabulary knowledge depth (ES = .30), listening comprehension (ES = .40), and argumentative writing (ES = .24). The MORE intervention effects on reading engagement as measured by situational interest, reading motivation, and task orientations were not statistically significant. However, the intervention had a significant, positive effect on a distal measure of reading comprehension (ES = .11), and there was no evidence of treatment-by-aptitude interaction effects. Content literacy can facilitate first graders’ acquisition of science domain knowledge and reading comprehension without contributing to Matthew effects. Keywords: content literacy intervention, science domain knowledge, reading comprehension, reading engagement, randomized controlled trial
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There is intense public interest in questions surrounding how children learn to read and how they can best be taught. Research in psychological science has provided answers to many of these questions but, somewhat surprisingly, this research has been slow to make inroads into educational policy and practice. Instead, the field has been plagued by decades of “reading wars.” Even now, there remains a wide gap between the state of research knowledge about learning to read and the state of public understanding. The aim of this article is to fill this gap. We present a comprehensive tutorial review of the science of learning to read, spanning from children’s earliest alphabetic skills through to the fluent word recognition and skilled text comprehension characteristic of expert readers. We explain why phonics instruction is so central to learning in a writing system such as English. But we also move beyond phonics, reviewing research on what else children need to learn to become expert readers and considering how this might be translated into effective classroom practice. We call for an end to the reading wars and recommend an agenda for instruction and research in reading acquisition that is balanced, developmentally informed, and based on a deep understanding of how language and writing systems work.
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The present study investigated comprehension processes and strategy use of second-grade low- and high-comprehending readers when reading expository and narrative texts for comprehension. Results from think-aloud protocols indicated that text genre affected the way the readers processed the texts. When reading narrative texts they made more text-based and knowledge-based inferences, and when reading expository texts they made more comments and asked more questions, but also made a higher number of invalid knowledge-based inferences. Furthermore, low- and high-comprehending readers did not differ in the patterns of text-processing strategies used: all readers used a variety of comprehension strategies, ranging from literal repetitions to elaborate knowledge-based inferences. There was one exception: for expository texts, low-comprehending readers generated a higher number of inaccurate elaborative and predictive inferences. Finally, the results confirmed and extended prior research by showing that low-comprehending readers can be classified either as readers who construct a limited mental representation that mainly reflects the literal meaning of the text (struggling paraphrasers), or as readers who attempt to enrich their mental representation by generating elaborative and predictive inferences (struggling elaborators). A similar dichotomy was observed for high-comprehending readers.
This systematic review examines the effects of summarizing and main idea interventions on the reading comprehension outcomes of struggling readers in Grades 3 through 12. A comprehensive search identified 30 studies published in peer-reviewed journals between 1978 and 2016. Studies included struggling reader participants in Grades 3 through 12; targeted summarizing or main idea instruction; used an experimental, quasi-experimental, or single-case design; and included a reading comprehension outcome. A meta-analysis of 23 group design studies resulted in a statistically significant mean effect of 0.97. Group size, number of sessions, grade level, and publication year did not moderate treatment effect. Visual analysis of six single-case designs yielded strong evidence for retell measures and a range of evidence for short-answer comprehension measures. Findings suggest that main idea and summarizing instruction may improve struggling readers’ main idea identification and reading comprehension. Limitations include the lack of standardized measures and the unreported, changing description of the counterfactual.
Previous studies have shown that instruction of reading strategies is an effective method for enhancing reading comprehension. However, many of the interventions in these studies focused on small groups of (poor) comprehenders and were provided by research assistants, making it time-consuming and relatively expensive. The authors implemented a strategy intervention to intact classrooms, consisting of reciprocal teaching and delivered by teachers. Participants were 510 typically developing fourth-grade students. A clustered randomized controlled trial was conducted with pretest, posttest, and follow-up measures to assess knowledge of reading strategies and reading comprehension. The results revealed that the intervention had an effect on knowledge of reading strategies at posttest and follow-up. However, the intervention did not affect reading comprehension performance. Together with the results of earlier studies, the present study raises the question whether strategy interventions are the most efficient to improve fourth-grade students' reading comprehension.
The purpose of this review was to (a) overview prior knowledge research and its role in student performance, and (b) examine the effects of prior knowledge in relation to the method of assessment. We selected 183 articles, books, papers, and research reports related to prior knowledge. While prior knowledge generally had positive effects on students' performance, the effects varied by assessment method. More specifically, prior knowledge was more likely to have negative or no effects on performance when flawed assessment measures were used. However, in some studies, flawed methods yielded informative results. Thus, in educational research the implications of assessment measures must be considered when examining the effects of prior knowledge.