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The impact of cost overruns and delays in the construction business


Abstract and Figures

The construction industry is negatively affected by cost and time overruns which further negatively impacts the contractual stakeholders. Construction delays and cost overruns are a global phenomenon since one of the major problems in the construction industry involves unexpected incurred costs and late delivery of projects. The success and failure of any project depends upon many factors and the Project Manager is considered to be the key contributor to the success of any project, as well as to guide the team members to achieve the client satisfaction. In addition, the roles, responsibilities, duties, and competencies of Project Managers have a direct impact on successfully completing construction projects on time and within budgeted cost. The study aimed to find the key competency skills that the Project Manager must possess to mitigate time and cost overruns. A quantitative research approach was adopted to determine the key competency skills of a Project Manager with respect to cost and time delays. A web-based questionnaire was published in the Eastern Cape Masters Builders Association (MBA) bulletin aimed at contractors registered with the association. The results revealed that the key competencies required to mitigate for cost overruns are comparable to those required to mitigate against time overruns. The study investigated the need for project managers to better equip themselves with key competency skills to perfom optimally to reduce the occurrence of cost and time delays on construction projects. The aim of this research was to assist Construction Managers to choose the right candidate as a Project Manager. It would also assist inspiring Project Managers to acquire the key competency skills. The paper responds to the conference theme given that the reduction of cost and time overruns promotes the sustainability of the Built Environment.
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IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
The impact of cost overruns and delays in the construction business
To cite this article: M Dlamini and R Cumberlege 2021 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 654 012029
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The ASOCSA 14th Built Environment Conference
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 654 (2021) 012029
IOP Publishing
The impact of cost overruns and delays in the construction
M Dlamini 1 and R Cumberlege2
1Department of Quantity Surveying, Nelson Mandela University,, P O Box 77000, Port Elizabeth, 6031, South Africa
(+27 63 234 6244)
2Department of Quantity Surveying, Nelson Mandela University,,PO Box 77000, Port Elizabeth,6031, South
Africa (+27 41 504 3020)
Abstract: The construction industry is negatively affected by cost and time overruns which further negatively
impacts the contractual stakeholders. Construction delays and cost overruns are a global phenomenon since one of
the major problems in the construction industry involves unexpected incurred costs and late delivery of projects.
The success and failure of any project depends upon many factors and the Project Manager is considered to be the
key contributor to the success of any project, as well as to guide the team members to achieve the client satisfaction.
In addition, the roles, responsibilities, duties, and competencies of Project Managers have a direct impact on
successfully completing construction projects on time and within budgeted cost. The study aimed to find the key
competency skills that the Project Manager must possess to mitigate time and cost overruns. A quantitative
research approach was adopted to determine the key competency skills of a Project Manager with respect to cost
and time delays. A web-based questionnaire was published in the Eastern Cape Masters Builders Association
(MBA) bulletin aimed at contractors registered with the association. The results revealed that the key competencies
required to mitigate for cost overruns are comparable to those required to mitigate against time overruns. The study
investigated the need for project managers to better equip themselves with key competency skills to perfom
optimally to reduce the occurrence of cost and time delays on construction projects. The aim of this research was
to assist Construction Managers to choose the right candidate as a Project Manager. It would also assist inspiring
Project Managers to acquire the key competency skills. The paper responds to the conference theme given that the
reduction of cost and time overruns promotes the sustainability of the Built Environment.
Keywords: Contractor, Construction industry, Cost overruns, Project manager,Time overruns
1. Introduction
The construction industry is a good indicator of economic performance and growth in a country, it also
contributes significantly to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of many countries, South Africa
included. Hansen-Addy [1] noted that the construction industry significantly contributes to job creation
in many economies, which therefore places much importance of its impact on a nation’s GDP.
Despite the progressive economic potential, the construction industry faces challenges of cost and
time overruns which has an undesirable impact on the contractual parties involved in the project.
Construction delays and cost overruns are a world-wide phenomenon since one of the major problems
in the construction industry involves unexpected acquired costs and the late delivery of projects [2].
Flyvbjerg [3] studied 258 projects across the world and concluded that 90% of construction projects
are experiencing cost increases and delays. The award of the 2010 FIFA World cup in South Africa
resulted in ten stadia being upgraded or newly constructed. Almost all the projects experienced time and
cost overruns [4]. The initial budgeted cost of the Johannesburg Soccer City was R 2.2 billion and the
final cost amounted to R 3.7 billion. Moses Mabhida stadia experienced a 68% increase in cost while
Mbombela stadia had an increase of 66%. The results of the study indicated that the increase in material
cost was the largest single contributor for the delays and cost overruns.
Researchers have investigated the significant factors that lead to time overruns and time delays. It
was found that design changes, cash flow, and poor management are the most significant factors. The
The ASOCSA 14th Built Environment Conference
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 654 (2021) 012029
IOP Publishing
circle of investigation into overruns cannot be complete unless established critical factors are matched
against respective mitigation strategies to control the occurrence in which the overruns occur. That is
why Roslan and Zainun [5] investigated the factors of cost and time overruns due to their existence in
the various stages of the project lifecycle. The main causes were then aligned with possible matching
mitigation strategies. Another study conducted by Olawale and Sun [6] further categorised the
mitigation measures according to the broad function they measure; Preventive, Predictive, Corrective
and Organisational measures respectively.
The success and failure of any project depends upon many factors. Speculand [7] noted that nine
out of ten projects failed due to incompetent project managers. Project Managers are considered to be
the key contributor to the success of any project, as well as to guide the team members to achieve the
client satisfaction. In addition, the Project Managers’ roles, responsibilities, duties, and competencies
have a direct impact on the success of construction projects. Abdulsamadi- Ali and Chiseshe [8] study
show that there is an extremely strong correlation between the Project Manager and the success of the
construction projects.
There are several competency skills that a Project Manager must have in order to prevent cost
overruns and to control time delays. A quantitative research approach was adopted for this study to
determine the key competency skills for a project manager to adopt in order to mitigate the occurrence
of cost and time overruns. A web-based questionnaire was published in the Eastern Cape Master
Builders Association (MBA) bulletin, targeting contractors that are registered with the association. The
average scores from the respondents were calculated, tabulated and used to determine the key
competencies. Based on the results from the respondents, it was found that the key competency skills
needed to mitigate cost overruns were comparable to those required to manage time overruns.
2. Literature review
2.1 Cost Overruns defined
A cost overrun is simply defined as an excess of actual cost over budget [6]. A cost overrun may also
be referred to as "cost escalation," "cost increase," or "budget overrun". According to Singh [9] cost
overruns are unforeseen costs incurred in excess of an estimated amount due to an under-estimation of
the actual cost. Shakantu [10] views cost overruns as simply an incidence, where the final or actual cost
of a project surpasses the original or initial estimates. Furthermore, cost overruns may be viewed as the
percentage of actual or final costs over the estimated or tender cost of a project.
In construction, cost overruns are considered as one of the most important problems that impede
projects progress, since it reduces the contractor’s profit leading to enormous losses, and leaving the
project in great troubles. Construction cost is one of the peak criteria of success of a project throughout
its lifecycle and is of high concern to those who are involved in the construction industry.
2.1.1 Significant factors causing cost overruns
Allahaim and Liu [11] conducted a study on various infrastructure projects which spanned five
continents to investigate the causes of cost overruns. The aim of the research was to develop an empirical
based classification of the major causes of cost overruns. The major causes were identified and classified
by the author as follows;
Planning and control uncertainty The author identified planning as key in project planning.
Similarly, a study by Buba and Tanko [12] identified that a project to succeed, proper planning must
be developed in order to improve cost controls. Panthi, Farooqui and Ahmed [13] stated that
construction businesses should look at utilising four basic management tools which are; planning,
organizing, leading and controlling to improve their cost controls and reduce cost increases
problems. Furthermore, the causes under planning were the lack of experience by project managers,
strategic misrepresentation, changes in materials and equipment, design error, poor financial control
on site, waste on site, shortage of site workers, poor site management and communication, lack of
coordination, equipment availability and lack of implementation of technology.
The ASOCSA 14th Built Environment Conference
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 654 (2021) 012029
IOP Publishing
Change in scope Scope change occur due to alterations in design of architectural, structural or
service components. This is often the results of the client’s change of plans or scope [14]. According
to Allahaim and Liu [11] the main causes of scope change resulted from unrealistic designs from
owners and changes due to omissions. Smith [15] also identified that scope changes are client related
cost overruns that usually occur due to variations made by the consultants.
Site conditions These are causes related to environmental issues, social and culture impact. This
issues can lead to increases to the uncertainty of tasks and outcomes, which can make planning and
estimating difficult. The increasing of the environmental requirements impacts on construction
operations [11] for example, environmental issues such as unexpected geological conditions can
lead to increases in the uncertainty task and outcomes which can make planning and estimating
difficult. Khoshgoftar, Bakar and Osman [16] identified site conditions as major impact of cost
overruns in Iranian building projects. The author said that the measurement of environmental issues
has many consequences in the construction industry which results mainly the increase of costs of
construction projects and the time taken to process design, planning and construction life cycle. The
public exposure of the project over their environmental impact had adverse impact on the project
itself which can lead to the abandonment or cancellation of the project itself. According to Allahaim
and Liu [11] the British Rail’s high-speed link to Channel Tunnel had cost overruns of up to US$
1.4 billion as a result of changes in site conditions.
Market Flactuation The author mentioned that such conditions can be experienced when the prices
of labour and materials required to construct a project fluctuate unpredictably, or when government
regulations change unpredictably, which leads to increase in cost construction. Market related
uncertainties affect both project duration and cost [17]. The researcher said that the manager must
consider all kinds of resources in the design of construction to ensure that the resources match each
other and adjust other types of resources when the availability of any resource is raised or lowered
by uncertainty. This classification of cost overruns includes monthly payment difficulties by the
client, slow payments of completed works, cashflow during construction, market conditions,
fluctuation in money exchange rates, high interest rates charged by banks, fraudulent practises,
political complexities, practise of assigning contract to lowest bidding, laws and regulatory
2.2 Time Overruns
Time overruns are defined as extra time required to finish a given project beyond its original planned
duration, whether compensated for or not [18]. According to Singh [9] time overruns are defined as the
difference in time between the actual and the initially planned dates of completion. Time overruns can
also be defined as an act or event that extends the time to complete or perform an act under the contract
[19] The author also defined time overruns as simply the time overrun either beyond the completion
date specified in a contract or beyond the date that the parties agreed upon for delivery of a project. It is
a project slipping over its planned programme and is considered a common problem in construction
projects globally.
Delivering projects within the contract stipulated time is one of the yard sticks of measuring a
successful project. Despite its proven importance, it is not uncommon to see construction projects failing
to achieve their objectives. However, construction projects schedule overruns have negative impacts on
all construction parties including the client. The factors of delays studied in a project development
project were typically classified as time delays. In the study, it was found that the top ten major factors
that contributed to project delays was, poor site management by the contractor, weather conditions, poor
site conditions, incomplete documents from the consultant, lack of experience on the part of the
consultant’s site staff, financial problems of the contractor, contract modifications by the client,
construction mistakes and defective work by the contractor, delay in approving major changes in the
scope of work by the consultant and lastly, contractor having coordination problems with other parties
2.2.1 Significant factors causing time overruns
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IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 654 (2021) 012029
IOP Publishing
Enshassi, Kumaraswamy and Jomah [21] classified the construction delays into compensable delay,
critical delay, non-critical delay, excusable delay and concurrent delay. They were classified as follows;
A compensable delay is one where a contractor is entitled to financial recovery in the form of direct
and indirect time related costs arising from an employer risk event. These are delays due to late
instruction by the project manager or chief consultant, variation due to owner and late
commencement of construction works due to the owner.
Critical delay is a delay to the progress of any activity on a critical path of a project, which causes
delay to the project completion. Critical delays depend on the project itself, contracts plan, contracts
sequence and all the physical constraints of the project.
Excusable delay is a delay for which a contractor will have relief from damages and potential
financial entitlement depending on contractual circumstances. The types of delays under this
category includes labour strikes, natural disasters (fires, floods, earthquakes), changes initiated by
the owner errors and omissions in plans.
Non-excusable delay is a delay caused by contractor. Under this category is delays caused by
mobilisation, late performance by suppliers, faulty workmanship by contractor and late performance
by subcontractors.
2.2.2 Causes of cost and time overruns due to project managers’ incompetency
It is evident that Project Manager’s competency is key for any construction projects to succeed.
Competence refers to the skill and capacity required to complete assigned activities within the project’s
constraints [22]. Explained from a semantics perspective, ‘competence’ has been used to define a
particular knowledge or observable characteristics, whereas ‘skills’ are an amalgamation of expertise
and facilities, mixed together by organisation process and culture [22]. The author further explained that
if a project manager does not possess the required competences, performance can be jeopardised.
Major causes of cost overruns and delays are caused by poor project management practices.
Academic scholars equally noted the importance of project management competency noting that lack of
improvement in project performance would cause a tremendous stride in cost control, quality and time
taken to finish a construction project [23].
The responsibilities of project managers range from project administrators to construction team
leaders. To effectively execute a project, the latter needs to possess a unique set of knowledge and
competencies [24]. Project management professional competencies can be achieved through a
combination of knowledge gained during training, skills developed through working experience and
finally, the application of the previous knowledge acquired. The knowledge that a project manager has
is very distinctive from that of other construction professionals, such as critical path analysis and project
cash flow forecast.
Nkando and Meyer [25] identified the competencies of project managers under three distinct
categories as follows;
Key competencies the personal, interpersonal, financial control, leadership style, design abilities,
professional practice and business competencies common to all pathways and compulsory for all
candidates for planning costs and budgets. Risk management, planning, site organisation, decision-
making and coordination are key for the time management of a project.
Core competencies the primary competencies of your chosen APC pathway, which may include
business skills, law, measurement and practical project management.
Optional competencies a set of competencies selected by the candidate. These are mostly technical
competencies, but certain mandatory competencies also appear on the optional competency list and
candidates are permitted to select one of these at a higher level.
2.3 Effects of project delays
The ASOCSA 14th Built Environment Conference
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 654 (2021) 012029
IOP Publishing
The impact of cost overruns has evident effects in the construction industry. Mukuka, Aigbavboa and
Thwala [18] investigated the consequences that will occur when the causes of cost and time are not
identified and worked on effectively. The authors identified the effects and ranked them as follows:
Cost overrun: The effect of cost overruns to the client implies added costs to the agreed contract
sum, resulting in less returns on investment.
Time overrun: Time delay might have the incapacitating effect on contracts and consultants in terms
of growth in adversarial growth.
Dispute and Claims: Disputes and claims arise because of the losses incurred through schedule
Litigation: Disputes, due to schedule overruns, can lead to court cases for resolution especially when
large penalties are at stake.
3. Research methodology
A quantitative research method was carried for this study. A quantitative research examines the
relationships between variables, which are measured numerically and analysed using a range of
statistical and graphical techniques [26]. Data was obtained in the form of structured questionnaire
which allowed for precise, objective and reliable results. The research method used was the mono-
method. Data was collected using both the secondary data collection and primary data collection
methods. Secondary data was mainly used in the evaluation of literature, collected from peer-reviewed
journals, books and online sources. The primary data was made in the form Questionnaire which
supports the use of interval Likert scales to measure data and allows for use of descriptive statistics to
analyse data [26].
A structured questionnaire survey was designed in Microsoft excel with four sections namely;
demographics, the causes of cost overruns, the causes of time overruns and the general section. In
sections B and C, the respondents were allowed to voice out their opinions or outline further comments
not covered by the section. A 5-point interval Likert scale was used to obtain the opinions of the
respondents for the analysis of the data.
A pilot questionnaire was distributed to four Project Managers to validate the questionnaire’s
quality. The questionnaires were distributed electronically via the Eastern Cape Masters Builders
Association (MBA) bulletin targeting contractors that are registered with the association. There were
approximately 208 building contractors registered with the MBA. Responses were received from 54
contractors which represents a response rate of 26%.
4. Results and findings
4.1 Demographics of respondents
The majority of respondents were Project Managers as the study was only targeting Project Managers.
83% of the respondents were male.
37% of the respondents were 50 years and older.
33% of the respondents hold a National Diploma.
50% of the respondents have spent more than 15 years in the Built Environment.
41% of the respondents fall under the construction management constituency.
4.2 Causes of cost overruns
Hypothesis 1 stated that the lack of key competency skills by Project Managers is a direct result of cost
overruns. Project Managers were asked to determine the level of importance and evidence relating to
the Project Managers' key competencies concerning the causes of cost overruns. Tables 1 and 2
examined the data by ranking the level of importance and evidence on the Project Managers' key
competencies. The mean for each factor was recalculated as a percentage and ranked based on the level
of importance and evidence of each factor.
The ASOCSA 14th Built Environment Conference
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 654 (2021) 012029
IOP Publishing
Table 1 Competencies of a Project Manager (Importance)
Project Managers' key competencies
Planning and control
Financial control on site
Application of project budget techniques
Management of cashflow
Strategic implementation
Decision making
Leadership style
Communication on site
Implementation of technology
Negotiation skills
Business skills
Personal and interpersonal skills
Design abilities
Arbitration and dispute resolution
Table 2 Competencies of a Project Manager (Evidence)
Project Managers' key competencies
Planning and control
Application of project budget techniques
Management of cashflow
Financial control
Strategic implementation
Decision making
Implementation of technology
Communication on site
Leadership style
Business skills
Negotiation skills
Personal and interpersonal skills
Design abilities
Arbitration and dispute resolution
Results in Tables 1 and 2 revealed that:
The ASOCSA 14th Built Environment Conference
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 654 (2021) 012029
IOP Publishing
Planning and control was ranked highest in terms of level of importance and evidence. A score of
98% was achieved for level of importance and 97% for the level of evidence.
Financial control on site was ranked second place with a score of 94.4% and ranked fourth place for
the level of evidence with a score of 92.2%.
Ranked number three was the application of project budget techniques with a score of 94.1% and
second place for the level of evidence with a score of 95.2%
Ranked fourth place for the level of importance was the management of cashflow with a score of
92.2% and third for the level of evidence with a score of 93.3%.
Ranked fifth for the level of importance was the strategic implementation with a score of 87.4% and
also fifth for the level of evidence with a score of 85.2%.
Based on the findings, financial control, planning and control, application of project budget techniques,
management of cashflow and strategic implementation were recommended as the key competency skills
by the Project Managers.
4.3 Causes of time overruns
Hypothesis 2 stated that the lack of key competency skills by Project Managers is a direct result of time
delays. Project Managers were asked to determine the level of importance and evidence relating to the
Project Managers' key competencies concerning the causes of time overruns. Tables 3 and 4 examined
the data by ranking the level of importance and evidence on the Project Managers' key competencies.
The mean for each factor was calculated and ranked based on the level of importance and evidence of
each factor.
Table 3 Competencies of a Project Manager (Importance)
Project Managers' key competencies
Planning and scheduling
Time management techniques
Application of construction methods
Risk management
Decision making
Timeous material ordering
Strategic implementation
Communication skills
Site organisation
Conflict management techniques
Management of cashflow
Management of labour
Procurement and financial management
Table 4 Competencies of a Project Manager (Evidence)
Project Managers' key competencies
Time management techniques
Planning and scheduling
Application of construction methods
Decision making
The ASOCSA 14th Built Environment Conference
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 654 (2021) 012029
IOP Publishing
Risk management
Timeous material ordering
Strategic implementation
Conflict management techniques
Communication skills
Management of cashflow
Management of labour
Procurement and financial management
Site organisation
Results in Tables 3 and 4 revealed that:
Planning and scheduling and were ranked first and second place respectively for the level of
importance with a mean of 4.87%. Time management techniques was rated second place for the
level of importance and first place for the level of evidence with a mean of 4.85, planning and
scheduling was ranked second place with a mean of 4.81.
Application of construction methods was ranked third place for the level of importance with a mean
score of 4.67 and in the same way for the level of evidence.
Risk management was ranked fourth place for the level of importance with a mean score of 4.57
and fifth place for the level of evidence with a mean score of 4.52.
Decision making was ranked fifth for the level of importance with a mean score of 4.56 and fourth
place for the level of evidence with a mean score of 4.53.
Based on the findings, planning and scheduling, time management, application of construction methods,
decision making and risk management were recommended as key competency skills by the Project
5. Conclusion
Cost overruns are one of the critical problems faced in the construction industry. A project may be
considered to be a successful project only when it is completed within the budgeted cost. Studies
revealed that the success and failure of any project depends upon many factors. It is noted that the Project
Manager is considered the key contributor to the success of any project. Thus, the objective of the study
was to investigate the main causes of cost and time overruns. The study also aimed to determine the key
competency skills necessary for Project Managers to mitigate against cost and time overruns. The study
further investigated the effects of project delays and mitigation measures thereof. Based upon the various
literature reviews, key competency factors required by the Project Manager to control cost and time
overruns were identified. A quantitative research approach was followed using a structured
questionnaire. Based upon the findings it can be concluded that the key competencies needed for cost
overruns are comparable to the key competencies needed to manage time overruns. The study discovered
that the key competencies for preventing cost overruns were financial control, planning, and control,
application of project budget techniques, management of cashflow and strategic implementation. The
key competencies for time overruns was planning and scheduling, time management, application of
construction methods, decision-making and risk management.
6. Recommendations
It is recommended that the South African Council of Project and Construction Management
Professionals (SACPCMP) be encouraged to focus and emphasise on the key competency that which
affect cost and time delays. It is suggested that the Project Managers need to equip themselves with
knowledge of cashflow, budgets, planning and scheduling, risk management and strategic
implementation. This will positively benefit construction firms, clients and other key stakeholders
The ASOCSA 14th Built Environment Conference
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 654 (2021) 012029
IOP Publishing
involved in construction industry. Contractors should look at appointing Project Managers with a proven
track record of completing projects within the allocated time and budget.
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... Among the numerous adverse effects of these delays are a decreased percentage of completed projects, project abandonment, and project cancelations [1]. These factors have budgetary implications or cause additional expenditures [2,3]. This phenomenon has prompted academics and professionals to analyze the contributing risk factors. ...
... After reviewing the BIM literature, applying a quantitative data collection method is the primary method with which to examine the influence of BIM technology on risk factors that contribute to cost overrun for Saudi construction projects. Typically, a questionnaire is used for this purpose (e.g., [2,5,31]). (c) A pilot web-based questionnaire was tested with 26 respondents (including project managers, construction managers, contractors, and BIM specialists). Using a five-point Likert scale, they were asked to rate the potential impact of using BIM on risk factors linked to cost overruns. ...
... Values of α, CR, and AVE are associated with the outer loading of risk factors. The α and CR can be estimated using Equations (2) and (3), respectively. ...
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Building Information Modeling (BIM) has arisen as a promising technology that can enhance construction project outcomes through cost reduction when compared to conventional practices. More studies need to be conducted to examine the influence of BIM technology on cost overruns. Therefore, the primary aim of this paper is to investigate how BIM influences critical risk factors related to cost overruns. This investigation involves reevaluating and reranking these risk factors while exploring their interrelationships. Research involves a comprehensive literature review to identify risk factors correlated with cost overruns, the development of a survey questionnaire for BIM specialists, and an analysis of quantitative data using a partial least square structure equation model (PLS–SEM) to identify and examine significant risk factors and their interdependencies. The study’s findings revealed that BIM significantly mitigates the impact of risk factors associated with the awarding of contracts to the lowest bidder, decreasing its ranking from first to third. Furthermore, BIM effectively minimizes the influence of risk factors related to changed orders, relegating it from second position to tenth position. In addition, risk factors related to experience exerted a more significant influence on risk factors related to finances than the influence of finances on experience. Findings contribute to the knowledge base by evaluating the influence of BIM technology on risk factors and cost overruns in the Saudi construction industry, thereby offering insights for improved project management and control.
... These issues not only hinder business formation but also discourage potential investors and adversely affect economic growth [25,26]. For example, prolonged waiting times for construction permits can delay critical projects [27,28], unreliable electricity access hampers productivity [29,30], and cumbersome property registration processes create uncertainty over ownership rights [31,32]. These challenges are particularly severe in developing economies, where bureaucratic inefficiencies and inconsistent enforcement exacerbate the difficulties faced by aspiring business owners [33][34][35]. ...
... Simplified permitting processes reduce the time and financial burden associated with establishing physical infrastructure, such as office spaces, manufacturing units, or retail outlets. This administrative efficiency not only lowers entry barriers for entrepreneurs but also fosters a business-friendly environment [27]. Moreover, streamlined processes enhance predictability, allowing businesses to plan operations and investments more effectively. ...
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Efficient processes for construction permits, electricity access, and property registration are critical to fostering entrepreneurship and economic growth. Delays, high costs, and bureaucratic inefficiencies in these areas pose significant barriers to business start-ups. This study examines the impact of these factors on starting a business, highlighting their role in shaping formal economic activity and business dynamics. By applying methods such as the Generalized Linear Model (GLM), Robust Least Squares (RLS), and Quantile Regressions (QR) to data from 213 countries and cities featured in the World Bank's Doing Business 2019 (DB19) and Doing Business 2020 (DB20) reports, this paper demonstrates that all three factors significantly and positively impact starting a business. Notably, a comparison of results between DB19 and DB20 reveals that the magnitude of these influences decreased in DB20, with some effects becoming less significant or even insignificant compared to DB19. This phenomenon is most apparent in countries with middle-to-high starting a business scores. The findings suggest that shocks like the COVID-19 pandemic may have reduced the relevance of these factors in DB20, as the increased risks associated with starting a business during the pandemic likely overshadowed these considerations. Overall, the results indicate that streamlining construction permits, improving electricity access, and simplifying property registration processes could significantly enhance entrepreneurial activity, drive economic growth, and foster a more dynamic business environment.
... La tríada compuesta por costo, tiempo y calidad ha demostrado ser fundamental para lograr un proyecto exitoso, y estos tres elementos están estrechamente relacionados y deben ser cuidadosamente considerados a lo largo del proceso de planificación y ejecución (Mahamid, 2017;Sanni-Anibire et al., 2022). Además, en el ámbito de la construcción, los retrasos en los plazos son una realidad común en todo el mundo y, a menudo, van acompañados de aumentos imprevistos en los costos (Dlamini & Cumberlege, 2021;Durdyev, 2021). Los retrasos y sobrecostos en los proyectos de construcción tienen un impacto negativo en todas las partes involucradas, incluidos los clientes, contratistas y consultores (Dlamini & Cumberlege, 2021;Meléndez et al., 2024). ...
... Además, en el ámbito de la construcción, los retrasos en los plazos son una realidad común en todo el mundo y, a menudo, van acompañados de aumentos imprevistos en los costos (Dlamini & Cumberlege, 2021;Durdyev, 2021). Los retrasos y sobrecostos en los proyectos de construcción tienen un impacto negativo en todas las partes involucradas, incluidos los clientes, contratistas y consultores (Dlamini & Cumberlege, 2021;Meléndez et al., 2024). Estas situaciones pueden deteriorar las relaciones, generar desconfianza y llevar a litigios o arbitrajes. ...
Conference Paper
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La construcción de intersecciones viales es crucial para la eficiencia y seguridad de las redes de transporte. Estos proyectos deben cumplir con los cronogramas planificados debido a su impacto en la infraestructura. Sin embargo, tanto en países desarrollados como en vía de desarrollo, las intersecciones viales enfrentan dificultades significativas para cumplir con los plazos establecidos en las primeras etapas del proyecto. Para abordar este desafío, es fundamental identificar las causas de las desviaciones en los cronogramas. Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar las principales causas y magnitudes de estas desviaciones en proyectos de construcción de intersecciones viales. La investigación se basa en la recolección y análisis estadístico de datos de 30 proyectos en Colombia, construidos entre 2012 y 2024. Los resultados indican que las principales causas de las desviaciones en los cronogramas se deben a deficiencias en la planificación, condiciones climáticas adversas y retrasos en la obtención de permisos. El 76.6% de los proyectos analizados experimentó desviaciones, con un promedio del 125.7%. Los hallazgos de este estudio son valiosos para los gerentes de proyectos que buscan reducir las desviaciones en los cronogramas en la construcción de infraestructura vial.
... According to Dlamini & Cumberlege (2021), cost and time overrun are influential factors which deteriorates the construction industry. According to Ashraf & Ghanim (2016) from Negesa (2022), delay in construction projects could prevail to cost overrun. ...
... This phenomenon has a high rate of occurrence in the organisational firm as more time would be needed by workers to achieve the original specification in the contract by reworking. According to Dlamini & Cumberlege (2021), time overrun would deteriorate future opportunities between construction companies. Specifically, the reason behind this is due to construction workers in the organisation being unable to achieve their task within a fixed period as part of their contract. ...
Research Proposal
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144 words) The significance of industrialisation would expand largely with major assistance provided by construction engineers in developing nations. Alongside its benefits such as the increment of labour productivity and national GDP, there are negative elements involved such as cost overrun, material wastage and failure of building's completion. A major factor leading to these implications is reworks. As a definition, rework is the act of redoing a faulty task by construction workers to achieve its original specifications. To grasp a more detailed understanding of reworks, the root causes within construction project would be discussed accordingly to determine the reasoning behind the development of reworks. Furthermore, the impacts of rework would be elaborated on, to comprehend its detrimental effect on different firms in the construction industry. More vitally, the solutions would also be elaborated on, where certain methods to diminish reworks rate would be recommended.
... According to Dlamini & Cumberlege, (2021), poor planning frequently causes project delays, cost overruns, and impaired project quality [19]. Planning issues have been linked to a number of factors, including inadequate risk assessment, improper resource allocation, and poor project scope specification [20]. ...
... According to Dlamini & Cumberlege, (2021), poor planning frequently causes project delays, cost overruns, and impaired project quality [19]. Planning issues have been linked to a number of factors, including inadequate risk assessment, improper resource allocation, and poor project scope specification [20]. ...
The importance of good project management is key to performing well in Pakistan\'s ever-changing construction industry. This research dives into project management by using data analysis methods, including the Relative Importance Index (RII) and rankings based on surveys. These methods help us understand the most important factors for success and subsequently affect project results. The RII designates a number for each factor to display its importance. These values allow stakeholders to gauge the impact of different aspects on project success, guiding resource allocation and decision-making. Ranking these factors adds an additional layer of clarity, enabling stakeholders to discern priorities and allocate efforts judiciously. Analyzing insights derived from individual questions provides a nuanced perspective on specific aspects. For instance, clear roles and responsibilities (RII: 0.748) emerge as a foundational factor, emphasizing the importance of organizational clarity. Effective communication (RII: 0.655) surfaces as a significant challenge, highlighting the need for streamlined information dissemination. Drawing from these analyses, actionable recommendations arise. Improving communication channels, enhancing planning processes, investing in skill development, and adopting technology are among the proposed strategies. In the context of the construction industry, the findings resonate profoundly and offer a blueprint for stakeholders to optimize project management processes, driving success in an industry notorious for its intricacies. By embracing data-driven insights, stakeholders can navigate the complexities of construction projects with informed decisions and strategic actions.
... When the perception of expertise is done appropriately, it increases interdependency among team members, enhances productivity, and increases the organization's financial performance (Chinowsky et al., 2011;Joshi et al., 2014). On the flip side, a failure to correctly perceive the expertise of team members leads to project delays, cost overruns, or skilled labor turnover (Rodriguez et al., 2020;Dlamini & Cumberlege, 2021). Researchers have explored perceived expertise in engineering, finding that Men are more likely to be perceived as experts compared to their Female counterparts (Poleacovschi & Javernick-Will, 2017;Poleacovschi et al., 2021-a). ...
... Having less experience in planning can be one of the main factors pushing the project cost boundary which is the case for Dlamini and Cumberlege (2021) for South African construction industry. While evidence from Nevada projects suggested that project size and duration have influence to create more complexities in pushing the increase if costs, will increase regardless of the project type and type of users (Shrestha et al., 2013). ...
Conference Paper
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Over budgeting is a recurring issue in projects. One of the main issues of over budgets is the mismanagement of risks. Risks and uncertainty should have been established, quantified and included in the cost limit of a project. Recognising the challenges of COVID posed to the current economy, it is ever more crucial for public clients to ensure the facilities are delivered with added value by eliminating the inefficient expenditure and delays, which affects the value delivery to end user. Although there are many approaches in studying cost overruns in projects, this study aims to uncover the factors driving the cost overruns and its relation towards the risks. This paper will report the first stage findings of ongoing research. A total of 14 public facility projects, all delivered through traditional procurement were selected, unpacked, and analysed. The cost/m2 of each project were then compared to client's developed cost plan at the selected project stage, including further investigation for factors driving the cost changes. The study revealed that most of over budgeting were contributed to misallocation of risk. Lacked quantification and identification of risk caused over budgets and delays. Traditional procurement allow certainty but less innovative platform for contractor and client to collaborate.
... This involves regular monitoring of project expenses, identifying potential deviations, and taking prompt corrective To effectively handle and minimize cost overruns in the construction industry, it is crucial to engage in proactive planning and implement strategies for identifying and mitigating risks (Venkataraman & Pinto, 2023). Construction companies must adopt strategies and best practices that enable them to navigate and resolve this ongoing challenge (Dlamini & Cumberlege, 2021). The primary objective of this research study is to delve into these strategies and best practices, shedding light on the effective management of cost overruns in the construction industry. ...
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Cost overruns pose a common challenge for the construction industry, significantly impacting project profitability and sustainability. This research study aims to investigate effective strategies and best practices that can assist construction firms in managing and mitigating cost overruns. The study will employ a qualitative research method, specifically utilizing an in-depth review of existing literature on cost overruns in the construction industry, as well as conducting semi-structured interviews. The research findings will identify the root causes of cost overruns and provide practical measures for effectively managing them. This study contributes to the existing body of knowledge on cost overrun management in the construction industry, offering detailed and practical recommendations for construction professionals to address this critical issue, with a particular focus on Pakistan.
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In carrying out construction projects, the competence of a project manager is always debated by civil engineering practitioners, because the project manager is very important and a key factor in achieving successful project implementation. Therefore, a project manager must have the appropriate competencies to lead the implementation of construction projects. Existing competency research has been identified from various global competency sources, such as IPMA Competency Base Line (ICB), APM Competency Framework (ACF), and Project Management Competency Development (PMCD). When looking at it as a whole, their competencies have a lot in common with the competencies in PMCD. There are three main groups of PMCD competencies namely: Knowledge Competence, Technical Competence, and Personal Competence. This research examines previous research articles related to project manager competencies for successful projects. This research was randomized to global research since 5 years ago, starting from 2018 to 2022. This paper reviews the competencies strictly to determine the dominant project manager competencies that are widely used in the implementation of construction projects. This research examines and determines the appropriate factors sequentially in the three competency groups for project success. This study produces the most dominant competency factors and is widely used by project managers to be successful in handling construction projects.
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The study investigated the influence of assessment on training to improve productivity of construction companies. This is important for the construction industry, which plays a critical role in a country’s economic development in a continuously shifting business world, entrenching globalization, and a technology-driven economy. The investigation employed a cross-sectional descriptive quantitative design after receiving 234 responses from builders, artisans, general workers, and technicians of construction sites in Gauteng Province, South Africa. Empirical data were analyzed using STATA 14 assisted by the ‘medsem’ package. The results of the exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis confirmed that rework in operations (rework), optimum utilization of equipment (utilization), use of modern equipment (modernization), and identification of defects in raw material (defects) could collectively determine productivity. The AVE value was higher than 0.5 (AVE = 0.523-0.665), with all factors reliable (CR = 0.761-0.869) and the heterotrait-monotrait criterion (HTMT) ≤ 0.85 (HTMT = 0.162-0.652). Assessment has a mediation effect on theoretical and on-the-job training with productivity measures (utilization, modernization, and defects). For on-the-job training, assessment showed a complete mediation effect on modernization (effect size of 98.8% and RID = 84.6). In contrast, for theoretical training, defects showed the highest mediation (effect size = 64.3% and RID = 1.804). The implication is that well-trained employees are critical in construction sites as they can improve productivity.
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Research Methods.
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Background: The construction industry in Nigeria, is pigeonholed by poor quality of construction products as a result of the inherent corruption in the country. Lack of purposeful leadership and inappropriate choice of leadership styles in the industry have been attributed to project failure. Abandoned and failed projects are more predominant in the public sector which litters every corner of the country. Objectives: The objective of this paper is to assess the impact of leadership styles on quality performance criteria of public projects in Nigeria. Methodology: A total of 43 questionnaires were distributed to 3 key groups of respondents (Quantity Surveyors, Builders, and Architects) who are project managers in Nigeria. Descriptive and Inferential statistics were used to analyse the data using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Likert Scale was used to measure the independent variables (leadership style): facilitative, coaching, delegating and directing; and the level of achievement of projects based on the dependent variables (quality and function performance criteria) which are: achieving highest aesthetic quality; and functional building that fits its purpose. Findings: The study revealed that Directing is the major leadership style used by project managers in Nigeria. Amongst the leadership styles which has the most impact on quality performance indicators is also directing which has the most relative influence on achieving highest aesthetic quality and functional building that fits its purpose. Conclusion/Recommendation/Way forward: The underlying relationship between Directing leadership styles and the performance criteria of achieving highest aesthetic quality and functional building that fits its purpose will be beneficial to the Nigerian construction environment.
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Purpose Extant literature is replete with factors that engender cost and time overruns within the design and construction phase. The constraint is the lack of a scientific approach in establishing a tackling mechanism to address the root causes and stakeholder responsibilities. This research contends that the circle of investigation into overruns cannot be complete unless the established critical failure factors are matched against their respective mitigating measures to avert the overruns. Design/methodology/approach The research is based on nine unique grand factors previously established and reported in literature about the Ghanaian Construction Industry. A focus group discussion convened through a purposive sampling technique led to the establishment of a list of mitigating measures and strategies. Findings The paper established a checklist of 114 mitigating measures categorised into preventive, predictive and corrective approaches. Additionally, several short to medium term key strategies have been recommended to avert the occurrence of cost and time overruns. Originality/value The mitigating measures can be adopted as a checklist of good practice to help practitioners enhance the effectiveness of project budget and schedule control. It is also supposed to serve as a guide to practitioners in averting overruns through predictive, preventive and/or corrective causes. A unique approach in averting the occurrence of cost and time overruns.
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The aim of this study is to create a model of construction project managers’ competencies in Poland. The model includes factors related to the project manager's attributes. The created model can serve as a reference in the development of an integrated approach to the management of construction projects in Poland. Using the proposed approach, the process of construction project management can be customized.
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Project delays in the construction industry are a universal or large-scale observable fact affecting not only the construction industry but the overall economy of countries as well. As far as the Malaysian construction industry is concerned, project delays are common problems in the construction industry, particularly in housing development. The objective of this study is to evaluate and identify the causes and the consequences of project delays in private housing development projects in Malaysia, and the remedies that can minimize these delays. The top ten causes of delays are weather conditions, poor site conditions, poor site management, incomplete documents, lack of experience, financial problems, contract modifications, delay in the approval of major variations, contractor coordination problems with other parties, and construction mistakes and defective works. It has been analysed that the causes of the delays point to the contractor factors, which contribute to the major factors that cause project delays in private housing development projects. The consequences of the delays include time overrun, cost overrun, differences in opinion, negotiations, legal actions and total abandonment. Herewith are presented some recommendations to minimize these project delays.
The total amount of cost overruns for any construction project can be fully determined once the project is completed. Estimating the amount of cost overruns at different stages of ongoing construction projects is important for project success. There is, however, a dearth of research for this exercise. This article reports the results of an investigative study on cost overruns for ongoing building projects in Abuja. The quantitative technique was adopted in this study. The investigation included ongoing building-construction projects within Abuja, from which a sample of 30 building projects (public and private) was purposively selected (project value of ZAR100 million and above). The data were sourced from the archival records (drawings, bills of quantities, project progress reports, and specifications) on the issues relating to the costs and duration of building projects. The data were analysed using descriptive (percentages) and inferential methods. The results revealed that the percentage of cost overruns ranged from a minimum of 5.56% with 90% project completion, and within 88% of the estimated time limit, to a maximum of 216.08% with merely 5% project completion, and within 8.3% of the estimated time limit. The entire projects had average cost overruns of 44.46%, with an average project completion of 52.4%, and within 91.4% of the average estimated time limit. Based on these findings, it can be concluded that continuous investigation into, and analyses of cost overruns at stages of building projects would encourage professionals to apply the best mitigation measures, in order to achieve a significant reduction in the total cost overrun at the completion of a project. Construction professionals should be well informed of these consequences (cost overruns) at an early stage, in order to evaluate the extent to which these consequences could be minimised.
The premise of dealing with uncertainty in this article is to figure out the impact of uncertainties on project performance. This article proposes a framework for quantitative analysis that combines a fuzzy mathematics approach with system dynamics theory. Simulations generated using a model based on the framework show that uncertainties affect project performance by changing project parameters, and the mechanisms involved depend on the sources of the uncertainties. Furthermore, while technical and financial uncertainties mainly influence project costs, uncertainties related to markets, regulations, and organizational structures affect both project duration and cost. Finally, strategies for coping with uncertainties in a resource allocation perspective are presented.
A competency-based review of professional quantity surveying is important for service excellence and has continuing relevance in the built environment of the 21st century. A survey of quantity surveyors in professional practice in South Africa has provided a new perspective on the relative importance of competencies required for current and future quantity surveying services, and revealed notable gaps between the important competencies and current proficiency levels among practitioners. The survey was based on a structured questionnaire reflecting 23 defined competencies, which were derived from the literature and from in-depth interviews with selected practitioners. The results indicated that technically orientated competencies were rated of highest importance for current services, while management orientated competencies were rated of higher importance for future services. The profession was rated as deploying below average proficiency levels in marketing, advanced financial management, leadership and general management, and project management, although these received high current and future importance ratings. The findings suggest that initial and continuing education and training of professional quantity surveyors should emphasize the development of management-orientated competencies.