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Synopsis & Fact Sheet: PoC for DIVE (Proof of Concept for a free-/shareware decompression suite)

  • SubMarineConsulting


PoC: proof of concept DIVE: a decompression suite as a free-/shareware for: dive / decompression planning with open system / SCUBA bounce/jump/sprint dives in the TEC & recreational domain saturation diving custom models for: diving at reduced ambient pressure, low water temperature diving with high workload / oxygen consumption C&R diving, Caisson- & tunnel work
Synopsis & Fact Sheet:
PoC for DIVE
PoC: proof of concept
DIVE: a decompression suite as a free-/shareware for:
dive / decompression planning with open system / SCUBA
bounce/jump/sprint dives in the TEC & recreational domain
saturation diving
custom models for:
diving at reduced ambient pressure, low water temperature
diving with high workload / oxygen consumption
C&R diving, Caisson- & tunnel work
For simple perfusion models like:
Bühlmann, Hahn, USN, VVAL, MT92, …
no GUI (*), only robust CLI (**)
“click & run” (no installation required)
flexible Service Engine in stable FORTRAN77:
(*) GUI: graphical user interface (**): CLI: command line interface
Topic DOI Ref.
Heliox Jump Dive 10.13140/RG.2.2.24608.20482/1 [2]
MT92 comparison 10.13140/RG.2.2.34271.38567 [3]
DCIEM, USN comparison 10.13140/RG.2.2.28277.40169 [4]
DGUV40 comparison 10.13140/RG.2.2.10079.28324 [5]
Yo-Yo / fish farming 10.13140/RG.2.2.15432.75522 [6]
P(DCS) models compared 10.13140/RG.2.2.17249.74084 [7]
SAAdeep stoptable 10.13140/RG.2.2.24738.04800 [8]
Comparison with COMEX 10.13140/RG.2.2.10536.39685 [9]
References (1):
[1] the SubMarineConsulting Group (1991) DIVE: a decompression suite;
[2] Salm, Albi (2020) ZH-L 12 : Validation of an old (1982) experimental
Heliox jump dive (30 m, 120 min)
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.24608.20482/1
[3] Salm, Albi (2021) The mapping of a french air diving table (MT92)
to a standard Haldane- / Workman- /Schreiner-algorithm
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.34271.38567
[4] Salm, Albi (2020) Comparison of the air-diving tables ZH-86 and DCIEM
with DGUV40 & DIVE V 3_09
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.28277.40169
[5] Salm, Albi (2020) Is the DGUV40 adequate for underwater-"work"?
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.10079.28324
References (2):
[6] Salm, Albi (2020) On the theoretical evaluation of one yo-yo diving profile
on air for fish-farming
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.15432.75522
[7] Salm, Albi (2020) On the statistical probability of contracting a
decompression sickness after a single scuba dive on air within a no-
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.17249.74084
[8] Salm, Albi (2020) A „deep stop“ table for recreational dives on air:
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.24738.04800
[9] Salm, Albi (2020) Adaption of a COMEX procedure for recreational bounce
dives on air
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.10536.39685
Bonus Material:
Source for
DIVE Version 3_09
Download free of charge:
DIVE V 3_09
and the german manual
The release train for
the english version (V3_04) is somewhat slower
DIVE V 3_09 is not compatible with all older versions!
„Alive & kickin‘ …“ since 1991
continuous development after latest news from
Diving & Hyperbaric Medicine (DHM Journal); and:
the latest DIVE Version for beta testing is always staged there:
along with information on
production date
size in bytes
new features
• bugs fixed
checksums for verifying the download.
development of DIVE:
... As the shallow A1 schedule did reveal significant less DCS cases in comparison to the A2 deep stop schedule, we set about to emulate the A1 schedule with a decompression shareware using a standard perfusion model with 16 parallel compartments (ZH-L 16C) and two gradient factors (GF), the GF High and the GF Low, [2] and all the references therein. ...
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In a trailblazing study from the Navy Experimental Diving Unit traditional shallow and deep stops schedules have been analyzed. As the shallow schedule did reveal significant less DCS cases in comparison to the deep stop schedule, we set about to emulate the shallow schedule with a decompression shareware using a standard perfusion model with 16 parallel compartments and gradient factors. The USN air table and the experimental shallow schedule could be emulated easily with pairs of GFs so that the prognosed time-to-surface matched. For the original USN table we used 0.90 / 0.90 and for the experimental shallow schedule (A1) 0.345 / 1.236.
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Abstract: The published french air diving tables MT92 ([1] & [2]) could be mapped via a simple algebraic transformation directly to a standard decompression algorithm based on blood perfusion with a linear relationship between calculated compartment inert gas overpressures and the ambient pressure. With this mapping the MT92 table entries could be calculated with any desktop decompression software and thus compared to other published air diving tables like DCIEM, USN & NDTT [5]. As well the MT92 framework could be extended to other than printed: or greater bottom depths or longer bottom times higher pO2 during decompression modified decompression stages if operational requirements need an adaption of the published tables.
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On the theoretical evaluation of one yo-yo diving profile on air for fish-farming Abstract: A yo-yo diving profile is one with very rapid and repeated depth changes. Due to the speed of depth changes in excess of 20 m/min and the quickly repeated ascents and descents within 1 to 5 min, a standard decompression model based on perfusion or a dive computer or a logging device can no longer track the changes in the inertgasload in the diver’s body properly. One form of ubiquitious yo-yo diving is done in fish-farming, clearly needed to change air-tanks, tools, debris and locations within a multiple array of the fish-nets. The already available historic sources ([1], [2], [4], [5] & [6]) address this topic clearly and the connected risks but without hints of complete mitigation. We propose simple & straightforward modifications of an existing perfusion model [12] to mitigate the risk of decompression sickness and/or arterial/ cerebral air embolism.
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On the statistical probability of contracting a decompression sickness after a single scuba dive on air within a no-decompression-limit The P(DCS) is the statistical probability of contracting a decompression sickness, the NDL are the so-called „No Decompression Limits“, the time limits for dives where a direct ascent to the surface is still possible, i.e. without decompression stops. Since there is variance in these NDLs from different agencies, we set out to analyze them with already published methods of assessing the P(DCS). Thus the somewhat lengthy title could have been condensed to: On the P(DCS) from a single air dive within NDL The NDL from some recreational air dives from various training agencies are contrasted and analyzed with 3 published methods from the USN NEDU [1], [2] & [4].
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Adaption of a COMEX procedure for recreational bounce dives on air: a COMEX decompression procedure, once developped for deep experimental and saturation dives with Heliox is adapted for the use in the deep diving range for recreational & technical bounce dives on regular breathing air. As well a comparison is done between different staging protocols and decompression procedures, for. eg. from the United States Navy and the Buehlmann SAT tables.
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A „deep stop“ table for recreational dives on air: Debunked! A "deep stop" table is challenged with 2 box-profiles: the authors claims of reduced decompression stress and additional safety due to deep stops are analyzed. An in-depth analysis of the calculated inertgas partial pressures in theoretical tissue compartments reveals that the additional safety and micro-bubble control can not be substantiated seriously. The manually inserted deep stops are following basically the DAN rule, thus the safety record of the original Bühlmann ZH-86 table is not substantially improved.
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Ist die DGUV Vorschrift 40 angepaßt für Taucher-“Arbeit“? Die DGUV 40 wird anhand eines exemplarischen Box-Profiles geprüft, inwieweit die körperliche Belastung unter Wasser berücksichtigt ist. Aus den Abweichungen zu bewährten / implementierten Standardmethoden läßt sich zeigen, daß dies nicht der Fall ist. Für anstrengendere Taucher-Arbeiten wird empfohlen, die DGUV 40 nicht zu benutzen oder zusätzliche Vorsichtsmaßnahmen, z.B. „padding“ dieser Tabelle.
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Vergleich der Pressluft-Tabellen ZH-86 und DGUV Vorschrift 40 mit DCIEM und DIVE Version 3_09 anhand exemplarischer Box-Profile Zusammenfassung: DGUV folgt präzise ZH-86 innerhalb der „schützenden Einhüllenden“(< 30 m, < 30 min). Marginale Abweichungen +/- 1 min zu ZH-86 bzw. DIVE Version 3_09 rühren u.a. von den unterschiedlichen Aufstiegsgeschwindigkeiten her. Außerhalb dieser Bereiche führt die im anglo-amerikanischen Sprachraum als „executive editing“ bekannte Methode i.d.R zu negativen Abweichungen, d.h. zu verkürzten Stopp-Zeiten auf Grund einer modulo 5 Struktur. Methode: Vergleich der Box- (Kastenprofile) der Tabellen in den Dimensionen: Stopp-Zeiten pro Stopp und TTS (TTS = time-to-surface, i.e.: Summe aller Stopp-Zeiten + Maximale Tiefe / Aufstiegsgeschwindigkeit)
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ZH-L12: Validation of an old (1982) experimental Heliox jump dive (30 m, 120 min): Question: could we verify the old ZH-L12 decompression profile with a topical desktop deco software?
DIVE: a decompression suite
the SubMarineConsulting Group (1991) DIVE: a decompression suite;