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CMIP6 projects less frequent seasonal soil moisture droughts over China in response to different warming levels

IOP Publishing
Environmental Research Letters

Abstract and Figures

Seasonal drought occurrences are found to increase across different regions over China under global warming, but with large uncertainties among models. With ten selected Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) climate models and seven CMIP6 models according to their performances in reproducing historical drought trends (p < 0.1), here we show that future seasonal soil moisture (SM) droughts over China projected by CMIP6 models are less frequent than that by CMIP5 models. We find national mean seasonal drought frequency is projected to increase by 28 ± 4% based on CMIP5 models at 1.5 °C global warming level, but only increase by 18 ± 6% based on CMIP6 models and 12 ± 4% based on land surface model ensemble simulations driven by downscaled CMIP5 models. Compared with CMIP6, CMIP5 projection suggests larger increase in precipitation but also larger increase in evapotranspiration, leading to more frequent seasonal SM droughts. Comparing the results at 3 C global warming level with those at 1.5 °C, drought frequency over China will increase further by 10 ± 4%, but drought duration will decrease by 6 ± 4%, suggesting more frequent seasonal SM droughts with shorter durations will occur in a warming future. The future increase in China drought frequency will reduce from 12%-45% based on selected climate models to 3%-27% based on all available models (30 CMIP5 models and 31 CMIP6 models), which indicates that the model selection is critical for future drought projection. Nevertheless, CMIP6 still projects less frequent seasonal SM droughts than CMIP5 even without any model discriminations.
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Environ. Res. Lett. 16 (2021) 044053
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CMIP6 projects less frequent seasonal soil moisture droughts over
China in response to different warming levels
Sisi Chen and Xing Yuan
School of Hydrology and Water Resources, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210044, People’s
Republic of China
Keywords: seasonal drought, soil moisture, global warming, CMIP
Supplementary material for this article is available online
Seasonal drought occurrences are found to increase across different regions over China under
global warming, but with large uncertainties among models. With ten selected Coupled Model
Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) climate models and seven CMIP6 models according to
their performances in reproducing historical drought trends (p< 0.1), here we show that future
seasonal soil moisture (SM) droughts over China projected by CMIP6 models are less frequent
than that by CMIP5 models. We find national mean seasonal drought frequency is projected to
increase by 28 ±4% based on CMIP5 models at 1.5 C global warming level, but only increase by
18 ±6% based on CMIP6 models and 12 ±4% based on land surface model ensemble simulations
driven by downscaled CMIP5 models. Compared with CMIP6, CMIP5 projection suggests larger
increase in precipitation but also larger increase in evapotranspiration, leading to more frequent
seasonal SM droughts. Comparing the results at 3 C global warming level with those at 1.5 C,
drought frequency over China will increase further by 10 ±4%, but drought duration will decrease
by 6 ±4%, suggesting more frequent seasonal SM droughts with shorter durations will occur in a
warming future. The future increase in China drought frequency will reduce from 12%–45% based
on selected climate models to 3%–27% based on all available models (30 CMIP5 models and 31
CMIP6 models), which indicates that the model selection is critical for future drought projection.
Nevertheless, CMIP6 still projects less frequent seasonal SM droughts than CMIP5 even without
any model discriminations.
1. Introduction
Drought is a period with below-average precipitation
(P) and/or above-normal evaporation, all of which
reflected in the land surface with declined soil mois-
ture (SM). Drought caused by such SM deficit is often
referred to as agricultural drought, leading to reduced
crop production and plant growth (Dai 2011, Li et al
2018). Due to its slow development, it is difficult to
detect drought until it has caused devastating losses,
bringing out famine, migration, and potential con-
flict (Berg and Sheffield 2018). In a warming future,
droughts will become more frequently (Sheffield and
Wood 2008, Dai 2013, Zhao and Dai 2015, Liu et al
2018, Samaniego et al 2018, Yuan et al 2019, Gu
et al 2020), and approximately two thirds of global
population will experience a progressive increase in
drought conditions (Naumann et al 2018), leading to
large economic losses, ecosystem damages and water
shortages, and increasing the risk of wildfires and
The current rate of warming is too fast for the
climate system to adapt to, leading to frequently
occurred extreme events in recent years. As a result,
the 2 C warming level was first proposed in 1996 to
avoid irreversible risk from climate extremes includ-
ing droughts. The Copenhagen accord of 2009 expli-
citly accepted the 2 C target. To further mitigate
the impact of global warming, the 2015 Paris Agree-
ment emphasized that ‘holding the increase in the
global average temperature to well below 2 C above
pre-industrial levels and pursuing efforts to limit the
temperature increase to 1.5 C above pre-industrial
levels’. Previous study suggests that the temperature
© 2021 The Author(s). Published by IOP Publishing Ltd
Environ. Res. Lett. 16 (2021) 044053 S Chen and X Yuan
in China is expected to increase by 1.3 C–5 C by
the end of this century, which is higher than the aver-
age warming level in the world (Chen and Sun 2015).
Hence, it is necessary to assess China drought changes
under different global warming levels.
A few studies focused on global drought changes
under different warming levels, but their conclusions
are not necessarily consistent over China. Based on
the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5
(CMIP5) model outputs, Lehner et al (2017) found
that Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) showed a
non-significant decreasing (drying) trend over South
China at the global warming levels of 1.5 C and
2C, but Su et al (2018) found that the PDSI showed
a significant decreasing trend over South China and
a significant increasing trend over North China. By
using SM directly from the CMIP5 climate mod-
els, Lei et al (2019) found that seasonal droughts
over North China will increase at the warming level
of 1.5 C, although the mean SM will increase. A
recent study from Cook et al (2020) showed that
the latest CMIP6 models projected a wetting SM
condition over North China at the end of the 21st
century, while the CMIP5 models projected a dry-
ing condition. Whether this affects the assessment of
seasonal SM drought changes over China needs fur-
ther investigation. In addition, many studies argued
that SM from CMIP models might have large uncer-
tainty due to the coarse resolution of climate mod-
els and simple representation of land surface pro-
cesses, so they usually downscaled climate output
from CMIP models to drive advanced land surface
models (LSMs) to provide more reliable estimation
of SM, and assessed the corresponding changes in
drought in the future (Samaniego et al 2018, Yuan
et al 2019). Again, whether the CMIPs and LSMs com-
binations provide significantly different SM drought
projection remains unknown.
Therefore, this work used SM from three sets
of data, i.e. CMIP5 climate models, CMIP6 climate
models, and a set of LSMs ensemble simulations
driven by CMIP5 models (CMIP5/LSM), to pro-
ject the future drought changes over China under
1.5 C, 2 C and 3 C global warming scenarios sep-
arately, aiming to answer the following questions: (a)
how will seasonal SM droughts change over China
at 1.5 C global warming level? (b) After exceed-
ing 1.5 C warming target, are there any signific-
ant changes in seasonal SM droughts under further
warming (e.g. 2 C and 3 C warming levels)? (c)
Compared with the results from CMIP5, do CMIP6
and CMIP5/LSM provide any new evidence regard-
ing the drought changes over China?
2. Data and method
2.1. CMIP5 and CMIP6 data
In this work, we firstly compiled surface air temper-
ature, P, evapotranspiration (ET), meridional wind
at 850 hPa and total column SM data from 30
CMIP5 models for historical simulations (1961–
2005) and future projections (2006–2099) under
Representative Concentration Pathway 4.5 (RCP4.5)
and RCP8.5 due to data availability (table S1).
Given that the reference data (i.e. OBS/LSM, see
section 2.2 for details) showed a significant increas-
ing trend (p< 0.01) in national mean dry months
(SM lower than 20th percentile) during 1961–2005,
we finally chose ten CMIP5 models considering
their ability (p< 0.1) to reproduce this upward
trend (Top ten in table S1 and figure S1 (available
online at
Here, p< 0.1 instead of p< 0.01 was used to keep
enough climate models for further analysis. As for
the CMIP6 data, we compiled data from 31 climate
models (table S2) for historical simulations (1961–
2014) and future projections (2015–2100) under two
Shared Society Pathways (i.e. SSP245 and SSP585).
The SSP245 and SSP585 in CMIP6 future projections
are corresponding to the scenarios of RCP4.5 and
RCP8.5 in CMIP5 simulations, respectively. Based on
the performance regarding the upward trend for his-
torical droughts (p< 0.1), seven CMIP6 models were
selected for further analysis (Top seven models in
table S2 and figure S2). We used ALL experiments in
historical simulations, which were forced by both nat-
ural (e.g. solar and volcanic activities) and anthropo-
genic (e.g. anthropogenic greenhouse gases and aero-
sol emissions) forcings. All data were interpolated to
2.2. LSM ensemble simulations driven by
observations and CMIP5 climate data
To assess the performance of simulating seasonal SM
drought by using CMIP models, we used the bench-
mark data (OBS/LSM) provided by Yuan et al (2019),
where the meteorological observations were used to
drive three LSMs (i.e. variable infiltration capacity
(VIC; Xie et al 2007), Noah LSM with multiple para-
meterization options (Noah-MP; Niu et al 2011)
and Community Land Model version 4.5 (CLM4.5;
Oleson et al 2013)) to simulate SM. These three mod-
els have good performance for hydrological simula-
tions (Niu et al 2011, Zong et al 2011), and they have
been widely used and verified.
Yuan et al (2019) also selected 13 CMIP5 mod-
els, and bias corrected the simulated P and temperat-
ure through a quantile-mapping method (Wood et al
2002) and an equal distance cumulative distribution
function-matching method (Li et al 2010) during his-
torical and future periods, respectively. These bias-
corrected P and temperature simulations were then
used to drive the above three LSMs to provide SM
simulations (Yuan et al 2019), which are referred to as
CMIP5/LSM in this study. Again, only CMIP5/LSM
simulations that can capture the historical increasing
trend (p< 0.1) of national mean dry months (SM
lower than 20th percentile) were selected (table S3
Environ. Res. Lett. 16 (2021) 044053 S Chen and X Yuan
and figure S3). The difference between CMIP5 and
CMIP5/LSM not only originates from the bias correc-
tion of meteorological forcings, but also the advances
in three selected LSMs (i.e. VIC, Noah-MP, CLM4.5)
for representing land surface hydrology.
2.3. Identification of different warming periods
The period 1971–2000 was selected to represent
present-day conditions, and it corresponded to a
global warming of 0.46 C to pre-industrial con-
ditions in 1881–1910 (Vautard et al 2014). Con-
sequently, we used this period as the baseline period,
and defined 1.5 C, 2 C and 3 C global warm-
ing levels as the global surface air temperature
increases by 1.04 C (=1.5 C0.46 C), 1.54 C
(=2C0.46 C), and 2.54 C (=3C0.46 C)
compared with the baseline period, respectively (Jiao
and Yuan 2019). A 30 year moving window, which has
the same length as the baseline period, was used to
determine the first period reaching a specific warm-
ing level for a specific future scenario for CMIP5,
CMIP5/LSM and CMIP6 simulations.
2.4. Definition of seasonal SM drought
SM is a key state variable of the land surface, reflect-
ing complex interactions between the water, energy,
and carbon cycles (Berg and Sheffield 2018). This
work used the percentiles of SM to define drought
(Andreadis et al 2005). According to this index, a
seasonal drought event was defined as SM percentile
below 20% for no less than three consecutive months
(Yuan and Wood 2013). To characterize the seasonal
drought event, frequency was calculated as the aver-
age number of seasonal drought events that occurred
per year, duration was obtained by calculating the
average months that drought events last, and the
severity was the sum of deviation from 20% in per-
centiles averaged per events.
3. Results
The spatial distributions of frequency, duration and
severity of seasonal SM droughts in the baseline
period (1971–2000) are shown in figure S4. For each
dataset, the drought characteristics of each model
were calculated first and then averaged. Compared
with OBS/LSM, it can be found that CMIP5/LSM
simulates drought characteristics well, followed by
CMIP6 and CMIP5 (figure S4). All datasets show
a similar pattern where the frequency of seasonal
droughts is higher over South China and lower over
North and Northeast China (figures S4(a)–(d)). The
patterns for the mean duration and severity are differ-
ent from the drought frequency, where the droughts
over North and Northeast China have longer dura-
tions and larger severity than those over South China
(figures S4(e)–(l)). The results are consistent with
Wang and Yuan (2018), where SM from reanalysis
were used to estimate seasonal drought character-
istics. In fact, South China is located in a humid
region with a large climate variability, where sea-
sonal droughts would occur more frequently but with
shorter durations than those over North and North-
east China with semiarid and semi-humid climate.
With reasonable simulations of historical seasonal
droughts, these CMIP models were used for future
projections. Figure 1shows the percentage changes
of seasonal drought frequency under different warm-
ing levels as compared with the baseline period. With
1.5 C warming, CMIP5 shows the largest area of
drought frequency increase, followed by CMIP6 and
CMIP5/LSM. All three datasets indicate that more
seasonal droughts would occur over South China,
with mixed changes over North and Northeast China
(figures 1(a), (d) and (g)). This suggests that the sea-
sonal drought-prone region (e.g. South China) will
face increasing drought frequency in the future. In
contrast to the CMIP6 results, CMIP5 not only pre-
dicts more seasonal drought over South China, but
also over parts of the North China (figures 1(a)–(c)).
For the changes in drought duration (figure S5) and
severity (figure S6), there is no clear North-South
contrast in the spatial distributions as the temperat-
ure increases.
Figure 2shows the changes in drought frequency
and duration averaged over China and three sub-
regions (figure 1(g)). CMIP5 suggests that the fre-
quency of seasonal SM drought over China will
increase by 28 ±4%, 31 ±8% and 45 ±13% at the
warming levels of 1.5 C, 2 C and 3 C. However,
CMIP5/LSM suggests that the drought frequency will
only increase by 12 ±4%, 12 ±4% and 20 ±7%
(figure 2(a)). The results from CMIP6 are between
them, where the frequency will increase by 18 ±6%,
19 ±8% and 25 ±11%. The mean results from
three datasets suggest that the drought frequency over
China will increase by 17 ±3%, 18 ±4% and 26 ±7%
at 1.5 C, 2 C and 3 C global warming levels. The
drought frequency increase projected by CMIP5 over
China is 34%–56%, 38%–60% and 44%–55% more
than CMIP5/LSM and CMIP6 under different warm-
ing levels. The seasonal drought durations averaged
over China also have increasing trends, and CMIP5
projects larger changes again (figure 2(b)).
The changes in regional mean results are elu-
sive as compared with the national mean res-
ults. For Northeast China (39–54N, 121–135
E), both CMIP5 and CMIP6 show increases in
drought frequency at 1.5 C, 2 C, 3 C global
warming levels, but CMIP5/LSM shows insignificant
decreases (figure 2(c)). As the warming continues,
the uncertainties of the changes increase for all data-
sets (figure 2(c)). All three datasets show significant
increases in drought duration over Northeast China
at different warming levels, except for CMIP5/LSM
at 2 C warming level (figure 2(d)). For North
China (34–42N, 98–121E), both CMIP6 and
Environ. Res. Lett. 16 (2021) 044053 S Chen and X Yuan
Figure 1. Projected percentage changes (%) in seasonal soil moisture drought frequency under 1.5 C (left column), 2 C (middle
column) and 3 C (right column) global warming levels with respect to the reference period 1971–2000 (rows from top to bottom
are for simulations from CMIP5, CMIP5/LSM and CMIP6 respectively). The dotted areas indicate that at least 80% of the models
agree on sign of the changes.
CMIP5 show increases in drought frequency at dif-
ferent warming levels (figure 2(e)), but CMIP5/LSM
shows decreases (figure 2(e)). All three datasets show
increases in drought duration at different warming
levels over North China, but CMIP5 projects 46%–
88% and 49%–66% more increases than CMIP5/LSM
and CMIP6, respectively (figure 2(f)). For South
China (21–34N, 98–121E), all three datasets
project significant increases in both drought fre-
quency and duration (figures 2(g) and (h)), which
suggests that adaption for short-term droughts is
needed for humid regions. This is also consistent with
Yuan et al (2019), where South China shows a signific-
ant increase in flash droughts (with durations ranging
from 15 to 60 d) in the warming future.
To better understand the differences between
CMIP5 and the other two datasets, we investigated
changes in P, ET, P surplus (P-ET) and SM at 1.5 C
warming level (figure 3). There are increases in P
over Northeast and North China, with different mag-
nitudes for different datasets (figures 3(a)–(c)). The
changes in P-ET over part of North China from
CMIP5 are opposite with that from CMIP5/LSM
and CMIP6 (figures 3(g)–(i)), suggesting that ET
modeling is quite different from different datasets
(figures 3(d)–(f)). As a result, SM increases over part
of North China based on CMIP5/LSM and CMIP6
data (figures 3(k) and (l)), leading to the decreases
or relatively small increase in drought frequency. For
South China, all three datasets project non-significant
changes in P and ET, except for CMIP5/LSM with
significant increases in ET (figures 3(a)–(f)). The
P-ET and SM decrease over parts of South China
for CMIP5 and CMIP5/LSM, while shows non-
significant change for CMIP6 (figures 3(g)–(l)).
Therefore, the reasons for the increases in drought
frequency over South China are different among three
datasets, where the decrease in P-ET (figures 3(g) and
(h)) and the consequently decreased SM (figures 3(j)
and (k)) are responsible for the drought increases for
CMIP5 and CMIP5/LSM. But for CMIP6, the mean
SM does not change significantly. To further explore
the reason, we calculated the PDF of annual mean
P, ET and SM percentile averaged over South China
(figure S9). We find that the PDF of ET skews towards
the right tail (figures S9(d)–(f)), while the SM per-
centile skews towards the left tail (figures S9(g)–(i)),
indicating that SM dynamics instead of mean SM
change might be related to the drought increase for
CMIP6 over South China (figure 3(l)). The changes
in these hydrometeorological variables at 2 C warm-
ing level (figure S7) are similar to those at 1.5 C
(figure 3). The P increases at 3 C warming level are
more than at 1.5 C warming level over most parts
of China (figures S8(a)–(c)), but ET also increases
(figures S8(d)–(f)).
Environ. Res. Lett. 16 (2021) 044053 S Chen and X Yuan
Figure 2. Projected percentage changes (%) in seasonal soil moisture drought frequency (left column) and duration (right
column) averaged over China and its three subregions as indicated in figure 1(g). The three subregions are Northeast China
(39–54N, 121–135E), North China (34–42N, 98–121E) and South China (21–34N, 98–121E). The bars show
5%–95% uncertainties which were estimated by using bootstrapping for 1000 times.
Previous study illustrated that a further increase
of 0.5 C (global mean temperature rises from
1C to 1.5 C with respect to the pre-industrial
period) posed greater risk than the previous increase
of 0.5 C, and this ‘acceleration risk’ principle
may also be present in the next 0.5 C addi-
tional warming (global mean temperature rises
from 1.5 C to 2 C relative to the pre-industrial
period) (Hoegh-Guldberg et al 2019). Therefore,
we compared changes in drought characteristics
under 2 C and 3 C warming levels relative to those
under 1.5 C warming. For the average changes over
China, drought frequency will increase with addi-
tional warming of 0.5 C or 1.5 C (figures 4(a) and
(c)), but the change is not significant in CMIP5/LSM
and CMIP6 for additional warming of 0.5 C
(figure 4(a)). Over Northeast and North China, all
three datasets show that P-ET will increase with
additional warming of 0.5 C or 1.5 C (figures
S10(a)–(c) and (g)–(i)), with a smaller magnitude for
Environ. Res. Lett. 16 (2021) 044053 S Chen and X Yuan
Figure 3. Projected percentage changes (%) in mean precipitation (P), evapotranspiration (ET), P surplus (P-ET) and soil
moisture (SM) under 1.5 C warming level relative to the reference period 1971–2000 (columns from left to right are for
simulations from CMIP5, CMIP5/LSM and CMIP6 respectively). The dots indicate that at least 80% of models agree on sign of
the changes.
CMIP5. As a result, most datasets project a decrease
in both drought frequency and duration over North-
east and North China, although the changes are not
necessarily significant (figure 4). For South China,
all three datasets display a significant increasing
trend in drought frequency (figures 4(a) and (c)),
except for CMIP5/LSM at 0.5 C additional warming
(figure 4(a)). The changes in drought duration over
South China with additional warming are not signi-
ficant. With additional warming of 1.5 C, drought
frequency over China will increase by 10 ±4%, and
drought duration will decrease by 6 ±4%, suggesting
more frequent seasonal SM droughts with shorter
durations will occur. However, the effects of holding
temperature within 1.5 C on seasonal SM droughts
are regionally dependent with large uncertainties.
4. Summary and discussion
This study explores the responses of seasonal SM
drought over China at different global warming levels
by using three datasets. At 1.5 C warming level, the
average drought frequency over China will increase by
28 ±4%, 12 ±4% and 18 ±6% based on CMIP5,
CMIP5/LSM and CMIP6 datasets respectively. The
increases in drought frequency are 31 ±8%, 12 ±4%
and 19 ±8% for 2 C warming, and 45 ±13%,
20 ±7% and 25 ±11% for 3 C warming. Thus, hold-
ing the temperature at 1.5 C has a positive effect on
controlling seasonal SM droughts over China.
Compared with CMIP5/LSM and CMIP6, CMIP5
shows 34%–56%, 38%–60% and 44%–55% larger
increases in drought frequency over China at 1.5 C,
2C and 3 C warming levels, which may be induced
by larger increase in ET projected by CMIP5. The
most significant increases in drought frequency and
duration occur over South China, where the decrease
in P-ET and the consequently decreased SM are
responsible for the drought increases for CMIP5 and
CMIP5/LSM, but SM dynamics might be related to
the drought increase for CMIP6 because there is no
significant changes in mean SM.
Environ. Res. Lett. 16 (2021) 044053 S Chen and X Yuan
Figure 4. Projected percentage changes in seasonal soil moisture drought frequency (left column) and duration (right column)
with continuous warming of 0.5 C (top row) and 1.5 C (bottom row) as compared with 1.5 C warming. The bars show
5%–95% uncertainties which were estimated by using bootstrapping for 1000 times.
Given that East Asian summer monsoon (EASM)
greatly affects the P (drought) over China, it is neces-
sary to explore the change in EASM under global
warming. Here we use the meridional wind at 850 hPa
over East China (20–40N, 105–120E) to meas-
ure EASM (Jiang et al 2020), and find that both the
selected ten CMIP5 model ensemble and the seven
CMIP6 model ensemble show that EASM will be
intensified in response to different warming levels
(figure S11). A few studies have also shown that the
circulation of EASM is intensified by global warm-
ing (Lee and Wang 2014, Chen and Bordoni 2016, Jin
and Stan 2019, Park et al 2020). The enhancing mon-
soon will increase P over North China and decrease
P over South China, which is also consistent with
the P changes shown in figures 3(a) and (c). But
figures 3(d) and (f) show that ET also increases over
North China, which is not only caused by the increas-
ing P, but also due to increasing atmospheric water
demands with increasing temperature. Therefore, the
relation between EASM and SM drought is complic-
ated, where the changes in both P and ET are crit-
ical. Our results are consistent with previous stud-
ies, where they show that Asian monsoon region will
expose to more frequent seasonal drought conditions
despite the intensification of extreme rainfall events
(Ha et al 2020). Figure S11 also shows that CMIP6
projected monsoon wind increase is a little larger than
CMIP5, but again this does not necessarily suggest
more rainfall or less drought, as the change in sea-
sonal SM drought not only depends on the change in
rainfall seasonality, but also the change in ET. In addi-
tion, the warming of the equatorial eastern Pacific can
last from winter to spring-summer in the next year,
resulting in an enhanced delay relationship between
EASM and ENSO. Therefore, more droughts tend to
occur in South China in the years associated with the
summer of El Niño decay (Zhang and Zhou 2015).
In this study, we selected a subset of climate mod-
els according to their capability in reproducing his-
torical increase in SM droughts over China. If all
the available climate models were used for the ana-
lysis, the increase in drought would be reduced from
12%–45% to 3%–27% (figure S12). This is because
when we mix the models that have positive responses
(drought increase) to warming with those have neg-
ative (drought decrease) or insignificant responses,
the signal would be heavily smoothed. Therefore,
model selection is crucial for projecting drought in
the future.
Given that the 1.5 C global warming target will
be reached in the near future, drought adaptation is
dependent on whether there is significant response
to additional warming (e.g. 2 C or 3 C warming
levels). Our results show that drought frequency over
China will increase by 10 ±4% with additional warm-
ing of 1.5 C, but drought duration will decrease by
6±4%. The response is elusive over Northeast and
Environ. Res. Lett. 16 (2021) 044053 S Chen and X Yuan
North China (figure 4) due to large uncertainty in
modeling P and land surface hydrological processes.
However, it is found that South China, the hotspot
of the future increase in seasonal SM droughts, will
experience more frequent droughts but with shorter
durations (figure 4), although the reduction in dur-
ation is not statistically significant. This is also con-
sistent with the intensification of flash drought over
South China (Yuan et al 2019). Flash drought is
regarded as a subseasonal drought with rapid onset,
and it is also preferable over humid regions. This
raises a challenge for drought early warning, where
these short-term droughts are difficult to predict
because of the absence of oceanic anomaly. Under-
standing of the interactions among droughts at differ-
ent time scales (Yuan et al 2020) would be an urgent
need to interpret the projection of different types of
droughts and to facilitate developing early warning
In addition to the physical mechanism and
early warning of droughts, future research should
also concentrate on investigating the ecological and
physiological feedback between drought and veget-
ation. Recently, a study has shown that early spring
greening caused by warming can modulate the occur-
rence and magnitude of agricultural drought in sum-
mer, which is mainly due to the enhanced ET and
thus the loss of SM. Moreover, this additional soil dry-
ing may further exacerbate summer heatwaves (Lian
et al 2020). Faster SM losses, on the other hand, trig-
ger additional P by raising atmospheric humidity,
and partially compensate the soil water deficit caused
by early greening. But there exists another biophys-
ical feedback, where the soil water deficit results in
less incoming surface radiation and lower energy-
controlled ET, which may inhibit cloud development
and subsequent P. Besides, these interaction pro-
cesses can also be amplified or diminished by tele-
connection, where large scale atmospheric circula-
tion redistributes P over downwind regions (Zeng
et al 2019). Unfortunately, the overall impacts of these
processes are still unclear (Lian et al 2020). Con-
versely, drought affected by soil water deficit and the
consequent increase in summer extreme events may
inhibit vegetation growth and ecosystem production,
especially for the arid and semiarid ecosystems sensit-
ive to summer water supply. Given that South China
with humid climate and dense vegetation will exper-
ience more seasonal droughts in a warming future,
whether the early greening due to CO2fertilization
amplifies the drought condition by pumping more
water from soil, or the reduction in vegetation sto-
matal conductance resulted from increased CO2con-
centration decreases ET and alleviates the drought
condition (Ji et al 2020), is a key question. Moreover,
recent studies have shown that equilibrium climate
sensitivity of the latest generation of CMIP6 is lar-
ger than CMIP5 models (Meehl et al 2020, Zelinka
et al 2020), which means that CMIP6 models might
be is more sensitive to the increase of CO2. Thus, such
physiological effect is elusive and may affect future
drought projection at different warming levels (Dai
et al 2018).
Data availability statement
The CMIP data support the findings of
this study are openly available (https://esgf-,https://esgf-node.llnl.
The data that support the findings of this study are
available upon reasonable request from the authors.
We thank Professor Aiguo Dai for providing con-
structive comments. This work was supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China
(41875105), National Key R&D Program of China
(2018YFA0606002), and the Startup Foundation for
Introducing Talent of NUIST.
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... Importantly, drought can have cascading effects on other socioeconomic sectors, leading to significant economic repercussions (Tabari and Willems 2023). Under the influence of global warming, seasonal droughts have become increasingly prevalent across various regions in China (Chen and Yuan 2021). Southwest China (SWC), a region of critical importance, has experienced frequent drought disasters in recent decades. ...
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In recent decades, there has been a notable increase in the frequency and severity of drought events in Southwest China (SWC), which have significantly impacted agriculture and the social economy. Using sea surface temperature (SST) data from the Hadley Centre, daily meteorological drought composite index grid data and ERA5 reanalysis data, we investigate the characteristics of autumn drought in SWC and discuss its possible causes using empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis. The results indicate a distinct ‘Northeast–Southwest’ dipole pattern of autumn drought over SWC in the past decade, which we define as the ‘Chuan‐Yu’‐type drought. A British–Okhotsk Corridor (BOC) pattern Rossby wave train, presenting over Eurasia, is identified as the key factor influencing the ‘Chuan‐Yu’‐type drought in SWC during the autumn. The BOC‐pattern Rossby wave train not only obstructs water vapour transport channels in SWC but also induces anomalous descending motions in the lower to middle troposphere over the region, leading to high temperatures and insufficient precipitation. Further investigation reveals that North Atlantic dipole SST anomalies trigger the BOC‐pattern Rossby wave train in autumn. The results of the linear baroclinic model sensitivity simulations support the above conclusion. These findings will make valuable contributions to autumn drought prevention and mitigation in SWC.
... This is due to increases in the variability of the total runoff and precipitation from CMIP6 outputs in future periods compared to historical periods, caused by climate change and human activities (see Figure 4), indicating a complex future at the regional scale even if global carbon neutrality targets are achieved. Similar results can be found in other warming-level studies [28,29]. ...
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Droughts have a severe impact on the environment and social economy, and predicting their future changes is challenging due to significant uncertainties in climate change and human activities. Many countries have pledged to achieve carbon neutrality to limit global warming; however, few studies have focused on drought changes during the carbon-neutral period. Here, we analyzed the variations in drought characteristics across the Yellow River Basin (YRB) during the carbon-neutral period under two low-emission scenarios from 7 CMIP6 model outputs. The results show that the temperature and precipitation will increase significantly during the 2015–2100 period under both SSP1-1.9 and SSP1-2.6 scenarios. Compared to the historical period (1979–2014), the hydrological drought frequency is projected to decrease by 15.5% (13.0–18.1%), while drought severity is expected to increase by 14.4% (13.2–15.7%) during the carbon-neutral period. Meteorological droughts exhibit a similar changing trend, although the results vary between different regions. In general, more severe hydrological droughts may occur in the southern YRB in the carbon-neutral period under low-emission scenarios. This study has implications for future drought mitigation within the Yellow River Basin.
... Although the drought situation in some areas has improved and the drought characteristics have not changed significantly compared with historical periods, the joint distribution of drought duration and drought intensity showed that overall drought in Chinese mainland is still intensifying (Fig. 9). Previous studies based on the CMIP5 (Xin et al., 2020) and CMIP6 (Chen and Yuan, 2021) models for predicting future drought characteristics in Chinese mainland show that the decrease in precipitation and the increase in evapotranspiration will lead to more frequent and severe future drought events in Chinese mainland. It is necessary to study PELD in Chinese under the background of aggravated drought, which is of great significance to its social and economic development. ...
Economic loss assessment of drought disaster (ELDA) plays an important supporting role in government emergency management decision-making and the sustainable development of national economy. Previous studies lack projected ELDA for composite drought under the background of global warming, and the evaluation models used have problems such as low calculation efficiency and poor universality. In order to explore the overall economic impact of composite drought disaster in Chinese mainland, an economic loss assessment model of drought disaster (ELDAM) was constructed based on the occurrence process and loss mechanism of drought. Under different global warming levels (GWLs), economic loss of drought disaster (ELD) in Chinese mainland increases with the intensification of drought. When the temperature rise reaches 4 °C, the ELD under the static scenario and the dynamic scenario that considers the future national economic development level can reach 164.00 ± 67.58 and 86.84 ± 38.06 billion USD2015. They only account for 0.014 ± 0.006% and 0.007 ± 0.003% of the projected gross domestic product (GDP), which is much lower than the reference period (2003–2018, 0.12%). The future economic impact of drought in Chinese mainland shows a downward trend against the background of intensifying droughts, but the economic impact of drought cannot be ignored under GWLs. ELDAM can not only be used to estimate ELD from historical drought disasters, but can also be combined with climate predictions to provide advance estimates of ELD, providing a reliable theoretical basis for strengthening regional drought prevention and resistance capabilities.
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The frequency, intensity, and duration of extreme droughts, with devastating impacts on tree growth and survival, have increased with climate change over the past decades. Assessing growth resistance and resilience to drought is a crucial prerequisite for understanding the responses of forest functioning to drought events. However, the responses of growth resistance and resilience to extreme droughts with different durations across different climatic zones remain unclear. Here, we investigated the spatiotemporal patterns in growth resistance and resilience in response to extreme droughts with different durations during 1901–2015, relying on tree‐ring chronologies from 2389 forest stands over the mid‐ and high‐latitudinal Northern Hemisphere, species‐specific plant functional traits, and diverse climatic factors. The findings revealed that growth resistance and resilience under 1‐year droughts were higher in humid regions than in arid regions. Significant higher growth resistance was observed under 2‐year droughts than under 1‐year droughts in both arid and humid regions, while growth resilience did not show a significant difference. Temporally, tree growth became less resistant and resilient to 1‐year droughts in 1980–2015 than in 1901–1979 in both arid and humid regions. As drought duration lengthened, the predominant impacts of climatic factors on growth resistance and resilience weakened and instead foliar economic traits, plant hydraulic traits, and soil properties became much more important in both climatic regions; in addition, such trends were also observed temporally. Finally, we found that most of the Earth system models (ESMs) used in this study overestimated growth resistance and underestimated growth resilience under both 1‐year and 2‐year droughts. A comprehensive ecophysiological understanding of tree growth responses to longer and intensified drought events is urgently needed, and a specific emphasis should be placed on improving the performance of ESMs.
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Karst areas are characterized by poor surface water storage capacity, which makes them more sensitive to drought events. To enhance drought resistance in karst landform areas, this study focuses on a typical region in the Yun–Gui Plateau of China, specifically Guizhou Province, which includes 88 counties and districts. According to the regional characteristics, the index system for the assessment of drought resistance and disaster reduction ability was constructed to include 17 indexes in five evaluation layers, including natural conditions, water conservancy project, economic strength, water usage and water conservation level, and emergency support capacity. A comprehensive evaluation was conducted using a fuzzy evaluation model. Furthermore, the drought resistance and disaster reduction capacity of Guizhou Province was evaluated according to the fulfillment of water supply and water demand under the frequency of 75%, 90%, 95%, 97%, and 99% drought frequency inflow in each research unit. This assessment serves to define the spatial distribution pattern of drought resistance and disaster reduction capability within the province. Additionally, according to the results of the supply–demand balance method, the weight of the main influencing factors in regards to drought resistance and disaster reduction ability was optimized and adjusted to identify the key restricting factors of drought resistance and disaster reduction ability. This research data was obtained from the National Disaster Survey database, aiming to provide practical guidance for drought resistance in Guizhou Province. The research findings show that: (1) the distribution characteristics of drought resistance and disaster reduction capability in Guizhou Province are the most significant in Guiyang City, Liupanshui City, and Anshun City in the southwest, with higher drought resistance and disaster reduction ability found in central region, and lower drought resistance primarily identified in the eastern part of Qiandongnan Prefecture, Tongren City, the southern part of Qiannan Prefecture, and the northwestern part of Bijie City; (2) there are six main influencing factors in the three criterion layers, i.e., hydraulic engineering, emergency drought resistance, and social economy, and their contribution rates are as follows: surface water supply and storage rate > average number of soil moisture monitoring stations > per capita GDP > agricultural emergency drought irrigation rate > regional water supply assurance rate > cultivated land effective irrigation rate.
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Serving source water for the Yellow, Yangtze and Lancang-Mekong rivers, the Sanjiangyuan region affects 700 million people over its downstream areas. Recent research suggests that the Sanjiangyuan region will become wetter in a warming future, but future changes of streamflow extremes remain unclear due to the complex hydrological processes over high-land areas and limited knowledge of the influences of land cover change and CO2 physiological forcing. Based on high-resolution land surface modeling during 1979–2100 driven by the climate and ecological projections from 11 newly released Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) climate models, we show that different accelerating rates of precipitation and evapotranspiration at 1.5 ∘C global warming level induce 55 % more dry extremes over Yellow River and 138 % more wet extremes over Yangtze River headwaters compared with the reference period (1985–2014). An additional 0.5 ∘C warming leads to a further nonlinear and more significant increase for both dry extremes over Yellow River (22 %) and wet extremes over Yangtze River (64 %). The combined role of CO2 physiological forcing and vegetation greening, which used to be neglected in hydrological projections, is found to alleviate dry extremes at 1.5 and 2.0 ∘C warming levels but to intensify dry extremes at 3.0 ∘C warming level. Moreover, vegetation greening contributes half of the differences between 1.5 and 3.0 ∘C warming levels. This study emphasizes the importance of ecological processes in determining future changes in streamflow extremes and suggests a “dry gets drier, wet gets wetter” condition over the warming headwaters.
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For the current generation of earth system models participating in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6), the range of equilibrium climate sensitivity (ECS, a hypothetical value of global warming at equilibrium for a doubling of CO 2 ) is 1.8°C to 5.6°C, the largest of any generation of models dating to the 1990s. Meanwhile, the range of transient climate response (TCR, the surface temperature warming around the time of CO 2 doubling in a 1% per year CO 2 increase simulation) for the CMIP6 models of 1.7°C (1.3°C to 3.0°C) is only slightly larger than for the CMIP3 and CMIP5 models. Here we review and synthesize the latest developments in ECS and TCR values in CMIP, compile possible reasons for the current values as supplied by the modeling groups, and highlight future directions. Cloud feedbacks and cloud-aerosol interactions are the most likely contributors to the high values and increased range of ECS in CMIP6.
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In this study, long-term changes in the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) lifecycle during 1979-2017 (2010 for models) are analyzed based on observational datasets and historical simulations of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6). According to the analysis, the active and break phases of EASM have been intensified, resulting in a shorter but stronger rainy season followed by a longer dry spell. This intensification in precipitation during the rainy period is accompanied by increased lower tropospheric southwesterly wind and subsequent convergence of water vapor flux. These changes are accompanied by the widely reported westward extension of the North Pacific Subtropical High, which has been associated with the warming climate. The performance of CMIP6 models in depicting the observed intensification of the EASM lifecycle varies and the monsoon precipitation is generally underestimated. However, some of the models did simulate the intensified EASM lifecycle similar to that observed. The result highlights the reasonable performance on EASM shown in some CMIP6 models and those simulations lend support to a warming-driven intensification of the EASM lifecycle.
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Abstract There is strong evidence that climate change will increase drought risk and severity, but these conclusions depend on the regions, seasons, and drought metrics being considered. We analyze changes in drought across the hydrologic cycle (precipitation, soil moisture, and runoff) in projections from Phase Six of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6). The multimodel ensemble shows robust drying in the mean state across many regions and metrics by the end of the 21st century, even following the more aggressive mitigation pathways (SSP1‐2.6 and SSP2‐4.5). Regional hotspots with strong drying include western North America, Central America, Europe and the Mediterranean, the Amazon, southern Africa, China, Southeast Asia, and Australia. Compared to SSP3‐7.0 and SSP5‐8.5, however, the severity of drying in the lower warming scenarios is substantially reduced and further precipitation declines in many regions are avoided. Along with drying in the mean state, the risk of the historically most extreme drought events also increases with warming, by 200–300% in some regions. Soil moisture and runoff drying in CMIP6 is more robust, spatially extensive, and severe than precipitation, indicating an important role for other temperature‐sensitive drought processes, including evapotranspiration and snow. Given the similarity in drought responses between CMIP5 and CMIP6, we speculate that both generations of models are subject to similar uncertainties, including vegetation processes, model representations of precipitation, and the degree to which model responses to warming are consistent with observations. These topics should be further explored to evaluate whether CMIP6 models offer reasons to have increased confidence in drought projections.
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Plain Language Summary Future climate change is expected to influence the characteristics of the global monsoon system. However, large regional uncertainties still remain. Using 16 Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 models, we determine the impact of greenhouse warming on the length of the summer rainy season and precipitation extremes over the Asian subregional monsoon domains (East Asia, western North Pacific, India, and Indo‐China Peninsula). Over East Asia the models simulate on average an earlier inception and a later termination of the summer rainy season, whereas over India, the termination will occur later. The model simulations also show an intensification of extreme rainfall events, as well as an increase of seasonal drought conditions. Our results demonstrate the high volatility of the Asian summer monsoon system and further highlight the need for improved water management strategies in this densely populated part of the world.
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The Paris Agreement sets a long-term temperature goal to hold global warming to well below 2.0 ∘C and strives to limit it to 1.5 ∘C above preindustrial levels. Droughts with either intense severity or a long persistence could both lead to substantial impacts such as infrastructure failure and ecosystem vulnerability, and they are projected to occur more frequently and trigger intensified socioeconomic consequences with global warming. However, existing assessments targeting global droughts under 1.5 and 2.0 ∘C warming levels usually neglect the multifaceted nature of droughts and might underestimate potential risks. This study, within a bivariate framework, quantifies the change in global drought conditions and corresponding socioeconomic exposures for additional 1.5 and 2.0 ∘C warming trajectories. The drought characteristics are identified using the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) combined with the run theory, with the climate scenarios projected by 13 Coupled Model Inter-comparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) global climate models (GCMs) under three representative concentration pathways (RCP 2.6, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5). The copula functions and the most likely realization are incorporated to model the joint distribution of drought severity and duration, and changes in the bivariate return period with global warming are evaluated. Finally, the drought exposures of populations and regional gross domestic product (GDP) under different shared socioeconomic pathways (SSPs) are investigated globally. The results show that within the bivariate framework, the historical 50-year droughts may double across 58 % of global landmasses in a 1.5 ∘C warmer world, while when the warming climbs up to 2.0 ∘C, an additional 9 % of world landmasses would be exposed to such catastrophic drought deteriorations. More than 75 (73) countries' populations (GDP) will be completely affected by increasing drought risks under the 1.5 ∘C warming, while an extra 0.5 ∘C warming will further lead to an additional 17 countries suffering from a nearly unbearable situation. Our results demonstrate that limiting global warming to 1.5 ∘C, compared with 2 ∘C warming, can perceptibly mitigate the drought impacts over major regions of the world.
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Equilibrium climate sensitivity, the global surface temperature response to CO urn:x-wiley:grl:media:grl60047:grl60047-math-0001 doubling, has been persistently uncertain. Recent consensus places it likely within 1.5–4.5 K. Global climate models (GCMs), which attempt to represent all relevant physical processes, provide the most direct means of estimating climate sensitivity via CO urn:x-wiley:grl:media:grl60047:grl60047-math-0002 quadrupling experiments. Here we show that the closely related effective climate sensitivity has increased substantially in Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 6 (CMIP6), with values spanning 1.8–5.6 K across 27 GCMs and exceeding 4.5 K in 10 of them. This (statistically insignificant) increase is primarily due to stronger positive cloud feedbacks from decreasing extratropical low cloud coverage and albedo. Both of these are tied to the physical representation of clouds which in CMIP6 models lead to weaker responses of extratropical low cloud cover and water content to unforced variations in surface temperature. Establishing the plausibility of these higher sensitivity models is imperative given their implied societal ramifications.
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Earlier vegetation greening under climate change raises evapotranspiration and thus lowers spring soil moisture, yet the extent and magnitude of this water deficit persistence into the following summer remain elusive. We provide observational evidence that increased foliage cover over the Northern Hemisphere, during 1982–2011, triggers an additional soil moisture deficit that is further carried over into summer. Climate model simulations independently support this and attribute the driving process to be larger increases in evapotranspiration than in precipitation. This extra soil drying is projected to amplify the frequency and intensity of summer heatwaves. Most feedbacks operate locally, except for a notable teleconnection where extra moisture transpired over Europe is transported to central Siberia. Model results illustrate that this teleconnection offsets Siberian soil moisture losses from local spring greening. Our results highlight that climate change adaptation planning must account for the extra summer water and heatwave stress inherited from warming-induced earlier greening.
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Flash droughts refer to a type of droughts that have rapid intensification without sufficient early warning. To date, how will the flash drought risk change in a warming future climate remains unknown due to a diversity of flash drought definition, unclear role of anthropogenic fingerprints, and uncertain socioeconomic development. Here we propose a new method for explicitly characterizing flash drought events, and find that the exposure risk over China will increase by about 23% ± 11% during the middle of this century under a socioeconomic scenario with medium challenge. Optimal fingerprinting shows that anthropogenic climate change induced by the increased greenhouse gas concentrations accounts for 77% ± 26% of the upward trend of flash drought frequency, and population increase is also an important factor for enhancing the exposure risk of flash drought over southernmost humid regions. Our results suggest that the traditional drought-prone regions would expand given the human-induced intensification of flash drought risk.
We compare the ability of coupled global climate models from the phases 5 and 6 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5 and CMIP6, respectively) in simulating the temperature and precipitation climatology and interannual variability over China for the period 1961\2-2005 and the climatological East Asian monsoon for the period 1979–2005. All 92 models are able to simulate the geographical distribution of the above variables reasonably well. Compared with earlier CMIP5 models, current CMIP6 models have nationally weaker cold biases, a similar nationwide overestimation of precipitation and a weaker underestimation of the southeast\3-northwest precipitation gradient, a comparable overestimation of the spatial variability of the interannual variability, and a similar underestimation of the strength of winter monsoon over northern Asia. Pairwise comparison indicates that models have improved from CMIP5 to CMIP6 for climatological temperature and precipitation and winter monsoon but display little improvement for the interannual temperature and precipitation variability and summer monsoon. The ability of models relates to their horizontal resolutions in certain aspects. Both the multi-model arithmetic mean and median display similar skills and outperform most of the individual models in all considered aspects.