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Designing for AI Explainability in Clinical Context



The growing use of artificial intelligence in medical settings has led to increased interest in AI Explainability (XAI). While research on XAI has largely focused on the goal of increasing users' appropriate trust and application of insights from AI systems, we see intrinsic value in explanations themselves (and the role they play in furthering clinician's understanding of a patient, disease, or system). Our research studies explanations as a core component of bi-directional communication between the user and AI technology. As such, explanations must be understood and evaluated in context, reflecting the specific questions and information needs that arise in actual use. In this paper, we present a framework and approach for identifying XAI needs during the development of human-centered AI. We illustrate this approach through a user study and design prototype, which situated endocrinolo-gists in a clinical setting involving guideline-based diabetes treatment. Our results show the variety of explanation types needed in clinical settings, the usefulness of our approach for identifying these needs early while a system is still being designed , and the importance of keeping humans in the loop during both the development and use of AI systems.
Designing for AI Explainability in Clinical Context
Daniel Gruen, PhD1, Shruthi Chari, MS1, Morgan A. Foreman, BS2, Oshani Seneviratne, PhD1,
Rachel L. Richesson, PhD3, Amar K. Das, MD, PhD2, Deborah L. McGuiness, PhD1
1Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY; 2IBM Research, Cambridge, MA;
3University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
The growing use of artificial intelligence in medical settings
has led to increased interest in AI Explainability (XAI).
While research on XAI has largely focused on the goal of in-
creasing users’ appropriate trust and application of insights
from AI systems, we see intrinsic value in explanations them-
selves (and the role they play in furthering clinician’s under-
standing of a patient, disease, or system). Our research stud-
ies explanations as a core component of bi-directional com-
munication between the user and AI technology. As such, ex-
planations must be understood and evaluated in context, re-
flecting the specific questions and information needs that
arise in actual use. In this paper, we present a framework and
approach for identifying XAI needs during the development
of human-centered AI. We illustrate this approach through a
user study and design prototype, which situated endocrinolo-
gists in a clinical setting involving guideline-based diabetes
treatment. Our results show the variety of explanation types
needed in clinical settings, the usefulness of our approach for
identifying these needs early while a system is still being de-
signed, and the importance of keeping humans in the loop
during both the development and use of AI systems.
The rapid growth of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare
is built on the promise that AI can improve patient care and
clinical practice (Matheny et al. 2019). The uptake of AI in
healthcare, however, largely depends on usability, safety,
workflow, and governance (Reddy et al. 2020; Shortliffe
2019). In particular, transparency and explainability have
been identified as two necessary characteristics of AI sys-
tems in healthcare (Biran and Cotton 2017). Transparency
refers to an understanding of the system's operation as a
whole, including factors such as how it operates, how it was
trained and on what data, how it has been tested, what
knowledge it understands, how robust it is, where it has been
shown to work well and where not (Adadi and Berrada
2018). Explainability refers to the ability of a system to pro-
vide information on how a specific result was obtained, in-
cluding justifications of how the result makes sense and fits
in with other knowledge (Chari et al. 2020a; Hoffman, Klein
and Mueller 2018). Traditionally, explanations are provided
by the system to help users evaluate and apply results, un-
derstand when the AI technology should be trusted, and in
which situations they may be less accurate. Explanations
also help ensure fairness, helping users make sure that only
ethically justifiable considerations influence results and rec-
ommendations (Biran and Cotton 2017).
Recent approaches to AI system development use a Hu-
man in the Loop (HITL) framework that allows the user to
change, correct, or update the system, with the system able
to respond with new results (Holzinger 2016; Zanzotto
2019). In an ideal HITL system, AI technology works
closely with human collaborators to construct a shared
model of a situation and to jointly consider positive and neg-
ative solutions for a task, each drawing from their own abil-
ities and knowledge. This perspective draws from the Dis-
tributed Cognition view, in which cognition is seen to take
place not within the head of any one individual, but rather
through the exchange and transformation of representations
across multiple actors and artifacts (Hollan, Hutchins and
Kirsh 2000).
To be effective partners in distributed cognition, each
agent (human and otherwise) must be able to share infor-
mation each possesses and proposed solutions to the prob-
lem at hand, as well as their rationales for solutions, consid-
erations and concerns. Systems must therefore be con-
structed so as to empower users to question results and sug-
gest competing hypotheses to be explored and evaluated to-
Within this framework, explanations have deeper value
beyond the role they play in helping users determine which
results should be trusted and applied; they contribute to the
richness of the interaction between the various actors in the
overall cognitive system. The design of explanations within
medical AI systems must therefore be guided by understand-
ing the value they will provide when addressing real clinical
problems in context, taking into account what the users al-
ready know as well as the collaborative interactions they
will enable.
Lim, Wang and others have echoed these ideas in their
user-centered framework for designing explanations for the
context of use and the user’s cognitive needs (Lim et al.
2019; Wang et al. 2019). Other work proposed a general
question/answer-based approach to assist designers in deter-
mining what explanations a given AI system should be able
to provide (Liao, Gruen and Miller 2020).
In this paper, we show how a user-centered design ap-
proach that situates users in actual contexts of use is critical
to uncovering the types of explanations a HITL AI system
will need to be able to provide and learn, illustrated through
an example involving clinical decisions around diabetes
To assess the various needs for explainability in a specific
situation, we referenced a previously developed taxonomy
of explanation types, drawn from literature in computer sci-
ence, social sciences and philosophy (Chari et al. 2020a).
This is summarized in Table 1.
Case based
Provides solutions based on actual prior cases
that support the system’s conclusions, and
may involve analogical reasoning, relying on
similarities between features of the case and
of the current situation.
Refers to information about items other than
the explicit inputs and output, such as infor-
mation about the user, situation, and broader
environment that affected the computation.
Answers the question “Why this output in-
stead of that output,” making a contrast be-
tween the given output and the facts that led
to it and an alternate output of interest and
facts that would have led to it.
Indicates what solutions would have been ob-
tained with different inputs.
Uses accounts that appeal to users and their
general commonsense knowledge
References the results of rigorous scientific
methods, observations, and measurements
(evidence) or underlying mechanisms of ac-
tion (mechanistic).
Uses an imitation of a system or process and
the results that emerge from similar inputs.
Relates to the likelihood of the outcome based
on data about the occurrence of events under
specified (e.g., experimental) conditions.
Trace based
Provides information on the underlying se-
quence of steps used by the system to arrive at
a specific result.
Table 1: A taxonomy of explanation types.
As an example case, we explored the potential for computa-
tional support and the resulting need for explainability in a
future AI system aimed at supporting clinical decisions
around relatively new secondary treatments for type 2 dia-
betes. Diabetes is a common condition familiar to clini-
cians, yet new treatment options and guidelines can present
challenges with which AI potentially could help. Our ap-
proach consisted of three phases: (1) an interview with a
panel of expert endocrinologists to understand the general
role of guidelines in their clinical practice and any chal-
lenges they experience in using guidelines, (2) the develop-
ment of a prototype design for a system that could address
issues they raised and provide rationales for its recommen-
dations, and (3) a subsequent walkthrough and review of the
prototype to evaluate explanations generated by the system
and surface situations in which users would want additional
explanations or could provide rationales to the system.
Phase 1: Expert Panel Session
Three experienced endocrinologists were interviewed to-
gether using a semi-structured interview format. We in-
quired about their use and impressions of guidelines, and
any concerns they had about applying guidelines to specific
patients, such as concerns over differences between a patient
and the cohorts in the studies on which the guidelines were
based. We probed specifically about decisions and concerns
related to newer diabetes treatments mentioned in the guide-
lines, what factors might lead them to question their use for
a specific patient, and how they would determine how to
proceed. We asked if they had the information they needed
to make these determinations, and what other information
could be useful. We also asked about ways technology could
assist their decision making, and what they would need to
know before trusting a new tool. The session was conducted
using remote screen-sharing and recorded. A thematic anal-
ysis was conducted on the results of the expert panel session.
Phase 2: Prototype Design
We created a rough mockup showing the start of a possible
AI system, based on what we learned during the panel ses-
sion. This consisted of various screens (Fig. 1) including a
profile screen with basic personal information, a summary
screen of the patients overall medical information, a time-
line screen with notes, vitals, test results and medications
specifically relevant to her diabetes, and an insights screen
with guideline-based treatment options and the factors that
were considered to arrive at those conclusions. On the in-
sights screen, treatment options could be clicked on to reveal
a pop-up screen showing the guideline-based decision path
followed for that class of treatment and a list of specific
medications with the option to request more information
about each. The prototype was meant to serve as a foil to
prompt feedback on the overall usefulness of features, the
importance of explanations of different types, and what ad-
ditional information would be useful to have. We also
wished to probe places where they would want to tell or
teach the system something, such as to highlight additional
factors about the patient it should consider or issues it was
not considering.
We populated our prototype with data for a fictional type
2 diabetes patient, based on one used as a pharmacological
training example ( We
added information and adjusted details to make the patient
and edge case with some complexity and for whom ques-
tions might arise on how specific guidelines would apply.
Figure 1: Screens from our prototype mockup used as a foil to col-
lect requirements from the expert subjects.
Phase 3: Guided Walkthrough
We presented the prototype to two endocrinologists from
our initial panel in individual sessions. We asked them to
imagine that they were reviewing a summarized case history
and insights from an AI system, with the goal of making a
treatment recommendation for a patient that had been re-
ferred to them. We asked them to speak aloud and describe
what they were thinking, as if instructing a medical student.
We went through each screens, navigating and clicking on
items as requested by the clinicians. We also asked directly
about each screen. Questions we covered included: Is all the
information on it useful to have? Is there anything missing?
Is it displayed in a way that is useful or should it be shown
differently? Are there other things they would want to know
about how the information was obtained? We asked if there
was anything they would want to tell the system so it could
be more useful for this and future cases. We probed about
the set of factors the system had identified on the Insights
screen and if there were others they would want the system
to include. We ended by asking what they would ultimately
recommend for the patient.
The three expert endocrinologists on our panel practiced at
clinical sites affiliated with the Duke University School of
Medicine. While the endocrinologists all focused on treating
more complex patients with diabetes, they represented a di-
versity of practice regarding the use of guidelines to pre-
scribe emerging diabetes treatments to their patients. One
clinician was directly involved in the development of guide-
lines from literature, while another was skeptical about the
extent to which they could be applied to the indigent popu-
lation he treated.
The endocrinologists invoked specialized knowledge in
diabetes management, and thus often deal with complex
cases not managed well by primary care physicians. As one
said, “We see people who are not responding as expected.”
Role for AI
The endocrinologists on our panel saw specific value for AI
technologies for general practitioners without their special-
ized knowledge and when dealing with new medications
and/or new guidelines. For example, saying it is “hard to
shift thinking with new medication because of side effects
and unknown side effects. Easier to stay with what you
know,” and a challenge to know “what is it offering that we
don’t already have, and if it is offering something new, then
I look at risk benefit ratios.”
There was some disagreement on the extent to which
guidelines should be adhered to in practice, with one saying
that they:try to stay with guideline unless there is any rea-
son not to,” while another physician “feels serious
limitations with CPGs because so many people don’t fit
guidelines.” Assistance with determining when guidelines
would and would not apply was seen as valuable. Endocri-
nologists also saw value in the system’s proposed ability to
identify within notes snippets of information relevant to the
diabetes treatment decision.
Rationales and Explanation Types
We transcribed conversations during the walkthrough as en-
docrinologists reviewed the prototype and worked to under-
stand the patient and determine and justify a treatment plan.
From the transcripts, we identified rationales, namely in-
stances in which explanations were given to support an as-
sertion, recommendation or decision. These included those
that the endocrinologists mentioned in questioning insights
provided by the system or when discussing information and
explanations they would have liked the system to provide.
The clinicians provided their recommendations on the pa-
tient case and discussed the reasons behind them. These sup-
ported, contradicted, or added to the recommendations and
explanations provided in the prototype.
In all, we identified 43 instances of rationales, and cate-
gorized them in terms of the scheme shown above. For ex-
ample, we identified 5 examples of contrastive explana-
tions (“[choose a GLP-1 class] because a DPP4 isn't going
to be enough for her”); and 4 examples of counterfactual
ones (what if the patient actually were not metformin intol-
erant” or what if the patient were to become pregnant.). We
saw 4 examples of mechanistic explanations (This class of
drugs, “in a case such as this …will make her more hungry
and lead to further weight gain.”) Case-based explanations,
in which a specific prior case is referenced, were only seen
as valuable in very rare, atypical situations.
In addition to the previously identified categories, we
noted 16 instances in which physicians referred to general
treatment principles and lessons learned from experiential
knowledge. We classified such rationales as “clinical
pearls” (Lorin et al. 2008), the term used to reference a
well-known practice in medicine of crystalizing bits of in-
formation, rules or heuristics to be taught explicitly and
shared among practitioners. For example, one clinical pearl
involved fears of an increased risk of fungal infection in an
overweight patient with hyperglycemia, learned from years
of experience with similar patients and medications.
Need for Human Input
We saw multiple situations in which the clinicians would
want to interact with the AI system to ask questions, obtain
explanations or explore alternative scenarios. In addition,
there were many instances in which the clinicians would
want to provide information to the system, including identi-
fying factors they noticed in the patient record that the sys-
tem should have included, or correcting input assumptions
they felt were inaccurate. These included questioning
whether the patient were truly intolerant to a particular drug
based on a relatively brief prior experience with it, or even
whether the patient’s rapid changes were consistent with
their current diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes. Clinical pearls
represented a clear example of situations in which the clini-
cians would want to be able to teach the system explicit les-
sons from their experience, and in turn have such lessons
presented to them when relevant, much as they would do
when teaching medical students or sharing information and
learning from colleagues.
Design Iteration
Lessons from our situated review were used to drive changes
to the design, to support the sharing of rationales and re-
quests for explanations we uncovered. For example, we cre-
ated a mechanism for users to add factors for consideration
and toggle them on or off to explore counterfactuals, while
ensuring they weren’t confused with the true patient infor-
mation. We also added a similar mechanism to ask for con-
trastive explanations for alternate outputs, as well as adding
support for clinical pearls and other explanation types.
We are currently reviewing our updated designs with
practitioners, and are implementing a working prototype
connected to an experimental clinical reasoning system ca-
pable of providing explanations of various kinds.
In this paper, we present a methodological framework
for identifying specific needs for explanations required to
build an effective HITL AI system. We show the value of a
three-phase process, including a panel discussion to identify
needs for explanations, creation of a rudimentary incom-
plete prototype, and the use of the prototype as a probe to
understand explanation needs in the context of specific us-
age situations. In particular, the use of an edge case, which
included attributes that drew into question the applicability
of the guidelines for that specific patient, revealed opportu-
nities for human users to inform a guideline-based system
about factors that could influence its reliability, and which
should be taken into consideration in the future.
Our work extends prior research on AI explainability
(Chari et al. 2020a; Liao, Gruen and Miller 2020; Wang et
al. 2019) and demonstrates the pragmatic value of using an
iterative human-centered design approach. Applying an
HITL AI framework provides guidance on how to enrich a
system’s capability to generate clinically relevant explana-
tions. This includes ongoing work (Chari et al. 2020b) to
ensure capabilities exist to represent a range of explanation
types as system outputs and inputs, both for their immediate
value to a particular decision and for the larger educational
role they play in enabling knowledge sharing among hu-
mans and AI systems.
This work is partially supported by IBM Research AI
through the AI Horizons Network. We are indebted to the
time, expertise and insights of Susan Spratt, MD., Jennifer
B. Green, MD, and the late Mark N. Feinglos, MD, all of
Duke University. This work is dedicated to the memory of
Dr. Feinglos, who sadly passed away as results were being
analyzed. We thank our colleague from IBM Research,
Ching-Hua Chen, and from RPI, Rebecca Cowan, who as-
sisted in the document preparation.
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... To elicit EO's application requirements, we conducted a user study in the clinical domain [99]. The study results indicated that healthcare providers most often used or required contrastive, counterfactual, and contextual explanations to understand and reason about complicated patient cases. ...
... Finally, we discussed how the application of the tools and techniques described in this paper could supplement CDS systems with advanced reasoning processes, timely and relevant explanations, and analysis of equity of RCTs the CPGs are based on (Section Discussion). Based on our discussions with healthcare practitioners [99], we believe that our semantic web-based approach of providing enhanced, evidence-based, clinical knowledge to healthcare providers will make their workstreams much more efficient, and, more importantly, lead to increased trust in clinical decision support recommendations. World Wide Web Consortium These Terms are supplementary and will apply in addition to any applicable website terms and conditions, a relevant site licence or a personal subscription. ...
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Background Clinical decision support systems have been widely deployed to guide healthcare decisions on patient diagnosis, treatment choices, and patient management through evidence-based recommendations. These recommendations are typically derived from clinical practice guidelines created by clinical specialties or healthcare organizations. Although there have been many different technical approaches to encoding guideline recommendations into decision support systems, much of the previous work has not focused on enabling system generated recommendations through the formalization of changes in a guideline, the provenance of a recommendation, and applicability of the evidence. Prior work indicates that healthcare providers may not find that guideline-derived recommendations always meet their needs for reasons such as lack of relevance, transparency, time pressure, and applicability to their clinical practice. Results We introduce several semantic techniques that model diseases based on clinical practice guidelines, provenance of the guidelines, and the study cohorts they are based on to enhance the capabilities of clinical decision support systems. We have explored ways to enable clinical decision support systems with semantic technologies that can represent and link to details in related items from the scientific literature and quickly adapt to changing information from the guidelines, identifying gaps, and supporting personalized explanations. Previous semantics-driven clinical decision systems have limited support in all these aspects, and we present the ontologies and semantic web based software tools in three distinct areas that are unified using a standard set of ontologies and a custom-built knowledge graph framework: (i) guideline modeling to characterize diseases, (ii) guideline provenance to attach evidence to treatment decisions from authoritative sources, and (iii) study cohort modeling to identify relevant research publications for complicated patients. Conclusions We have enhanced existing, evidence-based knowledge by developing ontologies and software that enables clinicians to conveniently access updates to and provenance of guidelines, as well as gather additional information from research studies applicable to their patients’ unique circumstances. Our software solutions leverage many well-used existing biomedical ontologies and build upon decades of knowledge representation and reasoning work, leading to explainable results.
... While different approaches for generating counterfactuals exist and they have been shown to be useful in various specific domains (see for example [77,78]), there remain many open challenges. Here, we address two of them by building on the previously discussed insights from social sciences [41]: deciding (1) in which situation a counterfactual explanation is appropriate and (2) if they are appropriate, which counterfactual to use in an explanation. ...
... It also points to a need to study the appropriateness of such explanations in other domains that differ significantly from the text classification we have used here. In particular, if they are found to be working well in another domain (for example, there have been suggestions that they might be suitable in the medical domain, see [110,77]), there is a need to understand the contributing factors further. ...
... While different approaches for generating counterfactuals exist and they have been shown to be useful in various specific domains (see for example [77,78]), there remain many open challenges. Here, we address two of them by building on the previously discussed insights from social sciences [41]: deciding (1) in which situation a counterfactual explanation is appropriate and (2) if they are appropriate, which counterfactual to use in an explanation. ...
... It also points to a need to study the appropriateness of such explanations in other domains that differ significantly from the text classification we have used here. In particular, if they are found to be working well in another domain (for example, there have been suggestions that they might be suitable in the medical domain, see [110,77]), there is a need to understand the contributing factors further. ...
Research in the social sciences has shown that expectations are an important factor in explanations as used between humans: rather than explaining the cause of an event per se, the explainer will often address other event that did not occur but that the explainee might have expected. For AI-powered systems, this finding suggests that explanation-generating systems may need to identify such end user expectations. In general, this is a challenging task, not the least because users often keep them implicit; there is thus a need to investigate the importance of such an ability. In this paper, we report an empirical study with 181 participants who were shown outputs from a text classifier system along with an explanation of why the system chose a particular class for each text. Explanations were both factual, explaining why the system produced a certain output or counterfactual, explaining why the system produced one output instead of another. Our main hypothesis was explanations should align with end user expectations; that is, a factual explanation should be given when the system's output is in line with end user expectations, and a counterfactual explanation when it is not. We find that factual explanations are indeed appropriate when expectations and output match. When they do not, neither factual nor counterfactual explanations appear appropriate, although we do find indications that our counterfactual explanations contained at least some necessary elements. Overall, this suggests that it is important for systems that create explanations of AI systems to infer what outputs the end user expected so that factual explanations can be generated at the appropriate moments. At the same time, this information is, by itself, not sufficient to also create appropriate explanations when the output and user expectations do not match. This is somewhat surprising given investigations of explanations in the social sciences, and will need more scrutiny in future studies.
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With the increased use of AI methods to provide recommendations in the health, specifically dietary recommendation space, there is also an increased need for explainability of those recommendations. Such explanations would benefit users of recommendation systems by empowering them with justifications for following the system’s suggestions. We present the Food Explanation Ontology (FEO) that provides a formalism for modeling explanations to users for food-related recommendations. FEO models food recommendations, using concepts from the explanation domain to create responses to user questions about food recommendations they receive from AI systems such as personalized knowledge base question answering systems. FEO uses a modular, extensible structure that lends itself to a variety of explanations while still preserving important semantic details to accurately represent explanations of food recommendations. In order to evaluate this system, we used a set of competency questions derived from explanation types present in literature that are relevant to food recommendations. Our motivation with the use of FEO is to empower users to make decisions about their health, fully equipped with an understanding of the AI recommender systems as they relate to user questions, by providing reasoning behind their recommendations in the form of explanations. Resource Website: Ontology Link:
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Explainability has been a goal for Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems since their conception, with the need for explainability growing as more complex AI models are increasingly used in critical, high-stakes settings such as healthcare. Explanations have often added to an AI system in a non-principled, post-hoc manner. With greater adoption of these systems and emphasis on user-centric explainability, there is a need for a structured representation that treats explainability as a primary consideration, mapping end user needs to specific explanation types and the system’s AI capabilities. We design an explanation ontology to model both the role of explanations, accounting for the system and user attributes in the process, and the range of different literature-derived explanation types. We indicate how the ontology can support user requirements for explanations in the domain of healthcare. We evaluate our ontology with a set of competency questions geared towards a system designer who might use our ontology to decide which explanation types to include, given a combination of users’ needs and a system’s capabilities, both in system design settings and in real-time operations. Through the use of this ontology, system designers will be able to make informed choices on which explanations AI systems can and should provide.
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Introduction: Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIM) research is now 50 years old, having made great progress that has tracked the corresponding evolution of computer science, hardware technology, communications, and biomedicine. Characterized as being in its “adolescence” at an international meeting in 1991, and as “coming of age” at another meeting in 2007, the AIM field is now more visible and influential than ever before, paralleling the enthusiasm and accomplishments of artificial intelligence (AI) more generally. Objectives: This article summarizes some of that AIM history, providing an update on the status of the field as it enters its second half-century. It acknowledges the failure of AI, including AIM, to live up to early predictions of its likely capabilities and impact. Methods: The paper reviews and assesses the early history of the AIM field, referring to the conclusions of papers based on the meetings in 1991 and 2007, and analyzing the subsequent evolution of AIM. Conclusion: We must be cautious in assessing the speed at which further progress will be made, despite today’s wild predictions in the press and large investments by industry, including in health care. The inherent complexity of medicine and of clinical care necessitates that we address issues of usability, workflow, transparency, safety, and formal clinical trials. These requirements contribute to an ongoing research agenda that means academic AIM research will continue to be vibrant while having new opportunities for more interactions with industry.
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At the dawn of the fourth industrial revolution, we are witnessing a fast and widespread adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in our daily life, which contributes to accelerating the shift towards a more algorithmic society. However, even with such unprecedented advancements, a key impediment to the use of AI-based systems is that they often lack transparency. Indeed, the black box nature of these systems allows powerful predictions, but it cannot be directly explained. This issue has triggered a new debate on Explainable Artificial Intelligence. A research field that holds substantial promise for improving trust and transparency of AI-based systems. It is recognized as the sine qua non for AI to continue making steady progress without disruption. This survey provides an entry point for interested researchers and practitioners to learn key aspects of the young and rapidly growing body of research related to explainable AI. Through the lens of literature, we review existing approaches regarding the topic, we discuss trends surrounding its sphere and we present major research trajectories.
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Machine learning (ML) is the fastest growing field in computer science, and health informatics is among the greatest challenges. The goal of ML is to develop algorithms which can learn and improve over time and can be used for predictions. Most ML researchers concentrate on automatic machine learning (aML), where great advances have been made, for example, in speech recognition, recommender systems, or autonomous vehicles. Automatic approaches greatly benefit from big data with many training sets. However, in the health domain, sometimes we are confronted with a small number of data sets or rare events, where aML-approaches suffer of insufficient training samples. Here interactive machine learning (iML) may be of help, having its roots in reinforcement learning, preference learning, and active learning. The term iML is not yet well used, so we define it as “algorithms that can interact with agents and can optimize their learning behavior through these interactions, where the agents can also be human.” This “human-in-the-loop” can be beneficial in solving computationally hard problems, e.g., subspace clustering, protein folding, or k-anonymization of health data, where human expertise can help to reduce an exponential search space through heuristic selection of samples. Therefore, what would otherwise be an NP-hard problem, reduces greatly in complexity through the input and the assistance of a human agent involved in the learning phase.
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We are quickly passing through the historical moment when people work in front of a single computer, dominated by a small CRT and focused on tasks involving only local information. Networked computers are becoming ubiquitous and are playing increasingly significant roles in our lives and in the basic infrastructures of science, business, and social interaction. For human-computer interaction to advance in the new millennium we need to better understand the emerging dynamic of interaction in which the focus task is no longer confined to the desktop but reaches into a complex networked world of information and computer-mediated interactions. We think the theory of distributed cognition has a special role to play in understanding interactions between people and technologies, for its focus has always been on whole environments: what we really do in them and how we coordinate our activity in them. Distributed cognition provides a radical reorientation of how to think about designing and supporting human-computer interaction. As a theory it is specifically tailored to understanding interactions among people and technologies. In this article we propose distributed cognition as a new foundation for human-computer interaction, sketch an integrated research framework, and use selections from our earlier work to suggest how this framework can provide new opportunities in the design of digital work materials.
Despite the advent of evidence-based medicine, clinical pearls, verbal and published, remain a popular and important part of medical education. The purpose of this study was to establish a definition of a clinical pearl and to determine criteria for an educationally sound clinical pearl. The authors searched the Medline database for material dealing with clinical pearls, examined and discussed the information found, and formulated a consensus opinion regarding the definition and criteria. Clinical pearls are best defined as small bits of free standing, clinically relevant information based on experience or observation. They are part of the vast domain of experience-based medicine, and can be helpful in dealing with clinical problems for which controlled data do not exist. While there are no universally accepted criteria for preparing or evaluating a clinical pearl, we propose some rational guidelines for both.
Explanation and justification in machine learning: a survey
  • O Biran
  • C Cotton
Biran O, Cotton C, 2017. Explanation and justification in machine learning: a survey. IJCAI-17 Workshop on Explainable AI (XAI).
Knowledge Graphs for eXplainable AI Foundations, Applications and Challenges
  • S Chari
  • D M Gruen
  • O Seneviratne
  • D L Mcguinness
Chari S, Gruen DM, Seneviratne O, McGuinness DL. Directions for explainable knowledge-enabled systems, 2020. In: Tiddi I, Lecue F, Hitzler P (eds.), Knowledge Graphs for eXplainable AI Foundations, Applications and Challenges. Amsterdam: IOS Press; pp 245 -261.
Explaining explanation for "Explainable AI
  • R R Hoffman
  • G Klein
  • S T Mueller
Hoffman RR, Klein G, Mueller ST, 2018. Explaining explanation for "Explainable AI". Proc Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting., pp. 197-201.