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Survey on Multi-Access Edge Computing Security
and Privacy
Pasika Ranaweera*, Member, IEEE, Anca Delia Jurcut, Member, IEEE,
Madhusanka Liyanage, Senior Member, IEEE
Abstract—The European Telecommunications Standards Insti-
tute (ETSI) has introduced the paradigm of Multi-Access Edge
Computing (MEC) to enable efficient and fast data processing in
mobile networks. Among other technological requirements, secu-
rity and privacy are significant factors in the realization of MEC
deployments. In this paper, we analyse the security and privacy
of the MEC system. We introduce a thorough investigation of
the identification and the analysis of threat vectors in the ETSI
standardized MEC architecture. Furthermore, we analyse the
vulnerabilities leading to the identified threat vectors and propose
potential security solutions to overcome these vulnerabilities. The
privacy issues of MEC are also highlighted, and clear objectives
for preserving privacy are defined. Finally, we present future
directives to enhance the security and privacy of MEC services.
Index Terms—Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC), Security,
Privacy, Internet of Things (IoT), 5G, Cloud Computing, Future
Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC) is a nascent
paradigm proposed by the European Telecommunications
Standards Institute (ETSI) to overcome the issues exerted from
intricacies in highly evolving mobile and wireless commu-
nication networks. The underlying principle of MEC is to
extend the cloud computing (CC) capabilities to the edge of the
mobile network to curtail the attributed constraints on existing
cloud infrastructure [1]. More anecdotally, MEC complements
the corporate data and processing centres, providing compute,
storage, networking, and data analytic resources at locations
in the proximity of the data source [2]. The impending fifth
generation (5G) mobile technology is one of the rationales for
the emergence of MEC. The guaranteed performance metrics
of 5G are: data rates up to 10 GB/s, service level latency below
1 ms, ultra-high reliability of 99.99999%, reduced energy
consumption of 90%, and support for 300,000 devices within
a single cell [1], [3]. In order to meet these requirements,
migrating the service infrastructure to a proximate location is
a critical approach. Thus, the MEC paradigm is formed and
designed with the above considerations.
A typical intelligent, autonomous application or service
executed on a smart device requires connectivity to the
Pasika Ranaweera is with School of Computer Science, University College
Dublin (UCD), Ireland.
Anca D. Jurcut is with University College Dublin (UCD), Ireland. e-
Madhusanka Liyanage is with the School of Computer Science, University
College Dublin (UCD), Ireland and the Centre for Wireless Communi-
cations, University of Oulu, Finland., madhu-
*Corresponding author
centralized cloud services for circulating control information
and authentication credentials in case of an authorization
mechanism. This connectivity is generally linked through the
Internet for facilitating a communication channel with strong
cryptic credentials. This ubiquitous and bandwidth-consuming
connectivity to out-of-proximity entities is restricting the
responsiveness of the applications, hindering the real-time
services guaranteed by forthcoming mobile technologies. The
resource availability in the in-proximity edge servers of MEC
deployments are elevating the feasibility of launching real-
time applications with improved autonomy. Thus, connectivity
to the centralized cloud infrastructure is not required for
multitudes of functions in applications hosted on current smart
devices. However, more hardware should be installed in the
Base Station (BS) by Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) for
realizing this technology. In spite of the initial investment
made by the MNO, the long-term revenue of the MNO could
be increased because of the MEC-enabled applications [4].
In the existing CC service architecture depicted in Fig. 1, all
the emanated service requests in the Radio Access Network
(RAN) are traversed to the cloud servers, which are located at
different global locations due to the non-existent storage and
processing platform at the BS. The subscribers are unaware
of the exact locations of the servers due to the outsourcing
process. This fact is raising security and privacy concerns, as
the personal data of the subscribers are handled by third parties
without any concrete assurances. The channel conveying the
elevated service requests and data to the cloud servers is bound
to form a bottleneck in the network traffic in addition to the
RAN access interface [4]. Therefore, CC-based services are
expected to endure latency issues, jitter, and unresponsive-
ness in addition to the security ramifications from service
interruption–based attacks perpetrated by adversaries. These
factors prove the improbability of successfully deploying im-
pending applications with 5G technology such as Ultra High
Definition (UHD) video streaming, Augmented Reality (AR),
Virtual Reality (VR), Mixed Reality (MR), Tactile internet,
Machine Type Communication (MTC), Machine-to-Machine
(M2M), Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), and Vehicle-to-
Everything (V2E). The storage and processing infrastructure
facilitated by MEC deployments, however, are ensuring the
benefits of ultra-low latency, locational awareness, proximate
data outsourcing, and improved capacity in the edge devices.
These features enable higher bandwidth and real-time respon-
siveness to the subscriber applications. Moreover, MEC-based
services within the RAN enhance computational processing
power to avoid bottlenecks with directed mobile traffic [5].
TABLE I: Summary of important acronyms.
Acronym Definition
3GPP Third Generation Partnership Project
4G Fourth Generation Telecommunication Networks
5G Fifth Generation Telecommunication Networks
AI Artificial Intelligence
AR Augmented Reality
BLE Bluetooth Low Energy
BS Base Station
CC Cloud Computing
CDN Content Delivery Network
CFS Customer Facing Service
CIA Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability
CPS Cyber Physical System
D2D Device-to-Device
DDoS Distributed Denial of Service
DoS Denial of Service
E2E End-to-end
eMBB enhance Mobile Broadband
eNodeB Evolved Node B
ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute
GDPR General Data Protection Regulation
GSM Global System for Mobile Communication
GT Game Theory
ICN Information Centric Networking
IDS Intrusion Detection Scheme
IIoT Industrial Internet of Things
IoT Internet of Things
ISG Industry Specification Group
ITS Intelligent Transport System
LAN Local Area Network
LADN Local Area Data Network
LPWAN Low-power Wide Area Network
LTE Long Term Evolution
M2M Machine-to-Machine
MANET Mobile Ad-hoc Network
MANO Management and Network Orchestration
MCC Mobile Cloud Computing
ME Mobile Edge
MEC Multi-Access Edge Computing
MEH Mobile Edge Host
MEO Mobile Edge Orchestrator
MEN Mobile Edge Network
MEPM Mobile Edge Platform Manager
MES Mobile Edge Service
MitM Man-in-the-Middle
mmWave millimeter-Wave
MNO Mobile Network Operator
MR Mixed Reality
MTC Machine Type Communication
NB-IoT Narrow-band IoT
NFC Near Field Communication
NFV Network Function Virtualization
NS Network Slicing
OSS Operation Support System
PbD Privacy by Design
QoE Quality of Experience
RAN Radio Access Networks
RFID Radio-Frequency Identification
SDN Software-Defined Networking
SDP Software-Defined Privacy
TV Threat Vector
UALCMP User Application Life-Cycle Management Proxy
UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
UE User Equipment
UHD Ultra High Definition
URLLC Ultra-reliable Low-latency Communication
V2E Vehicle to Everything
V2I Vehicle to Infrastructure
VIM Virtualization Infrastructure Manager
VM Virtual Machine
VNF Virtual Network Function
VR Virtual Reality
WAN Wide Area Networking
WLAN Wireless Local Area Network
These factors are making MEC the preeminent technology
behind 5G deployment.
A. General Background on Security and Privacy
Security is a broader concept that extends to the notions
of information security, cyber-security, forensic security, and
network security. Information security was defined as the
preservation of confidentiality, integrity, and availability (also
referred as the CIA triad) of information under the stan-
dard ISO/IEC 27002 in 2005 [6]. The information under
this definition is applicable to physical or electronic/digital
forms of data that are subject to be documented, stored, in
transit, or conversed. Forensic security covers acts committed
against the laws and statutes in the governing domain. In
the IT domain however, digital forensic methods are used
for ensuring security. A more nascent definition for cyber-
security is presented in [7] as the approaches and actions
associated with security management processes followed by
organizations and states for protecting CIA of data and assets
in cyber-space—though latest requirements of cyber-security
are going beyond CIA aspects. Factors such as traceability,
authentication, authorization, anonymization, granularity, lo-
calization, and trust are novel requirements for systems where
cyber-security is applicable.
Initially, network security was defined as the means to
secure the communication networks from possible intrusions
and vulnerabilities. Those attacks and threats were limited to
the intervening and masquerading attacks such as Man-in-the-
Middle (MitM), Relay, and spoofing. With adequate levels of
encryption and cryptography primitives, probable attacks were
plausibly mitigated. However, novel communication services
are prioritizing the data rate of the network to serve more
subscribers. Thus, cumbersome cryptographic primitives are
imprudent. Moreover, softwarized approaches of Software
Defined Networking (SDN), Network Function Virtualization
(NFV), and Network Slicing demand more requirements for
security assurance as presented in [8]. Most of the emerg-
ing systems are Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) that integrate
computation, networking, and physical processes to create an
environment extending to cyber and physical spaces. Thus,
security for a CPS represents an extensive domain for cyber,
information, forensic, and network security contexts.
Privacy is an individual’s right to act or behave independent
of any records or surveillance activity conducted without
their consent. In the digital context, personal data cannot be
mishandled by service providers without their consent, and
measures should be taken to keep safe a user’s identity, while
the user actions should be untraceable. Irresponsible entities
possessing personal data of their consumers, might opt to
outsource them to an external institution for deriving personal
intents, behaviours, or interests to expand their commercial
market. Furthermore, adversaries are capable of extracting per-
sonal credentials from weakly protected system to violate their
privacy. These acts are recognized as unlawful practices, and
novel legislations are focused on mitigating these occurrences.
Advancement of sensory devices appended to both human and
non-human entities are increasing the possibility of privacy
leakages [9].
Cloud ComputingDrawbacks
InsecureData Outsourcing
Limited Access
Big Data
Conventional Cloud Computing
Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC)
Single point of access
leading to bottlenecks
unaware servers
MEC Benefits
Ultra-low latency
Locational awareness
In proximity data outsourcing
Improved capacity at the edge
Higher bandwidth
Real-time responsiveness
No storing/ processing
at the edge
Storing/ processing at
the edge
Social Internet
Impending Applications
UHD video streaming
Tactile Internet
Deployment Improbable
Fig. 1: MEC Paradigm and its requirement.
B. Importance of MEC Security and Privacy
The edge of the mobile network is the access point to all the
services emanated in the RAN. This critical juncture is one of
the weakest points in the entire network in terms of security.
The majority of Internet of Things (IoT) devices in the market
are produced with economically manufactured circuitry that
employs weak encryption/encoding schemes and other security
measures for maintaining an affordable price range in order
to compete. Most such devices are vulnerable to cloning and
physical tampering, imperilling the entire mobile network for
countless attacks. Verifying the credibility of these devices
at the edge is a major concern. In addition, the distributed
nature of the MEC paradigm is broadening the avenues for
adversaries, due to the migration of storage and processing
service infrastructure to a proximate radio access range. Even
a service impeding attempt intimidates the purpose of MEC,
for attaining ultra-low latency to provision real-time 5G based
Impending applications and services are demanding the
handling of personal credentials/information at the edge of the
network for realizing the service requisites. Privacy, integrity,
and trust management assurances are prime requirements
with MEC deployments, despite the attributed locational and
contextual awareness facilitated for the users. It is evident
that virtualization technologies are vital for realizing the MEC
paradigm and for creating a serviceable platform with dy-
namic resource allocation capability. Security of the virtualized
platforms are still a gray area, due to lesser deployments.
The vulnerabilities and attacks plausible on Virtual Machines
(VMs) are unique and cause significant consequences to the
MEC system.
Similar to CC, outsourcing MEC subscriber data to a remote
storage and processing environment creates a predicament in
terms of privacy rights. Establishing boundaries regarding the
extent of authorized conduct on service providers capabilities
is imperative for guaranteeing the trust of MEC consumers.
Considering all these facts, security and privacy are important
for realizing a pragmatic MEC paradigm deployment.
C. Classification of MEC Security
Conventional Security
MEC Specific Security Issues
Access Network
Mobile Edge Network
Mobile Core Network
Traffic Steering
Network Slicing
Categorized Under Different Threat Vectors
Locational Threat
Architectural Threat
Vectors Other Threat Vectors
Service Migration
Mobility Management
Charging and Billing
Service Impeding
Mobile Offloading
Security Classification of MEC
Fig. 2: Classification of MEC security.
Since security is a vast concept, a proper classification is
required to simplify the various aspects that apply to the
MEC context. In this paper, security is mainly classified under
conventional security aspects and MEC specific security issues
as depicted in the Fig. 2. Under conventional or classical
security aspects (in Section III), the Confidentiality, Integrity,
Availability, Authentication, and Authorization aspects are
considered. The MEC specific security issues specified in Sec-
tion IV, are derived based on their threat applicability. Threat
Vectors (TVs) are formed to identify the vulnerabilities/flows
associated with MEC deployments. These TVs are further
categorized into locational, architectural, and other aspects for
better clarity.
D. Paper Motivation
MEC is a paradigm that depends entirely on mobile network
deployment. Due to this dependency, integrating upcoming 5G
technology to MEC should be approached with caution. Thus,
materials available for the MEC paradigm are limited and more
generic in terms of certain aspects. Security is one such aspect
that has not been addressed by existing research, specifically
in relation to standardization, due to the heterogeneous de-
ployment scenarios applicable in the radio access network.
Therefore, the prime motivation of this paper is to identify
the threat vectors of the MEC system in accordance to the
ETSI standards and to investigate the integration technologies
for proposing solutions for the security issues.
In Table II, a summary of the existing surveys on MEC
are presented, emphasizing their contribution and significance
to security. The content is categorized as interdisciplinary,
offloading, service migration, communication, MEC based IoT
and security aspects. Moreover, the content indicates the time
frame of the referred literature to understand the novelty of the
presented facts. In [3], different orchestrator deployments are
investigated for successful MEC integration. Further, the table
shows the key enabling technologies and use cases for MEC.
The MEC service orchestration directives presented with con-
tainer and VM aspects are vital for realizing a functioning
edge platform. Different aspects of MEC are addressed in the
surveys in [5], [11], [13] and [14] that cover emerging MEC
based applications, research directions, research challenges,
latency requirements and game theory adaptable MEC use
cases. Security and privacy issues on MEC levels are addressed
in [5], that proposes already existing security mechanisms for
those issues.
The comprehensive investigation in [10] is related to fog
TABLE II: Summary of important surveys on MEC
Aspect Ref. Referred
Main contribution Relevance to MEC Security
[3] 1996-2017 A survey on MEC orchestration deployments that ad-
dress MEC fundamental enablers and standardization
Minor and generic consideration on security and pri-
[5] 2001-2017 Presents a comprehensive overview of MEC with
emerging applications and novel research directions
Security and privacy issues on network, core network,
MEC server, virtualization, and end devices are dis-
1994-2018 Conducted a comprehensive survey on fog computing
and its relation to other paradigms
No emphasis on MEC security despite the fog security
considerations presented
2013-2016 Discuss the applications, technological opportunities,
and research challenges of MEC
A mere discussion on the effect of security on trans-
mission delay is presented
2009-2017 Facts about MEC, fog, and cloudlets are concisely
presented comparatively
MEC security is not significantly addressed
1976-2018 Latency requirements on 5G technologies focusing on
RAN, core network, and caching
MEC security is not addressed
1986-2018 Discusses the game theory deployments on MEC use
Security in Game Theory adaptations are emphasized.
No clear context related to MEC
2001-2017 An overview of MEC architecture, standards, and ap-
Security is not addressed
Offloading [16]
1997-2017 A comprehensive study on computation offloading use
cases of MEC is conducted
MEC security in not addressed
1999-2018 A survey on MEC service adoption and provisioning is
presented with different offloading schemes
No relation to the MEC deployments
[9] 2003-2019 A survey on orchestration of cloud and end connectivity
through edge comparing MEC, TC, fog, and cloudlets
Security and Privacy factors on system-level and
service-level are discussed. Not specific to MEC
Service Migration [18]
1994-2018 A comprehensive survey on service migration ap-
proaches in MEC is conducted
Blockchain is proposed as a solution for security in
the service migration processes
1987-2017 A survey on VM migration approaches is conducted
identifying migration optimization techniques for MEC
Minor consideration on security for VM migration
Communication [20]
1974-2017 A comprehensive survey on radio and computational
resource management in MEC
A section on security and privacy issues in MEC
focused on trust, authentication, and network security
2013-2018 mobile VR application based MEC deployments are
MEC security is not addressed
1994-2017 A detailed survey of issues on computing, caching and
communication techniques in MEC
Addressed security issues in edge computing. Not
specific to MEC security
IoT Integration
[1] 2009-2018 A survey on realizing the potential of MEC for IoT
deployments with various use case considerations
Security in potential MEC enabled IoT systems are
discussed. No relation to MEC architecture
2015-2016 MEC based IoT use cases of V2I, data analytics,
computational offloading and surveillance are discussed
MEC security is not addressed
1992-2018 A survey on the performance affects of IoT based edge
computing deployments. MEC considered as a use case
Security and privacy issues edge computing and IoT
are discussed. No relation to MEC Security
2006-2016 A comparison of edge paradigms are presented forming
threat models for proposing security solutions
Security is discussed generic to all edge paradigms
focused on UE, network and service infrastructure. Not
specific to MEC
computing though it has contrasted its own insights in rela-
tion to MEC, Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC), Cloudlets,
and Mist computing. Moreover, a three layer IoT-fog-cloud
architecture is proposed. [12] followed a similar approach but
compared MEC, fog, and cloudlets from the RAN perspec-
tive. As mentioned above, latency is a critical parameter for
5G technologies. Thus, [13] studies latency requirements for
diverse 5G use cases, including factory automation, Intelli-
gent Transport Systems (ITSs), smart grids, VR, health care,
robotics, and education. In addition, MEC is identified as a
manifested core network deployment for 5G. Game Theory
(GT) plays a key role in recognizing subscriber goals and
intentions that conflict with each other. These intentions are
vital for designing and optimizing networking and communi-
cation scenarios in emerging systems. Thus, [14] applies GT
adaptations of classical and evolutionary gaming strategies for
MEC use cases. [15] presents an overview of MEC with a
concise standardization and application scenarios that include
intelligent video acceleration, video stream analysis, AR, con-
nected vehicles, and IoT. In addition, architectures, resource
management, application partitioning and performance aspects
of MEC were studied to finalize the survey.
The computational offloading capabilities of MEC adap-
tations are studied in [16], [17], and [9] in terms of or-
chestration, service, and resource provisioning. Allocation of
computational resources, architectural considerations, and mo-
bility management during offloading processes are discussed
in [16]. [17] contrasted the prevailing offloading schemes in
terms of computation, data, and single and multi-mobile users.
Additionally, an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) that em-
ploys machine learning methods for detecting anomalies was
proposed. [9] studies on end-edge-cloud orchestration mech-
anisms on transparent computing, MEC, fog, and cloudlets.
In addition, computation offloading, caching, security and
privacy, and future research directions are presented. Service
migration approaches applicable to MEC are investigated in
[18] and [19]. Mainly, live migration of data centres and
handover mechanism in cellular networks are discussed in
[18], while VMs, containers, and agents are summarized as
hosting technologies to enable service migration. [19] classi-
fies existing VM migration schemes into manner, distance, and
granularity perspectives. Further, live migration approaches are
investigated focusing on memory data migration, storage data
migration, and network connection continuity objectives.
The communication aspects of MEC are researched in [20],
[21], and [22]. Systems with cache enabled MEC, green
MEC, and MEC mobility management are discussed in [20].
Moreover, trust and authentication management, networking
security, and secure private computations are emphasized for
revealing vulnerabilities in MEC systems. A MEC based
mobile VR deployments are studied in [21] for proposing
a optimized resource consumption method that constrains
communication functions. [22] explores the issues on caching
and computing aspects of MEC communication techniques,
while presenting use cases and enabling technologies. Some
papers [1], [23], and [24] discuss the potential for employing
MEC for IoT deployments and present various MEC-enabled
IoT use cases and their performance effects.
Roman et al. in [25] conducted a comprehensive survey
on security aspects of edge computing paradigms, identifying
their threat models. The papers [10], [11], [12], [13], [14],
[16], [17], [21], [22], and [23] did not address security as
a key aspect of MEC. Certain surveys, such as [1], [25],
[20], [9], and [5] focus heavily on security and privacy
although the context is not concurring to the ETSI standardized
MEC architecture and its components. Additionally, prevailing
literature does not consider the privacy aspect of MEC based
deployments that extend to identifying related issues nor goals
to preserve the subscriber trust. To the best of our knowledge,
there is not a single study that investigates the security and
privacy aspects of MEC in accordance to the ETSI standards.
E. Paper Contribution
The main contributing factors of this paper are listed below:
•Identify classical and specific security aspects of MEC;
•Define TVs in the ETSI standardized MEC architecture;
•Conduct a comprehensive survey on the identified TVs
in a MEC deployment scenario;
•Reveal vulnerabilities, summarize attack vectors, and
propose state-of-the-art solutions for the identified TVs;
•Discuss the privacy aspect of MEC deployments and
the adaptability of MEC for enhancing privacy in 5G
•Discuss the assimilated facts gathered during the research
process and emphasize future research directions.
Moreover, the authors’ previous survey paper [1] focused on
MEC-IoT integration. It contains a brief security and privacy
analysis section, focusing only on MEC-IoT integration. This
current paper covers a broader scope than the previous paper;
however, the sole focus is directed to security and privacy
aspects of MEC.
F. Paper Organization
The rest of the paper is categorized into six sections.
Section II presents the background knowledge on MEC for
realizing the concept in the ETSI standardized context, while
comparing its features with other edge computing paradigms.
The core contribution of this survey is presented as a taxonomy
for MEC security in Section III and Section IV. In Section
III, the conventional security aspects of MEC are presented.
Section IV introduces the TVs specific to MEC systems based
on a deployment scenario illustrated in Fig. 4. These threat
vectors enable us to identify probable attack vectors. The
privacy aspects of MEC deployments are analyzed in Section
V. This analysis reveals MEC privacy issues in establish-
ing objectives to preserve privacy. Moreover, state-of-the-art
privacy preserving solutions are summarized in relation to
these privacy objectives. The insights gained from the overall
survey are further discussed in Section VI; while research
problems, preliminary solutions, and future research directives
are presented for the MEC research community. Finally, we
draw conclusions in Section VII. Relevant acronyms presented
in the survey are tabulated in Table I.
TABLE III: Comparison of edge computing paradigms.
Factor / Technology Multi-Access Edge Computing
Mobile Cloud Computing
Fog Computing Cloudlets
Introduced by ETSI (2014) [26] Aepona (2010) [1] Cisco (2012) [27] Satyanarayanan et al. (2009)
Standardized by ETSI, 3GPP, ITU-T [10] NIST [10] OpenFog Consortium, IEEE
OpenEdge [10]
Purpose Extending cloud computing capabilities to the edge network [1]
Infrastructure Owner-
Telecom MNOs [1] Private Institutions and Individuals [1] Private Institutions [25]
Node Deployment At the Radio Network Controller
(RNC) or BS [1]
Network edge [25] Strategic location between
cloud stratum and device
stratum [1]
Network core [25]
Software architecture MEO based [1] Service Oriented [1] Fog abstraction layer based [1] Cloudlet agent based [1]
Virtualization VMs or other virtualization tech-
niques [27]
Only VMs [29] Other virtualization technolo-
gies [27]
Only VMs [27]
Operation Mode Standalone or Cloud Connected
Cannot work Standalone [29] Cannot work Standalone [27] Only Standalone [27]
UE Access Closest RNC or Access Point [1] Internet [1] Closest RNC or Access Point
Closest Access Point [1]
Latency and Jitter Very Low [1] [10] Relatively High [3] [10] Very Low [27] [10] Very Low [25] [10]
IoT Compatibility/
High [2] Low [3] High [27] High [1]
Storage Capacity at
the edge
High [2] High [1] Depends on the deployment [30]
Computation power at
the edge
High [2] High [1] Depends on the deployment [30]
Power Consumption High [10] Low [10] Low [10] Moderate [10]
Availability High [25]
Scalability High [25] Low [25]
Mobility High [25] High [25] High [25] Low [25]
Context Awareness High [1] High [1] Medium [1] Low [1]
Local Awareness High [25]
Security High Medium High Medium
Integrating Technologies
NFV X[31] X[32] [33] X[34] X[35]
SDN X[31] X[32] X[36] X[37]
Network Slicing X[31] X[38]
ICN X[31], [39] X[33] X[40] X[41]
This section presents detailed knowledge on edge computing
paradigms and compares them with the features of MEC. Fur-
ther, it discusses the evolution of MEC, MEC standardization,
and MEC reference architecture. These facts are essential to
understanding the conventional security aspects in Section III
and threat vectors defined under Section IV.
A. Edge Computing Paradigms
The formation of edge computing paradigms began in
the 1990s when Akamai technologies launched a Content
Delivery Network (CDN) as an approach to disperse the
data centre functionalities infracting against the centralized
system [42]. Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC), fog comput-
ing, and cloudlets are other edge paradigms recognized in
the scientific research community apart from MEC [1]. The
motivation behind edge computing technologies is to extend
the constricted CC functionalities and reinforce the service
access infrastructure. Thus, some attributes of these paradigms
resemble each other, apart from subtle differences. Divergence
in the architecture, however, limits the deployment options for
certain applications and technologies.
The main concept of MCC is to augment the computing
capabilities of mobile devices for extending battery life and
storage capacity, while offering adaptability, scalability, mo-
bility, availability, and self-awareness in mobile computing
environments [29]. Later, the intention was revised to execute
mobile devices at the edge as an alternative to the centralized
architecture [25]. The approach offloads the mobile process
as a clone or a partial migration of the mobile agent to be
executed at the edge entity, leaving the cloud infrastructure
intact. The program portioning and the thread migration sce-
narios of the mobile device cloning process engaging various
elasticity patterns as presented by Khan et al. in [43] are the
prime examples of the deployment models in MCC. In spite of
facilitation on deploying m-learning, m-gaming, m-healthcare,
AR, and crowd-sourcing applications, public clouds fails to
fulfill the latency requirements of the centralized cloud archi-
tecture that affect the end user Quality of Experience (QoE)
[3]. Thus, employing MCC for real-time applications catered
by 5G technology is improbable.
Fog computing was introduced by the Cisco systems in
2012, envisioning an infrastructure formed by a collabo-
rative cloud network that facilitates services performed by
geographically dispersed edge nodes equipped with similar
but limited resources comprising the main cloud. OpenFog
Consortium, an association that promotes fog computing, de-
fines fog computing as “a system-level horizontal architecture
that distributes resources and services of computing, storage,
control and networking anywhere along the continuum from
cloud to Things” [27]. In this concept, cloud services are
deployed at the edge of the network with the Internet Protocol
(IP) or Multi-protocol Label Switching (MPLS) backbones in
close proximity to the IoT devices. Even though the initial
understanding was to make fog computing a mere extension
of cloud computing, later research has defined it to be a
paradigm of its own, which would be a platform to orches-
trate the deployment of heterogeneous IoT applications. Fog
computing forms a three-tier architecture within the strata:
cloud, fog, and end user stratums [30]. Fog nodes that are
formed on the virtualized technology and operate in the fog
stratum link the end devices to the cloud data centre while
maintaining the fog-to-fog connections that expand the fog
network. The flexibility of fog node deployment enables the
application of Brain Computer Interfaces (BCI) using wireless
electroencephalogram (EEG) headsets, AR, real-time video
analytics, cyber-physical systems, and V2E [25]. The fog
nodes, which attribute comprehensive resources and functions,
form a holistic and dispersed service infrastructure that realizes
5G use cases.
The cloudlet concept was first proposed by Satyanarayanan
et al. in 2009 as a small cloud infrastructure located near
mobile users, which could be used at small businesses or
industries [28]. They are also referred as Micro Data Centers
(MDCs), proposed by Microsoft Research in 2015 as an
extension of traditional data centers used in cloud computing
[10]. The cloudlet architecture resembles the fog computing
three-tier model, where the end devices, cloudlet-based edge
cloud platform, and centralized data centre form the system
structure [3]. Cloudlets are deployed as VMs that facilitate a
transient environment for users in a local vicinity. Offloading
and caching tasks are probable with the small scale cloudlets,
where face recognition and video streaming applications are
ideal deployments that emulate the scaled virtual environment
[30]. In addition, approaches such as Hyrax, FemtoClouds,
Superfluid clouds, Edge-Centric computing, Mist computing,
Cloud of Things (CoT) and Edge Cloud (EC) are alternative
edge technologies proposed for various deployments that op-
erate at diverse scales [25] [10]. Table III summarizes the
comparative factors of the discussed edge paradigms.
B. Evolution of MEC
The scope of possibilities has been expanded with the
advent of Integrated Circuits (ICs) as a paradigm shift that
produced the third generation of Personal Computers (PCs)
in the 1980s, which revolutionized industries from mechan-
ical processing to electronic-based processing systems. Af-
ter almost four decades, 5 nm silicon chips are produced
to miniaturize computers into smart devices that produce a
higher processing power than that of early PCs. Hence, means
of computational processing capabilities, which were once
deployed by cumbersome PCs, have been drastically reduced
to handheld devices at present, and possibly way diminutive
in the future. Thus, management of data storage, networking
resources, battery lifetime, computational power, and memory
limitations in handheld devices is disconcerting to Mobile
Network Operators (MNOs) [3]. The data storage and process-
ing services have evolved from mainframes (BITNET-1981)
to dedicated servers and cloud computing, while networking
services advanced from Advance Research Project Agency
Network (ARPANET-1961) to Internet (1969), to Ethernet,
to SATNET, to IPv4 based TCP/IP, to IPv6, to 802.11 Wi-
Fi, to 802.11a, to 802.11g, and to 802.11n. Moreover, mobile
networks evolved from 1G, to 2G - Global System for Mobile
Communication (GSM), to 3G, to 3.5G – High Speed Packet
Access, to 4G and to 4G Long Term Evolution (LTE).
The emergence of the IoT paradigm envisioning the any-
time, anywhere connectivity for myriad versatile and com-
paratively miniaturized smart devices was first mentioned by
Kevin Ashton in 1999 at MIT while Chana Schoenberger
and Bruce Upbin published the paper titled ‘The Internet
of Things’ in Forbes’ 2002 issue, documenting the concept
for the first time. However, the drawbacks and limitations
in cloud computing that are exacerbated by the 3.9 billion
current internet users present a significant scarcity for capacity
in the MNO perspective. Even though the capacity of the core
network and cloud infrastructure is upgraded, the existing mo-
bile network limits the accessibility of increasing the number
of IoT devices and launching impending applications. Thus,
the novel approach of MEC is proposed as a paradigm shift
to the processing and storage solutions that are amalgamated
with the 5G mobile technology. The networking infrastructure
for IoT, integrated with the MEC and other edge computing
paradigms, are envisioned by Tactile Internet which guarantees
ultra-low latency, extreme availability, reliability, and security
provisioned from 5G and beyond 5G technologies [1].
C. MEC Standardization
The IBM and Nokia Siemens network introduced MEC in
2013 as a platform that could execute applications within a
mobile base station, where the aspects of application migra-
tion and interoperability were not considered [25]. Later in
2014, the European Telecommunications Standards Institute
(ETSI) launched the Industry Specification Group (ISG) for
standardizing Mobile Edge Computing, which describes the
operation of MEC as such: “Mobile edge computing provides
an IT service environment and cloud computing capabilities at
the edge of the mobile network, within the RAN and in close
proximity to mobile subscribers” [26].
Pioneers in mobile network solution providers, such as
Nokia Networks, Intel, Vodafone, IBM, Huawei, and NTT
DOCOMO, were leading the ISG representation, while Eu-
ropean 5G Infrastructure Public Private Partnership (5G-PPP)
acknowledged MEC as a prime emerging technology for 5G
networks [5]. The goal of ETSI MEC ISG was to facilitate
an open environment for multiple vendors, providing diverse
applications and services at the edge of RAN merely to over-
come the limitations of existing centralized cloud computing
deployments [3]. A Proof of Concept (PoC) framework for
MEC was published by ETSI ISG in 2015 to highlight the
rationale, roles, responsibilities, and the activity processes of
the PoC framework. In the same year, another white paper
was released for evaluating the business value of MEC service
scenarios such as AR, intelligent video acceleration, connected
cars, and IoT gateways to identify the market drives. The MEC
framework and reference architecture was published in 2016
by ISG for formulating the entities in the MEC system and
to define their intended function [44]. The potential of the
MEC paradigm is reaching beyond mobile networks to Wi-
Fi and fixed access technologies. ETSI ISG has renamed the
concept “Multi-Access Edge Computing” which conveniently
justifies the acronym MEC [1]. Additionally, a 2018 ISG
release accentuates the deployment scenarios and use case
exemplifications of MEC with 5G integration [45]. This white
paper investigates the deployment of MEC and 5G components
in actual use cases with traffic steering, mobility, offloading,
charging, and regulatory requirement considerations. An ex-
tension of the same directive was presented in [46] as the 2nd
specification release that expands the scope of MEC use cases
for camera as a service (also known as video surveillance as
a service), video delivery, future factories, multi-radio access
technology (multi-RAT), Internet Protocol television (IPTV),
in-vehicle systems, and 5G use cases. In the latest release from
ETSI in 2019 January, a variant architecture was proposed for
combining Network Function Virtualization (NFV) and MEC,
while in-depth focus was directed towards components in the
architecture, in contrast to the previous release in [44].
D. MEC Reference Architecture
The MEC Reference architecture illustrated in Fig. 3 is the
ETSI-published MEC framework and the reference architec-
ture depicted in [44]. MEC architecture has two main levels:
Mobile Edge System Level and Mobile Edge Host Level [47].
Infrastructure Manager
Operations Support
System (OSS)
Facing Service
(CFS) Portal
Mobile Edge Platform
Manager (MEPM)
User Equipment
(UE) App
User App
(UALCMP) Mobile Edge
Mobile Edge
System Level
ME App
rules &
ME App
Mobile Edge Host (MEH)
Mobile Edge
Platform (MEP)
Service Registry
Data Plane
Infrastructure (VI)
Mobile Edge Host Level
Fig. 3: MEC reference architecture.
1) Mobile Edge System Level
User Equipment (UE) is the devices that connect to the
MEC edge through the access network. They could be ei-
ther handheld mobile devices or automated devices that are
operating without human supervision. UE Applications (UE
Apps) are the programs intended to be subscribed by MEC
services and executed in a single or several UE domains.
The connectivity of UE Apps to the MEC host level, how-
ever, is commandeered by the User Application Life-Cycle
Management Proxy (UALCMP). UALCMP handles the initial
UE App requests for subscriptions. Though UALCMP is
located at the mobile edge system level, subscription requests
conveyed through the access network are forwarded to it
from the edge network. A similar function is performed by
the Customer Facing Service (CFS) Portal for third-party
customers of the MEC service provider or the mobile operator
for facilitating the MEC services. Operation Support System
(OSS) is the entity that handles the user access authorization
and subscription elapsing duration distinguishing the service
types forwarded from UALCMP and CFS portal. Additionally,
connections are maintained with the mobile edge platform
manager and the mobile edge orchestrator for virtual resource
allocation to subscribed UE Apps and provisioning service
logs, respectively. The Mobile Edge Orchestrator (MEO) is
the principal entity at a mobile edge system level that governs
single or several mobile edge host levels. The MEO is linked to
the OSS and UALCMP entities operating at the MEC system
level, while connections are extended to the mobile edge
platform manager and virtualization infrastructure manager in
the MEC host level. The holistic management of operating
MEC hosts, catered services with resource utilization and
employability of the standardized topologies, are administered
by the MEO.
2) Mobile Edge Host Level
Mobile Edge Platform Manager (MEPM) acts as the or-
chestrator for the mobile edge host level. MEPM manages the
rules, requirements, and life-cycle of mobile edge applications
by handling the storing, configuring, and running functions
of software images in the host virtual environments. Virtual-
ization Infrastructure Manager (VIM) governs the virtualized
resources in every mobile edge host launched at the mobile
edge host level. It is connected to the virtualization infrastruc-
ture of each mobile edge host, while the status of the virtual
resources is updated to the MEO and MEPM. Mobile Edge
Host (MEH) is the executing entity of MEC services, where
all other entities are designed to mandate various monitoring
and approving functions that ensure seamless operation of the
holistic MEC system. A MEH contains MEC applications,
a mobile edge platform, and a virtualization infrastructure.
Mobile Edge Applications (ME Apps) are software-based
processes that operate as Virtual Machines (VMs) on top
of the virtualization infrastructure. The nature of the ME
App in terms of its VM configuration (storage, processor and
networking) and connectivity (to other ME Apps, to ME Apps
in other MEHs or to another mobile edge host level) is reliant
on the scope of the subscribing UE App and intended MEC
service. ME App connectivity is established from a Local Area
Data Network (LADN) that extends within a single MEH [45].
The Mobile Edge Platform (MEP) dispenses the provisions
to launch the ME Apps while creating an environment to
discover, advertise and consume mobile edge services. The
MEPM-condoned traffic rules are notified to the LADN at
the MEH by the traffic rules controller, where DNS and
proxy functions are administered based on the MEPM records.
Virtualization Infrastructure (VI) is the platform on which the
ME App VMs are functioning. The VI comprising the LADN
is commandeered by the VIM and MEP for managing virtual
resources and enforcing traffic rules, respectively. In relation
to the MEC system, a Mobile Edge Service (MES) is defined
as a service originated or facilitated by either the MEP or
ME Apps. All the provisioned services are registered under
the MEP through the Mp1 interface, where the ME App is
subscribing to the relevant authorized services. More details
regarding the interfaces in Fig. 3 are explicated in [44].
This section states the classical security aspects of MEC
deployments. These aspects can be conceptualized as require-
ments to improve the feasibility of launching MEC.
A. Confidentiality
Confidentiality is the act of preventing unauthorized entities
from reading or accessing sensitive materials [48]. This aspect
of security obscures information by encrypting the payload
with a considerable level of cryptography. At the design
stages, obscuring information that ingresses, egresses, and
traverses within the MEC system is a critical requirement.
This will prevent the disclosure of information by intervening
and eavesdropping attacks. Mobile networks evolving from
GSM to LTE employ encryption algorithms ranging from
A5/2 to Evolved Packet System (EPS) Encryption Algorithm
(EEA) [49]. Moreover, security specifications published under
TS 23.122 and TS 33.210 guarantee the security measures
available at Access Stratum (AS) and Non-Access Stratum
(NAS) levels of 3GPP architecture [50]. The insights gained
from the prevailing network models enhance the security of
mobile protocols in regard to confidentiality.
1) Possible Confidentiality Violations in MEC:
For 5G and beyond-5G based RAN however, commu-
nication protocols should be customized in accordance to
the deploying use cases and applications. The information
traversing within the edge infrastructure and towards the
core network should be encrypted with a considerable level
of security. Unwarranted information disclosure at this level
imposes more damage to MEC system than the mobile AN
via exposed system states and cryptographic primitives. Non-
3GPP based IoT devices face the same threat levels as mobile
UEs. However, their threat domain exceeds a typical UE device
due to their resource scarcity and inability to launch adequate
security measures.
2) Mitigating Confidentiality Violations:
Both signalling and controlling information related to the
mobile network and virtualization platform are conveyed
through the link between edge and core level as described
under TV E5. For such links established between edge in-
frastructures; tunneling, IPSec, or TLS/ SSL based encryption
schemes are viable adaptations for guaranteeing End-to-End
(E2E) security [5]. Slice isolation is a way of ensuring con-
fidentiality of UEs sharing the same infrastructure, accessed
through the RAN [51]. For Non-3GPP devices employed in
Zigbee, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and LPWAN technologies, mecha-
nisms such as light-weight security protocols, ECC, and PHY
schemes are emerging methods for improving security [52].
In addition, Quantum Resistance (QR) or anti-quantum
cryptographic methods are being researched to limiting the
vantage of adversaries with ample resources [53]. Lattice-
based, multivariate, hash-based, and elliptic curve schemes are
employed for formulating QR algorithms in order to overcome
exhaustive key searching or brute-force attacks commandeered
by quantum computers [54]. These methods guarantee in-
tegrity in addition to confidentiality.
B. Integrity
Manipulation and destruction of data to mislead the parties
engaged in communication are integrity violations. Similar
to confidentiality, integrity is a widely addressed concept for
mobile networks. The virtualized MEC edge platform relies
on control information conveyed through feedback channels to
optimize the operations of virtual entities. Therefore, integrity
plays a key role in the MEC context as these services are auto-
mated, and autonomous services require accurate information
to operate effectively.
1) Possible Integrity Violations:
In mobile networks, integrity is violated through interven-
ing attacks such as MitM or Relay attempts perpetrated to
manipulate or misuse the inwardly and outwardly conveyed
content to and from the core network. In MEC, additional
channels are being exposed to the adversary in contrast to
a typical mobile network. The links established between the
MEC edge level, MEC system level, and the mobile/5G core
network adds more threat vectors for violating integrity. The
injection of malicious codes into a legitimate information flow
can cause the most devastation to the edge platform [55].
Reliance on the softwarized core and edge platform entities
for autonomous operation risk compromise the entire system
through such a malicious fragment. All operations conducted
by an illegitimate node, or a device inserted into the network,
either in the access network or within the edge platform, can
be considered integrity violations.
2) Mitigating Integrity Violations:
Through EPS Integrity Algorithm (EIA), integrity protection
is offered to AS and NAS stratum levels in LTE [50]. In
5G, 5G-AKA is handling the integrity assurance mechanisms
for signalling channels [56]. Moreover, tenant isolation is a
prospect that improves integrity protection in a multi-sliced
environment [51]. In comparison to LTE, 5G is supporting
integrity at the user plane [50]. This feature enables resource
constrained IoT nodes for utilizing integrity verification mech-
anisms available under 5G RAN. For IoT devices, hash-based
and session-key based encryption schemes could be employed
for ensuring integrity at the PHY level [57].
Typically, edge and core levels are linked with communi-
cation channels that use existing protocols. The Encapsulation
Security Payload (ESP) attribute of the IPSec is used for the
integrity protection of IPSec-based tunnels which are adapt-
able for egressing channels of MEC edge [58]. In addition
to traversing information, integrity of applications or MESs
should be validated routinely. An Operation Support System
(OSS) is capable of initial integrity verification, while MEO
can monitor the integrity in softwarized entities deployed at
the edge infrastructure [23].
C. Availability
Availability is the omnipresence of MEC resources for
consumers who are willing to subscribe for services. This
factor primarily relies on network performance and the ef-
fectiveness of the network interfaces. Therefore, performance
of the mobile network is paramount for MEC.
1) Possible Availability Violations:
DoS-adjacent attacks that impede services are the main
cause for availability disruptions in communication channels.
In the existing LTE network model, the Radio Resource
Control (RRC) connection status creates issues with validating
the eNodeB for the UE [59]. Thus, it creates opportunities
for DoS attacks, compromising the availability of eNodeBs.
Since the UE requests are directed to the UALCMP initially,
its capacity for serving UE should improve significantly to
cater to the 5G based applications. Once the service request is
granted, UE establishes a direct link with the MEC edge for
instigating its service. This channel is formed via the RAN
and connects to the MEH via the UPF instance in the LADN.
Thus, the N3 interface of the 5G service architecture should
feature adequate capacity to handle minimum UE requirements
[45]. Failing to integrate these requirements to the novel net-
working interfaces compromises the network flow and results
in inaccessibility. Further, the nature of service denial attacks
has evolved drastically over the years, delivering distributed
attacks with a multitude of bots. These bot-net type attacks
limit the accessibility of legitimate users, compromising their
2) Mitigating Availability Violations:
In the edge infrastructure, the placement policy of virtu-
alized entities plays a key role in maintaining availability
parameters. However, MEPM and VIM are static placements.
Depending on the service provided by VMs as isolated hosts
or VMs deployed within a singular host, each represents
different availability and cost factors [60]. As the virtual
environment formed by the ME Apps within a MEH can
be customized according to the service type, various ME
Apps should function distinctly from each other. Therefore,
placement of ME Apps within the MEH directly affects the
availability factor.
D. Authentication
Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of
the parties engaged in communication or resource access.
These mechanisms are either performed by a single party
or mutually through an extended scenario. Authentication
schemes employ various measures of authenticity for vali-
dating the entities. Keys are the generic tool employed for
authenticating non-human entities. Depending on the domain
where the authentication is instigated, the mechanisms are
classified as either primary or secondary authentication. The
authentication for MEC-based UEs are handled via the air
interface of mobile RAN mostly as a primary approach.
Thus, heterogeneous IoT devices and services incur diverse
authentication requirements. Ensuring the confidentiality of
keys and authentication credentials is intrinsic for UEs, core
level, and edge level entities. UE protection can be acquired
through the enhancement of existing EPS Authentication and
Key Agreement (AKA) mechanisms employed by LTE [59].
Further, 5G based AKA and Extensible Authentication Pro-
tocol (EAP) AKA are two mandatory authentication schemes
proposed under 5GPP phase 1 [50].
1) Possible Authentication Violations:
There are various ways that the authentication phase of a
MEC-based service can be compromised. In primary authen-
tication, device cloning and masquerading attacks of spoofing
and impersonation are viable and common through the air
interface. Further, Evil Twins (ETs) and injection attacks are
plausible, in addition to the previously mentioned attacks in
Device-to-Device (D2D) scenarios - where a compromised
node can be authenticated as a legitimate entity to the MEC
system [61]. The autonomous and virtualized edge platform
is operating with virtualized entities (MEHs) that require
continuous authentication with UEs, MEHs in other edge plat-
forms, or external cloud services. Thus, adversaries can target
these authentication sequences to gain access to the system.
Moreover, UALCMP and CFSP, as the main authentication
handling entities in the MEC system, can be subjected to
DoS or DDoS type attacks perpetrated through authentication
2) Mitigating Authentication Violations:
For most IoT devices, non-3GPP based technologies are
employed for communication. Wi-Fi is a common technology
used by most edge computing circumstances because of its
range. Methods such as PUF [62], accelerometer data [63],
and visible light (referred as Li-Fi) [64] are explored for
improving authentication of Wi-Fi networks. Moreover, novel
methods are introduced for securing LPWAN [52], NB-IoT
[65], RFID [66], and BLE [67] authentication phases. These
technologies are used for D2D or ad-hoc type authentication,
which are common for IoT deployments. QR authentication is
a directive that would benefit resource-constrained devices due
to its cryptographic primitives bearing a lesser overhead [68].
Thus, such schemes are viable for IoT based technologies that
interface with the MEC system.
E. Authorization
Authorization is the function of granting access to au-
thenticated entities, classified under diverse capability levels.
Depending on the service type the UE is requesting, OSS
approves the capability level for the specified ME App at the
edge level. In addition, MEPM is responsible for restrictions
imposed by the OSS for ME Apps. Thus, MEC already
possesses an authorization discipline devised within its archi-
tecture. However, a proper authorization framework should be
identified from the existing deployments to be compatible with
prevailing mobile services.
1) Possible Authorization Violations:
Most authorization violations are instigated as an authenti-
cation violation. OSS, as the main authorization handler for
assigning virtual resources to the MESs, can be mislead by
illicit UEs with granted access. These UEs can get approval to
utilize massive amounts the edge platform’s resources, leaving
them scarce. Privilege escalation is an obvious repercussion
of an authorization violation that applies to malicious UEs
and virtual entities operating at the mobile edge [69]. A
compromised MEH is capable of overloading the MEC system
level entities of OSS and MEO with security and service log
2) Mitigating Authorization Violations:
Mechanisms should be implemented for handling security
logs while detecting illegitimate log entries to identify mali-
cious entities [69]. A Trusted Platform Manager (TPM) can
be employed to detect illicit entities through their performance
metrics. Further, 5G AKA EAP standards include preventive
mechanisms for access controlling that furnish an authoriza-
tion framework for the mobile network [70]. Violations into
authorization acts can be mitigated through a secure authen-
tication mechanism. The MEPM, acting as the orchestrator
for the edge platform, is responsible for commandeering the
access control operations securely [71]. Further, Blockchain
can be employed for securing the authorization handling
framework of the MEC system to minimize violations while
maintaining system logs securely [72].
The table IV classifies the identified solutions in Section III
for the security requirements.
TABLE IV: Classification of solutions for conventional secu-
rity aspects
Aspect Solutions References
E2E IPSec or SSL tunneling [5]
Slice isolation [51]
ECC, PHY based light-weight se-
curity protocols
QR cryptography [53]
EIA integrity protection for LTE [50]
5G AKA for signalling integrity [56]
Tenant isolation in multi-slice en-
Hash or session key based integrity
assurance at PHY layer
ESP attributed IPSec tunneling [58]
Availability Optimum placement of ME Apps
within the MEH
PUF [62]
Accelerometer data [63]
Li-Fi data [64]
LPWAN authentication [52]
NB-IoT authentication [65]
RFID authentication [66]
BLE authentication [67]
QR authentication [68]
Detecting fake security logs [69]
TPM for log validating [69]
5G AKA EAP for access control [70]
Blockchain for authorization
In this section, we present the Threat Vectors (TVs) that
exist in the considered MEC deployment scenario derived in
compliance to the ETSI standardized architecture presented in
Fig 3. Fig 4 illustrates the locational TVs applied at different
levels in the MEC structure. They are categorized into three
areas based on their scope of intrusion: access network, mobile
edge network, and core network. In addition, TVs that are not
locational, are further classified as architectural and other TVs
for understanding their applicability.
A. Threat Vectors related to the Access Network
The Access Network (AN) represents the RAN defined by
3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) and the access
infrastructure related to non-3GPP networks, such as Wireless
Local Area Network (WLAN), Worldwide Interoperability for
Microwave Access (Wi-Max:IEEE 802.16), or Code Division
Multiple Access (CDMA) 2000 networks [73]. In any commu-
nication system, threats mostly originate in the access network.
The prime rationales for those threats are the diverse technolo-
gies deployed in the AN scope. The scalability of the proposed
TVs based on AN is a great concern for applicability, due to
the heterogeneous nature of the MEC-enabled services. We
classified the TVs related to AN into three generic categories,
described in the following subsections: A1, A2, and A3.
1) A1: Link between the User Equipment and a Base
The connection from UE to the BS is the most typical
communication link that exists and the most vulnerable to
threats in a mobile communication system. Since A1 ap-
plies to the most exposed part of the mobile communication
network, an adversary could either intervene or introduce a
malicious device to compromise the BS. Mobile delegation
is concerned with offloading computationally intensive tasks
to the edge servers due to resource constraints of the UEs.
The bulk storage and information traversing intended for
processing in an offloading scenario are elevating the network
traffic carried through the air interface [25]. Additionally,
novel technologies such as massive Multiple-Input-Multiple-
Output (MIMO), interference-aware receivers, advanced cod-
ing/modulations, millimeter Wave (mmWave), carrier aggre-
gation, Wi-Fi offloading, LTE and License Shared Access
(LSA) have been introduced in order to improve the spectral
efficiency in the access network [74]. The connectivity of the
UE through these heterogeneous technologies raises concerns
over compatibility and interoperability factors that could be
exploitable by adversaries.
Vulnerabilities: The wireless, broadcast nature of the air
interface that links the UE to the BS is prone to attacks, such
•Eavesdropping and hijacking: Instigated as MitM, Relay,
Advanced Persistent Threat (APT), Sybil, and Spoofing
attempts [75], wireless communication channels are being
hijacked to retrieve information transmitted in this way.
The MitM attacks are plausible between the 3G network
and the non-3GPP WLAN networks that compromise
the internal virtualization infrastructure entities of the
edge level [1]. The lesser level of encryption and in-
tegrity in low-resource IoT devices poses higher risks of
compromising these channels that connect to the MEC
edge system [76]. These attacks would gain the access
to the ME Apps operating in MEHs and manipulate the
virtualization infrastructure of the MEH to exhaust its
resources while infecting other MEHs connected to the
infiltrated one. Thus, a privileged escalation attempt could
be launched via these attacks.
UE 1
Edge Host
Manager (VIM)
MEH - 1
BS : Base Station
UE : User Equipment
UE App : UE Application
MEH : Mobile Edge Host
MEP : Mobile Edge
VI : Virtualization
ME App : Mobile Edge
LADN : Local Area Data
MEH - 1
MEH - 2
MEH - 3
UE 2
BS 1
BS 2
V2V / V2E
A1 E4
Mobile Edge
System (OSS)
UE App Life-
Service (CFS)
e - Health
Virtual Presence
E1 E2
Third Party
5G Core
MEH - 2
MEC Applications
Mobile Edge
Manager (MEPM)
Mobile Edge
Host Level
Server Cluster
Access Network
A1 : UE and BS Link
A2 : Ad-hoc links of UEs (D2D)
A3 : Threats in UE
Mobile Edge Network
E1 : Threats in MEPM
E2 : Threats in VIM
E3 : Threats in MEHs
E4 : MEH to MEH links
E5 : EDGE to CORE link
E6 : EDGE to EDGE link
E7 : Link of MEH to third party clouds
Mobile Core Network
C1 : Threats in UALCMP
C2 : Threats in OSS
C3 : Threats in MEO
C4 : Threats in CFSP
C5 : MEO to 5G CORE link
C6 : Threats in 5G CORE
MEC System
MEH - 3 MEH - N
Critical Infrastructure
Fig. 4: Locational threat vectors of a typical MEC deployment.
•Jamming and Denial of Service (DoS): The purpose of
jamming the wireless channels and disrupting a service
via DoS attacks is to violate the availability aspect of the
RAN connected to the MEC edge system. These attacks
pose a higher destructiveness towards novel systems due
to the delay they cause for latency-tolerant applications.
Thus, with a compromised MEH, services to the con-
sumers can be blocked or the MEC system-level entities
can be disrupted through unnecessary queries to impede
the service of the entire infrastructure. Novel botnet-
type DDoS attacks are capable of challenging the access
capacity of UALCMP and CFSP entities in the MEC
system level.
•Malicious node injection: The diversity of the UEs con-
necting to the BSs would present an issue of managing
the compatibility among mobile devices produced by
different vendors and the communication protocols of
varied UEs or UE Apps. In such circumstances, malicious
nodes could be injected to the system, exploiting the
vulnerabilities in the UE devices: these include sus-
ceptibility to device cloning, less secure wireless pro-
tocols (WPA/WPA2), proneness for hardware Trojans,
predictable access control credentials (PIN/ pattern), or
alleviated resiliency against malicious software agents
disguised as partial entities of UE Apps such as spyware,
adware, Trojans and malware. Such vulnerabilities could
feed malicious content or counterfeited information to the
ME Apps through the BSs, which would manipulate the
services offered by the MEH, as mentioned in TV E3.
However, these attacks could be mitigated by employing
an effective authentication mechanism embedded with a
trust verification scheme for the UE and BS connectivity.
Existing Solutions: The security of the air interface ensur-
ing CIA factors can be categorized in the following ways: the
use of cryptographic primitives and their effectiveness, access
network solutions, and the solutions available in the physical
layer level.
•Improving cryptographic primitives: To overcome the
traffic oriented security breaches in the AN, Rahman et
al. proposed a mechanism for encrypting the payload
communicated between the UE and the BS with Ad-
vanced Encryption Standard (AES) 256-bit. The signaling
protocol was secured using a strategy inspired by Open
Whisper System (OWS), while the AES keys were re-
generated for each session to secure future secrecy [77].
•Physical layer solutions: Wang et al. proposed a Physical
Layer Security (PLS) model for multi-tier Heterogeneous
Cellular Networks (HCNs), where the entities are ran-
domly located [78]. In the proposed model, a secrecy
mobile association policy was formed based on the trun-
cated Average Received Signal Power (ARSP). Signal-to-
Interference-plus-Noise-Ratio (SINR) measurement was
used to determine the connection probability of UEs.
•5G based access network solutions: In a study by Fang et
al. [70], a 5G wireless security architecture was proposed
to cover the following domains: network access, network,
user, and application. The network access domain is
related to A1, where the physical layer technologies,
such as massive MIMO, HetNet and D2D, are identified
as challenges to overcome in terms of security. Xiao et
al. [79] introduced a Ray Tracing based channel model
for 5G mmWave small cell communication security.
Ray phenomenon, such as direct, reflected, refracted,
and scattered, were considered. The correlation matrix
concept was used to identify the relevance between the
eavesdroppers and legitimate UEs.
Summary: The usage of conventional security primitives,
though they are enhanced, aggregate unwanted burden on the
application layer payload space of the traffic delivery. Despite
the improved BW and multiple channel support furnished by
5G and MEC, these cumbersome approaches are limiting the
extent of novel applications, such as autonomous vehicles,
to broaden their features. Thus, light-weight primitives as
indicated in the study by Chen [80] or QR crypto approaches
[68] can be engaged to heighten the complexity of the security
schemes. Another way to reduce the load of the application
layer is to embed the security mechanisms into the PHY
layer as in PLS approaches specified above. However, these
approaches are diverse and reliant on the communication
device (i.e. vendor architecture), medium (i.e. wireless/ wired,
FO), and the technology (i.e. BLE, Wi-Fi, Zigbee, or Lo-
RaWAN). Therefore, a compliance on the PLS primitives to
be employed should be established to prevent interoperability
and compatibility issues with PHY layer protocols. 5G-based
RF networks are still at an experimental stage. Both channel
models and network architectures should be specified and
standardized for each 5G-based use case to avoid discrepancies
after deployment. Security and privacy should also be consid-
ered primary requirements when forming such standardization.
2) A2: Ad-hoc connectivity between User Equipment
The threats on A2 are associated with the links that are
established between UEs in an ad-hoc manner. These links
employ short range communication channels that are used
for data transferring purpose under the influence of specific
UE Apps. The connectivity type is Device-to-Device (D2D)
that establishes a direct communication link between two
devices, without requiring any BS for connectivity [81]. Short
range communication technologies such as Bluetooth, Blue-
tooth Low Energy (BLE), Near Field Communication (NFC),
ZigBee, Wi-Fi direct, narrowband IoT (NB-IoT), SIGFOX or
any technology which could form a Mobile Ad hoc Network
(MANET) are capable of deploying connections between UEs
[1], [25], [55]. Moreover, FlashLinQ and Proximity Services
(ProSe) are also capable of forming D2D communication plat-
forms. FlashLinQ, developed by Qualcomm facilitates content
sharing, gaming, and social networking features to proximity
devices. ProSe is a standardization published by the 3GPP for
enabling proximity discovery and direct communication for
future AN based deployments [81].
Vulnerabilities: The vulnerabilities of this TV are limited
to the communication channels established between the UEs.
The threats originating in a UE do not directly influence the
intrusions into MEC systems in this TV. A UE infiltrated by
a D2D-based attack could use its connectivity with the BS to
infect the MEC servers for various manipulations of the MEH
explicated in E3.
•Attacks on short-range communication technologies: At-
tacks such as eavesdropping, impersonation, forging, free-
riding, DoS, and privacy violation are probable [81].
Most of such attacks are feasible due to the nature
of the communication protocols embedded within short
range communication technologies. These technologies
prioritize leveraging the bandwidth for D2D execution
rather than employing security measures.
•D2D traffic offloading: The method of offloading cellular
traffic to the UEs by the MNO is an example of a
D2D instance [81]. In this approach, MNO only transmits
content to specific UEs considered as cluster heads, and
those UEs are multi-casting the content to respective UEs
in the scope of the cluster. Moreover, use cases, such
as extending the coverage through D2D connectivity for
rural areas and establishment of critical communication
channels for disaster or terrorist situations (where the
cellular network is disabled), envision future potential
for D2D-based services. In these use cases, connectivity
between a UE cluster head and the MEC servers is
maintained for content sharing under the supervision of
the MNO. Thus, this scenario opens up new possibili-
ties for adversaries to exploit the cluster head UEs for
manipulating the service offered from them.
Existing Solutions: Ensuring D2D security mainly involves
authentication, while the intervening attacks can be mitigated
through a layered security model.
•Authentication mechanisms: In order to overcome the
possible vulnerabilities of the ad-hoc link, an autonomous
authentication mechanism is an intrinsic necessity, prior
to establishing the D2D link. Rahman et al. proposed a
two-way mobile number based authentication scheme to
secure the possible D2D engagements in their application
•Physical unclonable functions: Physical unclonable func-
tions (PUFs) are novel approaches used to authenticate
non-human entities adapting biometric-resembled im-
prints generated from the unique features inherited during
the fabrication process of devices or circuitry based on
Challenge Response Pairs (CRPs). Hao et al. introduced
a Physical Layer (PHY) End-to-End (E2E) authentication
scheme that generates an IBE PHY-ID based on RF Car-
rier Frequency Offset (CFO) and In-phase/Quadrature-
phase Imbalance (IQI) features extracted from the D2D
transmissions of IoT devices [82]. CFO and IQI are
acting as PUF features in this proposed system. Gao et
al. reviewed the emerging nanotechnology-based PUFs
on electronic circuitry while identifying the strong and
weak PUFs based on their performance metrics [83].
Moreover, Marchand et al. conducted a study on Transient
Effect Ring Oscillator (TERO) for PUF implementations
in Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) families
Xilinx Spartan 6 and Altera Cyclone V [84]. The results
of this study proved that TERO-PUF is reliable while
insensitive to voltage and temperature changes. The use
of FPGA-based IoT devices is low compared to available
technologies although TERO-PUF deployments for varied
IoT processes were validated in this study. Zhang et al.
[85] proposed a two-factor authentication mechanism for
mobile phones; employing a PUF derived by comparing
the audio similarity of the environments, the mobile
device and the accessing PC was located. The audio
similarity value is taken as a PUF parameter rather than
a traditional CRP system even though the PUFs vary due
to the heterogeneity of the IoT devices. These approaches
suggest potential towards ensuring security in D2D-based
communication channels.
•Layered Security: A layered security model was proposed
by Hamoud et al. that employs different security mech-
anisms in each layer as follows: 1) Application layer:
Identity Based Encryption (IBE), Elliptic Curve Cryp-
tography (ECC), group key management, probabilistic
key management, and Cipher-Policy Attribute Based En-
cryption (CP-ABE); 2) Network layer: secure multi-hop
D2D communication, secure network coding based data
splitting and shuffling, modeling of attacker intentions
using game theory, routing control, and PKI based group
key management; 3) MAC layer: multi-priority access
controlling framework for location and identity privacy;
4) Physical layer: Channel State Information (CSI)-based
key extraction, radio resource allocation scheme, and
secrecy-based joint power access controlling scheme [81].
Summary: The main drawback of D2D communication
in terms of security is the resource scarcity attributed by
the IoT and CPS devices. Thus, lightweight approaches are
essential to conserve energy, while security keys, hashes, and
authentication codes should be generated in an optimal way.
As these protocols are mostly autonomous, authentication
credentials are computed in an algorithmic manner which can
be replicated by a resourceful adversary. Thus, PUF fulfills a
lacking aspect of M2M communication by employing unique
and non-crypt analytic parameters to secure the D2D channels.
However, in authentication stages or in a layered security
circumstance, the repeated message flows included with encap-
sulation, coding, and modulation constructs consume energy
that does not contribute to the throughput. Therefore, selective
minimal security features/mechanisms should be identified for
each D2D or M2M function to maximize the operating time.
3) A3: User Equipment (UE)
UE can be a mobile, personal computer, CCTV camera,
or wearable sensor or sensory system which can be in direct
contact or connected through a gateway device to the BS.
The variety of technologies attributed to a UE on the as-
pects of operating systems (Android, iOS, Windows, Symbian,
BlackBerry, and WebOS), memory management (SD, micro-
SD, and HDD), communication (RF, RFID, NFC, Bluetooth,
Wi-Fi, and Ethernet), physical design and structure contribute
to the improbable deployment of a generic security solution
for UEs in a holistic extent. The UE contains information
related to various aspects of the daily life of a person, such as
private information (photos, medical reports, medical statistics,
and CCTV footage), location (GPS), daily routines (shopping
and transportation), enterprise information, critical infrastruc-
ture information (energy consumption, financial, banking, and
emergency service status) and online account statistics—where
divulging such credentials and parameters could be fatal for
one’s well-being [25]. Thus, threats to mobile users’ privacy
is of great concern [17], [5]. The resources embedded to a UE
in terms of processing power, storage capacity, and battery
life are the most significant factors for this threat vector [76].
Certain softwareized and virtualized attacks require a mini-
mum level of resources to launch in an executable platform.
Thus, enhanced processing and storage resources in the current
UEs improve the possibility of launching such attacks that are
capable of hindering detection by conventional means.
Vulnerabilities: The threats could be instantiated by a UE
with or without the knowledge of the user. Even a genuine user
is capable of activating a malicious software agent unintention-
ally. This risk of UEs being vulnerable to both physical and
remote attacks makes this threat vector extremely critical. The
UEs are vulnerable to physical damage, Side Channel Attacks
(SCA), malicious code injection, and hardware Trojans, while
all other attacks explicated in TV A1 and TV A2 are applicable
to the communication interfaces.
•Physical attacks: Physical damages are the most com-
mon type of attacks for this TV, where they lead the
attacker to re-configure the affected device such that they
convey misdirecting information to ME Apps [5]. These
misinforming attacks lead the MEC system to interrupt
its services by feeding fake but calculated information
to the edge devices. A typical scenario would be the
reconfiguration of ME Apps to execute continuously
(without termination and commandeering maximum re-
sources) and exhausting its resources.
TABLE V: Summary of Countermeasures for Threat Vectors in Access Network
Ref. No. Proposed Countermeasures Applicable TVs in AN
A1 A2 A3
[77] Encrypting payload with AES 256-bit and securing signaling with OWS X
[70] 5G wireless security architecture X
[78] PLS model for multi-tier HCN X
[79] RT based channel model for 5G mmWave small cell X
[77] Two-way mobile number based D2D authentication scheme X
[81] Layered security deployment X
[82] E2E authentication scheme using IBE PHY-ID X
[84] PUF scheme for FPGA based on TERO X
[85] PUF based Two factor authentication scheme for mobile phones X
[86] Anomalous detection using machine learning X
[87] SPE framework for UEs and intent based validation policy X
•Side channel attacks: The attacker’s intention in launch-
ing a SCA is to extract the cryptographic parameters by
cryptanalytic means. Acoustic cryptanalysis, electromag-
netic analysis, timing, power-monitoring, and differential
fault analysis are such SCAs applicable for UEs [88].
Security protocols engaged in communication channels
are exposed with such revealed credentials. Since these
attacks are arduous to detect, due to their variety, coun-
tering consumes time and resources.
•Malware: Malware or viruses pose a high risk factor
for UEs, as their means of penetration can occur in
various ways. The repercussions of a malware attack
resemble a malicious code injection attack. However, the
damage level it causes are reliant on the malware type—
for the variants of Trojans, worms, rootkits, Spyware,
Ransomware, and Adware.
•Mobile delegation: The offloading of services due to
mobile delegation could result in UE experiencing various
offloading mechanisms such as full offloading and partial
offloading. These offloading mechanisms are prone to at-
tacks [16]. An infected UE App, or a UE when offloading
partial or complete executable, or when offloading passive
content to the MEC server has the ability to inject a
malicious agent to be activated in the corresponding ME
App in the MEH. Such an attack directly contributes to
the TVs E3 and E4.
•Vulnerabilities in gateway devices: In case of UE acting
as a Machine Type Communication Gateway (MTCG) for
applications like e-health or any other MTC deployments,
the malicious content could be generated at one of
the sensors or actuators where the UE is acting as an
intermediary ingress point to the intrusion.
•Overloading resources: Resource allocation and schedul-
ing of the ME App is controlled by the Mobile Edge Plat-
form (MEP) in each MEH, where the MEP communicates
with the UE App in case of a mobile delegation circum-
stance [44] [16]. An infected UE App could influence
the MEP to allocate inessential resources at the MEH,
causing a service interruption. The capability of UE to
be deployed in a tamper-resistant manner, employing
lightweight but effective cryptographic primitives with
high resiliency, relies on the design and the manufacturer
of the device.
Existing Solutions: As the attacks for this TV is targeting
the UE and its ingressing/egressing channels, the solutions are
focused on detecting and remedying the SCAs and malware
penetrating the UE.
•Detecting side channel attacks: The SCADET SCA de-
tection tool introduced by Sabbagh et al. can be used
to detect prime+probe type SCAs in micro-architectural
devices, which are employed in IoT devices for perform-
ing various functions [89]. Mushtaq et al. [90] propose a
cache-based detection method for similar SCAs on an
AES algorithm. [91] employs deep learning for SCA
detection, while [92] detects motion-based SCAs via
smartphone keystrokes.
•Malware detection: Islam et al. [86] introduced Qual-
comm’s Snapdragon Smart Protect as a viable solution
to UEs for protecting mobiles against malware and other
attacks. The Snapdragon, being a low-power, always on
system, uses machine learning for detecting anomalous
behavior and threats originated through the WiFi access
points. Thus, infected UE App detection is plausible,
while the WiFi based exploits could be mitigated to
secure the UE device. Furthermore, the same paper
proposes a detection mechanism which performs static
analysis and run-time behavioral analysis of the UE Apps
at inactive state and run-time, respectively.
•Security framework: Krupp et al. proposed a Security and
Privacy Enhanced (SPE) framework for UE or mobile
devices [87]. The main feature of SPE is that the system
installation abstains from jail-breaking or rooting the
existing operating system, which makes the system inde-
pendent of the OS updates. An existing ontology is used
for enforcing customizable security and privacy policies.
Moreover, the intent of the applications regarding the user
data is to validate the actions and to enforce security
Summary: The higher resources and functions available for
mobile devices are attracting novel, application-level threats,
in addition to the typical malware, SCA, physical, or cloning
attacks. In fact, adversaries can combine the method of at-
tacking, where both malware and SCA type attacks can be
perpetrated in a single threat attempt. A typical IDS is not
adequate to detect all such novel attacks. Thus, application-
level security features should be embedded into mobile devices
in their design stages to detect and prevent them. Though
there are techniques for detecting SCAs currently, novel side
channels are determined by adversaries from time to time. The
processors, circuitry, and TRX interfaces should be subject to
extensive security tests prior to releasing the product.
TABLE V summarizes the countermeasures and the best
practices for mitigating threats from within AN-based threat
B. Threat Vectors related to the Mobile Edge Network (MEN)
The entities located in the edge network or the host level of
the MEC paradigm, such as Mobile Edge Platform Manager
(MEPM), Virtualization Infrastructure Manager (VIM) and the
Mobile Edge Hosts (MEHs), are investigated in this section
for establishing the threat boundaries. The placement of MEC
servers is localized in compared to the conventional data
centres. Thus, MEC edge (i.e., host) level is prone to tangible
or physical security attacks [20].
1) E1: Mobile Edge Platform Manager (MEPM)
The MEPM is the entity that monitors the MEH activities,
using the connectivity that it maintains with the Mobile
Edge Platform (MEP) contained by the MEH. This entity
performs resource allocation and monitoring functions with the
connections that it maintains with VIM, MEO and OSS. As
MEPM is the highest level entity in the MEC host level, it is
responsible for performing the following functions: managing
the ME App life-cycle, traffic steering, and recording fault and
performance metrics from VIM. Moreover, MEPM reports the
holistic monitoring statistics of the host-level entities to the
system level.
Vulnerabilities: The placement of MEN entities at the edge
limits the physical tampering based attack vectors. However,
the risk is higher compared to conventional CC.
•Feeding fake configuration/ feedback data: MEPM could
be furnished with fake information regarding the resource
allocation–based configuration or the feedback data. Such
a threat could originate either within the AN or from
an infiltrated ME App. As the MEPM is connected
to the OSS, MEO and VIM, such false information is
disseminated to the system-level entities, destabilizing the
entire MEC system.
•Infected through ME Apps and UE Apps: An infected
ME App could force the corresponding MEP to lead
the MEPM to allocate undesired resources to induce
service disruption. An already exposed UE App or a
communication channel in the AN has the capability to
mislead the MEPM such that it allocates more MEHs for
processing, leading to resource depletion.
•VM based attacks: VM based attacks such as VM manip-
ulation, Domain Name System (DNS) amplification, VM
escape, Virtual Network Function (VNF) location shift,
and security log troubleshooting attacks are probable for
this threat vector.
2) E2: Virtualization Infrastructure Manager (VIM)
VIM executes the integral task of facilitating ME Apps of
virtualized infrastructure resources in every MEH within a
single edge vicinity. The connections of VIM towards MEO
and MEPM feed the statistics to perform the tasks of managing
and monitoring Local Area Data Network (LADN) deployed
in MEHs. As this is the main entity assigned for facilitating the
virtual resources at the edge, the role of the VIM is similar to
a hypervisor for MEHs. Thus, VIM performs the functions of
allocating, managing, releasing, and performance monitoring
of virtualized resources [44].
Vulnerabilities: The hypervisor functionality of the VIM
attracts adversaries whose intention is to manipulate resource
allocation capabilities, targeting resource depletion.
•VM based attacks: As VIM is responsible for allocat-
ing resources, it could be subject to attacks such as
VM manipulation, VM escape, or any malicious attacks
targeted for virtual deployments. These attacks would
exhaust the system resources via various methods, such as
allocation of inessential processing and storage facilities
for a single ME App in the Virtualization Infrastructure
(VI), allocating excessive amounts of ME Apps to process
a single application, or blocking resources or interrupting
services to a particular ME App.
•Misleading system level entities : The system-level en-
tities could be confiscated for privilege escalation or
service interruption threats due to their connections with
VIM. If the VIM is compromised by an attack, mali-
cious misconfiguration exploits could be launched by an
attacker [69].
3) E3: Mobile Edge Host (MEH)
MEH is the main host-level functional entity which per-
forms the computational, storage, or networking operations
in the MEC paradigm. An MEH consists of an MEP, Virtu-
alization Infrastructure (VI), and a data plane or Local Area
Data Network (LADN) which maintains the local connectivity
among ME Apps. Additionally, the User Plane Function (UPF)
is a 5G access network entity included inside the MEH for
integrating the 5G core network into the LADN. As MEH is
the only entity that stores the content conveyed from UE Apps,
the risk of being exploited is high.
Vulnerabilities: MEHs are the main target of any attack
originating from the AN towards the MEC system. As they
are the main functional elements which support service pro-
cessing, storage, and computation, any attempt to penetrate
the MEC system through a malicious act should be directed
towards the MEH from the attackers’ point of view.
•Computational offloading: The threat of an MEH be-
ing subject to an infection of a malicious adversary is
highly reliant on computational offloading processes, as
discussed in the AN threat vectors. Once infiltrated, it has
the capability to mislead the MEP and VI for resource
allocation and service continuation.
•VM based attacks: The attacks applicable to any VM-
based deployments are prone to ME Apps, as they are
deployed in a VI. As MEHs are launched as VMs,
all such attacks are directly impactful to its operation.
Furthermore, service impeding attacks such as DoS or
DDoS affect the autonomous operation of the MEHs.
•Feeding false statistics to exploit internal entities: The
false statistics conveyed by the affected ME Apps could
cause misconfigurations in the VI and the MEP, which
could be exploitable by privilege escalation type attack.
These could lead to service disruption through resource
•Exploiting the connection to the UPF: The UPF com-
ponent included in the MEH is maintains a link to the
5G core network. An attacker can exploit this link to
attain networking credentials. Further, an infected MEH
can feed false information to the core network and
compromise the stability within core network entities.
•SCAs on VMs: Shared memory–based, cross-VM, cache-
based, and energy consumption–based SCAs are possible
for VM manipulation [93].
4) E4: Connectivity between Mobile Edge Hosts
ME Apps might require connecting with one or several
MEHs for processing high end applications—in which a single
MEH does not possess the resources to perform the intended
function. This requires the connectivity between ME Apps
operated under MEHs, which are established through MEPs.
This is probable for high-end applications such as Industrial
IoT (IIoT), surveillance, or critical infrastructure services. As
the VI and LADN of two MEH entities are accessed, the
respective VIM and UPF should be notified in addition to the
subscriptions in the MEPM.
Vulnerabilities: A malicious ME App emerged from the
methods explained under E3 TV is capable of infecting other
connected ME Apps and MEP elements, in addition to the
entities inside an MEH. However, the connections among
MEHs are internal and obscured to adversaries. Thus, MitM
type attacks are improbable.
•Malicious injections: A malicious injection occurring in
the AN, after traversal into a MEH, is capable of infecting
another MEH through the E4 connection.
•Rouge ME Apps: An infected ME App could manipulate
the MEPM for resource depletion, while depleting the
resources of each MEH that a malicious agent manages
to propagate.
5) E5: MEC platform connectivity between the edge and
the core
This bi-directional connection between the mobile edge
system-level entities and the host-level entities is a critical
link in the MEC paradigm. As these two levels are separated
by the location, the connectivity could be established from
long range communication links using technologies such as
Microwave (MW), Fiber Optic (FO), Satellite, or RF. The
registration process for a particular MES requested by a UE
App is established through this link [44]. UEs connecting
to an MEC system should first register at OSS through the
connection extended from the BS to the UALCMP entity in
the core [12]. This is the initial interfacing of UE Apps with
the MEC platform. The nature of the UE App (whether it is
operated by a trusted or a malicious entity), authenticity, and
content transmitted from the UE App to ME App are factors
to be investigated in this threat vector.
Vulnerabilities: A resourceful adversary could manage to
intervene at this communication link. Even though the possi-
bility of intervention is lower with long range communication
links, the exposure of the control information could give the
attacker the opportunity to exploit the MEPM, VIM, and MEH
host-level entities as desired. Similarly, if the attacker managed
to alter the status-updating parameters conveyed from host
level to the system level, MEO and OSS could be subject
to service interruption attacks.
•Attacks on radio channels: RF links are vulnerable to
attack vectors discussed under A1.
•Attacks on MW links: Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP)
based, Sybil, DoS, and DDoS attacks are probable with
MW links [94].
•Attacks on FO connections: FOs are vulnerable against
fiber tapping and hidden pulse attacks [95].
•Attacks on satellite links: Satellite Communication (SAT-
COM) links face the threats of kinetic, jamming, and
cyber-attacks [96].
6) E6: Connectivity between Mobile Edge Apps operated
under Mobile Edge Hosts at different Base Stations
In this situation, the UE App related to the user accesses
ME Apps operated under MEHs at different mobile edge host
levels residing in two BS locations controlled under a single
MEO (or ME system level). A crowd-sourcing application or
a smart grid application that deploys two instances of the same
ME App operating at different locations is an exemplification
of such a scenario. Even as ME App instances operate at
geographically dispersed edge levels, they are governed by
a singular trust domain contrived by an OSS and an MEO.
Vulnerabilities: The connectivity between two host levels
governed by the same system level could be prone to inter-
vening attacks as explicated in E5. These interposing attacks
are capable of penetrating both the MEC host levels.
•Intervening attacks: Attack vectors perpetrated as MitM
or Relay can be applied on various communication link
types, as presented in E5.
•Attacks on migrating services: The service migration
from one host level to the other poses the possibility
of infecting two host levels through malicious content.
As these applications are only probable with upscale use
cases, the effects of the attacks could be incisive.
7) E7: Connectivity with the Mobile Edge Host and the
Cloud Servers
In the case of services hosted by third party consumers,
MEH maintains a connection to a centralized cloud or a server
platform as a typical massive IoT based cloud implementation.
In that scenario, the MEH (or MEHs) pre-processes the content
in their possession before conveying them to the cloud service.
Typically, the cloud service hosts the edge services as a
Function as a Service (FaaS) implemented through a cloud
wrapper MEC application [45]. The connection to the cloud
server is instigated through the LADN of the MEH.
Vulnerabilities: The security policies and rules adopted for
this type of a channel are a rarely investigated area. CSPs are
susceptible to such attack vectors. Thus, interoperability issues
might be plausible.
•Intervening attacks: Intervening attacks such as MitM,
relay, or impersonation attacks are plausible for the com-
munication channel extending from MEH to the cloud
platform. Masquerading attacks launched by adversaries
to appear as a cloud service can perpetrate sinkhole or
wormhole attacks.
•Packet sniffing attacks: The channel between the cloud
service and the MEH is vulnerable to traffic sniffing
attacks for perpetrating geo-location leakage or any other
data exfiltration attempt [5].
•Malicious injections: An attack launching from this chan-
nel, due to its bi-directional connectivity and exposed
nature, could result in a malicious agent in the MEH,
enabling E3-based threats. Moreover, the cloud platform
or centralized servers are prone to malicious attacks from
an infected MEH.
Existing Solutions related to the Mobile Edge net-
work: The mobile edge network is forming an autonomous
virtualization infrastructure that interconnects all the ETSI-
defined, MEC host-level entities. Thus, E1–E7 TVs pose novel
challenges that require nascent solutions that operate with
enhanced awareness and intelligence. The following solutions
are therefore ideal.
•Employing a trusted platform manager: In the mobile
edge host level, the VIM and the VI are the entities
most probably compromised by external attacks due to
the resource facilitation of ME Apps. A Trusted Platform
Module (TPM) could be employed to mitigate the threats
originating from the VNFs of the VI based on resource
manipulation as proposed by Lal et al. [69]. A TPM is
capable of measuring, analyzing, and validating status
statistics of platform firmware, BIOS, boot loader, and
OS kernel of the virtualized platform. A TPM acts as an
attestation controller for verifying the software integrity
to evaluate the trustworthiness of the virtual entities in
the VI, in addition to authentication handling. Moreover,
TPMs support the use cases of shared TPM, in which
the TPM is shared by several VMs and a virtual TPM
(vTPM) is deployed by the hosting service to be managed
as a software entity [97].
•Security zoning: Separating the traffic through the VI
for data traffic and management traffic would simplify
the handling of traffic, while confiscating the infected
VMs reaching the management level (i.e., VIM). This
could be achieved through security zoning or forming
Demilitarized Zones (DMZs) by applying differentiated
access control and firewall policies on different zones
[69]. Nova-network and Neutron are examples of security
groups available in Openstack [98]. Moreover, forming
DMZs would benefit TVs E4, E5, E6 and E7—where the
connections are maintained between edge-level entities.
•Virtual machine introspection based intrusion detection:
Virtual Machine Introspection (VMI) is a procedure of
inspecting the content and the run-time behaviour of
VMs deployed in a VI. Hypervisor introspection tools
such as LibVMI act as a host-based IDS for monitoring
activities such as memory checking and vCPU register
inspection for detecting anomalous behavior in VMs [69].
Using such introspection tools enhances the performance
of the hypervisor, in addition to establishing a defense
mechanism for VM-based manipulation attacks probable
in VIs. Garfinkel et al. [99] introduced a policy-based hy-
pervisor introspection framework, or a VMI IDS running
on a Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM). The proposed
VMM virtualizes the hardware entities at operation for
leveraging the properties they inherit: isolation of soft-
ware running on VMs, inspection of VM states (CPU,
memory and I/O), and interposing ability, while execution
of programs in the VM. The main function of a VMI IDS
is to maintain an OS interfacing library that develops
policies and executes them to perform lie detecting,
program integrity detecting, signature detecting, and row
socket detecting.
•Encrypting and signing VNF images: Encrypting the
VNF-based hard disk volumes is the best practice for
mitigating the confidentiality threat of the MEC edge
level. The security keys could be stored in the TPM.
Moreover, VNF-based images could be cryptographically
signed and verified during the launch time for mitigating
the infiltration attacks attempted through VNF image
•Remote attestation server: Using a remote attestation
server for validating the subscribed ME App and its
related VM configuration would provide integrity and
authenticity verification for VM processes at each exe-
cutable entity at the edge level [102].
•Security frameworks: The holistic nature of the proposed
SDN/NFV security framework by Farris et al. is insightful
for adapting security measures suggested at the security
enforcement plane for the edge level of MEC [100].
An approach to develop a dynamic and adaptive secu-
rity mechanism employing SFC is mentioned by Hu et
al. [101]. The proposed on demand security framework
contains the compartments of an SFC controller, secu-
rity chain controller, SDN controller, and security chain
enabled domain which serves as the SDN-based packet
TABLE VI: Summary of countermeasures / best practices for Threat Vectors in Mobile Edge Networks.
Ref. No. Proposed Countermeasures / Best Practices Applicable TVs in MEN
E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7
[69] [97] TPM for validating resource exhaustion X X
[69] [98] Form DMZs to apply access control and firewall policies at VI X X X X X X X
[69] Hypervisor introspection tools serving as a HIDS X X X
[99] Policy based VMI IDS framework X X X
[69] Encrypting VNF Hard disks X X X
[69] Signing VNF images X X X
[69] [97] Using a remote attestation server X X X
[100] Security framework for SDN/NFV deployments in IoT X X X X X X
[101] On demand dynamic SFC based security service model X X X X X X X
forwarding entity. An application of MEC-based Intel-
ligent Transportation System (ITS) vehicular use case
is modeled to the proposed framework. A LTE/System
Architecture Evolution (SAE) network inclusive of the
MEC edge level is mapped to the security chain enabled
domain, while MEC-based ITS system level is mapped
to the security chain controller. The proposed system,
however, is only applicable to a scenario where the MEC
subscribed services are operated by servers or clouds
deployed external to the MEC system level entities, and
the network traffic is forwarded and monitored from the
SDN based MEC edge level. Thus, such an approach is
applicable to E7 for securing the network traffic extended
to the third party service infrastructures.
•SCA detection on VMs and clouds: Zhang et al. [103]
introduced a SCA detection method for clouds called
CloudRadar. The SCAs are detected as anomalies in the
cache behaviour of VMs operating in the edge environ-
Summary: Determining the novel threats possible on an
edge platform formed with virtualization technologies is a
challenge that should be addressed prior to deploying MEC.
TPMs offer the ability to attest the connecting UEs to de-
termine their legitimacy. This is an important fact that leads
to preventing the edge platform from malicious penetrations.
Furthermore, VMIs are key tools for determining anomalous
behaviour of virtual entities. These two technologies together
form a protective shell to prevent malicious injections from
ingressing to the MEC edge level. A VMI can be attached
to the VIM that monitors the VM performance, while a TPM
can be connected with the MEPM for distinguishing malicious
ME Apps from the legitimate ones. In addition, security
mechanisms can be embedded into the virtual infrastructure
when forming virtual entities or VMs. However, light-weight
virtualization or containerization technologies are attributing
lesser securing mechanisms. Thus, security constructs should
be implemented at the VM or hypervisor platform level.
Furthermore, orchestration function of the MEPM should be
designed with the security-aware features.
TABLE VI summarizes the countermeasures and best prac-
tices focused on MEN based threat vectors.
C. Threat Vectors related to the Core Network
The core network expands from the MEC system level
devices such as UE App Life-cycle Management Proxy (UAL-
CMP), Customer Facing Service Portal (CFSP), Operations
Support System (OSS), and Mobile Edge Orchestrator (MEO)
to the backhaul network that extends to the Internet connec-
1) C1: User Application Life-cycle Management Proxy
This entity is the initial contact point for any UE App
that intends to subscribe MEC services. The main function
of the UALCMP is handling multiple UE App requests while
determining their life cycle. As this entity includes proxy
functionality, the internal addressing function is facilitated for
the MEC system to link UE Apps to their corresponding ME
App or ME Apps operated at the MEN.
Vulnerabilities: The attacks perpetrated on the UALCMP
are targeted at its access interfaces for overburdening them.
•Attack vectors on the access interface: The request han-
dling nature of this entity has the possibility of DoS,
DDoS, or masquerading attacks; these would entail for
service disruption or access granting for malicious in-
•Manipulating life-cycle of Apps: As the UE App life-
cycle is determined by this entity, an adversary is capa-
ble of furnishing falsified information for obtaining an
increased life-cycle beyond its requirements.
•Consequences for the OSS: As the OSS is dependent
on the requests and information of the UALCMP, the
service disruption of UALCMP could directly affect the
OSS operations.
2) C2: Operation Support System (OSS)
The OSS grants the service requests forwarded through the
UALCMP or CFS portal, while instantiating or terminating
ME App functions. Additionally, OSS maintains links to
MEPM and MEO for extracting control information. OSS
grants the approval for subscribers to use ME Apps that are
configured for a particular MEC service. Thus, this entity is
critical to the attackers for gaining access to the MEC system.
Vulnerabilities: As the MEC host level is reliant on OSSs’
approval for instigating the MESs, the attackers’ intention is
to delay its operation through the UALCMP.
•Service denying attacks: As the UALCMP is the entity
facing the service requests from UE Apps, the OSS has
to be protected from DoS or DDoS attacks.
•Feeding false information in the registration process:
Since all the UE Apps subscribing to Apps should be
registered in the OSS, the attackers could attempt to
inject fake information to impersonate valid entities for
pertaining MEC services. If an attacker were successful,
the mobile delegation–based operations would enable the
possibility to infiltrate the MEC host level.
3) C3: Mobile Edge Orchestrator (MEO)
MEO represents the core functionality of the MEC concept,
which assigns the role of the hypervisor for the holistic MEC
system. It observes the deployed MEC hosts and resource uti-
lization status at the edge. As the hypervisor, MEO supervises
the VMs and underlying hardware configured for virtualization
[69]. The main functions of MEO are service migration,
mobility management, and traffic steering monitoring. The
hypervisor role of MEO is still applicable to scenarios where
the MEC system is integrated with other driving technologies
such as NFV Infrastructure (NFVI) with NFV Orchestration
(NFVO) capability [31].
Vulnerabilities: In the scenario of the MEO acting as
the hypervisor being compromised, the automated network
configuration exploits, orchestration exploits, malicious mis-
configuration, and SDN controller exploits are probable [69].
The configuration parameters forwarded from the entities such
as MEPM, OSS, UALCMP, and VI are also vital to the
utilization of the MEO. Therefore, mechanisms should be
employed for detecting such attacks and remedying them.
•Resource manipulation attacks: Though MEO is de-
ployed at the system level where malicious intrusions are
improbable, resource allocation and service manipulation
attacks such as DNS amplification and VM escape would
be highly probable. Due to the effects of such attacks, the
configuration of the MEO system could be destabilizing
such that it cannot perform at its optimal level.
•Security-log troubleshooting attacks: As in the case of
a security log troubleshooting attack, the logs of the
operations of MEO or any other entity would be altered.
Thus, the control statistic could not be conveyed to the
corresponding ME entities for optimal operation. Even
if the log information is conveyed, the entities would
malfunction due to their altered content.
4) C4: Customer Facing Service Portal (CFSP)
CFSP facilitates the access of ME Apps to third-party
services, where it is capable of recalling service-level in-
formation from such applications [44]. Car park monitoring,
connected vehicles, and IoT big data are applications suited
for MEC deployment. These deployments use sensors that
gather enormous amounts of data, which are pre-processed at
an MEC edge server and conveyed to a centralized corporate
server for further analysis [16]. For most of these services,
MEC acts as a low latency aggregation point. Thus, third-party
consumers instigate the service requests from Cloud Service
Providers’ (CSPs) end. The role of the CFSP is to approve the
deployment of MEC resources for processing of such third-
party requests.
Vulnerabilities: As the role of the CFSP is handling re-
quests, it could be prone to service based attacks such as DoS
and DDoS. Moreover, proper approval mechanisms should
be employed by the CFSP to enable traffic steering of third
party applications to the MEC host level entities. Use cases
applicable to E7 are examples of extended services approved
by the CFSP for third party applications. A compromised
CFSP could manipulate the service subscriptions of OSS.
5) C5: Connectivity of the Mobile Edge Orchestrator
(MEO) and the 5G Core Network
A secure interface has to be defined for the MEO and 5G
core network [104]. The control signals will be exchanged
between the 5G core network and MEO via this interface.
Since this is the main interface that interacts with the 5G core
network, this is one of the critical interfaces in the whole
MEC architecture. It is possible to host both 5G core network
elements and MEO in the same physical host. However, it is
more likely to implement them in two different physical hosts
[105]. In that case, the communication link should be estab-
lished between MEO and 5G core network via the physical
network. This network can be implemented using any network
technology such as wireless, wired, or optical. Depending
on the connecting medium and the deployed location, these
entities will face different security challenges.
Vulnerabilities: The interface between MEO and 5G core is
yet to be defined. However, several security threats can already
be identified relative to this interface.
•TCP/IP attacks on the channel linking MEO and the 5G
core: It is more common to use separate physical hosts
for 5G core network and MEO [105]. In that case, the
control traffic will be transferred between two entities via
an open 5G backhaul network. Therefore, the interface
between MEO and 5G core will be vulnerable to typical
TCP/IP attacks such as eavesdropping, spoofing, DoS,
replay, and reset attacks. It is mandatory to enable proper
security mechanisms, such as mutual authentication, E2E
encryption, or Challenge-Response Procedures (CRPs), to
mitigate these issues. The impact of these attacks will be
minimum if both MEO and 5G core are deployed in the
same physical host.
•Lack of a standard interface: Another challenge is to
properly define an interface between 5G Core and MEO
[106]. It is challenging to define a proper and unified se-
curity mechanism without a standard interface. However,
this challenge is somewhat relaxed since ETSI [107] is
leading both 5G and MEC standardization tasks.
6) C6: 5G Core Network
Ultimately, the 5G core network controls the entire 5G net-
work. The 5G core network will enable the MEC capabilities
for the selected services. Moreover, all the control signals will
be forwarded to the MEC system via the 5G core network.
Therefore, 5G core network is the vital element ensuring the
proper operation of the whole MEC system.
Vulnerabilities: Since the 5G core network is the main
control entity of whole 5G network, any attack on the 5G
core network will have a significant impact on the 5G MEC
•Nature of softwarized core: In contrast to pre-5G net-
works, 5G networks have a softwarized or virtualized core
[108]. Here, all the core network functions are imple-
mented as VNFs. However, several security concerns are
observable in the functionality of VNFs. The hardware
based pre-5G core network had natural protection against
many attacks due to its closed, complex, and vendor-
specific nature [109]. However, the NFV base 5G core
network is open and software controllable. It is compa-
rably easy to manipulate a software-based system than a
hardware-based system.
•Typical VNF based attacks: VNFs are vulnerable to
attacks such as interoperability issues [110], VM escape
[111], VNF Manipulation [69] and VNF location shift
attacks [69].
•Mismatching policies: Different VNFs are developed
by different VNF providers, and they attribute different
levels of security polices. The mismatch between these
differences can lead to vulnerabilities when they are
deployed in the same system [110].
•VNF based service denying attacks: A variety of
DoS/DDoS attacks on targeted services is possible when
VNFs are hosted in the cloud, e.g attack on Bitbucket
[112]. The impact of DDoS is even greater for virtualized
networks, since this attack could spread to untargeted
VNFs that are hosted on the same physical host [113].
•VNF software flaws: Since VNFs are software, they are
vulnerable to software flaws which can lead to unintended
behaviour. For instance, these software flaws can be
used to bypass firewall restrictions or perpetrate buffer
overflow to execute arbitrary code [113].
•Hypervisor flaws: A malicious VM can escape from
the virtualization environment and execute arbitrary code
within the hypervisor to compromise it [111]. An attacker
misuses the privileges of a compromised hypervisor to
install kernel root kits in VNF’s OS and to manipulate
the VNF [69].
•Issues in migration: An attacker can migrate from a
compromised VNF to a different location where fewer
security or privacy policies are enforced to gain additional
access to the system [69].
Existing Solutions related to the Core network: Since
the core network or MEC system level forms a virtualized
infrastructure, certain solutions applicable to MEN also apply
•Updating security credentials: As the MEO is the main
hypervisor at the system level of the MEC deployment,
it is critical to update the security patches timely while
activating remote access services such as Secure Shell
(SSH) only when required [69]. A strong password policy
is also required for cloud and system level administrators.
•Kernel hardening tools: The use of Security Enhanced
Linux (SELinux) for the ME system level would benefit
from the kernel hardening tools such as secure virtualiza-
tion (sVirt) or hidepd, where the separation between data
files and the processes are instigated. Thus, the infras-
tructure of Linux kernels would enhance the possibility
for counterattacking the external or internal impregnation
attempts at each entity at system level.
•Hypervisor introspection: Hypervisor introspection [121]
could be used at system level for detecting anomalous
•Remote attestation: Linking the remote attestation server
with the edge and system levels would provide the MEO
with the capability to visualize the subscribed processes
transparently for verification [97].
•NFVI trust platform: Yan et al. [114] propose a NFVI
Trust Platform (NFVI-TP) for future 5G networks where
the traffic flows are steered using SDN and cloud com-
puting adopted for instigating services. The formation of
this framework is holistic and possible for deploying at
MEC system level due to the expansion of virtualized
security and trust functions across the NFVI system.
The design focus of the proposed platform towards 5G
network is ensuring the symbiosis of 5G core network
and the system level entities. The proposed framework
employs a Root Trust Module (RTM) for certifying the
trust of entities and serves as a TPM. Moreover, the
framework performs remote attestation, trust manage-
ment, QoS enhancement, VNF reputation management,
identity management, secure authentication, and SDN
•SDN/NFV framework: A framework is proposed by Farris
et al. [100] for enforcing security in SDN/NFV de-
ployments for MEC-IoT use cases. The framework is
formed with three planes: the user plane, the security
orchestration plane, and the security enforcement plane.
The user plane provides means of configuring security
policies applicable to the system and the network, such
as authentication, authorization, filtering, channel pro-
tection and forwarding. The security orchestration plane
enforces policy-based security mechanisms to employ
security enablers for raising intelligent awareness. Thus,
the functionalities of this plane include policy interpret-
ing, monitoring, and providing security enablers. The
security enforcement plane combines the functions of
operational domains control and management (IoT/ SDN/
NFV MANO), infrastructure and virtualization (physical
entities for performing compute, storage and networking
functions), VNF (security and trust mechanisms in the
VI), and IoT (CoAP, EAP and DTLS protocols). Thus, the
proposed framework extends to the MEC edge level, as it
TABLE VII: Summary of Countermeasures/Best Practices for Threat Vectors in the Core Network
Ref. No. Proposed Countermeasures / Best Practices Applicable TVs in CN
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6
Updating the security patches timely X
Limiting the operational time of remote access services only when required X
Employing strong password policy X
Using SELinux kernel and its tools X X X X X X
[69] [99] Hypervisor introspection X
[97] Linking remote attestation with host and system levels X X X
[100] Security framework for SDN/NFV deployments in IoT X X X
[114] A framework to apply adaptive trust evaluation and sustainable trusted computing technologies
to ensure computing platform trust and achieve software-defined network security
[113] Discuss the security issues in SDNs when virtualized as VNFs X X X X
[115] Study the feasibility of extending the current NFV orchestrator to have the capability of managing
security mechanisms
[71] Propose a security orchestrator apply to security management in ETSI NFV architecture X X X X
[116] Presents a threat analysis and corresponding security requirements in the context of NFV X X X X X
[117] Analyze the challenges on Data center in the form of Network Security Function Virtualization
(NSFV) over Openflow infrastructure
[118] Present the different architectural design patterns for the integration of SDN/NFV-based security
solutions into enterprise networks
[119] Present the integration approaches of network and security policy management into the NFV
[120] Provides a method of identifying the first hardware unit attacked by the security attack and
security mechanism for NFV-based communication networks
merges MEC operations and domains comprehensively.
•Security frameworks: Security policy frameworks to se-
cure VNFs in NFV networks were proposed [118], [119].
A security architecture for NFV-based communication
networks was proposed [120].
•Modifying NFV orchestrator: Modifications to the current
NFV orchestrator to manage the 5G security mechanisms
were proposed [71], [115], [116]. Moreover, Network
Security Function Virtualization (NSFV) concept was
proposed [117] to provide E2E security in 5G networks.
Summary: The UALCMP and CFSP are the interfacing
entities in the MEC system level. These two entities can
be subjected to DoS type attacks. In order to mitigate such
attacks, an attestation server can be employed for approving
the requesting UE Apps. Hence, a trust domain can be
established and centered around the OSS that contrives a
NFVI trust framework with TPMs at different levels. The
MEC system level will be developed in a virtual environment.
Thus, kernal hardening tools would protect the MEC entities
at the operating system level. Further, hypervisor introspection
is a key requirement for the system level entities to monitor
anomalous processes occurring at both edge and system levels.
Such a function can be embedded as a construct into the
MEO to provide a holistic overview for malicious patterns.
In addition, an agent of the said security construct should be
deployed at the edge, connected to the MEPM to perform
securing acts. The 5G core network standardization and its
integration into the MEC system level is still a grey area.
Thus, interrelations of MEC system level entities to the 5G
core network entities should be standardized in the near future.
Table VII summarizes the countermeasures and best prac-
tices for mitigating threats originated within the core network
based threat vectors.
D. Architectural Threat Vectors
These threat vectors elaborate the vulnerability vectors that
could exist in architectural improvements associated with the
MEC deployments.
1) AR 1: Network Slicing (NS)
Network slicing is to slice a physical network into sev-
eral logical networks to enable the simultaneous use of a
singular physical network at different virtual/logical levels
for heterogeneous IoT applications to alleviate capital and
operating expenditure [122]. Thus, it creates an agile and
dynamic on-demand networking platform on top of a physical
networking infrastructure [31]. According to the 5G Infor-
mation Centric Networking (ICN) model, NS framework has
five functional planes: service business plane, service orches-
tration/ management plane, IP/ICN global orchestrator plane,
domain service orchestration/ management plane, and infras-
tructure plane [123]. Compared with other resource sharing
initiatives, such as RAN sharing, Dedicated Core Networks
(DCN), and enhanced DCN (eDCN), NS offers a higher range,
virtualization support, function modularization support, end-
to-end connectivity, and better isolation techniques [124]. This
threat vector discusses the vulnerabilities associated with NS
processes and techniques.
Vulnerabilities: Most of the threats directed toward the
network slicing technique exist through the network’s vulner-
abilities; these include the non-existent mutual authentication
schemes between the entities in different slices; insecure
communication among Network Slice Instances (NSIs) and
Network Slice Managers (NSMs); incompatibility of diverse
security protocols and policies at different slices; different se-
curity levels at different slices which could permit an attacker
to exhaust the resources a secure slice gaining the access from
a low security slice; and attachment of UE to multiple slices
which increases the tendency for blending of information flaws
in case of an infected UE App [125].
•Attacks on vulnerabilities in the slices: The above men-
tioned vulnerabilities attract attack vectors of MitM,
tracing, DoS, DDoS and SCA [125] [122].
•Slice validation issues: Invalidation of NFV-based net-
work slices are probable due to server shutdown for main-
tenance, misconfiguration, and firmware errors [126].
•Impersonation attacks: An impersonation attack is a
highly probable threat as it could target NSMs and NS
entities in different scenarios in the interaction [125].
•Complexity among slices: The vulnerabilities and the
complexity of NS affect the MEC deployment. In order to
coordinate services for various applications, MEC system
level and host level entities are dispersed throughout
different network slices. Thus, the attacks mentioned
previously could assist adversaries in gaining control over
the networking interfaces of the MEC hosts for service
exhaustion and injecting malicious entities to disrupt the
functioning MEHs.
•Compatibility among slices: The incompatibility and
dissimilarity between security protocols and policies as
mentioned earlier would maintain different security levels
among different MEHs interacting at various network
slices. These risks are susceptible to TVs E3 and E4.
Existing Solutions: Several practices are proposed for
mitigating security risks in network slices which are adoptable
in MEC deployments [125].
•Authentication schemes: Adapting mutual authentication
schemes among NSMs and host platform entities before
launching NSIs would intercept impersonation attacks.
Moreover, NSMs should authenticate themselves at each
•Auditing and validation of NSIs: The NSIs that execute
virtual functions or VMs should be audited and validated
periodically to prevent VM-based attacks.
•Security differentiation and slice isolation: Different se-
curity levels should be applied to network slices with
adequate isolation so that the reach of the malicious
agents is restricted.
•Authentication framework: Ni et al. [122] proposed a
service-oriented authentication framework to support NS
in 5G-enabled IoT services. The proposed framework
focuses on fog computing architecture for describing the
authentication sequences. However, the deployment of
network slices in the proposed framework is adaptable
to both fog and MEC paradigms considering the resem-
blance in the service structure in the access network
entities, while the core network is served by the 5G
technology for both cases. The framework establishes
the goals of privacy, preserving slice selection, service-
oriented anonymous authentication, and service-oriented
key agreement.
Summary: The NS paradigm is a means of simplifying
complexities among heterogeneous networks by partitioning
the network slices. The standards for NS are quite novel,
and its integration into prevailing networks including MEC
is in a questionable state. Even then, definition of a slice
is a complex dilemma that should mitigate interoperability
and compatibility concerns. Authentication among the NSIs
lying in the same slice or among the slices is a challenge that
should be commandeered by the NSM. In the MEC context,
the edge platform acts as an intermediary in a considered slice
extending from a UE to a cloud platform. Diverse security
policies should be applicable for different slices, while an
entity should trace the actions of NSIs for auditing purposes.
MEC entities can be utilized to perform security, auditing, and
monitoring functions.
2) AR 2: Traffic Steering
The traffic steering of the MEC platform is conveyed by
the Mp2 reference point (connection between the MEP and
the data plane of the VI in a MEH). The configuration of
the data plane is managed by the MEC platform, where it
conveys traffic steering requests to Policy Control Function
(PCF). PCF sends the corresponding traffic steering rules
to the Session Management Function (SMF), where SMF
handles the corresponding Protocol Data Unit (PDU) sessions
[45] [73]. Moreover, Service Function Chaining (SFC) is a
technique which facilitates the traffic steering policing adapt-
ing SDN and NFV constructs [127]. SFC forms the middle-
boxes (MBoxes) or Service Functions (SF) such as firewalls,
Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) entities, Access Control Lists
(ACLs), Intrusion Detection / Prevention Systems (IDS/ IPS)
or Network Address Translation (NAT) [128]. As SDN and
NFV are forming the MEC infrastructure for interconnecting
the system level, host level, and access network, SFC is viable
traffic steering technique for MEC deployments. This TV is
investigating the flaws in traffic steering rules at 5G core
network entities of the MEC architecture and intermediary
networking entities.
Vulnerabilities: The 5G core network presents novel ar-
chitectural challenges due to the requirement for provisioning
diverse applications. Thus, the core network caters to these
services with integrated entities into the MEC edge level.
Mandating the policies related to steering the mobile traffic
at the edge level is a prime requirement as such. Therefore,
vulnerabilities related to these TVs are focused on 5G network
entities, SFC, and the traffic headers.
•Flows in application functions: Application Functions
(AFs) could influence the traffic routing through selection
procedure of the UPF or the service request function for
configuring the traffic steering rules [45]. The ability of
AFs to influence the traffic rules could prompt a flaw
in this process. If an attacker exploits an AF, traffic-
based attacks, such as sinkhole, wormhole or Reduction
of Quality (RoQ) attacks, are applicable to the LADN
located at the MEH. Thus, more effective attacks such
as service manipulation could be launched with resource
allocation failures in the core network.
•Service function chaining: In terms of SFC deployments
in the MEC architecture, confidentiality and integrity
risks exist due to the possibility of interception, modifica-
tion, or manipulation of steered traffic with incompatible
security and traffic forwarding policies [127]. Moreover,
SFs could disrupt services due to overloading, miscon-
figurations, resource scarcity, or security attacks.
•Inconsistent packet headers in integrating security and
traffic parameters: The opaqueness attributed to MBoxes
through modification of packet headers leads to incon-
sistencies in steering with altered addressing parameters.
Therefore, attaining compatibility among security and
traffic steering policies is a vital requirement for this TV.
Existing Solutions: As SFC is becoming a popular and
mandatory implementation for achieving efficient traffic steer-
ing in virtualized or softwarized networks, most prevailing
solutions are related to it.
•SFC based solutions: Hantouti et al. [127] analyzed
existing SFC-based techniques and their effectiveness in
terms of efficiency. In addition to classifying the existing
SFC-based traffic steering methods, such as header based,
tag based, and programmable switch based methods,
qualitative assessment was presented for SDN-based SFC
approaches while highlighting the security aspects. Li et
al. [129] proposed a service chaining MEC architecture
for implementing security functions which embeds the
elements of access service, security classifier, virtualized
security functions, and the gateway.
•Fuzzy-based decision making in applied security: A
Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) based algorithm is used to
determine the order of security functions to improve the
decision-making process while packet routing is imple-
mented from network service header encapsulation. The
proposed FIS-based mechanism is evaluated and proved
effective than the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW)
method in this research.
•Security framework for SFC: Fysarakis et al. [128] imple-
mented a reactive security framework for an industrial-
grade wind farm using SDN and Supervisory Control
And Data Acquisition (SCADA) elements. Various SFs
such as IDS, SCADA IDS, Honeynet, firewalls, and
DPI are deployed in the framework while OpenDaylight
(ODL) and SFC-ODL are used for developing the SDN
controller. Classification of a traffic and function chaining
process is observed through a Graphical User Interface
Summary: Standardizing traffic steering policies for the
MEC system via the 5G-based PCF AF is a key requirement
for realizing the MEC paradigm. Further, SFC based deploy-
ments are imminent with the CPS and IoT autonomous appli-
cations. Thus, security mechanisms should be embedded into
SFC sequences, in addition to performing selective security
constructs based on FIS (or any other decision supporting)
algorithms. In order to perform selective security, a framework
is a realistic approach where a decision making entity can be
formulated and integrated with PCF, MEO, and the MEPM
entities for mandating the steering policies with security
3) AR 3: Service Migration
Service migration is the process of transferring executable
content configured to offer a specific MES, either between
edge levels or between cloud and the edge [18]. This process
could expose unprecedented vulnerabilities and flaws in an
MEC environment. In a CC-based service migration, services
originally hosted at cloud environments are migrated to the
edge servers located proximate to the mobile devices. This
reduces latency and improves the capacity of the access
network. Thus, as the services are executable programs, tools
or software running on a virtualized platform, the code of that
particular software should be migrated to the edge in such
circumstances. There are four approaches being considered
for code migration by Rodrigo et al. [25]: 1) migrating only
part of the code; 2) migrating an exact replica or a clone of
the entire execution environment with the memory and CPU
images; 3) migrating mobile agents created by mobile devices
to the edge; and 4) amalgamating process cloning and mobile
agents at the edge. The MEC services are typically launched
as VMs in the VI of MEHs. VM migration is conducted as
either live or non-live approaches [19]. In a non-live migration,
the entire VM with its running states are encapsulated and
transferred to the migrating vicinity, while the local operation
suspends completely. In live migration, VMs are orchestrating
simultaneously at different edge platforms without suspension,
while multiple VM migrations are plausible via Local Area
Network (LAN) or Wide Area Network (WAN) coverage.
Other than services, migrating computational processes are
viable applications for MEC deployments where the network
controller acts as the resource selector for utilizing the com-
putation power. The computational migration models could be
formulated using the Markov Decision Process (MDP) prob-
lem based on a random-walk mobility model or a threshold-
based model such as the Lyapunov optimization technique
[17], [20].
Vulnerabilities: The migration of services means migrating
an entire serviceable platform or a part of it to the mobile
edge hosts operating at the edge. Still, the security of the
migration process is a grey area due to the diversity of
utilized resources and the scope of the services. The migration
process begins with a service operated within a single MEH or
multiple MEHs. The unauthentic nature of the Internet-based
connectivity among MEC edge entities poses security issues
extending to VIM, UEs, and the migration data traversing
channels [19].
•Malicious code injection: Malicious code injection at-
tacks targeting the migration channels are imminent at
the edge network. Detecting the malicious code would be
improbable once the migration process is completed. This
leads to the exploitation of communication links between
the edge service infrastructure and the cloud server or
core network entities.
•Attacks on mobile agents when migrating: In the case
of employing mobile agents for service migration at the
edge, the probability for an intrusion is higher as the code
or the service platform migrated from the access network
are subjected to threats under A1. Thus, it is imperative
to secure the migration processes with proper security
mechanisms for mitigating massive service manipulations
at the edge of the MEC deployment regardless of the
diversity of the services.
Existing Solutions: Understating the dynamics involved in
service migration is critical to developing security measures
for the MEC architecture.
•Secure migration framework: Machen et al. [130] intro-
duced a layered framework for migrating active services
using VMs and containers implemented through KVM
and LXC technologies, respectively. The proposed layers
in the framework base, application, and instance support
the MEC system for migrating a service from single MEC
system level to another. The framework was tested using
applications such as games, RAM simulations, video
streaming, and face detection. The container-based model
demonstrated peak performance. The authors, however,
identified that the security risks are higher with container-
based implementations compared to VMs where the con-
nectivity is solid while migrating.
•Blockchain for securing migration: Wang et al. [18]
suggest to employ Blockchain for resolving trust issues
among entities on different domains while migrating.
Summary: Migrating the services from one MEC-based
eNB to another is a unique and required function in the
TABLE VIII: Summary of Countermeasures/ Best Practices for Architectural Threat Vectors
Ref. No. Proposed Countermeasures / Best Practices/ Method Applicable Architectural TVs
Adapting mutual authentication among network slice and host network entities X
Authenticating NSMs X
Auditing and validating VM based slice instances X
Isolation and application of diversified security for different slices X
[122] Secure service oriented authentication framework X
[129] SFC based MEC architecture for SFs X
[128] Reactive security framework for wind farms X
[130] Layered Framework for VM and container migration X
[18] Employing Blockchain for establishing trust in migration X
[131] Dynamic tunneling method for PMIPv6 X
[132] PMIPv6 based security protocol for SH-IoT X
[133] Study on PLS random models for mobility X
MEC context. This phase can be identified as one of the
weakest occurrences of edge computing in terms of security.
Employing security is questionable for the migration channel
due to the latency concerns in live migrations scenarios. As
the channel itself conveys executable content, exposure could
lead to impregnation of malicious agents into the edge in-
frastructure. Therefore, a security framework is a requirement
to exploit the latency and security trade-off for maximizing
efficiency. Further, Blockchain solutions can be employed for
securing the states and credentials in the migration process.
4) AR4: Mobility Management
The term ’mobility’ can be described as maintaining the
connectivity of a UE when roaming from a certain coverage
area of a serving BS to another via a handover mechanism to
maintain service continuity [16]. The coverage of a BS could
vary from multiple macro BS, Small Cell BS (SCBS), Wi-Fi
Access Points (APs) to standard RAN BSs. Thus, concerns
are raised over security with different capacity BSs offering
various coverage and handover models. In a mobile delegation
circumstance, where a UE has offloaded its processing to
the edge data centers in the previously serving BS, there are
two scenarios in which the continuity is established: 1) VM
migration where the current VM in the serving BS MEH would
be migrated to the roamed BS MEH; 2) selection of a new
communication path to the UE App and the serving MEH VM.
Under this TV, those issues would be investigated to identify
the best strategies to counter prevailing vulnerabilities under
mobility scenarios.
Vulnerabilities: The heterogeneous nature of configura-
tions, user-server association policies, and trust domains
among different coverage areas or cells are issues associated
with mobility that results in severe interference and pilot
contamination. Additionally, these issues degrade transmission
performance and improve the latency of the service provision-
ing [20].
•Availability threats: The above mentioned mobility is-
sues impose availability threats on UE Apps that are
exploitable by an attacker with significant awareness by
hijacking the frequency of the roaming channel of UE
prior to or while the handshake process is underway. Such
an attack is plausible with a higher latency attributed to
an inefficient mobility process.
•Complexity on UE mobility: UE mobility in the prospect
of 5G core network integration is a complicated process.
Core network entity Network Exposure Function (NEF)
and AN entity User Plane Function (UPF) subscribe mo-
bility services for MEO and MEHs in MEC deployments
•VM based attacks: In the case of VM migration, VM or
the UE App could be prone to VNF location shift attack,
where the UE App would be configured to instill parame-
ters beyond the legal bounds of the service. Additionally,
the key management protocols are burdened to renew the
credentials in this scenario as the VM is migrated into a
different trust domain.
•Impersonation attacks: The request for establishing the
connectivity to the serving VM or ME App should be
conveyed through the UALCMP to be registered in the
OSS operated under the same or a different MEC system
level. An attacker pretending to be a valid UE App
under mobility could launch an impersonation attack
which causes OSS to allocate MEH resources at the edge
through MEO intervention. An adverse situation is the
launching of simultaneous mobility requests as DoS or
DDoS attacks for disrupting the edge services.
•5G BSs with low security level: Mobility and roaming
events can happen frequently in the 5G network because
of the popularity of local 5G networks or micro 5G
operators [134]. Such localized 5G networks have limited
coverage. In such a scenario, the possibility of encoun-
tering a malicious local 5G network is quite high [135].
Most of these local 5G operators do not have a high level
of security similar to the main MNOs [136]. Therefore,
it is comparably easy to attack local 5G networks.
Existing Solutions: The available mobility solutions are
either proposed for establishing tunnels, security protocols, or
models based on PHY layer parameters. All these solutions
are formed with an awareness of dynamic mobility.
•Distributed mobility management via dynamic tunneling:
Lee [131] introduced a dynamic tunneling method for
the IP mobility management scheme Proxy Mobile IPv6
(PMIPv6). The proposed deployment is a Distributed
Mobility Management (DMM) scheme which employs
Distributed Mobility Anchors (DMAs) dispersed to cater
to the UEs in the mobile network, where each DMM
is served by a single Local Mobility Anchor (LMA). A
mutual authentication scheme based on ECC with key
agreement is employed between the DMA and the mobile
entities. Moreover, tunnels in the DMM are dynami-
cally configured considering session arrival and handover
amounts. Such a system could be deployed into a MEC
system, where specified MEHs acting as DMAs would
establish secure mobility management among different
mobile edge host levels.
•Mobility aware security protocol: Shin et al. proposed
a security protocol for a Smart Home IoT (SH-IoT)
scenario based on the PMIPv6 mobility model which
facilitates route optimization, handover management, mu-
tual authentication, key exchanging, Perfect Forward Se-
crecy (PFS), and privacy [132]. In the proposed protocol,
a cloud-based trust management entity maintains the
secure shared credentials among the LMA and the Home
Gateway (HGW), in addition to the master session key
shared between the Mobile Access Gateway (MAG) and
HGW in the SH-IoT network. The protocol is formally
verified using BAN-logic and Automated Validation of
Internet Security Protocols and Applications (AVISPA)
•Secrecy in PLS mobility models: Tang et al. [133] studied
the effect of random mobility on PLS under Rayleigh
fading channel for a typical BS and mobile receiver
communication, where an eavesdropper is located in a
circular region. The secrecy performance/probability was
studied for random mobility models such as Random
Waypoint (RWP), Random Direction (RD), and Border
Move (BM). The analysis on secrecy characteristics was
conducted for different mobility models based on Secrecy
Outage Probability (SOP) and Ergodic Secrecy Capacity
(ESC) metrics. According to the results, the RWP model
presented the highest secrecy performance, while secrecy
improvement strategies were proposed by the authors.
Summary: Integrating mobile mobility models into the
MEC system and managing the mobile and data networks
collectively are challenges under this TV. At these instances,
adversaries are given an opening to impregnate the MEC edge.
Securing the mobility signalling channels via cryptic tunnels in
a dynamic manner would challenge attempted attacks. Further,
security mechanisms can be embedded into mobility protocols
as specified above. PLS-based mobility models reduce the
overhead on the application layer with enhanced handover
convergence times, though managing the mobility aspect of
both the MEC and the mobile network with embedded security
is a conundrum.
Table VIII summarizes the possible countermeasures that
could be adoptable for mitigating the threats of the architec-
tural threat vectors.
E. Other Threat Vectors (OTVs)
1) OTV1: Charging and billing for MEC subscriptions
The responsibility to launch MEC service infrastructure
belongs to the telecommunication operators or MNOs, merely
due to their authority over the prevailing mobile network with
dispersed BSs. As MNOs expect profits for their existence,
multitude of MESs would be subscription-based deployments
with pay-per-use billing models that resemble cloud computing
services. In these circumstances, current billing models applied
in conventional cellular networks by tracking the routed traffic
traversing through the core network are not applicable. Thus,
investigating the flaws in current billing models and contem-
plating the probable implications on the edge computing based
charging schemes is imperative for feasible deployment from
MNOs’ perspective.
Vulnerabilities: An adversary capable of misleading an
autonomous charging process is capable of conferring financial
losses to the MNO. Therefore, mitigating the inconsistencies
in the charging process is a critical security requirement for
the MNO.
•Limited traceability: There is a high probability that
UE Apps launched at the edge network as ME Apps do
not conveying their subscription-based consuming status
to the core network entities. Displaced operations in
the edge infrastructure isolated from the core entities
constrict the traceability of the UE Apps subscribed
through the OSS.
•Issues with scalability and variety of MESs: The pro-
posed approach to charging is perpetrated by the Policy
Control Function (PCF) Network Function (NF) in 5G
core network employing both online and offline charging
schemes [45]. Functioning with myriad potential UE
Apps and accounting their corresponding ME Apps and
diverse service types (priority/ best effort) for consump-
tion appears to be an arduous task. Thus, the potential
for exploitation with possible deliberated billing frauds
and roaming frauds reveal a critical security failure in
the MEC charging system.
Existing Solutions: ETSI specifies the requirements for off-
line and on-line charging schemes for MEC based services
[137]. Billing records are aggregated by the MEC system and
forwarded into the Packet Data Network Gateway (PGW) on
the EPC standard. This aggregation should be conducted with
tracking capability to trace the billing records for detecting
cyber-billing fraud.
Summary: Tracing the service consumption details in both
the mobile network and the MEC platform is a requirement for
establishing charging schemes for MESs. Certain MES might
utilize a single edge platform or more than one edge platform.
Thus, tracing the subscriber IDs over a widened geographic
area is challenging. Further, securing the charging transaction
framework is a critical requirement in mitigating cyber-billing
2) OTV2: Service impeding/delaying threats
The MES subscription functionality performed by the OSS
receives the requests through UALCMP and CFS Portal. Once
the UE Apps from the regular subscribers and third party
subscribers are approved for launching ME Apps, all the MESs
are executed in a common virtualized infrastructure without
any distinction. Such an environment is subject to resource
exhaustion by insignificant processes and would lead to service
disruption of priority services.
Vulnerabilities: The access capacity of current access con-
trol systems is limited, and distinguishing legitimate requests
from malicious ones is challenging. These factors delay ser-
vices at different phases of the service sequence that ultimately
results in complete service disruption.
•Weaknesses in the access control system: An adversary is
capable of infiltrating the MEH infrastructure, leveraging
the access controlling methods’ weaknesses. Approved
malicious ME Apps are capable of consuming excessive
resources in the MEH environment, resulting service
disruption. This type of infiltration could be a result
of a delinquent access control mechanism that does not
feature a scheme for classifying the MES service type
or its nature. Hence, a method to separate and distinctly
recognizing ME Apps based on their emanating service
type is intrinsic to MES deployment.
•Delays caused by novel Quality of Experience (QoE) di-
rectives: The directive of “application aware performance
optimization” in MEC allows applications to influence
the configuration of RAN resources according to the
customer experience [26]. These are common with QoE
directives, where unintended delays might result due to
complex flexible resource bending based on feedback.
•DoS and DDoS attacks: A DoS- or DDoS-based threats
are probable for RAN access interfaces from a malicious
agent influencing the MEC cell configuration for coverage
•Jamming attacks: The jamming attempts perpetrated on
radio or wireless channels result in service delay, as well.
Existing Solutions: To mitigate service-delaying threats,
detection is the primary approach. Thus, ample techniques
are followed to investigate an optimal detection technique to
prevent them with time to spare.
•Utilizing edge infrastructure for DDoS mitigation: Bhard-
waj et al. [141] proposed a novel approach to mitigating
IoT-based DDoS attacks, leveraging the edge computing
infrastructure. ShadowNet has been employed for pre-
venting application-level IoT based DDoS attacks, which
proves better early detection (10 times faster) and enables
82% of traffic to ingress during an active DDoS operation.
•Novel DDoS detection methods: Various studies have
been conducted on mitigating DoS and DDoS attacks
that might lead to service disruption through impeding.
Methods such as entropy based mitigation, blockchain,
fuzzy logic, genetic algorithms, and adaptive artificial
immune networks were researched [138]–[140].
Summary: Weaknesses in the access control systems and
validating authentication schemes invite DoS-type threats that
lead to service delay. In addition, the complexity of the
novel communication protocols to cater to enhanced user
experience creates unintended delays in the transmissions. For
security, detection and prevention of DoS and DDoS attacks
are the challenges to mitigating this TV. AI- or ML-based
detection schemes may lead to more accurate detection and
rapid countering of DoS threats.
3) OTV3: Mobile Offloading
Mobile offloading, or computational offloading, is the pro-
cess of outsourcing heavy computing tasks, which are unfea-
sible to perform in the UE or the mobile device, to the edge
environment [17]. A typical offloading task is different from
a data offloading scenario. The raw data to be processed is
conveyed to the MEC edge, while the ultimate decision, value,
or classification is notified to the UE after the computation.
The main benefits of mobile offloading are extension of the
battery life of UEs, ability of users to employ sophisticated
services that demands beyond their UE specifications, and
improved capacity for storage within the edge infrastruc-
ture [16]. The intended outcomes of minimizing the energy
consumption and offloading time (addition of transmission,
execution, and receiving times) form a formidable problem
model for offloading tasks in which the security is considered
as a secondary goal.
Vulnerabilities: As security is a secondary goal of offload-
ing, an extensive investigation into offloading schemes has not
been conducted. There are issues with caching, authenticating
the UE, and conveying credentials when offloading and re-
trieving the processed results. Offloading during a handover
situation creates a complex scenario.
•Issues with caching / cache poisoning: The mobile of-
floading processes intended by the MEC edge deploy-
ments require caching functionality in the virtualization
infrastructure. The multitude of UE Apps delegated to
the edge demand extended caching spaces that would
overrun the VM processor caching, resulting in service
interruption and major latency. An adversary could target
this vulnerability of the caching mechanism to launch
cache poisoning attacks. Managing and monitoring the
caches are intrinsic to the dynamic memory of the VI
and ceasing any feasible attacks.
•Authentication credentials: Ensuring the security of sen-
sitive credentials used in authentication schemes estab-
lished between the edge and mobile devices is imperative
for eliminating exposure of the entire system. Com-
promised credentials grant the perpetrator the ability to
launch spoofing, eavesdropping, and data manipulation
attacks on the edge system.
•Credential transmission: The credentials traversing from
the edge to the core network are susceptible to intervening
attacks due to the dispersed nature of the two networks.
Thus, employing adequate levels of cryptic engagements
in the communication channels, along with employing
trust management schemes among entities operating on
edge and the core, is critical to protecting the confiden-
tiality and integrity of the secure credentials.
Existing Solutions: The offloading problems are not only
related to security, but also deal with energy, computational,
and networking costs that improve the efficiency of the pro-
cess. Thus, security solutions should be concerned with the
efficiency of the offloading task.
•Genetic algorithms: Huang et al. formulated the com-
putation offloading problem considering security, energy
consumption, and workflow execution time for a MEC
environment [142]. Genetic algorithms are employed for
devising coding strategies for Security and Energy Effi-
TABLE IX: Summary of Countermeasures / Best Practices for Other Threat Vectors
Ref. No. Proposed Countermeasures / Best Practices/ Method Applicable Other TVs
[137] ETSI charging and billing specifications X
[138] Blockchain X
[139] Fuzzy logic X
[140] Adaptive artificial immune networks X
[141] Leveraging edge computing to mitigate IoT-DDoS attacks X
[139], [142] Genetic Algorithms (GAs) X X
[143] PLS model for multi-user multi-carrier MEC channels X
[144] Secure computational offloading method for D2D X
[145] Secure UAV edge computing offloading scheme X
[146] MEC offloading with secure data and resource allocation X
[147] Security service orchestration center for SDN control plane X
[148] SPLM for secure live migration of services X
[149] Access control policies and deployment guidelines for Docker X
[150] Docker escape attack defence X
cient Computation Offloading (SEECO). This approach is
quite significant because of its SEECO consideration for
MEC-based applications with resource-constrained UEs.
•Physical layer security: Xu at al. [143] proposed a
physical layer security model for a multi-user MEC
system with a multi-carrier channel that is subjected to
eavesdropping attacks. An algorithm was formed for joint
optimization of secure offloading via solving the latency-
constrained weighted-sum energy minimization problem.
Further work on security enhancement of mobile offloading
has been conducted in papers, including [144]–[146], [151].
Summary: Mobile or task offloading is one of the reasons
for the existence of edge computing paradigms. Thus, there
are a considerable number of offloading models proposed and
perfected to balance energy and other costs while offload-
ing the content towards the edge platform. For optimizing
the energy while applying security, genetic algorithms can
be employed. In addition, PLS models can be utilized for
securing the offloading channels. However, development of the
offloading function from the MEC edge platform perspective
becomes complicated due to the engagement of the MEHs and
its autonomous nature.
4) OTV4: Virtualization and Orchestration at the edge
It is evident that edge computing paradigms are reliant
on virtualization technologies for deployment. Virtualization
offers a dynamic service provisioning functionality that could
launch flexible and configurable softwarized executable in-
stances at the edge platform. Prevailing virtualization ap-
proaches are combining hypervisor-based and light-weight
virtualization technologies to form edge computing platforms
[152]. Containers are deployed within a VM to attribute more
dynamic governing capabilities. Even though hypervisor-based
and container based methods provide an adequate level of
isolation, a hybrid system might generate unintended problems
that may affect security and performance. Moreover, there are
a variety of orchestrating deployment options available, such
as OpenNFV, CloudNFV, OpenBaton, Open MANO, Cloudify,
and T-NOVA [3]. Interoperability and compatibility among
these technologies are vital for creating a virtual ecosystem.
Vulnerabilities: The attack vectors probable under AR3
and OTV3 are applicable for gaining access to the virtual
•Migration and offloading: A typical virtualized environ-
ment is isolated and operates within its boundaries in
cloud computing. In MEC or any other edge computing
scenarios however, service migration and offloading sce-
narios are imminent. In these approaches, an adversary
could intercept the migration or offloading channel for
eavesdropping, relaying, or impeding purposes.
•VM based attacks: VM based attacks such as VNF
location shift, VM manipulation, privileged escalation,
VM sprawl, and VM escape are probable for intercepting
the VMs [69].
•Less tolerant containerization: Lightweight virtualiza-
tion approaches or containers are becoming popular for
launching virtual platforms due to their flexibility and
dynamic nature. However, they have a greater risk of
intrusions than VMs due to their direct link with the
kernel. Containers face issues internally for the isolation
of processes, file system, network, device, and inter-
process communication [153].
•Attacks on software and orchestrators: Softwarized at-
tacks, along with SDN based attacks, can compromise the
networking topology of the edge system. A compromised
MEO, or a MEPM responsible for orchestration, could
imperil the entire service infrastructure.
Existing Solutions: The security mechanisms for this TV
focus on solving the issues related to virtualization tech-
nologies. Security architectures and defense mechanisms for
container technology are presented below.
•Security architectures / models: Wang et al. [147] pro-
posed a novel security service architecture for SDN,
contriving a security service orchestration center in the
control plane. This security service maintains a rule
engine that ensures threat mitigation in terms network-
based attacks towards the edge platforms. Sun et al. [148]
proposed a security model called Security Protection of
Live Migration (SPLM) for securing migration through
security policy transfer and encryption. The proposed
model consists of a Centralized Management Platform
(CMP), virtual security gateway, security agent (SA), and
hypervisor access engine entities, where the CMP and SA
are performing the security functions.
•Protection for container technology: Yasrab et al. [149]
specified the mitigation policies for Docker (i.e. container
technology) for attack vectors such as kernel exploits,
DoS, container breakouts, poisoned images, MitM, and
ARP spoofing. Further, access control policies and se-
cure deployment guidelines are mentioned for enhancing
docker execution. Jian et al. [150] proposed a defense
mechanism for a Docker escape attack based on detected
anomalous behaviour through namespaces.
Summary: The lower risk tolerance of containerization
technology, combined with the possibility of VM based at-
tacks, extends the threat domains of the MEC edge platform.
Further, vendor-based hypervisor specifications create com-
patibility issues among edge platforms that can be exploited
by an adversary. These flaws can be exploited to impact the
orchestrator entity at both edge and system levels. Therefore,
securing container technologies is critical for virtual deploy-
ments. Moreover, security architectures that function at all
layers of a virtual platform can be used to apply security with
efficient orchestration.
Table X summarizes the potential threats to the MEC system
with their correspondence to the threat vectors specified in
this section. Further, a color scheme is used to indicate the
likelihood of the respective threat succeeding.
TABLE X: Potential Threats and their Correspondence to Threat Vectors
Ref. Threat/ Description/ Consequences Threat Vectors
Attack Access Mobile Edge Core Architectural
A1 A2 A3 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 AR1 AR2 AR3 AR4
General Threats
Viruses/ worms Disruption of all the processes in an infected entity/
system. An infected UE will attempt to propagate
the malicious agent to the MEH.
Denial of Ser-
vice (DoS)
Disrupting or stopping a service by overloading a
service providing entity through conveying multiple
service requests simultaneously. These attacks are
either delaying or disrupting the MESs via various
MEC interfaces.
Smurf /
DoS (DDoS)
A DoS attack originated from different locations
rather than from a single location. Traceability is
difficult than DoS. Higher impact for MESs.
Man in the Mid-
dle (MitM)
Intervene a communication link by intercepting the
channel. Once accessed the attacker could alter or
mislead the communicating parties. All the commu-
nication and internal links within and egressing the
edge platform are prone to such attacks.
Relay Attack Combination of a MitM and a replay attack (re-
sending extracted authentication credentials at a later
instance to be identified as a valid user). Communi-
cation links towards the MEC system is subjected
for these threats.
A cyber-attack in which a series of hacking attempts
are forwarded to a targeted entity. UEs and MEC
interfaces are subjected to APTs via the air interface.
Sybil attack Attack launched by forging large number of
pseudonym identities. These attacks could be target-
ing UALCMP and CFSP in an IoT context.
An attack where the adversary masquerades itself as
an authorized entity. In MEC, a masqueraded UE is
manipulating the edge and core entities.
Non Crypt-analytic Threats
Side Channel
Attacks (SCAs)
A crypt-analysis attack formed to determine the
secure credentials of a protocol without exploiting
the vulnerabilities of the crypto algorithm, such
as acoustic crypt-analysis. UEs and MEHs in an
exposed edge environment are subjected to SCAs.
Physical Dam-
The adversary manipulating the entity or device
physically to gain access or sabotage. UEs are im-
minent for physical tampering.
Hardware Tro-
jan (HT)
Malicious modification of the circuitry in a device
for leaking information through radio emission and
manipulate or destroy the hardware platform of the
device. With 5G radio TRXs, HTs can impact the
service continuity.
Networking/ Routing Threats
Malicious Node
The adversary employs a node as a UE between
the communication nodes or within the network to
seek access and perform false information feeding or
eavesdropping acts.
Sinkhole Attack A compromised node attempt to attract traffic by
advertising fake routing information. A sinkhole UE
or a MEH in the edge platform could disrupt the
services by diverting the traffic flow. A 5G based
infected eNB is capable of resembling the action.
The attacker would intercept a transmission and
forwards to an intended location of the adversaries
choosing. Applicable for UEs, MEHs, and rouge
Reduction of
Quality (RoQ)
Enabling a manipulated service to attain more re-
sources such as bandwidth in communication link
than it requires. E.g.: A UE opting for excessive BW
from the MEC eNB.
Denial of Sleep
Denying devices to activate their stand-by mode or
sleep mode for power utilization in IoT or CPS
networks. A MES engaged with an affected UE leads
to interruption.
Virtualization/ VM based Threats
Service Manip-
A service offered by any service providing entity
is taken over forcefully to launch selective DoS or
information tampering attacks. Applicable for MEHs
and connected MEC system and edge level entities.
Privilege Esca-
Launched by an internal or external adversaries ex-
ploiting the infrastructure vulnerabilities such as ill-
maintenance or mis-configurations using privileged
control or inside information
VM Manipula-
tion Attack
An infected VM manipulates the operations under
its control and possibly infects the other VMs in
contact with it. MEHs operating as VMs are capable
of manipulating the entire edge platform.
An attacker forwards numerous malicious DNS
queries through spoofed IP entities towards NFVI
hosted virtual DNS (vDNS). Orchestrator / Hypervi-
sor hosts more vDNS to accommodate the requests
that cause service disruption
VM Escape At-
Occurs due to the isolation failure of the hypervisor
and the VNFs where the attack propagates from
single VNF to the hypervisor management APIs
and finally to the hypervisor. Attacker gains access
to infrastructure resources while sabotaging virtual
firewall functionality
VNF Location
Shift Attack
Using the migration capability of NFVI from one
legal boundary to another, an attacker shifts the cor-
responding resources to an illegal location that bans
the service, exert financial penalties while violating
Security log
Compromised VNFs generate massive amount of
logs on the hypervisor and deleting the initial log
entries, which makes analysis of logs an arduous task
while privacy leakage risks exists
Softwarized Threats
Executing arbitrary code that exploit the flaws such
as buffer overflow and weak firewall policies XXXX XX X
Data exfiltration
/ destruction
Data of an infected entity or a system would be
transferred or destroyed without approval X X
Malicious Code
Code fragment of a malicious agent is injected to
an active agent or a transferring executable content.
Such attacks are imminent with service migration
scenarios in MEC.
Lower Likelihood Threats Medium Likelihood Threats High Likelihood Threats
In this section we address the privacy aspects of the MEC
paradigm. The issues associated with MEC deployments that
would compromise the privacy are identified, while the objec-
tives for privacy preservation are declared. Finally, the related
literature on privacy-preserving directives is summarized.
A. Privacy issues in MEC
In spite of the privacy enabling factors inherited by the MEC
paradigm due to its proximate locality (improved location
privacy; edge acting as the trusted, monitoring, privacy provi-
sioning agent), certain aspects of MEC should be investigated
to apply sufficient privacy mechanisms for users.
1) Data Privacy:
The confidentiality of user data that is either stored, pro-
cessed, or traversing is considered data privacy. Any mishan-
dling of such private data is known as a privacy leakage. En-
abling Big Data applications, facilitated with high bandwidth
and ultra-low latency enhancements of MEC, will generate
massive amounts of personal data in the future. Applications
such as healthcare, banking, and crowd-sourcing are brimful
of such sensitive data [157]. Moreover, a certain dataset of a
user is disseminated to server placements administered among
various telecom operators due to the open service platform
of MEC. This poses a confidentiality issue. In the current
era, Artificial Intelligence (AI) based pattern recognition tech-
niques are applied on user data by certain companies to
identify trends and interests. As these activities outsource data
without user consent, privacy is violated conspicuously. Thus,
the preservation of subscriber privacy is a vital concern for
launching the MEC paradigm.
2) Location Privacy:
Though Location Based Services (LBSs) enable various
applications for MEC subscribers, exposure of the geo-
location endangers the financial, entertainment, professional,
and secrecy aspects of human life: hijacking, blackmailing,
or ransoming situations are possible [158]. The user location
could be revealed to the subscribed service legitimately either
intentionally or unintentionally as a pop-up service request
for location sharing, that the subscriber is consenting without
proper assimilation, without the awareness of the conse-
quences. Moreover, secondary mobile channels broadcasting
the wireless transmission, apart from the direct channel, are
bound for monitoring by eavesdroppers for tracking location
[159]. These factors contribute to the violation of location
3) Identity Privacy:
Impending tactile Internet and IoT concepts are expanding
the scope of the cyber-space. A method is needed to identify
the billions of entities and people comprising it via interfacing
UEs [157]. Any knowledge-based (username), possession-
based (Random Number Generator [RNG]), inherence-based
(bio-metric) cyber-address—or Physical Unclonable Function
(PUF) in case of UEs—is adoptable for proving one’s identity.
Identity is the key to safeguarding private information in
the cyber-space. An adversary capable of replicating a user
identity could access the entire data cluster mapped to that
identity. Attacks such as UE tampering, UE cloning, and
masquerading, which commit identity theft, are examples of
privacy violations in the access network. In the core network,
a cyber-invader capable of exposing identity credentials of the
users or entities is presented with the opportunity to exploit
the MEC system. Thus, preserving the identity of the users
with expedient mechanisms is a principal requisite for MEC
4) Authorized and Curious Adversaries:
An authorized entity that captures disowned data with an
honest and curious intent could exist. The extracted data
could then be used for usage profiling, location tracking,
and disclosing credentials [25]. Thus, user privacy is violated
regardless of the motive of the intruder. Such an initiative can
be taken by the infrastructure or a third-party service provider
that subscribes to an MES. Due to the openness of the edge
ecosystem, constricting these legitimate practices is a conun-
drum. Every entity engaging with the ecosystem should be
aware of their responsibility. Moreover, a mechanism should
exist to detect any misbehaviour perpetrated by an entity or a
5) Computational Offloading:
Computational offloading is an exploitable feature of MEC
system that could be monitored by the adversaries to determine
the location information [160]. Tracking such intervening
attacks are questionable due to the complexity of the offload-
ing process and non-accountability of the attack origination.
Moreover, MEC servers inherit the features to track the usage
patterns of the subscribers from the contextual information and
channel status parameters. This creates a distinct concern with
subscribers with respect to their private information [159].
Thus, computational offloading is a feature that risks the
privacy of the MEC system.
6) Service Migration:
Migrating services from one MEH to another at the same
edge level or at another edge level is possibly dependent on
the scope of the subscribed service and the mobility of the UE.
Certain services such as AR or autonomous vehicles demand
service migration in order to satisfy service requirements.
Thus, a cyber-eavesdropper capable of reviewing the service
statistics of the MEH entities is in a position to track the
user from the migrating service patterns [158], leading to a
violation of location and usage pattern privacy aspects. This
vulnerability exists with compromised MEC entities that could
monitor service statistics of the VI platform.
B. Objectives for privacy preservation in MEC
Based on the privacy issues and the scope for improving the
privacy-related mechanisms in MEC, the following objectives
are proposed as regulatory privacy policies.
1) O1 — Global compliance for privacy policies
Privacy policies should be adopted as legislation in a global
context for maintained various standards beyond national or
continental borders. Moreover, standardized levels of privacy
policies should account for the interests and service domain
of various stakeholders for pragmatic assignment of privacy
2) O2 — Responsibility of MEC service providers and
MEC service providers should be responsible for any
committed privacy violation within their domains, while the
consumers are obligated to report any privacy violation they or
other parties experience. Satisfying the responsibilities enables
a privacy preserved ecosystem where privacy violations are not
left unaccounted for.
3) O3 — Privacy compliance on integrating technologies
MEC integrates technologies such as NFV, SDN, ICN,
Network Slicing, IoT, and 5G [39]. These technologies are
operated and standardized by diverse institutions and corpora-
tions. Thus, it is vital to establish a common code of conduct
among such organizations regarding privacy mechanisms and
policies for mitigating conflicts of interests.
4) O4 — Data portability
This objective requires disseminating private information
among MEC service providers without employing mandated
standards [157]. It ensures the interoperability of the holistic
cross-domain MEC system.
5) O5 — Accountability and transparency of Data Handling
As diverse stakeholders act in an MEC system, each party
should declare their intention on data storing, processing, and
transferring activities to other parties, including the users, for
maintaining transparent service obligations.
6) O6 — Declaring minimum specification requisites of UE
for subscribing MESs
Heterogeneous IoT devices subscribing to MEC services
inherit varying resources. Depending on the specifications of
the device, the provided level of privacy guarantees also varies
(i.e., a high-end device gets better assurance than a low-end
device). Thus, it is vital for MESs to publish the minimum
specification requirements for ensuring the guaranteed privacy
7) O7 — Optimal utilization of UE resources with embed-
ded privacy-enhancing mechanisms
Operating over the life-time of a UE is a critical factor
for MESs to encourage subscriptions. An MES that performs
with lower resource consumption would be preferable to the
consumers. It is evident that each MES should employ privacy-
preserving mechanisms embedded in their service protocols.
Thus, achieving optimal resource utilization of the UE with
applied privacy-preserving mechanisms is a clear objective for
MEC service providers.
C. Privacy Preserving Solutions
1) Task Offloading based solutions:
As offloading becomes a common occurrence with MEC,
the privacy of the data being conveyed towards the edge
infrastructure is a concern addressed above. In 2017, He et
al. studied the location privacy and usage pattern privacy of
the MEC task-offloading feature [159]. The paper investigated
the balance to restore privacy protection while maintaining
maximized operational delay and energy consumption per-
formance. A Constrained Markov Decision Process (CMDP)
based scheduling algorithm was proposed as an approach to
the task offloading process. CMDPs offer a better outcome
compared to Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) due to their
capability of applying multiple actions via cost parameters,
thereby leading to better specification of the model. As most
IoT-based privacy discussions are focused on conventional
cloud computing deployments, He et al. [160] (2018) identify
novel vulnerabilities in MEC-enabled IoT deployments from
the wireless offloading feature. An adversary model is formed
considering an untrusted/compromised service provider that
monitors the UE and MEC server engagements for revealing
the location of the UE employing estimation techniques. This
offloading problem is formed using MDP. The privacy-aware
solution is introduced as a deep Post-Decision State (PDS)
learning process formulated by integrating PDS and Deep
Q-Network (DQN) techniques that utilize energy-harvesting
statistics. The deep PDS approach suggests an offloading
strategy to the IoT device faster than the DQN method. Though
the offloading scheme follows MDP in contrast to CMDP in
the previous solution, the deep PDS strategy is proving viable
due to its extended experience–storing feature that converges
to a faster outcome to overcome the lapses in the scheduling
2) Privacy partitioning:
In this approach, data or devices that include information
are partitioned into various layers where different privacy
preserving techniques can be applied effectively. Chi et al.
[161] introduced a novel technique called privacy partitioning
which composed a trusted local partition and untrusted remote
partition. The proposed method targets privacy preservation
of deep learning classification tasks employed in mobile
offloading processes. The bipartite topology based on threat
modelling and interactive adversarial deep networks is adopted
for modelling the threat domain. The intention of the proposed
framework is to attenuate the access capacity of the attackers
exploiting the internal states of the deep network.
3) Mitigating privacy leakages in big data:
Big data is the representation of an extremely large amount
of data that cannot be processed by conventional processing
techniques. The extent of the resources required to extract,
store, process, and retrieve such a volume creates doubts
over the adaptability of privacy preserving mechanisms. Du
et al. [162] proposed a privacy preserving method that aims
to maximize the query accuracy and minimize the privacy
leakage probability for big data and heterogeneous IoT appli-
cations. A machine learning–based differential privacy method
is adopted by aggregating Laplacian random noise in an
output perturbation process. Another method called objective
perturbation is employed for forming an objective function
to aggregate noise. The amount of noise is dependent on the
sensitivity of data. The experimental results suggest that the
privacy preserving is feasible with accurate data retrieval.
4) Chaff service based privacy preserving:
Chaff services are launched to confuse the adversary by
distracting its focus towards the chaff process, while legitimate
services are running simultaneously, obfuscated from the at-
tacker. He et al. [158] proposed a chaff service based approach
to preserve the user privacy. In their work, the chaff service is
launched by the user or the MEC platform for confusing the
eavesdropper. The eavesdropper is modelled as a maximum
likelihood detector, while several chaff control strategies are
considered for formulating the model. Robustness analysis
is conducted for each strategy for determining the defence
strategy. Employing chaff services are expensive for the ser-
vice platform. Thus, the authors conclude that deploying the
proposed method should be a second line of defence.
5) Privacy models and protocols:
Security and authentication protocols that ensure the
anonymity of the users engaged in communication are im-
perative for ensuring the privacy of the MEC subscribers. An
Anonymous Authentication Key Agreement (AAKA) protocol
was proposed by Jia et al. [163] for preserving the user
identity and diminishing the traceability. Elliptic Curve Cryp-
tography (ECC), bilinear pairings, and complexity assumptions
are employed for forming the mutual authentication scheme
for MEC subscribers. A security analysis and computational
cost evaluation are conducted by the authors for proving its
applicability. Ensuring user identity and anonymity leads to
preservation of privacy.
A model for preserving privacy in IoT enabled MEC
deployments was proposed by Li et al. [164]. The solution
includes three entities, namely: Terminal Device (TD), Edge
Server (ES), and Public Cloud Centre (PCC), where encrypted
data forwarded from the TDs are aggregated at the ES for
conveying them to the PCC. Data retrieval is only possible at
the PCC by possessing the private key. This three-entity system
model employs a Bilinear map of composite order groups,
and Boneh-Goh-Nissim cryptosystem that inherits homomor-
phic properties. Five main phases, initialization, registration,
encryption, aggregation, and decryption, ensure the privacy of
user data traversed from TDs to the PCC.
6) Network privacy for mobility circumstances:
The allowance for higher mobility in future 5G networks
creates challenges to ensure the privacy of users due to
dynamic network configurations. Zhang et al. [165] investi-
gated the adaptability of MEC for improving Mobility System
Support (MSS) function proposed for overcoming the network
privacy issues in Virtual Private Network (VPN) based mobile
deployments. A model is formulated incorporating two BSs
within a RAN. Privacy is quantified as a factor cohesive of
mobile entity actual location and observed location from peer
nodes. The security of the proposed model is examined in
terms of anonymity, unlinkability, untraceability, repudiation,
and confidentiality. Simulations result in a higher value for the
location privacy metric, while performance is visualized as the
highest value with least operational cost for MEC and MSS
7) Blockchain-Based Solutions:
Blockchain contrives a cryptographically linked or chained
data blocks that are infeasible to reveal without proper cre-
dentials. This concept presents an opportunity to design a
privacy protection schemes for novel MEC based protocols.
Gai et al. [166] presented a permissioned blockchain model
for Smart Grid Networks (SGN). The proposed high-level
architecture composed of three layers intends to preserve the
privacy of users enrolled in SGN operating as the nodes in
the blockchain system. The identification function is based on
pseudo identifiers for ensuring privacy. An entity called Super
Node (SN) manages the identities of the other nodes in the
SGN. The system does not record the identity details of the
operating nodes in order to guarantee privacy.
8) GDPR legislation:
The European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
is a reform package which was enforced on the 25th of
May 2018; it is an initiative taken for strengthening citizens’
fundamental rights in the digital age for securing private
data and preserving the privacy of individuals using any IoT
application [167]. Under these novel regulations, any web or
hosting service intended to acquire data from any individual
should draw their consent before initialization. Unauthorized
TABLE XI: Summary of privacy solutions on the MEC.
MEC Feature / Appli-
Privacy Solution Applicable Privacy Objectives
O1 O2 O3 O4 O5 O6 O7
Mobile Offloading [159]
CMDP based scheduling algorithm is proposed for task offloading process
that ensures location and usage pattern privacy with optimum power con-
A deep Post-Decision State (PDS) learning method for suggesting an optimal
offloading strategy to the IoT device that preserve the location privacy of
the UE from cyber-eavesdropping
Privacy partitioning method for deep learning classifications employing
bipartite topology
H-IoT and Big Data
Employed OPP and OJP methods for aggregating Laplacian random noise
to the data for mis-informing the adversary. Privacy leakage probability is
Service Migration
Chaff service based approach for confusing the eavesdropper that preserves
privacy of subscribers
AAKA protocol for preserving user privacy from identity protection X X X X
IoT data aggregation
Three layer privacy preserving model for IoT enabled MEC deployments
that employ a crypto system with homomorphic properties
MEC incorporated MSS model for preserving location privacy that demon-
strate operational cost efficiency
Smart Grid
Blockchain based edge computing model for Smart Grid Networks that
guarantee user identity privacy
GDPR initiative X X X X X
handling and capturing of data is considered an offence. GDPR
promotes anonymization, pseudonymization, and encryption to
protect personal data, while ensuring trust by making user
identities untraceable. The declaration of GDPR legislation
is a critical juncture of privacy preservation in disseminating
the awareness on lawful domains in the IT industry. Table XI
summarizes the privacy preserving mechanisms in relation to
their coverage on privacy objectives.
This section provides a concise explanation of insights
gained from the survey in terms of security and privacy of
MEC systems, as depicted in Fig. 5. The research problems
from each previous section/subsection have been identified,
and a summary of preliminary solutions is given. The pre-
sented insights align with the future directives proposed by
emerging research for recognizing the potential for deploying
AI&ML RL ContextAwareSecurity BlockchainMicroservices
Fig. 5: Presented insights of the survey.
A. Threat Vectors
1) Access Network
Lessons Learned:
Technological heterogeneity is the salient inherence of an
access network that raises concerns over the deployment
scenarios of MEC in terms of scalability and security. Nu-
merous wireless mobile communication technologies, ad-hoc
technologies, and technologies engaged with UEs indicated
in Section III are manifesting the interoperability and com-
patibility conundrums of the access network. The extent of
RAN coverage and other non-3GPP technologies is confined
in MEC due to the migration of storage and processing
infrastructure to the edge network compared with prevailing
CC deployments. However, this partition of the MEC de-
ployment is the most vulnerable to intrusion or intervening-
based security attacks. Thus, meeting confidentiality, integrity,
and availability requirements is paramount to forming security
protocols in the access technologies. Achieving a holistic and
generic security solution, however, is inconceivable due to
diverse access technologies in this domain.
Security is a prominent investigative topic among research
efforts in the access network domain. Thus, various security
solutions are proposed—either generic or specific to certain
applicable scenarios, though security solutions focused on
MEC access network deployments are inconspicuous. In terms
of the users or subscribers, measures for securing privacy
should be initially launched in the hardware, firmware, and
software of the UE to maximize threat mitigation. This enables
a first line of defense for sensitive credentials stored in the UE.
From the insights we gained from this survey, we gathered that
lesser work was focused on solving security issues in UEs.
Moreover, employed security mechanisms should be aware of
the resource consumption of the UEs to utilize battery life.
Thus, efficiency and security are factors to be optimized in
the UE operating in the access network.
Research Problems:
The research problems on this set of TVs are formed
considering the IoT-based problems applicable on the air
interface for heterogeneous device access.
•How to manage scalability and interoperability due to
heterogeneity of UEs?
•How to Embed security and privacy defensive features at
the design stages in UEs?
•How to exploit the trade-off between employing security
and energy consumption of UEs?
Preliminary Solutions:
The 5G-based access network solutions proposed by Fang
et al. [70] are capable of addressing the interoperability and
scalability issues, in addition to security concerns presented
with future access networks. PLS and Privacy by design
offer unique opportunities for embedding security mechanisms
at the UE design stages that would aid the communication
payloads, lightening its load. The energy consumption cost
required to apply security measures should be studied and
modelled to understand the balance of the mentioned trade-
off. Apart from work by Alharby et al. [168], there has not
been significant work carried out in this area. However, the
findings in this paper can be extended to build a model that
presupposes the applicable level of security (security overhead)
for a given energy estimate.
Future Directives:
The future of securing MEC-enabled services at the ac-
cess network is swinging between optimism and pessimism.
Though there are numerous security solutions proposed, de-
rived via multitudes of research-based investigations, amalga-
mating all such solutions is raising concerns, as demonstrated
in this survey. Several proposed techniques, however, demon-
strate the potential for utilization in the context of mobile net-
works and mobile device or UE compatibility. PLS is one such
approach that employs security mechanisms in the physical
layer of the communication protocols to obscure the cryptic
credentials to the softwarized entities or cyber-eavesdroppers.
Thus, it offers a unique and versatile deployment option for
MEC-enabled services to ensure security while mitigating the
datagram overheads compared to network or application layer–
based security implementations.
PUF is another promising technique related to the physical
layer that guarantees future use. Various physical features
or electronic circuitry–based parameters were utilized for
generating a biometric resembled imprint to derive the user
identity. Thus, determining the optimal PUF for guaranteeing
the highest security and privacy is the central research question
for directives on this approach. Moreover, PUFs should be
selected in a way that they satisfy the requirements of universal
applicability, distinguishing certainty, permanent nature, and
convenience of the extraction mechanism. ECC, IBE, and CP-
ABE mechanisms demonstrate potential in the application-
layer deployments.
Security of the UEs, gateways, or networking devices en-
gaged in a local networking domain that connect to a MEC
edge level is not addressed significantly, according to the
current research findings. This is a vital research direction to
be considered in the future for developing malicious entity
detection, anomalous pattern detection, measures for pre-
dicting threat vectors through autonomous threat assessment,
and self-healing mechanisms. MEC-enabled mobile delega-
tion approaches for computational task offloading confirm
the requirement of a solid security scheme embedded in
UE. These offloading mechanisms enable the adversaries to
intercept the offloading channels for either retrieving infor-
mation or injecting malicious content to exploit the edge
level entities. Thus, investigating the applicability of mech-
anisms such as homomorphism and blockchain for securing
the offloading protocols—and the development of integrity
assurance scenarios for detecting probable violations, while
satisfying the transmission efficiency of the communication
channel—is an impending directive towards realizing MEC.
The diversity among the Operating Systems (OSs) of UEs is
forcing the MEC enablers for establishing a generic construct
when engaging them. OS and firmware updating strategies
are vulnerable to exploitation due to their various inherent
security levels. Thus, a minimum level of security policies
should be standardized by the ETSI for subscribing MEC
services. Finally, as for the GDPR compliance of privacy
preservation mechanisms and objectives specified in Section
V for MEC enabled UE device—their firmware and software
is an achievement for the future.
2) Mobile Edge Network
Lessons Learned:
The mobile edge network is the most integral environment
of the entire MEC system because of its uniqueness compared
to other edge computing paradigms. In contrast, featured
technological and device heterogeneity is lesser than the access
network. Thus, threats are limited to the comprised MEC
architectural components (E1, E2, and E3) and the connections
between them (E4, E5, E6, and E7), as illustrated in Fig. 4.
However, proximity to the access network elevates the risks of
the principal storage and processing platforms of MEC, which
adversaries are capable of exploiting. Assuming the physical
accessibility to edge level entities is prevented by enforcing
intrinsic restrictions, the threats to the mobile edge network
could be categorized into three approaches: virtualization pro-
tocols targeted attacks (E1, E2, and E3), malicious infiltrations
(E1, E2, E3, and E4), and intervening attacks (E5, E6, and E7).
In terms of the entities, MEH is the most vulnerable container
that stores the traversed data from the access network. ME
Apps facilitate an executable platform for malicious agents
obscured in the MEH databases. Moreover, seamless operation
of the edge network is entirely reliant on the MEH resource
utilization and service provisioning.
Virtualization and VM-based service deployments are the
key enablers of the holistic MEC system. The edge level
of the MEC architecture is more reliant on virtual storage
and processing infrastructures. Implementing such a virtual
environment could be attained via VMs or containers. The
containers operate through the utilization of the underlying OS
kernel virtualization, while VMs are implemented by hardware
virtualization that forms an isolated execution platform with
a distinguished OS in each VM [19]. Both approaches are
possible for deployment.
Due to the intricate virtualization platform to be launched
in the edge—expected to feature a highly evolved service in-
frastructure with subscription-based heterogeneous support—
adversaries are incentivised to exploit the vulnerabilities.
Thus, VM-based attacks such as VM manipulation, DNS
amplifications, VM escape, VNF locations shift, and security
log troubleshooting attacks are imminent [69]. These attacks,
however, are typically orchestrated by a malicious entity.
Malicious entities are integrated onto the edge network via
external connections it maintains from the access network,
direct connections to third party cloud services, and MEC
communication links (E5 and E6). Once the system is pen-
etrated by malicious entities, misconfiguring the virtualization
platform leads to compromising the entire MEC system,
including the system level. Thus, detection, quarantine, and
disinfection of malicious agents are principal requirements for
the edge network. Moreover, intervening attacks perpetrated on
the external connections are subject to confidentiality, integrity,
and privacy violations of MEC subscribers.
Research Problems:
The placement of the MEC entities at the edge present an
isolated advantage in contrast to the access network devices.
Thus, problems to be addressed are reliant on the malicious
penetrations, flaws in virtualization, and network interceptions.
•What is the best-suited virtualization technique to deploy
the MEC autonomous edge infrastructure?
•How do we overcome the VM-based attacks launched in
the MEC edge platform?
•How do we prevent infiltration of malicious agents inside
the MEH?
•How do we secure the internal network of the MEC edge
Preliminary Solutions:
Proper monitoring of the MEC entities and the au-
tonomously instigated virtual instances is critical to protecting
the edge network. To that end, TPMs [169] offer the capability
of tracing the performance metrics in both virtual and cyber-
physical domains, in addition to the attestation facility that can
be formulated for connecting UEs. VMI [170] is an approach
to detect VM-based and malicious penetrations within the
edge network. In addition, security zoning and VNF image
hardening are preventive practices for enhancing the protection
of the MEN [69].
Future Directives:
In retrospect on virtualization technologies, a proper mech-
anism should be investigated for launching the virtualization
platform of MEHs. As explained above, the choice of tech-
nology deviates between containers and VMs. The selection
criteria should consider efficiency and support for migration,
mobility, scalability, and security. VM technologies should
employ security measures in their protocols for preventing the
addressed attacks. A DMZ approach is a viable scheme for
distinguishing security levels in accordance with the priority of
the service. In order to negate the effect of malicious activities
in the edge, a Virtual Machine Introspection (VMI) method
could be employed for analyzing the VM hard disk offline
for detecting malicious agents [171]. The direct detection of
malicious agents from scanning the virtual hard drive is only
applicable to the cases of known signatures. Thus, monitoring
the usage statistics of memory, storage, network, and hardware
is an indirect approach to inspect uncharacteristic behavior
of ME Apps. The monitoring agent could be deployed as a
part of the hypervisor or as an external entity that operates
within or externally to the VM [172]. A direct communicating
link, however, should exist between the hypervisor and the
monitoring agent in case of external monitoring. Utilizing
machine learning techniques provides a unique opportunity
for VMI processes to enhance their detection accuracy and
reliability as presented in [173].
The external connections from and towards the edge
network—more specifically the link between edge and system
levels—is a vector that MEC service providers should manage
circumspectly. As all the control signaling, including the
service instigation / approval notifying, are conveyed via this
channel, probable intrusions are imminent. An amalgamation
of SDN and Virtual Private LAN Service (VPLS) technologies
called Software Defined VPLS (Soft VPLS) extended to a
Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) with a MPLS backbone
(Soft VPMS) demonstrate potential for securing the connec-
tivity among geo-distributed MEC edge and system levels
[174]. The tunnel management feature of the Soft VPMS
technology facilitates distinguishing MEC service types for
meeting variant latency requirements [175]. The fast trans-
mission adaptability of VPLS architecture makes a case for its
deployment for MEC as a use case of Data Centre Interconnect
(DCI) [176].
3) Core Network
Lessons Learned:
The separation of the core network or the system level from
the edge network guarantees a significant security assurance
for the orchestration entities in the MEC system from mali-
cious content as they navigate the edge network for storage
and processing. However, the connectivity between the system
level and the edge level entities is critical for the initiation
and termination of MESs and ME Apps. Once the MES is
approved by the OSS, continuation of the process does not
require ubiquitous connectivity to the system level until its ter-
mination. The MEO, however, maintains an overall perception
of the edge level virtual resource allocation through the VIM.
This bi-directional channel is critical to the security perspec-
tive due to its capability to detect resource depletion attacks,
which are the most probable type of attacks at the MEC system
level. Additionally, VM-based exploits are probable on MEO.
The service log registry and the troubleshooting mechanism
of the MEO are salient for the hypervisor operation.
UALCMP is a critical entity in MEC structure for two
reasons: one is the ingress portal to the entire MEC system,
while the other is for maintaining the internal addressing
scheme for MESs and ME Apps launched at several edge
levels under its control. Thus, perpetual functioning of the
UALCMP is paramount to the seamless operation of the MEC
service platforms, as it acts as a single point of failure. The
access capacity of UALCMP, however, could be upgraded
as it is located in the core network. Though the addressing
(proxy) and the service request handling functions should be
isolated to cater parallel processing systems, which persist in
executing, even if one system (request handling system) is
disrupted. Similarly, the factors applicable to UALCMP are
recurrent for CFSP, which performs request handling for third-
party services provisioned by the MEC infrastructure owner.
The approval process, however, should be stern compared
with UALCMP, as they are high-level services demanding
elevated aggregate of resources and accessibility. The current
research does not address guided methodologies to establish
invulnerable SLAs or proxy functionality applicable to both
UALCMP and CFSP entities. The legitimacy of the UE
Apps or services requesting the MEC subscriptions are a
vital concern due to malicious intents of the adversaries.
Either UALCMP, CFSP, or the OSS entities do not inherit
the functionality to evaluate the authenticity of the services
requesting access to the system. Thus, an authority should
exist to attest the services for prevention of inserting malicious
content and masquerading attempts towards the MEC system.
The standardization of the interfacing 5G core network and
the MEC system level entities is imperative for realizing the
MEC as a pragmatic solution that has been developed as an
extended mobile solution. In spite of the existing work on
the security concerns of this vector, the solutions are entirely
reliant on a solid standardization.
Research Problems:
The core network and MEC system-level entities are con-
sidered to be secure and to reside inaccessible to the attackers.
However, manipulations are possible via E5 and C5 connec-
tions that intend to mislead the entities. Furthermore, MES
request handling entities of UALCMP and CFSP are prone to
masquerading type attacks.
•How to secure the connection between the MEC edge and
system levels?
•How to detect and prevent resource exhaustion and
misleading attacks?
•How to detect illegitimate UEs requesting access and to
prevent DoSs?
•How to integrate security functions in the MEO?
Preliminary Solutions:
The connection between the MEC edge and the system
levels is envisioned to be established with SDN and NFV tech-
nologies. Thus, frameworks proposed elsewhere [100], [118],
[119] give insights on ways to implement such SDN/NFV
channels effectively. Further, the kernel hardening and hyper-
visor introspection tools are valuable for this virtual infrastruc-
ture. Illegitimate entities intended to access the MEC system
can be detected via remote attestation [97] and TPM [114]
functions. The current cloud-based orchestration architectures
should be revolutionized according to the novel 5G require-
ments, and to perform security functions internally [115],
[116], [177].
Future Directives:
As VM based intrusions are imminent on the MEO, a proper
hypervisor introspection method is a requisite to secure the
system level, similar to the edge level. The introspection mech-
anisms should feature higher scalability and responsiveness in
contrast to the edge level VMI systems. These introspection
mechanisms are to be independent of the regular orchestration
processes conducted by the MEO. Thus, a separate processing
platform should be integrated into it. A TPM is a novel
method for validating VNFs employing hardware utilization
statistics [69]. The Direct Anonymous Attestation with At-
tributes (DAA-A) and the TPM 2.0 are two such approaches
[25]. Recently published patent on TPM, referred in [178],
is suggesting various integration options to MEC system for
validating the integrity of virtual processes. Remote attestation
is another technique proposed by researches for validating the
trust status of a NFV based process remotely. If an MEC
system level is incapable of hosting a TPM-based service
within its processing domain, the service could be outsourced
to a verified attestation service provider. Even the assurance
level of a security module is verifiable via remote attestation,
according to the patented technique in [179].
Apart from the attestation techniques applicable to VNFs
operated in a virtual environment, the concept could be
extended to UE Apps and MESs. An authority, acting as a
Trusted Third Party (TTP) that validates the service requests
forwarded to the UALCMP or CFSP of the MEC system level,
would unburden the system with legitimacy concerns. Such
authorities are capable of acting remotely as the Certificate
Authorities (CAs) in a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). Thus,
this approach is a viable concept for mitigating malicious
penetrations, while outsourcing the trust issues to a verified
4) Architectural
a) Network Slicing
Lessons Learned:
The NS concept is still in its inception stages, in terms of
standardization for supporting heterogeneous services, though
integration of NS concept to MEC deployments is imminent.
Thus, identifying the MEC components capable of performing
the functions perpetrated by NS functional entities is a goal for
the future. 5G core network components, however, are already
mapped with a published 5G network-slicing architecture
[124]. Incompatibility of different slices to communicate to
each other is a major concern for NSIs. If NSIs are represented
by MEHs in the MEC system, incompatibility could be miti-
gated with the generic virtual protocol adaptation. Integrating
the NS MANO formation into the MEC system level is
probable with the MEC-NFV MANO integration achieved
elsewhere [31]. In terms of security, impersonation attacks
are plausible, due to the inadequacy of mutual-authentication
schemes within inter-slice entities. Once a MEH acting as a
NSI is compromised, the security of the adjoining NSI is at
risk, regardless of the slice in which it represents. Moreover,
UEs pose a severe threat due to their ability to switch between
the functional slices depending on their subscribed services.
Research Problems:
The standardization of NS is critical for pragmatic deploy-
ment of the concept. As this is a paradigm defined to simplify
the complexity of the future networks, interoperability and
compatibility are major factors in realizing the concept.
•How to achieve compatibility and interoperability among
NSIs residing at different network slices?
•How to integrate network slicing concept into MEC?
•How to establish communication between network slices
Preliminary Solutions:
Authentication is a key mechanism that appears in multiple
instances of NS applications due to its diverse technology
dispersed into many slices. Thus, an authentication framework
[122] is a necessity to conduct access control for a holistic
NS-based network. Furthermore, proper slice isolation [180]
is leading to counter many security attacks perpetrated at NSIs.
NSIs should be audited and validated continuously to mitigate
impersonation-like attacks.
Future Directives:
Mapping the NS architectural layers: business (slice man-
agement), NS service instance (out of eMBB, eMTC, and
URCC services), NS instance (VNF slices), and resource
(NFVI based radio, network, storage, and computing) layers to
the MEC architecture is critical for realizing the integration of
these two concepts [124]. The protocols should be standard-
ized to enable inter-slice communication among NSIs with em-
bedded security mechanisms. The interfaces should be varied
for diverse slice interaction in UEs for restricting the shifting
ability from one slice to another. This will require the users to
authenticate themselves with varied credentials to improve the
security in inter-slice communication. Implementing a security
function in each slice with adequate level of isolation leads
to safeguarding privacy in addition to security [181]. An ap-
proach, as proposed elsewhere [126], to enhance the robustness
of NS from an algorithm for slice recovery and reconfiguration
is a novel initiative to counter invalidating flaws in inter-slice
communication. A viable network slice selection mechanism,
as patented in [182], is a major requirement for deploying NS
in an MEC-enabled environment.
b) Traffic Steering
Lessons Learned:
The MEC paradigm is formed combining the edge comput-
ing concept with mobile technologies, where traffic is steered
utilizing mobile network-based components. MEC-generated
traffic steered from UE to the edge and core networks are
orchestrated by 5G core network entities such as PCF and
SMF NFs. The LADN of the MEH is directly communicating
with the UPF NF to enforce steering policies. As the majority
of MEC-based traffic is traversed via the mobile network,
engagement of the 5G entities is imminent. Thus, the secu-
rity of traffic steering processes is dependent on these core
network entities and their protocols. A merger between SDN
and NFV technologies is envisioned to form the networking
infrastructure of MEC. Thus, SFC is a method that elaborates
the potential for adapting in MEC traffic steering constructs, as
it is based on SDN and NFV. However, traffic steering security
is not considered significantly.
Research Problems:
Though the ETSI is defining the traffic steering policies
for MEC, security is a factor that should be considered
•How do we integrate 5G core network traffic steering
entities or AFs into the MEC system?
•How do we develop SFC based reliable traffic steering
policies for MEC?
•How do we modify traffic steering protocols and headers
to embed security mechanisms?
Preliminary Solutions:
SFC-based solutions [129] are required to enhance the traffic
steering of the MEC systems. The method and the order of
applicable various security measures should be determined in
an analytical manner. FIS can be employed to determine the
optimized methodology for applying steered traffic security.
Furthermore, well formed security frameworks [128] would
allow the MEC system to adapt security measures at different
stages with more efficiency.
Future Directives:
SFC is a technique to be further investigated for its
adaptability to MEC systems. However, standardizing the
5G core network entities interfacing specifications with the
MEC components is critical for proposing pragmatic security
solutions. The patent [183] explicates a traffic steering scenario
in wireless communication that conveys assisting information
from the eNodeB via a dedicated signaling channel. This
method is optimal for MEC-enabled UEs to steer the traffic
through a less occupied channel, optimizing the holistic traffic
profile of the serving BS. Traffic steering methods such as load
aware and heterogeneous mechanisms are proposed as viable
options for MEC deployment [184]. In terms of security, Soft-
VPMS–based adaptation to the networking infrastructure of
the MEC system represents great potential for traffic steering
c) Service Migration
Lessons Learned:
Versatility to migrate a service from one functioning infras-
tructure to another is a feature that improves the realization of
MEC in the current heterogeneous IoT market, which solves
the demand for a ubiquitous connectivity to service access in
a geographically dispersed context. Maintaining the service
continuity subject to mobility-based 5G guarante