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Original Research Article
Stadium Attendance
Demand Research:
A Scoping Review
Dominik Schreyer
and Payam Ansari
Because maximizing stadium attendance demand is of utmost importance, for both
sports economists and sport management researchers, understanding the potential
determinants of such demand better has become a priority in the last decades. Here,
conducting a systematic scoping review, we map this previous research in terms of
its characteristics, its nature, and its volume, thus offering a concise perspective on
what has been previously explored, and, more importantly, what remains to be
analyzed in the future. Intriguingly, we observe a lack of studies exploring data
generated in both niche and women’s sports, as well as in most emerging markets.
Further, the field has not yet established the use of disaggregated stadium attendance
data, despite notable potential methodological pitfalls.
attendance, demand, football/soccer, major league baseball (MLB), major league
soccer (MLS), national basketball association (NBA), national football league (NFL),
national hockey league (NHL), outcome uncertainty, spectator sports
For executives operating in the field of professional sports, maximizing stadium
attendance demand is of utmost importance. On the one hand, generating revenue
Center for Sports and Management (CSM), WHU—Otto Beisheim School of Management, Du¨sseldorf,
Independent Researcher, Esfahan, Iran
Corresponding Author:
Dominik Schreyer, Center for Sports and Management (CSM), WHU—Otto Beisheim School of Man-
agement, Erkrather Str. 224a, Du¨sseldorf 40233, Germany.
Email: dominik.schreyer@whu.edu.
Journal of Sports Economics
ªThe Author(s) 2021
Article reuse guidelines:
DOI: 10.1177/15270025211000404
from ticket sales and subsequent catering and parking fees contributes to the finan-
cial resources necessary for investing in talent and, thus, keeping up with the com-
petition. For major European professional football clubs, for instance, matchday
income still corresponds to roughly 15%of the clubs’ total annual turnover
(Deloitte, 2021), despite an increasingly important role of media income.
On the
other hand, as stadium spectators, applauding, booing, and chanting, are an integral
part of the product offered to other customers (cf., Morrow, 1999), a high(er) number
of stadium attendances caters to the direct needs of a sporting club’s many external
stakeholders, including broadcasters, corporate sponsors, and also those customers
in the hospitality section, all of whom benefit from an enhanced stadium atmosphere
(e.g., McDonald, 2010). Similarly, an underutilized stadium is likely to reduce future
visiting intentions among potential spectators, watching a match from their home
(e.g., Oh et al., 2017). On the field, maximizing the number of attending home fans,
in turn, might help the host to generate a significant home advantage (e.g., Reade
et al., 2020a). Further, off the field, an underutilized stadium might not only lead to
inefficient staffing but also to lower merchandising sales. As football clubs are
increasingly interested in diversifying their income sources (cf., Schmidt & Holz-
mayer, 2018), some clubs might also benefit from auxiliary revenues generated
through, for example, hotel stays, museum visits, and stadium tour bookings if
attendance demand increases. Therefore, it is not surprising that information on
stadium attendance demand is considered an approximation for a sporting club’s
reputation by investors, thus influencing the club’s stock market price (e.g., Gimet &
Montchaud, 2016).
For both sports economists and sport management researchers, understanding the
potential determinants of stadium attendance demand better has, therefore, become a
priority in the last decade(s). Rottenberg (1956), in his pioneering article on the
baseball players’ labor market, was first to offer a detailed demand specification (cf.,
Fort, 2005), including already factors as diverse as the ticket price, potential sub-
stitutes, and, perhaps most controversially, competitive balance and the resulting
match outcome uncertainty. Since then, sports economists, in particular, have
extended and tested this original demand specification in various markets, and, as
a consequence, today, there already exists a massive, continuously growing body of
empirical literature on those factors potentially shaping consumer interest in profes-
sional sports. Somewhat surprisingly, though, there has been made no recent attempt
to survey this previous work.
Here, conducting a systematic scoping review, we map this previous empirical
research on stadium attendance demand in terms of its characteristics, nature, and
volume (cf., Arksey & O’Malley, 2005), thus offering a concise perspective on what
has been previously explored, and, more importantly, what remains to be analyzed in
the future. While there already exist important literature reviews on the determinants
of stadium attendance demand (e.g., Borland & MacDonald, 2003; Cairns et al.,
1986; Downward et al., 2009), to the best of our knowledge, the last comprehensive
2Journal of Sports Economics XX(X)
review was published over a decade ago (e.g., Villar & Guerrero, 2009). Further,
these early reviews, despite their evident merits, have all been limited in scope, as
they typically tend to focus on summarizing the robustness of some previously
observed effects rather than to present a more holistic overview across the two
disciplines. Intriguingly, conducting such a scoping review is still relatively rare
in sports economics and/or management research (e.g., Dowling et al., 2018),
despite its growth in popularity in loosely related fields such as public health and
health care services research.
In sum, we observe that most authors, concentrating primarily on established
sports such as baseball and football, have so far refrained from exploring numerous
sporting environments, perhaps most notable niche and women’s sports, both of
which are likely to benefit significantly from understanding those factors shaping
stadium attendance demand better. Further, we find that the field has not yet estab-
lished the use of disaggregated stadium attendance data, despite potential methodo-
logical pitfalls (cf., Forrest et al., 2005). We believe that addressing these important
issues offers an exciting path for future research exploring the robustness of previous
findings across alternative settings.
Methodological Approach
In emerging research fields such as the economics of sports, conducting a scoping
review is helpful in identifying, locating, and, then, synthesizing the existing knowl-
edge (e.g., McKinstry et al., 2014; Tricco et al., 2016, 2018). In line with most such
previous reviews, here, our objective is not only to explore the extent, range, and
characteristics of the existing literature, thus presenting a concise overview of cur-
rent key themes, but, more importantly though, to also identify the remaining knowl-
edge gaps within. In contrast, and somewhat different to systematic literature
reviews, we refrain from assessing research quality per se (cf., Dowling et al., 2018).
The broader empirical stadium attendance literature is quite heterogeneous. That
is, not only in terms of the many objects under investigation, that is, the many sports
in the various markets, and the thematic themes in focus during these investigations,
but also the different methodological approaches.
To map the resulting stadium attendance demand research landscape, here, we
conduct a scoping review by loosely adopting to the well-established Preferred
Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping
Reviews (PRISMA-ScR) approach developed by Tricco et al. (2018). More specif-
ically, in the following, we, first, clarify our search approach; second, present our
eligibility criteria; third, explain our study selection; and, forth, give an overview on
both our data charting process, as well as the resulting data items.
Schreyer and Ansari 3
Information Sources and Search
To identify an eligible set of articles on stadium attendance demand, on January 20,
2020, we conducted a search in three multidisciplinary databases, the Web of Sci-
ence (WoS), Scopus, and SPORTDiscus. We derived our search string primarily
based on our previous reading of the existing stadium attendance demand research.
Then, we performed a search on manuscript title, abstract, and, where existing,
author keywords. Initially, this resulted in a total of 1,015 documents: 222 in the
WoS, 416 in Scopus, and another 377 in SPORTDiscus. We extracted these results
and compiled a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, where we, using an existing function,
removed 262 duplicates. Because we had chosen a relatively broad search string, we
then conducted a systematic screening of both the titles and the abstracts of all the
remaining 753 manuscripts, thereby eliminating literature that was obviously not
focusing on stadium attendance demand research. After this step, our data set con-
tained 277 manuscripts, that is, we had excluded 476 documents.
Eligibility Criteria and Study Selection
In an initial screening round of these 277 manuscripts, we excluded 19 items. More
specifically, we excluded nine manuscripts because they were missing/not available
to us, seven articles because they were conference proceedings, and three articles
because they were not written in the English language.
We, then, screened the remaining 258 manuscripts according to three exclusion
criteria intended to help us identify those empirical studies modeling the stadium
attendance demand on matchday. First, as the use of survey data is often criticized
for lacking explanatory power of actual behavior (e.g., Katz et al., 2019), we not
only excluded 16 studies without an empirical contribution but also those 109 studies
based on either qualitative interviews or employing survey data modeling various
dependent variables including season ticket holder retention intention (e.g., Lee
et al., 2020), spectator preferences (e.g., Wang et al., 2018) or sport event attendance
motives (e.g., Funk et al., 2009). Second, to ensure that those studies in our data set
were highly comparable, we only considered contributions from authors who prox-
ied stadium attendance demand using the number of tickets distributed by a profes-
sional sporting club,
thus excluding more recent attempts to move towards
behavioral stadium attendance demand by exploring, for example, data on stadium
admission (e.g., Sacheti et al., 2016; Schreyer et al., 2016, 2018) or spectator no-
show behavior (e.g., Frevel & Schreyer, 2020; Schreyer, 2019; Schreyer et al.,
Similarly, we also excluded studies exploring the descendants of stadium
attendances such as the potential economic impact (e.g., Roberts et al., 2016), the
home advantage (e.g., Harris & Roebber, 2019), the willingness-to-pay (e.g., San-
ford & Scott, 2016), and studies examining alternative proxies for demand such as
TV audiences (e.g., Caruso et al., 2019; Humphreys & Perez, 2019; Schreyer et al.,
2017). In sum, in this second step, we excluded another 33 manuscripts. Third, to
further increase study design conformity, we excluded all 24 studies that were not
4Journal of Sports Economics XX(X)
modeling matchday demand.
As such, after the exclusion of a total of 182 manu-
scripts, our temporary data set contained 76 studies modeling stadium attendance
demand on the primary market as proxied by behavioral intentions to attend a
particular match; that is, by analyzing stated rather than revealed preferences
(e.g., Singleton et al., 2021).
Then, to not ignore any relevant literature, we performed both backward and
forward citation search, thus screening both citations and reference lists of those
76 articles and identified 88 additional peer-reviewed articles that would fit our
eligibility criteria. While the number of additional references seems rather high and,
thus, might cast doubt on our initial identification strategy, there’s an easy explana-
tion for that. That is, in fact, we would have been able to identify a fair share of these
88 manuscripts while using “attendance” as a keyword in our initial search but
refrained from doing so, as this would also have given back an almost unmanageable
amount of unrelated publications referring to, for example, church attendance (e.g.,
Azzi & Ehrenberg, 1975), student attendance (e.g., Epstein & Sheldon, 2002), and,
perhaps most prominently, work/employee attendance (e.g., Steers & Rhodes,
Finally, we cross-checked our already comprehensive data set against the promi-
nent earlier literature reviews from Borland and MacDonald (2003), Cairns et al.
(1986), Downward et al. (2009), and Villar and Guerrero (2009), and also against a
short, more recent book chapter on the economics of attendance published in the
SAGE Handbook of Sports Economics (cf., Rodr´ıguez, 2019). In this last step, we
found six additional manuscripts that met our selection criteria and, then, also
scanned available Google scholar profiles of the most active authors in our tempo-
rary sample (cf., Table 1),
identifying another 10 articles. Further, we added five
either rather recent or surprisingly little cited studies, Cairns (1984), Feng et al.
(2018), Gitter (2017), Goller and Krumer (2020), and Krumer (2020), that we were
aware of from previous research projects, but that, for some reasons, did not emerge
from our exhaustive identification approach. Because a quick keyword screening in
the Journal of Sports Economics (JSE), the International Journal of Sports Finance
(IJSF), Applied Economics (AE), Applied Economics Letters (AEL), European
Sport Management Quarterly (ESMQ), Managerial and Decision Economics
(MDE), and Sport, Business and Management (SBM), the seven international,
peer-reviewed journals with the highest share of manuscripts in our temporary
sample, did only result in the addition of ten more manuscripts, four of which were
published online first after our initial search (i.e., Gasparetto & Barajas, 2020; Jung
et al., 2020; Kelley, 2020; Mueller, 2020), we decided to end the identification
process in early August 2020.
In sum, our data set contains 195 published manuscripts on 2,918 pages.
ever, as some authors (e.g., Paul et al., 2016; Pawlowski & Nalbantis, 2015; Tyler
et al., 2017), modeled the attendances of more than one league,
we decided to
include these studies separately if authors had made separate regressions available
for these different leagues. Therefore, to be more precise, our final data set contains
Schreyer and Ansari 5
Table 1. Most Productive Authors in Our Sample.
# Author Contributions (Single) Preferred sport(s), ...market(s), ...and theme(s)
1 Paul, R. 18 (1) Baseball (10), Hockey (7) USA (15) Fighting, promotions, winning
2 Buraimo, B. 11 (3) Football/Soccer (11) England (8) None, i.e., attendance modeling
Simmons, R. 11 (0) Football/Soccer (10) England (9) Match outcome uncertainty
Weinbach, A. 11 (0) Baseball (6), Hockey (4) USA (9) Fighting, promotions, winning
5 Humphreys, B. 9 (0) None, four different sports USA (9) Match outcome uncertainty
6 Rascher, D. 6 (1) None, four different sports USA (6) None, i.e., multiple questions
Watanabe, N. 6 (1) None, three different sports China (3), USA (3) None, i.e., multiple questions
8 Coates, D. 5 (0) None, four different sports USA (4) Match outcome uncertainty
Forrest, D. 5 (0) Football/Soccer (5) England (5) None, i.e., multiple questions
Thomas, D. 5 (0) Football/Soccer (3) England (4) Match outcome uncertainty
DeSchriver, T. 5 (1) Football/Soccer (4) USA (5) None, i.e., multiple questions
Note. Authors with a minimum of five empirical contributions to our sample;
In alphabetical order, theme based on title analysis.
235 empirical contributions/studies in 195 manuscripts.
In Figure 1, we summarize
our complete search process by providing a detailed flow chart.
Data Collection Process, Resulting Data Items and Synthesis of Results
For all these 195 manuscripts, we read the title, the abstract, and the methodological
section in the necessary detail and extracted several data points. In addition, as we
will describe below, in all these manuscripts, we ran multiple searches for a wide
range of specific keywords.
In sum, we initially extracted 13 different data points, which we grouped as
follows: First, the number, names and gender of all authors as mentioned on the
title page;
second, the title of the manuscript; third, the name of the journal that had
published the manuscript, including the year of publication in print;
fourth, the
sport(s), league(s), and market(s) explored by the authors;
fifth, the observation
period, including the total number of matches/observations; sixth, the page count;
and seventh, whether the manuscript’s title page offered author keywords.
In addition, at a later stage of the data collection process, we also extracted more
detailed methodological information. Primarily, we collected information on the
Figure 1. Flow diagram of the systematic literature search process.
Schreyer and Ansari 7
dependent variable(s), including information on its composition, for example,
whether the authors discussed and/or addressed limitations arising from the distri-
bution of free and/or season tickets, and also the methodological approach. More
specifically, we were interested in whether, and if so how, the authors addressed the
problem of capacity constraints in markets where demand frequently (or occasion-
ally) exceeds supply.
After this initial data collection process, we added only few supplementary infor-
mation to the data set. First, for all manuscripts exploring European football, for
instance, we added information on whether a study explored cup or league football,
along with the respective information on the observed level of the football pyramid.
Here, those studies exploring English Premier League data, for example, were
labeled as “football league” on level “1” of the English football pyramid. In this
respect, Spanish La Liga, German Bundesliga, Italian Serie A and French Ligue 1
are all coded the same, while a study analyzing stadium attendance demand for
English Championship football would be labeled as “football league” on level
“2”. In contrast, those manuscripts exploring data from either domestic or interna-
tional tournaments were not coded as analyzing a football league. Second, to gain an
understanding on the most influential manuscripts, we also added information of the
total accumulated citation as of August 31, 2020, using Google Scholar.
Results and Discussion
Influential Authors, Well-Cited Manuscripts, and Potential Target Journals: A
Matthews Effect?
In Table 1, we first provide an overview of the 11 most productive authors operating
in the field of stadium attendance research, that is, according to our scope. In sum,
our database contains 297 different authors, most of which, about 80%, however
only contributed one manuscript to this particular literature stream. Interestingly, as
can also be seen from this table, most of these authors seem to have developed both a
specific profile, that is, an interest in some key sports and markets, sometimes even
particular research questions, and, not shown in the table, an established set of
natural co-authors over time (e.g., Paul/Weinbach: 11; Buraimo/Simmons: 6; Wata-
nabe/Soebbing: 4).
Intriguingly, these 11 authors contributed to 64 different manuscripts and, thus,
generated a total of 3,577 citations. As such, these highly productive authors, being
responsible for about one third of all manuscripts in our sample, account for roughly
35%of all accumulated citations. It is, however, worth noting that only about 11 out
of the 25 most-cited manuscripts stem from this particular group of authors, most
probably because a fair share of 17 of these 64 contributions were published rather
recently, that is, between 2016 and 2020. In fact, as can be seen from Table 2, among
the most frequently cited publications in our data set, only two manuscripts were
8Journal of Sports Economics XX(X)
Table 2. Most Frequently Cited Manuscripts in Our Database.
# Author Year Short title Journal Citations
1 Garc´
ıguez 2002 The determinants of football match attendance revisited JSE 393 21 3.87%
2 Forrest/Simmons 2002 Outcome uncertainty and attendance demand in sport JRSSD 377 20 3.71%
3 Baimbridge et al. 1996 Satellite television and the demand for football SJPE 336 13 3.31%
4 Szymanski 2001 Income inequality, competitive balance and the attractiveness of
team sports
EJ 335 17 3.30%
5 Knowles et al. 1992 The demand for Major League Baseball TAE 300 10 2.95%
6 Jennett 1984 Attendances, uncertainty of outcome and policy in Scottish league
SJPE 281 8 2.77%
7 Czarnitzki/Stadtmann 2002 Uncertainty of outcome versus reputation EE 257 14 2.53%
8 Peel/Thomas 1992 The demand for football EE 246 8 2.42%
9 Peel/Thomas 1988 Outcome uncertainty and the demand for football SJPE 245 7 2.41%
10 McDonald/Rascher 2000 Does bat day make cents? JSM 218 10 2.15%
11 Forrest/Simmons 2006 New issues in attendance demand JSE 180 12 1.77%
12 Buraimo/Simmons 2008 Do sports fans really value uncertainty of outcome? IJSF 180 14 1.77%
13 Borland/Lye 1992 Attendance at Australian Rules football AE 171 6 1.68%
14 Hart et al. 1975 A statistical analysis of association football attendances JRSSC 170 4 1.67%
15 Buraimo/Simmons 2009b A tale of two audiences JEB 166 14 1.63%
16 Falter/Perignon 2000 Demand for football and intramatch winning probability AE 164 8 1.61%
17 Buraimo 2008 Stadium attendance and television audience demand in English
league Football
MDE 158 12 1.56%
18 Hill et al. 1982 The short run demand for Major League Baseball AEJ 156 4 1.54%
19 DeSchriver/Jensen 2002 Determinants of spectator attendance at NCAA Division II football
JSM 154 8 1.52%
20 Pawlowski/Anders 2012 Stadium attendance in German professional football AEL 152 17 1.50%
21 Marcum/Greenstein 1985 Factors affecting attendance of major league baseball SSJ 150 4 1.48%
22 Cairns 1987 Evaluating changes in league structure AE 148 4 1.46%
Table 2. (continued)
# Author Year Short title Journal Citations
23 Forrest et al. 2004 Broadcasting, attendance and the inefficiency of cartels RIO 148 9 1.46%
24 Rascher 1999 A test of the optimal positive production network externality in
Major League Baseball
Book 136 6 1.34%
25 Coates et al. 2014 Reference-dependent preferences, loss aversion, and live game
EI 130 19 1.28%
Note. In sum, we count 33 manuscripts with a minimum of 100 citations, that is, according to Google Scholar. All numbers are rounded. AE/L ¼Applied Economics/Letters; AEJ
¼Atlantic Economic Journal; Book ¼Book chapter; EI ¼Economic Inquiry;EJ¼Economic Journal;EE¼Empirical Economics; IJSF ¼International Journal of Sport Finance;
JEB ¼Journal of Economics and Business;JSM¼Journal of Sport Management;JSE¼Journal of Sports Economics; JRSSC/D ¼Journal of the Royal Statistical Society:Series C/D;
MDE ¼Managerial and Decision Economics;RIO¼Review of Industrial Organization; SJPE ¼Scottish Journal of Political Economy; SSJ ¼Sociology of Sport Journal; TAE ¼The
American Economist.
published later than in 2010 (Coates et al., 2014; Pawlowski & Anders, 2012), while
eleven, that is, almost half of them, were published before the year 2000.
What is more, we observe a notable absence of female authors from this group of
highly productive authors. Somewhat similarly, broadening our scope beyond this
particular group, only roughly 15%of all those authors included in our data set are
female, most of which, 40 out of 44, have only contributed to the literature once. As
such, the vast majority of all 195 contributions, about 78%, lack a female contribu-
tion, some might even argue perspective, which, at least to a certain degree, might
help to understand the somewhat limited scope in the previous research better.
In Table 2, we present an overview of the most frequently cited publications in
our data set. Intriguingly, these 25 publications alone account for about 53%of all
counted citations. In fact, we observe that there seem to exist a few, apparently well-
known manuscripts that are, on average, cited much more frequently than others.
That is, while all 195 manuscripts in our database were, on average, cited about four
times per year, the work of six author teams accumulated, on average, more than 15
citations per year (e.g., Garc´ıa & Rodr´ıguez, 2002; Forrest & Simmons, 2002; Cox,
2018; Coates et al., 2014; Pawlowski & Anders, 2012; Szymanski, 2001), three of
them for a period of about 20 years.
In contrast, we count a total of 47 manuscripts,
roughly a quarter of all manuscripts, that were, on average, cited once per year at
most since their publication in print.
As indicated earlier, for those authors exploring the potential determinants of
stadium attendance demand there seem to exist a handful of preferred publication
outlets. In fact, we observe that 75 out of all 195 manuscripts, that is, about 38%of
our sample, were published in only four journals: The JSE (31 manuscripts) and the
IJSF (18), that is, the two journals dedicated to publishing research in the field of
sports economics, AE (15), and AEL (11). Further, we observe that a significant
number of manuscripts were published in ESMQ (6), MDE (6), and, somewhat
surprisingly, also in the form of a book chapter (9; e.g., Buraimo, 2014). Two
dedicated sport management journals, SBM (5) and the Journal of Sport Manage-
ment (5), take the next two places.
In all 76 different outlets,
the average page
count was 15 pages, though this is naturally also dependent on journal formatting. In
this regard, we observe no significant trend in the number of pages per contribution
per year, recently; that is, even when excluding the one journal, AEL, exclusively
publishing short letters.
Dominant and Emerging Markets of Investigation: European Football
Dominates Our Sample, No Previous Interest in Modeling Niche Sport
In Figure 2, we present an overview of the development of stadium attendance
demand publications over time. As can be easily seen from that figure, research
interest in empirical studies analyzing matchday demand has gradually increased in
recent years.
Schreyer and Ansari 11
Naturally, as can be inferred from Figure 2, this gradual increase in the number of
publications on stadium attendance demand research is closely associated with the
foundation of the JSE in 2000, which, over time, became a natural home for authors
exploring the determinants of stadium attendance demand. In fact, according to our
database, since 2006, the journal has had at least one such manuscript in print per
year, sometimes even three (e.g., in 2012: Beckmann et al., 2012; Coates &
Humphreys, 2012; Leeds & Sakata, 2012) or more (e.g., in 2018: Cox, 2018;
Gropper & Anderson, 2018; Lewis & Yoon, 2018; Martins & Cr ´o, 2018). Accord-
ingly, between 2000 and August 2020, about every fifth empirical study modeling
stadium attendance demand was published in the JSE.
Interestingly, the authors of roughly every second study explored spectator
demand in the US market (112), followed by the United Kingdom (47), Germany
(8), Australia, France, and Scotland (6). In addition, 22 countries are represented at
least once, while we also observe four manuscripts featuring data from international
tournaments (e.g., Chiang & Jane, 2013; Krumer, 2020; Valenti et al., 2020), and
one manuscript in which the authors analyzed aggregated data generated in multiple
countries/leagues (Serrano et al., 2015).
In Table 3, we present a concise overview of all competitions in our data set. In
sum, we note 195 manuscripts featuring a total of 235 studies on competitions in
13 different sports, including Hockey (e.g., Coates & Humphreys, 2012), Ultimate
Fighting (e.g., Watanabe, 2015), Handball (Storm et al., 2018), NASCAR racing
(Berkowitz et al., 2011) and Tennis (Chmait et al., 2020), amongst others. Despite
this apparent diversity, it is, however, interesting that there seems still to exist no
manuscript exploring the spectator demand for such otherwise popular sports as
Athletics, Badminton, Boxing, Cycling, Golf, Field hockey, Formula 1 racing, Gym-
nastics, Skiing, Snooker, Swimming, and Volleyball.
As most of those associa-
tions managing the aforementioned sports are still heavily dependent on generating
matchday income, this observation is not only a bit surprising but it also offers an
Figure 2. Development of study frequency over time.
12 Journal of Sports Economics XX(X)
Table 3. Dominant Sports and Sport Leagues in Stadium Attendance Demand Research.
Sport # Tier # Exemplary Keyword(s) # Exemplary Associated Reference
Football/Soccer 107 First 76 English Premier League 17 Hart et al. (1975)
Major League Soccer 9 Sung/Mills (2018)
French Ligue 1 6 Falter et al. (2008)
German Bundesliga 6 Pawlowski/Anders (2012)
Chinese Super League 5 Watanabe/Soebbing (2015)
Spanish La Liga 5 Buraimo/Simmons (2009b)
Scottish Premier League 5 Cairns (1984)
Italian Serie A 5 Di Domizio/Caruso (2015)
Remaining 18 Pawlowski/Nalbantis (2015)
Second 10 English Championship 9 Forrest/Simmons (2006)
Irish First Division 1 Jena/Reilly (2016)
Third 5 English Football League One 5 Peel/Thomas (1988)
Fourth 6 English Football League Two 5 Peel/Thomas (1992)
German Regionalliga 1 Wallrafen et al. (2019)
Fifth 1 English National League 1 Buraimo (2014)
Multiple (aggregated) 5 Serrano et al. (2015)
Cup 4 Baimbridge (1997)
Baseball 64 Major League Baseball 32 Coates et al. (2014)
Minor League Baseball 23 Paul/Weinbach (2013)
Other leagues 9 Gitter (2017)
American Football 22 National Football League 5 Watanabe/Cunningham (2020)
College Football 17 Falls/Natke (2014)
Hockey 19 National Hockey League 8 Coates/Humphreys (2012)
Remaining 11 Paul et al. (2016)
Basketball 7 National Basketball Association 6 Jane (2016)
College Basketball 1 McEvoy and Morse (2007)
Rugby 5 Super League 3 Baimbridge et al. (1996)
Remaining 2 Hogan et al. (2017)
11 Diverse 11 Watanabe (2015)
Category subsumes manuscripts on Australian Rules Football (3), Cricket (2), Handball (1), Horse racing (1), NASCAR Racing (1), Tennis (1), and Ultimate Fighting (2).
interesting path for future stadium attendance demand research. Further, to the best
of our knowledge, there as yet exists no study on stadium, or perhaps better hall/
venue, attendance demand for electronic sports, including League of Legends,
Defense of the Ancients (Dota) 2, and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, despite
an increasing global interest in these emerging sports, in particular among the youth.
As can be easily seen from that table, about half of all 235 studies centered on
stadium attendance demand for European football. Only three more sports, Baseball
(64) and, already far behind, American Football (22) and Hockey (19), attracted
notable interest from the group of authors analyzing stadium attendance demand.
Apparently, as we show in Figure 3, this gap is likely to widen in the future, as the
field’s interest in studying football stadium attendances appears to be increasing
successively, and has only peaked recently; that is, in 2018.
Interestingly, in European football, most authors have chosen to explore English
football data. More specifically, we counted a total of 42 studies,
most of which
used data generated in either the English Premier League (17 studies), including its
predecessors, or the English Football League (EFL) Championship (9). In contrast,
only a few authors explored data from the EFL One (5), the EFL Two (5) or even the
National League (1). It is worth noting, however, that these three lower-tier leagues
never rise beyond a mere supporting role in those manuscripts featuring them, as
they are, without any exception, merely added as a supplement to the initial analysis
of the two top-tier leagues in the country. Further, in this particular environment,
manuscripts that center around domestic (1; Szymanski, 2001) or international
Figure 3. Development of study frequency by sport over time.
14 Journal of Sports Economics XX(X)
tournaments (1; Baimbridge, 1997) are still scarce, as are manuscripts exploring
women’s football demand (0).
Surprisingly, the narrow analytical interest of those authors modeling English
football stadium attendance demand (e.g., Cox, 2018; Jewell, 2011; Walker, 1986) is
largely representative for what we observe among the work of those authors analyz-
ing the remaining football markets. That is, in all football markets represented in our
sample, we note a lack of studies modeling spectator demand for domestic cup
competitions, lower-tier football, including amateur football, women’s sports, and
also youth football.
Here, Wallrafen et al. (2019), modeling fourth-tier stadium
attendances in Germany, as well as both Meier et al. (2016) and LeFeuvre et al.
(2013), modeling stadium attendance demand for women’s football in Germany and
France, respectively, are notable exceptions that all prove this rule.
While most authors have explored English Premier League data, in general, we
observe a keen interest in European first-tier football leagues, as well as in both
Major League Soccer (MLS) and the Chinese Super League. More specifically, we
note a strong interest in analyzing stadium attendance demand for the MLS (9 manu-
scripts), the German Bundesliga and the French Ligue 1 (6), the Chinese Super
League, the Italian Serie A, the Scottish Premier League, and the Spanish La Liga
(5). Further, reflecting the many different facets of the previous research, there
already exist empirical studies on markets as diverse as Austria (Pawlowski &
Nalbantis, 2015), Brazil (e.g., Madalozzo & Berber Villar, 2009), Denmark (Nielsen
et al., 2019), Finland (Iho & Heikkila¨, 2010), Malaysia (Wilson & Sim, 1995), Peru
(Buraimo et al., 2018), and Russia (Coates et al., 2017). In contrast, evidence from
emerging football markets such as Colombia, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Morocco and
the Philippines are currently largely missing from the English-language literature.
Also, there’s still no manuscript on football stadium attendance demand in smaller
European markets such as Czechia, Hungary, Poland, Portugal and Romania, and
also on future FIFA World Cup hosts such as Qatar, Mexico and Canada.
Dominant and Emerging Manuscript Themes: Outcome Uncertainty, Star
Power, and ...Air Pollution
To understand the existence of both dominant and emerging themes in the already
rich stadium attendance demand literature better, we performed a systematic manu-
script title analysis. More specifically, we first went through all 195 manuscript titles
and, based on the information presented in these titles, decided whether (or not)
authors of a given manuscript were focusing on one or more specific determi-
Then, second, whenever we observed such an author focus, we extracted
the appropriate keywords. This somewhat cumbersome procedure was necessary
because the use of keywords is a relatively recent development, the JSE, for exam-
ple, only introduced the use of keywords in 2003, and even today, still not all
publishers have decided to implement them. Having extracted a total of 189
keywords, we categorized all of them based on whether the determinants were
Schreyer and Ansari 15
proxying consumer preferences (e.g., club characteristics, habit persistence, and
exogenous shocks such as a public health crisis), economic factors (e.g., macroeco-
nomic factors, market characteristics, and the ticket price), the quality of viewing
(e.g., promotions, quality of seating and the timing of the contest), or the sporting
contest (i.e., the quality of the contest and, in particular, the role of competitive
balance and the resulting match outcome uncertainty) – as such, here, our approach
closely resembles that of Borland and MacDonald (2003). Further, to increase the
robustness of the chosen approach, in Figure 4, we also provide two word-clouds
generated from both the title and the abstract of the 195 manuscripts in our data set.
In Table 4, we present both the descriptive information on the distribution of the
extracted keywords and illustrative examples. Interestingly, we observe that the
authors of about three out of four studies seem to have drafted their manuscripts
with a specific theme in mind. More specifically, most authors focused on the
potential role of the sporting contest characteristics, most notably match outcome
uncertainty, in shaping stadium attendance demand. That is, we observe that the
titles of roughly every fourth study include a reference to the concept of competitive
balance and the resulting match outcome uncertainty. Interestingly enough, these
references are surprisingly diverse, and include, for example, championship uncer-
tainty (e.g., Pawlowski & Nalbantis, 2015), competitive intensity (e.g., Bond &
Addesa, 2020), loss aversion (e.g., Besters et al., 2019), outcome uncertainty
(e.g., Martins & Cr´o, 2018), uncertainty (e.g., Serrano et al., 2015), uncertainty of
outcome (e.g., Hogan et al., 2017), and uncertainty of results (e.g., Cox, 2018).
Further, as the debate on the validity of Rottenberg’s (1956) so-called uncertainty of
outcome hypothesis has not yet been laid to a final rest, we note a relatively con-
sistent output of such studies in the last decade; that is, in 2010 (3), 2011 (1), 2012
(4), 2013 (4), 2014 (2), 2015 (4), 2016 (2), 2017 (1), 2018 (4), 2019 (2), and 2020 (3).
Somewhat similarly, we observe a continuous interest in the potential role of stars,
including, for example, local heroes (Yamamura, 2011), marquee players (Jewell,
2017), star pitchers (Ormiston, 2014), and top-drafted rookies (Kelley, 2020), in
modeling stadium attendance demand. In contrast, we only count a few studies that
concentrate on team success (e.g., Paul et al., 2019; Pinnuck & Potter, 2006; Wata-
nabe & Soebbing, 2017) and contest significance.
Although most authors centered their manuscripts around sporting event charac-
teristics, some authors have emphasized the potential role of economic factors, the
quality of viewing, and also emerging consumer preferences in explaining the var-
iance in stadium attendance demand. As such, there already exists a significant body
of literature on the question of whether television broadcasts serve as a substitute for
stadium attendance (e.g., S. Allan, 2004; Baimbridge et al., 1996; Barajas et al.,
2019; Kringstad et al., 2018; Nielsen et al., 2019), whether promotions such as
bobblehead giveaways, fireworks, and even marching bands, are effective in
increasing stadium attendance demand (e.g., Boyd & Krehbiel, 2003; Kappe
et al., 2014; McDonald & Rascher, 2000; Natke & Thomas, 2019; Paul et al.,
2013), and whether consumer preferences alter in the aftermath of exogenous shocks
16 Journal of Sports Economics XX(X)
Figure 4. Dominant themes in stadium attendance demand research. Note. We generated these two word-clouds from the title (left) and the
abstract (right) of the 195 manuscripts in our data set using the services from monkeylearn.com because it automatically detects multiword
keywords. Here, string size corresponds to string frequency.
Schreyer and Ansari 17
Table 4. Dominant Themes in Stadium Attendance Demand Research.
Manuscript theme # # # Exemplary Keyword(s) Exemplary Associated Reference
Manuscripts with specific themes 143
Consumer preferences 16
Exogenous shocks 8 H1N1 Gitter (2017)
Club characteristics 5 Reputation Czarnitzki/Stadtmann (2002)
Habit formation, persistence 3 Habit formation Ge et al. (2020)
Economic factors 36
Availability of substitutes 14 Substitution Wallrafen et al. (2019)
Market composition, size 10 Market size Buraimo/Simmons (2009a)
Economic impact, legacy 4 World cup effect LeFeuvre et al. (2013)
Macro-economic factors 3 Economic crisis Hong et al. (2013)
Ticket price 3 Pricing Watanabe/Soebbing (2017)
Travel cost 2 Fan travel Humphreys/Miceli (2020)
Quality of viewing 30
Quality of stadium 20 Promotions Cebula et al. (2009)
Timing of the contest 9 Weather Cairns (1984)
Kick-off times Krumer (2020)
Air Pollution Watanabe et al. (2019)
Quality of seating 2 Soccer-specific stadiums DeSchriver et al. (2016)
Characteristics of the sporting contest 82
Uncertainty of outcome 45 Outcome uncertainty Peel/Thomas (1988)
Competitive balance Coates/Humphreys (2010)
Competitive intensity Scelles et al. (2013)
Quality of the contest 30 Superstars Humphreys/Johnson (2020)
Rivalries Wooten (2018)
Violence Jones et al. (1993)
Success of competing teams 16 Team success Davis (2009)
Significance of the contest 4 Interleague play Butler (2002)
Manuscripts without specific themes 52
Note. Manuscript categorization is based exclusively on the manuscript title. Multiple allocations are allowed.
as diverse as a corruption scandal (Buraimo et al., 2016), an influenza virus outbreak
(Gitter, 2017), college football player protests (Watanabe et al., 2019), increasing
terror alert levels (Kalist, 2010), or the announcement of performance-enhancing
drug violations (Cisyk & Courty, 2017). Interestingly, though frequently included as
control variables, only a few authors have centered their study on the potential
effects of match fixtures/scheduling (Goller & Krumer, 2020; Krumer, 2020; Paul
et al., 2004) or both environmental effects and the weather (e.g., Cairns, 1984;
Ge et al., 2020; Ito et al., 2016). Among the latter, Watanabe et al. (2019), for
instance, explored the potential role of air pollution in shaping stadium attendance
demand in the Chinese Super League, thus paving an interesting new way towards a
better understanding of how spectators respond to potential health threats on
matchday – a theme that will certainly gain more importance in the future
(e.g., Reade et al., 2020b).
Methodological Challenges: A Logarithmic, Aggregated Dependent Variable
and Tobit Models
As is evident in the literature, those authors modeling stadium attendance demand
face several methodological challenges. Forrest et al. (2005), for example, noted two
such challenges potentially leading to biased estimates: first, the existence of capac-
ity constraints in leagues that are permanent in high demand, such as the English
Premier League, and, second, the use of aggregated data across different spectator
groups (e.g., matchday ticket holders and season ticket holders; Dobson & Goddard,
2011). However, these aggregated data typically subsume two different subsequent
decisions from multiple stakeholder groups, including not only paying customers but
also owners of free tickets, whose determinants might differ significantly: first, an
individual’s decision whether to accept/purchase a ticket for a match; and second,
the ticket holder’s subsequent decision whether to attend this particular match
(e.g., Schreyer et al., 2016).
Below, we summarize how previous authors have
addressed these two potential limitations.
In general, most authors explored aggregated attendance data, preferably in log
form (e.g., Chupp et al., 2007; Martins & Cr´o, 2018; Storm et al., 2018; Watanabe &
Soebbing, 2015; Yamamura, 2011). In fact, only a few authors were primarily
interested in analyzing alternative attendance demand proxies such as the stadium
utilization (i.e., the ratio of distributed tickets to the existing stadium capacity; e.g.
Hong et al., 2013; Jane, 2016; Lawson et al., 2008) or a rather simple sellout-dummy
(e.g., Brandes et al., 2013), although some authors used the former information to
present an additional robustness check (e.g., Paul et al., 2016).
Despite the early criticism from Forrest et al. (2005), only a few authors have
explored disaggregated attendance information. In fact, somewhat surprisingly, the
authors of only about 30 manuscripts discussed, often briefly, the potential limita-
tions that may arise from the use of such data generated across both matchday ticket
holders and season ticket holders (e.g., Barajas et al., 2019; Buraimo et al., 2018;
Schreyer and Ansari 19
Paul et al., 2019). As such, it is perhaps not surprising that the authors of only about a
handful of manuscripts explicitly explored the behavioral intentions of matchday
ticket holders (e.g., Allan & Roy, 2008; Benz et al., 2009; Bond & Addesa, 2020),
that is, by analyzing attendance data after having subtracted season ticket holder
data, or added such season ticket holder data as an explanatory variable (e.g., Chmait
et al., 2020).
Perhaps one potential reason for this is that most authors still wrongly
consider season ticket holders to be behavioral loyal (e.g., Schreyer et al., 2018).
Somewhat similarly, only a few authors either have excluded (e.g., Chmait et al.,
2020) or added information on free tickets (e.g., Anthony et al., 2014), and even
fewer considered this a limitation of their study (e.g., Besters et al., 2019).
In this particular context, it is interesting to see that there seems to exist only very
little research modeling the stadium attendance demand for different stadium sec-
tions (e.g., Dobson & Goddard, 1992), including, for example, home and away
sections and, economically more important, also business seats in the hospitality
sections; that is, those seats that, at least in European professional football, currently
account for about 62%of the ticket revenues (ESSMA, 2019). While such disag-
gregated data, that is, information on the number of season ticket holders, the
distribution of free/complimentary tickets, and/or sectoral differences, are, and will
still be, usually hard to obtain (e.g., Kringstad et al., 2018), we believe that the field
would benefit from a more detailed discussion of both the nature of the dependent
variable, typically proxying behavioral intentions to attend, and its potential limita-
tions in the future.
While only a few authors have explored disaggregated data, most authors expli-
citly addressed (and discussed) the potential problems arising from stadium capacity
More precisely, we count that about 60%of all authors/author teams
addressed this important methodological issue, some even although it is, according
to their own statement, not an urgent issue in their specific environment (e.g., Forrest
& Simmons, 2006; Reilly, 2015; Watanabe, 2015); for example, because frequent
sellouts are less likely in developing markets and lower tiers. Those authors that,
however, observed a fair share of right-censored observations typically employ a
tobit model (e.g., Besters et al., 2019; Bond & Addesa, 2020; Cox, 2018), either
primarily or as an additional robustness check, although we also observe an increas-
ing use of censored regression (e.g., Hong et al., 2013; Meehan et al., 2007; Ormis-
ton, 2014), or the exclusion of potentially truncated cases (e.g., Denaux et al., 2011),
among others. In fact, only a few authors discussed capacity constraints as a limita-
tion without taking any methodological action against it.
On a side note, it is, perhaps, interesting that the explored period of investigation
has significantly increased over time, most likely due to improved data availability.
In this context, we observe, on average, a period of investigation of about 5.50
seasons/years per study, ranging from a minimum of one (e.g., Hill et al., 1982)
to a maximum of 48 (Fullerton & Miller, 2017). However, about 80%of all manu-
scripts in our data set feature a study exploring data of a maximum of five years/
seasons, most of them, about 43%, even of only one. On the other hand, we only
20 Journal of Sports Economics XX(X)
count ten manuscripts exploring data sets containing 20 or more years/seasons.
Further, and perhaps unsurprisingly, we observe a strong, positive and significant
correlation between the period of observation and the number of total, that is,
aggregated, analyzed matches in the data. In general, authors explored data sets
containing, on average, roughly 3,619 matches, though this mean is somewhat
artificially inflated by those authors exploring data generated in the two rather long
league tournaments, that is, in Major League Baseball (M¼11,077, SD ¼17,694)
and in the NBA (M¼14,065, SD ¼16,349). It is, therefore, not surprising that the
former competition is the focus of the manuscript with the largest data set, an
ultimate sample size of 88,825 matches (c.f., Ormiston, 2014), in our sample.
A Note on Stadium Attendance Demand Research in the
Journal of Sports Economics
As a cornerstone of the more recent stadium attendance demand research, the JSE,
according to our data, has published a total of 31 manuscripts modeling stadium
attendances. In general, and perhaps not surprisingly, these articles are largely
reflective of the discipline’s scope, as indicated above. For instance, we observe a
strong tendency to explore empirical data generated in the US market (18; e.g.,
Berkowitz et al., 2011; Butler, 2002; Humphreys & Johnson, 2020), and also Europe
(10; e.g., Falter et al., 2008, Garc´ıa & Rodr´ıguez, 2002; Martins & Cr ´o, 2018), but
almost no evidence from Africa, Asia, or South America. Somewhat similarly, about
84%of all manuscripts, analyzed data from baseball and football/soccer (13 manu-
scripts each), with only a handful of manuscripts exploring other sports; for instance,
basketball (e.g., Jane, 2016), hockey (Coates & Humphreys, 2012), and racing
(Berkowitz et al., 2011). As such, currently, about every third stadium attendance
demand study published in the JSE marks an exploration of the US baseball market
(e.g., Ge et al., 2020; Lemke & Tlhokwane, 2010; Ormiston, 2014).
Despite the apparent preference for analyzing MLB attendances, it is, however,
important to note that JSE has continuously published manuscripts broadening the
discipline’s previous scope. For instance, according to our sample, LeFeuvre et al.
(2013), analyzing the potential effect of the 2011 FIFA Women’s World Cup on
Women’s Professional Soccer attendance, were the first to explore stadium atten-
dance demand for women’s football. Wallrafen et al. (2019), primarily interested in
understanding substitution effects in sports better, were among the few authors
modeling stadium attendance demand for amateur football and the first to do so
outside of the English football market. In fact, many football markets, including
Brazil (Madalozzo & Berber Villar, 2009), Finland (Iho & Heikkila, 2010), and
Portugal (Martins & Cr´o, 2018), in particular, were explored first in the JSE.
In terms of dominant themes, we note that most JSE authors, roughly three out of
four, seem to have drafted their manuscript with a specific theme in mind, a third of
Schreyer and Ansari 21
them explicitly referring to the concept of competitive balance/intensity and the
resulting match outcome uncertainty (e.g., Andreff & Scelles, 2015; Cox, 2018;
Meehan et al., 2007). Therefore, it is perhaps not surprising that most manuscripts
published in the JSE center around the effect of sporting characteristics on spectator
interest, with only a few manuscript titles explicitly referring to consumer prefer-
ences (e.g., Cisyk & Courty, 2017), economic factors (e.g., Wallrafen et al., 2019),
and the quality of viewing (e.g., Ge et al., 2020).
Methodologically, in the JSE, we observe a similar preference for exploring
aggregated attendance data across different spectator groups, preferably in the log
form. As such, only a handful of authors excluded season tickets from their sample
(e.g., Bond & Addesa, 2020; Falter et al., 2008; Garc´ıa & Rodr´ıguez, 2002), while
the potential existence of complementary/free tickets is typically not discussed. In
contrast, and once more in line with the field’s general scope, the vast majority of all
authors discussed (and addressed) the potential problems arising from stadium
capacity constraints.
Conclusions, Limitations, and Potential Future Research
Throughout our analysis of the empirical literature modeling the behavioral inten-
tions to attend a sporting event in a stadium (or a hall/venue), we have noted several
emerging patterns that may serve as a starting point for future stadium attendance
research. Below we summarize these patterns.
First, we observed that, despite an already rich and continually growing body of
empirical literature modeling the determinants of stadium attendance research, there
are numerous sports that, for unclear reason(s), have so far been neglected from a
proper analysis. That is, while most authors have explored data generated in Amer-
ican football, baseball, European football and hockey, there as yet exists no research
on regional quite popular niche sports, including badminton, field hockey, and
volleyball. Further, perhaps due to data availability issues, our understanding of
what shapes the interest for such popular sporting events as cycling (e.g., the Tour
de France), golf (e.g., the PGA tour) and Formula 1 racing is literally non-existent in
the literature, as it is the case for emerging sports such as the increasingly popular
Kabaddi, Lacrosse, and also electronic sports that regularly attract large crowds.
For those sports that have, however, previously generated the field’s regular
attention, our understanding of the overall robustness of the observed effects is
rather limited, as previous research has primarily explored only a few domestic
competitions, typically top-tier leagues, within only a few markets. As such, we
believe that future stadium attendance demand research should profit tremendously
from widening its narrow focus to consider a significantly more diverse set of
objects of investigation. In particular, this is true for studies exploring data generated
22 Journal of Sports Economics XX(X)
in both domestic and international cup competitions (e.g., the UEFA Champions
League), lower-tier competitions, and, last but by no means least, women’s sports,
despite some notable first attempts (e.g., Valenti et al., 2020). Naturally, it would, for
instance, be highly interesting to see whether there are significant differences
between the effectiveness of certain determinants (e.g., match outcome uncertainty,
player talent/stars, and the weather) across not only men’s and women’s sports but
also across different tournament formats.
On a related note, we believe it’s about time to explore African, Asian, and South
American competitions in more detail. While exploring these environments can
certainly help us improving our understanding of the robustness of previously
explored determinants, thus increasing confidence in the generalizability of mechan-
isms across different cultures, analyzing such alternative markets might also help
mitigate the methodological problems discussed earlier. Accordingly, few authors
have already begun exploring data from South American leagues, which, unlike their
European counterparts, often still refrain from distributing season tickets to fans
(e.g., Buraimo et al., 2018; cf. section 3.4). However, analyzing the stadium atten-
dance demand in leagues with frequently altering calendars and/or league formats
such as the Argentine Primera Divisi´on over time might also offer additional insights
for questions relating to effective tournament design.
Second, concerning the manuscript focus, we noted a strong interest on studies
exploring the specific characteristics of the sporting events, particularly the role of
varying competitive balance and the resulting match outcome uncertainty. In con-
trast, only a few manuscripts centered around exogenous shocks (e.g., health emer-
gencies, terrorism), macroeconomic factors, and, somewhat surprisingly, also the
ticket price (e.g., Watanabe & Soebbing, 2017). While the former aspects are typi-
cally rare and only offer limited managerial implications for the top management,
the latter, in particular, might become more prominent as disaggregated, that is,
individual, data become available in the future. In fact, although we observe several
notable attempts to approximate the ticket price in the literature (e.g., revenue
divided by attendance), endogeneity concerns still remain, among others, which,
in turn, ultimately affect our understanding of the price elasticity of stadium atten-
dance demand.
Somewhat similarly, employing such individual data seems
imperative to correctly estimate the effect of such standard attendance explanatory
variables as income in the future, which has previously often been approximated by
employing annual data, despite some notable exceptions (c.f., Hong et al., 2013).
Third, we observed that the field has previously refrained from exploring disag-
gregated data, despite the early criticism from Forrest et al. (2005). While this
practice is not only common in the literature, and primarily driven by limited data
availability, but also historically grown, we believe that future research might profit
from excluding season ticket holder information and, perhaps even the number of
free tickets, from the dependent variable while discussing the potential pitfalls in
more detail if the former is not possible. Alternatively, as technological progress
allows for generating better information, exploring behavioral stadium attendance
Schreyer and Ansari 23
demand, that is, the actual matchday turnout, might be a profitable approach (e.g.,
Schreyer et al., 2016; Schreyer & Torgler, 2021).
While we believe that our systematic approach, that is, excluding both those
manuscripts whose authors explored behavioral data and data containing annual/
average information, as well as survey data, results in a comprehensive scoping of
the existing literature modeling behavioral intentions to attend a sporting event,
naturally, there are a number of limitations to our approach. For example, although
we have taken great care while selecting the 195 manuscripts in our data set, the
sheer volume of the existing literature in combination with our manual approach
might lead to the omission of a few manuscripts; for example, those that, in abstract,
keywords or the title, are not explicitly linked to stadium attendance research.
However, while such a potential omission might slightly alter the effective results
provided above, we believe that our comprehensive approach allows summarizing
key tendencies, nevertheless. Further, as discussed earlier in this section, our self-
limitation on those studies modeling matchday demand might, to some degree,
underestimate the field’s interest in factors that are stable across one or multiple
season(s) and, therefore, more likely to be explored using annual attendance data
(e.g., the stadium quality). Finally, as it is common when conducting scoping
reviews, we largely refrain from an in-depth analysis of all effect sizes and prefer-
ably present existing (and emerging) themes. As such, future research might benefit
from additional literature reviews focusing on specific aspects in stadium attendance
research, for example, the relationship between the football interest and the weather,
or even meta-analyses.
Author’s Note
Payam Ansari is now affiliated with DCU Business School, Dublin City University, Dublin,
Declaration of Conflicting Interests
The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, author-
ship, and/or publication of this article.
The author(s) received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of
this article.
Dominik Schreyer https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1129-7789
Payam Ansari https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7880-586X
24 Journal of Sports Economics XX(X)
1. The relative share of matchday income to a professional sporting clubs’ annual turnover
varies significantly between not only different sports but also between sporting leagues
within a particular sport. In Germany, for example, this relative share is currently about
13 and roughly 17 in Bundesliga and Bundesliga 2, while it is circa 11, 20, 26, and 32%,
in Volleyball, Basketball, Handball, and Hockey, respectively (cf., Horky, 2020).
2. At the time of writing, that is, in September 2020, already more than 5,000 scoping
reviews have been published in ISI-indexed journals.
3. The exact search string is: “stadi* attend*” OR “game attend*” OR “attend* game” OR
“attendan* demand” OR “spectator demand” OR “spectator attendance” OR “ticket
holder” OR “game visit*” OR “stadi* visit*” OR “visit* game” OR “visit* match”.
4. Despite notable methodological weaknesses (cf. Forrest et al., 2005), perhaps most likely
because behavioral data on stadium attendances are often still scarce, exploring this
particular information, that is, attendance data usually announced by the home club and,
then, distributed to the public by the media, has a long tradition, in particular in the field
of sports economics (cf., Dobson & Goddard, 2011). Thus, Tainsky and Winfree (2010),
for example, argue that “[i]t is customary among researchers and practitioners to report
the number of tickets sold as the attendance”. As Pawlowski and Nalbantis (2015), for
example, argue, this data typically refrains from distinguishing between season and
matchday ticket holders.
5. Although we carefully separated those studies modeling behavioral intentions from those
analyzing actual behavior, we have to admit that our result on that matter was incon-
clusive now and then. Whenever in doubt, we added the study to our sample. Thus, those
excluded manuscripts from authors exploring behavior typically offer an explicit cue
such as “The numbers reported are based on those who actually turn up as opposed to
tickets sold” (Owen & Weatherston, 2004: 352), “Our dependent variable, Attendance, is
the number of spectators who officially entered the venue for the match” (Sacheti et al.,
2016: 124), or “our key dependent variable, is the absolute number of ticket holders that
have decided not to attend a particular Bundesliga game” (Schreyer & Da¨uper, 2018,
p. 1,476) in their study.
6. As such, our comprehensive data set does not only exclude those studies using annual/
seasonal attendance data (e.g., Alvarado-Vargas & Zou, 2019; Lee, 2018; Mills & Fort,
2018), sometimes also expressed as average stadium attendances per match (e.g.,
Feddersen & Maenning, 2009), but also most studies analyzing cricket attendances
(e.g., Sacheti et al., 2014). Although cricket matches are often played for several con-
secutive days with varying interest, it seems customary in the field to proxy stadium
attendance demand using average daily attendances or aggregate match attendance
which, for us, would complicate the comparability to the remaining studies in the data
set. However, we allow for cricket studies modelling, for example, 1-day league cricket
demand (e.g., Morley & Thomas, 2007). Further, we included those few studies whose
authors model the stadium attendance demand for annual, one-time events such as the
Melbourne Cup (Narayan & Smyth, 2003).
Schreyer and Ansari 25
7. In sum, we screened Google Scholar for (and within the) available profiles of the 25 most
active colleagues in the field, that is, those authors who, according to our temporary
sample, had published the most studies on stadium attendance demand.
8. As such, our sample does not include more recent studies that attempt to model the
stadium attendance demand during a public health emergency, such as the recent
COVID-19 pandemic (e.g., Reade & Singleton, 2020). Naturally, a small number of
manuscripts exploring stadium attendance demand were published after we had finished
our search process (e.g., Paul et al., 2020; Reade et al., 2020b; Wallrafen et al., 2020).
9. In contrast, Serrano et al. (2015), for example, consider data across four European leagues
without presenting separate regression results for each of these four leagues individually.
We, therefore, count this study as one manuscript with one rather than four empirical
studies. Perhaps it’s important to note that presenting such evidence across different
leagues is not a rarity (e.g., Marcum & Greenstein, 1985; Forrest & Simmons, 2002;
Peel & Thomas, 1996).
10. Here, perhaps it is worth noting that we refrain from excluding manuscripts based on, for
example, disciplines. As such, besides contributions from the field of both sports eco-
nomics and sports management, our data set also contains manuscripts that were pub-
lished in journals in fields as diverse as accounting and finance (e.g., Paul et al., 2016),
applied geography (Griffith, 2010), management science (Kappe et al., 2014), operational
research (e.g., Goller & Krumer, 2020), and statistics (e.g., Hart et al., 1975).
11. While some manuscripts in our database come with short author profiles and allow for
quick extraction of such gender information, we had to obtain most of this information
from additional web searches. Despite intensive efforts, we failed to identify the gender
of two authors. However, we believe this omission to have only a modest effect on our
results reported below (if any).
12. For those manuscripts published in journals that are available exclusive online (e.g.,
Watanabe & Cunningham, 2020), also known as “online only”, we consider the year
of online publication as the year of the publication “in print”. Further, for one very recent
publication (i.e., Kelley, 2020) that is currently available “online first” and, therefore, not
yet available “in print,” we refrain from differentiating between the two statuses.
13. To reduce complexity, we made a few adjustments, perhaps better labelled as simplifica-
tions, throughout our data collection process. That is, whenever we observed analysis of
either the National League and/or the American League, we noted this as Major League
Baseball (MLB), and considered this to be one study, although separate regressions might
have been available. Further, in particular with regard to studies exploring stadium
attendance demand for National Hockey League and/or National Basketball Association
matches, we noted the United States of America (USA) as the market under investigation,
although some few teams are being located in Canada. Somewhat similarly, if an inter-
national tournament was hosted in one country, we considered this country to be the
market under investigation, although many spectators might have flown in from abroad to
attend a match (or more). In addition, we also adjusted the label of domestic sporting
leagues according to their current equivalent whenever necessary. For example, we
decided to mark those studies exploring English Division 1 data that were conducted
26 Journal of Sports Economics XX(X)
before the English Premier League was introduced in the season 1992-93 as “English
Premier League” nevertheless, because, back then, the Division 1 was the first tier
professional football league in the country.
14. In science, the so-called Matthew effect, stemming from the parable of the talents
(Matthew 25: 14-30), one of the parables of Jesus, “consists in the accruing of greater
increments of recognition for particular scientific contributions to scientists of consider-
able repute and the withholding of such recognition from scientists who have not yet
made their mark” (Merton, 1968, p. 58).
15. As we observe a strong negative correlation between a manuscript’s year of publication
and its subsequent number of accumulated citations (r¼-0.5867, p< 0.001) in our data
set, this last observation might also help to explain why those many contributions pub-
lished in the JSE, today a natural home for stadium attendance demand research, are
largely absent from this particular list, despite two notable exceptions ranked one (Garc´ıa
& Rodr´ıguez, 2002) and eleven (Forrest & Simmons, 2006). Intriguingly, both manu-
scripts were among the first empirical contributions exploring stadium attendance
demand that were published by the journal. Founded only in the year 2000, the JSE has
published a total of 31 manuscripts on stadium attendance demand research, according to
our data set, since then, which were, on average, cited about 55 times.
16. As editor Dennis Coates has rightfully noted during the review process, it may take an
increase in the number of both female authors and also authors from non-Western soci-
eties studying sports economics and sport management issues to broaden the scope of
stadium attendance demand. That is, in particular, true for adding previously unexplored
(niche) sports in the future.
17. However, the values might be inflated, at least to a certain degree, as some manuscripts
might have been available earlier to publication in print (e.g., due to online first publi-
cations or earlier working papers).
18. In addition, we count three different journals with four appearances, five journals with
three appearances, three additional journals with two appearances, and also 56 journals
that only appear once in our database.
19. In this context, we count the distribution through a book chapter as one outlet.
20. Although some of these omissions can, perhaps, be best explained by apparent measure-
ment problems (e.g., in professional cycling, where no stadium exists and spectators,
therefore, often gather along the route) or a simple lack of data. However, an alternative
explanation might be that most authors operating in the field originate from (or currently
work in) Western society, where the predominant spectator sports are American football,
baseball, basketball, football/soccer, and hockey (in alphabetical order). We thank the
editor for adding this latter point.
21. In three out of these 42 studies, the authors analyse data aggregated across several leagues
(Dobson & Goddard, 1992; Forrest & Simmons, 2002; Forrest et al., 2005).
22. In general, this observation holds true beyond football stadium attendance demand
Schreyer and Ansari 27
23. This is, in particular, noteworthy as analysing data from such less developed football
markets might haven methodological benefits, for example, the absence of season tickets
(e.g., Barajas et al., 2019; Buraimo et al., 2018; cf. section 3.4)
24. Those authors that have refrained from focusing on one (or more) specific determinant
typically employ titles such as “Attendance demand in a developing football market: the
case of the Peruvian first divisions” (Buraimo et al., 2018), “The Demand for League of
Ireland Football” (Reilly, 2015), and “The Determinants of Football Match Attendance
Revisited” (Garc´ıa & Rodr´ıguez, 2002). In addition, some authors emphasize methodo-
logical contributions (e.g., Schmidt, 2012). Other authors, however, do not explicitly note
that their manuscript adds to the literature on stadium attendance demand research in their
title (e.g., Coates et al., 2017).
25. It is, perhaps, important that we note that this does not mean that only roughly every fourth
study explores the role of competitive balance and/or intensity in modelling stadium
attendance demand. In fact, almost all authors exploring stadium attendance data add at
least one of the innumerable proxies of uncertainty as a control variable to their models.
26. Further, the use of such publicly displayed information always contains the danger that
data were either unintentionally wrong or intentionally inflated, for example, to cater to
investor needs. Modeling NASCAR racing attendance numbers, Berkowitz et al. (2011,
p. 268), for example, summarize that “the general lack of statistically meaningful rela-
tionships between attendance and the other variables in the model might suggest that the
attendance data are not accurate, that NASCAR simply reports track capacity instead of
attendance, or simply reflect the fact that the decision to attend is often made in advance
and therefore contemporaneous values of the explanatory variables would have no sta-
tistical relationship with reported attendance”.
27. It is perhaps important to note that as football clubs, in particular, increasingly even
bundle matchday tickets across several matches, typically a combination of a top match
and several other matches, even subtracting the number of distributed season tickets
would not help to perfectly proxy matchday interest for a certain match.
28. While the effective stadium attendance demand in professional sporting leagues such as
the English Premier League is typically hard to observe because many games are sell-
outs, in some markets, most notable in Iran, it is because some spectators are currently not
allowed to enter the stadium; in this specific context women.
29. Interestingly, however, the most extensive data set is likely to emerge in professional
football. That is, Reade (2020), in a current working paper not yet included in our
analysis, explores the determinants for English football employing match-level data on
165,105 football matches played since 1888.
30. In fact, thanks to the cultural phenomenon that Harry Potter is, today, even Quidditch,
which is organized by 39 national governing bodies and played by about 600 teams world-
wide (MuggleNet,2020), might be an interesting future object of investigation for Muggles.
31. Similarly, we observe only a limited number of studies exploring the role of manageable
stadium-quality aspects that, however, are likely to only vary between seasons and are,
thus, more likely to be a common theme in the complementary literature exploring
28 Journal of Sports Economics XX(X)
annual/average attendance data to document long-term trends (e.g., Clapp & Hakes,
2005; Feddersen & Maenning, 2009; Leadley & Zygmont, 2005).
32. Once more, we’d like to thank the editor for pointing this out.
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Author Biographies
Dominik Schreyer is an Assistant Professor at WHU–Otto Beisheim School of Management
and associated with the Center for Sports and Management (CSM). He explores the role of
sociopsychological factors in individual (economic) behavior and decision-making through
the lenses of professional sports. In particular, he takes a keen research interest in analyzing
stadium attendance demand (e.g., football spectator no-show behavior). His Twitter handle is
Payam Ansari is a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at DCU Business School, Dublin City
University, Ireland. His current research focus is on fan behavior/engagement, in particular in
women’s football. His Twitter handle is @payam_ansari.
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