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Problematic Social Media Use and Health Among Adolescents

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH)
  • University of Jyväskylä, Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences
  • University of Jyvaskyla

Abstract and Figures

(1) Background: The use of social media has become an integral part of adolescents’ daily lives. However, the intensive use of social media can develop into a health-threatening addiction, but unfavourable health consequences can occur even with less use. Social media user groups categorized as no-risk, moderate risk (of developing problematic behaviour), and problematic use were examined with reference to their prevalence, their associations with individual determinants and health, and the increased health risk between groups. (2) Methods: The Finnish nationally representative HBSC data (persons aged 11, 13, and 15, n = 3408) and descriptive and binary logistic regression analysis were applied. (3) Results: Problematic social media use (9.4%) was most common among older age groups, and among persons with moderate/low school achievement, low health literacy, and low parental monitoring. Belonging to a moderate risk group (33.5%) was most frequent among girls, and among adolescents with low/moderate parental monitoring and health literacy. All the negative health indicators systematically increased if the respondent belonged to a moderate risk or problematic use group. (4) Conclusions: The study confirmed the association between problematic social media use and negative health outcomes and highlighted the need to pay close attention to adolescents at moderate risk who exhibited negative health outcomes. Keywords: social media; problematic social media use; adolescents; health
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Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 1885.
Problematic Social Media Use and Health Among Adolescents
Leena Paakkari *, Jorma Tynjälä, Henri Lahti, Kristiina Ojala and Nelli Lyyra
Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences, University of Jyväskylä, P.O. Box 35 (L), 40014 Jyväskylä, Finland; (J.T.); (H.L.); (K.O.); (N.L.)
* Correspondence:
Abstract: (1) Background: The use of social media has become an integral part of adolescents’ daily
lives. However, the intensive use of social media can develop into a health-threatening addiction,
but unfavourable health consequences can occur even with less use. Social media user groups cate-
gorized as no-risk, moderate risk (of developing problematic behaviour), and problematic use were ex-
amined with reference to their prevalence, their associations with individual determinants and
health, and the increased health risk between groups. (2) Methods: The Finnish nationally repre-
sentative HBSC data (persons aged 11, 13, and 15, n = 3408) and descriptive and binary logistic
regression analysis were applied. (3) Results: Problematic social media use (9.4%) was most com-
mon among older age groups, and among persons with moderate/low school achievement, low
health literacy, and low parental monitoring. Belonging to a moderate risk group (33.5%) was most
frequent among girls, and among adolescents with low/moderate parental monitoring and health
literacy. All the negative health indicators systematically increased if the respondent belonged to a
moderate risk or problematic use group. (4) Conclusions: The study confirmed the association be-
tween problematic social media use and negative health outcomes and highlighted the need to pay
close attention to adolescents at moderate risk who exhibited negative health outcomes.
Keywords: social media; problematic social media use; adolescents; health
1. Introduction
The recently published international report on Health Behaviour in School-aged
Children [1] covered the health and health behaviour of 11-, 13-, and 15-year-old adoles-
cents in 45 countries. The findings included a figure of 7% of adolescents reporting prob-
lematic social media use. Furthermore, 35% of adolescents could be characterized as in-
tensive electronic media users, having online contact with people almost all the time, and
throughout the day [1]. One may thus agree with the notion of Griffiths and Kuss [2] that
“teenagers particularly appear to have subscribed to the cultural norm of continual online
networking”. Social media refers to various internet-based semi-public and public sites
and services (e.g., social network sites, blogging, and video sharing), and related tools that
provide spaces for user-profiles and for user-generated content, socializing, and sharing
[3,4]. Undoubtedly, for today’s young people, who have grown up with instant access to
social media [5], the social media offer spaces and possibilities to find friends, reduce so-
cial isolation, and gain social support [6], with opportunities also for learning, creativity,
and self-fulfilment. However, if the use develops into problematic behaviour, it may bring
unfavourable consequences with it.
Research on problematic social media use, disorder, or addiction among adolescents
has increased during the last decade. However, many scholars do not refer to problematic
social media use as an addiction or disorder, as the phenomenon has not yet been officially
classified as such, e.g., [7]. Though a growing body of research has shown a link between
problematic social media use and unfavourable health, the data leading to results and
conclusions have mainly been self-reported, as have the data leading to classification as a
Citation: Paakkari, L.; Tynjälä, J.;
Lahti, H.; Ojala, K.; Lyyra, N.
Problematic Social Media Use and
Health Among Adolescents. Int. J.
Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18,
Academic Editor: Paul B.
Received: 20 December 2020
Accepted: 10 February 2021
Published: 15 February 2021
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Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Li-
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Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 1885 2 of 11
problematic user. According to Zendle and Bowden-Jones [8], given the lack of diagnostic
criteria and the limited amount of high-quality longitudinal research, not much can be
said about the nature of excessive social media use and its similarities with known addic-
tions. It is for this reason that somewhat broad terms, such as problematic social media
use, have been adopted.
Similarly, because there is no shared understanding of what such problematic behav-
io ur means or how it s hould be me asured , there are wide va riatio ns in de fining the curren t
level of problematic use in the population [9,10]. Furthermore, if intensive engagement
with social media and networking is seen as the status quo, it can be hard to define when
the use becomes problematic [2].
Some scholars [9] have characterized problematic social media use via components
that apply to all addictions [11], while others [10] have used criteria based on the Diag-
nostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V) [12]. These have been applied
to internet gaming disorder, with possibilities for defining social media disorder more
generally. Following this approach, the following nine components could be used to de-
fine and measure social media disorder: preoccupation (“substantial time used to think
about the activity”), withdrawal, tolerance, problems in reducing/stopping (“unsuccessful
attempts to stop”), giving up other activities, continuance despite problems, deception or
covering up, use to escape from or relieve negative moods, and indications of risk or loss
regarding relationships or opportunities [13]. These nine components formed the basis of
the HBSC study referred to above, which used the Social Media Disorder Scale with nine
yes/no items [10]. Respondents with six or more “yes” answers were categorized as prob-
lematic users [14].
Adolescents’ problematic social media use has been viewed as a complex phenome-
non with several explanatory factors. Problematic use has been explained via individual-
level factors (e.g., fear of missing out [15,16]), family-level factors (e.g., childhood mal-
treatment [17], lessened family support [18], lower family functioning [19]), and/or friend-
level factors (lower levels of friend support [18]). Macro-level factors have also been pro-
posed, including the normalization of the surveillance culture, involving online compari-
son, and possibilities to find out what people are doing [20]. Gender and age have often
been regarded as explanatory factors for disordered social media use. Girls are more likely
to report problematic social media use than boys [1,9,21–24], and older girls more likely
than younger girls to report such use [1]. Boys have been found to be more likely to report
disordered internet gaming [23]. Across countries, no consistency has been found regard-
ing the association between social media use and family affluence [1].
The fairly extensive use of social media among adolescents has raised concerns about
the consequences for adolescents’ health and wellbeing e.g., [25,26]. Most research has
focused on the link between social media use (including social network site addiction) and
various psychosomatic complaints or disorders. Following a longitudinal study, Vannucci
and Ohannessian [27] reported that “social media patterns appear to differentially predict
psychosocial adjustment during early adolescence, with high social media use being the
most problematic”. Problematic social media use has been linked to a greater likelihood
of depressive symptoms [5,9,22,28–32], anxiety [28,32], lower self-esteem [9,28,32], social
isolation [29], lower life-satisfaction [18], poorer sleep quality [21,28,32], disordered eating
[33], and higher body image dissatisfaction [34]. Considering the associations with the
various psychosomatic complaints, it is easy to understand why assessment of social me-
dia use has been proposed as a standard element in psychiatric assessment [35]. Further-
more, problematic social media use has been associated with unfavourable behaviours
such as lower levels of physical activity [19] and impaired ability to regulate daily respon-
sibilities [28], while higher social media use has been associated with the initiation of risky
behaviours (e.g., substance use and risky sexual behaviours, [36]). For their part, digital
stimuli, notably the rapid shifts in attention caused by high use of social media have been
associated with cognitive factors such as a momentarily shortened attention span and low-
ered information processing [37]. Overall, there are indications that problematic and high
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 1885 3 of 11
social media use may predict a heightened risk for an array of negative health outcomes
among adolescents.
Despite a recent increase in research on social media use and health, there have been
calls for more research “to protect children and young people from the negative effects
social media can have on their risk-taking behaviours, mental health, and wellbeing” [6].
This underlines the utility of obtaining a nationally representative sample to determine
how social media use is associated with a comprehensive set of health indicators (exam-
ined in the same sample), and whether an association with negative health indicators ex-
ists among persons adjudged to have a heightened (albeit moderate) risk for problematic
use. The study by Bányai and her colleagues [9] using a nationally representative Hun-
garian sample is one of the few to reveal that the likelihood of poorer health (i.e., lower
self-esteem and a higher level of depressive symptoms) is already increased among ado-
lescents with a heightened risk of problematic social media use, as compared to those with
no such risk. Hence, the rationale for this study is not only the need to examine in depth
the use of social media in relation to health, but also to use nationally representative data
encompassing various individual determinants and health indicators. So far, there has
been no such research on Finnish school-aged children.
This study aimed to examine the association between adolescents’ social media use
and health plus health behaviour, using nationally representative Finnish data from the
Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) survey. The specific research questions
for the study were:
What are the comparative prevalence figures for groups categorized as no-risk (i.e.,
at no risk for problematic social media use), moderate risk (i.e., at heightened risk of
problematic social media use), and problematic in their social media use? (RQ1)
How are various individual determinants (gender, age, family affluence, parental
monitoring, health literacy, academic aspiration, school achievement) associated
with social media use? (RQ2)
How are various social media user groups (no-risk, moderate risk, and problematic
use) associated with various health indicators (health complaints, physical inactiv-
ity, loneliness, low self-rated health, morning tiredness, short sleep) (RQ3), and,
how much does the risk of negative health indicators increase between groups?
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Design
Nationally representative data were collected from Finnish adolescents as part of the
HBSC study in 2018. Stratification in sampling was based on European Union NUTS clas-
sification (Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics). The sampling was based on
the Finnish national school register and was carried out via a random cluster sampling
method adjusted for the province, municipality, and school size. Probability proportional
to size sampling method (PPS) was applied in school selection. The primary sampling unit
(PSU) was the school, and within the school the class was randomly selected. Participation
was voluntary, and the student response rate was 57%. Anonymous data were collected
online by Webropol software (Webropol Oy, Helsinki, Finland). The Ethics committee of
the University of Jyväskylä gave approval regarding ethical issues, and the school princi-
pals gave school-level approval.
2.2. Participants
The HBSC study focuses on collecting the data from 11-, 13-, and 15-year-olds fol-
lowing the international HBSC protocol [14]. The participants were 3408 Finnish adoles-
cents (11 yrs, n = 993; 13 yrs, n = 1246; 15 yrs, n = 1169). The sample included an almost
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 1885 4 of 11
equal number of boys (n = 1706) and girls (n = 1702), and gender and age were not associ-
ated (χ²(2) = 0.027, p = 0.987).
2.3. Measures
Self-reported gender and age were measured by asking participants to select the cor-
rect alternative.
Problematic social media use was measured with the 9-item Social Media Disorder Scale
(SMD scale) using a dichotomous (No/Yes) answer scale [8]. The items covered preoccu-
pation, tolerance, withdrawal, displacement, escape, problems, deception, displacement,
and conflict. Based on the values obtained, the respondents were categorized into three
groups: a no-risk group, a moderate risk group (i.e., at a heightened risk of developing
problematic use), and a problematic use group. The cut-off value for the problematic use
group was 6 or more yes answers; for the moderate risk group the corresponding values
were 2 to 5, and for the no-risk group 0 to 1 [38].
Family affluence scale III [39] was used to measure the self-reported socioeconomic
position, via six items: ownership of a car, having one’s own bedroom, number of family
computers, number of bathrooms, ownership of a dishwasher at home, number of family
holidays during the past 12 months. The computed scores were recoded into three cate-
gories to indicate levels of relative affluence: low family affluence (lowest 20%), medium
family affluence (middle 60%), and high family affluence (highest 20%) [40]. Parental mon-
itoring was measured by six items, via a 3-point scale focusing on adolescents’ perceptions
of parental monitoring and awareness regarding friends, spending money, after-school
and free-time activity, internet activity, and going out at night [41]. The responses for
monitoring by both mother and father were computed to obtain a sum score that was
recoded into three categories: low parental monitoring (lowest 33.3%), medium parental
monitoring (middle 33.3%), and high parental monitoring (highest 33.3%).
Educational aspiration was measured by a question covering seven educational/voca-
tional tracks after comprehensive school. The response options upper secondary school
and double examination (conducted at both upper secondary school and vocational
school) were combined and labelled academic plans, while the others were labelled non-
academic plans. Health literacy was measured by the Health Literacy for School-Aged Chil-
dren (HLSAC) instrument [42,43]. The scale includes 10 items measuring adolescents’
knowledge and competencies to promote health. The responses were computed to a sum
score, which was then recoded into three categories: low health literacy (values 10–25),
medium health literacy (values 26–35), and high health literacy (values 36–40) [44]. Aca-
demic achievement was measured by asking students to indicate their most recent mark in
the school subjects first language and mathematics. The mean value for the two marks
was calculated and recoded into three categories: low school achievement (mean value 4–
7), medium school achievement (mean value 7.5–8.5), and high school achievement (mean
value 9–10).
Health complaints were measured by the HBSC symptom checklist (HBSC-SCL) [45].
Respondents evaluated the frequency of various complaints, both somatic (headache,
neck, and shoulder pain) and psychological (feeling low, nervousness, irritability) over
the last six months. The response options about every week, more than once a week, and
about every day were combined to indicate frequent and regularly experienced psycho-
somatic symptoms. Multiple health complaints were defined as experiencing three or
more health complaints weekly or more often. Physical inactivity was measured using
Moderate-to-Vigorous-Physical-Activity (MVPA) questions [46]. Persons meeting the
MVPA guidelines on only 0 to 2 days per week were categorized as physically inactive.
Loneliness was measured by one item: Do you ever feel lonely? The response options very
often and quite often were combined to indicate frequently experienced loneliness. Self-
rated health (SRH) was evaluated by a single question measuring the individual’s percep-
tion and evaluation of their health [47]. The response options fair and poor were combined
to indicate low SRH.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 1885 5 of 11
Morning tiredness was measured with a single item: How often do you feel tired when
you get up on school mornings? The response options varied from rarely or never to 4 or
more times a week. Being tired 4 or more times a week was categorized as a risk for ado-
lescent health. Sleep duration was calculated as the difference between bedtime and wake-
up time on school days. Bedtimes were inquired about as follows: When do you usually
go to bed if the next morning is a school day? Wake-up times were asked via the question:
When do you usually wake-up on school mornings? The response alternatives for both
questions were set at half-hour intervals. Sleep duration of at most 7 hours a night was
categorized as a risk for adolescent health and referred to as short sleep.
2.4. Analyses
The descriptive analysis included frequencies, percentages, confidence intervals
(CIs), and associations between social media use and background variables (χ² test).
The associations between social media addiction and health indicators were analysed
by binary logistic regression. The analyses were adjusted for PSU. Odds ratio (OR) values
were calculated, indicating the strength of the association and the increased risk level.
Missing data were handled via a listwise deletion procedure. The significance level for all
the analyses was set at p < 0.05. All the analyses were conducted by Stata (version 16)
(StataCorp LLC, Texas, USA).
3. Results
3.1. Prevalence of No-Risk, Moderate Risk, and Problematic Social Media Use (RQ1), and Asso-
ciated Individual Determinants (RQ2)
For the total sample, the problematic social media prevalence was 9.4% and the mod-
erate risk prevalence 33.5% (Table 1). Overall, no gender differences were found regarding
problematic use, but girls more than boys belonged to the moderate risk group. Problem-
atic use was more prevalent among 13- and 15-year-old adolescents than among 11-year-
olds (11.2% for the 13- and 15-year-olds versus 5.9% for the 11-year-olds). Furthermore,
higher parental monitoring and higher health literacy were statistically significantly asso-
ciated with a lower prevalence of moderate risk and problematic social media use. Low
academic achievement was linked to a higher prevalence of problematic social media use.
There was no association between family affluence or educational aspiration and the prev-
alence of no-risk, moderate risk, or problematic social media use.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 1885 6 of 11
Table 1. The prevalence of no-risk, moderate risk, and problematic social media user groups: totals, and proportions by
gender, age, family affluence, parental monitoring, educational aspiration, health literacy, and academic achievement.
Variable No-Risk Social Media Use Moderate Social Media Use Problematic Social Media Use Total χ²(df); p-Value
% (95% CI) % (95% CI) % (95% CI) % (n)
All 57.1 (54.8–59.3) 33.5 (31.6–35.5) 9.4 (8.3–10.8) 100 (3077)
Gender χ²(2) = 76.98; <0.001
Boys 65.1 (62.2–67.8) 26.6 (24.1–29.3) 8.3 (6.9–10.1) 100 (1496)
Girls 49.6 (46.5–52.7) 40.0 (37.2–42.8) 10.5 (8.8–12.4) 100 (1581)
Age χ²(4) = 27.06; <0.001
11 years 60.5 (56.7–64.2) 33.6 (30.3–37.2) 5.9 (4.5–7.6) 100 (912)
13 years 53.5 (49.6–57.4) 35.3 (31.6–39.1) 11.2 (9.0–14.0) 100 (1122)
15 years 57.1 (53.5–60.6) 31.7 (28.9–34.7) 11.2 (9.2–13.5) 100 (1043)
FAS χ²(4) = 4.89; <0.353
Low 57.3 (53.0–61.4) 32.2 (28.4–36.1) 10.6 (8.3–13.4) 100 (663)
Medium 56.1 (53.2–58.9) 34.8 (32.4–37.2) 9.2 (7.7–10.8) 100 (1782)
High 60.2 (55.7–64.5) 31.6 (27.4–36.0) 8.2 (6.1–11.0) 100 (552)
Parental monitoring χ²(4) = 93.30; <0.001
Low 46.1 (41.8–50.4) 37.3 (33.6–41.1) 16.7 (13.8–19.9) 100 (644)
Moderate 51.4 (46.9–55.9) 38.9 (34.5–43.5) 9.7 (7.6–12.1) 100 (669)
High 68.7 (64.9–72.3) 25.5 (22.0–29.4) 5.8 (4.1–8.0) 100 (681)
Educational aspiration χ²(2) = 16.66; <0.080
High school 58.3 (54.3–62.3) 32.3 (29.0–35.9) 9.4 (7.2–12.1) 100 (700)
Vocational 55.2 (49.3–61.1) 30.6 (25.7–36.0) 14.2(10.7–18.6) 100 (321)
Health literacy χ²(4) = 94.80; <0.001
Low 42.8 (33.9–52.2) 34.7 (27.0–43.3) 22.4 (15.8–30.8) 100 (180)
Moderate 50.4 (47.3–53.5) 38.2 (35.1–43.3) 11.2 (9.2–14.0) 100 (1175)
High 65.2 (61.2–68.9) 25.9 (22.7–29.4) 9.0 (7.0–11.4) 100 (739)
Academic achievement χ²(4) = 54.74; <0.001
Low 53.2 (47.8–58.5) 30.3 (26.1–34.8) 16.6 (12.9–20.9) 100 (535)
Moderate 55.2 (51.5–59.0) 33.0 (29.5–36.7) 11.8 (10.0–14.3) 100 (970)
High 57.7 (52.8–62.5) 37.0 (32.4–41.7) 5.4 (3.7–7.9) 100 (585)
3.2. Prevalence of Negative Health Indicators among No-Risk, Moderate Risk, and Problematic
Users (RQ3)
No-risk users experienced the fewest health complaints or other negative health in-
dicators, and problematic users reported the most. In the total sample, the prevalence of
multiple health complaints within the moderate risk group was 33.0%, and in the prob-
lematic group 41.4% (Table 2). Overall, among the problematic users the most common
negative health indicators were irritability and nervousness.
Table 2. Prevalence of negative health indicators among no-risk, moderate risk, and problematic user groups.
Health indicators No-risk social media use Moderate risk social me-
dia use
Problematic social media
use χ²(df); p-value
% (95% CI) % (95% CI) % (95% CI)
Health complaints a
Headache 32.0 (29.5–34.6) 46.3 (42.7–49.8) 51.9 (46.0–57.8) χ²(2) = 79.4; <0.001
Neck & shoulder pain 26.4 (24.1–28.9) 37.4(34.1–40.9) 47.5 (41.2–53.9) χ²(2) = 71.1; <0.001
Feeling low 26.1 (23.6–28.8) 49.2 (45.5–52.9) 53.5 (47.2–59.6) χ²(2) = 188.4; <0.001
Nervousness 36.4 (33.8–39.1) 59.4 (55.7–62.9) 65.6 (59.7–71.0) χ²(4) = 182.4; <0.001
Irritability 42.4 (39.6–45.1) 64.8 (61.4–68.1) 70.7 (65.1–75.8) χ²(2) = 173.4; <0.001
Multiple health complaints 14.6 (12.8–16.6) 33.0 (29.7–36.6) 41.4 (35.3–47.9) χ²(2) = 181.8; <0.001
Other health indicators b
Physical inactivity 10.2 (8.5–12.2) 12.1 (10.1–14.8) 23.4 (19.1–28.3) χ²(2) = 40.6; <0.001
Loneliness 9.2 (7.7–10.9) 18.4 (15.9–21.2) 27.4 (22.2–33.2) χ²(4) = 93.6; <0.001
Low SRH 12.6 (10.9–14.6) 18.8 (16.2–21.7) 29.7 (24.3–358) χ²(2) = 60.1; <0.001
Morning tiredness 25.3 (23.0–27.7) 38.0(34.7–41.4) 55.9 (49.3–61.8) χ²(2) = 126.2; <0.001
Short sleep 17.7 (15.2–20.5) 23.9 (20.4–28.0) 39.3 (32.9–46.0) χ²(2) = 55.7; <0.001
Note: a percentage of respondents in each social media use group reporting health complaints weekly or more often. b
percentage of respondents in each social media use group reporting other negative health indicators.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 1885 7 of 11
3.3. Associations between Social Media User Groups and Negative Health Indicators (RQ4)
Adolescents in the problematic social media user group were three times more likely,
and adolescents in the moderate risk group twice as likely to experience irritability, nerv-
ousness, and feeling low. In addition, problematic users were twice as likely to suffer from
neck and shoulder pain and headache as compared to the no-risk group. All the OR values
for the moderate risk and problematic group were statistically significant at level p < 0.001.
(Table 3).
Table 3. Binary logistic regression on the associations between social media user groups and psychosomatic health com-
Health complaints
Headache Neck and shoulder
pain Feeling low Nervousness Irritability Multiple health
OR (95% CI) OR (95% CI) OR (95% CI) OR (95% CI) OR (95% CI) OR (95% CI)
Addiction group
No-risk 1 1 1 1 1 1
Moderate risk 1.68 (1.40–2.02) *** 1.57 (1.30–1.89) *** 2.46 (2.05–2.96) *** 2.35 (1.96–2.81) *** 2.31 (1.95–2.73) *** 2.59 (2.10–3.20) ***
Problematic 2.13 (1.65–2.75) *** 2.35 (1.76–3.12) *** 2.94 (2.22–3.88) *** 3.11 (2.37–4.07) *** 3.05 (2.34–3.98) *** 3.77 (2.77–5.13) ***
Boy 1 1 1 1 1 1
Girl 1.76 (1.47–2.10) *** 1.54(1.30–1.83) *** 2.71 (2.25–3.26) *** 1.79 (1.51–2.11) *** 1.86 (1.59–2.17) *** 2.52 (2.06–3.07) ***
11 years 1 1 1 1 1 1
13 years 1.09 (0.851.39) 1.11 (0.87–1.40) 1.19 (0.91–1.56) 1.19 (0.94–1.50) 1.14 (0.89–1.46) 1.12 (.85–1.47)
15 years 1.25 (1.01–1.54) * 1.48 (1.19–1.84) ** 1.73 (1.34–2.21) *** 1.11 (0.89–1.39) 1.25 (1.00–1.57) 1.65 (1.27–2.15) ***
Note: * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001.
The prevalence of morning tiredness, short sleep, and loneliness was over three times
as likely, and inactivity twice as likely among the problematic social media users as com-
pared to the no-risk users. Furthermore, loneliness was twice as likely to be experienced
by the moderate risk group as compared to the no-risk group (Table 4).
Table 4. Binary logistic regression on the associations between social media user groups and other negative health indi-
Health indicators
Physical inactivity Loneliness Low SRH Morning tiredness Short sleep
OR (95% CI) OR (95% CI) OR (95% CI) OR (95% CI) OR (95% CI)
Addiction group
No-risk 1 1 1 1 1
Moderate risk 1.25 (0.96–1.65) 2.05 (1.62–2.59) *** 1.60 (1.28–1.99) *** 1.76 (1.47–2.09) *** 1.60 (1.25–2.06) ***
Problematic 2.46 (1.81–3.35) *** 3.37 (2.42–4.70) *** 2.68 (1.99–3.61) *** 3.43 (2.61–4.51) *** 3.23 (2.32–4.50) ***
Boy 1 1 1 1 1
Girl 1.00 (0.77–1.31) 1.94(1.54–2.46) *** 1.02 (0.82–1.26) 1.26 (1.07–1.50) ** 0.73 (0.59–0.92) **
11 years 1 1 1 1 NA
13 years 2.11 (1.43–3.11) *** 1.18 (0.85–1.64) 2.12 (1.54–2.93) *** 1.44 (1.16–1.78) ** 1
15 years 4.84 (3.42–6.85) *** 1.95 (1.43–2.65) *** 2.31 (1.64–3.26) *** 1.85 (1.51–2.27) *** 1.60 (1.22–2.09) **
Note: ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001.
4. Discussion
Using a nationally representative sample from Finland, this study sheds new light
on adolescents’ social media use and related individual determinants and health indica-
tors. It represents one of the few to offer information on how being a moderate or prob-
lematic social media user increases the likelihood of reporting various unfavourable
health indicators; hence, it highlights the need to examine not only problematic versus
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 1885 8 of 11
non-problematic users, but also persons at moderate risk of developing problematic so-
cial media use.
Problematic social media use is of concern for 9.4% of Finnish adolescents. This is
close to the European average (7.4%) [18], while a further 33.5% could be characterized as
at moderate risk of developing problematic behaviour. Problematic social media use was
most common among the older age groups, and among persons with moderate or low
school achievement, low health literacy, and low parental monitoring. Furthermore, be-
longing to a moderate risk group was most frequent among girls and among persons with
low to moderate parental monitoring. Family wealth was not linked to social media use
in any of the examined groups. One reason for this may be the inexpensive cost of internet
access in Finland, as reported by the European Commission [48], which notes that “Fin-
land has developed an equitable and inclusive information society”.
Our findings did not support recent findings on girls as more likely than boys to
report problematic social media use [9,21]. However, a larger proportion of girls (40%)
than boys (28%) belonged to the group with a moderate risk for problematic use, indicat-
ing a need to pay special attention to girls in attempts to prevent problematic social media
behaviour. Research has shown that several social media behaviours, such as selfie behav-
iour, are typical of both genders, but that for instance appearance concerns explain prob-
lematic social media use only among boys [49]. This highlights the need to study in detail
the gender differences in social media use and the patterns explaining them. In addition,
since this is the first time that Finnish adolescents’ social media use has been measured
via a specific problematic-use instrument, we do not know how gender differences have
developed over time.
Problematic social media use by adolescents has widely been recognized as a possible
indicator for negative health outcomes e.g., [18,21,50]. The findings clearly indicated that
among the moderate risk users and the problematic users, there was a higher frequency
of various psychosomatic complaints and other negative health indicators than in the no-
risk group. For example, among the adolescents identified as belonging to the no-risk
group, 15% reported having multiple health complaints and 36% nervousness on a weekly
or daily basis. In the moderate risk group, the corresponding figures were 33% (multiple
health complaints) and 59% (nervousness), and in the problematic use group 41% (multi-
ple health complaints) and 66% (nervousness). Furthermore, the prevalence of weekly
morning tiredness increased from 25% (no-risk group) to 56% (problematic use group),
and short sleep from 18% to 39%. One alarming finding was that the risk of loneliness was
double for the moderate risk group and triple for the problematic use group. There have
been mixed findings on the effects of social media on loneliness, and the differences have
been explained via the individual’s orientation to social comparison (such that persons
with a higher orientation towards social comparison have an increased risk of social me-
dia increasing loneliness) [51].
Given that the risk for all the measured negative health indicators systematically in-
creased if the respondent belonged to a moderate risk or a problematic use group, there
is a need to broaden the scope of investigation to persons at moderate risk of developing
problematic behaviour instead of studying only problematic versus no-risk users. We
found an increased risk for 9 out of 11 measured unfavourable health indicators among
the moderate risk group, and often the risk was over twice as large as that for the no-risk
group. Moreover, in relation to 5 out of 11 measured unfavourable health indicators
(headache, feeling low, nervousness, irritability, and having multiple complaints), the risk
increased if the respondent belonged to the moderate risk group as compared to the no-
risk group, with no detectable difference between moderate risk and problematic users.
In addition, given that 43% of the Finnish adolescents belonged to either the moderate risk
(34%) or the problematic group (9%), with only small age differences, the magnitude of
the findings on the associations between social media use and health should not be un-
derestimated. As Clark et al. [6] have argued, “the health and societal costs of problematic
use of the internet across the lifespan are unknown, but they could be huge”. The critical
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 1885 9 of 11
question is what “moderate risk” actually means. In a positive sense, one could say that
at this stage adolescents still have control over their social media use. However, it is diffi-
cult to say how near persons in this group are to developing a problematic behaviour.
The cross-sectional data do not allow causal inferences and arguments on whether
various negative health outcomes predispose towards or are consequences of problematic
so cial media use [5] . In additi on, in t his study we examined the associations between prob-
lematic social media use and health indicators but did not assess the different types of
social media used by the participants. Hence, caution is needed in generalizing from the
results, given that the associations of different types of media can vary greatly. One should
also note the role of probable mediating factors between social media use and health. For
instance, Viner et al. [52] found that a lack of sleep or of physical activity mediated the
association between social media use and various mental health problems, and they con-
sidered direct causalities between extensive social media use and health problems to be
very unlikely. However, in an experimental study among university students conducted
by Hunt et al. [53] it was observed that limitations on social media use may decrease lone-
liness and depressive symptoms. Heffer et al. [54] took the view that that social media use
did not in itself predict mental health problems; in fact, causality operated the other way
round. Undoubtedly, further research is needed to avoid a situation in which various
health problems are explained purely via social media use, with technology regarded as
“an illness that society must address” [3]. According to Boyd [3], “It is easier for adults to
blame technology for undesirable outcomes than to consider other social, cultural, and
personal factors that may be at play.” More broadly, research is needed to explore prob-
lematic social media use and its associations with health in a more comprehensive man-
ner, using for instance an ecological approach to identify explanatory factors across sev-
eral domains (i.e., individual, family, peer, school and community) in the same sample,
and at the same time.
5. Conclusions
Based on the findings of this study, more research is needed on the role of health
literacy and school achievement in empowering adolescents to have control over their
social media use, with attention given also to the role of parental monitoring in creating a
supportive environment for more controllable social media use. However, one can sug-
gest that preventative interventions should be comprehensive in nature, i.e., they should
focus on individuals and their environments, and be targeted at the whole population,
albeit with a special focus on those at moderate risk and those with problematic habits.
One must accept that the internet and social media play a significant role in people’s lives,
and that prohibitions of it are practically impossible [55]. Hence, interventions should fo-
cus on factors that support adolescents’ skills in regulating their own behaviour [56].
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, L.P., J.T., and N.L.; methodology, J.T, N.L, and L.P.; for-
mal analysis, J.T and N.L.; investigation, L.P., J.T., H.L., K.O., and N.L..; resources, L.P.; writing
(preparation of original draft) L.P., J.T., H.L., K.O., and N.L.; writing (review and editing) L.P., J.T.,
H.L., K.O., and N.L.; visualization, N.L.; funding acquisition, L.P. All authors have read and agreed
to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by Juho Vainio Foundation (grant) and Ministry of Social Af-
fairs and Health.
Institutional Review Board Statement: The study was conducted according to the guidelines of the
Declaration of Helsinki, and approved by the Ethical Committee of the University of Jyväskylä.
Informed Consent Statement: Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the
Data Availability Statement: The data presented in this study are available on reasonable request
from the corresponding author. The data are not publicly available due to ethical requirements.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 1885 10 of 11
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. The funders had no role in the
design of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manu-
script, or in the decision to publish the results.
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... Adolescents from more affluent families often have greater access to resources that promote healthy behaviors, such as education or healthy food options, while those from less affluent backgrounds may experience higher levels of stress and limited access to these resources (Gautam et al., 2023), potentially leading to a greater reliance on social media for social connection and entertainment (Lenzi et al., 2023). Indeed, adolescents' age and family affluence have been shown to be associated with PSMU and health behavior (e.g., Boer et al., 2020;Marques et al., 2020;Mielke et al., 2017;Paakkari et al., 2021;Richter et al., 2009;van Duin et al., 2021;van Sluijs et al., 2021). ...
... With this strategy the inclusion of potential mediators was avoided that can seriously distort the results if the focus of interest is -as in our case -the total effect (Del Giudice & Gangestad, 2021). Thus, age and family affluence were included as covariates as these variables have been shown to be associated with PSMU and health behavior (e.g., Boer et al., 2020;Marques et al., 2020;Paakkari et al., 2021;Richter et al., 2009;van Duin et al., 2021). ...
While most research on social media use and health behavior focuses on non-problematic use, studies specifically examining problematic social media use (PSMU) are scarce. Existing research often investigates only one health behavior at a time, leaving a gap in understanding the broader relationship between PSMU and multiple health behaviors across various contexts. This study aimed to explore the association between PSMU and adolescent health behaviors using an exploratory specification curve analysis (SCA) approach. This approach applies SCA in an exploratory manner and, in contrast to the original approach, explicitly includes non-equivalent specifications. We analyzed data from 188,175 adolescents (aged 11–15 years) across 43 countries from the 2018 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children survey. Three SCAs were conducted, with different health behaviors (i.e., substance use, physical activity, and dietary intake) as outcomes. Specifications varied by the operationalization of dependent variables, the inclusion of potential confounders (age, relative family affluence), and gender and country subsets. Most specifications indicated a significant relationship between PSMU and health behaviors: 97% showed a positive association with substance use, 78% a negative association with physical activity, and 92% a negative association with healthy dietary intake. The combination of country subsets and outcome variables explained a considerable portion of effect variation across all three SCAs. The findings suggest that PSMU is associated with detrimental health behaviors in adolescence, a critical period for forming lifelong health patterns.
... Problematic use of social media (SM) platforms is an ever-growing concern that affects various populations, especially people from low-income countries [1], with moderate to low school achievement, low parental control [2], low self-esteem [3], feelings of loneliness, fear of negative evaluation, and behavioral inhibition [4]. Adolescents seem to be amongst the more vulnerable populations due to SMs' unique appeal to their age range. ...
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Background: Problematic social media (SM) use is a growing concern, particularly among adolescents who are drawn to these platforms for social interactions important to their age group. SM dependence is characterized by excessive, uncontrolled usage that impairs personal, social, and professional aspects. Despite the ongoing debate over recognizing SM addiction as a distinct diagnostic category, the impact of social feedback, particularly through the "like" button, on brain activity remains under scrutiny. Objective: This systematic review aims to study the neural correlates of online social feedback, focusing on the effects of the "like" feedback on brain activity using fMRI and EEG. Methods: The review followed the recommendations of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis Protocols (PRISMA). Results: The review included 11 studies with 504 participants, identifying key brain structures such as the amygdala, ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC), and ventral striatum involved in reward processing. Positive feedback ("likes") activates areas like the nucleus accumbens (NACC), vmPFC, and amygdala, with NACC correlating with increased SM use intensity. Negative feedback activates the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (vlPFC) and left medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC). Behavioral data indicates that positive feedback influences subsequent social interactions. Conclusions: The review highlights disparities in the literature regarding the neural response to social feedback, emphasizing the need for further research to clarify the roles of sex, personality traits, and the person giving feedback. Overall, understanding the neurobiological underpinnings of SM engagement is essential for developing effective interventions to prevent or address the negative effects of excessive SM use.
... Selain dukungan orangtua, waktu yang dihabiskan remaja bersama orangtuanya juga dapat menjadi faktor pencegah problematic social media use (Leijse et al., 2023). Paakkari, L., Tynjala, J., Lahti, H., Ojala, K., & Lyyra, N. menemukan bahwa problematic social media use paling umum terjadi pada individu dengan pengawasan orangtua yang rendah (Paakkari et al., 2021). ...
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Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh banyaknya pengguna media sosial saat ini terutama di kalangan remaja. Saat ini banyak permasalahan yang diakibatkan oleh penggunaan media sosial yang berlebihan dan bahkan sampai menganggu kesehatan mental penggunanya terutama pada remaja. Permasalahan penggunaan media sosial ini disebut juga problematic social media use. Problematic social media use yaitu ketergantungan pada media sosial yang ditandai dengan tidak terkontrolnya individu dalam menggunakan media sosial sehingga dapat menganggu terlaksananya aktifitas sehari-hari individu tersebut. Untuk meminimalisir dan mengatasi permasalahan ini, maka diperlukan peran orangtua dalam mendampingi dan mengawasi penggunaan media sosial pada remaja. Namun kenyatannya banyak orangtua yang sibuk bekerja sehingga sulit melakukan pengawasan serta hanya sedikit waktu yang dihabiskan dengan remja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis problematic social media use pada anak yang orangtuanya bekerja. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Data hasil penelitian diperoleh melalui analisis data dan informasi dari subjek penelitian melalui penyebaran instrumen penelitian berkaitan dengan problematic social media use yaitu Social Media Disorder (SMD) Scale. Subjek penelitian ini yaitu remaja yang orangtuanya bekerja pada tingkat SLTA di Sumatera Barat. Luaran pada penelitian ini yaitu 1 artikel pada jurnal nasional terindeks sinta 2 dengan URL Penelitian ini mendukung program unggulan Universitas Negeri Padang yaitu RIP Penelitian UNP tahun 2020-2024 tentang media dan sumber belajar di era revolusi industri 4.0.
... Adolescents who use social media excessively may experience mental health issues. Researchers claim that people with poor academic achievement, limited health literacy, and little parental supervision are more likely to have social media usage issues [5]. Adolescents with improper social media usage leads to increased depressive symptoms and a decline in life satisfaction after a year. ...
Social media has emerged as the primary means by which adolescents communicate, express themselves, and get information in recent years. Adolescents are increasingly worshiping celebrities at the same time. The aim of this study is to determine how adolescents’ celebrity worship and social media use are related. A questionnaire survey was conducted to collect data from 157 Chinese adolescents aged 14 to 24. The study measured the participants’ use of social media and degree of celebrity worship using the Celebrity Worship Scale (CWS) and the Social Media Use Integration Scale (SMUIS). The results show that adolescents’ use of social media and their admiration for celebrities are strongly positively correlated. Additionally, the study discovered that older adolescents were less likely to adore celebrities and that male adolescents used social media more than female adolescents. Understanding how social media influences adolescents’ social cognition and behavior patterns is greatly aided by this study. It provides insights for parents, educators, and policymakers to help guide adolescents to use social media healthily and cultivate a rational attitude towards celebrity worship.
... These findings align with results from the United States, where a study showed that older children (13-18 years) had more screen time compared to younger children (8-12 years) [102]. Furthermore, older age groups are more likely to exhibit problematic media consumption patterns than younger ones [103]. Also, socioeconomic factors like urban location, service occupations, and ethnicities influence media choices and usage [104]. ...
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Introduction Digital media have become integral to schoolchildren’s lives, both within educational and non-educational settings. Educators emphasize the importance of bridging the gap between school learning and children’s out-of-school activities. To identify potential variations and commonalities, we investigated key situations with digital media among lower secondary schoolchildren in Germany, aiming to determine which themes are especially relevant in different settings. Methods We analyzed the media usage of German schoolchildren (ages 10 to 17) in class and outside of school using a mixed-method approach with a focus on the qualitative facets of key situations. For this purpose, 49 schoolchildren from seven schools were asked to complete media diaries. Over a six-week period, they documented key situations with details on setting, emotional experiences, post-communication, social support, and self-reflection. We analyzed the key situations using content and frequency analyses. Results The schoolchildren reported 145 key situations, from which we developed a categorization system comprising 15 distinct categories. The most reported key situations involved “playing video games”, “digital learning or homework”, and “online communication or content sharing”. Most key situations (115) took place outside of school, while 30 occurring in class. Schoolchildren mostly reported key situations that involved feelings of happiness and low levels of arousal. They discussed key situations more often and in greater depth with family members and school friends, and less often with school staff or non-school friends. Key situations were discussed more often face-to-face than online. Notably, schoolchildren engaged in self-reflection on their key situations, including concerns about excessive media use. Discussion Overall, the study provides comprehensive insights into the digital media behaviors of schoolchildren, highlighting individual differences and preferences. The discussion offers valuable implications for both educational practice and future research, particularly regarding the integration of digital media into formal educational settings.
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Social media virality can expedite the resolution of legal cases, but it is not a suitable foundation for attaining genuine justice in Indonesian law enforcement because it can lead to inequality and human rights violations, particularly when viewed through the lens of Islamic law, which places a strong emphasis on preventing injustice. This research explains how the virality of social media affects the existence of a just legal construction from the perspective of Islamic law. Combining juridical and empirical approaches, this research draws on primary data from viral cases in several journal articles, analysed using the normative-qualitative method. Legal materials used to analyse data include primary legal materials, such as laws and regulations, secondary legal materials in textbooks containing legal theories and reasoning, and journals. The research results are presented in descriptive-analytical form. The results of this study reveal that although viral legal cases receive faster attention, the phenomenon of "no viral no justice" cannot ensure the achievement of true justice. This concept contributes to unequal case handling and risks violating individual rights. By examining the connection between social media virality and justice in Indonesian law enforcement, this research integrates Islamic law principles, particularly the concept of “blocking the means of evil” (saddu al-dzari'ah), emphasising the prevention of damage resulting from injustice. This research offers an approach to understanding the impact of social media virality on the legal process, highlighting how social media can influence public perception and, in turn, legal decisions.
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The research aims to determine the influence of social media on student development in the learning process. The research method adopts Husamah et al. (2022) and Katz & Nandi (2021). The first stage is the critical stage—first, the formulation of research questions. Second, identify studies that are relevant to the research topic—Third, evaluate and select studies that best suit the research objectives. The third stage is the initial screening of documents, selecting documents that have high relevance and selecting using relevant keywords. The research results show that social media has a relatively significant role in learning. Platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube positively enhance the teaching and learning process. It can further increase students' independence and self-confidence and encourage collaborative work in the classroom environment. However, using social media also has risks, such as reducing productive study time due to excessive interaction. Apart from that, it has a negative impact on interactions between students and teachers. Teachers must pay attention to knowledge construction and social interaction in the learning process. So, teachers can design strategies that utilize the positive potential of social media while actively reducing the negative impacts that may arise. Teachers must take an integrated and thoughtful approach to social media to create a balanced and effective learning environment.
The development of digital communication technologies recently led to a progressive change in the way we perform daily activities, rapidly transforming society into a global digital eco-system. Although digitalization determined an improvement in some aspects of life, it also led to the emergence of new technology-based psychopathologies, including problematic use of digital tools and new technological addictions (i.e., Internet addiction, smartphone addiction, social media addiction, internet gaming disorder). Furthermore, new digital technologies and tools determined significant modifications of the characteristics of several existing mental disorders. For example, several social media, forums/blogs, and dedicated websites may reinforce psychological dynamics underpinning eating disorders or provide means to enact them and facilitate their expression. Some social media ‘game challenges’ recently contributed to the spread of non-suicidal self-harm behaviours, particularly among teens. The rise of Internet clearly promoted the onset and perpetration of techno-assisted sexual violence and cyberbullying. Despite the pathoplastic potential associated to new communication technologies, digital tools should not be demonised at all, given the abundant evidence concerning their efficacy in the management and treatment of several mental disorders. Nowadays, digital psychiatry has a great potential to integrate and implement several diagnostic and therapeutic interventions, to support and make more effective psychiatric clinical practice. Therefore, a more balanced approach to digital communication technologies should be taken by mental health professionals, in order to increase awareness of their risks but also to gain knowledge about the benefits of such new communication tools.
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A pandémia alatti digitális oktatás során jellemzően az anyák segítették gyermekeik otthoni tanulását. Az első és második hullámban, 7 anyával felvett interjús kutatásunk célja az volt, hogy megismerjük az anyák pandémiás időszak alatti online oktatással kapcsolatos megéléseit. A félig strukturált interjúkat interpretatív fenomenológiai analízissel elemeztük. Eredményeink szerint a járvány első hulláma során a jelenléti oktatásról való váratlan átállás pszichésen megterhelő volt az anyák számára. A számos korábbi szerepük mellett most a főállású pedagógusi szerep is rájuk hárult, azonban gyermekeik jellemzően nem fogadták el őket ebben a szerepben. A megkérdezett anyák úgy érezték, az intézmények nem végeztek valódi online oktatást, valamint az első két hullám során jellemző központi szervezetlenség és következetlen intézményi kommunikáció negatívan hatott rájuk. Kulcsszavak: COVID-19, online oktatás, anyák tapasztalatai
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Large-scale validation research on instruments measuring problematic social media use (SMU) is scarce. Using a nationally representative sample of 6,626 Dutch adolescents aged 12 to 16 years, the present study examined the psychometric properties of the nine-item Social Media Disorder scale. The structural validity was solid, because one underlying factor was identified, with adequate factor loadings. The internal consistency was good, but the test information was most reliable at moderate to high scores on the scale’s continuum. The factor structure was measurement invariant across different subpopulations. Three subgroups were identified, distinguished by low, medium, and high probabilities of endorsing the criteria. Higher levels of problematic SMU were associated with higher probabilities of mental, school, and sleep problems, confirming adequate criterion validity. Girls, lower educated adolescents, 15-year-olds, and non-Western adolescents were most likely to report problematic SMU. Given its good psychometric properties, the scale is suitable for research on problematic SMU among adolescents.
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Males have been proposed to be more vulnerable to internet addiction (IA) than females. However, males and females may differ with respect to specific patterns and types of internet usage and related IA. To investigate further, a meta-analysis was conducted to investigate gender-related differences in internet gaming disorder (IGD) and social media addiction (SMA). The current meta-analysis aimed to quantify gender-related effect sizes relating to IGD and SMA, examine potential moderating influences of regions and other possible confounds, and compare the findings with generalized IA at the country level. The meta-analysis comprised 53 effect sizes with 82,440 individuals from 21 countries/regions for IGD, and 41 effect sizes with 58,336 individuals from 22 countries/regions for SMA. A random-effects model confirmed important gender-specific distinctions as men were more likely to exhibit IGD than women (g = 0.479) and less likely to exhibit SMA than women (g = −0.202). Additional moderator analyses revealed that effect sizes of IGD and SMA were larger in Europe and the Americas than in Asia. Further analyses indicated that the effect sizes of gender-related differences in IGD and SMA at the country-level were significantly larger than those in generalized IA, which suggests that gender-related differences in specific IAs may be underestimated in the “umbrella” of generalized IA. Results have implications for explaining why males and females may become addicted to internet use through different pathways.
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Purpose This study examined (1) whether intense and problematic social media use (SMU) were independently associated with adolescent well-being; (2) whether these associations varied by the country-level prevalence of intense and problematic SMU; and (3) whether differences in the country-level prevalence of intense and problematic SMU were related to differences in mobile Internet access. Methods Individual-level data came from 154,981 adolescents (meanage = 13.5) from 29 countries that participated in the 2017/2018 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) survey. Intense SMU was measured by the time spent on social media, whereas problematic SMU was defined by symptoms of addiction to social media. Mental (life satisfaction and psychological complaints), school (school satisfaction and perceived school pressure), and social (family support and friend support) well-being were assessed. Country-level data came from aggregated individual-level data and data from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) on Internet access. Results Two-level regression analyses indicated that in countries with a lower prevalence of intense SMU, intense users reported lower levels of life satisfaction and family support and more psychological complaints than nonintense users. In contrast, in countries with a higher prevalence of intense SMU, intense users reported higher levels of family support and life satisfaction than nonintense users, and similar levels of psychological complaints. In all countries, intense users reported more friend support than nonintense users. The findings regarding problematic SMU were more consistent: In all countries, problematic users reported lower well-being on all domains than nonproblematic users. Observed differences in country-level prevalence rates of intense and problematic SMU could not be explained by mobile Internet access. Conclusions Adolescents reporting problematic SMU are particularly at risk of lower well-being. In many countries, intense SMU may be a normative adolescent behavior that contributes positively to specific domains of their well-being.
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In this study, problematic social media use (PSU) was modeled using machine learning with artificial neural networks (ANN) and support vector machines (SVM). Fifteen predictor variables were examined in predicting PSU, including social media usage habits (frequency of daily social media use, history of social media usage, frequency of checking social media accounts, number of shares on social media, and number of social media accounts), desire for being liked, envy of the life of others, narcissistic personality traits (exhibitionism, grandiose fantasies, manipulativeness, thrill-seeking, narcissistic admiration and narcissistic rivalry), fear of missing out (FOMO), and online socialization. The present study comprised 309 (208 females and 101 males) university students. Using ANN and SVM, estimation was performed using k-folds (k = 5) cross validation. Results demonstrated a large relationship between predictors and PSU scores. Estimation rates with ANN and SVM were each .61. Then we used forward selection procedures to determine variable importance. We found that frequency of daily social media use, frequency of checking social media accounts, desire for being liked, exhibitionism and FOMO were the five most important variables in association with PSU severity. Finally, we analyzed the extent to which these five variables predicted PSU, finding that the estimate with five variables had a higher coefficient of estimation than with the fifteen variables. Prediction rates for the five variables were .62 using ANN and .63 using SVM. Results demonstrate that several psychological and social media-related variables were important in modeling PSU severity.
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Social media use is one of the most popular leisure activities among adolescents. Concomitant to this is a growing concern regarding problematic social media use and its relationship with health behaviors. To further increase the body of research into this phenomenon, our study explored the relationship between problematic social media use and physical activity levels, sleep peculiarities, and life satisfaction in Lithuanian children and adolescents. The study was conducted in April to June 2018 during the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children survey in Lithuania, a collaborative project of the World Health Organization. The sample comprised 4,191 school children (mean age 13.9 ± 1.69 years). The findings show that problematic social media use associates with about two times higher odds for worse sleep quality and lower life satisfaction. Problematic social media use was related to lower levels of vigorous physical activity in girls, but the possible effect on moderate physical activity was in boys and was inverse—boys with problematic social media use reported higher levels of moderate physical activity. Overall, in our study, girls with problematic social media use tended to have more negative health perceptions than boys. The results suggest that problematic social media use is an independent risk factor for negative health behaviors. This study adds to the accumulating knowledge that problematic social media use among adolescents may lead to worse health perceptions and, likely, further negative health outcomes.
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Despite dramatic improvements in survival, nutrition, and education over recent decades, today's children face an uncertain future. Climate change, ecological degradation, migrating populations, conflict, pervasive inequalities, and predatory commercial practices threaten the health and future of children in every country. In 2015, the world's countries agreed on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), yet nearly 5 years later, few countries have recorded much progress towards achieving them. This Commission presents the case for placing children, aged 0–18 years, at the centre of the SDGs: at the heart of the concept of sustainability and our shared human endeavour. Governments must harness coalitions across sectors to overcome ecological and commercial pressures to ensure children receive their rights and entitlements now and a liveable planet in the years to come.
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Introduction This systematic review and meta‐analysis examined the associations between social media use and risky behaviors during adolescence, and evaluated study characteristics (e.g., sample age, type of social media platform assessed) that may moderate these relationships. Methods A comprehensive search strategy identified relevant studies from PsycInfo, PubMed, Google Scholar, and Proquest Dissertations and Theses Global. Results The final sample included 27 independent cross‐sectional studies with a total of 67,407 adolescents (Mage = 15.5, range: 12.6–18.0 years; 51.7% girls; 57.2% White). Results from random effects models indicated that there were positive, small‐to‐medium correlations between social media use and engagement in risky behaviors generally (r = 0.21, 95% CI = 0.16‐0.25), substance use (r = 0.19, 95% CI = 0.12‐0.26), and risky sexual behaviors (r = 0.21, 95% CI = 0.15‐0.28). There were an insufficient number of independent samples available to conduct a random effect models for violence‐related behaviors (k = 3). Moderator analyses suggested that studies assessing solely early social media platforms (e.g., Facebook/MySpace only) in relation to substance use had smaller effect sizes than substance use studies assessing a broader range of contemporary social media platforms. In addition, younger samples had larger effect sizes for studies focused on social media use and risky sexual behaviors. Conclusions The positive links identified between social media and risky behaviors during adolescence in this meta‐analysis suggest that developmental theories of risk taking would benefit from incorporating the social media context. Longitudinal studies are needed to clarify directionality and make more specific practice and policy recommendations so that social media is a safe place in which adolescents can thrive.
Background The association of adolescent social media use with mental health symptoms, especially depression, has recently attracted a great deal of interest in public media as well as the scientific community. Some studies have cited statistically significant associations between adolescent social media use and depression and have proposed that parents must regulate their adolescents’ social media use in order to protect their mental health. Method In order to rigorously assess the size of the effect that has been reported in the current scientific literature, we conducted a meta-analysis of studies that measured the association between social media use specifically and depressive symptoms amongst early- to mid- adolescents (11-18 years-old). We searched Psychnet, PubMed, and Web of Science with the following terms: online social networks, social media, internet usage, facebook, twitter, instagram, myspace, snapchat, and depression. Results We found a small but significant positive correlation (k=11 studies, r=.11, p<.01) between adolescent social media use and depressive symptoms. There was also high heterogeneity (I²=95.22%) indicating substantial variation among studies. Conclusions High heterogeneity along with the small overall effect size observed in the relationship between self-reported social media use and depressive symptoms suggests that other factors are likely to act as significant moderators of the relationship. We suggest that future research should be focused on understanding which types of use may be harmful (or helpful) to mental health, rather than focusing on overall use measures that likely reflect highly heterogeneous exposures.
In contemporary society, social media use has become a widespread daily activity, especially among adolescents, who are often engaged in visual content sharing. Taking and posting selfies on social media is one of the most popular activities associated with teens' social media use, representing a useful tool to increase their self-presentation via others' approval. However, higher exposure to visual content on social media might lead to more social comparisons and appearance concerns reinforcement. Therefore, body image-based digital activities might allow dissatisfied individuals with their appearance to create and manage their best online self-presentation, leading to potentially problematic social media use. The present study evaluated the unexplored predictive role of selfie-expectancies and social appearance anxiety on problematic social media use (referred to by some scholars as ‘social media addiction’), as well as examining the possible gender differences between boys and girls. A total of 578 adolescents (mean age 16.1 years) participated in the study. Results showed that boys' anxiety concerning self-appearance and the expectancy that selfies could improve their self-confidence were both predictors of their problematic social media use. On the contrary, despite a higher level of social appearance anxiety among girls, it did not influence their social media use. The study demonstrated novel findings concerning new gender-related associations in relation to problematic social media use, social appearance anxiety, and teens' expectancies underlying selfie behavior.
Does time spent using digital technology and social media have an adverse effect on mental health, especially that of adolescents? Here, two scientists discuss the question, and how digital devices might be used to improve well-being. Debating digital-technology use and teenage mental health.