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Long-term variability in deposited fine sediment and macroinvertebrate communities across different land-use intensities in a regional set of New Zealand rivers


Abstract and Figures

Macroinvertebrate communities in running waters are commonly used as bioindicators of fine sediment pollution, but few studies evaluate impacts across multiple years. We used a 5-year dataset from 46 rivers in Southland, New Zealand to investigate the consistency of the relationship between deposited fine sediment and stream macroinvertebrates across three categories of agricultural land-use intensity (low, medium, and high). We also compared the performance of four widely used invertebrate stream health metrics and their recently developed sediment-specific counterparts. Linear and non-linear regressions were fitted and effect sizes were interpreted to identify biologically meaningful relationships (r ² ≥ 0.1). Sites within medium-intensity catchments showed the greatest number of such relationships (29 of 40 cases), compared to low- (8) or high-intensity catchments (23). Invertebrate metrics responded more frequently, and mostly negatively, to increasing sediment in medium- and high-intensity catchments. Overall, sediment-specific metrics performed better than their widely used counterparts. Our findings show that land-use intensity influences the multi-year dynamics of deposited fine sediment and the corresponding stream invertebrate responses. These temporal dynamics can be substantial and should be considered in future stream biomonitoring efforts.
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New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research
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Long-term variability in deposited fine sediment
and macroinvertebrate communities across
different land-use intensities in a regional set of
New Zealand rivers
Noah G. Davis , Roger Hodson & Christoph D. Matthaei
To cite this article: Noah G. Davis , Roger Hodson & Christoph D. Matthaei (2021): Long-term
variability in deposited fine sediment and macroinvertebrate communities across different land-use
intensities in a regional set of New Zealand rivers, New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater
Research, DOI: 10.1080/00288330.2021.1884097
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Published online: 15 Feb 2021.
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Long-term variability in deposited ne sediment and
macroinvertebrate communities across dierent land-use
intensities in a regional set of New Zealand rivers
Noah G. Davis
, Roger Hodson
and Christoph D. Matthaei
Department of Zoology, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand;
Environment Southland, Southland,
New Zealand
Macroinvertebrate communities in running waters are commonly
used as bioindicators of ne sediment pollution, but few studies
evaluate impacts across multiple years. We used a 5-year dataset
from 46 rivers in Southland, New Zealand to investigate the
consistency of the relationship between deposited ne sediment
and stream macroinvertebrates across three categories of
agricultural land-use intensity (low, medium, and high). We also
compared the performance of four widely used invertebrate
stream health metrics and their recently developed sediment-
specic counterparts. Linear and non-linear regressions were
tted and eect sizes were interpreted to identify biologically
meaningful relationships (r
0.1). Sites within medium-intensity
catchments showed the greatest number of such relationships
(29 of 40 cases), compared to low- (8) or high-intensity
catchments (23). Invertebrate metrics responded more frequently,
and mostly negatively, to increasing sediment in medium- and
high-intensity catchments. Overall, sediment-specic metrics
performed better than their widely used counterparts. Our
ndings show that land-use intensity inuences the multi-year
dynamics of deposited ne sediment and the corresponding
stream invertebrate responses. These temporal dynamics can be
substantial and should be considered in future stream
biomonitoring eorts.
Received 16 October 2020
Accepted 29 January 2021
Laura Kelly
Stream invertebrates; in-
stream sedimentation;
temporal variation;
freshwater; multi-annual;
Preventing ecological degradation of freshwater ecosystems due to land-based human
activities is a great challenge for environmental managers. To help address this challenge,
stream biomonitoring using benthic macroinvertebrates is a strategy employed in New
Zealand and worldwide (Buss et al. 2015; Wagenhoet al. 2016). However, such
studies have rarely explored changes over ecologically relevant time periods (Jackson
and Füereder 2006), and erroneous conclusions about stream health may be made if
an inappropriate sampling frequency of invertebrates is used (Collier 2008; Huttunen
et al. 2018; Idígoras Chaumel et al. 2019). This is particularly concerning given that
© 2021 The Royal Society of New Zealand
CONTACT Noah G. Davis
Supplemental data for this article can be accessed
invertebrate community composition can vary considerably between years in streams
impacted by human activities (Feio et al. 2010; Huttunen et al. 2012). Therefore,
without long-term datasets, misleading information regarding ecological stream health
may be used by resource managers.
Fine sediment is a major pollutant of streams and rivers worldwide, often with detri-
mental eects on benthic macroinvertebrate communities (Jones et al. 2012; Davies-
Colley et al. 2015). In New Zealand, eld surveys have identied consistent negative
responses of stream macroinvertebrates to increases in deposited ne sediment resulting
from pastoral development (e.g. Niyogi et al. 2007; Townsend et al. 2008; Burdon et al.
2013). Moreover, experiments spanning several spatial scales have established that ne
sediment from agricultural inputs is a master stressor, owing to its pervasive impacts
on pollution-sensitive macroinvertebrate taxa (see reviews by Scarsbrook et al. 2016; Mat-
thaei and Piggott 2019). In a set of agricultural streams in Canterbury, habitat loss due to
sediment deposition was identied as a key driver aecting pollution-sensitive invert-
ebrates (Burdon et al. 2013). Similarly, Pingram et al. (2019) concluded that improving
in-stream habitat by reducing ne sediment was likely to yield the most widespread
improvement to their biological condition in a region-wide study of Waikato streams
(the spatial scale most relevant to resource managers). While these studies highlight
our understanding of sedimentation eects at various spatial scales, research exploring
temporal variability in ne sediment, and its implications for stream health, remains
limited. However, understanding this variability is important to successfully managing
ecological impacts of sedimentation, particularly because ongoing agricultural develop-
ment has enhanced the delivery of ne sediment to waterways across New Zealand
(Glade 2003; Davies-Colley et al. 2015).
Overland ow is probably the largest source of diuse pollution of freshwaters in
New Zealand (Howard-Williams et al. 2011), transporting ne sediment from terres-
trial systems into streams during rainfall (Merritt et al. 2003; Dymond et al. 2017).
Consequently, sediment delivery into streams is highly ow-dependent, yet non-
linear, episodic and hard to predict (Wohl et al. 2015). For example, within a large
agricultural catchment in France, suspended sediment transport was shown to be
highly variable across several temporal scales due to rainfall and oods (Oeurng
et al. 2010). New Zealand studies, although rare, have used paired catchment
approaches and determined that, on average, pasture catchments can export 3 times
(Quinn and Stroud 2002) or 1.6 times (Hughes et al. 2012) more ne sediment than
mature forest catchments. Given the known temporal variability in suspended sedi-
ment concentrations, it is important to also consider the variability of deposited ne
sediment over time. However, few studies worldwide have investigated this variability,
let alone its impacts on stream invertebrate communities. In one such study, small
colonisation columns were exposed in two UK streams for 126 days (Mathers et al.
2017), with two sediment levels (heavily sedimented versus control). In two New
Zealand experiments (Matthaei et al. 2006; Ramezani et al. 2014), ne sediment was
added to 50-m stream reaches and sediment levels were also monitored in control
reaches, but these studies ran only for 35 or 63 days. Arguably, all three experiments
were thus conducted at spatial and/or temporal scales of limited relevance for decision
making by freshwater managers.
Resource managers have to prioritise mitigation actions that are both cost-eective
and ecologically benecial (Turak and Linke 2011). However, some of the current phys-
ical or visual methods for assessing deposited ne sediment (see Clapcott et al. 2011 for
New Zealand) can be time-consuming and expensive, making it unrealistic for most
freshwater managers to conduct more than one sampling campaign per year. Therefore,
overseas research has identied the need for a new approach that utilises benthic macro-
invertebrate metrics as a proxy for the extent of in-stream sedimentation (Extence et al.
2013; Turley et al. 2014; Extence et al. 2017). In New Zealand, a new set of sediment-
specic invertebrate metrics was developed by Clapcott et al. (2017). These metrics
have the potential to isolate impacts of ne sediment on ecological stream health, allow-
ing sediment-specic mitigation strategies to be eectively targeted. As macroinverte-
brate biomonitoring is mandated in the National Policy Statement for Freshwater
Management (MfE 2020), these metrics would also provide a national standard for asses-
sing ne sediment. Further, where biomonitoring data from previous years exist, back
forecastingcould be undertaken, by identifying long-term trends in past sediment
levels and using them to ll current knowledge gaps and help predict future trends.
Against this scientic background, our rst aim was to investigate the inuence of
catchment land-use intensity on the relationship between ne sediment and macroinver-
tebrate communities assessed annually across ve years in a regional dataset of waterways
in Southland, New Zealand. Our second aim was to compare the ability to detect sedi-
mentation impacts of sediment-specic stream invertebrate metrics recently developed
for New Zealand by Clapcott et al. (2017) and existing, widely used invertebrate
stream health metrics. Both aims were addressed using a unique dataset that provided
a long-term perspective on regional deposited ne sediment levels; an approach that,
to our knowledge, has not yet been explored in New Zealand or elsewhere. We tested
four hypotheses regarding the multi-year relationships between sediment levels and
invertebrate stream health metrics in waterways draining catchments of low, medium
or high land-use intensity:
(1) low-intensity catchments will show few, weak or no relationships between invert-
ebrate metrics and in-stream sediment levels,
(2) medium-intensity catchments will consistently show many invertebrate-sediment
relationships, but these will vary in strength across years,
(3) high-intensity catchments will show similar patterns as low-intensity ones, and
(4) across all land-use intensities, the newly developed sediment-specic invertebrate
metrics will respond more strongly to deposited sediment than their long-established
non-sediment-specic counterparts.
The rationales behind these hypotheses are as follows: Representing a relatively low
risk of sediment transfer from terrestrial to freshwater systems, streams within low-
land-use intensity catchments (H1) should have consistently low annual sediment
levels, regardless of natural variability in environmental conditions (see e.g. tussock
streams in Matthaei et al. 2006). In streams draining high land-use intensity catchments
(H3), by contrast, consistently high sediment levels are expected given the large pro-
portion of the catchment that can continually or periodically produce sediment inputs
to waterways (e.g. deer farming streams in Matthaei et al. 2006). Thus, invertebrate
communities within such streams should remain relatively stable, showing no relation-
ship to sediment levels as there is no sediment gradient to respond to. Finally, streams
within medium land-use intensity catchments (H2) should show the greatest variability
in sediment levels. This is because variability in rainfall, and in turn surface runoand
stream ows, are expected to alter in-stream sediment levels to a larger degree compared
to low and high land-use intensity catchments (e.g. dairy farming streams in Matthaei
et al. 2006 and Ramezani et al. 2014). Therefore, invertebrates should show more
varied responses to sediment levels, depending upon the extent to which they uctuate
from year to year.
Field sites
Our study utilised aquatic invertebrate and deposited sediment data collected in the long-
term biomonitoring programme of Environment Southland (Southlands regional
council). This programme includes the collection of environmental stressor and ecologi-
cal response data from up to 102 sites across four large agricultural river catchments
(Waiau, Aparima, Oreti, Mataura) and a number of smaller coastal rivers and streams
throughout the Southland region of New Zealand. Monitoring sites were selected to rep-
resent broad gradients of environmental stressors (pristine to highly impacted), and to
include regionally important main-stem river sites. A primary programme focus is to
gain an understanding of the region-wide impacts of deposited ne sediment on water
Forty-six river sites (Table S1, Supplementary Material) sampled consecutively for
both deposited ne sediment and benthic macroinvertebrates for 5 years were chosen
to capture annual variability in sediment and invertebrate communities in Southland.
This sampling period represents the minimum time needed to interpret results from a
meaningful range of environmental conditions (Jackson and Füereder 2006). Each site
was sampled annually during baseow conditions from 2015 to 2019, primarily during
Austral summer. Sediment and invertebrate data were collected simultaneously.
Baseow conditions were discharges below a threshold of 3 times the annual median
ow. If this threshold was exceeded, this resulted in a 2-week stand-down period
before sampling was undertaken. The stand-down reduced the inuence of oods,
which are known to be an important driver determining lotic invertebrate assemblages
(e.g. Resh et al. 1988). All sites were in hard-bottomed waterways, although they
diered somewhat in catchment geology. However, the relationship between land use
and deposited ne sediment did not depend on catchment geology in a closely related
set of 43 Southland streams (Wagenhoet al. 2011); thus, the inuence of geology on
the ndings of the present study is probably negligible.
While nutrient enrichment is another well-known agricultural stressor in New
Zealand (e.g. review by Scarsbrook et al. 2016), this stressor was not considered in our
study because the Environment Southland dataset did not contain nutrient data from
all sites in all years. Given the importance of ne sediment as a stressor and the lack
of long-term datasets both nationally and internationally, we did not want to compro-
mise the large spatial and multi-year temporal nature of our study. Moreover, two
earlier regional-scale surveys that used data from Southland waterways collected with a
snapshotapproach (Wagenhoet al. 2011; Macher et al. 2016) had already included
nutrients as a stressor.
Sampled sites diered in the proportions of their upstream catchments dedicated to
agriculture. As a proxy for land-use intensity, we used the proportion of the upstream
catchment dedicated to pastoral land (%USPasture), which was obtained from the
Department of Conservations Freshwater Ecosystems of New Zealand (FENZ) database.
The proportions of the upstream catchment area with agricultural land-cover have con-
sistently been correlated positively with in-stream contaminant concentrations and nega-
tively with invertebrate stream health measures (e.g. Wagenhoet al. 2011; Lange et al.
2014; Larned et al. 2020). Sites ranged from 0% to 98%USPasture, ensuring annual varia-
bility in sediment and invertebrate metrics could be compared across the full range of
catchment land-use intensity in Southland. To test hypotheses H1H3, sites were
assigned into low, medium, and high land-use intensity categories based on the pro-
portion of pasture upstream. Low land-use intensity sites (n= 15) had 0%33% of the
upstream catchment in pasture. The equivalent percentages were 35%65% for
medium-intensity sites (n= 16) and 66%98% for high-intensity sites (n= 15).
Biological sampling
At each site, macroinvertebrates were sampled from a hard-bottomed reach of rie
habitat following standard protocols for wadeable streams in New Zealand (Stark et al.
2001). Five Surber samples (0.5-mm mesh net, 25 × 25 cm frame) were collected from
locations to best represent the entire rie habitat, by accounting for the various water
depths, ow velocities and substratum types present. The material from these samples
was pooled, resulting in one composite sample per site. Each sample was stored in a
1-L PET container and preserved in a nal concentration of 70% ethanol for later pro-
cessing at Ryder Consultancy, Dunedin, New Zealand. Samples were processed for
taxon identication and relative abundances following the 200 xed-count protocol P2
in Stark et al. (2001). The rst 200 individuals per sample were counted and identied,
then the entire sample was scanned for rare taxa. Further, total invertebrate abundance
in each sample was estimated using a weighting factor based on the proportion of sample
processed during the 200-count. Invertebrates were identied under a dissecting micro-
scope (1040×) using keys from Winterbourn et al. (2006).
Fine sediment
Fine sediment trapped in the top layers of the stream bed (suspendable inorganic sedi-
ment, SIS) was measured using the quantitative Quorertechnique (sediment assessment
method 4 in Clapcott et al. 2011). At each site, Quorer sampling (six samples per site, plus
one control) was performed in the run habitat immediately upstream of the rie where
macroinvertebrates had been collected (see also next section).
At each sampled streambed patch, a cylindrical tube (length 60 cm, diameter 30 cm)
was embedded into the substratum. Using a broom handle marked with 1-cm gradations,
ve water depths were measured inside the cylinder to obtain an average depth. Using the
broom handle, the bed within the cylinder was stirred for 15 s and a slurry sample
(sediment and water) was collected immediately from the water surface using a 200-mL
PET container. With the cylinder still sealed, ve depth measurements were taken within
it to determine the average stirred depth. This procedure was repeated at ve more bed
patches within the same run, moving upstream. One background water sample per site
was collected and, together with the six Quorer samples, frozen on the day of collection.
Samples were analysed at Hills Laboratory (Hamilton, New Zealand) following the pro-
tocols in Clapcott et al. (2011).
Biological response variables
Data from ries and adjacent runs at 33 Southland river sites sampled by Environment
Southland stain summer 2019, using the eld and laboratory protocols described above,
showed that values for the NZ Macroinvertebrate Community Index (MCI) from ries
were strongly correlated with those from adjacent runs (linear regression, r
= 0.59; see
Figure S1, Supplementary Material). Thus, it is reasonable to compare sediment data
obtained from a run with invertebrate data collected from the adjacent rie, as in the
present study.
For each site, we determined MCI, semi-quantitative MCI (SQMCI), percentage con-
tribution of larval Ephemeroptera, Trichoptera and Plecoptera (EPT) taxa to total
number of taxa per sample (%EPT taxa), and percentage contribution of EPT taxa to
total number of individuals per sample (%EPT taxa abundance). EPT taxa are commonly
used worldwide to assess ecological stream health due to their sensitivity to a wide range
of pollutants. While MCI and SQMCI are only applicable in a New Zealand context, they
are complemented by the EPT metrics, allowing our ndings to be interpreted in an
international context. Ryder Consultancies provide SQMCI but no QMCI calculations
for processed invertebrate samples to Environment Southland, thus no QMCI data
were available. However, Stark (1998) concluded in the paper introducing the SQMCI
that this index eectively produces the same assessmentas the QMCI.
A selection of four sediment-specic macroinvertebrate metrics, developed by Clap-
cott et al. (2017) (see below), were also calculated at each site. These were the sedi-
ment-specic Macroinvertebrate Community Index (Sediment-MCI), the sediment-
specic Quantitative Macroinvertebrate Community Index (Sediment-QMCI), percen-
tage contribution of sediment-sensitive taxa to total number of taxa per sample (%
Decreaser richness), and percentage contribution of sediment-sensitive taxa to total
number of individuals per sample (%Decreaser abundance). Note that Clapcott et al.
(2017) did not develop a sediment-specic SQMCI.
In Clapcott et al. (2017), a wide range of invertebrate taxa were identied as either
being tolerant or sensitive to ne sediment pollution. Taxa were deemed to be sensitive
to sediment if their modelled response shape decreased across the sediment gradient
(Decreasers), or tolerant if they increased across the gradient (Increasers). To
further discriminate between dierent degrees of sensitivity or tolerance, a 110
scale was assigned. Tolerance values for decreasers ranged from 10 to 6, with 10
being assigned to the most sensitive taxa. Tolerance values for increasers ranged
from 1 to 5, with 1 assigned to the most tolerant taxa. For calculating the sediment-
specic metrics above, we obtained tolerance values and response group (Increaser,
Decreaser) from Clapcott et al. (2017). Log-scale tolerance values were used as they
provided a more even distribution across the tolerance range of 110 than the raw scale
in Clapcott et al. (2017).
Data analysis
To assess the relationships between deposited ne sediment (SIS g m
) and stream
health metrics when testing hypotheses H1H3, each land-use category (low, medium,
high) and year (20152019) were treated separately. Linear and non-linear regressions
were t to the eight invertebrate metrics and SIS values for each land-use category and
year. When testing our hypotheses, we focussed on the magnitude of eect sizes,
rather than on their statistical signicance. According to the widely-cited review by
Nakagawa and Cuthill (2007), using standardised eect sizes is a more eective way to
assess the likely biological importance of a relationship than interpreting dierences
based on p-values. To identify biologically meaningful relationships between sediment
and invertebrate metrics, we focussed on those with eect sizes of 0.1. This value rep-
resents a benchmark for what can be considered the minimum strength for a relationship
to be biologically meaningful (Nakagawa and Cuthill 2007).
To test H4, the strengths of the relationships between ne sediment and the sediment-
specic stream health measures were compared to their non-sediment-specic counter-
parts. The following comparisons were made: MCI and Sediment-MCI, SQMCI and
Sediment-QMCI (because no Sediment-SQMCI exists, see above), %EPT taxa and %
Decreaser richness, and %EPT abundance and %Decreaser abundance. Sediment-
specic metrics were deemed to have performed better if their eect sizes were larger
compared to their counterparts.
In 2017, an abnormally high SIS value (6907 g m
) was recorded for one site, the
Waikaia River at Waikaia (%USPasture = 16%, Low land-use category). Sampling was
done in a run habitat, which had stagnant water at the time due to an exceptionally
dry summer (N. Hughes, Environment Southland, personal communication). Conse-
quently, this SIS value was deemed not to be representative of the site and this individual
data point was removed from the analysis. Several of the curvilinear relationships tted to
our data contained one highly inuential data point (see Figure S2, Supplementary
Material). However, the key ndings of our paper remained unchanged when these
data points were removed to test their potential impact. Further, unlike for the above-
mentioned SIS value, we had no a priori reason for omitting these data points, thus
they were all retained.
To complement the analyses run for H1H3, equivalent regressions were also t for all
46 sites combined (without splitting the data according to land-use intensity categories)
and each invertebrate metric, again separately for each year. Biologically meaningful
relationships were interpreted following the protocols described above.
Across all ve years and the eight response variables, 40 regressions were computed in
each of the three %USPasture categories. The low %USPasture bin contained eight
relationships strong enough to be biologically meaningful (eect size r
0.10). The
medium %USPasture bin showed 29 such relationships, while the high %USPasture bin
comprised 23.
MCI (Figure 1) and Sediment-MCI (Figure 2), respectively, showed eight and seven
relationships with SIS (of 15 possible ones, across all ve years and all three bins)
strong enough to be biologically meaningful. In the low %USPasture bin, no meaningful
relationships with SIS were observed for the MCI, whereas a negative linear relationship
= 0.18) occurred in 2019 for the Sediment-MCI. In the medium %USPasture bin,
meaningful relationships were present across all ve years when using the MCI. Negative
linear relationships were observed in 2016 (r
= 0.13), 2018 (r
= 0.32) and 2019 (r
0.27), while non-linear relationships occurred in 2015 (negative; r
= 0.34) and 2017
Figure 1. Linear and non-linear relationships between site measurements of deposited ne sediment
(SIS g m
) and MCI scores for each sampling year across low (n= 15), medium (n= 16), and high (n=
15) %USPasture categories. Note: n= 14 in the low %USPasture for 2017 where one abnormally high
SIS value was removed (see Methods). Regression lines and r
-values are shown only for biologically
meaningful relationships (r
(subsidy-stress: initial increase then decline; r
= 0.11). The Sediment-MCI detected three
meaningful relationships: negative linear relationships in 2016 (r
= 0.11) and 2019 (r
0.37), and a negative, slightly non-linear relationship in 2015 (r
= 0.14). At high %
USPasture, MCI and sediment-MCI performed similarly, with three meaningful relation-
ships each detected in 2015, 2017, and 2018. Response directions and shapes were also
similar. In 2017, negative linear relationships were observed for both MCI (r
= 0.41)
and Sediment-MCI (r
= 0.51). In 2015 and 2018, negative non-linear relationships
were present for MCI (r
= 0.12 and 0.27, respectively) and Sediment-MCI (r
= 0.11
and 0.27).
SQMCI (Figure 3) and Sediment-QMCI (Figure 4), respectively, showed eight and
seven biologically meaningful relationships with SIS. At low %USPasture, one negative
linear relationship occurred in 2019 for both SQMCI (r
= 0.12) and Sediment-QMCI
Figure 2. Linear and non-linear relationships between site measurements of deposited ne sediment
(SIS g m
) and Sediment-MCI scores for each sampling year across low (n= 15), medium (n= 16), and
high (n= 15) %USPasture categories. See Figure 1 for further details.
= 0.18), with similar response direction and shape. At medium %USPasture, mean-
ingful relationships were observed in four years for SQMCI and three for Sediment-
QMCI. For the SQMCI, negative linear relationships occurred in 2016 (r
= 0.28) and
2018 (r
= 0.18), and negative non-linear relationships in 2015 (r
= 0.11) and 2019 (r
= 0.23). For the Sediment-QMCI, a negative linear relationship was present in 2016
= 0.30), with non-linear relationships (subsidy-stress) occurring in 2017 (r
= 0.12)
and 2019 (r
= 0.51). At high %USPasture, SQMCI and Sediment-QMCI performed
similarly, each detecting a meaningful relationship in 2015, 2017, and 2018. In 2017, a
negative linear relationship was observed for SQMCI (r
= 0.22) and Sediment-QMCI
= 0.43). In 2015 (negative) and 2018 (subsidy-stress), non-linear relationships were
found for SQMCI (r
= 0.14 and 0.11, respectively) and Sediment-QMCI (r
= 0.11
and 0.15).
Figure 3. Linear and non-linear relationships between site measurements of deposited ne sediment
(SIS g m
) and SQMCI scores for each sampling year across low (n= 15), medium (n= 16), and high
(n= 15) %USPasture categories, See Figure 1 for further details.
%EPT abundance (Figure 5) and %Decreaser abundance (Figure 6), respectively,
showed ve and six biologically meaningful relationships with SIS. At low %USPasture,
no meaningful relationships were detected for %EPT abundance, whereas a negative
linear relationship was found in 2019 (r
= 0.11) for %Decreaser abundance. At
medium %USPasture, meaningful relationships were identied in 2015, 2016 and 2018
for both metrics, with comparable response directions and shapes. In 2015, a negative
non-linear relationship occurred for %EPT (r
= 0.10) and %Decreaser abundance (r
= 0.15). Linear negative relationships were observed in 2016 and 2019 for %EPT abun-
dance (r
= 0.32 and 0.10, respectively) and %Decreaser abundance (r
= 0.32 and
0.15). At high %USPasture, two meaningful relationships each were found for %EPT
and %Decreaser abundance. In 2017, a negative linear relationship was observed for
both %EPT abundance (r
= 0.28) and %Decreaser abundance (r
= 0.40). In 2018, %
Figure 4. Linear and non-linear relationships between site measurements of deposited ne sediment
(SIS g m
) and Sediment-QMCI scores for each sampling year across low (n= 15), medium (n= 16),
and high (n= 15) %USPasture categories. See Figure 1 for further details.
EPT abundance detected a non-linear relationship (subsidy-stress; r
= 0.13), whereas in
2015%Decreaser abundance detected a negative linear relationship (r
= 0.10).
%EPT richness (Figure 7) and %Decreaser richness (Figure 8), respectively, showed
ten and nine biologically meaningful relationships with SIS. At low %USPasture, such
relationships were detected in 2017 and 2019 by both metrics. In 2019, negative linear
relationships were found for both metrics (r
= 0.11 in both cases). In 2017, a negative
non-linear relationship was identied by %EPT richness (r
= 0.11), whereas %Decreaser
richness identied a negative linear relationship (r
= 0.21). At medium %USPasture, %
EPT and %Decreaser richness performed similarly, each detecting a meaningful relation-
ship in 2015, 2016, 2018, and 2019. Response directions and shapes were also similar. In
2016, a non-linear relationship occurred for both %EPT (subsidy-stress; r
= 0.31) and %
Decreaser richness (negative; r
= 0.35). In 2015, 2017, and 2018, negative linear
Figure 5. Linear and non-linear relationships between site measurements of deposited ne sediment
(SIS g m
) and %EPT abundance for each sampling year across low (n= 15), medium (n= 16), and
high (n= 15) %USPasture categories. See Figure 1 for further details.
relationships were present for %EPT (r
= 0.14, 0.10, and 0.28, respectively) and %
Decreaser richness (r
= 0.31, 0.14, 0.25). At high %USPasture, %EPT richness and %
Decreaser richness, respectively, showed four and three meaningful relationships. In
2015 and 2017, negative linear relationships were found using %EPT richness (r
0.12, 0.50) and %Decreaser richness (r
= 0.10, 0.58). Non-linear relationships were
present in 2016 (peaking at intermediate SIS levels) and 2018 (subsidy-stress) using %
EPT richness (r
= 0.13, 0.42), whereas one non-linear relationship (subsidy-stress)
was identied in 2018 using %Decreaser richness (r
= 0.11).
In total, there were 25 cases (out of a possible 60) where both a widely used metric and
its sediment-specic counterpart detected a meaningful relationship in the same year and
land-use category. Of these, sediment-specic metrics had a stronger relationship with
SIS in 15 cases (n= 2, 8, and 5 for low, medium, or high land-use intensity), compared
Figure 6. Linear and non-linear relationships between site measurements of deposited ne sediment
(SIS g m
) and %Decreaser abundance for each sampling year across low (n= 15), medium (n= 16),
and high (n= 15) %USPasture categories. See Figure 1 for further details.
to seven (n= 0, 3, 4) for the widely used metrics (in three cases performance was the
same). Overall detection frequency of meaningful relationships across all years and
land-use categories was slightly higher for the widely used (n= 31) than for the sedi-
ment-specic metrics (n= 29).
In the regression analyses for all 46 sites combined within each sampling year,
response shapes were generally similar to those where land-use intensity categorisation
was used; however, r
-values for the combined dataset (Figures S3 and S4; see Sup-
plementary Material for descriptions of main patterns) were often lower than in at
least one of the three corresponding bins (Figures 18). Thus, categorising sites based
on %USPasture did not diminish the overall relationships present. Rather, this approach
allowed identifying at which land-use intensity the greatest number, and the strongest,
biologically meaningful relationships occurred.
Figure 7. Linear and non-linear relationships between site measurements of deposited ne sediment
(SIS g m
) and %EPT richness for each sampling year across low (n= 15), medium (n= 16), and high
(n= 15) %USPasture categories. See Figure 1 for further details.
Invertebrate relationships to ne sediment at dierent land-use intensities
Strength and frequency of biologically meaningful relationships between deposited ne
sediment and macroinvertebrate stream health metrics diered considerably across
our three agricultural land-use intensity classes. Because we expected in-stream sediment
levels to remain relatively low and stable in low-intensity catchments, we had predicted
few or no relationships between invertebrate metrics and sediment levels (H1). Both
expectations were supported. Across all ve sampling years, in-stream sediment levels
remained low, rarely exceeding 1000 g SIS m
, and few biologically meaningful relation-
ships occurred within this land-use category. MCI and %EPT abundance, two widely
used stream health metrics, both showed no meaningful relationship to SIS in any
Figure 8. Linear and non-linear relationships between site measurements of deposited ne sediment
(SIS g m
) and %Decreaser richness for each sampling year across low (n= 15), medium (n= 16), and
high (n= 15) %USPasture categories. See Figure 1 for further details.
sampling year. The remaining metrics either showed one (Sediment-MCI, SQMCI, Sedi-
ment-QMCI, %Decreaser abundance) or two (%EPT richness, %Decreaser richness)
meaningful relationships, although all these were weak (r
0.1 but <0.3; Nakagawa
and Cuthill 2007). It is reasonable to assume that sites within low land-use intensity
catchments have deposited ne sediment levels that generally remain relatively stable
through time, not just from year to year. Therefore, when managers consider how best
to distribute biomonitoring eort, less frequent in-stream sediment sampling may be
warranted in these catchments. Instead, more eort could be directed towards locations
with more variable water quality patterns (discussed below).
Believing that sites within medium land-use intensity catchments had the greatest
potential for uctuating in-stream sediment levels, we had anticipated many relation-
ships, of varying strength, to occur here between invertebrate metrics and sediment
levels (H2). Our results clearly supported this hypothesis. Detection frequency across
sampling years in medium-intensity catchments was high for all invertebrate metrics,
each nding either three (n= 4), four (n= 3), or ve (n= 1) biologically meaningful
relationships out of a possible ve. This high detection frequency was probably related
to the wider, more variable spread of in-stream sediment levels compared to low-inten-
sity catchments, which consistently provided a wide sediment gradient for invertebrates
to respond to. Further, these meaningful relationships varied considerably in strength,
with weak (n= 19), intermediate (n= 9), and strong (n= 1) relationships all being ident-
ied (r
0.1, 0.3, 0.5, respectively; Nakagawa and Cuthill 2007). Thus, paralleling the
more variable in-stream sediment levels, invertebrate community responses to these sedi-
ment levels were also more variable from year to year compared to streams within low-
intensity catchments.
Interestingly, high land-use intensity catchments displayed patterns resembling those
in medium-intensity catchments. We had expected to nd meaningful relationships
similar in frequency and strength to those in low-intensity catchments (H3); however,
our results refuted this hypothesis. Detection frequency of meaningful relationships by
all invertebrate metrics in high land-use catchments was more similar to medium-inten-
sity than low-intensity catchments, each showing either two (n= 2), three (n= 5), or
four (n= 1) meaningful relationships with SIS. These varied also similarly in strength
as in medium-intensity catchments, with weak (n= 15), intermediate (n= 5), and
strong (n= 3) relationships occurring.
Our ndings also demonstrate that deposited ne sediment levels are not necessarily
consistently high in high-intensity catchments. Rather, as shown in our ve-year regional
study, SIS levels of high land-use intensity catchments during summer can range from
levels expected for near-pristine catchments to levels expected for heavily impacted
(high-intensity) catchments. A possible explanation for this surprisingly large range is
that stream order, annual ooding regime, and channel slope can all inuence in-
stream ne sediment dynamics. Thus, in a snapshotsurvey of 43 Southland waterways,
Wagenhoet al. (2011) found positive relationships between SIS and % catchment runo
from pasture for stream orders 46, but not for 3rd-order streams. Further, Naden et al.
(2016), using measurements of deposited ne sediment from 230 agricultural streams
across England and Wales, found stream power (calculated using estimated median
annual ood and channel slope) to be the most eective predictor of sediment standing
stocks. These ndings imply smaller and/or low-gradient streams are more likely to be
impacted by sedimentation because of a decreased ability to re-mobilise deposited sedi-
ment compared to larger and/or steeper streams. Stream gradients were unavailable in
our study and stream order was not included as a predictor due to the fairly small
sample size in each land-use category. However, stream orders varied from 3 to 6 in
high-intensity catchments; thus, individual sites within this category may have diered
in their ability to ush out ne sediment. This explanation suggests that ow variability
inuences in-stream sediment levels not just in medium-intensity but also in high-inten-
sity catchments. Consequently, ow variability may to some extent override the impor-
tance of catchment land-use in determining deposited sediment levels, as also observed
by Naden et al. (2016) in their set of agricultural streams.
Most of the meaningful relationships between invertebrate metrics and SIS within our
low-, medium- or high-intensity catchments were straightforwardly negative (8 of 8, 25
of 29, and 15 of 23, respectively), in agreement with the bulk of the published literature
on ne sediment eects on invertebrate stream health metrics in New Zealand and inter-
nationally (see reviews by Jones et al. 2012; Scarsbrook et al. 2016; Matthaei and Piggott
2019). However, some subsidy-stress patterns were identied for medium-intensity (n=
4) and high-intensity (n= 8) catchments. While less common than subsidy-stress
responses to nutrient enrichment, such responses to elevated ne sediment have also
been observed for the caddis larva Pycnocentrodes spp. (an EPT taxon) and larval
elmid beetles in Wagenhoet al.s(2011) survey of Southland waterways, and for total
invertebrate density, community evenness and four common taxa in a stream mesocosm
experiment in Otago, New Zealand, where invertebrate responses were assessed over
broad gradients of ne sediment (Wagenhoet al. 2012).
At low levels, slight increases in deposited sediment are thought to provide additional
habitat for some burrowing taxa, while still providing enough sediment-free refugia for
sediment-sensitive taxa. In our regional data set from Southland, all initial subsidy
responses became negative above 1000 g SIS m
. Interestingly, the SIS range of 0
1000 g m
was also indicative of streams within low-intensity catchments, where the
fewest adverse eects of sediment on invertebrate metrics were observed. Therefore, at
such relatively low sediment levels, it is plausible that sediment-sensitive invertebrates
were able to persist from year to year even when faced with slight increases in sediment
because of available refugia. While investigating the availability of suitable habitat was
beyond the scope of our study, the observed SIS values and the subsidy-stress responses
in both medium- and high-intensity catchments illustrate that some streams within these
land-use categories can also have SIS levels low enough to cause no adverse eects on
stream invertebrate communities, similar to the situation in near-pristine catchments.
Evaluation of sediment-specic invertebrate metrics
To our knowledge, this study represents the rst instance where a completely indepen-
dent dataset has been used to evaluate the performance of the new set of sediment-
specic invertebrate stream health metrics developed by Clapcott et al. (2017). Given
that the four widely used stream health indices (MCI, SQMCI, %EPT taxa, %EPT abun-
dance) we employed are known to respond to many environmental stressors, we had
expected their sediment-specic counterparts (Sediment-MCI, Sediment-QMCI, %
Decreaser richness, %Decreaser abundance) to respond more strongly to deposited
ne sediment across all years and land-use intensities (H4). Indeed, stronger responses
(based on r
-values) were observed more often for the sediment-specic metrics, in
keeping with this hypothesis.
MCI versus Sediment-MCI was the only case where the widely used metric outper-
formed its sediment-specic counterpart. Although Sediment-MCI found an additional
relationship at low land-use intensity, this was the only relationship detected, giving little
weight to this nding. At medium land-use intensity, MCI detected more meaningful,
and often stronger, relationships (n= 5) than Sediment-MCI (n= 3), while both
metrics performed similarly at high intensity. By contrast, the Sediment-QMCI per-
formed better than the SQMCI. Detection frequency was the same at low intensity (n
= 1), but Sediment-QMCI showed the stronger relationship with SIS. At medium inten-
sity, detection frequency was higher for SQMCI (n= 4) than Sediment-QMCI (n= 3).
Further, where both metrics detected a meaningful relationship in the same year (n=
2), Sediment-QMCI showed stronger correlations with sediment both times. At high
intensity, detection frequency was the same for both metrics (n= 3), but Sediment-
QMCI performed better in all cases. These ndings suggest that Sediment-QMCI
could be a more eective predictor for in-stream sediment levels than Sediment-MCI
(which performed less well than the traditionally used MCI).
Identifying the proportions of sediment-sensitive taxa proved to be particularly well-
suited for detecting sedimentation impacts. In low-intensity catchments, %Decreaser
abundance detected one meaningful relationship with SIS where %EPT abundance did
not. In medium-intensity catchments, detection frequency was the same (n= 3) but %
Decreaser abundance showed a stronger correlation with SIS in two instances (in one
case performance was the same). In high-intensity catchments, each metric detected
two meaningful relationships, one of these in the same year, where %Decreaser abun-
dance again showed a stronger correlation. For %EPT richness and %Decreaser richness,
detection frequency was the same in low- (n= 2) and medium-intensity (n= 4) catch-
ments, but %Decreaser richness performed better in one case in low-intensity catchments
(in the other case performance was the same), and in three cases at medium land-use
intensity. Only in high-intensity catchments did %EPT richness detect more meaningful
relationships (n= 4) than %Decreaser richness (n= 3) and, where both detected a mean-
ingful pattern in the same year (n= 3), %EPT richness performed better in two cases.
Overall, therefore, both %Decreaser metrics mostly performed better than their widely
used counterparts, highlighting their potential for future biomonitoring.
Few sediment-specic invertebrate metrics exist elsewhere; however, Extence et al.
(2013) developed one such metric for British streams called PSI(Proportion of Sedi-
ment-sensitive Invertebrates). PSI assigns macroinvertebrates to one of four sediment
sensitivity ratings with specic abundance-weighted scores, which are used to calculate
a PSI score and interpreted to dene the degree of sedimentation at a site. Turley et al.
(2014) evaluated the performance of PSI using data from 835 reference-condition tem-
perate streams and rivers. They found PSI was more highly correlated with ne sediment
(measured as the percentage of the substratum consisting of sand, silt and clay) compared
to %EPT abundance and %EPT richness. Similarly, in our study, we found stronger cor-
relations with sediment for %Decreaser abundance than for %EPT abundance in four
cases (Low 2019, Medium 2015, 2019, High 2017), and for %Decreaser richness than
for %EPT richness in two cases (Low 2017, Medium 2015).
By categorising sites based on %USPasture, rather than treating all 46 sites collectively
(see Suplementary Material), we could determine that the greatest number of biologically
meaningful relationships between invertebrate stream health metrics and SIS occurred
within the medium land-use category and the fewest within the low-land-use category.
Interestingly, sites within the high land-use category showed many more, and often
stronger, relationships than initially expected. Overall, invertebrate metrics responded
more frequently to deposited ne sediment in medium- and high-intensity catchments.
Our ndings imply that at medium and high land-use intensity sites, greater variability in
in-stream deposited ne sediment and macroinvertebrate communities can be expected.
Consequently, more biomonitoring eort should be directed towards such sites than to
sites within low land-use intensity catchments. This approach would ensure the full range
of variability in deposited ne sediment is captured and allow for the most accurate con-
clusions about stream health to be made.
In our study, Sediment-QMCI, %Decreaser abundance and %Decreaser richness gen-
erally performed better than their widely used counterparts in terms of the strength of the
relationships with deposited ne sediment detected. However, the detection frequency of
meaningful relationships for all sediment-specic invertebrate metrics was not higher
than for their counterparts. Consequently, while these new metrics are promising, it
appears they are not yet able to consistently detect sediment impacts where their more
general counterparts cannot. Therefore, we suggest that future sediment-related
studies in New Zealand should also include these metrics in their analyses, to enable
the metrics to continually evolve and improve.
We thank the team from Environment Southland for undertaking the data collection and Nuwan
DeSilva for his helpful correspondence through the writing process.
Disclosure statement
No potential conict of interest was reported by the author(s).
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... The second link in this cause-effect chain has also already been investigated in large-scale studies, and there is clear empirical evidence that specific stressors which are potentially caused by agriculture affect river biota and that these effects differ between organism groups. Fine sediments (Davis et al., 2022) mainly affect macroinvertebrates (Davis et al., 2022) and Liess et al. (2021) identified pesticides applied on arable land as the most dominant stressor for vulnerable aquatic insects in lowland streams. In contrast, nutrients are more strongly associated with macrophytes (aquatic plants) and diatoms (O'Hare et al., 2018). ...
... The second link in this cause-effect chain has also already been investigated in large-scale studies, and there is clear empirical evidence that specific stressors which are potentially caused by agriculture affect river biota and that these effects differ between organism groups. Fine sediments (Davis et al., 2022) mainly affect macroinvertebrates (Davis et al., 2022) and Liess et al. (2021) identified pesticides applied on arable land as the most dominant stressor for vulnerable aquatic insects in lowland streams. In contrast, nutrients are more strongly associated with macrophytes (aquatic plants) and diatoms (O'Hare et al., 2018). ...
... Most of these large-scale empirical studies only distinguished between rather broad land use categories and mainly used gross agricultural land use types, often only distinguishing between crop-and grassland (e.g. Gieswein et al., 2017;Davis et al., 2022). Differential effects of specific crop types on river biota have rarely been considered in large-scale empirical studies yet (Wasson et al., 2010), as high-resolution land use data distinguishing specific crop types became available only recently (e.g. ...
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While the general effects of agricultural land use on riverine biota are well documented, the differential effects of specific crop types on different riverine organism groups, remain largely unexplored. Here we used recently published land use data distinguishing between specific crop types and a Germany-wide dataset of 7748 sites on the ecological status of macroinvertebrates, macrophytes and diatoms and applied generalized linear mixed models to unravel the associations between land use types, crop types, and the ecological status. For all organism groups, associations of specific crop types with biota were stronger than those of urban land use. For macroinvertebrates and macrophytes, strong negative associations were found for pesticide intensive permanent crops, while intensively fertilized crops (maize, intensive cereals) affected diatoms most. These differential associations highlight the importance of distinguishing between crop types and organism groups and the urgency to buffer rivers against agricultural stressors at the catchment scales and to expand sustainably managed agriculture.
... Wagenhoff et al., 2012;Burdon et al., 2013) but also to several other in-stream stressors such as nutrient enrichment (Wagenhoff et al., 2011;Chambers et al., 2012) and flow velocity reduction (James and Suren, 2009;Elbrecht et al., 2016). To date, few studies have validated sediment-specific invertebrate metrics over extended periods of sampling, and only a single independent study (Davis et al., 2022) has validated such metrics in New Zealand. Therefore, further research is required to assess the performance of these new sediment-specific metrics at various spatial and temporal scales before their full implementation into management and policy. ...
... To address these aims, we used monthly sampling to determine the short-term dynamics of deposited sediment and invertebrate communities in 15 rivers over a 12-month period. Our study complements previous work by Davis et al. (2022), who evaluated the inter-annual variation in the relationships between deposited fine sediment and invertebrate response variables in a related set of 46 rivers sampled over 5 years. Together, the two studies quantify short-and longer-term variability in deposited fine sediment and its ecological implications across a range of catchment land-use intensities to an extent not yet seen in the literature. ...
... (2) Invertebrate stream health metrics will respond rapidly to shortterm changes in deposited fine sediment levels, and will be impacted most strongly on sampling occasions when in-stream sediment levels are greatest (Davis et al., 2022); (3) The Quorer resuspension method will consistently be more strongly related to invertebrate stream health metrics than instream visual estimates of fine sediment as it measures a combination of surface and subsurface fine sediments (Duerdoth et al., 2015); (4) Newly developed sediment-specific invertebrate metrics will respond more strongly to deposited sediment than their longestablished non-sediment specific counterparts (Clapcott et al., 2017;Davis et al., 2022), as in similar studies globally (e.g. Gieswein et al., 2019). ...
... Macroinvertebrates have been found to be strongly sensitive to agrochemicals (Berger et al., 2016) and fine sediments eroded from agricultural land, clogging interstitial spaces on the stream´s bottom and covering lentic zones (Gieswein et al., 2019;Davis et al., 2022). For sensitive macroinvertebrates, pesticides were even identified as the most important stressor (Liess et al., 2021). ...
... These differences in agricultural intensity and biological effects resulting from different crop types are likely responsible for a substantial part of the between-study heterogeneity of large-scale studies, which used the sheer share of catchment agricultural land use to quantify agricultural stress (e.g. Turunen et al., 2016;Davis et al., 2022). Such crop-specific differences have not yet been considered in large-scale empirical studies, because respective data on crop types to assess agricultural intensity are usually not available at large spatial scales. ...
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Agriculture has been identified as a main cause for more than 90% of Germany´s rivers still not meeting good ecological status in 2021. While many large-scale studies observed a negative effect of catchment agricultural land use on river biota, they rarely considered differences in cultivation intensities, although small-scale studies highlight clear differences between the effects of agricultural crops. Here we used Germany-wide and spatially explicit information on crop types to calculate agricultural intensity indices for nutrients and pesticides, weighting different crop types based on average pesticide treatment and nutrient application rates. These indices were then used as explanatory variables for the ecological status of n = 7677 biological sampling sites. Pesticides were more important than nutrient pollution for macroinvertebrates and macrophytes, while diatoms were more sensitive to nutrients. Considering the most relevant intensity index (pesticide or nutrient) slightly increased the correlative strength with ecological status, as compared to the correlation with agricultural land or cropland cover by up to R² = 0.14 for diatoms. Correlative strength of agricultural intensity indices was substantially larger in small mountain and (pre)-alpine streams compared to lowland streams, with an R² up to 0.43 for macroinvertebrates. These results not only confirm previous large-scale studies by demonstrating the detrimental effects of present-day agriculture on river biota, but also shed light on the main pathways involved, particularly highlighting the adverse impacts of agrochemicals. Consequently, to protect river biota, a shift to more sustainable agricultural practices, like reducing pesticide application, is urgently required.
... Lotic systems vary spatially and temporally associated with flow regime variability (Lytle & Poff, 2004;Sofi et al., 2020), instream primary productivity (Cotton et al., 2006;Lürig et al., 2021) and sediment inputs (Davis et al., 2022;Sherriff et al., 2018). Furthermore, riverine macroinvertebrate populations and communities display strong seasonal variability linked with their voltinism which results in fluctuations in community assemblages over annual and multi-annual timescales (Beche et al., 2006;Hynes, 1972;Mazor et al., 2009). ...
... Fine sediment (<2 mm) has been widely acknowledged to act as a master environmental filter in shaping lotic macroinvertebrate communities at the landscape (Davis et al., 2022;dos Reis Oliveira et al., 2018) and local/patch scale (Descloux et al., 2013;Mathers et al., 2017). Although fine sediments are a natural component of lotic ecosystems, contemporary fine sediment loading far exceeds historic levels. ...
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Despite lotic systems demonstrating high levels of seasonal and spatial variability, most research and biomonitoring practices do not consider seasonality when interpreting results and are typically focused at the meso‐scale (combined pool/riffle samples) rather than considering habitat patch dynamics. We therefore sought to determine if the sampling season (spring, summer and autumn) influenced observed macroinvertebrate biodiversity, structure and function at the habitat unit scale (determined by substrate composition), and if this in turn influenced the assessment of fine sediment (sand and silt) pressures. We found that biodiversity supported at the habitat level was not seasonally consistent with the contribution of nestedness and turnover in structuring communities varying seasonally. Habitat differences in community composition were evident for taxonomic communities regardless of the season but were not seasonally consistent for functional communities, and, notably, season explained a greater amount of variance in functional community composition than the habitat unit. Macroinvertebrate biodiversity supported by silt habitats demonstrated strong seasonal differences and communities were functionally comparable to sand habitats in spring and to gravel habitats in autumn. Sand communities were impoverished compared to other habitats regardless of the season. Silt habitats demonstrated a strong increase in Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (EPT) taxa and functional richness from spring into autumn, while vegetation habitats displayed a peak in EPT abundance in summer. Only silt and sand habitats demonstrated temporal variability in functional evenness suggesting that these habitats are different in terms of their resource partitioning and productivity over time compared to other habitats. Gravel and vegetation habitats appeared to be more stable over time with functional richness and evenness remaining consistent. To accurately evaluate the influence of fine sediment on lotic ecosystems, it is imperative that routine biomonitoring and scientific research discriminate between sand and silt fractions, given they support different biodiversity, particularly during summer and autumn months.
... In addition to within-channel dynamics, hillslope dynamics should be considered as potential sediment sources (Sutherland et al. 2010;Wagenhoff et al. 2011;Davis et al. 2021). In particular, agricultural areas may supply important fine sediment quantities to river reaches and should therefore be considered (Konrad and Gellis 2018). ...
... When considering only the Cisse catchment, the decrease in performance was important but remained smaller (accuracy = 58%). As the Cisse catchment was mainly covered with cropland areas, this result underlined the importance of considering land use to predict fine sediment deposition intensity at the catchment scale, as already suggested by the analysis of variable importance and literature (e.g., Konrad and Gellis 2018;Davis et al. 2021). ...
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Purpose Fine sediment deposition is an important component of the catchment sediment budget and affects river morphology, biology, and contaminant transfer. However, the driving factors of fine sediment deposition remain poorly understood at the catchment scale, limiting our ability to model this process. Methods Fine sediment deposition and river reach characteristics were collected over the entire river network of three medium-sized (200–2200 km²) temperate catchments, corresponding to 11,302 river reaches. This unique database was analyzed and used to develop and evaluate a random forest model. The model was used to predict sediment deposition and analyze its driving factors. Results Fine sediment deposition displayed a high spatial variability and a weak but significant relationship with the Strahler order and river reach width (Pearson coefficient r = −0.4 and 0.4, respectively), indicating the likely nonlinear influence of river reach characteristics. The random forest model predicted fine sediment deposition intensity with an accuracy of 81%, depending on the availability of training data. Bed substrate granularity, flow condition, reach depth and width, and the proportion of cropland and forest were the six most influential variables on fine sediment deposition intensity, suggesting the importance of both hillslope and within-river channel processes in controlling fine sediment deposition. Conclusion This study presented and analyzed a unique dataset. It also demonstrated the potential of random forest approaches to predict fine sediment deposition at the catchment scale. The proposed approach is complementary to measurements and process-based models. It may be useful for improving the understanding of sediment connectivity in catchments, the design of future measurement campaigns, and help prioritize areas to implement mitigation strategies.
... Second, the biotic response depends on the share of agricultural land use in river catchments [20], but also on agricultural types and practices. Cornfield farming, especially when close to riverbanks, can cause massive fine sediment influx combined with strong phosphorous enrichment [68]. ...
... Agricultural stress is likely depending on the soil and climate conditions and agricultural types and practices, partly reflected in the ecoregions with stronger agricultural effects in the subtropical region compared to temperate and subpolar regions, potentially caused by water stress. Large parts of heterogeneity we could not explain are likely to be situated in the intensity and type of agriculture, in particular cropland densities [20], pesticide use [5], fertilizer use and biomass production [47]. Hence, in order to truly account for the impact of agricultural land use on river biota, further systematic investigations on the role of agricultural types, intensities and spatial arrangement are needed, not disregarding interactions with riparian vegetation as hinted by Palt et al. [61]. ...
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Agriculture, the world’s most dominant land use type, burdens freshwater biodiversity with a multitude of stressors such as diffuse pollution and hydromorphological alteration. However, it is difficult to directly link agricultural land use with biota response as agricultural stressors can also originate from other causes. Also, there is evidence for positive and negative effects of agriculture on organisms, agricultural impact differs strongly with the biological metric and study region considered and agricultural impact differs among practice and type, which in turn affects different organism groups with varying severity. Against this background, our study aimed at assessing, if agricultural land use has a consistent effect on river biota. We conducted a systematic review of the literature, which yielded 43 studies and 76 relationships between agriculture and aquatic organism groups. The relationships were subjected to a meta-analysis using Hedge’s g to calculate the standardized mean difference of effects. Overall, we detected a medium to strong effect g = − 0.74 of agricultural land use on freshwater biota, only marginally influenced by study design, river type and region. Strong differences in biota response could be observed depending on the biological metric assessed, with ecological quality indices of agricultural impairment performing best. Sensitive taxa declined with agricultural impact, while tolerant taxa tended to benefit. In addition, the biota response differed among agricultural types and practices and organism group, with macroinvertebrates showing the strongest effect. Our results quantify the effects of agriculture on riverine biota and suggest biological metric types for assessing agricultural impact. Further research is needed to discriminate between agricultural types and account for intensity. Keywords: Benthic invertebrates, Diatoms, Farming, Fish, Macrophytes, Metrics, Review, Streams
... In other contexts, such as streams that experience intensive pastural catchment land use and where fine sediment may be a consistent stressor, the temporal effects of sediment addition diminished over time (27 days -5 weeks; Matthaei et al., 2006;Ramezani et al., 2014). However, recent work by Davis et al. (2021) reported that New Zealand rivers in intensive land-use settings displayed high variability in both deposited sediment and macroinvertebrate community composition over a 5-year period. The relative importance of fine sediment at the catchment scale may be linked to stream power and slope (Naden et al., 2016) with low-gradient streams potentially being equally affected if there is a diminished ability to remobilise deposited sediment. ...
... To contextualize the pollution scenario in which this experiment was carried out, we used therefore it is appropriate to consider our DIN gradient as moderate. Finally, the SIS levels of High-S sites (SIS > 600 g/m 2 ) can be considered as moderately polluted if they are compared against local studies in New Zealand (Davis et al. 2022(Davis et al. , 2024. The three metrics were not correlated with each other as in some previous studies (Wagenhoff et al. 2011), leading us to establish individual pollutant categories for each metric. ...
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My thesis focused on understanding the stream periphyton metacommunity through three innovative field experiments: (i) I evaluated the dispersal distance of algae in streams using lake phytoplankton as a proxy for periphyton, (ii) I examined the role of upstream and local propagule sources in periphyton assemblage and functional groups over time by covering 25 m of streambed with a plastic sheet, and (iii) I assessed the role of biofilm in modulating the periphyton metacommunity using a translocation experiment. In this thesis, I highlighted the role of dispersal processes and biofilm as key drivers of the periphyton metacommunity.
... Distinct crop types differ in the application of pesticides and nutrients on fields (Dachbrodt-Saaydeh et al., 2021;, and several studies showed differential intensity and crop type-specific effects Bereswill et al., 2012;Wang et al., 2013;Abdi et al., 2021). However, until date most large-scale studies primarily considered the sheer percentage of agriculture or the distinction between arable land and grasslands (Del Tánago et al., 2012;Davis et al., 2022) to investigate agricultural effects, likely because high-resolution land use data, differentiating between crop types, became available only recently Blickensdörfer et al., 2022). Consequently, in the light of the discernable differences between crop types and management intensities found by many smallscale studies as shown above, there is an urgent need to account for these differences on a larger scale. ...
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Biodiversity and the health of freshwater ecosystems is strongly impaired by human activities, compromising the stability of these ecosystems and the ecosystem services they provide. Global and European efforts to halt the biodiversity decline and protect ecosystem health were not very successful, especially for rivers, so that for less than ten percent of the German rivers good ecological status was reached in 2021. Present-day agriculture has been identified as the main driver for this deterioration, as evident from a multitude of studies. However, the agricultural effects differ between the organism groups and depending on environmental conditions like soil and climatic conditions. Moreover, and most importantly, agriculture is not uniform. The specific agricultural types and practices differ between regions, which in turn leads to differences in the intensity of agrochemical usage as suggested by many small-scale studies. Consequently, the magnitude of agricultural effects on biodiversity and health of river ecosystems most probably depends on agricultural types and practices and differs between regions. For the effective mitigation of these negative effects, several knowledge gaps need to be closed, which were addressed in six chapters, shortly described in the following. First, the current knowledge on the effect of agriculture on river biota was summarized and analysed in a meta-analysis (Schürings et al., 2022). According to this meta-analysis described in the first chapter, agriculture has an overall medium to high negative effect on river biota, and results indicate that the effects of agriculture differ between agricultural types, practices, the organism groups, and biological metrics considered. Second, a pan-European dataset was used to establish an agricultural typology, based on agricultural production and agriculture-related freshwater pressure by nutrients, pesticides, water abstraction and hydromorphological alterations (Schürings et al., 2023). This chapter identified how agricultural types differ in their pressures exerted on freshwaters and shows that accounting for agricultural pressure intensity nearly doubles the correlation with the ecological status. Third, the effects of different agricultural types on the ecological status according to the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) were investigated, using high resolution German-wide land use data, distinguishing between different crop types (Schürings et al., 2024a). The effects on the ecological status clearly differed between crop types, which typically are associated with different agrochemical application rates. Macroinvertebrates and macrophytes were most strongly affected by pesticide application intensive crops and diatoms were most affected by nutrient intensive crops. Fourth, the results presented in Markert et al. (2023) provided evidence that urban areas and different 5 agricultural crop types with typical agrochemical application rates are indeed related to the micropollutant concentrations monitored in rivers, which often exceeded Environmental Quality Standards. Fifth, crop type-specific differences in agrochemical application rates reported in literature were used to generate an agricultural intensity index (Schürings et al., 2024b). This index improved the correlative strength between present-day agriculture and the ecological status with most pronounced relations for macroinvertebrates in small mountain streams. Sixth, experiences from implementing environmental legislations like the WFD were used to advice for a successful implementation of the EU Nature Restoration Law (Hering et al., 2023). This final chapter highlights that joining restoration efforts with a shift to more sustainable agriculture, whose importance is reasoned in the previous chapters, would offer unprecedented opportunities for successful protection of ecosystem health. In conclusion, this thesis provides overwhelming evidence for the negative effects of present- day agriculture on river biota, portraying influencing factors and highlighting strong relationships between agricultural effects on river biota and agrochemical application, particularly of pesticides. Therefore, to mitigate these effects, a transition of present-day agriculture to more sustainable practices, such as organic farming or agroecology is of vital importance. Such a transition would be beneficial both for the future viability of agriculture itself but also for the protection and restoration of healthy ecosystems, including the successful implementation of the European environmental legislation such as the Nature Restoration Law.
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To meet the challenges of preventing and reversing adverse effects of land use on ecosystems, management actions need to be founded on strong evidence. We used the pressure-state-impact (PSI) framework to assess evidence of land-use effects on New Zealand freshwater ecosystems. The evidence consisted of published quantitative and categorical associations linking land-use pressures to state changes and ecological impacts in rivers, lakes and aquifers. There was substantial evidence of land-use effects, particularly where land use/land cover (LULC) classes were used as pressure variables. Proportions of catchment area in urban and pastoral LULC were consistently, positively correlated with contaminant levels in water bodies and negatively correlated with ecological-health indicators. Other consistent PSI associations included positive correlations between cattle stocking rates and river contaminant levels, increased fine sediment and decreased ecological-health scores in rivers following forest harvest, and increased river contaminant levels at sites with stock access. Despite these consistent associations, the evidence base has four general shortcomings that should be addressed: (1) inadequate integration of data and models that link land use and contaminant loss to state changes and impacts in freshwater ecosystems; (2) weak inferences based on LULC; (3) reliance on categorical PSI associations; (4) gaps in reported PSI associations.
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Bioassessment assumes that ecological conditions remain stable in the absence of environmental changes. Evidence suggests this assumption may hold for reference streams, but knowledge gaps remain for impacted streams. Our study quantified interannual variation of benthic macroinvertebrate communities, monitored for at least 14 years in eight impacted streams in the Upper Thames River watershed in Ontario, Canada. Benthic communities exhibited moderate interannual variation in relative abundance of EPT (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera) and Chironomidae taxa. Year-to-year changes were reflected in lower community persistence than that observed in studies of reference streams. In contrast, tolerance-based metrics showed minimal interannual variation, suggesting compositional changes were because of taxonomic substitutions, in which one tolerant taxon replaced another. Analyses indicated limited directionality in temporal variation for most bioassessment metrics. An exception was taxa richness, which increased at most sites, possibly because of changes in subsampling. However, no associations between calculated bioassessment metrics and measured environmental factors (stream flow and water chemistry) or sampling procedures were observed. We conclude interannual variation in ecological conditions can be substantial and may not be associated with deterministic factors routinely measured in stream assessments. We recommend increased sampling frequency and traits-based assessment as options for limiting effects of interannual variation on assessment results.
Technical Report
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This document is the final written output from the Ministry for the Environment funded project on benthic macroinvertebrate indicators of ecosystem health (Contract 21630). The project was designed to address a recognised need to include macroinvertebrates in the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management (NPS-FM) 2014. Benthic macroinvertebrates are used worldwide as sub-indicators of stream ecosystem health as they respond to human pressures, are taxonomically diverse and easy to sample. In New Zealand, the macroinvertebrate metrics that are most commonly used in environmental reporting include variants of the Macroinvertebrate Community Index (MCI) and of the three insect orders Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (EPT) taxa. During the progress of the project, monitoring of MCI became compulsory in an amendment of the NPS-FM (2017). The MCI is responsive to multiple stressors, but not all stressors, and as such provides a good indicator of the overall condition of the macroinvertebrate component of stream ecosystem health. However, the MCI is not diagnostic and cannot inform specific management decisions on resource use. Subsequently, this project includes research supporting the development of new stressor-specific macroinvertebrate metrics (e.g. sediment, nutrients) as well as value- specific macroinvertebrate metrics (i.e. Ecosystem Health as defined in the NPS-FM1). The primary objectives of this study were to define the quantitative relationship between macroinvertebrate metrics (new and existing) and human stressors and to explore the connection between macroinvertebrate metrics and the Ecosystem Health (EH) value. In doing so, the applicability of using these metrics to assess the EH value in the NPS-FM was tested. To address the research objectives the following tasks were undertaken: - collation of existing data and calculation of existing metrics including updating the macroinvertebrate species traits database (Section 2) - proof of concept of new stressor-specific metrics (Section 3) - exploration of a multivariate approach to assessing EH (Section 4) - characterisation of the quantitative link between metrics and stressors (Section 5) - development of a framework to include macroinvertebrate metrics in the NPS-FM to assess the Ecosystem Health value (Section 6).
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Deposition of fine sediment that fills interstitial spaces in streambed substrates is widely acknowledged to have significant negative effects on macroinvertebrate communities, but the temporal consistency of clogging effects is less well known. In this study the effects of experimentally enhanced fine sediment content on aquatic invertebrates were examined over 126 days in two lowland UK streams. Taxonomic approaches indicated significant differences in macroinvertebrate community structure associated with sediment treatment (clean or sedimented substrates), although the effects were variable on some occasions. The degree of separation between clean and sedimented communities was strong within seven of the nine sampling periods with significant differences in community composition being evident. EPT taxa and taxon characterised as sensitive to fine sediment demonstrated strong responses to enhanced fine sediment loading. Faunal traits also detected the effects of enhanced fine sediment loading but the results were not as consistent or marked. More widely, the study highlights the temporal dynamics of sedimentation effects upon macroinvertebrate communities and the need to consider faunal life histories when examining the effects of fine sediment loading pressures on lotic ecosystems.
Unbiased estimates of the current state of target ecosystems and identification of potential causal factors are key to managing stressors over large scales, and for guiding policy and decision makers to set realistic targets and expectations in light of economic pressures. A probability survey design for 176 target wadeable, perennial streams mapped on developed land in the Waikato Region, New Zealand, sampled over three austral summers (2013 to 2015), was used to i) estimate the extent to which “Poor” stressor and biological condition states occur, ii) determine the co-occurrence likelihood of “Poor” biological and environmental condition, and iii) identify and estimate the relative importance of key environmental stressors. The probability survey design also allowed the quantification of uncertainty around mean estimates of extent and risk. These analyses reveal that between 25 and 50% of mapped target stream length can be considered to be in “Poor” condition based on biological indices derived from macroinvertebrate and fish community data. For assessed stressors, Poor condition was estimated for 10 to 50% of the target stream network depending on the stressor. Poor biological condition was likely to co-occur with Poor stressor condition for 10 of the 12 assessed stressors for macroinvertebrate indices, and 5 of the 12 stressors for the fish index. These analyses identify that management actions targeted at improving instream habitat quality, particularly reducing fine sediment deposition, when applied across the entire stream network are likely to yield the most widespread improvement in biological condition indices. Our findings also highlight the importance of extending policy development beyond a singular focus on water quality if ecosystem health objectives are to be met.
Long-term data sets are essential for biodiversity research and monitoring. Researchers use 2 major approaches in the study of temporal variability of biological communities: 1) the trajectory approach (monitoring sites across several consecutive years) and 2) the snapshot approach (comparing sites among few sampling events several years apart). We used data on benthic macroinvertebrate communities in 23 near-pristine forested streams to compare these 2 approaches for different study periods ranging from 3 to 14 y. We asked whether the level of temporal turnover and the identity of the best explanatory variables underlying it were comparable across studies based on differing approaches, study periods, or total duration. The 2 approaches yielded partly different stories about the level of community variability and its environmental correlates. With the snapshot approach, variation in community similarity and factors explaining it reflected short-term (e.g., year-specific) conditions, which could be misinterpreted as long-term trends, the difference being most evident for periods that began or ended in an extreme drought year. Our results imply that snapshot studies may lead to ambiguous conclusions, whereas the trajectory approach yielded more consistent results. Trajectory data of differing length showed minor differences, apart from studies with the shortest durations. Overall, our results suggest that time sequences of ∼6 y of trajectory data (i.e., 6 generations for most benthic invertebrates in boreal streams) may be needed for the among-year similarity of macroinvertebrate communities in near-pristine streams to stabilize. If temporal replication is limited (snapshots/very short time sequences) the outcome depends strongly on the particular years included in a comparison. Based on our results, we advise caution when basing conclusions on a comparison of a few (e.g., just 2) occasions several years apart or on very short time sequences.
In this chapter, we summarize the available information on the main stressors affecting running water ecosystems in Australia and New Zealand (NZ). Four major habitat types (MHT), or biomes, are found within this region of the Southern Hemisphere (Fig. 13.1). The four biomes comprise 11 freshwater ecoregions, which were judged to represent distinct assemblages of freshwater communities by Abell et al. (2008) in their global delinea- tion of ecoregions. The biomes and ecoregions are also listed in Table 13.1. We would like to point out that some of these biomes and ecoregions are rather coarse and of limited descrip- tiveness, especially for those parts of Australia and NZ that comprise alpine areas as well as low-altitude flatlands and coastal regions. These regions include large areas of New South Wales, Victoria, the island state of Tasmania, and both main islands of NZ. For example, Abell et al. (2008) consider the entire country of NZ to be a single biome (temperate coastal rivers) with one ecoregion, despite the fact that about 70% of NZ’s landmass lies above 300 m a.s.l. and that the Southern Alps, a 500-km mountain range running across the length of the South Island, frequently reach altitudes of 2500m or more (with the tree line being at 900-1300m) and are still heavily glaciated in many areas. However, for the sake of consistency with the other chapters of this book, we retained the major habitat type and freshwater ecoregion classifications. Moreover, most of the research summarized in our chapter was conducted in nonalpine regions of Australia and NZ where agriculture is possible, leading to the establish- ment of towns and cities.
Sedimentation of river beds is a key pressure impacting riverine ecological communities. Research has identified the need for new approaches to help demonstrate and quantify the impacts of excessive fine-sediment deposition on benthic macroinvertebrate populations. To help meet this requirement, the Proportion of Sediment-sensitive Invertebrates (PSI) methodology was developed and has been in operational use in the United Kingdom for several years. This paper presents a number of case studies, at both national and local scales, showing how the method can be used to identify point and nonpoint fine-sediment pollution, as well as demonstrating the analysis of a national dataset to describe the relationship between PSI and a channel substrate index. A novel approach to displaying PSI data alongside local ecological and hydrological information is also presented and interpreted, to illustrate how improved understanding of biotic and abiotic relationships and interactions can be readily accomplished. Excessive fine-sediment accumulation on river beds results in impaired ecosystem health globally. The case studies and examples presented here will provide confidence that the PSI method can form the basis for evidence gathering and analysis, both within and beyond the United Kingdom. The paper concludes with an overview of the use of PSI in catchment research and management, a consideration of the relationship of the metric with other macroinvertebrate indices, and a summary of refinements recently applied to the index.
Deforestation in New Zealand has led to increased soil erosion and sediment loads in rivers. Increased suspended fine sediment in water reduces visual clarity for humans and aquatic animals and reduces penetration of photosynthetically available radiation to aquatic plants. To mitigate fine-sediment impacts in rivers, catchment-wide approaches to reducing soil erosion are required. Targeting soil conservation for reducing sediment loads in rivers is possible through existing models; however, relationships between sediment loads and sediment-related attributes of water that affect both ecology and human uses of water are poorly understood. We present methods for relating sediment loads to sediment concentration, visual clarity, and euphotic depth. The methods require upwards of twenty concurrent samples of sediment concentration, visual clarity, and euphotic depth at a river site where discharge is measured continuously. The sediment-related attributes are related to sediment concentration through regressions. When sediment loads are reduced by soil conservation action, percentiles of sediment concentration are necessarily reduced, and the corresponding percentiles of visual clarity and euphotic depth are increased. The approach is demonstrated on the Wairua River in the Northland region of New Zealand. For this river we show that visual clarity would increase relatively by approximately 1.4 times the relative reduction of sediment load. Median visual clarity would increase from 0.75m to 1.25m (making the river more often suitable for swimming) after a sediment load reduction of 50% associated with widespread soil conservation on pastoral land. Likewise euphotic depth would increase relatively by approximately 0.7 times the relative reduction of sediment load, and the median euphotic depth would increase from 1.5 m to 2.0 m with a 50% sediment load reduction.