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Abstract and Figures

Reversing the field Do terrestrial geomagnetic field reversals have an effect on Earth's climate? Cooper et al. created a precisely dated radiocarbon record around the time of the Laschamps geomagnetic reversal about 41,000 years ago from the rings of New Zealand swamp kauri trees. This record reveals a substantial increase in the carbon-14 content of the atmosphere culminating during the period of weakening magnetic field strength preceding the polarity switch. The authors modeled the consequences of this event and concluded that the geomagnetic field minimum caused substantial changes in atmospheric ozone concentration that drove synchronous global climate and environmental shifts. Science , this issue p. 811
Climatic and environmental changes across the 42 ka Adams Event. (A) NGRIP d 18 O (41). HE4 refers to Heinrich Event 4 within GS-9. (B and C) Neanderthal extinction in Europe (40.9 to 40.5 ka) recalibrated with the kauri-Hulu calibration curve (B) and arrival of AMHs in Europe (C) and development of Initial Upper Paleolithic cultures (37). (D) Early cave art and cave utilization across both Europe and Southeast Asia (34-36). (E) Rapid expansion of LIS after a minimum extent at 42 ka calendar B.P. that commenced immediately before or during the Laschamps (17-19). (F) Kauri and Hulu Cave D 14 C values; colored solid circles denote individual trees (key in Fig. 1). Error bars indicate 1s. (G) Migration south of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) as recorded by Lake Towuti d 13 C leaf wax reported in this study (11). (H) Onset of burning in tropical Queensland, Australia (15). (I) Extinction of megafauna in Australia (and continental-wide aridification) (13, 14) and faunal turnover in southern Africa (42). SH, Southern Hemisphere. (J) Local glacial maxima in the southwest Pacific (7, 10) and the central Andes (7, 10). (K) Migration of mid-latitude westerly airflow equatorward from Auckland Islands (12) and possible extinction of subantarctic plant species (fig. S6). (L) West Antarctic (WAIS) d 18 O (41). NGRIP and WAIS d 18 O values reported on the GICC05 (+265 years) time scale (41). AIM, Antarctic isotopic maximum events. The Laschamps is shown in three phases: the transition phases (dark gray) on either side of the reversed polarity (light gray). The Mono Lake Excursion (34.6 ka) is also shown (light gray column) (1). Asterisks denote evidence of geomagnetic alteration associated with the Laschamps, demonstrating synchronous change across many parts of the globe.
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A global environmental crisis 42,000 years ago
Alan Cooper
*, Chris S. M. Turney
*, Jonathan Palmer
, Alan Hogg
, Matt McGlone
Janet Wilmshurst
, Andrew M. Lorrey
, Timothy J. Heaton
, James M. Russell
, Ken McCracken
Julien G. Anet
, Eugene Rozanov
, Marina Friedel
, Ivo Suter
, Thomas Peter
Raimund Muscheler
, Florian Adolphi
, Anthony Dosseto
, J. Tyler Faith
, Pavla Fenwick
Christopher J. Fogwill
, Konrad Hughen
, Mathew Lipson
, Jiabo Liu
, Norbert Nowaczyk
Eleanor Rainsley
, Christopher Bronk Ramsey
, Paolo Sebastianelli
, Yassine Souilmi
Janelle Stevenson
, Zoë Thomas
, Raymond Tobler
, Roland Zech
Geological archives record multiple reversals of Earths magnetic poles, but the global impacts of these
events, if any, remain unclear. Uncertain radiocarbon calibration has limited investigation of the potential
effects of the last major magnetic inversion, known as the Laschamps Excursion [41 to 42 thousand
years ago (ka)]. We use ancient New Zealand kauri trees (Agathis australis) to develop a detailed record
of atmospheric radiocarbon levels across the Laschamps Excursion. We precisely characterize the
geomagnetic reversal and perform global chemistry-climate modeling and detailed radiocarbon dating of
paleoenvironmental records to investigate impacts. We find that geomagnetic field minima ~42 ka, in
combination with Grand Solar Minima, caused substantial changes in atmospheric ozone concentration
and circulation, driving synchronous global climate shifts that caused major environmental changes,
extinction events, and transformations in the archaeological record.
Over the recent past, Earthsmagnetic
field has steadily weakened (~9% in
the past 170 years), and this, along
with the current rapid movement of
the magnetic North Pole, has increased
speculation that a field reversal may be im-
minent (1,2). The estimated economic impacts
of such a reversal have focused on the in-
creased exposure to extreme solar storms,
with multibillion-dollar daily loss estimates
(3) likely to be conservative. One of the best
opportunities to study the impacts of ex-
treme changes in Earths magnetic field is the
Laschamps Excursion (hereafter Laschamps)
a recent, relatively short-duration (<1000 year)
reversal ~41 thousand years ago (ka) (4). Sedi-
mentary and volcanic deposits indicate a
weakening of the magnetic field intensity to
<28% of current levels during the reversed
phase of the Laschamps and, notably, as little
as 0 to 6% during the preceding transition as
polarity switched (Fig. 1 and supplementary
materials) (1,2,5).
Studies of Greenland ice cores have failed
to reveal marked impacts in high-latitude
paleoclimate associated with Laschamps (5,6),
and this observation has underpinned the
current view that there is no relationship be-
tween geomagnetic reversals and climate or
environmental changes. However, the markedly
increased levels of solar and cosmic radiation
reaching Earths atmosphere because of the
weakened geomagnetic field are likely to
have increased atmospheric ionization and
decreased stratospheric ozone levels, poten-
tially generating regional climatic impacts,
particularly in lower latitudes (79). In this
regard, it is notable that many environmental
records around the Pacific Basin appear to
detail a major (and often sustained) change
in behavior ~40 to 42 ka, including local gla-
cial maxima in Australasia and the Andes
(7,10), long-term shifts in atmospheric circu-
lation patterns (11,12), and continent-wide
aridification and megafaunal extinction in
Australia (4,1316). The same periodin North
America saw the rapid, pronounced expan-
sion of the Laurentide Ice Sheet (LIS) from a
local minimum close to 42 ka (1719). Many of
these records document a long-term phase
shift into a glacial state that persisted until
the transition into the Holocene (~11.6 ka), in
direct contrast to the Atlantic Basin records of
millennial-scale abrupt and extreme changes
associated with stadial-interstadial events.
Although the Pacific Basin environmental
changes appear broadly coincident with the
Laschamps, the lack of knowledge about the
exact timing and duration of the geomagnetic
excursion has greatly limited the ability to
examine whether it played any role. In addi-
tion, chronological uncertainties are complicated
in radiocarbon-dated terrestrial and marine
records around the Laschamps because of the
elevated production of
Be, cosmo-
genic radionuclides resulting from the substan-
tial increase in high-energy cosmic radiation
reaching the upper atmosphere. The high
flux has been well described from Greenland
and Antarctic ice core records (6,20,21), which
reveal synchronous century-long
Be peaks
across the Laschamps that appear to reflect
a series of pronounced Grand Solar Minima
(GSM; prolonged periods of low solar activity
similar to the Spörer and Maunder Minima:
1410 to 1540 CE and 1645 to 1715 CE), with
unknown climate impacts (20,21). By con-
trast, the associated atmospheric
remain poorly constrained (22), preventing
precise calibration (23).
Radiocarbon changes across the Laschamps
In this study, we performed detailed radiocarbon
analyses of ancient kauri (Agathis australis)trees
preserved in northern New Zealand wetlands
(24) to generate a contiguous reconstruction
of atmospheric
C across the Laschamps (see
supplementary materials). We compared a
series of radiocarbon measurements across
multiple kauri trunk cross sections to identify
variations in atmospheric radiocarbon at a
highly resolved level. A 1700-year record from
a tree recovered from Ngāwhā, Northland, is
Cooper et al., Science 371, 811818 (2021) 19 February 2021 1of8
South Australian Museum, Adelaide, SA 5000, Australia.
BlueSky Genetics, PO Box 287, Adelaide, SA 5137, Australia.
Carbon-Cycle Facility, and Earth and Sustainability Science
Research Centre, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia.
Radiocarbon Dating Laboratory, University of Waikato, Hamilton 3240, New Zealand.
Landcare Research, PO
Box 69040, Lincoln, New Zealand.
School of Environment, University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Auckland 1142, New Zealand.
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Ltd,
Auckland 1010, New Zealand.
School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S3 7RH, UK.
Department of Geological Sciences, Brown University, Providence, RI 02912,
University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia.
Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Centre for Aviation, 8401 Winterthur, Switzerland.
Institute for Atmospheric and
Climatic Science, ETH Zurich, 8006 Zurich, Switzerland.
Physikalisch-Meteorologisches Observatorium Davos and World Radiation Center, 7260 Davos, Switzerland.
Department of Physics of
Earth, Faculty of Physics, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg 198504, Russia.
Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (Empa), 8600 Dübendorf,
Department of Geology, Quaternary Sciences, Lund University, 22362 Lund, Sweden.
Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, 27570
Bremerhaven, Germany.
Wollongong Isotope Geochronology Laboratory, School of Earth, Atmospheric and Life Sciences, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, NSW 2522, Australia.
History Museum of Utah and Department of Anthropology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84108, USA.
Gondwana Tree-Ring Laboratory, PO Box 14, Little River, Canterbury 7546, New
School of Geography, Geology and the Environment, University of Keele, Keele, Staffordshire ST5 5BG, UK.
Department of Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, Woods Hole
Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA 02543, USA.
Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia.
Southern University
of Science and Technology, Department of Ocean Science and Engineering, Shenzhen 518055, China.
Helmholtz Centre Potsdam, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Section 4.3,
14473 Potsdam, Germany.
Research Laboratory for Archaeology and the History of Art, School of Archaeology, University of Oxford, OX1 3TG, UK.
Faculty of Mathematics, Astronomy and
Physics (FAMAF), National University of Cordoba, X5000HUA, Argentina.
Australian Centre for Ancient DNA, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA 5000, Australia.
Archaeology and Natural
History, School of Culture History and Language, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia.
Australia ARC Centre of Excellence for Australian Biodiversity and
Heritage, Australian National University, ACT 2601, Australia.
Institute of Geography, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, 07743 Jena, Germany.
*These authors contributed equally to this work.
Corresponding author. Email: (A.C.); (C.S.M.T.)
on February 18, 2021 from
particularly important because it spans the
period of greatest change in
C, including an
apparent weakening of the magnetic field
before the Laschamps. The growth of the
Ngāwhātree is relatively suppressed com-
pared with both modern kauri and other
late Pleistocene kauri, and there is a marked
decrease in tree-ring width that coincides
with the weakest phase of the geomagnetic
field (supplementary materials). We spliced
the kauri tree
C series into the radiocarbon
dataset reported from the
Th-dated Hulu
Cave speleothem (22) to provide an absolute
(calendar) time scale (Fig. 1). Our 40-year
resolved reconstruction (Fig. 1) shows major
changes in atmospheric radiocarbon before
and during the Laschamps (23), closely match-
ing reconstructions of the virtual geomagnetic
pole [positions and geomagnetic intensity
(1,5)]. A comparison of the kauri-Hulu
the paleomagnetic intensity data indicates that
Cooper et al., Science 371, 811818 (2021) 19 February 2021 2of8
Fig. 1. Atmospheric radiocarbon
changes across the Laschamps
geomagnetic excursion and com-
pared with key environmental
datasets. (Aand B) Kauri
C ages
and D
C values before and through
the Laschamps (colored symbols)
compared with Hulu Cave radiocar-
bon values (open symbols) (22). The
arrow denotes the peak in D
coincident with a prominent GSM
(see below). A short
C plateau
42.20 to 42.04 ka occurs around
halfway through the steep rise in
which is consistent with Cariaco
Basin (40) and demonstrates that
this is a robust feature in the record.
B.P., before present (1950 CE); Mag.,
magnetic. Error bars indicate 1s.
(C) Relative paleomagnetic intensity
curve aligned to the Greenland ice
core record reported from Black Sea
sediments (5). (D) Normalized
Be flux (light blue line)
(20) compared with modeled
production rates from the kauri-Hulu
dataset (thick black line). The ampli-
fied peaks in
Be during the
weakened paleomagnetic field are
consistent with increased ionizing
radiation during GSM (arrows; see
supplementary materials). (E) North
Greenland Ice Core Project (NGRIP)
O record reported on the GICC05
(+265 years) time scale B.P.;
Greenland interstadial (warming)
events 11 to 9 are shown (41), along
with the weak Greenland stadial
(GS-10), which may represent a local
Greenland signal of abrupt cooling
interrupting a larger interstadial event
originally consisting of GI-10 and GI-9
(29,30). (F) Sediment total reflec-
tance (refl-L*) measurements from
Cariaco Basin (250-point running
mean) showing the absence of a clear
GS-10 signal (30). The reversed
geomagnetic polarity (light-gray col-
umn) and flanking transition phases
(dark gray) are indicated, with the
latter being the weakest periods
of Earths magnetic field and closely
coincident with GS-11 and GS-10.
on February 18, 2021 from
the reversed phase of the geomagnetic field
(and associated partial recovery) defining the
Laschamps sensu stricto occurred at 41.56 to
41.05 ka (supplementary materials).
By modeling
C-production rates from our
kauri D
C record, it is possible to precisely
records (21). Across this period, we infer that
scale is 265 years younger than the Hulu Cave
time scale (95.4% range: 160 to 310 years)
(Fig. 1 and fig. S15), which is considerably
more precise than previous comparisons (21).
Notably, the steep rise in D
42.35 ka, witha peak value of 782 per mil ()
occurring at 41.8 ka, 300 years before the
full Laschamps reversal. This is the highest
C concentration yet reported
of the pre-anthropogenic radiocarbon time
scale (22,23,25) (see supplementary ma-
terials). The peak D
C value reported here
occurs during the most weakened phase of
the geomagnetic field (5) and is associated
with a prominent GSM recorded by
Be flux
(20) (Fig. 1 and supplementary materials), when
the weakened solar interplanetary magnetic
field allowed enhanced input of galactic cosmic
rays (GCRs) into the upper atmosphere. This
kauri-Hulu record provides a precise radio-
car bon calibration curve for this period, per-
mitting a detailed recalibration of wider
environmental changes to test synchrony
between events while also enabling us to in-
vestigate the potential climate drivers during
the Laschamps.
Global chemistry-climate modeling
To explore the impacts of a greatly weakened
geomagnetic field on atmospheric ionization,
chemistry, and dynamics, we undertook a se-
ries of simulations using a global chemistry-
climate model, SOCOL-MPIOM (8)(see
supplementary materials). First, the global
conditions before the Laschamps were mod-
eled by using modern values of the geo-
magnetic dipole moment (M) and average
solar modulation potential (f) of 800 MV
(equivalent to the modern value). After a
398-year spin-up, three 72-yearlong sim-
ulations (from which the last 60 years were
used for analysis) were branched off to study
the Laschamps and two additional solar
states likely to influence atmospheric ioniza-
tion: a reference run keeping M = 100% cur-
rent and f= 800 MV (experiment REF); the
Laschamps with weakened geomagnetic field
(M = 0% current, f= 800 MV; experiment
M0P800) (2);andaLaschampsweakenedgeo-
magnetic field plus GSM when the decreased
geomagnetic field and the reduced solar mod-
ulation potential greatly increase the GCR
ionization rate in Earths atmosphere (M = 0%
current, f= 0 MV; experiment M0P0).
Although our simulation for the weakened
magnetic field during the Laschamps (M0P800)
showed modest but significant changes in at-
mospheric chemistry and climate (see supple-
mentary materials), the scenario for Laschamps
plus GSM (M0P0) showed greatly amplified
impacts, most notablyduringtheboreal
winter and austral summer (December to
February) (Figs. 2 and 3 and figs. S18 to S30).
Cooper et al., Science 371, 811818 (2021) 19 February 2021 3of8
Fig. 2. The impact ofa weakened geomagnetic field and GSM on global chemistry.
(Ato C) Simulated anomalies in boreal winter and austral summer (relative to
experiment REF; December to February) atmospheric chemistry [HOx, NOx, and O
(A), (B), and (C), respectively] for a weakened magnetic field during the Laschamps
plusGSM(M=0,f= 0); colored areas denote 10% significance. (D) Total ozone column
change [Dobson units (DU)]; hatched areas denote 10% significance level.
on February 18, 2021 from
Our results yield a large increase in atmo-
spheric ionization from GCRs, resulting in
an enhanced production of hydrogen and
nitrogen oxides (HOx and NOx, respectively)
(Fig. 2, A and B) (8) down to very low altitudes.
The increased HOx and NOx concentrations
influenced ozone levels over the entire atmo-
sphere, decreasing the O
mixing ratio in the
stratosphere (~5%) while increasing the O
mixing ratio in the troposphere, with the great-
est changes observed over Antarctica (~5%)
(Fig. 2, C and D).
We find that decreasing stratospheric O
concentrations had climatic impacts over the
mid- to high latitudes in both hemispheres
(Fig. 3). In the Northern Hemisphere, this
changed the equator-to-pole temperature
gradient, weakening the Arctic polar vortex
and leading to a net warming effect in the
lower polar stratosphere. We postulate that
this positive temperature anomaly was fur-
ther amplified by an increase in the Brewer-
Dobson Circulation, which would have, among
other effects, led to adiabatic warming of air
masses sinking from upper to lower strato-
spheric heights. The reason for the increased
Brewer-Dobson Circulation may originate from
a wavier jet stream, reaching higher velocities
at the Northern Hemisphere latitudes with the
most pronounced orographic barriers and in-
creasing gravity-wave production, which sub-
sequently propagated vertically up through the
atmospheric column (26). The lower atmo-
sphere responded to those factors with sea-
level pressure increases over the Arctic and
North America and decreases over Western
Europe, with parallel changes in surface tem-
perature. These changes resemble a negative
phase of the Arctic Oscillation (AO) and North
Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), consistent with
reanalysis studies (27). In the Southern Hem-
isphere, decreasing stratospheric O
to be associated with small changes in the
mid-latitude airflow (Fig. 3) and subtropical
precipitation patterns (see supplementary ma-
terial) (8). Because the significance is <10%, an
ensemble of longer model runs is required to
confirm this finding.
Although previous studies have suggested
that snowfall over Greenland is summer dom-
inated during glacial conditions (28), the
model predictions of pronounced boreal win-
ter Arctic surface cooling are potentially im-
portant in the context of the Greenland ice
core records spanning this period. It is notable
that the two weakest phases of geomagnetic
field strength during the Laschamps closely
coincide with the cold Greenland stadials 11
(GS-11) and GS-10 (Fig. 1). Furthermore, GS-10
and the following brief interstadial GI-9
have a number of atypical features that have
led to suggestions that they might represent
the interruption of a single long warm inter-
stadial (composed of GI-10 and GI-9, as seen
in other records such as Cariaco Basin) (Fig. 1)
by an abrupt cold phase, likely related to an
expansion in North Atlantic sea-ice extent,
which changed the climatic gradient between
the mid-latitudes and Greenland (29,30)(sup-
plementary materials). As a result, the climatic
impacts of the Laschamps may have been ob-
scured by the way they are represented in the
Greenland ice core records.
Pacific climate and environmental impacts
In the Northern Hemisphere, it remains difficult
to disentangle the similarly timed impacts of
Laschamps from Greenland stadial-interstadial
events, early glacial advances, and the expansion
of anatomically modern humans (AMHs) (4,31).
Therefore, to isolate the potential impacts of
Cooper et al., Science 371, 811818 (2021) 19 February 2021 4of8
Fig. 3. The impact of a weakened geomagnetic field and GSM on global climate. (Ato D) Simulated anomalies in boreal winter and austral summer (relative to
experiment REF; December to February) wind speed at 10 m, sea-level pressure, surface temperature, and zonal wind [(A) to (D), respectively] for a weakened
magnetic field during the Laschamps plus GSM (M = 0, f= 0); hatched areas denote 10% significance level.
on February 18, 2021 from
Laschamps from these confounding factors,
we used the kauri-Hulu radiocarbon calibra-
tion curve to examine a transect of stratigraph-
ically constrained sites in the Pacific (i.e.,
outside the Atlantic Ocean basin) from the
subantarctic to the tropics (Fig. 4).
We used high-resolution radiocarbon dating
to investigate Laschamps-aged sedimentary
sequences at sites that record the behavior
of both the Intertropical Convergence Zone
(ITCZ) (Lake Towuti, Sulawesi) and mid-
latitude Southern Hemisphere westerlies
(subantarctic Auckland Islands). On the
subantarctic Auckland Islands (50°S) (see
supplementary materials), which currently
sit under Southern Hemisphere mid-latitude
westerly airflow (12), a lignite sedimentary
horizon at Pillar Rock records a warm period
Cooper et al., Science 371, 811818 (2021) 19 February 2021 5of8
Fig. 4. Climatic and environmental
changes across the 42 ka Adams
Event. (A) NGRIP d
O(41). HE4
refers to Heinrich Event 4 within GS-9.
(Band C) Neanderthal extinction in
Europe (40.9 to 40.5 ka) recalibrated with
the kauri-Hulu calibration curve (B)
and arrival of AMHs in Europe (C) and
development of Initial Upper Paleolithic
cultures (37). (D) Early cave art and cave
utilization across both Europe and
Southeast Asia (3436). (E) Rapid
expansion of LIS after a minimum extent
at 42 ka calendar B.P. that commenced
immediately before or during the
Laschamps (1719). (F) Kauri and Hulu
Cave D
C values; colored solid circles
denote individual trees (key in Fig. 1). Error
bars indicate 1s.(G) Migration south of
the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ)
as recorded by Lake Towuti d
leaf wax
reported in this study (11). (H) Onset
of burning in tropical Queensland,
Australia (15). (I) Extinction of megafauna
in Australia (and continental-wide
aridification) (13,14) and faunal turnover
in southern Africa (42). SH, Southern
Hemisphere. (J) Local glacial maxima in
the southwest Pacific (7,10) and the
central Andes (7,10). (K) Migration of
mid-latitude westerly airflow equatorward
from Auckland Islands (12) and possible
extinction of subantarctic plant species
(fig. S6). (L) West Antarctic (WAIS)
O(41). NGRIP and WAIS d
O values
reported on the GICC05 (+265 years) time
scale (41). AIM, Antarctic isotopic
maximum events. The Laschamps is
shown in three phases: the transition
phases (dark gray) on either side of the
reversed polarity (light gray). The
Mono Lake Excursion (34.6 ka) is also
shown (light gray column) (1). Asterisks
denote evidence of geomagnetic alteration
associated with the Laschamps,
demonstrating synchronous change
across many parts of the globe.
on February 18, 2021 from
from 54 to 42 ka within the last glaciation.
Pollen records of Dracophyllum scrub grassland
on this exposed cliff top and long-distance
transport of lowland podocarp forest pollen
from the New Zealand mainland indicate
weaker westerly winds than now and mean
annual temperatures within 1° to 1.5°C of
those today (supplementary materials), inter-
preted to represent a period when the core
of the Southern Hemisphere westerlies lay
relatively poleward, delivering mid-latitude
air masses over this sector of the Southern
Ocean (12). A series of 12 contiguous
reveals the upper stratigraphic boundary, mark-
ing a return to periglacial conditions that
occurred at 42.23 ± 0.2 ka, coincident with
the weakening of the magnetic field during
the transition phase into the Laschamps
(Fig. 1). The periglacial conditions lasted
until the Holocene (12), suggesting perva-
sive and widespread cold conditions (asso-
ciated with a strengthening or northward
shift in the core westerly airflow) across
this sector of the Southern Ocean.
In the equatorial west Pacific, Lake Towuti
currently experiences a wet season from
December to May as the ITCZ migrates south-
ward (11). During the last glacial period, Lake
Towuti preserves a marked and sustained
shift in d
leaf wax
to more positive values
(interpreted as representing more arid con-
ditions), which persisted until the Pleistocene-
Holocene boundary (Fig. 4 and supplementary
materials) (11). A comprehensive series of 13
new radiocarbon dates and sediment magnetic
intensity minima suggest that the ITCZ shift
occurred at 42.35 ± 0.2 ka, again during the
geomagnetic transition phase into the Laschamps
(fig. S11), precisely aligning to the westerly
airflow shift recorded at Pillar Rock. The high
level of precision on the ages obtained for the
major climatic boundaries recorded in Lake
Towuti and the Auckland Islands is only
possible because of the contiguous series of
radiocarbon dates from each sequence, which
permit accurate alignment against the steep
rise in atmospheric radiocarbon values across
this period (Fig. 1).
The above changes are consistent with a
wealth of observations that indicate major
environmental changes around the Pacific
Cooper et al., Science 371, 811818 (2021) 19 February 2021 6of8
Fig. 5. Summarized potential impacts of different states of Earths
magnetic field and solar events. (Ato D) Size of the magnetosphere,
auroral extent, atmospheric ionization and associated chemistry and climate
impacts for (A) today, (B) the Laschamps, (C) GSM during the Laschamps,
and (D) major SEP events during the Laschamps (see supplementary
materials). Upward arrows represent increase, and downward arrows represent
decrease. max., maximum; min., minimum; SCR, solar cosmic radiation;
GV, gigavolt; MV, megavolt.
on February 18, 2021 from
Basin at the time of the geomagnetic tran-
sition into the Laschamps. For instance, a
northward movement of the Southern Hemi-
sphere westerlies has been proposed to ex-
plain the local peak glacial advance in the
arid southern-central Andes, sometime before
39 ka (Fig. 4) (7) and tentatively related to
fluxes in cosmic radiation and the Laschamps
(8). Maximum glacial advances are also ob-
served in New Zealand ~42 ka (10), consistent
with the climate modeling of enhanced
southwesterly airflow over the mid-latitudes
(Fig. 3) (8). These broad-scale atmospheric
circulation changes appear to have had far-
reaching consequences.WithinAustralia,the
peak megafaunal extinction phase is dated at
~42.1 ka, both in the mainland and Tasmania
(Fig. 4) (1416), and has generally been at-
tributed to human action, although well after
their initial arrival at least 50 ka (14,16,32).
Instead, the megafaunal extinctions appear to
be contemporaneous with a pronounced cli-
matic phase shift to arid conditions that re-
sulted in the loss of the large interior lakes
and widespread change in vegetation patterns
(13,15). At Lynchs Crater in northeast Australia,
the shift in vegetation structure, accompanied
by increased burning (15), has been recalibrated
here at 41.91 ± 0.4 ka, overlapping with the
climatic boundaries observed at Lake Towuti
and the Auckland Islands. Likewise, sedi-
ments at the Lake Mungo site associate the
timing of the loss of Australias interior lakes
and megafaunal extinction phase with a re-
ported geomagnetic excursion ~42 ka (locally
called the Lake Mungo Excursion)(supple-
mentary materials) (13). Similar signals of
marked floral and faunal change also appear
to exist on New Caledonia and as far afield as
South Africa (see supplementary materials).
Together, these records suggest that both a
mid-latitude climatic shift and major extinction
phases overlap with the geomagnetic transition
leading into the Laschamps, implying an asso-
ciation between these events.
Our model simulations potentially provide
important insights into the global nature of
Laschamps. Although the immediate impacts
associated with the geomagnetic transition were
likely on the order of the duration (800 years),
many of the above synchronous changes per-
sisted for millennia. This implies that a thresh-
old may have been passed in one or more Earth
system components, effectively tipping into a
different persistent state (Fig. 4). One possibility
is that with Earths orbital configuration moving
toward a full glacial state and limited global
ocean ventilation (see supplementary mate-
rials), the climate system may have been
sensitive to a relatively short but extreme
forcing around the time of the Laschamps.
For instance, terrestrial and marine sedimen-
tary records have revealed that the LIS ex-
panded rapidly from a local minimum at
42 ka (18,19) in association with a magnetic
reversal (17,19), with geological constraints
and numerical models indicating that some
parts of the ice sheet may have expanded
>1000 km by ~39 to 37 ka (18). Although our
model simulations do not suggest any major
change in airflow over the equatorial and
southern Pacific, we do find a substantially
weakened polar vortex, most notably during
the boreal winter (Fig. 3 and supplementary
materials). The greatly reduced surface tem-
peratures akin to a negative phase of the AO
and NAO could potentially have created a
positive feedback for ice sheet growth, reduc-
ing global sea levels. Recent work has sug-
gested that a greatly expanded LIS would have
reorganized atmospheric circulation across the
wider Pacific Ocean (11). Such a hemisphere-
wide response to abrupt forcing is consistent
with the synchronous movement of the mid-
latitude Southern Hemisphere westerlies deter-
mined from Pillar Rock and implied from glacial
behavior in New Zealand, Australia, and the
central Andes.
The Adams Transitional Geomagnetic Event
and wider implications
Overall, the signals discussed above suggest
that contemporaneous climatic and environ-
mental impacts occurred across the mid- to
lower latitudes ~42 ka, coincident with Earths
weakened geomagnetic field immediately pre-
ceding the reversed state of the Laschamps
(Fig. 4). We describe this as the Adams
Transitional Geomagnetic Event(hereafter
Adams Event), named after the science
writer Douglas Adams because of the timing
(the number 42) and the associated range of
extinctions (33). Previous studies may have
failed to identify such a relationship between
the Laschamps and climatic impacts because
of the lack of temporal resolution and by
focusing on the period of actual reversed
geomagnetic field (41.5 to 41.1 ka) (5,6)rather
than the preceding extended phase of much
weaker geomagnetic field (42.4 to 41.5 ka).
The lowered geomagnetic field intensity
during the Adams Event, together with major
changes in the intensity of cosmic radiation,
is estimated to have increased levels of at-
mospheric ionization and ultraviolet (UV)
radiation, especially in equatorial and low
latitudes (<40°), because of a 10-fold decrease
in the cosmic ray cut-off rigidity (Fig. 5 and
supplementary materials). During GSM, the
ionization in the middle stratosphere and
surface UV radiation levels are estimated to
have been further heightened (up to 25 to
40% and 10 to 15% above current levels, re-
spectively), after taking into account changes
in the solar spectrum. Furthermore, these
values are likely to be much greater during
the short-lived solar energetic particle (SEP)
events (Fig. 5 and supplementary materials).
Although the relationship between increased
atmospheric ionization and stratospheric and
tropospheric cloudiness through cloud-seeding
type impacts remains uncertain, such impacts
would be focused toward the lower latitudes
(9), where the potential for lightning strikes
could explain the increased records of charcoal
observed around the Laschamps in Australia
(15) and lack of relationship with archaeological
signs of human activity (see supplementary
The implications of this study are consider-
able. For instance, the Adams Event is very
close in timing to the globally widespread
appearance and increase in figurative cave
art, red ochre handprints, and changing use of
caves ~40 to 42 ka, e.g., in Europe and Island
Southeast Asia (fig. S34 and supplementary
materials) (3436). This sudden behavioral
shift in very different parts of the world is
consistent with an increasing or changed use
of caves during the Adams Event, potentially
as shelter from the increase of ultraviolet B,
potentially to harmful levels, during GSM or
SEPs, which might also explain an increased
useofredochresunscreen(4). Rather than the
actual advent of figurative art, early cave art
would therefore appear to represent the pre-
servation of preexisting behaviors on a new
medium (supplementary materials) (36). Other
important archaeological boundaries during
the wider Laschamps include the extinction
of the Neanderthals (recalibrated here at 40.9
to 40.5 ka), along with the disappearance of
some of the first European AMH cultures and
the subsequent widespread appearance of
the Aurignacian technocomplex (Fig. 4 and
supplementary materials) (4,31,37).
The Adams Event appears to represent a
major climatic, environmental, and archaeo-
logical boundary that has previously gone
largely unrecognized. Furthermore, another
well-known geomagnetic excursion in the
recent past, Mono Lake (34 ka) (1), also
appears to be marked by a distinct peak in
the D
C levels in the Hulu Cave stalagmite
(Fig. 3) and aligns closely with a further
latitudinal shift in the ITCZ as recorded in
Lake Towuti, as well as a cluster of mega-
faunal extinctions in Eurasia (38)(supple-
mentary materials). Importantly, geomagnetic
transition phases can last substantially longer
than during the Laschamps; for instance, the
most recent full geomagnetic reversal, the
Brunhes-Matuyama (at ~790 ka) (39) has a
transition phase of ~20 ka, some 25 times
longer than the Adams Event, with potentially
far-reaching global climatic and evolutionary
effects. The discovery that geomagnetic excur-
sions can alter latitudinal temperature gra-
dients through drastic increases in cosmic
radiation and decreased ozone concentrations
provides a new model for sudden paleoclimate
Cooper et al., Science 371, 811818 (2021) 19 February 2021 7of8
on February 18, 2021 from
shifts. Overall, these findings raise important
questions about the evolutionary impacts of
geomagnetic reversals and excursions through-
out the deeper geological record (4).
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We thank Marble Hill Estate, Adelaide Hills, for hosting a research
meeting in 2016 that helped initiate this project. We are grateful
for the assistance of N. Parker at Nelsons Kaihu Kauri, Top Energy,
and Ngāpuhi iwi for permission to obtain and analyze samples of
the Ngāwhātree. We would also like to thank B. Finlayson,
R. Finlayson, K. Finlayson, and G. Beckham for providing access
to the subfossil kauri. M. Guzowski kindly helped prepare the
map used in Fig. 5. Many colleagues have provided valuable
support and suggestions; L. Van Gelder, H. Cadd, S. Haberle,
S. Haaland, T. Cooper, N. Golledge, and S. Fry. M. Thuerkow kindly
provided the initial land surface dataset and ocean temperatures
for the model simulations, and G. Chiodo provided support for the
chemistry-climate modeling. We acknowledge ETH Zürich for use
of the Euler Linux cluster and other computing facilities. We thank
three anonymous reviewers whose comments improved the
manuscript considerably. This work is dedicated to Douglas Adams
and Roger Cooper. Funding: We thank the Australian Research
Council for Discovery Grant and Laureate Fellowship support
[DP170104665 and FL140100260 (A.C.) and FL100100195
(C.S.M.T.)], the University of Adelaide Environment Institute, the
Australasian Antarctic Expedition 20132014 and The Tiama,
the Royal Society of New Zealand Marsden Fund (contract MFP-
NIW1803), NIWA, the University of Waikato, the Leverhulme Trust
(RF-2019-140\9), the Russian Science Foundation (20-67-46016),
and a Swiss National Science Foundation Ambizione grant
(PZ00P2_180043). Author contributions: C.S.M.T. and A.C.
designed the research; C.S.M.T., A.C., J.P., A.H., M.M., J.W., A.M.L.,
T.J.H., J.M.R., J.G.A., I.S., and P.F. performed the research; A.C.,
C.S.M.T., J.P., A.H., J.G.A., T.P., E.Ro., K.M., M.M., J.W., A.M.L.,
T.J.H., J.M.R., R.M., F.A., A.D., and I.S. analyzed the data; and A.C.
and C.S.M.T. wrote the paper with input from all authors.
Competing interests: The authors declare no competing interests.
Data and materials availability: All data are available in the main
text or the supplementary materials.
Materials and Methods
Figs. S1 to S34
Tables S1 to S8
References (43175)
24 March 2020; accepted 14 December 2020
Cooper et al., Science 371, 811818 (2021) 19 February 2021 8of8
on February 18, 2021 from
A global environmental crisis 42,000 years ago
Souilmi, Janelle Stevenson, Zoë Thomas, Raymond Tobler and Roland Zech
Mathew Lipson, Jiabo Liu, Norbert Nowaczyk, Eleanor Rainsley, Christopher Bronk Ramsey, Paolo Sebastianelli, Yassine
Raimund Muscheler, Florian Adolphi, Anthony Dosseto, J. Tyler Faith, Pavla Fenwick, Christopher J. Fogwill, Konrad Hughen,
J. Heaton, James M. Russell, Ken McCracken, Julien G. Anet, Eugene Rozanov, Marina Friedel, Ivo Suter, Thomas Peter,
Alan Cooper, Chris S. M. Turney, Jonathan Palmer, Alan Hogg, Matt McGlone, Janet Wilmshurst, Andrew M. Lorrey, Timothy
DOI: 10.1126/science.abb8677
(6531), 811-818.371Science
, this issue p. 811Science
changes in atmospheric ozone concentration that drove synchronous global climate and environmental shifts.
authors modeled the consequences of this event and concluded that the geomagnetic field minimum caused substantial
atmosphere culminating during the period of weakening magnetic field strength preceding the polarity switch. The
of New Zealand swamp kauri trees. This record reveals a substantial increase in the carbon-14 content of the ringsdated radiocarbon record around the time of the Laschamps geomagnetic reversal about 41,000 years ago from the
created a preciselyet al.Do terrestrial geomagnetic field reversals have an effect on Earth's climate? Cooper
Reversing the field
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on February 18, 2021 from
... Here the calibration curves predominantly rely on measurements from the Hulu Cave stalagmites 44,45 , which are smoothed as a result of the various natural processes involved. However, new tree-ring archives are becoming available 41,46,47 , providing hope that annual-resolution calibration curves based on tree rings will soon extend further into the past. ...
... So far, excluding the 12,350 bc event 41 , ESPEs have been found only in Holocene subfossil trees. Solar variability beyond the Holocene remains terra incognita, although existing tree-ring 14 C data and ice-core 10 Be and 36 Cl are seen to exhibit high-frequency structures 46,[84][85][86] . Extending the solar record beyond the Holocene will require dedicated efforts to find relatively rare subfossil trees from Glacial and Late Glacial periods. ...
... This is a much narrower calendar range than is achievable by calibration of only a single sample and is clearly compatible with the Battle of Dunbar. promise beyond the Last Glacial Maximum 46,47 . The AMS analyses of these trees will need to be optimized through careful controls on uncertainty 87 to detect small and rapid 14 C changes. ...
Radiocarbon (14C) is essential for creating chronologies to study the timings and drivers of pivotal events in human history and the Earth system over the past 55,000 years. It is also a fundamental proxy for investigating solar processes, including the potential of the Sun for extreme activity. Until now, fluctuations in past atmospheric 14C levels have limited the dating precision possible using radiocarbon. However, the discovery of solar super-storms known as extreme solar particle events (ESPEs) has driven a series of advances with the potential to transform the calendar-age precision of radiocarbon dating. Organic materials containing unique 14C ESPE signatures can now be dated to annual precision. In parallel, the search for further storms using high-precision annual 14C measurements has revealed fine-scaled variations that can be used to improve calendar-age precision, even in periods that lack ESPEs. Furthermore, the newly identified 14C fluctuations provide unprecedented insight into solar variability and the carbon cycle. Here, we review the current state of knowledge and share our insights into these rapidly developing, diverse research fields. We identify links between radiocarbon, archaeology, solar physics and Earth science to stimulate transdisciplinary collaboration, and we propose how researchers can take advantage of these recent developments.
... Conversely, while the effects of SPEs are much shorter in time, the impacts can be much stronger. The effects of GSM on atmospheric chemistry and climate have recently been modeled for the most recent major geomagnetic excursion, the Laschamps Event 42,000 B.P., where 6 to 7 GSM can be observed in dendrorecords (36). However, the specific impact of a large SPE on the Earth's atmosphere during a period of weak geomagnetic field strength remains unclear, including the repercussions on terrestrial life and human health. ...
... The resulting intense pain from exposure to light, severe headaches, and blurry or complete loss of vision would be debilitating to exposed human groups, with the effects lasting for many days and requiring complete avoidance of exposure to light. As such, a SPE during the multiple geomagnetic excursions known in the Late Pleistocene would be expected to have pronounced negative impacts on hunter-forager groups, as has been suggested for the Laschamps and Mono Lake geomagnetic excursions which coincide with major genetic replacement events in European populations (36,63,88). For other species, the negative impacts are likely to relate to the extent of preexisting adaptations, such as UV-blocking pigments within eyes. ...
... In our study, following earlier methodology (36,39), we assume the total disappearance of the geomagnetic field during the excursion, given that the actual field configuration is unknown. Although some studies estimate that the dipole field strength during a geomagnetic reversal/excursion can reduce to a few percent of current values (27,115), the nondipole component can remain significant. ...
Solar particle events (SPEs) are short-lived bursts of high-energy particles from the solar atmosphere and are widely recognized as posing significant economic risks to modern society. Most SPEs are relatively weak and have minor impacts on the Earth’s environment, but historic records contain much stronger SPEs which have the potential to alter atmospheric chemistry, impacting climate and biological life. The impacts of such strong SPEs would be far more severe when the Earth’s protective geomagnetic field is weak, such as during past geomagnetic excursions or reversals. Here, we model the impacts of an extreme SPE under different geomagnetic field strengths, focusing on changes in atmospheric chemistry and surface radiation using the atmosphere–ocean–chemistry–climate model SOCOL3-MPIOM and the radiation transfer model LibRadtran. Under current geomagnetic conditions, an extreme SPE would increase NO x concentrations in the polar stratosphere and mesosphere, causing reductions in extratropical stratospheric ozone lasting for about a year. In contrast, with no geomagnetic field, there would be a substantial increase in NO x throughout the entire atmosphere, resulting in severe stratospheric ozone depletion for several years. The resulting ground-level ultraviolet (UV) radiation would remain elevated for up to 6 y, leading to increases in UV index up to 20 to 25% and solar-induced DNA damage rates by 40 to 50%. The potential evolutionary impacts of past extreme SPEs remain an important question, while the risks they pose to human health in modern conditions continue to be underestimated.
... Heinrich events and the Younger Dryas (YD) are labelled. (b) Atmospheric Δ 14 C from IntCal20 and an added extension from new kauri-based data around 42 cal kBP (Cooper et al., 2021). (c) GRIP 18 O on Hulu timescale and NGRIP 18 O on the AICC2012 timescale (NGRIP Members, 2004). ...
... (b) Contribution of sea ice, Southern Ocean vertical mixing (SO-x) and AMOC to atmospheric CO 2 for different carbon cycle backgrounds of scenarios (CTRL: no millennial-scale AMOC changes; A3: most realistic AMOC changes). (c) Simulated atmospheric Δ 14 C in baseline Q1 against IntCal20 reconstruction and an added extension from new kauri-based data around 42 cal kBP (Cooper et al., 2021). To allow a better comparison reconstructions are shown on different (right) y-axis which covers a factor of ten wider range. ...
... In our setup such changes in atmospheric Δ 14 C can only be shown for baseline Q1, since in the other setups is always calculated internally to meet the IntCal20 atmospheric Δ 14 C reconstructions. The comparison to both the IntCal20 data in general and the newer higher resolved Kauri tree data around 42 kyr BP in particular (Cooper et al., 2021) clearly shows, that millennial-scale variability in atmospheric Δ 14 C is indeed better matched by scenarios A1-A3 than in those without reduced AMOC during stadials. However, the simulated amplitudes are on the order of 10-30 , while in the data they appear to be on the order of 50 . ...
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Carbon cycle models used to calculate the marine reservoir age of the non-polar surface ocean (called Marine20) out of IntCal20, the compilation of atmospheric 14C, have so far neglected a key aspect of the millennial-scale variability connected with the thermal bipolar seesaw: changes in the strength of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) related to Dansgaard/Oeschger and Heinrich events. Here we implement such AMOC changes in the carbon cycle box model BICYCLE-SE to investigate how model performance over the last 55 kyr is affected, in particular with respect to available 14C and CO2 data. Constraints from deep ocean 14C data suggest that the AMOC in the model during Heinrich stadial 1 needs to be highly reduced or even completely shutdown. Ocean circulation and sea ice coverage combined are the processes that almost completely explain the simulated changes in deep ocean 14C age, and these are also responsible for a glacial drawdown of ∼60 ppm of atmospheric CO2. We find that the implementation of abrupt reductions in AMOC during Greenland stadials in the model setup that was previously used for the calculation of Marine20 leads to differences of less than ±100 14C yrs. The representation of AMOC changes therefore appears to be of minor importance for deriving non-polar mean ocean radiocarbon calibration products such as Marine20, where atmospheric carbon cycle variables are forced by reconstructions. However, simulated atmospheric CO2 exhibits minima during AMOC reductions in Heinrich stadials, in disagreement with ice core data. This mismatch supports previous suggestions that millennial-scale changes in CO2 were probably not driven directly by the AMOC, but rather by biological and physical processes in the Southern Ocean and by contributions from variable land carbon storage.
... As output, we obtained monthly vertical profiles as well as global monthly column O 3 and near-surface (950 hPa) temperature, which allowed to calculate and analyze monthly climatological fields. Initial fields for all experiments were acquired from a long time slice experiment executed applying all forcing taken for pre-industrial conditions and glacial time land ice as it was done in Cooper et al., 2021. The stability study of the near global mean surface temperature for the last 60 years of the "total" experiment calculated with SOCOLv3-MPIOM showed the relative stability of the data (Egorova et al., 2023). ...
... Our results show that the "top-down" mechanism works but cannot help to explain the absence of the statistically significant response in the "total" and "climate" cases over the northern middle to high latitudes (Figures 7a-7c, and 7g-7i). It can only be explained by the applied here model set-up based on glacial time land ice coverage (Cooper et al., 2021). The applied land ice coverage limits the response of the snow line to climate change and leads to a suppressed efficiency of the albedo feedback. ...
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It was recently suggested that the Sun could switch to a high‐activity regime which would lead to a rise of ultraviolet radiation with an amplitude of about four times larger than the amplitude of an average solar activity cycle and a simultaneous drop in total solar irradiance. Here, we applied the SOCOLv3‐MPIOM model with an interacting ocean to simulate the response of chemistry, dynamics, and temperature of Earth's atmosphere to such a change in solar irradiance. We studied the effect of high activity regime on the atmosphere investigating the influence of the chemical and radiative processes on the climate, and chemistry of NOx, HOx, and O3. We find a climate cooling by up to 1K and a substantial increase in stratospheric ozone (up to 14%) and total ozone (up to 8%). To understand the role of the different processes we performed simulations with two sets of forcing accounting separately for the influence on chemical processes and for direct radiation energy balance. Our calculations show that the stratospheric O3 response is almost fully driven by the chemical processes. We also found that the direct radiation processes lead to near‐surface cooling that results in the suppression of the Brewer‐Dobson circulation. This, in turn, leads to the reduction of H2O influx from the low layers of the troposphere and to less intensive transport of ozone from the tropics to the middle latitudes. The surface climate response is dominated by direct radiation influence with only a small contribution from chemical processes.
... 127 Indeed, the jury is still out as to whether the reversal of the Earth's magnetic field has had any effect on biology -although some theories have suggested that it could have had a dramatic effect on weather patterns due to changes in UV irradiation and ozone levels. 128 Certainly, there is evidence that a hypomagnetic field can negatively affect biology, and it has been speculated that reversals of the Earth's geomagnetic fields, for a number of reasons, could have resulted in extinctions, and may have been important in the origins of life. 72 There is also interest in the relationship between molecular chirality, why life is largely homochiral involving magnetite and spin, and the idea of chiral-induced spin selectivity (CISS). ...
Technical Report
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Keeping people healthy in space is going to be very important, especially on long trips to Mars. Unfortunately, evidence is suggesting that even in low earth orbit (LEO), within the protective effects of the magnetosphere, astronauts are displaying many markers of accelerated ageing, including mitochondrial dysfunction. Beyond LEO the problem could be much worse, which presents a big challenge. In this report, we summarise and approach the problem from a holistic aspect, and include some ideas that arise from viewing health from the quantum biological perspective, which raises the possibility that even the reduced strength of the magnetic field beyond the Earth's magnetosphere could be having a direct effect. All the data to date is suggesting that a great deal more research is required to fully understand both the short and long term impacts of space travel on life, and for complex organisms, such as humans, how the emerging pathological effects can be mitigated.
... Two phases of occupation (levels 4.1 and 4.2) with a high density of material are attributed to MIS 3. In western Europe, MIS 3 records climatic instability and diversified cultural traditions, including transitional industries, mostly made by unknown hominins, and some evidence of refuge areas and discontinuity in occupations (e.g. Obreht et al., 2017;Bard et al., 2020;Cooper et al., 2021;Picin, 2020;Zilhão et al., 2021;Peresani, 2022;Albouy et al., 2023). Some of these diversified traditions are described as Middle Palaeolithic, suggesting the persistence of Neanderthal groups in various geographical and topographical contexts, with intra and inter-site diversity (e.g. ...
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New excavations at the Abri du Maras have revealed a thick sequence over 250 ka old with evidence of recurrent human occupations, first in a vast cavity and then in a collapsed shelter. The upper part, with a high density of material, is dated to MIS 3 with two distinct phases of occupation under a shelter. The lithic component is composed mainly of flint cores, flakes and flake-tools, associated with local material in quartz, quartzite and basalt. Lithic refits and the faunal corpus indicate short-term occupations under a largely collapsed shelter. The comparison of the two occupation phases indicates common features in terms of core technologies, with partial reduction sequences and a tool kit composed of large products brought to the site from a 30-km perimeter. Slight differences emerge not only from a statistical viewpoint but also in terms of site activities, raw material collection and the spatial distribution of activities and material in the shelter. These include (1) the predominance of reindeer in level 4.1, whereas there is a more diversified corpus of hunted herbivores in level 4.2; (2) the spatial distribution of the material indicates that the shelter was used in different ways; and (3) the ratio of the use of Levallois core technology, of elongated products and flake-tools differs between the two levels, as does the average size of flint products. Finally, we discuss possible biases in order to define the actual status of the site.
... Paleointensity is an essential component of the vector geomagnetic field for deciphering the planetary evolution processes such as the origin and early variation of the geodynamo (Tarduno et al., 2020(Tarduno et al., , 2023, formation of the inner core (Biggin et al., 2015;Bono et al., 2019;Zhang et al., 2022;Zhou et al., 2022), movement of the liquid outer core (Cai et al., 2021;Davies & Constable, 2017;He et al., 2021;Tarduno et al., 2015), coupling between the core and mantle (Biggin et al., 2012;Hawkins et al., 2021), and surface environmental changes of the Earth (Channell & Vigliotti, 2019;Cooper et al., 2021;Knudsen & Riisager, 2009). Therefore, several experimental protocols have been developed for obtaining absolute paleointensity data. ...
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Paleointensity records are vital for understanding the Earth's evolution, but obtaining accurate paleointensity is a challenging task. The Shaw‐type method, a widely‐used paleointensity protocol, produces biased results occasionally despite strict selection criteria. By examining the relationships between paleointensities and rock magnetic parameters from a pseudo‐Tsunakawa‐Shaw experiment, we ascertain that changes in the ratio of thermal to anhysteretic remanent magnetization (R) are proportional to bias in paleointensity, especially prominent in samples with hundred‐nanometer‐scale magnetic grains, and thus proved to be the culprit for the bias. Furthermore, we develop a method exploiting the Linear regression of R with Diverse cut‐off coercivity intervals for estimating Shaw‐type paleointensities (LoRD‐Shaw). Combined with a curve fit technique for samples with “folding" phenomenon, the LoRD‐Shaw method yields high‐accuracy results in all tested samples, demonstrating its efficiency in mitigating paleointensity bias from thermal alteration. The new method will enhance acquisition of high‐precision paleointensities for constraining the geodynamo evolution.
In Lammer et al. (2024), we defined Earth-like habitats (EHs) as rocky exoplanets within the habitable zone of complex life (HZCL) on which Earth-like N2-O2-dominated atmospheres with minor amounts of CO2 can exist and derived a formulation for estimating the maximum number of EHs in the galaxy given realistic probabilistic requirements that have to be met for an EH to evolve. In this study, we apply this formulation to the galactic disk by considering only requirements that are already scientifically quantifiable. By implementing literature models for star formation rate, initial mass function, and the mass distribution of the Milky Way, we calculate the spatial distribution of disk stars as functions of stellar mass and birth age. For the stellar part of our formulation, we apply existing models for the galactic habitable zone and evaluate the thermal stability of nitrogen-dominated atmospheres with different CO2 mixing ratios inside the HZCL by implementing the newest stellar evolution and upper atmosphere models. For the planetary part, we include the frequency of rocky exoplanets, the availability of surface water and subaerial land, and the potential requirement of hosting a large moon by evaluating their importance and implementing these criteria from minima to maxima values as found in the scientific literature. We also discuss further factors that are not yet scientifically quantifiable but may be requirements for EHs to evolve. Based on such an approach, we find that EHs are relatively rare by obtaining plausible maximum numbers of 2.5+71.6−2.4×105 and 0.6+27.1 −0.59×105 planets that can potentially host N2-O2-dominated atmospheres with maximum CO2 mixing ratios of 10% and 1%, respectively, implying that, on average, a minimum of ∼103−106 rocky exoplanets in the HZCL are needed for 1 EH to evolve. The actual number of EHs, however, may be substantially lower than our maximum ranges since several requirements with unknown occurrence rates are not included in our model (e.g., the origin of life, working carbon–silicate and nitrogen cycles); this also implies extraterrestrial intelligence (ETI) to be significantly rarer still. Our results illustrate that not every star can host EHs nor can each rocky exoplanet within the HZCL evolve such that it might be able to host complex animal-like life or even ETIs. The Copernican Principle of Mediocrity therefore cannot be applied to infer that such life will be common in the galaxy.
This chapter provides an introduction into Chaps. 9 and 10, focussed on abiotic processes. Earth abiotic processes are influenced by interactions between terrestrial and extra-terrestrial forces inherited form the origins of the universe. Chaotic dynamics of abiotic processes are driving forces of biological evolution, providing energetic sources together with constraints for organic life with different factor combinations in marine and terrestrial habitats. Physical properties of water together with particular dynamic characteristics and giant dimensions of the three-dimensional oceanic habitats were preconditions for the evolution of animal life on the energetic basis of microorganisms. Physical properties of the atmosphere and lithosphere were primary preconditions for the evolution of terrestrial vegetation with trenchant consequences for the evolution of terrestrial animal life forms.
The results of Russian studies of climate and its changes (published in 2019–2022) are presented based on a review prepared for the National Report on Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences for the XXVIII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (Berlin, Germany, July 11–20, 2023).
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Establishing clear evidence of solar-induced lower atmosphere effects is hampered by the small 11-year solar cycle responses, typically swamped by meteorological variability. Strong 27-day cyclic changes are exploited here instead. During the 2007/8 minimum in solar activity, regular 27-day lighthouse-like sweeps of energetic particles crossed the heliosphere and Earth, followed by a burst of solar ultraviolet radiation. Averaging the atmospheric responses at UK sites reveals immediate cooling in the troposphere after the peak energetic particle flux, followed by warming in the stratosphere. Regionally, this is accompanied by zonal wind changes, and temperature changes beneath cloud at the same time. Of two possible rapid distinct routes of solar influence—photochemical (through ozone) and atmospheric electrical (through low level clouds)—the ozone route does not provide a phase-locked response but the electrical route is supported by observed phase-locked thickening of low level clouds. These findings have potential value to weather forecasting.
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The relation between low latitude lightning activity and Forbush decreases (FDs) of galactic cosmic rays was studied, with flash rates observed by the Lightning Image Sensor aboard the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission satellite and FDs selected from the events with decreases more than 2% measured by the Mexico City neutron monitor. The effect of spacecraft precession on Lightning Image Sensor data complicates the analysis, but this can be dealt with by the approach we use. Applying a superposed epoch analysis to all of the 70 FD cases, we found the low latitude lightning activity decreases by about 10% after the Forbush minimum, with a 95% confidence level tested by Monte Carlo simulation, and recovers 3 days later. The response is more significant in the Southern Hemisphere. Our result provides evidence for a proposed link between solar activity, cosmic rays, the global atmospheric electric circuit, and cloud microphysics.
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Significance We report the remarkable discovery of an early Aurignacian occupation, ∼5,000 years older than any Upper Paleolithic site in westernmost Eurasia. The archaeological and radiocarbon data provide definitive evidence that modern humans were in western Iberia at a time when, if present at all, Neanderthal populations would have been extremely sparse. This discovery has important ramifications for our understanding of the process of modern human dispersal and replacement of Neanderthal populations. The results support a very rapid, unimpeded dispersal of modern humans across western Eurasia and support the notion that climate and environmental change played a significant role in this process.
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Early researchers of radiocarbon levels in Southern Hemisphere tree rings identified a variable North-South hemispheric offset, necessitating construction of a separate radiocarbon calibration curve for the South. We present here SHCal20, a revised calibration curve from 0-55,000 cal BP, based upon SHCal13 and fortified by the addition of 14 new tree-ring data sets in the 2140-0, 3520-3453, 3608-3590 and 13,140-11,375 cal BP time intervals. We detail the statistical approaches used for curve construction and present recommendations for the use of the Northern Hemisphere curve (IntCal20), the Southern Hemisphere curve (SHCal20) and suggest where application of an equal mixture of the curves might be more appropriate. Using our Bayesian spline with errors-in-variables methodology, and based upon a comparison of Southern Hemisphere tree-ring data compared with contemporaneous Northern Hemisphere data, we estimate the mean Southern Hemisphere offset to be 36 ± 27 14 C yrs older.
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To create a reliable radiocarbon calibration curve, one needs not only high-quality data but also a robust statistical methodology. The unique aspects of much of the calibration data provide considerable modeling challenges and require a made-to-measure approach to curve construction that accurately represents and adapts to these individualities, bringing the data together into a single curve. For IntCal20, the statistical methodology has undergone a complete redesign, from the random walk used in IntCal04, IntCal09 and IntCal13, to an approach based upon Bayesian splines with errors-in-variables. The new spline approach is still fitted using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) but offers considerable advantages over the previous random walk, including faster and more reliable curve construction together with greatly increased flexibility and detail in modeling choices. This paper describes the new methodology together with the tailored modifications required to integrate the various datasets. For an end-user, the key changes include the recognition and estimation of potential over-dispersion in ¹⁴ C determinations, and its consequences on calibration which we address through the provision of predictive intervals on the curve; improvements to the modeling of rapid ¹⁴ C excursions and reservoir ages/dead carbon fractions; and modifications made to, hopefully, ensure better mixing of the MCMC which consequently increase confidence in the estimated curve.
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A full‐vector paleomagnetic record, comprising directional data and relative paleointensity (rPI), was derived from 16 sediment cores recovered from the southeastern Black Sea. The obtained data were used to create a stack covering the time window between 68.9 and 14.5 ka. Age models are based on radiocarbon dating and correlations of warming/cooling cycles monitored by high‐resolution X‐ray fluorescence (XRF) elementary ratios and by ice‐rafted debris (IRD) in Black Sea sediments to the sequence of “Dansgaard‐Oeschger” (D‐O) events defined from the Greenland ice core oxygen isotope stratigraphy. The reconstructed prominent lows in paleointensity at about 64.5, 41.2, and 34.5 ka are coeval with the Norwegian‐Greenland Sea, the Laschamps, and the Mono Lake excursions, respectively. For a further analysis, the stacked Black Sea paleomagnetic record was converted into one component being parallel to the direction expected from a geocentric axial dipole (GAD) and two components perpendicular to it (EW, inclined NS), representing definitely only non‐GAD components of the geomagnetic field. Discussions of the field configurations at the Black Sea site are focused on the three excursional events. The Norwegian‐Greenland Sea excursion was dominated by a decaying axial dipole and persisting weak nondipole field, with directional variations still within the range of normal secular variations. The Laschamps excursion comprises two full polarity transitions and a short stable interval of reversed polarity in between. The Mono Lake excursion was mostly dominated by a nondipole field, though with a less pronounced weakening of the axial dipole component.
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The peopling of the Americas marks a major expansion of humans across the planet. However, questions regarding the timing and mechanisms of this dispersal remain, and the previously accepted model (termed ‘Clovis-first’)—suggesting that the first inhabitants of the Americas were linked with the Clovis tradition, a complex marked by distinctive fluted lithic points¹—has been effectively refuted. Here we analyse chronometric data from 42 North American and Beringian archaeological sites using a Bayesian age modelling approach, and use the resulting chronological framework to elucidate spatiotemporal patterns of human dispersal. We then integrate these patterns with the available genetic and climatic evidence. The data obtained show that humans were probably present before, during and immediately after the Last Glacial Maximum (about 26.5–19 thousand years ago)2,3 but that more widespread occupation began during a period of abrupt warming, Greenland Interstadial 1 (about 14.7–12.9 thousand years before ad 2000)⁴. We also identify the near-synchronous commencement of Beringian, Clovis and Western Stemmed cultural traditions, and an overlap of each with the last dates for the appearance of 18 now-extinct faunal genera. Our analysis suggests that the widespread expansion of humans through North America was a key factor in the extinction of large terrestrial mammals.
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Understanding how organisms respond to environmental change is one of the most pressing grand challenges of organismal biology. In the vast oceans that cover 71% of Earth’s surface, remote sensing technologies have created unprecedented opportunities to create new knowledge and deliver integrated understandings of marine organism-environment interactions via long-term monitoring. Using historic whaling records and >15 years of satellite-derived data, we show that movement parameters associated with long-distance humpback whale migrations, including utilization of a south-southeast directed migratory corridor, migration path straightness, direction, timing, and velocity, have not significantly changed during a period of dynamic oceanographic and geomagnetic conditions. These findings reveal an apparent paradox: humpback whale migrations do not change in a changing ocean. Geophysical analyses of the same humpback whale movements demonstrate that these whales maintained prolonged migratory fidelity to a limited suite of spatiotemporal trajectories through gravitational coordinates, raising the possibility that migratory decisions are relatively insensitive to changing oceanographic and geomagnetic conditions. Our findings highlight the importance of filling the knowledge gaps that currently limit our ability to understand and anticipate organismal responses to rapidly changing Earth system conditions.
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The Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition in Europe witnessed the replacement and partial absorption of local Neanderthal populations by Homo sapiens populations of African origin1. However, this process probably varied across regions and its details remain largely unknown. In particular, the duration of chronological overlap between the two groups is much debated, as are the implications of this overlap for the nature of the biological and cultural interactions between Neanderthals and H. sapiens. Here we report the discovery and direct dating of human remains found in association with Initial Upper Palaeolithic artefacts2, from excavations at Bacho Kiro Cave (Bulgaria). Morphological analysis of a tooth and mitochondrial DNA from several hominin bone fragments, identified through proteomic screening, assign these finds to H. sapiens and link the expansion of Initial Upper Palaeolithic technologies with the spread of H. sapiens into the mid-latitudes of Eurasia before 45 thousand years ago3. The excavations yielded a wealth of bone artefacts, including pendants manufactured from cave bear teeth that are reminiscent of those later produced by the last Neanderthals of western Europe4–6. These finds are consistent with models based on the arrival of multiple waves of H. sapiens into Europe coming into contact with declining Neanderthal populations7,8. Direct dates for human remains found in association with Initial Upper Palaeolithic artefacts at Bacho Kiro Cave (Bulgaria) demonstrate the presence of Homo sapiens in the mid-latitudes of Europe before 45 thousand years ago.
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Radiocarbon (C) ages cannot provide absolutely dated chronologies for archaeological or paleoenvironmental studies directly but must be converted to calendar age equivalents using a calibration curve compensating for fluctuations in atmospheric C concentration. Although calibration curves are constructed from independently dated archives, they invariably require revision as new data become available and our understanding of the Earth system improves. In this volume the international C calibration curves for both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, as well as for the ocean surface layer, have been updated to include a wealth of new data and extended to 55,000 cal BP. Based on tree rings, IntCal20 now extends as a fully atmospheric record to ca. 13,900 cal BP. For the older part of the timescale, IntCal20 comprises statistically integrated evidence from floating tree-ring chronologies, lacustrine and marine sediments, speleothems, and corals. We utilized improved evaluation of the timescales and location variable C offsets from the atmosphere (reservoir age, dead carbon fraction) for each dataset. New statistical methods have refined the structure of the calibration curves while maintaining a robust treatment of uncertainties in the C ages, the calendar ages and other corrections. The inclusion of modeled marine reservoir ages derived from a three-dimensional ocean circulation model has allowed us to apply more appropriate reservoir corrections to the marine C data rather than the previous use of constant regional offsets from the atmosphere. Here we provide an overview of the new and revised datasets and the associated methods used for the construction of the IntCal20 curve and explore potential regional offsets for tree-ring data. We discuss the main differences with respect to the previous calibration curve, IntCal13, and some of the implications for archaeology and geosciences ranging from the recent past to the time of the extinction of the Neanderthals.